View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder Critique my Tower Shield Maiden!

2020-03-24, 05:05 AM

TLDR version (as the backstory is written by hand)
She grew up as a Nobles daughter and played with the farmhands kid in the meadows until one day she was abducted and abused by a man in a hood. After that she changed, had more concern for not being hurt again and learnt the ways of the tower shield along with the Estoc their family weapon.
small disclaimer; I am aware tower shields are mostly horrible but I realllllly want to try and make it good so I have dug ALOT and this is what I have come up with.

eventually her nature will change by default I will have her go good into a paladin and protector of the weak but if the progression goes wrong she could just as easily go evil and become an antipaladin.

What are your thoughts 6th Lv Feat is free at the moment and I haven't worried about skills because its going to be a lv1 -> build this is just a proof of concept.

2020-03-24, 06:57 AM
I have a few question/comments for you.

-The damage of the estoc is listed as 2d4, how are you increasing the damage die? Did I miss a feat or feature somewhere?

-I don't think your build qualifies for Pin Down. It requires an 11th level fighter, which you are not. You are a 11th level character with 8 levels in Fighter, which is not the same thing. Unless there is something I overlooked.

-I am assuming you mean Tower Shield Specialist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/shield-mastery-feats/tower-shield-specialist-combat-shield-mastery/) instead of Tower Shield Specialization. The latter implies you took the Shield Specialization feat, the former is actually a decent feat for this build...

-Check with your DM to make sure you can make a mithril tower shield. While not explicit in the game rules that tower shields are made from wood, most shields in history were made of wood (especially if they were going to be as large as a tower shield), and it would not be unreasonable for a DM to say that tower shields can't be made from mithril (since mithril requires an item to be mostly metal). The +1,000gp for a shield might be for the light/heavy steel shield and other shields explicitly made of metal. If not, than use Darkwood, it's cheaper than mithril anyways, albeit you get one less ACP reduction.

My two copper? Pick up Improved Shield Focus (only if you can't have a mithril tower shield) and pick up Shield Brace (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/shield-mastery-feats/shield-brace-combat-shield-mastery/). Add the Versatile Weapon (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-modifications/versatile-design/) modification to your estoc to make it count as part of the polearm weapon group and now you can use your estoc two-handed while also wielding a tower shield for a nice damage boost. Since your ACP from the shield will be 0 because...

-3 From Tower Shield Specialist feat
-3 From Armor Training (Also thanks to the above feat and your Sash of the War Champion)
-2 Darkwood (or -3 if mithril)
-1 Imp. Shield Focus (only if mithril is unavailable)
-1 Because masterwork Edit: After a bit of research I realized this was incorrect so going with a mithril shield and Imp. Shield Focus is the only way to reduce ACP to 0 (although a -1 overall is not bad if mithril is not available).

And you already took the feat chain to reduce the attack penalty from using tower shield to 0. However all of this comes online at level 8 at the earliest (well, it comes online earlier but you won't get the full benefit until level 8 at the minimum). Therefore it may not be suitable for a build beginning at level 1.

Edit: Oh, also, since your Charisma is not going to be a dump stat and since Intimidate is a class skill, I would also recommend grabbing Cornugon Smash (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/cornugon-smash-combat/) as it gives you an opportunity to apply a debuff on all of your attacks.

2020-03-24, 10:31 AM
I would consider retraining some of her Fighter levels into Paladin rather than straight multiclassing so late. You give up on a lot of good stuff by skipping 9 levels of paladin, Fighter is usually better as a dip if you're planning to be something else. Are you using any archetypes? Advanced Weapon Training? Combat Stamina?

Also, if I may - the "abused into adventuring" backstory is a bit trite/heavy/cringe. I would probably leave it at abduction, or maybe change that part to ransom since she's nobility. That would be plenty traumatic enough on its own without the other thing.

2020-03-24, 05:39 PM
You're an 11th level character with a 20' speed who will often want to use their move action for the tower shield and who only has a 5' reach. You have no means of flight or other special movement modes or options like pounce. Your standard action attack is nothing special.

This means you often won't be able to get where you want to be and are dependent on monsters not simply bypassing you to attack easier targets. Pin down would help slightly if you qualified for it, which you don't. Even if you did you said you're playing from level 1 and would be getting it at level 11.

IMO you need to focus on mobility or reach or control a bit more to have this character be useful in most fights. Being able to move more than 20' would give you better odds of getting somewhere useful. Reach would make more places on the battlefield useful to you. Being able to stop enemies moving away by tripping or something would keep where you move to useful. And since you will want to use your move actions for the tower shield (which isn't an optional part of this build as I understand it?) making your standard action better might help - either combat maneuvers or usually poor options like vital strike or cleave (edit: or readied actions) or something. You can't do these all, pick one or two.

A couple of other notes - while the heavy wrist launcher doesn't take up a hand which is nice you are heavily anti-optimised to use it. It's basically worthless to you. Tower shields use wood for special materials in PF.

Edit2: Going for a mounted build would make mobility easier, as another option.