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2020-03-21, 01:46 PM
Every student in the City of Lights, knows that the prime material plane of Daesic is flat, sandwiched between the Plane of Fire below and the Plane of Air above. Every day, the sun rises from the great volcano of Sunhome in the Eastern Ocean, and every night it sinks into the Pit of Fire beyond the edge of the world, west of the great city of Brink. Brink, it is said, has the second greatest view in the plane.

And every evening, the moon descends from the Plane of Air to cross the night sky and returns in the morning, and that is why the best view in the plane is in the City of Lights. From moonfall to moonrise the sky of the City is nothing less than the foreshortened plane of the world below; the three great continents with their shining cities; the vast Cataract of Steam where the endless oceans pour over the edge of the world; the green gem of the Feywild and the gradually darkening ice as the snows of Blackreach give way to the Shadowfell. There’s a moment every night, they say, when you could leap from the highest tower in the City to the highest mountaintop of the Touchsky Peaks.

But there are easier ways to travel, in the City of Lights.


Wizards love their towers, and the City of Lights is full of them. Brooding gothic ones, silvery needles, twining organic ones, impossible fragile white crystalline spires. But sometimes for practical reasons you do need just a lot of flat space, and for that reason the Congress of Mages built the Crossroads.

The Crossroads is a football-field sized square, tiled edge to edge with teleportation circles. For obvious reasons, it cannot be warded against teleportation, and so for obvious reasons it is closely patrolled and guarded and kept safe. Never safer than today, the inaugural day of the traditional Mage’s Rumspringa. Studded throughout the courtyard like their own miniature attempts at towers are the bodies of the hive-minded construct creature known as NANNY. There are many races in the City, many races participating in the Rumspringa, but even among the ogres and firbolgs NANNY looms.

Although in almost all respects identical titanic suits of living armor, these constructs have been color-coded for convenience. Students should line up with their assigned group at the assigned color, because NANNYis about to take attendance.

[OOC Thread here: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?609076-Wizard-s-Rumspringa-OOC&p=24410885#post24410885
Campaign and characters: https://www.dndbeyond.com/campaigns/944974]

2020-03-21, 03:38 PM
Peren reflects on the previous month. Of all the conversations he'd had, or progress he'd made, the events of one night still stuck in his mind.

Peren Ilsilme (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Seeker_of_Trees/characters/25067725) slowed his blade mid-form as the Voice gripped his mind and the room darkened.
Tell me what you have learned of Harkaxs' fifth Agony.
The blade began to shed a pale silvery light, a property of the rare moon-touched metal, illuminating the rack on the far wall for him to rack his weapon. The Voice tended to visit him at inopportune times, and his elders found it necessary for him to carry their heirloom, a glowing fracking sword, since the...the accident with Merenna. I can't think about her now. Focus!

Fresh sweat appeared on his head and brow to mix with what was already there. He looked upwards and recited, '...on the five day, Harkax the Eternally Damned is blasted with metal spheres that explode in terrible flames and shards, until his skin and bones and flesh are stripped away, and all is left is the hollow husk of his bound soul-spirit, that must then put him back together.'

You will find subjects for this Damnation.

'I-I'm not sure it works like that here. We--'

How many years have you borne my blessings?

It was a mistake, Peren thought. I didn't ask for this. 'Twenty-seven years. Bu--'

How many times have I asked you to perform a task?

His mouth dried. Don't think of her. 'f..five times.'

You will find subjects for Harkax's Damnation. You have one week. You know the consequences if I must ask again.

As the voice left him, Peren heaved a big sigh, and started taking in long breaths. He looked about the room, wondering why it was still dark. A scuffling sound brought his head up quickly, and a dull purple glow surrounded his left hand. He turned around, tense, and his eyes opened wide. He dismissed the glow, blushing intensely.

Another Visitation, I presume? The kindly eyes of his Great-Uncle Seljekk peered right into him.

'He's getting worse.'

'Wendonai has cunning and guile that's haunted our kin for a long time. His plans can take a thousand years to come to fruition. It is the duty of the Chosen to obey, observe and report; you've done a remarkable job so far.' The old man held up his hand in a calming gesture, forestalling Peren's objection.

He changed tack. 'Grand-Sel, what if I can't bear it? What if...if I want the Visits to stop?' He stopped short of saying what he meant, letting the implication hang as he looked upon the wizened elf, his shoulders slowly curling forwards.

The elderly man watched the young man with a frown and eyes touched with moisture. It is a curse we both must bear, Seljekk whispered. But an adventure will stir your soul and give you perspective. He walked into the room and continued, The misdeed will be done. I forbid you from talking about it any more. Hand me that contraption in your hand and show me your blade forms. It's been quite some time since...

Peren looked at his hands and a cold stab of fear jolted through him. A small metal sphere. It smells of oil and flame. As he handed it over then picked up his sword, he gave a final shudder and fell into the beginning blade stance.

Peren looks around the plaza, trying to judge the number of people gathered. If only I could see just a little higher... Although he talks to himself, he doesn't avoid eye contact either.

2020-03-22, 06:41 AM
Therai makes his way across the Crossroads, looking for others in his group. He spots the right colour and walks over, finding himself standing next to the half-elf, Peren.

He nods to his fellow student, smiling as he does so.

"All right? How you feeling Peren - excited?"

2020-03-22, 07:42 AM
At the sound of Therai's friendly-sounding words, Tryslin looks up from the book he had been trying to read. It was a lost cause from the start, what with the shifting shadows, questionable illumination, noise, and just the jostling from the crowd. Standing up from a slightly uncomfortable hunched position at the foot of NANNY, Thyslin stretches out the dull ache in his lower back before approaching the two groupmates before him.

2020-03-22, 10:31 AM
Roscoe was nervous. He looked around the plaza but couldn't make out any familiar faces at first glance. He had a long thin package with him, wrapped in cloth, and had a large light brown leather backpack on his back.

His clothes looked refined but durable. White leathers embroidered with silver and gold finishings cut to fit his frame to a tee. White furs lined his cloak and his boots.

He looked splendid.

His pupil-less golden eyes scanned the scene. His platinum blond hair was tied back along with the long soft silver feathers growing through it.

"You will do fine, master Roscoe." Brother Virgil stood behind him. Roscoe turned around and nodded. He was glad to have Virgil there, and tried hard to contain his disappointment for not seeing his parents instead.

Virgil knew the boy and was respectful to his apprehension. The caretaker refrained from saying something like 'your parents are proud of you' or they wouldn't have missed this for the world, whatever it is they're doing it must be vital to the church'. While both those statements could possibly have been true, Brother Virgil had no way of knowing for sure. He also knew it wasn't what Roscoe wanted to hear right now.

Instead he handed Roscoe a package. "To help with the fishing." He said with a smirk.
Roscoe looked bewildered for a moment and opened it. He revealed a beautiful quiver.

Roscoe gave Virgil an incredulous look. Brother Virgil couldn't help but chuckle. Earlier Roscoe had explained the wrapped longbow on his back away as being a fishing rod. He hadn't been certain if he'd be allowed to bring it and didn't want to take any chances. Getting ahold of the weapon, practicing in secret and getting it past Brother Virgils vigilance had taken up most of his free time.

"Wha.. I.." He stammered for a second then smiled. "Thank you."

Brother Virgil returned the smile as he clapped him on the shoulder. "Be safe Roscoe."

Roscoe nodded and looked over the crowd. He spotted his group and looked back at Virgil, who nodded and sent him on his way. "Go."

Roscoe hurried to where the others were gathering. "Hi gang! Can't believe it's finally time!"

2020-03-22, 10:41 AM
With Roscoe's arrival, NANNY stirs to life. The first thing it does is raise its massive hands, and with a flash of blue light conjure a blue soundproof dome over the group and the circle etched at their feet. Other domes of other colors have begun to appear around the Crossroads; otherwise there would be absolutely cacophony.



The construct then appears to be stare off into space, perhaps downloading last minute corrections and updates, or perhaps pre-casting spells internally. Perhaps just waiting for the right alignment of the moon with the plane overhead.

2020-03-22, 11:07 AM
As Roscoe arrives, Tryslin puts down his hand, awkwardly half-raised in greeting, and turns towards the Aasimar instead. Peren and the Tiefling knew each other before this. Perhaps. The new arrival would be a better opportunity. Now, to put his best foot forward.

Walking up somewhat stiffly to Roscoe, a little uncomfortable in his finely crafted and over-formal black academic regalia, Tryslin raises his hand in greeting, fully this time.

"A fine day to you. My name is Tryslin Othronus. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

A moment passes in awkwardness. Just as Roscoe might have been about to reply, NANNY interrupts their conversation with its preprogrammed message, and Trylin continues somewhat hurriedly right after.

"I am an apprentice wizard by training. I have some experience in the schools of Evocation, Divination, Enchantment, and Abjuration. I also have some skill with the martial traditions of my people. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of the world and meeting fellow apprentice spellcasters. What are your areas of expertise?"

As he finishes, a bead of sweat begins to coalesces on Tryslin's right temple, slowly running down the side of his face.

2020-03-22, 02:35 PM
At Tryslin's speech, Therai turns from Peren so that he is looking at everyone in the little group. He frowns momentarily, looking at the young elf.

"Are you all right?"

When a reply isn't forthcoming instantly, he slaps Tryslin on the back. "Sure you are!

"Well, I'm Therai. I guess I mostly study on evocation, but you pick up bits of other stuff along the way, y'know? Transmutation can be fun. I mean, this is when everything works like it should do, of course. Once I tried to light a candle and the teacher's shirt exploded in blue butterflies!"

He chuckles briefly at the memory before continuing.

"But as for the trip, what am I not looking forward to about it? A chance to finally get out into the real world - it's going to be great!"

2020-03-22, 03:55 PM
"All right? How you feeling Peren - excited?"

Peren had opened his mouth when several others arrived. And one of them looked like they'd be bringing a bow. At least oneother of them would be well-suited to the roughness below. His musings stop as a hulking, walking armor suit came over to talk with them, calling itself NANNY.

Everyone else was so excited. He watched them, and understood: They were raised for this adventure. Their physique, their muscles have had years' more sculpting than I have. And the ones that speak up mean well. We've all had sheltered lives. Even I'm lucky to be taking this trip. He gave Therai an unconvincing smile and finally replies to Therai and the group, I guess there's a lot on my mind today; after all, our adventure is a big deal! I'm an arcanist, like many of you, but my family chose my path before I knew I was on it. I'm Peren, by the way.

He looked at the Tiefling, and a memory came to him of Instructor Harcott, and lessons with the tough but fair old bastard. Of course! That's how he knows who I am. "Therai, A word please? The half-elf walks a short distance away from the group, to a space out of earshot from others in a small space around a large potted plant. He lowers his voice and tells the Tiefling, I'd appreciate it if you kept it a secret that I'm a warlock? I've heard stories from below that they can get strung up, or worse. He pauses and sighs. I'm sorry if my thoughts are a bit much...It's just that we're going to have to have each others' backs, you know? I hope you understand

2020-03-22, 04:57 PM
Roscoe acknowledged everyone with friendly eyecontact, and as Peren took Therai slightly aside he raised his hand in the same manner to Tryslin.

"Hi. The pleasure is all mine." He smiled goofishly, although his aasimarian heritage and traits did quite well, disguising goofy and somehow warping it to charming.

He looked around, suddenly hyper aware that he'd been slacking off on his studies.

"I'm.. Well, I've focused mainly on the divine side of things." He said, hoping that if he'd keep it vague enough there wouldn't be any more inquisitive people.
It wasn't entirely untrue, just that while his parents had been adamant about Roscoe joining the Clerical Order of the Serpent, he had spent his time working on druidic ways instead. He knew the basic tenants of their church, but that was about it.

"And I'm an Eagle Scout, first rank. For extra credit, you know?" He said, playing it cool. In truth it was Roscoes favorite thing in the world, and he had been incredibly proud when he got promoted last year. He loved the classes where they learned to properly make a fire and the camping trips in the botanical garden with the troupe were the highlight of his summer.

"What martial traditions does your family practice?"

2020-03-22, 05:19 PM
"Strung up below? Ha! Anyone tries to string you up they'll have to go through me first!"

Therai lets the boast hang for a second, flexing his chain covered muscles, and then smiles, self-deprecatingly. "Or possibly more to the point, they'll have to go through NANNY. I mean, who'd want to mess with that? But don't worry, my friend, if you want to keep the source of your powers secret, then it's safe with me."

He frowns.

"Or at least it should be. Things don't always go according to plan. But I promise that I will definitely try."

Therai grins, somewhat innocently.

"By the way, do you know either of the other two in our group?" he asks, as they walk back towards them.

2020-03-22, 05:43 PM
"By the way, do you know either of the other two in our group?" he asks, as they walk back towards them.

I don't think so. The organizers must have done some good work to make sure they minimized the familiarity between people. Certainly it makes for an interesting adventure. But why give us a Nanny..? Don't you think that blunts the edge to any danger we'd face?

2020-03-23, 12:45 AM
Therai's bodily collision catches Tryslin by surprise given that he had been directing his words at Roscoe but the words that follow are even more surprising and intriguing. Tryslin's eyes immediately dart towards Therai and takes in the Tiefling as Peren the half-elf pulls this veritable tornado of energy away. A mental note was made to enquire further.

As for the more docile appearing Roscoe...well, he'll reserve judgment for now. Despite his harmless appearance, there isn't family or institution in the City of Light that could be described using that word, and the same can largely be said for the offspring and apprentices they produced. Roscoe was also being light on specifics, but they are still mostly strangers. In the meantime.

"I'm not too familiar with the standards of scouting organizations, but if you have experience with the wilderness, that would put you ahead of the typical student here for this trip. Certainly ahead of me."

"As for martials, I hate to say this but the stereotypes have some truth to them. My family practices the blade and the bow. Given that this is the City of Lights, I'm sure you know that this also means bladesong, but I have yet to really get a good grasp of that."

2020-03-23, 04:58 AM
"Well, yes, I suppose it does. But how dangerous is this trip supposed to be?"

A sudden idea strikes Therai. "We could always try and give the NANNY the slip? That way we'd really experience what it was like to be in the world below! What do you reckon? We should tell the others."

They reach the other members of their group again and Therai goes quiet. He gives Peren a big wink, however. Subtlety is not his strong point.

2020-03-23, 09:29 AM
At this point the construct surges back into pseudo-life.










A long and for some perhaps stomach-churning list follows.


NANNY seem to fade away, and its voice transitions from a booming metallic announcement to a metallic internal whisper; familiar here where message and sending spells are ubiquitious. The teleportation circle flares into light.

But it is the hope and goal of the First Planar Expeditionary Company that your journey will have taught you to ask the right questions.

When you are ready, please step into the circle.

2020-03-23, 01:33 PM
Right questions...as if we already have answers to the questions that haven't been found? If only life's solutions could be as simple as a number. Like...36.

Peren gives a sigh. He adopts a tone that's somewhat sarcastic but also attempting--awkwardly-- to joke,
So all we have to do is find the right questions? Good thing I'm a half-elf. We might age quite a bit before we find those among foolish and dull people

2020-03-23, 03:14 PM
The joke flies over Therai's head. "I don't think we'll be down there that long, my friend. But come on, adventure awaits!"

He practically leaps into the circle, overcome with excitement. While he waits for the others to join him, his lips moves silently as he tries to memorise the permitted replies that Nanny specified.

2020-03-23, 04:36 PM
Roscoe wrinkled his nose as the Nanny began listing misdeeds. Most of it, if not all of it, would never have crossed his mind in the first place. He raised an eyebrow and was about to ask what defenestration meant, when Nanny brutally continued the list and he forgot all about his question.

It took him a moment before he was present in the moment again and caught the last part of Perens remark.

Foolish and dull? Roscoe had been hoping to meet fun and interesting individuals. Pirates and treasure hunters.

He heard Therai say the word adventure and that all Roscoe needed to hear to jump in himself!

2020-03-23, 11:57 PM
Tryslin absorbed the droning words of NANNY with a corner of his mind, not paying particular attention until it hit the list of prohibitions. As NANNY churned down the list, Tryslin frowns slightly and watched his companions' reactions out of the corner of his eye. Rules like these are written in blood.

Watching as his more excitable groupmates jump into the circle, Trylin quips at Peren as he approaches it himself. Just so he isn't left hanging.

"Be that as it may, I would rather not waste more of my own lifespan standing around on this plaza. Let's head off."

2020-03-24, 08:49 AM
Most of you have taken some kind of teleportation magic, either within the city or with your family. A jaunt, especially this far, stirs a deep unsettling lurch in the stomach and a temporary whirling fantasy of light and sound and sensation, as your senses dissolve and reform. And then with a not-quite-audible thump, the four of you (and your invisible fifth, presumably) are... elsewhere.

Elsewhere appears to be a circle etched on the roof of a building, perhaps even a tower? It certainly commands view of the city around you. And what a view! As noted, perhaps the second-best view on the plane. If you look to the east, you see a city, oddly low by the standards you've grown up with, with a somewhat incoherent hodgepodge of architectural styles, but mostly formed of a yellowish clay or brick. The streets are full of people, and the people are almost as diverse as the people you're used to seeing in the City of Lights, at least as far as you can tell from here.

The city is unwalled, and gradually peters out into a dry dusty plain of the same color. The city appears to be on a subtle but undeniable slope, and comes to an end in a massive causeway heavily anchored and bulwarked on the western edge of the city. Your tower, and many other buildings, appear to be on this causeway.

And the view in the other direction? To the west, the gradual slope of the city rapidly crumbles away into a steep slope, becoming a drop, into a deep pit filled with distant flames. And in the distance, the sun is descending into this pit in a blaze of radiant glory. Beyond it, there's... nothing. The pit stretches on, but the other end of the causeway you're on is anchored on nothing, and there appears to be nothing to anchor it on within your visual range.

Belatedly, you may notice you are not alone on the rooftop. A centaur stands to one side, the kind of thing that's not easy to miss in other circumstances. He has glossy chestnut flanks, and a curly chestnut beard that spills down his bare chest. He's wearing nothing except for a sort of aprons with dozens of pockets.

"Welcome!" he cries, in a deep, jolly, Brian-Blessed sort of voice. "Welcome, travelers, to the Tower of Volas, in the City of Brink."

2020-03-24, 05:17 PM
It takes Therai a few moments to recover from the teleportation spell, but as soon as he has he starts almost spinning around as he tries to look at everything at once. However, when the centaur speaks it focuses his attention.

"Greetings to you too, my friend! I am Therai Darkfire - pleased to meet you. And you are...?"

2020-03-24, 07:49 PM
It appeared the Centaur waited for each of them to introduce themselves to him. That, or perhaps he was afflicted with the already-warned of dullness, a malady Peren had never considered would be shared by a fey.

I am Peren, your eminent full-voicedness. What can you tell us of this fair city?

He figured that the man, despite his enthusiasm, might need some time to process his open-ended question and respond. Poor fellow might have already had spent too much time with the Dullfolk.

Dullfolk...What a fitting name for people without scholarship or magic, he mused.

Does this modest city have a delicacy that foreign people like us could try?

2020-03-24, 08:33 PM
He laughs heartily. "Volas, of course!"

He turns to Peren. "It's the largest city of the plains of Nom, my lad. The only one that hasn't been crushed by the giants, and a lodestone for the free peoples of the continent. It's a dangerous place, though--as I understand it from my own travels, Nom is a rough and tumble place, compared to some. An exciting place to start your journey!"

"The giant scorpion kabobs are worth a look," he says, leading them towards a ramp that spirals down into the building. Centaurs don't have stairs. "Are you hungry, then? I thought you might want to begin with a bit of excitement, but if you'd rather find your sea legs and fill your bellies, haha! I suppose it can wait."

2020-03-24, 10:38 PM
As one entirely unfamiliar with nautical slang, Peren feels confused with some of the Centaur's claims. 'Volas, I'm not certain I'd like to purchase legs conjured from water; I rather like the fleshy ones I have. But those scorpion kebabs sound like a fun way to start this adventure. A warm belly full of new spices and flavors make for a memorable experience! He contentedly hums an old Elvish tune as they descend the ramp into the city.

2020-03-24, 11:03 PM
Tryslin shrugs and follows the group, not averse to trying out new cuisine but not particularly impressed by the city itself thus far. The primary source of its majesty, as far as he was concerned, was natural and not the product of hands or minds.

As the sound of city-life became louder, Tryslin finds his way to the side of Volas and discretely inquires as to what the more...exciting option had been, not hiding his caution.

"I'm certainly curious as to what form of excitement had been deemed suitable as an introduction to these lands, but I would like to find out a little more before diving in headfirst."

2020-03-25, 02:07 AM
"It appears we have a consensus," Volas observes with false gravity, before letting out another booming laugh. "Very well."

The tower is certainly humble by the standards of the City; only a few turns bring you to the ground. Rather than entering his space, Volas cheerfully leads you into the single vast street of the Causeway, perhaps 200 feet wide and extending several miles out into the void. The natives appear to have built directly onto it, but the surface is vast grey flagstones rather than the yellow clay you see elsewhere. The setting sun continues to make the West and uncomfortable direction to look.

The open space is bustling with goliaths, humans, centaurs and rather a lot of tieflings and fire genasi; dotted among them are dwarves, goblins, and a few free orcs. Most of them look, indeed, rather rough and tumble, wearing armor or clearly disdaining it to display barbaric musculature, and openly carrying weapons.

Volas, from his specially high vantage, squints around for a food barrow. "Now, who among you can tell me what planar phenomenon is taking place beneath our feet even now?"

Arcana check! Advantage for Roscoe and Therai.

2020-03-25, 04:00 AM
Peren wonders what, indeed, is going on beneath their feet, and guesses, 'far beneath us, The world is a flat disk and is carried on the backs of four elephants, who perhaps stand on a cosmos-whale that swims through the heavens...and we're going to somehow witness the transition of a new team of elephants that will shoulder the burden of this world's disk?

2020-03-25, 06:58 AM
Roscoe chuckled at Peren's guesswork as he chewed his bottom lip trying to come up with the answer.

He had followed along with the group in absolute awe of nearly everything around him and he'd been struck silent for a while just taking it all in.

He felt insanely out of place with his crisp, rather fashionable look, and as soon as he made eyecontact with some of the locals he'd averted his eyes trying to make it seem like he wasn't staring.

2020-03-25, 08:26 AM
Volas chuckles. "Someone's been peeking at the next cosmic sphere over, I think!"

He successfully finds the giant scorpion kebab barrow, parked worryingly close to the edge of the Causeway. If anything proves you aren't at home anymore, it's that no Health and Safety Commission in the City of Lights would've ever approved the lack of a safety rail.

Volas pays for the kebabs, and nudges Therai. "Here, this one might be in line with your tastes -- bit of poison gland there! Too spicy for your comrades but I think you'll enjoy it."

2020-03-25, 08:27 AM
Therai is visibly torn between the two options of food and excitement; it's written all over his face. He seems almost relieved when the majority plump for food as it means he doesn't have to decide.

He ruminates on Volas' question. "Below our feet, the Plane of Evil is being created. Dunno how long it will take, but it's on its way. It's kind of sad when you think about it - nothing wrong with plain old fire."

While he's talking, his eyes are jumping all over the street, marvelling at everything he sees.

He takes the kebab from Volas, biting into it with pleasure. "Thank you sir! I do like a bit of flavour..." After chomping enthusiastically for a few moments, he offers it to the others, grinning as he does so. "This is great! Does anyone want to try some real food?"

2020-03-25, 09:32 AM
Tryslin ruminates over Volas' question and draws a blank, quietly making a mental note of this as a subject for further research. Taking a skewer from Volas, Tryslin frowns as he took a sniff and a bite. As he waved his free hand through the air, Tryslin offers his thoughts on the matter.

"A tad strong for my sensibilities, but it shouldn't be bad after a little adjustment. The texture, at least, is pretty interesting."

A few small arcane glyph appears before Tryslin's fingertips and the flavor of the kebab is tuned to just liking, just so.

2020-03-25, 10:22 AM
"Correct!" booms Volas. "And here, where the Material Plane comes to an end and we plunge into the Plane of Fire below, it has become a problem!"

"Every night, fiends creep up the slopes of the Pit below into Nom. There are all sorts of valuable materials revealed by the gradual erosion of the Pit, but they often become landmarks and rallying points for these fiendish assays."

2020-03-26, 05:57 AM
"Is that the excitement you were planning on starting us with?" asked Therai. "Battling fiends and recovering precious things from the edge of hell itself?"

He looked around at the others. "We've been here five minutes and it already sounds more fun than home!"

2020-03-26, 07:36 AM
Roscoe listened with half an ear as he carefully nibbled at his kebab while still looking around. He was drinking it all in.

He nodded fervently at Therai's remark. "It sure is! This place is amazing. I'll pass on the one you're having, thanks. Mine tastes great."

He turned to Volas. "What else can you tell us? What type of materials are revealed that they attract such attention down there?"

2020-03-26, 09:31 AM
Peren sucked his teeth. The fiend he'd had just verbal contact with oozed terrible power his small mind could barely grasp. Every interaction with the imperious being was a reminder of just how insignificant he was. Humbling, yes; Terrifying? You could bet your trees on that. The word fun was just about the furthest thing from his idea of possibility. But he couldn't afford to spill his thoughts out for everyone to see, least of all Therai, who was the only one decent enough to keep safe his potentially damning secret.

Instead he asked their guide, 'Are there any who might teach these Easterners other ideas that might make the Plane of fire less...intense? Like if any could show them the usefulness of fire, and how its really just a force of nature?

2020-03-26, 09:39 AM
Tryslin's eyes narrowed at Therai's words, a corner of his eye noting Peren's initial response, which he largely agreed with. Glaring into Therai's eyes, harsh words squeezed themselves from between his teeth.

"You seem awfully excited at the idea of diving headfirst into danger. I would have thought you would be a little more reserved against fighting the spawns of the Plane of Evil given your heritage, if only because your family would have had some experience with both the powers and dangers of their ilk. Remember that death is far from the worst that can happen at their hands."

2020-03-26, 09:47 AM
Volas chuckles. "Many questions! Hold a moment."

He addresses Peren first. "A wise thought! Unfortunately, mages influencing the development of terrestrial religions is exactly the sort of thing the Interdict is designed to prevent. And of course, there is a seed of truth in it as well."

"The ancient primordial fire elementals were hostile to developing life on this plane, and many of the most tyrannical dragons of the Age of Titans were banished there during the wars with the giants. They worship the sun as the fire that loves man, and each day it battles its way back to them beneath the earth."

"Of course, we mages bear our responsibility too. The Pit itself would never have opened if we hadn't raised the moon."

He turns to the others. "But yes, indeed, I had considered you might retrieve something for me. Many treasures are exposed there -- gems, precious metals, rare reagents--even openings to the Underdark, which is unfortunate for its residents."

Finally, he looks at Tryslin with a wry expression, and laughs again. "I won't send you to your death so soon, young elf. You are only touching the fringes of the great evil. Balors and mariliths do not roam the shallows of the Pit."

2020-03-26, 10:42 AM
Therai squared up to Tryslin, not entirely understanding what the elf was getting at, but appreciating the fact he was being glared at.

"What do you mean? Yes, fighting demonspawn does sound fun! Testing the strength of our arms, meeting new comrades-in-arms... What's not to like? And what do you mean by my heritage? My family haven't made any deals with devils or demons. My magic just happens!

As if to prove his point, he opens the palm of his hand and concentrates briefly. A tiny image of a halfling appears in his hand, pirouettes a couple of times, silently sticks its tongue out at Tryslin, and disappears.

2020-03-26, 11:08 AM
Tryslin shook his head in frustration. So this was the world beyond the library. Perhaps the subject he should have focused on in preparation for this trip was not this land where he now stands on but the other individuals who hailed from the City of Lights. Sighing, Tryslin relaxed himself and answered Therai in a more conciliatory tone.

"You are born of Fiendish blood. You are a Tiefling. I do not hold it against you, but you should know your sorcerous powers are more than likely only a hint of the power wielded by your ancestor and those that hail from the Plane of Evil. I have no qualms about contesting the forces of darkness, but I would prefer we do not take the matter lightly."

Tryslin hesitates briefly as he considers what he would say next. It would be uncomfortable but this one needs it.

"I would also remind you that while we in the City do not judge you by your race, there will be many who do. Be careful where you tread, and I hope you do not suffer too much from the prejudice in these lands."

As Volas interjected lightly with his reply, Tryslin turned to look him in the eye as well.

"I can see now the value of facing the spawn from the Pit despite its danger. I had assumed that everyone in this party would have had a common basis of understanding of the world beyond our home, but perhaps seeing things with our own eyes will be the best way for all of us to learn."

2020-03-26, 11:26 AM
Therai relaxes as he considers Tryslin's words.

"There is a difference between taking evil lightly, and facing it with lightness in your heart, my friend. We're I to come up against my ancient ancestor I would almost certainly run, otherwise she would squish me like a bug. But running with a smile on my lips and spitting in the face of death as I did so? To me, that would lessen her power over me."

He turns to Volas. "What is it you're missing and where can we find it?"

Suddenly one of the other things that Tryslin said strikes him. "And as for prejudice... We have ways of combating that!

He clenches his fists and waves them around randomly in the air, grinning as he does so.

2020-03-26, 11:35 AM
Tryslin smiled at Therai's words. This one might seem empty headed at times, but he has a good and strong heart. A small part of him envied Therai's confidence, while another wondered if Therai's optimism would survive the trials ahead. These thoughts passed as a flash in his mind as he turned to his other companions.

"And what do the two of you think? Comfortable for an expedition to the Pit?"

2020-03-26, 11:58 AM
"Let us retire to quench our thirsts while you discuss, young friends. And I will tell you a bit more of what we seek."

He leads them to a tavern also set on the causeway; it's likely the filthiest place any of them have seen in their lives, and they haven't seen the privy yet. (Empties directly into the Pit!) The centaur's hooves crunch a fandango of death for whatever vermin live in the rushes. The drinkers seem to be more barbarian folk, mostly, but there are a few leather-clad dwarves around a table in the corner. The goblin behind the bar pulls down ales for them.

"Our goal is not gems or gold--the competition for that might be a bit too hot for little lads," he booms. "My instruments have detected a lodestone of iron ore--nothing exceptional, normally, but this particular deposit is charged with the energy of Law. With careful forging the dwarves can make of it axiomatic steel, which they use in their cannons. And with those cannons their Black Powder Priests defend us and others against the giants. Valuable indeed, but only for those with the knowing of how to use it."

"It is no lower than the fourth shelf, a few miles' journey. The fiendish threats should be well within your capabilities, and no other scavengers should trouble you."

2020-03-26, 07:34 PM
Peren had been reluctant to divulge his extreme dislike of all topics fiendish. His mouth and body betray his desire to stifle even his thoughts, and his mouth turns downwards and he begins to ever-so-slightly shuffle his feet. His left hand trails backwards to feel at the clasped greatsword about his back, and he hums another of the Old Songs. This ballad, if they had a chorus to sing the lyrics, tells of a family that leaves their forest to help some friends of theirs nearby. They return to find a hurricane-force wind has stripped nearly every tree and fallen many of the tallest saplings. The young ones are very upset, but the elders console them with the new possibilities. That new set of dwellings many had wanted? Let's build them. That big garden others have been asking to make? Let's plant it! The song ends as an infant begins to walk for her first time, and enters a grove and finds four new seedlings, of a rare tree the elves had thought they'd lost many centuries ago.
Peren stops humming soon after they enter the bar, just at the transition to the uplifting conclusion. His eyes dart around the bar, and he looks for an unattended mug, or at least the mug of a patron who wasn't paying enough attention to it, and swipes it.

Before anyone else can react, he drains it. He certainly isn't prepared for the strange taste of the drink, and he sputters through a few coughs, catching the attention of the barkeep. He fumbles into his purse for a silver mark, and sets three on the table. "A refill for the generous stranger, barkeep, and something lighter for me please.

As they wait, he considers what Volas has told them. Dwarves from where I hail are known for their honest jobs and good-paying, steady work. My thoughts are that, although the job could be dangerous, it's better to do quickly rather than wait on it. How about the rest of you all? He thanks the bartender and finds the spot most suitable to accommodate their centaur guide.

2020-03-27, 02:08 AM
Tryslin notes Peren's nervousness but thinks little of it, taking it as a normal response to the potential dangers ahead. What matters is pushing through the fear to action. As Peren calls over the barkeep, he requests the most expensive drink they had without alcohol, placing a single gold on the counter. Decisions should be made with with a clear head, but he's not going to turn down the potential for a new experience.

"I have already expressed my openness to the idea, and Therai here seems veritably chomping at the bit. I suppose that just leaves Roscoe here?"

A pause as he reconsiders everyone's dress.

"If we decide to go, we should also request NANNY to hand us our gear. Most of us don't seem to have our arms equipped. For that matter, we should probably change even if we decide to head elsewhere."

2020-03-27, 11:06 AM
Therai seems to be enjoying his ale, and his eyes start to gleam at the prospect of getting his hands on the various pieces of weaponry that Nanny is carrying for him.

Then something occurs to him. "It is true that this sounds like a great adventure, but... what is in it for us? Extra credit? Room and board somewhere? Interesting things apart from the lodestone that we find on the way? After all, as my friend here says" - he punches Tryslin lightly on the arm - "we should not go into this lightly!"

2020-03-27, 02:44 PM
"I'm in!" He replied eagerly to Tryslin's question as he came round the table with a tray full of various drinks of different colors, shapes and sizes.

Roscoe had been relieved to see Therai and Tryslin make up so fast and had followed the group into the bar. He'd made a beeline for the bar to order everything that struck his fancy and just as he returned to the group he caught the tail end of what everyone had been discussing.

"I'm up for going down below, and wouldn't mind a wardrobe change into something a bit more suitable. I stand out like a sore thumb here."

He sat down and took a deep dark brown ale for himself, and a shot of a clear pinkish liquid. Surprisingly, the small glass was very bitter, and the ale was much sweeter than he thought it would be. Not that Roscoe had any notion of what ales should taste like, he was squarely making his judgement calls based on what they looked like and found he needed to adjust his expectations.

Also he wasn't quite sure he was into drinking at all. He was accustomed to a glass of wine during dinner back home, once a week or so, and never really had been drunk. He made a mental note to take it easy.

A real bar though, down below, adventure. It was an opportunity he couldn't miss out on.

As he was happily getting swept up in the talks of what they were about to do, he gestured to all that the drinks were for who fancied one.

2020-03-27, 03:20 PM
Peren balks at Roscoe's self-effacement. Nonsense, Roscoe, if anything you're the finest person to have ever graced this establishment. If you changed clothing, how would I see my drink when you got back? Peren takes little notice of his emotional about-face and takes a second sip of his light ale. It had a fine taste, light with bananas and cloves and periua-tree bark. Certainly this would be the time to mentally stow away the image of them all enjoying drinks before the next day. But look at this collection of drinks! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to poison us all with this motley collection of drinks before we start our fine day of meatball surgery tomorrow. If only I had a few bits of charcoal and some tints, this scene would make for a fine painting. He takes another sip and gives Roscoe his third-best smile.

2020-03-27, 04:12 PM
Volas laughs yet again. "Well! You drive a hard bargain, boys! I was asked to find something exciting for your trip and I thought this might suffice, but if you're looking for payment--well, I had hoped this boon might win us access to the Priests' artillery line. The dwarves are damn jealous about who they let see their black powder works, you know."

"If we're all agreed, then I'll take you to the trailhead and give you the dowsing fork as soon as you're ready. In your own time, gentlemen."

2020-03-27, 06:42 PM
Peren shakes his head to Volas' idea. I would rather be decently compensated by the dwarves than have their engineering secrets.

2020-03-27, 11:31 PM
Taking a sip from his very expensive lemon fizz, Tryslin grimaces at the taste. He isn't sure what he had expected. This was a pub. Now, for terms.

"Or more to the point, perhaps you might offer to compensate us for helping you get access to their secrets. After all, none of us here have a personal stake in black powder weaponry. Unless you could convince us otherwise."

2020-03-28, 03:45 AM
Volas frowns. "Very well. I had thought it might be a suitable next stop on your trip. But I can certainly pay what I would normally offer a party of sellswords to do such work--20 gold pieces apiece, upon delivery."

His jolly manner now grows rather stern.
"However, if you insist on bring treated as hirelings rather than guests, I shall insist on a little more haste, eh? Make yourselves ready and return to my tower for instructions."

He heads towards the door.

2020-03-28, 04:17 AM
Tryslin's eyes narrow as Volas exits, turning to the rest of the group after he was sure Volas was gone.

"I don't trust that one. Where I am from, we do not entrust guests to wade into danger for uncertain benefit. If a service is required, we offer good terms in hopes of building a congenial relationship. If he is unwilling to offer an olive branch as the senior party, I'm unsure how things will work out from here."

2020-03-28, 05:15 AM
Therai looks a little uneasy as he stands up. This wasn't necessarily the outcome he'd intended.

"I dunno guys, a black powder factory sounds like it could be kinda fun, and I quite like being a guest... He seems nice to me - I think he's just trying to show us a good time."

He pauses and looks confused. "And how are we supposed to know which tower is his to meet him there?"

2020-03-28, 07:08 AM
Roscoe smiled and winked as he raised his glass in acknowledgement to Peren's words.

As Peren and Tryslin open up their thoughts about compensation, and Roscoe gauges Volas' reaction, his smile disappeared.

"I'm with Therai on this one." He said as he quickly put his glass down. He stood up from the table and hurriedly gathered his stuff.

"I feel we owe that man an apology, and I intend to deliver one on behalf of all of us. Get your heads out of your under-robes." He said as he hurried after Volas, catching up with him at the door.

Roscoe placed a hand on his shoulder, hopefully stopping Volas in his tracks.

"Listen, I'm sorry for our reaction back there. We didn't mean to cause offence. We're not used to these kinds of things and I for one can attest that all we know about these things are either from reading fiction or listening to some uncle exaggerating his exploits over a glass of wine too many at the dinner table."

He paused a moment to see if he had Volas attention, and then confidently continued.

"I, for one, would be honored to carry out this task and see what a dousing fork is. And to possibly see the Dwarven workshop is icing on the cake. Please, share a funny fizzy drink with us and let's continue on the right foot here."

He looked expectantly, waiting for the centaurs reaction.

2020-03-28, 07:41 AM
Tryslin winces at the words of his compatriots. Had he really misread the situation that badly? He has never been the best with people, which is why he always paid the most attention to what they did rather than what they said, waiting for the other party to show their goodwill, put their money where their mouth is. A small voice in the back of his mind piped up and reminded him that while he had always been good at identifying those with ill intentions, he had similarly driven away many with good ones. Was this another one of those cases? Will Peren, Roscoe and Therai abandon him?

As Roscoe runs out after Volas, Tryslin sighs into his drink, not looking out of the door. Noting the distinct lack of alcohol, he waves the bartender over and asks for something with a bit more punch. Something dwarven and distilled maybe.

2020-03-28, 08:32 AM
"Better get that to go my friend, or down it in one!" Therai grins at Tryslin. "I think we're setting off!"

He looks at the young wizard expectantly, waiting for him to leave so that he can follow him out of the door.

2020-03-28, 09:48 AM
Volas smiles broadly at Roscoe's apologies, and pats the lad on the hand. "No need, my boy, no need. Truth be told it was hard for me to imagine what reward I could offer lads who grew up in such a place, but as I said I suppose I should treat you as I'd treat any other young adventurers."

"I've never done one of these, y'know -- I grew up on the Plains of Laconia, not so far from here. I've been to the City, of course, and it's a place of wonders, but a bit too quiet and clean for an old warhorse like me."

"I wanted this to be exciting and a bit of fun, but I think I forgot nothing spoils the fun for young folk like an adult tagging along and trying to be a 'pal.' Next time I'm asked to do my part I'll play quite the stern taskmaster, like the old priest in a fairy tale." He winks. "Enjoy your time on your own and I'll see you at the tower."

2020-03-28, 10:10 AM
Taken aback somewhat by Volas' own admission of inadequacy Roscoe couldn't help but smile and nod. He was a bit at a loss for words but felt relieved no feelings were hurt.

"Alright old man, maybe you'll see fit to share a drink after you see us come back with some of that iron-ore! See you in a minute." He said as Volas walked off.

He turned around and made his way back to the group.

"It's fine gang, were good." He said with positive energy.

"Sorry for snapping at you guys." He said as he looked at Tryslin in particular. "I was just really into soaking it all in, and quite liked the centaur showing us around that I may have latched onto him too much. I'm totally up for making our own way in this place."

He put his arm out in a brotherly handshake type of way for Tryslin to grab if he'd want to.

"And that includes bartering for every last bit we can get out of it. We good?"

2020-03-28, 10:26 AM
Tryslin takes Roscoe's hand and shakes it, looking relieved but still a little dejected.

"Thanks for smoothing things over. Perhaps I should leave the talking to you guys. I am not the best with strangers, and I might leave another bad impression."

Turning to the table, Tryslin downs his drink. The harsh burn of the liqour is just what he needs right now.

"Now, let us move on with our task."

Glancing around the group, a little more life returns to Tryslin's eyes, a sparkle more befitting of his age

"Or perhaps there is something else we should do with our freedom?"

2020-03-28, 01:20 PM
"I don't think you latched onto him at all, my friend, I think he seemed nice. Good work sorting out our... misunderstanding." Therai addressed Roscoe before turning to the wider group.

"But it looks like we're all on the same page now! My vote would be for finding out which tower we need to go to, getting the dowsing fork, finding the lodestone, and then painting this town red in celebration!"

The tiefling's usual enthusiasm has returned after hearing that Volas had forgiven them. It appears that he likes to be liked.

"Having said that, I'm definitely open to alternatives if you've got something in mind Tryslin?"

2020-03-28, 02:32 PM
"I have a couple of ideas for later but I was hoping for suggestions there," says Tryslin, shaking his head.

"Come then, let's fetch out gear and start on our quest. It seems as good a place to start as any."

2020-03-28, 09:13 PM
Peren had been sipping on his drink. 20 gold for the whole job? Depending on the danger they'd face, that certainly didn't seem like enough pay. But maybe haste was best in this regard. Concentrations of powerful energies opposing the creatures of chaos didn't avoid notice for long. And Iron, pure iron, would soon oxidize and be difficult to process.

"Come then, let's fetch out gear and start on our quest. It seems as good a place to start as any."
Certainly he could have thought faster than that. His drink was only half-drunk! Well, better to be safe than sorry. Better to not be poisoned. But it was good drink. He set a few silvers and coppers on the table, took a last little sip, and left with the rest of them out the front door.

OK, how do we get in contact with the NANNY? It was a decent day out, considering their proximity to the plane of Fiery Evil they were next to.

2020-03-28, 09:36 PM
I am here, comes the voice in their minds.

When the group is outfitted and ready for action, they head for the Tower of Volas; it's easy to find as the tallest building on the Causeway. The centaur leads them to point where the city proper meets the lip of the Causeway, and a wooden scaffolding climbs down the side of the stones to the precipitous slope below. He draws to items from the many pockets of his apron.

"This dowsing fork has been attuned to axiomatic energies, and should lead you directly to the ore. I recommend giving it to who ever has the greatest skill in navigating wild terrain." It's a y-shaped forked piece of wood, like a rather organic tuning fork; a ring is wraps around the handle, pointing to symbols carved around the circumference.

"And this is a Rod of Drawmij." He takes out what looks like a short thick metal rod with a clasping claw at one end, clutching a sapphire. The other end has a set of lenses, like a telescope. "When activated, a light shines from the lens which invisibly marks the item, and inscribes a corresponding rune on the sapphire. If you mark your prize this way, you can leave it there and bring back the sapphire, and I will be able to use it to summon the ore. It's a bit sophisticated, so I suggest you give it to your most skilled arcanist."

"Follow the fork to the ore, mark it with the rod, and bring back the sapphire. Watch for devils and try to avoid other adventuring parties--they're unlikely to desire the ore, but they may be unfriendly on general principles. And good luck!"

His hooves being wildly unsuited to the ladders and staircases of the scaffolding, Volas waves goodbye from the top of the causeway. Below, the slope of the Pit drops steeply towards the distant fires; now that the sun is subsumed in the flames, it is the only light, extending into a dark infinity. In places, black towers and extrusions rear up from the fire sinisterly, and by the firelight you can see beings moving on the slope like ants on a log and hunks of minerals, metals or gems gleaming like the studs on a barbarian's bracer.

You can see that the slope plateaus out repeatedly, giving context to Volas's assertion that the ore should be no lower than the fourth shelf. On the deeper shelves, closer to the Pit, larger creatures move, but nothing bigger than humanoid can be seen on the first four--at least, not within visual range, as the slope extends both to the south and to the north, passing under the Causeway. To the north you can see the titanic bulwarks of the Causeway biting into the slope, and you are forced to wonder what hands sunk them there.

The area immediately at the bottom of the scaffolding seems to be home to many temporary encampments, each spaced well away from each other and from the bottom of the last ladder. These seem to house rough-looking mercenaries of many races, primarily human, planetouched or goliaths.

A Survival check is needed to navigate, and an Arcana check to use the Rod of Drawmij. The Fork gives advantage on Survival checks on the way to the ore.

2020-03-29, 07:17 AM
Roscoe listened intently to what Volas said, and looked at the others when he explained about the items.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you but if I have the Rod of Drawmij we'd have more luck using a wheelbarrow to retrieve the iron." He joked.

"The fork however, might prove useful. I've got both my tracking and navigation badge and think I can use this to our advantage." He looks around once more looking if anyone objects and if they don't, he pockets it. (Should anyone object he'll happily hand it over to them without objecting.)

Below the tower he scanned the whole of the view, and focused his gaze on the encampments below.

This was all he ever wanted, and he was finally free to make choices of his own. And live with the consequences.. In a moment he was struck with indecisiveness and.. fear.

"Any.. Anybody, want to make some preparations? Before we head out?"

2020-03-29, 08:10 AM
Peren nods, asking for a minutes' pause in their trek. He rummages into his pack and finds the grenades. There are two of them--he dares not guess how, when or why he received another--and carefully, gingerly, secures them with some spare strands of string to the top, back section of his backpack: this way, he can yank them out in a pinch but he doesn't need to reveal or show their presence until needed. He loosens his greatsword and nods to Volas, 'Let me know when we're approaching the dangerous zone. I can at least cast some spells that will help with a fight.

Roscoe, I agree with your assessment to use the fork. You'll best guide us into this area. Myself, I'll take point here, as I believe I carry the biggest, nastiest weapon out of us all. Should we need to split our numbers, I'll guard Roscoe, as i'm at least competent with ranged magics, and I have a few tricks to deal with crowds.

Any other comments?

2020-03-29, 08:54 AM
"That all sounds sensible to me."

While Peren is rummaging through his pack Therai performs a check on his own equipment, slapping each piece in turn to acknowledge its existence. He is dressed in a chain shirt and carrying a shield on his left arm, while a longsword is belted by his side. A component pouch is on the other side of the belt, easily accessible, and a pair of hatchets are tied one either side of his backpack. Finally, a wand sticks out of his belt next to the component pouch. It looks as though the middle has string wrapped round it and some kind of resin applied to help it not fall apart. Occasionally, out of the corner of your eye, you can notice a golden mote appear from the repaired area, a little like it is leaking.

As Therai takes out the wand, he refrains from hitting it. "Family heirloom" he explains. "It does... things. Well used, but an old faithful."

He listens to the others talking tactics. "All right Tryslin, if we get split up then it looks like you're with me. I'll keep an eye on you, although I do warn you that sometimes in the heat of things I can get a little... carried away. But just point me in the right direction and it will all be fine. But up until that point, I can fight at distance or at range. Mind you, let's be honest, it's much more fun getting close up and personal."

It is relatively well known that Therai was a very competitive wrestler back in the City of Lights, so his ideas of fun in this case might be a little biased.

2020-03-29, 10:26 AM
"Well, since now seems to be the time we are sharing our options with each other, each of the rubies here contains with a fireball spell, arcane activation. It might not be the best option against foes from the Plane of Fire, but that is my trump card while we are down here."

Strapped to Tryslin's left upper arm is a leather band, finely crafted and dyed white, with five rubies set within it.

"I should also be able to handle myself at any distance," says Tryslin, indicating the rapier and daggers on the left side of his belt and the wand and quiver on the right, ending with a tap on his shield. On his back rests an impressive longbow for his rather slight frame.

"In the meantime, it looks like I'll the one handing the Rod. Anything else comes to your mind on this Roscoe?"

2020-03-29, 10:54 AM
The path between the first and second shelves is rocky and steep, but not too impassable. Following the promptings of the fork and the natural paths of the slope, there seem to be two possible places to emerge on the second shelf: an open plain a little further to the south, or a gem-studded field further north. There's a huge boulder of uncut diamond, and scattered around it are fist-sized and smaller chunks of gem. The southern path seems more difficult.

2020-03-29, 12:15 PM
Therai studies the two paths and harumphs. "More likely to be people or demons around the easier path. How confident are you at scrambling? Or should I say, how badly do you want to crack some demon heads?!"

He lets out a genuine belly laugh at the thought.

2020-03-29, 01:07 PM
'If we must take the Plain, how about we tag that enormous diamond first?'

2020-03-30, 12:35 AM
Tryslin frowns at the suggestion. He would be lying if he said he isn't tempted, but caution prevails on this occasion.

"If something looks obvious but has not been done by the thousands around you, perhaps find out the reason first. I would let the diamond be, at least until we get some understanding of why no one else has mined that field. In that tune, I suggest the Southern route for now."

2020-03-30, 04:00 AM
"Makes sense. Even if you want to fight, better to do it on our terms than theirs. That diamond is like a big, juicy kebab going 'eat me!'"

Therai's stomach rumbles as he starts thinking of food.

"Everyone ok with the climb if we take the southern route away from it?"

He starts to move towards the path.

2020-03-30, 06:11 AM
Peren had been so worried about meeting demons of the social kind. Ones that would trick us, ones that could look just like Volas but be just a tad bit different. He had been certain that, at the bar, there would be some swaggery fellow who would use honeyed words and just the barest touch of magic to try and entice them away from even the simplest of quests. There had been no such enticement. Instead, at the first sight of a diamond probably worth the True Ressurection of a hundred souls, he'd fallen for the most classic trick in the book. Or at least, nearly had. He was glad this wasn't a solo journey.

Yeah...the southern way seems to be the path of less temptation. Thanks, Tryslin.

2020-03-30, 07:54 AM
Tryslin raised an eyebrow at Peren's sudden thanks, unsure why that was the chosen response over agreement or otherwise.

"...certainly. I believe we have a majority vote now. Let's move."

2020-03-30, 11:15 AM
As the group moves forward down the more difficult southern path, noises are audible from the north; squeals and bestial grunts. A cloud of greenish smoke erupts around the diamond; even from here, the fetid stink is apparent.

Just as the group are congratulating themselves on choosing the right path, there's a fiery explosion from within the cloud. The steep, loose earth underneath begins to slide, and everyone tumbles down the slope, arriving on the second shelf with a great deal of noise, dust and loose rocks.

Roll a DC 12 DEX saving throw. If you fail, you are prone and take 3 damage; save halves and you are not prone.

A group of creatures emerge from the cloud, fleeing the explosion; they are small and run hunched over, occasionally on all fours. They have bat-like faces and bodies covered with light greenish-grey fur, and they hoot and gibber as their path of escape takes them straight towards the group. There are four of them, in a loose line about twenty-five feet away to the north, on the verge of the stinking cloud.

Initiative order:
21 - Peren
16 - Roscoe
15 - Therai
8 - Tryslin
3 - Dretches


2020-03-30, 08:18 PM
Dretch were the basic minions of the Demonic Hordes. Tough as four men, they had savage claws and bites. Many a mortal had perished beneath their attacks, and never discovered their true danger: They could expel a cloud of terrible gas and grime capable of laying low even the toughest Dwarven warrior. He was stricken prone from the blast, and he curses the sting of sulphur around him, but he took stock of his surroundings.

I'll take point, he growled, and advanced as he unclipped his sword. He stopped enough to look around and ready a spell, preparing himself for what could be a nasty conflict. Before he casts, he directs the others, first Therai then Tryslin to spaces next to him. "Shields here. We'll form a line for Roscoe to fire behind. With that done, he lets go of his sword with one hand and studies the Dretches. He'll unleash his magic against the monster closest to him, yelling an insulting epithet to the creature in Fiendish. Although Dretches couldn't speak, as far as he was aware, they could still hear and understand their native language.

Move 15' forward; if knocked prone will need other 15' to stand up. According to PHB, may draw weapon as part of movement.

Free: Talk to/direct allies

Attack - Eldritch Blast: Ranged Touch vs. Dretch 1 [roll0] & on hit [roll1] Force

2020-03-30, 08:38 PM
The dretch at the end of the row is hit dead center with the blast, and part of its flesh boils away. Rather than spilling blood or entrails, however, the blast simply cores through it; the creature is revealed to be a glob of elemental evil molded into a convenient shape without much internal detail. Losing nearly half its mass does not seem to slow it down appreciably, however, nor do its howls and moans sound much different from its fellows. Perhaps they feel no pain, or perhaps being a dretch is already agony.

2020-03-30, 09:58 PM
A little known fact about dretches were that they could actually provide sustenance to higher demons. Although their flesh reportedly tasted terrible even to their elevated masters, their flesh was highly nutritious (again, only to demons). A common theory has circulated among academics that many demons have resistance to electric magics due to a steady diet of Dretch. This is, of course, unproven, but it was entertaining to consider.

His attack revealed the true nature of their foes: formed from elements themselves, it's as if the plane were trying to emulate the fearsome does they could face.

2020-03-31, 01:46 AM
Roscoe similarly scrambled up after falling. His left leg felt bruised and only moments after he found his footing he noticed the monsters.

Instead of smoothly drawing his bow and notching an arrow, like he'd fantasised so many time before, he instead instinctively fell back into the lessons learned from brother Virgil.

He instantly held out his hand in a grasping manner, and as he did so all manner of restrictive vines sprung out of the ground around the monsters feet.

Ooc: Roscoe stands up from prone and casts Entangle. (Str save DC13) or be restrained. The squares of the entangle start at the monsters, leaving a free path for anyone who wishes to get into close combat with them.

2020-03-31, 02:12 AM
Vines explode from the dry, crumbling earth in a radius all around the giant diamond, instantly browning within the toxic cloud but still grasping and choking. The two dretches in the center of the line of fleeing creatures are enveloped in vines and half-buried under thorns and leaves; the two on either end, the injured dretch and one other, are slowed momentarily, but rip free, uprooting the sudden growth at the cost of some speed.

2020-03-31, 06:19 AM
Therai hauls himself back to his feet from where he lay. Grimacing, advances to stand next to Peren.

"Let's see if that saying about fighting fire with fire holds true" he muttered. Readying his shield in his left hand, his right becomes wreathed with flame which then streaks out towards one of the dretch.

Actions: Standing up, moving 15' to stand by Peren, casting Firebolt - also targeting Dretch 1.

Fail at dice code.

2020-03-31, 07:41 AM
Forgive double post, but having to reroll Firebolt with working code:


2020-03-31, 08:17 AM
The firebolt strikes true, and the tarry substance of the dretch seems to bubble and flow, but less of it burns away than you might have hoped for. You get the sense that creatures who crawled up from the fiery Pit below may be able to shrug off such a cantrip.

Fire resistance for half-damage

2020-03-31, 08:37 AM
Tryslin hesitates momentarily, weighing potentially finishing off an enemy quickly or going for one of the easy targets restrained by the vines. A dagger flashes from his hand, arcing towards the wounded fiend.


2020-03-31, 09:05 AM
Damage for the dretch: [roll0] and then halved for resistance.

2020-03-31, 09:39 AM
The dagger sleeks through the air and improbably darts through the gaping hole in its torso, continuing unimpeded into the field of fetid smog and vines. Something else moves within the field of stinking gas, struggling within the entangling growth to get at the dretches, unsuccessfully.

Baying, the injured dretch continues to barrel directly at Peren, the one who did it the worst harm. As it draws near, the stench is unimaginable--no matter how prepared he was from tomes and lectures, the slavering bristly reality inches from his face is a different matter. Yet as it snaps and slashes at him with its razor-tipped paws, the bites and blows rattle unsuccessfully against his chain shirt. The second swipe of its talons almost claws his face, but he snaps his head back out of the way just in time, and the wounded demon howls its outrage. It scurries around him, scrambling between him and Roscoe.

The unharmed and unobstructed dretch at the end of the row lopes towards Tryslin and hurls itself at him fangs first; only to bounce off when the elf hastily throws up a Shield spell. It chitters its fury and bashes its claws haplessly against the invisible barrier, then squeezes between him and the rough slope, grumbling, to take partial cover from the others.

Meanwhile, the two dretches entangled in the field of clutching vines struggle and hack at the growth binding them. One is unable to escape, but the other rips free and lopes forward, hurling itself at the shield wall.

*deep breath* Okay, so -
[5] Failed Str Saving throw by Something
[16] Successful Strength Check by Dretch 2
[9] Failed Strength Check by Dretch 3
[11] + 4 = 15 Attack by Something (ends up not happening - restrained)
[10] + 2 = 12 Attack by Dretch 1 on Peren (fails)
[1] +2 = 13 Attack by Dretch 1 on Peren (fails)
[13] +2 = 15 Attack by Dretch 2 (ends up not happening - used its action to break free)
[18] + 2 = 20 Attack by Dretch 2 (ends up not happening - used its action to break free)
[15] + 2 = 17 Attack by Dretch 3 (ends up not happening - restrained)
[7] + 2 = 9 Attack by Dretch 3 (ends up not happening - restrained)
[16] + 2 = 18 Attack by Dretch 4 on Tryslin (Shield invoked; fails)
[13] + 2 = 15 Attack by Dretch 4 on Tryslin (fails)

So none of the damage rolls wind up mattering. I do actually still need one more Str Check somehow. And back to the top of the order!


2020-03-31, 06:28 PM
Tryslin, what--
Try-- Peren dodged, moved his head and then cut off as the Dretch that moved past him lumbered towards Roscoe. He whirled his sword in a deadly arc opposite Therai, attempting to hit (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24428686&postcount=99) the Dretch that readied itself to savage Roscoe. Anticipating the demon's full attack, he prepared to strike at the beast if it followed the Aasimar's retreat.

2020-03-31, 07:18 PM
The blade cleaves the dretch in two; tendrils grasp out, trying to knit it back together, but the gap already blown in its torso is too wide, and partially cauterized by the firebolt. The two halves of the creature slop apart, losing consistency, and something almost intangible inside shrieks and reaches feebly to the north before being dragged away into the Pit like a wisp of elvish smoke being inhaled.

As the residue of elemental evil splashes around Peren's feet and boils itself into nothingness, the laughter of an all-too-familiar voice seems to echo in his ears.

YESSSS. Let the unworthy be returned to the tender belly of the Pit.

2020-03-31, 08:09 PM
Peren shook his head, banishing his extra thoughts. His family had taught him that extra musings in the midst of battle could dull awareness and lead to critical errors. Instead, he considered stepping forward a pace to stagger the formation of their line.

yes, he decided, it was a fine idea, being able to step forward while threatening the Dretch between his other two sword-bearing companions. Any other demons that would try to move past him to Roscoe would have to deal with his massive blade.

2020-04-01, 02:15 AM
Roscoe kept his mental grasp on the vines, seeing that it slowed down, and in one case even restricted, the enemy.

He took his longbow and notched an arrow. Roscoe started getting nervous, there were people everywhere. Shouting, flinging spells and running around..
He was about to shoot but hesitated, he didn't want to hit his friends. The fumbling made his arrow clatter to the ground a ways off.

2020-04-01, 08:33 AM
Therai's swipe with his longsword goes wide too as the dretch screeches and its outer layer of fur explodes into a putrid gas.

2020-04-01, 09:09 AM
Now that his foes are adjacent, Tryslin draws his rapier and slashes towards the surrounded dretch.


2020-04-01, 10:27 AM
The surrounded dretch cackles and lets his putrid explosion of musk settle over the group, lightly obscuring their vision and provoking retching and nausea in those whose constitution isn't strong enough. The dretch pinned between Tryslin and the slope claws and snaps at his shield, but seems to be rendered as overwhelmed and ineffectual by the stench as the humanoids.

Meanwhile, in the ground surrounding the giant diamond, the original fetid cloud has yet to disperse. The remaining entangled dretch rips himself free from the knot of weeds and vines, and there's a tearing sound from within as whatever it was that was restrained inside the fog also gets loose. The dretch resumes its flight directly towards the group, and they can see a small creature with skin the color and texture of volcanic rock stagger out of the fog in pursuit. When it moves, veins of glowing red move over its joints, and it howls with a deep bass fury. The fleeing dretch pushes past its fellow and squeezes between Peren and Therai, with the pursuing creature hot on his heels; literally. It has to turn its back on Tryslin to do so but he's too busy coughing and gagging to take the opportunity.

2020-04-01, 08:57 PM
And there were the clouds of gas. Coughing through the burning sensation in his lungs and eyes, he concentrated on slow breaths as he brought his sword to bear on the creature Therai had already attacked.

Attack vs. Dretch 2: [roll0]

It was no good. Fighting back a cough, Peren swung just high enough for the Dretch to adeptly drop its stance a little and avoid his blow.

2020-04-02, 04:29 AM
Therai shakes his head as the gas surrounds him. Whether it's his ancestry, or whether it's his fitness levels he is unsure but apart from a bit of a cough and some watering eyes he is not too badly affected.

He continues to try and strike the nearest dretch, the look in his eyes starting to grow increasingly wild.

2020-04-02, 01:59 PM
Roscoe released his mental grip of the vines as he steadied himself. He breathed in and felt centered.

He released his second arrow at the nearest monster. This time he followed the missile trajectory and was satisfied seeing it strike true.

2020-04-03, 04:54 AM
Therai's wild swings weren't connecting with anything, although they were at least holding the dretches back for now. He feels himself getting another and angrier at the demonspawn, but bites it back for now. He had something else he wants to try before he gives into it, but he needs some room first...

2020-04-03, 05:13 AM
Seeing his initial attacks miss, his hand shaking ever so slightly with nervousness, Tryslin calmed himself and swung at the surrounded dretch once again. On connection,the dretch is sheathed in booming energy.

Booming Blade:

2020-04-03, 08:59 AM
The surrounded dretch snarls and snaps at Tryslin in retaliation, fangs clashing against his shield ineffectually. At the same time, the pursuing creature of stone and fire lands a two-fisted blow on the back of the dretch, smashing its face against the shield and setting its covering of sickly green fur ablaze. On instinct, the dretch turns and claws feverishly at the elemental creature, shoving it back, then tries to run, squeezing between Tryslin and Therai. The turning tide of the battle seems to panic the dretches further, and they all begin to flee. The surrounded dretch gets only a step or two before the booming energy detonates and it implodes, leaving only a puddle of burning goo.

The dretch behind Tryslin runs north; with the rocky slope at its back and its fellow creature in the way to the south, it has nowhere else to go. It sees that the elemental creature is badly wounded, half-prone and leaking magma, and the evil in its nature won't let it pass up the opportunity. The elemtnal puts up a hand; the dretch bites down on the rocky appendage, and then its talon tears the head clean off.

The remaining dretch, fully a third of its oozing evil substance ripped away by Roscoe's arrow, barrels towards him, ignoring the risks of the two humanoids it leaves behind it.

As it does, it catches only a light scorching as the elemental creature detonates. The dretch at point blank range to the explosion isn't so lucky; the oily black and red burst of flame sends it flying into the other toxic cloud around the diamond, where it is partially obscured by the haze.

Therai and Peren get attacks of opportunity on Dretch 3. It has 8 hp left. If Therai and Peren don't kill it, it bites and claws Roscoe for 14 damage and keeps running, so Roscoe will get an AoE as well.

Everybody but Roscoe should make a DC 11 DEX Saving throw for the explosion; take 4 damage on a success and 8 on a failure.

After ALL THAT, Peren is up.

2020-04-03, 09:42 AM
Peren struggled to extract his sword from the ever-increasingly jumbled Melee. He swept his sword up and out at an angle and continuing the arc, rotated to attack the now-fleeing (or Advancing, if one was Roscoe) Dretch.

He'd been too slow; the Dretch was already moving away from his strike with a frenzied terror of the--

The half-elf winced and reflexively backed away from the small explosion; he hisses as the pitch and oil cuts off his thoughts ...how upset would my Patron be if I used the devices he gave me against other Fiends?

2020-04-03, 11:36 AM
As the dretch squeezes past Peren, Therai spins and impales it on his blade before it can get to Roscoe. The creature twitches and dies, and as it slumps off the steel to the floor he stands tall and shouts in triumph at the sky.

Unfortunately his dramatic moment is somewhat undermined when the explosion catches him completely unaware and blows him off his feet.

After a moment, the tiefling hauls himself painfully to his feet, charred and bleeding in numerous places.

"Nanny... Could I get some healing please?" he gasps, his breath somewhat ragged.

2020-04-03, 11:41 AM
The dretch collapses into slop under the blades of Peren and Therai, and Peren takes off running to the north to finish off the last dretch as Therai asks for healing.

Of course.

Although it remains invisible, for a moment the touch of a heavy metal hand lands heavily on Jaren's shoulder, and healing energy pours into him.

[roll0] hp restored.

2020-04-03, 01:02 PM
Running up beside the final Dretch, Peren impales the creature's belly. Surprised by the resilience of its flesh, Peren finds himself letting go of his blade. As the creature falls, he sidesteps the contents of its guts and quickly begins to clean the blade.

His pack has a cleaning cloth, and he wastes no time to clear the terrible, foul stench of lesser fiend gore. To occupy his mind, he looks around the area

Perception: [roll0]

2020-04-03, 01:13 PM
The grey-green mist of a dretch's fetid cloud still hangs in the area. Peering through it, Peren can make out a second smoking crater and the remains of another few dretches, in addition to the scattering of fist-size and smaller uncut diamonds. The picture begins to become clear -- a squabble between the pack of dretches and the pair of magmin; one dretch releasing the stinking mist, and one of the magmin exploding and sending the surviving dretches south to crash into the party.

It's just possible to perceive a crevice directly under the man-sized hunk of diamond, not far from the site of the crater.

2020-04-03, 02:29 PM
Roscoe ran up to Therai. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He was worried as he looked around. "Is everyone okay? Some fight huh?"

Seeing every one standing had him laughing his nerves away. He felt pumped!

"Do you see anything Peren?"

2020-04-03, 03:55 PM
Peren never really appreciated Astronomy, much to his family's chagrin. Oh, he was aware of its significance but not really its importance. One lecture by the Academy's only Dwarven Astronomer (!) Peren mostly slept through actually bore relevance to their mission, such as it was.

...and so the prevailing hypothesis goes that all common metals, among them iron, aluminum and gold, are the cosmological objective of stars. It's not proven yet, but many divinations from Gungroth IX...

We're at the beginning of a war between the forces of Fire and the Fiends. ...and there's another crevice over there. He pointed it out, and re-clipped his sword to his back. Do you see spots in your eyes, Roscoe, or is that just me?

Peren fished into his pack for his canteen, took a drink, and dribbled some water into his eyes. He then looked around at the party, waving the now-disgusting cleaning cloth and asked, Does anyone know Prestidigitation?

Arcana for Magmin [roll0]

Perception [roll1] for anything else in the crag

Magmin. What were they again?

2020-04-03, 04:16 PM
As Peren moves away from the gigantic diamond, something tentatively crawls out of the crevice beneath it. It looks very much like the creature and stone and fire that detonated, except... smaller.

The tiny magmin crawls on all fours until finds a diamond chip and then begins to gnaw on it, with a deep bass purr.

2020-04-03, 04:46 PM
Therai shakes his head, mutters some words and gestures, and he is clean of dretch gore.

"Hand it over" he says to Peren. Once the cloth is passed to him, he repeats the short sequence, flapping it out theatrically as it finishes.

"Let there be cleanliness... And there was!"

It seems like the treatment from Nanny has reinvigorated his spirits as well as his body. Either that, or he really enjoyed the fight.

"Right, lead on fearless navigator!" he exclaims.

2020-04-03, 09:51 PM
I wouldn't say fearless, but it must help them to pretend. Peren accepted the handkerchief back. Mmmm...it's warm as if it just spent a day basking in the sun. Thanks, Therai!

Although it feels like cheating... Nanny, I believe we are ready to continue. He trudged onwards, giving the diamond-hugging Magmin wide berth. He went Right this time, confident that even if it were slower, they'd find what they needed soon enough.

2020-04-04, 12:55 AM
Tryslin quietly collected himself after the fight, dusting himself off. Though slightly bruised from the explosion and the initial fall, he was little worse for wear. Volas was right, this was well within their capabilities. He knew that, but he could still feel his right hand shaking slightly. Grabbing the hilt of one of his daggers to steady his hand, Tryslin turned to follow Peren.

"So, what are we up to now?"

2020-04-04, 12:50 PM
The tiny magmin catches Therai's eye.

"Awww look at that. How cute is it?! Do you think it might want to come with us if we find some more chips to feed it?"

He starts looking around for more small pieces of diamond.

2020-04-04, 01:46 PM
Peren considered the best way to handle this situation. The creature would consume valuable materials, or at least need a neutral space to...increase it's boundaries. "Therai, do you have any wood to feed it?"

Peren looked around the area, trying to get a general sense of appearance and layout of where they were. Perhaps it was the fight they'd recently had, but he felt a little disoriented. "Tryslin, Roscoe, I might need some help...Which way are we going? There's a lot of levels here.

2020-04-04, 02:36 PM
"Wood... Do they like wood? Hey Roscoe, could I borrow an arrow?"

Therai looks optimistically at the archer before crouching on the ground and stretching his hand out towards the magmin.

"Here boy! Come and say hello!" he called.

2020-04-04, 03:37 PM
Roscoe shrugged at Tryslin's question and was just about to answer when Therai and Peren started fretting about with the small magmin.

"Eh, yeah, sure." He said as he gave Therai an arrow. "Here you go."

He wasn't at all sure about this coarse of action but it felt exciting. "Don't you think it prefers minerals though?"

"According to the fork it's a bit further to the north, but it shouldn't be lower than the fourth platform." Roscoe said as they had a moment. "We're on the second now. I suggest we just keep going forward for the moment."

2020-04-04, 04:28 PM
"Thanks Roscoe."

Therai holds the arrow out, flopping it around on the path to see if the magmin was interested.

2020-04-04, 09:42 PM
The tiny magmin reaches out a cautious paw to the arrow, and hoots and backs away when the end of it bursts into flames. It's... cute.

It's a weapon, hisses a voice in Peren's mind. So fragile, so destructive. A born grenade! Take it.

2020-04-04, 10:23 PM
Peren gives a laugh. "Okay, Therai, I hate to say that it's cute but...it kind of is. What do you think? Imagine the potential this little critter has, and what it might become if we had the means to raise it. Surely the Dwarves would be able to tell you how, with all their knowledge about the earth!

What if you could raise it to be a familiar?" He stoops to scoop several of the nicer diamonds around, and dangles it in front of the Magmin. He walks North, towards what looks like a path that could descend to another shelf, tempting the magmin as best he can by barely staying out of its reach. If he can, he'll walk the thousand feet or so this way, and if he must avoid an obstacle, he'll drop one of the diamonds to avoid losing the interest of the magmin.

"Roscoe, any further directions you can give us, please do. I'd rather avoid another conflict with a Dretch again.

2020-04-05, 09:52 AM
You've collected about 300 gp worth of uncut diamonds.

The magmin scrambles after him up to a point, but then begins to show obvious signs of being torn between the diamond and its lair.

2020-04-05, 10:47 AM
"Perhaps that's not the best idea. It's destructive by nature and an elemental. Even wild animals have a greater kinship to us in thought and emotion as living creatures."

As he says so, Tryslin takes the opening of the magmin leaving the diamond to tag the diamond with the rod.


2020-04-05, 12:54 PM
When the diamond is targeted by the rod, there's a flash of light and magical energy flickers around the sapphire, which is then released by the claw, an arcane rune faintly glowing at the heart of the gem.

It may, at this point, occur to the group that they don't have another sapphire.

2020-04-05, 01:09 PM
"Fair enough - familiars sound a bit complicated for my tastes anyhow. Nice idea though Peren. See ya little guy!"

Therai straightens up and watches Tryslin use the rod on the diamond.

"Shiny. Err... What does that rune mean again?" His brow furrows as he stares at it.

2020-04-05, 10:24 PM
Peren pauses. "Oh dear. I don't think we'd have to...Didn't we agree not to use it on a diamond? uhh... He turns around to see where NANNY was. NANNY, we might need some help here. We uh...we need a replacement sapphire?

2020-04-05, 10:58 PM
NANNY remains invisible and intangible, but responds immediately with a Message.

I am afraid I do not carry such a thing, only diamonds for spells to restore life as needed.

2020-04-05, 11:04 PM
Tryslin looks back down at the Rod in his hand, momentarily stunned by his own actions, the consequences quickly assembling themselves in his head as he rotated the only sapphire they had in their right hand.

"...I must admit I didn't thinking that through. My initial objection was purely focused on external reasons and now that the threat was gone, I saw no reason to not do as Peren suggested. It hadn't occurred to me that our own logistics would be an issue. NANNY, would a Dispell Magic spell allow us to reuse this sapphire?"

2020-04-06, 05:00 AM
While waiting for Nanny's response, Therai remains relentlessly optimistic.

"Even if not, at least we're somewhere where there are gemstones lying on the ground. We've found diamonds, so why not sapphires. Worst case scenario we'll need a short detour."

He straightens up, rolls his shoulders a few times, and starts scanning the horizon for other gem outcrops.

2020-04-06, 05:27 AM
Roscoe, desperate to latch onto Therai's optimism nodded. "Yeah we might find some on the way there. And we can see about hauling it back somehow otherwise. No harm done!"

2020-04-06, 08:09 AM
After what seems like a decade, NANNY answers.

Dispel Magic is a higher level spell than I am currently authorized to cast. In case of an emergency, I can ignore this directive. Is this a true emergency? Should I notify the First Interplanar Expeditionary Company?

2020-04-06, 10:16 AM
Tryslin frowned at NANNY's words.

"No, we're fine for now. However, what spells are you typically authorized to cast at any one time? Also, a second question. How much are you able to aid us in the transportation of materials?"

2020-04-06, 10:32 AM
I am routinely available to cast healing and support spells of the appropriate level for your own skill, when requested. I currently have available three spells of the first level and three of the second level.

She lists the cantrips and spells of first and second level she can cast on request.


Note that requesting a spell from NANNY replaces your action for the turn.

My instructions are to remain invisible and intangible except in the case of emergencies.

2020-04-06, 04:57 PM
I had hoped they wouldn't be so suggestible, but I guess they think better of me than most. A blessing and a curse difficulty.

Peren looks kindly at Tryslin, and speaks with soft humor in his voice. Tryslin, I believe you had it right earlier, and I thank you for correcting me then. I do appreciate, however misguided it was to disobey Past Tryslin, the attempt to fulfill my suggestion. We should have stayed on task, but perhaps this scenario is a good learning lesson: We must all trust each other, and have faith in our instincts. Our collective wisdom lies in the balance.

He looks backwards to where they started, and says,
Thank you, Past Tryslin, for your guidance.

He turns back to address the group. I believe we can find the iron ore, have someone guard it, and perhaps spot where a potential field of sapphires might be. In the worst case scenario, we can explain the "emergency" at a case review when we return home. This was our first assignment, and they should have planned for mistakes; we should have a lenient discipline.

If there are no objections, Peren will lead on, down the ramp to the third shelf, then look around for either the Ore or a way down.

Perception [roll0]

2020-04-06, 05:08 PM
"That's the spirit!" Therai beams at Peren. "One step at a time. Let's find the thing first, and then we'll work out what to do."

2020-04-06, 06:13 PM
The path to the third shelf is wider and easier than either of the two previous shelves, but goes down further into the murky half-light of the Pit. About halfway down the slope there's a slumped shape, and at the bottom there's a dim light that moves back and forth and the sound of distant shouts.

2020-04-06, 07:06 PM
Roscoe, is that distant shape Peren points to the slumped shape and the dim light our quarry?

2020-04-06, 07:30 PM
The dowsing fork points down and still further north. The light at the bottom of the slope is moving, while the nearer shape has a decidedly... humanoid form.

Peren, something on or within that form gleams in a way that catches your eye.

2020-04-06, 09:11 PM
Peren nods to the party for the strange light below them they might pass by. Roscoe, let's be wary of that space. I'll guard our rear; Tryslin, would you take point? I don't trust that light... If it's not too far out of the way, the half-elf will simply try to find it; if he doesn't find it immediately, he'll double back later.

2020-04-06, 10:53 PM
Tryslin moved with the group, still distracted and mulling over possible solutions to their current predicament. At Peren's words, Tryslin looked up and began to process the scene, moving to the front of the group.

"...right. Peren, any idea what we are looking at? You seem to have some inkling here."


2020-04-07, 12:57 AM
At Peren's warning Roscoe readied his bow, and croutched low.

"I've got your back, Tryslin. I won't be far behind. Let's move slow and silent when we do."

[roll0] (Perception)
[roll1] (Stealth)

Edit: Said Roscoe, as he was still squinting and trying to see what Peren was talking about.

2020-04-07, 03:48 AM
As the group proceeds down the slope, the huddled shape becomes larger, and more clear; it's a body. An old one, by the look of it, and a big one; almost mummified by the heat, leathery greyish skin covered with intricate tattoos is stretched over a skeleton at least seven feet tall. It's dressed in little more than boots and a leather loincloth, with a weathered satchel and a massive greataxe half-hidden underneath it.

The gleam comes from an amulet around its neck, and as Peren examines the scene carefully, the rune carved into it flares with light.

The shapes at the bottom of the slope are clearer now as well, and reveal themselves as two indistinct figures grappling and battling on the ground; one of them is glowing brightly.

2020-04-07, 04:01 AM
Therai crouches down, hoping to create a smaller silhouette in case either of the figures look up.

"They don't look particularly friendly" he whispers. "And anyone have any idea what it is they're fighting over?"

2020-04-08, 12:32 AM
Tryslin shook his head and gauged the distance between themselves and the two figures.

"I doubt we'll have much to work with until we get closer. I'll go ahead first, maybe with Therai. This should be close enough that I can shout if need be. How about it?"

2020-04-08, 01:38 AM
Peren first checks the satchel, then checks the necklace: if it's simple to unclasp, he will. For what do most things fight? For land!

2020-04-08, 03:17 AM
Therai nods. "Let's go".

He moves carefully down the path, trying to strike a balance between not seeming overly aggressive and being ready to defend himself should either of the creatures start charging them.

Up until that point, he studies them as he gets closer.

2020-04-08, 06:37 AM
Roscoe moves to the side and looks around for cover, a boulder or something to hide behind as the others progress. He is looking to sneak into range of his bow, and stay hidden there.

2020-04-08, 08:18 AM
The satchel is about half-filled with the sort of things that might drive someone down along the slopes of the Pit; raw rare metals and uncut gemstones. The amulet comes away easily and the runelight flares again, bringing with it a moment of stern, eyeless scrutiny.

Scrambling closer (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14OAwaO_zmvWNTfkATucRyjfvmmb1M_2vSGfpOw3b_6w/edit?usp=sharing), the figures resolve more clearly. The larger figure is apparently human, and dressed much like the body on the slope, down to the heavy greataxe he wields. The smaller figure appears to be a dwarf, but with a beard of living flame and metallic skin that glows with dull heat. He wields a warhammer almost taller than himself. They appear fully focused on one another and unaware of anyone approaching. With every clash of arms, flame flashes up around them.

2020-04-08, 11:14 AM
Therai looked at Tryslin and whispered "What do you reckon - shall we see if we can stop them fighting? We could just say hello?"

2020-04-08, 05:30 PM
Peren acts quickly as the din of battle comes closer than expected. Rather than rifling through the gems, he will put the amulet down, take the dagger from his belt and cut the satchel from its fastenings (as opposed to wrestling it from the shoulders of the dead giant), then put the amulet in the satchel. He'll put that in his pack, then look to Roscoe.

See anything? What's going on?

2020-04-08, 10:48 PM
Tryslin squinted his eyes, trying to recall if the dwarf with the flaming beard matched any description he has read about.

"It might be dangerous but there's enough of us that we can probably handle one side. I would rather than no one died here. Do any of your recognize the characteristics of the dwarf? If not, let's just hail them and find out what's happening."

2020-04-09, 06:54 AM
See anything? What's going on?

Roscoe waited with baited breath as he watched what Tryslin and Therai were doing.

"I don't know, let's give them some time. Wait and see what happens."

This excursion was getting more exciting by the minute and Roscoe loved every moment of it.

2020-04-09, 08:34 AM
Therai squints at the battling pair. "I recognise... That he is on fire. That's about it. Still - let's give this a go! Make sure you've got my back."

The tiefling strides out into the open near where the two figures are fighting. He is doing his best to look especially friendly, and has his hands away from his sword.

"Hello my friends! What's all this about then - why are you fighting?!"

2020-04-09, 09:14 AM
The two figures continue to grapple with each other; the red-hot metal skill of the dwarf is visibly scalding the warrior, but he isn't letting go. He shouts something over his shoulder in a language you don't speak, spurring protesting yells from the dwarf.

It sounds, based on a cosmopolitan upbringing, like the debased Giant spoken in the wilds of Nom and a variant of Primordial.

2020-04-09, 10:13 AM
"I don't understand!" Therai shouts, slipping a sideways look at Tryslin hoping that he might be able to help out.

In the interim he decids that speaking slowly and loudly might be a good plan.


2020-04-09, 10:37 AM
Roscoe looked at Peren and whispered.

"It looks as if they're trying to talk to them." He said just before Therai started shouting after which he confirmed the obvious in similar whispering tone.

"Yep, they're definitely trying to talk to them it seems."

2020-04-09, 10:47 AM
Tryslin frowns vaguely at Therai's approach. It seems...lacking. In various ways. Still, since he personally did not come up with a better suggestion, he isn't in a place to criticize. Speaking to Therai, Tryslin lowers his voice so as not to be overheard by the two brawlers.

"I don't understand them either. More importantly, I don't think we have much time. If you aren't afraid of getting involved, I suggest you shove the dwarf off the human quickly. I don't have the physical strength for it, so it's your call. I'll back you up either way."

2020-04-09, 11:07 AM
Therai nods at Tryslin and walks over to them.


He tries to knock the dwarf off the barbarian, hoping he won't burn himself in the process.

Strength roll: [roll0]

2020-04-09, 11:20 AM
Roscoe looks incredulously at the events unfolding before him.

"Is he.. Is he hugging the dwarf?"

He raised from his position slightly to get a better look, momentarily forgetting to hide.

2020-04-09, 11:36 AM
I never believed it would actually be useful beyond my studies, but...

Peren stands up, cautioning his companions, We have other options. Tryslin, good idea with the grappling them apart; let's be ready in case I can't get through to them.

Peren takes a moment to replace his dagger into his belt, and as he walks forward, he intones Comprehend Language!

With a voice that now can be understood by any sentient being--and a means to understand them in return--he gives a nod to both. Greeting to you. My companions and I would know the meaning of this conflict, and I also wish to comment on how strong you're looking.

cast 1st-level spell Comprehend Language (Dur: 1 hour - no concentration)

Persuasion (to at least pause) - [roll0]

2020-04-09, 11:54 AM
The dwarf is caught by surprise by the shove and staggers backwards, even as his red-hot flesh scorches Therai. He immediately springs back to his feet and swings his warhammer with both hands, wreathed with flames as it crashes into the tiefling's skull.

The barbarian chortles and says something encouraging in Giant to the dazed Therai before lunging forward and burying his axe deeply in the dwarf's shoulder. Flames erupt from the broken skin into his face, and the dwarf screams like tearing metal.

That's 9 fire damage for touching the Azer + 17 bludgeoning and 2 fire for the warhammer. Since Therai has resistance to fire damage, that's 22 damage total.

Since the beserker also critted, the Azer took a bunch of damage and is below half.

We are now in initiative order:

21 - Peren
16 - Roscoe
15 - Therai
12 - Azer
12 - Berserker
8 - Tryslin

Which works out conveniently! Tryslin is up next.

2020-04-09, 12:04 PM
Trylin would very much like to say the outcome was a surprise, but that seems like too far a stretch. Unsheating his rapier, Tryslin moves up next to the Azer and slashes at him with Booming Blade.

Move to C8.

2020-04-09, 01:05 PM
The attack clangs off the dwarf's metal skin; heat blasts back in Tryslin's face as a result.

([roll0] damage from Heated Body)

"Assassins!" roars the dwarf in Ignan. "Companions of fiends!"

The human looks over his shoulder at Peren. "Caught this critter crawling out of the Pit! C'mon lads, let's send him back where he belongs!"

2020-04-09, 04:59 PM
This situation is a choice between a rotten branch and some firemoss. Peren readied himself for an attack from either of these two equally unappealing forces. Notably, when his companion attacked the Dwarf, fire struck his body in deadly power. But if the Dwarf believed them fiends, then this soldier might be in league with them.

Peren unclipped his greatsword and tipped it back over his left shoulder. With his right hand, he readied an Eldritch blast, allowing it to crackle with rose-tinted energy.

"We are no friend of fiends! We have been given an assignment from the Dwarves, and would prefer no part of this battle. My companion here tried to pry the two of you apart! Tryslin, a moment, please, and you too, Therai. Let's all stay our weapons for a minute. Why don't you tell us your quarrel? If we cannot resolve your dispute, we'll gladly let you resume your fight.

2020-04-09, 05:08 PM
At this Roscoe drew back his arrow but held it there. His silver hair was blowing back as he was ready to let loose at any moment.

Seeing Therai get hurt had changed everything and he was hoping one of the two made a move so he could have his revenge.

Ooc: Roscoe readied a ranged attack and will use it if either of the two strangers attack someone of the group.

2020-04-09, 05:40 PM
"I have no quarrel," says the beserker loudly, tinged with belligerence. "But I don't like to see devils crawl out of that hole to trouble our land. Thought you lads were like-minded, but--" his eyes move over Therai's face. "Might be I was wrong."

"I was waylaid on my journey to the surface," says the Azer in Ignan. In the last few moments he's definitely taken the worst of the fight, and the metal of his skin is crumpled and torn , revealing white-hot furnace heat below; the flames of his wild hair and beard gutter and dance. "If you are truly no part of this, then why knock me down while I defend my life? Let me pass and I will believe your words."

2020-04-09, 06:40 PM
"But I don't like to see devils crawl out of that hole to trouble our land."
As the Berserker speaks, Peren catches Therai's eye. The half-elf raises an eyebrow and raises that side of his head as if he were saying I told you so, but he stays silent.

This fire-dwarf, Peren translates, ignoring the question posed to him for the time being, Says he was merely on his way to the surface. Warrior, what is the place you live? How can you be sure this dwarf is, as you say, a fiend? Could not he merely be a creature of fire? Couldn't all of our actions here simply be a misunderstanding? He then nods to the Azer, letting his gaze linger and his eyes soften a little, doing his best to communicate regret for his companion's actions.

2020-04-09, 07:09 PM
Therai staggers from the hammer blow, blood streaming down his face. By the time he has recovered, Peren is talking in a language he doesn't understand.

His eyes start to glaze over slightly, and he begins to tremble. His fingers close over the hilt of his blade, gripping tightly, but he doesn't unsheathe it.

With an effort of will he spits out "Peren, what is that thing saying? Because there about five seconds left before I kill it."

2020-04-09, 08:45 PM
"The flame Dwarf did not understand that you had attempted to stop them from fighting. It's a blessing you're resistant to their fiery body. If they gets aggressive, back way off and let Roscoe and I hold him off. We don't need to risk our lives over someone else's battle. Let's hear what they have to say, and i'll do my best to translate.

2020-04-09, 09:38 PM
"I am going to leave," says the dwarf in a loud, clear voice. "If your words are not lies, let me pass."

The barbarian doesn't understand him, of course, but he looks from face to face and at the readied weapons. "This is a mistake. Fire or devil --" He breaks off, seemingly disgusted, but lets his axe hang by his side. "On my oath as a Warden of Tyr, it must not go near Brink or I'll slay it."

The dwarf begins to move up the slope, face tense and waiting for an attack to come from any of the directions around him. When no attack comes, he scrambles up the slope, limping from one of his wounds. He pauses halfway up the slope to whisper something to Peren--and to Roscoe, but only Peren can understand. Heat bakes off of him as he leans in.

"This is a bad time for all who live in the Pit--or near it. I am not the only refugee who will come. A warning for you, who had pity. The devils are coming, with their machines, and they have none."

And then it scurries higher, and away.

Out of combat, unless someone wants to launch an AoO, in which case we'll rewind.

2020-04-09, 10:23 PM
Peren nods to the Azer and thanks him for the information. "Dwarf of flame, this man here is a sworn warrior of Tyr, the human god of Justice. He has sworn to protect Brink, the city. He is suspicious of your kin, as they have yet to learn your ways. Be wary as you seek refuge, and if you have any that speak the Common tongue, seek a neutral ground to speak.

He turns to the group and the warrior. I'm glad we let him pass. Warrior, I urge you to tell your officers to request mages or others capable of preparing language spells to keep them ready. That fire dwarf claims to be a refugee, and he says many more will make their way out of the Pit. He also gave a warning:

The devils are preparing for war with many machines, and they urge you to ready your citizens for war. If there's anything you can bet on, and I speak from experience I would rather forget, the fiends will attempt to sow suspicion and mistrust among your people and those to come here. YOu must find common ground to last against your foes.

2020-04-10, 07:29 AM
As the fire dwarf leaves, the killing intent slowly fades from Therai's eyes, and as the human is revealed as a Warden of Tyr he slumps to the ground as the pain starts catching up with him.

"I'll be fine" he mutters, looking a slightly paler shade of red than normal.

2020-04-10, 08:26 AM
Seeing the situation turn, Tryslin sheathes his weapon and rushes up to Therai to inspect his wounds. Nasty axe wound and second degree burns. Tryslin calls out to NANNY since Therai was clearly too out of it to do it himself.

"NANNY, healing for Therai please! Pop two!"

2020-04-10, 10:28 AM
Roscoe similarly runs up to Therai while his bow and arrow clatter to the ground. He slides on his knees to the injured party member.

"By the gods that was a smack to the face! How are you?"

2020-04-10, 10:35 AM
Of course.



The warrior scowls at the spontaneously healing tiefling, then turns his gaze back to Peren. He switches to Common, speaking more slowly: "The devils are pests, but their mightiest can't cross the border. Their precious war machines can't reach Brink. And they're too slow and sloppy to really hurt anyone on the slopes."

"What brings you little lads this way? Treasure hunting?"

His eyes move over the four of you again, and he tugs at the amulet around his neck. At the same time there's a thrumming vibration from the one inside the satchel.

2020-04-10, 12:46 PM
As Nanny's magic takes effect, Therai starts to look perkier.

"I'm feeling much better than I was, thank you. All of you."

Temporarily ignoring the berserker, he continues. "Ugh, what was that dwarf like? I mean, who responds to a friendly shove with a mallet to the face? Right, it's no more Mr Nice Therai from here on in."

He finally turns to address the human warrior. "More prospecting than hunting. A guy in town wants us to retrieve a rock. I don't get it myself, but he's paying. How about you - you patrol here regularly?"

A couple of rolls in case they're needed:

Persuasion [roll0]
Deception [roll1]

2020-04-10, 01:20 PM
The berserker smiles greasily, and again tugs at the amulet, as if it itches him. "A rock, eh? Find it yet, did you?"

2020-04-10, 03:43 PM
Peren squints his eyes and looks at the warrior. Tyr follower or not, this man is odd company. "If we found our quarry, we wouldn't need to be out here.

...How about this amulet you're wearing? What's it about"

When he answers that question--and only after he answers it--he follows up with, "My companion here raises a good question. Do you patrol here regularly?

2020-04-10, 04:11 PM
The man takes a pull from a waterskin by his side, and his wounds and burns seem to recede. "Thought you recognized it," he said. "It's... the symbol of a Warden of Tyr, yeah?" His Common is slower than his Giant, with many pauses.

"These slopes need a lot of watching. Devils and torchies and lawless men preying on each other. I.... do spend a lot of time down here."

His eyes move to the dead goliath on the slope, but he doesn't say anything about it just yet. He frowns.

2020-04-10, 06:33 PM
Peren isn't sure he trusts the Warden, but he's willing to accept his words for now. "With your leave, Warden, we'll be on our way."

[roll0] Edit: To judge the sincerity of the Tyr's symbol claim.

2020-04-10, 08:08 PM
Drawing closer to the man, it's easier see the symbol more clearly. While some of the group may not be able to pick the symbol of Tyr out of a line-up, it looks similar to the one that was around the goliath's neck; the same rune etched on a crystal, surrounded by a broken diamond shape. Two crossed arms make up the bottom and a sword gripped in the left hand makes up the right top side. The fourth side of the diamond, where the left hand and sword should be, is missing entirely, as if someone made a symmetrical amulet and the broke off one edge. It seems like a very nice symbol to held by such cheap twine; the textile seems to be irritating the skin around the man's neck and impressive chest.

There's no sense the man is lying about what the amulet; but there's a definite, if vague, impression that he's not being entirely truthful in some way. His eyes move over your heavy packs, and at the satchel Peren has picked up. "If you're going lower, I ought to come with you boys. You're heavily loaded and you'll need your hands free, your wits about you. There's dangerous folk around."

"After all, it's my job," he says, and grins toothily. There's an answering thrum from inside the satchel.

Whether he comes or not, the path to the fourth shelf lies on the other side of him.

2020-04-11, 05:06 AM
Therai narrows his eyes at the man in front of him. "Thank you, Warden, but I think we'll be all right. Your offer is much appreciated though. By the way, you look as though your neck is hurting. Would you like one of us to take a look at it for you?"

2020-04-11, 05:33 AM
Peren stays quiet, but also doesn't clip his greatsword to his back. Something is off about him, but I can't tell what. The others might know something here I haven't figured out. His stance straightens a little, not quite a battle stance, but he wills his body to remain alert.

2020-04-11, 02:24 PM
Roscoe picked up his bow and arrow after being relieved to see Therai was alright. The growing tension between the stranger and them wasn't lost on him.

He kicked a rock, seemingly non-challant and strolled after it, disconnecting from the conversation. Then, confident to have moved outside of the mans field of vision, he walked over to the skeleton to give it a good searching.

All that was left was a greataxe, Roscoe grabbed it and felt small. He couldn't imagine swinging it around, this must have been one strong fellow. He sauntered back over to the others, trying to look casual with the weight of the large weapon on his shoulder.

2020-04-12, 08:18 PM
The barbarian watches them, scowling. As Peren and Roscoe move closer and Therai heals, he steps back, lowering his head. "As you wish," he growls. "Good travels." He strolls away northward, leaving the path to the west and down unobstructed.

The path to the fourth shelf is long, longer than they've walked already today, and narrow. At times they have to squeeze through the rocks to get through at all. It's not nearly as steep, however; more staggered, in long drawn out steppes. It zigzags over the slope, bearing far north, until they pass beneath the shadow of the Causeway itself.

As they reach the final approach, a narrow keyhole of the fourth shelf is visible. By now, the dowsing fork points back south, but barely down at all. Nothing can be seen on the fourth shelf but the rocky sandy floor, but other things are visible overhead; spiky winged creatures swoop and circle overhead and periodic shriek cacophonous cries.

I went ahead and jumped forward; let me know if there's anything you want to rewind for. Otherwise, here's a map:


21 - Peren
16 - Roscoe
15 - Therai
8 - Tryslin
6 - Devils

2020-04-12, 11:04 PM
Right, Peren said, seeing the many winged creatures. Let's make a spread formation, protecting Roscoe, two paces out. They won't swoop attack him unless we smack them first.

He steps between Roscoe and a distant bird as he unclips his greatsword, letting it lean on his shoulders for now as he readies and fires an Eldritch blast at the nearest creature.

Move: 10' + Draw Greatsword

direct Therai & Tryslin to i-5 & k-5 (impossible to approach Roscoe without AoO)

Action: Eldritch Blast [roll0] & [roll1] on hit. Edit: should hit

2020-04-13, 06:42 AM
Therai makes sure that his longsword is loose and easy to draw in its scabbard before readying his shield and moving out into formation.

He summons a bolt of fire to his hand and sends it swiftly arcing after Peren's eldritch energy. He feels briefly sorry for the bird-like creatures, but he is fairly sure that they would come swooping down on them if they simply ignored them. It's been that kind of day.

Move to i-4

Firebolt - roll to hit [roll0] and if it hits damage [roll1]

2020-04-13, 06:59 AM
Roscoe nods at Peren and drops to one knee as he quickly sets an arrow ready and draws his bow with it. He follows the flight trajectory of the nearest flying enemy and whispers softly an incantation three times. The rhyme of the incantation completed three times, he wasted no time releasing the missile.

Bonus action: Hunters mark
Action: Ranged attack

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2020-04-15, 08:56 AM
The arrows and blasts of energy seem to mostly miss or deflect off the creature's spiny hide. It shrieks in anger and swoops closer, whipping its tail at the group and hurling a silvery spine at the group.

It manages to miss everyone, but impales itself into a rock wall behind the group and explodes. Suddenly the whole slope is in motion!

DC 15 CON saves from everyone, please. Everyone is knocked prone. On a failed save you take [roll0] damage from landing hard and rubble hitting you. I've repositioned everyone on the map.

When the dust clears, Tryslin is dangling over a pit in the lower slope, half-buried under rubble. The pile of scree separates Therai, to the south, from Roscoe and Peren to the north. Roscoe and Peren are alone with the spined devil they attacked, now hovering eighty feet over head with lazy flaps of its leathery wings. Several more of these creatures are swooping overhead, but at some distance, disturbed by the rockfall.

Except for one.

Therai, you can see one perched on a rock wall above a softball-sized chunk of black metal. A tiny red creature a little bigger than a rat scrambles over and around it, wrapping chains around the ore that are harnessed to the spined devil.

2020-04-16, 05:48 AM
Picking himself up off the ground, Therai's eyes widen as he sees the imp. "That's our ore, you little thief" he mutters under his breath.

"All right, so some of your friends earlier were fire resistant like me. Let's see how you enjoy this!"

He begins to chant and a ball of multicoloured light begins to form in his hand, twisting and turning in on itself. He points at the imp and lets it go.

Move: stand up
Action: Chaos bolt. I'm going to use Tides of Chaos to get advantage to try and make sure I hit.

Roll 1:
Roll 2: [roll1]
Damage on hit: [roll]2d8+1d6

Finally, I'll do a d20 in case you'd like me to check for a wild surge: [roll2]

2020-04-16, 05:50 AM
Sorry for double post - dice code fail.

Damage: [roll0] + [roll1]

2020-04-16, 06:24 AM
This sort of confusion was exactly what Peren had expected while they still walked through Brink. All of his fretting and dredging past memories? They all served his near-certain fear that yes, they would face things like this. That thing meant to miss them. Why else would a pitiful creature manipulate the landscape so? It was far too cunning, and there were plenty more of them.

What if this is punishment for not taking the Magmin hostage? It was too...like a kitten, but made of fire! But what if it this is punishment? It's probably not, but it could be.

Peren returns back to his body with the taste of blood in his mouth and the faint clarity of dizziness. He feels his head, which is free from external wounds, as far as he could feel, but his teeth felt sore. He looked around. Oh gods, where's Therai? They're all going to see I'm a terrible leader.

All right, so some of your friends earlier were fire resistant like me. Let's see how you enjoy this!

Peren held his breath as he crawled--gently, mind you, with respect to his sword--to peer over the precipice to confirm what he'd heard. He stood up, only then letting himself take a big breath. He stands and shouts at the creature far above him, switching--without great thought--to Abyssal:
What honorless filth-scum, waste of flesh, would shoot swordsmen from afar? Pitiful creature! Your distance proves your weakness!

Peren waits for his taunt to pass over the devil. A blush forms on his cheeks and he switches to Infernal, letting insults flow from his tongue as his face twists in frustration at feeling nearly helpless at a distance:

Is this how you seek recognition, as a weakling who proves it is no more capable its other brethren? Face me down here with your disordered, disgusting teeth and badly-cleaned spines! Defeat me if you can and make a name for yourself!

Peren waits for it to dive: he brings his left hand to the top of the hilt and drops the tip over his head. He both offers an opening to the devil and readies a powerful overhead strike.

2020-04-16, 08:14 AM
As the light momentarily changes into lightning just before striking the imp, it then arcs down towards the devil.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage if needed: [roll1] + [roll2]

2020-04-16, 02:23 PM
Roscoe scrambled up again. He was completely focused on his enemy and held his connection with the hunters mark. He didn't see anyone, and had no idea of Therai's predicament.

He notched another arrow and let fly.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] and [roll2]

2020-04-16, 04:03 PM
As Peren leans over the western precipice, for a moment he can see the slopes and shelves below, toiling down and down into the fires themselves. Several shelves below large demons swarm around huge metal constructs; catapults and ballistae.

But in the pit over which Tryslin dangles, something different--almost inexplicable different. The hole seems to open into a vast chasm filled with an underwater lake. It extends much too far to the west--it ought to intersect with the slope. But it doesn't.

As Peren taunts and rages at the Spined Devil, it snarls and swoops downward, spear in hand. It's still forty feet above the ground when Roscoe's arrow flies true and pierces the devil deeply. Ichor spurts out, raining down on them--and then the creature is struck by a pulse of chaotic psychic energy and falls out of the sky, landing in a heap and intersecting with Peren's attack.

Meanwhile, Roscoe's chaotic spell resolves itself into a lightning bolt and vaporizes the imp, earthing itself in the ore. The lightning crackles up the chain to the harnessed spined devil and spirals briefly around the iron ore charged with the power of Law. As the philosophical concepts of Law and Chaos themselves entangle, flux, and finally explode, a psychic shock wave explodes outward that blasts the harnessed devil and flashes outward to stun each of the highly Lawful creatures within 100 yards. All but one of them crash into the ground. The one harnessed to the ore is killed outright, while the other close to Therai is only bruised from hitting the ground

But the same wall of chaotic psychic energy strikes something else -- a powerful construct nearby, intangible to physical attack but vulnerable in its highly lawful mind.

A seam opens in the air as NANNY crackles in and out of view, huge steel hands raised impotently to try and protect its head.

There's loud, carrying thuds and whooshes from the west, as the war machines begin to fire.

None of the Devil or NANNY got to take a turn, being stunned, and all but one of them fell to the ground, taking minor falling damage. Peren gets to take his held action as well as his actual action on his turn. The catapult load will land in the next round.

2020-04-16, 07:44 PM
Peren brings his greatsword down upon the devil, dropping his hips just enough to give his swing a little extra weight. It was smaller than expected, but his sword strikes true. He pivots and draws back the tip of his sword, preparing himself to strike the devil again if it moves.

He looks around, his sword held at an angle to his left side, seeking the gaze of any other devil. He'd missed the sight of the explosion, but definitely had heard it. Below them, another of the devils was on the ground. He assumed--incorrectly--that this last explosion had been from this devil and its desire to oppose them.
We need to end this quickly, he thinks, before these devils find the means to wreck us all with that magic.

Peren looks down the hill, and for a moment he imagines himself running down the steep cliff to smite it with terrible justice...but the terrain would not permit it. Instead, he grimly fires a blast of magic towards the stunned creature far below him.

Move 30' south, down hill, to stunned imp.

Attack! [roll0] (A +1 to hit would be a 10, likely a miss. & on hit [roll1].

He will use his Smite on a hit, expending a spell slot for [roll2] extra damage. Edit: (probably) didn't hit, can't smite.

2020-04-16, 09:24 PM
The devil troubling Peren and Roscoe is cleaved apart; unlike the dretches, it leaves behind a corpse, a gristly pile of spines.

Roscoe can re-direct his Hunter's Mark as a bonus action.

2020-04-18, 12:35 PM
Roscoe shifted his focus and redirected his Hunter's Mark to the airborne enemy. He could now keep track of it in the back of his mind, and felt he could move his attention to Tryslin, who was dangling over a hole.

Roscoe ran up and fell to his knees trying to help Tryslin up.

Move: Run to Tryslin
Action: Help him climb out
Bonus Action: Hunter's mark

2020-04-20, 03:11 AM
Completely oblivious to the trouble he's caused Nanny, Therai shouts in triumph before drawing his sword and charging at the devil that has landed on the ground near him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-04-20, 03:21 AM
Of course there was a reason Peren hadn't moved; Tryslin was dangling perilously over the ledge before them, and his impromptu spell had gone awry anyways. He reached down with a hand to steady the archer, giving him a chance to get a better grip.

Easy there Roscoe. You can help him up.

2020-04-20, 03:52 AM
Roscoe felt that panic, feeling his grip slip. He was in an awkward position and couldn't put his weight to work. When Peren joined he readjusted his weight and managed to strengthen his grip enough to try and hoist Tryslin up.

Once more with advantage! Thx DM :)

2020-04-20, 11:29 AM
Therai's blade hacked into the squealing devil, which lashed out with its fork ineffectually. The remaining airborn devil swooped closer, but was still high in the air; its thrown spine went wide.

Roscoe's grip on Tryslin didn't slip, but his own footing did, and the whole chain began to slide over the edge; Tryslin dangled over the pool unsupported, while Roscoe hung half on solid ground and half in space, with Peren clinging to his belt.

Then the catapult shell hit, to the south. For one brief moment it was visible as a sphere of worked metal, carved with runes and burning hot from passing through the barrier between the Fire Plane and this world; and then it exploded.

STR saving throws from Peren and Roscoe; Roscoe is at disadvantage. DEX saving throw from Therai.

2020-04-20, 06:35 PM
Peren couldn't help himself; he had to try to save his companions. But their weight was great, and he wasn't prepared for such a struggle. Uh-oh! I'm sorry, I'm slipping! He felt his balance waver, and all he could do was clip on his sword to his back as he fell, so it wouldn't be a threat to any of them on their descent.

2020-04-20, 08:10 PM
The blast shakes the earth, throwing the group to the ground and startling the spined devils into the air.

From the explosion fly huge chunks and sharp shards of metal, inscribed with runes and with the same unearthly sheen of the chunk of ore. And from the smoke lumbers a huge demon, wielding a blade and whip and cannoning into NANNY. For a moment the balor and the construct grapple, as other cannonballs shatter against the slope and more horrible creatures emerge.

The construct turns its head and for a moment, Therai hears it in his head once more. Flee. Survive. The Company will find you.

And then it wraps it arms around the demon and hurls them both down the slope.

In the same moment, Therai turns to see his companion tumble down into a hole.

The three of them fall, for longer than seems possible, then hit water below with the force of a punch. The space is vast and dark, lit only by the tiny opening far overhead.

2020-04-20, 11:13 PM
Breathe. That's what he needed to do. Despite the long fall, it appeared that he was...relatively OK. Tears came to his eyes, unbidden, as he coughs and splutters, trying to recover his breath from the fall stole it from him. As his breath returns, his eyes adjust, and he draws his sword to shed light. It sheds light as a torch, bright within the first 15 feet and pale illumination 15 feet beyond that. He looks about in the darkness, seeing where they were and, if possible, how far they fell.

[roll0] Edit: erps, make that a 12

Let's all scoot back, Peren suggests, In case Therai wants to join us.

2020-04-21, 05:58 AM
Therai looks back for a second at the space Nanny had occupied, struck with horror, then turns towards the hole that his friends had fallen into.

Stumbling across the broken terrain he makes his way to it, gazing down into the darkness.

"Peren! Tryslin! Roscoe!" he shouts. He only waits a second before coming to a decision.

"I must be out of my mind" he thinks, before letting himself into the hole as carefully as he can in an attempt to climb down.

2020-04-21, 08:15 AM
After a certain point, there is nothing to do but drop.

Within 30 feet, nothing is visible but more unbroken water, filled with ripples caused by the unexpected arrivals, but otherwise perfectly still. Beyond that, in the extremely murky illumination created by the hole overhead, there's only the awareness of far-off rocky walls. But in one direction there's the flicker of a distant campfire.

They seem to have fallen at least 200 feet.

2020-04-21, 08:26 AM
Quite a way down! Peren shouts. There's a decent amount of water down here. Did you defeat all the demons topside?

2020-04-21, 10:09 AM
Therai heaves a sigh of relief at the sound of Peren's voice.

"Not exactly!" he shouts back. Taking a deep breath, he lets go and drops towards the water, wishing as he did so that he was one of those tieflings who had inherited wings.

2020-04-21, 04:40 PM
Time seemed to slow as everything went wrong. He was powerless to stop the chain of events and had never in his life felt like he was feeling now.

Then they fell.

Darkness, water, and the struggle for air. It was everything. When he regained his senses he heard Peren talk, but couldn't make out what he said straight away.

His bow floated up and Roscoe grabbed a hold of it as he looked around.

"Look, there's a fire there. We could swim there and dry ourselves." He said as Therai landed nearby, splashing him so that he needed to blink the water away again.

"Glad you could make it." He said jokingly as he swam towards the fire.

2020-04-22, 05:09 AM
As they swam together, Therai told them in short sentences about what had happened above and the fact that Nanny was no longer around.

"We're on our own now. This is going to be different from what we signed up for - no healing, no supervision, no second chances. I swear to you hear and now that I will do all in my power to get us back to safety."

2020-04-22, 05:38 AM
Peren was going to sink soon; it was very tough to swim with armor on. He re-clipped his sword, satisfied that the others could see him. The distant light beckoned, but Tryslin still hadn't moved. He made sure the elf was face-up, and took the middle of Tryslin's cloak into his mouth, pulling as he swam the rest of the distance towards the fire.

2020-04-22, 09:04 AM
The shore gradually came closer. As it did, the fire went from distant glow to a tangible light source, and the creature sitting beside it became clearer; smaller than human, with a bald head and pointed ears.

As they washed up on the strand, it rose and came carefully closer, revealing itself as a goblin dressed in stained travelling clothes and holding a wand in one hand. "Hm. Not what I expected when I heard the splash. Oh dear, oh dear."

2020-04-22, 12:51 PM
Hauling himself out of the water, Therai spend a moment shaking himself off almost like a dog. He makes sure that everyone else emerges safely before turning round to look at the goblin.

"We hope you aren't too disappointed! Ah, apologies, my name is Therai, and these are my friends - Peren, Roscoe and Tryslin. Who might you be?"

2020-04-22, 01:44 PM
As Therai talked with the goblin, Peren set about making sure Tryslin was cared for. He was breathing, and made a few sounds, but otherwise seemed out of it. Peren took his time, making sure that the Elf hadn't taken any water into his lungs, and was otherwise OK. He set about laying both of their supplies out, making sure the torches and items that needed to be dry were indeed dry or would have the chance to do so.

In his quiet diligence he took the time to mend his own cuts, and only then looked to Therai and Roscoe; if they had anything worth tending to, he'd do so now.

Take 20 on Medicine with Tryslin; if poisoned or diseased, will prioritize that over healing himself.

Heal HP with Lay On hands (or -5 if cured any psn/disease on Tryslin), then spend on others if any needed.

2020-04-22, 10:30 PM
"No, no, not disappointed at all. I thought it was something in the lake coming to eat me, so this is a blessing." The goblin tucks the wand away in a pocket and retreats back to the fire and his huge pack hunched on the ground; there's a large riding lizard snoring by the fire too. "I use these roads to move around this large, large world. But they're dangerous, dangerous things. You fell through from the surface, I suppose?"

He squints at Tryslin. "Is your friend all right? I am Icosa. I am a merchant, trading in things of magic and wonder. I have some potions."

2020-04-23, 03:24 AM
"Pleased to meet you Icosa.

Therai looks over to Peren. Do you think he's going to be ok?"

He then turns back to the goblin. "Even if Tryslin is all right, which I hope he will be, it would be good to take a look at your stock. We don't have a huge amount of money, but we do have a little. In the meantime, yes, we did fall through from the surface. Can you tell us anything about this place?"

Therai moves over towards the fire as he speaks, stretching his hands out to enjoy the warmth. He takes off his chain shirt and lays it down on the floor as he attempts to start drying himself, before checking his blade isn't about to go rusty.

Finally, he pulls out a slightly shonky looking wand and stares at it, frowning, before tucking it away again.

Therai is 10hp down, so if there is anything left over that would be much appreciated!

2020-04-23, 03:02 PM
"Oh! Don't know where you are? Hm, hm." The goblin fishes out spectacles and perches them on his nose -- common enough in the City of Lights, but rare in the world below.

"These are the paths of the Underdark. Not many come here but goblins and dwarfs, these days. And precious few dwarves! We are not... quite... here or there. We are between, and can scurry quickly from place to place. But it's dangerous!"

Don't jump to any conclusions! This is the Underdark... but it's a very particular version of it.

2020-04-23, 05:00 PM
Roscoe washed up ashore along with the others. The helped Peren drag Tryslin to higher ground and let his teammate take care of Tryslin while he fell on his hands and knees.

He was only vaguely aware of Icosa and let Therai do the talking. Roscoe needed a minute, he wasn't hurt or anything. But he needed some time to reaffirm his situation. To accept it.

He got up eventually, slowly coming to the realisation that doing nothing, or moping, wouldn't help them forward. The heroes from his fiction, the bold adventurers, they had to deal with setbacks and hardship but they rose above it. So would he.

He joined Therai, looking over his shoulder seeing that Tryslin was safe with Peren. He looked back at the goblin.
'So what are the here, and there, that were i between of?' He asked curiously. And quickly added hopefully. 'And do you have anything that can make us fly back up there?'

2020-04-23, 05:42 PM
Peren had nodded to the questions; he was focused. Finally, he said He must've hit the water just right to be a little stunned. The drop like that, and the first person to break the water, it makes sense.

When they mention stock, Peren starts and fishes out a cloth, lays it on the ground, and pours out the gem-bag (looted from the Giant) onto the cloth, including the Tyr amulet. What we could really use is a worked gemstone, he says as he picks through the assorted and unworked gems. Hmm...this one is a decently-sized sapphire, too. Do you know anyone that can work these into gems?

2020-04-24, 10:11 AM
"No, nothing to make you fly... my supplies are low right now, very low. I was returning to Sheerfast to stock up." He finds a sort of jeweler's loup in one pocket and attaches it to his spectacles, inspecting the sapphire. "Hm--yes--many in Sheerfast who could work with this."

"We are... between everywhere and everywhere else, I suppose," he adds. "The paths wind and come up where they will. Far things are close together and close things are far apart. This is not entirely the same world you fell out of."

2020-04-24, 10:39 AM
Roscoe looked confused, deflated and still more than a little bit wet.

"But.. Surely we can fall back into the world we came from?"

He followed Therai's example and started drying himself by the fire. He looked back at Peren. "How's Tryslin? If we rest and I meditate I think I can work a healing spell."

2020-04-24, 11:22 AM
Therai looks back over his shoulder from the fire.

"Could you give us directions to this Sheerfast, if there are people there who can work with it? And if you could tell us a little about the dangers, that would be much appreciated sir."

He pulls some dried meat from his backpack and starts munching.

"Sorry, I'm hungry after all the excitement!" he says apologetically.

2020-04-24, 01:46 PM
Peren was mostly preoccupied in making sure his and Tryslin's gear were all drying.

"How's Tryslin? If we rest and I meditate I think I can work a healing spell."
It seemed Roscoe, too, had been so shocked by his fall--and had clogged ears--such that he hadn't heard Peren the first time. But he didn't mind repeating himself. Tryslin is going to be OK. I think the fall knocked the wind out of him, nothing more. But a long rest does sound good.

Icosa, we have limited supplies but why don't we all break bread together? Sheerfast sounds like a good stop on our way to return directly above us, and we can resupply there. There's an important but unfortunately private mission we have, and time is of the essence. We'll have to make haste once we get some decent shut-eye.

...I'm very thankful you're here. Whatever the reason is, I take it as a blessing.

2020-04-24, 03:17 PM
"Alright good, I'll make sure to prepare some healing anyway, just in case." Roscoe replied, blissfully ignorant of the fact that Peren was repeating himself.

He felt tired, and hoped beyond hopes that Icosa would agree to Peren's suggestion.

He studied the goblins face, and eyed the lizard sleeping dangerously nearby.. suddenly wondering if they'd be safe with this stranger, or end up as a serving for the merchants pet.

Insight check to gauge Icosa:


2020-04-26, 11:46 AM
"Well," Icosa says, "I am going to Sheerfast, so you could accompany me if you wish. More people are safer, down here."

Icosa seems to be what he claims to be -- a humble merchant who is very surprised to have four people from the surface world suddenly dropped in his lap. It's clear that he is friendly by nature, but also that he is intimidated by your force and extra motivated to be helpful voluntarily before you demand it from him.

2020-04-27, 02:51 PM
Peren nodded, showing his understanding. If the way is unsafe now, it's better that we all travel together.

Tryslin was recovering, but quiet, and helped the half-elf pack their supplies. But Peren couldn't help thoughts about one of many terrors of the Underdark: Magical flying eye-stalks with great spell powers and unmitigated feelings for vengeance. One of his older peers, Illiven, had hypothesized the Eye beasts (what was their name?) were plucked from the faces Titans, and buried deep within the Earth. These Eyes, even separated from their hosts, blamed most everyone for their fate, and so powerful was their will that from the mangled nerves remaining, they formed fleshy wands of powerful magics.

Even if half of what what Illiven had proposed was true, they could face some life-ending aberrations. But Peren had more important musings.

Roscoe, Tryslin, Therai, what was it that took out our...construct companion? Did anyone see it? The great creature that had perhaps even destroyed NANNY. He had heard it. Massive wingbeats that sounded as if they burnt the very air around it. A beating of perhaps even sentient fire in it's heart. He had smelt it: brimstone and flaming pitch and tallow, a massive walking bonfire.

2020-04-28, 06:26 PM
"Briefly," says Therai. "It was... huge." He fades out, thinking about the image of Nanny grappling with the demon before shuddering briefly.

After a moment he continues, trying to appear upbeat. "Anyway, traveling to Sheerfast sounds pretty sensible to me, especially if we get to enjoy the company of such an amicable companion."

2020-04-28, 11:58 PM
Peren's intuitions were correct: It was bigger and more terrible than Therai was prepared to talk of, but its nature left him incapable of speech. Could it be? Was it one of those demons like Wendonai, or perhaps a message?

As they settled down and laid out their mats for a little rest, Peren did his best to settle his mind and his body. He did feel a little stronger, and couldn't help but feel a measure triumphant in their survival despite the non-completion of a goal. One step back, but perhaps two steps forward.

He was tired, and as Roscoe explained what he saw, he found his eyes closing for a little nap...

2020-04-29, 05:41 PM
Roscoe nodded at Icosa's proposition. "I guess we'll tag along, sure."

He glanced again at the lizard. "She doesn't bite, does she?" He checked as he followed Peren's example and made himself comfortable by the fire.

2020-04-30, 02:50 AM
Therai, his meal finished, also finds himself starting to drowse.

He hauls himself back awake with a start. "Hang on, if this place is dangerous, one of us should probably stay awake and on guard."

2020-04-30, 01:10 PM
"She only bites the troublesome," Icosa reassures(?) them.

"For watching, I have a wand I use. But if you would rather, I will not argue."

2020-04-30, 07:01 PM
Peren muttered under his breath to Therai, I swear, Therai, if you don't take a nap, then you'll be sad when we l... he doesn't finish his sentence as his eyes close and he falls into a short, if not a thoroughly invigorating, rest.

2020-05-01, 02:33 AM
Therai looks at the little goblin gratefully. "That would be great, thank you" before curling up and falling fast asleep.

2020-05-01, 08:28 AM
The goblin took out a wand with a shimmering silver tip, and drew a circle around the campsite, leaving behind a sizzling silver thread as he did. When he returned to the point where he began, the whole thread leapt up in silver flames as the Alarm spell activated. Then he returned to his own pile of blankets near the lizard and huddled into them.

By the time "morning" comes, it's just as dark and cold; moreso, since the fire has burnt down to embers. But Icosa stirs from his cocoon and checks the time on something like a pocketwatch but more intricate; wheels and balls twirl and calibrate, and then the device begins to shine with something like daylight. "Hm. Yes, morning in the Overgreen. Time to be moving." The light does not go out when he clicks it shut.

"I don't always use this device, but you are the kind who need the sun, aren't you?"

2020-05-01, 12:32 PM
Peren woke with a start. He shook his head, and finding some unsightly drool from his repose, he went to the water to scrub and wash his face. The Goblin said they'd slept for a while, but his muscles protested and told him he should sleep longer. The half-elf stretched, feeling...less nimble but hale, and found the weight of his armor, sword and pack just a bit more tolerable.

He wandered over to Tryslin next, making sure that the elf was OK. Peren glanced between the water and the elf as they helped each other don armor. He leaned in after he'd shaken his body while donning his chain and whispers, Woahh! Are my shoulders broader? Do my muscles look bigger? It's the first time in thirty years for me. Growth spurt!! Have you ever had that feeling when... He tried to be silly and humorous, giving the elf reasons to find a little more pep in their preparations. When they're finished, he munched on some jerkey as he walked to the far side of the water, where he saw a fresh eddy and slowly-swirling water, took a long drink from and then re-filled his waterskin.

Peren strode to the goblin and proclaimed, "I feel like a new young man! That's the best sleep I've had in a decade, even if my back disagrees! If you'll give us a little time for morning prayer, I'll be ready to go.

He walked away on the assumption he'd get an affirmative, and started his morning recitations. He started with hope and vim. But that's when he felt it. The Eternal Furnace, the Breath that wilted Joy, the Clangor of Mortal Wreckage. Wendonai wavered between contact with his mind and simple, surface-thought-scraping attention.

Sweat formed on Peren's head and threaded between his hands. His knees buckled, and he dropped to them without meaning to. He stammered once as the ringing in his mind started; he flexed his toes to relieve stress and started again and spoke just a bit louder to push back the rush of stone in his ears. When he finished his prayers, he paused and started again. But the half-elf knew it was a futile gesture.

He waited for the voice to pass from his mind.


Peren hadn't meant for his teeth to chatter or his hands to shake or his legs to give imperceptible spasms. As the voice left him, the half-elf breathed until he felt space open again in his mind. Like it was his domain, and only his. If only it could be that simple. He stood up, stretched, and did some simple push-ups and dips, squats and jumps, until the only sweat on his body was from his own determined exercise.

I will be strong enough for this. My body and my soul must be prepared for what must be done. The elf returned to the rest, quiet and did his best to project a feeling of calm and serenity. I have to be strong enough for my true calling.

2020-05-02, 03:45 AM
Roscoe had dreamed of wild things. Fire and arrows, giants and drowning.

You wouldn't see it looking at him sleeping though. The slightest twitch on his face the only indication of the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions being processed. The young Aasimar didn't snore, nor drool. Even his breathing was calm.

He slowly opened his eyes and let reality take over. It was a soothing experience. Finding he was still alive, amongst friends.

He noticed that his eyes had adjusted to the dark incredibly well, and appreciated the beauty of his surroundings a lot more than yesterday.

He suddenly wasn't so sure that he needed the sun, but didn't say anything. Roscoe was trying to come to terms with his situation and found he was doing quite well. This place had a serenity to it he hadn't seen the day before and he welcomed the unknown aspect of it instead of resisting it.

It was a mindset he hoped he could maintain.

He undressed and waded into the cold water up to his knees where he washed and tried to embrace the environment. There he took a deep breath and asked the gods of water and stone for the power to call on the forces of nature this day, to heal his allies and restrain and defeat his enemies.

He dipped his head and ruffled his hair and feathers in an effort to clean it as good as possible.

Whatever light there was that got caught on the reflection of the water and hair glinted and glittered heavily in a beautiful natural display.

After getting dressed in dirtied (but still mostly white) clothes, he made some breakfast and shared it freely around.

"Where do you get your food from down here?" He asked the goblin as he offered him a piece of bread.

It was the first of many questions about survival down here, in this majestic dark environment. Roscoe was curious, and anything the goblin had to say he would register with great interest and later have a follow-up question or two about.

2020-05-02, 11:22 AM
"Ah, a good question, very good." Icosa said, as he rummaged in what must be a bag of holding. He threw down a slab of meat for the lizard and drew out some trail rations for himself.

"Once we farmed down here by the virtue of the earth itself... this place is potent in the magics of that plane. When it was loved and cultivated, it grew things without the sun. But without our love it has grown wild. Safer to bring food from above when travelling. But in Sheerfast there are great terrace gardens where the sun touches."

2020-05-03, 08:32 AM
Upon waking Therai stretches and begins running through some simple exercises to limber up, before pulling on his chain shirt and settling down to some breakfast.

"So why did people stop loving it?" he asked Icosa. "Is it something to do with the formation of the new plane?"

He looks around, getting used to the cool darkness. He realises that he misses the sun, and has taken it's presence for granted for his whole life. Like many other things really - everything in the City of Lights, for instance. He sits there, looking pensive as he chews.

2020-05-03, 12:44 PM
This seems like a good time for a History check.

2020-05-04, 03:06 PM
"No," he said. "They died. Our people died, and the fields ran wild. And before that, the ones-we-became did not care to farm; they served their masters, and their masters ate meat. Very sad story. Once this place was full with the whisper of busy goblin feet, and shone with the craft of busy goblin hands."

"Now there is only Sheerfast, and the wildfolk in the dark." He shakes his head.

Jaryn, you remember hearing vaguely about the great plague that wiped out a large fraction of the goblin population a few hundred years ago. The earthbound humans still fear contagion from goblins in some places, but the City of Lights knows better than that. But most of the details escape your memory.

2020-05-06, 02:47 AM
"I'm sorry Icosa" says Therai. "I didn't mean to drag up old memories like that."

He sits quietly for a moment and then turns to his friends. "Everyone ready for a trip to Sheerfast then?"

2020-05-06, 07:23 AM
Roscoe, feeling recharged and ready to meet the day hoisted his backpack on his shoulders and stood up.

"Sure am!" He said energetic. "What are we to look out for, on the way there?" He asked as he looked for the goblin to lead the way.

2020-05-06, 10:05 AM
"It was long ago," Icosa says, shrugging.

He leads the way along the shore of the vast underground lake. "This is a branching chamber. From here we can make our way to Sheerfast by one of two ways."

"I was going to pass through the necropolis... an abandoned city of our people. Travelling alone and careful it is usually safest. With more people, we may draw the attention of the dead or wildfolk, but it is shorter."

"The other path stays along the lake for further... things live there. You were fortunate. But they may fear a larger group! Difficult choices, and I would not put you at risk. What do you say?"

2020-05-06, 02:38 PM
Peren had been so preoccupied with his morning preparations and the unexpected contact with his family's demonic "patron" that he has missed most of the recent conversation. A few snippets slipped past his...dare I say required? meditation and brought him back into the present.

"Now there is only Sheerfast, and the wildfolk in the dark."

"... Everyone ready for a trip to Sheerfast then?"
Peren was ready to answer in the affirmative and ask what they might encounter there when Roscoe beat him to it.
"We're just about ready here, he said with a look at Tryslin. The elf was armored, had a ready pack, had used some spells to freshen up, and seemed eager enough to go. While Peren had still been in the throes of his own mind, Tryslin had spiced and flavored the food Roscoe had made, and now shared the rest with Peren. Good man! The half-elf offered some almond bread from his own supplies as he ate, and used the bread to gather, wipe and clean the small cooking bowl of their meal to finish it off. He'd gotten more than he'd expected from the sides, and licked his fingers clean. He used a small chip of soap to rinse his hands and the bowl and the spoon, then offered it back to Roscoe.

That done, Peren faces Icosa and speaks with a tone of resolution. "It sounds like you're more familiar with your abandoned and former home. I feel it's better we take our chances with a known danger than an unknown threat in less-familiar territory. How about you tell of of the wildfolk while we travel? Did they come from some of the folk displaced from this city and graveyard, or did they arrive after it was abandoned?

2020-05-06, 03:00 PM
"Ah, yes--they are of the same kind as me. Goblinkind. But much... debased. They lost everything, generations ago, and live like barbarians now."

"If we are passing through the necropolis, we have only a few miles to go before we leave the shore. Keep watch while we walk, yes?"

2020-05-06, 05:00 PM
Peren nods. " Roscoe, if you could guard our rear, and Tryslin, you have a good sense for danger. Why don't you take the lead here? Let's all stay alert and vigilant. Icosa, is there anything else we should know?

2020-05-07, 04:40 AM
"Familiar territory sounds sensible to me" Therai states.

He takes up a position near the middle of the group, allowing him to both defend the goblin and go in either direction easily.

2020-05-07, 03:50 PM
"Sure thing! " Roscoe said as thoughts about an abandoned underground city stirred his imagination. This was the kind of thing he'd looked forward too, and he was enjoying every second of it.

He let the others go ahead and settled into his own rhythm, walking 50 or so feet behind the group. He was enjoying the scenery and was surprised by the little things he discovered.

Being the last in the marching order tapped into a certain special paranoia that had him look behind them every now and then. He would stand still and focus on the dark beyond his vision (90 feet dark vision), and listen a bit, before catching up to the rest and repeating it all.

2020-05-08, 08:21 AM
"No - let us make haste," Icosa agrees.

As they continue along the shore, things are dark, still and eerie.

LuckyStrike, at the limits of your vision, you see something slither out of the water and trail after your group. After a little while, another one slithers up the shore, and now there are two of them.

2020-05-08, 10:10 AM
Roscoe doesn't suddenly increase his pace, but he does start whistling what should be a familiar sr tune to his travelling companions.
'The shadows of the City of Light' is a nursery rhyme about monsters in the dark. He makes sure to repeat the last line.

There be monsters in the dark, there be monsters in the dark, there be monsters in the..

And he'd pause the two seconds required in the song before hitting the last note. Dark!

At that, Roscoe sprints forward towards the group.

"We're being followed by slithering things from the lake. Two." He informs everyone as he draws his bow and looks behind, dropping to one knee for better accuracy.

Roscoe readies an action to fire at the first thing he sees emerging from the dark.

2020-05-08, 01:07 PM
Peren stops the group if they haven't already and unclasps his greatsword to bring it in hand. He first asks Roscoe, Are they following us on land or following from the water?

When the Aasimar indicates the former, he turns to the group as a whole. Does anyone know of amphibious creatures in this side of the world? Icosa?

2020-05-08, 01:20 PM
Therai peers into the darkness, trying to catch a glimpse of the creatures before shrugging at Peren's question.

"Tryslin, keep an eye out in front and warn us if anything tries to creep up on us while we're distracted dealing with these" he suggested.

"What do you reckon?" he said, turning to the others. "Spell barrage and wait for them to close the distance before engaging?"

2020-05-10, 07:13 PM
Peren nods to Therai. Good idea. Roscoe, if you get the chance to restrain both of them with your entangling magic, do so. Otherwise, let's focus our attacks as best we can.

He re-clips his sword to his back but also draws out one of the runed, many colored metal contraptions that smelt like oil and flame, then casts a spell about his body, causing a transparent blue sheen to flicker across his body before it dissipates.

Move action: Re-clip sword, take out grenade (top of pack, minimal time needed to look).

Cast Armor of Agathys
If there's more time before Combat starts, Peren will position himself 10' between Roscoe & the waterfront and prepare to cast Guiding Bolt.