View Full Version : I'm trying to find some kaiju..

2020-03-19, 02:52 AM
So in a bid to make a totes-more-interesting-than-your-nans-d&d game, I've had an idea for a setting where the world is largely about as peaceful as ours is (wars, economic based conflicts, religious issues, but in most of the world it's not like you're going to be eaten by wolves suddenly if you do not appease the wolfgod every week or whatever) with no major monster problems... Except sometimes giant monsters attack major population centres where they're most likely to cause societal damage, almost as if some cosmic force is trying to curb the growth of sentient life past a certain point. Luckily, the world has fended off attack after attack, but not without major losses. Giant mecha may be available to equalise fights and buff the party.

But I'm having a time finding the best monsters to either be converted into gargantuan or bigger monsters or already are ones.

So far I'm thinking the Tarrasque would be the godzilla expy, initially a threat but if it survives it actually fights other kaiju for its own reasons (may require some buffing to keep up though), there was a big prismatic spray wielding beastie in one of the later monster manuals, I was thinking of modifying a dragon to be some kind of laser spewing moth creature, and of course maybe have ilithids take over one creature because who doesn't want to fight a Voidminded kaiju a tentacle monster is posessing with intelligence?

2020-03-19, 03:02 AM
Dragon #289, and Pathfinder. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/kaiju/

Also, here (https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/taylor-varga-worm-luna-varga.32119/), although that's not exactly 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd party content...

2020-03-19, 04:09 AM
Oh, I didn't know Pathfinder had already done it.

I like that they each have really fun weaknesses too. Never seen ones like that before. So Mogaru has disintegration breath which is impressive, but if they found out about that weakness and staged a rock concert, it might get distracted and be able to be persuaded to work for the heroes, at least for a little bit.

2020-03-19, 10:05 AM
Except sometimes giant monsters attack major population centres where they're most likely to cause societal damage

So... Endbringers?

2020-03-19, 10:33 AM
So... Endbringers?

Yeah, was gonna steal that from Worm as it was nifty. So like a place with floating islands will be hit by a monster with a gravity altering effect to make it crash into the earth or something.

2020-03-19, 11:11 AM
Oh. There are also Titanic creatures from MMII. No super special Endbringer abilities, but feel free to add other templates to taste. Phrenic and ghost, perhaps?

2020-03-19, 12:19 PM
Check the SRD in the Epic Level Monsters section, they have some pretty huge/nasty stuff there.

2020-03-19, 08:15 PM
Oh. There are also Titanic creatures from MMII. No super special Endbringer abilities, but feel free to add other templates to taste. Phrenic and ghost, perhaps?

Titanic + Monster of Legend might be interesting; you can customise the special abilities they get. Reflective Hide is nice.

A fully advanced Voor (MM3 p.193) can make a decent Kaiju too.

2020-03-19, 09:02 PM
To go with the "Pacific Rim" feel - I have a high level warforged monk/warlock --- clawlock, which has an item that allows his to cast Giant Size ... could be nice as a "Jaeger" type character

2020-03-19, 09:08 PM
To go with the "Pacific Rim" feel - I have a high level warforged monk/warlock --- clawlock, which has an item that allows his to cast Giant Size ... could be nice as a "Jaeger" type characterSpeaking of class levels, feel free to cherry-pick class levels and PrCs to give your monsters what you want them to have. It's not like a 300' monster will have to admit to having a level in spirit lion totem barbarian and six in dungeon crasher fighter, or being gestalted with 20 levels in psychic warrior/slayer.

2020-03-19, 09:41 PM
Advanced Bestiary's 3rd party Gigantean template was made for this.

2020-03-19, 11:17 PM
Two alternative suggestions:

Refluff things, run regular sized monsters as giant behemoths and the PC's as PC in a mecha. Thus your fight between medium sized beasts and PC's represents your big battle across Tokyo.

Include lot's of improvised weapons to pick up and use, terrain to break and terrain to try NOT to break. basically scale the map but leave the PC's and monsters the same.

This gives you a lot more potential monsters and PC options to use, allows you to run at a lot more level ranges than just very high level and keeps things at the human scale where D&D mechanics work best.

You shouldn't be killing godzilla by running up and trimming his toe claws with your sword.

Ignore the published stuff. Run these giga-beasts as dungeons.

Well, maybe not dungeons exactly but as a series of linked encounters.
Climbing the beast, cracking the armour, delivering the purpose built giant monster killing devices (which are themselves truck sized implements) to the right place and deploying them could all make good enounters.

The monster itself isn't a creature, it's the environment you fight on.

Include lots of difficult terrain, environmental effects and special victory conditions. Add creatures (they can even be published creatures) representing parasites, symbiotes, novel immune systems and autonomous bodyparts.

Oh and include points (perhaps between these encounters) where lot's of other people get involved to handle something. This shouldn't involve rolling 100 attack rolls for the mooks and can probably be hand waived or handled with minimal mechanical complexity.
Either way, this helps sell the scale of the monsters and makes the PC's seem more special since the mooks explicitly cannot do the things the PC's can.

2020-03-21, 10:41 AM
I've collected the following templates over the years. Some have been mentioned above.

Dire – Tome of Horrors, Necromancer Games; available on free preview .pdf
Dungeonbred – Dungeonscape, WotC
Horrid – Eberron Campaign Setting, WotC
Kaiju – Dragon 289, Paizo
Legendary – Monster Manual 2, WotC
Magebred – Eberron Campaign Setting, WotC
Monster of Legacy – Weapons of Legacy, WotC
Monstrous Beast – Savage Species, WotC
Paragon – Epic Level Handbook, WotC
Warbeast – Monster Manual 2, WotC

I missed Titanic and Monster of Legend. Thanks!

2020-03-21, 10:43 AM
I've collected the following templates over the years. Some have been mentioned above.

Dire – Tome of Horrors, Necromancer Games; available on free preview .pdf
Dungeonbred – Dungeonscape, WotC
Horrid – Eberron Campaign Setting, WotC
Kaiju – Dragon 289, Paizo
Legendary – Monster Manual 2, WotC
Magebred – Eberron Campaign Setting, WotC
Monster of Legacy – Weapons of Legacy, WotC
Monstrous Beast – Savage Species, WotC
Paragon – Epic Level Handbook, WotC
Warbeast – Monster Manual 2, WotC

I missed Titanic and Monster of Legend. Thanks!Don't forget pseudonatural (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/pseudonaturalCreature.htm)!