View Full Version : DM Help What to name an evil death Cleric

2020-03-07, 02:18 PM
He worships the goddess Ereshkigal and will be working with a necromancer

I'm not sure how shady I want the church to be, but like, it should be shady enough that when the party is greeted with good hospitality they can feel that there's something weird and ominous about it.

So I guess I'm wondering if you guys could help me bounce around some ideas for what the cleric's religion's tenets and practices are and also what to name him.

2020-03-07, 03:23 PM
The name could be anything really. Unless he's a second generation death cultists he probably has a normal regional name. Traditionally, death gods are not evil per say so actual religious practices aren't going to translate well, unless your table thinks leaving food as an offering to the spirits is particularly dastardly.

What are the gods motivations?

2020-03-07, 03:45 PM
Eddie...as in Evil Eddie. 😁

2020-03-07, 03:50 PM
There are a lot of burial practices that are creepy & weird to our tastes, so take one of those, e.g.:
Consume the flesh of the dead person and give out the organs as special offering, e.g. "heart for the bravest friend, brain for the smartest friend, ...".
Leave the dead body on a high place, so carrion birds come and "spread the deceased's spirit across the sky".
Burn the spouse of the deceased along with the body in a big funeral pyre "so their union is not broken by death".
Distribute the ashes of the dead on the fields, "so that their spirit nourishes the community".

As for names: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_death_deities

2020-03-07, 03:52 PM
If I want to hint at them being bad, I go to a baby name website and pull up names that mean certain things.

So your priest could be, Clay (Mortal; one who is subjected to death any moment of his life) Dearil (Call of death; red haired)

That way you can foreshadow if they are standing out in the open as a good cleric.

2020-03-07, 05:44 PM
First name Red.
Last name Rhum.
His Necromancer buddy is named Johnny.

Only if you or some of your players have seen The Shining.

No brains
2020-03-07, 08:58 PM
Go with something that's so over-the-top edgy that your players won't believe he's actually bad. Death Darkfallow, Murder O'Crows, Mel Ancholy, or Grimm Tidings.

Alternately, Mort. I just so subtly threatening, especially if he explains that he doesn't mind abbreviating Mortimer.

2020-03-07, 09:11 PM
He worships the goddess Ereshkigal and will be working with a necromancer

I'm not sure how shady I want the church to be, but like, it should be shady enough that when the party is greeted with good hospitality they can feel that there's something weird and ominous about it.

So I guess I'm wondering if you guys could help me bounce around some ideas for what the cleric's religion's tenets and practices are and also what to name him.

Dwayne "The Grave" Johnson.

Edit: Gravestone also works.

Edit 2

Dwayne: What do you think about necromancy?

Party memeber: Well, I think...


Edit 3

Yeah, I'm gonna have to make a character based of The Rock now.

2020-03-09, 12:18 PM
He worships the goddess Ereshkigal and will be working with a necromancer

I'm not sure how shady I want the church to be, but like, it should be shady enough that when the party is greeted with good hospitality they can feel that there's something weird and ominous about it.

So I guess I'm wondering if you guys could help me bounce around some ideas for what the cleric's religion's tenets and practices are and also what to name him. When one dies, one goet into the eternal sleep, the eternal rest

The Ever Rest (or the 'forever rest')

I suggest naming your cleric Everest.