View Full Version : earth glide

King of Nowhere
2020-03-21, 10:50 PM
we had a few characters polymorph into earth elementals and use earth glide recently, and we came across a few questions that look like they are too complex for the "simple raw questions".

1) while earth gliding, can you see where you're going? it's solid rock all around you, and earth elementals have no capacity to see through solid rock. on the other hand, it would be pretty dumb to be able to move through rock without seeing where you go. also, it says that you can move through rock "like a fish through water", and a fish can see where it goes

2) what of other sensory abilities? can you hear? and if you can't, how the hell are you supposed to know where you're going?

3) two elementals are earth gliding in the same location. provided that they are aware of each other, can they attack each other?

4) a character earth gliding can keep part of its body into the rock, and another part out? can i put my eyes out to see without exposing my whole body? if i walk in a tunnel with a low ceiling, can i stay submerged into the rock down to my waist, while still attacking with my arms?

Hiro Quester
2020-03-22, 12:11 AM
I played a Druid who used elemental wild shape a lot.

We came across the same question about senses. We houseruled that earth elementals had something like tremorsense (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#tremorsense), so could sense the location of walls, moving creatures, on the ground above them, and large rocks, caverns etc in the ground within 60ft.

2020-03-22, 02:22 AM
Other existing methods to use as a guideline: Earth Sense Feat (know number and direction of all other creatures touching the earth in 20' as a move action) and the Earth Dreamer PrC 4th level Earth Sight (see through earth 30' as a standard for 3+CON rounds).

King of Nowhere
2020-03-23, 08:55 AM
so, it really seems there are no rules for it and we have to adjudicate it on the spot