View Full Version : Roy's Mom's class: is it known?

Freelance Henchman
2007-10-23, 06:06 AM
Is she just a Commoner or does she have class levels?

2007-10-23, 06:18 AM
Hard to say. Quite likely she's a commoner, as she didnt do anything in the plane shift fight. But I suppose she could have been a rogue, or something.

2007-10-23, 06:43 AM
Quite likely she's a commoner, as she didnt do anything in the plane shift fight.

Well, she carries her baby boy on her hip, which makes it quite difficult to do anything in a fight. Plus, she probably was confident enough that her father-in-law and her son could easily deal with those three guys, which was evidently the case.

Therefore I don't think you can conclude anything about her class from the fact that she's not participating in the fight.

Green Bean
2007-10-23, 06:45 AM
It's never been stated whether or not she was ever an adventurer, but she probably isn't. I figured either a Commoner or Expert. Of course, she'd be a decently leveled one; she lived to old age, and as an NPC she advances as time goes one.

Freelance Henchman
2007-10-23, 06:50 AM
Well, she carries her baby boy on her hip, which makes it quite difficult to do anything in a fight. Plus, she probably was confident enough that her father-in-law and her son could easily deal with those three guys, which was evidently the case.

Therefore I don't think you can conclude anything about her class from the fact that she's not participating in the fight.

Nobody seems quite sure if they (the souls of the people existing in Celestia) are actually in any danger, being dead already. But I suppose you could kidnap someone and take them to the Hells?

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-10-23, 07:14 AM
Nobody seems quite sure if they (the souls of the people existing in Celestia) are actually in any danger, being dead already.
Well, the standard D&D setup indicates that the soul of a dead being can be killed. If killed on their home plane (which would be the case), the soul is absorbed by the plane and sort of lives on as part of the multiverse. If killed off-plane, they simply cease to be.

That's one of the primary reasons souls of the dead stick to their home plane rather than risk accidentally killed off-plane.

Note that the death thing works differently for regular outsiders such as Roys Archon and various demons and devils.

Of course, this is standard D&D. OotS-world might have its own special rules.

2007-10-23, 07:46 AM
Well, the standard D&D setup indicates that the soul of a dead being can be killed. If killed on their home plane (which would be the case), the soul is absorbed by the plane and sort of lives on as part of the multiverse. If killed off-plane, they simply cease to be.

That's pretty boring. Usually souls are suppsed to be quite a bit more durable than that.

2007-10-23, 09:10 AM
That's pretty boring. Usually souls are suppsed to be quite a bit more durable than that.

I wouldn't say that the soul was destroyed, rather it loses it's individuality.

2007-10-23, 09:32 AM
Commoner? She was not an adventurer, at least we know nothing about it.

Charles Phipps
2007-10-23, 11:14 AM
0-level Commoner!

if only she'd lived to 3rd edition!

2007-10-23, 12:39 PM
20th level Mommy

2007-10-23, 01:08 PM
20th level Mommy
The most powerful class, ever!

Trivia: The Dwarven Defender prestige class for dwarves in 3.x is likely based on a AD&D kit (the name escapes me now) for female dwarves. They'd get similar abilities (increased AC, attack bonuses, etc) when defending a spot on their home land, guilds, or, mainly, places where they keep their youngs at times of war.

2007-10-23, 01:17 PM
Well, Roy takes it for granted that his brother would have taken up a class, had he lived. And his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and sister all have PC classes. So it seems that there's something of a tradition of not just being commoners in the family.

2007-10-23, 01:18 PM
20th level Mommy

Yes, higher level than the big mean fighter: "don't make repeat myself, young man."

2007-10-23, 01:36 PM
20th level Mommy

Someone needs to stat this out ASAP.

2007-10-23, 01:39 PM
Guilt Trip as an Extraordinary Ability.

2007-10-23, 01:45 PM
Eyes In The Back Of Her Head.


2007-10-23, 01:55 PM
I go with 20th level Mommy. If those evil adventurer was going to go near Eric, well.. lets just say the adventure party wish they were dead :)

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-10-23, 06:38 PM
That's pretty boring. Usually souls are suppsed to be quite a bit more durable than that.
In what way?

Well, Roy takes it for granted that his brother would have taken up a class, had he lived.
Of course he would. Humans have to have a class.

Most of the time it's an NPC class, but that's still a class.

2007-10-23, 07:15 PM
I would like to think of her as College Cheerleader, 3rd Level.

She might be a special class of PAC 10 College Cheerleader, 3rd Level, majoring in Drama.

2007-10-23, 07:24 PM
It showed her a little bit more in Start of Darkness, but not enough to differ it from either commoner or mommy class.

Grounding: PC cannot adventure for a week, or until he cleans his room.

Fineous Orlon
2007-10-23, 10:11 PM
MILF Prestige Class

2007-10-23, 10:51 PM
Grounding: PC cannot adventure for a week, or until he cleans his room.

That ability... Ex or Su?

2007-10-23, 11:01 PM
Roy's mother must have at least 24 salient mommy ranks!

2007-10-24, 01:39 AM
pretty much what's been said. there's no indication she has any class levels or anything.

2007-10-24, 06:27 AM
+10 to sense motive checks.

2007-10-24, 06:31 AM
And also, perhaps, to knowlege (because) checks?

''But why, Mummy)''


This can also include, or provide a synergy bonus to knowlege (it just is), knowlege (because I said so) and other similar knowlege skills.

Freelance Henchman
2007-10-24, 06:39 AM
Class feature: End Any Argument
1/day, the Mom ends and wins any argument with the phrase "Because I said so!". There is no opposed Diplomacy check.

2007-10-24, 07:26 AM
New skil!!!: Hug. This skill dispel inmediatly any spells that affects to moral or the emotional situation of the ally. :P

2007-10-24, 07:54 AM
level three skills :P yay: comfort: the mommy spends time trying to comfort someone afterword that someone will gain +2 competence bonuses +the charisma mod of the mom to AC and attack and ends any mental minuses and some mental status effects (like daze stun etc) use 1/day

and for a dad class :smalltongue: lecture: the opposite of comfort, the father spends time lectureing and punishing the target creature, they lose -2 to AC attack and damage and are stunned while being lectured, this only works on creatures that are the same race as the dad. use 1/day

2007-10-24, 10:05 AM
Su: Magical Spit

This power allows the Mom to lay on hands, like a Paladin, but the mother must use some of her spit in the process.

2007-10-24, 12:03 PM
About my comment on how easily killable souls being boring:

Souls are a fantasy genre staple. It's usually taken to mean something that is indestructable, or at least almost so. A part of a person that survives his/her death. If your soul is equally vulnerable, then some of the point of it's existence is lost, and it also makes those "soul destroying magics" and "eternal damnation" special cases much less impressive.