View Full Version : The Pokémon Trainer Challenge

2020-03-13, 12:04 PM
After arriving on Domus Isle, Tana makes her way through the diverse and bustling crowd to a queue into the Challenge HQ, her Poochyena, Pepper, trotting alongside her. She sees some staff dressed in suits with turquoise armbands walking down the queue, talking clamly to impatient trainers. She glances up at the bright-blue sky and spots a middle-aged man with swept-over blue hair and a smart red jacket looking out over the crowd from a balcony above; Green Bay's Pokémon expert, Professor Sap. After an hour or so of waiting, she makes it to the front desk, where a friendly-looking woman smiles up at her.

"Hello, in order for you to join this year's Pokémon Trainer Challenge, I must request that you give me your Pokédex to be adapted to this region. Also, due to the large number of trainers applying today, you will have to undergo each of the Challenges in teams of three. Are those your teammates with you?"

Having come alone and unsure what to do, Tana turns around to see Ema and Loft, both equally alone and having overheard the woman, in the queue behind her.

2020-03-13, 12:26 PM
Waiting in lines is boring and takes forever, but Tana has learned by now that, sometimes, it is necessary. Still, it takes ages to get to the front of the line... and then, once she's finally there, there's another problem. A team? She had come by herself to the islands, though that was hardly by choice. If Tana had it her way, she'd be surrounded by Pokemon all the time, but for now, she only has Pepper with her... and now, the woman is saying she needs people to compete?
Turning to look at the two in line behind her, she grunts softly, quirking her brow at the other two trainers. At her side, Pepper steps forward and sniffs at Ema's feet, then Loft's leg, before looking back to Tana.
Smell friends? the girl silently questions her Pokemon with a quirked brow. When Pepper wags her tail once, Tana grunts and nods once again, looking back to the woman.
"Yeah," she answers simply, without waiting for the input of the other two trainers. She just... decides.

2020-03-13, 12:57 PM
Ema is dressed prim and properly for the trials to come; her uniform freshly ironed with the facilities on the boat, her hair straight, and she even took the time to shine Mochiyari's shell so she looks presentable for the officials. The Venipede stands by her feet as she shuffles through the line, just as well behaved as she is.

She overhears the woman's words and concern is about to set in - she wasn't informed of teammates, and she was sure she'd read the pamphlets the school gave her. But just as quickly as it becomes a problem, it's resolved by the younger girl in front of her. It's presumptuous to assume she'd agree...but it does solve the problem, so she doesn't raise any objection.

"Hello," Ema says softly as she steps up to the desk beside Tana and presents her Pokedex to the woman. "My name is Ema Miney. It's an honor to be here," she tells the woman, also serving the purpose of introducing her to the people who are, apparently, her teammates.

2020-03-13, 01:46 PM
This was supposed to be his sister's journey.

She had saved up for it, planned to roll in with her trio of pokemon she'd already trained and... here he was, all because he had to power up and lay his brothers down flat. She'd stuffed him on the bus with her money, pokedex, her favorite pokemon and told him to write without a second thought. Poor Loft was already confused about this turn of fortunes as he walked up behind the other two girls, only for Tana to claim him and Ema as her teammates.

Needless to say, this doesn't help him getting a handle on anything...

"...Wait, wha?" Loft eloquently proclaims, blinking his baggy eyes and glancing down at the Machop following him. Did Deidre plan on meeting some of her friends for this? No, Diamond shakes her head; she doesn't know who they are, either, but with no further thought she playfully shoves her trainer up closer to the ladies.

"You... we... y'need to be part of a team? Um... Sure! Sure, I'm the third for this group! Who are y'all again?"

2020-03-13, 02:22 PM
"Very good!"

She snaps up your Pokédexes and plugs them into a console on the desk until they give off a beep. She then quickly hands them back to each of you.

"The first task is to defeat the gym leader at the peak of Infant Isle, good luck! Next!

She brushes you off to one side and begins speaking to the next applicant. The lobby of the building is of sparkling white tiles with beautiful plants and water features overlooking a neat red carpeting. It's very busy, with dozens of people and Pokémon wandering around and chattering to each other and staff.

2020-03-13, 02:37 PM
Loft tries to ask another question, only to be nudge out of the way by the subsequent trio, and his Machop fretfully pulling him out of the way of the other kids. After a moment of awkward silence, he looks at the girls.

"Um, thanks Diamond... But, uh, M'name's Loft; can either of you ladies tell me what's going on?"

2020-03-13, 03:55 PM
"The League in Green Bay requires teams of three. Me and you were recruited into this girl's team," Ema explains to Loft. "Now we need to go to the peak of Infant Isle to defeat the Gym Leader and advance in the League." With that established, she looks around the lobby for a map of the local area.

2020-03-13, 04:36 PM
"M'name's Tana," the girl grunts when Ema simply refers to her as 'this girl'. Really, she can't be mad, she didn't introduce herself, but it still makes her frown. "This is Pepper," she adds, nodding to the Poochyena at her side. She looks down at the Machop, focusing on it for a moment.
Hello there, she thinks in its direction.

2020-03-13, 09:29 PM
Diamond the Machop stares at Tana for a moment abruptly caught in a mid wave, her eyes a widening. She starts tugging at Loft's vest, pointing at her head and then at Loft himself before motioning to Tana in pantomime. Loft seems to read the gesture with wide eyes.

"...Didja just talk to my pokemon, all, mystic like?" he bluntly asks of the younger child, rubbing the back of his hair, "Cause maybe this means our team up mighta been a good idea after all, um.. y'see I can kinda do stuff like that too. We should talk shop, I think as we head to the first island." he watches Ema head off, and likewise tries to get some information, looking around for the first trainer that seems unoccupied, not in line.

"Hey buddy, what's Infant Island like? You know anything about it?"

Um... charm I guess to get a good response from the passerby?


2020-03-14, 05:18 AM
The man Loft hailed turns to him, surprised.

"Oh, hey. Infant? Yeah, it's mostly grassy with a mountain. There are a couple of BIG Pokémon living out there, try and stay out of their way if you can. Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush, good luck!"

He jogs off in the way he was going, a Starly following behind him.

Ema finds a tablet stand with a digital map, showing the location of the docks that lead to Infant Isle.

2020-03-14, 02:47 PM
"I found a map to the docks," Ema informs her teammates as she returns. "Shall we go now?" she asks, then heads to the docks if they agree.

2020-03-15, 09:28 AM
Tana looks up at Loft when he speaks, her red eyes narrowing a bit. "Yeah," she grunts once again, reaching down to pick up Pepper and carry her so the small Poochyena doesn't get lost in the crowd. Speaking of lost... she glances around until she sees Ema returning, and sighs to herself. These two have a lot to learn about staying with the pack. But at least the other girl has found something useful.
"The docks," she agrees, letting Ema take the lead since she knows the way.

2020-03-15, 09:55 AM
Ema leads the way across the courtyard and down some stairs to the docks. She shields her eyes for a moment from the sunlight reflecting off of the clear ocean. Looking around, the group sees a number of small groups of trainers and Pokémon, a large wooden building labelled 'The Grub Hut', and two ports, one closed off. The left port has a sign that reads 'Infant Isle'. A couple of Lapras wearing turquoise scarves float in the water at the end of the port. The right port is taped off. Tana hears some noises coming from what appears to be a large tunnel open to the sea, leading underneath the rest of the island's complex. There is a thin wooden plank connecting the main dock to a walkway on the inside of the tunnel.

2020-03-15, 12:30 PM
Hearing the odd noises, Tana moves over in the direction of the tunnel, glancing inside. She slips her Darkvision Goggles out of her bag to help her see a little bit better.


2020-03-15, 03:02 PM
Ema watches Tana slink in the direction of the tunnel and shares a look with Machi. "What are you doing?" she asks, following and watching the other girl put on a pair of odd goggles.

2020-03-15, 04:37 PM
Tana stops at the plank and peers into the tunnel with her goggles on. She squints and spots what appears to be a moving blob. After a few moments its face comes into view; a Grimer!

2020-03-15, 05:34 PM
"Gross!" Tana says, making a face and hurrying away from the tunnel entrance, bringing Pepper with her. She points back to the tunnel when the others ask what she is doing. "Grimer!" she informs them.

2020-03-16, 06:10 AM
Loft, once again confused starts walking towards the docks until Diamond tugs at his shirt hem and shepherds him towards the girls. Just in time to hear of Tana's discovery.

"A what's down there?" he bluntly asks, scratching his chin, 'Maybe we should just leave it alone?"

2020-03-16, 08:17 AM
"Perhaps we should report it to the League," Ema suggests. She's familiar with Grimer; there were more than a few of them back in Kanto, though they were well-segregated from general activity. "There are children here."

2020-03-16, 10:10 AM
Reporting it to the League seems like a good idea. Tana gives a nod in agreement with Ema's words, hoping that by doing this they aren't consigning themselves to waiting forever in another line.

2020-03-16, 10:16 AM
Ema looks for some way to let the league know - a suggestion box, perhaps a telephone or a staff member.

2020-03-16, 05:30 PM
Ema sees an unoccupied staff member and informs her of the Grimer's presence.

"In the sewers? No, no that's fine. They're mostly harmless, and the locals will sort it out anyway. No need to worry!"

2020-03-16, 05:47 PM
"Oh. Thank you for your time." Ema bows her head. "While we are here, may I ask what those Lapras are for?"

2020-03-16, 05:59 PM
"To take trainers between islands. Just go climb on one of those and they'll take you to Infant Isle."

2020-03-16, 06:48 PM
"Thank you. Have a nice day." Ema heads towards the Lapras, making note to leave a good review for the staff member's helpfulness when she has the time. But first, the Lapras. She gazes between her two companions, the water, and the Lapras. "May I take the neck?"

2020-03-18, 11:59 AM
"I will ride on the shell," Tana says, seeing no problem with that. She looks over a couple of the Lapras, gravitating towards one that seems calmer than the others. Hello, she greets it mentally. I ride?

2020-03-18, 12:25 PM
"I'll sit wherevers... I can swim pretty good if I fall off..."

Being the doormat that he is, Loft follows after Tana, perfectly content to allow her to choose which ride they take to the island, his spirits finally starting to lift.

2020-03-18, 01:19 PM
The group climb onto the Lapras and it waits until they're settled before swimming off at a gentle pace. It speeds up after a while, soaring across the ocean. After what seems like at least an hour, Infant Isle comes into view. A gorgeous beach is overlooked by a grassy cliff, with plains and woodland leading up to the base of a huge mountain, a building visible at the peak. The Lapras comes to shore and the sun shines from behind the mountain. From here, both a Pokémon Center built into the cliff face and a small group of Pokémon further down the beach are visible.

2020-03-18, 01:30 PM
Ema swallows a squeal when the Lapras speeds up, clinging tightly to the Pokemon's neck and quickly recalling Machiyori to her Pokeball lest she fall off. By the end of the ride, she finds her limbs a little stiff even though her shoes are miraculously dry. She carefully dismounts the Lapras, takes a moment to ensure she won't fall off, then turns to face it.

"Thank you for the ride," she tells the Lapras and gives it a gentle stroke on the neck. Then she looks to her traveling companions. "Should we go to the Pokecenter first? they might have a map of the area or advice on how to get to the mountaintop."

2020-03-18, 01:50 PM
"A map," Tana agrees with a nod, pleased to have companions that thought before they acted. That wasn't always one of her strong suits, so already she is seeing the advantage that's come of traveling with a group. Packs are always better, aren't they? Checking to make sure the other two are following, she heads down towards the Pokemon Center.

2020-03-19, 01:58 PM
The party makes their way across the sand towards the Pokémon Centre, a pleasant breeze rolling in from the ocean. Ema feels her foot connect with something and looks down. Previously hidden in the sand, a small Krabby begins to dart away from the party!

2020-03-19, 05:12 PM
Ema brings out her Pokedex for a quick scan of the Krabby before continuing on her way to the Pokecenter, unless one of her companions would like to engage with it.

2020-03-19, 05:42 PM
"Krabby, the River Crab Pokémon. Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways."

2020-03-20, 07:49 PM
"Careful. It pinches," Tana reports to the others as though they hadn't heard the talking of the Pokedex, turning her attention back towards the Pokemon Center.

2020-03-21, 12:04 AM
Loft hops back a few steps, heedful to the max of Tana's warning.

"Yeesh... Though I bet if one of us catches it, we could use it to pinch and distract the giants we were warned about..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully, looking at Ema to see if she goes for the capture. Diamond looks down at her toes worriedly for a split second before joining Loft in speculating.

2020-03-21, 06:36 AM
The group makes their way across the beach into the Pokémon Centre, where they're met by the familiar jingle. Inside is a waiting area, a main desk with the healing equipment, a PC, a small Poké Mart, and a door leading to a 'Common Room' in the back. The pink-haired nurse behind the desk, wearing a turquoise scarf, smiles at the entering party.

2020-03-21, 07:30 AM
"Hello. My name is Ema." She introduces herself to the nurse and gives her a quick bow. She might not be sure about other things in this foreign land, but apparently Pokecenters are pretty universal. "We're new trainers. We were wondering if there's a map of the island here, or any information for people new to it. Could you help us please?"

2020-03-21, 09:11 AM
"Hello Ema, I'm Nurse Joy! Sadly there's no map as such, but I can tell you how to get to the gym. There's a path up to the peak on the other side of the island. I do caution you not to attempt to scale the mountain unless you know what you're doing, as it can be very dangerous."

2020-03-21, 02:38 PM
"Thank you." Ema smiles at the nurse and looks to her companions to see if there's anything they want to do here. In her head, she resolves to make a map of her own, at least for the route; it might be useful for others if she can submit it to the League.

2020-03-22, 10:23 AM
"Hey, does th' gym have a certain pokemon type it caters to, or do we figure that out on our own?" Loft fishes for sensible information as he tries... well, to do something. He was never one to take initiative before this, but a glance down at Diamond who seems to be encouraging of his acts reminds him that he can't just sit back... Nor run away unless it's a wild pokemon who can't be caught but that's another bridge to cross later.

To the girls:

"Well, I wasn't really after that krabby outside, but mebbe we should go try to tame a coupla other pokemon before we go higher up th' island. I'm new to this, but it doesn't seem like it'd be much of a challenge if we could roll in and take out that gym leader with only our starter friends, y'know?"

Diamond traces a circle in the air when Loft looks at her again, and once more he takes point: "Let's play it safe, how about? We should explore around this pokecenter a little, try to find some pokemon or at least train but we can fall back here if we need to get patched up.

[roll0] Intuition check; Loft was only around on the beach, but maybe he has a hunch of where to look for more pokemon...

2020-03-22, 10:46 AM
"The gym doesn't have a specific type focus as such, but rather aims to utilise what are otherwise considered to be weaker Pokémon. For this iteration of the Challenge, formal battles will be held in a 3 vs. 3 format, with each member of a team choosing 2 Pokémon each to use for that battle."

Loft had spotted some Pokémon further down the beach, and gets the feeling that the wild grasslands above should have plenty of Pokémon to catch.

2020-03-22, 11:14 AM
Loft takes this in pretty well, and is in fact pacing in a small circle as Diamond watches silently. "...bet that means th' gym leader's real crafty."

He turns to the girls, almost surprised to find himself heading for the door. "I think I saw some other pokemon down th' beach a ways and the close by hills're probably a good spot to make friends, too... We should at least try to tame one or two more pokemon apiece..Um.. if they ain't too dangerous."

2020-03-22, 02:56 PM
"That sounds wise," Ema nods.

2020-03-23, 07:04 AM
The group exits the Pokémon Centre and makes their way down the beach towards an incline that should allow them to walk up to the grassland above the cliff face. As Loft moves towards where he thought he saw some Pokémon before, a couple of shapes about 20 feet away come to his attention. A Crabrawler and a Sandile emerge from the sand and begin to snap menacingly at Loft!

2020-03-23, 01:33 PM
Walking down the beach with her new pack, Tana's eyes widen as two pokemon suddenly emerge from the sand and lunge towards Loft. She let Pepper out of her arms and took a stand beside Loft, giving him a nod. "Sandile's mine," she said.

2020-03-23, 04:47 PM
If Loft heard Tana's remark he doesn't seem to show it. Where was once a gangly, nervous wreck of a boy, Loft becomes something else entirely on reflex.

The moment the pokemon attack he turns into a whirlwind of motion, kicking up nearly as much sand as his attackers, vest flapping like a banner behind him. His head snaps up, and within two fluid motions of his arms, he steps back and pulls off what seems like a martial arts kata, only in the instance he finishes it, both fists flung forward a wave of sparking green energy flies from his hands at the crabrawler. Barely a second after they attack no less, and Loft's response seems so ingrained he may not have even been fully aware he threw up an attack.

"Diamond! To the right!" he yells with a harder edge than he ever spoke before, as his machop flanks him only to move towards the sandile, arms crossed in front of her before she brings one up into a horizontal chop at the ground/dark pokemon...

Loft's Vacuum Wave attack has Priority; he's trying to put some distance between himself and the crabrawler before shooting it:
[roll1] Sword of Body and soul lets him use both his attack stats towards damage

Diamond's going in for a karate chop against the sandile

However, both Loft and Diamond are going to try to put themselves in front of each pokemon and remain as targets rather than let either of them near the girls.

2020-03-23, 09:54 PM
Ema takes a few steps back to watch the ensuing battle. When Loft shoots energy from his hands, she frowns for a moment, then scans him with her Pokedex.

2020-03-24, 04:52 AM
The Crabrawler scuttles towards the group and Loft unleashes his enhanced Vacuum Wave, landing a solid blow! The Crabrawler charges through the assault and directs a Rock Smash at Loft! The Sandile snaps angrily at the air, using Rage! Diamond closes on the Sandile and Karate Chops; a critical hit! The Sandile is smashed down into the sand, knocked out!

Ema's scan of Loft reveals no data.

Rock Smash:
14 to-hit
26 raw damage

2020-03-25, 08:55 PM
Tana frowns as Loft smashes the Sandile into the ground. Clearly, after this, they would need to sort out who was Alpha. For now, though, she just directs Pepper forward, at the Crabrawler. "Bite it," she says, and Pepper runs forward to try and land a hit on the crab!

[roll0] Flinch on 15+

2020-03-26, 05:28 AM
The Crabrawler barely has time to react to Pepper's assault, but just manages to avoid the Bite!

Everyone post your intended actions and I'll resolve them in a post after you three.

2020-03-28, 09:28 PM
Loft has a few more surprises; the lanky youth seems to slightly fade out of place as the crabrawler's claw bludgeons the air. The real Loft appears just off to the side, unharmed, but from the way he staggers back (and the flicker of nerves over his face) implies he can't do that again...

Instead of another attack, he lobs a pokeball from his vest, side arm style, at his opponent, hoping to end this.

Using detect as an interrupt; Loft takes no damage

[roll0] to hit with the pokeball
[roll1] Capture roll

2020-03-29, 05:42 AM
Loft just misses the Crabrawler with the Pokéball, and it begins to scuttle back towards him!

For future reference, we're using the Playtest Packets. The September one changes Capture Rolls to a d20.

2020-03-31, 11:02 AM
The Crabrawler pauses for a moment, before lashing out at Pepper with a Rock Smash!

Rock Smash:
7 to-hit
25 base damage

2020-03-31, 04:43 PM
Ema watches the ongoing battle with a little frown, but trusts in her comrades to be able to continue handling it on their own. They did call their targets, after all. Interrupting would be rude.

2020-04-10, 08:07 AM
Diamond pivots in the sand and runs back towards the crabrawler, attempting to body check it away from Loft rather than lay flat another potential ally.

Using a struggle attack to weaken it:

2020-04-10, 08:31 AM
Diamond lays an expert strike into the Crabrawler, leaving a visible dent in its shell! It still stands though, and slowly pivots to face Diamond.

Crabrawler has suffered 2 injuries from that attack.

2020-04-10, 02:39 PM
Loft still has some pokeballs left and he takes a step away from the two pokemon, palming one and side arming it towards the crabrawler.

[roll0] To hit
[roll1] Capture

2020-04-10, 03:17 PM
Loft powerfully launches the Pokéball at the injured Crabrawler. It lands, energises the Pokémon, and shakes once before clicking shut! Loft has caught the Crabrawler!

20 Pokémon exp for each of you, and you each gain 1 Trainer exp

2020-04-10, 08:12 PM
"Congratulations," Ema tells Loft as he succeeds in capturing the wild Pokemon. "That was a difficult battle. I hope you're not hurt."

2020-04-15, 06:54 PM
Loft gingerly holds up the Crabrawler's pokeball, a surprised look of satisfaction on his features. Diamond helpfully retrieves the other missed pokeball and offers it back to him, and he nods graciously.

"...So that's what it feels like... To do something right..." he mutters, lost in thought for a spacious moment. Eventually he looks back at Ema. "Let's haul my new buddy back to the center for a heal an' then we can start looking in the grasslands for more of a team, eh?"

2020-04-16, 06:40 AM
The party, with Tana gone and Alexander in tow, make their way along the beach and up the grassy incline. At the top of the cliff, they can see the path continuing to the right, and a thin plank leading over a river to the left. There's a tree past the river with three fluffy brown Pokémon napping underneath it. A loud intermittent scraping can be heard in the distance from the right. The mountain, with its base now accessible, continues to loom over them.

2020-04-17, 11:34 AM
"Thanks again for letting me tag along. This place is pretty strict about the whole 'group challenge' thing, I thought it was just, like, a recommendation or something." Alexander was more than grateful to have found a duo which he could join. The first day in this new region had been a bit of a snafu. First, he had missed the big opening ceremony and had to visit the local professor's lab to get his pokedex updated. Then it turned out that solo trainers weren't really allowed to take on the gym challenge, it had to be done in a group. He had been fortunate to overhear the other two trainers talking about how their third-wheel had just taken an important call, and he stepped in to offer his help. So far they seemed nice enough.

With the sight of the sleeping pokemon across the little bridge, Alexander quietly reaches for his pokedex to scan them, hopefully without interrupting their sleep.

2020-04-17, 12:47 PM
Ema, in mirrored motion, also takes out her Pokedex to scan the sleeping Pokemon.

2020-04-17, 01:12 PM
Loft is generally good natured with the newcomer, nodding along and listening with a sympathetic ear, until Diamond--who it seems, does not really travel in her pokeball in her efforts to keep her master toeing the line-- tugs at his vest and points to the snoozing 'mon.

He almost pulls out his own pokedex, but seeing the others attempt it, he thinks the better of it. He'll know soon enough what they are and he instead tries to discover the source of that scraping noise. It could be something dangerous and he's still alert for attacks.

[roll0] Perception check
[roll1] and Intuition to determine if it's a dangerous noise.

2020-04-17, 03:17 PM
"Lillipup, the Puppy Pokémon. The long hair around its face provides an amazing radar that lets it sense subtle changes in its surroundings."

Loft gets the sense that the sound is coming from the movements of a large creature.

2020-04-17, 06:16 PM
"Would anyone like to capture one?" Ema asks, briefly gesturing towards the Lillipups.

2020-04-17, 09:00 PM
Loft stiffens.

"Um... if you two wanna, you better make it quick." He looks around warily, "I think something big is on its way over; we may need to get cover."

2020-04-18, 11:26 AM
Alexander looks up from his pokedex with a nervous expression. "How big are we talking?" He reflexively reaches for the pokeball containing Moira, allowing the forest spirit to come out to 'play'. "Doesn't seem polite to wake them up from a nap for a battle anyways."

2020-04-20, 09:19 AM
"Well, someone back on th' mainland said "big big" to paraphrase..." Loft starts to move towards the lillipups... Although... yeah, you know what? Sleeping or no sleeping, catching or not, I dun wanna see these tykes get hurt..."

Rather bravely for someone who usually is shaking in his cheap sneakers, Loft dares to move out into the open towards the puppies, waving his arms around and making something of a spectacle. Better him than the pokemon, apparently? regardless he's doing something incredibly foolish.

"Hey! You.. uh.. pokemon! Y'better scam, there's a monster heading our way!!!"

I have no idea what roll would work best so I'm going with the stupidest/craziest answer:
Intimidate: [roll0]

2020-04-20, 02:28 PM
The Lillipups wake up at the racket and scamper off around to the back of the mountain. Loft hears that the sound coming from the right path has subsided.

2020-04-20, 08:56 PM
Ema glances at the scattering Lillipups, then at Loft. She's seen more intimidating displays from half-asleep parents rushing to pick up Moomoo Milk for breakfast, yet somehow it worked.

"Are you certain about a monster?" Ema asks.

2020-04-21, 10:48 AM
Alexander looks puzzled at the unfolding events. "Maybe Momma Lillipup heard us and was coming for her kids," he speculates.

2020-04-22, 05:43 PM
Loft himself looks, and most certainly feels, like an idiot as he rubs a calloused hand over his face.

"Ah swear, it sounded like some big predator type... Sorry guys. I'll help you two catch the next pokemon as an apology."

Of course, he sort of knocked out one of the previous ones, but he does mean well...

[roll0] Survival to try to find other pokemon and an intuition to try to follow up any leads:[roll1]

2020-04-23, 05:50 AM
Loft peers around and spots a Pecha Berry underneath the tree the Lillipups were resting at.

2020-04-29, 04:10 PM
Loft plucks up the berry and offers it to the others.

"Well, it's not a total wash but... H'okay I guess we gotta start over. Where should we look around here for some pokemon?"

2020-04-29, 04:52 PM
"Should we not find our destination right away?" Ema asks. "There will certainly be Pokemon along the routes and a Pokecenter once we arrive at the gym."