View Full Version : The Witching Hour (IC)

2020-03-16, 08:18 AM
Most of the village has shown up for the festival, and they're really getting into the swing of things. Mead and beer is flowing, plenty of games and contests, people cooking nice food and telling fun stories around roaring fires...everybody's having a good time. What would you be doing during the festivities?

We've got a fall festival starting ~6pm that's probably gonna finally die down in the wee hours of the morning. All kinds of things are possible, so give me an idea of what you wanna be doing - if you want something a bit weird, than that's fine! It just shapes the town a bit more, you know? But an idea of how you'll spend the night, how long you'll stay up before turning in...or heck, if you don't want to attend, how are you spending the night instead? :smallsmile:

2020-03-16, 10:59 AM
Celestine was hard to miss.

It wasn't just the white hair and white eyes, as though someone had sucked out all the colour from them. It wasn't just the brand on her neck which she could probably have healed with magic if she'd tried but never cared enough to remove, marking her as a witch. No, the main thing about her was that she was decked from top to toe in enough weapons to slaughter a cohort and no-one had even tried asking her to put them away. She carried them essentially everywhere. No surprise; they were all she owned.

Honestly, she didn't know why she had come here. She could have stayed in the embrace of a beautiful nymph rather than dealing with the normalcy of everyday living. But, well, someone had to check on the less mystically-inclined, especially since they lacked the competence to keep themselves in line. She really, really wasn't interested in partying, and she had no money to spend. Instead, she just... watched, waiting ominously for something to go wrong.

It always did, and they'd probably blame her.

2020-03-16, 11:38 AM
Jane is busy at the Family Flagon, which has its doors open wide for visitors today. She's rushing back and forth, bringing drinks and food to everyone who comes, occasionally taking a moment to re-chill or re-heat as needed.

As she passes by one of the more tanked customers, she feels a slap on her rear. David! she gasps. You're married!

"Sorry, sorr..." he slurs out. "Thought you were-"

"David!" Bari shouts from the kitchen. "If I have to tell you one more time about this, you'll have to find somewhere else to drink!"

It's okay! Grandma, it's okay! Jane says, trying to calm the situation down. David, just don't do it again!

2020-03-16, 12:07 PM
Ez begins the night as he begins all such festivities - with a drink at the Flagon. He's careful not to have more than a cup of beer, though; it takes barely anything to leave him stumbling in the dark these days.

But the relaxation is good. He is making good progress adjusting the formula to the wax seal he uses to keep his more volatile creations encased, but a night off does the brain good.

He nods to a few acquaintances as he heads out, careful to avoid bumping into young Jane as she darts about.

The night air is cool and clean, and he appreciates the way it airs out his filthy robes. Seeing so many in their festival best, Ez almost has a moment of embarrassment about his attire before he spots his rival making some side coin at a stall set up near his shop.

"...Oh, terrific guess, master Tourle! But alas, the proper order is thus." With a flick of her wrist and a slight flourish, Sylurne reveals the solution to her puzzle. A chagrined, though still jovial, Dwarf - master Tourle, a general laborer - shakes his head ruefully and thanks the Elf before heading away with his friends.

With a glare toward Ez, the woman invites the alchemist to give it a shot as well, lacing her invitation with sarcasm and insults.

With a scowl, Ez heads toward the stall, eyeing the puzzle. It seemed a simple matter of rearranging a few common herbs, likely from Sylurne's stock.

"'Tarmaker,' you say? Let's see what you have, grass-eater. Ah, yes, this goes..."

After a few minutes of work, with a mocking Sylurne keeping an eye on the process, Ez completes the challenge. A moment passes as the apothecary checks his work, then her scowl splits into a grin.

"Excellent work! Shall we go explore a bit?" Her smile was contagious, and Ez quickly joins her, his grin slightly off for his eyepatch and scar-pocked stubble.

The two head off after closing up the stall, chatting like the old friends they are, looking for any brain teasers or games of skill to challenge each other in.

2020-03-16, 01:06 PM
Brittany for her part was talking to one of the stand workers. Buying more then enough food to justify her presence, and chatting her up, before a mysterious white haired girl crossed her path.

Oooo. Whose that?

2020-03-16, 01:37 PM
Delena calls in on Mrs Garnak

Miss Delena Fellshield reporting for duty Captain

Thank you offering to help out so I can attend the festival m'dear. You understand what you have to do?

I think so, keep an eye on things and make sure when someone does do something stupid that they later regret it's something we can all laugh at rather than "I stabbed my best friend in a drunken argument over nothing"

Not how I would have said it but yes. Cyrus and Riddle are both also on duty, so don't be afraid to call on them.

Yes Ma'am. Have a good time tonight

Delena took her leave and slowly breathed outwards.

Hopefully nothing worse happens than a few drunks

She takes a route round town, stopping at the yurt of one of Galemon's newest residents.

Kor'gak. It's the festival today. Feast Of The Moon. You will be joining in?

2020-03-16, 01:56 PM
"Oooo! Who's that?"

Celestine turned to the excitable young lady next to her. The lass's blonde hair was quite well-kept, more so than one might expect of common folk. Of course, that was because she wasn't common folk.

"I am Celestine Blackwood, a healer and enchantress largely feared for having magic and living outside the village, and you, if I may save you an introduction, are princess Brittney, or perhaps no longer princess, largely due to humans and their marriage arrangements not quite aligning with your preference for other women." She didn't miss a beat for the whole sentence.

Hey, being a holy exemplar of the purest form of Good didn't mean she had to be nice about other people's ridiculous traditions.

Grey Guard
2020-03-16, 02:54 PM
Kor'gak was an orc, full-blooded at that. Their kind was not often found in the civilized frontier towns that were sprinkled around the north; at least not without warpaint, a fearsome roar, and a hefting axes the size of men. He had found his place providing menial labor, a strong arm, and the occasional brace of conies or haunch of venison to trade. Though, his strength rather than his hunting was more appreciated, as he was only modestly skilled at it.

He only attempted to cook his hunts once prior to selling, but it paled compared to Bren Garnak's work, and the one resident who purchased his food politely called it "orc-ey" with his product.

Needless to say, Kor'gak had found his place with his strength. He had been milling about his yurt for the past hour, sharpening his dagger, sharpening his axe, sharpening his tusk, and once out of things to sharpen, he paced. He had spent the majority of the early day helping people setup stalls, carry planks of wood, and ferry merchandise (though not trusted with anything expensive) around the town. Some of it he even got a copper for.

"Kor'gak. It's the festival today. Feast Of The Moon. You will be joining in?"

The voice outside his modest home made from mostly animal hide took him by surprise. She alien scent of sweet rolls, and the din of music and people must have made it easy for someone to approach without him realizing. The orc exited his yurt to look down at the young woman who had addressed him, cocking his head slightly to the side at her.

"Depends." grunted the orc. "Is talking and selling all there is to do?" His quizzical gaze glances around at the people down the road.

2020-03-16, 02:55 PM
It was a busy night!!

The library was closed pretty much all day today (and early yesterday) because of the upcoming celebrations. Rashi spent much of her time with her family helping prepare food to share with the rest of the village and getting ready, herself. For tonight, she actually had saved up to buy a nice dress. It was still, by all accounts, a relatively normal dress, but the fabric was higher quality and it looked pretty, if not, a little gaudy. More importantly it fit her very slim frame perfectly.

Earlier today, she also spent much time helping decorate the village, helping string up lines of little flags, flowers and lights (well, she wasn't on the ladders herself obviously), helping arrange the tables and stalls, and otherwise doing what she could, coordinating with Mayor Barnaby and his assistant, even!

To help arrange things in an efficient manner.. and safely!
trained knowledge: (architecture and engineering): [roll0]

But after all that, she turned in for a nap, pooped out, only to emerge from her home a few hours later with the festival going in full swing. She was feeling hungry, but didn't want to have any of the food her family made. Obviously she had eaten it a lot in the past already, and if there was any leftover, she was sure she'd get to eat it anyway...

Heading out into the crisp night air, and armed with over a dozen silver pieces, far more than she should probably be taking out to splurge on the evening, she begins wandering the festival, marveling once again at the finished product and at a loss for what to do first!

2020-03-16, 03:14 PM
Jane is busy at the Family Flagon, which has its doors open wide for visitors today. She's rushing back and forth, bringing drinks and food to everyone who comes, occasionally taking a moment to re-chill or re-heat as needed.

As she passes by one of the more tanked customers, she feels a slap on her rear. David! she gasps. You're married!

"Sorry, sorr..." he slurs out. "Thought you were-"

"David!" Bari shouts from the kitchen. "If I have to tell you one more time about this, you'll have to find somewhere else to drink!"

It's okay! Grandma, it's okay! Jane says, trying to calm the situation down. David, just don't do it again!

David nods, looking sheepish. "Shorry miss. Go' started earlier'n usual, I guess...fresh air might do some good..." He stands shakily and makes his way outside - not quite tripping over himself, but he'll probably be fine.

Profession check for your duties through the night, for starters. Will you be working through the whole festival, or taking some time away from the job for yourself?

Ez begins the night as he begins all such festivities - with a drink at the Flagon. He's careful not to have more than a cup of beer, though; it takes barely anything to leave him stumbling in the dark these days.

But the relaxation is good. He is making good progress adjusting the formula to the wax seal he uses to keep his more volatile creations encased, but a night off does the brain good.

He nods to a few acquaintances as he heads out, careful to avoid bumping into young Jane as she darts about.

The night air is cool and clean, and he appreciates the way it airs out his filthy robes. Seeing so many in their festival best, Ez almost has a moment of embarrassment about his attire before he spots his rival making some side coin at a stall set up near his shop.

"...Oh, terrific guess, master Tourle! But alas, the proper order is thus." With a flick of her wrist and a slight flourish, Sylurne reveals the solution to her puzzle. A chagrined, though still jovial, Dwarf - master Tourle, a general laborer - shakes his head ruefully and thanks the Elf before heading away with his friends.

With a glare toward Ez, the woman invites the alchemist to give it a shot as well, lacing her invitation with sarcasm and insults.

With a scowl, Ez heads toward the stall, eyeing the puzzle. It seemed a simple matter of rearranging a few common herbs, likely from Sylurne's stock.

"'Tarmaker,' you say? Let's see what you have, grass-eater. Ah, yes, this goes..."

After a few minutes of work, with a mocking Sylurne keeping an eye on the process, Ez completes the challenge. A moment passes as the apothecary checks his work, then her scowl splits into a grin.

"Excellent work! Shall we go explore a bit?" Her smile was contagious, and Ez quickly joins her, his grin slightly off for his eyepatch and scar-pocked stubble.

The two head off after closing up the stall, chatting like the old friends they are, looking for any brain teasers or games of skill to challenge each other in.

It's seems Aaron (you know, the old carpenter's apprentice) has been practicing his craft putting together some physical puzzles - wooden cubes made of interlocking pieces that presumably have to be poked and prodded and pushed and pulled in a particular order for the assembly to come apart. Aaron insists there's prizes hidden within the cubes, but nobody's yet managed to open one, and there's quite a few people milling around. Sylurne eyes Ez with a smirk. "Looks like there's a couple cubes free. Care for a puzzle race?" she asks.

It'll end up being Opposed Int checks - you're both smart enough to figure it out, but it's a question of who's faster at it. You can try and supplement the ability check with a skill check to aid yourself, provided you can give a good reason why the check should help. Awful secondary roll gives penalties, good roll gives bonus, great roll gives big bonus. You game?

It was a busy night!!

The library was closed pretty much all day today (and early yesterday) because of the upcoming celebrations. Rashi spent much of her time with her family helping prepare food to share with the rest of the village and getting ready, herself. For tonight, she actually had saved up to buy a nice dress. It was still, by all accounts, a relatively normal dress, but the fabric was higher quality and it looked pretty, if not, a little gaudy. More importantly it fit her very slim frame perfectly.

Earlier today, she also spent much time helping decorate the village, helping string up lines of little flags, flowers and lights (well, she wasn't on the ladders herself obviously), helping arrange the tables and stalls, and otherwise doing what she could, coordinating with Mayor Barnaby and his assistant, even!

To help arrange things in an efficient manner.. and safely!
trained knowledge: (architecture and engineering): [roll0]

But after all that, she turned in for a nap, pooped out, only to emerge from her home a few hours later with the festival going in full swing. She was feeling hungry, but didn't want to have any of the food her family made. Obviously she had eaten it a lot in the past already, and if there was any leftover, she was sure she'd get to eat it anyway...

Heading out into the crisp night air, and armed with over a dozen silver pieces, far more than she should probably be taking out to splurge on the evening, she begins wandering the festival, marveling once again at the finished product and at a loss for what to do first!

Rashi occasionally gets the the feeling that somebody is watching her work, but is too focused on making sure everything's hanging according to plan to watch the watcher. Every time she gets a good opportunity to glance around while the work doesn't need immediate supervision, she doesn't see anybody watchi--wait...maybe?

Perception check please.

2020-03-16, 03:33 PM
Kellhus finished hiking into town shortly before the festival got into full swing. He takes a moment to rest and catch his breath at the edge of town before walking to the Morninglord's temple where they usually made a room available for him when his father sent a bird telling them he was coming. He'd been to the town many times before and he always felt slightly more energized while away from the city. Maybe it was the forest air that the doctor had said could be good for his health and maybe it was Selene, the woman who ran the temple. He had always found her energy to be somewhat infectious and he found himself much more at ease and relaxed when he had the opportunity to help her out with the daily operations of her temple.

By the time he reached the temple the celebrations had become more raucous and enrgetic. He smiled and waved to the people who recognized and greeted him while not allowing himself to get swept up in anything. He wanted to find out how he could help out as soon as possible.

"Selene? It's Kellhus, are you in?" He poked his head in through the temple doorway after knocking. He could never be sure exactly where she would be when he showed up as she was always busy helping someone do something.

2020-03-16, 03:49 PM
Kellhus finished hiking into town shortly before the festival got into full swing. He takes a moment to rest and catch his breath at the edge of town before walking to the Morninglord's temple where they usually made a room available for him when his father sent a bird telling them he was coming. He'd been to the town many times before and he always felt slightly more energized while away from the city. Maybe it was the forest air that the doctor had said could be good for his health and maybe it was Selene, the woman who ran the temple. He had always found her energy to be somewhat infectious and he found himself much more at ease and relaxed when he had the opportunity to help her out with the daily operations of her temple.

By the time he reached the temple the celebrations had become more raucous and enrgetic. He smiled and waved to the people who recognized and greeted him while not allowing himself to get swept up in anything. He wanted to find out how he could help out as soon as possible.

"Selene? It's Kellhus, are you in?" He poked his head in through the temple doorway after knocking. He could never be sure exactly where she would be when he showed up as she was always busy helping someone do something.

Kellhus finds Selene out behind the church in the cemetery, leading a small family gathering in the Ritual Of Remembrance. Usually this all starts up later in the night, but seems some people are coming by early to avoid getting caught in the rush - no doubt the others chatting inside have simular ideas. He sees a few acolytes setting up for further rituals.

Selene spots him and offers a smile. "Good evening, brother Argent. Decorations are looking spot-on this year, did you notice? Today's going to be a long one, I can tell."

2020-03-16, 03:52 PM
"Depends." grunted the orc. "Is talking and selling all there is to do?" His quizzical gaze glances around at the people down the road.

Dancing, Eating, Making Friends, Having a good time. Drinking - if that's what you are into.

Sorry I don't know what you do for fun, but I'm pretty sure it's not sitting in a tent on your lonesome.

2020-03-16, 04:11 PM
Kellhus finds Selene out behind the church in the cemetery, leading a small family gathering in the Ritual Of Remembrance. Usually this all starts up later in the night, but seems some people are coming by early to avoid getting caught in the rush - no doubt the others chatting inside have simular ideas. He sees a few acolytes setting up for further rituals.

Selene spots him and offers a smile. "Good evening, brother Argent. Decorations are looking spot-on this year, did you notice? Today's going to be a long one, I can tell."

Kellhus gives a quick, respectful bow of his head to Selene and then to the family. "Good evening, they are indeed. I always look forward to seeing what you've managed to do with the town whenever I'm here for a holiday. It's a form of magic all it's own." He gives a brief smile. "Is there anything I can help with tonight? You know I'm always happy to."

2020-03-16, 05:08 PM
It's seems Aaron (you know, the old carpenter's apprentice) has been practicing his craft putting together some physical puzzles - wooden cubes made of interlocking pieces that presumably have to be poked and prodded and pushed and pulled in a particular order for the assembly to come apart. Aaron insists there's prizes hidden within the cubes, but nobody's yet managed to open one, and there's quite a few people milling around. Sylurne eyes Ez with a smirk. "Looks like there's a couple cubes free. Care for a puzzle race?" she asks.

It'll end up being Opposed Int checks - you're both smart enough to figure it out, but it's a question of who's faster at it. You can try and supplement the ability check with a skill check to aid yourself, provided you can give a good reason why the check should help. Awful secondary roll gives penalties, good roll gives bonus, great roll gives big bonus. You game?

Ez grins. "A puzzle cube? Sure, easy enough. Where I'm from, this would be considered baby's first toy! Let's see here..."

Int: [roll0]
I'm thinking disable device works here? Complex mechanisms, delicate parts, a race against the clock, etc. I'll roll it, feel free to discount it if you disagree.
DD: [roll1]

2020-03-16, 05:31 PM
Lord Fahn Sipants is wandering the streets of Galemon observing the festivities. He is accompanied by his wife Grace, and their way is led by the glowing orb that accompanies him wherever he goes. They pass the Family Flagon but Lord Fahn turns his nose up at the suggestion from his wife that they might stop in and socialise a little. They continue on through the crowds until he spots Mayor Barnaby running a pie eating contest. Approaching the Mayor, Fahn calls out "Ah, Mayor Barnaby, good to see you are joining in on the fun. You've organised quite a show this year, congratulations. Perhaps you would like to join me for a smoke, if you aren't too busy that is?"

2020-03-16, 06:02 PM
Gazing about at all the bustling activity this year, Rashi is at a loss of what to do. Why.. she had might as well visit every stall and tent and talk to as many people as she could! It would also give her an opportunity to show off her lovely dress, too. She had to admit she stood out a little, with her dark skin and the odd pigmentation of her hair. But pretty much everyone in the village knew her already, so if anything, she may be easier to spot in a crowd.

After buying a candied apple and browsing a few tents selling little trinkets and jewelry accessories, which she passed up, she came across the table Aaron had set up. And why, if she didn't know it, the eccentric gnome inventor Ez was there too! Rashi knew the gnome. Not very well at all, really, but of course when the library was opened to the public, she'd seen him around a bit more often, perusing the books, searching...

She wasn't sure if he ever did find what he was looking for. And the rate at which they got new books in was rather pitiful.

Upon seeing Ez, along with his.. elven friend? Ah, Sylurne was her name. Rashi wasn't sure what exactly she did. Some kind of herbalist or something? She was afraid she knew this elven lady far less than the gnome.

Walking up with some energy, she says, "Ah, Elder Ez, it's good to see you! And Aaron, what's this you have here?"

"Puzzle cubes! Hah, no one's been able to solve them yet! Some people have accused me of fashioning together a cruel toy that can't actually be opened, but I swear to you there is a solution!"

"Oh.. I see..." Rashi said, peering about herself for a moment. "Well it sounds like fun. I'll take a crack at one."

She sits down and picks up a wooden puzzle cube, studying it with both her eyes and fingers as she manipulated it around, trying to figure out how it worked...

intelligence: [roll0]
architecture and engineering: [roll1]

Grey Guard
2020-03-16, 06:59 PM
Dancing, Eating, Making Friends, Having a good time. Drinking - if that's what you are into.

Sorry I don't know what you do for fun, but I'm pretty sure it's not sitting in a tent on your lonesome.

Kor'gak's tusked jaw curls into a slight grin. "Then it is a proper celebration!" He clenches his right hand into a meaty fist as he bellows. "I didn't see brands are an arena, so I didn't think you had your youth prove themselves in combat! I was wondering if you people knew what was good in life!" He bellows again in his boisterous voice.

He walks to the side of his yurt, picking up the log that really has more in common with half of a tree, and drops it in front of the entrance. He claps his hands together a.few times, getting the dirt and bark off his hands. He turns back around and smiles at Delena, looking back, satisfied, with his front 'gate' for a moment.

"You should celebrate too!" He begins to March off towards where the celebrating is taking place, pausing long enough to hear a response from the high bred girl.

2020-03-16, 07:39 PM
Taking 10 on that, for a total of 10, unless I get circumstance bonuses for using Prestidigitation to help, as well as being familiar with the job.

I didn't put any points in Profession, but a 10 should be enough, right?

And yes, taking some time for myself once the rush dies down.

As the day winds on and less people frequent the Family Flagon (and of those who're left, more than a few already tanked out) Jane asks Bari for permission to leave, and upon getting it (just after a few last tables need cleaning) she rushes off, full of youthful energy!

Her first stop is where one of her cousins is, Odi, who's showing some kids how to spar properly. Hey Odi! How're things going?

2020-03-16, 10:06 PM
Kellhus gives a quick, respectful bow of his head to Selene and then to the family. "Good evening, they are indeed. I always look forward to seeing what you've managed to do with the town whenever I'm here for a holiday. It's a form of magic all it's own." He gives a brief smile. "Is there anything I can help with tonight? You know I'm always happy to."

Ez grins. "A puzzle cube? Sure, easy enough. Where I'm from, this would be considered baby's first toy! Let's see here..."

Int: [roll0]
I'm thinking disable device works here? Complex mechanisms, delicate parts, a race against the clock, etc. I'll roll it, feel free to discount it if you disagree.
DD: [roll1]

Sliding pieces here and there, you disassemble the cube in due time - just barely faster than Sylerne, who takes the loss on the chin. Rashi manages it even more quickly than either of you though! As your cube comes apart properly, a small metal bell falls out. It doesn't make a sound - seems it's got no hammer - but it's a neat little thing.

Lord Fahn Sipants is wandering the streets of Galemon observing the festivities. He is accompanied by his wife Grace, and their way is led by the glowing orb that accompanies him wherever he goes. They pass the Family Flagon but Lord Fahn turns his nose up at the suggestion from his wife that they might stop in and socialise a little. They continue on through the crowds until he spots Mayor Barnaby running a pie eating contest. Approaching the Mayor, Fahn calls out "Ah, Mayor Barnaby, good to see you are joining in on the fun. You've organised quite a show this year, congratulations. Perhaps you would like to join me for a smoke, if you aren't too busy that is?"

"Ah, Lord Sipants! Plenty of time, yes yes!" Barnaby stands, clapping Fahn on the shoulder and giving him a broad grin. Lead the way, old chap!" :smallbiggrin:

Gazing about at all the bustling activity this year, Rashi is at a loss of what to do. Why.. she had might as well visit every stall and tent and talk to as many people as she could! It would also give her an opportunity to show off her lovely dress, too. She had to admit she stood out a little, with her dark skin and the odd pigmentation of her hair. But pretty much everyone in the village knew her already, so if anything, she may be easier to spot in a crowd.

After buying a candied apple and browsing a few tents selling little trinkets and jewelry accessories, which she passed up, she came across the table Aaron had set up. And why, if she didn't know it, the eccentric gnome inventor Ez was there too! Rashi knew the gnome. Not very well at all, really, but of course when the library was opened to the public, she'd seen him around a bit more often, perusing the books, searching...

She wasn't sure if he ever did find what he was looking for. And the rate at which they got new books in was rather pitiful.

Upon seeing Ez, along with his.. elven friend? Ah, Sylurne was her name. Rashi wasn't sure what exactly she did. Some kind of herbalist or something? She was afraid she knew this elven lady far less than the gnome.

Walking up with some energy, she says, "Ah, Elder Ez, it's good to see you! And Aaron, what's this you have here?"

"Puzzle cubes! Hah, no one's been able to solve them yet! Some people have accused me of fashioning together a cruel toy that can't actually be opened, but I swear to you there is a solution!"

"Oh.. I see..." Rashi said, peering about herself for a moment. "Well it sounds like fun. I'll take a crack at one."

She sits down and picks up a wooden puzzle cube, studying it with both her eyes and fingers as she manipulated it around, trying to figure out how it worked...

intelligence: [roll0]
architecture and engineering: [roll1]

A bit of fiddling and prodding and the cube practically falls apart in your hands. A neat little puzzle, if not terribly difficult...and with a prize! A small wooden medallion on twine, a spiral with wave and water patterns carved in for decoration.

"Found it while I was chopping wood the other day," Aaron pipes up. "Cleaned it up a bit, figured somebody might like it." :smallsmile:

Kor'gak's tusked jaw curls into a slight grin. "Then it is a proper celebration!" He clenches his right hand into a meaty fist as he bellows. "I didn't see brands are an arena, so I didn't think you had your youth prove themselves in combat! I was wondering if you people knew what was good in life!" He bellows again in his boisterous voice.

He walks to the side of his yurt, picking up the log that really has more in common with half of a tree, and drops it in front of the entrance. He claps his hands together a.few times, getting the dirt and bark off his hands. He turns back around and smiles at Delena, looking back, satisfied, with his front 'gate' for a moment.

"You should celebrate too!" He begins to March off towards where the celebrating is taking place, pausing long enough to hear a response from the high bred girl.

Taking 10 on that, for a total of 10, unless I get circumstance bonuses for using Prestidigitation to help, as well as being familiar with the job.

I didn't put any points in Profession, but a 10 should be enough, right?

And yes, taking some time for myself once the rush dies down.

As the day winds on and less people frequent the Family Flagon (and of those who're left, more than a few already tanked out) Jane asks Bari for permission to leave, and upon getting it (just after a few last tables need cleaning) she rushes off, full of youthful energy!

Her first stop is where one of her cousins is, Odi, who's showing some kids how to spar properly. Hey Odi! How're things going?

"Going as well as can be. Nobody's gotten hurt, although I think most of them are still more interested in clashing the toy swords together than actually trying to hit each other. Keepin' busy?"

2020-03-16, 10:19 PM
Bari finally let me out the Flagon, she responds, plopping next to him. I love her to death, but HOO BOY! Harsh taskmaster.

How've the festivities been going in general?

2020-03-16, 10:23 PM
Bari finally let me out the Flagon, she responds, plopping next to him. I love her to death, but HOO BOY! Harsh taskmaster.

How've the festivities been going in general?

"Going well enough from what I've seen," he replies. "Everybody's having a blast. Some people peelin' off to go visit the cemetery now and then, but so far doesn't look like it's overwhelming 'em so that's good. Any customers giving you trouble?"

2020-03-16, 10:29 PM
Jane sighs. David. I mean, I like the attention! Sometimes... But not from someone twice my age, and definitely not from a married man! I'm just... I like looking good, but I don't always like being pretty, you know?

2020-03-16, 10:39 PM
Jane sighs. David. I mean, I like the attention! Sometimes... But not from someone twice my age, and definitely not from a married man! I'm just... I like looking good, but I don't always like being pretty, you know?

"I know that problem well," he jokes, striking a silly pose. He shakes his head, chuckling, "I know it can get uncomfortable. Try to take the good with the bad, yeah? Just how it goes..."

2020-03-16, 11:09 PM
"Oooo! Who's that?"

Celestine turned to the excitable young lady next to her. The lass's blonde hair was quite well-kept, more so than one might expect of common folk. Of course, that was because she wasn't common folk.

"I am Celestine Blackwood, a healer and enchantress largely feared for having magic and living outside the village, and you, if I may save you an introduction, are princess Brittney, or perhaps no longer princess, largely due to humans and their marriage arrangements not quite aligning with your preference for other women." She didn't miss a beat for the whole sentence.

Hey, being a holy exemplar of the purest form of Good didn't mean she had to be nice about other people's ridiculous traditions.

Am I that obvious? Brittany teases shooting a wink at the pretty ladies.

2020-03-16, 11:21 PM
Jane smiles. It's true. But don't sell yourself short, hot stuff! You got muscles, beard, talent... You're a great guy, she says, hugging the shorter man. Love you! she adds as she heads away.

She spots the hedge mage and the princess, and takes a moment. Okay, hair's straight... Ish, clothes are in order, no stains, um... Right... she says to herself, and waves. Hello there, ma'am! I mean, your highness? My lady? I... Uh... What's the proper address?

2020-03-17, 12:20 AM
Jane smiles. It's true. But don't sell yourself short, hot stuff! You got muscles, beard, talent... You're a great guy, she says, hugging the shorter man. Love you! she adds as she heads away.

She spots the hedge mage and the princess, and takes a moment. Okay, hair's straight... Ish, clothes are in order, no stains, um... Right... she says to herself, and waves. Hello there, ma'am! I mean, your highness? My lady? I... Uh... What's the proper address?

Princess Brittany of Rivertale. Brittany curtsies warmly. And what may I call you?

2020-03-17, 12:28 AM
Jane. Jane Orin-of the Orin family, she says. I mean, not by blood, since they're dwarves, and I'm not, but, you know, they took me in, and, um, you know... family.

2020-03-17, 12:36 AM
Rashi beams as she solves her puzzle. And first, too! She was almost disappointed by house quickly she disassembled it.

Refraining from making a frown, her attention was brought to the wooden medallion inside. After listening to Aaron's explanation of where he found it, she says, "Oooh, interesting... I'm sure it means something to someone..."

"Um, here. I can try to put it back together.. or, do you want to put anything else inside first?"

2020-03-17, 12:48 AM
Rashi beams as she solves her puzzle. And first, too! She was almost disappointed by house quickly she disassembled it.

Refraining from making a frown, her attention was brought to the wooden medallion inside. After listening to Aaron's explanation of where he found it, she says, "Oooh, interesting... I'm sure it means something to someone..."

"Um, here. I can try to put it back together.. or, do you want to put anything else inside first?"

He waves her off. "I've got some extras I can put in...and I can get it back in order. Don't worry 'bout it." He smiles, and pulls some marbles from his pocket before starting to reassemble the puzzle cube. :smallsmile:

What next? Stick around to watch some others try to solve it, play some games, tell some stories, find somebody to chat with?

Grey Guard
2020-03-17, 01:15 AM
Kor'gak struts through the town, a chipper grin plastered on his face. The festivities seemed pleasant, the the celebration reminded him a little bit of home- though those were usually due to a successful raid or victory in battle, and not from a good year's harvest.

He sees several people at Aaron's stall, fiddling with several wooden cubes. He's done more than a little work for his master, mostly with moving wood, not cutting or crafting mind, so he recognizes him easily enough. The tiny book-girl (at least, that's what he's seen her do, really) seems to have excitedly figured them out. Kor'gak shrugs, and pummels his curiosity a little bit, there's likely better things to see!

When he hears some guffawing and sees several people stuffing their faces with pies, Kor'gak's eyes get larger. The people of the town were quaint and simple, but he'd never tried pie before moving here, and he found that it was utterly delicious. "I'll take next! I bet I can eat the most!"

2020-03-17, 07:44 AM
Kellhus gives a quick, respectful bow of his head to Selene and then to the family. "Good evening, they are indeed. I always look forward to seeing what you've managed to do with the town whenever I'm here for a holiday. It's a form of magic all it's own." He gives a brief smile. "Is there anything I can help with tonight? You know I'm always happy to."

"It's not too busy yet, but I'm expecting most people will be passing through our halls tonight to visit loved ones long passed. I think we can manage, but having an extra pair of hands on hand, or even just nearby for when it gets busy, would help ease the load." :smallsmile:

Kor'gak struts through the town, a chipper grin plastered on his face. The festivities seemed pleasant, the the celebration reminded him a little bit of home- though those were usually due to a successful raid or victory in battle, and not from a good year's harvest.

He sees several people at Aaron's stall, fiddling with several wooden cubes. He's done more than a little work for his master, mostly with moving wood, not cutting or crafting mind, so he recognizes him easily enough. The tiny book-girl (at least, that's what he's seen her do, really) seems to have excitedly figured them out. Kor'gak shrugs, and pummels his curiosity a little bit, there's likely better things to see!

When he hears some guffawing and sees several people stuffing their faces with pies, Kor'gak's eyes get larger. The people of the town were quaint and simple, but he'd never tried pie before moving here, and he found that it was utterly delicious. "I'll take next! I bet I can eat the most!"

More than a few people are happy to take that challenge, and before too long a new round is starting up!

A weird way to put it, but the most appropriate thing is probably an opposed Fort save?

2020-03-17, 09:38 AM
As was the usual, and today was no special day by any of his accounts, the morning found Old Man Jenkins rocking back and forth on his porch while eating his breakfast--a proper, tasteless mush of oats and water. The town crier, blasted loud-mouthed fool, had been by earlier screaming about this celebration or that gathering or how those two brothers from across town who would never amount to anything would be hosting a drinking competition later in the day.

Naturally, a celebration meant more strangers than usual wandering around his town. All sorts of hoodlums, hobos, ne're-do-wells, hippies and unemployed folk (and that's not even counting his neighbors!) who would only be a drain on the town would show up from nowhere--whether from a hole in the ground, under a rock, or worse--and undoubtedly some drunken idiot would trample his tulips. Not this time, damn it. He had been up all night making sure the traps scattered around his property were in good working order, and whoever crossed his well-posted "no tresspassers" border would be in for a surprise they wouldn't soon forget. Nothing that would -permanently- harm them, of course...

As he watched the crowd gather from his porch, a constant scowl followed each and every traveler that passed his property. Eventually, having finished his breakfast, he goes inside to wash his dishes--the whole while continuing to scowl through the window above his dish basin. He finally returns to the rocking chair on his porch, produces a pipe, and lights it. He'd at least try to enjoy some of the sunny day, no matter how much everyone might try to ruin it.


2020-03-17, 10:20 AM
"Am I that obvious?"


It wasn't long before the two of them were interrupted by another planetouched. Celestine faded out of the conversation as the two chatted with each other. She smiled softly, inclined to think that the two were getting on well enough.

She looked around at everything else that was going on. Hm. Perhaps it was a good idea to take advantage of the fact that everyone was out and celebrating - and stuffing their faces, apparently - and spend a while in the library. Probably not as though there'd be anyone there, right?

She started to saunter in that direction, and left the two other ladies to their chattering.

2020-03-17, 11:17 AM
Atemo Sabiwa

He stood against wall of an alleyway between a few of the houses, merely observing festivities. He stayed in that spot for some time, only suddenly changing his position, as if remembering that's a thing he should do rather than something he needed.

The library was closed now due to the celebrations, and in the past he'd have joined on it readily, spending at least a bit of money to treat himself. But time passed and he felt himself grow no hungrier nor did he feel any need to get himself anything. And due to that, he felt uneasy about joining the townsfolk. He still didn't know what happened to him, why he was what he was.

He felt something poke him in his side. He turned to the side and found the stone figure, faceless and yet oddly slim yet durable shape made of rocks, giving him a stare with its slowly pulsing eyes, the veins over its body echoing that pulse. It could talk, but just felt no need to right now. It pointed towards the activities.

He turned back towards the celebration as if pondering the unspoken suggestion. He slowly pushed himself away from the wall, just giving the nod to the being, waiting a bit before adding a smile, as if having to remember about that too.

"Thanks..." He said. The creature just gave him a thumbs up.

They both moved through the village, eventually stumbling upon Aaron and his puzzles. He seen the man a few times, even interacting sometimes in past in the library.

"Ah, so you set your puzzles here? Mind if I have a go?"

2020-03-17, 11:54 AM
Atemo Sabiwa

He stood against wall of an alleyway between a few of the houses, merely observing festivities. He stayed in that spot for some time, only suddenly changing his position, as if remembering that's a thing he should do rather than something he needed.

The library was closed now due to the celebrations, and in the past he'd have joined on it readily, spending at least a bit of money to treat himself. But time passed and he felt himself grow no hungrier nor did he feel any need to get himself anything. And due to that, he felt uneasy about joining the townsfolk. He still didn't know what happened to him, why he was what he was.

He felt something poke him in his side. He turned to the side and found the stone figure, faceless and yet oddly slim yet durable shape made of rocks, giving him a stare with its slowly pulsing eyes, the veins over its body echoing that pulse. It could talk, but just felt no need to right now. It pointed towards the activities.

He turned back towards the celebration as if pondering the unspoken suggestion. He slowly pushed himself away from the wall, just giving the nod to the being, waiting a bit before adding a smile, as if having to remember about that too.

"Thanks..." He said. The creature just gave him a thumbs up.

They both moved through the village, eventually stumbling upon Aaron and his puzzles. He seen the man a few times, even interacting sometimes in past in the library.

"Ah, so you set your puzzles here? Mind if I have a go?"

"Feel free, sure," he replies, still reassembling one of the others. "Enjoying the festivities?"

Grey Guard
2020-03-17, 12:29 PM
Kor'gak finishes the last pie, and stands up abruptly, roaring with triumph, beating his chest and winning the round. His victory in battle (a contest) complete, and the blood of his enemies (pie filling) still plainly visible from the corners of grey mouth. He playfully smacks a few of his fellow contestants on the backs right after; "Good fight!" he says a few times to the others.

He wipes his mouth for good measure, and happily stomps his way out of the area where pie eating was being held. He looks around, possibly looking for a stiff drink to wash down all the pie he just ate. He sees the Honored Elder known as "Jenkins"' property out of the corner of his eye during his walk, and gives it a wide berth. Given his stare and how the others avoid him, he must be a powerful warrior living out his twilight years that nobody wishes to disturb.

A young woman with white hair and a brand on her neck catches his eye, as he hasn't seen too many other people with ritual scarring besides himself, and considers engaging her. Looks like she was headed towards the book-place that Book-Girl goes to all the time. Who would want books at a time like this?

"Who would read books at a time like this?" he inadvertently says out loud.

2020-03-17, 12:31 PM
"Am I that obvious?"


It wasn't long before the two of them were interrupted by another planetouched. Celestine faded out of the conversation as the two chatted with each other. She smiled softly, inclined to think that the two were getting on well enough.

She looked around at everything else that was going on. Hm. Perhaps it was a good idea to take advantage of the fact that everyone was out and celebrating - and stuffing their faces, apparently - and spend a while in the library. Probably not as though there'd be anyone there, right?

She started to saunter in that direction, and left the two other ladies to their chattering.

Oh, I'm sorry, Jane says as the other woman leaves. Nice to see you! Have a fun time!

2020-03-17, 12:49 PM
Atemo Sabiwa

Nodded before approaching the table closer, taking one of the unsolved puzzles and giving it a go. Perhaps that's what he needed. Something to keep his mind off his problems...

Int [roll0]

2020-03-17, 12:52 PM
"Who would read books at a time like this?"

Celestine sighed, and looked at the orc. "Some of us have more interest in knowledge than... well, stuffing our faces with pies." She sighed again, realising something. "Of course, they probably shut the library for the festivities, come to think of it. And I suppose it would be bad form to break in." She looked up at the orc. "Why, do you have a better idea of what to do with our time here?"

2020-03-17, 01:16 PM
Jane. Jane Orin-of the Orin family, she says. I mean, not by blood, since they're dwarves, and I'm not, but, you know, they took me in, and, um, you know... family.

Oh, yeah. We of the royal family adopt sometimes, especially during times of like blood curses and such.

As the first woman left, Brittney got quite distracted.

2020-03-17, 01:21 PM
I don't think it's QUITE the same situation, Jane says with a light laugh, but I'm glad you understand. Have you been to the Family Flagon, Princess Brittany?

Grey Guard
2020-03-17, 01:27 PM
"Who would read books at a time like this?"

Celestine sighed, and looked at the orc. "Some of us have more interest in knowledge than... well, stuffing our faces with pies." She sighed again, realizing something. "Of course, they probably shut the library for the festivities, come to think of it. And I suppose it would be bad form to break in." She looked up at the orc. "Why, do you have a better idea of what to do with our time here?"

Kor'gak lets out a rumbling chortle. "Knowledge is good, but why come to a celebration if you're not going to celebrate? Even Book-Girl isn't reading!" he gestures towards where he thinks he remembers Aaron's stall was.

"Why don't you eat pie? Dance? Drink the ale? Garnak's probably got some good stuff! Or pay respects to your ancestors!" he throws a meaty hand in the direction of the cemetery. "It's odd for a person to come to this festival and ask what to do with their time." He chuckles once again.

2020-03-17, 01:34 PM
As was the usual, and today was no special day by any of his accounts, the morning found Old Man Jenkins rocking back and forth on his porch while eating his breakfast--a proper, tasteless mush of oats and water. The town crier, blasted loud-mouthed fool, had been by earlier screaming about this celebration or that gathering or how those two brothers from across town who would never amount to anything would be hosting a drinking competition later in the day.

Naturally, a celebration meant more strangers than usual wandering around his town. All sorts of hoodlums, hobos, ne're-do-wells, hippies and unemployed folk (and that's not even counting his neighbors!) who would only be a drain on the town would show up from nowhere--whether from a hole in the ground, under a rock, or worse--and undoubtedly some drunken idiot would trample his tulips. Not this time, damn it. He had been up all night making sure the traps scattered around his property were in good working order, and whoever crossed his well-posted "no tresspassers" border would be in for a surprise they wouldn't soon forget. Nothing that would -permanently- harm them, of course...

As he watched the crowd gather from his porch, a constant scowl followed each and every traveler that passed his property. Eventually, having finished his breakfast, he goes inside to wash his dishes--the whole while continuing to scowl through the window above his dish basin. He finally returns to the rocking chair on his porch, produces a pipe, and lights it. He'd at least try to enjoy some of the sunny day, no matter how much everyone might try to ruin it.


As Jenkins settles into his chair, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and a chill runs over his spine. That can only mean one thing...he's coming to visit.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, an unfortunately familiar figure appears at the edge of the property. Fredrick Rider, the luckiest son of a witch to ever walk the face of the planet. He squints down the path, despite being relatively close to the house, and his scarred lips break out in a smile over cracked teeth as he seems to register Old Man Jenkins sitting on his porch. "Howdy-ho, neighborino!" he calls out in greeting, making his way up the path to Jenkins' house. By some miracle of fate, the particular way he's hobbling his way up to the house barely avoids triggering all traps but two, which miss the oblivious geezer by inches. His smile shrinks a fraction at the swish of weaponry going by his ear. "What's that? You say something? Speak up, sonny, I'm a bit hard of hearing, apologies." He lets out a chuckle, even though he didn't seem to say anything that constitutes a joke.

Atemo Sabiwa

Nodded before approaching the table closer, taking one of the unsolved puzzles and giving it a go. Perhaps that's what he needed. Something to keep his mind off his problems...

Int [roll0]

Despite your best efforts, you keep getting pieces stuck on each other maybe halfway through solving it, and you can't fathom how to separate them. Aaron shrugs with a small smile as he watches. "Don't be too disappointed, most people aren't figuring them out."

2020-03-17, 01:36 PM
"I'm not really a festival person", Celestine admitted. "I don't normally come here. Folks are frightened of the mean old Witch of the Wilds, you see, and anyway, I don't... I don't take or use anything material, except for enough food to eat, a few clothes, and enough sticks to hit people with if I need to. Really, I'm only here because... well, I expect something will get broken, or someone will get hurt, or something like that. Weird how people are happy to accept the help of the terrible terrible witch after they've had a fall."

She shrugged.

2020-03-17, 01:56 PM
"You should celebrate too!" He begins to March off towards where the celebrating is taking place, pausing long enough to hear a response from the high bred girl.

I volunteered for militia duty so someone else could have the day off. Maybe later. I'm always on the lookout for good hunting partners.

If you end up wrestling someone try not to break them worse than we can fix, not everyone here is as tough as you.

2020-03-17, 02:10 PM
Delena smiles at Kor'gak going off to join the party, then walks a little patrol, passing by Old Man Jenkins spot as she does so but not bothering to say hello.

Her next port of call being the Family Flagon, stepping to one side to let a few well imbibed revellers out she makes her way in and heads to the bar.

Evening. Just calling in to see how you all are doing. Everyone behaving themselves?

2020-03-17, 02:33 PM
As Jenkins settles into his chair, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and a chill runs over his spine. That can only mean one thing...he's coming to visit.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, an unfortunately familiar figure appears at the edge of the property. Fredrick Rider, the luckiest son of a witch to ever walk the face of the planet. He squints down the path, despite being relatively close to the house, and his scarred lips break out in a smile over cracked teeth as he seems to register Old Man Jenkins sitting on his porch. "Howdy-ho, neighborino!" he calls out in greeting, making his way up the path to Jenkins' house. By some miracle of fate, the particular way he's hobbling his way up to the house barely avoids triggering all traps but two, which miss the oblivious geezer by inches. His smile shrinks a fraction at the swish of weaponry going by his ear. "What's that? You say something? Speak up, sonny, I'm a bit hard of hearing, apologies." He lets out a chuckle, even though he didn't seem to say anything that constitutes a joke.[/B]

As Fredrick walks up the path, Old Man Jenkins watches with interest to see which booby trap might send the old geezer finally to his grave.

"Bah! Worthless junk! You weren't a master thief in a past life, were you Rider?"

He takes a puff of his pipe. While he hadn't yet managed to arrange a suitable accident for the trespasser, he did at least have some begrudging sense of respect for the man's apparent natural ability to evade his traps. Only one other person ever had had such luck...

"You ever been to the First Bank of Waterdeep? Maybe robbed it or anything like that?"

2020-03-17, 02:52 PM
Delena smiles at Kor'gak going off to join the party, then walks a little patrol, passing by Old Man Jenkins spot as she does so but not bothering to say hello.

Her next port of call being the Family Flagon, stepping to one side to let a few well imbibed revellers out she makes her way in and heads to the bar.

Evening. Just calling in to see how you all are doing. Everyone behaving themselves?

There appears to be a bit of a bar brawl in progress. Evening's barely begun and some people are already at least two sheets to the wind, it seems! Deescalate the situation, establish your authority, join the brawl...some option I'm not thinking of?

As Fredrick walks up the path, Old Man Jenkins watches with interest to see which booby trap might send the old geezer finally to his grave.

"Bah! Worthless junk! You weren't a master thief in a past life, were you Rider?"

He takes a puff of his pipe. While he hadn't yet managed to arrange a suitable accident for the trespasser, he did at least have some begrudging sense of respect for the man's apparent natural ability to evade his traps. Only one other person ever had had such luck...

"You ever been to the First Bank of Waterdeep? Maybe robbed it or anything like that?"

"Hmm? Waterdeep? Can't say I've ever been there, although I think a second cousin went to the big city back in the day," he replies, seeming to get lost in memories for a moment before bringing himself back to the present. "Ah, listen to me jabberin' away 'bout what's gone when the present's so full of shine! Whatcha doin' out here on yer lonesome, sonny? Big party in town today, wonderful way to spend time with yer friends. And such a beautiful day out, too!"

Grey Guard
2020-03-17, 03:33 PM
"I'm not really a festival person", Celestine admitted. "I don't normally come here. Folks are frightened of the mean old Witch of the Wilds, you see, and anyway, I don't... I don't take or use anything material, except for enough food to eat, a few clothes, and enough sticks to hit people with if I need to. Really, I'm only here because... well, I expect something will get broken, or someone will get hurt, or something like that. Weird how people are happy to accept the help of the terrible terrible witch after they've had a fall."

She shrugged.

Kor'gak shrugs in return to her. His grin fades completely, and his affect changes to seem a little more serious and genuine. "In my tribe, my father would dole out blessings to others. His touch was like rubbing molten salt in a fresh open wound. It sounds like the people here don't know how good they have it."

His grin rapidly returns, however, and so does his chipper tone of voice. "But if you're here just to help people who don't like you, that doesn't make an ounce of sense! Come!" He moves to grab the young witch's arm. "We'll have drink, food and throw a punch or two!" If she lets her arm get grabbed, he pulls her along towards the Flagon.

2020-03-17, 03:44 PM
Delena watches the brawl in progress to make sure that this stays "friendly" and not too much damage is done, unless the management want it shut down.

One of the participants comes staggering backwards from an especially hard punch and lands sprawling at her feet, spitting one of his teeth out he curses and goes for his knife. She calmly steps forward and stands on his wrist, pinning it to the floor

Now now Dravid. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. If you can't play nice I suggest you go home and sleep it off

2020-03-17, 03:51 PM
Rashi marvels at her little knickknack prize in thought, rather oblivious to what's going on around her.

Hmm. I might have seen a book about this in the library... I'll check it out tomorrow.

Wandering off to the next attraction, she comes across a carnivalesque game, ran by another villager she barely knew. She believed he was.. oh yes! By the piles of old worn out shoes, it was none other than Mr. Cobbler.

"Test your skill! For a schill!
Lob a shoe! Win something good!"

"Ah, Mr. Cobbler! What is this??" Rashi asked, peering at the whole setup. Apparently there was... a large bin of old shoes just behind the table. And further back, maybe 20 feet or so, was a barrel with a somewhat narrow, oblong hole cut into the top.

Chuckling, the middle-aged man says, "Well, I finally figured out what to do with all these torn up shoes! Not really worth the trouble fixing, to be honest. See that barrel over there? Toss a shoe in the hole and you'll win!" He points behind him. Of course, the hole was orientated the hard way, long ways perpendicular to the trajectory.

"Uhh... win what?" Rashi asks.

He smiles and says, Haven't got much to be honest. Of course, I could make you a new pair that fit well. I know you're a bit small...

"Hmm, I'll give it a try ..." she says with a smile

Mr. Cobbler offer the following:

2 throws for 1 cp
7 throws for 3 cp

Rashi tries 2 throws.

The hole is AC 15 (plus 2 for distance barring feats/abilities) and on top of that, due to disadvantageous angle and randomness, 50% concealment.

Rashi throw 1: [roll0]
1=miss [roll1]

Rashi throw 2: [roll2]
1=miss [roll3]

Rashi watches with disappointment as the shoes don't even come close. One doesn't even go far enough to reach the barrel. Mr. Cobbler watches with about an equal amount of unmet expectation. With a shrug and a wink he says, "Eh, probably not the best game for a dame."

Rashi sighs. "Well it was worth a shot..."

Just then a voice speaks behind her. ???: "Rashi, Rashi.. that was utterly pitiful!" In a playful tone. "Are you so bored that you're throwing old shoes? How about a dance?"

She turned to see who it was.

2020-03-17, 04:10 PM
Celestine was somewhat uncomfortable, but the orc had - through no deliberacy on either of their parts - taken her to exactly the place that she wanted to go. Well, at least, she was glad to be there now that there was a definite brawl in progress.

"Milil protect us, I don't know if I have enough healing to deal with that."

She shook herself. "Tell me you're not planning to join in? Oh, gods be good, of course you are."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, just... don't actually hurt anyone too much, please? And don't get in my way if I have to stop some people..."

For the rest of the brawl, unless something obvious happens that would make her not do this, each turn move into a position which isn't threatened and Ready an action to sleep, DC 13, anyone who's about to do something genuinely dangerous, and anyone around them.

Grey Guard
2020-03-17, 04:27 PM
He releases Celestine's hand when they get to the Flagon, and his eyes go wide with excitement when he sees the brawl going on. He excitedly runs towards the bar, drops 3 pieces of copper, bellowing for a drink. "Ale! Now!" When he gets it, he downs it in practically one gulp.

He then gleefully joins the brawl, eager to let loose a few blows, but certainly not trying to hurt people too bad.

To hit:[roll0]
Damage (if applicable) [roll1] Nonlethal

2020-03-17, 04:31 PM
"Ah, Lord Sipants! Plenty of time, yes yes!" Barnaby stands, clapping Fahn on the shoulder and giving him a broad grin. Lead the way, old chap!" :smallbiggrin:

Fahn waves his wife off to go and check on the children. He is about to set off when he see's a large Orc sit down at the table for the pie eating contest.

"Who's that?" He whispers to Barnaby whilst watching captivated as Kor'gak absolutely demolishes pie after pie. Knocked out his reverie by Kor'gak's victory cry he shakes his head muttering "What has this town come to" before leading Barnaby through the crowd looking for somewhere quieter to talk. He pulls his long pipe from his sleeve as they walk, but before they reach the bench by the main bonfire that he had been angling toward he spots something else.

The stage had been set up for musicians to perform throughout the night. There was a reasonable crowd gathered around ready for the next performer, an eager young lutist who was tuning his instrument at the side of the stage. Fahn's eyes were drawn to the stage and to the gathered crowd and he turns to Barnaby. "Actually if you would just wait a moment, I feel like giving a speech." then ignoring any protests he strides through the crowd and hops up onto the stage. He gets a few dark looks from people who had been hoping for music when he starts speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an absolute honour to welcome you to the annual celebration for the Feast Of The Moon. I am delighted to be able to share this special evening with all of you. It has been a long and tough year, but is it not worth the hard work for the rewards of a good harvest and the chance to celebrate and let loose." He lets out an awkward laugh before continuing.

"Of course none of this could have been achieved without the marvellous work from Mayor Barnaby." And he gestures to the mayor for applause.

"Or indeed without the generosity of the local nobility such as myself who have dug deep into our coffers to contribute to the festival fund" And he takes a bow as if expecting applause of his own. When none is forthcoming he looks up with a lock of abject hatred on his face which cows some of the angry murmurings in the crowd. Before he says anything though his expression changes and he looks momentarily confused at how he ended up on the stage and he jumps down before hurrying back to Barnaby's side and taking his arm drags him along whilst saying "Now we really must talk about the budget for the festivities. I thought I had your assurances that this was not going to be as extravagant as last years event."

2020-03-17, 04:53 PM
Ez grumbles a bit as he finishes, then nods toward Rashi.

"Congratulations are in order, I suppose. Good work, Rashi. You really showed us two old folk how it's done."

With a smile, Ez holds up the bell and nods to Aaron, ignoring any protests from Sylurne about her age.

"Well, what now? I suppose- oh, what's this? Better go listen in." Ez leads his friend and rival toward the stage once he realized who is speaking. Though he barely knows Lord Sipants, Ez is well aware of the man's affluence. Ez smiles as the man talks and does his best to appear interested, even shushing Sylurne if she tries to ask about his interest.

A wealthy patron like that could go a long way toward my work, thinks Ez, eye wide at the possibility. When the man mentions his generosity, Ez claps briefly before quieting down in the face of overwhelming silence. As Lord Sipants hops down, Ez tries to make his way toward the man, but is too slow. He decides to hang in the area for a bit to catch the noble when he's done with the mayor.

"So Sylurne. How's business been? Sold any love potions lately? Cured the common cold?"

2020-03-17, 05:00 PM
Delena keeps her foot on Dravid's arm as Celestine and Kor'gak arrive, watching him down an ale in record time and then one of the local shepherds almost as quickly

You see Dravid? You don't bring a knife to a tavern brawl you bring an orc

2020-03-17, 09:33 PM
I don't think it's QUITE the same situation, Jane says with a light laugh, but I'm glad you understand. Have you been to the Family Flagon, Princess Brittany?

No I have not, I have never been in a flagon before. Brittany replies.

2020-03-17, 09:55 PM
Not a flagon, the Flagon, she says. It's my grandma's tavern-I work there, serving customers, helping with the food and drinks. I do, after all, have the magic touch! she adds, letting a few sparkles out from her fingers.

2020-03-17, 11:26 PM
Ooo, let me guess, Enchantress? Brittney flirted.

2020-03-17, 11:30 PM
Jane shakes her head. It's natural. As far as I can tell, whatever... other I am, it's just something we can do. I can also chill drinks, heat food, and add seasoning!

2020-03-18, 01:42 AM
Jane shakes her head. It's natural. As far as I can tell, whatever... other I am, it's just something we can do. I can also chill drinks, heat food, and add seasoning!

You're naturally enchanting? Brittany teased with a wink.

2020-03-18, 09:15 AM
Jane blushes a bit. Thank you for the compliment, but I'm not really special...

2020-03-18, 11:35 AM
Delena watches the brawl in progress to make sure that this stays "friendly" and not too much damage is done, unless the management want it shut down.

One of the participants comes staggering backwards from an especially hard punch and lands sprawling at her feet, spitting one of his teeth out he curses and goes for his knife. She calmly steps forward and stands on his wrist, pinning it to the floor

Now now Dravid. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. If you can't play nice I suggest you go home and sleep it off

Dravid winces and raises his other hand in surrender. He doesn't make trouble when he stands, and the others back off now that it seems the fight's over. Annabelle gets some money when she gets back to the bar - apparently the fight had some money involved and she'd bet on herself. Gambling ain't illegal, sure, but if she's starting fights for money, might be good to give her a talking to before things go too far without you around, yeah?

Rashi marvels at her little knickknack prize in thought, rather oblivious to what's going on around her.

Hmm. I might have seen a book about this in the library... I'll check it out tomorrow.

Wandering off to the next attraction, she comes across a carnivalesque game, ran by another villager she barely knew. She believed he was.. oh yes! By the piles of old worn out shoes, it was none other than Mr. Cobbler.

"Test your skill! For a schill!
Lob a shoe! Win something good!"

"Ah, Mr. Cobbler! What is this??" Rashi asked, peering at the whole setup. Apparently there was... a large bin of old shoes just behind the table. And further back, maybe 20 feet or so, was a barrel with a somewhat narrow, oblong hole cut into the top.

Chuckling, the middle-aged man says, "Well, I finally figured out what to do with all these torn up shoes! Not really worth the trouble fixing, to be honest. See that barrel over there? Toss a shoe in the hole and you'll win!" He points behind him. Of course, the hole was orientated the hard way, long ways perpendicular to the trajectory.

"Uhh... win what?" Rashi asks.

He smiles and says, Haven't got much to be honest. Of course, I could make you a new pair that fit well. I know you're a bit small...

"Hmm, I'll give it a try ..." she says with a smile

Mr. Cobbler offer the following:

2 throws for 1 cp
7 throws for 3 cp

Rashi tries 2 throws.

The hole is AC 15 (plus 2 for distance barring feats/abilities) and on top of that, due to disadvantageous angle and randomness, 50% concealment.

Rashi throw 1: [roll0]
1=miss [roll1]

Rashi throw 2: [roll2]
1=miss [roll3]

Rashi watches with disappointment as the shoes don't even come close. One doesn't even go far enough to reach the barrel. Mr. Cobbler watches with about an equal amount of unmet expectation. With a shrug and a wink he says, "Eh, probably not the best game for a dame."

Rashi sighs. "Well it was worth a shot..."

Just then a voice speaks behind her. ???: "Rashi, Rashi.. that was utterly pitiful!" In a playful tone. "Are you so bored that you're throwing old shoes? How about a dance?"

She turned to see who it was.

Percival flashes Rashi a grin, unknowingly melting her heart. "Somebody's got a little group singin' polecats jus' 'round the bar, but I'd feel silly dancing alone. Care to join me?"

Percival is a tall handsome young man. He's got a wide variety of interests, particularly cooking and hunting, and loves listening to a good story. Stops by the library to learn bits and pieces of new topics frequently, and stays to listen if Rashi's reading something for some kids.

Of the options presented, this seemed like a fun one. :smalltongue:

Fahn waves his wife off to go and check on the children. He is about to set off when he see's a large Orc sit down at the table for the pie eating contest.

"Who's that?" He whispers to Barnaby whilst watching captivated as Kor'gak absolutely demolishes pie after pie. Knocked out his reverie by Kor'gak's victory cry he shakes his head muttering "What has this town come to" before leading Barnaby through the crowd looking for somewhere quieter to talk. He pulls his long pipe from his sleeve as they walk, but before they reach the bench by the main bonfire that he had been angling toward he spots something else.

"One of the new guard. Got a good head on his shoulders and doesn't make trouble. Respect for the captain's a good part of that, I think."

The stage had been set up for musicians to perform throughout the night. There was a reasonable crowd gathered around ready for the next performer, an eager young lutist who was tuning his instrument at the side of the stage. Fahn's eyes were drawn to the stage and to the gathered crowd and he turns to Barnaby. "Actually if you would just wait a moment, I feel like giving a speech." then ignoring any protests he strides through the crowd and hops up onto the stage. He gets a few dark looks from people who had been hoping for music when he starts speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an absolute honour to welcome you to the annual celebration for the Feast Of The Moon. I am delighted to be able to share this special evening with all of you. It has been a long and tough year, but is it not worth the hard work for the rewards of a good harvest and the chance to celebrate and let loose." He lets out an awkward laugh before continuing.

"Of course none of this could have been achieved without the marvellous work from Mayor Barnaby." And he gestures to the mayor for applause.

"Or indeed without the generosity of the local nobility such as myself who have dug deep into our coffers to contribute to the festival fund" And he takes a bow as if expecting applause of his own. When none is forthcoming he looks up with a lock of abject hatred on his face which cows some of the angry murmurings in the crowd. Before he says anything though his expression changes and he looks momentarily confused at how he ended up on the stage and he jumps down before hurrying back to Barnaby's side and taking his arm drags him along whilst saying "Now we really must talk about the budget for the festivities. I thought I had your assurances that this was not going to be as extravagant as last years event."

The man's smile never wavers, although his eyes change subtly now that the two are talking business. "Not less extravagant, less costly. Or it would've been. I'd been operating under the impression that our esteemed visitor--"

He nods in a general direction deeper in the festival, and Fahn recalls seeing the visiting dignitary wandering around...and unaccompanied, at that! Shameful's what it is.

"--would be accompanied by funds to keep her stay with us befitting her status, but instead nearly her whole entourage got reassigned not even two nights ago. I've got an earful to give a couple of people about it, but rest assured that once her people have paid their fair share for the celebration, you'll be getting repaid for the undue burden. I can't promise any exact time-frame on that, although once I have something definite you'll be the first to know." His grin widens, and he adds, "And I expect you won't let me forget it, either."

Ez grumbles a bit as he finishes, then nods toward Rashi.

"Congratulations are in order, I suppose. Good work, Rashi. You really showed us two old folk how it's done."

With a smile, Ez holds up the bell and nods to Aaron, ignoring any protests from Sylurne about her age.

"Well, what now? I suppose- oh, what's this? Better go listen in." Ez leads his friend and rival toward the stage once he realized who is speaking. Though he barely knows Lord Sipants, Ez is well aware of the man's affluence. Ez smiles as the man talks and does his best to appear interested, even shushing Sylurne if she tries to ask about his interest.

A wealthy patron like that could go a long way toward my work, thinks Ez, eye wide at the possibility. When the man mentions his generosity, Ez claps briefly before quieting down in the face of overwhelming silence. As Lord Sipants hops down, Ez tries to make his way toward the man, but is too slow. He decides to hang in the area for a bit to catch the noble when he's done with the mayor.

"So Sylurne. How's business been? Sold any love potions lately? Cured the common cold?"

She chuckles a bit. "Nothing so fanciful. Been working on a new glue recipe that's easier to separate from skin without losing its adhesiveness otherwise, but it's a bit slow-going. To say nothing of how much difficulty I expect to have finding volunteers to help test it once I've got one I think is ready. Got anything in the works yourself?"

2020-03-18, 12:33 PM
Ez raises his eyebrow. "A new glue recipe, huh? I had been contemplating something like that myself. Sort've the opposite intent, though. I would want it to stay stuck to skin.

"But no, nothing new right now. I'm, ah... a little low on funds. I also hit a bit of alchemist's block, if you know what I mean. I'm hoping a day at the festival will cure at least one of those, though!"

He spares a glance over toward where Fahn disappeared, then snorts.

"You apprentice around today, or do you have them watching the shop as some type of punishment?"

2020-03-18, 12:37 PM
Who is Annabelle. I don't think that name has been mentioned yet?

2020-03-18, 12:43 PM
Atemo Sabiwa

He sighed before putting the puzzle back on the stand, just offering the man a nod.

He just proceeded to wander around the village, a bit aimlessly. With prodding from elemental creature at his side he got himself a bit of food, at least being happy in knowing that it tasted right for him, his own worries about that at least being gone for now.

But then he just... went back to wondering. Something made him feel a bit out of place.

2020-03-18, 12:48 PM
Ez raises his eyebrow. "A new glue recipe, huh? I had been contemplating something like that myself. Sort've the opposite intent, though. I would want it to stay stuck to skin.

"But no, nothing new right now. I'm, ah... a little low on funds. I also hit a bit of alchemist's block, if you know what I mean. I'm hoping a day at the festival will cure at least one of those, though!"

He spares a glance over toward where Fahn disappeared, then snorts.

"You apprentice around today, or do you have them watching the shop as some type of punishment?"

"Michael's cleaning up a mess that got made earlier, but once that's done he'll be joining us out here. Gods know he'll likely be making a fool of himself over some girl," she replies, rolling her eyes.

Who is Annabelle. I don't think that name has been mentioned yet?

Nobody specific just another made-on-the-spot NPC. Lumberer, rough type, work-hard-play-hard kinda gal.

Atemo Sabiwa

He sighed before putting the puzzle back on the stand, just offering the man a nod.

He just proceeded to wander around the village, a bit aimlessly. With prodding from elemental creature at his side he got himself a bit of food, at least being happy in knowing that it tasted right for him, his own worries about that at least being gone for now.

But then he just... went back to wondering. Something made him feel a bit out of place.

[Spot check please.]

2020-03-18, 01:05 PM
Jane blushes a bit. Thank you for the compliment, but I'm not really special...

You shouldn't put yourself down, like that. Brittany protests.

2020-03-18, 01:09 PM
Well... Thank you, princess, Jane says. I appreciate your support. So, um, we should probably find where they're actually celebrating! You know, dance a bit, have some fun!

2020-03-18, 01:21 PM
Brittany places a hand on Jane's hip. Lead the way to the dancing.

2020-03-18, 01:28 PM
Jane starts heading for where the sounds of music are coming from, blushing brightly.

Soon enough, she leads the princess to near the center of town, where musicians are weaving a jaunty tune. There's a circle of people watching, laughing, and talking; while in the center, a few couples dance to the music. It's good to see Mr. Nintir is back to his music. He was so sad he couldn't play when he had the coughing fits. But, um, yeah, she adds, turning back to face Brittany. Normally I'd be dancing with family-I usually have to prod them away from the crowds to get them dancing, unless they're drunk. They're not the best, but they're so enthusiastic about it, it makes everyone feel happy.

2020-03-18, 01:30 PM
Rashi smiles at Percival, her heart warmed. She had to admit she liked the young man. Tall, handsome, dependable... And that wasn't the least of it. She always noticed when he was there as she told her stories...

Hesitating just for a second, with her heart fluttering, Rashi says, "S-sure. I'd love to go with you..."

Taking up his hand, not really meant to be in a romantic way, but more as to a friend she says, "Let's go!"

2020-03-18, 01:34 PM
Delana approaches Annabelle Congratulations. Good job there, just be careful though Dravid started to take that a bit too personally when you laid him out and I won't always be there to calm the likes of him down

2020-03-18, 01:42 PM
Rashi smiles at Percival, her heart warmed. She had to admit she liked the young man. Tall, handsome, dependable... And that wasn't the least of it. She always noticed when he was there as she told her stories...

Hesitating just for a second, with her heart fluttering, Rashi says, "S-sure. I'd love to go with you..."

Taking up his hand, not really meant to be in a romantic way, but more as to a friend she says, "Let's go!"

He leads her over a ways over to the stage - apparently one of the groups looking to perform is a barbershop quartet (despite there being no barbershop in town, little weird), and they're belting out a lively tune for everybody to dance to. Percival spins Rashi around with a little laugh and away you go dancing into the crowd together!

Perform (Dance), don't worry about being trained. :smallsmile:


Delana approaches Annabelle Congratulations. Good job there, just be careful though Dravid started to take that a bit too personally when you laid him out and I won't always be there to calm the likes of him down

She snorts a bit. "Man who loses a friendly brawl's a loser for a min'. Man who draws a knife to win a friendly brawl's a loser fer life!" she chortles. "'sides, figured there'd be somebody around to keep 'im 'umble. I'll try not to antagonize him though."

2020-03-18, 02:21 PM
Thank you

Delana takes her leave and goes and checks out the dancing

2020-03-18, 03:40 PM
Apparently missing or half blocking out Lord Sipant's speech as she was doing the shoe lob, Rashi finds a barber quartet at the stage as she and her friend nearly run to the dancing area.

As Percival begins with the dancing, Rashi laughs and tries to keep up!

perform dance: [roll0]

Glad it's perform... Not a dexterity* check. :smalltongue:

Nobody fell on their face or stepped on another's foot. Things were going well tonight. Rashi was having fun.

2020-03-18, 04:43 PM
"Michael's cleaning up a mess that got made earlier, but once that's done he'll be joining us out here. Gods know he'll likely be making a fool of himself over some girl," she replies, rolling her eyes.

"A classic, to be sure. Kids these days. I need to speak to Lord Sipants, by the by. After that, is there anything else you were meaning to do tonight? Like I said, I'm mostly here to distract myself for a few hours, I didn't have anything planned."

2020-03-18, 06:28 PM
"It's not too busy yet, but I'm expecting most people will be passing through our halls tonight to visit loved ones long passed. I think we can manage, but having an extra pair of hands on hand, or even just nearby for when it gets busy, would help ease the load." :smallsmile:

Kellhus smiles again. "Of course, it's the least I can do to repay you for always allowing me to stay here at the temple. I'll look around for a bit and then check back in." He makes a circuit of the village, taking in the sights and sounds and partaking of a select few of the festival foods and tuned down many others that were offered. He regretted, as he often did, that his frail health left him having to be so careful about what he ate. He'd partaken of a dish with some imported Mulhorandi spices once and had been unable to sleep the entire night. He considered stepping in and casting a sleeping enchantment on the brawl when it broke out but the guard stepped in and resolved the issue quickly enough.

After about an hour he returned to the Temple and assisted the acolytes in the Rituals of Rememberance for those who had experienced loss. He moved through the Rites rythmically, allowing the chants of dusk and rebirth to draw him into a meditative state as they often did.

Eventually, after repeating the last verse of the Rite and bowing to the paritioners with a murmered "May the hope of the new day carry you to the dawn" he realized that there were no more left waiting. He sighed heavily and sat to rest on the stes of the Temple for a while, not sure of the time.

2020-03-18, 09:43 PM
Jane starts heading for where the sounds of music are coming from, blushing brightly.

Soon enough, she leads the princess to near the center of town, where musicians are weaving a jaunty tune. There's a circle of people watching, laughing, and talking; while in the center, a few couples dance to the music. It's good to see Mr. Nintir is back to his music. He was so sad he couldn't play when he had the coughing fits. But, um, yeah, she adds, turning back to face Brittany. Normally I'd be dancing with family-I usually have to prod them away from the crowds to get them dancing, unless they're drunk. They're not the best, but they're so enthusiastic about it, it makes everyone feel happy.

Why don't they like dancing? Brittany asks.

2020-03-18, 09:48 PM
They're not good at it, Jane replies. I mean, I'm no star on the floor, but they're just... Really bad at being graceful.

2020-03-19, 03:03 PM
Thank you

Delana takes her leave and goes and checks out the dancing

Apparently missing or half blocking out Lord Sipant's speech as she was doing the shoe lob, Rashi finds a barber quartet at the stage as she and her friend nearly run to the dancing area.

As Percival begins with the dancing, Rashi laughs and tries to keep up!

perform dance: [roll0]

Glad it's perform... Not a dexterity* check. :smalltongue:

Nobody fell on their face or stepped on another's foot. Things were going well tonight. Rashi was having fun.

If it was for something more complicated, like particularly impressive dance moves, I might call for something, but a relatively simple dance with a partner leading? Ehhhhh

Percival's grin broadens as the song goes on. When it finally comes to a stop and a slower, more physically-performative tune is struck up, he leads Rashi off to the side of the bar, where they can lean and watch the dancers while catching their breath. "Cor, they've got some proper pipes on them, don't they? That last note just went on forever," he laughs.

"A classic, to be sure. Kids these days. I need to speak to Lord Sipants, by the by. After that, is there anything else you were meaning to do tonight? Like I said, I'm mostly here to distract myself for a few hours, I didn't have anything planned."

"I'm of a mind to just wander, honestly. Sample some dishes, watch some of the bards perform, head by the temple at some point to pay my respects...the usual. Normally I'd invite you back to the lab to tinker for a bit, but...well, not exactly the night for staying shut-in, you know?'

Kellhus smiles again. "Of course, it's the least I can do to repay you for always allowing me to stay here at the temple. I'll look around for a bit and then check back in." He makes a circuit of the village, taking in the sights and sounds and partaking of a select few of the festival foods and tuned down many others that were offered. He regretted, as he often did, that his frail health left him having to be so careful about what he ate. He'd partaken of a dish with some imported Mulhorandi spices once and had been unable to sleep the entire night. He considered stepping in and casting a sleeping enchantment on the brawl when it broke out but the guard stepped in and resolved the issue quickly enough.

After about an hour he returned to the Temple and assisted the acolytes in the Rituals of Rememberance for those who had experienced loss. He moved through the Rites rythmically, allowing the chants of dusk and rebirth to draw him into a meditative state as they often did.

Eventually, after repeating the last verse of the Rite and bowing to the paritioners with a murmered "May the hope of the new day carry you to the dawn" he realized that there were no more left waiting. He sighed heavily and sat to rest on the stes of the Temple for a while, not sure of the time.

[...oh boy a big time skip huh? Right...if that's how you'll be spending the night, then I'll mark you as done for this part of it. With one exception...Spot check and Will save please.]

2020-03-19, 03:13 PM
Celestine was somewhat uncomfortable, but the orc had - through no deliberacy on either of their parts - taken her to exactly the place that she wanted to go. Well, at least, she was glad to be there now that there was a definite brawl in progress.

"Milil protect us, I don't know if I have enough healing to deal with that."

She shook herself. "Tell me you're not planning to join in? Oh, gods be good, of course you are."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, just... don't actually hurt anyone too much, please? And don't get in my way if I have to stop some people..."

For the rest of the brawl, unless something obvious happens that would make her not do this, each turn move into a position which isn't threatened and Ready an action to sleep, DC 13, anyone who's about to do something genuinely dangerous, and anyone around them.

It strikes you in a moment of absurdity that you're essentially watching one guard beat up a drunk while another guard watches and does nothing. And you're doing nothing too. Feels...weird. It's friendly-ish, that makes it okay right?

He releases Celestine's hand when they get to the Flagon, and his eyes go wide with excitement when he sees the brawl going on. He excitedly runs towards the bar, drops 3 pieces of copper, bellowing for a drink. "Ale! Now!" When he gets it, he downs it in practically one gulp.

He then gleefully joins the brawl, eager to let loose a few blows, but certainly not trying to hurt people too bad.

To hit:[roll0]
Damage (if applicable) [roll1] Nonlethal

You ring Robb's bell something fierce. He falls back onto the floor and just kinda lairs there for a few moments catching his breath. Ah, he's a tough farmhand, he'll shake it off just fine - besides, you've got other problems, like his brother taking a swing at you from behind.

Atk: [roll0] ([roll1] crit confirm?)
Dmg:[roll2] nonlethal (+[roll3] if crit)

2020-03-19, 03:23 PM
"One of the new guard. Got a good head on his shoulders and doesn't make trouble. Respect for the captain's a good part of that, I think."

The man's smile never wavers, although his eyes change subtly now that the two are talking business. "Not less extravagant, less costly. Or it would've been. I'd been operating under the impression that our esteemed visitor--"

He nods in a general direction deeper in the festival, and Fahn recalls seeing the visiting dignitary wandering around...and unaccompanied, at that! Shameful's what it is.

"--would be accompanied by funds to keep her stay with us befitting her status, but instead nearly her whole entourage got reassigned not even two nights ago. I've got an earful to give a couple of people about it, but rest assured that once her people have paid their fair share for the celebration, you'll be getting repaid for the undue burden. I can't promise any exact time-frame on that, although once I have something definite you'll be the first to know." His grin widens, and he adds, "And I expect you won't let me forget it, either."

Lord Fahn looks completely taken aback, the conversation couldn't be going any better for him. He pulls his pipe out of his sleeve as Barnaby talks and starts filling the bowl and getting it ready to light.

"That is fantastic news. And how wonderful it is to have such a generous guest with us." With that information Lord Fahn loses interest in the conversation and lets Barnaby chatter away while he smokes his pipe. As soon as would be socially acceptable he makes his excuses and leaves to seek out the Princess.

He weaves his way through the crowds and comes across her talking with Jane near the dancing. Immediately dismissing Jane from his consideration Lord Sipants walks up and introduces himself to the Princess with a bow. "Greetings honoured guest. I am Lord Fahn of the Sipants family. It is a pleasure to have you visiting our humble town. Could I ask what you are visiting the town for if it is not too presumptuous?"

2020-03-19, 05:20 PM
Rashi chuckles, a bit winded, herself. She agrees, "I know! They must have the lungs of a horse!"

After watching the other dancers a while, she asks, "Hey Percival, have you gone to any of the Rituals of Remembrance yet?"

Rashi herself didn't exactly have any known ancestors. The only family she had been with was her immediately family. Of course, people like her parents' parents were mentioned over the years. But her beliefs in the Adama put a different spin on the day of remembrance for her. Somewhere, her ancestors and their friends, etc, were likely reincarnated somewhere else now... and if they were virtuous, not as animals.

Rashi offers to go to the temple with Percival, to maybe take part in one of the ceremonies. As for whatever was lined up, she believed she was also due to tell a special story about this day to an audience, too. At least at some point. That was likely going to be back on the stage, where the performers were at.

2020-03-19, 06:23 PM
"I'm of a mind to just wander, honestly. Sample some dishes, watch some of the bards perform, head by the temple at some point to pay my respects...the usual. Normally I'd invite you back to the lab to tinker for a bit, but...well, not exactly the night for staying shut-in, you know?'

Ez chuckles. "You'd let me into your secret lab? You really are in the festival mood tonight, huh?"

Another glance toward the important folk. "But sure. I could go for some good company, mediocre food, and bad music. I'll catch up with the lord later."

Ez lets himself be led to wherever Sylrune thinks the best food can be found - hopefully near some kind of entertainment!

2020-03-23, 11:27 AM
Rashi chuckles, a bit winded, herself. She agrees, "I know! They must have the lungs of a horse!"

After watching the other dancers a while, she asks, "Hey Percival, have you gone to any of the Rituals of Remembrance yet?"

Rashi herself didn't exactly have any known ancestors. The only family she had been with was her immediately family. Of course, people like her parents' parents were mentioned over the years. But her beliefs in the Adama put a different spin on the day of remembrance for her. Somewhere, her ancestors and their friends, etc, were likely reincarnated somewhere else now... and if they were virtuous, not as animals.

Rashi offers to go to the temple with Percival, to maybe take part in one of the ceremonies. As for whatever was lined up, she believed she was also due to tell a special story about this day to an audience, too. At least at some point. That was likely going to be back on the stage, where the performers were at.

"Was gonna head over in...maybe an hour or so? Wouldn't mind some company, if you're offering." :smallsmile:

When the time comes, the two of you head to the temple and get walked through the rites by the priestess on hand. Though occasionally he offers her a smile, as if in thanks for her presence, he's mostly lost in his own thoughts as he performs the ritual for those that have passed on. It's not highly interactive by any means, but it's still a nice time, surprisingly.

Ez chuckles. "You'd let me into your secret lab? You really are in the festival mood tonight, huh?"

Another glance toward the important folk. "But sure. I could go for some good company, mediocre food, and bad music. I'll catch up with the lord later."

Ez lets himself be led to wherever Sylrune thinks the best food can be found - hopefully near some kind of entertainment!

Sylrune leads Ez to where a chili cookoff has been set up. They go 'round, tasting this dish or that dish (with some occasional milk to soothe their tongues). So many wonderful flavors to experience, so many small conversations catching up with your neighbors on their day-to-day lives...

Faster than you'd expect, it's starting to get darker, and the lanterns and candles are emerging. to light the festival well into the night.

2020-03-23, 12:12 PM
Lord Fahn looks completely taken aback, the conversation couldn't be going any better for him. He pulls his pipe out of his sleeve as Barnaby talks and starts filling the bowl and getting it ready to light.

"That is fantastic news. And how wonderful it is to have such a generous guest with us." With that information Lord Fahn loses interest in the conversation and lets Barnaby chatter away while he smokes his pipe. As soon as would be socially acceptable he makes his excuses and leaves to seek out the Princess.

He weaves his way through the crowds and comes across her talking with Jane near the dancing. Immediately dismissing Jane from his consideration Lord Sipants walks up and introduces himself to the Princess with a bow. "Greetings honoured guest. I am Lord Fahn of the Sipants family. It is a pleasure to have you visiting our humble town. Could I ask what you are visiting the town for if it is not too presumptuous?"

Wow, right out there. Not even an attempt at witty repartee first, just what kinda girl do you think I am? Brittany teased.

2020-03-23, 05:31 PM
Delena leaves the dancing and heads to do a perimeter run, doing her best to ignore the odd courting couple who have snuck off under the trees

2020-03-24, 04:09 PM
Lord Sipants looks momentarily taken aback "A thousand apologies milady I didn't mean to offend." Then realising she is teasing he brightens up "Ah you got me there. How are you enjoying the festival?"

2020-03-24, 05:45 PM
As he heads out with his companion, he spies the lord. Again, though, Ez misses his chance. Later he thinks.

The chili is delicious, despite being far from Ez's favorite meal. He compliments Tarah on her concoction - the butcher has come to him a few times for preservatives, so it only makes sense to keep the relationship good. He promises to buy a roast from her when he has the funds again.

The lanterns being lit brings a twinkle to Ez's eye, but then he sighs. "Well, I suppose I do need to head off before Lord Sipants gets too tired to be friendly. It was a pleasure, Sylurne, as always. If this doesn't take too long, I'll catch up with you."

Ez heads off to find Fahn Sipants. If the lord is busy, Ez finds something to occupy a few minutes of his time - he makes it clear he's looking for a conversation, but doesn't want to interrupt.

2020-03-24, 11:13 PM
"Was gonna head over in...maybe an hour or so? Wouldn't mind some company, if you're offering." :smallsmile:

When the time comes, the two of you head to the temple and get walked through the rites by the priestess on hand. Though occasionally he offers her a smile, as if in thanks for her presence, he's mostly lost in his own thoughts as he performs the ritual for those that have passed on. It's not highly interactive by any means, but it's still a nice time, surprisingly.

Rashi performs the rites along with Percival and the others, as led by the priestess. It was still something a bit foreign to her, but she was just happy to be there with a friend and maybe even supporting other people that may be there.

After the rites it was clearly getting darker out. She leads Percival over to the chili cookoff, where her own mother had prepared a spicy curry. Surely it was up there in intensity, with its own unique flavor! And of course there were the other dishes to try as well! After that, they wandered around a bit, idly chatting and browsing other various things. Rashi even convinced the young man to try a game where he had to try to catch a chicken... :smallbiggrin:

2020-03-24, 11:42 PM
Lord Sipants looks momentarily taken aback "A thousand apologies milady I didn't mean to offend." Then realising she is teasing he brightens up "Ah you got me there. How are you enjoying the festival?"

It is very lovely, is every festival like this?

2020-03-25, 01:12 PM
Delana notices the two other aristos having a chat and saunters over.

Milday, Milord. she bows, not by enough to be subservient but more of a nod that is a gesture between equals, Hope you are enjoying yourselves. I have had nothing to deal with except a few drunks and a brawl.

2020-03-29, 02:46 AM
Delena leaves the dancing and heads to do a perimeter run, doing her best to ignore the odd courting couple who have snuck off under the trees

Delena spies a few animals sniffing around the edges of town, but nothing really serious - no predators, just some bunnies and occasionally a fox, and they shoo with little prodding. More than a couple times, she takes a bit of a long way around when a particular daring pair of youngsters are less careful to hide themselves away. Wouldn't do to rob them a moment of privacy, if they're in such a rush, after all...

A flicker of movement at the edge of her vision gets Delena's attention, and she sees a small figure skipping deeper into the woods.

Rashi performs the rites along with Percival and the others, as led by the priestess. It was still something a bit foreign to her, but she was just happy to be there with a friend and maybe even supporting other people that may be there.

After the rites it was clearly getting darker out. She leads Percival over to the chili cookoff, where her own mother had prepared a spicy curry. Surely it was up there in intensity, with its own unique flavor! And of course there were the other dishes to try as well! After that, they wandered around a bit, idly chatting and browsing other various things. Rashi even convinced the young man to try a game where he had to try to catch a chicken... :smallbiggrin:

Percival does his best to handle the heat, but needs a bit more time in between bites to fully enjoy it than Rashi does. Despite that, he seems to be having a good time getting his fill of meat and beans.

Percival does his best, but a full stomach throws him off his rhythm a good bit, and the triumphant chicken escapes back to the safety of its pen! Despite the failure, he's certainly laughing along with everyone else at his own expense. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to give it a try yourself?" he teases Rashi when he returns to her side, beaming even if (when?) she politely declines the opportunity to fall flat on her face.

Everything's wonderful really - the spicy scents wafting through the air, the sound of merriment and laughter ringing all around, the light of the moon and lanterns reflecting off every metal surface to give the everything a nice warm glow...everything's going so wonderfully. Distantly, Rashi hears the chime of the church's belltower. The sun was long set at this point, the food eaten and many of the children being prepared for bed...but not before they got to hear some stories. It seems it's Rashi's turn to put on a show after all.

2020-03-29, 03:53 AM
A flicker of movement at the edge of her vision gets Delena's attention, and she sees a small figure skipping deeper into the woods.

Excuse me a moment. Delena gets her whistle out and between her lips and readies her bow as she checks this out. Could be a trick of the light and it's a deer, could be a Fey attracted to the party

She advances to the edge of the woods but not yet any further

[roll0] Spot +2
[roll1] Listen +0

2020-03-29, 01:47 PM
Rashi does indeed decline to play, with an ever-widening grin and a laugh, hopping excitedly. "Haha! No way! I couldn't possibly catch that thing!" Then she feigns a pout. "And besides, I'd ruin my dress..."

With the chime of the bells, Rashi looks up suddenly and explains, "Ah, it's getting late. I'm supposed to do something up on the stage. At least for the kids."

Hurrying over to the stage in the center of the festival, Rashi waits for the violin duo to finish their piece before quickly climbing up. She scans the crowd for a bit, looking for her adoring fans. Soon enough the cries and pleas of children can be heard as they just want to listen to a story before they go to sleep. As some children begin to push their way up closer to the stage, Rashi begins, "Thank you, everyone, for joining me on this lovely evening." Looking down, she says, "I have a special treat for you, my children, but all present would be well-advised to heed my tale, lest these grim events repeat themselves..." she says, ominously. Of course, she was only being spooky for fun. A story similar to what she was about to tell was simply from some fairy tale she read, though it seemed to relate to this night, vaguely. Clearing her throat, she beings,

Sweeping an extended arm wide across the sky and the crowd:
"A long, long time ago, on a night just like this,
The harvest moon was high above, and the valleys filled with mists,
The people, gayly gathered with plenty food in their midst,
Yet the dead long forgotten, toiling in their rest."

Waving her arms energetically with a beaming smile:
"The people, in their tiny thorp, they danced and sang like swans,
They filled their gullets full to the brim, with pie and corn and prawns.
Lovebirds mingled where they could, desperate for privacy,
Yet their ancestors, forsaken, longed for intimacy."

With eyes suddenly widening, her fingers put forward like claws:
"The festival grew so loud and lively, that it woke the dead,
They clawed up through the ground, to free their rotten heads.
Attracted by the scents of sweet bread and honeyed mead,
They shambled into the village like needle drawn with thread."

Frozen still, almost like a statue, save for turning to the sides, at a loss:
"The people did not know these beings, covered in dirt and worms,
Instead they shrieked and ran, rallying to protect their infirm.
The ancestors, confused at first, expecting cheer and praise,
Soon realized they were forgotten, and flew into a rage."

Managing a gravelly voice, like stones grinding on shards of glass:
" 'Billy Borris Bopkins! I always knew you were a knave!
Do you not recognize the one from which you got your middle name!?'
The angered spirit, in a corpse, presumably Borris, as he was called,
Leaped upon his great grandson and ripped his throat out with a claw."

Making her hands into claws again, she shrieked,
" 'If you cannot remember the legacy we gave,
Then you'll learn to respect your elders, if only in a grave!' "

Calming down, finishing her story more slowly and quietly:
"The villagers fled, this way and that, hunted by those upon they spat.
Never again did they carouse such, not without fearing reprisal much.
And every year, from that day since,
They pay their dues, before their feasts commence..."

After a bit of applause (not sure how much) Rashi bows and waves to everyone before stepping off the stage. She asks Percival, "Well, how was it?"

2020-03-31, 03:42 AM
Excuse me a moment. Delena gets her whistle out and between her lips and readies her bow as she checks this out. Could be a trick of the light and it's a deer, could be a Fey attracted to the party

She advances to the edge of the woods but not yet any further

[roll0] Spot +2
[roll1] Listen +0

Delena sees a flash of wings - seems there's some rascally little pixie lurking around. Probably making trouble, but maybe harmless? It's getting kinda dark to going too much further into the woods, unless she's up for some adventure...

Rashi does indeed decline to play, with an ever-widening grin and a laugh, hopping excitedly. "Haha! No way! I couldn't possibly catch that thing!" Then she feigns a pout. "And besides, I'd ruin my dress..."

With the chime of the bells, Rashi looks up suddenly and explains, "Ah, it's getting late. I'm supposed to do something up on the stage. At least for the kids."

Hurrying over to the stage in the center of the festival, Rashi waits for the violin duo to finish their piece before quickly climbing up. She scans the crowd for a bit, looking for her adoring fans. Soon enough the cries and pleas of children can be heard as they just want to listen to a story before they go to sleep. As some children begin to push their way up closer to the stage, Rashi begins, "Thank you, everyone, for joining me on this lovely evening." Looking down, she says, "I have a special treat for you, my children, but all present would be well-advised to heed my tale, lest these grim events repeat themselves..." she says, ominously. Of course, she was only being spooky for fun. A story similar to what she was about to tell was simply from some fairy tale she read, though it seemed to relate to this night, vaguely. Clearing her throat, she beings,

Sweeping an extended arm wide across the sky and the crowd:
"A long, long time ago, on a night just like this,
The harvest moon was high above, and the valleys filled with mists,
The people, gayly gathered with plenty food in their midst,
Yet the dead long forgotten, toiling in their rest."

Waving her arms energetically with a beaming smile:
"The people, in their tiny thorp, they danced and sang like swans,
They filled their gullets full to the brim, with pie and corn and prawns.
Lovebirds mingled where they could, desperate for privacy,
Yet their ancestors, forsaken, longed for intimacy."

With eyes suddenly widening, her fingers put forward like claws:
"The festival grew so loud and lively, that it woke the dead,
They clawed up through the ground, to free their rotten heads.
Attracted by the scents of sweet bread and honeyed mead,
They shambled into the village like needle drawn with thread."

Frozen still, almost like a statue, save for turning to the sides, at a loss:
"The people did not know these beings, covered in dirt and worms,
Instead they shrieked and ran, rallying to protect their infirm.
The ancestors, confused at first, expecting cheer and praise,
Soon realized they were forgotten, and flew into a rage."

Managing a gravelly voice, like stones grinding on shards of glass:
" 'Billy Borris Bopkins! I always knew you were a knave!
Do you not recognize the one from which you got your middle name!?'
The angered spirit, in a corpse, presumably Borris, as he was called,
Leaped upon his great grandson and ripped his throat out with a claw."

Making her hands into claws again, she shrieked,
" 'If you cannot remember the legacy we gave,
Then you'll learn to respect your elders, if only in a grave!' "

Calming down, finishing her story more slowly and quietly:
"The villagers fled, this way and that, hunted by those upon they spat.
Never again did they carouse such, not without fearing reprisal much.
And every year, from that day since,
They pay their dues, before their feasts commence..."

After a bit of applause (not sure how much) Rashi bows and waves to everyone before stepping off the stage. She asks Percival, "Well, how was it?"

"It was well-spoken. Hard to really dazzle people when they're used to hearing the story, though," he says, shrugging and smiling pleasantly. "Stars are starting to come out, and I know somebody'll be telling myths 'bout the constellations. We can stop and listen for a bit?"

2020-03-31, 04:09 AM
Delena speaks in Slyvan You are welcome to hang around, just don't cause mischief please..

She backs off from the woods and sees if she can grab some food before it's all gone.

2020-03-31, 04:18 AM
Delena speaks in Slyvan You are welcome to hang around, just don't cause mischief please..

She backs off from the woods and sees if she can grab some food before it's all gone.

A gentle breeze responds. It's chilly, but then you work with what you've got, and it's not unpleasant. Perhaps you've made an impression...but that isn't relevant to food.

There's plenty left from the chili cookoff, still simmering to keep fresh, and there's plenty of fruits and veggies trading back and forth. You could make a nice meal of out what's left. As you're passing, you hear somebody telling old legends of hunters that became the stars...and the campfire does feel lovely right about now...

2020-03-31, 11:52 AM
Rashi smiles and says, "Sure," slowly following behind the young man.

2020-03-31, 02:09 PM
Delena pauses and has a chat with a few of the chilli makers before resuming her patrol

If nothing else happens she's just going to wait out the night and then hand over to the next shift around dawn

2020-04-03, 02:17 PM
[Everyone who's still with us at this point, please make a Will save]

2020-04-03, 04:13 PM
Delena [roll0]+2

2020-04-07, 03:17 AM
As the festivities continue deep into the night, and the alcohol flows freely, a celebratory haze fogs the minds of those present. Another performance starts up - you can't quite recognize them, but they dance beautifully, and they're illuminated like ethereal beings in the light of the moon. You laugh and dance along, and it just seems to keep going...going...going...

You don't remember getting home and falling asleep, but you're certainly dreaming. Strange dreams of wicker faces, talking rabbits, pies and cakes sized for giants...you wander around this strange dream in an uncertain haze. Faces flit around in your peripheral vision, but withdraw around corners whenever you look closer.

More than once, chasing the faces leads you into danger - floors telescoping out beneath you so you trip and fall a mile, rooms closing in around you, the light of the moon refracting through a giant lens to burn you like one would ants...but always you slip away just in time. Distantly, you smell smoke, but you can't place what exactly is burning. The faces flit through a maze of vines and cobblestone, until you come to a room with several doors. The exit disappears from behind you, and none of the doors are properly marked in any fashion. You choose one at random, pull at the knob, and

You wake up next to the stage, bleary-eyed, with faces still dancing in your periphery, but they're just afterimages now...right? Once more you smell smoke, and now you see the source: Galemon is burning around you. Every building, every stall...small fires, but too many to put out unless everybody pitches in, and why is nobody else awake?! Wait, no, there's someone over there. Who...

The only ones currently awake are the PCs. Other villagers are scattered all around, fast asleep wherever they happened to lay down. There's small fires everywhere, growing every second, and at least for now you've only got whatever you had on you when you went to party. What do you do?

2020-04-07, 08:12 AM
Delena groggily struggles to her feet and takes in the situation. Her hand reaches for her signal whistle and she blows it as hard as she can. She continues to blow as she moves through the crowd, kicking people awake and looking for a source of water.

Then she gets an idea and heads towards the alarm bell at the militia HQ as fast as possible.

2020-04-07, 08:44 AM
Some people moan piteously and shift in their sleep as you push at them and blow your whistle, but none stir from their slumber.

2020-04-07, 11:19 AM
Ez blinks rapidly for several seconds, confused and dazed. When he realizes what is happening, he jump upright.

"My- my shop! Help me! It's-" he starts running toward his home, shouting as he goes.

"Explosives! We have to stop that fire first!"

Without waiting for confirmation or really even paying attention to the others, Ez hurries home, looking for a bucket and water or loose dirt - anything he could use to stop a fire from spreading.

2020-04-07, 11:26 AM
Ez blinks rapidly for several seconds, confused and dazed. When he realizes what is happening, he jump upright.

"My- my shop! Help me! It's-" he starts running toward his home, shouting as he goes.

"Explosives! We have to stop that fire first!"

Without waiting for confirmation or really even paying attention to the others, Ez hurries home, looking for a bucket and water or loose dirt - anything he could use to stop a fire from spreading.

There's not many buckets lying around, but there's big pots half-full of chili. There might be a loose bucket or two by the well, but it's a bit out of the way...

2020-04-07, 11:35 AM
Celestine got up. Bleh. It was at times like this that she would have loved to be able to use a bucket.

With a wish and a word, she conjured up enough water to put out the town hall. For now. It wasn't a great start, but it was a start. Next, she started moving anyone who was near a burning building or stall, so they wouldn't catch on fire.

2020-04-07, 11:40 AM
Grabbing a put of chili works. Lugging it along at his side, Ez dumps what remains on his home, hoping to smother the fire. He does the same with dirt from between houses. If he can just keep it from spreading too badly, maybe someone will start a bucket brigade from the well?

How bad is the fire, by the way? Could Ez get into his home relatively safely? He may try to rescue some things.

2020-04-07, 11:41 AM
Celestine got up. Bleh. It was at times like this that she would have loved to be able to use a bucket.

With a wish and a word, she conjured up enough water to put out the town hall. For now. It wasn't a great start, but it was a start. Next, she started moving anyone who was near a burning building or stall, so they wouldn't catch on fire.

Some of the people are moved...well, not easily, but manageably. They're groaning and shifting in your grasp, but occasionally one supports a tiny bit of their own weight and it's noticeably helpful. Some of them, most of them even...they don't groan, or shift, or hold any weight. Trying to drag them over is like grabbing hold of a heavy bag of cold potatoes.

...might be best to focus on the others. >.<

2020-04-07, 11:43 AM
Grabbing a put of chili works. Lugging it along at his side, Ez dumps what remains on his home, hoping to smother the fire. He does the same with dirt from between houses. If he can just keep it from spreading too badly, maybe someone will start a bucket brigade from the well?

How bad is the fire, by the way? Could Ez get into his home relatively safely? He may try to rescue some things.

Each of the fires is currently pretty small, almost like somebody pressed a campfire up against the side of the building. None of them are really big to start with, but...well, it's fire. It's kinda spreading. Ez can get into his home relatively safely, for now.

2020-04-07, 11:57 AM
After dumping the chili, Ez bursts into his home and starts grabbing up his regeants, supplies, and completed works. He double and triple checks that he has grabbed all of the alchemist's fire supplies. He spares a long, longing glance at his tools, but can't justify the time it would take to disassemble everything. As he's about to head out the door, he hurries back in and grabs in notes. Losing those would set him back years.

Everything but the notes (which he slides into his shirt) is dumped unceremoniously in the center of the street. Although the fire is small, it is growing rapidly and Ez is panicked. He takes a moment to breath, coughing in the light smoke, then hurries along toward the well, hoping to help how he can there.

2020-04-07, 12:49 PM
Delena sprints to the alarm bell at the milita HQ and begins ringing it as loudly as she can

2020-04-07, 01:05 PM
Delena sprints to the alarm bell at the milita HQ and begins ringing it as loudly as she can

You're clanging away enough to wake the dead, givign yourself a bit of a headache honestly, but something's wrong...everybody, even the ones nearby, aren't stirring from sleep - just rolling over, assuming they're not just lying stock-still. And the fires continue spreading - tiny bit by tiny bit, but it'll be more than enough if you're here calling for the cavalry too long.

2020-04-07, 01:51 PM
Rashi wakes groggily, then noticing her surroundings, her heart jolts as she remembered what happened and what she saw. She looked over at her wrist, which still had some little bracelet of thorns upon it, but whatever happened, it seemed she was awake for now. Only a few others were too. Seeing the fires, she desperately tries to wake others herself, shaking and yelling at a few random people. She even found her no-good brother among the crowd, but he wouldn't stir either, no matter how hard she tried.

Something must be wrong.. the little creatures! A magic spell??

As Ez shouted about explosives being in his workshop, Rashi gasped and decided that yes indeed, that would be the best place to go first. Grabbing another pot right after the gnome, she hurries behind him, and she shouts into the air, seemingly at no one, "Why are you doing this?! Please, stop! We haven't done anything!"

Her longer legs quickly catch up to the gnome. He puts out the fire on his workshop, and Rashi, for lack of any other better ideas, puts out the next closest fire she sees. Then she runs back up to the gnome, who was hurriedly gathering some of his belongings and says, "Ez! I don't know what's going on, but do you have anything to stop this??"

2020-04-07, 03:04 PM
Damnit, Delena gives up with the bell and gathers up a broom to start beating out the nearest small fires

2020-04-07, 04:09 PM
Kellhus wakens slowly, mentally clawing his way out of the trailing shadows of the dreams. He looks around blearily for a few seconds piecing together what he's seeing around him. Once his mind gathers enough he jerks wide awake in horror.

By the gods no!

He sees a few others around trying to shake people awake with no success. He hears a bell start clanging, also with no effect. He staggers to his feet and begins to look around himself wildly for Selene, hoping that she might have some magic prepared to help break whatever must be holding the townsfolk unconscious.


2020-04-07, 05:00 PM
Ez looks startled as he's aided by Rashi, but does his best to work quickly. When she speaks to him about stopping the fires he shakes his head at first, still in a daze.

Then he looks up and pulls two small leather pouches out of his sack.

[roll0] Craft Alchemy - would a Tanglefoot bag put out a small fire by smothering it?

"These might stop a fire if you catch it early? It's not flame-proof, but it does expand rapidly and might smother a small flame. I think."

If he decides it might work, he hands the two pouches to Rashi before heading to the well.

If not, he shakes his head again and apologizes before hurrying off, throwing one last glance at his home.

2020-04-07, 07:00 PM
[Knowledge Nature from whoever wants to]

Damnit, Delena gives up with the bell and gathers up a broom to start beating out the nearest small fires

Delena starts up work smothering what fires she can nearby. She can save some of the nearby small houses and stalls for getting consumed in the blaze quickly, but there's just so much, and it's everywhere.

Kellhus wakens slowly, mentally clawing his way out of the trailing shadows of the dreams. He looks around blearily for a few seconds piecing together what he's seeing around him. Once his mind gathers enough he jerks wide awake in horror.

By the gods no!

He sees a few others around trying to shake people awake with no success. He hears a bell start clanging, also with no effect. He staggers to his feet and begins to look around himself wildly for Selene, hoping that she might have some magic prepared to help break whatever must be holding the townsfolk unconscious.


Kellhus locates Selene quickly enough, but she's not awake...not asleep even. Though she's lying down as if dozing like all the rest, her bodies limp and cold to the touch.

Ez looks startled as he's aided by Rashi, but does his best to work quickly. When she speaks to him about stopping the fires he shakes his head at first, still in a daze.

Then he looks up and pulls two small leather pouches out of his sack.

[roll0] Craft Alchemy - would a Tanglefoot bag put out a small fire by smothering it?

"These might stop a fire if you catch it early? It's not flame-proof, but it does expand rapidly and might smother a small flame. I think."

If he decides it might work, he hands the two pouches to Rashi before heading to the well.

If not, he shakes his head again and apologizes before hurrying off, throwing one last glance at his home.

Tanglefoot bags would put out a small fire, sure.

Ez's home is, for now at least, not going to burn down. But it's a windy day, and plenty of opportunities for sparks and tongues of flame to spread from other buildings if they aren't dealt with.

2020-04-07, 07:05 PM
Delena works methodically from outbreak to outbreak, seeing one of the stables begin to catch she opens the gates and lets all the animals out.

Then she tries to think what are the most important buildings to save.

[roll0] +1 K/Nature as requested

[roll1] +1 K/Local - important places to try and save. Like food stores.

2020-04-07, 07:07 PM
Here is what you learn about fire at DC2:


2020-04-07, 07:12 PM
Kellhus drags Selene away from any buildings and preferably into an area that's a dirt or gravel ground. After that he quickly runs to find shovels for throwing dirt on the fires.


2020-04-07, 07:30 PM
Delena works methodically from outbreak to outbreak, seeing one of the stables begin to catch she opens the gates and lets all the animals out.

Then she tries to think what are the most important buildings to save.

[roll0] +1 K/Nature as requested

[roll1] +1 K/Local - important places to try and save. Like food stores.

There's a few guard barracks that have an emergency supplies closet, and they're large enough they'd be useful shelter in case too many places burn down in the meantime. The granary is more or less a big metal bin so it'll probably be fine, and beyond that probably the biggest concentration of food are the stalls that got set up for the cookoff, where everybody just gathered tons and tons of ingredients. Saving the nearby stalls might actually be a solid strategy long-term.

Beyond that, other big structures would be good to save for shelter. That's primarily going to be the town hall, the church, and the mayor's house.

Kellhus drags Selene away from any buildings and preferably into an area that's a dirt or gravel ground. After that he quickly runs to find shovels for throwing dirt on the fires.


The longer you look, the weirder the situation seems. All the fires you see started out relatively uniform, less like a hundred tiny fires just happened to all alight at the same time and more like somebody set all the buildings on fire with the same kinda tool at the same time. This is deliberate in some fashion.

Kellhus finds a small toolshed at a nearby farm, which includes a couple buckets, some shovels, and a single fire blanket.

2020-04-07, 07:52 PM
Kellhus begins carrying as many tools out into the square as quickly as he can while casting Daylight on himself and shouting at the figures he sees moving in other parts of the square.
"Help! We need to get the people somewhere safe and keep the fire from spreading!"
He takes the fire blanket and begins running around trying to prevent the fires from spreading between buildings or towards the townsfolk in the square.

2020-04-07, 08:08 PM
Taking her now-empty pot and two tanglefoot bags from Ez, Rashi begins working to try to put out as many fires as she can. Considering the fact that it was getting windy, she tried putting out fires where it would be bad for them to spread, hopefully preventing even more things from catching fire.

I rolled a 15 for knowledge: (architecture and engineering) to determine where might be the best places to put out fires.

If there's a different roll I should be trying, let me know!

2020-04-07, 11:32 PM
Brittany, will start to use her superior strength to physically pick up small children and move them away from the source of the flames.

2020-04-08, 02:47 PM
Delena moves to check the granary, if someone has set this purely maliciously that would be target number one.

2020-04-09, 11:51 PM
Kellhus begins carrying as many tools out into the square as quickly as he can while casting Daylight on himself and shouting at the figures he sees moving in other parts of the square.
"Help! We need to get the people somewhere safe and keep the fire from spreading!"
He takes the fire blanket and begins running around trying to prevent the fires from spreading between buildings or towards the townsfolk in the square.

Keeping the fire away from the slumbering townsfolk shouldn't be too difficult, as they're further away from most of the buildings, and most of the burning stalls are easily smothered. Many buildings in Galemon are simply built too close together to save them all without more people working together. And there, unfortunately, is the rub of it: a town of 900 people is currently slowly burning to the ground, with not even ten people able to do anything about it.

Taking her now-empty pot and two tanglefoot bags from Ez, Rashi begins working to try to put out as many fires as she can. Considering the fact that it was getting windy, she tried putting out fires where it would be bad for them to spread, hopefully preventing even more things from catching fire.

I rolled a 15 for knowledge: (architecture and engineering) to determine where might be the best places to put out fires.

If there's a different roll I should be trying, let me know!

Rashi knows that focusing on the buildings that are further away from other structures is work less likely to be undone by fickle winds reigniting them. Three buildings too close together would be three fires that all have to be put out - put out one, you may as well have put out none. This helps drive some economy of effort.

Brittany, will start to use her superior strength to physically pick up small children and move them away from the source of the flames.

Thus far, it seems the makeshift stage itself has been spared from the fires, perhaps because it's so far away from any of the buildings proper, so moving the children there keeps them safe for now. As Brittany works, though, the fires rage onward.

Delena moves to check the granary, if someone has set this purely maliciously that would be target number one.

Fortunately, it seems the granary has been spared - no fire outside, no fire inside. The trip isn't a total waste, though, as she's now right near the well and can fetch a couple buckets of water for putting out fires elsewhere.

2020-04-10, 12:33 AM
After trying to rack her brain for the best places to start putting out fires, all while running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Rashi suddenly realizes: Oh no! What about my home?! What about the library!?

Putting the fires out on those places are high up on her priorities, and given what she deduced earlier, if those buildings are in a cluster with other buildings, she'd have to work to try to put out those nearby fires as well. Using dirt, water from the well, and even tanglefoot bags, she does her best but... in the end, there's just too many buildings to save.

Welp. Not sure where else to go from here. I think it's assumed we're all running around putting out as many fires as we can, but we can only save so many buildings...

2020-04-10, 11:09 AM
Ez hurries toward the well, trying to kick people awake as he goes. He then stops suddenly. Michael! A heel turn sees Ez at a dead sprint to the apothecary's shop. He throws open the door and drops to his knees, looking for Sylurne's apprentice, presumably unconscious on the ground somewhere.

2020-04-10, 05:29 PM
Delana blows her whistle once again, "YOU NEED WATER COME AND GET IT" , and then gives her attention to the nearby buildings, glad that she's always been quick on her feet

2020-04-13, 05:09 PM
After trying to rack her brain for the best places to start putting out fires, all while running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Rashi suddenly realizes: Oh no! What about my home?! What about the library!?

Putting the fires out on those places are high up on her priorities, and given what she deduced earlier, if those buildings are in a cluster with other buildings, she'd have to work to try to put out those nearby fires as well. Using dirt, water from the well, and even tanglefoot bags, she does her best but... in the end, there's just too many buildings to save.

Welp. Not sure where else to go from here. I think it's assumed we're all running around putting out as many fires as we can, but we can only save so many buildings...

Thinking of it this early gives Rashi enough time to get her house, and the library, and the buildings close enough to cause problems, all extinguished, although no time for much of anything else.

Ez hurries toward the well, trying to kick people awake as he goes. He then stops suddenly. Michael! A heel turn sees Ez at a dead sprint to the apothecary's shop. He throws open the door and drops to his knees, looking for Sylurne's apprentice, presumably unconscious on the ground somewhere.

The young man is nowhere to be seen within the shop - good news in that he isn't burning up, bad news in that...where is he, then? Ez manages to put out the building, and the ones immediately nearby.

Delana blows her whistle once again, "YOU NEED WATER COME AND GET IT" , and then gives her attention to the nearby buildings, glad that she's always been quick on her feet

Delana manages to keep the town square from burning down - several merchant stalls, the Whispering Wind tavern, a few houses and proper storefronts - but that's about all she can keep out while the buildings the next layer out constantly threatening to reignite the square and undo her work.

With so many little fires constantly growing, Galemon burns down surprisingly quickly - although it's still a harrowing few hours before the last tongues of flame have finally ceased threatening everything you've fought to keep safe. The town square, the town hall, the granary, a couple alchemist shops, and a smattering of homes and businesses around town have been spared from the fire, due to your collective efforts. The six of you gather together, ashy and exhausted, but the work's not done - there's still the aftermath to consider. Despite everything, nobody else has awoken, despite all your efforts.

The first and most obvious thing to do is check how many people can still be saved. Another hour passes of moving, checking, and moving on, before you all report back. Of the nine-hundred-odd people who live here, there's 137 that still have a pulse and shallow breathing, and...between 50 and 100 that you weren't able to find at all (depends on how many locals were out-of-town, something none of you are sure of). The rest...nothing can be done for them, at least not by you lot.

You gather for lunch - all this fuss, and it's still not even noon, can you imagine - and to discuss what to do going forward.

2020-04-13, 05:37 PM
Luckily, with Rashi's house saved, she was able to whip up some quick lunch for everyone using some of their own food.. though some of it was not exactly of local variety. Still, there was also the pantry at the library. Recall, the library was actually a house gifted by an old gentleman who died, which contained a library within. It became more of a community building, but it still was, in essence, a nice house. Last time she checked, the pantry was adequately stocked too.

She offers some weak smiles to everyone as they sit at a couple empty picnic tables outside. She wasn't too much for words right now. Mind submerged in her own thoughts, exhausted for being up all night... and some certain questions kept popping into her mind. Could any of the others still asleep be saved? What was she going to do, especially if without her family? What were those things, and why did they do this?

She does finally manage to speak, asking quietly, "What are you all going to do now?"

2020-04-13, 06:15 PM
Ez sits, staring into the distance for some time before responding.

"What can we do? Try to wake those who can be woken, I suppose. Then gather what I can and find somewhere else to live. There's nothing for us here, now. And this place is just not worth the trouble if you ask me."

He gratefully accepts the food, though.

2020-04-13, 06:44 PM
Delena sprawls exhausted on the ground, she's washed her face and hands but her clothes and hair still stink of woodsmoke and will continue too do so until she gets a chance to wash them.

She takes Rashi's lunch with gratitude.

Well we can't leave these people to be asleep.

So maybe first priority would be to get them safe and comfortable? I don't know.

Meanwhile it would be nice to know what the heck was going on.

Perhaps we should ask the two spellcasters? Or maybe you have some relevant book in that library of yours?

2020-04-13, 09:13 PM
Kellhus sits slumped at the table, still smeared in soot and ash and coughing intermittently. After numbly eating the food offered to him by Rashi, he sits for a moment holding his head in his hands. Finally, he looks up to answer the others.

"If it is magical I can at least try to find out what kind of spell is keeping the townsfolk asleep but I don't know that I can do much to help them myself. The best thing might be to find out as best we can what we're dealing with and then make the journey back to my father's temple. He may be able to send someone to help them."

2020-04-13, 10:37 PM
Maybe we could research in the library for a solution? Brittany offers brightly.

2020-04-14, 12:58 AM
Rashi offers, "Yes, perhaps.. it's a small library, but there may be something..."

Looking down, she says, "Last night, I don't really know what happened.. but there was something wrong with that performance of dancers. I saw a blood harvest moon, so deeply red and.. I could swear I saw glimpses of tiny winged creatures floating around.. They put this thing on my wrist."

She holds up a thorn bracelet that was once around her wrist, which she managed to get off without poking herself.

2020-04-14, 09:36 AM
There was something on the perimeter when I made my patrols, but it went into the woods and I wasn't going to follow it

She sighs

So there were about 900+ people here. 137 are still alive and breathing but Savras only knows for how long, we have 50-100 unaccounted for and the rest are dead.

It is possible that some of the missing were inside buildings that burnt down, or were never here anyway. But it is equally possible that some or all of them have been taken.

2020-04-14, 03:13 PM
Rashi offers, "Yes, perhaps.. it's a small library, but there may be something..."

Looking down, she says, "Last night, I don't really know what happened.. but there was something wrong with that performance of dancers. I saw a blood harvest moon, so deeply red and.. I could swear I saw glimpses of tiny winged creatures floating around.. They put this thing on my wrist."

She holds up a thorn bracelet that was once around her wrist, which she managed to get off without poking herself.

"Tiny winged creatures. That sounds like fey. If they don't want to be found, they probably won't be."

2020-04-16, 11:25 AM
Delena stretches

This isn't going to get any better any time soon and it's probably gonna get worse.

Ez, please come with me I want to circle the town see if there any tracks and if we can get to speak to various woodland animals who can tell us anything

Rashi, could you hit the books and see if there is anything you can find?

Britteny, Celestine, Khelus, suggest you keep an eye on those asleep to see if any are going to recover or get worse. And also keep an eye on those dead to see if they are really dead or not. If they are they are going to start decaying soon and we are going to have to work out how to deal with three dozen score of corpses. If no signs of decay set in then they aren't decaying then they aren't really dead.

2020-04-16, 04:08 PM
Rashi nods.

"If anyone else wants to come to the library, briefly, I can help you look around.

I think if anyone else wants to come look at the library, Rashi could help them out and provide a small bonus to checks, seeing as she knows it very well. But if it's a small library, maybe there's a penalty to these checks as well?

Checks I think are relevant for Rashi:
Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Nature: [roll2]

Hours spent: [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5]

And when using a library there's no untrained limitation. But it does take hours.

2020-04-16, 11:43 PM
Ez shakes himself out of his stupor and nods, following Rashi.

"I saw something too, you know. I don't remember exactly. Last night. But it wasn't natural. I hope we can dig something up..."

Library research! Not counting for any bonuses Rashi may be giving?
Arcana: [roll0] - Seems magical?
Nature: [roll1] - Fey, maybe?
Local: [roll2] - Any local legends that might play into this?

2020-04-18, 01:01 PM
Delena shrugs as Rashi and Ez head towards the library

Or don't then.

She takes a prolonged patrol around the edge of the village, she's no ranger, but if 5 score and more people have left any mundane tracks she expects to be able to find them.

Also she takes a note of any farm animals that have wandered and is wary of any other sign of trouble

[roll0] Survival +4 (capped at DC10 because no Track)
[roll1] Spot +2
[roll2] Listen +0

2020-04-20, 09:26 AM
Rashi and Ez find more than a few texts on arcane theory within the library, and while there's effects in there that might be the cause of what all's happened here today, they're limited in that they don't actually really know what all's happened. There's myths of fey putting people to sleep for centuries at a time, but how much such tales are grounded in reality is difficult to say - certainly no spells mentioned in the more scientific texts you've found indicate anything capable of sending whole towns into endless slumber. The only possible note of hope is that generally when people are placed into long sleeps via magic, the magic also sustains them for the duration. It's not been long enough to know if that's true for those still asleep in your town, but you'll know soon enough.

Delena isn't able to find any tracks, but is able to track down several animals that have gotten out of their pens. They're all domesticated, though, so while it takes some time to coax them back home, it's not difficult work. What's more interesting, though, is when she went after a particularly nervous horse and found herself standing before an enormous wrecked sailing vessel that was most definitely not in this giant empty field the night before. It looks abandoned, but the tattered sails blow in a wind that she doesn't feel, and there's an odd scent in the air, almost like fruits and peppermint but overwhelmingly so.

2020-04-20, 12:08 PM
Delena looks at the ship with a certain degree of suspicion and tries to work out what it is

Alright, that was not what I was expecting to find.

She takes a look at the hull, trying to work out if this is a mundane sailing vessel designed to be used in water (in which case it will have a rounded hull, maybe more flattish if it is a river boat) or if it has the flat bottom of a ship designed to fly in air and land on ground.

Or if it has neither and it's got the bizarre alien geometry of something supposed to fly though space.

She's never seen the sea, and only heard tales of Spelljammers or Halruaan flying ships.

She thinks for a bit, then blows her whistle and backs off into the woods to see if that attracts attention.

And if it is interdimensional slavers get ready to run like hell

2020-04-21, 02:15 PM
Brittany arcana

Arcana [roll0]

2020-04-23, 11:19 AM
Delena looks at the ship with a certain degree of suspicion and tries to work out what it is

Alright, that was not what I was expecting to find.

She takes a look at the hull, trying to work out if this is a mundane sailing vessel designed to be used in water (in which case it will have a rounded hull, maybe more flattish if it is a river boat) or if it has the flat bottom of a ship designed to fly in air and land on ground.

Or if it has neither and it's got the bizarre alien geometry of something supposed to fly though space.

She's never seen the sea, and only heard tales of Spelljammers or Halruaan flying ships.

She thinks for a bit, then blows her whistle and backs off into the woods to see if that attracts attention.

And if it is interdimensional slavers get ready to run like hell

It looks like a fairly standard sailing ship meant for gliding through the water - well, theoretically, anyway. The sails are shredded and the wood is rotting and everything smells like seaweed. But it's at least the right kind of ship for that kind of thing, it looks like what you'd see in story books about pirates and the like. Nothing stirs when she blows her whistle. The sails flutter in the wind, the wood creaks ominously, but nothing emerges from the ship, or the nearby woods.

...maybe it'd be better to come back with help, in case there's something sinister going on here. Or y'know, maybe never and just leave the creepy meadow shipwreck alone...at least for now. One problem at a time, yes?

2020-04-23, 04:49 PM
Delena jogs back to the others at the Library.

I found a shipwreck in the upper meadow. This seems like something we should check out but I don't want to do it by myself

2020-04-23, 05:28 PM
It felt like Rashi and the others honestly did not figure out much information. Maybe it would be best for them to bring all the sleeping people indoors, at least. Feeling quite exhausted, she turns her attention to Delena, who came jogging back. Only instead of any good news, it was rather strange.

"A shipwreck? In the middle of the meadow?" she repeats, rather dumbfounded. "Now this, I think, we need to see."

2020-04-23, 05:50 PM
Unless you guys are at some sort of breakthrough here?

She pauses

Nobody there either and it looks deserted and wrecked. Also we are several score leagues from the sea.

We might find a log or at least some clues as to what is going on

2020-04-25, 11:32 AM
Ez tiredly nods.

"Alright, let's investigate the anomaly. But then I need a nap."

2020-04-25, 02:47 PM
Let's go then

2020-04-25, 03:33 PM
Rashi, with seemingly nothing better to do, decides to follow along with the others despite how tired she as getting.

Strange ship nonsense aside, which could be dangerous.. these were some of the few people actually left alive and standing in the entire village.

2020-04-25, 03:34 PM
Celes follows the others too, not sure what to make of all this.

2020-04-26, 09:42 AM
Delena guides the others back to the ship, and starts to look it over to find a way into the hull.

I'd rather not try and climb on deck just yet, it might be rotten. I'd rather find a hole in the hull and go in that way

If there isn't one she'll try and climb onto the deck

2020-04-26, 03:05 PM
Rashi cautiously approaches the ship. Following Delena around, she can help determine if the ship looks safe!

Good old architecture and engineering.. [roll0]