View Full Version : Optimization Tyranny of Dragons, What kind of adventuring days are most common?

2020-03-05, 10:18 PM
Hey Everybody a campaign we're playing in is about to wrap up and we're going to be going through both hoard of the dragon queen, and rise of tiamat next. I'm starting to decide which class I want to play but I'm just wondering how the adventuring days seem to play out. Are they generally 1/2 bigger fights, a bunch of smaller fights or a decent chunk of mid tier fights? I've heard that the encounters are fairly unbalanced so I want to make sure that I'm fairly well set up.

2020-03-06, 06:33 AM
Please be sure your DM has the errata document if they do not have the recently released book.

Specifically, first level can be deadly, with many encounters (some of then could be really hard). Also, most of HotDQ has really hard encounters (lethal without errata or new book).

2020-03-07, 12:40 AM
He does have it and he's altered some stuff to fit his world so we're good there. Anyone have any insight into my question?