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2020-03-29, 06:22 AM

You’re shaken awake one morning. Your foster father, Gorion, tells you that you need to collect your things and prepare for a journey, to meet him by the gates once done. He drops a coinpurse on the table and vanishes out the door. As you shake away the last remnants of sleep, you hear him do the same with your other “siblings”, foster children he’d brought back from who knows where – a childhood before Candlekeep long since forgotten. He doesn't answer any questions, just insists you bring only what you can carry for the journey and that it's urgent. Once you're all awake he disappears to the upper level of the keep

Sun’s first light is just bleeding through the windows. Your rooms were sparse when you were first given them – only equipped with a bed, a chest for clothes, a chair and a reading desk, though they've no doubt been filled up with knick-knacks in the years since. Outside your windows you can already hear the world begin to wake up with you – the gentle clang of guards moving in their metal armour for dawn's shift change, the burbling chants of the priests giving morning prayer and the hustle of the caretakers moving inventory back and forth. The scent of stone and paper has been a constant companion in your time at Candlekeep, and today is no different.

2020-03-29, 08:34 AM

Aintas is still up in a daze. He has been expecting such a day for along time and now that is is here... it is strange.

With practiced movements, he makes his bundle, takes his weapons and puts out the armor. He goes down to the kitchen, picks up a bite and coffee, if there it is there, and fills his waterskins. He says his goodbyes to the cooks and to the monks which are there.

Awkwardly deflecting the questions, Aintas finishes his breakfast, slurps down another coffee or milk, and goes to wait by the gates.

2020-03-29, 11:16 AM

Upon the utterance of the word "journey" Caelee gives a whoop that may wake up or startle her brothers and sisters. She is up in a flash, packing and hustling around their room, whispering excitedly as she gathers her things. As she has practiced dozens of times over the years, she organizes her pack and gear in the most optimal fashion she can for long travel. Going, going, going on an adventure! she says in a singsong voice as she laces her boots, having to restart several times in her excitement. Once that is finally done she scoops up Tal Kess and rubs her nose to his, grinning ear to ear. Are you ready Kess? The outside world isn't going to know what hit them when we get out there! She places him in a small bag she wears at her hip, just big enough for the bunny to poke his brown head out, before making a dash to the gates at top speed, nearly bowling over several monks in her urgency.

When she arrives, she finds Aintas there and nearly jumps on him in a massive hug. Aintas! We're leaving! Isn't it great?

2020-03-29, 11:59 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Caelyn's whoop brings Melian out of her trance before her foster father enters her room. The wizard then starts packing her belongs neatly in a well-tended pack. She starts with a handful of books before realizing these books are not hers, but Candlekeep's. The realization and the sudden emptiness of her bedroom fills her with sadness. Well, might as take take these back; Tethtoril will need them to teach the next generation of assorted orphans, she thinks to herself with a bittersweet smile.

Pile of books in hand, she makes her way to the central keep and drops them off with one of the librarians. She catches Tethtoril's eye and thanks him for the years of training, giving the older man an awkward but heartfelt hug.

Melian then proceeds to the town Inn, where she hears Winthrop's booming voice regaling visitors with often-repeated half-invented stories. She purchases some rations for the road and tells the big man she hopes to see him soon. And adds, with a wide smile, that he should stop comparing his Inn to an elven arse. She can hear his raucous laughter well into the garden.

She cuts through the keep's garden enroute to the gate, for a final look at the manicured hedges and flowerbeds. The Chanters are gathered, today they have chosen a collection of the sage Alaundo's works. She walks by them, fondly recalling sitting on a garden bench, reading and listening to their pleasant droning. Before she's out of earshot, one of the Chanters intones "The Lord of Murder shall perish. But in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sown from their passing. So sayeth the wise Alaundo." A shiver runs through Melian's spine, chilling her to her core.

Silently, she makes her way to the gate to meet her siblings and await their foster father.

e: reformatted post. I really like your post format, Ramsus! :smallsmile:

2020-03-29, 12:09 PM

Aintas had just gotten his pack under control vis-a-vis his pack when Caelyn jumped onto him like an elf-sized projectile. He just managed to take the glaive of her trajectory and catch her with one hand before she was on to him.

But he was smiling. His morose mood was dispelled.

"Yes we are, Caelyn! All these walks in the woods around here will now come in handy.

And you know, we are the only two who have done this kind of thing. And Father, of course, but he has done everything. So we will have to help the others along. Perhaps find food,water and shelter. Especially you. To be honest, you are better at it than I am."

2020-03-29, 12:33 PM

I am? I guess so... I'll make sure I'm there to help father out and keep you all fed and comfortable, if you will keep us safe from bandits or ruffians or... whatever is out there. And no one better threaten to eat Kess again! She retreats from the hug and turns to see Melian coming towards the gate. She gives an enthusiastic wave to her and gives a shout that cuts through the morning quiet. Melian! We're going on an adventure! Isn't it great!!! Kess chooses this moment to wiggle out of the bag at Caelee's hip and bounce away a few steps. Caelee immediately moves to follow him, cooing out his name as she tries to catch the rabbit.

2020-03-29, 12:38 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian takes her time collecting her things, separating the things she'll be taking and those she'll be leaving behind. As she says goodbye to her room she's also practically shivering with excitement, nerves, and worry about this journey. It'd been a long time since she came here. She hadn't much enjoyed the part of the world she'd experienced before. But still, part of her was anxious to spread her wings, see new places, do new things, meet new people. However she was also worried for her siblings. As far as she knew none of them knew just how rough and unforgiving the world out there could be. Yes, it was full of wonder and joy to be had. Which she herself basked in as much as possible. But it could be just as cruel and dark. She was worried the others weren't prepared for that. She'd never been able to think of ways to handle that without ruining their sense of wonder, aside from subtly encouraging those that needed it to learn how to defend themselves.

Then such worries flew from her head as she'd found she'd finished her packing and sorting. What was left was less than she had expected, though she shouldn't really be surprised. She gave away more trinkets than she kept for herself, a practice she intended to keep up with as she was out there in the world. Because if she wasn't going to bring a bit of joy to it, make it at least a bit of a better place, why even leave?

She ponders her collection of remainders and announces aloud to herself, "Time for your biggest mission yet Vyvian!" And so she goes leaves her room, not leaving things behind but to leave them with others.

First she sneaks into Gorion's room, leaving behind a book of limericks so he'd have something to make him laugh without them... assuming he wasn't coming with them on the whole journey. At this thought she shrugged to herself, not sure what the plan was.

Next under the door of the chamber of every monk she slid a piece of paper of her childhood drawings or failed attempts a diaries or poems, so they'd have something to remember her by.

Then down onto the kitchen where she brazenly walked through, slipping jewellery into the pockets of the cooks with every turn as she also more obviously "stole" a meat pie and an entire pie sized tart both of which she finished off while chatting with them to keep their attention from the gifts she was leaving them. She left and came back in to needlessly loudly enjoy two bottles of flavored milk, one chocolate and one strawberry. With an appreciative belch she waved them goodbye.

From there she went about town to the homes of the poorer children and teenagers (yes she knew every child in town) and cracked open their windows or the like and left behind her clothes from when she was younger or those she wouldn't be able to take with her as fit the person she was leaving them for. At least, she hoped they'd all fit without too much need for adjustment in the case of the older kids closer to her own age.

Next on to her favorite merchants or market sellers. She left them each with coins of strange appearance and foreign origin she'd collected over the years.

Then from her most disliked merchants she took a single item. So she'd have something of Candlekeep to give out on her journey.

And finally the guards, this was a tough one, but she did it. On the person of each, she tucked in a pressed flower, little tool, colorful glass marble, leftover die or chess piece, or the like. In the case of the one she'd had as a brief lover she left behind a scarf he'd said looked good on her, so he could smell her and forever wish every women he was with thereafter was as wonderful as her.

With her sack of gifts empty, she made her way to where Gorion on the others were probably impatiently waiting for her.

2020-03-29, 12:44 PM

Senna was already silently praying at her writing alcove in the community room, silently reflecting on the significance of last day in her prayer book. Sam mockingly called it her diary, which of course couldn't be more wrong since Glyphscribes of Deneir recorded their every business, be it official or personal, in these records. As Gorion stepped in, she was nearly done.

Her foster father's hurried response scared her. She knew he was an important man, and a powerful mage to boot. Whatever agitated him this much must be scary. Yes father, I will be ready to depart by the ninth bell. she ensured him. then she started packing. Almost forgetting the essentials - if it weren't for Aintas she wouldn't even have packed a blanket - she added along her first copy of an interesting book she had recently studied and copied herself: A small lexicon on divine portfolios and their new assignments during the Year of Shadows.* She decided to make this both her project for her ordination as glyphscribe, and to settle a minor argument she had with Sam, that his deity is not Bahamut but actually a lesser aspect of the Untheric deity Marduk.

Her small Calico cat, a silent but hefty predator assisted her by snooping around, sitting on important items and meowing at Senna. No, there is no second breakfast. I sometimes think you've been raised by halflings. she grumbled at her familiar, well aware that it was a part of her own essence**, not even necessarily needing to be around physically. But Senna enjoyed her company.

After packing her things, the last item Senna picks up is her last birthday present. She was cross with Gorion for a week for gifting her such a brutal reminder of the hostile outside world. It was a dagger emblazoned with a whirling glyph, Deneir's divine symbol. But it was no small knife to cut a quill or parchment. It was a blade, a bit shorter than a short sword, designed for combat, for murder. I know you are all about attaining enlightenment. But sometimes, you need to defend your own world in order to have a chance at it. he said, with a gravitas in his voice that reminded her that he himself must have been forced to fight for his own ideals.

Usually she gravitated towards Melian for problems like that, but questions about open conflict were maybe better suited for her brother Aintas. As she found him in the mess hall, she sat by him, stealing off his plate. Aintas, how do you decide when someone should be fought? He could tell she was bursting with questions and anxiety. But she tried to keep the questions coming one at a time.***

* I hope this is not too presumptuous.
** I deducted 10g from my starting money to summon my familiar. As she is part of my own person, I think choosing 'fiend' for its base type is more fitting.
***Should we meet for a communal breakfast to RP for a bit?

2020-03-29, 01:34 PM

Aintas greets his siblings as they come. While making idle chatter, he makes sure their packs are balanced, straps tight and things well packed. He does not make a big deal out of it, he just keeps talking as he tightens a strap, secures a waterskin or moves a weapon sheath just to the right, so as not hamper movement. He also keeps checking his things are OK.

I must show no hesitation. My brothers and sisters are counting on me.

The question of Senna catches him in midstride. For a second, he stops but then forces a reassuring smile on his face.

"I don't know Senna, I was hoping that you would tell me. You are closer to gods than most of us, right?

But I can tell you one golden rule: Someone tries to really hurt you, he is getting one foot of steel in his stomach."

2020-03-29, 01:44 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Downcast, Melian walks slowly to the gate, where she finds most of her siblings eating an impromptu breakfast. Caelyn's jovial call dispels some of her moroseness as she sees the tiny rabbit hopping to and fro. Melian waves a hand and conjures up an image of a delectable carrot on the bunny's path to slow it down.

"Good morning to you Caelyn," she says with a smile. "And to you both." she adds nodding to her big brother and bookish sister.

"Someone's excited about this adventure!" She winks at Caelyn. "I think I can feel the outside world calling, but I already miss this place."

A glistening, bright orange plump carrot the likes of which most self-respecting rabbits would have a hard time saying no to.

2020-03-29, 02:04 PM
I mean, Deneir is concerned with knowledge for the good of all races. We are taught again and again to use force as a last resort. But sometimes I think I hesitate too much. Remember the time that merchant - Delimbiyr was it? - tried to sell my this book, and then you showed up just before he tried to rob me? Senna recalls. I expect many more people like this outside. Anyway, should we be departing for the gate? I promised Father to be punctual.

2020-03-29, 02:05 PM

Are you kidding? Caelee sends a beaming smile at Melian as she catches up to her rabbit and scoops him up. I've been waiting for today for fifteen years! The rabbit seemed disappointed with being caught by an illusionary carrot as Caelyn brings the beast up to her face and nuzzles it. I wonder where we're going? Could it be a forest? Or a mountain? Or maybe even to that city Vyvian is from? She couldn't be more excited, but when her sharp ears pick up on what Aintas and Senna are discussing, she goes a little pale and silent for a few moments, holding her pet and trying not to think of Aintas actually needing to kill anyone, let alone herself needing to do it. It put a stone in the center of her stomach that made he wish she'd skipped breakfast.

2020-03-29, 03:42 PM

"Sure, let's get going.

And I am sure that when push comes to shove, you will not hesitate. In fact, if I remember, you were handling that Delimbiyr fellow just fine by the time I came by. I am sure that he will remember that kick for a long while. Any prospective girlfriends will, too."

But he puts his arm briefly around his sister

"We will be OK. Father will know for sure."

He looks around and counts heads. He then lets a sigh and says in a heavy voice.

"Where is Sam? And Vivyan?"

The 'again' part is left unspoken.

2020-03-29, 06:35 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Grasped by the shoulders and shaken in bed, Sam's outer eyelids groggily flicker as he looks around in the early dawn light leaking through the window curtains. The familiar figure of his foster father stands over the bed, urging him to get up and pack his things. Sam grumbles and lays his head back down, "C'mon ol' man, it can wait like five minutes can't it?"

The response is the hand washing basin in the corner of his room being dumped on his head, soaking him and his pillow. Spluttering and sneezing some water out of his nose, Sam looks around in shock. "Pops what the hell..?" But Gorion has already marched out of the door, leaving it hanging open a crack. Sam can hear him giving the next room over the same wake up call... only with less water.

Sitting up in bed, Sam wipes his eyes and face off and hisses out a sigh. He shoots a glance over at his beside table, where another familiar figure is sitting on the edge leaning forward, elbow on her knee and head resting on her hand. The imp's face is twisted into a satisfied sneer, tail swaying back and forth and passing through the unlit bedside candle as if it weren't there. "Damn that Gorion, getting to dump water on your head. I've wanted to do that since the first time I had to watch you lie around for twelve hours."

Ignoring the devil's comment, Sam throws off his blankets, leaving them strewn around, and practically falls out of bed. Where did Gorion say we were going? Sam thinks to himself, fumbling with some of his drawers and haphazardly tossing some things into a bag. The only thing he takes care with is making sure his ink vial doesn't leak all over his spare set of clothes. As an afterthought he tosses his candle in and stuffs one of his blankets on top.

Tying shut the overfull bag, he picks out a set of clothes for the day. Something comfortable if they're going on a trip, but he wants to look good too. He spends a while trying on different things and checking himself in the mirror, the imp heckling his outfits. Eventually he settles on a dark red tunic and some plain brown slacks.

"There's no point color coordinating with me."

"Maybe that's the joke, Greph." Checking one last time in the mirror, Sam pops the collar on his tunic.

"Tall red collar. Very vampire chic."

"Vleh!" holding up his fingers next to his mouth like fangs, Sam sticks out his tongue, earning an eye roll from the captive audience to his buffoonery.

Sam notices the weapons tucked in the back of his closet, laid atop a leather cuirass. The ones Gorion had insisted he practice with now and then. Of course he'd been neglecting his training, but the old man would probably chew him out if he didn't bring them. Putting the cuirass on over his tunic, Sam slings the crossbow across his back and daggers at his sides, alongside a handaxe in case he needs to chop any branches for wood and a quiver of bolts with a leather cap on it - to keep them from falling out.

The room is left ransacked and in disarray when he leaves it - so not much different from its usual state. The spectral imp flaps over to sit on his shoulder, knowing she'll just be yanked along if she gets too far away.


Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

As soon as Aintas brings up his name, Sam saunters in the door to the communal kitchen his siblings are all gathered in already, with a relaxed stride, a bag stuffed to the brim hanging over one shoulder. He spins it around and drops it on the floor next to the table. "Mornin' ladies, and Ains. Anybody catch where the old man said we're goin'?" Sam snaps a pair of finger guns at the room and grabs a piece of stale bread from last night, sitting on his usual stool.

"He said he's kicking you out and to get a real job," the invisible, inaudible passenger on his shoulder squawks in his ear.

"Besides that he's kicking us out to get real jobs."

2020-03-29, 07:00 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Just in time to interrupt whoever was going to reply to Sam but not in time to hear what Sam said, Vyvian shows up and places an entire wheel of reddish colored cheddar cheese and a few salamis down on the table with a bit of a thud. She slices a bit of cheese and salami with a knife she whips out from somewhere and snatches the bread out of Sam's hands and takes a bite of all three and gives Sam a wink.

2020-03-29, 07:08 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sam looks down at his empty hand as the bread vanishes, keeping his poker face as best he can - but he cracks up a little when Vyv bites into her sandwich to discover that it's yesterday's stale bread. Grabbing a stick of the fresh salami no doubt knicked forom the kitchen, Sam bites right into it, giving Vyvian a satisfied grin. "Whosh the real winner?" He asks around a mouthful of food.

2020-03-29, 07:33 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian gives Sam a broad smile and throws an arm over his shoulders and replies, "Oh clearly you. Because you've got me for a big sister and I've got you for a brother." and then hangs her head in mock shame at her "loss" though she can't keep the smirk off her face.

2020-03-29, 08:11 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"Vyv, I hope you didn't clean out the larder this morning, the monks will be needing to break their fast as well," she says in mock seriousness.

Melian chuckles under her breath at her siblings antics. She cuts herself a bit of cheese and bread and nibbles at it, still apprehensive from listening to the Chanters.

She takes stock of Gorion's wards and her spirits are lifted somewhat. We are a capable group, she thinks to herself. And with a Sage like Gorion leading us we'll make a better life elsewhere.

And as she observes her brothers and sisters she can't help but mutter in Elvish, possibly to reassure herself.
"We're going to be just fine."

2020-03-29, 08:18 PM

You two are LATE. Caelyn put on her best authoritative voice and face as she turned to Vyvian and Sam. She often would use this face when she was being a superbly serious "older sister", and she didn't know her family were starting to catch on. Vyvian, you should set a better example to Sam than this. Punctualism is more important than meat and cheese in the morning! She shakes her head dramatically and turns away in mock disgust. Without thinking about it she began to look around for Gorion, because as soon as he showed up they could GO!

2020-03-30, 02:48 AM
By the time your gear is collected and your goodbyes said the sun blazes high in the sky. Gorion casts an eye over the assembled group, nodding in approval (though some of it is more hesitant than others). His face is strained, tired. He is not a young man to begin with, but today the lines of age seem especially deep. He coughs for silence. “I'm glad you came so quickly. I am sorry for the haste, but circumstances have changed rapidly." He pauses for breath and, almost, perhaps, saying goodbye. "Listen carefully. If we ever become separated, it is imperative that you make your way to the Friendly Arm Inn to the east. There, you will meet Khaleid and Jaheira. They have long been my friends, and you can trust them.” Without waiting for a response, he nods to a robed monk stood a short distance away. The monk begins to chant and magic crackles in the air.

For a moment, the world goes dark and silent – all the ambient noises, the birds, the wind, the bustle of people, the crashing waves, they all vanish leaving you in total silence and blackness. There is no breeze, no smell, no touch. You are alone. Truly and completely alone.

Then you're back, now stood outside the enormous gates together with Gorion. The walls loom over you, though they're far more ominous from the outside. The same safety they offered before is now turned against you.

With a quick “Come,” Gorion moves down the path. He doesn't look back. Gorion keeps an exceptional pace for a man his age, and it's all you can do to keep up. There's little time or breath to talk. Any questions to him are met with a simple “Don't worry, I'll explain everything when there is time.” His voice is kind, but firm.

Hours pass. Each new tree and rock and bush passes by and starts melding into one. Even with the sun setting behind you Gorion doesn't slow. In the gloom of night, almost as if encouraging himself as much as you, he says “We must press on – we must find shelter soon.” He doesn't look back at you but suddenly juts out his arm to hold the group back and comes to a stop. “Wait! There is something wrong. We are in an ambush. Prepare yourself!”

From the treeline in front of you, shadows emerge. Men and ogres, weapons at the ready. At their head a giant of a man – maybe seven feet – decked in full black armour adorned in spikes and skulls. They stop a small distance away with almost military coordination. The leader speaks, his voice deep and imposing, cutting through the darkness.
“You're perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here. Hand over your wards and no one will be hurt. If you resist, it will be a waste of your life.”
“You're a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence.” Gorion retorts. “Step aside, and you and your lackeys will be unhurt.” The armoured man gestures to his followers.
“I am sorry that you feel that way, old man.” He says, though there is no sorrow to be found in his voice. If anything, it's amusement. Then, as one, they approach. Arrows are nocked and magic glimmers around Gorion's hand.
“Run! Get out of here!”

Some 30 feet ahead are six figures – the armoured man clutching an enormous sword in a single hand, a woman at his side - her shield emblazoned with a holy symbol, two half-ogres with battleaxes and behind them two men with bows.

Will you run? Stay to fight?

2020-03-30, 06:15 AM
Everything moved so quickly for Senna. By the time she understood, she was teleported, and running away from the walls she never even had seen from the outside, she was already half a mile away.

During the afternoon her mind raced just as her breath burned in her lungs. She was not used to moving in her armor that long, let alone in that ridiculous pace. But seeing her father this concerned gave her the resolve she needed. As night fell, she became worried. Adventurers usually stopped by nightfall, for it were too dangerous with this many nightly predators around. She was right, but she was not about to face natural predators.

Senna clutches her dagger's sheat, then compares to the mere clubs the ogres wield. No, melee combat will be unwise. She aims at the archers, preparing for their rebuttal. Assuming they aim at her and not Gorion she has already won.

Crossbow attack [roll0]
Reaction to cast Shield if both archers point at me, bonus action to cast Sanctuary on Gorion after he casts offensive spells.

2020-03-30, 07:43 AM
Senna's bolt flies true, spearing one of the bowmen through the neck and dropping him instantly. "Kill the old man, capture the rest - alive!" The armoured man yells. Then, a flurry of movement. Gorion unleashes a bolt of lightning from his charged hand that streaks through the priestess, one of the half-ogres and the remaining bowman - the latter of which falls immediately. The other two are hurt, but press on with the rest of their group.

The half-ogres move to flank, with one swinging their axe at Aintas - though it thankfully goes wide. The priestess and the armoured man instead advance on Gorion, the former's weapon begins to glow brightly while the man hacks at your foster father with his greatsword. Gorion is forced back, the sword finding its mark and leaving a long bloodied gash in the the elderly mage's shoulder.

Initiative Order:

Don't worry about 'taking your turn' out of order though. It's really closer to group initiative as a whole so we don't have to wait for everyone to post in order, ya know?


The bowmen are dead (which is why they've got the little skull+crossbones marker).

2020-03-30, 08:17 AM
AC 17 HP 12

After hours of walking, with Aintas making sure that noone is left behind and noone gets tangled up in the wilderness, his senses are dulled. As combat, what he has trained for, erupts around him. For a second, as his enemies close around him, he clumsily tries to attack one as he comes near but misses.

But suddenly, like a butterfly floating into his consciousness, he remembers Rax, the wirey glaivesman who Aintas had persuaded Gorion to pay to teach him, ten months ago.

Aintas had been doing mock exercises for hours, as Rax, a short man at his forties, was drinking wine in the shade ordering moves. Aintas though he had been doing very well, but Rax, his voice more and more slurry only grunted as a response. Finally, as afternoon settled in, Rax had suddenly ordered a halt. Leaving his shade, Rax had walked right to Aintas and had yanked his helmet strap to bring him eye-to-eye. Surprised, Aintas had remained transfixed as Rax's eyes suddenly became as hard as steel.

"Now listen boy and listen good. The day is getting short, so I have one more thing, and one only, to teach you. There are a lot of strong men carrying around glaives, eager to go and poke them at others. Some of them are even good at it. But they are not glaivesmen.

Listen now. Your job is not to run around, charging and weaving steel. In the field, you do one thing.

You. Hold. The. Line.

You go up, just close enough to fraggers, not running, just marching. If you have any javelins, you throw them. And you keep going. Let them shoot arrows. Let them throw fires. You stand there and take it. You will cough blood, you will have arrows sticking from your armor. Trust it. And keep moving. Make them see you coming.

And you don't let one pass you by. The others behind you are counting on you. You stand there and give hell to everyone that tries.

Because, boy, hear me well: After you get there, the line up to where you stand will be strewn with body parts and corpses. Just try not to be one of them. If you do that, again and again, then you are a glaivesman. If you can't find something else to do.

Now leave me. There is a monk just waiting to meet a real warrior and I intend not to disappoint her.

And boy: You are an idiot. Being a bowman is much easier. I should have been one myself."

Aintas could now see what that meant. His head clear, he assesses quickly the situation.

"Father, get behind me. I will hold them. Caelyn, we need you armor, in the flanks. Behind me everyone!"

Whirling his polearm around, he ignores the huge man and focuses on the cleric next to him, just barely within reach. He tries to trap her weapon and then slide the blade as she tries to disengage. He then suddenly yanks the ferrule back, hitting her again and bringing the glaive back to attention.

Atk Glaive [roll0] Dmg [roll1] at the cleric
BA Atk ferrule [roll2] dmg [roll3]

If someone within 10ft attacks or moves anyone but Aintas,
AoO Atk Glaive [roll4] dmg [roll5]
If hit, Speed becomes 0.

2020-03-30, 09:24 AM
Your weak mind will be your undoing! Senna shouts. A bell tolls in the distance, sounding like the tower bells of Candlekeep. Her movement does not exactly support her confident insults as the young girl retreats.

Toll the Dead, assuming the Armored Figure is injured: [roll0]
Will save for Armored Figure (without modifiers): [roll1]

Moving just three space north of Melian.

2020-03-30, 11:11 AM
AC 14 HP 10

The teleportation left Caelyn a bit awed. She knew powerful magic when she saw it, and it always fascinated her. Then, just like that, they were outside the Keep. Her immediate desire was to dance and sing, spinning around in a circle and marveling at all she could see, but that was stopped quickly by Gorion's haste. As they traveled she kept spotting new and interesting things, and more than once she had to be yelled at to keep up with the group and stop dawdling. What is so important that I can't even stop to smell the flowers!?! She thought in frustration as they were ushered onward through the wilderness. She was just about to protest the pace and the fact that they were travelling at night (all her favorite books said that was a terrible idea) when Gorion held up a hand and stopped them. Then the armed figures came from the darkness, and Caelee's eyes went wide with fear. Oh no....

And just like that battle was joined. Gorion lashed the enemies with his powerful magics, and Aintas stepped into battle wielding his pole arm deftly. It was Senna who surprised her most, killing a man with a crossbow bolt immediately. After her anxious conversation with Aintas this morning, Caelee was proud of her swift decision making but mourned her loss of innocence.Oh Senna... you knew what you had to do before any of us... Then Gorion's blood sprayed into the air, and Caelyn's thoughts went from surprised horror to quivering rage in an instant. She drew her scimitar, a blade gifted to her by her father that depicted a slashing tiger down it's length, and nodded at Aintas' command. All right... ALL RIGHT! Hopefully following his command correctly, Caelee dashed through the undergrowth. She was always the fastest of her family, and it showed in the way she streaked like green lightning through the night. Moving past Melian, Sam, and Vyvian, she released a shrieking war cry in Elven before bringing her blade down at the cleric who menaced Gorion's flank, totally unprepared for her first combat but dedicated to doing her part to keep them all safe.

Keep away from my family, fiend!

Moving to the square 2 to the south of Orion to try to create a battle line the casters can stay behind. Kinda wishing I'd picked the shield over the bow now. *Gulp*. Going to swing the scimitar at the cleric. [roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage. damage will be in the OOC because I messed it up.

2020-03-30, 11:40 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

After a jolly breakfast, Sam is pulled away with the others with little explanation from Gorion. The old man is more cryptic than usual, and his worried haste is infectious, even to Sam. He's never seen Gorion like this.

In a flash they are outside the gates, and for hours they march. Sam does his best to keep up the pace, wondering at how the old man can move so fast for so long. A dense, black pit of worry forms in his stomach, realizing just how real this is. Something is wrong. Even Grepha on his shoulder has her quills raised in anticipation of something. "He's here." The imp's voice is a rasp whisper. Sam looks up, to see the figures striding from the treeline. He stands frozen in fear and awe. They advance, and Sam can only stare in terror as the towering man's blade rakes across Gorion's chest.

"Go. Gogogo. Run!" the voice on his shoulder shrilly insists, cutting through his stupor.

He wants to run. He wants to find somewhere to hide. But he can't just leave everyone behind. Aintas is already in the middle of it, and Caelyn running after him. Raising a hand, he points at one of the towering half-ogres and a bolt of crackling green energy arcs out. "Listen to him! We have to go!" he calls to his siblings. Even as the bolt leaves his hand, his feet are already moving, ducking into the trees to the south of the group.

Eldritch Blast on half-ogre next to Aintas:
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] force damage

Then Sam moves 5 spaces south, to the edge of the map.

2020-03-30, 11:49 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian is completely taken aback by the violence erupting around her. She hesitates, eyes wide.

As her siblings rally around their foster father, the Wizard comes to grips with what is happening and stares straight ahead at one of the looming half-ogres. Her right hand draws her dagger as her left hand performs the gestures to bring forth an icy ray.

Move: draw Dagger.
Action: Ray of Frost vs Half-Ogre to South
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1] cold
- Crit: [roll2]
- Slows enemy speed by 10’

2020-03-30, 12:50 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian was disappointed when it turned out she had in fact not managed to snatch a bit of the darkness between places when they showed back up outside of the walls. Though she wasn't exactly sure why that had been her instinct at the moment.

And then suddenly they were on a fast march through the woods in which their father wouldn't stop to catch a breath and explain what was happening. She got enough of this either over-explaining or no explaining stuff from her bookish siblings, so she couldn't be more annoyed at him behaving this way now when clearly something important was going on.

And then they were being attacked. Senna had killed someone. Father had flung lightning from his hands. Aintas had panicked and told Caelyn instead of Senna to step into the melee. And everyone was just throwing attacks around at random targets. Why couldn't they be more like her and just understand you need to swiftly go for the weak points.

Oh and there was a massive ogre guy right lumbering up to her little sister. Nope. Nope! Not happening. If Caelyn got her head bashed in because Aintas gave a bad order he'd never be able to live with himself. Better it's on me if I'm the one who gets hurt because I disobeyed orders.

And so Vyvian rushes forwards wordlessly, placing herself between Caelyn and the half-ogre as she draws two long blades and tries to slash past the shield of what she assumes is the cleric, their enemy's healer.

I'm assuming Caelyn moved next to Gorion. I'm moving next to her, not technically next to the half-ogre.
Sneak Attack applies since enemies are next to my target.

Attack on Cleric: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Off-hand attack on Cleric: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

Sneak Attack: [roll6]
if crit: [roll7]

2020-03-30, 02:43 PM
Possibly distracted by Aintas, the cleric is too slow to bring her shield to defend against Caelyn's scimitar which finds a gap in her armour, though you can tell the cut is shallow. She grunts a little, but isn't stopped from deflecting the polearm strikes that swing at her, or weaving in between Vyvian's blades.

The bells toll over the armoured man who stops to take notice, but is barely perturbed. It buys enough of a hesitation for Gorion to unleash an enormous blast of frigid air that engulfs the man and one of the ogres. Both stumble back from the attack, and the ogre is quickly finished off from Sam's blast, falling to the ground dead. Meanwhile Melian's ray slows the remaining ogre such that he swings wide from hitting Caelyn.

Rallying, the cleric presses the attack, ducking Aintas' strikes and lunging at Gorion. She misses, but it's enough of an opening for the armoured man to plunge his sword into Gorion's side, knocking him to the ground. "Run...please...you have to run..." He mumbles, blood bubbling up around his lips.

To the north through the rustling trees, in the pitch black of the night you hear an inhuman scream - animalistic and hungry. Then another, then another, and another. Quickly it turns into a cacophony of sound. You seem to have attracted attention from more than just your ambushers. The cleric and the armoured man look to each other.
"Leave?" She asks, her thick Kara-Tur accent coming through clearly. She was calm, but hesitant. The remaining ogre seemed the same, looking to the man for leadership - they'd lost three people already and had barely killed one old man. He seemed worried. And cold.
"Finish the old man! We can fetch the rest later." He bellows. For a moment he very air seems to be blown back by the force of his yell.


2020-03-30, 03:16 PM
By what might possibly be her father's dying words, the last portion of Senna's confidence, she screams: They took two powerful spells and are still standing. Please, Caelyn, Vyvian, Aintas, be reasonable. And their priest hasn't even cast a spell yet. Her voice is shaking.

Purple orbs of energy loosen from her hands, hitting the southern ogre. She then moves south, away from the screaming.

Magic Missile [roll0]

Moving two west and one north of Sam.

2020-03-30, 03:31 PM

Aintas is torn. He has blundered again and again. His father clearly told him to leave, half his siblings are already going...

"Everyone disengage. Follow Caylee, she knows her woodcraft. I will cover you, be going.

Meet again kitchenwards!"

Aintas is pretty sure these beasts do not know that the kitchen in Candlekeep was south and to the east of their dormitory, or that they used to play hide and seek younger by going 'kitchenwards'. Aintas remains last, in the defensive.

Holding action until everyone leaves, adopting a defensive stance as he disengages last.

2020-03-30, 05:27 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Looking back, Sam sees Gorion fall. Fear and panic rush through him, but there's nothing they can do. This towering man walked through the old man's strongest magic like it was nothing.

Howls and shrieks fill the night air. Wolves? Did wolves sound like that? It was like no hound he had ever heard howl, that much is certain. Reaching out towards the armored hulk of a man, glowing red strings shoot out of Sam's fingers, lashing themselves to the attacker's limbs. The puppet strings tug at the man, attempting to force him to drop his weapon and run towards the horrible shrieking.

Not stopping to see if his spell worked, Sam flees south.

Casting Puppet on the enemy leader. If he is immune to Charm effects, this does nothing.
If not, a save for him (without modifiers): [roll0] - vs DC 13
If the spell works, he drops his sword and moves up to his speed towards the shrieking.

Then moving 6 spaces south, out of the map.

2020-03-30, 06:05 PM
AC 14 HP 10

Caelee tries to remember the lessons of Aintas as she bobs and weaves in combat. Still, when the half-ogre's weapon comes down so close to her, she can't help but jump in fear instead of combat acumen, and she gives a panicked yell. Then the armored man's blade stabs into her father, and cold ice forms around the young elf's heart. NO! FATHER! Only Vyvian standing between them keeps Caelee from running to his side, despite his words. Aintas' voice cuts through the night with orders- disengage. Follow Caelee. It takes her a few seconds to process this, but then her path becomes clear. She has to help those she can still help. Waiting for the cleric and the ogre to be on the backswing, she quickly cuts south and sprints into the murk of the night. As she runs, she draws the small whistle she'd carved with Gorion's help, and once she was a distance away she turned and blew a high, piercing note on it. TO ME! TO ME!. She looks over the battlefield, pain in her chest and tears in her eyes, as she waits there for the rest of her family to leave their father behind.

Disengage action, move 35 feet due south, blow the signal whistle.

2020-03-30, 06:43 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian glares at the cleric in frustration. She hadn't been able to leave a single scratch on their father's murderers. This time Aintas gives a solid command, one she wishes she could disobey again. But she can't put the others at risk and she knows better than to stick around and fight losing battles. So as soon as the others are clear of the melee, she took takes off. Though she goes to the east to hopefully provide at least a bit of confusion to any pursuers.

Disengage, Move East.

2020-03-30, 08:41 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian's eyes go wide as she sees Gorion crumble before her. The realization that the strongest mage she knows, her father and teacher, her guardian, lies dying before her and there is nothing she can do causes her to almost shriek in despair.

Instead, she hears Aintas call out and nods agreement that they have to fall back. Grimacing in anger at the Armored Figure, Melian quickly summons yet another frozen bolt, then turns and runs westward, never uttering a word.

Action: Ray of Frost vs Armored Figure
• Attack: [roll0]
• Damage: [roll1] cold
• Crit: [roll2] cold
- Slows enemy speed by 10’
Move: 30' West

2020-03-31, 05:42 AM
Seeing Vyvian and Caelyn dash away, the ogre moves to intercept but is floored by the arcane bolts striking him in the back of the head, dropping him in a moment. Gorion, still bleeding on the ground, turns and grabs at Aintas' boot, barely stretching to it. There's one last glimmer of magic which engulfs Aintas. "Be...safe..." It sounds almost like a prayer, but any more words are cut off when the armoured man drives his blade through Gorion's back, and he breathes no more.

For a moment, he stares down Aintas with a hunger glowing in his burning yellow eyes and you think he might continue the fight, but Sam and Melian's spells seem to snap him back. He shrugs off Sam's spell, but the ray strikes him in the side. And the screams were getting louder. "We should go." The priestess pulls a crystal from her back and steps up beside the man, then shatters it. Reality seems to bubble around them for a moment before they're sucked into a single point in space, and vanish. Aintas is left with the last words echoing in his head "He died for nothing." It was a promise, a promise that you would meet again, and next time Gorion would not be there to save you.

The screams/howls are most likely from gibberlings or xvarts, more likely the former.

Gibberlings are small nocturnal creatures, about the size of a ten year old human though far more muscular, covered in fur and with a taste for flesh. They frequently hunt in large packs (some might describe them as 'swarms') and are driven into frenzies by the scent of blood.

Xvarts are blue skinned humanoids similar in shape to gnomes/halflings and while cowardly individually they attack in groups wielding crude weapons, often tormenting larger creatures.

Aintas is affected by the Longstrider spell (+10' speed for 1 hour)

Combat concluded for now.

2020-03-31, 07:25 AM
Senna runs for a good while. Her heart sank as she left her siblings. As she finds them a few minutes later in the thicket, she breathes a sigh or relief. Are you guys alright? she asks. As she realizes no one is dead, her thought shifts towards Gorion.

Senna starts crying uncontrollably. No. It is all my fault. I killed him. The girl breaks down onto her knees, burying her face in her hands. As she realizes she could be too loud, she presses her hands against her face to muffle her sobbing.

2020-03-31, 07:35 AM

Aintas stands there for a second. The scene is surreal. His brain cannot process it. Slowly, like Garion is sleeping, he closes his eyes and puts his hands in his chest. His logic tells him to search him for anything that could give them a clue to where they were going but he finds he cannot.

He starts running towards his siblings, tears in his eyes. When he gets there he says.

"Father is dead. Some things are approaching. We should move on and find a safe place to rest or if need be, push through the night until we get to that tavern.

I say the latter. Of you agree, Caylee and Vyvian, take point. We need your elvish eyes, your stealthcraft and your woodcraft. Melian, please, stay in the back. You also see best. The rest of us, in the middle. I say we move on until we are ready to drop from fatigue."

I failed him. I failed them all.

2020-03-31, 10:23 AM

At first, Caelee is dismayed that her brothers and sisters seem ready to scatter to the wind rather than follow her. Then the final blow is delivered, and she turns away for a few moments, unable to look towards the scene. When she does manage to turn back, the armored figure is gone and Aintas is running back towards them. But it is Senna who draws her attention as she falls to the ground crying. Caelee moves towards her with none of her normal speed and crouches next to her bookish sister, wrapping her arms around her. Its not our fault, Sen. We... did what we could. She squeezes her tight, her own sobs joining the cleric's as she whispers comforting words in her ear. But then another of those screams pierce the night. She looks up, fear replacing the sadness for now. She tries to haul Senna up to her feet. Sen, we have to go. There's gibberlings coming this way. If we stay we'll need to fight... and none of us are in a state for that right now. Please, follow me and Vyvian. We need to GO.

2020-03-31, 10:56 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Stumbling through the woods, Sam starts to realize he is lost. He looks around, but his siblings are nowhere in sight; he's gotten too far ahead of them. But then he hears Caelyn's whistle on the other side of a thicket. He fires a series of crackling bolts to break up the thick bushes in his path and pushes through the shattered brambles.

He arrives a the others, as they regroup. There is no Cheerful Sam tonight. Just Sam. He stands next to the thicket he tore through, a little stunned. Unsure of what to say.

Grepha is looking towards where Aintas is approaching from, relieved. "No sign of him. He's gone, we're home free." Sam's eyes are drawn towards the clearing where they fought. Barely visible through the woods are the slumped bodies of the giants and... somewhere, Gorion's broken form. The imp clicks her tongue, getting his attention. "Hey. Get the girl up. There's more trouble coming, we don't have time for her sobbing."

"Not home," is all Sam can weakly rasp out. Walking over to Senna and Caelyn, Sam takes Senna by her other arm and helps Caelyn pull her to her feet. "Keep it together Senna... just for now. Just till we're safe. I'll help her walk, Cae. Need you to lead us." Following Aintas' orders, Sam guides Senna into the middle of the procession, helping steady her until she is able to free her hands from covering her face.

2020-03-31, 12:56 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Having darted away just for their attackers to vanish and run back over Vyvian momentarily feels a bit foolish. Then she sees Gorion's body and her heart breaks. Numbly she gives a nod to Aintas and just remarks, "You can't leave father's body here." as if this isn't a personal feeling but a statement of fact. and then moves ahead to scout the group a safe path forwards... somewhere. Not home. Where did father say to go? The Friendly Arm Inn. East. She focuses hard on the goal so she won't feel the tears running down her face.

Some checks in case I need them.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

2020-03-31, 02:23 PM
Can I at least send him off with a short prayer? Senna asks. We should also see if he has anything on his body that his friends would want to have.

2020-03-31, 02:43 PM

A prayer is ok, as long as we hurry. Caelyn swallows and turns to Melian. Would you... can you help me search father's... She nearly breaks down in tears again, gripping the sides of her head in an attempt to keep her emotions in check, biting her lip and starting again. Melian, can you help me go through father's things to see if there is anything we can use or his friends may need? I wouldn't recognize the magical stuff. Not like you would, any way. Either way we need to be quick. She lets out a loud sniff and rubs her nose with her arm.

2020-03-31, 03:09 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian runs until her lungs burn, first away from the terrifying armored man and then towards Caelyn's fading whistle as the sounds of combat cease. As her legs give out she doubles over, breathing hard, the sound of her own heartbeat deafening in her ears.

Finding herself alone, Melian falls to her knees, her controlled facade shatters and lets out a blood-curdling wail.

She wants to cry but tears won't come. Somewhere deep within her a spark of hatred surfaces and her despair gives way to pure fury. Suddenly remembering a passage on a book of Elven Rituals, Melian stares up at the night sky and intones in a loud clear voice filled with rage as she slices her palm to bloody the ground below her.

"Hear me, O Seldarine! Hear as I swear my vengeance! Shevarash, guide my path! Labelas, grant me time! Corellon, make me strong in the Art! Upon thee and on my blood I swear this Oath. Retribution will be mine!"

As her breath evens out, Melian stands and sheathes her dagger. She picks her way back to her siblings; to the only ties she now has from her life in Candlekeep.

She takes a deep breath, speaking in a soft, determined voice. "We must find safety for the night and then we must bury father."

Turning to Caelyn, Melian lays a hand softly on her shoulder. "Of course I will, sister."

Melian wasn't exactly being silent with her oath. I'm gonna assume anyone who wanted to hear it did.

edit: Missed PPP's post before mine, added a line to Caelyn.

2020-03-31, 03:38 PM

Caelyn looks up at Melian, eyes wide and wet, nodding to her words as she walks over to Gorion's body. She moves slowly for the last half dozen steps, each stride smaller than the last, before she arrives at his body. His body. HIS CORPSE. Suddenly she is sure she will be sick, but nothing comes up. Forgive me, Father... she falls to her knees next to him, leaning in to kiss his still lips before she begins to gingerly look through his things. Her skin crawls as she looks through pockets, opens any bags, and checks for jewelry. You are robbing your FATHER goes through her head several times, and her hands shake the whole time. Her hands become covered in his blood, and she can't bear to wipe them off on his clothes. Trying to take her mind off the grisly task, she turns to Melian, clears her throat, and asks What were those words you screamed in elven? Who are Shevresh, Labalas, and Correllen? She pauses her search and finds her sister's bleeding hand and squeezes it, speaking in elven as quietly as her sister's oath was loud. I swear too...

2020-03-31, 03:47 PM
JUN. Senna exclaims, tracing the draconic rune for light in the air, making her holy symbol, a necklace glow a warm yellow.

As part of her prayer, Senna first starts off a ritual spell, then reconsiders. She thinks for a moment, then recites a poem she switched up (http://www.yourdailypoem.com/listpoem.jsp?poem_id=2588) for the occasion.
And when I see thee hang thy head,
Twill be my turn to watch thy bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed.

Our father.

For Gods, who live beyond the skies,
Would look with vengeance in their eyes,
If you should ever dare despise.

Our father.

Kneeling next to the corpse, his flayed robes drenched in blood, silent tear drops roll down her cheeks, illuminated only by her light spell.

Please. she whispers. Leave the minor things. Look for personal items. Letters, signets. Senna almost cannot bear the sight.

2020-03-31, 05:33 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Barely a few meters away Vyvian notices the others are all just screwing around behind her and rifling through their fathers things with wild animals or worse closing in on them instead of carrying him with them like she said. She whips around, fires an arrow that whistles past Senna interrupting her ill-timed prayer session and stabs into the ground inches away from Caelyn's hand. She glares at all of them and says, "I said. We. Can't. Leave. The. Body. Here. Just Bring It." as she glares at all of them, tears still running down her face not wiped away, and then resumes her stalking off into the woods.

It should be noted that none of you have ever seen Vyvian that angry before.

2020-03-31, 06:53 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Everyone starts drifting back towards Gorion's body, even as the howls and shrieks persist. Senna pulls away from his attempts to guide her towards the main road. Sam looks back at them, shaking his head n disbelief. "They got the right idea," Grepha chimes in, from a branch above him, and he looks up. She scratches at her ear, watching the fringes of the clearing for danger. "Carrying the body's just dead weight they can use to track you, but no sense letting his stuff go to waste. I'm sure an old wizard has some nice goodies... just wish they'd quit blubbering and hurry up."

The imp's callous comments and Vyvian's infectious anger begin to get to Sam, as he balls up his fists. "We don't have time for this!" Marching back into the clearing, Sam leans down and grabs Gorion, one arm under his back and one arm under his legs. With gritted teeth and mighty effort, Sam lifts up the old man and marches after Vyvian, too strained under the weight to manage any words. Hopefully the bodies of the ogres would satisfy the beasts enough not to pursue them.

2020-04-01, 12:22 AM

Aintas comes to where his siblings are. His face has a detached, frozen quality

"We do not have time for this. I will carry him. We will ...bury him later."

Giving his spear to Sam and his pack to Senna, he takes his father 's body over his shoulder, the way he carries deer after a hunt, and starts trotting.

"We must reach shelter. Then we will bury him."

2020-04-01, 01:02 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian watches in a daze as her siblings surround Gorion's body and lift it up. Tempers flared, brothers and sisters arguing and nobody really knows what to do. Gorion would know, she thinks sadly to herself. How did everything fall apart so quickly?

"Vyvian's right, we have to find shelter," she says to no one in particular. Then, turning to Caelyn she says softly "We can talk about my oath later, sister. Let's go with the others." Then she adds more loudly, "For we are stronger and safer together."

2020-04-01, 05:18 AM
With Melian's support and Vyvian's unusually angry retorts, Senna snaps out of it. There was no time for mourning, not here. And she was a cleric, dammit. She should be the voice of reason in these times. Senna stood up and went to aid Aintas.

Sam, if we get caught off-guard, I don't want two of us busy. Plus, if you'd use your fire breath, you would burn him. Senna walks over to Aintas. The blessing of the House of Knowledge upon you. she said, brushing Aintas' arm.

Now, we go... Senna hesitates. All around her are trees. Where the flip IS the direction we were supposed to go?

2020-04-01, 07:46 AM
The weight of the old man is lighter than you might think - perhaps he was weighed down by magic now gone from his body. Out of the treeline shapes of the gibberlings approach, though stop to descend on the bowman first, perhaps happy to devour the easy food rather than that carried by the weapon-wielding living. Regardless of your direction, now is the time to get some distance. It doesn't take long to put steps between you and the feasting monsters, and they seem happy to fatten themselves on the ogres and men you left in your wake and leave Gorion to you.

After some 20-30 minutes of nocturnal travel you come to a small clearing that may service as a place to stop and reflect. It's hard to tell time but from the angle of the moon in the sky, it's likely very early hours of the morning.

He's not carrying much gearwise - his spellbook, a dagger and the pack for the journey (bedroll, torches, etc.)

In the inside breast of his rob you find a concealed pin, a map, and a letter. Though they are stained with blood you can clearly make out their contents.

My friend Gorion,

Please forgive the abruptness with which I now write, but time is short and there is much to be done. What we have long feared may soon come to pass, though not in the manner foretold, and certainly not in the proper time frame. As we both know, forecasting these events has proved increasingly difficult, leaving little option other than a leap of faith. We have done what we can for those in thy care, but the time nears when we must step back and let matters take what course they will. We have, perhaps, been a touch too sheltering to this point.

Despite my desire to remain neutral in this matter, I could not, in good conscience, let events proceed without some measure of warning. The other side will move very soon, and I urge thee to leave Candlekeep this very night, if possible. The darkness may seem equally threatening, but a moving target is much harder to hit, regardless of how sparse the cover. A fighting chance is all that can be asked for at this point.

Should anything go awry, do not hesitate to seek aid from travelers along the way. I do not need to remind thee that it is a dangerous land, even without our current concerns, and a party is stronger than an individual in all respects. Should additional assistance be required, I understand that Jaheira and Khalid are currently at the Friendly Arm Inn. They know little of what has passed, but they are ever thy friends and will no doubt help however they can.

Luck be with us all.


2020-04-01, 09:05 AM
If I interpret this map right, and I may be wrong, where are somewhere here. Senna points towards the woods near the High Hedge, south of the Lion's Road. Whatever this High Hedge is, its occupants could help us. Do you think we should head to Beregost or go straight to the Friendly Arm where father's friends are? Because we may be able to reach the town without stopping.

2020-04-01, 09:33 AM

Aintas takes a sip of water and takes a look at the map.

"It seems to me that the only advantage we have is that we know where we are going, but our enemies don't. I say we cut straight north, avoiding the path, to reach the Inn. If we hurry, we can be there my midday tomorrow."

2020-04-01, 10:52 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sam is all too happy to let Aintas handle the heavy lifting as he comes over to take Gorion's body. He helps his brother get their father into a fireman carry before taking his place in the marching order, carrying Aintas' weapon for him in case he needs it on short notice.

Finally reaching a clearing to stop and gather their thoughts, Sam slumps down against a tree. "We should be... far enough. We should have time... for a proper burial." He'd never been much for athletics or exercise, and all the early morning walking had him tuckered out.
For all the ignobility of it, his siblings had been right to check Gorion's things first, though. He had a crucial map and other odds and ends to give them half a clue where to go.

"Hey. Hey, listen to me," Grepha pokes and prods at the side of Sam's head as he tries to rest. "I need you to tell the wizard girl something for me." He slowly turns his head to look the imp's way, eyes tired and sad. But bedside manner has never been an imp's talent. "She needs to check if any of his cr- er, any of his belongings are magical."

With a heavy sigh, Sam motions for Melian to come over to where he's sitting.

2020-04-01, 11:27 AM

When Vyvian's arrow shoots the ground near her along with angry words that sting more than the arrow could, Caelee turns to her with venom on her lips, ready to unleash a tirade against her older sister. Sometimes, however, even with Vyvian, her wisdom manages to seize control. Now is not the time. With the gibberlings nearby, Caelyn takes off into the woods with the rest of her family, trying to keep them all on a safe path as they make their way through the trees.

When they find the clearing, Caelyn sinks to her butt, back against a tree, and removes Tal Kess from his bag at her side. Taking a moment to pour water from her skin into her hands, she washes them of Gorion's blood before giving some to her pet. The rabbit is a bit panicked- neither him nor his master is used to combat, and it requires several minutes of petting and care before the rodent calms down. This also serves to give Caelee a moment to calm herself, but her success in that is entirely more mixed. Looking up when she hears Sam's words, she slumps in exhaustion for a moment, then gets back up. She finds a likely stone and a patch of earth under a tree and begins to dig slowly, making a grave for her father. Then she stops and turns to Kess. Intoning words in the language of the Druids, she casts a spell allowing her to speak with the rabbit.

Kess, can you help me dig? I know it's a lot of work, but it will be faster if we all help.

2020-04-01, 12:59 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian was glad they managed to avoid running into any further danger before they found a place to stop and bury Father. When Aintas voices her opinion she states, "I agree with Aintas."
Seeing Caelyn begin work on digging, she gives a short approving nod before saying, "I'll take my turn in a bit." and turns to Aintas, "Can I borrow you for a moment?" Her voice has a strangely numb quality to it.

2020-04-01, 01:24 PM

Aintas was well into his preparations to start digging, when the strange tone of Vyvian stops.

"Sure, sis. Right behind you"

Aintas 's worried expression follows Vyvian around. She is usually more volatile. He could understand a yelling storm over his mangling of the fight. But this request is strange.

2020-04-01, 05:03 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Falling in place at the back of the group, Melian keeps a watchful eye as they retreat away from the sounds of feasting gibberlings. Every now and again she catches sight of Gorion’s lifeless body and shudders involuntarily.

They find a clearing and lay Gorion’s body down, uncovering a map and assorted odds and ends. The group naturally starts breaking up, each sibling, newly orphaned, trying to deal with their own grief and disappointment.

She kneels down beside Gorion and works her magic to clean the blood and grime from his face and clothes as best she can. Now he only looks asleep, she thinks to herself. Hopefully it’ll make it easier for her siblings if they see him like this.

With a heavy sigh she stands up again and looks around her, seeing Aintas and Vyvian retreat for a private conversation and Sam motioning her closer. She nods and starts moving his way, stopping briefly by Caelyn and Senna to squeeze their shoulders reassuringly.

“Hey Sam,” she says sadly while sitting down beside him.

Multiple casts of Prestidigitation to clean up Gorion.

Holding off on talking about the pin until we do the Detect Magic thing and everyone’s together.

2020-04-01, 06:20 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian guides Aintas a good bit away. Far enough that they shouldn't be overheard by sensitive prying elf ears unless they actually try to follow them. Then she positions them so there's at least one tree directly blocking sight between them and the others and Ainas' back is to it.

She exhales a ragged breath and then whisper-shouts to him, "What in the nine hells is wrong with them!?"
She looks him directly in the eyes, but doesn't give him time to respond. "We were in danger and their priority was our father's belongings. They should have- It should have been him!" At this point she's opening crying and weakly slamming her fists into his chest and she leans over to sob directly into his chest-plate. There are some more gasping sobs for a few moments before she weakly adds, "Like who he was wasn't of value, just his things." another pause, the fist pounding stops and in barely a whisper she manages to push out, "It was like I was back there again."

Just to be clear this isn't a criticism of anyone's posts. I'm just in the habit of rolling with posting mishaps if that'll make things more interesting.

To give some background here that isn't present in the current IC actions, Vyvian typically is pretty upbeat and Aintas would never have seen her as angry as she was before or as upset as she is right now.
Another important note is that while she doesn't exactly avoid talking about her life before Candlekeep she's always avoided giving anything close full picture of it. Just a little amusing anecdote here or there or an off-hand mention that at least clued her siblings into the fact that her old life wasn't the nicest. They'd know where she came from, that she hadn't had family before, and they'd know the short version of the story of how she got brought to Candlekeep. (Basically Aintas shouldn't be confused, she's clearly referring to her life back on the streets of Baldur's Gate. The implication being that she's seen dead people get treated like the only thing of value was what belongings they had on them.)

2020-04-01, 07:16 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"Hey Mel," Sam's unblinking eyes stare at Gorion's broken from across the small clearing. Less broken now, after Melian had cleaned up the blood and gore and covered his wounds. "He looks peaceful now... thanks for that." Though his face is a lot different from his siblings, he's picked up plenty of facial expressions from them, making him a lot easier to read than he was when he was younger. His abnormally blank expression and dull tone speak of shock, now that the adrenaline of the attack is out of his system.

"I wonder who they were." Pondering over their attackers, he leans his head back against the uneven bark of the tree. "They didn't want him. They only wanted us-" More needling from the imp as she pokes him just under the eyes. "Buzz off!" Sam hisses under his breath, swatting at the air above his shoulder.

Grepha flaps her wings and lands on the tree above, out of reach of reprisal.

"She keeps bothering me... to ask if anything of his is magical," Sam tells Melian, quietly, hoping one else overhears. "Can't even get a moment's silence."

2020-04-02, 12:43 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

The elf listens closely to her half-dragon sibling, almost imperceptibly wincing at the mention of the imp - or whatever it was. Something else to deal with. Eventually.

Melian shivers as the adrenaline finally wears off and she stares at her hands for a drawn-out moment after Sam mentions Gorion's body. "You know, I only wish I could have done more than clean him. I was so..." She hesitates. Takes a deep breath and leaves the thought unfinished. Her sad gaze says it clearly enough - Wrong. Unprepared. Useless.

"You're right. Why would anyone be after us and not him? We're just a strange collections of orphans while he is - was - a powerful and connected wizard. It can't be some form of leverage, right? Otherwise, why kill him?"

"Anyway," she continues shaking her head clear. "It also occurred to me to check his belongings for any magical signs or signatures. I'll conduct a ritual after we've laid him to rest. Maybe your... companion can leave you be until then," she finishes with a half-hearted smirk.

She rests her head back against the same tree as Sam. "And I'll clean the rest of us up as well before we turn in."

Might as well use my magic for something.

I won't be milking Melian's self-pity party much longer. She'll be up and running as a responsible grown-up momentarily. :smalltongue:

2020-04-02, 01:05 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"Thanks," Sam smirks lightly, in gratitude, before returning to his tired expression. "What about our parents?" It's hard to say who they're all related to. Could some of them have important family these people want to ransom them to? Use as leverage?

"I can't think of anything else we all have in common."

2020-04-02, 01:46 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"Hmmm, maybe," Melian says in reply to Sam. "I can't think of anything else right now though, to be fair, I can't really think clearly at all right now."

She stands up, feeling stiff. "Come, let's check on Senna and Caelyn - I'm sure she can use some help with the digging."

2020-04-02, 03:06 AM

Aintas sits tiredly, waiting for the stream of sarcastic comments. He deserves it. Instead, the upbeat and happy-go-lucky Vyv erupts and starts crying.

Aintas takes her into his chest and holds her. It is a bit strange to hold someone who has two swords strapped in her back, but Vyv needs him. Aintas is not a clever man- he knows it for a fact- but he knows his siblings. Of all of them, Vyvian had the more difficult time before she came in. She wants old enough to remember it, too.

Still holding her, Aintas says

"You are not back there, sis. You are with your family. This is all new to all of us. Father always knew what was best and now... he is gone. Everyone tries to cope. Sam and Melian and Caelyn... they just try to do what he said.

You knows they care. They are all hurt, and feel alone and scared. Vyvian " - Aintas uses his full name, something he almost never does - " we are the oldest. They need us. I screwed up again and again.. I would have left Father's body there, trying to follow his orders. The others set me straight. I need them and they need us, Vyvian. I need you. All we have now, is each other.

Remember all the times we were talking about joining a group or enlisting in a mercenary company, see the world, make great things? It seems we got our wish. All these times that father said that adventures come with blood and sorrow, he was right about that too. I just never thought the blood would be his."

Aintas is also silently crying now. He sniffles once or twice, dries his tear and takes a mouthful of his waterskin. He offers it to Vyvian too.

"Let's get back. Find a spot and camp. We have two days journey ahead of us."

2020-04-02, 11:28 AM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Having been about to say something to Aintas, she wipes her tears away and looks around him at Senna who just rudely interrupted a private moment. "Sigh. Guess that's fair. I interrupted her prayer before. Shrug." she thinks.

She looks back to Aintas, peeling herself off of him, and gratefully takes a large swig from the sadly just water. She gives him a serious look and a nod. Then she walks over to Senna and puts her right palm over Senna's face and says in a far from serious tone, "Hey you. Don't you respect other people's privacy? Huh? C'mon you. Didn't anyone ever teach you manners? What's that? No I can't understand. Are you saying you value people's privacy now? Huh?" As she speaks she pushing her hand, not too hard, into Senna's face and driving her back and absolutely not moving her hand to let Senna speak until they're all the way back to the others, who should have a clear view of this display.

2020-04-02, 12:21 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian sees Senna and Vyvian and tiredness prevents her from picking up on Vyvian's more playful tone. "Please, everyone, just... Stop." There's no judgement in her voice, only exhaustion. "We're all tired. Let's lay father to rest.

2020-04-02, 01:12 PM

I have something to say that needs saying before we bury father. Caelyn stands shakily from the grave she and Kess have dug. Her hands are raw from clutching the rock she used to dig, and her entire body feels like it has been trampled by animals, but she makes her way over to Vyvian and stands in front of her. Unlike most of their negative interactions, she isn't worked up and screaming, or sarcastic and venomous. Only bone tired and resolved. I was thinking about all of this while I was digging, and if I don't get it out now it will fester in my heart. She takes a deep breath before speaking without taking a breath of pausing.

You were right. Father would have been upset with us for having the wrong priorities back there. Honestly though, he probably would have had us flee and leave him there for the gibberlings, so we're all bad children in the best fashion possible for recovering him. But we all KNOW he would have been livid for you using a weapon instead of your words to correct us. We were scared, we were tired, and we'd all just lost the man dearest to all our hearts. We made a mistake by accident. But firing that bow shot past Senna and nearly into my hand was an intentional mistake. I know you're just as upset as the rest of us, so I think we can all forgive you that, but if father were alive he would have taken your bow and grounded you to your room for a month for that stunt. But father is gone, and we need to be better. Better than we could afford to be as his children in Candlekeep. That starts today. She turns her head to address everyone. For all of us.We need to be better. To ourselves, and more importantly to each other. She turns back to Vyvian, her face sorrowful and her body trembling. Before you sneer or make a crack, remember you're talking to the sister that has been shooting with you since father let us practice with wooden arrows. I've seen you miss, Vyv. And if you'd missed, Senna could have been hit. I could have an arrow through my hand. I'm not going to yell at you, threaten you, or harbor a grudge. We don't have time for that. But remember how father would have wanted us to act, and be better. If we don't all do that, he won't be the only loss we have. That being said, she moves over to the hole and looks down in it. It's not deep enough. Animals could still dig him up. She scoops up Kess and thanks him in his own language for his hard work. Can someone else take a turn? I think I'm going to pass out...

2020-04-02, 02:37 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian's small smile evaporates as Senna gets mad, Melian doesn't see her, and Caelyn ambushes her with a long speech. She's listening up until Caelyn starts lecturing about the shot, at which point her eyes clearly glaze over with lack of energy. When Caelyn finishes speaking, Vyvian takes a crowbar out of her belongings for lack of a better digging tool. She finishes walking over and with the end of the crowbar lightly pushes Caelyn out of the way. Then she proceeds to begin digging with it, though it becomes readily apparently she's physically and mentally exhausted and is basically just forcing herself to numbly carry out the motions as slow and sloppy as they become the longer she presses on.

Spore, don't freak out. I got permission.

2020-04-02, 03:11 PM

Aintas holds up his hand

"We are all tired. And drained. And hurting. Let us not take it out at each other. We only have each other right now.

I will dig the grave. I will also take first watch. It seems we cannot move anymore today, so let's camp here. No fires though.

Everyone eat something, dink some water. Sleep.

It would be best if we had watches of two. Anyone with good nightsight to stay first watch with me? I will wake up the next one in three hours.


2020-04-02, 03:33 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Walking up to Aintas, Melian lays a hand upon his broad shoulders. "No, Aintas," she says seriously in a matter-of-fact way. "We will all dig together. Then we will lay Gorion to rest together. As a family."

And then a bit more softly. "And then you will sleep. You cannot carry all of us alone, brother. I only need a little rest and my eyes are keen in the dark."

2020-04-02, 06:02 PM

Caelee lets Vyvian go by her, moving across the clearing to place her bedroll down under a tree. Then she folded it up into a good spot to sit. Plopping down on it, she whispered good night to Kess and set him down on the ground. He may wander, but he never ran far. She waited for the others to finish digging, resisting the urge to trance until after they have laid Gorion to rest.

2020-04-03, 04:13 AM
Chapter 1

The dawn is especially cruel this morning. You awake with the realisation that this is not some terrible dream or fleeting nightmare. The weather does little to reflect the mood - blazing sunshine and clear skies. It is the height of the Sword Coast summer. An ever-present breeze is pleasant against the heat. Were it not for the nearby grave, this spot may have been lovely for a picnic. After breaking camp you set off in the rough direction of the Friendly Arm Inn, where Gorion had promised trustworthy friends - perhaps the last ones you have left outside of your group. Candlekeep is locked to you. Its draconian entry rules barring entry without Gorion's influence.

The weather is a boon for travel and you make good time. For all the concern about bandits and wild monsters you mercifully see none of them. There's a few grazing animals but they either ignore you or run at first sight. At maybe midday, just as you crest a small hill, you overhear voices and catch sight of two arguing figures ahead of you. One a halfling dressed in leathers with daggers at his belt, the other a tall human in a robe. The halfling's face is scarred, most likely from weapons and his face tan. He ha a mop of greasy hair pulled back into loose tie. The human's hair falls around his head in brushed waves of chocolate, but most notable is his facepaint or tattoos - lines of small circles on his forehead, elongated triangular 'tears' beneath his eyes and stretched lines of a smile to the sides of his mouth. You might think him a jester or a clown, were it not for his relatively ordinary clothing and the rest of his face being unpainted beyond the designs.

Both seem equipped for long travel, same as you. They stop as they catch sight of you. For a moment the halfling puts hands to his daggers but is waved away from them by his companion. "Hold, Montaron, these young wayfarers are in need! Someone has set about them and left them worse for wear." "Aye Xzar, they've got that smell." "Yes, yes, the smell. Still, my friends, my new friends, I can offer these healing potions if you wish?" He opens one of his bags to reveal a small cache of what look to be potions. "As goodwill, for fellow travelers harried by this most unfortunate world we live in." His smile is sickly sweet, but the halfling never quite relaxes his stance.

2020-04-03, 04:44 AM
Senna is busy thinking all that morning. She never contributed to Gorion's last rest, short of a small prayer at the wrong place. She feels incredibly guilty and worse for wear, but being a junior glyphscribe, she never really contributed to the last rites of anyone. Yes, there were whole libraries dedicated to requiems, literature about the afterworlds and even getting people back. But she was not one to wield such powers, even though she feels she has unraveled a bit more of the divine metatext for her own being.

As her group meets these peculiar wanderers, something feels off, but Senna cannot quite put her finger on it. We thank you kindly for your offer, mister. But don't you think you need these more than we do for our wounds are not physical; and we are blessed by the gods and nature itself. Senna keeps her distance, even if just to be able to watch both wanderers at the same time. The halfling scares me. she whispers to the group.

2020-04-03, 08:17 AM

Aintas stays silent among the first greetings, but he keeps his weapon nearby and ready. There is something he doesn't like about these two

Insight [roll0]

2020-04-03, 10:00 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Wizard
AC: 13 HP: 8/8
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Morning comes and Melian finds her mood slightly improved. While rest helped, the realization that Gorion is gone is still too real and too raw.

She gets up, stretches and packs her belongings, pausing to look at her spellbook and her more private book. Both had unlocked something last night as she studied after her trance. Perhaps as a result of her desperation and real need for it, the basics of the Bladesinger tradition finally made sense. Gorion's spellbook, however, remains a mystery.

As they break camp she addresses the group. "I have examined father's possessions and, save for the wards on his spellbook, they are all mundane. The pin is worn by those who belong to an organization called 'The Harpers'; a semi-secret group of people to wish to do good, as I understand it. Seems like father's adventuring days weren't completely behind him," she says with a bittersweet smile.

While travelling, Melian keeps a sharp lookout. When they come by the two new travelers and she sees how tense her siblings are she pipes up trying to sound grown-up and wiser and defuse the situation. "Hail, travelers." She barely furrows her brow at her greeting. 'Hail', who talks like that? "We are looking for the Friendly Arm Inn, would you happen to know the direction to it?"

Here are some rolls:

Insight: [roll0]
Investigation?: [roll1]
Perception?: [roll2]

2020-04-03, 11:11 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

During the burial of Gorion, Sam made a small grave maker out of sticks and stones, gathering the stones around the base of the branch to help it stand. He used a little of the flames from his belly to singe the top of the branch, then put it out. Giving the top a blackened texture like the top of a wick. Like a candle. He said no words allowed, but a prayer to Bahamut to guide Gorion to the just rest he has earned.

Sam's eyes felt fuzzy all that morning, and it was not tears. Actually, he wasn't sure if he was physically able to cry. Do dragons cry? Maybe it's just him. Beside him, on his shoulder, his reluctant companion kept rubbing her eyes as well. Thankfully whatever it was, it passed as they traveled.

When they come across the travelers on the road, Sam forces on a smile, trying not to look so morose. Despite Senna's objections, he smiles and approaches the two, offering a handshake. "Hey, sorry 'bout the ill mood. We lost someone the other day. Still processing and all that." He peeks down at the bag of potions the strangely-painted traveler is carrying. "And you know what they say, a dragon never turns away gifts, haha!" The actual phrase included 'a dragon never forgets his debts,' but Sam often conveniently forgot that part.

2020-04-03, 11:48 AM

Caelyn is silent during the burial of Gorion. Her Druidic training was all self taught, and limited to the few texts in Candlekeep on the subject. She didn't feel equipped to pray or say words of his passing. She just stood with the others, tears making trails down her dirty cheeks, and threw her handful of dirt down into the grave to put him to rest. Then she immediately went to trance and try to collect her thoughts.

Early in the morning, after her trance is completed, Caelee takes her leave and makes her way deeper into the forest, staying within whistle range but far enough from her family to be alone. She finds a tree, as she is known for, but this one stands dead, having been struck by lightning in it's past. Sitting cross legged, as she does while she trances, she closes her eyes and begins to center herself. Speaking in the language of druids, she a cascade of words begins to escape her lips as the horror, confusion, and pain of the last day flows out of her.

Spirits of nature, give me guidance. I've lost my father, my brothers and sisters are scared, and we are alone in this dangerous and dire world except for each other. In all I've read, nature has taught me many things, but nothing of death. My chest... my chest hurts and my mind is reeling. Why has he been taken away from us? What will happen to him? What purpose does his death serve? Please, tell me!

The tree is silent before her, split down the middle and and rotting slowly. She can't help but think that it is taking up earth and sunlight that the smaller plants needed to grow. It would better serve the natural order as ash to fertilize the world, it's death supporting a new generation of plant and insect life. She spoke in Druidic again, without spite or malice, a moment of clarity piercing through her pain and rage. This tree needs a fire to cleanse it. On the utterance of the word "fire", a sound of thunder rumbled, even in the bright, gentle sunlight of the early morning. Maybe she was just hearing things. Then there was a flash of light and a roar of flame.

Caelyn gave a high cry and retreated from the tree, which had burst into flames. The intensity of the heat caused the tree to crack and split, and from it emerged a creature. This amalgamation of vines, stone, and fire the size of a dog climbed it's way from the tree and floated down to the ground next to it. Flames spouted from it's tail end and danced around it's plantlike "legs". However, the fire didn't burn the undergrowth around the tree, only the tree itself. The creature half scuttled, half floated it's way closer to Caelee, the sound of it's ever burning body snapping and crackling. Caelee's meditative calm evaporated immediately as the creature came close, and she reeled backwards. NO! GO AWAY! She screamed. There was a loud whoosh of air, and immediately the creature was gone. Heart racing, she climbed to her feet and ran back to the others, leaving the tree to burn behind her. The flames were controlled, so she decided to keep this crazy event to herself until she could speak to Melian or Senna alone about it.

Later that day...

Caelee is quiet as they travel in the morning. She keeps trying to ask someone about the obviously magical incident she experienced earlier, but she can't bring herself to express it just yet. She felt... hot. Hotter than the bright sunlight warranted, as though a fire had been built inside to melt the icy pains of her heart. It felt... better. Her loss and mourning was not gone, but it did feel lessened. Maybe it will feel a little better every day... She was so distracted that she didn't notice the other travelers until hails were already being exchanged. She leaned on her hand carved staff and simply observed the situation, letting her brothers and sisters do the talking for now.

Insight check- [roll0]. Caelee is down a use of wildshape for the day :smallcool:

2020-04-03, 12:32 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian couldn't really remember anything past the digging. She knew they buried the body and afterwards she assumes she collapsed into sleep somewhere. She doesn't remember having been woken up, so someone clearly let her sleep through her share of the night's watch. Probably not the wisest choice, but certainly a kind one since she could tell she'd needed the rest. She hadn't had a day that hard in a long while.

Thanks to her wakefulness, she was able to think critical thoughts like "Why are these two people, one of which had their hands on their daggers as if we are some kind of threat to them, now offering us expensive items for free? Also face tattoos like that aren't always a great sign."

However on the outside she just smiles and nods a hello at them.

After a moment a thought occurs to her/her old survival habits return from when she needed them now that she does again and she makes a hand sign that in Thieves' Cant is just a simple greeting.

Insight: [roll0]

2020-04-03, 01:03 PM
"Lost someone? That's sad, very sad. Isn't it sad Montaron?" Xzar's tone is grandiose, and it's not hard to pick up the lack of complete sincerity. Montaron, on the other hand, seems bored as he replies "Yes, very sad Xzar." Xzar tugs one of the potions out of his bag and passes it to Sam, smile plastered across his face. "Ah but the Friendly Arm you say? No, no, you don't want to go there. You should go south. With us! You all look very..." He passes his eyes over the group in an exaggerated assessment, "powerful. My comrade and I are investigating the iron crisis. Have you heard? Up and down the sword coast. Oh it's awful. So awful. Weapons and tools just falling apart in people's hands. Some of our colleagues are worried about who's behind it...and who's getting the blame. Might you accompany us? In payment for the potions that is."

You sense no ill-intent towards you/the party.

2020-04-03, 01:27 PM
So, who do you work for? Senna inquires not confidently but rather half-hidden behind Sam and Aintas.

2020-04-03, 01:33 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"And now they want something from you. Good job," the imp on his shoulder chastises him.

Sam's gaze drifts briefly over to his shoulder, but he knows better than to counterquip at the imp in public. "Iron crisis? I've not heard of that," he shakes his head, brow ridge quirked in genuine interest. "When did this start?"

2020-04-03, 02:56 PM
"Oh we're just a small consortium of companies, you probably won't have heard of us, but you know how people just love love love a scapegoat! Though speaking of not hearing things," Xzar turns on Sam, trying to loom but having it fail due to the difference in size. "I don't know what rock you've been living under to not hear about the Iron Crisis." For a moment, his tone became harsh, almost venomous, but as quickly as it came it was gone. "No one knows what's causing it but all the iron that's been coming out of the mines lately has been useless - breaks after barely any use. Hammers shattering, swords splitting, armour splintering, oh it's awful. And the bandits." "Aye, the bandits." "There's so many of them! Ready to kill for a scrap of metal. They'd take the hinges off a treasure chest and leave the inside. That's why we need big...strong...men and women like yourself to protect us. The Nashkel mines are meant to be where it's all gone wrong, so we're headed there."

His speech was quick, seeming almost practiced and singsong, going well with his jester's paint, and eschewing any interruptions.

2020-04-03, 03:45 PM

Aintas frowns when his siblings start giving away information to two unknown and not too trustworthy people. He decides to interject

"Thank you for taking us into your confidence. But he have an errand of our own. After we are done, perhaps we will seek you out and see if we can help you out.

Best of luck to you. We will be going now"

2020-04-03, 04:10 PM

Caelee nods at Aintas' words, agreeing with his assessment of the situation. The jester had been scary when he got angry, and she didn't want any part of that.

2020-04-03, 04:49 PM
Where can we find you once we are done with our business? Senna adds. She nods reassuringly when people look at her funny. If we are dealing with our affairs quickly, we might be two to three days behind you, maybe faster.

2020-04-03, 06:22 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Keeping his friendly smile even when Xzar's mood seems to swing wildly, Sam nods along. "Our errand shouldn't take long. I'm sure the iron mines will still be in trouble when we get there, if you'd like to wait for us." Grepha leans forward on his shoulder, waving her intangible hand in front of the (attempted) looming jester's eyes. "Think all the torches are lit upstairs?"

2020-04-04, 05:47 AM
"Bah, now I see what passes for gratitude in this backwater." Xzar's voice has turned sour, his amiable personality, thin as it was, seems to have vanished entirely. "Well if you do feel like helping the DOWNTRODDEN then maybe you will catch us up in Nashkel. Come Montaron. Mayhaps we'll find people with more steel in their blood than these wasters of time and words." Montaron says nothing as he and Xzar move away, heading in what looks to be a southerly direction. They ignore any further words and soon disappear from sight.

Your path continues on through the pastoral wilderness of the sword coast. Then, just as the sun begins to set, you catch sight of a plume of smoke a little ways off to the north. It's not quite on your path, but you would be cutting close if you kept your current trajectory and would almost certainly be spotted, if that's a concern. You can't make out the source of the smoke, as it's concealed behind some trees and small hills. The map indicates no settlements in the area (though it could be wrong - it's not exhaustive).

2020-04-04, 06:04 AM
I cannot decide how of these two I hate more. Senna bluntly states after they have left. Still, what I meant was that we should keep an eye out for them. You better know where your enemies are. Anbd I wouldn't be surprised if they take all but ten minutes to decide we are their mortal enemies. But hear me out. Maybe we want to help them. If these fellows of Gorion in Candlekeep are a dud, we might need allies, even distrustful ones like that.

The thought of calling Tattoohead and Knife-midget allies sends shivers down Senna's spine.

Half a day later they spot the small smoke plume. Should we check that fire? Xzar warned us about bandits, but he looked like the guy who warns you about their grandma's spirit haunting their head too.

2020-04-04, 10:42 AM

Agreed. But hopefully father's friends are better allies than those two would be. A last resort comes last for a reason. Caelyn is sweating heavily at this point and trying not to show it, an internal heat matching the summer sun light to make her very uncomfortable. Vyv and I could check out that smoke and hopefully not get caught. I'd want the rest of you to be within shouting distance though. She wiped at her forehead and took a pull from her water skin. But before we do that, can I speak to you Senna? Something weird happened, and... I'm not sure what to think.

2020-04-04, 11:41 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Waving as the two leave, Sam waits until they're out of earshot before saying to the others quietly, "Free potion. Score. Someone should probably make sure it's not poisoned." He liked to give people the benefit of the doubt, but that Xzar guy seemed in need of a therapist.

"Those really aren't people you want to work with," the imp's statement causes Sam some surprise and he looks over his shoulder - a bit obviously this time. He catches himself before he starts pointing out that's an odd thing to say. "Don't give me that look. People like you working with people like them is asking to be stabbed in the back. Tell her not to be stupid."

Well, Sam doesn't exactly disagree with most of that. He responds to Senna, "I'm not so sure we'd be better off with them than on our own... but this whole iron thing is news to me."

Around dinner time, they spot smoke from a fire nearby. "About the time somebody would be cooking their evening meal. Could be somebody camping?" Sam suggests.

2020-04-04, 12:42 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"What a strange duo," Melian remarks to no one in particular as the travelers move away. "I tend to agree with Senna, knowing where these two are opens options to us and is valuable information. Even if it only tells where the knife is coming from."

She then faces her siblings, new information bringing a mystery to be solved. "Still, if what they say is true about this iron crisis we should eventually look into it. So much depends on iron that if this is a widespread thing, well... it could be really bad for the Sword Coast." She shrugs. "And we can't stand by and let bandits run amok, terrorizing good people."

As the sun lowers to the horizon and the group stops to discuss the spotted plume of smoke, Melian takes a long drink from her waterskin, weighing their options. "The Inn is our destination but I'd be loath to leave our flank or rear open to bandits," she says looking briefly in Aintas' direction - he's the smart one about tactics. "We'll have to make camp soon as the shadows lengthen anyway. If these are friends we can share a campsite; if not we can at least make a better choice as to where we stop."

"Ah but the Friendly Arm you say? No, no, you don't want to go there. You should go south. With us! You all look very..." He passes his eyes over the group in an exaggerated assessment, "powerful. My comrade and I are investigating the iron crisis. Have you heard? Up and down the sword coast. Oh it's awful. So awful. Weapons and tools just falling apart in people's hands. Some of our colleagues are worried about who's behind it...and who's getting the blame. Might you accompany us? In payment for the potions that is."

Boom! Game Name spotted! :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-04, 12:55 PM
Even if it only tells where the knife is coming from."

Please don't talk about knives and that halfling in the same sentence. Senna shudders.

Vyv and I could check out that smoke and hopefully not get caught. I'd want the rest of you to be within shouting distance though. She wiped at her forehead and took a pull from her water skin. But before we do that, can I speak to you Senna? Something weird happened, and... I'm not sure what to think.

That is what I wanted to hear. But maybe we should just send Glyph to scout? Senna points out her cat familiar, before she hesitates. Something weird? Weirder than what we experienced today?

2020-04-04, 01:17 PM

Aintas looks at the strange duo leave with an intimidating frown on his face. When they are away, he turns to the others, relaxing.

"Well, for my part, I am glad we met them. Now we know something we didn't, we have a potential contact in a strange place and we are better informed.

But we really should be thinking of camping somewhere. I have foraged for food, so we can have berries, wild onions with fried mushrooms and and a bit of hare broth. But I would rather scout the fire first. If they are friendly, then there is safety in numbers. If they are hostile, we should know.

I say we do the following: Vyv and Cayle can scout a bit. I will be right behind you, say 60 ft back. Go and take a look. If you see something dangerous, come back. If trouble follows you, I will contain it until the rest of you come.

Otherwise, we can go and politely ask them to share their fire. Unleash Sam's charm on them. Everyone agrees?"

2020-04-04, 01:32 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

"I was about to say...." Vyvian notes as Sam remarks about the dubious nature of the potions.

"Oh sure, just replace me with a cat. I see how it is." she replies to Senna's suggestion with a mock scowl, clearly joking and not actually objecting to sending in the cat to scout.

"Some hare sounds delicious brother." Vyvian replies to Aintas while looking pointedly at Kess. She gives a general nod at the plan.

2020-04-04, 04:25 PM
Senna sends her cat, pointing at the fire. Just follow the smoke, Glyph.

A good minute after Glyph is gone, Senna sits down. I'm concentrating on Glyph's senses now. I will be able to see what she sees, but my body will be blind in the meantime.

Glyph Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2020-04-04, 05:25 PM

Caelee sighs. She'd heard a thousand of the cook the rabbit jokes over the years, and she knew that she'd hear a thousand more before their time together came to an end. She gives Vyvian a weary glare before letting Tal Kess out of his bag and allowing him some freedom to run around. Then Caelee speaks with Senna before she extends her senses to her familiar, if possible, and before going out to scout. The conversation happens openly, so anyone can hear or contribute their ideas.

I was... thinking about father. Next to a dead tree that had been struck by lightning. And... I thought about how nature can renew and reclaim through natural fires. Destruction, but for the good of the world, you know? Then I said something about it in Druidic, and the tree burst into flame. An elemental... or I think in hindsight it was an elemental, came out of the fire and approached me. But then I told it to go away and it disappeared like WHOOOSH! She gestures with her arms through this conversation, speaking with her hands as much as her words. And ever since I've felt really... warm. Almost like I have a low fever, but no other symptoms. It makes me feel... good. Kinda... powerful? And relaxed. But mostly like I'm standing in front of the main hearth and Candlekeep during high summer.

2020-04-04, 06:41 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian rests her back against a tree while Senna's familiar reconnoiters. Hmmm, I may need to summon one for myself.

She listens in on Caelyn's account of her experience in the woods with obvious interest. She hesitates jumping in the conversation since Senna was the one asked, but ultimately she can't help herself. There are too many theories to explore!

"While I can't speak with any actual expertise," she begins in a soft voice, "it seems like you may have called upon your ties to Nature in a moment of distress and it answered you. You have always had a deep connection to the natural world as an Elf and as a Druid and I would postulate what happened was akin to how a mage may reach out to the Weave in a summoning or conjuring spell. The fact you were able to dismiss this creature - or elemental, whichever it may be, points to you having some control over it and the fact you have a feeling of well-being suggests the effect may be beneficial. Maybe. Even the Weave can be unpredictable and I find Nature to be more chaotic. Have you... tried bringing it forth again?"

Melian waits in obvious anticipation.

2020-04-05, 03:09 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Overhearing Caelyn's story - overhear might be the wrong word, as she was making no attempts to hide it - Sam ponders if she's somehow bonded with this elemental. Similar to how he's become connected with the imp. "Maybe the elemental's tagging along inside you somehow?" he offers with a shrug of raised arms. "Are you hearing any voices? Er... do you even speak elemental?"

2020-04-05, 04:37 AM
As Glyph crests the hill, she sees the source of the smoke - a small campfire with two tents alongside it. A horse is tied up to a nearby tree - it looks like it's on the border of a small patch of forest. Not expansive, but large enough to lose someone in. The smell of cooked meats fills the air and by the fire are two young human women. One, who is stirring the pot, is wearing leathers while the other has a chain shirt on. Weapons - bows and spears - sit nearby within reach. They appear to be engrossed in conversation, laughing and and don't look up to Glyph.

2020-04-05, 04:57 AM
Senna tells Glyph to come back. The familiar decides otherwise and runs down, asking for scraps. Senna cuts her link with her familiar. Only two nice girls, probably wanderers.

She looks at Caelee. Well, for starters I would usually interpret this as a sign of your patron god. But Mielikki does not really reveal herself personally that often, she prefers fey creatures or animal messengers for these kinds of things. So my second guess would be your subconscious. Your anger towards Gorion's demise channeled into your druidic powers. Now, fire represents uncertainty. Both warmth and destruction hails from it. Lightning is different. If the thunder was missing, it might forebode a future loss. If there was thunder, and we just did not hear it, it is a lucky omen. You escaped a terrible fate. And we know you did.*

Senna rests for a moment on the ground, relaxing her eyes from her trance. Now, should we go and introduce ourselves to these wanderers? Even in the worst case, we are 6 to 2 of them. I feel Glyph** is already being a right diplomat for a few scraps of meat.

* I took this stuff from a dream interpretation book. Shows how good this vague stuff fits into any situation.
** For reference, Glyph is female, and quite amicable, likes attention.

2020-04-05, 07:23 AM
As Glyph approaches, the woman stirring the pot of food finally spots him, breaking off whatever conversation they were having before to point him out. "Lyn, look."
"Cute cat. Looks a bit healthy to be wandering around though." Lyn's accent was a bit odd - almost sounding like a cross of nobility and urchin. It was hard to tell if it was natural or affected. Neither made any particular move towards their weapons. Lyn didn't even shift beyond turning her head to look at Glyph with mild, but ultimately disinterested surprised.
"Oh sure but people lose cats all the time. Probably ran off from a merchant caravan or something. Here." She picked up what remained of a bird that was next to the pot and tossed it to Glyph. It was plucked and mostly stripped of meat, but there were bits and pieces left on the bones. "Eat up."

2020-04-05, 10:21 AM

Listening to each of her family in turn, Caelyn frowns and thinks. No, I'm not hearing voices in my head. She says to Sam. Then to Senna I think your symbology might have a point. Those feelings I had... I think they might have expressed through my druid connection... And finally to Melian Oh... well when you put it that way, maybe I should try again... Caelee frowns, then takes a few steps away from her family. Raising her hands in the air, she tried to summon the same gravity and solemnity that she had in the moment of her first summoning. Try as she might, she can't. So instead, she tries to whisper the same words she said before.
This tree needs fire to cleanse it.
Upon uttering the druidic words, there is a roar of flame and the spirit of wildfire appears twenty feet away in a surge of flame that consumes all the grass, sticks, and leaves in a ten foot radius. Caelee's hands drip with flames that fall from her hands like water, dissipating before they hit the ground. Now that she is expecting it, she smiles at the spirit's return, and begins laughing at the licks and tickles of the flames that dance in her hands. Eventually the flood of fire from her hands ceases, but the spirit remains, floating before them all, awaiting commands. She approaches it, the heat inside her finding its match in the heat coming from the spirit.

Uh... hello? Did I summon you? Do you like... follow my commands now? The spirit didn't respond. Could you... turn a circle in place and do a little dance for me? The spirit slowly floated in a circle, legs flexing and reaching towards the ground. Caelee gave an excited squeal. I did it, Melian, I did it! She turned back to the spirit and clasped her hands together. Will you follow me and help me and my family walk our path in this world? The spirit approached her and took a place by her side, small flames licking up behind it as it floats. She turns back to her brothers and sisters with a large grin on her face. Mielikki smiles on me!

2020-04-05, 11:43 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Watching with a slouch, thumbs hooked into his belt, Sam stands up a little straighter in surprise when the elemental spirit appears. "Wow, you weren't kidding. It's like a little walking campfire." Approaching the new member of their group carefully, he holds a hand out towards it to see how hot the flames are.

"We might spook the new company a little with this fella," he points out with a laugh in his voice. "But we might as well say hello. Maybe they know something, or saw those guys who attacked us." Drawing back his hand, Sam starts meandering in the direction of the bonfire smoke.

2020-04-05, 12:28 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 10/10
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian watches Caelyn turn her anger into a weird fire monster after everyone else made magical mumbo jumbo excuses for why Caelyn could do it. Seeing it, to her it was perfectly obvious. Caelyn was a druid. What's a druid's manifestation of anger? Fire of course. Creepy fire-plant-bug specifically apparently.

Vyvian nods in agreement with Sam and says, "Sam's got a point." and then walks off with him.

2020-04-05, 01:11 PM

Aintas stays silent and in rapt attention as his siblings discuss things he never really understood. Yesterday, he thought that it was ... normal for Caylee to bring to life the elements and said nothing, to hide his anxiety. Now, he understands that she was not so sure herself. Sliding next to Melian, he says in a whisper "I thought that was normal for magic...ers."

When the report of the camp comes, Aintas sights with relief. This is something he understands.

"Let's follow Sam. Let's make a reasonable and non-threatening amount of noise, so that we don't startle our hosts. And gang, let's try and be more discrete with our information, yes?"

2020-04-05, 01:19 PM
But how should they know about their lord and saviour, Lord Deneir? Senna jokes at Aintas.

2020-04-05, 01:49 PM
As you approach, the woman stirring the pot drops her spoon and hovers a hand over a bow nearby. The other woman shifts and takes hold of a spear, though keeps it low on the ground for now. While you're still a ways off she calls out "Hey, you gonna attack us?"

2020-04-05, 01:58 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian watches closely as Caelyn summons the elemental, obviously caught up in her sister's excitement. "Absolutely fascinating!" she exclaims, coming near the spirit for a closer look. "You sure did, Caelyn! Looks like it is bound to you, much like a familiar. Can it understand all of us or is it bound only to you? Does it have a name?"

She then steps back while the others look at the creature, finding herself near Aintas. "Well brother, my magic and Caelyn's are very different. You can certainly just take this at face value - a druid summoned a spirit ally, fiery as it is - and leave it at that since it's fairly normal to druids. Or you can dig deeper to try and get to the why. For better or worse, a wizard usually needs to get to the why," she ways with a little wink.

The wizard then nods agreement at Aintas, Sam and Vyvian, chuckling lightly at Senna's comment. She then falls behind once again, taking the rear in the formation.

2020-04-05, 02:07 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Striding casually into the open near the ladies' campsite, Sam stops when she reaches for her bow. He raises his hands, palms out to show he's not holding any weapons. "Not unless you shoot me," he answers jokingly. "Howdy there, I'm Sam. We were just looking for a place to set up camp for the evening - mind if we share the fire?"

2020-04-05, 02:28 PM
Pot Stirrer glances at her companion, who regards you for a moment but ultimately nods. They both drop back into relaxed positions. "It's a free country." "Or at least it should be. I'm Lyn. This is Im. You got any food along with your names?" If they had any surprise at your colourful cast of characters, they didn't show it at all.

2020-04-05, 02:53 PM
Senna awkwardly shuffles in front of the others. I'm Senna, glyphscribe of Deneir. You need not fear us. We are just travelling north. We saw your campfire, were curious and wanted to introduce ourselves.

She points out her siblings.
This is Sam. He looks scary, but isn't. This is Vyv. She looks innocent but is actually not. Caelyn, Aintas and Melian. We do not have much food on us, but we might be able to share to get a small buffet going? Senna shows simple cheese, bread and some dried fruit. Not exactly a cheese platter with some wine, but it might suffice. Senna calls Glyph to her person. And sorry, I spied on you a bit with my little friend here. She strokes the cat. So where are you headed?

2020-04-05, 03:44 PM
"No worries about the cat - but not everyone's as nice as us. We'll take whatever we can get. Stew's pretty boring with just meat and water."
"I'm doing my best!" Im pouted.
"Hey, hey, no knock on you, but it's been bird stew the last three...no, four nights?" Lyn was conciliatory, though it was clear neither of them were very serious. The atmosphere around them was relaxed. Any tension from your walkup had dissipated entirely.
"We came out here on a tip that there were merchants going through Cloakwood but it was a bust. Nothing but crazy druids and dragons." "Wyverns." Right. Wyverns. So we're probably going to head back to the main roads and see if we can't find a score or two there, make up for lost time."

2020-04-05, 05:05 PM

After some experimentation Caelee realizes that the spirit understands every language that she does, and it responds amiably to requests from her family, if not commands. It follows her instructions to the letter, however, due to the bonding flame that burns within her. She excitedly experiments to find these results with Melian on their way to the fire Senna had scouted with her familiar.

Much relieved by the seeming sense of decency shown by these two travelers, Caelee and her spirit take a spot close to the fire to sit down and relax. From her personal supplies she brings out wrapped leather packets of dried fruit and meat and adds it to the growing pile of vittles her family is assembling. Upon the mentioning of more druids, her eyes light up. Druids? Like me? I've never met another druid before! Did they have big, carved staffs that told stories of their travels? Caelee's own staff, still naked and unmarked, was a project she intended to pick up the next time they camped, keeping with an old druid tradition that she read about in a book. She grinned with glee and held her hands to her mouth. And wyverns! I've read about those! Not quite dragons, but still fascinating creatures! All at once she is overwhelmed by curiosity and excitement, reaching into her hip bag to pet Kess. Aintas, can we travel to this Cloakwood? I want to meet other druids and see if everything I've read about them is true! Maybe they'd invite me into their Circle! She gives him a pleading look that resembles the one she gave Gorion a few years ago that resulted in him giving her Kess. The spirit's flames grow brighter almost as if it shared her excitement.

Insight roll on the words of our new friends. Looking for a "score" makes them sound an awful lot like bandits. [roll0] EDIT- Nope, apparently Caelee is way too excited about druids and wyverns to be concerned about the new company they find themselves in.

2020-04-05, 05:06 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

"What kind of way to introduce me to strangers is that?" Vyvian whisper/hisses at Senna while nudging her in the ribs with an elbow.

She tries the thieves' cant greeting she used on the pair before on this one, as they're talking about trying to find merchants and scores.

2020-04-05, 05:49 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian stays silent through the introductions. She leans close to Aintas, pitching her voice low. "These two talk openly about seeking out merchants as a score; I don't like this, brother."

She meanders around the camp, discreetly looking for indications of who these two may be.

Whole buncha rolls!

• Perception: [roll0]
• Investigation: [roll1]
• Insight: [roll2]

2020-04-05, 06:00 PM
Uh, wyverns you say. Did you actually meet some of them? Senna laughs nervously, looking at the others. Or druids for that matter. Caelee is always interested in stories about nature. Senna shuffles nervously towards Aintas.

2020-04-05, 06:18 PM
"We met the druids, only spotted wyverns from far off. Either way I wouldn't recommend it. Those druids were fifty cards short of a deck. They'd sooner skin you than make friends. Kept talking about 'nature reclaiming the world' and stuff. Your magical girl," Lyn motions at Melian and her spellbook, "they're the sort they'd string up for fun. If you're lucky you'd die before the wyverns ate you."
Im, meanwhile, responds to the Thieves Cant greeting with one of her own. It's quick and practiced, almost gone before you know it. "You guys don't look like Blacktalons or Chill." She tugs out from her pack two wooden, well worn bowls and fills them for her and Lyn, before holding out her hand for the party's. "Where you headed? Aside from hopefully not into the forest." She asks with a smile.

They're not lying, you can tell that much. Their relaxed demeanour appears to be entirely genuine and you can't detect any indication of untoward plans.
You can't spot anything amiss with the camp. There's no sign of anyone else who may be there now or previously. It looks to be just the two of them, and the horse. There aren't any insignias or sigils that indicate an affiliation. Just plain tents.

2020-04-05, 07:52 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Taking a seat next to the fire with the two travelers, Sam isn't bothered by their admittance of looking for merchants or a score. He probably should be, but unlike the last two they met these two don't seem mad or violent. He figures they're like Vyv - thieves of some kind.

Sam digs through his poorly organized, stuffed together pack, a few odds and ends spilling onto the ground. It's obvious he packed it in a hurry - or at least without any care. Eventually he fishes out a bowl - it used to be the facewashing basin in his room, but it would do. He turns it over to Im. "Just the inn up the road. Meeting family." With a cheeky grin, he jerks a thumb back at the others and stage-whispers, "Don't tell them, but they're adopted."

2020-04-05, 11:32 PM

Once more, Aintas finds himself out of his depth. These are apparently thieves, and Father had very strong feelings on them. On the other hand, isn't it better to know where the thieves are? He whispers to Melian

"Better the devil we know, then?"

Aintas sits at a spot where he would see both his hosts and the direction of the road and makes comfortable.

As he tries to take the situation in, he smakes small talk

"We met some other people on the road. Do you know about the Iron Crisis?

By the way, we have these berries and these hares to share."

Insight [roll0] Perception [roll1]

2020-04-05, 11:51 PM

Caelee begins to catch on that something was amiss not based on the words she heard but by the demeanor of some of her family members. She is also a bit deflated to hear that wyverns and druids were unfriendly. She removes a small wooden bowl from her own kit and meekly passes it to the woman, avoiding the hares in favor of her own fruit and dried beef. Eating quietly, she starts observing the two new people more closely. Periodically she feeds Kess berries from her hand, and even throws a few bits of food to her wildfire spirit, which reaches out with its flaming tendrils and promptly chars whatever she throws.

2020-04-06, 01:01 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Nodding seriously at Aintas, Melian then shrugs. "There is wisdom in that. We just need to be sure to have one of us on watch duty at all times."

Melian then makes small gestures and mutters an easy incantation under her breath as the stew gets ladled out, flavoring it according to her siblings' taste, winking at Senna as she recognizes the trick.

Prestidigitation to flavor stew. "Wild bird broth a la highway bandit" doesn't sound delicious. :smalltongue:

2020-04-06, 04:29 AM
Cold sweat runs down Senna's face. She looks left to right, panicked. I...I...can't do this. I'm sorry. Im, Lyn. You are bandits. Why are you so honest with us? And you guys, why aren't you scared to be robbed? Senna stands up. She is confused, and demands answers. I was educated under the assumption that bandits are evil and need to be fought, not dined with. You did, too.

2020-04-06, 05:26 AM
Im smirks at Senna's outburst, handing back the bowls (now full of stew) without reservation, while Lyn bursts out laughing. Not cruel though, it's jovial. "Dunno where you guys came from or where you're going but you're good for a laugh at least. You know what's 'evil'?"
"Oh god, here we go. You've got her started now." Im was rolling her eyes, but still smiling.
"The world's broken you know. The way it works. Nobles never have to work a day in their life. Merchants make their coin ripping off people just trying to put food on the table. Governments steal taxes from their 'subjects' to build palaces for themselves and hire soldiers to keep us out. And us? We're stuck scrabbling for table scraps. People with power stomp on those with none." Her eyes darken. She pulls out a flask from a hidden pocket and takes a deep swig before offering it to the party. It stinks of potent but cheap alcohol. "They all bleed the same though. Princes and paupers, they both die in ditches." She reaches across and takes one of the berries you've offered, holding it up to the firelight before popping it in her mouth.
"But," Im interrupts, sitting back to eat her food, "we don't kill those we break bread with."
"Bad for the soul." Lyn confirms. "We only know what we've picked up along the way about the Iron Crisis, but we're open books. What do you wanna know?"

2020-04-06, 05:52 AM
Oh, you're high and mighty. Ever considered merchants are trying to stay afloat on their own? Not mention the people you guys kill and injure?

I helped at an infirmary of Oghma. Suffering is indiscriminate. We should be enjoying song and wine, art and love. Not stab each other for a piece of bread. According to your dialect, Lyn, you were once a noble yourself. What went wrong?

2020-04-06, 06:32 AM
Lyn falls silent for a moment, before pulling another flask from another hidden pocket and taking another deep swig. Im answers for her. "Open book, yeah? Shouldn't have started if you didn't want to finish. Lyn, or should I say 'Lynette Du Tigra'," Lyn flinches at her full name, "was a noble. I was a maid working in the kitchens. For years, we watched her parents hurt people who couldn't say 'no' for fear of further hurt."
"Well without going into detail, Father started hurting someone I cared about and wouldn't stop. So I stopped him. Forever." She took another swig. "Him and my whole bastard family. You'd do the same, if push came to shove. If someone started hurting those you loved, what wouldn't you do?" Lyn locks eyes with Senna.
"A decade later and here we are." If you had to guess their ages, they were both somewhere in their mid-20s. "Here we are."

2020-04-06, 06:38 AM
Senna locks her gaze with Lynette. I shot a guy like that yesterday. But it did not feel good. the priest stammers, holding back more personal information. I don't think that it helped at all.

2020-04-06, 11:03 AM

Aintas sighs. His sister was right, but he was not sure that it was now the time for high-minded morals.

"Senna, we were the ones who came and asked hospitality. Tomorrow, after we eat and sleep - in joint shifts, for protection - we will part ways."

When his has a moment of privacy later on, he whispers in her ear.

"Senna, is it better to stay with the bandits, so that you know where they are, or camp some miles down the road, and risk an attack? Remember, we are hunted ourselves. We cannot afford more enemies"

2020-04-06, 12:16 PM

Caylee raises a hand to her mouth when Senna reveals what is going on in this small camp they've found. Bandits?!? She thinks. But they seem just like normal folk... She finishes the last of her stew with a gulp, setting about cleaning her bowl with her water skin as the conversation continues to become heavier and heavier. Soon her meal feels like a rock in the pit of her stomach. Things aren't helped when her wildfire spirit disappears in a loud whoosh behind her, which sours her mood even more. She pulls Kess into her lap and does her best to stay calm and collected. I can take first watch... I'm sure it will be fine...

2020-04-06, 12:27 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Although he's surprised to hear the two are actually bandits - what with their welcoming demeanor - Sam finds himself sympathizing with them. From the sounds of it... Lyn experienced something terrible when she was only as old as he and his siblings, maybe younger.

"Senna," reaching up, Sam tugs at the sleeve of her shirt, trying to get her to sit down. "We really don't know a lot about how the world out here is... try not to judge people so readily. C'mon, sit and eat."

Crawling over from one shoulder to another behind Sam's back, Grepha speaks up to say, "Just don't let them feed you idealized nonsense about freedom fighting. Rule and law exist for a reason. Look at them. Living like animals in the woods, barely surviving."

Waving Grepha away with his hand, under the guise of scratching his shoulder and back, Sam tells the two friendly bandits, "You shared your tragedy with us. Only fair we do the same. Last night, our foster father was killed while we were traveling. A fierce man in heavy armor, a priestess of some kind, a few archers, and some big lugs that might have been half-giants. Have you seen them?"

2020-04-06, 12:48 PM

Aintas was eating his soup when Sam let's go of his ballista bolt of a question. For a second, as he tries to understand, Aintas remains with his mouth open, soup drooling.

"Sam! Of all the lame-brained..."

he stops and breathes from his nose. It is too late to fix that now. He then speaks, slowly and distinctly.

"Sam. There is noone to get you out of your messes now. We are not home. Do you think our...hosts would enjoy the attention of the people we met earlier? With Father? Do you think they will ask politely, if they meet?"

Not to mention selling the information.

"Next time, try and think before you talk."

2020-04-06, 12:57 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian had been going to respond more to Im when suddenly everyone was shoving in front of her or blocking a clear angle where it wasn't going to involve Im having to turn her neck facing basically behind her at Vyvian who wouldn't be saying anything aloud. And then they just wouldn't stop making accusations, blurting out personal information, or asking questions to let her have the time or space to converse with the pair of bandits herself.

Later when things calm down she gathers up her siblings and says, "Could you all please stop telling people who we are, where we come from, and that people are hunting us? I feel like I shouldn't need to have to stress that last part since it's the reason you shouldn't be telling people these things. We don't know who those people were, so we don't know who might consider selling us out to them."

Later still, Vyvian insists on taking first watch with Im and Lyn. If anyone insists on sharing it, she insists they do so from "over there", pointing to somewhere that should be out of listening distance from those at the fire.

2020-04-06, 01:17 PM

Caelee just blinks at Sam in surprise. She knew her younger brother could be tactless sometimes but... well this was just exceptional. She let her other siblings chastise him though. It wouldn't be helpful for the youngest child to feel like everyone was dogpiling him. Instead she began to ready her belongings to take first watch, only to have Vyvian insist on taking it instead. Caelee's blood rose in her cheeks and she almost shouted But I called dibs!, but she simply closed her eyes, sighed inwardly, and volunteered for second watch instead. I'm going to trance early. This whole evening has me... conflicted. Wake me in about four hours, Vyv, if possible. With that she finds a spot close enough to the fire for a bit of warmth but away from the bandit's tent, folds her bedroll into a pad for sitting, then sits cross legged on it, closing her eyes and letting herself fall into her mental exercises.

2020-04-06, 01:42 PM
"I expect you'll be shooting more than one before your trip's done." Im says, a hint of regret in her voice. "We didn't see any big armoured people yet, but chances are we'd steer clear if we did."
"Aintas here is right though." Lyn motions to him with her flask, before taking another drink. "We couldn't care less about your backgrounds. Chances are we'll forget you as soon as you're out of sight - but you'll find most people aren't us." She leans back and looks at the sky, then, quietly, almost as an afterthought: "Maybe for the best."
The two bandits play a quick game of rock-paper-scissors to decide watch order - Im won, meaning she gets to sleep and Lyn settles in by the fire with a blanket and her flask(s).

2020-04-06, 01:56 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian tries eating her megically-flavored stew as her siblings talk to the strangers. She feels bad for the two bandits; trauma was obviously at the root of their problems but she also can't condone indiscriminate banditry. She damn near chokes on her food when Sam blurts out their life story; the time it takes for her to stop coughing is enough for both Aintas and Vyvian to speak up. She nods vigorous agreement while the coughing subsides.

She catches Caelyn's attention before she trances, standing and following her to her chosen spot. "Let Vyvian take the first watch, Caelyn. She's good at this sort of thing. Then we can take a later watch together." She then pitches her voice lower. "And we can finish a conversation we started yesterday." She then gives her sister's shoulder a gentle squeeze and leaves her to her privacy.

2020-04-06, 02:22 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Before Im goes to sleep she goes over to the pair and says, "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to the two of you for a bit. Since we didn't get the chance to earlier."

2020-04-06, 02:45 PM
"Sure, what's up? But make it quick yeah. Girls need their beauty sleep."
"Some more than others." Im punches Lyn on the arm lightly with a soft 'oi'.

2020-04-06, 03:05 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian scratches her head, not sure this is really a "quick" conversation, but proceeds anyway, "Right. So first, I wanted to apologize for Senna. She hasn't experienced how hard the world can be. And even though she's supposedly 'not that kind of cleric', she still sees the world in black and white a lot. To me, it sounds like what you two did was brave and hard. And well, it'd be kind of a waste for this to be how that ends for you. Either way I mean, though honestly I'd bet you'll just get killed out here keeping this up. No offense."

There's a pause before she continues, "I don't see the world as dark as you described earlier either though. And what you say you're doing here, it's not making the world any brighter. Myself, I grew up without money or parents. Just a pack of urchins on the city streets. It... wasn't pleasant. I stole just to get by. So I know what that's like. And I don't think I'd ever want to go back to that. I was shown kindness, taken in and given a safe home. What that wound up teaching me is that it's a lot better to give than to take. I'm not saying you're in any position to do that right now, but you could be. I can't say for sure, but I think the people we're going to meet might know some people that could offer you a better life than this. For you and for other people. Because like I said before, I think you're kind of courage is better suited to better things."

2020-04-06, 03:45 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Finishing his stew, Sam seems unbothered by the mass panic. He sets his bowl down on some towels from his bag and leans back against a tree, arms crossed. "Man, you're acting like I tell everybody our life story. I'm not sure how you guys plan to figure out who that guy was and where he went without talking to anybody." He kicks up his legs in front of him and folds them over each other opposite his arms.

"And when you go off grilling somebody like Senna did, and they be straight with you, they're worth being straight with back."

2020-04-06, 05:15 PM
"You say Senna's the cleric of your group but it seems you're the one trying to 'save our souls'." Lyn replies with a chuckle.
"It's appreciated. Im bows her head slightly. "But we've been doing this a while now. We've had our share of close calls but always came through in the end."
"Well there was tha-"
"We're not talking about the Cult again." Im cut Lyn off with unusual sharpness. Lyn's mouth snapped shut with a grin. "You've probably got more to worry about than two ne'er-do-wells like us." You can't be certain, but she's looking a bit more introspective than before. Maybe it's just the light.
"Anything else? If Im doesn't get at least 4 hours sleep she gets grumpy."

2020-04-06, 05:28 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian makes a face at the "cleric/save our souls" comment like she honestly doesn't know which emotions to respond to that with. Then makes a point of sighing and replies, "Yeah that's fine. If you change your minds and decide it's worth traveling with us to where we're going for a day or two to find out if I'm full of **** or not, I'll convince the others to not make a big deal out of it. Goodnight Im."

2020-04-06, 11:54 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

At some point, Melian exits her trance and quietly moves near Caelyn to start her watch. She takes position near her sister, facing her slightly at an angle to cover a different sector than Caelyn, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness.

She lets the silence linger for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the campsite.

"So, sister," she speaks softly to avoid waking the others. "You asked me about Labelas and Shevarash and Corellon last night. What did you hear, what do you know and what do you want to know?"

I'm assuming we can just fit this conversation mostly anywhere during the night.

Perception: [roll0]
edit: oooooh Melian is a sharp lookout :smallcool:

2020-04-07, 12:06 AM

Caelyn blinked as she came out of trance to find her sister present. She turned her night eyes to the edge of camp and beyond, keeping vigil in a different direction to Melian as well.

I know that they are Elven gods, but that's about it. You know me, I was always more focused on studying nature deities like Mielikki and Silvanus. I... sometimes don't feel like much of an elf at all. Does that make me a bad elf or a pointy eared human, do you think? The last comment was meant as a joke, but showed an inner conflict that had been troubling the druid for some time.

I probably wouldn't even know our native tongue if it hadn't been for your prodding. And it took me years to get it right. I still occasionally forget some of the grammar! It's just so much harder than common for me. Caelee is facing away from her sister, but she even sounds a little deflated on the subject.

2020-04-07, 12:30 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Melian thinks for a moment before answering.

"Sometimes I feel like a pointy-eared fraud as well, Caelyn," she chuckles lightly. "I think there is something in our blood that transcends upbringing; I can feel an affinity for our traditions and I think you do too with your connection to Nature. We may not have been raised by elves but we're not apart from them either."

She pauses to consider her next words. She then speaks almost like giving a lecture. "My oath from last night was something I read about in a book - which should probably surprise nobody. The Seldarine - the elven pantheon - are led by Corellon Larethian, father to all elves and god of Magic. Labellas Enoreth it the god of Time, which I think makes sense for a people as long-lived as us. Shevarash is the god of revenge and loss, which I guess also makes sense for a long-lived people; I'm sure there's always cause for it. My request was for Shevarash to help me avenge father, with Corellon granting me knowledge of the Art and Labellas granting me the time to see it through because, if it takes hundreds of years, I will see it through. I also think you may feel some of the same rage I do, given your new fiery companion. Perhaps a manifestation of your own inner turmoils?"

Then, changing tack she continues. "You know, several older elven scholars would argue that Mielikki and Silvanus are but aspects of Rillifane Rallathil, the Seldarine god of Nature. Senna would likely be able to talk about this much more authoritatively than I can; personally I think it's been long disproved and in the end it doesn't matter. What matters is what you know in your heart. You know that you are an Elf. I do too."

"Am I always this longwinded?" she asks with a laugh.

2020-04-07, 06:02 AM
Lyn is mostly quiet during her watch - but she does share some details about the groups they mentioned before, after a few more drinks. Both are new and making big splashes on the scene, maybe 6 months old at most. The Blacktalons are a human-centric bandit group who've been mostly preying up and down the main roads, focusing on trade shipments. The Chill seem to be made up of monster races - hobgoblins, gnolls, ogres, and the like. They Blacktalons came to recruit Lyn and Im and it ended in violence. "The only boss we have is ourselves," she concludes.

Im is silent throughout her entire watch. She may or may not be napping while sat up.

2020-04-07, 10:06 AM

Caelee listens with rapt attention to Melian's words, considering them carefully. After her sister is done, she speaks.

Maybe... I was feeling very angry when I summoned the spirit for the first time. I guess I was reaching out for something to aid me in understanding what had happened, and aid in destroying the people who killed father. And nature... whether is be Mielikki or this Rilifane Rallathil, sent me help. I've never read anything about this type of summoning... this type of bond in the books of Candlekeep. There weren't too many texts on druids, though. I know I feel more powerful, and I don't think my new abilities are fully explored yet.

She reached down and pet Kess where he slept next to her side with one hand, the other hand reaching out and finding her sister's, wrapping around it and squeezing.

You're the very best elf I've ever known, Melian Galanodel. If I'm not a fraud, you certainly are genuine. I'd like to learn more about these elven gods. Is it terrible that what I really need right now is a book and we've just left Candlekeep for good? She giggles. You're pretty much always this long winded. I just assumed part of your wizard training involved giving long, dry speeches that went on through half a watch. Her eyes move up from the terrain to the horizon, where the stars are twinkling brightly.If I'm a real elf, and you're a real elf, where does that leave Vyvian? I never really thought about it while we were growing up, but she's human and an elf. Or is it one or the other? Do you think we should have this conversation with her too? Much as she gets on my nerves, she is still our sister, and maybe these words could help her feel better like they've made me feel better. Caelee then turns and shifts her body to face her sister, revealing a wide, happy smile. Thank you, Melian. I think I understand more now. And I swear too. But do I have to cut my hand like you did? I'm willing to, but that was a little scary... She draws the small blade she keeps for woodcarving and looks at her sister questioningly.

2020-04-07, 05:14 PM
True to their word, neither of the bandit women makes a move against you overnight. The morning brings a different threat though - rain. Large black clouds moved in from the west overnight, obscuring any chance of a sunny day. Just as dawn hits and you see first light over the eastern horizon your campsite is beset by what begins as a light constant misty drizzle, and looks to only get worse as the day goes on. Lyn and Im are, understandably, pissed. Their breaking camp has a lot more stomping and grumbling about than you might expect for first thing in the morning. It's practiced though, and they've got their horse saddlebags stocked and stored quickly despite the weather.

Lyn looks like she's ready to head out without another word but Im seems to cajole her into at least a farewell. They seem set on not going with you, at least this time.

2020-04-07, 05:48 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

As the drizzle sets in, Vyvian wraps a cloak over herself. Before they leave she waves goodbye to Im and Lyn and says, "Until we meet again. Good luck with your terrible life choices!" and gives an exaggerated shrug and a grin. To the others she says, clearly intending to be loud enough to be overheard by the pair, "Glad we'll have a roof over our heads to ride out the rain and a warm meal soon!"

2020-04-07, 05:49 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"Hah! You may be onto something about longwinded speeches. You should have sat in on one of Tethtoril's lectures - or worse - Ulraunt's," she laughs.

"No Caelyn, you won't need any blood. Blood is a more of a symbol of your intent and devotion; your own flaming spirit is sign enough of your intent," she says as she squeezes her sister's hand back. "I'm... ashamed to say I've never considered how Vyvian handles her Elven roots. Most half-elves tend to resent her parents, never fitting in with either culture. Vyv is certainly not most half-elves, though. Talking might help; I've felt a bit apart from her lately, unfortunately."

After her conversation, Melian finds a secluded corner to study her spellbook and prepare for the day. She also leafs through her other book as time permits before packing her belongings. She's quiet as the dawn breaks bringing a gray and rainy day, and she checks on each of her siblings in turn and gently nudges awake the ones who need nudging.

She nods in the direction of their bandit hosts, unsure of what to say other than "Safe journey, for you and those you meet."

2020-04-07, 06:05 PM
As they break camp, Senna is trying to mingle with Vyv a bit more. She seemed a bit lost between the two other elves talking elvish. So, I wondered, Vyv, if you could teach me a few elvish sayings. Part curiosity, partially because exactly half of us speaks it, even though Melian can speak Draconic like me and Sam.

2020-04-07, 06:21 PM

As the first drops of rain start coming in, Caelee whispers a few words into her palm and casts a simple spell. A miniature cloud appears above her palm, and when it remains constant she gives a sigh and blows a lock of her hair back from her forehead. Rain, rain, and more rain. Then she smiles and pulls her cloak over her head just before the drizzle picks up. She watches Melian gather her things and begin poking and prodding the sleeping figures, and tries an experimental prayer in elven before packing up her own belongings.
Thank you for the life giving rain, Mielikki. Oh, and you too, Rillifane Rallathil. May it's water nourish the unicorn and the oak alike.
All packed up, she approaches her rising family and blows a few energetic notes on her flute to encourage everyone to ready themselves quickly.

2020-04-07, 06:26 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian raises an eyebrow in surprise, visibly almost voicing the questions of "why me?" and "why now?", and then shrugs and smiles and says, "Sure, I can do that. What do you want to start with? Useful phrases? Or maybe how to say our names?"

2020-04-07, 07:11 PM
Well. I WOULD prefer to start with rare and ancient dialects used throughout the Netherese Empire to deceiver ancient and important Elven texts. But I guess common phrases and some basic tips on conjugation and declination should be good for starters. If Senna tried to make a joke, or just waltzed through her personal preferences, you are not sure. She nudges a bit closer: Plus I feel kinda excluded with the two others barely speaking a word of common in the last twelve hours. she whispers at you. I'd have Sam and Aintas to talk to, but they're kinda simple-minded.

2020-04-07, 08:15 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian rolls her eyes and replies, "I like talking to our brothers the best personally. I can usually tell what they're on about. The rest of you it's all just 'book words this, book words that, tree, god stuff, tree, god stuff.' " She says "tree" and "god stuff" while making little talking mouth puppet motions with either hand. She's very clearly sassing Senna, though this is standard Vyvian levels of sass, not annoyed Vyvian levels of sass.

After getting Senna to explain what "declination" means, she complies with the lesson giving. Focusing on practical phrases like: "Where is the outhouse?", "I would like a meal.", "I would like a place to sleep.", "I do not speak Elvish.", "No.", "Thank you", "Polite No.", "Empathic No.", "Yes.", "Greetings", and "Danger!".

2020-04-07, 10:01 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Having slept in past first light, Sam is awoken by the droplets of water hitting his face. Sitting up with a wide, toothy yawn, he looks around and realizes he left some of his things out. He stuffs his towels and clothes back into his pack before they get too wet, along with the still-somewhat-dirty bowl he used to eat last night. Just in time, as the downpour starts to hit.

The damp weather doesn't seem to dampen Sam's mood though. He stands up and stretches, cracking his back and flexing his shoulders. "Aha! Thanks to whatever water goddess answered my prayers, I was just thinking I could use a shower," he comments, scrubbing his face in the rain while everyone else tries to cover up under branches or hoods. "After shaking hands with those two yesterday." Shooting the bandits a joking grin, he adds, "Not you, of course. I didn't even shake your hands."

"Stay warm where'ere the road takes you," he sees their gracious hosts off with a wave as they leave, making his way towards the Friendly Arm alongside his siblings.

2020-04-07, 11:06 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelyn started to say something cross about Sam oversleeping, but held her tongue when she saw the dragonborn was just as excited for the day as she was. Why ruin his day with a reprimand? She had a soft spot for her youngest brother, despite his questionable habits. Ready for another day, Sam? Hopefully your clothes handle water as well as your scales, or else they'll hold the damp for days. Cloaks aren't simply a fashion statement. She scooped up Kess and deposited him in his bag where he could stay dry and warm. The rabbit didn't enjoy the rain nearly as much as she did. Reaching to her belt, she withdrew her mistletoe focus and passed it over her hands three times, whispering in druidic. After the third pass ten plump red berries appeared in her palm in a small pyramid. Anyone want some breakfast? They don't look like much but they'll feed you for a day. Plus they can heal, if only a little bit. I'll be making some everyday in case anyone gets hurt... or forgets to buy rations. Though between Aintas and I even that shouldn't be an issue. She popped one into her mouth and savored the flavor of the miniature strawberry, resisting the urge to eat more.

2020-04-08, 03:22 AM

Aintas spent his watch sketching his brothers as they are sleeping. He also draws Sam marching in the fire and the face of the half-giant who attacked them, from memory.

The other day, he takes his customary position in the marching order. When the rain comes, he takes the time to refill everyone's waterskins from dripping leaves. He remains silent and introspective the whole day.

2020-04-08, 06:07 AM
The morning (or what you judge to be morning - the light beneath the clouds is evenly dismal, so confirming the sun in the sky isn't easy) passes without incident until you come across what looks to be an overflowing stream. Under normal circumstances it would probably be little more than a stream, barely ankle-depth, but with the rain it looks to have grown to flowing past your knees at its deepest point. You can see a spot where it looks like some stones have been piled into where people (and likely animals) would usually cross the stream. A waterfall nearby is surging and the speed of the flow seems to have increased dramatically from where it usually is.

You spot three figures (human males at a guess) lurking among the trees and bushes near the crossing. All three are crouched down and though it's a little hard to make out through the gloom and the rain, all three seem to be looking in your direction intently. You can't see what they're holding (if anything), nor what they're wearing.

2020-04-08, 06:24 AM
In an unusually happy voice, Senna proclaims. I've learned some Elvish. Vyv taught me. There is

around us. Surrounding us is

It is cold, sure doesn't feel so good.

2020-04-08, 12:30 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

That's pretty good Senna! Caelyn smiles at her sister before turning back to the ford and frowning. We're being watched. There are three people waiting in the bushes and watching us. I can't imagine it is with friendly curiosity. If we try to cross they might jump us while we are split up. Maybe Vyv and I can send some arrows near them while Sam or Aintas... someone big I mean... yells at them to come out and present themselves. Caelee readies her bow, looking serious and a bit worried. She hoped she wouldn't have to kill anyone like Senna was forced to...

2020-04-08, 03:44 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"Guess I'll hafta hang them out to dry next time it's sunny," plucking one of the berries out of Cae's palm, Sam bites into it, savoring the sweet juices. "Mm-mm. Very nice. How come you never made those before?" He asks, hooking his thumbs in his pockets and walking casually, clearly unprepared for any danger happening to appear.

Of course, he's so casual because he knows there's a pair of eyes on the back of his head. So to speak.

"You all will find many gifts beginning to blossom," the imp's haughty voice points out, almost as if bragging about knowing something they don't.

"Who'd have guessed we'd all see our powers grow so quickly," he comments pointedly over his shoulder, seemingly to the air or to himself.

Barbed tail whipping back and forth behind Sam's back, Grepha holds up a finger. "If you want to get something out of me, you'll need to earn it. How about a little wager?" She knows the dragon's weakness for a bet.

Again he seems to just be pondering aloud, "I'd wager we'll just have to see what happens."

"When the time comes and I have a physical form again," the imp begins, tapping claws against Sam's shoulder thoughtfully, perched like a looming gargoyle. "If you've bled from the time of this wager till then, be it by blade of foe or by pricking your toe on a bramble, you will obtain me some... ice cream. And if you go so far without a scratch, I will tell you the name of one sibling to whom you are related by blood."

"Ice cream?" the confusion on Sam's face is quickly replaced with surprise when Grepha reaches the second half of the wager. "Uh. Yes. Yes, I could go for some ice cream."

"A frivolous craving. But we must start our wagers small, Samuel. Besides, it looks like I'm going to win," Grepha points, drawing Sam's attention to where Senna and Caelyn have stopped and grown tense. Someone is watching them from the bushes.

"Huh? Oh. Do they look armed?" Sam quickly lowers his voice after realizing what's going on.

2020-04-09, 05:45 AM
Seeing Caelyn ready her bow there's a short tussle in the bushes before one man is apparently pushed forward by his two companions, stumbling forwards almost dropping the large club in his right hand. "Uh...roight. You there!" He points at you with his weapon. "Hand over all your gold and goods and we might let you live!"He turns around, as if his friends said something before following up with "Yeah, and your weapons too!" He's dressed in ragged clothes, though his leather armour appears to be in relatively good condition in comparison. Prominent on the armour you can make out a sigil branded on it - what look to be bird talons

2020-04-09, 07:05 AM
Are you really trying to rob a dragon and his servants? Senna blatantly lies, tugging on Sam's cloak. His magical companions? she incants a simple light spell on her holy symbol.

Setting Sam up for advantage on an intimidate check.

2020-04-09, 11:38 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Sleep (readied)

Melian smiles warmly at Senna's use of elvish, then furrows her brow at the meaning behind the words.

When the braver bandit steps forward, Melian puts one hand on her dagger preparing to draw it and her other hand performs the necessary motions to draw, shape and hold magical energy at the ready. She watches intently how the bandits react.

Ready Action: Sleep spell if bandits attack.
• In case Sleep gets cast it affects [roll0] HP

2020-04-09, 12:20 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"I might have spoke too soon. These ones look incompetent." Grepha lowers her crooked finger in disappointment.

Stepping forward, Sam retains his largely friendly demeanor as he looks the bandit over. This guy doesn't seem all that bright or dangerous. Or all that experienced either. The symbol on his chest is interesting though, and Sam recalls something Lyn and Im mentioned.

"Howdy there Blacktalons," raising a clawed hand, Sam waves casually without a care. "I'm rather attached to my hoard, sorry to say. Fortunately for all of us, the smell of burning flesh does nothing for my appetite! So how about you hand over your weapons instead and nobody walks away any crispier?" He grins a toothy grin, letting his flame organ flex and hiss a little smoke from between his jaws.

[roll1] advantage

2020-04-09, 01:38 PM

Aintas cassualy walks near the front and brandishes his glaive.

"And then run. Away."

Intimidate help or whatever, since Aintas is actually proficient in that.
EDIT: Now he rolls!

2020-04-09, 03:23 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelee raises her bow and reaches behind her for an arrow, then pauses. Her hands felt hot again, as though magical energy was building, begging to be released. Instead of an arrow, she brought her branch of mistletoe up to her bow string and begins to whisper in druidic.
Rillifane Rallathil, lend me strength. Stoke my flames and bring the terror of wildfire to these fools.

An arrow of flame appeared, mounted on her bow string like any other arrow, but it did not burn the string, the wooden bow, the mistletoe, or her hand. The arrow felt hot and powerful, as though the magic was hungry to strike out at her foes. Aiming at the lead bandit, she added her voice to those of her siblings to try to end this fight before it began.

You are outnumbered, outclassed, and ill equipped to deal with us. Drop your weapons, take your lives, and leave before you're burned.

Firebolt loaded and ready to go. Readied action to fire the "arrow" right at their stupid face.

2020-04-09, 04:37 PM
"Uhhhh..." The man looks deeply concerned and takes a few steps back, before dropping his club and spinning to dash across the stream. His two friends follow suit. Then, from across the stream you see four more erupt from bushes - their ambush plans apparently ruined. One, their leader, takes a moment to yell across at you "This isn't over! You haven't seen the last of us!" before following after his men.

They disappear into a treeline before you know it, and any sounds are washed away by the pouring rain, leaving only a large wooden club and their dignity in their wake.

2020-04-09, 05:36 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"I admit, I am disappointed," the imp watches the bandits run off, their green recruits trailing behind. "No entertainment, and another group of lawless lowlifes continue prowling the countryside. Are you proud?"

Sam shrugs and picks up the wooden club lying next to the riverbank. "A win's a win, right?" He turns and holds up the club to his siblings, "Didn't even have a sword. Think that guy was driven to this from that iron crisis stuff?"

2020-04-09, 06:40 PM
Maybe. Maybe not. Senna still tries to wrap her head around the fact that she made a threat, and it actually worked. It was by large parts due to their large group size, the botched ambush and Aintas' and Sam's more impressive physique. But then again, Senna fought for her life yesterday. Maybe this adventuring thing is actually her thing. Can't go around asking every other robber in the woods about their tragic backstory, now can we? But thanks for helping me to these very useful elvish words.

2020-04-09, 07:25 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelee lowers her bow and the flaming arrow goes out in a puff of smoke. Some small part of her wanted to fire that arrow into the backs of the fleeing bandits. It even argued that they'd just come back with more trouble. But she shut that part of herself off and tried to ignore it. Well, that went better than expected. Good job, Sam. You sounded very scary there. She blew some stray hairs out of her face and turned her attention to the stream. They made crossing seem easy, so it should be easy for us too, right?

2020-04-09, 11:36 PM

Aintas gives Caelee a mockingly hurt look.

"He looked scary?"

Tightening his cloak, he says

"Let's keep moving. That Inn must be close. Otherwise it would really be hard to light a fire."

2020-04-10, 12:19 AM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian gives Aintas two consoling pats on the back and a knowing look as they walk forwards.

2020-04-10, 12:52 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Exhaling, Melian dismisses the energy she held and relaxes her grip on her dagger's pommel. She'd have to get a proper sword sooner rather than later.

"Good riddance," she says as the bandits retreat.

She then walks to the back of their marching formation, giving Sam a quick pat on his shoulder and Aintas a knowing nod as she passes them.

2020-04-10, 06:31 AM
With the bandits disappeared you are left with nothing but the steady, endless patter of rain, and a continuing path ahead of you. It's hard to enjoy the sights and smells of the countryside when you're fishing your boots out of bogs and trying to see further than 10 feet in front of you. Outside of the failed ambush, your path is mercifully quiet - presumably most are sheltering from the rain, giving you some degree of freedom even if your sodden clothes don't feel like it.

Eventually though the rain lets up, but it's still a squelching journey. You catch sight of the Friendly Arm Inn just as the last remnants of sunlight slip away. It's called an Inn but truthfully it's more of a castle - a walled keep that juts out of the landscape, being both inviting and defiant at the same time.

The gate is open and lit by torchlight, flanked by two armoured guards sat down, though they stand upon seeing you with their halberds in hand, though their stance is closer to 'lazy' than 'guarded'. "Ho there, travellers. Welcome to the Friendly Arm Inn. I trust you know the rules of conduct?"


2020-04-10, 09:33 AM
We come from a place with VERY strict rules. I know them...I think. Senna says. But maybe tell us any special rules you have. Also are there several tap rooms in there? This thing is huge, and we want to meet up with friends.

2020-04-10, 09:48 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Melian's mood darkens as the day's rain continues unabated. Despite her people's love of the wilderness, she hated being caught in the rain.

Catching sight of the Inn in the distance her spirits are lifted as she starts thinking of drying off by a nice warm fire. She pipes up for the first time in hours. "Don't know about you lot, but I could do with a nice hot bath and a change of clothes."

Once at the actual gates she takes the time to look around while the others talk to the guards.

2020-04-10, 11:22 AM

Aintas waits, wet and cold, for his more diplomatic siblings to smooth their entrance to the inn.

2020-04-10, 11:31 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Rain itself isn't too much of a bother. Sam even kind of likes it. But there's such a thing as too much of a good thing. When the water began bogging them down and got higher than his boots, that was when his patience ran out. Wet and drooping, he trudges up to the walls of the... inn? Sam sighs in relief, stepping onto the drawbridge to take off his boots and dump out any excess water.

"Um," he makes a thinking face at the guard's question, then guesses, "Be excellent to each other, and party on?"

2020-04-10, 12:33 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian didn't terribly mind the rain, in thanks mainly to he waterproofed leathers and boots so she was soaked through and through like most of the others (which is not to say she was especially "dry" either).

She gives Sam an amused smirk at his remark.

2020-04-10, 01:17 PM
"Well that's about the long and short of it. No stealing, no fighting, keep your weapons in their sheathes and arrows in their quivers and we'll all get along like flies on ****. Head inside, and then up into the keep, you can't miss it." He waves you through with a smile and sits back down.

You walk through into an expansive courtyard overshadowed by the enormous keep ahead. To your left is a small row of squat houses, to the right are some stables and what looks to be a smithy. Past the keep, you spy a small stone building marked with the symbol for the gnome god, Garl Glittergold. Between the weather and night having now fallen there's few people outside milling around - a stablehand, a woman sat in a chair knitting outside what you presume to be her home. The entrance to the keep is still ablaze with a welcoming light though.

Crossing the threshold is an assault on the senses. The night was quiet, punctuated with the dripping of water and aimless clutter of the few, but inside is bright, boisterous and loud. The wet stone scent is replaced by the pervasive scent of roasted meats, steamed vegetables and hard ale. Almost all tables are full of travelers, some merchants, some soldiers, some who may be adventurers. Between them servers (both men and women) weave their way in between the throng of people providing drinks and collecting empty tableware. Off to the left are a set of stairs leading further up into the keep, off to the right is a small door that looks to lead to the kitchens, and at the far end is a gnome stood behind a long bar, heartily making conversation with a few guests who are pulled up with stools. If any guests pay attention to you, it's fleeting and they quickly go back to their drinks.

2020-04-10, 02:04 PM
Table for six please. Senna says to the gnomish barkeep politely waiting until it is her turn, which may take a while. She looks around, half shouting over the noise. We would like two jugs of water and ale, six portions of your meal of the day, and rooms for the night. Thank you!

2020-04-10, 03:09 PM
"Blessings to you friends, and welcome!" The gnome replies. "Looks like you may have had some hard times on the road, welcome welcome. For the food and drink that's 3 gold 4 silver. For rooms you can double up at two to a room for 8 silver a night or a room each at two gold a night." After confirming your room details, he takes your gold he swiftly jots down a few details on a wax tablet and points you to one of the few free tables in a corner, while he passes it off to a server. It's not long before the food and drink reaches your table.

2020-04-10, 04:35 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"I'm fine doubling up to save a coin or two," Sam suggests. "Only two guys, so Ains and I can just double up, right?"

"What am I, chopped liver?"

The half-dragon takes a seat at their table, leaning back and folding his legs under the table. "Sooo," Sam taps a claw on the table awkwardly, mood dimming as thoughts of Gorion come back to the surface. "Who were we supposed to find here again?" He stirs some vegetable soup while he looks around the tavern for anyone who stands out.

[roll0] Insight? to read the room.

2020-04-10, 06:11 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

"I'll room with Senna tonight. We can continue your elvish lessons." Vyvian says, the last bit to Senna.

When the food arrives, Vyvian immediately digs in and thinks back to her boast to the two bandits and nods to herself approvingly.

2020-04-10, 09:51 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

As Melian's senses are assaulted by the cacophony inside she allows herself to relax slightly, unconsciously feeling safer within the stone walls of the keep.

She takes a seat, fills her siblings' mugs from the flagon of ale and raises her own in a silent but obvious toast.

After taking a long drink she sighs and says in a low voice "Well, I guess we should try to figure out who Khalid and Jaheira are. The bartender seems friendly with the locals, maybe he knows of them?"

2020-04-11, 04:09 AM

Aintas takes his tome to get comfortable, making sure his cloak is set to dry, that his polearm is in noone's way and finally, that he has room to stretch. With a content sigh, he lets the warm seep in his moist clothes. He is at peace with the world, so much that even sharing a room with the prone-to-party-in-inappropriate-hours Sam does not cause him to shy.

But Melian 's ida is the correct one. Food is not ready, any way. He rises and goes searching for the gnome. When he locates him, Aintas says

"Excuse Master Innkeeper. I am looking for two acquaintances of my father, two travelers by the name of Jaheira and Khalid. Would you know if they are still here?"

2020-04-11, 04:57 AM
Senna forks over 7 gold pieces.Three rooms for tonight then, six people. Give something of the extra money to our server. I know she will deserve this tip by midnight. Like a good little duck, she picks up some of the order on her way over, helping the server.

As she sits down, she takes a good swig of water: I paid for the food and shelter, and since Gorion gave us our money to share, we should do so. However I did not realize life on the road was this expensive, so barring a few rations to get to Nashkel to help the two rich nutjobs, at least I am essentially broke. Senna sighs, eating a small hunk of bread and a few spoons full of stew. I feel uncomfortable with charging for one's life but we should maybe offer our magical services. I can assume at least some people here could need healing.

2020-04-11, 11:50 AM
"Jaheira and Khalid you say?" The gnome looks at you thoughtfully, with skepticism in his eyes. "And who might yo-" "It's fine, Bentley." A female voice cuts him off, and you turn to see a half-elf pair who had appeared seemingly from nowhere. The man is handsome, with a rugged beard but his charm is offset somewhat by the nervous twitch in his eyes and hands, setting his metal armour jingling with each movement. The woman's expression is harsh, and from her gear you can judge her to be at home in the outdoors - browns and greens, with an ornate leaf pattern woven all across her leathers. Her confidence is clear through every part of her - stance, face, eyes, movements. All speak to someone full self-assured, the polar opposite of her companion. She locks eyes with Aintas before glancing over to your table. Then, without a word, drags two chairs over and seats herself, the man meekly taking a seat behind her. She speaks firmly, directly, without hesitation.

"Where is Gorion?"

2020-04-11, 12:58 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

When the two of them take their seats at the table, Sam looks to his other siblings and says cheekily, "I found 'em."

His expression dims when word of Gorion comes up, and he nurses his mug of ale, swirling it hesitantly. His body language says it all before he ever gets a word out. "You were his friends?" Sam asks, looking between the stoic woman and the twitchy man. Twitchy in a different way from the one they'd seen on the road, he thinks. Hopefully.

2020-04-11, 01:37 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Melian watches intently as the newcomers join their table, trying to get a sense of them. She gives Sam a gentle nudge at his joke before becoming serious again.

She takes a moment to collect herself and speaks in an even voice. "There was an ambush and father didn't make it. We buried him as best we could." Though her voice almost wavers before she finishes speaking, Melian tries to gauge their reaction to the news.

Trying to gauge their intent and learn something about them. Do they also wear Harper pins like Gorion? Anything to give out allegiances or devotions?

• Insight: [roll0]
• Investigation: [roll1]
• Perception: [roll]1d20+3[roll] 18
derp. roll was done here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24446625&postcount=850).

2020-04-11, 01:41 PM
"Were? Then..." The woman trails off. "We're s-s-sorry for your l-loss." The man stammers out, filling in the silence. It's enough to allow her to regather herself. "I am Jaheira. This is my husband, Khalid. We knew Gorion for years and worked with him many times. We were told to meet him...and you all, here. He wrote of you all often." She leaned forward onto the table, glancing at each of you in turn. "Could you tell us everything that's happened, from the beginning?"

2020-04-11, 01:50 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Taking a seat at the table, Caelee whispers thanks to Senna. She'd spent the last of her own money in Candlekeep. She had no mind for gold and silver. She eyed these two new figures. Friends of father... who have worked with him many times. Doing what, I wonder? She drinks again, leaving the telling of the tale to her brothers and sisters, and instead observes Jaheira more closely. She has the looks of a skilled woodswoman about her, and that intrigued the young elf.

2020-04-11, 02:13 PM

With not much to do but follow, Aintas does exactly that. He takes his position at his table and lets the conversation flow, trying to gauge the two strangers.

Insight [roll0]

"Our father woke us up at the very early dawn. We traveled way after dark and then we were ambushed. A strange cleric with an accent, a giantish kind of man and several monstrous retainers. Father died trying to protect us. We have been on the road for two days. We came here.

How about some reciprocity, now? If he wrote of us often, then you surely know our names. We are quite distinct from each other.

And after that, some information. What is happening?"

2020-04-11, 03:48 PM
Jaheira glares at Aintas, the look of a disapproving teacher. It seems well-practiced. Even if she's not taller, she's still looking down on him. "N-n-n-now now, dear, he's r-right to be s-suspicious." Khalid takes a moment. "Y-you're Aintas. Sam's the big one of course." He points, gently, at each of you in turn, seemingly gaining a mite of confidence as he speaks. "Quick-fingered Vyvian. Melian who spends more time searching for secrets than doing her chores. Playful Senna. And Caelyn, who so yearns for the outdoors beyond the walls." His smile is sincere and kind as he finishes.
"It was Gorion's wish that if...anything should happen to him that you would come into our care and raise you in his place, but looking at you now...you're all grown." Sadness tinges her voice. Her demeanour softens, and for a moment the edge of her expression vanishes. "I doubt you're looking for another home, if what he wrote about you all is true." "T-t-time to f-fly the nest, eh?"

"We're not familiar with this cleric or...giant man, but we can see if any of our contacts have heard of them." She offers.

2020-04-11, 05:04 PM
The cleric had a Kara-Tur accent. She served....uh, did anyone get that? Senna asks around. Sheepishly, she adds. Thank you for your help, Jaheira, and for your kind words, Khalid. Do you also have a way how we can help you in any way? Father had a peculiar pin on his person, and an ominous letter.

2020-04-11, 08:52 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian shrugs in reply to Senna's question. Gods-stuff was Senna's hobby, not hers afterall.

2020-04-12, 11:35 AM
I GOT IT! Senna shouts. I remember where I saw this holy symbol. It was some odd story about seven amber spheres, granting a wish to a monkey. The god waswas a large lung dragon coiled around a large, black-bladed sword. It's the symbol of Chan Cheng, one of the Nine Immortals of Kara Tur, the god of bravery, war, martial arts and combat.

2020-04-12, 12:18 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sam smiles softly at Khalid when his name comes up. "It's good to meet friends of father. It's good to see friendly faces at all." He holds out one of his large hands to shake with the stuttering man. "I am, in fact, Sam. Though I would argue Ains has gotten bigger than me." He jabs his brother in the elbow.

"We're kind of lost as to what to do next," Sam admits, going back to his usual relaxed posture. "We heard there's some kind of iron crisis going on. That's all we've really learned."

2020-04-12, 01:19 PM
Jaheira takes the letter and pin, though she barely glances at the latter as she unfurls the paper. Khalid shrinks a bit at the bloodstains though she doesn't react. They both scan it quickly. "Gorion had this?" The pair look at each other, a silent conversation being exchanged entirely through looks. Then she folds the letter and slipps it into her cloak. "We...need to verify this with our colleagues." "O-o-o-of course along with the cleric you m-m-mention. How many Kara-T-t-turians can there be this end of the Sword Coast?" He tries a reassuring smile but his mouth twitch makes it a little less than perfect. Jaheira sits back, lost in thought.
"The Iron C-c-crisis started a year or two ago. Slow at first, but it's g-g-gotten worse. It started in Nashkel, where the ore started coming out weak and b-brittle. The Gate could have managed through trade, but..." "Two new bandit groups have sprung up harassing supply lines, and on top of that tensions with Amn to the south are rising. It all seems too coincidental." "S-s-some thing it's the zhentarim, others Amn, or another foreign power. No one's really sure, that's p-p-part of why we're here."
"This," she taps her cloak where she stashed Gorion's letter, "is more important though."

2020-04-12, 02:16 PM
Some guys mentioned their faction is being blamed with the Iron Crisis though. Senna adds. We met two of their agents at the Lion's Road. They offered us payment. We are thinking of taking the job, seeing as we are basically broke. We didn't get who they work for. Small scary halfling. Lanky mad robed man.

Senna looks at Sam during mentioning his and Aintas' height and size. You're pretty small for a dragon, I'll give you that. But twice as enamored with yourself, mister. Say, I have noticed, you are often talking with yourself. I don't recall you ever doing that before.

During her talks, Senna seems to look at the other people in the guest room. It was loud but there were the possibility of eaves' dropping. Not that they were particularly subtle by waltzing in with a half-dragon, a cleric and an elvish entourage that looked like they came straight from Suldanessalar.

2020-04-12, 03:22 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

"Hold there a moment," Melian says as she places a hand over Gorion's pin, preventing Jaheira from pocketing it. "I grant you that you knew our father and obviously corresponded with him but you will not simply take the few mementos we have of him by alluding to some ill-defined 'colleagues' that must be consulted."

Her voice isn't angry but her brow furrows seriously, lending gravity to her voice. "It is obvious you know more than you let on; the letter you wish to inspect says as much. We have told you what has come to pass; it is now your turn to share."

2020-04-12, 03:34 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"Maybe we should check on Nashkel while you two look into the letter?" Sam suggests, taking a slurp from his soup. He doesn't respond to Senna right away, faking chewing on something. It's pretty obvious since he typically tears into things and swallows them in big chunks.

"Just been thinking a lot since we left, I guess." He blows off the question with a shrug and silences any rambling he might do with another spoon of soup.

2020-04-12, 05:32 PM
Jaheira hovers her hand over the pin, but ultimately pulls it back empty, leaving it on the table. She doesn't return the letter. "Of course," Her voice is softer. "My apologies." "We s-s-suspect some things, but we don't k-know anything, yet." "We'll tell you everything once we have facts and not guesses." It was said with a finality that said she wouldn't be convinced otherwise.
"We'll s-s-stay here for tonight and head out tomorrow morning. Once we've confirmed what we c-can, we will look to m-meet you at Nashkel. Ah! B-but don't wait for us. It could take some time." Khalid leans back in his chair, a sudden wave of fatigue writ over his face. "It is about t-time we turned in. You're probably t-tired t-too."

2020-04-12, 05:43 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian just waves them goodbye and asks one of the staff if there happens to be a bath.

2020-04-12, 06:32 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Melian smiles softly as Jaheira allows them to keep Gorion's pin. While she isn't satisfied by their answers it will have to do for now. "Very well then," she says as she stands up and drains the rest of her ale. "I was good to meet you two. I need to check with the Innkeeper for some odds and ends and will see you all in the morning. Caelyn, I'll be up in a bit."

She moves to the bar and catches the gnome's attention, suddenly missing Winthrop's booming voice and jokes. "Good evening sir, I was wondering if you had some... unusual items I may borrow? I'm looking for a small brazier and maybe a sprig of rosemary from the kitchen?" She looks expectantly at him. She then brightens up and asks "Oh, I'm also curious about how this sizable Keep became an Inn. There must be an interesting story there."

The brazier and rosemary are for the Find Familiar ritual; Melian will spend the 10gp and this is really just RP and fluff and who knows maybe the gnome with a name like an english car will recognize this. :smallsmile:

2020-04-12, 10:07 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

I will see you soon, sister. Caelyn nods to Melian as she heads for the bar. She turns to watch Jeheira go, her eyes betraying her desire to approach the woman, but in the end she resolves that she will better prepare herself for their next meeting to ask her about her profession. Caelyn finishes her meal and heads upstairs to the room she will share with her elven sister, settling down on the bed in a cross legged position to trance for a few hours, intending to be in the common room in the morning to question the woman over breakfast. She spends her trance thinking of the best way to approach her and what questions she should ask.

2020-04-12, 10:58 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian pops by Caelyn and Melian's room before taking her bath. Finding just Caelyn there she says, "Hey little sister. Can you spare a moment?"

2020-04-12, 11:05 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelyn opens one eye when Vyvian steps into the room, then both eyes a blink later as she approaches. I've got time. I want to get up early tomorrow to try to catch Jaheira, but a few minutes talk won't affect that. What can I do for you, Vyv? She wiggles her position on the bed to get more comfortable, her butt awkwardly close to falling asleep underneath her. Her armor and most of her clothing lie spread out to dry, near a fire if possible. She wears a simple bed robe that falls just above her knees. When Gorion first bought it for her she'd been inches shorter and it fell nearly to her ankles, so it didn't fit that well anymore, but it reminded her of a simpler time- a relic of her more awkward teenage years.

2020-04-12, 11:11 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian notes that Caelyn has already changed into her bedclothes and frowns a bit. "Ah. Well I had two things I was hoping you might do. Neither of which I think you'll be doing now that you've already changed your clothes. The first was I was wondering if you'd be willing to find me some nice flowers I could give out as gifts later. I didn't see any as we came in, but I was a lot more focused on getting indoors. I know you don't really mind the rain and figured you'd have a better idea where to find them than I would."

2020-04-12, 11:16 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

I'd be happy to try to find some outside the keep after I trance. I should have HOURS of free time before anyone else wakes up, and the night won't hide pretty flowers from me. Is that soon enough or do you need them in the next few hours? Caelee looks to her clothing and back to Vyv, eyes showing curiosity of her older sister's intent warring with her desire to be comfortable after a long day. And what is the second thing you require?

2020-04-12, 11:23 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian shrugs, "Whatever's convenient for you is fine. Right. My second thing was that I was thinking maybe since I'm teaching Senna some elven, and we all saw how useful that was today." Vyvian gives a prideful smile before continuing. "Maybe you could teach Sam? I'm sure you and Melian don't want me to teach him and well, you don't want Melian teaching him do you? She'll waste weeks trying to make him memorize book words he doesn't need to know. And think how happy it'll make her that we did something besides bicker for once." She gives a smirk to express an idea something like "that's an exaggeration, but you and I both can recall times it's clearly annoyed her".

2020-04-12, 11:28 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelee bites her lip and considers Vyv's words carefully before responding. I can try. I don't know if I'd be a better teacher than Melian, but as long as I can keep my grammar straight teaching him should help my own mastery of the language. Is your goal to teach elven to everyone so we can all share a language some people won't understand? Because I think that would be wise. She looks unsure of her ability to instruct, but definitely sees the benefit of the idea.

2020-04-12, 11:34 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian nods and says, "Yeah that's the idea. Well to be fair it was Senna's idea, but it was mine to include Sam so it's all of us."

She notes Caelyn's look and says, "Hey. If I can teach Senna, I'm sure you can teach Sam. If he balks, just tell him we could use it to help him cheat at cards or whatever you think the little scamp will bite for." and gives a smirk at implying their draconic brother is more fish-like than draconic.

2020-04-12, 11:45 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

I'll make sure to collect some flowers for you first thing. You'll have them by the time you wake. She smiles at Vyv's comparison of Sam and a fish, taking a few moments to consider the visual. I'll do my best with Sam. You've got a good idea on how to get his attention, and I think I'll borrow it. Soon enough we'll be able to have secret conversations as a family. Caelee flashes a winning smile at her sister.

2020-04-12, 11:45 PM

Aintas has been watching the conversation, eating and drinking his share. When the conversation dies down.

"Before we all settle for the night, we should consider what to do next. Going to Nashkel is just fine by me, but perhaps we should look around if there is any work to be done around here, or on our path to Nashkel? If we pool our resources, we have perhaps five days worth of money.

Let's ask around. Who wants to come with me and ask the innkeeper?"

With any of his siblings that take an interest, and if noone objects, Aintas goes to meet the gnome again. Catching his eye, he says

"Master Bentley, a question. Would you know if anyone is looking to hire help? Someone around here or going to Nashel?"

Int to see where Nashel is. He is supposed to have a good mind for maps.
Int [roll0]

2020-04-12, 11:53 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --


"Yeah, that seems like a good idea. Not sure we'd have enough funds to get us there even if we took a direct path and... I honestly don't see any reason we have to. I'm in no hurry to meet those two creeps again." Vyvian replies to Aintas and comes with him to inquire about potential jobs.


Vyvian smiles back, pleased everything went over so well. You could never tell with Caelyn. Sometimes she'd just explode over the most random things. "Huh." she accidentally says aloud as she thinks to herself that it's not surprise her druid magic took on the form of fire afterall. Before Caelyn can question the accidental outburst she waves it away, indicating it was some unimportant thought. And then winds up somewhat awkwardly sitting there in silence as it eventually becomes apparent to Caelyn that Vyvian was expecting her reaction to go find Sam and start teaching him right then and there.

2020-04-13, 12:01 AM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelyn blinks a few times in the awkward silence between her and her older sister. Like Vyv, she is anxiously waiting for the conversation to take a wrong turn. The half-elf just knew how to push Caelee into a frustrated, fighting mood. When she finally understands what Vyv intends, she sighs lightly and climbs down off the bed, shakily standing up and heading for her clothes. There may have been a time when she wouldn't have thought about entering a hallway potentially full of strangers in her night clothes, but this was not Candlekeep and she kept some level of propriety in mind as she put on her pants. Once she is at least half dressed, she knocks on Sam and Aintas' door, intending to get a couple of hours of instruction in before resting.

2020-04-13, 12:07 AM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --


Vyvian hangs around until Caelyn leaves, thinking about waiting for Melian to come back and then remembers she needs to take a bath and teach Senna some more elvish tonight too. So a private conversation with her eldest sister will have to wait for another time. She makes sure to lock the door behind her when she leaves.

2020-04-13, 07:39 AM
Senna goes around the table with her stool, pushing the others away, whispering into Sam's ears. You know I am concerned for your well-being, Sam. You...no we were always a bit weird. But you're not yourself since the incident with the armored man. Talk to me about it. I can't force you but I ask you. As your friend, as your sister. With that, Senna adds loudly: Sorry, I ordered the stew for you too. You're more of a meat person, right?

She turns to Aintas: We have the option to check the larger town in between, Beregost, but both our leads point towards Nashkel for now.

2020-04-13, 08:00 AM
Jaheira and Khalid slip off to their room quietly, any discussion they might have had together was kept silent until they had left the room. They were truthful, best as you could tell, in what they told you, though they were clearly not entirely forthcoming.

Melian -
"Aye, no doubt we can furnish you with those." Bentley replies. "Spellcasting I take it? I dabbled a bit in my early days but my wife was always the expert. This keep used to be a stronghold for a cleric of Bhaal. Evil witch terrorised the countryside for years. Well, me, my wife and my friends decided we'd had enough and-" One of the men at the bars interrupts with a 'Here we go again!" "Shut up lad, it's a good story!" Bentley yells back jovially, but with a bit of red to his cheeks. "Well to cut a long story short, we killed the cleric and claimed the keep. So we retired from adventuring, me and my wife. You probably saw the temple outside - she's the head cleric there. My friends are still around and they stop in on the regular." You weren't quite sure when he'd sent off the request for the materials, but no sooner had he finished speaking that a server arrived holding the requested items out to you. For all its rambunctious atmosphere, the inn seemed to be ran like a well-oiled machine.

Aintas -
"Head south and you'll hit Beregost in about a day. Keep going and you'll hit Nashkel in another. You can't miss it if you tried, and believe me I've seen some people who've tried!" Bentley replies with a laugh that's matched by those at the bar. "As for work you'd have better luck going south than sitting around here - most folk just come and go rather than putting up notices. Ah! There was one though - Joia, lass who helps out at the stables, lives in one of the houses you passed by, she got robbed a few days back by some hobgoblins and needed some hands to help get her ring back." He pauses thoughtfully. "Trouble is she's got no money to make payment with, since she got robbed and all, so most folk turn their nose up at it."

Your rooms, three adjacent, are off to one side on the third floor accessed by a side staircase. Each is roughly 20' wide and 40' long with two beds, two chests for storage, a desk and two stools, and of course a large tub to be filled with hot water (at request) for bathing. At the end of the hallway leading to the rooms are two toilets. The beds are fluffy and spacious. Bentley's finances must have been impressive to furnish rooms like this, but he wouldn't be the first adventurer-turned-landowner who had bags of money on hand.

2020-04-13, 10:36 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Melian edges over to where Aintas is to keep listening to the gnome, her hands occupied by a brazier, charcoal and assorted herbs. "Aintas, much as I'd like to make some coin I think we should help those we can. Maybe bring it up with the others in the morning?"

2020-04-13, 10:48 AM

Aintas nods his agreement.

"I believe you are right. It will also be a good test on how we can operate as a team. We can use the practice. And it would be good to have a sympathetic ear and someone to put a good word for us somewhere."

2020-04-13, 11:24 AM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Laughing awkwardly, Sam rubs the back of his neck and waves off Senna's pestering. "I like vegetable soup actually."

Lurking on the chair Aintas vacated, Grepha looks up with an eye roll. "She's going to find out sooner or later."

Flicking his eyes down to the chair, Sam takes the last of his soup and chugs it down out of the bowl. Then he looks back at Senna with the most serious face he can muster. He reaches out and places a clawed hand on her shoulder. "Senna. I hear demons in my head."

"I'm not a bloody demon!"

Unable to resist taking a comedic cue, Sam suddenly hops off of his stool and practically prances away up the stairs to find his room. Grepha is yanked off of her chair, unable to get in the air before the pact chain snaps taut, and dragged invisibly behind Sam, yowling like an angry cat.

2020-04-13, 11:52 AM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Nodding agreement, Melian awkwardly tries to give Aintas a pat on the arm but, her own arms being full of arcane accoutrement, she ends up just sort of bumping him. "Agreed. Well, I'm now going to work on a hot bath and a tactical advantage," she says indicating the items she's carrying. "Sleep well, brother."

After a step or two she stops. "And many thanks for the story and the odds and ends, Bentley. You shall have these back early morning!"

Melian makes her way upstairs, dodging patrons here and there. Finding her own room, she enters and finds it empty. Gently laying the items on the unused bed, she makes good use of the bathtub and allows herself to relax and the tension in her shoulders to melt away.

She hangs her travel clothes up to dry and with practiced ease wicks the moisture away with her magic. She does the same with Caelyn's clothes and moves them away from the fireplace to prevent them from smelling of smoke.

"Now to the business at hand," she says out loud to an empty room. Taking some of her chalk she draws a summoning circle on the floor, making sure the lines are precise and the sigils correct. She places the brazier in its center and lights the charcoal, laying rosemary, thyme, bay and incense atop it to smolder. She breathes in the scented smoke and opens her spellbook, beginning the long incantation to summon a familiar. As she chants the old arcane words, she begins visualizing a piece of herself, of her essence, and starts giving it shape and purpose.

She then stops abruptly, not interrupting the ritual but bringing it to a stop and opening her eyes. Something she had read on her secret book came to mind, how the oldest, bravest warriors of Evermeet rode ancient dragons of tremendous power in ages gone by. She smiles and continues the ritual, shaping the raw essence into a winged creature, smart and bright-eyed, a dark crimson in color. As she opens her eyes, a tiny dragon stands before her, head tilted inquisitively as it takes in its surroundings.

Ritual complete, Melian breaks the circle and magically extinguishes the charcoal. She faces her familiar, letting their sense meld and then names it. "You are of me and also your own. You are Fëanáro - Spirit of Fire."

Suddenly very tired, Melian cleans the chalk marks from the floor, sets aside the items she borrowed, and then curls up on the bed, Fëanáro beside her.

Prestidigitation to dry all the clothes.

Find Familiar to summon a Pseudodragon! This is a pared-down version of the warlock familiar or even the familiar variant side-bar. Familiar as per MM p. 254 except it cannot attack as usual familiars and it does not share the Magic Resistance trait. But hey, tiny dragon! :smallcool:

2020-04-13, 01:38 PM
Senna rolls her eyes at her brother. She scoffs, then follows him. If you're not taking this seriously, I can change tunes, mister! she berates him.

2020-04-13, 02:17 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sam stops in front of his bedroom door, Grepha scrabbling to her feet. "Why?" The imp hisses, finally regaining her balance.

"Sorry, forgot you get dragged around," he looks up and sees Senna following him down the hall. Leaning back, Sam stretches out his arms and yawns. "Auugh. Persistent huh Sen'? Okay, okay, it's not a demon. She insists she's not a demon at least."

2020-04-13, 02:53 PM

Aintas had a long day. He retires to his room, after also taking a bath and making sure his clothes are clean and fresh. There will not probably be another chance to enjoy such luxury in the near future.

2020-04-13, 03:16 PM
Following up on her threat, Senna enters Sam's room. Now if you're not taking this seriously, just say so. Maybe father's death didn't even move you. What do I know, you are still part magical fire lizard. she says, less to insult, more to remind her of his reptile nature.

I realize I haven't told you, but Glyph is a fiend as well. Senna flicks her elbow, summoning her cat familiar. But she is not invisible. And no, I don't know what I did wrong to have her summoned like this. I didn't use particularly dark magic. I followed the instructions as written.

Senna sighs. You can't hear demons. You never had any formal training in summoning them. And demons are not invisible all the time. Maybe what you're hearing is the primal essence of dragon...kin, or something. Your kind is difficult to research you know. Not many written sources.

2020-04-13, 03:52 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

With a sigh, Sam follows Senna into the room, sitting on his bed to unwind his footwraps. "If you think dragons can't feel, you need to read more of Bahamut's teachings." His tone is quiet, a little hurt, as he tosses the soaked through pieces of cloth over the foot of his bed to dry. "Just because I didn't sit crying over it doesn't mean I don't care, or miss him."

Grepha lands upon the top of the bedpost. She shoots a glance down at the feline familiar. To test just how much the cat can sense, she lets her tail and stinger dangle beneath her near to the floor. "I'm sure the immediate forgiveness of all of your debts was fine consolation."

Sam tenses up and turns towards the end of the bed. For a second Grepha flinches away, expecting to be smacked or thrown, but it never comes. Shaking a little, Sam lies back and looks at the ceiling. He glances apologetically at Aintas as he walks in with an inn servant carrying buckets of warm bathwater. His brother's arrival gives him a good excuse to get some space though. "Sorry, Ains. Senna was just leaving. Unless you're such the mother hen that you plan on helping him bathe?" He gives her a joking smile that falters as soon as he lays back and stares at the ceiling again.

2020-04-13, 06:37 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:
Aintas was bathing, so she decided to go with her first instinct and talk to Sam about learning elvish tomorrow. Instead she decided to do a few things before she went to bed. Quickly changing back into her clothes, she went down to the bar room all by herself, making sure that none of her siblings are in the area before she takes a seat at the bar. Suddenly, much more than Candlekeep, money had value when a girl meant to misbehave. Meekly she ordered water and went people watching for a while. She heard new languages, saw races she'd never seen before, admired clothing and jewelry from across the land, and nearly lost herself in the hub bub of so many strange and interesting people. She avoids conversation and turns quickly away if she catches anyone's eye. After about an hour she loses her nerve (and possibly the bartender's patience), requests a bath, and dashes upstairs, somehow certain if she didn't make it upstairs quickly she'd be caught... by who? By Gorion? By Aintas? Vyv or Melian? Was she somebody else's responsibility now? She nearly walked head first into the door to her room pondering these thoughts.No. I'm my own responsibility now. Better start acting like it. When she returns, Melian is already in her trance, but with a miniature dragon curled up against her. Caelee felt the urge to shake Melian awake and ask her about the creature, but instead she meets the bathwater at the door and holds a finger to her mouth when she welcomes the inn worker in. She pours the bathwater in slowly, thanks the servant, and washes away the dirt and the damp of the road in silence, with Kess munching his rabbit food under the bed. When she again settles down to trance, she feels more relaxed, fresh, and tired, all of which made falling into her mental exercises easier and quicker.

2020-04-13, 07:30 PM
We...I...warmbloods have a hard time interpreting your body languages, and you know that. Sure, I'll leave. Let you boys play with the water a bit. Senna leaves the room, partially angry and embarrassed. Glyph stares at the bed. Glyph, back! she commands as the cat transforms into vapor.

Senna knocks at Melian's door. Hey could you dry my... she pauses, investigating if the elf meditates or really sleeps. She always was curious. Then the cleric saw the pseudodragon. Things are getting weirder and weirder. she says as she covers both with a blanket and leaves the room.

She tries to enter hers and Vyv's room. She rattles the locked door. I paid for the rooms, you know. The least you can do is let me in, Vyvian.

2020-04-13, 09:27 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

"I'm in the bath! Can you wait?" Vyvian says loudly from the other side of the locked door. There's a pause and then she says, "While you're waiting could you get me another ale?"

2020-04-13, 09:32 PM
Are you for real? Senna shouts from the hallway. This is the last time I pay for anything. You'll sleep in the haystacks in Nashkel, you hear?

2020-04-14, 11:10 AM
After retiring to your rooms, washing, laying out clothes to be cleaned and returned, you eventually settle into a comfortable sleep. While it may not have been that long in raw hours since leaving Candlekeep, the weight of those days is clear, and you sink into a deep slumber.

You're deep in the forest, sat in a small clearing alone. In the centre of the clearing is the stump of a tree felled by an axe and long since carried away. Around you, you can hear the leaves rustle from the wind, birds chirping and singing, and far off the barking of wolves and whinny of deer. It's a gentle day. The ideal almost, until it's interrupted.


A voice streaks through you like a bolt of flame surging up your insides. The tree stump begins to char and crack from the inside. Its roots pull themselves up and out from the grass, standing, and you recognise it easily as similar to the spirit you summoned but...somehow more. More ancient. More powerful. More dangerous. The aged brown wood is now entirely black as coal, but it cracks further. Rivulets of dancing flame sketch a haphazard spider's web all along the surface, almost looking like exposed veins pumping the liquid blaze.

“Take my power.”

It speaks again, and you see the flames licking the tips of its roots spread out the clearing, scorching long marks through the grass in uncountable lines all criss-crossing. The moment they hit the edge of the clearing to the treeline, the entire forest ignites in one moment. The trees are swarmed in flames, the bird song changes from happy to panicked, and the sky turns black as night – the sun blocked out by the sudden smoke overpowering everything. It's choking hot but you can't move, you're affixed in place, forced to sit and watch as the creature approaches and you cough and splutter at the smoke. It's on top of you, charred wooden tendrils grasping at your limbs as its voice yells through your mind, the cacophony of spirit and crackling flame drowning your screams.

“Become my vessel.”

You wake up choking on smoke that wasn't really there, still half-asleep but keenly aware of the rustling of your room door. Someone is trying to get in. You manage to gather your things together just in time for a hooded man with a staff and a small steaming imp to burst into the room.

”Run”. Gorion's voice still echoes in your head. You're there again, in the dead of night. You were always so tall compared to...well, everyone it seemed like at Candlekeep, but the armoured man dwarfs over you. You're clutching your glaive in both hands while this man wields a sword just as long in a single fist.

“Weak.” The voice of the armoured man booms out from his spiked skull helmet. Piercing glowing yellow eyes look at you. Look through you. For a moment all that you can see are those eyes, engulfing your whole world, but you're forced to look away – and that's when you see your siblings. All strewn about your feet. Bloodsoaked corpses to match the man's bloodstained sword.

“Weak.” The croaking groan of Gorion at your feet barely hits your ears but you hear it, even over your own pumping heartbeat. His hand is on your boot, his last gasp of help for you, but you can see in his eyes he's dead. The armoured man steps forward and raises his sword. It's all you can do to bring your glaive up to block, but the blade passes effortlessly through the shaft, shattering it into broken splinters. You fall back into the mud.

“Weak.” “Weak.” “Weak.” Your dead siblings all take up the quiet chant that grows and grows around you. You scrabble back in the mood, searching for anything to take hold of to use against the approaching warrior. Instead your retreat is blocked when you hit the body of Sam. You turn your head to see Sam's eyes locked on yours, his dead mouth echoing the words still. Then the man is upon you. But the blade never comes, instead you look up to see him offering his hand.

“But you don't have to be. Take my power, and shed your weakness!” His voice booms out, it reverberates through you, shaking you to your bones. And then, despite yourself, you start to reach out.

Whether you would have taken his hand remains a mystery though, as you wake up in your bed at the Friendly Arm Inn to a rustling at your door. Someone is trying to get in. You manage to gather your things together when the door slams open and a hooded man enters, blade in hand and ill-intent in his face.

Alone. That's what you are. You feel it keenly as a fact. You're in your room at the Friendly Arm. Vyvian isn't there, her stuff is gone and her bed made as if she'd never lay down to sleep in it. Alone. Your world's gone grey, as if all the colour and life had been sucked out of it.

You don't feel the cold floor as you dash out of bed and pull open your room door. There's no sound. No life. The torches have all gone out but you can still see everything in a dull lifeless colour, as if everything is emitting the same grey light that barely gives vision. You pull open the door to Sam and Aintas' room. Empty, no gear or sign of them. The same for Melian and Caelyn. Without dressing properly, putting on shoes or gathering your things you rush down the stairs towards the main hall. Empty. The furniture is all there but there's no sign of life. No Bentley or travelers or servers or guards or anyone. In your mind you know that there's no one back 'home' at Candlekeep. They're all gone too. Your master. Your friends. Everyone.

You rush out side and the world falls away before your eyes. The Friendly Arm Keep sits upon a floating rock in an infinite void of greys and blacks. Then slowly, behind you, the keep starts to disappear, crumbling into dust that falls into the void. The ground goes with it. You back up, trying desperately to cling on to any solid ground but in almost no time at all your last slip of ground vanishes and you're falling. Falling through the infinite. Alone. Alone. Alone.

After what feels like an eternity and a single moment you hear it speak - “Senna.” It's not your voice, but it sounds...adjacent, as if they're copying you. “You don't have to be alone. We can be together.” You can't see it in the void, but you see it on you, a shimmering black wisp climbs its way up your arm, moving towards your face. You slowly begin to move your other hand towards the wisp, gently.

Then you wake up to a rustling outside your door at the Friendly Arm. Someone is trying to get in. Vyvian is waking to the noise also. She's not gone, and neither are her things. You manage to get your gear together before the door slams open and a hooded man enters, ill-intentions writ on his face.

How many years have you been here? You look down at your alms bowl. Empty. Again. Another hungry night. You try to pull your cloak around yourself tighter with fingers that are no longer there. That's right, you realise, they took your hands. Robbed the right person but got caught by the wrong people. Now you're here, living in a squalor on the streets of some city you can't name begging for scraps with bandaged stumps instead of hands.

Then you see her, a half-elf woman walking down the street. Brown hair and ivory skin. Rich and flaunting it, with exotic white furs and jewels galore. You skitter forwards from your spot against the wall, bowl held aloft between your wrists as best you can balance it. You manage to get in front of her and beg her in a broken cracked voice for anything she can spare. She looks down at you, barely restrained disgust covering every inch of her face. Then lashes out with her foot, knocking your bowl flying away. It clatters loudly, almost overwhelming, drowning out the hustle and bustle of the other people passing in the street. Time seems to slow as the anger rises, boiling in your gut. You leap upon her, knocking her down onto the street.

Your stumps slam into her face again and again, bashing her head back against the grimy stones. Blood streaks across the pristine furs. No one stops you. You're screaming, pure rage, white-hot spittle erupting from your mouth. You can't stop. Then the woman laughs, and manages to turn her head. Through a broken eyesocket and bulbous swellings across her face, she locks eyes with you. And it's you. It's your face. Your eyes. Your lips and nose and hair. All looking right back at you.

“That's right Vyvian. Just like that. Take everything you want.”

Then you wake up to a rustling outside your door at the Friendly Arm. Someone is trying to get in. Senna is waking to the noise also. Your hands are there in all their dexterous glory. You manage to get your gear together before the door slams open and a hooded man enters, ill-intentions writ on his face.

”One...One more game.” You words tumble out. You're crouched on the ground, kneeling in deference. You're chained to the ground in what looks to be hell, or one of the hells. Wrought red and brown stones, flames, great smoke clouds and the screams of the damned echoing. It's with a horrifying realisation that you know you're one of them – the damned. Above you, seated on a throne all too big for her is Grepha, your longtime imp 'companion', now your master. You'd lost everything to her. Your family. Your friends. Your freedom. Every time you thought “Just one win and I can turn it around. My luck's got to get better at some point, right?” And now you're here. In hell. Alone. And you still believe your luck's going to change.

"Fine.” Grepha replies, floating off her throne, she gently comes closer with flaps of her tiny wings. “You've given me everything else, and now I'll take your body and soul.” The thrill. The risk. All of it sends your heart singing. One final game. You win and get it all back, or you lose and you're damned forever as Grepha's puppet in all things. It didn't matter. Whatever the stakes it didn't matter. All that matters is the next game. The next coin flip. The next turned card. The next...

In her hands materialise a cup and two dice. She rolls them around in her hands for a moment before tossing the dice in the cup, rolling them further and then slamming them to the ground in front of you.

“Now...high or low?” She asks, an evil grin stretching ear to ear. The simplest of games of chance. You can barely contain yourself.

Before you can answer though, you wake up to your door slamming open. Intruders are upon you. You're still barely awake, but at least Aintas looks ready.

“Again.” The instructor whips you across the face with her stick. It stings, and you feel beads of blood begin to form. You've been practicing for hours. Days. Weeks. All without rest beyond that you get when you pass out, unable to move, and collapse. You lunge forward again, blade in hand, only to watch it be knocked from your grip and the stick whips your other cheek. Your breath burns in your lungs and you struggle to keep your head raised.

“You thought it would be easy?” The instructor asks cruelly, lifting your chin with her stick. “Our arte is known only to a few, and mastered by even fewer. Did you think your book would teach you the truths held within? Our truths? My truths?” She yells, pure rage given voice as she slams her stick into the side of your head. You fall flat, unconscious.

Then you're in bed in the infirmary of the training hall. At your side is a young medic, you've seen him around, and caught him looking at you more than once. He's handsome enough. He's dabbing your cheeks with a small cloth that stings, but you can tell it's helpful. You can already feel the wounds healing. “You don't have to go so far you know.” He says amiably after noticing you've awoken. “The Instructor is harsh but she's also...old-fashioned.” He pulls back his hand and places the cloth on a side table, before pulling a small pouch from a pocket. Gently, he produces a perfectly spherical gem. It pulses with purple light and inside you can see swirls of cloud and sparks of energy. He holds it out. “Take it, and all the secrets and skills you want will be yours. Just...reach out, and take it."

Before you make a decision though, you wake up to your door slamming open. Intruders are upon you – a hooded figure holding a staff and a floating imp-creature covered in steam. And you're covered in slugs that came from...somewhere. Somehow, that's real. At least Caelyn looks ready.

Roll for initiative. Sam and Melian, unfortunately, didn't make their listen check so they're Surprised and miss their first round. Lucky they didn't room together at least.

Intruders Initiative: [roll0]

2020-04-14, 11:37 AM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Initiative roll: [roll0]

Caelee wakes up with a silent scream on her features, her normally peaceful meditation made horrifying by smoke and flames. This was not the balanced nature that her gods championed- this was fire out of control and consuming all in it's path. With tears in her eyes from the trauma and the smoke of her "dream". Dream, right? That's what her non-elven family called them? She took several coughing breaths before she heard the door moving in it's frame. Suddenly her eyes were wide open, her heart racing. She quickly put on her armor and drew her scimitar just as the door opened. When the robed figure strode into her room, she let out the fear and pain of her dream in a cry of indignant rage as she charged the figure, ignoring the imp for now. You will NOT hurt my family, you bastard! She slashed with her tiger scimitar while roaring like the great cat emblazoned on the blade.

Rolls from the OOC thread- Forgot that if I reserve a post I cannot add rolls to it. To hit with Scimitar- (1d20+5)[17] and damage (1d6+3)[6]. Here's another damage roll in case I crit- (1d6)[1]

2020-04-14, 12:07 PM
HP:20 AC:12

Aintas wakes up angry, defiant, roaring.

"Your blood will spill on my feet!"

And the suddenly, he is awake and his blood is pumping. Without thinking he rolls over and grabs his glaive, standing next to his bed.

"This was a bad idea" he tells the intruder casually, as he whirls his glaive with all his skill

"SAM WAKE UP!" he roars in his training voice.

So, lots of actions. Move out of bed and draw his weapon as part of his attack. Action surge for en extra attack.
Attack from 10 ft to keep reach.
Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Bonus Action Attack [roll4] dmg [roll5]

Reaction if he moves within 10ft reach, even if disengages. If hits, 0 speed

[roll6] dmg [roll7]

2020-04-14, 01:14 PM
The intruder for Aintas and Sam's room takes the attacks in stride. He may be well trained or well experienced, but the glaive catching his shoulder merely elicits a grunt of pain rather than a panicked retreat that you might have hoped for. Even when he steps forward and receives another blow, he presses in and delivers back in kind, his shortsword whipping forward and cutting Aintas on the side.

Senna and Vyvian's intruder strolls forward, crossing the room and eyeing both carefully, trying to gauge best who would attack first and how to respond. He's cautious, possibly due to hearing Aintas' roar from next door and the subsequent slice of the glaives.

The staff wielder is cut by Caelyn's scimitar though it's shallow, in anger he launches a spell in retaliation. Tendrils of purple mist snake out around Caelyn's eyes but they dissipate in a mere moment. Whatever spell he attempted is shaken off, and just in time to avoid the steaming claws of the flying creature to her side.


Aintas takes 10 damage, but his attacker is heavily wounded.

Senna+Vyvian's intruder takes the Dodge action, so attacks have disadvantage against him until his next turn (unless cancelled by Advantage).

Sam+Melien are still surprised (sorry, betrayed by your dice), but feel free to do an RP post.

2020-04-14, 01:21 PM
Senna wakes up in a pool of sweat. She never was comfortable with foreign beds, and this was not different. She saw the intruder, and once again, like when her father was killed, a prominent voice of confidence pushed her shy and childish personality in the background. This was no time of talking or begging, this was time for combat, for murder.

Senna jolts up but not before the intruder reaches their beds. She smiles. I do not care what you are doing here, but you have come to your demise if you fight us. Electricity crackles between her fingertips, as she looks for spots that conduct it particularly well.

Shocking Grasp [roll0] Disadvantage says 11

2020-04-14, 01:43 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

Vyvian wakes up to the intrusion and immediately forgets all about the creepy dream. She has to take a moment to untangle herself from the sheets, as she apparently tossed and turned more than normal, and then launches herself out of bed with both blades in hand as she slept with them under her pillow.

Landing opposite the intruder from Senna she slashes once with each blade and comments, "For a castle, the security sure doesn't impress!"

Attack: [roll0]
disadvantage: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
if crit: [roll3]

Off-hand attack: [roll4]
disadvantage: [roll5]
damage: [roll6]
if crit: [roll7]

Sneak Attack: [roll8]
if crit: [roll9]

2020-04-14, 05:33 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 13 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Melian opens her eyes with a start, cold sweat covering her brow and slicking her hair, her breath comes in ragged gasps. She struggles to make sense of her surroundings, the nightmare still clinging to her and making the darkness around more terrifying, completely disoriented from an experience so alien to her elven trance.

Her head swings around wildly, seeing but not processing the mysterious figure at her door. She starts struggling with the sheets and quickly realizes she's covered in small crawling creatures. "What in Corellon's name," she manages gasping before screaming "ARE THESE SLUGS?" The effect is so surreal she completely misses Caelyn wielding her scimitar and spends precious seconds disgustedly swatting at the vermin.

The world only comes into focus when she hears her sister yell at the attacker and she finally sees the enemy caster and his familiar.

Surprised. Waiting for turn after opponents.

Arcana: [roll0] to identify the not-imp and what it can do.

2020-04-14, 06:28 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelyn shook herself free of the spell that had been cast on her just in time to dodge the claws of the imp creature fluttering to her left. This was bad. Really bad. She could hear Aintas bellowing down the hall, and surely Senna and Vyv were being attacked as well. She raised her scimitar high across her face, but deep in her heart she knew that her skill with the sword paled in comparison to her magic. After her terrible dream the idea of reaching out for the power of her spirit made her stomach turn, but the lives of her and her family were on the line, and that resolved her will. She just hoped the construction of this inn could withstand some heat. Reaching down to her side she gripped the mistletoe branch tied at her waist and shouted in druidic at the top of her lungs.

Bokono, spirit of fire, hear me and heed me. Come burn my foes!

She'd read the name in one of Candlekeep's books- the name of a volcano from a distant land. At first she feared altering the summoning words would nullify the call for aid, but her hands began to drip with flames. Blinking heavily, she realized the warm, wet feeling in her eyes was fire leaking down her cheeks like tears. An eruption of flame and hot air sounded behind the robed figure in the hall as the spirit appeared in a blossom of flame that ignited the rug in front of her room, and hopefully her opponent as well. Pointing at her attacker with her scimitar, she again shouted in druidic.


The spirit gave no acknowledgment except to follow her command. Rearing up it's hind quarter, a hot ember shot from the roaring flame that powered the creature and shot at the robed figure's back like a miniature comet.

Ok, so first comes the summoning damage. [roll0] fire damage if the robed man fails a dc13 Dex Save. I'll roll that without modifiers here- [roll1]. After that comes a bonus action to order Bokono to attack with flame seed- [roll2] to hit and [roll3] fire damage. EDIT- Ouch, that's a natural 1. Are we doing critical fumbles? Because as much as I hope the answer is no, it would be very amusing to have a flaming mishap right now.

2020-04-14, 08:25 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

"Ll..." Sam starts to mumble in his sleep, when the slamming of the door causes him to shift and turn over. At first he starts to go back to sleep, but he hears Aintas' roar and mighty yell and flips back over to look at the door. He nearly falls out of bed trying to get untangled from his bedsheets and to his feet.

"Oh crap what's happening?"

"Don't worry, your brother has it handled," Grepha remains perched on his bedpost, still as non-existent to everyone else as before. Sam gets a few flashes of recollection from the dream he had, but there's no time to process as he regains his composure.

2020-04-15, 02:53 AM
HP:20 AC: 12

The attacker tries to come closer, but Aintas uses his glaive to hold him at bay. He deftly pushes and cuts again, keeping the attacker at a distance. He continues to casually chat with him

"This is a strange place to choose to die."

He then says to Sam

"Anytime you feel like it, I could use the help"

Atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
BA Atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]

Move if he moves to keep him at a distance.

Reaction if he tries to come closer
Atk1 [roll4] dmg [roll5]

EDIT: I am pretty sure he is dead, even without the crit damage.

2020-04-15, 07:26 AM
Before the intruder in Aintas and Sam's room can act, he receives a lethal blow from the glaive, dropping him to the floor, dead. His blood oozes out of the wounds across him, seeping into the hardwood floor. Empty eyes stare back at you and his mouth lies agape - he was surprised, you realise, surprised at how sudden his death came, surprised that it happened at all. Perhaps he was surprised that there was a fight at all. Regardless, the dead usually keep their secrets, and whatever thoughts this man had have drifted beyond the world.

The sudden burst of flame behind him sends the quarterstaff man off balance, not helped by the hem of his cloak catching alight, which he quickly stamps out. "Bah, you fire is naught against my arcane might!" Burning embers gather in his palms and with a single motion he thrusts them forwards, sending a cone of flame cascading into the room, igniting some of the wall decorations and sweeping over Caelyn. She managed to avoid the worst of it, but catches the claws of the small steamed opponent in the process.

Seeing Senna begin to gather electricity into her hand, the intruder braces himself. As she thrusts her fingers forward to strike he twists, grabbing her wrist with one hand and pulling her off balance, before slamming the back of his blade's hilt into her neck with the other. He leaves his back unguarded though, and it's more than enough time for Vyvian to counter and leave two deep wounds across the man's back. He swings wildly in retaliation but between the sudden pain and lack of balance himself, his hit goes wide.


The imp-like creature is in fact a Steam Mephit, the 'imps' of the elemental planes. This one appears to be linked to the plane of Fire, crossed with that of water. Almost all mephits have a breath attack respective to their origins.

Caelyn takes 5 fire damage (2+3) and 4 slashing damage.
Senna takes 7 bludgeoning damage.

Both remaining intruders are winded, but still fighting. The steam mephit so far seems pretty comfortable.

Sam and Melien can join the fight!

2020-04-15, 09:49 AM
Senna (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158923)
Human Arcana Cleric
AC: 12 HP: 8/15
PP: 15 PIv: 14 PIs: 12
Conditions: -unarmored, angry

Senna recoils from the hefty smash. Her jaw is not broken but definitely bruised. Judge of the Damned, lend this servant of Deneir your bells. she adds. The assassin can hear a bell toll in the distance.

Will save[roll0]

2020-04-15, 12:06 PM
Cheerful Sam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157088)
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 (13) HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: -Unarmored, Expeditious Retreat

Finally getting to his feet, Sam hears the sounds of shouting and clanging metal from the other rooms. A surge of energy gathers in his legs and he springs out of the room like greased lightning, practically bouncing off of the opposite wall. He sees Caelyn's elemental fighting another would-be assassin and charges forwards, skidding to a stop as he hurls a bolt of green energy.

Bonus: Cast Expeditious Retreat, then dash to the door.
Movement: Move into the hall and try to get a better angle on the assassin in Caelyn and Melian's door.
Action: Eldritch Blast him, and shove him sideways into the door frame if it hits. Not sure if Amnestic is doing any shove damage for pushing people into walls.

2020-04-15, 12:30 PM
Vyvian Just (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2157068)
Half-Elf Rogue
AC: 14 HP: 17/17
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 13
Conditions: --

"Maybe delay that Judge of the Damned? I'm pretty sure we want one of these guys alive and I think I hear a lack of restraint on the part of our other siblings. Thaaaanks?" Vyvian says to the air, not sure how Senna's cleric magic works and thus unclear on if it works based on what is actually said to the deities in question. Then she tries to smack the guy attacking them twice in the head with the flats of her blades.

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Off-hand attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

Sneak Attack: [roll6]
if crit: [roll7]

2020-04-15, 04:17 PM
Melian Galanodel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2159322)
Eladrin Bladesinger
AC: 16 HP: 14/14
PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: Bladesong (1min)
Concentrating: --

Finally shaking the confusion as she sees Caelyn getting attacked time and again, Melian springs into action as the mage gets hit by a bolt of green energy.

Grabbing the dagger on the dresser, Melian begins weaving magical energy as she takes the bladesinger stance and begins softly humming a low funereal tune, springing into action.

She rushes forward toward the fight, taking two long strides she jumps and kicks at the nearby wall, bracing herself briefly on Caelyn’s shoulder as she completes the spell she was weaving and lands opposite their opponent, in the corridor and beside her sister’s summoned spirit.

Still humming, she holds her dagger menacingly at the mage.

Bonus: Bladesong - 1min, +INT AC, +10' move, ADV DEX (Acro), +INT CON Saves and Concentration.
Action: cast Mage Armor on Caelyn. AC = 13+DEX
Move: with increased movement, Melian has enough to move all the way to the corridor even with the mage being difficult terrain.
- Dex (Acrobatics) to not provoke OA from mage: [roll0] / [roll1] (ADV)
- Mage's opposed Dex: [roll2]

2020-04-15, 06:22 PM
Caelyn Syol'arael (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2158173)
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 16 HP: 8/17
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 15
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Caelee gives a scream as the flames of the mage's spell wash over her, and it rises to a higher pitch as the mephit's claws leave singed scrapes across her forearm. Her heart races and her focus shakes, and thoughts of running race through her mind. She doesn't have time to contemplate that there isn't anywhere to go. However, Melian's acrobatic display and the touch of her hand on Caelee's shoulder helps her cut through the fear. She gives another savage cry as she slashes with her scimitar again shouting a quick command in druidic to Bokono to attack again as well.

Let's try this again. [roll0] to hit with the blade, with [roll1] damage ([roll2] crit damage). Fire seed from Bokono [roll3] with [roll4] damage ([roll5] if it crits).