View Full Version : The Ides of March: Auranghzeb

2020-03-21, 06:12 PM
Firstly, just to get this out of the way, if your name isn't on the thread and you're in my game, don't be looking in the thread. This thread is for Auranghzeb. Don't read further unless that's you.

Everyone find their designated door or seat?


We begin.

Arava has been working shipping lanes since she earned her manumission, under Captain Graham "One-Ear" Tarkan. Rumors and hear-say are more than just common in the ports, but recently she's heard tell of an Elven merchant making runs into Chagarta- Monster country- that match the man who betrayed your master and sold you into slavery. Chagarta itself isn't far- the Free City of Greenwater (Of which you are a somewhat-citizen, if that could be said of anyone in the City of Pirates) is actually right on the eastern, south edge of the country (though not part of it). Your usual stomping grounds are to the southwest, into Imlar, or North up the coast of Chagarta. Dwarves pay well, and their drinks are stronger than most... but this rumor says the Elf is far inland, away from any sea traffic. Which makes sense, if he knew to avoid you.
Still, that's a long bloody trip, and probably dangerous. You have an idea where he is- far to the north, a little ways west. near the Elven border, wherever that is. You'll probably need more to go on, but it's *Something*.

That said, Tarkan is setting out in three days' time back for Imlar, going after a prize he doesn't talk about, except to stoke the crew- claiming it'll be a big one, like nothing you've had before. But why's he been so secretive, keeping to himself and not letting anyone near his quarters? He had a man hung from the mizzen and flogged for trying to change out his chamberpot! That's a bit much. Still, if he's being this paranoid, it must be *Something*.

Your monkey clambers from the floor up your leg, running across the table like lightning to snag a bit of meat from a Dwarf's plate. He curses, falling backwards in surprise, then throwing his bootknife at the beast from the floor. Undeterred, your furry friend snags his prize, and leaps to land on your shoulder, munching at the bit of gristle.
Some people laugh, but others are giving you a look. You have a moment to figure out what to do while the dwarf- you've never actually met him before, with long mustaches and a scar along his cheek, you'd remember- gets up.
linkingsheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1859687) for ease of reference

2020-03-22, 04:04 AM
Arava follows the monkey, Diogenes, with her eyes all the way from the dwarf's plate to her shoulder.

there he goes again...

The little guy is always getting into troubles. But the crew also know how useful Diogenes can be, and he is smarter than half the crew.

The dwarf does not seem to appreciate that, though, and Arava hates having to be charming.

She visibly reprehends the monkey. Too visibly perhaps to be convincing.

And as the dwarf approaches she stills herself.

Ay, ye little ball of hair. You should appologize for taking a mans meal. Theirs going to think yer nothing but a half educated pirate. Ye should know better.

Forgive the little beast sir, he is used to life in a crowded deck of sailors and has the manners of a lower deck minion.

2020-03-22, 05:31 AM
want to toss me a Bluff or a Diplomacy here? Either one can talk your way out of this, or you could buy the Dwarf a new meal (2 SP) to make up for it, which would auto-pass.

2020-03-22, 05:55 AM
Arava knows her weak spots. And she knows perfectly well that some battles are better left for later.

Here mate, I'll buy you a meal and some ale. Let's leave monkey business for later

Using her link with Diogenes she transmits her displease to the little dude...

2020-03-22, 06:23 AM
You pay for the Dwarf's meal, which a busty waitress with interesting scars brings over. He seems satisfied, his honor restored by ale and a fresh plate. He sops up some gravy with his old trencher, and goes back to what he was doing.
You chide Diogenes, the monkey managing to look exceptionally pitiful and full of regret, clutching his tiny hat to his monkey breast, giving you the biggest eyes.
He really can ham it up.
Then you hear something that sends a shudder down your spine.
Over the general roar of conversation, drink and food, you swear you heard the gasp of an Accordion. You only know one player, and he's- Ah yes, there he is. Thibquik Bentspigot. Bloody Gnome. You sailed with him for a bit, back before you earned your freedom, and the damn gnome got caught up in your looks and *Put you in a song*.
It's a very embarrassing song.
You might be able to duck out before he sees you, or maybe you can give him a knock about for his trouble. He's over by the bar now, sipping the froth off a mug of ale that looks far too big for his hands. He's using a stool like a table, setting it there while he primes his accordion.

Also, gain 35 XP and lose 2 silver for diffusing that encounter. First XP of the game!

2020-03-22, 01:57 PM
Arava waits up for the Bard to finish up the song. Staring at the gnome intently, Arava is young and she was just a kid when this a@hole wrote that song.

She waits for him to finish up his set and then approaches him. Diogenes in her shoulder showing his sharp bare teeth.

Greetings Thibquik. I see your repertoire is as short as your stature.
What brings such a scum like you to this port?

2020-03-22, 02:50 PM
Bushy Gnome eyebrows climb his forehead like owlbears on a mountain.
"Avara? The queen of the Pirates! Ladies and Gentlemen! We are in the presence of pirate royalty!"
He makes a show of doffing his hat, practically tumbling over himself as he sweeps it so close as to brush the floor, bending down so his long nose WOULD hit the floorboards, if he were to look down. He maintains eye contact the whole time. Somehow. He's got a ways to look up.
"I merely came to ply my trade, sing a few songs, earn a few coins- a drink, perhaps. We made port this morning, and I was feeling rather parched. Oh, and you have the monkey. Still don't want to part with him? I bet I could teach him to play the symbols...."
Despite his bombastic attitude and louder than life voice, he seems to only have attracted a few shaking heads, and made a few of the sailors chuckle.

2020-03-22, 02:56 PM
Arava watches the display in disgust and impatiently strums her fingers in her legs.

You old fart...

she hisses

Diogenes should teach you a few tricks. What is your crew up to in this shaggy port? You want me to believe that old coffin you call ship just happened to stop by?

2020-03-22, 04:07 PM
the gnome bites his tongue and hisses through his teeth, giving a conspiratorial glance at you, then at the press of bodies.
"I can't really get into it here, dearest. But maybe if you came to my room, after my set..."
you're not sure if he's serious, trying to dissuade your questioning, or trying to get into your breeches, the old pervert. But you ARE quite a bit larger than him, and if you have him alone, you could make him talk should his tongue find itself sluggish.
Of course, everyone would be talking about it.
If you care about that sort of thing.

He finishes priming his accordion, gives it a practice squeeze, which garners a lot of attention as the instrument belts out a loud, bleating protest. Some of the more inebriated patrons start shouting out the names of songs and shanties, less suggestion as demands.

You know he'll be here for a while, playing. You COULD leave, letting your crew know that he's here... but with your Captain's paranoia... well, is it justified?
Stay, Go... It's a tough call.

2020-03-22, 05:41 PM
Arava is not one to be easily trapped.


She looks for a way of sending Diogenes to the captain with a note but she will do only if the ship is relatively close to the inn.

She'll feel the situation and take a decision based on her instincts.

2020-03-22, 07:34 PM
You're... not sure. You're not getting a vibe about the Gnome. He's not lying to you, just saying he won't talk about it in public. It might just be a weird coincidence. Pirates, after all, are secretive.
If the things ARE connected that'd be a problem. Maybe. He doesn't seem hostile.
Your ship is about 9 blocks from the tavern, walking distance. Most of that is piers and docks. The tavern itself is very close to the beach.
He starts playing. [roll0]

It's actually a jaunty tune, pretty well done. You feel the rhythm in your toes. Some of the patrons start banging mugs on tables, keeping pace.
Then the damn gnome starts singing.

"Daughter of the Droods, Terror of the East, Sailed the coast of Imlar with her furry little beast!"
He's singing the song about you. Little friggin' twit.

2020-03-23, 01:19 PM
Oh, you damned fool, you'll regret this

Arava sends Diogenes with note to her captain. The familiar is smart enough to carry it a few blocks.

The note says:

If I'm not back in the ship in 3 hours send help to the tavern.

She then waits for the gnome to finish his set.

I don't know if you had time to check the inbox. I asked you whether it would be possible to move arava into a wizard, but that's no longer important. I wonder though if you had any suggestions for the Favored enemy?

2020-03-23, 02:54 PM
Tried to reply, your inbox was full. You're not swapping classes now without retraining. Favored enemy option suggestions: Humanoid; Elf (For the trader who sold you into slavery) Humanoid; Human (If you're going to be raiding along the South/West coast) Humanoid: Goblinoid (If you intend to go NORTH up the coast) or Monstrous Humanoid for Harpies, Sirens, and certain kinds of sea-beasts.
The gnome finishes his set. he did a good job, his cup overfloweth. You can see he's a bit tipsy as he makes his way upstairs, pockets heavier than they were when he started. (I'm presuming you're following him to his room. If not, disregard the following)
As you follow him up to his room, you notice more than a few eyes watch you go. Rumors always have a way of beating ships to port. You hope this is worth it.

The gnome stumbles into his room, still humming his own tune. Spinning around, he flops against the side of the bed, eyes lidded, a huge smile on his face. He puts down his accordion, and seems like he's about to doze off until you prod him.
"Oh! Oh right right. We're here in port because there's tales of a wreck washing up, up to the North. They say it's the Relentless.
You don't know much about pirate lore, honestly, but everyone knows about the Relentless. It was a marvel, practically magical. A ship that could sail *Under* the water. The Dwarves built her, or maybe it was the Gnomes. Either way, Captain Gertrude Grimthor, "The Blue Rose" stole her, right out from a port so far away nobody knows the name. She came here, with a crew of monsters, hunting and pillaging with an impunity never before seen. The ship would just surface next to a merchantman, borders climbing onto the deck, and taking whatever they wanted. Then, before anyone could catch her, she'd submerge back into the sea, sailing away under the cover of the deep.

Thirty years ago it just...stopped. Nobody knows why, and the ship was never found. Legends have been going around ever since, that she just sailed back to where she came from, or she found some city under the waves where she's now queen, or that it was an affront to the Gods of the Sea, and got swallowed by some never-described beast. One rumor was that it sunk, though it never washed up. Small wonder, since it was covered in Iron.
Going after the Wreck of the Relentless sounds like a fool's errand, a lie to cover up the REAL reason for a voyage... but the Gnome isn't lying to you.
You know his captain, Theobald Crack-Tooth. He's a surly dwarf with a nose for profit who never met a penny he didn't pinch. If he's told Thibquik they're going after the Relentless, maybe they actually have something.
That, or he just told the Gnome that because he knew the bard wouldn't keep his mouth shut.

2020-03-25, 09:25 AM
Sorry busy past couple of days.

The Relentless...

But this bastard could be bluffing, or missinformed to the true reasons his captain has.

Still, it is better if I try to verify the rumors before going back to the captain.

She waits outside the inn for diogenes to come back and pays attention to any rumors.

2020-03-25, 05:14 PM
Your favorite monkey comes back before too long, scrambling up you with sinuous motions that put the lie to his occasional "Clumsiness", which always seems to end up with the monkey having a few more things in his collection than before.
He perches on your shoulder.
Give me a Gather Information check for the hour.