View Full Version : Pathfinder Lawful Evil Midlevel Inquisitor "Doloria Umbra" aka Dolores Umbridge

2020-03-16, 08:45 AM
So the following interaction gave me an idea. What if Dolores Umbridge was an inquisitor/Pathfinder character. Barring her abilities as a wizard (aka sorcerer via Pathfinder), what class features can and should she have? What would you think she would look like?


My basic idea (using Golarion and its Pantheon) would be a Kuthonite Cleric or Inquisitor with the Law (Devil) and Undead Domains, allowing her to both command undead (aren't dementors glorified 3.5 shadows?) and use her powers to further her cause in a mundane hierarchy.

My main problem is that I don't know the actual character very well aside from the memes around the movies.

2020-03-16, 08:56 AM
I agree on Kuthite Inquisitor being a good choice for a class. I say the Law (Kyton) domain or Torture inquisition would be good choices.

2020-03-16, 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by legomaster00156
...Torture inquisition....

Absolutely this.

Also, look into custom quills. Not sure how to replicate those in PF, but there should be some bleed in there somewhere.


Kurald Galain
2020-03-16, 09:27 AM
According to the Potter wiki, she can cast a Patronus; Cruciatus (pain/torture); create object; stunning; and something similar to Pilfering Hand. She has the Silent Spell feat, the rare ability to control dementors (control undead spell, presumably); and she crafted the aforementioned quill herself.

2020-03-16, 06:15 PM
I would probably rule the quills as being wondrous items dealing something like 1d6 nonlethal damage for every minute spent writing. Obviously, they do not require ink.

2020-03-16, 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by legomaster00156
I would probably rule the quills as being wondrous items dealing something like 1d6 nonlethal damage for every minute spent writing.

1d6 per minute seems a little high, even for nonlethal. There were some young kids using those quills, first- and second-years who probably wouldn’t have more than 8-10 hp at most. Umbrage had them writing for a long while in the detention hall, and at 1d6 per minute the younger ones would’ve been dropping below 0 left and right.

I’d say something like Inflict Pain (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/inflict-pain/) would be closer to the mark—still agonizing, but no hit point damage, not even nonlethal, so the target remains conscious for hours at a time to experience every instant of the pain. That seems very Dolores.

2020-03-16, 10:58 PM
I tried to translate it into a moderately useful, if weak, magic item, not something that exactly corresponds to the effects of the quills in-universe.

2020-03-16, 11:33 PM
If i had to stat the quill as a magic item i'd probably call it a cursed use-activated item of scrivener's chant (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Scrivener%27s%20Chant) that forces a fortitude save each minute vs. 1 point of dex damage. Let's say it also takes up the Hand slot while in use because you aren't allowed to wear gloves while doing it.

Following the formula for crafting a use-activated item of a cantrip at CL 1 that'd give us a total price of 1000 gp market price for a non-cursed quill, add in discount for crafting an intentionally cursed item (as per the player companion Black Markets) that'd make it cost a mere 700 gp on the market and our inquisitor Umbra can craft it for a relatively cheap 350 gp per quill.

2020-03-17, 08:07 AM
I tried to translate it into a moderately useful, if weak, magic item, not something that exactly corresponds to the effects of the quills in-universe.

I am always aiming for an internally consistent character, as an hommage, not an outright copy of said character, that doesn't make sense. In that way, I could see her using darts (basically a bag of never ending +1 darts) with the sanctified slayer archetype, going for the bleeding attack rogue talent.