View Full Version : Where can I find free adventures online? I need 1st level examples.

2020-03-11, 09:15 AM
I'm putting together a campaign world of my own.
My first adventure involves the players trying to find out who is supplying goblins with very good weapons and armor.
There is a side quest involved that introduces the main objective of the game, finding and destroying an evil artifact.

The setting is located on a frontier border between goblin territory and a human kingdom. If the players can discover who is supplying goblins they may well prevent a serious war.

BUT I need examples of 1st level adventures because I have never DMed before. So where can I find a good game for free online?

2020-03-11, 09:23 AM
I would start with Drive-thru RPG, look for D&D modules, sort by price low to high.

And/or use the Google Box. I'm sure there are scads of bloggers tossing out adventures for general consumption.

For example. (https://www.thedmlair.com/free-dd-adventurers/)

2020-03-11, 09:24 AM

2020-03-11, 11:16 AM
I like "the mad manor of Astabar". It's free to use, it was made for a contest. I recommend making flash cards for all the different enemies so you don't have to keep turning pages.

2020-03-11, 11:20 AM
DM's guild has quite a bit of pay what you want or pay like a dollar items.