View Full Version : Storm of Chaos IC

2020-03-26, 05:23 PM

"Forged from the other world, six treasures shall he posses... Upon his head the crown shall see all, and open eyes will prove woe to mortal kind... Then shall he ride unto the World... Then will the World know that the last war has begun... With the coming of doom will march a lowly boy. Anger his nourishment and blood his wine... And from the Land tamed will rise a Champion. Disease shall be his downfall and saviour divine... A King's son shall be chosen. In power will he thrive and glory in is name... And with the coming of the end the old will fall by the hand of the new..."

—The Prophecy of Fate, taken from the Celestine Book of Divination by Necrodomo the Insane


It has been a tumultuous time in the Courts and Cities of the Empire and the shadows of Chaos once more stretch across the land in a manner not seen since the Great Wars of the Ages! The Cult of Sigmar has been riven with internal strife and the Grand Theoginist had gone against the words of Karl Franz!

It began in Jahrdrung as the land slowly shook of the grip of Winter. Several enormous hordes of Chaos (mostly Kurgan with Norse) drove southwards towards Kislev, the largest led by the Archaon Everchosen,and his warlords High Zar Surtha Lenk and High Zar Aelric Cyenwulf. Across the world seers and prophets went insane as visions churn through their minds. The Spring Driving begins.

In the Grand Temple of Sigmar, disturbed by the insanity and plague of mutants and witch craft The Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim decides to face Archaon, believing himself to be a long prophesised Champion who will fell the Everchosen. But in a great argument across the Court at the Grand Palace The Emperor Karl Franz refused the Grand Theogonist access to the armies of the Reikland, claiming the war in Albion (Neuland) has drained his resources, and he has no men to spare. Volkmar the Grim wielding the Jade Griffon of the Grand Theogonist approaches many parties, looking for men to form an army. Some help, some do not. Sigmar's army is formed and is cheered by Volkmar as it begins to head North, Volkmar to catch up later. As the army of Sigmar begins to march the Twin-Tailed Comet appears in the bright night sky. Especially in the Altdorf thousands of people throng the streets, driven to hysteria by the rumours and the comet. Grand Theogonist Volkmar appears daily on the steps of the temple of Sigmar in Altdorf. There are many rumours about the war in the north. Streets are full of doomsayers, flagellants, curates, students, scholars, fishwives, pickpockets, preachers, riots...etc. There are also rumours about the Champion of Light, who would arise to face

Riding across Reikland with the Army of Sigmar Luthor Huss, a self-styled prophet of Sigmar, challenges the hierarchy of the church of Sigmar. Huss claims that the priests had become corrupt and decadent, ignoring the teachings of Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim and abandoning Sigmar's mission. He makes many enemies, these including Johann Esmer. The arguments start from within the Sigmarite Council in Altdorf, after Arch-Lector Kurt Mannfeld of Nuln disappeared during his crusade against the north in 2515. Even then Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim was absent from the the council spending more and more time in the high pinnacle at the top of the Temple of Sigmar. Malign rumours circulated in the council and doubt Volkmar's sanity because of the many hours he has spent reading unholy grimoires brought to him by the witch hunters.

Now it has been 3 months hence and Volkmar has joined the Army of Sigmar and along with many of the brave men Tablecland has marched north into the Troll Country to face the oncoming horde! Meanwhile the other great horde led by High Zar Surtha Lenk’s armies face the armies of Ostland led by Elector Count Valmir von Raukov and defeated them in battle. The brave men of Ostland and even von Raukov's famed dragon bow could not stand against the horde of savage kurgan, shaggy pony riding hung and the heavily armoured Warriors of the Dread Crow.

Now the Capital of Ostland, the fine city of Wolfenburg is under siege, a ring of savage warriors and mutants encircling the Grand City, other warbands and savage raiding parties raising terror and panic across Ostland



Now on the 18h of Vorgenheim you have arrived alongside the Army of Hochland. It took the brave scout Amus only a few days to race across the forests dodging kurgan and Hung before reaching the outskirts of Tabalcland where the Emperor himself had been visiting the great crater city. There Karl Franz had put out a great call to arms, calling upon all of is Electors to raise an army to meet at the keep of Struhelspan the fortified crossing of the River Wolfen that separates Hochland and Tabalcland. Now, you along with the the famed Captain Ludof Ludenhof of the 2nd Drakwald battalion have reached the bridge! The rest of the army some 20 leagues behind you...

After a long 4 days of hard marching at the vanguard of the Grand Army of the Empire you finally have the Struhelpan in sight. The River Wolfen cuts through the forest here, a rapid flowin torrent some 200 paces wide at its narrowest and deep enough to allow the largest of river boats. Even from the low rise you reach you can see the White and Black flag of Ostland emblazoned with the red bull flying from the ramparts of the large fortified keep that stands at each end of the ancient stone bridge. The stones wethaered but still solid and wide enough to let 2 wagons pass side by side. The far side of the bridge marks Ostland, your neighbouring State but now in trouble - already you can see a horizon marred with columns of smoke from raids and attacks by chaos scavengers. At the vanguard of the Drakwald battalion you are the fist to see the view, the two knights and the strange Tilean mercanary riding around the delicate wood elf in their midst whilst leading the troops Tuli and Amos range a few hundred yards up the road. Behind you, stretching down the narrow forest road are the 300 men brave men (and few woman) of the Drakwald battalion.

A few paces behind you the tall and thin aggressive Captain of the regiment - and son of the Elector Count looks out at the scene. He glances are the two knights, eyes sliding past Bella and focuses on Ashrya "So, Seer. Here we are. We have it seems beat the horde to the bridge. What do we do now?"

2020-03-26, 11:18 PM
Tuli gently places her hand on Tylik's neck and the big horse comes to a halt. She could tell he was excited and wanted to keep going. He might even be able to smell the distant smoke from here. Tylik likely knew what that meant just as much as she did. They had seen enough war together. <'Patience my friend.'> Tuli talks to her horse in Ungol as the language he was most familiar with. She will look to see if the Struhelspan keep is still occupied.

Tuli is a short and hard looking woman by southern standards. A friend once told her that all the Ungol tended to be like that. A life on the Oblast ground them down but in return left them concentrated and tougher then most. Tuli's messy black hair is currently tied back to keep it out of her eyes as she rides while her face is weathered by a life spent mostly outside. She wears leathers over a set of clothing that is intended by long experience not to interfere with her riding while her wolf skin cloak, which was her one real affectation, is currently bundled up with the rest of her gear on Tylik's back. In the warmer weather of the south she hardly needs it.

She had rode north as soon as she had heard about the invasion, even ahead of most of the Kislevites that she had fought beside in the Imperial army. She had quarreled with some of them over that decision. She had even spoke badly to the druzhina for his decision to wait and prepare. He was no coward, not really. They had fought together against the Greenskins in the south enough that she knew that, but he was old and that couldn't help but blunt his thinking. From what she had heard of the horde there was little anyone could do to prepare in the face of it, but it must be opposed anyway, and she would fight beside anyone who aimed to that.

Tuli has carefully avoided thinking too closely about what the state of her homeland would be after a Northman army of such size had passed through it. The family she had left behind might already have fallen. Perhaps an Ungol rota would have had more sense then to throw their lives away on an unwinnable battle, but some fates were unavoidable. If any of them had survived she would see them again some day. In the meantime she would take out her frustration on every Northman she could catch.

The band she was with now seemed like they had potential at least, although she had no idea how it would be to fight beside such people. The two Knights she had obviously asked for a friendly practice fight with on the way north. Knights were supposed to be the champions of the south even as they covered themselves in heavy armour to an extent that not even most of the Gospodars bothered with. Both men seemed like fine warriors, but their armour was a weakness that made them slower then they should be. If they refused, or even if she lost these practice duels it was always good to take the measure of those she fought beside.

That Armand the Bretonnian traveled with the Elf was surprising to her. She had heard the stories of Elves supposedly living in some of the out of the way woodlands in southern Kislev. They were known to be no friend to the humans that sometimes strayed into their lands, but were an even more implacable enemy to followers of the Ruinous Powers. The Elf was a fireside story come to life, but what bothered Tuli was that she was somehow an Elven Wise Woman of some kind. Perhaps having such a woman here was better for all of them, but no one could entirely relax around any Wise Woman. They knew far too much and while their intent was generally good, the route they chose to get there sometimes rode roughshod over the people around them. Tuli is scrupulously polite around Asyrha when she has to be, but will sometimes watch her suspiciously when she thinks the Elf isn't looking.

Only one other Kislevite had come with after her argument with the druzhina. Yuri was a good sort, but he was still a Gospodar stick-in-the-mud so Tuli felt no obligation to camp near him. Instead she had roamed between the different parts of the 2nd Drakwald and has eaten with anyone willing to share a place by their fire. Lately that has been a group of mercenaries from the far south in a place called Tilea. She has no idea what most of them are saying but is used to that since she left the north. That this Bella seemed like she was in charge of them all only spoke well of them to Tuli. As far as she can tell, most women don't rise to such positions in the south.

Aside from Yuri, Amos was the main scout she had had any reason to speak with. She had heard of the man's ride south of course, and can only respect him for his horsemanship. He is not Ungol but may be skilled enough to have done well in the Oblast. Most of all though, Amos is riding north to help defeat the invaders of his homeland as well and so Tuli can't help but feel a certain kinship with him.

2020-03-27, 02:43 AM
The forests of the Empire felt so cold and unwelcoming, for even though the shadowed boughs of Athel Loren were often dangerous and uncaring, the spirit of the forest was still strong.

Here, with the looming threat of the Ruinous Powers hanging over them like the Sword of Khaine, the lands seemed thick with corruption. Asyrha could taste the Dhar on the wind like a rancid wine.

The Spellsinger, clad in loose and flowing robes of white gossamer and silk, turned her vivid gaze out across the river. How much were these humans willing to pay to stymie the coming storm? Would they demolish the bridge, potentially maiming trade and troop movements just to halt the army here?

She doubted it. The folly of Men lay heavily on their history. And her own, as well.

Asyrha looked to the sky, so alien and strange. Though the stars were the same, their positions in the sky sparkled differently than back home. High above the land, the miasma of Asyr flowed in unending torrents and vorticies like the wind. Ignoring the question for the time being, Asyrha let her mind wander the twisted roads of Elven memory. To the road that led her here. Now. With these new companions. Each hoping by their life, or death, they could save their homes from the torches of Chaos.

Brave Armand, her strange companion for many moons now, was capable and valorous. Traits the wood witch had little exposure to among the other humans she has met. In him, she had the most faith, if from her experiences alone.

The Knight of the Empire, Gottfried, she suspected was skilled at warfare. Perhaps of all her companions, as her keen ears had heard whispered rumors among some of the men. Of a vampire and Gottfried's bravery there. It was not meant for her, no...but the camps of men were rife with gossip and innuendo.

The Kislevite archer Tuli was curious. Her skill with a bow was not unlike the glade guard of Athel Loren. She was quick and accurate, and Aszyrha admired the young woman - still but a child in the long years of the elves - as archery was a noble and worthy skill among her people. And to dwell so close to the Wastes and the Troll Country...that took a hardy spirit.

Myrmidia was not unknown to the elves of Athel Loren, for their proximity to Tilea and Estalia was no secret. Though Asyrha had no real belief in the Human Gods, what she knew was worthy of respect. So unlike Khaine and the Cytharai. The Elven Gods were many, though perhaps Asuryan Himself came closest to embodying the same ideals as Myrmidia. So the firebrand known as Bella, Asyrha had high hopes for. She seemed a dependable and passionate young warrior. Time would tell if these traits would bring hubris, or glory.

Amos was the simplest to understand for Asyrha, though that was not in any way a bad thing. His own experiences in the wild places was well-regarded. Anyone who could master such a blighted land walked as her kin under the boughs.

"I am not your commander, Captain Ludenhof." Asyrha began breezily, finally breaking the trance she had entered.

"I would but advise, for I am unaccustomed to your methods of warfare. But..." She raised a slender hand and pointed long and elegant fingertips towards the bridge. "I would destroy the bridge to slow the advance. If you cannot bear to part with it, then at least occupy the garrison on either end and pray your Gods are watching."

Asyrha opened herself to the Winds of Magic, feeling the ebb and flow of all Eight Winds. Qhaysh was intoxicatingly wonderous. Grasping at threads of Azyr, the Spellsinger wove them into a simple spell of foretelling.

Casing Omen. Question: Is defending the bridge without destroying it favorable or not?

Channelling [roll0] TN 83
[roll1] +2 for channelled TN 4

2020-03-27, 04:01 AM
Amos ran his hand through his thinning hair. He was of average height, but of sturdy build, made tougher by many years patrolling the roads in all sorts of weather. He was atop his new horse, Whitefoot, who seemed reliable enough. A little over-eager to be out running, not quite serious enough, but we were all like that once. While he was recovering from his injuries a number of regiments had asked the new hero to come scout for them, and Amos had chosen to ride alongside the 2nd Drakwald because they had been given the honor of the vanguard, and that was where he needed to be. This was the time of Ulric, the killing time, when men must fight for their very survival.

Now, most days he was leaving the camp at dawn, while the men were still waking, and returning close to dusk, long after the the march had stopped. He was out searching for ambushes, roadblocks, and of course, enemy scouts and reavers, to put in the ground lest they give notice of the army's advance. He was grateful for the help of the Ungol woman Tuli. Amos rode beside her whenever he had the chance, speaking to her in his rough Kislevarin. The other women, the strange mage and stranger elf, he avoided superstitiously. He'd seen enough strange things in the deep woods to fully trust them. And, of course, the young city woman Bella... she brightened up the camp, that was for sure. It was impossible not to be affected by her infectious cheer. The two knights, Sir Armand and Sir Gottfried. No doubt when the fighting started, they would be in the forefront, relying on their evident skill and strong armor to protect them... but for now he winced whenever their metal gear scraped or jingled. Not that they could hide a regiment of this size for long...

"We... we... need to cross the bridge ourselves. The army needs to cross the bridge. The next bridge is 25 miles north of here over bad roads. It would take a week... no." He turns to the Captain. "Permission to take a few scouts across the bridge to check for ambushes."

2020-03-27, 01:38 PM
Sir Gottfried von Stuttburg made quite an appearance riding atop the massive brown destrier named Sigmund. His well-polished and ornate plate armor shines in the sun, and the jingle of chain can be heard under the caparison draped over the horse bearing the black iron cross, skull and wreath of the Reiksguard. A red and white gambeson can be seen poking out from under his plate armor, and his helmet bears three tall feathers--one red and two white. His white shield bearing the same iron cross, skull and wreath lays hanging from the saddle, positioned over his left leg and within easy reach, and a sword hangs from his hip. Hanging from the other side of the saddle is a morning star, ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice. A pair of saddle bags hang behind him, packed with whatever supplies he might need for this campaign. Held in his right hand is a long lance, upright and resting on his right foot.

It had been many years since his knighting, but it seemed the stories still spread throughout the ranks wherever he went about the battle against the Vampire Count and his undead army. It didn't really bother him; while he never cared to gain much attention, there was some benefit in the men gaining courage fighting beside one who had fought a foe similar to what they now face. It still weighed in his mind, however, that the Empire had been in relative peace since his knighting, and that he had spent most of his years as a knight barracked in Altdorf seeing little action except for parades, tournaments and guard duty. He had trained non-stop to be ready for action, but that didn't stop his doubts from coming to mind.

The Emperor had ordered him to join the 2nd Drakwald as an attachment, and that was how he found himself marching with them. It seems that there were some other strange individuals attached to the battalion, but they were here to fight against the threat currently facing the Empire and Gottfried wouldn't turn aside anyone willing to stand in battle beside him.

The Knight from Brettonia was of considerable interest, and it would be interesting to see how their Knightly orders performed in battle. He knew the other knight would be a staunch ally to have on the front line of battle, and expected he could count on him.

The elf that came with him, however, he would have to see. She was a magic user, so that was of value, but he had heard the stories about the elves from the woods. It would be interesting to see if they were true.

He felt that the Tilean mercenary would be reliable as well, provided she was paid. They were known for being good fighters, after all.

The scout certainly had his favor since the beginning of their march. The man had carried the message to Altdorf informing the Emperor of the northern threat, and anyone determined enough to make that ride had shown his loyalty to the Emperor already. Gottfried and the messenger had traveled from Altdorf with the Emperor together, and the man had continued to serve the army loyally and effectively as a scout, so he knew he could trust the man.

The barbarian horse archer from the north, however, would likely prove a challenge. He worried that she might be too headstrong and get the whole company killed, but only time would show if that was true. She had bested a member of the Reiksguard in a duel, so it was clear that she was a good fighter, so there was at least that. He had tested this himself when she suggested they practice together, and she had proven to be quite capable.

Overall, he felt confident in the abilities of his comrades, even if they were from places scattered all over the world.

Lord Athos
2020-03-27, 02:49 PM
In more recent days, the nightmares had grown less intense, more bearable. Sieur Armand took it as a sign from the lady, a sign that he had chosen the right path to do her will.

Thus, having joined the host of Hochland hurrying to face the corruption in the north head on, he felt calmer, more focused.

He was glad to know Asyrha at his side. Of course, some of her ways still seemed strange to him, and not only in the sense that she was a sorceress, or an elf, but he knew he couldn't wish for a keener mind, a more steadfast ally, or loyal friend in the days to come. Sieur Armand had made a point to watch her back during their travels, and he continued to do so now with the host, conversing with her calmly in Eltharin about the challenges to come, and her thoughts about the Empire's chances.

While travelling with the Hochland Army, Sieur Armand was confronted with Tuli's request of a practice fight.
He was sure the short, leather-clad woman was competent at what she did - bit judging from her equipment and her horse, it wasn't frontline personal combat. As such, a duel could hardly be fair, and thus, hardly be honourable.
Also, she was a woman.
Thus, Sieur Armand refused with utmost politeness.
With interest, Sieur Armand watched Tuli ask the same from Sir Gottfried, the Imperial knight travelling with them. Him accepting the duel was unexpected.

From his travels in the Empire during his Errantry, he knew the Reiksguard were the personal household knights of the Emperor. They were renown for their valour and prowess, and Sieur Armand therefore expected Sir Gottfried to be a cut above most knights of the Empire in both ability and honour. So far, he hadn't disappointed.
During the time on the road, he had had the opportunity to discuss some matters of tactics with the Imperial, hoping to get some insights in specific Imperial designs and movements, since they made up the bulk of their forces.

There was much talk about that mercenary infantry leader, Eisenhauer . She had some reputation, too - Sieur Armand did not have a set opinion about her yet. Mercenaries always were a bit suspect to the Bretonnian, on the other hand, he knew Myrmidia as a honourable goddess.

In general, Sieur Armand had been fairly taciturn since Asyrha and him had joined with the Hochland army.

Sieur Armand led his destrier next to Asyrha, bringing him to a halt and followed the conversation in silence, for now.
The knight's bearded, noble face, scarred by war and worry, was currently obscured by his great helm, decorated on top with the golden dragon of Armagnac. His Bretonnian full plate armour only added to his natural height and strong physique, and he wore it with obvious confidence atop of his armoured warhorse. He wore a surcoat in the red and gold of his family over the armour, bearing their coat of arms; similarly, his most trusted Compère, the white horse of finest Bretonnian breed, wore a heraldic Caparison over his mail barding.
His weapons were close at hand, sword and mace at his side, the obviously well-made Sword with a handle engraved with dragons, and lance in hand.

He couldn't help but smile, invisibly beneath his helmet, at Asyrha's little insolence. That certainly could have been worded better... if she had cared.

When Amos spoke up, the knight listened. This man's famous ride had regularly been the talk of the camp for quite some time now, and he had gathered he knew what he was doing. Sieur Armand seldom saw him, as he was seemingly always scouting ahead.

The man was probably right.
For now, Armand maintained his silence.

He turned his head slightly towards Sir Gottfried. The Reiksguard knight surely had an opinion.

2020-03-27, 03:16 PM
The Imperial Knight lifts the polished metal faceplate of his helmet. With a better view, he surveys the bridge standing over the river ahead of them, and then turns his attention to the elf.

"Destruction of the bridge is hardly an option, as it would prevent the Emperor's Grand Army from relieving the siege of Wolfenburg and throwing this foe from the Empire. Abandoning Ostland is also not an option."

He glances back along the road they came before returning his attention to the group. "The Army marches behind us, and as vanguard our duty is to secure the path of advance. It would seem to me that our course would be to fortify whatever forces currently man the bridge's keep and to ensure that it remains standing and in our hands until the rest of the Army arrives and may safely pass over the river."

He then nods to Amos, "And, as good Master Amos has pointed out, the Grand Army being forced to reroute to another bridge would cost the Emperor valuable time in which the citizens of Ostland would suffer. This bridge is also the only one large enough to allow cannon, supply train and an army to cross in a reasonable amount of time."

He shakes his head slowly to make the point. "No, we cannot destroy the bridge. On the contrary, this bridge is of vital importance and we must do everything we may, including laying down our own lives, to ensure it remains standing for the Emperor."

Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics) [TN 31]: [roll0]
Trying to determine the best options for most effectively deploying the 300 soldiers of the battalion to defend the bridge

2020-03-27, 05:24 PM
Bella slides off her horse and lands lightly on her feet, stretching ostentatiously to work the kinks out of her back after the long ride. Her dented but serviceable three-quarter plate rattles a bit as she moves about and the distinctive red cloak of the Company of the Red Lance flutters slightly in the breeze. A lock of raven black hair peaks out from under a green and red beret, her visored sallet hangs at her belt.

She listens quietly to the opinions being bandied about, her lips pursed as she carefully observes the bridge and the pillars of smoke rising beyond. Satisfied that she has seen all there is to see from the rise, she turns to Captain Ludof and speaks. "My lord captain, there is some value in all the opinions you have been offered so far, but for my part I am inclined to agree with Sir Gottfried and Amos. Since we are marching to relieve Wolfenburg, clearly we must cross the Wolfen, and the Struhelspan is the closest crossing. As Sir Gottfried observed, it's also strong enough to handle the cannon the Emperor is bringing." She turns and favours the knight with a beaming white smile before continuing.

"The banners of Ostland fly below, so we may hope that the bridge is in friendly hands, but the smoke beyond shows that elements of the enemy force are not far off. It's possible that the banners could be a ruse and that the enemy have already taken the Struhelspan, hoping to lure us into a trap. As we can see, the bridge is well fortified, so it would be an ideal spot for them to delay the Emperor's advance. So, Amos is right too. We should send scouts ahead to learn whether the bridge is still held by our allies and - if it is - to seek out the enemy on the other side." Bella offers Amos a sly grin and a quick wink as she speaks.

"I disagree, however, that this bridge is our only option. The bridge on the road to Castle Lenkster is an option if our current route proves impractical. The way north may be more difficult, but once we're across the river the road to Wolfenburg is shorter from there. Of course, we don't know whether the bridge and the castle have been taken by the enemy, but the Emperor would be wise to send scouts north to find out as soon as possible. And obviously, if the enemy is too strong here, then Lady Asyhra has a point as well. If we cannot hold the Struhelspan we must destroy it to prevent our foes from swarming into Hochland and striking the Grand Army in the rear." Bella inclines her head respectfully to the elven mage.

Falling silent, she rests her hand on the hilt of her sword and awaits Captain Ludof's response. There is an eager look in her green eyes, betraying her excitement at soon coming face to face with the enemy.

I'll bet our two sirs are champing at the bit as well, she thinks, glancing over at the knights. I only hope the pair of them don't go charging ahead looking for glory. Be a shame to lose two quality fighters this early in the campaign.

Amos and Tuli are used to operating on their own, but the nearer we get to the main enemy force, the greater the danger. If Captain Ludof agrees to send a scouting party, I must remind him not to let them go off alone. They're the battalion's eyes - lose them and we're as good as dead.

Lady Asyhra...well, you're just one giant, wonderful mystery aren't you? Even the war wizards treat you with respect. Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeves... Bella stares at the mage's back, a secret smile on her full lips.

2020-03-27, 07:17 PM

When Armand refuses Tuli's offer to practice with him she'll smile indulgently before leaving to try her luck with Sir Gottfried. His attitude was disappointing but hardly unexpected. She would have to do something to change his mind. At least neither man treated her like that idiot knight she had dueled with back in Altdorf.


Tuli manages to catch enough of what the others were talking about. She had learned Reikspiel well enough but sometimes missed details. 'If you can destroy all this how long would it take you to prepare to do so?' The Empire men did love their fortifications. Perhaps too much in Tuli's opinion, but it would be foolish to give up an advantage if they didn't have to. 'Better not to do something that can't be easily undone. If you must destroy it, do so when there is no hope of defending it and maybe we destroy some Northmen as they cross over perhaps?' She presumed they all spoke of some Engineering trick, but it was always possible that the armies Wizards could do the job themselves. 'And if we are to defend it we best see what's coming sooner rather then later.' She would accompany Amos if he wished it, but on Tylik she was hardly stealthy. 'And Bella is correct about this northern castle. When you fight the Northmen it is best to not let them get behind you.' She had killed her first Kurgan raider when she was fifteen and wondered how much the others knew of them.

2020-03-27, 10:22 PM
Amos stood in his saddle and peered at the two keeps, looking for signs of movement in their embrasures and parapets. He'd hate to try and cross the bridge if the enemy were fortified within...

[roll0] v. 59 for perception.

Lord Athos
2020-03-28, 04:08 AM
Good advice from everyone involved. Sieur Armand was especially impressed with the mercenary. "You have been given sound advice, your Highness." the Bretonnian knight finally spoke, calmly, almost serenely. "I agree with most of it. Allow me to add, though, that we might have to push further than merely holding the bridge, if we make the crossing. We have to ensure the Grand Army crossing the river as well, safely and in its entirety. Being stuck on two sides of a river is a vulnerable position we should avoid."

2020-03-28, 04:10 AM
You'd recommend putting the most of the men on the far side with a small force on this side and sending pickets out into the woods on the far side to explore and warn of anything. The bulk of the troops can defend the far side. The trees should provide plenty of material to build some crude barricades if required

The two mortars and the cannon should stay on this bank to be further from the fighting and keep safe until we advance further into Ostland

Asryha opens herself up to the Aethyr, with her witch sight the world around them all changed and shifted as the aeythr swirled all around, great pulses of Azyr flowing overhead as the trees around formed the roots of the great net of Ghryan that anchored the forest realms whilst flickering shapes and shadows of raw Ghur let her feel the wildlife teeming in the woods. Ahead of her across the bridge towards the edge of her vision the aethyr was bruised and torn, a great smudge of dark blackish shadow where Dhar dominated and the Sorcerers of Chaos and their influence slowly spread, a storm in the realm of the aethyr and the realm of men.

She focused her mind for a second seeing the scions of fate flowing around the bridge, but as the shoals of fish circled the buttresses and a pair of bitterns alighted on the stone walls of the bridge she realised that - at least for the time being - the bridge should stay intact.

The young Captain Ludenhof looks to knights and scouts. "I would agree. Amos, Tuli, ride down and scout out the bridge. See if the flags are still friendly." He looks round and waves across to a grizzled and heavily bearded Sgt at Arms. "Take 20 of the archers and join them." As the man rushes off shouting for 20 of the green and red uniformed Hochlanders with long ash bows to join him he looks back to the knights. "I shall let the scouts check the bridge then we shall advance and garrison the far bank if you don't object"

Although the most senior in terms of both rank and nobility Ludenhof was still courteous to both of the knights. The marred plate and heavily worn sword hilts a hint at the experience of both men. "If you could let me know if its safe to cross I would appreciate that."


The low sloping hill down towards the bridge offers little cover, the woodland thinning as it approaches the rushing waters of the Wolfen. As Amos and Tuli (and anyone who esle who joins) move down the slope its obvious that there are men in the tower on this side of the river. A welcome horn sounds a long blast and a pair of men in the black and white livery of Ostland step out of the gate, red bull embossed shields on their arms but now weapons drawn. The men wave you down.

As the scouting force get closer you can see both the men are tense and drawn looking, one with a heavy bandage on his right thigh stained red with fresh blood. He bellows in a thick Ostland accent. "Finally. We do be waiting days for aid. The City is under siege and Norse bastards and beasts are in the woods." Looking up past the scouts he can see the flags of the Drakwald 2nd and the man gulps. "I hope by the Twin Tailed Comet you brought more than that. Its a horde that has engulfed us."

You know that main body of the Army is ~1-2 days behind you as it was taking time to marshal a large force and it moves a little slower than your scouting regiment.

He beckons you inside the stout keep, its a large structure with high walls forming a tunnel around the bridge end and a 3 storey tower atop with walls offering good views of the surrounding lands. From where you stand you can see some 10 or so men with bows on the tower top though you think the tower could be manned by far more men than that.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQp1l71NUDaA2FslkDBEDYu2KvXsFo eWADpuDFDwg2-z8fVByXW

The bridge goes through the gate in the middle

Looking at the infantry far behind the scouts he shouts loudly, "Open the gates, send the signal to the far side we got allies coming." Then he looks at the gathered scouts. "Sigmar be praised eh, we thought we be by ourselves against the horde."

2020-03-28, 05:02 AM
It was hard to tell if the wood elf was paying any attention to the discourse amongst her companions and Captain Ludenhof, for while her eyes were open, they stared almost vacantly into the sky above them. Glassy eyes, unblinking, were observing the shifting patterns that the Winds of Magic created as they spilled across the world from the far north.

Her calm and distracted façade broke, for but the briefest of moments, and Asyrha sucked in a labored breath. Blinking away the residual traces of her magic, she turned to Captain Ludenhof and the others.

”The bridge…will stand. For now, at least. But be warned, Captain. Sorcerers travel with the Enemy. They bring dark magic with them. I feel it spreading far and wide….like a bruise upon flesh.” Asyrha closed her eyes for a long moment, her expressive face slipping back once more into the self-assured and disarmingly placid mien of the Elves. Armand had seen this before, perhaps, in the few unguarded moments between them.

It was clear that the disturbing calm many Elves maintained was a supreme act of will. It was as if there was a great storm of emotion hidden just behind the mask, and it was that self-control that allowed them to wield the High Magic they were known for.

”If we are to hold the Struhelspan, we must make haste and fortify what we can. The Ruinous Powers have turned their malign gaze upon Elthin Arvan and I do fear we will meet a dark end before the fortnight has passed.”

When word had eventually come from Tuli and Amos that the keep was still held by friendly forces, Asyrha gazed once more appraisingly at the stone fortifications of the Empire with her vividly blue eyes.

”Blessed Isha. Preserve us from the coming ruin. Ellinill and Drakira will feast, soon enough.” Then, Asyrha plucked her slender staff from the ground where she had laid it, and began making her way down to the keep.

Elthin Arvan: Literally “The Fated Place”, the Elven name for the Old World.

Lord Athos
2020-03-28, 07:28 AM
Sieur Armand respectfully lowered his head. "As you wish, your Highness."
He joined Asyrha in advancing towards the bridge, once the scouts had sent word. If Ludenhoff wanted him and Sir Gottfried to lead the first men over the bridge, it was prudent to inspect their surroundings beforehand.

He looked at the elven sorceress quizzically, although that, again, was hidden by his helm. It was true, Armand had witnessed a reaction like that before. She had seen something. Something not very favourable, it seemed. "<Can you share what you saw?>" he quietly asked her in Eltharin after getting some distance between them and Ludenhoff, already expecting no clear answer.

2020-03-28, 10:44 AM
"<My people call it Rhana Dandra.>" Asyrha began in a soft, breezy voice. The Eltharin flowing melodically past her lips. "<It is the End of All Days. The final battle, if you will. The rot from the North....it weighs heavily upon these lands. I fear...>"

Asyrha sighed wistfully, casting her gaze back up to the sky once more.

"<I fear it will come sooner than not.>"

Perhaps the answer was vague. It was not as if Asyrha had verifiable proof. It was feeling and instinct and a whole-hearted belief in the magic of Azyr

2020-03-28, 10:54 AM
Tuli nods taking Asyrha's warning seriously, 'Then I hope these Sorcerers will like an arrow in their throats.'


As they approach the keep Tuli looks for signs of battle. The Ostland flags still being up might not tell them very much. Most of the Northman fought as crazed animals but a few were a little more cunning.

In response to the Ostlander soldier. 'More soldiers are coming a day or so behind us. For now you must make do with us.' She'll point at the man's wound, 'What manner of thing gave you that? Have they already tried for this place?'

2020-03-28, 11:42 AM
"If there are beasts and scouts in the woods o'er there, we should make sure they don't get a chance to spread word of our coming to their masters." Amos pulled his bow up, and checked the string to make sure it was still taut.

2020-03-28, 12:22 PM
At the gate the Ostlander looks at Tuli and Amos and then leans against the wall taking the weight off his injured leg. "Twas a norseman. A savage brute, but small and wiry on their accursed evil ponies. We were marching back from Zundap when our column was ovveran. It was a thing of Morr cursed nightmares. One moment there we was marching through the forest then dozens of 'em came racing down the road and more jumping out the woods mixed with beastmen." He shakes his head sadly, "We did well, but half the men fell and the rest of us barely made it back to the bridge tower." He looks at the columns of smoke on the horizon, "We heard the cannons at Wolfenburg two days past. Then slience - but at night, at night we can see the fires eh. Otland still stands."

He pats Tuli and Amos's horses as they ride past through the tunnel, joined by the 20 foot scouts and the two knights and the Tilean Bella with the mage. The hooves and boots clatter loudly on the wide stone bridge as you trot across the 200ft span. With sharp eyes you can all make out the squat neat dwarven runic marks on the keystone of each arch where the Khazlid folk helped the men of the empire with the construction decades ago. More Ostlander's stand ready to greet you on the far side of the bridge, these ones looking far more alert as they stare into the forest and gaze down the road. The forest road plunges into the trees a 50 yards or so from the banks of the river and most of you are aware that a mile or two down the road it splits into the road leading North to Castle Lenkster and East to Zundap.

THe guards on this side glance at the men, a clear look on relief on their faces. Several sport wounds and you can see the wooden palisade around the walls liberally studded with arrrows. By the bank of the river a heavy sack cloth covers the bodies of 3 soldiers killed recently if the blood soaking into the grass can be believed. THe nearest guards, the ones standing by the gate on the far side of the tunnel that would open into Ostland peer through viewing slits on the the doors clutching their halberds. "Be wary Sers and m'Lady" the guard says to the two knights and Asyrha, not noticing the elven features. "It looks quiet aye, but we tried to send a pair of messegers to reach Lenkster. Norse bastards were on them bare 200 yards down the road. Took a while to do the dying." He nods to a pair of trees flanking the road and you can see through the leaves a bloody smear on the branches and a pair of flayed soldiers crumpled at the base of the tree. "Not too many we think but enough to keep us penned in."

2020-03-28, 12:49 PM
"If there are beasts and scouts in the woods o'er there, we should make sure they don't get a chance to spread word of our coming to their masters." Amos pulled his bow up, and checked the string to make sure it was still taut."I'd be quite surprised if the watchers in the wood haven't noticed our arrival already," Bella answers quietly. "They can see up the hill just as easily as we could see down it. Only the size of our force is likely to be unknown...for the moment."

At the gate the Ostlander looks at Tuli and Amos and then leans against the wall taking the weight off his injured leg. "Twas a norseman. A savage brute, but small and wiry on their accursed evil ponies. We were marching back from Zundap when our column was ovveran. It was a thing of Morr cursed nightmares. One moment there we was marching through the forest then dozens of 'em came racing down the road and more jumping out the woods mixed with beastmen." He shakes his head sadly, "We did well, but half the men fell and the rest of us barely made it back to the bridge tower." He looks at the columns of smoke on the horizon, "We heard the cannons at Wolfenburg two days past. Then slience - but at night, at night we can see the fires eh. Otland still stands.""And Zundap? How does it fare?" Bella asks.

"Be wary Sers and m'Lady" the guard says to the two knights and Asyrha, not noticing the elven features. "It looks quiet aye, but we tried to send a pair of messegers to reach Lenkster. Norse bastards were on them bare 200 yards down the road. Took a while to do the dying." He nods to a pair of trees flanking the road and you can see through the leaves a bloody smear on the branches and a pair of flayed soldiers crumpled at the base of the tree. "Not too many we think but enough to keep us penned in.""Do you think they were trying to draw you out?" Bella questions the soldier. "The enemy surely know that your garrison here isn't strong enough to threaten them by breaking out, so that leaves two motives for their actions so far - draw you out so they can take the Struhelspan by themselves, or keep you holed up so that they can bring a proper siege force to bear."

OOC: Could we get a rundown on the composition of the battalion? What forces does it include? And what about Bella's company - are they with the vanguard or the main body?

2020-03-28, 01:21 PM
As the Imperial Knight rides up to the fortress, he takes a brief moment to inspect for anything that seemed out of place, but for now it seemed exactly as it should with a beleaguered Imperial garrison outnumbered and low on hope. He hoped the arrival of the vanguard might restore some of that hope. Once satisfied that the keep is not a ruse by the enemy, he turns his horse around to face where the Captain lingers, and raises his lance high in the air to signal it safe for the remainder of the force to advance.

He then turns back to the soldier who greeted them.

"Soldier, who is this keep's ranking officer? I would like to have a word with them regarding troop positioning and available armament."

2020-03-29, 01:16 AM
When Asyrha had made her way to the keep and heard that the Northmen were just a couple hundred yards out from the other side of the river, she furrowed her brow in consternation. They were closer than anticipated, so the arrival of the Drakwald second battalion was not as early as they had originally thought.

The Spellsinger would have little to say on the matter of troop disposition, or how to most effectively garrison the keeps on either end of the Struhelspan. Her mind was more pre-occupied with the notion of Sorcery in the days to come. While she had respect for the human Magister – Alena Martinov – whose grasp of Ghur was formidable, it was likely that countering any true practicioners of Dhar would fall to her.

The attack would come, sooner rather than later, Asyrha suspected. If Bella was correct and the enemy scouts had already noticed their arrival – which was likely given the cacophony of noise the battalion made as it approached with supply wagons and human-forged artillery – they would need to fortify swiftly.

Perhaps she could see more from a better vantage point. Turning her vivid gaze to the top of the tower, Asyrha slid from her horse and whispered soft words of comfort to the beast in Eltharin, before pulling her telescope from a saddlebag.

With it tucked under arm, Asyrha gracefully flowed past the soldiers and made her way into the keep proper. Her destination would be the uppermost tower, the highest point she could find. There, she set the telescope up and began to peer through it to the horizon where the enemy supposedly lay in wait.

Lord Athos
2020-03-29, 04:09 AM
Sieur Armand nodded slightly. "<We have to put our trust in the Lady and Isha.> he stated. Eltharin was to Bretonnian what Bretonnian was to Reikspiel, so his usually pleasant voice sounded a bit too harsh, the words seeming a bit slurred.


Faced with the situation on the bridge, when the soldier left and hurried to get his commander (or not), Sieur Armand turned to Sir Gottfried.

"This is the unfortunate situation I expected. They will - how do you say- 'bottle the Grand Army up' here. A much smaller force will suffice to prevent us from reaching Wolfenburg."

2020-03-29, 05:33 AM
"Where's your sense of adventure, Sieur Armand?" Bella chuckles. "The battalion won't be sitting here for long. Securing the bridge and clearing the road is our job, and I've no doubt Captain Ludenhof will make sure we get it done. You'll find yourself in glorious hand-to-hand combat in no time!"

"Of course, marching into an ambush if we don't have to would be foolish. I wonder if we can draw them out, somehow..."

"Set a fire in the woods, maybe? But that would only work if we can identify enemy troop concentrations. The fire would need to be on them and behind them, or they'll just melt back into the woods," she says to herself, tapping her chin as she ruminates on their options. "A forlorn hope, maybe? Send a tough crew out to provoke an attack and hold them, then we charge out and slaughter the bastards once they've engaged our troops. A bit obvious though...we'd have to make it look like a legitimate reconnaissance in force to make the enemy commander take the bait."

"Do we have any explosive shot for the mortars? We could try sighting them along either side of the road and use the shot to blast away the trees nearest to it. Deny the enemy cover close to the road and make it difficult for them to charge any troops we send out. Of course, they'll be able to snipe at us, but from what I hear the Norsemen want to get to grips with their enemy, not sneak around the woods taking potshots. And beastmen are much the same..."

Lord Athos
2020-03-29, 06:36 AM
"My sense of adventure is exactly where it needs to be." Sieur Armand replied calmly. "I already suggested advancing further than just to the bridge to His Highness., to secure the crossing for the army."

His gaze turned towards the Mercenary.

"We have to do more than what you suggest, though. We have to engage them quickly, and hard. Delay them forming into a force that could hold this side of the river sensibly until the Grand Army arrives. Keep the war parties divided, and destroy them. Run interference. That may mean striking deeper into territory held by the ruinous powers than is comfortable."

2020-03-29, 06:52 AM
"We won't be engaging anybody until we know where they are, Sieur, and none of our troops are trained to fight as skirmishers in the woods. Pushing into the forest with a large force would just be playing into the Beastmen's hands. That is why I believe we must make them want to come out and fight. It's only by having them form a cohesive force that we will be able to bring our own strengths to bear - combat in proper formation, supported by the firepower of our handguns and cannon."

2020-03-29, 07:13 AM
Even as Sieur Armand and Bella trade conversation staring through the view slit on gate its as if the enemy has heard their discussion as you seen see shapes in the woods amidst the tree line some 50 yards distant. Even as you both peer through you can hear the shouts of alarm from the tower above you and a "Nock arrows!" from the man commanding the dozen or so archers on the tower roof. Asrhya inside the tower is hurried upstairs as the guards shout with alarm as she emerges onto the broad stone roof and advances to the the rampart she can see the same thing!

A rough line of savage looking men duck and pace beside the trees. For many of you its your first look at Norseman, they are muscled and bearded with bodies covered in intricate tatoos (though at this range you can't see what of). Leather jerkins and wooden shield provide some of them and heavy looking axes, some stained with blood are common. In the heart of the band lining the wood you can see one of them more muscular than the others and stripped to the waist covered in war paint bellowing and gesturing to the gate house you've just entered.


Interspersed amongst them are savage looking "things" - half beast, half man with cloven hooves and tall curling horns the beastman stand a head taller than the savage Kurgan, these are clearly beasts of chaos and you all know that the Drakwald throngs with beastmen. Here though there are not more than a few, though each looks big enough to crush more than all but the best trained imperial soldier!


The men by the gate look to the armoured knights and the scouts (and Bella), one man making the sign of the hammer, a muttered "Shallya keep me safe" the others breathing heavily as they peer through the viewing slit on the gate. "WHat do we do Ser Knight?" the youngest asks....

Gazing out you can see maybe 30 norse reavers and a half dozen beastmen (a small raiding or foraging band most likely) currently and you realise that they too have seen the troops flowing down the hill, on the far side and that an aggressive assault now maybe enough to seize the bridge and contest the crossing!

Moving into "partial" rounds. If you let me know what 2-3 rounds of actions you'd do then we can move towards more formal combat

Lord Athos
2020-03-29, 07:16 AM
"If we are prepared and willing to leave Wolfenburg and Ostland to their fates, yours is the correct, and safe, course of action."
Sieur Armand simply replied, serenely.


Their conversation was cut short by the approaching war party, though.

"It seems they are doing us a favour." Sieur Armand, unsheathing his sword, replied with calm confidence, trying to instill the same in the soldiers around them. "Infantry, gather around! Prepare for battle!" he ordered with determination in his voice. This was true for both holding the gate or counterattacking, and he quickly surveyed the men gathered to ascertain which of the two would be the better option right now. It was probably too late for the second...

Rolling for Command to gather the troops.

1d100 vs 40 / 50 if they're all noblemen :smallwink:

2020-03-29, 07:51 AM
Hurrying to the edge of the battlements, Asyrha looked out upon the growing throng of enemies. It was not simply the men of the North, but the foulness of the beast-kin as well. The Spellsinger felt the hot spark of ancestral anger flicker in her breast, feeling the clarion call of the Elven God of War – Kaela Mensha Khaine – stirring her blood in the songs of battle.

While they did not appear to be a significant force, it was very possible that there were more hidden within the trees. For the moment, however, it was a matter of little import. Setting aside the telescope, Asyrha slipped a small fragment of broken glass from the folds of her flowing white robes and moved to the crenelated ramparts directly atop the gate-house that the enemy would need to pass through to enter the bridge.

From this vantage point, the enemy would have to travel directly beneath her in order to access the bridge. And, from here, she would do her part.

"<Ellinill, Lord of Destruction, turn your baleful gaze upon my enemies.>" Asyrha said, the Eltharin rolling past her lips, though not soft and melodic as the norm. Now, it bore the weight of ages, and the might of the Elves within it.

"<Drakira, Queen of Vengeance, send your grief and rage to fuel the hearts of those who seek to stymie the Ruinous Powers. Khaine! Bloody-Handed, guide my hand and steel my heart!>"

The Spellsinger set her staff aside, raising her hands heavenward as she opened herself to the Winds of Magic. Grasping at Azyr, Asyrha began to gather the Blue Wind about her, ready to release when the marauders and their Beastmen allies grew close enough.

Asyrha will hold until the enemy is within range, and cast Wind Blast centered on the bulk of the marauders.

Channelling for +2 Casting [roll0] TN 83
Wind Blast [roll1] +2 TN 14


Wind Blast calls down a raging tempest of battering winds from the heavens to knock all enemies within the large blast template prone. They need to make a Toughness test or be stunned for one round. A successful Strength test is required to move. They also take a -20 to WS tests inside it and cannot make Ranged attacks. Lasts for a number of rounds equal to magic rating. In Asyrha's case, 2 rounds.

2020-03-29, 08:06 AM
Bella turns to the archers that had accompanied them to the bridge. "You lot! Anyone not already up on the battlements, get up there now and start turning those savages into pincushions!"

"Amos! Ride back to the Captain and tell him the enemy have shown themselves. Tell him we need the pike down here at the double, with an equal number of spearmen in support."

"The rest of you form ranks like the knight says!" she chivvies the Ostlanders. "If the enemy show signs of battering through the gate, you hold it at all costs, you hear? Help is on the way and then we'll cut them down like the dogs they are!"

OOC: That should do for a first round. Off to do some shopping, so I'll edit in further actions when I get back.

Round 2: If no one seems to be following orders, assist Armand or anyone else with Command skill in getting the defence set up. If everyone seems panicky, try a Charm roll to calm them down.

If everything is humming along nicely, keep a weather eye on the raiders outside and try to get reports from up the tower to find out what they can see. React as appropriate.

Round 3: If the Ostlanders are formed up in the tunnel under the tower, join them in the front rank and wait for reinforcements. Otherwise as in round 2.

If the enemy has somehow managed to bash through the door and attack the defenders - fight! If not, wait for reinforcements and let the archers do their work.

Bella's ideal plan is to use the pikemen, supported by spear and/or halberds, to cut a path through the raiding party. This will require careful coordination to set up, but she thinks it will preserve our forces better than by charging out willy-nilly to engage the enemy one on one.

2020-03-29, 10:56 AM
"Morr's balls!" Amos swore. He watched the eaves of forest. When the enemy tide poured out of the forest, his bow was close at hand. Fast as his hands could move, he sped two arrows towards the enemy champion.

Hearing Bella's shouts, he grabbed the reins of his horse and was galloping across the bridge to the rest of the battalion. He gave Ludenhof a salute and said, "Enemy raiders coming out of the forest. Men and beasts. Two score. The knights want the pikes by their side." He waits for a moment for the Captain's response.

[roll0], [roll1], v. 38. (Long range), [roll2], [roll3]

2020-03-29, 07:12 PM
After dismounting, Tuli accompanies Asyrha to the top of the tower where she could be most useful. If the Northmen broke through she could probably rely on the two knights to hold the line. If they could not, she was content to meet any invaders on the stairs if she had to.

At the top she'll smile at the sight of their enemy choosing to come to them. 'They save as the bother of having to hunt them down.' With effort born through years of practice she'll start loosing arrows at the oncoming horde. She'll make a point of targeting the Beastmen first. Even if she couldn't kill them outright, she could bleed them and blunt their attack.

Swift Attack on the Beastman for three rounds unless stopped by something. Anything over 34 yards is long range, so that'll go away eventually.
vs. BS 55 (-20 range). Any hits are -1 to armour for Sure Shot.
1st round
2nd round
3rd round

Damage in the ooc if it's needed

14/20 Regular arrows

Perception to notice anything worth noticing
vs. Int 32

2020-03-29, 07:27 PM
Realizing that cavalry isn't going to be of much use or advantage given the current tactical situation, Sir Gottfried dismounts from his destrier and pulls the morningstar from where it hangs in front of the saddle. He then moves to join the soldiers on the front line.

"Stand true, men, and I shall stand with you. We have the advantage, and our foe shall fall in their futile attack upon this keep! Reinforcements will be here soon!"

He hoped that knowing that a Knight of the Reiksguard fighting beside them would be sufficient to bolster their courage and resolve.

For the first few rounds, Gottfried will direct troops to where they need to be and try to maintain the morale of their own force.

Lord Athos
2020-03-30, 04:50 PM
Just like Sir Gottfried, a dismounted Sieur Armand busied himself organising and reassuring the pikemen into sensible lines, before taking his place at the forefront, just like Eisenhauer and the Reiksguard Knight.

"A question of battle etiquette, Sir Gottfried, if you would." Sieur Armand said casually. "I would leave the privilege of engaging their Champion to you, since it is your Emperor's soil we're fighting on, or is there an Imperial custom that says otherwise?"

2020-03-30, 05:20 PM
Chaos breaks out in the tower as the wave of savage looking Kurgan and few massive muscled beastmen burst from the tree line and start running or galloping on their hooves towards the wooden gates that bar the tunnel under the tower. Arrows start falling on them from the Ostlanders in the tower, soon bolstered by the red and green jacketed archers that had scouted forwards with you. Most of the arrows fall wide of the mark, the norseman running with shields outstretched and both them and the beastman moving fast ignoring the fletched arrows thudding into the ground around them. Two of the norseman fall, one of the beasts taking an arrow in the leg that barely slows the savage creature. It stops moments later as Tuli reaches the rampart about the tunnel, a pair of arrows thudding into the creatures chest... it takes a half dozen more strides before topppling over. Amos down below fires a pair of arrows through the slit in the gate but both go asray before he turns and starts to canter across the bridge. Atop the tower beside Tuli the Eladrin Seer calls down the winds, wind whipping and thrashinga round the tower top but the wild threads of Azyr run amok and instead a great clap of thunder like a trio of cannons echoes across the riverside.

With in the gate tunnel the two knights and Bella rally the troops. THe half dozen militia men clutching weapons and breathing hard, even with the reassuring presence of the two heavily armoured knights in their midst. With a thunderous crash the doors creak and heave as the first norsemen and beasts slam into the door. THe stench of the beasts and the norseman - sweat, blood, faeces is strnog ni the tunnel mixed with the sharp tang of urine where two of the soldiers shook with fear. THe men old the line pushing back against the door, others jabbing spears and halberds through the viewing grates against the mass of flesh and leather on the far side. The door shakes under the heavy axe strikes, all 3 of the experienced warriors realising that the door is unlikley to hold for long! On the battlement there is a pair of screams as two men topple, one falling forward onto the ground where he is butchered by a pair of norsemen, the other falling by Tuli's feet a throwing hatchet buried in his face!

It will take Amos a while to get across a 200 yard bridge and then another couple of hundred of yards up the hill. He can see Ludenhof shouting at the men and people quick marching down the hill. He may want to turn around and come back.

ALl players - you've ~2 rounds before we worry about the door cracking. Feel free to take a couple of rounds of actions

2020-03-30, 06:39 PM
Tuli grimaces as she saw the man next to her fall. Oh you'll regret that. If she notices which Northman threw the hatchet she'll try to bring him down in vengeance. If not there were plenty of other targets.

Perception vs. Int 32 to shoot the right man

Round 1 (Swift Attack, extra -1 AP)
vs. BS 55


Round 2


Regular Arrows: 10

2020-03-30, 10:13 PM
Amos's horse cantered out into the central span of the bridge. Up on the other bank, he could see the rest of the battallion making haste to come to the relief of the tower, but they were so far away... and the crowd of raiders had cut him off from the relative safety of the keep... an old trick came to mind. He turned his horse back, and rode to within 30 yards of the horde, and fired quickly fired two arrows into the milling mass at the door. Once he gets their attention, he'll shout out in Kislevarin, "Hey! You goat-lovers! There ain't no goats inside there for you, you'll have to get buggered somewhere else! Hey, how many beastmen does it take to keep your mothers happy? Hah! Nobody knows, cause your mothers are too ugly for the beastmen to touch!"

Hmm, so that might not have been such a great idea. Still, in the heat of battle, people can make rash decisions! So I'm on the span of the bridge, the northmen are trying to break into the keep on the northeast side of the bridge, and our reinforcements are still ~12 rounds away. At least my horse is fast! Movement 8 for a light warhorse. Are any of the northmen mounted? From the first description, they seem to all be on foot. Gonna try and old scheme on these guys. Basically, try and get a bunch of them to chase me into the oncoming reinforcements. Hopefully our gunners/archers can drop them for me. Can't think of an applicable skill, and even if I could, I probably don't have it, so here's a roll to see how many of the raiders are taunted away: [roll0]

If they don't chase me, then I'll just stay at range and pepper them with arrows. Here's the first two shots v. 58. [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]

2020-03-30, 10:50 PM
Clearly a bit amused by Armand's question, Gottfried looks him square in the eye and says, "Friend, in a battle such as this, where you're fighting a foe without honor, the honor of killing the enemy's champion goes to whoever..." He then raises his voice for the benefit of the soldiers around them, to try and futher bolster their resolve. "...kills the bastard first! A cannon or an archer will probably take him down before he even gets to us anyway!"

He readies his sword and shield for the eventual reality of the enemy breaking down the door, and prepares to block the gap as best he can to allow the spears and polearms to do their work safely behind him. As soon as the axes manage to hack any sort of hole in the door that might allow him to stab out at the foe on the other side, he jabs his sword through the gap at whatever flesh he can find.

Probably only 1 round where it might be possible for him to stab out at the attackers before they manage to break in the door.

[roll0] vs WS 69
[roll1] damage

[roll2] vs WS 69
[roll3] damage

Lord Athos
2020-03-30, 11:41 PM
"Imperial pragmatism then. I should have known." Sieur Armand replied.

"Steady, men, steady. Those savages will impale themselves when they break through, and do the work for us." Armand ordered the men stoically.

As Sir Gottfried stabbed through a gap in the door, the Bretonnian Knight raised his sword to his face, lowering his head in silent prayer.

Our Lady of the Lake, I beseech you, grant your humble servant your blessing. Guide my swordarm in the coming battle, so I may strike your enemies down, in your name, and to your glory.

Spending a fortune point to ask the lady for the Might of Purity, which essentially makes Armand's weapon a two-handed sword in regards to damage. Since Armand has the Virtue of Purity, he gets it immediately without any action necessary instead of having to pray for those absurd 12 combat rounds. :smallwink:

2020-03-31, 01:19 AM
Asyrha released the weave of Azyr as the thunderous roar echoed across the riverside with a gasp. The rot in the land; dark magic and ruination, had spoiled her magic.

Seeing two of the soldiers go down nearby, the Spellsinger stepped a pace back from the crenelations and stilled her mind. She could not allow herself to fall to the sway of bloodlust and mania - a calm mind would be needed to work what enchantments she could.

First, Asyrha opened her mind to the twisting strands of Fate, tethering herself to them with bonds of Azyr. Being able to manipulate the outcome she desired was the most pressing task.

Then, when she had accomplished that task, she stepped forward once more and raised her hands to the sky, calling down a searingly bright blue-white lance of lightning, before she twisted her body - throwing the bolt down into the fray with a peal of thunder.

Her target? The Norcan leader.

Round One:

Channelling [roll0] TN 83
Casting First Portent of Amul - TN 6
[roll1] +2 if channel works
Spell grants one reroll next round

Round Two:

Channelling [roll2] TN 83
Casting Lightning Bolt - TN 10
[roll3] +2 if channel works

Reroll from First Portent of Amul if necessary

Damage [roll5]

EDIT: Reroll wasn't necessary. But damn. Max damage on the lightning. I cant recall if Magic triggers Ulric's Fury....

2020-03-31, 04:02 PM
"Right then! Archers! Form two ranks behind the shield wall and halberds! Nock arrows and as soon as those savages come through the gates, you shoot! Clear?"

"The rest of you, do as the knights say - form ranks! Those of you with shields, form a shield wall with Sir Gottfried and Sieur Armand. Spears and halberds, you're the second rank with me. Anyone that can't squeeze in, congratulations! You're the reserves."

"We're not letting any of these bastards through, am I right? You're Ostlanders! Even a Talabheim girl like me knows that Ostlanders never give up and never give in! Strong as bulls and tough as old leather, the lot of you! Now grab your balls and your weapons, and get ready to send these savages to an early grave!"

OOC: Bella straps on her helmet then busies herself getting the men in formation. Plus, using Charm to make a (hopefully) rousing speech to raise morale. Public Speaking allows her to affect up to 50 listeners.

Charm test vs. Fel 50 [roll0]

Pre-emptive FP re-roll if needed [roll1]

2020-03-31, 05:08 PM
Even as the beasts and Norsemen run through the grass and brush and a few more fall to the archers on the tower. As the savage norsemen batter and hew at the gate arrows fired from near point blank range pierce helms or shatter shoulders. Amos and Tuli add to the confusion both finding a marks as two more of the invaders fall. In the tunnel there is a clamour from the doors being chopped and splintered, rents and gaps appearing in the strong wooden gates even as blood seeps under the gate from the beast and three more invaders killed by the spears and halberds jabbing savagely through the gaps in the wooden slats and finding marks as the attackers are pressed hard against the gate.
Bella and the knights ready the men, Bella stabilsing the line and standing by the archers who look to her with grim steadfast determination, a hint of a smile on their faces as she speaks of the strength of Ostlanders.

The pressure on the gate lifts suddenly as there is a great flash of blue lightning and the stench of ozone fills the tunnel, beards and hair standing on end as the gate is illuminated for a second with blinding light. From the walls Asrhya release a great torrent of the celestial wind and casts down a massive bolt of lightning. A cheer sounds around her as the Norse warleader is hit - for a second he appears illuminated by the light, a shadown of black and white trapped in the crackling bolt before he is thrown yards through the air, an arm and a leg separating as the charred body is blown apart by the massive blast!

A shudder runs through the norse attackers, a moment of weakness, the rear most half dozen turning and starting to run towards the woods. Others by the gates, pausing, the hammering on the gates slowing as their nerve wavers in the face of the relentless arrows from above and the magical and explosive death of their leader!

2020-04-01, 08:59 AM
Tuli laughs at the effect of the lightning on the beards of the attackers. To Asyrha, 'Tor is with you Wise One.' Even Northmen knew better then to stand up to the God of Storms. Leaning over the defences, she'll target whichever enemy was closest to the gate.

Full Action - Swift Attack (-1 AP for Sure Shot)

vs. BS 55


Regular Arrows: 8

2020-04-01, 10:37 AM
"That shook 'em!" Bella shouts. "Spears and halberds! Back to the gate and kill some more of 'em!"

Hustling the men forward, she looks for holes in the gate that are large enough to let her attack with her catchpole. Failing that, she draws her sword and stabs at any enemy that's close enough to hit.

Half action: Move to the gate.
Free action to draw sword with Quick Draw if catchpole can't be used through the gate.
Half action: Standard attack with catchpole or sword [roll0] vs. WS 57 (catchpole) or 52 (sword)
Damage: [roll1]+Snare (catchpole) or [roll2] (sword)

Ulric's Fury if applicable:
[roll3] vs. WS 57 (catchpole) or 52 (sword)
[roll4] extra damage

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

2020-04-01, 06:32 PM
Amos is as surprised as everyone at the lightning blast that tears apart the Northman leader. Somewhat subdued, and watching them start to run, he keeps firing arrows into the remaining mass of men and beast at the keep's gatehouse, taking time to carefully aim his shots to make them count.

[roll0] v. 68, [roll1], [roll2] v. 68, [roll3], [roll4] v. 68, [roll5] Next three rounds, three shots, aim + shoot, fast reload.

Lord Athos
2020-04-02, 12:30 AM
This was no fight, this was jabbing at mouse holes.

Sieur Armand moved into position near the gate so he could intercept any beastman or north man that actually broke through, if any. It seemed he had vastly overestimated their foes, or, at least, their morale.

"En avant!" he commanded his horse to approach slowly. They'd probably break and run soon, and then it was time to ride them down.

2020-04-02, 02:18 AM
Watching the Norscan warrior being ravaged by the power of Azyr, Asyrha felt a searing thrill singing in her blood. It was the battle-song of Khaine that all Elves felt in their hearts. But she would not allow herself to dance to the tune; not yet. There was no Wild Hunt, and these foreign lands would not be conducive to letting go of her tightly compartmentalized rational mind.

”Indeed.” She said, breathlessly in response to Tuli’s exclamation. While the battle was still ongoing, it was unlikely that another potent display of magical force would be necessary. Gathering her staff into slender hands once more, the Wood Elf clutched at it tightly while she opened her senses to the flowing Winds of Magic.

Asyrha was not looking to manipulate the Winds, for the moment, simply see if there was any sort of resonance or reaction to her own manipulations. If there was a sorcerer of the Enemy nearby, she would find them.

Magical Sense skill.

[roll0] TN 73

2020-04-02, 09:24 AM
Gottfried laughs a bit as the lightning strikes and then comments to Sir Armand, "It seems the honor went to your elven companion, sir!"

As the horse approaches, he cautions Armand, "We're not going to sally forth, sir. The two of us won't ride down many of them, and it's more likely we get cut off by whatever reserves they have. Better to stay inside and keep this place fortified for their inevitable second attack."

Lord Athos
2020-04-02, 11:59 AM
""Another attack?" Armand asked, still staring at the movements behind the gate, sword and dragon-crested shield in hand.
"They surely saw von Ludenhof's men move over the bridge. It seems they are a small warband, who saw their chance at glory, and failed. I highly doubt there will be another attack. At least not right now."

2020-04-03, 11:25 AM
"Maybe...not...this lot!" Bella grunts as she thrusts her polearm at the shapes outside the gate. "But like Sir Gottfried says - it's...likely...that they've got friends out there in the woods. No telling how many." With a quick look over her shoulder she adds: "Get the archers to put some arrows in a couple of 'em, but not kill 'em. Make it easier to track them if they're bleeding. If we decide to go looking for 'em, that is."

Lord Athos
2020-04-03, 12:03 PM
There was an 'Improbable' already hanging on his lips, but he swallowed the word back down.

Humility, he reminded himself. He thought it wouldn't make sense to attack an enemy during a short moment of weakness with only a token force if one had many more men lying in wait, but he hadn't had the time to think about the situation more thoroughly. Maybe there was a perspective that eluded him.

So, Sieur Armand stayed silent and ready to strike, if they somehow regained their composure.

2020-04-05, 01:56 AM
THe men at the gate, heartened by the sudden loss of pressure on the gates and the crackling death of the Norse leader redouble their efforts, also inspired by Bella as she wades into the fray, catch pole thrusting through the slits and tearing norse flesh. The half dozen bodies at the gate pile up, blood slicking under the gateway before as Amos neatly fells another kurgan with a pair of arrows to the chest and the sustained fusillade from the wall above the remaining raiders begin to flee!

It ends in an instant, the pressure and the war cries replaced by panicked screams as the survivors turned and fled, around a a dozen bodies left piled by the gate or bleeding and pincushioned with arrows, the surviving 20 or so raiders starting to run hell for leather for the trees

2020-04-05, 04:45 AM
Seeing the Northmen and what straggled remains of their beastmen allies were left fleeing for the forest, Asyrha gathered her belongings from the battlements and gracefully turned to make her way downstairs.

Before she took two steps, the Asrai paused.

"Wonderful shooting, Tuli. You do your kin proud."

And then she was gone in a flutter of white robes.

Downstairs, she made her way across to the gate where her other companions had held firm. As she approached, she took in the scene of violence with a secret glee. Her blood was still singing with Khaine's influence, but she held it in check behind a placid mask.

"Are you injured, brave Armand? Sir Gottfried? Arabella?" Her vividly blue eyes did not see any immediate wounds, but first looks could often be deceiving.

2020-04-05, 09:05 AM
"Not a scratch, m'lady," Arabella replies with a quick smile. "You two - open the gates. Archers, get up here and give them a parting volley! You three - let's check the enemy fallen. If we find one alive, bring them inside. We need prisoners to interrogate." She snaps out orders to the Ostlanders and the Hochland archers.

OOC: The idea is just to open the gates for long enough to allow Bella and a handful of soldiers to check the bodies for survivors while the Hochlanders provide covering fire. Any sign of the enemy and we rush back inside on the double. Unless our knights really, really want to take the opportunity to ride a few of them down...:smallsmile:

2020-04-05, 12:12 PM
Amos sped two more arrows towards the fleeing raiders while jeering them, once again, in Kislevarin. "Run back to yer mamas! And get them ta teach you how to swing a sword, mebbe!" Once done, he'll ride back towards the entrance to the castle. "The rest o' the battalion'll be here double quick," he says. "Suppose we could see about payin' them back, although I don't like the thought of those pikemen blundering around the woods."

2020-04-05, 02:09 PM
"Wonderful shooting, Tuli. You do your kin proud."

'And yet there is never enough arrows.' Tuli will continue firing on the Northmen's backs as they ran. After, if no one objects, she'll take some from the dead Ostlanders to restock her quiver before going downstairs.

She'll catch the end of what Bella was saying, 'Prisoners are good if you can find one that knows anything useful. Otherwise, better to make sure we finish off any wounded.'

Full Action - Swift Attack (-1 AP for Sure Shot)

vs. BS 55


Regular Arrows: 6

2020-04-05, 04:14 PM
"The fighting did not manage to reach us, good elf, and we are quite unharmed."

The knight sheathes his sword and returns the morningstar to its hook in front of his saddle. After all, the slaughter of those who were already downed was work for the commonfolk, not a Knight.

Lord Athos
2020-04-05, 04:15 PM
"You shattered their resolve, Asyrha." Sieur Armand stated, while sheathing his unsoiled sword. "They did not even break through the gate." there was a strange hint of... regret in these last words.

Sieur Armand silently watched the Rabble who had sworn to the ruinous powers flee. It was a mistake to let them run. But that was not his greatest concern right now.

2020-04-07, 12:26 AM
”You will forgive me, Armand, for depriving you of a chance to whet your blade then.” Asyrha said softly, with a wistful smile on her elegant features. The Asrai had comed to know how important it was to Armand – his honor and his valor – to be able to face the enemies of the world and best them.

For the time being, the Spellsinger simply waited with her companions as the clean-up was handled by the soldiers.

”I wonder how long Captain Ludenhof intends to hold here.” She asked of her companions. ”Would it not be wise to press ahead to Wolfenburg? Or…perhaps this raid was simply to lure us out to the forest where more are waiting?”

2020-04-07, 01:28 AM
The two men by Bella look at her with wide eyed surprise before nodding and pulling the heavy bars from the gate and heaving it open, bodies sliding on the wet mud. As the gates swing open the archers along with Amos and Tuli let loose a flurry of volleys, the whistling of arrows loud by the pair of knights. The arrows are quickly followed by screams as 3 more of the kurgan fall, each one with with several arrows in their back, other Kurgan limp away, arrows jutting out of shoulders or legs before they reach the shadow of the tree line.

THe Ostlanders and the Hochlander let out a cheer. Cries of "The Bull", "Up the Second", "Sigmar be praised!" shouted from the top of the tower and the from within the tunnel. A pair of the soldiers by the gate cautiously roll over the bodies piled by the open gates, "Lady Ser," one shouts to Bella, "This one be alive, not fer much longer, but he's still breathing" he punctuates the statement by rolling the kurgan over with the butt of his spear and spitting on the fallen man who lies stricken, an arrow in his leg and blood pumping from a massive gash across his chest... Its clear that the Kurgan without the ministrations of a healer is not long for this world.

Atop the tower and following her down the stairs the men cheer loudly as Asrhya walk by, though a savvy person would note many make the sign of the comet or the wolf as she passes, a ward against witchcraft and bad magic. The largest of the Ostlanders looks up at the two knights. "Thanks to you my lords. We weren't likely to be breathing still if you hadn't arrived. What you be doing now? You heading to Wolfenburg to help the Count and the rest eh?"


A few minutes later, there is a clatter of hooves and the solid hammer of marching feet as you see the 1st company, shields in hand and in a fine singing voice begins to pour across the bridge led by two dozen more archers. The bald and grizzled Jann Gotten nods to the knights and Asyrha, a more friendly wink to Bell, Tuli and Amos he gathers up is twenty other men. "Spread out, advance towards the treeline. Careful lads aye, no-one wants to spill their blood today in a this ****ty field..." THe archers nod and begin to scurry forward slowly, all the men giving wide berth to the few dead beastmen...

The infantry pour into the tunnel, their leader the veteran greybeard Master Erik Voss atop a fine black stallion nods to the knights. "A fine start Ser Knights. The lads did well did they? Got get them blo..." his voice tails off as he see's the still smoking remains of the Kurgan chief and connects that to the flash that they thought they saw as they marched down the hill. "Captain Ludenhof will be here in a moment with his brother and the Magister. We are to set up a a defensive line in the clearing. He asked if youd await him atop the tower."

Assuming you agree he bellows some orders to his bannermen as they start spreading the men out in a rough line ~30 paces in front of the gate, a few stabbing down hard at the bodies to double check the kurgan were dead, others just whilst they laugh as Master Voss heads upstairs. A rough cheer and clapping many of the Ostlanders on the arms as he heads up. A constant stream of green and red uniforms filling the bridge as the militi and handgunners of the 3rd and 5th company begin to cross as well.


About 15 minutes later as you head up to the roof you can see the tree line is quiet, the archers at the edge of the trees waving a hand to show no further trace of the enemy raiding party, a few brave pairs of scouts setting up pickets in the trees and down the stairs there is a clink of spurs as Captain Ludenhof comes to join you. With a long face the young man is more bony than distinguished but you've been quite impressed by what you've seen so far. He offers a low bow to Asrhya and the two knights and a nod to the others. "A good start. You blooded the enemy. Do you think it was an attack or a foraging party?" Looking at the trees and the sun, just getting to its noon day height. "Advance or hold, what do you think?". Even as he speaks a disheveled woman arrives atop the tower, a strong smell of mud and fur accompanying her as she looks about with sharp eyes under a mass of wiry, twig and leaf filled hair. Her eyes resting on Asrhya a bit longer than the others. Her voce is strong when speaks, "The forest cries in pain Ludenhof. The ground convulses with the stain of Chaos. They must be driven back, the land cleansed. The taint removed."

2020-04-07, 03:43 AM
The Magister of the Brown Wind, Ghur, was right. The land was crying out in pain. The blight of the Ruinous Powers was spreading far and wide. If they didn’t find a way to stop it, to blunt the vile forces of Chaos and their assault, the blight would soon enough reach even the shadowed boughs of Athel Loren and beyond.

”You are correct.” Asyrha said concisely, ”There are sorcerers afoot as well. I fear for what foulness we shall encounter on the road to break the siege.”

Northern berzerkers and reavers - even beastmen - were one thing. They had not encountered the warriors of Chaos yet, nor the more hideous of their abominable thralls.

2020-04-07, 10:11 AM
When requested to meet the Captain at the top of the tower, Sir Gottfried obliges him and heads directly to the top. While waiting, he pulls a piece of tough jerky from the pouch hanging at his belt and tears off a chunk of it with his teeth. Chewing slowly, he peers out toward the woods and observes the work of the scouts.

Upon the entry of the Captain, Gottfried offers him a polite bow. "It was too organized for a foraging party, Captain, and it's unlikely that a foraging party would attack a fortified position instead of some unfortunate farmer's home. This would appear to have been a probe to determine the defenses of the bridge. Truthfully, after the display of our elven friend, they may now overestimate our defensive strength and are likely to send a stronger force to take the bridge than is truly necessary."

He pauses for a moment to consider, and then continues. "Advancing, at this point, is unwise. We do not know what awaits us in those woods. If we were to stumble across the main body of their force with just the 2nd, we would stand no chance and this would be a needless loss for the Emperor's Grand Army. We do, however, know that this bridge is critical for the army to bring the fight into Ostland and to drive the invaders from the Empire. To me, it seems clear: the duty that has fallen to us is to hold this bridge no matter what comes until the Grand Army arrives and may cross."

His eyes then scan over each of the members in the council one by one. "If we are to defend against a potentially overwhelming force sent to take this bridge, we shall have to be cunning and use everything at our disposal."

2020-04-07, 12:23 PM
Amos looked down at the scattered bodies. He picked up a loose arrow and tucked it back in his quiver. He'd heard tales of men who could learn a man's story from the clothes he wore or the weapons he carried, but all Amos saw was some unwashed savages ready for the mass grave. Still, he started searching a few of the bodies of the fallen, perhaps he could find something useful to help figure out something about the men lurking in the forest.

[roll0] v. 59 to search for clues or valuables. Maybe a convenient order of battle? Map? Set of orders? Stranger things have happened... will look around the charred body of the leader as well.

Once up at the tower, he waits deferentially behind the knights. When the Captain asks for opinions, he says, "I agree with the mamzel. Even if they's just raiders, we don't want them around to bother the supply wagons as they pass by. I volunteer to guide a scouting party in force into the woods, maybe just before dusk, to scout out the enemy's camp, so we can figure out their intentions and number. If you light a couple o' beacons atop the tower, we'll be able to find our way back no problem."

2020-04-07, 05:32 PM
"Well he's no use to me dead, is he?" Bella answers sharply. "Here, let me have a look at him." Kneeling down over the wounded barbarian, she sets to work staunching the worst of the bleeding and then snaps the shaft to prevent it catching on anything when it's time to move him.

After a few minutes' work she grunts in satisfaction. "He'll live, at least for now, but he needs a proper healer to make him fit for interrogation. Take four men and get him to the surgeons. Make sure he doesn't get up to any mischief and make doubly sure no one tries finish him off. This man lives until Captain Ludenhof says otherwise, do I make myself clear?"

OOC: Successful Heal test (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24439872&postcount=87) in the OOC thread.

When the main body of troops arrive, Bella smiles in appreciation at the singing soldiers and blows Gotten a kiss in response to his wink, before heading up to the top of the tower to wait for the Captain. When he arrives, she lets Sir Gottfried and Amos speak before weighing in.

"My lord, I agree with Sir Gottfried that this seemed more like a probing attack than a spontaneous raid. The Ostland garrison here told us that they were part of a larger column marching from Zundap that was ambushed by a mixed force of savages and Beastmen. They reported that they lost half their number before gaining the safety of the bridge. This alone suggests that there is a larger, organized force out there in the woods."

"Sir Gottfried is obviously also correct in that the Struhelspan must be held at all costs. If we advance without leaving a sufficient garrison, the enemy may take the bridge before the Emperor arrives. However, we are the Emperor's vanguard, and while it does not fall to us to relieve Wolfenburg by ourselves, we do need to secure the route by which the Emperor intends to march. To that end, we cannot only rest on our laurels here. We should attempt to find and clear out any strong enemy forces nearby as soon as is practical so that we can continue our advance with the bulk of the battalion intact."

"Scouting is a necessity, but it will be very dangerous. The raiding party is retreating with a large number of wounded, so their trail will hopefully be easy to follow, but the risk of ambush if we pursue is likely still very high - the savages may not be exceptionally woodswise, but their Beastmen allies certainly are."

"However, there may be a complementary source of intelligence that we could make use of. We captured one of the raiders that attacked the bridge. He is sorely wounded but I have managed to stabilize him for now. If he can be made to talk in a tongue we understand, then perhaps we can learn more of the enemy force and its whereabouts before sending our own men into the forest."

2020-04-07, 05:59 PM
Tuli felt the others may have been giving the Northman too much credit. 'How they fight depends on who is in charge out there. Their Gods drive them forward to seek blood. Many of them don't need much more of a reason to do the things that they do. Of course a smart Northman leader who can direct the rest of them is the most dangerous.' She'll nod at Amos' words. They needed more information and the man moved well in the woods.

2020-04-08, 12:45 AM
”I am unsure that we would be able to get much information from your prisoner, Arabella, given his loyalties. But we would be remiss if we did not at least try….” Asyrha said breezily, eyes not breaking from the line of trees beyond the Struhelspan. It made sense, what Tuli was saying, that they were giving a lot of credit to the Northmen.

But…the prickling sensation of Dhar on the wind still bothered her. Even Magister Martinov felt it. The marauders and their beastmen allies may have been an unwieldly weapon at best, but if there were sorcerers afoot then it was a much more malignant intelligence that wielded it.

”If we are to hold the Struhelspan until the rest of your Emperor’s army arrives then perhaps it would be wise to be alert. Send the scouts, but do not press so deeply into the woods. It would be folly to throw away any of our forces if there is a larger force hidden out in the dark.”

Lord Athos
2020-04-08, 01:38 AM
As usual, Sieur Armand d'Armagnac was the last to speak. Before that, he had been visibly pondering the words of the others. Even now, there were a few moments of silence after Tuli had ended, before he began.
"Forgive me, but there seemed nothing organised about that attack to me, your Highness. There was also nothing to... 'probe', as your men, as must have been obvious to the northmen, weren't in position yet. It seems far more likely that they were a warband harassing the garrison - we were told as much - they lost their head and attacked when they saw your troops advancing over the bridge, for a chance at glory instead of abandoning their target." he stated, calmly.

"As to my advice regarding our next step, I have not changed my mind. Holding the bridge alone brings us no benefit. The northmen do not need to attack us here, that is likely not their priority with the siege of Wolfenburg in progress. They merely need to prevent the Grand Army from crossing the river. They can do that from their side, if there are enough forces gathered. An army crossing a river is in an extremely vulnerable position. If the Grand Army can't bring their numbers to bear, there will be a high price of blood paid if the northmen attack while the Emperor's men are crossing. If the crossing succeeds at all." He paused for a moment, his gaze drifting to the clouds of smoke dotting the air above Ostland.

"It seems imperative that we truly secure this side of the river. That means advancing deeper into Ostland. We need to prevent the warbands currently plundering the countryside and whatever larger Northmen units operate here from forming a force capable of bottling us in."

His eyes set on Asyrha, and the Imperial Sorceress.
"I believe it would also be wise to listen to the advice of those knowledgeable about the ways of magic. If there are dark magics at work in the woods, we have to put a stop to it sooner rather than later."

The Bretonnian knight looked to Tuli and Amos.
"All that, of course, with the necessary reconnaissance... although I expect we do not have much time."

Last, he turned back to Ludenhoff.
"I understand this is a much more risky course of action, your Highness. However, I believe we may have no other choice, if we do not want to trust in our luck."

2020-04-08, 04:55 AM
Captain Ludenhof nods to all the others as he strokes his chin gently, clearly considering his options. There is the sounds of heavy blows and cry of muffled pain and a few moments later Gotten comes up stairs wiping blood off his hands on a rag. "Captain. We spoke tp prisoner that Mistress Bella kept for us. He's sleeping now... Said they was a raiding party. Reckon imperials be easy prey so thought they'd grab the bridge afore you arrived Captain. Didn't reckon us having magic help." A few sharp eyed folk will notice his left hand tucked behind his back makes the sign of the comet to ward off the ill luck and his avoid Asrhya and Alena. "Anyhow, he reckons bulk of his army be up near Lenkster with that under a small siege as well. Rest of army is up by Wolfenburg but big bands just roaming and causing mayhem and what not."

Ludenhof nods, and pulls out the flask from a fold in his cloak. Interesting my thanks Gotten. Now, hold this." He offers Gotten the end of the map and beckons the others closer. "Now see, if there is a strong force up by Castle Lenkster we can avoid them if we travel the sourthern road", here he traces the road to the east towards Zundap. "We could then head north after that and avoid the forces besieging the Knights Panther".

Looking at the others he nods slowly towards Tuli, Bella and Ser Armand. "I agree, I do not want to be pinned on this bridge. But we must press on with safety. Tuli, Amos, will you scout the eastern road." He glances at Bella, Asrhya and the knights, "I'd apprecitae if you could travel with them and we'll use some of the wagon horses for a few of Gotten's men. Push hard down the eastern road on horseback. If you find somewhere, a farmholding, a coaching inn or somesuch that we could reach before night fall then return and we can advance."

He glances down to Gotten. "Gotten, have the half of your men, that Tliean rogue and his pikes, and half of Offman's men dig in here for the night. We'll have everyone esle and the artillery make ready to march if we find somewhere safe to advance to. Gotten. you can stay here with Ostlanders for the night and when the army arrives make haste and rejoin the battalion towards Zundap.
He looks at the party with a wary eye. "Be wary in the woods. The beasts can move like ghosts and there may be more raiders. I would not lose you but speed here is vital in reclaiming Ostland and driving the enemy back. If they can bottle us up here I fear that would stall our attempts to relieve Wolfenburg."

2020-04-09, 07:40 AM
"All this riding is going to wear a hole in my breeches, but the plan's good, my lord. I'll ride with Tuli and Amos," Bella quips.

Lord Athos
2020-04-09, 04:17 PM
"As you wish, your Highness." Sieur Armand concurred, lowering his head slightly in respect. He was a bit surprised by the mercenary's colloquial tone towards Ludenhoff, but then again, maybe not.

The Bretonnian Knight looked over to Asyrha, trying to gauge her reaction. In the end, she had cautioned against going deeper into the woods, but there was, in his opinion, no other way.

2020-04-09, 04:50 PM
"Anyhow, he reckons bulk of his army be up near Lenkster with that under a small siege as well. Rest of army is up by Wolfenburg but big bands just roaming and causing mayhem and what not."

To Gotten, 'Watch him closely. He will be embarrassed to have been taken alive. I expect he will try to escape as soon as he is able.'

To Bella with a grin, 'They do not know what they are in for.'

2020-04-10, 09:47 AM
Amos nods at Ludenhof. "Scout road. Look for a good place to camp. Aye, it will be done." He turns to Gotten and says, "The prisoner was part of a band that killed honest travelers on the Emperor's road. I know how the roadwardens deal with such men. The bridge would make a fine gallows."

2020-04-11, 01:46 AM
Listening to the plans as they were discussed among the humans, Asyrha kept a watchful gaze torn between the Magister of Ghur and the line of trees that led further into the dark woods wherein the servants of Chaos had fled.

When she, along with the two knights, was addressed more directly, the Asrai broke the meandering gaze away and on to Captain Ludenhof.

”As you wish.” Asyrha said. She would fetch the horse she had been provided before they left.

It was strange, to interact with her new companions. While she had some experience with Armand – dare she even say a blossoming friendship, odd as it was between her people and his own – but there always seemed to be some sort of division. She was not a human, and as such much of the banter that existed seemed foreign to her.

”My people do not often wear…breeches, Arabella.” Asyrha said somewhat airily, as if perpetually distracted. ”When the Wild Hunt rides, it is often easier to simply bind what you cannot bear to be uncovered and leave the rest to the elements.”

2020-04-11, 02:25 AM
It takes some 15 minutes or so for a stream of men to march across the bridge and the 10 archers to be given some horses as two of the supply carts are unloaded into the tower. The Ostlanders cheered and happy by the sudden arrival of such a large body of men! With horses mounted Gotten waves you off as you trot towards the tree line. Seeing you about to leave the strange and haggard woman calls out to Asrryha. "Ghur swirls and downs in the east. I feel Aqshy, twisted by Dhar. Fire and blood mar your way..." She picks up some soil and presses it into Asryha's hand. Trust in the earth. Seer of the Azyr."

Approaching the trees the nearest of the pickets waves, "Aye my lords. Have a care, we saw tracks in the woods, most seem to be fleeing North east through the woods, but Able and Karl didn't come back from their patrol down the east road. Maybes they were lost maybe they is dead." He nods down the road, "Have a care. But I reckons there is a coaching in before the village, I reckon I been down this way when I were a nipper."

The road stretches out towards the East, trees thick and heavy lining the road filled with shadows...

Whats your marching order? Approach, are you staying together or letting some scouts heady out in front a little

2020-04-11, 05:14 AM
”My people do not often wear…breeches, Arabella.” Asyrha said somewhat airily, as if perpetually distracted. ”When the Wild Hunt rides, it is often easier to simply bind what you cannot bear to be uncovered and leave the rest to the elements.”"Really? That sounds fascinating. Freezing, but fascinating. I wouldn't try that while you're with the army, though. You'll distract the menfolk so much that they forget to fight rather than ogle," she answers with a giggle.

OOC: I'd suggest two groups. "Scout types" travel a short distance ahead - just far enough so that the rest of us can close in a round or two on horseback - and the rest of us follow behind. The scouts (Amos and Tuli?) should be reinforced with enough archers so that they don't get annihilated in one ambush. Perhaps 4 archers with them and the rest with us? I.e. a vanguard of 6 and main body of 10.

2020-04-11, 05:56 AM
<”Let Hekarti and Morag-hai guide your magic, Ghur-weaver.>” Asyrha said to the Brown Magister in Eltharin, a soft smile on her face as she took the handful of dirt and rubbed it thoughtfully between her fingers.

”The climate in Athel Loren is very often mild and pleasant. The forest spirits work to keep it, more or less, hospitable. Though that is not always the case. Especially in Atylwhyth, where it is winter eternally.” Asyrha explained to Bella, as she rode along. The Asrai Spellsinger glanced down at herself, perhaps a bit self-conscious of the ways of humans. She already wasn’t wearing breeches, simply a fluttering robe and tall boots with soft soles.

”Perhaps…it will not be a problem. I cannot foresee many humans brave enough to approach me.” There was little conceit in her voice, simply that same breezy naiveté that spoke of someone wholly unaccustomed to the culture and traditions she had found herself immersed in.

I agree with Rax. Tuli and Amos scouting ahead, perhaps. Not too far though. And Asyrha will stick near Armand, Gottfriend and Bella.

2020-04-11, 10:42 AM
Amos was used to scouting ahead of small groups, whether it be the army on the march or caravans back before the war. He took the lead, staying to the long shadows of the trees as much as possible. He scanned the road ahead, looking for signs of ambush... glints of metal, strange movement in the trees, or animals startling with no explanation. He will also hope to discern something of the fate of the patrollers... looking for splashes of blood, fresh tracks, that sort of thing.

[roll0] v. 46. move silently. [roll1] v. 59. Perception. FP on the perception roll if needed. [roll2]

2020-04-11, 08:12 PM
Tuli simply chuckles at all the talk of breeches. Anyone who chose to ride like that in the north had usually been drinking. Seemingly the Elves were very different. To Asyrha, 'If they do not approach they are likely still looking.' There was no time for that sort of thing, but perhaps the Elf viewed things differently.

She will follow Amos at a distance but will try to stay within range just in case. She dislikes dismounting and is not as good in the woods as the scout, but Tylik is really too noisy. With a curt command in Ungol, she'll leave her horse to trail the others.

So Tuli is behind Amos and ahead of the others
Silent Move vs. Ag 50 /2 (+10 Rover)

Perception vs. Int 32

2020-04-12, 01:15 AM
After a couple of hundreds yards down the road Amos, Tuli and a few of the archers all trot further ahead of the heavily armoured knights and the rest of the archers. Amos and Tuli move silently through down the edge of the road, the trees thick and heavy on their flank, shadows and creaking branches startling them constantly. About 3 hours down the road, 3 long hours of creeping forward and jumping out shadows you think you be about half way down to the village.

Tuli and Amos both slow, raising hands to pause the scouting archers as they see the wooden palisade and slated roof of a solid looking coaching inn around 200 yards ahead of you. The gates of the stable yard lie ajar and blood paints the walls, a half a horse strewn bloodily across the road and what looks to be from this distance scarecrows dangling from the roof windows of the Inn...

2020-04-12, 10:12 AM
Why kill the horse? She could unfortunately make some guesses as to why. She'll spit on the ground in the direction of the 'scarecrows'. The spirits of those who died that badly were likely still around and still angry at their fates. She'll attract Amos' attention and will gesture towards the coaching inn gates with a questioning look.

Lord Athos
2020-04-12, 10:56 AM
Sieur Armand rode alongside the others silently, only moving his head towards Asyrha's and Eisenhauer's strange conversation when "ogling menfolk" is mentioned, his disapproving frown, once again, hidden by the Great Helmet. If Asyrha's obvious power was not enough to prevent unwelcome advances, his swordarm definitely would.

Further ahead, after a while, the scouts seemed to have seen something. The Bretonnian Knight waited, keeping a close eye on his surroundings.

2020-04-12, 01:46 PM
Amos stopped and stared at the messy ruin for a little longer than was necessary. He felt queasy. Coaching inns were supposed to be islands of safety amidst the dark woods... and to see one so desecrated... he swallowed a bit. "Go back and warn the knights," he told one of the archers. "Wait, don't go alone. Take, uh, three others. The rest of you, uh, let's see. Stick together. Arrows nocked. I... I think this place is dead, but we'll sweep it for survivors. Or... maybe there's a raider hiding out somewhere. " He wiped his brow. Once the archers had gone first, Amos drew his pistol and headed towards the gates, looking for signs of life.

2020-04-12, 02:42 PM
Being on the road, Sir Gottfried rides along on the back of his massive warhorse with his lance readied and the faceplate of his helmet up for better visibility.

Upon noticing the scouts halt, he pulls the reigns of his horse to stop it as well and awaits word while scanning the treeline on either side of the woods.

Perception: [roll0] vs TN 31

2020-04-13, 03:21 AM
In the Woods near the coaching Inn

Amos and Tuli pause in the shadows of the trees leading their horses through the thick trees. Tuli, distracted by the dead horse, see's nothing beyond that but Amos's sharp eyes catch the glint of a sword blade in one of the upstairs windows and a faint smell of matted fur and acrid dung on a small gust of wind and realises that there must be some chaos marauders or beasts still in the Inn. A second later a scream and a whimper rings out, followed by a guttural laugh. The scream cuts off abrubtly...

DOwn the Road

The 4 archers run back to the knights and the rest of the scouts, a breathless look of worry on their faces. "An Inn lord. The scouts are watching it. Its been sacked recently, blood and bodies still do be looking fresh."

2020-04-13, 05:31 AM
"Well, that's to be expected, I suppose. These savages have no honour and no respect for the rules of warfare," Bella ventures her opinion, her face darkened with anger. "But at least we've found what the Captain's looking for. We should advance and secure it - with due caution of course. No need to walk into an ambush."

2020-04-13, 08:30 AM
Amos grabs Tuli by the arm quickly and whispers "Enemies inside." He slides back into the cover of the trees so as not to spook their quarry before the reinforcements come.

2020-04-13, 12:27 PM
Halting the canter of her horse the moment the roadhouse comes into view, Asyrha rises to stand in the stirrups and peers ahead down the road.

The Asrai closed her eyes to center herself, drawing on the Blue Wind to expand her senses into the Aethyr

Magical Sense [roll0]

"I can lure them out, if you so desire." Asyrha said after a moment of contemplation, "At no threat to myself. Lead them out to fight in the open? Where arrows and horses may serve better than indoors."

2020-04-13, 02:08 PM
"Oh? That's a handy trick indeed," Bella says. "But perhaps we shouldn't call on your magic until we know that there are enemies still there. So far the scouts have only confirmed that the place has been sacked recently, and I hear bad things sometimes happen if the Winds of Magic get...out of hand."

OOC: Bella's interjecting because, as far as I can tell, any knowledge that there are enemies still inside the inn is restricted to Amos and Tuli.

2020-04-13, 04:06 PM
As another archer, sent by Tuli and Amos arrives he whispers the news to the trailing party that Amos has spotted people in the Inn and that they heard a scream. "Probably inn folk right enough. Better dead than a plaything of chaos sort eh?" the archer nods in between spitting his chewing tobacco into the trees. He nods ahead pointing the cluster of thick trees where you assume Amos and Tuli have stashed their horses and crept forward to within sight of the small walls around the coaching inn courtyard.

Asryha opens herself up to the aethryr, her eyes glowing a vibrant cerulean blue as she gazes ahead. The leering face of screaming cloud of shysh hovers over some of the nearby forest - presumably the inn and within a smear of dhar and a single dark pustule of evil. Interpreting the signs Asrhya realises that there mus be a significantly dark influenced creature within the Inn.

2020-04-13, 04:09 PM
Amos grabs Tuli by the arm quickly and whispers "Enemies inside." He slides back into the cover of the trees so as not to spook their quarry before the reinforcements come.

Tuli's eyes narrow and she slides her tulwar from it's scabbard, 'They are having fun with the owners perhaps? Does this place have a backdoor?'

2020-04-13, 04:31 PM
Gottfried frowns at the news from the new archer.

"Damned beasts. Forward, then, before they kill any other innocents this day."

While it was not the most tactically sound option to simply walk up and goad whatever was within out, it seemed that time was of importance if those who had sought refuge in the Inn were being harmed. And as a Knight, his duty was to protect those citizens of the Empire that were loyal subjects of the Emperor; and it was that historic service that caused the Reiksguard to be the most beloved of the Orders of Knights.

And so, whether or not the rest of the tailing group follows him, Sir Gottfried coaxes Sigmund into a canter while securing his lance to the saddle behind him. It would be of no use in the likely close-quarters fight soon to occur, and he draws the morningstar instead.

As he approaches the Inn, the loud clop of Sigmund's hooves echo through the area; presumably why he chose to advance at a canter.

Knowing his allies would be well hidden and able to capitalize on the distraction of their foe, he calls out as he approaches. "Ho there! My horse and I are weary and seek a place to stay!"

In case something comes barreling out and into melee, Parry: [roll0] vs TN 79 (69 WS, +10 Defensive weapon)

2020-04-13, 05:47 PM
"I suppose that's another way to draw them out," Bella says to Asyrha with a smile and a shrug. "I think he intends for us to follow him but maintain enough of a distance so that those inside don't fear to come out. Shall we get going?"

Bella then lets her borrowed horse walk slowly forward, trying to keep under the eaves of the trees lining the road so as not to show herself too soon.

2020-04-13, 08:41 PM
Amos whispers back to Tuli, "Wouldn't call it fun," he says grimly. "Men or beast, we put them down. Yeah, let's go to the back door and see if we can't sneak up behind them. Looks like that knight... well, he's got armored balls, that one."

2020-04-14, 01:02 AM
If Sir Gottfried wanted to be the distraction himself, far be it from Asyrha to stand in his way. He would make a fitting - and suitably threatening - distraction, regardless.

Giving a nod to Arabella, and casting a brief glance at Armand, Asyrha kicked her horse into a light trot. The Spellsinger wanted to stay close enough to see danger, but far enough away that her presence wouldn't spook any of the marauders within. To aid this, Asyrha drew her deep hood up to hide most of her elegant features and the obvious pointed tips of her ears.

"Very well." She said, "Let us send these wretches to meet the Gods they hold so dear. Asuryan watch over these servants of Order and strengthen their blades for the task at hand."

Lord Athos
2020-04-15, 12:53 PM
While Sieur Armand found this course of action a little suspect, it was too late to suggest something else anyways. Meeting Asyrha's gaze and returning a barely noticeable nod, the Bretonnian knight slowly rode along, ready to protect the Elven sorceress if this turned out to be a ruse.

2020-04-17, 02:36 AM
Sigsimund's hooves are loud on the rough cut cobbles as the horse trots into the gateway and the courtyard of the coaching Inn. The metallic tang of blood is strong in the air as he edges past the mutilated horse. Closer now he can clearly see the bodies of the Inn's inhabitants tortured and the remains strung up on the walls decorating the Inn like macabre scarecrows. As he enters the gateway there is a shadow by the door as a pair muscled and bearded marauders step out of the inn. Both bear thick leather greaves and arm guards covered in chains, skulls and other accouterments and from their waists hangs the a couple of fresh bloodstained scalps, each carries a heavy bladed and still wet ax in each hand.

To the right stepping out the gate leading to the stables is a hulking beastman. It stands almost 7ft tall, even more if one counts it long twisted horns, a save bestial goat face with barbed fangs and gleaming yellow eyes meets the knights eyes as it snarls and mutters something in a barking braying voice. The nearest norseman (though not the only one as more sounds can be heard from inside the inn) looks at Gottfried laughs, and speaks in broken reik "You fool south man. Only death here. Get down from horse. Martok kill you quick, then we eat horse flesh"....

Round the Back

Even as Gottfried acts as a disraction Tuli, Amos and a trio of the archers flit through the forest to the back of the inn. The back gates are ripped open, both lying on the muddy ground rent with axes. Gazing through you can see the back of the inn and the stableyard. The stables are a charnel yard of dead and butchered horses and pair of wagons with barrels staved in and muddy ground underneath. By the doors leading into the Inn the midden heap is mass of discarded food, manure, hay and now fresh body parts. You can see no movment wthin but can hear noises of movement. You estimate its ~30 yards from the edge of the trees through the gate to reach the back door of the Inn

2020-04-17, 03:13 AM
Still seated on her borrowed horse, the Asrai Spellsinger watched through the foliage back with Bella and Armand as the lumbering form of the beastman came into view with his Norscan allies – if they could truly be called such.

Asyrha was hesitant to embrace the Winds of Magic just yet, for fear of drawing attention to herself and the rest of her companions – especially if there was a Sorcerer nearby. For the moment, slender fingers wrapped around the graceful pommel of her sword, crafted by the expert smiths of Torgovann, the Forge of Starlight. While she was not keen on the notion of crossing blades with these wretched creatures, she would – for now – rely on more mundane methods of defending herself. Though she did have the utmost faith that Armand – brave Armand – would interpose himself between her and any threat that may sally forth.

”<Unusual for one of the Children of Chaos to converse so…>” She whispered to Armand in Eltharin.

2020-04-17, 04:27 PM
Amos whispers back to Tuli, "Wouldn't call it fun," he says grimly. "Men or beast, we put them down. Yeah, let's go to the back door and see if we can't sneak up behind them. Looks like that knight... well, he's got armored balls, that one."

'Armour isn't everything. Let's see if we can help him avoid getting himself killed.' When she hears any talking from the front of the inn Tuli will creep forward to take shelter against the palisade behind the open door. If anyone actually happened to be watching she fully expected them to come out to meet her, which suited her fine.

2020-04-17, 11:19 PM
"Nock arrows and cover us till we get to the palisade. Then come up and join us. Quietly," Amos whispers at the archers with him. Then he silently lopes after Tuli, to the outside of the inn's rear door. Once there, he signals back at the archers to join them, if they haven't already started, and then peers around the door, looking inside, arrow already fitted to string...

2020-04-18, 05:50 AM
Once she's near enough to see the gates, Bella dismounts and ties the reins of her horse to a nearby tree. "I promise you, none of you want to see me trying to charge in there on horseback," she quips to Armand, Asyrha and the remaining archers.

Taking her catchpole, she looks over the archers and says: "Unless you're all secretly Ungol-born, you lot should probably dismount as well. We can advance through the woods until we're in range to shoot down anyone that shows themselves or charge in and help Sir Gottfried."

As soon as the archers are on foot, she moves bit deeper into the woods by the side of the road and - letting the most woodswise of the archers lead - begins to advance on the inn.

OOC: Perception test vs. Int 41 to spot ambushers in the forest [roll0]

Lord Athos
2020-04-18, 11:29 AM
”<Only recently corrupted, possibly? Or do you expect some kind of ruse?>” Sieur Armand whispered back. The overall situation was fairly suspect to him. He ached to join Sir Gottfried in the midst of it all, but with the tactical situation not clear yet, he chose to stay put for now.

2020-04-18, 12:24 PM
"<It is possible, though I suspect the influence of Sorcery more likely. I have felt the dark magic on the wind. Somewhere out there is a more cunning foe. Caution would remain wise while we are ahead of the main force.>" Asyrha said as she dismounted gracefully with a nod of acknowledgment to Bella's suggestion.

2020-04-18, 09:34 PM
As the beastman and marauders come from their respective doors, Gottfried kicks Sigmund's sides and pulls the reins to turn him quickly around.

"If there is only death here, then come and find it!"

He quickly kicks the horse into motion and rides out into the road where he will have more room to maneuver.

Didn't mean to actually enter the courtyard of the Inn, but more call them out to the road. But we'll just flow with it. :smallsmile:

2020-04-21, 01:18 AM
Bella, the archers and the Seeress all drop from their horses creeping through the darkened woods to near the gates of the courtyard before Gottfried appears through the gateway in a spray of mud from the road surface. Gottfried's retreat prompts a roar of "AHHHH" as the two norseman and the massive beastman leap forward giving chase with great bloodcurling war cries. From within the ruined inn the drumming of feet and more bellows can be heard!

For those outside the inn its a surprise to see a pair savage Kurgan and a goat headed muscled shaggy furred beastman leap out of the gateway in pursuit of Gottfried, the three chaos scum pausing as they suddenly spy the rest of the scouting party before snarling and raising weapons.


At the back of the building as Tuli and Amos gaze through the door, and can see thruogh the kitchens to the side of the main inn room. There is no one there although both can hear the sounds of movement, then you can both make out Gottfrieds proud voice ringing out from the front of the inn followed be war cries. As the sounds in the Inn mount a pair of kurgan in heavy leathers with heavy chopping axes appears at the end of the corridor heading to the front of the inn and you can hear the scraping of metal on metal as something heavily armoured moves around upstairs!

Time to roll your initaives!

2020-04-21, 01:39 AM
Slipping quietly through the overgrowth with her companions, Asyrha paused abruptly when the large beastman and its two Kurgan allies came into view chasing Gottfried. Gathering up a small coalescence of magic, the Asrai Spellsinger wove the strands of magic together for a simple spell. If Gottfriend, Bella and Armand were going to engage these wretches, she would need to strike – swift like the adder – so there was no chance of catching her companions in the crossfire.

Taking aim at one of the Kurgan, Asyrha released the spell – hoping to, if nothing else, give her allies a small advantage in the coming battle.

And hopefully such a minor spell would not draw overly much attention to herself.

Initiative [roll0]

Channelling [roll1] TN 83
Casting Sleep on one of the Kurgan [roll2] +2 if Channelling is successful, TN 6
Kurgan needs to make a successful WP test or fall asleep for [roll3] rounds.

2020-04-21, 10:53 AM
"There's your targets, men!" Bella calls out as the beastman and the marauders clear the gates. "Take them down!"

Hefting her catchpole, she steps in front of the archers, ready to intercept the enemy if they attack.

I'm assuming it's easy enough for the archers to draw line of sight even if Bella is standing in front of them.
Half action: Delay
Half action: Standard attack if an enemy comes with range [roll0] vs. WS 57
Damage: [roll1]+Snare

Ulric's Fury if applicable
[roll3] extra damage

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

Lord Athos
2020-04-21, 11:41 AM
"In the name of the Lady." Sieur Armand d'Armagnac's voice rang out over the battlefield, which, while loud and determined, sounded strangely serene considering the situation and considering that it was a battlecry. The Bretonnian knight drove his destrier to a brutal charge, lowering his lance towards the snarling beastman.

Initiative [roll0]

Charge attack!
[roll1] vs 78 (with mounted + 5 bonus)

Impact: [roll2] or [roll3] plus 7 = 15 dmg

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll4] vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary [roll5] vs 46

2020-04-21, 05:04 PM
One should always take advantage when an enemy turns his back on you, and Tuli trusted Amos to act appropriately. Keeping low and without saying a word, she will break into a run and charge the closest Kurgan.

Couldn't resist
Full Action - Charge

vs. WS 53 (+10 Charge) (+5 Best Quality Tulwar) (+30 if Unaware)
[roll0] - left leg


Ursun's Fury?
Extra Damage?

Dodge Blow if needed vs. Ag 50

2020-04-21, 11:44 PM
Amos grinned at the backs of the Kurgans. Two quick shots with a bow would settle them quickly and quietly. He fired one arrow at the furthest one, had another arrow drawn and nocked as quickly as he could and loosed it as well. He was sure the archers and Tuli would turn them into pincushions in seconds.

My roll of two goes just before Tuli, then! [roll0] shot 1, [roll1] shot 2, v. 58 (or 88 if they are not aware of us). Dmg 1 [roll2], dmg 2 [roll3]

2020-04-22, 09:56 AM
As the norsemen pause their pursuit upon seeing the others, Gottfried wheels Sigmund around and into a full charge.


As he and the massive destrier come crashing down upon the clump of beast and fur, he swings his morning star low using the momentum of his swing and his mount to drive it home. Unfortunately, his swing goes wide and misses the beastman, but the hooves of Sigmund strike true.

Initiative (rolled in OOC): 12

Attack: [roll0] vs TN 84 (Base 69 + 5 mounted + 10 charge)
Damage: [roll1] or [roll2] (Impact)

If Ulric's Fury!: [roll3] vs TN 84
Damage: [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

Riding Check: [roll7] vs TN 57
Horse Attack: [roll8] vs TN 40 (Base 30 + 10 charge)
Horse Damage: [roll9]

Parry with shield (if necessary): [roll10] vs TN 69

2020-04-24, 07:25 AM
The ground shakes as the two knights both charge forwards! Even as the seeress summons the winds of magic the Norseman's hostility makes him resistant to her attempts to send him to sleep, beside Asryha Bella advances, three of the archers hanging back by the mage, all three take shots with their bows as their other two fellows draw a handy looking hatchet and a short stabbing sword and form a rough line by Bella.

THe three lads do well all 3 arrows hitting the nearest of the norsemen and the man tumbles into the ground spewing blood from two of the goose feathered arrows that slammed into his chest. As the two knights thunder towards the beastman, amazingly the beast displays impressive agility and rolls to the side, the tip of Sir Armaund's lance missing the beast by a fraction. It massive bulk and stench causes Gottfreid's horse to rear up in panic, the morning star going wild but one of the hooves catching the beast in the leg.

THe beast roars a great challenge to the sky and swings wildly at Sir Gottfreid with his massive bloodied cleaver-axe even as the second norsman runs into Sir Armand full tilt, a cruel curved blade in hand taht is met resoundedly by the bretonnian's shield with a solid sound clatter. EVen as battle is joined and the pincushioned norseman messily expires both knights can hear shouts form the inn and another beastman and two more marauders emerge from the stableyard with weapons drawn!!

Beastman - is injured and he'll All out Attack attack Gottfreid
[roll0] TN 67 damage [roll1]

Norseman - charge with all out attack Armand
[roll2] TN 64 damage [roll3] Though doesn't matter as Armand rolled a parry in his post

Inside the inn Amos and on the two archers by the door launch arrows down through the kitchen at the mauraduer with his back turned. The man dsitracted by the sounds of charging horses to front. Arrows strike home leaving him staggering before Tuli in a display of kislevian ferocity runs through the kitchen and hacks down with her tulwar near taking the man's leg off at the hip in a spray of blood and leaving him bleeding to death incapable at her feet. The innroom around her is a mess. Dung and blood smeared everywhere, broken barrels and spilled ale seeping across the floor and bloodied bodies of a few locals chopped and dismembered and in some cases partially devoured. THe stench is sickening, but more worrying is the second norseman near the door, who skids to a halt, an axe in hand as he leaps towards Tuli over the body of his fallen tribeman swinging for her head.

Attack Tuli
[roll4] TN 38 dam [roll5]

As Tuli fights in the inn she can hear more sounds from upstairs, the drumming of feet, and ominously one very heavy tread of something massive and metallic!

2020-04-24, 05:24 PM
Tuli is angry at the sight of what had happened here. She had lingered a little too long over the kill, but the Kurgan had managed to miss her anyway. She'll take a second to taunt the man in Ungol. <Who taught you how to fight.> There was always a chance that he might understand. Whatever was upstairs might give her more of a problem, but she could always withdraw. In the meantime she'll see if she could finish this one quickly.

Full Action - Swift Attack
vs. WS 53 (+5 BQ Tulwar)

Any Damage

Dodge Blow if needed
vs. Ag 50

2020-04-24, 10:26 PM
Somewhat surprised by Tuli's charge, Amos said to the archers behind him, "Knives out!" and quickly ran to the other Kurgan, quickly drawing his sword and attempting to run the reaver through! He stumbled over some debris, unfortunately, and his blow fell short.

Quick-draw sword, put away bow and charge! [roll0] v. 61, dmg: [roll1]. If attacked I will try to dodge it. [roll2] v. 46. FP on the dodge if needed [roll3] v. 46

2020-04-25, 01:42 AM
As the Norscan’s rage allowed him to shrug off the sleeping enchantment, Asyrha scowled almost petulantly. It was frustrating that they were protected by their Ruinous gods. But while influencing the mind seemed to not work, the Asrai fell back once more to overt displays of her prowess with the Winds of Magic.

Gathering up glistening streamers of Azyr, Asyrha coalesced them into a shining sliver of coruscating blue light and hurled it at the same Norscan who had shrugged off her last spell.

This one was meant to rend flesh instead of his mind.

Channelling [roll0] TN 83

Casting Magic Dart
[roll1] +2 for successful Channel, TN 6

Damage [roll2]

Lord Athos
2020-04-25, 02:53 AM
Confronted with the marauder, Sieur Armand let go of his lance and drew his sword, in an elegant, fluid motion. He sent a quick prayer to the Lady of the Lake, asking her to once again lend him strength in battle, to destroy these abominations.

With a fierce cut, he brought the sword down on the barbarian, reining his destrier in at the same time to bring him up against the enemy as well.

Sieur Armand was well aware of the additional Norse and Beastmen stumbling out of the house- but if he could cut this one down first, he would have his back free.

Half action: letting go of the lance and drawing the sword.
Free action: Praying to the Lady for my Blessing of Purity.
Half Action: attack
[roll0] vs 68 (plus 5 or 10? Depending on what DrK decides for mounted combat)

Might of Purity: [roll1]or [roll2] plus 6 = 12 dmg

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll3] vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary (and possible) [roll4] vs 46

Ride check for making the horse attack:[roll5] vs 46

Horse attack: [roll6] vs 30
Horse damage: [roll7]

2020-04-25, 05:49 AM
"New targets!" Bella calls to the archers. "Put some shafts in those beasts in the courtyard. The rest of you, hold the line here with me and cut down anyone that gets close. The knights can manage on their own for now."

Half action: Delay
Half action: Standard attack if an enemy comes with range [roll0] vs. WS 57
Damage: [roll1]+Snare

Ulric's Fury if applicable
[roll3] extra damage

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

2020-04-27, 09:35 AM
Though the Empire Knight was unable to get his shield in the way of the blow from the beastman's axe, he is thankful that Sigmar watched over him and that his armor held true against the blow.

He kicks with his feet to control his well-trained steed, bumping the beastman into position for a strong strike down at the creature. The first swing goes down from above, and the second swing comes back after reversing the momentum of the swing.

Full Action: Swift Attack
Attack 1: [roll0] vs TN 74 or 79 (Base 69 + 5 or 10 mounted depending on mounted combat ruling)
Damage: [roll1]

If Ulric's Fury!: [roll2] vs TN 74 or 79
Damage: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6] vs TN 74 or 79 (Base 69 + 5 or 10 mounted depending on mounted combat ruling)
Damage: [roll7]

If Ulric's Fury!: [roll8] vs TN 74 or 79
Damage: [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

Riding Check: [roll12] vs TN 57
Horse Attack: [roll13] vs TN 30
Horse Damage: [roll14]

Parry with shield (if necessary): [roll15] vs TN 79 (Base 69 + Defensive)

2020-04-28, 05:13 PM
Outside the Inn

The beast and the norseman fight the two knights, buoyed up by the presence of more of their kind behind them. The norseman grunts as a magical blast of crackling energy slams into him throwing him against Seur Armand's horse whereupon the knight draws his sword and shears the marauder near clean in half as blood sprays across the broken ground. Beside him Gottfreid wheels around and buries his sword into the skull of the beast that lets out a great bellow of pain and fury before toppling to the ground at the feet of the knight and getting trampled by the massive warhorse.

The three other marauders and the beast come surging out the gate, one limping as an arrow buries itself into his thigh, the other two shafts flying wide of the mark. The three marauders and and the beast rush the pair of knights, focusing on them first and keeping their distance from Bella and the men.

Two of the norsemen swing their axes against the Reiksguard knight with a great clatter of steel

charge Gottfreid [roll0] TN 64 damage [roll1] - Parried
charge Gottfreid [roll2] TN 64 damage [roll3]

THe beastman and the other norseman leaps towrads Ser Armand, cleavers and a huge two handed battle axe in hand surrounding the bretonnian and seeking to tear him down.

charge Armand [roll4] TN 64 damage [roll5] - Parried
Beastman charge Armand [roll6] TN 69 damage [roll7] or [roll8]


Inside the Inn

Inside the Inn carnage breaks out! Amos and the two archers surge into the room, Amos stumbling over the wreckaged of the bar, his blade going wide. One of the young archers jams his knife into the distracted marauders tatooed back drawing blood, a cry of rage cut short as Tuli slashes out with a pair of viscious fast blows, the first slashing across his chest, the second taking the chaos worshipping scum in the throat as he drops to the ground choking on blood!

Before she can celebrate two more norseman leap down the stairs, one slashing wildly at Tuli who leaps out the way with a slide to the side, the other driving a spiked mace deep into the chest of the young archer drawing blood and sending him tumbling back clutching his chest. Behind them, the stairs creak Tuli, Amos and the two men are confronted by a huge behemoth of strange chaos steel with a massive flail in one hand and its other hand fused into an amalgam of flesh and chitin shaped into a giant crack crawl. A single cyclopean eye gazes down at you from its steel horned helm. A guttural laughter chuckles from its bell like helm as its steps down the stairs trailing blood from both flail and claw...

Tuli dodges, so I won't bother rolling the attack roll
There is two more Norseman and a chaos Warrior in the Inn!
- He is unsettling. Please make a WP test or take -10% WS

Lord Athos
2020-04-29, 03:44 AM
As he had hoped, the Marauder was struck down quickly with a clean cut, after a magical blast had already inflicted heavy wounds on his body. There was not so much time as to make a nod of acknowledgment towards Asyrha, as two more minions of the ruinous powers threw themselves against him.

With a fast movement that seemed almost effortless, Sieur Armand deflected the dirty and jagged cleaver of the northman with his shield, but he could not stop the beastman from bringing down his two-handed axe on the Bretonnian with a mighty roar.

The battle axe cut deep into the helm of the knight, almost dismounting the man from the impact alone.

"The Lady protects."
It was more of a statement of fact, than a challenge to his enemies. There was a deep, long scar across the metal of the Knights helm, but otherwise, he seemed uninjured as he swiftly regained his posture in the saddle and retributed with two quick, hard blows against the surprised beastman.

Full Action: Swift attack against the beastman!

[roll0] vs 68 (plus 5 or 10? Depending on what DrK decides for mounted combat)

Might of Purity: [roll1] or [roll2]

[roll3] vs 68 (plus 5 or 10? Depending on what DrK decides for mounted combat)

Might of Purity: [roll4] or [roll5]

(If possible, I'd like to redirect my second hit to the marauder attacking Sieur Armand in case the beastman is already dead)

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll6] vs 73

Dodging the blow is not possible.

Ride check for making the horse attack:[roll7] vs 46

Horse attack: [roll8] vs 30
Horse damage:[roll9]

2020-04-29, 11:45 AM
Scrambling to her feet, Tuli grimaces as she sees the archer go down. Brave to be here at all, but he had no business following her. The actual sight of the big one gave her pause. Better to fight it with a horse under her where she could keep her distance. For the moment it would be better to set the two knights on it and let them tire the monster out.

'Amos, get them out of here' Tuli snaps. She might be best placed to distract the Northman to help the others withdraw. While backing away from the Chaos Warrior, she will try to stay between herself and the Northmen to keep at least one of them off balance.

Command test to help the archers pay attention
vs. Fel 39

Half Action - Move to reposition as needed
Half Action - Parrying Stance (not sure if you can dodge one attack and parry another if there's a chance you're fighting multiple enemies)

Dodge Blow as needed
vs. Ag 50

2020-04-29, 01:07 PM
Amos had seen strange beasts and foul things in the woods, and this was no different. Worse, and stronger, but still mortal. Something the knights could run down with their lances, he hoped. He swiftly drew his pistol, took a moment to aim, and fired at the norseman that had struck the archer. "Help him out of here," Amos said to the other archer. "We'll cover you. Find the knights!"

[roll0] v. 68, [roll1] or [roll2].

2020-04-29, 02:33 PM
"Focus fire on the wounded one!" Bella orders the three archers. "The rest of you, with me! Sir Gottfried needs our help!"

Full action: Charge a Norseman fighting Gottfried [roll0] vs. WS 67 (WS 57, Charge +10)
Damage: [roll1]+Snare

Ulric's Fury if applicable
[roll3] extra damage

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

2020-04-29, 03:20 PM
As two more norsemen rush up to him and try to down him from his horse, Gottfried quickly maneuvers his shield to defend against the blows. While one axe gets through and puts a solid dent into the plate spaulder protecting his upper arm, he gives a quick thanks to Sigmar for once again protecting him from any physical harm aside from a bit of a jar.

In response, the Knight continues to maneuver Sigmund in a brutal dance of horse, man and steel. He once again goes on the offensive, knowing that they needed to strike down these foes as quickly as possible before any of them got a lucky blow in or fled to warn their foul comrades of their presence.

He bellows out an order, while swinging his morning star down at the marauders beside him. "Archers! Withdraw and cover the routes of escape! Let none of these scum leave this place!"

Full Action: Swift Attack
Attack 1: [roll0] vs TN 74 or 79 (Base 69 + 5 or 10 depending on mounted combat ruling)
Damage: [roll1]

If Ulric's Fury!: [roll2] vs TN 74 or 79
Damage: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6] vs TN 74 or 79 (Base 69 + 5 or 10 depending on mounted combat ruling)
Damage: [roll7]

If Ulric's Fury!: [roll8] vs TN 74 or 79
Damage: [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

Riding Check: [roll12] vs TN 57
Horse Attack: [roll13] vs TN 30
Horse Damage: [roll14]

Parry with shield (if necessary): [roll15] vs TN 79 (Base 69 + Defensive)

2020-04-30, 12:13 AM
It was chaos in both the literal and figurative sense; the hot spray of lifeblood, the metallic tang of death, and the clatter of steel on steel. Asyrha could feel Khaine’s joy pulsing through her veins with each heartbeat, but the Asrai was not content to fall to the thrall of her War God. Instead, she took a moment to survey the situation, keen eyes picking out one of the most immediate threats.

With a flash of anger, Asyrha gathered Azyr once more and congealed it into the scintillating sliver of blue light, and sent it towards her target.

Channelling [roll0] TN 83
Cast Magic Dart [roll1] +2 if Channel is successful; TN 6
Damage [roll2]

EDIT: See OOC thread for Tzeentch's Curse results.

2020-05-03, 03:19 AM
Outside the Inn

In the swirling melee of in the courtyard the savage kurgan and the beastman assail the knights with extreme savagery only to be met with the cool discipline of Imperial and Bretonnian chivalric skill. Seur Armand was brutal as he spun in the saddle and with a single massive blow sent the head of the beastman flying into the road, the massive bulk of the body stood upright for a few moments, dark blood pumping from the stump of the neck before it fell. Spinning in the saddle Armand hacked down at the norseman and drove the blade into its body in a spray of blood. EVen as the marauder raised his axe once more there was a pulse of blue light and a beam of crackling lightning leapt from Asrhya's hands, even as her hair stood on end from the force of the magic. The pulse of Azyr cnosumed the man leaving only a smoking corpse

Gottfried battling with his two norseman got sudden support as Bella leapt forward into the fray with a pair of archers. Bella's savage barbed catchpole grabbed the nearest man, tearing off great strips of flesh before Gottfreid's swinging morningstar smashed into his leg tearing into the artery. Even as he bled out in the catchpole an archer scrambled forward and buried a hatchet in his head. The last of the kurgan doesn't have a chance to do much more than curse you in the name of his dark gods before Gottfreid's morning star smashes into hos body with bone crushing force killing him with a single blow.

Following the Reiksguard's command the other 3 men fanned out, bows raised as they watched for more creatures pouring from the cottage. None were evident but then the sharp "BANG" of a pistol sounded from within along with the sounds of steel on steel! More fighting within the Inn!

Inside the Inn

The norseman and archers are engaged in a brutal battle as Tuli steps back watching the massive warrior. THe wounded archer falls, the kurgan smashing the spiked mace into the boy's face crushing his skull. THe other man manages to scurry back behind Tuli and Amos, Amos drawing his pistol and shooting the nearest man, the wound large and impressive! undettered by the gunshot the huge chaos warrior leaps from the stairs, his ironshod boots leaving cracks in the stones as he swings the massive flail, the head like a grinning demonic face oozing a weird dark ichor towards Tuli as she readies to fight such a monstrosity!

Kurgan fight the archers, killing one
One Kurgan is wounded by Amos

Chaos Warrior attacks Tuli [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2020-05-03, 01:02 PM
Tuli cries out as the flail connects with her body. She'll continue to back away from the oncoming Chaos Warrior. Simply turning and running would likely be suicidal at this point. Perhaps she could lead it out the front door instead.

Half Action - Move to back away towards the front door
Half Action - Parrying Stance

Parry vs. WS 53 (-10 unsettled)

Dodge Blow as needed
vs. Ag 50


FP: 0

2020-05-03, 03:49 PM
"Looks like our friends met their friends in there," Bella jokes. "Fighting indoors is for the men-at-arms, boys. Get your bows and help cover the exits," she instructs the archers that joined in the melee. "If any of these savages poke their heads out after we go in, put some arrows in them, clear?"

Assuming that the knights will soon be joining her, she sprints towards the door that the Chaos marauders emerged from.

The Run action seems appropriate here.

Lord Athos
2020-05-04, 01:26 AM
As Sieur Armand had hoped, the marauders and beastmen were no match for their concentrated attack. The people he was travelling with kbew what they were doing, his Impression so gar hadnt deceived him. Now, their attackers were but bloody ruins laying about in the courtyard - and a charred corpse, the one Asyrha had finished off with her magic.

The fighting wasn't over, though. Sieur Armand raced towards the building on his horse, and quickly dismounted as he got there. The sounds of battle coming from inside did not sound good.

"Show yourself, creature! Come and face me!" he tried to get the attention of the enemies inside as he prepared to storm the building with sword and shield ready.

that's probably all I can manage this turn.

In case I get attacked:

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll0]vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary [roll1] vs 46

2020-05-04, 06:57 PM
Amos was shocked as he saw Tuli try to match blades with that thing. He quickly holstered his now-useless pistol and drew his sword again and readied his shield. Then he swung a savage blow at the injured Kurgan, hoping to bring him down.

Quick draw sword, half action to ready shield, than attack the injured Kurgan. [roll0] v. 51 to hit, [roll1] for dmg., [roll2] v. 61 for parry.

2020-05-05, 03:59 AM
With the exterior of the inn now cleansed of enemies, Asyrha’s attention was drawn abruptly to the interior as she heard the raucous bang of a pistol discharging within. They were unsubtle, and inelegant weapons but she had seen the damage they could cause. It was wise, in hindsight, the Dwarves of Kazak Ankor to give Men the secrets of these weapons – even if her kin would not always agree. It was just one more weapon to be turned upon the Great Enemy from the North.

Asyrha followed after Bella and the others towards the Inn, though she was not as hurried as her companions. As much as her own blood sung to join the fray, a calmer mind prevailed. It wasn’t likely that she would be as useful as the knights and other militants in the tighter confines of the Inn, where a stray magical bolt could fell one of her own as easily as a marauder.

”Be vigilant and wary!” Asyrha called ahead to those rushing in. The Asrai turned a practiced eye down the road that led up to the Inn to ensure there was no new attention drawn by the sounds of battle while she waited outside.

Perception [roll0] TN 63 (73 for sight)
Magical Sense [roll1] TN 73

2020-05-10, 03:52 PM
Outside the Inn

Ashrya and the other make haste towards the Inn bursting through the gates of the inn courtyard even as there are the sounds of battle from within. Seur Armaund catches sight of the flail and claw wielding heavily armoured warrior through the window! The sight of the creature unsettling him somewhat even as he realises that its a creature worthy of testing his mettle.

Inside the Inn

Tuli retreats as she feels her ribs creak and one fracture under the crushing impact of the flail, she backs off as Amos engages the pair of Kurgan warriors and promptly runs the bleeding one through in short order, his sword stabbing into the Kurgan's face as the man goes down in a bloody heap gurgling on his own blood and shattered face. The massive chaos warrior gestures and the other Kurgan move to engage Amos, the chaos creature striding towards the doorway and waiting just inside for Seur Armand, Gottfreid or Bella to enter!

Kurgan attacks Amos [roll0] TN 48 dam [roll1]

Chaos warrior moves to just inside the front door and readies to attack anyone who enters

2020-05-10, 04:42 PM
"Blessed Myrmidia, but you're an ugly bastard! Tuli! Amos! You in there? You still alive?" Bella calls out when she catches sight of the Chaos warrior. Slowing her advance, she sends her catchpole snaking forward, trying to capture the enemy in its jaws so that Gottfried and Armand can finish him.

Initiative if needed [roll0]

WP test due to Unsettling [roll1] vs. WP 48

Full action: Swift attack with catchpole [roll2], [roll3] vs. WS 57 or 47 (if WP test fails)
Damage: [roll4] plus Snare, [roll5] plus Snare

Ulrich's Fury if applicable
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]

Dodge Blow if needed [roll10] vs. 54 (Ag 44, Dodge Blow +10)

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

Lord Athos
2020-05-11, 02:03 AM
It was indeed a creature worthy of his sword. Sieur Armand fixated on the vile single eye of the creature and charged, his blade fiercely cutting forward.

Charging the beast: [roll0] vs 73

Might of Purity: Impact: [roll1] or [roll2]

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll3] vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary [roll4] vs 46

2020-05-11, 05:53 AM
"Tuli! Amos! You in there? You still alive?"

More or less. Tuli resists the impulse to circle round and try to hamstring the Chaos Warrior. Instead she will stumble over and try to help Amos.

Full Action - Charge the remaining Kurgan

vs. WS 53 (+10 Charge) (+5 BQ Tulwar) (+10 Outnumbered) (-10 unsettled)


Dodge if needed
vs. Ag 50

2020-05-11, 04:21 PM
"Get behind me, Tuli," says Amos as he lines up a telling blow on his opponent. His relief palpable at the sight of the armored knights to take down the monster.

[roll0] v. 71 = 51 + 10 (aim) + 10 (outnumber). Dmg [roll1]. Parry, just in case [roll2] v. 61.

2020-05-19, 03:17 AM
Asyrha came to an abrupt halt behind her companions as she saw the monstrous form of the Chaos Warrior step into the doorway of the Inn. Now here was a foe a cut above the throngs of beastmen and Kurgan marauders. Perhaps Gottfried and Armand would thoroughly enjoy testing their skill against such a beast.

Not content to unleash the full strength of her magic quite yet, for fear of striking an ally or drawing more attention on herself than necessary, the Asrai held back and after pulling a small shard of a broken mirror from her pouch, gathered up the Winds of Magic in order to skew the Chaos Warrior’s own fate and hinder it against her friends.

Half Channel [roll0] – TN 83 (for +2 to casting roll}

Casting Curse [roll1] +2 if Channel is successful, and +2 for the broken mirror shard
TN 16
If spell is successful, the Chaos Warrior takes a -10% penalty to all rolls.


Sorry for the delay! I appreciate your patience!

2020-05-22, 03:40 AM
Its a swirling melee in the Inn now as the bleeding young archer retreats behind Tuli and Amos even as the tough outrider tussles with the the half naked tatooed barabarian. Now close enough to smell the man's stinking breath and see the glimmer of madness lurking in his eyes. Amos and the kurgan break apart fractionally and like a snake the man whips up his cleaver seeking to slash into Amos's chest. Surrounded he howls a war cry attacking all out with no thought to his own defence!

However with Tuli there as well Amos and his kislevian friend parry and jostle the kurgan meaning no blood is drawn!

[roll0] TN 54 dam [roll1]

By the door Bella lunges forward with the viscous barbed catch pole only to have the creature in front of her slip past the blows with the skill of a true warrior. Beside her Seur Armaund comes barelling in but his fine crafted blade is blocked by the spinning chain. The warrior is faceless, its strange almost skin like metallic helmet having no obvious eye holes but he can clearly see as he lashes out with spinning flail and claw at the bretonnian and Bella, the claw snickering in fast and the spiked skulls on the end of the chain making a low keening as they spun around faster than the eye could follow! The flail smahes into the door frame. the force shattering the bricks sending a shower of them through the air, even as Armaund can offer a prayer to the Lady the claw tears a deep gash into Bella's leg and a low chuckle leaps from the creature's formless helm.

Behind them Ashrya seeks the ethereal strands of Azyr but so close to a source of chaos the weaves of magic refuse to respond.

Full attack
vs Bella [roll2] Dam [roll3] FAST quality
vs Armaund [roll4] Dam [roll5] and a T test

2020-05-22, 01:47 PM
Arabella grits her teeth as the Chaos Warrior's claw connects with her right leg, but her armour stops the worst of the blow and the adrenaline does the rest.

"I've got claws too, you crab-fisted freak!" she curses him and attacks again with her catchpole.

Full action: Swift attack with catchpole [roll0], [roll1] vs. 57 (WS 57, outnumber +10, Unsettling -10)
Damage: [roll2] plus Snare, [roll3] plus Snare

Ulrich's Fury if applicable
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

Dodge Blow if needed [roll8] vs. 54 (Ag 44, Dodge Blow +10)

Wounds (remaining/total): 12/13
FP (remaining/total): 2/3

Edit: Used FP to re-roll second attack in OOC thread. Abject failure...

Lord Athos
2020-05-22, 02:25 PM
With grim and silent determination, Sieur Armand brought his sword down in the Chaos Warrior twice in quick, precise strikes, preparing his shield for impact with the beast's frightful flail weapon.

He shot a quick glance to assess Bella's status - she seemed to be still standing, at least.

Swift attack on the Chaos Warrior:
1st attack: [roll0] vs 68 (78 since outnumbered)
2nd attack: [roll1] vs 68 (78 since outnumbered)

1st attack dmg: Might of Purity: Impact: [roll2] or [roll3]

2nd attack dmg: Might of Purity: Impact:
[roll4] or [roll5]

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll6] vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary [roll7] vs 46

2020-05-22, 05:52 PM
"Ulric take you, bastard!" shouts Amos as he returns the northman's savagery in kind.

Swift Attack: [roll0] & [roll1] v. 61 for outnumbered. [roll2]. [roll3] for damage. [roll4] v. 71 for parry if needed.

2020-05-22, 06:03 PM
"Get behind me, Tuli,

'Not the time.' Amos could hardly protect anyone if he was fighting like that. Tuli will try and stay behind the Kurgan to keep him off balance. If she couldn't deal with this one with Amos to help her she might as well lie down and die already.

Full Action - Swift Attack

vs. WS 53 (+5 BQ Tulwar) (+10 Outnumbered) (-10 unsettled)

Any Damage

Dodge if needed
vs. Ag 50

2020-05-23, 02:12 AM
The power of Chaos that roiled around the heavily armored dark knight was potent enough to cause Asyrha’s grasp of Azyr to flicker with lambent corruption. This beast of a man needed to die.

The Asrai saw her companions battling against it, are carefully took a moment to dig deep and draw on Azyr once more. Seeking to limit her exposure to the Winds, for fear of a larger spell being subverted by the powers of Chaos, Asyrha sought to instead send a congealed shard of blue magic at the warrior.

She wasn’t expecting to kill the monstrosity, simply contribute to the damage her stalwart friends had unleashed themselves.

Half: Channelling [roll0] – TN 83
Half: Cast Magic Dart at Chaos Warrior [roll1] – TN 6 (+2 to result if Channel succeeds)
Damage [roll2]

2020-05-25, 03:31 AM
THere is another great crash as the flail clashes off Seur Armaund's shield leaving a huge dent. Behind the chaos warrior there is a brief scream as Tuli and Amos separate and surround the last of the barbaric invaders. His screams are choked off as the two of them slaughter his, the short stabbing blade and long curved tulwar making short work of the last of the savages.

In the centre of the room Bella's attempts to catch him are deflected by the claw before the strange crab like appendage snaps back just catching her thigh lightly. Before Suer Armaund steps in, two massive blows ringing out, the first hammering through the flail and hacking into the chaos warrior's body, strange clear ichor leaking out from the between the cracks in the armour, the second blow is avoided though as surprisingly nimbly the armoured hulk leaps backwards, but not quick enough to avoid the crackling bolt of magical force that punches through the creature's armour leaving more ichor leaking forth.

The warrior snarls under his breath and and focuses on the knight but amidst the whirling flail and skull the knight's shield manages to bear the brunt of the attacks even as the door frame and ceiling crumble and splinter under the impact of the spinning skull!

He attack twice, one was parried, one missed

Go go players

2020-05-25, 03:51 AM
Asyrha relished the sight of her spell striking true, but did not release her grasp on Azyr.

"Press the attack! The wretched slave of Chaos is wounded!" Her musical voice rose above the din of combat as she sent another bolt of lambent blue light at it.

Once more with feeling!

Channelling [roll0] TN 83
Magic Dart [roll1] TN 6

Damage [roll2]

Lord Athos
2020-05-25, 05:36 AM
Finally, Sieur Armand was able to break through his opponents defenses and drawing... blood?

The retaliation of the beast came instantly. The force of the impact of the Chaos Warrior's blow on his shield let the Bretonnian knight stumble backwards, but he quickly regained his footing and pressed his advantage, slashing at the Chaos Warrior another two times with his sword.

Swift attack on the Chaos Warrior:
1st attack: [roll0] vs 68 (78 since outnumbered)
2nd attack:[roll1] vs 68 (78 since outnumbered)

1st attack dmg: Might of Purity: Impact: [roll2] or [roll3]

2nd attack dmg: Might of Purity: Impact:
[roll4] or [roll5]

Parrying with shield if necessary [roll6] vs 73

Dodging the blow if necessary [roll7] vs 46

2020-05-25, 08:01 PM
Tuli slashes the last Kurgan deeply along his back before reversing her blade along the back of the man's neck. It was extremely satisfying.

The Chaos Warrior wouldn't fall so easily. Unless she was very lucky she might only end up breaking her sword on the monster's armour. Instead she will un-shoulder her bow and line up a shot into the thing's back.

Half Action - Ready Bow with AP arrow.
Half Action - Aim

2020-05-26, 01:02 PM
"Hey! No touchy-feely, Chaos filth!" Bella responds as the Chaos Warrior grabs at her legs again. Taking advantage of Sieur Armand's presence, she lines up her next attack carefully.

Half action: Aim (+20 to hit from Focused Strike)
Half action: Standard attack with catchpole [roll0] vs. 77 (WS 57, Aim +20, outnumber +10, Unsettling -10)
Damage: [roll1] plus Snare

Ulrich's Fury if applicable

Dodge Blow if needed [roll4] vs. 54 (Ag 44, Dodge Blow +10)

Wounds (remaining/total): 12/13
FP (remaining/total): 2/3

2020-05-26, 09:06 PM
Perhaps the enemy had thought Amos to be the greater threat, or perhaps he just took offense to him. Regardless, he fended off one of Amos's blows, only to leave his guard down for Tuli to strike. It was his last mistake. Amos saw the... monster.. battling the knight and the young firebrand. Tuli's bloodlust seemed to be sated as she drew her bow, so Amos pulled out his powderhorn and deftly poured a small measure into the mouth of the pistol. Stowing the powderhorn, he pulled out a paper-wrapped ball from his ammo pouch and, holding the pistol steady, pulled out the ramrod from beneath it, using it to ram the ball down the muzzle. With practiced ease, it only took about 15 seconds... not bad for such a complex mechanism. He carefully took aim at the monster's back, wanting to be sure to hit the beast squarely...

Reload pistol, takes 1.5 rounds, half action to aim, so will be able to fire the round after next, assuming nothing interferes...

2020-05-31, 05:01 PM
The chaos warrior staggers as another ball of crackling lightning slams into it with terrific force, sparks crackling across the surface of strange armour. Distracted Bell lunges forward, the barbed catch pole catching the thing on its crab like arm, the pincers digging in deeply releasing a string of ichor. As he is tangled in the barbed pincers the bretonnian knight step in and hews down twice more, the second blow a brutal jab into the monster's helm where with the blessing of the lady he manages to find a weak spot and the blade slides into the hlm strking the beast in the head.

The chaos warrior topples slowly forward, still leaking strange multihued liquids and writhes on the ground for a minute or so before lieing still! The sounds of your heavy breathing and blood dripping from Tuli's chest seem loud, as does the wind blowing in the reeds on the roof and the faint clatter of hooves on the tiles. But for the time being you seem to have secured the inn!

2020-05-31, 06:58 PM
Tuli will take a deep breath to calm herself down and then go and see if the fallen archer that came in with them is still alive. If it's too late to help him she'll see if the raiders left any survivors in the Inn.

Heal test vs. Int 32

Per vs. Int 32

2020-06-01, 03:14 PM
"Archers! Gather in the courtyard and keep an eye on the road. The rest of us are going to secure the buildings. If there are no more savages alive, you all get the honour of helping gather their corpses and burning them - these bastards ain't fit to sleep in Rhya's bosom," Bella orders. "As for their victims...well, we'll see what's left of them and what can be done for them."

Bella then follows Tuli inside to search the main building.

Lord Athos
2020-06-02, 05:49 AM
With the chaos warrior collapsing in front of them, Sieur Armand kept vigilant, lest the creature would rise again. When he was sure he was dead, the Bretonnian knight looked around him to see how the others fared- they seemed mostly unharmed.
The old inhabitants of the inn though, not so much, judging from their remains scattered about.

He nodded towards Asyrha. He was certain that her magical powers had made the difference, even if he had struck the final blow.

"I will check upstairs." he informed the others, and advanced up the stairs, sword and shield still at the ready.

2020-06-02, 07:17 PM
Amos finishes loading his pistol. As the knight walks up the stairs, he follows behind him, pistol drawn, eyes darting around for any further signs of life.

2020-06-06, 01:53 AM
As Amos follows Seur Armaund up the stairs, the wooden steps creaking loudly under the weight of the armoured knight you are both greeted only by the metallic tang of blood and the sight of bodies strewn around the upper floor of the inns. From the condition of the bodies its clear that some died fighting when the Inn must have been initially stormed, others were captured and tortured. Its a disgusting sight, the bodies strewn across the floor of the chamber in some elaborate chaos ritual of some kind.

As you see the scene please make an normal (i.e. +10% bonus) test to avoid gaining 1 IP from the odd and unholy chaos scene of descecration.

Downstairs the remaining archers secure the outbuildings, reporting the same as inside the main inn where all horses, dogs, sheep, chickens etc... have been killed and partially eaten. The chaos raiders here were thorough in killing everything. However in the stable they also found a rough hand drawn map of the local area with the bridge and Inn marked upon it and several other small farmsteads each with strange harsh runes in a lanuguage that none of you recognise

As the Inn is cleared Albus, one of the older archers looks to Tuli, "Aye lass. Nasty blow you took there" and Bella, "What now then Miss? Do we send for the rest of the company? Its a defensible building aye and we can be in a good place to move onto Zundap or Wendorf at first light in force"

2020-06-06, 07:54 PM
Amos starts sweating nervously. He wipes his face with a filthy sleeve. Weakly, he said, "By all the gods. What madness... those souls. Morr will never take them now...
Aye, we'll make a pyre. Fire cleanses all."

2020-06-06, 09:15 PM
Tuli is stony faced as she checks the body of the archer that the Chaos Warrior had slain. He was brave to have followed them in here but he should never have been there in the first place. The lack of survivors elsewhere in the Inn was disappointing but hardly surprising. These people were not warriors after all. She'll wave away the mention of her wound to Albus, 'I am still alive. Many are not. This place may be defensible, but I think it would be bad to spend the night here if we had any choice.'

Eventually she'll find a private corner where she'll attempt to clean her wound.

2020-06-07, 01:53 PM
"Captain Ludenhof said to find a defensible site he could reach by nightfall. No matter what grisly business went on here, this inn fits the bill," Bella answers the archer. "We should clean this place up and send word to the Captain as soon as possible. Perhaps Sir Gottfried and a pair of you archers?" she suggests.

OOC: Since it seems like Janwin's no longer with us, having Sir Gottfried return to the main force seems like a good method of parting ways.

Also, the WP test was only for the people who went upstairs, right?

2020-06-14, 10:50 PM
Coming down from the upstairs, Amos tells one of the archers. "Guard this stairway. Don't let anyone up there until the Captain comes." Seeing Sir Gottfried head back with a few men towards the bridge, he says to Tuli. "We should go scout out the woods, make sure nobody's lurking nearby. Don't want any surprises come nightfall."

2020-06-15, 05:08 AM
'I'm sure they had friends out there somewhere.' Tuli takes note of Amos' face. 'What happened to you?'

2020-06-15, 11:33 AM
"What do you mean, 'guard the stairway'? What's up there? It took us three hours to get here, and we're a small mounted party. It'll take a lot longer for the Captain and the rest of the battalion to show up. If there's bodies up there, we should use the time to clear them out and give them as decent a burial as we can manage," Bella says to Amos. "And when you get back from scouting, be prepared to grab a shovel and pitch in..."

Once the scouting party and the messengers to Captain Ludenhof have left, Arabella busies herself with chivvying the remaining archers to start gathering up the bodies and sorting them in two piles - one for decent Imperial citizens, one for Chaos-worshipping scum. She pitches in herself and makes sure to tell the soldiers that no one should touch the Chaos worshippers without gloves or gauntlets on. Afterwards, she has everyone wash thoroughly if clean water can be found.

While moving the bodies, she also surreptitiously checks them for marks or possessions that could identify them as followers of a specific power. If any appear to be Nurgle-worshippers, she won't let anyone touch the body. Instead, she'll go looking for other means to move them - poles, boards and pitchforks come to mind...

Academic Knowledge (Theology) vs. Int 41 [roll0]

2020-06-15, 04:41 PM
A few of the archers help Amos and Tuli as they tidy up the bodies and drag them down and stack them neatly in the stables. Gottfreid nods to the others "I'll ride back and get the Captain to bring up the vanguard." He offers Armaund a respectful nod before setting the horse to a canter and racing down the muddy road back towards the heavily fortified bridge.

As the bodies are moved into the stable and the doors pushed vaguely closed archers take position on the rooftop and by the gate. The arches chat amongst themselves, Gunther heading into the kitchen and then coming out with a heavy tray of cooked meats and some day old bread. He offers it to Seur Armaund first with a nod of his head before dragging the platter to a table by Amos and Tuli. "You all right lass?" he asks, looking at Tuli's cracked ribs. "Nasty bunch, that. Ales you wanting?" he offers heading behind the bar and drawing several long mugs of frothy ale.


A long 5 hours later there is the sound of armoured boots on the road and the leading companies of the Tilean pike and the soldiers of the company can be seen marching in good order down the road, a screen of militia and archers scattered out in front of them watching the woods warily as they scanned for danger. Ludenhof led the force, a mixture of a few hundred militia, spearmen and 50 or so handguns in tow behind him. Seeing the Inn he waved a hand in greeting and trotted forward with a few patrol men at his heels. "Seur Armaund, Miss Bella," he glanced at the bloodsheeting the courtyard and the bodies visible in the damaged stables. "You gave a good account of yoruselves, Sigmar be praised. I hear you even bested one of their leaders..." his voice tails off and he looks at the stable with obvious curiosity. THen shakes his head and glances at the bannerman. "Get the men camped down, no more than a single ale apiece and set a strong picket. With the enemy so close no need to tempt the faces."

As the men scattered into the courtyard, or chopped at the woods to make space for crude bivouacs for the night others headed into the cellar, a great cheer as they discovered several large ale barrels unbroken and soon rolled them up to the yard and started dishing out the good beer. Ludenhof watched for a while before nodding to the the advance party (i.e. the heroes). "Come, lets sit, tell me of the forces you saw and their numbers? Also, in the morning, Wendorf or Zundap? Both are small villages and lie on the road towards Wolfenburg, Wendorf is the more direct route, Zundap offers the chance to loop around and maybe hit the enemy from an unexpected quarter."

2020-06-17, 09:23 AM
Amos rattles off the numbers he'd seen in the inn. "Reavers, most-like. Except for that armored beast. No match for armored knights, but devilish tough. Uhh. Probably keep running into them as they look for food and plunder. Scouting parties should be careful, no fewer than a dozen at a time. As far as route is concerned. I ain't much of a general, but I've spent time on the roads. If the rest of the army is a few days behind us, let them take the short route and we take a longer route. So we's can get there about the same time."

Lord Athos
2020-06-17, 10:21 AM
Sieur Armand nodded slightly at Amos' description."Raiders. Mostly northmen, some beastman, your highness. The warrior of the ruinous powers might have been a more formidable foe if we did not have him outnumbered and if we did not have magical support. He was very heavily armoured and a vicious combatant. "
Sieur Armand had glanced to Ashyra at the mention of magical support.

"I would advise to take the route to Zundap. If there is a chance to bring our troops in a more advantageous position, we ought to take it. Also, considering our primary goal, this route is likely to mislead our enemies more."

2020-06-17, 11:23 AM
After helping with the bodies Tuli will make a point of asking Ashyra to keep an eye on her given the manner of her wound. In theory a Wise Woman would be best able to notice and deal with any sickness in her before it became a problem for anyone else. In the meantime she could make herself useful.

She'll shrug off any praise from Ludenhof, 'There are always more like the one Armand slew. If he was really important to them he would have had a lot more followers to guard him.' She agreed with Amos and Armand, 'Better to be where the enemy does not expect. We have no idea what might be waiting for us on the longer road, so it is better that someone goes to take a look.'

2020-06-17, 04:06 PM
"We saw no other enemy forces other than the ones we fought here, Captain. There's a good chance we killed them all. They attacked us and seemed more...enthusiastic...than desperate, so it's unlikely to have been a distraction while some of them slipped off to warn another force," Bella adds to what the others have said. "However, we did recover this map in the stables. It's hand drawn, but the enemy seems remarkably well informed of the lay of the land. See - both the Struhelspan and this inn are clearly marked. The rest of these markings are probably farmsteads, but none of us have been able to decipher the meaning of these runes. They could just be showing places that have been sacked, but they could also be noting the location of other Chaos forces."

"Captain, the Ostlanders that were holding the bridge said they were coming from Zundap when they were ambushed. Whether or not Zundap was in Imperial hands when they left, it seems likely that it must have been taken or fallen under siege soon after if the enemy was confident enough to send cavalry to chase down the column. I think there's a good chance we'll run into a sizeable enemy force if we go by way of Zundap. In addition, the battalion is hardly a quick-moving formation, so overall I believe we should advance via Wendorf rather than take the longer route. However, sending a small scouting party towards Zundap would also be wise - if the enemy is there, we'll know to protect our flanks and can warn the Emperor as well."

Lord Athos
2020-06-18, 04:29 AM
The Bretonnian Knight regarded the map found in the stables with interest, while also listening to the mercenaries' words. At the mention of "cavalry", he raised his eyebrows. Was that something he had missed?

"Zundab seems to be nothing more than a small village." he stated after a second of silence. "I doubt there was much of a siege, or that they fared much better against these marauders than the inn. What is there to suggest a sizeable enemy force?"

2020-06-18, 11:42 AM
"Zundap may be small, but it's a strategic location. All the main roads in this area pass through it - west from the Struhelspan, east from Kislev, south from Talabecland, and even north to Wolfenburg. If they hold Zundap, they can block the advance of any relief force coming from Talabecland, they can protect their supply lines to the north and east, and they can prevent the Emperor from marching east to fall on the rear of the army besieging Wolfenburg. And even if we march on Wolfenburg via Wendorf, we still have to pass through Grünackeren - another choke point - whether we go through Wendorf or Zundap," Bella explains.

OOC: If you check the large map of Ostland and compare it with the smaller one, it's clear the main road to Wolfenburg runs through Zundap and then Grünackeren. Wendorf is on a branch road west of Grünackeren.

The cavalry Arabella if talking about is mentioned in this post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24422910&postcount=18). The Ostlander mentions that he was wounded while marching back from Zundap by Norsemen on "accursed, evil ponies".

Lord Athos
2020-06-19, 10:37 AM
"It is still a small village." Sieur Armand said after a moment of pondering. "It is not a castle that truly projects control of an area. Also, if there were any forces present there, they have probably either heard of our crossing by now, or will so soon. I expect them to march towards the bridge."

His gaze wandered to Tuli and Amos.
"You do know these parts, do you not? Is Zundap defensible?

2020-06-19, 12:59 PM
His gaze wandered to Tuli and Amos.
"You do know these parts, do you not? Is Zundap defensible?

Tuli shakes her head, 'All these Empire villages look the same to me. Even if I came through here before.'

'Maybe there's a castle out there somewhere, but I don't know how many Northmen would stay there when there are villages still to raid or a chance of battle with people like us. Much depends on whoever leads them.'

To Bella, 'If Zundap needs to be scouted do we need to send someone who knows what they're doing? We could go ourselves and take your Tileans with us. Or do we move fast towards Wendorf and allow the Emperor to deal with anything that might be coming from Zundap to encircle us?'

2020-06-19, 02:45 PM
"Defense? Against these reavers? Sure, with fifty stout men and strong will. Should it come to that. With these fellows we can turn it into a fortress with a few day's work. But we're here to rescue Wolfensburg. We should keep moving until we reach the enemy lines. The long road will let the other battalions catch up so we can attack together."

Lord Athos
2020-06-20, 12:47 AM
"Against us." Sieur Armand stated.
"We should know what could await us in Zundap. We do not want to be tied up there, or deal with getting harassed by them if we refuse."
For a moment, he studied the map.

"If Sergeant Eisenhauer is correct, and the ruinous powers field a large number of men in Zundab, they may be marching to the bridge by now. They will do so on the direct way, and would meet us on the road if we made Zundab our next target. In that case, travelling to Wendorf whilst scouting the road to Zundab may allow us to not only protect our flanks but to harass and misdirect any forces travelling from Zundab to the Struhelspan bridge, buying the Emperor more time."
He turned towards Ludenhoff.
"Your Highness, if you could elaborate - what troop positioning and movements of our foes were you expecting?"

2020-06-20, 08:53 AM
"I haven't said there will be a large force there, I said I think there could be. It may well be that these savages care nothing for the strategic situation and their commander may exercise no control over the bands we've met so far, but if I were leading them - yes, I would attempt to hold Zundap and Grünackeren to secure the siege and my supply routes. Even the most foolish Norse warlord will know that the Emperor must use the main roads - the Imperial artillery won't make it to Wolfenburg through the forests."

"As for whether Zundap is defensible? Well, most Imperial villages will have at least a palisade, and troops with time and proper training could certainly improve on that. However, these Norsemen may lack both the inclination and training to do so. Even so, just quartering a force there and in the immediate surroundings will be enough to hold the village unless a strong Imperial force were to be sent to push them out."

"With all that said, Captain, it's still the case that we are the vanguard of the Emperor's army. Our mission is surely not to raise the siege of Wolfenburg by ourselves, but to find, clear, and hold a path that enables the Emperor to do so as quickly as possible. If we meet the enemy on the way, we must surely engage and destroy them when we can, but we should not go looking for unnecessary fights that won't contribute to the main objective even if we win."

"If it is possible for us and the main army to advance on Wolfenburg via Wendorf, that is my recommendation. Zundap should be scouted by a small, swift force to find out if there is a dangerous enemy there or not, but we should not march via Zundap unless we must...which would be the case if Wendorf is too strongly defended or if it's simply not possible for the Emperor to march that way with any speed."

Lord Athos
2020-06-20, 11:40 AM
"You need not worry, Sergeant.
Nobody thought you claimed to know for sure." the Bretonnian Knight assured Bella.
"You raised excellent points. A possible concentration of enemy forces in Zundab is definitely worth discussion."
His gaze returned to the map.
"However, I disagree about the conclusion drawn. As vanguard, it is necessary for us to engage a force coming from Zundab towards the Struhelspan bridge. It is most certainly a necessary fight we would pick. Not only to clear the path, but also to buy our main forces time."

2020-06-21, 02:53 AM
Ludenhof looks at his semi-advisors and grins as he drinks heavily on the flagon of ale. "Not bad for peseant fare" he muses, still looking at the crude map that they had unrolled on the table. He thinks for a moment before turning to the nearest spearman and ordering Sgt Voss to get here. A few minutes pass before the leader of the 1st comapany appears and appraises the Captain of the situation.

"Capt' Ser, most of the men have arrived. We had word of outriders of the main force arriving, a good few hundred of them so your brother will be here by darkness fall with the artillery, we'll have the whole regiment Captain." At the words Ludenhof shakes his head, "damn it brother, always impetuous." Then he looks at the others, "This is good, we will have the full regiment here along with the artillery. I agree with you Bella. We can take Zundap and secure the route. With full force and the artillery it should be easy, as Seur Armaund says the village will have a thin palisade at best. It should fall easily."

He looks at the Inn, "We can leave some men here to secure the inn if Zundap is thronging with the enemy but otherwise we can advance in force." Glancing at the party he pauses, "You have done well today. I'm impressed by your skills. On the morrow if I give you elements of the 1st and 4th company and the Tileans will you lead the advance? THe main body can follow on with the supplies and the artillery train? I shall leave it up to you if you see the village is empty of the enemy you can take it, if it looks reinforced then establish some defensive positions and wait for the rest of us?"

~50 Empire Spearmen
~50 empire archers
The 40 Tilean Pike

"Are ant of you injured, I can ask my personal medicant to tend any injuries you may have suffered"

2020-06-22, 05:04 PM
"I'm sure we can manage that, Captain," Bella answers with a smart salute.

"I took a small hit to the leg, but I'll walk it off on the march tomorrow. Tuli took a nasty blow to the ribs though. You might want to order her to let your medicant take a look," she says with a grin.

2020-06-22, 08:21 PM
Tuli grinned at Ludenhof. 'It looks worse then it is Boyar. I am hard to kill. The problem may be whatever zza **** the creature had on his weapon.' This was more serious, but Tuli was fatalistic about such things. 'I would suggest your friend the Woods Wizard keep an eye on me. Along with the Elf they might see such things before they become a problem for everyone else.' She shrugs, 'Perhaps I worry too much, but you cannot take any chances with those armoured kayazak. I must endeavor to fight better next time.'

They had a plan so Tuli was content.

I did not bother to look up how healing works for some reason. Took 6 wounds, passed the heal test and healed 5 so Tuli isn't in much danger, but I felt that superstitious paranoia was appropriate.

2020-06-23, 09:05 AM
"Aye, we'll scout out the town. And clear any roadblocks the enemy may have thrown up. There may still be reavers lurking in the woods, so watch the baggage train closely. Hate to see them spike the guns while we're looking intently forwards."

Lord Athos
2020-06-26, 04:01 PM
Sieur Armand nodded thoughtfully. His question was left floating in the room, but once the decision had been made, it didn't matter.

"As you wish, your Highness."

2020-07-12, 03:56 PM
THe nights passes swiftly in the inn. With so many men available the rooms were quickly swept clean of taint and blood and as those who had liberated the Inn the heroes were offered rooms and beds rather than a space on the stable floors like many of the soldiers. In the morning the inn is awash with the sounds of soldiering as the fires are lit, bread is handed around and hard beef jerky and chunks of cheese join the twice baked bread as the men look nervous.

Within the Inn Seur Armaund, Bella, Tuli and Amos are given fancier fare, hot stew prepared in the kitchen and a robust local Averlnad Red to warm up the insides in the slightly greying skies outside. Made even more forbeboding by the plumes of oily black smoke dotting the horizon! As you finish your breakfast you can see the ranks of the 1st, the 4th and the Tileans slowly forming into a loose column, the men looking serious, as the 50 spears, 40 or so Tilean pike make a brave looking train of men on the road, the 50 or so archers clustered around in groups of 7-8 spreading out slowly, a few of the more well to do (~10 or so) mounted on robust looking horses. THe men salute as Seur Armaund and Bell emerge from the Inn.

Captain Ludenhof offers you a greeting. "We will break camp and try and be close, but we'll still be some distance behind you." He looks at the plumes of smoke drifting over the forest across the northern and eastern reaches. "Have a care, do not over extend. If you find too many of the enemy dig in or retreat back to us. You cannot face an army alone!"
With a cheerful wave he watches you march towards the east, heading down the forest road...

So whats the rough plan, marching order etc...

2020-07-13, 07:35 PM
After seeing to her horse Tuli will take the offered room. Better to be as rested as possible as she couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't be attacked again during the night. Still, it didn't entirely sit well with her to be receiving special treatment. She would need to do something to justify it.

She'll arrive leading Tylik just as Ludenhof is leaving. 'He is right. I think we should be prepared to ride like hell when the time comes. Although if we do not come back I think that will tell the Boyar something by itself.' Tuli is matter of fact about that. 'On the other hand, if we stumble across any smaller bands I think it is better they meet us then someone less able to deal with them.'

If Amos is here she'll ask him, 'Are there any high places around here. I think it would be better to see what might be ahead of us if we can.'

Looking for hills if possible, although maybe the area is mostly flat

Tuli will go ahead unless someone stops her.

2020-07-13, 09:39 PM
Amos nodded thoughtfully at Tuli. They would be riding in front of the column, eyes and ears looking for trouble, to spoil ambushes and return the favor to the enemy, if possible. "I grew up a hundred miles east of here, might be a knob or tor hiding in these woods, but we'd never spot it unless we stumbled over it." He chewed on the hard bread. "Best pack rations for two days at least."

[roll0] v. 69 common knowledge Empire to see if there are any high vantage points around here.

2020-07-14, 01:50 PM
"Scouting is the foundation of any successful campaign - so sayeth the Bellum Strategia," Arabella agrees. "You two should bring some of the mounted archers with you for support and communications. I'll march with the column and I hope Sieur Armand will lead. The Compagnia doesn't care about rank, but Imperial troops are used to noblemen being in charge. Of course, they appreciate said noblemen a lot more when they listen to the sergeants," she continues with a grin.

OOC: I assume the road isn't all that wide, so I suggest we form all the men into a column. The spears form the van, followed by the Tilean pike, then the archers. A number of the archers should be deployed as pickets on our flanks while we march. Whenever we stop for rest, the pickets get rotated so that new archers take their place.

2-4 mounted archers should scout ahead with Tuli and Amos, the rest should remain with the column to serve as dispatch riders. 2-4 of them might also serve as a trailing rearguard to keep an eye out for enemies coming up on us from behind.

If it comes to a set piece battle on the road, the van should split into two equal groups and retreat to protect the flanks of the pikes, who then quick march at the enemy, pikes levelled. The archers can either volley fire over the heads of the infantry, skirmish through the forest, or move out in front to shoot the enemy until the infantry is ready to attack.

As for the overall plan, our orders are clear: head straight for Zundap and - if possible - secure it. We don't need to force march, but we should keep the column moving as fast as possible without tiring the men so much that they can't fight if we get ambushed or get into a proper battle. I have no clue how far that means we can travel per day. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Athos
2020-07-16, 10:59 AM
The Bretonnian knight swiftly saddled up and steered his horse towards the others. As he had come to expect, they obviously knew what they were doing.

"I will see to it that you do not hope in vain, Sergeant." Sieur Armand commented in a serious voice, but with the barest hint of humour.
"Your suggestions are valid, and appreciated."
After having decided on the exact marching order, he left Bella to relay the orders to the troops and bring them into formation. That was her job, after all.

When all was done, he rode to the front of the column, watching the men as he rode by. There, he turned back towards them.

"Very well, then. Onwards, to Zundap!"

OOC: I agree with that formation, although I'd like to have some spears in the rear and maybe even in the middle as well, just in case. That would offer more flexibility if we are attacked unexpectedly.

2020-07-17, 07:23 PM
Amos looks at the men forming up for the march. There'd be no way to keep them secret or hidden, he'd just have to make sure that the scouts spotted any hidden ambushes first. The Tilean's 16 foot pikes towered above their heads and he frowned for a moment. "Keep your swords ready, lads, might be close blade-work today." he says as he passes them by.

2020-07-17, 09:05 PM
Amos nodded thoughtfully at Tuli. They would be riding in front of the column, eyes and ears looking for trouble, to spoil ambushes and return the favor to the enemy, if possible. "I grew up a hundred miles east of here, might be a knob or tor hiding in these woods, but we'd never spot it unless we stumbled over it." He chewed on the hard bread. "Best pack rations for two days at least."

'There are too many trees in your country.' Tuli said with some annoyance. 'It is most inconvenient.' After, she will take Bella's suggestion seriously and go find a few of the most experienced looking mounted archers. She's not sure if she could actually order any of the soldiers around but if they knew their business well above she wouldn't have to.

2020-07-18, 03:55 PM
A couple of hours pass as the men march cautiously down the road, the woods filled with shadows stretching out in a threatening manner, the marching troops clustering closer to the centre of the road. Soon the smell of smoke can be detected and a plume of dark smoke rising above the trees marks where Zundap is.

Tuli ahead pauses amidst the shadow of the tress, a low rise on the approach to the crossroads as she and Amos can then see the village ahead of her. The village is typical of so many of the Empire villages. The road splitting to the North and East and passing through the centre of the village. A cluster of houses surround the main square, solid tiled roofs (where they stand) and a lone inn. By the approach road from the west (where you are coming from) there is a plume of smoke as you can see the remains of the Temple of Sigmar, now a vast bonfire, a cluster of maybe 50 or so kurgan savages arrayed in a broad circle around the burning wreckage cheering and chanting as a strange looking three armed metal clad creature stands by the flames, a dagger in his hand as he slits the throat of 8 villagers, each one being hurled into the flames where their bodies are consumed in flashes of pink fire.

Aside from the 50 or so kurgan surrounding the burning Temple fires burn in half of the houses of village where the chaos marauders have caused some wanton destruction and blood smears and corpses liberally decorate the streets. A few kurgan walk the streets looting and burning and as Tuli and Amos watch a trio of horseman head North on the road you'll intend to take after the village. Amidst the crowd watching the sacrifices both can make out maybe 3-4 heavily armoured figures

2020-07-18, 06:57 PM
Tuli takes a moment to calm her horse. To Amos, 'You see the colour of the fire? Is it witchcraft?' She didn't want to think about what the sacrifices might be for, but could take solace in the fact that whatever was going on down there wasn't specifically directed at her. 'I do not think your Sigmar will take kindly to having his temple desecrated.'

Common Lore (Troll Country) to know what the sacrifices might be for.
vs. Int 32

Perception vs. Int 32

Going to roll for Tuli's horse as well
Perception vs. Int 10 (+20 Keen Senses)

2020-07-20, 01:03 PM
Amos looks over at Tuli for a moment, and then back at the grisly scene. "I don't know nuthin' about witchcraft, ask the witch maybe." He watches the temple burn for a few minutes. "Sigmar will pay them back. Sooner rather than later."

He turns to one of the mounted archers and orders him to go back and relay the news to the others. "Ask them come up the road in battle formation. We'll take the archers and hit them from the woods once the battle's begun." Amos turns back to Tuli and says, "Let's let the knights deal with those... metal beasts this time. If one gets too close I'll use my pistol and then we can back off. Can't imagine they're faster than us."

2020-07-20, 02:26 PM
Arabella listens intently to the scout's report together with Sieur Armand.

"So, at least fifty of the savages making religious out in front of the village. The creature leading them is no doubt some sort of priest or sorcerer, and there's three or four Chaos Warriors among them," she summarizes, rubbing her chin as she considers their options.

"Well, the good news is that we outnumber them by some margin and the fact that they're out in the open makes it easier to bring our numbers to bear. Setting up a proper battle formation will take a little time, though."

"Hmm, I suggest we send the archers in first and let them soften up the enemy with a volley or two. While they're doing that, we form up the infantry with the pikes at the centre and half of the spear on either flank. When the signal is given, the archers move off to either side and let the infantry advance straight into the mass of the enemy. The archers continue to provide support as needed. Of course, all this presumes that there's actually enough space to manoeuvre our infantry into position like that. What do you say, Kurt?" she asks the scout. "Will we be hitting the enemy as we come out of the forest, or are there fields nearby to let us set up our forces?"

2020-07-20, 08:43 PM
'The Elf and the Martinov woman can deal with it.' Tuli said with some confidence, 'If they cannot an arrow in the throat will still hurt it.'

Amos turns back to Tuli and says, "Let's let the knights deal with those... metal beasts this time. If one gets too close I'll use my pistol and then we can back off. Can't imagine they're faster than us."

'That was ...regrettable.' Tuli replies thinking of the people they lost at the Inn. 'Out here we have room to manuevre.'

2020-09-15, 03:47 PM
The curve of the hill and the forest on either side of the road leaves Amos and Tuli crouched some 200 yards shy of the buildings at the edge of the small village (~50 yards further on to the village square where the bulk of the enemy where gathered. The village is surrounded by the woods, aside from where the cross roads pass through, and the trees are relatively dense until ~80 yards from the edge of the village where the ground becomes scrubby grass and small vegetable patches or thin stalks of barley or hops - larger farms nearby probably the larger source of food for the village.

THe road and the semi-cleared verges would allow some 20 men to stand abreast, the ranks of pike and spears slowly forming up but not approaching the low brow of the hill. Even from this distance the sounds of cheering, eerie chanting and blood curdling screams can be heard. The men look about, nervous at the sounds of chaos worship so close, a few whispering prayers to Sigmar or Taal, others pale and shaking. The archers filter into the woods on either side of men, quivers loose and arrows nocked as they glance around nervously. One of the men looks to the pair of armoured knights - "How many of 'em is there? They fight like monsters you know."

2020-09-27, 01:41 AM
The noise from the village grows more quiet, drowned out by the crunching of boots as the hundred or so men march towards the crest of the hill. In the centre of the road are he Tilean pike, 4 ranks deep with the long spears held outstretched in a thick forest of spears, flanking them on the edges of the road the spear men tighten the grips of their shields and spears. In a rough cloud around the flanks and a thin picket line 20 or so yards in front of the pikes are the archers.

The men reach the top of the hill, a collective intake of breath, curses, and prayers to Sigmar or Verena (depending if they are militia or Tilean) and even as they see the mass of chaos pillagers and their vile sacrificial fires the chaos horde see the spears and roar battle cries to their dark Gods. The norse marauders begin to surge up the road, a screaming mass of flesh and weapons, in their midst armoured hulks moving swiftly despite their armour. In the centre of the square you can see the sorcerer beginnig to channel dark energy as a swilring cloud of darkness streaked with red flashes begins to coalesce above the village...

They start ~200 yards away so will take ~10 rounds to cover the distance to where melee or other such things are requried....
What broad options will you be doing in that time

2020-09-28, 07:52 PM
Tuli will remount her horse. To Amos, 'Better they try to chase us then join in the attack on the soldiers. I don't expect the armoured ones to capable of running very fast in all that metal.'

2020-09-29, 08:18 PM
"Time to play steppe raider, then," says Amos. "Have the men form up, I'll make sure a few less make it here." With that, Amos spurs his horse forward until the enemy are just within bowshot and he lets loose a few arrows, before turning and heading back to the line.

Going to ride up and let loose a few arrows at the oncoming men before turning and heading back for safety.
Attack 1, swift attack : BS 58 [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
Attack 2, swift attack : BS 58 [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
Confirm Ulric's fury if needed [roll8] and [roll9], and [roll10] and [roll11]
Ride check if needed v. 46: [roll12]

2020-10-01, 12:54 PM
"Alright, you 'orrible lot, new plan!" Bella shouts over the howls of the marauders. "Compagnia! Hold here and form two ranks! Ground your pikes and let the enemy come to you!"

"Right flank spears - form a single rank in front of the pikes and leave five men to cover the flank. Tuck in tight and let the pikes cover you!"

"Left flank spears - five men cover the left flank and the rest of you form a single rank behind the pikes! Congratulations! You're now our reserve!"

"The bastards are coming to us, and we're going to show 'em what discipline and superior tactics can do. Pikes and front rank spears - you're job is to pin the enemy and kill as many as you can. Reserve spears - you'll be reinforcing the flanks or wrapping round the enemy once they're stuck in place. Wait for the command!"

"Archers! You just keep shooting as long as you can. Skirmish line - break left and right when the enemy gets close!"

"All of you! Hold the line and stick together! Keep a cool head and a fire in your hearts! Now is the time to pay these beasts back for what they've done! For Ostland! For the Emperor! For Myrmidia and Sigmar - KILL THEM ALL!"

OOC: And so on and so forth... Bella busies herself setting up the new formation and rousing spirits. When that's done, she takes up position to support the spearmen covering the right flank. If it's plausible that there's a spare pike on hand, she'll grab one to get some reach, if not she'll be using her catchpole.

2020-10-01, 09:57 PM
"Time to play steppe raider, then," says Amos. "Have the men form up, I'll make sure a few less make it here." With that, Amos spurs his horse forward until the enemy are just within bowshot and he lets loose a few arrows, before turning and heading back to the line.

Tuli only laughed at that comment before spurring Tylik to follow him. She'll stick to the flanks of the oncoming horde and will fire on the biggest and heaviest armoured target available in a bid to attract their attention. She'll keep pace with Amos so they could back each other up.

Ride check if needed vs. Ag 50 (Ride +10)

Trying to fire on a Chaos Warrior vs. BS 55 (short range is 34 yrds)

AP arrow (-1 armour, stacked with -1 for Sure Shot)

2020-10-06, 04:43 PM
There's an expectant hush in in the air before the roar of the 50 or so marauders charging up the hill towards the line of pikes, spears and scattered archers. Dropping to knees or aiming carefully the archers let fly with a several waves of arrows, the whistle of the arrows in the sky almost drowning out the primal screams of the chaos horde charging towards them. The arrows rain down on the leather clad bearded men and screams of pain sound over the screams of rage! A few arrows thud into the armoured forms of the chaos warriors, each standing a head taller than the kurgan, but the arrows are either met by a massive steel shield or bounce off the strange travesty of plate that they wear. Even so a dozen kurgan collapse, on the charge as they ran across the open distance, each skewered multiple times before being trampled by their kin!

As they close on the pikes, massive war axes, clubs and spike flails singing in the early light the archers scatter like quail sprinting to the flanks and darting behind trees and the like into the bushes. Many of the kurgan hurl heavy throwing axes or long barbed javelins and shouts and screams sound amidst the tileans and spears as several men topple forward or fall backwards clutching savage wounds. Then with a crash like thunder the kurgan meet the wall of pikes and spears, with Bella's bellowed commands inspiring them they stand firm, Kurgan held at pikes length, struggling to close on the men, however, on the left and in the centre there are screams as chaos reaches the spears!

On the left two of the massive chaos warriors wade into the fray, both taking pike thrusts that merely bounce off the baroque armour leaving strange trails of ichor, a sword and a strange long double handled glaive with a beak like end swing down in rapid succession and two spear men scream in agony as they choke their life out on the ground! A pocket of kurgan slamming into the men alongside the warriors, the pikes less helpful in the packed close quarters! In the centre, behind the leading rank of kurgan the bizzare 3-armed sorcerer throws up his arms, and with a crack of brimstone and hellfiire the two men beside Bella are consumed by fire! As the men beside her look to panic at the hellfire and withchcraft she bellows a command, her inspiring tones fixing the terrified men in place even as a pair of Kurgan leap up towards her, the sorcerer in the second rank of Kurgan pressing on the deeper ranks of soldiers!

Marauders/Beasts: 36/55
Chaos Warriors: 4/4
Sorcerer: 1/1

Pike: 36/40
Spears: 46/50
Archers: 48/50


Locked in combat, we'll start going semi-round by round. So describe what your first round of actions is please.

2020-10-07, 08:50 PM
That Sorcerer needed to die. Or at least be given something else to worry about. She'll stand high in her stirrups so that she could shoot the mutant thing directly.

Free Action to rapid reload
Half Action to aim
Half action to shoot

vs. BS 55 (+10 aim)
FPed to a 2 in the ooc thread

AP arrow (-1 armour, stacked with -1 for Sure Shot)

FP: 1/2
Quiver (20 arrows, 18 ap arrows, at least 5 screamer and 5 incendiary arrows)

2020-10-07, 09:55 PM
Seeing the foul sorcerer conducting his unholy and illegal rites, Amos also pauses, takes a deep breath, and lets an aimed shot fly at the villain. The sooner it plagued Imperial lands no more, the better.

[roll0] v. 68 aimed shot at sorcerer with longbow. [roll1]. Ulric's fury rolls just in case: [roll2], [roll3]

2020-10-08, 04:15 PM
"That's it! Hold 'em off and cut 'em down lads!" Bella roars approvingly as most of the Kurgans fail to break past the pikes.

"Let's - BLOOD AND THUNDER!" she curses as the sorcerer's witchcraft incinerates the men next to her. Hefting her catchpole, she prepares to defend herself even as she continues to shout encouragement to the soldiers being attacked by the Chaos warriors."Don't be afraid! There's only four of them! Spears and third rank pikes - skewer them like pigs!"

With a lightning thrust, she lances her catchpole forward to try and grab the nearest Kurgan attacking her. "Come on, 1st Company! I grab 'em, you stab 'em!"

The Kurgan that are attacking Arabella are Chaos Warriors as well, right?

Full action: Swift attack vs. Chaos Warrior [roll0], [roll1] vs. WS 57 (+outnumbering bonus?)
Damage: [roll2]+Snare, [roll3]+Snare

Ulric's Fury if applicable
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] extra damage

Dodge [roll8] vs. 54 if needed

Wounds (remaining/total): 13/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

2020-10-17, 04:36 PM
Screams and shouts echoed on the lonely road as the kurgan led by the wedge of heavily armoured and savage killers closed upon the pikemen. Even as the font line became slick and bloody with dead and injured men screaming in defiance or in terror or merely weeping curled up around the their wounds the clash of steel continued. On the flanks Kurgan fell, the archers firing point blank into the barbarians on the edge of the lines, the two men that charged at some of the tough hunters both toppling to the earth 2-3 arrows in them!

The pikes fight welll emboldened by Bella in their midst and the solid numbers on their side and several more of the Kurgan are killed as the line of men advances, pushing the chaos force back, step by bloody step. The men and spears on the flanks and in the rear ranks stabbing the downed foe ruthlessly. Only in the centre where the men were scared of the sorcerer and on the flank where the wedge of massive heavily plated chaos warriors fought did the Tilean pikes fail to progress and brightly coloured tileans uniforms turned a deep red.

Face to face with one of the warriors, a towering creature in blood streaked red plate festooned with spikes and odd bony protrusions Bella lashed out with the jaws oft he catchpole. The "man" blocked the first lunge with his huge steel kite shield and even as another thrust clamped around his leg he pulld it free before it could catch him. Growling he swung with the cleaver like blade at Bella, she rolled out of the way of the first blow before a second caught her in the chest, a rib shattering from the force of the blow! Even as she was struke blows rained down from th kurgan sensing weakness but a pikeman managed to block a blow, even as a second man was rent near in half by the spinning bladed flail carried in both arms by a second warrior, this one with a strange crest of bone on his head and a long beard of porpcupine like quills jutting out from under the helm.

In the second rank arows flew from the scouts towards the sorcerer, even wreathed in the unholy flames Amos still targets true, an arrow plunging into the man's leg. With a curse in a language so vile he was sure it would cause his ears to bleed Amos could only watch as the creature gestured towards him and a ball of fire streaked from the beast's hand, one ball of fire lashing in to the man next to him, the archer screaming as he was turned into a human bonfire, the second ball of pink fire strking him in the chest with searing agony!

Chaos warriror 1 in combat with Bella,
* Parry attack 1, hit by attack 2 but passed agility to not be snared
+ Attacks Bella twice, first attack she dodges, second attack Hits Bella in the Chest for 14 damage [not taken away Armour or TB]

Bella to make a WP test due his unsettling talent or be at -10WS

Sorcerer throws fireball hitting AMos in the chest for [roll0] damage [- armour, - TB]

Marauders/Beasts: 27/55
Chaos Warriors: 4/4
Sorcerer: 1/1

Pike: 31/40
Spears: 45/50
Archers: 47/50

2020-10-18, 09:04 AM
Arabella gasps in pain as the warrior's sword catches her in the side, but the adrenaline rush of battle carries her through.

Lady of Victory, protect me! she silently entreats Myrmidia as she returns to the attack while calling out to the Imperial soldiers. "Rear rank spears - push through! Kill these plated bastards and the rest will break!"

Bella will keep targeting the Chaos Warrior attacking her.

Full action: Swift attack vs. Chaos Warrior [roll0], [roll1] vs. WS 57 (+outnumbering bonus?)
Damage: [roll2]+Snare, [roll3]+Snare

Ulric's Fury if applicable
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] extra damage

Dodge [roll8] vs. 54 if needed
Pre-emptive FP for extra Half Action (Parrying Stance) [roll9] vs. 57 if needed

Wounds (remaining/total): 6/13
FP (remaining/total): 3/3

2020-10-19, 07:56 PM
It burns! Thinks Amos as the fire hits him. Or maybe he screams it? He's not really sure. All he knows that is if he's dying, he's damn well dragging that foul sorcerer to Morr's gate with him. To make sure he pays for his sins, if not in this life, than in the next. Fortunately, his arms, trained by years of service, don't need his conscious mind to guide them as they pull two more arrows from his quiver and send them flying towards the sorcerer.

swift attack, then! [roll0], [roll1] v. 58. [roll2], [roll3]. Probably won't need Ulric's fury since I plan on hitting him with both shots, but just in case: [roll4], [roll5].

2020-10-19, 08:56 PM
Tuli will cry out as she sees Amos hurt. Sorcerous fire could be far more dangerous then the real thing. And they had not even begun to deal with the big metal ones. Bella would need to fend for herself for the moment.

She'll move closer and scream at the sorcerer in Ungol to give him something else to target. If Tylik wished to bite someone for straying too close that would be good too. <Over here you soulless ****.>

Half Action - Move closer to the sorcerer and away from Amos
Half Action - Shoot the Sorcerer

Ride test to avoid burning (should at least try)
vs. Ag 50 (Ride +10)

Shoot AP arrow vs. BS 55 (range?)

Any damage (-2 AP for ap arrow + Sure Shot)

Any Ursun's Fury