View Full Version : DM Help Alternative/Additional Racial Features for Changelings

2020-03-21, 08:57 PM
I'm preparing a pretty massive overhaul on races for an upcoming campaign that I am running. Most, if not all, races are getting an increase in power, whether it be from something like the Eberron Dragonmarks increasing the size of spell lists, or something like my Stout Gnomes (they're halflings, but my world lore requires Gnomes and Halflings to be the same race) who get a reaction that allows them to make an Attack of Opportunity against a target two or more sizes larger than them.

Now I am keeping things in relative balance by giving races different numbers of races. Some like the Stout Gnomes don't get much in addition to their Attack of Opportunity because getting a reliable use of your reaction to make another attack is powerful.

Now my problem is that I am having a few issues coming up with a good additional ability for my Changelings. As it stands they really get the short end of the stick here. Shape-changing can be powerful in social situations, and two extra skill proficiencies are nice, but if my group opts to make the campaign less social I don't want anyone who chooses this race to feel less powerful. However I'm having trouble coming up with something that is on theme for them.

So that's where the Playground comes in. What would be something on theme for a Changeling to get?

The Changelings are a race that excels at deception, but chooses to avoid dishonesty (for the most part. PCs are, of course, likely exceptions to this generalization). They are very pragmatic and avoid involving themselves in others, read not changelings, problems (again... not a very PC thing, but the race as a whole)