View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with building a "wolfpack" themed character

2020-03-15, 12:50 PM
So, in the game I was about to join, the healer was kicked out. I was about to submit a monster tactician ravener hunter build, but now the GM asked if I could switch into something that could also work as a healer-buffer

So Im looking to keep the same fluff (wolf-pack druidic priest of some sort, a guy who believes his adventuring group is his new family, he will do anything to help and protect them), while focusing on the above roles.

I really dont like the bookkeeping involved with preapred casters, and for specific campagin reasons I cannot use the oracle class either.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

2020-03-15, 02:15 PM
You could still run the inquisitor. Because that sounds like what you really want to play. If the DM wants you to be the healer tell him to give you extra resources for wands and scrolls. I know you want to be a team player but don't let it ruin your fun. Or here is an idea if he really wants to you to be a healer let your inquisitor have a channel pool. Just my 2 cents

2020-03-15, 02:28 PM
Is third party allowed? Because you say wolf pack and I think of this (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Huntmaster)

2020-03-15, 03:50 PM
Andry - yeah, the problem is every player gets a littlebit of "gestalt" into his class features. Cause story reasons, I got myself a bloodrage with the approproate bloodline (still havent figured out which) for story reasons, so asking for something else wouldnt be very grateful or nice, I think.

Its more than about being a team player. That player is a realy annoying and counter productive one, and my GM only kept him this fad is because he wants to avoid a tpk like what almost happened in our former game.

Manyasone - noep, we have very strict anti third party rules in the group.

I dont really want to play a momster tactician, its just the first thing that came to mind, other things could also work

2020-03-15, 08:25 PM
Play a packlord druid (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo-druid-archetypes/pack-lord). Druids get healing and buff spells plus an animal companion. The packlord can split his levels among several animal companions, then put the feat boon companion on it to catch them up to his level.