View Full Version : IC Lords of Ruin (Spheres PF1)

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2020-03-11, 07:38 PM
The day starts as usual, with a dreary grey sky, with clouds dampening the light. Other inmates in the camp form a line to get their morning meal, most shuffling like sedated zombies, with despair and self-defeat on their faces. They air's scent is fetid, due to the lack of bathing and waste removal. The Fire Giant and Muspelblut guards seem to carry themselves with an air of superiority, pushing around several of the smaller and more docile inmates. The camp is surrounded by a wall of iron mesh, converted with several barbs and blades. Like many of the other inmates, you have metal cuffs on your wrist, suppressing any magic you might otherwise possess. Even those without any skill in magic are similarly cuffed, as it ensures none are missed, even magic tattoos.

So, you are all more or less standing amidst the crowd. You may introduce and describe yourself to others at this point

2020-03-11, 09:49 PM
One of the prisoners stood out as a Muspelblut himself, a scarred and craggy man who held his head high in spite of his chains. His crest of red hair was long enough now to droop over the stubble that had grown in at the sides of his skull, and his braided beard was similarly fraying and unkempt.

2020-03-11, 10:00 PM
Krova is like a chiseled statue of ice, her pale blue skin stretched tight over lean, corded muscle and patterned with pale tattoos etched by her own hand. Her face is long, her black eyes angled, and her snow-white mane tied up in braids. Without anything to do in the crowd, she just waits for the meal to come. She'd never realized how ugly Fire Giants and their children were before she'd met them, not that such things are very high on her list of problems. But one's minder wanders when stuck in a camp like this, especially considering she isn't distracted by the chill other prisoners complain about. Just the hunger, and the lack of freedom, and, oh yes, the fact that she's separate from the civilization she came down her to find in the first place. Doubly annoying, that.

2020-03-12, 08:07 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

A wiry, wrinkled gnome sidles up to the muspelblut. "Hey there big fella. Name's Calben, Calben Traser. Is this your first time in a prison camp?". He leans in and whispers conspiratorially "It's not my first time". "What you want to do is, you want to get your hands on some kind of weapon. If you could find something for me as well, I'd be much obliged".

2020-03-12, 06:01 PM
A wiry looking man with odd blue markings running up and down his arms stands in the line for the morning meal. Eshegan keeps his head hunched down, trying to avoid drawing attention, but keeping an eye to the left and the right. As he has done every morning since being dragged to this place, he clenches his fists, trying to draw on his elemental power... nothing still. He felt... empty. Drained. But he kept an eye out for an opportunity. If he could just slip these cuffs, regain access to his magic, he could get out of here. Maybe fry some of these fire giants on the way out. But for now... stay low and wait.

Eshegan was part of an adventuring group before he was captured--if anyone wants to say we know each other from beforehand, let me know. Or I can be the only one of the group that was captured.

2020-03-12, 09:34 PM
A tall man with a commanding air stands out among the other prisoners. Xerxes' straight posture and direct gaze are a stark contrast to the tattered rags he is forced to wear. His face might be handsome, if it wasn't a mass of cuts and bruises. He'd picked fought with the guards to protect some of the humanoids, with predictable results. He refused to be cowed by these barbarians. To torment the weak showed their lack of honor; that five of them had jumped in fully armored to beat him down when he stepped in showed their cowardice. He would escape and put these animals to the sword. But now, unarmed and bereft of his power, he needed allies. He approaches the tattooed Jotunblut. You don't seem nearly as frightened of the fire giants as most here. Or as unfamiliar with battle. How did they capture you?

2020-03-12, 10:01 PM
Krova glances at the human that has approached her, and he's even starting conversation. A lovely change from...well, her initial reception. She might have preferred the setting of the former and the conversation of the current, assuming it goes well.

It immediately doesn't, as he brings up her getting captured.

"Eh...you know how they are. Big and ugly and bastards. They did it bastardly." Krova bristles. "It must have been the same for you, Man."

2020-03-12, 10:37 PM
He chuckles, his face lightening briefly. Succinct and to the point. Well put. And you aren't wrong. They ambushed my men and I, lured us in by attacking a village. Then, when we rode to the rescue, their reinforcements sprung. No sense of honor, slaughtering innocents like that for a tactical advantage. They are, as you say, bastards. No offense meant at all, I can see you're quite capable. It happened to the best of us, or we wouldn't find ourselves here, would we? He extends his hand. Xerxes Vesh, Praetor-Conjurant in the King's service. The real question is, now that we are here, what are we going to do about it?

2020-03-12, 11:50 PM
"What you want to do is, you want to get your hands on some kind of weapon."

"No ****. If I found one I wouldn't be here right now. But," he sighed, "the first thing you want to do is find out who you can trust. Clearly I can't trust my own kind. So: I am Volistad. Pleased to meet you."

2020-03-13, 09:00 AM
Krova takes a second to recognize the gesture, then reaches out and gives Xerxes a firm, brief handshake. He looks like he could take a full-strength shake, but apparently that's not polite.

"Krova; I don't have any titles, but nice to meet you, Xerxes Vesh," She looks around after his question and shrugs. "Wait for them to leave an opening? I could fight, but, not against so many, and then I would get an axe in my head and I would not be imprisoned but also I would not be alive. So that would be bad."

2020-03-13, 11:02 AM
There is some muttering amongst the guards, as a new procession of prisoners are led into the yard, one of whom appears to be hobbled, leaning on a cane. His face is covered from the shadow of his ratty cloak's hood. One of the guards kicks the cane out of his hands and he stumbles forward, falling to the ground, his face getting covered in mud. The giants start laughing uproariously, as one of them gives Volistad a condescending look. "Here's another playmate for you, ashborn." As the guards leave, the man struggles to get to his feet as he stumbles in an attempt to reach his cane.

2020-03-13, 09:12 PM
"**********s." Volistad swore colorfully under his breath as he stepped over to the old man to help him up. "Relax, they're just trying to scare you."

Diplomacy, in case it's needed or would help calm him down: [roll0]

2020-03-13, 09:21 PM
Xerxes retrieves the man's cane and hands it to him. Here you go. He looks up at Volistad appraisingly. That was honorable of you. I take it you are not well-loved by our captors? That didn't sound like a term of endearment.

2020-03-13, 11:53 PM
The man gratefully accepts his cane back.


Xerxes goes to collect the cane and notices it is oddly heavy, even for being what seems to be solid wood.

As the man reaches for the cane, a tattoo along his wrist and forearm are revealed, and the pattern seems to be of Dwarven design.

Xerxes takes a moment to contemplate what he just saw and recognizes the man as his former Swordmaster, though he seems to have been disguised to hide his age. Non-magical in design, there was no glamer or figment to suppress.

The tattoos seem somewhat similar to Krova's, since both Giant and Dwarven utilize the same runic alphabet (one is merely an offshoot of the other). You've seen the tattoos before during training), however, the Swordmaster never fights unarmed, so it seems strange that he has them. I am debating if you would know his name, since those under him simply call him swordmaster

2020-03-14, 12:52 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"And welcome to sunny Camp Wedonwantcha. The right honorable gentleman here is Volistad, and I am Calben. Let's get you cleaned up, and I'll give you the not-so-grand tour.""

Seeing Xerxes's interest in the newcomer, he sticks out his normal, well proportioned hand for the big guy to shake.

2020-03-14, 01:43 AM
"It's not a term of endearment. If they loved us, they wouldn't be our captors," Volistad pointed out wryly.

2020-03-14, 11:26 AM
Looking down to see the Gnome stick out his hand, he considers a moment before shaking it. He speaks, yet while his voice is soft it does carry a more youthful tone than one would expect of an older human. "I am not comfortable working with giant-kin, but this feels like an enemy mine situation. I can help get us out of here, but it will take a group effort." He taps his cane against his leg, and as he does, you can hear a distinct metallic sound inside, probably blade against sheathe. "These guards are far from elites, but they have numbers. I suspect a distraction could help take care of a majority."

2020-03-14, 11:27 AM
Xerxes shakes Calben's hand. A pleasure to meet you, Calben and Volistad. I am Xerxes Vesh. You seem in high spirits, given the situation.

As Xerxes realizes who the man is, he gasps. Mindful that they are not alone, he holds the Swordmaster up by one arm and speaks to him face-to-face. Father?! Father, it is you! It's me, Xerxes! What are you doing here? Did grandfather send you to check on the farm? He puts one arm around the "old man's" waist to help him walk. Come on, Father. Let's get you out of the wind. He starts to walk his "father" towards shelter away from the guards.

When the Swordmaster speaks, Xerxes straightens up. Well then! I'm glad to see there's a plan, sir. We'll help any way we can. Did you happen to see where they're keeping our gear or the keys to these cuffs? We'd be of more use armed with more than fists.

Xerxes can't actually fail the DC 15 Bluff check to send a secret message. He's asking whether the King sent him to check on/resolve this giant situation, but first they need to move somewhere more private.

2020-03-14, 02:16 PM
"Well, yes and no. I have no idea when you arrived, but I noticed a shipping manifest, which indicated that every few weeks they send it to a nearby storage place. You could check there, though given how stacked up they were, I'd say they haven't done so for a bit yet, meaning they may still have it here, but set to ship out soon."

Looking down at his wrists and the bindings. " These cuffs dampen magic, but that energy does not seem to go anywhere. From what our recon team reported, simply cutting or breaking them off is a bad idea if you've worn them for a while. It tends to have explosive results. Otherwise, I'd cut them off of you easily. Items of consistent, stabilized energy do not seem to cause this, only power emanating from within a person. In such cases, you will need to find the keys, as they safely disperse it into the Ether. On me, they are mostly ornamental, but any of you with inner magic should be wary."

2020-03-15, 02:04 AM
"I can provide a distraction. Or more, with the cuffs off. And I might be able to talk something out of a guard, if I find one who isn't a complete prick."

2020-03-15, 09:03 AM
Eshegan notices the commotion of the old man being thrown to the ground, but does not immediately go over to help as the others had--keep his head down, and all. However, he does notice something odd about the man's voice--he doesn't sound quite as old as he looks--and catches a flash of the tattoos on his arms. And that fellow--Xerxes, was it? The one always picking fights with the guards on behalf of the other prisoners--seemed to be taking quite a bit of interest in him. Glancing about to make sure the guards' attention is elsewhere, he slips out of the line and cautiously follows the others, quick enough to catch the tail end of the conversation--it seems this old man was indeed more than he appeared.

"What's this about breaking the cuffs off? If you're planning a breakout, I am very interested." He looks at the others--pretty sure he doesn't know any of them, though of course he's seen them around the camp before. "Eshegan Mashka, pleased to meet you. And I think I could be quite distracting without these things." He holds his cuffs up. "Not a lot I can do with them... although I may be able to fast-talk my way past some guards if we need to."

2020-03-15, 10:46 AM
"Well, if any of you are skilled enough at picking pockets, then by all means, try to get a key. I'm not going to cut off the cuffs, because I don't feel like standing in the center of an explosion of raw magic."

2020-03-15, 03:09 PM
Krova passively watches the kerfuffle surrounding the man who was just tossed in. The cuffs are dangerous, they need keys, these things she knows already.

2020-03-15, 11:00 PM
Noticing how Eshagen butts into the conversation, the Swordmaster takes a few steps back in the conversation. "What's with Sparky and the Ice Princess over there? Stormboy just inserted himself in the conversation and Frosty has been eyeing me down since I arrived. My tolerance is already worn thin trusting with Soot-Skin over here without worrying about others."

2020-03-16, 01:13 AM
"I looked because there was a fuss, you silly goose," Krova clicks her tongue at the swordmaster. "I can look away if you are so shy as a teenager in a bathing pool, yes?" she asks, calling on a particular idiom she's relatively certain she got correct. It sounded legitimate when that bard told her of it, at least.

2020-03-16, 01:22 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"This motley crew, sir, of mostly vertically over-endowed individuals, is most of this camp's complement of people who have not yet given up. Those scrapes and bruises you see are courtesy of our jailers for small acts of resistance. Once out of here, I can give all you lumbering longshanks the tongue lashing you deserve for letting it come to this, but in here, we are all united in the Prisoner's Brotherhood, and setting up arbitrary walls between us only serves our jailers. Dixit!"

2020-03-16, 09:03 AM
"Really? Brotherhood? You don't say. How naive! This Muspelblut might be a spy inside the camp to help alert our keepers to prevent any dissidents from freeing themselves. Sure, he is ragged, but that helps sell it. As for the Jotunblut, whose to say that if we actually do manage to free ourselves, that she wouldn't just sell us out to the Frost Giants?"

As this arguing continues, two of the guards start to approach the group to try to break it up. They approach wielding very large warhammers. "You worms better break it up or we will smash you to pieces. Heck, we just might smash you to pieces now because we don't like you."

2020-03-16, 01:34 PM
Looking over his shoulder, the Swordmaster says, "Excellent, right on schedule. Here come the guards with our keys right now. Don't take it personal, divide and conquer is the simplest way to deal with these giants. I just needed a commotion to draw them out."

***I am using block initiative to expedite things. Also, if and when you use a spell or ability that grants a save, you roll your DC - 10 vs the Target's relevant save +11 (essentially making you roll an attack roll vs their "AC" with respect to whichever save is relevant). I will do the same. This way, neither side needs to wait for the next post to determine if it hit its mark or not.

Initiative -

Casben [roll0]
Volistad [roll1]
Eshagen [roll2]
Xerxes [roll3]
Krova [roll4]
Swordmaster [roll5]

Fire Giants (FG1 and FG2) [roll6]

As one of you were so kind as to provide me with a template, I was able to edit the Battle Grid section for now (one of the tabs), but have not messed around with the others at the moment.

The link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10717rQZzEjYv6YntuwPSMtc4QpVBg2AhavDZ6-CXsKc/edit?usp=drivesdk

The brown building at the top is the Processing (marked P) center. Guard barracks are nearby, but outside of the gate. The other building is the dormitory where inmates sleep (marked D).

2020-03-16, 03:49 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"No sirs, please! The dice are so hot right now! I'll share with you!". Calben pleads with the giants as he approaches one of them. Coincidentally providing cover for others who might wish to engage without drawing opportunity attacks.

Selling the Bluff that this is just a gambling huddle: [roll0]

2020-03-16, 08:08 PM
Eshegan stares at the man, regretting having come over--if he keeps raising this kind of commotion, he's going to draw the--

Damn. All the shouting had brought them after all...

But then--the madman actually wanted to bring the guards over? Guards with weapons, awake and looking for a fight? If they got out of this alive, Eshegan was going to have some words with the man...

Nothing for it now, and no way out of this mess. Now or never. Catching onto the gnome's bluff and without much else to do, he steps up and jumps in--maybe they can keep the dumb brutes' attention for long enough that the others can manage... something. "Hot dice? Bah! They're weighted, I'd swear it. Been robbing us blind, you have!"

Again, not a whole lot which Eshegan can really do at the moment. Pity he didn't go for quarterstaff fighting, a long wooden pole would probably be close enough for those abilities to apply.

Bluff check: [roll0]

And yeah, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3AqOR2Ru1s) is more or less what I'm going for (2:03 for the relevant part).

2020-03-16, 09:10 PM
Xerxes runs up to flank a giant with the Swordmaster. He grins. Brings back memories of training, Master. Although I was never among your best pupils when it came to unarmed combat, unfortunately. He swings for the face, aiming to split the brute's brow and cloud his vision.

Vital Strike and Fatal Thrust, with Face Strike. to hit, [roll]2d2+2d6+4 damage. If it hits, the giant has a 20% miss chance for one round.

2020-03-16, 09:44 PM
Fighting has begun. A messy affair with no plan, but she will be thrown in with the others regardless of whether she contributes. So she decides to contribute, by charging across the arena to get within the range of a fire giant. It will start with a punch and hopefully end with worse.

Charge, unarmed strike. Already taken loss of equipment into account. Nonlethal. Oh, it's against FG1.

Damage: [roll1]

2020-03-16, 09:59 PM
Taking the opportunity, the Swordmaster steps up to flank with Xerxes. He quickly pulls his cane apart, revealing simple, yet high quality shortsword. In a quick flash, he slices out at the Giant, attempting to evicerate it.

Spending Martial Focus for Open Vein. Using Brutal Strike with Bone Breaker.

Attack vs FG2 [roll0]
Crit (17-20/x2)? [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Slashing damage and [roll3] Precision damage.
Inflict 4d4+4 Bleed damage, starts on FG2's next action. Requires DC 35 Heal check or 20 HP healed at one time to staunch.

FG2 suffers -4 to attack and damage rolls, and is also battered

Despite both Xerxes and the Swordmaster's efforts, the giant barely seems damaged at all, but a second after his strike, blood begins to collect and pour profusely from the giant's gut.

2020-03-16, 10:42 PM
"Big mistake, *******s," growled Volistad as he approached the melee. "Drop your weapon and your keys, and you might just live through this."

Move Action: Use the Troubadour's Quick Change to switch his Persona to the Dread Knight (the one with full BAB and Aura of Fear)—unless it's reasonable to say he already did that off-screen, having been cuffed with magic-suppressing shackles. This one still has the Villain Persona and related quirks, so enemies within 20' have -2 to their Will saves vs Fear and to their Intimidate DC, and lose any immunity to fear they may have had.

Standard Action: Use Intimidate to try to Demoralize the one that was wounded; [roll0]
Free Action: Activate Aura of Fear; [roll1] vs Will (they are immune if they have more than 7 HD)

Intimidate makes them Shaken, Aura of Fear also either makes them Shaken or raises Shaken to Frightened.

2020-03-17, 12:19 PM
Being caught off-guard, the giant guards take a moment to regain their bearing as they were not used to their charges actually being competent in a fight.

The giant that Xerxes and the Swordmaster struck is holding his gut, while trying to focus as his sight whites out a bit. The combined effort of the two knights coupled with the Muspelblut's leering have knocked him for a loop.

Bleeds for [roll0] damage.

Attack 1 vs the Swordmaster Miss Chance (20 or lower) [roll1]
Warhammer attack [roll2]
Crit? [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
If crit, add [roll5]

Attack 2 vs the Swordmaster Miss Chance (20 or lower) [roll6]
Warhammer attack [roll7]
Crit? [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
If crit, add [roll10]

Attack 3 vs the Swordmaster Miss Chance (20 or lower) [roll11]
Warhammer attack [roll12]
Crit? [roll13]
Damage [roll14]
If crit, add [roll15]

The giant swings wildly at the Swordmaster, hitting nothing but air.

The other giant is confronted by the Jotunblut, who lands a surprising blow, but nothing that bad compared to his buddy. He aims to make short work of the Ice Princess

Warhammer attack 1 vs Krova [roll16]
Crit? [roll17]
Damage [roll18]
If Crit add [roll19]

Warhammer attack 2 vs Krova [roll20]
Crit? [roll21]
Damage [roll22]
If Crit add [roll23]

Warhammer attack 3 vs Krova [roll24]
Crit? [roll25]
Damage [roll26]
If Crit add [roll27]

Krova is not so fortunate. Having split from the rest of the group to take on one of the captors singlehandedly, she is met with a punishing series of blows, Pummeling her half to death.

2020-03-17, 12:50 PM
"Ow." Krova tries to grapple the giant after snagging it.

Swift Action Snag to give it Battered and -2 to CMD.


2020-03-17, 02:22 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"My dice! Where did my dice go?". The gnome seems oblivious to the violence, as well as being unarmed, and then suddenly darts away, groping for the other jailer's keys.

Move action to Feint FG2: [roll0]; On a success, spend focus to move withput provoking an AoO from FG 2. Swift action to regain focus. Standard action to do a Steal combat maneuver on FG1, going for the keys (he should be battered, so no AoO and -2 CMD) [roll1] (+2 from flanking not added).

2020-03-17, 03:19 PM
Nothing else for it but try to hinder and distract the guard as much as possible. Volistad braced himself for the blow he was sure was coming, and rushed the giant that most of his allies were focused on.

Acrobatics (via Perform: Dance) against the AOO for moving out of a threatened space: [roll0]

Move up and attempt to Grapple: [roll1] CMB

2020-03-17, 08:48 PM
Not a great warrior, is he? If they weren't so big, the crown would have wiped them out ages ago. Xerxes feints to the left, before switching suddenly to the right and striking again. Feint and strike, exploit the opening. This really does bring back memories, Master.

Move action: Feint [roll0]
Standard action fist with Vital Strike [roll1], damage [roll2] and [roll3] precision, resetting the duration of face strike.

2020-03-17, 09:07 PM
Stepping up to the giant which the swordmaster was tangling with, Eshegan leaps at the giant, trying to clamber his way onto his back and restrain him in some way--suicidal, perhaps, but he had few better options he could see.

Grapple check? I suppose I'll eat the AoO. Sort of wishing I had gone for unarmored training now :P (Current AC is 14)
[roll0] (If the flanking bonus applies, that adds another +2)

Regardless, I should count as flanking for sword-dude to go at him now.

2020-03-18, 12:29 AM
Seeing the that the giant the Swordmaster struck is most certainly going to die and is being attacked by several others, he decides to step over and help Krova. Enemy or not, the Swordmaster will not let a woman be struck so callously. Again, there is a quick slash as he tries to flay the other giant.

Activates Berserker, gaining 16 temporary HP and -2 AC. Spending second Focus for Open Vein and using Brutal Strike with Bone-Breaker.

Attack vs FG1 [roll0]
Crit (17-20/x2)? [roll1]
Damage [roll2] and [roll3] precision damage
If Crit, add [roll4] damage
If hit, it is battered, suffers -4 attack and damage, and takes 4d4+4 Bleed damage at the start of its next turn.

**Accidentally only rolled 3d4+4 vs FG2's Bleed, so add [roll5] to it.

2020-03-18, 12:41 AM
A minor slip and the Swordmaster cut more deeply into the giant than he thought he would. In doing so, he ran his blade to the hilt and accidentally cut into Krova as well. As he does so, he say's "Whoops, I apologize for that, Miss, I was simply trying to help weaken it a bit more for you."

Damages the giant an extra 9 damage (rolled on precious post) and deals [roll0] to Krova, but she does not suffer the effects of bleeding or brutal strike.

2020-03-18, 10:33 AM
Krova growls as she's sliced up for what is the fourth time too many. "We are going to have words if this kills me," she grunts as she manipulates the grappled arm of the giant, blocking its movement by forcing a leg around its.

2020-03-18, 04:10 PM
Against all odds, Eshagen manages to effectively grapple the giant, though its profuse bleeding soaks into his clothes, starting to smell like iron with a touch of sulfur. This proves too much for the giant who passed out from blood loss as he continues bleeding out onto the ground.

Casben is able to retrieve the keys from the guard.

The other giant attempts to wrest control from Krova, as the little girl is much more of a threat than he once thought.

Takes [roll0] damage

Attempts to regain control with grapple check [roll1] (takes additional penalty equal to bleed damage on this check.

2020-03-18, 05:07 PM
"Be thankful for my mercy" Krova whispers to the fire giant as she prevents his escape with a firm lock on his arm. She wrenches the arm she's holding and takes advantage of the opportunity to seize the giant's other arm, locking both of them in her own as she seizes his neck with her locked wrists. His limbs locked, she kicks the back of his knees to force him down to the ground and drags him towards her allies, then slams her knee into his spine and wrenches her grip on him at the last moment to inflict that much extra damage.

With the Prone and Pinned conditions he's got a -8 to AC and CMD so I'm assuming that all my actions hit for this description.

2020-03-19, 12:20 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

Click. Calben unlocks his manacles, and moves over to Calben and Xerxes, key in hand.

2020-03-19, 01:22 AM
Luck roll on Cinch Strike [roll0]

Krova strike hits harder than she realized, dealing double damage 38

However, she momentarily looses grip on the fire giant, granting it an opportunity to try to reverse the grapple.

2020-03-19, 01:37 AM
As Krova moves the giant passed the Swordmaster, he takes the opportunity to strike again, this time much harder.

Uses Power Attack vs FG1 [roll0] and uses Brutal Strike to activate Bone-Breaker again.
Crit (17-20)? [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
If Crit add [roll3] damage.
If hit, add 4 Bleed for 4d4+8 bleed on Giant's turn.

Giant attempts to gain control of grapple.

Grapple vs Krova [roll4]
If Crit [roll5]
**Both rolls take a penalty equal to the Swordmaster's damage roll as well as the damage of any AoO's made by allies during Krova's dragging the Giant past them.

The slash the Swordmaster delivered was deceptively lethal. While the giant started to maneuver out of Krova's grasp, it's eyes go white as it drops unconscious and continues to bleed out.

2020-03-19, 02:27 AM
As the first guard went slack in his arms, Volistad let go and moved to help against the other giant, but he was already unconscious by the time he got there. Instead, he started searching the second guard for his key. "Good work everyone. Now, let's get our gear before someone else comes around to pick it up."

2020-03-19, 11:30 AM
Krova gets her cuffs undone and flexes her fingers as she feels the magic returning to her tattoos. "Thank you for your aid," she tells the Swordmaster.

She spots Volistad heading to search the body she'd just taken down "Can you see if he has any healing items? I am in need of them." Then she looks to the rest of the fighters. "We are in agreement that we ought to use the keys to free the rest of the people here, yes?"

2020-03-19, 12:10 PM
Eshegan gets up and dusts himself off as the giant collapses, and turns to see the other fall as well. He hurries over to Calben, eager to get his cuffs off.

"They'll be back here soon enough, and anyone left's going to have a hell of a time. Let everyone loose. They'll be far better off." He spits on the body of one of the dead giants. "Plus, the more people out there who've got reason to fight these bastards, the better." When the cuffs come off, he stretches his arms, pale lightning playing along the marks between his wrists and shoulders. "Much better. Let's find our gear and get out of here. I can make it harder for the giants to track us when we go."

2020-03-19, 12:13 PM
"Certainly, milady, we shall free them all. I would like a few sets of cuffs for research, to see if we can find a simple counter to it. As for healing items, you at want to check their processing building. I brought a good dozen along with me. They are yours. You may also wish to take a few sets of cuffs with you along with some keys. You may find them useful in the future." The Swordmaster states.

After his cuffs are removed, he extends his arm and closes his eyes. When he does so, his tattoos begin to glow as his body turns a pale hue. Suddenly the ground beneath him shudders and several bits of metal are pulled out, forming a high quality Bastard Sword. The runes seem to extend along the length of the blade as it begins to glow slightly and drip some clear substance, of which smells of acid. "Ah, good, something a bit more useful, courtesy of one of the Royal Mages. I just wish it wouldn't tax the body so much, but I guess that is the cost, as I lack any sort of magical power."

Clearly fatigued, the Swordmaster uses his thumb to point at the processing building behind him. "You may want to hurry; by the look of it, they may come to collect what they confiscated, which means more of these giants will come, and as difficult as that fight may have been, they will most certainly come in larger numbers now. Also, you may want to start collecting your things from inventory before the others are free, or you may end up having some take your items for their own."

As the party starts freeing the other inmates, they seem grateful, as they rub their wrists. Fortunately, the building holding your items. Is locked, requiring your newfound keys to open. Still, the other inmates stare at the door hungrily, eager to leave the camp and claim freedom.

With a short bow, the Swordmaster says, [b]"As soon as things are cleared up here, I must bid you all adieu. I have other camps to visit. I'll be taking a set of keys for myself, when I depart. I hope they are universal."

2020-03-19, 12:31 PM
As the cuffs fall off, Xerxes smiles, feeling the power of his Oaths course through him. His muscles swell, and the sense of his presence grows. Certainly. We shall not leave them enslaved to these foul beasts. Free those with magical power first. Let them take revenge on our common enemy. With the storehouse open, he slips on a ring and amulet, letting several ioun stones orbit his head. He dons an ornate suit of plate and a cloak, then picks up a well-made greatsword. At his touch, it comes to life, cold light playing along the edge. If they approach, the giant-kin are uneasy at its presence.

He steps outside and raises his hands to the sky, golden light surrounding them. His eyes roll back as he commands the universe. Beast of Zagog! Your master summons you! Heed my call! A luminous mist surrounds him, and the air is filled with the unearthly chanting of disembodied voices. Zagog! Zagog! Zagog! As suddenly as it starts, the voices are silent, and the mists recede. Xerxes sits astride a wolflike creature the size of an enormous warhorse with great dragonlike wings. Its forelimbs end in razor-sharp claws, and frost rims its teeth and claws. It tilts its head. I hear and obey, Master. What took you so long? Xerxes scratches behind its ear and laughs.

Spending 2 SP to summon the mount and have it last 7 hours without concentration.

2020-03-19, 02:04 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

Calben pulls out his own suit of regular-sized plate armor.

"Xerxes! I'll do yours, then you do mine?" he offfers, then starts helping the giant don his armor.

The gnome seems particularly happy to find what looks like a slender sword-hilt, decorated with flames, clouds and mountains.


2020-03-19, 04:43 PM
"Looks like we've all got plate to put on. If we need to put someone's suit on in a hurry, I've got a scroll for it here. One use only." Volistad waved the parchment for emphasis before he started laying out his own armor. He had leaned his greatsword with its scabbard against the crate, ready to hand in case he needed it quickly.

2020-03-19, 04:53 PM
Amidst the various items sits a book, inventorying the various items brought by the inmates.

2020-03-19, 05:01 PM
Eshegan shrugs into his chain shirt--light armor did have its advantages--and rifled through his backpack, making sure everything was there. "Hey, Krova, you were hurt, yeah?" He pulls a potion bottle from the pack and tosses it to her. "Won't fix you up completely, probably, but it's better than nothing. Got a couple more here if things get really desperate." He grabs his various other magic items and minor personal effects, and settles his glaive over his shoulder. He helps out the ones with more bulky armors gear up as well, once he's ready to go.

That potion will heal 3d8+5. I've got three more, but I'd prefer to keep a few for emergencies. As for the cure potions in the guard shed, go nuts on those, as far as I'm concerned.

Like I said, I've got something I want to do when we leave for good--gonna call up a rainstorm to hopefully wash away some of the tracks. I want to keep the ground dry for now, though, so he won't do this until we're leaving or out a little ways, then I'll figure exact effects/spell points spent/etc.

2020-03-19, 05:08 PM
Krova spends a little time finding her own equipment - a good set of clothes, a cloak, a belt, and a ring that will take frustratingly long before it fills her belly. But still, it is better than she has felt for a while, so she is glad for them.

"I was. Thank you." Krova catches the potion tossed by Eshegan and drinks it along with some of the potions stored by the swordmaster.


Using the average of this and the other potions, it'll take about five to heal Krova fully, so let's try that.


Her wounds healed, she stores the rest of the potions on her person.

2020-03-20, 01:09 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

With the cuffs off, the gnome looks....odd. It's not immediately apparent at first glance, but if you actually look at him, his colors become impossibly vivid. Even the floorboards stand out as the grain of the wood becomes clearer, almost luminous. As he helps Xerxes with his armor, each ornate piece becomes positively shining, fading into the normal gleam of good steel a few seconds later.

Calben has CL 1, MSB +1, and the Illusion sphere.
After getting armored up and hanging his wands in their sheaths, Calben Traser turn to the party."Let me just slip into something less conspicuos". He puts on a well-worn flobby velvet cap, and suddenly, before you stands a grubby gnomish tinker, wearing nothing more protective than his leather apron, a few pots hanging of his belt making a metallic noise when he walks.

2020-03-20, 06:21 AM
If nobody else volunteers to, Krova sets about freeing the rest of the prisoners from their cuffs.

2020-03-20, 10:01 AM
As Krova is removing that last of the inmates cuffs, an arrow whizzes by, perilously close to her face and embedding itself into the wooden pillar of the processing building. It bears a piece of parchment, which unravels so that it is plainly visible to all. It reads:

"DANGER! DANGER! A detachment of fire giants have started to head towards this camp due to lack of communication from it. They are closing in. Suggested action is to leave as soon as possible."

- A. Ironheart, Royal Swordmaster

2020-03-20, 11:42 PM
"Time to go. Toss your gear and anything else you want to keep in a box. I'll help carry it if we need to." Volistad dropped his remaining armor plates back in the crate they were stored in, and stuffed his scroll into a pocket. "Make sure everyone else in the camp is free and able to walk."

2020-03-21, 12:55 AM
Calben looks around for Donna's saddle and bridle to toss in the box, and looks around for his trusty donkey once outside, but otherwise follows along without further delay.

2020-03-21, 09:30 AM
As the group packs up and gets ready to depart, they find themselves near the edge of the Darkwood Forest, with the Titan's Spine mountains looming in the other direction.

2020-03-21, 02:15 PM
"Where do we all want to head next? And can anyone track down a good hiding spot for us to evade that patrol and finish gearing up?"

Knowledge (Geography): 32 (rolled in OOC thread)

2020-03-21, 02:36 PM
"I know my way around the wilderness," Krova offers.

2020-03-21, 04:21 PM
A few things are notable. For one thing, the group is not freezing to death, so they are far enough South that the Heart of Winter has not reached here yet. Additionally, as mentioned, the mountains loom over you, rather than being off in the distance, so you recognize that you are roughly near the Southern border of Grey Falls, near the caverns from which both dwarves and fire giants hail. You do not hear or see a coastline, so you are not near the harbor district.

Volistad is able to ascertain that the nearest human settlement is Fallen Oak (known for having an Oak Tree so large that when it fell, it supplied all the wood needed to construct the town and then some) to the West. It is unclear if they remain free or if the giants have advanced upon it. Another option would be to the South into the Caverns, but you are more than likely to run into a few giants, though Dwarven smiths, especially Forgeheart Dwarves, are legendary craftsman and could help empower the humans and allies to push back the Frost Giants and perhaps provide protection against the deadly cold that is creeping in from the North. Aside from the Dwarves, you could head up the mountains, bracing the elements to find Mountain Orcs, who are far more civil, albeit it still vastly stoic and combat oriented, than their standard ilk. They too are known for their smithing, but very few are ever seen. Finally, if you wish to go on the offensive, you could step into the forest, but you may run into either Fire Giants or the creeping cold from the North.

2020-03-22, 08:20 PM
Eshegan shakes his head at the showy display--A note on an arrow? Seriously? Gear in hand, he joins the rest of the group at the edge of the forest. Unfortunately--or perhaps fortunately--he doesn't see the swordmaster to tell him off for that reckless fight. Ah well.

Volistad goes over the options. None seem great. "I may be able to find us a good camping spot for the night. As for direction... Fallen Oak's as likely to have--well--fallen as not. The dwarves might be our best bet for allies... We are planning to try and fight back, right? Not just go pick fights on our own, not again, but try and organize something against these bastards?" He didn't really know the others' intentions, after all. Could be they were intending to fade back into the forest and let the whole thing blow over.

Whichever route they decide, after they've made it a good ways away from the camp, Eshegan turns and raises his glaive towards the sky. Lightning crackles up and down his arms and his weapon, the wind picks up around him, and the skies darken. Rain begins to fall, a brief drizzle at first, then a steady downpour. He lowers his arms, the lightning dying down. "There. Should help wash away any tracks we left."

I am assuming Volistad tells us what he got from his knowledge check, so in the interest of keeping things moving I posted assuming he had.

Regarding the weather sphere stuff:
UBy default I can create weather effects up to level 3 severity (light rain), plus one severity level per 7 caster levels. My caster level is 5, and I assume that while creating wind falls under the [air] descriptor, creating rain would not. So my Aeromantic Affinity boosts my CL for creating wind but not rain.

Using my Wild Surge boon to get a +2 CL in exchange for a 100% wild magic chance, so I can create severity 4 rain (moderate--about 1" of rain per hour per the Weather sphere guidelines) within medium range of myself (170ft). Spending a spell point to allow it to persist for 7 minutes per caster level. That should increase the DC on any survival checks to follow our tracks--hopefully it'll help.

Wild magic roll: [roll0]

Oh, hey. "All allies of the caster treats all categories he is affecting as 1 lower for the duration of the effect." So that gets rid of the perception penalties we'd take for rain falling. Nice, wild magic is helpful sometimes!

2020-03-22, 09:10 PM
"I do not know what to do," Krova admits. "I was in Grey Falls before and I think they are the best for fighting against these giant armies...but I do not know war. Maybe it is best to get friends for them. But I do not have authority to do diplomacy. That is what is needed, yes?"

2020-03-23, 01:18 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

Calben takes off his cap, becoming his usual fabulous self. "I won't presume to speak for everyone, but *I* am certainly fighting. I think we should get some rest, then go and visit Fallen Oak. We don't know whether it has been touched by the wat, and even if it has, we might be able to make a difference."

He strokes his beard, pensively. "Or, we could keep going all night. I'm certainly not some dainty princess. I do need about an hour to do a ritual before I can be of much help. I am a magic-user of some proficiency. I figure I will take on the power to muddle with the minds of these oafs, but...." - he bows with a flourish and a grin - "even the greatest artist stil takes requests".

2020-03-23, 11:11 AM
"Killing some giants to free this or that village won't solve anything long-term. Even if things go well for us, the cold is still going to continue creeping south. Someone—probably us—is going to have to go north and put an end to it at the source. But I have no idea how to accomplish that, aside from getting our hands on protective gear, and that means a visit to the dwarves."

2020-03-24, 02:20 PM
The dwarves are indeed likely to be our best first stop. They'll have no love for the giants in these times. We can work with them to resist the giants in preparation for attacking northwards.

2020-03-24, 08:48 PM
Going by majority vote, the group decides to head south, to the Titan Spine Mountains. Among the party, both Goliaths have reason to be nervous. Krova know she will not be welcome, and while she has not finished growing, lacking the vulnerability to fire her race acquired at the end of physical maturation, she still expects to be very, very uncomfortable where the Dwarves and Fire Giants live. On the other side of the coin, Volistad does not know how he will be received. His heroism in Grey Falls has earned him some renown on the surface, but he has no idea what to expect.

Xerxes will most likely have to stay his hand while amongst the dwarves and giants, as his nationalism is strong. Unfortunately, such pride in one's nation may present deeper conflict than he may expect, particularly leaving said nation and stepping into another. Still, they make their way to the mountain range.

Eshagen and Calben have the least to worry about. Gnomes tend to wander freely, as their gregariousness affords them such freedom, which they use to act as go-betweens regarding the mountains and the human settlements. Eshagen, on the other hand has little investment, but may find the lack of access to the sky somewhat crippling to his power as a mage.

Along the way, the group sees smoke from a campfire about a mile ahead, which may be more Fire Giants. If they are, then hopefully they are ignorant to what happened at the nearby camp. If they aren't, then the party may have to scout them out to learn more.

2020-03-25, 11:55 PM
"I think we should avoid it. Could be giants. Even if they're not, we can't risk them getting captured and telling the giants we came this way."

2020-03-26, 07:41 AM
"If that is the case, we will need a a different route," Krova points out. "Do we have a quick way to scout one?"

2020-03-26, 12:12 PM
"I think so. I can at least get a better view of what's up ahead. With that, Eshegan takes a short run up and jumps... and simply doesn't begin coming down. He raises into the air, just above the treeline, and looks to see what he can see about the camp and possible routes around it.

Turns out Elementalists can just get a fly speed as a class feature :)
20ft fly speed, doesn't cost spell points. I don't think I need any fly checks, not doing anything fancy.

Perception: [roll0]
K(Geography) to assess a good route?: [roll1]

Also, what is the terrain like around here? Fairly forested, isn't it, or is that more to the north?

2020-03-26, 03:44 PM
As Eshagen ascends, he does notice other methods of approaching the mountain entrance, but they are not on favorable terrain. They approach a cliff shelf, which must be scaled, whereas the fire is coming from the path that approaches the most gently to the higher ground.

2020-03-27, 12:14 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"Or we could lay low, wait for them to move on. Give me a chance to summon up something. I could turn all of us into something that can slide up the rock face."

Calben seems to be muttering to himself, mostly.

2020-03-27, 10:19 PM
Any sign of how many we're talking about? We could attack by surprise, take them out. Fewer fire giants around would be a good thing for us and the dwarves The Beast nods its head in agreement. Yes, yes. Hunt the prey. Eat the prey.

2020-03-28, 06:43 PM
"Can't tell from here, unfortunately. They may be packing up to move out soon, whoever they are. Could be gone by the time we get there, regardless." Eshegan looks off in the distance towards the campfire. "Personally I say we take the long way around and not take the risk... but I have to say, I wouldn't mind the chance to fry a couple fire giants if that is what's up there."

2020-03-28, 11:33 PM
"I would also rather go around them." Volistad said after pausing to give Eshegan a dirty look.

2020-03-28, 11:40 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"Come on, Xerxes. Eshegan. There will be plenty of opportunity to fight fire giants, no doubt. But this is not looking up to be a story about a great victory. This is shaping up to be a fire giant's story about that time a small band of stragglers wandered into camp, grossly outnumbered, and got themselves killed. They'll be laughing for years as they tell that one. "

2020-03-29, 10:47 AM
Krova nods in agreement with Calben.

2020-03-29, 06:18 PM
As Krova, in typical stoic fashion, agrees with Calben, the consensus is to go around whatever is at that camp.
The group ventures forth, maintaining sufficient distance from the site. As they come closer to the mountains, they arrive at a sheer cliff face, roughly 40 ft high, stretching in either direction.

2020-03-29, 10:29 PM
Xerxes shrugs. Simply done. Come, Calben, step onto the Beast. It will bear us both easily to the top. Eshegan can already fly. Krova, Volistad, my mount cannot bear you at the same time. We will ascend and make sure there are no unwelcome surprises. Then I will send it back for you.

2020-03-30, 12:03 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"Just like that, huh?", Calben says as he climbs aboard. "In this story, am I the wolf, the sheep or the head of cabbage?". In the air above him, simple, faintly glowing sketch appears, of a man, a small rowboat, a wolf, a sheep and a big head of cabbage.

2020-03-30, 02:43 PM
"Okay. Do not die while you are up there. That would be bad," Krova tells Xerxes.

2020-03-30, 04:59 PM
"Fine. If you leave me behind though, you're gonna miss me," he said with a grin.

2020-03-30, 09:28 PM
Eshegan chuckles at Calben's joke, and lifts into the air beside the others, ascending at a leisurely pace. He crests the top of the cliff with weapon in hand, in case anything hostile is about, and waits for Xerxes' beast to get the others.

2020-03-31, 09:44 AM
The three make it to the top safely for the time being.

Roll 1 = [roll0]
Roll 2 = [roll1]
Roll 3 = [roll2]
Roll 4 = [roll3]

As they collect their bearings, Eshagan notices something . . . off, but he can't quite place it. The growing heat from proximity to the caves causes distortion in the air, as it normally would, but some of it seems to actually approaching the group.

2020-03-31, 10:41 AM
Eshegan narrows his eyes, gripping his weapon tighter. ”Do you see that? It’s like the heat’s coming towards us. Keep your eyes open... and let’s get the others up here quick.” Lightning dances over the blade of his weapon and the wind begins to pick up...

Increasing the wind severity to 3 (strong), just in case. I’ll concentrate on it for now. Also, I just noticed on the weather sphere that severity levels go up or down by one per round. So if we assume severity level 1 to start (there’s no level 0), this round it’ll increase to 2 and next round it’ll hit 3 (and Atmoturgy will kick in)

2020-03-31, 03:00 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68
Without a word, Calben draws his fighting wand and brings up his shield.

2020-04-01, 02:54 AM
Volistad lay his greatsword on his shoulder and squinted up at the cliff appraisingly.

Is the cliff more or less solid stone, or is it a lot of dirt? Volistad is contemplating using Size Change (and Quick Change to set his CL = HD) to make himself ~28 feet tall—enough that he might just be able to grab the top of the cliff with an outstretched hand, but if it's soft material it might not be enough to support all 12.8 tons of him. If it does work, it would allow him to climb the cliff very quickly and carry Krova with him.

2020-04-01, 10:58 AM
Even as the heat shimmers seem to get closer, they don't appear to take any shape or form.

HS [roll0]

Calben [roll1]
Volistad [roll2]
Eshagen [roll3]
Xerxes [roll4]
Krova [roll5]

*Note, I am working on the map, and I am keeping the color tiles on the map for them as hard to see as possible, because of what they are (they are a homebrew variant, but mostly similar). I am also not giving the specific names for similar reasons. If they move, they change direction or act, a new Perception check may be in order, even if you have already identified their location once. Plus, you cannot be sure of how many there are.

2020-04-01, 12:55 PM
Volistad closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds he grew to the size of a true giant—nearly 30 feet tall—and signaled Krova to climb onto his hand. "Bring the donkey," he whispered as quietly as his new size would allow.

Move Action: Quick Change (to Burning Blade persona)
Standard Action: Cast Alteration sphere ability w/ Shape Change, spending a spell point to maintain it without concentration.

He'll try to just place Krova and the donkey atop the cliff before climbing up it himself, just in case.

2020-04-01, 03:35 PM
As Volistad grows in stature, he casually lifts Krova and Donna and places them safely at the top of the cliff.

I'll say lifting and placing them is a move action. Of course, while Xerxes saw the heat shimmers, Krova was not there and has to make her own Perception check. I should point out, unless attacked directly, each player will need to make a Perception check every round, unless they have a means of pinpointing the location of things without sight. Also, they have 30% Concealment.

2020-04-01, 03:48 PM
"So. I'm here now," Krova says as she's placed in the danger zone with...something?


2020-04-01, 05:34 PM
"Some sort of heat shimmers," Eshegan states, eyeing them as they draw nearer. "But I've never seen heat shimmers move like that before..." Stepping closer to one of the... creatures? he lets out a shout and takes a swing with his glaive, lightning running down his arms and coalescing onto the blade in a dancing blue ball as the weapon arcs through the air.

I assume only one round has passed, so the wind severity is only up to level 2--not enough for atmoturgy to kick in.

Spending one spell point to allow the weather effect to persist without concentration (14/16 left). It will continue for 6 minutes.
5ft step to M34
Create a destructive blast (CL=8; base 7 +1 for electric type) with Energy Strike and Shock Blast (costs 1 SP: 13/16 left) and attack the creature in O35
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] weapon damage plus [roll2] electric damage plus if the attack hits it must make a DC 19 fort save or be dazed for 1 round.

2020-04-01, 09:03 PM
As Eshagen swings, he feels it hit something, mostly solid, but less dense than most creatures. The electricity spreads, momentarily outlining something vaguely bipedal in shape, but far less defined.

2020-04-02, 12:14 PM
The heat shimmers seem to close in on Eshagen and Krova. There is a sudden increase in heat, but not enough to burn, instead moisture seems to drain away from their proximity.

HS1 moves to Krova and attacks [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll3] if successful Fatigued for [roll4] round(s) and [roll5] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

HS2 5 ft steps to Eshagen and attacks twice.
Attack #1
Crit? [roll7]
Damage [roll8]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll9] if successful Fatigued for [roll10] round(s) and [roll11] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

Attack #2
Crit? [roll13]
Damage [roll14]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll15] if successful Fatigued for [roll16] round(s) and [roll17] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

2020-04-02, 01:11 PM
Calben moves into position. The fist that holds his wand turns into a rocky clobbering appendage.

UMD check for wand: [roll0]

2020-04-03, 11:12 AM
Xerxes raises his sword high. Hiding in shimmers, eh? Two can play at that game. Shifting time, conceal us! Golden light plays around Xerxes and the Beast, with a chorus of unearthly voices whispering his words. Time... Conceal.. The light resolves, and he and his mount seem to flicker in and out of reality, appearing in multiple places at once, their actions disjointed from the flow of linear time. From atop the Beast, Xerxes begins to issue commands, directing his allies on how to work together better. The Beast coils up like a spring, ready to strike at anything that approaches it.

(Standard action to cast afterimage, spending a spell point to have it also affect my companion. Move action to start Aggressive Flanking tactic. Beast readies an action to attack anything that attacks it.)

2020-04-03, 09:52 PM
As Eshagen and Krova combat the creatures, they seem to start slipping from view again, becoming hard to follow.

Stealth roll 1d20+15)

Calben Perception (includes +4 from having it pointed out to you [roll0]
Xerxes Perception (includes +4 from having it pointed out to you) Roll 3 [roll1]
Eshagen Perception (includes +8 from interacting with it directly) [roll2]
Krova Perception (includes +8 from interacting with it directly) [roll3]

Volistad does not get a Perception check yet as he is still below all the action.

Remember, you suffer a 30% miss chance against them due to their pseudo-invisibility

2020-04-03, 09:53 PM
Whoops, messed up syntax for the one roll [roll0]

2020-04-03, 10:00 PM
Krova winces from the last hit, holding her arm half-up as though it'll help fend off the blow.

"I am sorry, but I cannot see ****," she tells her companions.

2020-04-03, 10:48 PM
Eshegan takes a step back as the creature shimmers and shifts, slipping from his view. "Think you're clever, eh?" He calls up his lightning again, swinging his glaive in a brief arc as a fan of lightning dances out over the area where the creature stood.

AoO, you say? I can do those :D

5ft step to L34
Destructive blast using Electric Blast (0 SP) and Sculpt Blast (1 SP). CL is 9 (7, +1 electricity, +1 atmoturgy - wind severity 3). Not spending a spell point to increase damage. Blast will be a 45 ft cone, starting in M34 and extending to U34/R39ish (off-map). I doubt the -3 to the save for the target wearing metal armor is going to apply.

Reflex "save": [roll0] (half damage on failure)
Damage: [roll1] electricity

I'm thinking about using weather sphere to create rain/drop the temperature, but I'm torn--I figure either that's the clever little trick that'll negate their rider effects, or it'll accomplish nothing other than making us all cold and damp :smalltongue:

2020-04-04, 12:43 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

Calben steps out of the way, squiting his eyes to focus on the nearest shimmer. Next to himself and each of his allies, an illusory double appears. "Just a little cover!" he yells, because he totally planned for that to happen. Totally.

Move action to Search [roll0]. Standard action, attempting to cast a Hostile Glamer, encasing the nearest Shimmer's "head" in a shiny purple pińata. [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

2020-04-04, 01:33 AM
Volistad only needed a little hop to grab the cliff-edge, and after getting the feel of the rock under his hands, he began hauling himself up.

[roll0] Climb

If he has a Standard Action at the end of this, he'll cast a Light Sphere glow effect on himself, and as a Free Action use the Glory effect to brighten it to activate Encompassing Light.

2020-04-04, 09:40 PM
*Note - Calben acts after the enemies do, so I will apply his effects after the attacks from the heat Shimmers.

While the Heat Shimmer attacking Krova presses the offensive. As Eshagen projects his electrical blast, it does not reveal the shape of the creature, so if and how it affected it is unknown.

Meanwhile, Volistad clears the cliff, standing amidst the battle, large and in charge.

HS1 attacks Krova twice
Attack #1
Crit? [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
If Crit, add [roll3] lethal damage and [roll4]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll5] if successful Fatigued for [roll6] round(s) and [roll7] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

Attack #2
Crit? [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
If Crit, add [roll11] lethal damage and [roll12]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll13] if successful Fatigued for [roll14] round(s) and [roll15] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

Afterwards, Calben begins casting a spell, but in so doing, is attacked from the North.

HS? (Can't see them) attacks as an Attack of Opportunity. I'll point out that Calben is flat-footed, which did not really apply to Krova as she has Uncanny Dodge.

Crit? [roll17]
Damage [roll18]
If Crit, add [roll19] lethal damage and [roll20]
Effect vs Fortitude [roll21] if successful Fatigued for [roll22] round(s) and [roll23] nonlethal from dessication. Fail deals half nonlethal damage and does not fatigue.

2020-04-04, 09:47 PM
[roll0] vs DC 31 (needs a 17 or higher).

2020-04-05, 10:41 PM
Can't see a damned thing. Any of you have anything that could make them easier to see? Eshagen, you seem to have weather magic- can you make it rain or snow? Xerxes and the beast prepare themselves to counterattack if anything comes for them.

Both ready actions to attack if attacked.

2020-04-06, 04:04 PM
As the Heat Shimmer's move, their presence is hard to pinpoint.

Stealth roll [roll0]

Calben Perception (includes +8 from interacting with it directly) [roll1]
Xerxes Perception [roll2]
Eshagen Perception [roll3]
Krova Perception [roll4]
Volistad Perception [roll5]

Remember, you suffer a 30% miss chance against them due to their pseudo-invisibility

2020-04-07, 01:07 AM
Volistad squinted around his allies but couldn't make out whatever it was they were fighting. "Invisible, eh? Just ****in' try me!"

Casting the Light sphere effect on himself if he wasn't able to do so last round. If he did, he will move near his allies, activate Aura of Fear (in the off chance it does anything; at least it's a Free Action) and use Frightful Roar (Will DC 15 or be Shaken, or if the Aura did render them Shaken they would be Frightened).

Since he can't see them, he will position himself around the middle of the group and use his huge reach to make attacks of opportunity should any targets present themselves and provoke e.g. by movement.

2020-04-07, 08:07 PM
Krova, who realizes she can't see and can't use her main method of fighting against them, just readies herself to move away should one attack her again.

Readying a 5ft step with the trigger of being targeted for an attack.

2020-04-07, 09:44 PM
"Worth a shot..." Having lost track of their exact positions and not too willing to fire off lightning too freely within the group, he raises his weapon skyward and the winds begin to circle around it, as the sky begins to darken...

5ft step back to K34, just in case

I have already pushed the wind up to severity 3. CL for this ability is 6. I will use the Greater Weather talent to both create precipitation (up to severity 3) and reduce the temperature (down to cold severity 3 (0F-40F), from whatever level of heat it's currently at). Not cold enough to make it snow. These categories will shift by one level per round. I'll go ahead and spend a spell point to allow it to last for 6 minutes (11/16 left).

2020-04-07, 11:51 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54-1/68

"OI!". Calben staggers away with the blow, turns, points his wand, and it lets out a mighty thunderclap at his unseen assailant.

5' step away, then fire a 40' cone of air at the one who attacked me (O31). [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]. if the fortitude hits, deafened for [roll3] rounds.

2020-04-08, 12:22 AM
Xerxes catches sight of one of them and spurs his mount on. There! Powers of death, heed my call! Hinder this coward's flight! The Beast leaps into the air as Xerxes raises his sword high, gray light swirling around the blade. A thousand ghostly voices whisper Death... death... as the Beast lands in a flurry of teeth and claws and Xerxes drives his sword home.

For Xerxes, move action is maintaining concentration on Afterimage, swift action is maintaining Aggressive Flanking, and standard action is a Vital Strike Fatal Thrust with Ghost Strike (Poltergeist) and Face Strike. Attack is [roll0], miss chance [roll1], damage [roll]2d6+7[roll] regular damage and [roll2] precision damage. Crit range is 17-20, confirmation [roll3], damage [roll]2d6+7[roll]. If it hits, the shimmer has a -3 on one roll on in the next round; I'm preemptively choosing its Stealth check, unless it just stands and delivers, in which case the attack roll. If the precision damage hits it, it has a 20% miss chance on its atacks.

Beast is much less complicated- just a charge with Pounce. Bite [roll4], miss chance [roll5], damage [roll6] and [roll7] cold. 2 claws: [roll8], miss chance [roll9], damage [roll10] and [roll11] cold, [roll12], miss chance [roll13], damage [roll14] and [roll15] cold.

I think I did multiple natural attacks with Multiattack right- it's just a -2 on all attacks, right?

2020-04-09, 02:04 PM
Eshagen's Eyes become dark blue again as electricity dancing Alon his form, highlighting his birthmarks. As he finishes gesturing, a cool mist begins to settle about, though much is being swept aside from the wind.

Regarding this areas "default" weather, it is actually temperate, any of the heat is from the mountain, so now the effects are based off of said baseline.

Oddly, this causes the creatures to form an aura of dessication, appearing like voids in the moist air, as well as acquiring a steam-like aura. Bottom line - they are now consistently visible.

Before Calben is able to respond, he is again assaulted by one of the creatures. It lashes out twice to try to strike him, then takes a step back away from both both Calben and Krova.

HS1 slam #1 [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage [roll]2d6+4[roll] bludgeoning, no more dessication/fatigue to worry about
If Crit, add [roll2]

HS1 slam #2 [roll3]
Crit? [roll4]
Damage [roll]2d6+4[roll] bludgeoning, no more dessication/fatigue to worry about
If Crit, add [roll5]

Meanwhile, the other creature charges Eshagen in hopes to end his magic.

HS2 charging [roll6]
Crit? [roll7]
Damage [roll]2d6+4[roll] bludgeoning, no more dessication/fatigue to worry about
If Crit, add [roll8]

2020-04-09, 02:06 PM
Mis-written damage roll [roll0]

2020-04-09, 04:57 PM
Xerxes and his "pet" strike true, ripping the creature apart as it dissipates into the air.

2020-04-10, 07:59 PM
"Oh, there is the little ****," Krova mutters as they're finally made visible and rapidly un-heated. She darts across the ground to seize one of them and squish the life from it.

Move to move, Standard to Grapple.

Swift Snag: [roll0]
Grapple attempt [roll1]

If it lands, it takes 7 damage and is Grappled and takes -3 to its next Grapple check.

2020-04-11, 02:26 PM
Krova quickly closes on the other creature, yanking off balance as she applies her hold, wrenching into it to crush the annoying thing.

2020-04-11, 09:53 PM
Eshegan staggers back from the hit... but it seems like his weather manipulation had done the trick. He recovers his balance as Xerxes and his mount shred the creature that had attacked him. Just one left now, and the Jotunblut had it pinned. He rushes over to help dispatch the creature.

Move to P32

Attack HS1 with a destructive blast, modified by the Energy Strike and Electric Blast talents. Not spending a spell point to increase damage, and none of those talents require a spell point. CL is at 9 (7 base for destruction sphere, +1 atmoturgy, +1 electricity).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] electricity

2020-04-11, 11:00 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23+4 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

"Alright, the big guys have this". Calben brings up his shield, his head swiveling to check fo danger.

2020-04-12, 01:04 AM
Volistad brought his enormous sword to bear and swung it at the last remaining foe. The blade itself seemed to stop short, but the sword-tip of the glowing form of an even larger giant that emanated from him extended to reach the target.

Since it's within his reach from where he is right now, he'll 5' step towards it (just in case it survives, gets free, and tries to get away) and use Energy Strike.

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Slashing + [roll2] Fire

2020-04-12, 06:37 AM
Volistad Luck Roll (natural on his attack roll) [roll0]
If hit[roll1] and [roll2]

2020-04-12, 06:46 AM
Volistad's blade lands with a thunderous crash into the creature gripped by Krova. As it does, though, the heat from his blade interacts violently with the creature's body, causing it to explode with a burst of dessicating air.

Dessicating burst, 30 ft radius. Nonlethal damage [roll0].

Effect vs Reflex to hit [roll1], failure to overcome Reflex defense is half damage and no Fatigue check
Effect vs Fortitude [roll2], causes Fatigue for 1 minute.

2020-04-12, 07:03 AM
"Why do my allies keep hitting me..." Krova groans as she's engulfed in a burst of hot air.

2020-04-14, 02:33 AM
"Didn't know it was gonna do that," Volistad rumbled. "Explode on hit like that. Well, if you can still bellyache, it must not be that bad, eh?"

2020-04-15, 06:24 PM
Eshegan looks around, weapon still at the ready, as the temperature continues to drop and the rain picks up. He relaxes a little as it seems there aren't any more of the things sneaking up on them. "Going to be doing this for a few minutes at least, I'm afraid. Seems to have done the trick, though. Good idea, Xerxes. Krova, are you alright?" The jotunblut seemed to be the hardest hit of them--although now that the adrenaline is coming down, he is starting to realize the extent of his own injuries. That one hit had done a lot of damage. "I suppose we push on. Hopefully that wasn't the welcome wagon..."

2020-04-15, 09:41 PM
"Ehh...it's fine, I did not need that layer of skin anyway," Krova waves it off. "Let's move on to where there will be fewer invisible cads, yes?"

2020-04-15, 11:58 PM
"What were those things anyways?" Volistad let himself return to his normal size and luminosity. "Just some mindless creatures, or a patrol that'll be missed?"

2020-04-16, 12:51 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"I'm a little banged up too, but I've had worse. So......does anyone have any healing magic?". Calben looks around at his travelign companions.

2020-04-16, 11:28 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"Anywaaaayyy...... this is not exactly the main gate where the welcome parade happens. There could be anything in those caves. And that means I really, really need a break before we go in there. Just an hour. Let's get a meal, maybe just a cold meal. All of you big guys make sure we're in fighting form before we go any further. "

With that, Calben takes 10 steps away from the party, draws a circle in the dirt, and sits inside, his eyes closed.

2020-04-17, 08:19 PM
"Why is he doing that?" Krova ponders aloud as the gnome seals himself in a circle.

2020-04-17, 11:16 PM
Xerxes shrugs as he cleans his sword. Magic, one hopes? Otherwise he's just a very bizarre person. In either case, it seems he believes a bit of a rest will help, and we don't need to be anywhere imminently. If anything attacks, one of us can carry him to safety. I'm not sure what those were. Damned unpleasant, that's for sure. He walks over to where he and the Beast tore one apart, since the rents in the ground helped locate it, and pokes around with the Beast to find remains to examine.

Perception to try to find remains
Xerxes [roll0]
Beast [roll1]

Knowledges to see if I have any clue what they were

Arcana [roll2]
Planes [roll3]
Nobility? [roll4]

2020-04-18, 12:19 AM
"I've got no healing. All the magic I got is what you've already seen me do."

2020-04-18, 11:58 AM
"Got a few potions, that's it." Eshegan rests the butt of his weapon on the ground, watching as Calben does whatever he's doing and keeping an eye out for any more of the creatures approaching. At least with the rain coming down any more of them should be easier to spot.

2020-04-20, 12:44 PM
After resting, the group skirts around the ledge circling mountain's nadir. As they approach the entrance, they begin to smell a bit of sulfur and the entrance gives off a mild heat, not necessarily damaging, but uncomfortable, especially to Krova, who is more accustomed to colder regions.

The opening is large and opens into a large area, with several tunnels extending from it.

2020-04-21, 12:58 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

After a while, a creature scuttles out of the shadows. It is a greenish black spider the size of a dog. It adresses Calben in an odd language, and they have a brief conversation.

"Guys, this is Dysmara. She is my friend. She is smart, but she doesn't understand your speech."

At the cave entrance, Calben walks in. Dysmara scuttles around, looking for shadows to hide in and rough patches of wall to climb.

2020-04-21, 02:47 AM
"Guess we should look for which one has the giant tracks and which one has the dwarves'," Volistad suggested. "But I'm no tracker."

2020-04-23, 12:39 PM
As the group looks around, they notice some of the stone flooring is grooved slightly deeper in 3 of the tunnels, while the other 2 have less of a trail, and have less heat emanating from them.

2020-04-24, 07:08 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"This one looks good. Come on." With that, Calben starts moving down the leftmost of the cooler, less deeply worn tunnels.

2020-04-25, 09:57 AM
Krova follows Calben.

2020-04-25, 06:43 PM
"All right. But if we end up in a fire giant city, it's your fault," Volistad said with a joking grin as he moved to follow Calben.

2020-04-25, 08:33 PM
Fair enough. I can't see worth a damn in here anyways.

2020-04-27, 09:38 PM
Volistad concentrates for a moment and then begins to shed light as a torch to aid Xerxes in navigating the tunnels. As the group heads further down, they begin to notice prominent stonework pillars and carved supports along the tunnel. There is runic writing on them, and those who can read Dwarven are able to make out the following:

You now approach the city of Mzarik, Dwarven Stronghold

Shortly after, the group sees some lit torches in the distance, and a few protruding buildings set into the cavern's wall.

Additionally, a strong scent of brimstone begins to permeate the air. Closer to the buildings stand what at first seemed like statues, but as you begin to get closer, they are revealed to be Dwarven Guards, clad in Heavy Armor, bearing tower shields and Dwarven waraxes.

One speaks in a bass tone that seems to vibrate the nearby stone - "Hold there, what is your business in Mzarik? Due to the ongoing hostilities, we are limiting entrance to the stronghold." With that, he casts a Stern gaze at Krova and Volistad.

2020-04-28, 02:57 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"I am Calben Traser, wandering storyteller. And these are my trusted allies. We have come to Mzarik on the business of ongoing hostilities. We are not content to let the frost giants take our lands for their own. And so, we have come to the legendarily stout and crafty dwarves of Mazrik in search of weapons and allies. "

"We are a motley band indeed. Almost like in the heroic ballads, eh?".

2020-04-28, 10:27 AM
The Dwarven guard rolls his eyes at the Gnome's borderline sycophantic compliments. He motions to the Krova and Volistad, "Any giant-kin entering must register at the security building, we can't be too careful given the current conflict." He points to a building right behind him. "Other than that, welcome and try not to stir up trouble."

2020-04-30, 06:27 PM
"Yes, hello, what does that involve?" Krova asks.

2020-04-30, 06:48 PM
The guard responds, "Do you see that support arch?' He points to a arch of carved metal supporting the stone above, which lies just past the few buildings you see behind him. "Anybody with giant blood triggers it. It will compel you to leave and render you increasingly sick if you try to stay. I was not officially designed to work against giants, but that is its current attunements. Enter the building I mentioned behind me, give your name and reason for entering, and they will place a special arcane mark. It suppresses the mythal's affect on you. Any violence or crime you try to commit will remove said mark, placing you under its effects again."

2020-04-30, 06:52 PM
Krova pauses, then looks to her allies.

"Can any of you examine these mythals and markings? I am not comfortable with being touched by magic I am not certain of the nature of."

2020-05-01, 12:22 AM
"If I hadn't seen what I'd just seen..." Volistad grumbled but didn't finish his thought out loud.

"Let's see. I might know a thing or two about this."

[roll0] Spellcraft (Bluff) via Pageant of the Peacock

2020-05-01, 05:15 PM
Volistad is taken aback by the massive surge of sensory overload as he tries to decipher the mythal's properties. Tfhe only thing he could sense was an overwhelming degree of Abjuration energy (in terms of spheres, it would be a blend of Protection and Fate). His pupils constrict to near pinheads,

He is both dazzled and dazed for [roll0] rounds.
It would feel like staring directly at the sun, while standing 20 ft away from its surface.

2020-05-02, 11:58 PM
Volistad covered his eyes and staggered away. It took him almost a minute to regain his composure.

"It's... it's powerful. I'll give it that."

2020-05-07, 07:09 PM
As Krova inspects the guard, she detect neither deception nor malice. Though he does have have some irritation regarding giants, it seems to be more a matter of his upbringing (dwarves tend to have an innate emnity towards giants) as well as the tensions brewing during the war.

2020-05-08, 12:58 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"So. We are in. And for lack of a clear plan, I suggest we take the lay of the land and see what the good citizens of Mzarik say in these troubling times." He rubs his hands together gleefully. "And yes, by that I do mean hit the taverns."

2020-05-08, 12:15 PM
Seems reasonable enough. We are not truly a diplomatic delegation, so we're unlikely to be admitted to see those in charge.

He turns back to the guards. Unless you are aware of anyone we could talk to about helping the war effort?

2020-05-08, 07:44 PM
The guard responds, "We are doing what we can in order to remain neutral. Any help we give one way or the other would threaten that status, which we can ill afford at the moment. Even if I was aware of anybody, I would not tell a group of five random strangers and their two pets."

2020-05-09, 03:29 AM
"Well then, who better to provide aid than a crew of random strangers you can happily deny having any dealings with?"

2020-05-11, 02:22 PM
"I am going to stay out here," Krova informs the group. "The mark, it is too far for me."

2020-05-11, 07:29 PM
With that, the group sans Krova enter the registration center, where a Dwarven woman with an odd looking stamp, motions Volistad to step forward to her desk.

"I assume the guard informed you about the rules regarding the mark? This provides you shielding within the mythal. Should you attack or break any standard laws like committing theft and such will remove the mark, subjecting you to great discomfort until you leave Mzarik. We recognize that more nuanced laws specific to specific cultures may put restraints outside of the stronghold, so regarding that, it is hit or miss regarding the mark. If you are incapacitated by the mythal, one of the town guards will deliver you back to the checkpoint outside of the Ward's vicinity. Now, hold out your arm, so I can give you the marking."

Meanwhile, outside of the checkpoint there is a tavern, a bank, and a trade shop for purchasing souvenirs and other trinkets.

2020-05-12, 12:58 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

"Before we go Krova...". Calben rummages around for a few seconds and comes up with a pewter mug. He says a quick phrase in Gnomish, then hands the mug to Krova. ""A ward against Fire Giants. Keep it out in the open, and they won't want to get anywhere near you. Just to be safe. Should last until evening.""

Powerful Lure to repel Fire Giants. For the next 10 hours, Fire Giants of 10 HD or less won't go within 200' and Line of Effect, or remain there, unless they pass a Will save DC 21.
Con damage to my companion [roll0]. Fort save vs Addiction DC 10 [roll1]

2020-05-15, 06:54 PM
The attendant asks Volistad to extend his arm. As he does so, she takes the stamp next to her and presses it onto his skin. The mark itself is not truly physical, and it sits just above his actual skin, and it sheds a luminous glow of pure green. The image it produces is a stylized shield.

After placing the mark, the attendant says, "If violence or some other crime occurs at the hand of a third party, the mark will stain them, which Mzarik guards can use to track them. While in the city, you must refrain from fighting, due to the potential for escalation in an already tumultuous time. Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe."

2020-05-15, 07:23 PM
"Oh, thank you. This is an unexpected kindness," Krova says as she accepts the cup and uses one some of her clothing to hang it from her neck. "I will have to buy you a meal at some point. Or something."

2020-05-18, 02:24 AM
"Right. So if I'm attacked, it'll mark the attacker. What do I do in the meantime? Hold up my block until the guards arrive? Honest question. I know the magic is strong, but is it that discerning?"

2020-05-18, 06:25 AM
"In staining them, as long as they are within the mythal's range, it will inflict the same sort of issues you would suffer should you attempt violence. Typically, it is enough to ground them and render them helpless. Typically, this is enough to deter it, but you never know. The mark can sense intent, so if you trip and fall on somebody, it will not trigger the mark."

2020-05-19, 03:44 PM
"Powerful magic indeed. Good thing I'm not here to cause trouble anyway. Might as well get on with it."

2020-05-20, 04:53 PM

Party sans Krova

As the group steps through the arch, there is a mild flash followed with a light thrum that lasts a few seconds. This is mirrored on Volistad's mark.

As they walk down the stairs leading down from a tunnel, the cavern opens up into a truly colossal space, revealing Mzarik in all of its glory. Despite being far from the sun, there is no lack of light, as several of the city's furnaces produce an ambient reddish-orange glow.

The air is thicker with the scent of sulfur and the heat becomes more intense, almost like a sauna. There are many, many buildings, not only on the floor, but running up the walls instead. There is a light din caused by metal striking metal that echoes along the walls making it impossible to pinpoint. In the center, towering above the other buildings, a large, palatial tower sits, it is simultaneously attached to both the floor and ceiling of the cavern and made of what appears to be Adamantine.

The streets themselves are relatively calm, though it is easy to spot several Dwarven workers going to and from various sites. There are also a few tunnels dug into the ground along the city's periphery, seemingly leading to other sites outside its range.



As she watches the rest of her group descend into Mzarik proper, she notices that this checkpoint has a number of buildings outside of the main registry and guard barracks. A faint sound of music coming from one of the buildings that seems to be a tavern of some sort. The other buildings are more non-descript as the craftsmanship seems to have deliberately focused on making said structures as identical as possible.

2020-05-20, 09:25 PM
Krova decides to poke her head into the building with the music, suspecting that a handy map would be out of the question.

2020-05-21, 02:28 PM

As she enters the tavern, the first thing that hits her is the smell, not a bad smell, but one that is definitely unique. It bears the flavor of several exotic drinks, some augmented by spider venom or rare mushrooms, others with more earthy scents, as if infused with a small amount of volcanic pumice. Its potency is enough to drown out the sulphuric scent outdoors.

In addition, the air is notably cooler, perhaps magically insulated. The light casts a cooler blue radiance that, despite its relative dimness, is still more than enough to see by.

The place, while not crowded, does have several patrons enjoying their food and drink. The bartender is a scarred, yet fit and young female Halfling, which is highly unusual in this region. The music Krova heard earlier is soft jazz, with it's smooth brassy tones.

Toward the back of the tavern, silhouettes of a few figures
seem to permeate the light misty air that seems to mute the room. On one side is a stout figure flanked by two larger figures, most likely goliaths, all of whom seem to be facing an even smaller figure. They stand out as their movements seem quick and deliberate as opposed to the more pacified customers in the tavern.

2020-05-21, 08:09 PM
Krova's first instinct is to approach the well-built halfling at the counter, because why not? But then she sees the silhouettes in the background and, well, she has not heard of many good things happening when three very large people bear down on a smaller one. So she strolls over to them to see what's happenin'.

2020-05-21, 10:57 PM
Xerxes politely stops one of the dwarves. Pardon me, but could you tell me where we might find a tavern?

2020-05-22, 12:10 PM
Eshegan is a bit leery of the whole magical compulsion thing... but in the end, they weren't planning on starting any trouble anyway, and if this was what they had to put up with to drive the giants out, perhaps it might be worth it. Although if the dwarves were officially maintaining neutrality, it might be difficult to actually find help. Maybe a powerful family with their own reasons to throw in some aid?

A tavern seems like a good place to start - likely won't find what they need, but will probably get them pointed in the right direction, at least. He nods to Xerxes in approval and follows along for now.

2020-05-22, 10:11 PM
Within Mzarik

As Xerxes addresses one of the dwarves walking along one of the roads, the soot covered man stops to listen. The dwarf is covered in soot and grease, probably a mechanic by trade. Seeing Volistad, he averts his gaze from him as he responds to Xerxes.

Pointing down the street he says, "The Pick and Hammer is about two or three blocks in that direction. It isn't the best, but it is the closest. Now, if you will excuse me, I have places to go." With that, he walks past the group and continues on his way.


As she approaches, she notices the smaller figure is a male gnome. The stout figure is obviously Dwarven, but his skin is darker than normal and gleams with an almost metallic luster. It suggests he is not from this area, possibly coming from across the ocean. The two figures flanking the exotic dwarf are definitely goliaths, but neither Jotunblut nor Muspelblut. On has greyish skin, giving the appearance of stone, rough and porous. The other has a beige tone to his skin, looking like brushed sandstone.

"You backed the wrong fighter yet again. That makes your debt 10,000 gold. That last bet pushed you over the very generous leeway I gave you. Time to pay up, or my . . . compatriots here will teach you that gambling is a dangerous vice." As he says this, the greyish goliath cracks his knuckles menacingly in order to emphasize the dwarf's point.

Shaking and obviously, the gnome responds, "I'll get the money, Ferron, I swear. Please, don't hurt me, I just need more time." he cowers, almost prostrate before the dwarf.

2020-05-23, 03:11 PM
Krova pokes her head in on the conversation. "Hello, sorry to interrupt, but it sounds like you're being kind of a ****," she tells the dwarf. "Threatening to beat someone up is a huuuuge **** move, especially since it sounds like, no offense, it sounds like this is the kind of predatory gambling that engineers these problems in the first place. You should probably not organize things so that desperate people end up with no money and so you have to kill them. That's kind of your fault if you do that; perhaps you should set up your gambling on smaller bets that don't rely on money the gamblers don't have. That way, you'll still earn money, but you won't have to go around harassing people in taverns, which really seems like a waste of time, you know? And, like I said, you kind of seem like a ****."

2020-05-23, 06:10 PM

The dwarf looks at Krova with a glint of amusement. "I see we have a heroine over here. I suggest you mind your own business, unless you would like to dance with my friends here. Truth is, this gnome is tapped out. He has no more money to pay his debt off. Yet, he still serves a purpose. By becoming an example, it should motivate others who decide to make use of my services to pay up when due."

He motions to the grey skinned Goliath who steps in front of Krova, blocking her from the dwarf and gnome.

2020-05-24, 03:11 AM
"Wonder if I'll get the same treatment at the inn, or if I should have just waited outside with Krova," Volistad muttered after the dwarf was out of earshot.

2020-05-24, 08:24 AM
Krova looks the goliath in front of her up and down.

"Okay, I have two questions, my friend. You do know that your boss is a ****, yes? I mean, I could tell, and I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but what he did was pretty rude. I'd work for a baker or something where you don't have to put up with that. Aaaanyway. Do you know if violence is prohibited here? I don't want to punch you or anything, you're probably a cool guy, but I would kind of like to bend him - Ferron, I think was his name, over my knee and give him a little smack for being a naughty boy. Just a liiiittle one."

2020-05-26, 05:19 PM
The Goliath lets out a heart laugh, "Aye, that would be a sight to see. Unfortunately, money trumps humor."

** This battle will be mostly narrative in nature, as it is annoying for me to change the map to such a small enclosure with people and tables. Makes it more homefield advantage for Krova, as smaller places are difficult to strike in, but easier to grapple with less chance of being attacked by another opponent, shame you don't have Barroom Talents, I feel like it would round out the whole Professional Wrestler motif quite nicely**

Krova's Initiative [roll0]

Grey Mook's Initiative [roll1]

2020-05-27, 08:32 PM

The stone-skinned Goliath places his hand on Krova's chest. With a sharp exhalation he pops his hand forward about an inch. Poised to follow through, he advances suddenly, driving himself towards her to follow up.

Grey Mook shoves Krova vs Touch AC [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage 8 and is battered (Krova takes -2 vs CMB and cannot make an AoO against a maneuver).

He follows through with a Bull Rush maneuver (failure of the first part prevents battered condition, it he still bull rushes)
Bull Rush [roll2]
If successful, applies Dazed and Confused attack vs Will [roll3] if effect succeeds, Krova is staggered for 1 round.

2020-05-27, 09:21 PM
"Okay, I would like everyone to note that I did not start this. We all know this, yes? Good," Krova says, as she steps to the side of his shove and attempts to seize his arm behind his back.

I have: 2 tension. I'm going to spend both of those to do a grapple as my AoO using Opportune Grapple from Strong-Style Grappler.

I get +1 attack due to my Shamed story feat.


2020-05-27, 09:48 PM
Krova successfully grabs his arm, then slips under it, planting one leg between both of his as she seizes the other. and yanks behind his back with the full force of her body, stretching out his back as he's seized.

Krova gains 1 tension due to a successful grapple.

Goliath takes 7 nonlethal damage and has a -5 penalty on his next grapple check. He also has all the standard grappling penalties (-4 to Dex, -2 to attack rolls and combat maneuver checks) at an additional -2 thanks to Hammerlock.

Krova is also activating Snag as a Swift action, in order to apply the Battered condition.

Then, Krova uses her full weight to pin the goliath to the ground, still keeping him trapped in her hold while she remains standing and balanced.


If succcessful, Krova pins the goliath to the ground. He takes an additional 7 nonlethal damage. Krova also gains another tension point.

2020-05-27, 09:49 PM
"Okay," Krova says, now that she has the goliath utterly at her mercy. "See, that is what happens when you try to shove strangers. You rude, rude boy."

Ending my turn.

2020-05-28, 02:20 PM

Ferron glances at Krova and says to the tan Goliath that is still standing by him, "Please help deal with this distraction, it seems she is particularly annoying."

Grabbing a drink from the table next to him, he rapidly quaffs it down, belching loudly. He steps forward and swings the empty mug at Krova's face.

First is gaining and expending the Drunk condition for Menacing Belch, which functions as Dazzling Display. Your resistance to it is not based on your will save, but rather it is 10 + your level/hit die + your Wisdom modifier. If he overcomes that, you are shaken for 1 round + 1 round for every 5 he beat your defense by (Grappling rules I am not to sure of, but I have played my fair share of demoralizing builds). Main take away is that it drops your attack rolls, skill checks ability checks, and by extension, CMB by 2 (though does not affect AC or CMD).

Grabbing and drinking the mug is a move action.

Menacing Belch Intimidation check in 30 ft radius as a free action [roll0]

Tan Mook takes a 5ft step and attacks with an Improvised Weapon [roll]1d20+11[/b]
Crit (19+20/x2 and Fragile)? [roll1]
Damage [roll2] (Bludgeoning)
If Crit (using Fragile to confirm, making the mug Broken) add [roll3] damage.

If hit, damage will penalize your CMB next round by that amount

2020-05-28, 02:37 PM

Krova easily dodges the mug that is swung at her and found the belch more disgusting than intimidating.

Meanwhile, the grey mook tries to squirm his way out of Krova's pin.

Grey Mook's CMB vs Krova's CMD [roll0] (can only escape with a natural 20)

Krova will still have roll to maintain the grapple on her turn even if the grey mook fails to extricate himself

2020-05-28, 02:52 PM
"Who belches at someone? Honestly?" Krova tuts as she attempts to keep her grip on the pinned goliath.


2020-05-28, 02:59 PM
She does so ably and quickly adjusts her grip so that she's using one of her legs to keep his head and arms pinned.

Takes 7 nonlethal damage and remains pinned. He also takes Krova's unarmed damage as nonlethal: [roll0]

With her hands free, she attempts to snag and grab the other goliath who just attempted to whack her with a mug.

Swift for Snag: [roll1] vs touch AC

Grapple: [roll2] If successful, takes 7 damage and us Grappled. Krova will gain 1 tension.

...well, I assume a 37 is successful.

Krova seizes the attacking goliath by the approaching arm, yanking him down and into a tight headlock.

"Okay. Can we stop this? I do not want to have to pin anyone with my teeth."

2020-05-28, 03:41 PM
The dwarf rolls his eyes at the display. "Well, that's what I get for getting cheap labor. Look, Nickels, you pay up or this will get much, much nastier than this." His form seems to flicker a bit before disappearing entirely. The Mook's remain bound by Krova's grasp.

2020-05-28, 03:51 PM
"What a ****," Krova mutters, then looks at the grappled goliaths. "Okay. Promise me that you won't try to punch me if I let go and I will let go. Otherwise, I am going to have to choke you out, and just think about how embarrassing that would be."

2020-05-28, 05:02 PM

The goliaths submit. As Krova lets them up, they slowly back away until they reach the door and leave.

The previously cowering gnome addresses Krova, "While I realize you were trying to help, unfortunately, you have made things worse. I was safer when he did not see me as a threat, but now he will come at me with much more hostility, not simply killing me, but making it a slow, torturous death, something he would most likely show his other debtors to ensure they are compliant and punctual with their payments."

2020-05-28, 05:09 PM
"I wasn't trying to help you," Krova tells the gnome as she dusts off her hands. "I just thought he was an *******."

2020-05-28, 05:56 PM

"Well, after that show you put on, he will most likely come after you as well, and he will most likely take the kid's gloves off when he does."

2020-05-28, 06:18 PM
"Eh, will he, though?" Krova shrugs. "He did not seem to care very much."

2020-05-28, 09:00 PM

The gnome replies, "Oh, it is most likely not out of spite, but more of a business thing. From what others and I have dealt with, he tends to have the same demeanor at all times - condescending and controlling. Not showing emotion one way or the other is a power play on his part. For him, his image is the aspect he defends the most. You delivered an insult to that image by readily handling his guards. He may be calm and cool, but his reprisal will most likely be swift and brutal. It is why he is so feared, as you can never really tell when he is content or angry."

Edit - Stupid phone is causing annoying typos

2020-05-31, 09:50 AM
Within Mzarik

The group heads down the street the local denizen had indicated. They eventually see a rather oddly lit building. When they get closer, they can see the sign actually uses glowing fungus to depict its name as well its logo, which is a hammer and pick crossing each other. As they approach the door, a strong scent of cloves permeates the air around it, possibly to cover the sulfur smell that flavors the air in the rest of the city.

As they enter, the room is filled with a thin, but notable smoke, again carrying a scent of clover. There are several areas of cultivated glowing fungus to light and color the room in pink, green, yellow, and white. Seated at the bar and tables are a few dwarves, some of which are physically different from than others you have encountered. There are a few with an olive complexion with a sort of metallic complexion in there skin and seem far less dirty or heavily muscled as the others, and others who have a darker grey appearance, but seem more ethereal in presence, as they seem to blend into the grey stonework forming the walls.

The room itself is actually rather large, larger than you would have initially suspected from the outside, as it seems the room tunneled deeper into the stone along the outside cavern. There is a stage, where you encounter another notable sight. It is a female Muspelblut singing lounge music, her mark of passage visible on her arm.

You can also see and smell freshly cooked food and notice an interesting device behind the counter that seems to be boiling and filtering water. The bartender herself is on of the more olive/metallic skinned dwarves, and she has a few gnome workers helping her serve the other customers.

2020-05-31, 02:43 PM
"Swift and brutal in a tavern just outside the heavily-guarded entrance to the city?" Krova asks. "What would happen if I decided to spend all of my time sharing stories and handshakes with the guards?"

2020-05-31, 08:19 PM

Nickels responds, "Ah, right, you probably did not recognize it. Do you remember how Ferron's form flicker out. He is skilled at Illusion and Remote Viewing, he was projecting his image and using it to scry. While you saw a heated argument and the one Goliath's effort to push you away may have been seen, but when he flickered out, he did so in order to focus on a different spell; he cast a glamer that masked any further violence. He's a weasel, but he knows how to make it seem his hands are clean. Also, keep in mind that Mzarik is but only one city down here, he is centered at a nearby Fire Giant City, it is where the fights he manages are held. While he sends his Mook's, he does not deign to come in person."

2020-06-01, 02:19 AM
Volistad's eyes held on the singer for a moment. "Seems like my kind of place. Maybe this is where the more amenable types hang out, which makes it exactly where we want to be."

He walked up to to the bar to order drinks for himself and his companions. "First round's on me."

2020-06-01, 10:46 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

Calben drinks in the sights and smells with a smile on his face. He saunters up to the bar. "Madam! A mug of your house ale, if you please!". He leans in. "And if the lovely lady up there needs a break, I can tell the tale of Victor the Paladin and his struggle against the goblins of thistletorp". Above Calben's head, an animated, slightly translucent tapestry shows an armored knight setting out on a fine warhorse.

2020-06-01, 09:24 PM
"And then I could tell you a true tale of the warrior who held the Hallstadt gate against a mob of orcish reavers," Volistad added with a scoff.

2020-06-02, 12:45 PM
Mzarik Group

The Dwarven bartender slides both Calben and Volistad a mug of ale. What sets it apart is an usual color, mostly a reddish tint and a bubbling, frothy head. It smells of rich volcanic soil augmented by a light, bitter taste finishing with a light sweet after-taste, which neither of you can quite place. The active bubbling of the drink suggests an active chemical reaction, as the ingredients form a solution yet retain their individual flavors.

The bartender addresses them, "At the moment we are booked, but later you may audition for the owner. Unfortunately, he is not here right now, as he went topside to buy and bring back more supplies."

2020-06-02, 08:18 PM

Nickels (the gnome) looks at Krova, analyzing her build. "You know, you have a great build and seem to know how to fight rather well. You ever think of competing? There's a lot of money to be made there. Besides, it could be lucrative for both of us. At the very least, it could help me square my debt with Ferron."

2020-06-03, 12:55 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 54/68

Ale in hand, Calben starts working the room.

"Gentlemen, m'lady, you would not believe what it takes to get to Mzarik these days. So, after I helped these lumbering longshanks escape the war camp, we were trekking through the mountains..."

He freely shares the story of his capture and escape, setting himself up at the start to be the hero but letting slip that he did very little himself, and exaggerating the prowess of his allies rather than his own. He is fishing for word of others willing to stand up.

Diplomacy: 24

2020-06-03, 07:10 AM
"That is a terrible idea," Krova replies, glancing at the gnome. "You have just told me that Ferris holds a grudge. I will have to fight tough opponents in an arena, or whatever, and will then be weak for if he decides to send a murderous mercenary at me."

2020-06-03, 07:21 PM

The crowd finds themselves enraptured by Calben's tale. Several leave him some tips

Calben earns [roll0] silver, and many are much more amenable to him.


Nickels considers Krova for a moment, "Indeed, he does hold a grudge. How do you think he will react to your previous display. Humiliating his muscle will most likely result in future attacks. However, you could nip it in the bud by facing his goons in the arena. Earning a title affords renown, sufficient renown to afford you some political protection against his reprisal."

2020-06-03, 08:04 PM
Krova pauses. "You also said that the fights he manages are in a fire giant city. Is the arena also there? Because that would be a problem for me. As you can see, I am not a fire giant."

2020-06-03, 09:51 PM

"Aye, the arena is in fire giant territory. However, they like entertainment just like anybody else. No matter your race, if you make the matches enjoyable enough, they may be more impartial with regards to your race. Downside is, well, if you are not, you may have a short career. The other thing is that they love to gamble. If you are skilled enough, being an indirect source of revenue for a few may abate their prejudices.

"You would not travel the normal route to reach them. As I mentioned, Ferron uses a hidden, although not secrer tunnel. There are more like it, and they are standard for arena participants. It keeps you out of the fire giants' hair and out of their city proper, leading directly to the competitors' stables. They'd only see you in the ring, which is blocked off from their city aside from stadium seats and walls of force providing a strong, but transparent barrier at its edges."

In the event you may be somewhat offput by the term "stables" to describe the holding area for competitors, it is actually a fairly standard term IRL. I know it is used in Sumo and possibly Muay Thai as well.

2020-06-04, 03:00 AM
Volistad was also chatting up anyone he could, trying to get a feel for the disposition of the city and its people—beyond their clear disdain for his kind. At this point, he felt any information might help.

Diplomacy via Perform (Oratory): [roll0]

2020-06-04, 10:27 PM

Volistad's efforts seem to at least soften the patrons in the bar, though not to the point of showing any personal preference for him. Still, it does aid him a bit in gathering information.

Among the rumors, he hears about a few good smiths having traveled deeper underground in search of ore and other supplies. They are long overdue for their return. Beyond that, he also discovers that several of the forges have started to dwindle as they are running low on fuel due the self-imposed trade restrictions that have cut off their suppliers.

2020-06-05, 09:53 PM

Despite Nickels' persistence, he senses that Krova won't bite no matter how hard he tries.

At a nearby table, one of the exotic looking dwarves with olive skin approaches her, flanked by two grey skinned dwarves she suspects are duergar. She speaks to Krova, "Well, you can certainly handle yourself, and not just in a fight, but you also have enough sense to turn down such an idiotic proposition as the one presented by this gnome."

She motions to her coterie, "My crew here has stumbled upon some maps supposedly leading to a stash of great wealth. Unfortunately, we do not know what or how much that wealth may be, nor do we know what we may face along the way. However, if you are up for the adventure, you would be entitled to a cut. The tunnels do not pass through Mzarik, so you would not need to deal with the mythal. What say you? Interested?"

2020-06-07, 07:41 PM
"Seems we'll have to go down and find those smiths then. Might be able to get a smith on side, find the materials we all need while we're down there, and win the gratitude of the community at large. What do you all think?"

2020-06-07, 08:40 PM
"Hello," Krova says to the Dwarf. "It was a bad idea, yes, though he is also desperate for money and things, I think. Why are you coming to me instead of proper mercenaries?" she asks, then pauses. "And I should tell you that I have a group in the city who will be quite upset if I am gone when they get back. I assume - I do not know them well, I admit."

2020-06-08, 12:44 AM

The Dwarven woman replies, "Due to the current situation, most mercenary are already fighting for one side or the other, or their cost for recruitment has sky rockets and it does not make much business sense to acquire one. As for Mzarik, they don't really have the manpower to assist me, even in their neutrality. Also, they don't house mercenaries, at best they may have a wandering soldier with some sad-sack take of how they were wronged and forced to flee. Most tend to be all flash and no substance, whereas within my first few seconds of seeing you, you took out two thugs without a scratch and yet maintained control so as to not cause permanent injury. Something tells me you are perfect for the job."

She then uses her hand to indicate the two gray dwarves behind her, "This is all I could find in my currently limited budget. As for yourself, you would be entitled to your own share, which may be negotiable further down the line. No use in hashing out the details, as it is a mostly unknown region that even those who normally dwell more deeply, such as my Duergar hirelings here, tend to avoid. However, the potential value of such riches seemed too great an opportunity to pass up."

2020-06-08, 01:04 AM
"Yes, obviously" the gnome replies.

2020-06-10, 01:28 AM

Talking to the various patrons reveals the location of the tunnel they entered, but not much beyond that. It sits on the outskirts of the main city, which also has the benefit of leaving the range of the Mythal. A few of the Dwarven patrons also indicate that there are pockets of natural gas along that path. Additionally, the tunnel gets close to some of the geothermal activity as well as having surfaces covered in obsidian, a form of volcanic glass. Such patches risk exploding due to variations in temperature and air pressure. Finally, the heat itself is present at certain points, and it is potentially lethal due to the effects of convection.

In case you are unfamiliar with Natural Gas, it does not have an odor or appearance. Any odor you may have sensed in RL is a result of adding a substance to make it smell for the sake of safety. Typically, this is why miners carried birdcages with canaries inside (the song Canary in a Coal Mine references this). If in a dangerous area, the Canary may die, in which case you should probably get out of the area.

As for obsidian, it forms the sharpest edge known to man when it breaks. It is so fine an edge that doctors used to use it for scalpels while performing eye surgery.

2020-06-10, 09:34 AM
The sensibly sized sorcerer suggests: "We should get a good night's rest and an early start tomorrow. *I* will perform such healing as I can. I don't know what else we will need" . He waves his hands dismissively, to suggest that the others handle that, and goes off to haggle for lodgings.

2020-06-14, 01:19 PM

The group is able to secure two rooms above the tavern for the night's lodging. Designed for dwarves and such, the beds are lower to the ground and the mattresses are mostly stone padded by a few blankets. On the plus side, the rooms cancel out the sounds of the bar, so they are not kept awake by that.

2020-06-20, 01:02 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 61/68

At breakfast, something is hovering near Calben. It is a ball of leafy vines, somewhat reminiscent in size and shape of a gnome curled up in a foetal position. But hovering above Calben.

"Gooood morning, my heroic companions. I have secured healing for our brave quest. Have any of you secured a small bird and everything else we will need?"

2020-06-21, 02:45 AM
"I can get a small bird, I suppose, if anyone has one for sale down here. Aside from that, what do we need? Food. Clean water to last us between sources. Climbing gear. What else?"

2020-06-21, 11:26 PM

The bartender mentions that there are trading post near each tunnel, which tend to sell anything and everything the that is needed for travel further into the mountain, which includes caged canaries. Additionally, she describes how to locate the area the missing group traveled through.

2020-06-22, 01:40 AM
"Perfect. I suppose we can ask those vendors what we'll need. Or maybe one of you should, so that they don't 'accidentally' overlook something important and get the big dumb Muspelblut killed."

2020-06-22, 06:50 AM
"Eh... Sorry, but there is too much to keep me from going. Perhaps if my companions were here, I would, but they are not, and so I can't. I do not think it would be wise for you, either, but I am not your mother." Krova shrugs. "Thank you for the offer."

2020-06-22, 10:56 PM

The dwarves leave the tavern, with the leader shrugging her shoulders in concession to Krova's response.

Looking around the room, the tavern seems oddly empty. The Halfling bartender suddenly appears next to Krova, tugging at her pant leg. "If you are so hell-bent on staying here and waiting for your friends, I have something that you could do for me, and I will pay you for it."

The halfling motions to a door at the back of the tavern. "In order to help earn enough to maintain the bar, I have had to set up certain events. The current one is a sort of speed dating competition. I could use your assistance setting it up. Supplies are in the back there, much of it for setting a theme. I could certainly use assistance, since this is new for me."

2020-06-23, 08:00 AM
Krova glances at the bartender as she's addressed and shrugs. "I suppose that is a thing I can do, yes. Do you just want me to carry things?"

2020-06-23, 09:04 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 61/68

Calben strides confidently over to the vendors by the relevant tunnel.

"Greetings. We are off to look for the missing miners. We need a canary, a guide if anyone is brave enough, fresh water, and what else you have for air supply in case of gas?"

"Also, is there a path from the main gate here without getting marked for the Mythal?"

2020-06-24, 04:14 PM

The bartender hands Krova a clipboard with a checklist. "Setting up is the first part, tables need to be moved, place cards set, and some banners hung for decoration. After that, on the next page is a list of applicants. They need to be confirmed and checked off and directed towards their initial tables. Let's see . . . my servers went home for the day, so you may be asked to serve drinks. Also, if things get out of hand, you are a big girl and seem to know how to non-lethally neutralize assailants, that would be appreciated too. Given that several different races are scheduled, intervention may be needed if things get too heated. If you wish, you may participate as well, as the set up has the applicants work in rounds, not all are active at the same time. Up to you. Unfortunately, not sure how much I can pay, as while their entry fee is paid, a lot of the income would potentially come from drinks sold."


The proprietor of the trading post points to several of the shelves, indicating the various items Calben requests. He then calls over one of his employees, a grizzled old Duergar, who steps forward and introduces himself, "Name's Salty, so you need a guide eh? I've been working these tunnels for over a century, know 'em like that back of my hand.

My charge is normally 100 gp, but I take 10 gp up front, and make the rest contingent."

2020-06-24, 05:21 PM
"Oh, it is a good thing I know how to read," Krova says as she accepts the clipboard and starts to look over it. "We can talk about pay after it is all done if you would like; that way we both know how much has been made, yes? And I can handle all of these things. Easy."

2020-06-24, 09:37 PM
Krova started to do her job.

[roll0] I think I have a +1? Not sure.

2020-06-27, 10:59 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 61/68

"You are hired!. Now, we left a companion in the tavern outside, who didn't want to submit to the Mark. If there is a way for her to get here, that would be useful. If not, we will press on without her. Let's go!"

Calben picks up the caged canaray, and distributes the other items to the rest of the party.

2020-06-28, 01:47 AM
"Hmm. Gonna have to ditch some of this kit to make room for the tank," Volistad noted as he began pulling items out of his pack. "Don't suppose we're gonna need torches any time soon. Or the old camp stew pot."

At some point, Volistad will leave behind the 10 torches and iron pot from his Fighter's Kit, which should free up enough weight to carry a 30 lb tank within his unbuffed Light Load.

2020-06-28, 11:00 PM
Xerxes snaps out of his reverie. He had been lost in thought for far too long. We can help share the burden, if you would like. The Beast is mighty, and I'm no weakling myself. We may want a smaller stewpot though.

The Beast's light load is 519 pounds, it can carry a lot.

2020-06-30, 07:48 PM
Mzarik Tunnels

The group readies itself by the southern wall, where a wide mouthed tunnel stretches before them. "Y'all ready? 'Cuz here we go!" Salty exclaims.

As they travel down the tunnel, it feels like days have passed rather than hours. Mostly nondescript, the most memorable parts were where patches of luminescent fungus grows. After a few miles, Salty raises his hand to halt the group, placing one finger in front of his mouth to indicate they need to be quiet. He then points out some strange substance on the cave wall, which seems a bit thicker and certainly far more pungent than the normal fungi that they had passed. He motions to the group to tread carefully as he scouts ahead.


"Well that'll do for now. You might as well get ready at the door to sign in the applicants," the barkeep instructs.

She hands Krova a list of names, along with their seating numbers. The barkeeps says, "Being the first time I've done this sort of thing, I did not have any sort of screening process to work with. I won't have ruffians or predatory individuals sully this bar or harm the other applicants. If you notice anything untoward or nasty from anybody, check them off and let me know. At first, I will simply observe them, and if they are unable to cease any poor behavior, I'll have you 'politely ask them to leave,' if you get my meaning." The halfling gives a smirk and winks at Krova.

The list has 20 names, 10 male and 10 female. You should make 20 Sense Motive rolls and I 'll give you the skinny based on how well you roll.

2020-07-01, 01:04 AM
Volistad knew just how loud he was, and stayed well back from their scout. He squinted suspiciously at the cave fungus but didn't ask.

2020-07-01, 01:26 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 61/68
A few minutes into the tunnel, long before the mold, Calben calls out. "Lads and gentlebeings, huddle up for a moment, please, to get your vitality boost. Daelthyr, if you please!" . The plant-like orb following him floats down. Calben puts a hand on it, and gestures for the others to do so as well. It glows briefly for a moment.

Five targets max. I'm assuming Calben, Volistad, Xerxes and the Beast. If Salty doesn't want to be #5, or the beast doesn't want any, my companion will affect itself as #5.Those affected gain Fast Healing 1 for 8 hours, to a maximum of 80 hp healed.

Afterwards, Calben takes a ring from the vine orb and puts it on his own finger, before continuing down the tunnel.

At the mold, Calben steps carefully forward, taking his time to get through.

2020-07-01, 08:08 AM
"As you wish." Krova gets ready to study the guests.

Hope this works 'cause I don't wanna roll 20 individual ones. Oh, and add 13 to these.


2020-07-04, 11:18 AM
The Tunnels

Heeding Salty's warning, the group slows. Volistad, keeping his wits about him notices something strange about the webbing. It is starting to dissolve, meaning it was not made recently, nor has it been maintained for a while.

Despite his vision lacking color, Volistad does notice some fungal growth along the walls further down, getting thicker in that direction.

2020-07-05, 10:34 PM
This fungus is odd. I do not believe I have seen it before. Are any of you familiar with it?

2020-07-06, 11:44 PM
"No, but it's getting thicker as we go on. And the webbing here is old—giant spiders forced were out by the mold maybe?" Volistad ventured.

2020-07-07, 07:52 PM
Dark Tunnels

Just as Salty raises his hand to slow the group, he pulls out a large and very powerful looking Crossbow. As he pulls it back to knock the bolt, he steps forward and seems to vanish from view. Faint outlines of his movement remain, similar to the heat shimmers faced earlier.

2020-07-07, 08:39 PM
Krova's Speed Dating Extravaganza

As the applicants filter in, Krova ensures that their names are on the list. It is a new concept for the area, so at the very least, it seems there are no crashers to the event.

The bunch is an ecletic group, though the dwarves have the largest representation.

This list includes some minor notes with respect to Krova's quick readings of each.

1. Finnik Glimmermist, Male Gnome - Stereotypical for his ilk, he is adorned in bright, eye-catching clothing. He seems rather sanguine for the occasion. He tips his vibrantly purple wide-brimmed hat and with a glimmer in his eye he says, "Hi there mam, I hope you might be joining us."

2. Retta Faun, Female Human - You do not get a very good read on her. At best you can tell by her clothing and scent that she spends a lot of time outdoors. From the little you can see, she is rather stoic and says nothing outside of her name when she signs in.

3. Karin Stonesinger, Female Dwarf - She comes across ass oddly passive, which is rare for dwarves of either gender. She is a bit startled by you, seeing as there is an innate fear of your kind, though she stumbles through her speech enough to give her name and then tipping her head down to conceal her blushing.

4. Jade Gild, Female Gold Dwarf - Bedazzled in gaudy jewelry, Jade comes across as a quintessential material girl. She dresses . . . promiscuously, and has a hunger in her eyes. While somewhat predatory, you do not sense anything dangerous from it, though such an outlook might put Jade herself into precarious situations if her voraciousness exceeds her better judgment, which seems like it readily does.

5. Briiga Coldhammer and Faron Greystone, Female Mountain Orc & her Male Mountain Orc translator - Briiga is clad an eye-catching outfit, a dress which upon closer inspection is lined with intricate mithral, causing her form to have an almost luminous gleam around the edges. Her jewelry is made of simple wrought iron, but is exquisite nonetheless. Briiga is mute, bearing an X shaped scar on her neck, though mostly hidden by her collar. She speaks through sign language, which Faron translates. She is a powerfully built woman and, despite being a head shorter than Krova, she seems equally imposing. Her face is slightly lined with soot, forming something akin to eyeshadow and her dark hair is short, buzzed on one side and the other forming bangs across her forehead. Faron is smaller and a bit more lithe, but muscled nonetheless. He is servile to Briiga, possibly some sort of cultural rank.

6. Braum Sturges, Male Human - You get a strong vibe of potential violence from him, as he gives a look of disgust, not just at you, but at applicants as well. He mutters something under his breath, but you don't catch all of it, something about filthy giant-kin and cowardly dwarves. You have no idea why somebody with that sort of outlook would have signed up in the first place unless he plans to do some form of harm to the others. You also do not know how he managed to get past the guards when he is exuding such strong malice.

7. Doogan Blackstone, Male Duergar - an endearing man, from his appearance, you can tell he earnestly and honestly worked with what little he has to clean up his appearance. Like most Duergar, he is bald and . . . significantly asymmetric, almost crooked in appearance. He has taken some serious time to work on his whispy beard, brading it and adding a few beads for decoration. His clothing is simply and somewhat poor quality, but it seems he had a seamstress work on it to clean up any tatters or holes.

8. Gib Rockhand, Male Dwarf - he presents as a hardened, serious man, clear signs of minor burns and soot, associated with smithing. However, laugh lines on his face and wrinkles at the corners of his eyes suggests he has a soft side. You get the sense that he was married and had children, but that said marriage ended.

9. Rosey, Female Gnome - her hair is vibrant pink, but you can tell she is not childish, with her wearing it in a conservative length, long enough to reach her shoulders, nicely braded. You can tell she gets a lot of flak and unwanted attention from it, but she is determined to not let that slow her down in search of a partner.

10. Erana, Winter's Dream, Female Snow Elf - an unusual sight to say the least, her presence is ephemeral and she seems to glide with her movements. Unfortunately, this eerie countenance makes her opaque to your scrutiny. She is very, very thulin, her skin soft and platinum white, with white hair that seems as thick as packed snow. If she would present a threat, it would not be physical.

11. Marsha, Female ??? - this being is rather unusual. She looks human at first, but is far more primal. Her hair is varying colors of green and you can see her normal looking skin lined with small traces of similar green at the joints. She also seems to have wring tattoos on her wrists as well as her neck. She is pretty enough when she is still, but her teeth are sharp, like a shark's and her fingernails are rather sharp. When she speaks, there is a sound, like two people speaking slightly out of sink with one another. She insists she is fine and continues forward with her application. Beyond that, she seems somewhat feral and uncouth, like she is unused to company.

12. Tindertwig, Male Forgeheart Dwarf - very rare to see one them this close to the surface. The one thing that is glaringly obvious is his excitement. It's more akin to a child entering an amusement park, everything new to him. As he enters, his hands are absentmindedly playing with bits of metal and scrap, forming exquisite shapes, like a dove with moving wings, and a loping gazelle, changing it to something different each time he completes a new shape. His red skin is covered in soot, and he kind of smells of sulfur, but he is noseblind to it.

13. Thera Blackthorn, Female Human - a woman of definite means, she comes across as haughty and condescending, referring to most of the applicants in a pejorative fashion. Yet . . . she is here looking for a partner, but she seems too thickheaded to appreciate the irony.

14. Fourleaf, Male Halfling - sort of a stereotypical scoundrel, you can not his experience in scuffles by the scars on his face and arms. He presents himself happily, but you are not sure you are seeing everything. He definitely seems talented in deception. Beyond that, you cannot tell anything more.

15. Red Jenny, Female Halfling - judging by her attire, she looks like she works in a casino and went straight from work to this tavern. She is cheery and uplifting but, well, ditzy. You don't sense much more than that off of her.

16. Grin Greenstone, Male Half-Orc - a bard by trade, he definitely seems to avoid the stereotypes of his kin. He speaks with a melodic voice, with his lyre across his back. He is charming, but you have difficulty determining if he is genuine.

17. Endais Bloodleaf, Male Half-Elf - A strapping man, but something seems off about him, as if his entire personality is but a projected image. You cannot tell what is beneath his veneer, but it spooks you. He smiles and interacts with some of the other applicants, but it seems like he is biding his time for some reason.

18. Krend Gesh, Male Cragtopper Goliath - You can't get a good read on him, as his demeanor is rather blank. Due to lack of experience with his kind, you cannot tell if this is normal or if something is off. While built like most Goliaths, it is his hands that stand out, more massive and toned than others, a result of barehanded climbing his whole life. His skin seems mottled like differently layers of stone sandwiched together. He is bald and his eyes look like pale quartz.

19. Eris Firemane, Female Muspelblut Goliath - Hard to tell if she is some form of threat or not. She comes across as very extroverted. She takes one look at you and says, "Hey there, snowflake, aren't you the cutest little thing," as she looks you up and down with a hunger in her eyes. Hard to tell if she is threatening you or flirting with you, as it seems like she is sizing you up for a fight just as much as it seems like she is drinking you in by checking you out. She has a far more lithe build than most of her kind, but is still very well toned and has a snaking tattoo of an imperial dragon reaching from one arm to the other. It is a line drawing, so no color outside of the orange-red ink, and it matches her hair.

20. Alaris Ebonwood, Male Treestrider Goliath - A very attractive male, but stoic and soft spoken. Less the type to command a room, and more capable of listening and observing. He is powerfully built, but lean. He has some ornate tattoos, all black ink, along his pale green skin. He smells of freshly cut grass and berries. His clothing is well crafted leather, remodeled for aesthetic purposes. His quietness is intriguing, but distant.

2020-07-11, 01:17 AM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 61/68

Calben keeps his eyes peeled for.... whatever it was that made salty **** his crossbow.

2020-07-14, 03:14 PM
Dark Tunnels

As the group remains stationary, accepting Salty's advice, suddenly a giant spider, roughly the size of a horse, quickly scuttles towards the group. As it does, however, it halts just before it would reach Volistad, as the tip of a crossbow bolt protrudes through one of its eyes. It shakes uncontrollably and drops.

However, something seems off about it. It looks like it is covered in some form of fungus, as several white tubes begin to pierce its skin and spread rapidly. Salty briefly shimmers into view to say, "Keep alert, the fungus is the real danger." As he says this, he flickers out of view again as Volistad can see several shapes in the distance approaching in an odd, shambling gate.

The figures themselves seem to be Humanoid but, like the spider, are heavily coated in the fungal matter.

Block Initiative is in effect

Volistad [roll0]
Xerxes [roll1]
Calben [roll2]
Salty [roll3]

Enemies [roll4]

2020-07-14, 05:45 PM
"Best take 'em out from a distance then." Volistad growled as a familiar fiery aura surrounded him and he expanded once again to a true giant's size. "I'll cover you from any who get close."

Free Action: Activate Glory --> Encompassing Light for the effective size and reach increase.
Standard Action: Cast Shapeshift --> Size Change (seems to have been nerfed since the start of the game such that he can only do Large rather than Huge - your ruling?)
Move Action: Move to K23

2020-07-14, 08:02 PM
"Okay, you, and you, wait here," Krova says to Braum Sturges and Endais at the door. "I need to go and check the boss' policy on people who may or may not be murderers. Do not murder anyone while I am gone or I will have to crush you," she warns them, then goes to seek out her momentary boss

Krova adds Jade Gild, Marsha, Thera, and Alaris to the list of people to keep an eye on as she goes to seek her boss.

"Yes, hello, I think we should refund these men." Krova points at them from across the staging area. "I have a very strong suspicion that they like to stab people and pull out their entrails. I have a good sense for these things; I knew that dwarf from before was a total ****, for example."

2020-07-18, 01:34 AM

The Halfling barkeep listens to Krova's concerns, and replies, "These guests paid for entry, and the bar needs that money. However, I am not against "random" security checks to ensure they are not armed. One of the stipulations was that they would enter without any weapons. Should you locate any, and they refuse to part with them, then I will leave you to your discretion. Arriving armed, according to the contract, results in immediate removal and no refund."

2020-07-18, 01:00 PM
We should prepare ourselves for battle. Form up, stay close to your allies, and watch for openings. Wait until the get closer. Xexes raises his sword. Powers of time, attend me! Grant me speed to strike down my foes! His blade glows with golden light, and a chorus of voices whispers speed... speed... haste... victory... The golden glow settles around him and the Beast. As he weaves the spell, his mount prowls forward, taking them beside Volistad, its movements now unnaturally quick. It shimmers and distorts as it moves.

Xerxes- Standard Action to cast Haste, spending a spell point to share with his mount. Move action to activate Aggressive Flanking tactic.

Beast- Move Action to move them up next to Volistad (speed is 50ft with Haste). I assume the ceiling is too low to fly, so no Afterimage. Standard Action is readying a bite attack against the first enemy to get within reach.

2020-07-19, 10:46 PM
Dark Tunnels

As the party groups together, the humanoid shapes come further into view. They look like corpses, some seeming human, while others have a stouter stature, most likely dwarves. As the initial 3 advance, Volistad notices a new group of three step into view. Additionally, the giant spider's body breaks down rapidly, as the sprouting fungal tubes splay outward and grow a thin sheathe of mold.

2020-07-19, 11:22 PM
Calben Traser (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2138811)
Perception +4|AC 23 (+4 vs giants), Touch 12, FF 22, CMD 15|Fort +6 Ref +4|HP: 68/68

Calben raises his hand, and shoots out a ray at each of the shambling enemies. They fall short of the ones in the rear, but strike the closer ones.

Free action invocation for +3 to attack rolls. Daelthyr's move action for [roll0] Con damage to boost my CL enough to actually reach the enemies. Trigger wild magic to use Inspired Surge (rolled on Discord). Move closer, cast Mass Affliction. Ranged Touch Attacks: [roll1], [roll2] (This one has cover and is in melee), [roll3]. Each target hit must make a fort save DC 22 or be nauseated for 1d6 rounds. On a succesful save, they are sickened 1d6 rounds. They must also make another fort save or be sickened 1d6 rounds (overlapping) as a [pain] effect.

2020-07-21, 05:50 AM
As Calben fires his rays, he manages to hit two of of the creatures, but it seems to have no effect at all.