View Full Version : Protecting my merchant wagon

2020-03-09, 03:36 PM
My PC comes from a family of merchants and as part of the “cover story” for the groups of adventurers I am traveling with I have purchased a nice covered wagon. I am trying to come up with as many ways to secure and protect it as i can.

There are very few spells that are capable of moving far from the point of casting and include Magic Mouth and Arcane Lock. I would love a portable triggered illusion, but RAW, there arent any that i can see. Are there any other security style spells that could be cast on the wagon and have them travel with it as it moves?

Somewhere else i did read a discussion on creating a “high security chest” that was lead lined to deter various seeing spells etc. Any other suggestions?


2020-03-10, 04:19 AM
Rogue w/expertise in Perception and Insight with the observant feat. Rogue 3 (Inquisitive) is nice.

Nothing fancy, just a good set of eyes.

Find Familiar could work too.

2020-03-10, 06:43 AM
Try to get the wagon set on fire at least once per session. That might create a running gag and give the wagon plot armor. Insuring it's survival.

2020-03-10, 07:41 AM
Alarm lasts 8 hours, and can be heard from a good distance away. Having a familiar on hand would be good. Also, an unskilled laborer costs like 1sp per day to hire. Just have one or two sit on the thing and scream if someone gets too close.

2020-03-10, 07:56 AM
Alarm lasts 8 hours, and can be heard from a good distance away. Having a familiar on hand would be good. Also, an unskilled laborer costs like 1sp per day to hire. Just have one or two sit on the thing and scream if someone gets too close.

1 sp per day plus whatever their rate would be to be traveling in a dangerous location and going for long times away from home.

Plus you wanna pay them more if they're guarding your stuff, gotta want them to do a great job.

I look out for the working class, even in fantasy settings.

Besides, dude probably couldn't make a DC 5 check reliably, just stick with a rogue or Bard (or human/half human) with expertise.

2020-03-10, 07:59 AM
As a GM I'd just ask whoever has Tool: Vehicles (Land) to make a roll based on a relevant stat, like INT (e.g. deep fake or cultural immunity), WIS (e.g. terrain camouflage or reduced perception of contents), or CHA (e.g. appear worthless or intimidating). :smallcool: Then let you go hire a few Unskilled and Skilled Hirelings to guard your wagon and camp while away. I'd also have civilized areas have a safe area to park one's wagon for a 'docking fee' to pay town guards for its protection.

This would cover most of your bases without much hassle on either end of the GM Screen. :smallsmile:

Looking for Skills, Features, Feats & Spells to solve this seems... a waste of game time, being fussy with extra taxes on "PC Builds," and reinventing the wheel. :smallwink: Give your GM this recommendation and maybe you will all find this way of thinking saves you all time for more play.

2020-03-10, 09:07 AM
Hire a wizard to make iron golem horses to pull and protect it.

2020-03-10, 12:45 PM
There are very few spells that are capable of moving far from the point of casting and include Magic Mouth and Arcane Lock. I would love a portable triggered illusion, but RAW, there arent any that i can see....

Programmed Illusion isn't portable by RAW, but your DM may let you research a version that's tied to an object, like Magic Mouth is, instead of an area.

Speaking of Magic Mouth, that works great for a permanent, portable alarm. Especially if cast while using Thaumaturgy at the top of your voice. lol
- - Bonus points: Have a 2nd Magic Mouth alarm set to sound if the 1st one is ever dispelled (though that may run afoul of the "visual or auditory" condition).

Edit: With a Magic Mouth warning trespassers away, you could also lay traps around the wagon with Snare. With a Ranger, you could lay a Cordon of Arrows.