View Full Version : Next few adventures should get me boosted a level.

2020-03-17, 06:55 PM
Ghostwise Halfling started Rogue 1 then 4 levels Trickery cleric. Current stats S 8, D 16, Co 14, I 12, W 18, and Ch 8. Breastplate, shield, +2 from Dexterity.

Background Acolyte; proficient in Insight, Investigation, Acrobatics, Religion and expertise in Perception and Stealth. Rapier, short bow, and daggers.

So looking ahead after another level of Cleric (Spirit Guardians) should I pick up 2 levels of Rogue for Cunning Action and archetype of AT then return to more Cleric or should I get Rogue 4 then more Cleric?

When I get my next ASI/ feat choice at Cleric 8 or Rogue 4 should I pick up MAM to use my Dexterity more fully or should I bump Wisdom to 20?

This character was a willful but not evil child adopted by a priest of Brandobaris after his parents died and more or less fell into Rogue before Brandobaris spoke to him through his and his adoptive Father in dreams about becoming a Cleric.


da newt
2020-03-17, 09:04 PM
Some random thoughts - probably no help at all:

Your description / backstory sounds more like a cleric than a rogue, but what is your role in the party and how do you plan to fight? These should probably guide you.

I'm partial to rogues. If you take rogue 2, then subclass and one more SA d6 are just one more level. If you take 3 you should grab the ASI at 4. If you go 4 Uncanny Dodge and another SA die are right there at 5 ...

With AT are you looking for a familiar or SHIELD spell?

On the other hand, every non-cleric level you throw away spells known and slots ...

I think MAM is a sort of trap Feat. If you take +2 DEX you get increased attack, damage, skills, ST, and initiative. If you take MAM you get +1 AC, +2 when you can afford 1/2 plate. But if SG & SW & dodge are your go to move, then it makes sense.

Spirit Guardians and the normal rogue combat technique don't really mesh though.

Why not trade the short bow for a light Xbow?

2020-03-17, 09:11 PM
Ghostwise Halfling started Rogue 1 then 4 levels Trickery cleric. Current stats S 8, D 16, Co 14, I 12, W 18, and Ch 8. Breastplate, shield, +2 from Dexterity.

Background Acolyte; proficient in Insight, Investigation, Acrobatics, Religion and expertise in Perception and Stealth. Rapier, short bow, and daggers.

So looking ahead after another level of Cleric (Spirit Guardians) should I pick up 2 levels of Rogue for Cunning Action and archetype of AT then return to more Cleric or should I get Rogue 4 then more Cleric?

When I get my next ASI/ feat choice at Cleric 8 or Rogue 4 should I pick up MAM to use my Dexterity more fully or should I bump Wisdom to 20?
My suggestion.
Next level: Cleric. At the next ASI bump wisdom. Spell save DCs make a difference.

I am not sure you should take any rogue until after cleric 8.
Your 4th level spells for the domain are really nice. dimension door, polymorph My suggestion would be to go to 8 for the ASI. You'll be able to polymorph allies into nice beasts, etc, so tell me this:
Why do you need more rogue levels?
Is the bonus action thing at 2 really crucial to your success in how this character plays?

Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to vanish. As an action, you become invisible until the end of your next turn. You become visible if you attack or cast a spell. Kinda nice, don't you think?

2020-03-18, 08:02 AM
Start Rogue for expertise in Perception and Stealth.

The character was thinking he only had the Rogue route to success since he was a so-so Acolyte ( he thought) until Brandobaris came calling in dreams.

The rapier is because Trickery gets some weak ability (poison) in melee which is my bottom option on my index card of combat action plans.

In combat it is going to mostly be SG and SW backed up by selected spells and Cantrips plus Dodge when needed (archers, casters, face to face melee monsters.)

Remember I place role play over min-mixing.

Edit: does Dim Door limit my taking other PCs to small races like I think Misty Step does?

Yeah Polymorph has kept another party from drowning in a game. Yea, Giant Octopus for my Wizard. Like the fast swim speed. Also killed the last amphibious monster tearing the raft apart as a actual round of melee, that was fun.

2020-03-18, 08:29 AM
I would take Cleric to 7 - you get key cleric and domain spells then (banishment and polymorph) which should help you feel like your character is fleshing out.

Then it is a choice between rogue and cleric. Cleric 8 gets and ASI and the divine strike, Rogue 2 gets cunning action. I would say cunning action is the better deal. Beyond that, I would still be tempted to go rogue if you are not so caring about optimisation. Rogue 5 and Cleric 7 has badass spells that tend to scale well, some more spell slots from arcane trickster and should be able to hold concentration better than most with uncanny dodge.

Spells like command on the cleric are great - generating opportunity attacks is even better when you can add sneak attack to them.

At really high levels, arcane trickster 9 couples really nicely with a main-caster. Sneak in some banishment from the shadows with advantage for example, or turn people into a newt as you see fit. Even low level spells become sweet - bane is a mediocre spell but once you force disadvantage on the saves it becomes pretty good.