View Full Version : Pathfinder Metaforge and Initiator's Soul customization help

2020-03-20, 05:11 AM
Metaforge 2, Aegis 3, Soulknife 4 (Gifted Blade/Shielded Blade)

I need a little help understanding how this works. Friend of mine highly recommended it to me a while ago and I decided to give it a try... but a few things are a little confusing to me...

1) When referencing the chart below as told to do so in the Astral Suits section for Path of War on d20PFSRD, Does the "Level" listed here refer to Initiator Level, Character Level, or the Aegis Class level?
It actually makes a big difference because all three can be different: Initiator - 6, Character - 9, Class - 3

d20pfsrd.c om/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/classes/abilities-for-other-classes/#TOC-Non-martial-class-initiating-archetype-progression

2) Can Maneuvers be changed once selected or are you stuck with the choices?

3) When rolling for Initiative, can you enter your stance as a response? The stance I want adds a bonus to Initiative Rolls so I'm assuming you can, but I wanna make sure

4) Is there a guide to this customization somewhere that I can reference?

5) Does the Metaforge's levels count as full Initiator Levels due to the Metaforge's skill to apply its levels to Aegis for the sake of Customizations, considering that I gain the Martial Maneuvers and Stances as part of a Customization?

2020-03-20, 05:35 PM
1) The chart tells you your max maneuver level given your Initiator Level. Your IL would be Aegis + 1/2 non-aegis, so IL 6 in this case giving you up to level 2 maneuvers.

2) In this case, you get to change every time you change your customizations. (Maneuvers gained through regular initiating classes can only change via the even-level tradeout).

3) No, but you can already be in your stance when initiative is called for. Stances last until you change them or become helpless. So you should always be in a stance, pretty much. (This is difference than 1st party Styles that occupy the same design niche, but explicitly need to be turned on each combat.)

4) Not that I know of, Armor of the Mind (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7FY9aFIXveyvQyUV2W7X2yZsLZlOpQARrWkC4DNmC0/edit) does not cover it. That said, my own experience is that Vigilant Keeper’s Stance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/eternal-guardian-maneuvers/#TOC-Vigilant-Keeper-s-Stance) is amazing for a reach/control build. With a 10 or 15 foot reach, denying 5ft steps to foes is amazing.

5) No, Metaforge levels only count as Aegis for three things: Level prereqs for customizations, scaling up DR, and how many Customization Points you get.

2020-03-20, 05:56 PM
Awesome! Thank you for the quick answers!

Makes a lot more sense to me now and I can't wait to put all of this to good use this weekend :D

2020-03-20, 09:03 PM
the previous answer for #1 is incorrect. The aegis uses the archetype initiator progression, which uses only character level. Every maneuver known from your aegis features is limited by your aegis level, and can never be increased by anything else.

Maneuvers from other classes including PrCs and feats like martial study don't use the chart, so they use IL as normal.

2020-03-21, 02:07 PM
the previous answer for #1 is incorrect. The aegis uses the archetype initiator progression, which uses only character level. Every maneuver known from your aegis features is limited by your aegis level, and can never be increased by anything else.

Maneuvers from other classes including PrCs and feats like martial study don't use the chart, so they use IL as normal.

I'm not sure I follow along with that. The chart itself is just labeled "Level", and Initiator's Soul reads "...each aegis level is counted as a full initiator level...." I don't see any text for the Archetype Maneuver progression offhand that overrides the general principle that non-initiator levels count for half progression.

2020-03-21, 02:47 PM
If the person has Student of the Astral Suit feat and only 4 non HD that are not aegis or metaforge levels I think it is reasonable to just treat their IL up to their HD since the intent of the Student of the Astral Suit is to treat your Aegis level up to 4 higher up to your Hit Dice.

2020-03-21, 08:11 PM
5) No, Metaforge levels only count as Aegis for three things: Level prereqs for customizations, scaling up DR, and how many Customization Points you get.

I'm not entirely certain this is accurate. I believe for both prestige classes and Student of the Astral Suit, you actually count as a higher level for the purposes of your customizations, including Initiator Soul.

2020-03-22, 12:09 PM
I'm not entirely certain this is accurate. I believe for both prestige classes and Student of the Astral Suit, you actually count as a higher level for the purposes of your customizations, including Initiator Soul.

From Metaforge: At each level, treat the metaforge as if he had gained a level of aegis for the purposes of damage reduction and customization points. The metaforge does not gain any other benefits from an increased level (bonus customizations, daily uses of reconfigure, power points, etc.). This does, however, allow the metaforge to qualify for customizations dependent on his aegis level, such as the Reach customization.

2020-03-22, 01:39 PM
From Metaforge: At each level, treat the metaforge as if he had gained a level of aegis for the purposes of damage reduction and customization points. The metaforge does not gain any other benefits from an increased level (bonus customizations, daily uses of reconfigure, power points, etc.). This does, however, allow the metaforge to qualify for customizations dependent on his aegis level, such as the Reach customization.

Bonus Customizations is things like you get Improved Evasion instead of Evasion at level 12 if you make your Astral Suit an Astral Skin.