View Full Version : Could Kandro have survived?

Ron Miel
2020-03-13, 10:29 PM
Kandro died a hero (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1166.html)when he was eaten by the giant death worm. Granted, every Dwarf seeks to die in battle. This no doubt secured his place in Valhalla. But could he have been saved, and lived to fight other battles? Being eaten isn't always fatal in Stickworld. Haley was eaten by the ABD and survived. V was eaten by its mother, and survived. Roy was eaten by the giant three eyed toad and survived. Even the weasel from Roy's bag survived. There may be others.

2020-03-13, 11:44 PM
A nightcrawler's (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightcrawler) bite attack does 4d6+21 damage, and each round you spend in its gullet deals 2d8+24 damage and inflicts a negative level, which decreases your HP by 5. Kandro was bitten twice and then swallowed, which means he took a minimum of 81 damage/HP decrease. Since he was only making one attack per round while standing right next to his enemy and not doing anything else, he was no more than 5th level. If we make the most generous possible assumptions about his HP*, he would have 132 HP; with more realistic assumptions**, though, he'd only have 32 HP, so the second bite would have killed him. Even in the first case, he'd have lasted no more than 5 rounds before dying.

*He was a barbarian who had max HP, a 20 Constitution, a +6 constitution item and a +5 inherent bonus to constitution and he wasn't suffering any aging-related Constitution penalties despite having white hair.

**He was a fighter with average HP after 1st level, a 14 Constitution, no magic items, and old age.

2020-03-14, 12:38 AM
A nightcrawler's (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightcrawler) bite attack does 4d6+21 damage, and each round you spend in its gullet deals 2d8+24 damage and inflicts a negative level, which decreases your HP by 5. Kandro was bitten twice and then swallowed, which means he took a minimum of 81 damage/HP decrease.

Mininimum of 91. It appears as if this nightcrawler level drains on bite as well, as we see Kandro get drained on page 2, panels 2 and 6, adding another -10 to his HP. It's definitely not its magical dweomer, because that isn't black (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1161.html), so level drain is the most likely scenario there.

2020-03-14, 02:47 AM
It's pretty obvious he's dead, but I'm curious: what does Ron Miel think Kandro's survival would add to the plot? As far as I can see, we're done with Dwarven lands, this last book is all about what happens at Kraagor's gate. If Kandro *had* survived I would have expected to see him in the wrap-up strips in Firmament.

Ron Miel
2020-03-14, 06:31 AM

No, it is not "obvious" he's dead. The comic is full of people surviving huge injuries that should have killed them in the real world. And I'm not a gamer. I don't know how much damage a particular monster does, or how much damage a dwarf can take. And per InvisibleBison's figures they could have had up to 5 rounds to save him.

And I didn't say it would "Add to the plot". It's a simple question about a minor plot point. I'm just curious about their willingness to accept his death, rather than make any attempt at a rescue.

2020-03-14, 07:29 AM
After being raised, Kandro was happy he got a second chance to get into Valhalla. Now he got into Valhalla, and from the other dwarves talk it sounds like he may not have gotten another chance. It's a happy ending for him.

2020-03-14, 09:16 AM
After being raised, Kandro was happy he got a second chance to get into Valhalla. Now he got into Valhalla, and from the other dwarves talk it sounds like he may not have gotten another chance. It's a happy ending for him.

Aye. They explicitly do not want to save him, and even mentioned the possibility of fighting him to the death soon. "Dwarves are weird," I believe was mentioned.

And per InvisibleBison's figures they could have had up to 5 rounds to save him.
Four, with the other two negative levels. Also, even that was under exceedingly generous circumstances.

2020-03-14, 10:48 AM
No, it is not "obvious" he's dead.

He was bitten repeatedly, swallowed, and vanished along wiht the worm when it poofed.

He's dead, Jim Ron.

2020-03-14, 11:16 AM
He was bitten repeatedly, swallowed, and vanished along wiht the worm when it poofed.

He's dead, Jim Ron.

Devil's Advocate: Roy got gored clean through by a horn half as thick as his torso (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0927.html). He got better.

Ron Miel
2020-03-14, 11:33 AM
He was bitten repeatedly, swallowed,

So was Haley. (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0183.html) Why isn't she dead?

and vanished along wiht the worm when it poofed.

He's dead, Jim Ron.

Sure, he is NOW. But in the first round after being swallowed, there was a chance of survival.

2020-03-14, 11:50 AM
So was Haley. (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0183.html) Why isn't she dead?

She wasn't bitten, she was swallowed whole.

Also, the Haley strip gives the expectation of survival in that Lizard V orders the dragon to vomit. The Kandro strip does not, at they celebrate his demise. Context tells ya.

2020-03-14, 01:25 PM
She wasn't bitten, she was swallowed whole.

Also, the Haley strip gives the expectation of survival in that Lizard V orders the dragon to vomit. The Kandro strip does not, at they celebrate his demise. Context tells ya.

Also, Haley is (was) a mid- to high-ish level PC, not a NPC of unknown but likely low-ish level*.
And got nommed by a less dangerous moster, that probably matters too…

*Plus, you know, a main character and not a named extra.:smalltongue:

2020-03-15, 05:14 PM
A very sick part of me still hopes that he's still alive in there, slowly dying in a painful death.