View Full Version : Goblintown - Game Thread

2020-03-31, 10:00 AM
You sit at the edge of the great chasm, sipping rotten bat milk from shallow stone bowls as the party rages behind you in the Queen's cave and all the surrounding chambers.

Suddenly, Krigul notices a furtive movement across the chasm. Several large figures clinging to the far wall as they creep along the ledge on the opposite side. They are carrying things. They're a bit bigger than you, maybe a foot or two taller. Netw hears metallic noises echoing across the chasm, and whispering voices that are less squeaky and more melodic than goblin voices.

Slippery d4
Sneaky d4 d8 d12
Vicious d8
Defiant d4 d8
Rep 0

Rigger. Can build traps or other devices with a successful Sneaky roll.

Treasures. Wooden mallet. Carved walking stick.

Appearance. Stringy (four feet tall, with very long fingers but no toes) with batlike features (upturned nose, large and delicate ears, fangly underbite), scaly skin the color of dried blood, and clad in trinkets (septum piercing, leather straps, and a necklace of feathers and teeth).

She lost the toes on both her feet in a pair of trap-making accidents, but gets around surprisingly well with her beautifully carved and varnished walking stick.

Slippery d4
Sneaky d4 d8
Defiantd4 d8 d12
Rep 0

Trainer: Can give orders to his single precious Newt named Dagon. The orders are Attack , Run, Sit

Personal Treasure:A whip used to give order to his pet, a low quality white gem with a black core used as right eye

Appeareance Squat (2'-3' foot tall with stocky knotty bodies) , Blind(empty sockets or vestigial, milky, orbs, best sense = everything else) , Smooth ( shades of green from pond-scum to booger), and wear some tunics( long, gray, sleeveless shirts of spider silk)

He became blind thanks to Dagon and he use the white gem because it was said that he could gain his eyesight. He goes around on his pet , commanding him with his whip , used even to move when he is not mounted on Dagon.

Slippery 1d8
Sneaky 1d4
Vicious 1d4 1d8 1d12
Defiant 1d4 1d8

Berserker: Does not need to make a defiant roll to attack things bigger/scarier than herself.

Treasure: paint pot full of colorful pigments

Appearance: Average Height, Childlike Head, Smooth pond-scum green skin. Trinkets, feathers, leather straps, ear rings (3 in each ear), bone necklace.

Unlike a lot of Goblins, Lupi has never had an accident that cost her any part but she has taken to piercings and tattoos in its stead (although her tattoos are all painted) She is a happy-go-lucky goblin most of the time until something bothers her and then she turns into a ball of rage until her fury is vented.

Slippery 1d12, 1d8, 1d4
Sneaky 1d4
Vicious 1d8
Defiant 1d8, 1d4
Rep 0

Rockrunner: +d4 to Slippery any time he climbs, can also travel quickly between (seemingly) unconnected map areas.

Treasures. Obsidian climbing-claw gloves. A pale, flat rock that is visible even in the dark.

Appearance. Ick has disproportionately long limbs for his squat, pot-bellied frame. His dull red eyes squint out at you as he adjusts his bone shinpads and clawlike gloves.

Your tribe have clammy luminescent skin like salamanders, they wear scraps of "armor" that they think protects them, they crouch about four feet tall and have feet and hands like frogs, with heads like rats. They love to party.

The Town possesses a Dragon(?) Egg: found in the lower caverns and rolled back with great effort. You are keeping it warm, hoping it will hatch. (Many would rather just eat it.) as well as Bats: the celing of the Great Hall is home to a huge colony of small bats. This means a lot of guano, but the bats are edible (if you’re desparate) and can be roused into a noisy, chaotic swarm to confuse intruders.

Rules. Ray Otus' Goblintown (http://www.rayotus.com/jsg2/pnp/pnp-gtown.pdf). Seven pages pdf intended to be folded into a booklet. An easy read.

2020-04-01, 03:33 AM
The party that is behind them is a great party , he could hear so much and even Dagon liked that, moving the tail at rythm and doing some sounds as he is happy with that party, but they are in patrol time so they are at the Great Chasm. Then something different from the sound of the party and of the goblin voices, something further from them, something that was coming toward so while sitting on Dagon he says
"Someone is coming from the Chasm, they are not goblin , and probably have weapon , or a true armor, i don't think they want to join the party, maybe someone of us should say this at the Queen, even if it would be a problem to interrupt the party" His voice did not have fear maybe because he could not see them, maybe because he did not knew the intention of the new people so for now he stays on Dagon , with his whip on the left hand, and his gem blocked in the eye

2020-04-01, 09:40 AM
"Coming...what is coming?" Lupi took some of her paints and started to design. "Must hurt any interlopers stopping important things like milk drinking." She felt something welling up inside her that often happened with such things who spoiled important fun.

2020-04-02, 04:05 PM
Shrill cheering erupts from the bottom of the chasm and bits of the glowing fungus from down there pop up into the air. Someone in the underparty has done a good party stunt, and your tribe-mates are celebrating and throwing the fungus around. Sometime soon they will start eating it and hallucinating. Then things will really get wild.

The shadowy figures at the far side approach the bridge, a hundred yards to your right side, that leads across the chasm from the ledge where they are to the upper parts of your caverns.

You hear a particularly mellifluous voice say something, and then a harsher voice - still unmistakably deeper than a goblin voice - says a word you recognize from spying on surface dwellers: "Shaddup." The sweet voice replies with a sharp note and the deep voice says something a little bit whiny. Then they are quiet over there, except for their stealthy footsteps and their clanking metal. You notice they aren't carrying torches like surface dwellers would do.

2020-04-02, 04:52 PM
He hears the voice of Lupi and said "Who is coming is a good question, but probably , as each thing for us, a threat for us, and for the party, i think they are now near the bridge, we could try to create a blockade with the stones, so they can't go up here, Lupi do you think you can do? Krigul , if i remember well you are the more expert in these thing, do you have any suggestion? " He doesn't turn to talk to them , except to Lupi while lowering himself , near Dagon to stay hidden, as he can't say that there are no torches then he says " Ick do you think you could climb in a fast way to say something to the other goblins or at least to block the outsider from above?" . As the goblins are not so many each one should be able to know what the other could do, and probably is not the first time that they work together so he knows something about his companions. Then he lash the whip in a weak way to know the surrounding and searching for a big rock that could be moved while Dagon focus on the situation, stopping his tail from moving at rythm with the music

2020-04-02, 05:25 PM
Ick has been amusing himself with a pair of rocks, alternately inspecting them closely and then banging them together for several minutes, when his companions warn of something stalking through the shadows. He whips his head around, finally spotting the shadowy figures.

"I don't know you! You don't live here! Get out! Get out, GET OUT GET OUT!" He shrieks at them.

Gripping both rocks in one hand, he takes off at a dead run towards the edge of the chasm. Just before he goes careering over the edge, he leaps, flying over the void, his gloved hand snapping up to grab the tip of a stalactite above him. He pulls, and his body swings upwards, letting his momentum carry him to a stalactite further up, and before he reaches it, he flings a rock in the direction of the voices, hoping to hit one of them hard enough to make them slip.

2020-04-03, 06:41 AM
Ick has been amusing himself with a pair of rocks... he flings a rock in the direction of the voices, hoping to hit one of them hard enough to make them slip.

Please "roll=Slippery"1d12"/roll""roll"1d8"/roll""roll"1d4"/roll""roll"1d4"/roll" and similar for Vicious (except with [ ] instead of " "). Try to roll the appropriate stat at the end of any post where you state an action that might require a roll.

Btw: so far I really enjoy your characterizations of the goblins as being mischievous and child-like. I really find myself rooting for them.

2020-04-03, 01:17 PM
Please "roll=Slippery"1d12"/roll""roll"1d8"/roll""roll"1d4"/roll""roll"1d4"/roll" and similar for Vicious (except with [ ] instead of " "). Try to roll the appropriate stat at the end of any post where you state an action that might require a roll.

Btw: so far I really enjoy your characterizations of the goblins as being mischievous and child-like. I really find myself rooting for them.

The book says Slippery is the trait for throwing things, and Vicious is for melee stuff; punching, kicking, wrestling and stabbing.

I'll roll a Slippery and a Vicious, then an extra Slippery, just in case.

Slippery climbing: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
Vicious attack: [roll4]
Slippery attack: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

2020-04-03, 01:19 PM
Slippery climbing explosion: [roll0]
Vicious attack explosion: [roll1]
Slippery attack explosion: [roll2]

2020-04-03, 03:50 PM
The book says Slippery is the trait for throwing things, and Vicious is for melee stuff; punching, kicking, wrestling and stabbing.

I really, really appreciate it when players read the rules that I'm trying for the first time. Thanks!

Also, I'm glad that you rolled the Vicious anyway. It would have been useful if you fell. Which you definitely did not.

Hmmm... you've already described Ick's critical success for the Climbing roll. That earns two segments on the Threat clock. Now we need me to describe his marginal success for the Throwing roll.

Ick launched one of the rocks toward the big shadowy figures, but the other rock he was holding interfered with his aim and the projectile clonked off the rock face immediately above one of them. They all flinched. Then Ick and Netw heard a rustling followed by a distinctive creaking noise as one of the figures slipped an arrow from its quiver, nocked it, and drew back the string. Dangling by his climbing claw from a very exposed position up in the roof of the cavern, Ick could only hope not to be spotted ...

2 / 8
0 / 10

2020-04-03, 09:24 PM
... for the moment, though, the encroaching strangers have stalled in their progress toward the bridge over the chasm. Below and behind you, the party continues - totally unaware of the stealthy invaders.

What do you do?

2020-04-04, 05:18 AM
After he talks Ick does his move and is not easy for a blind goblin follow him while he is on the stalactite , as he was too fast to be followed only by sound, so he doesn't know on which stalactite he is . But the sound of the rock throwed was clear and so is that of an arrow that is prepared to be shooted . "ICK! Climb stay behind the rock where you are !" he shouted as with his strenght, he can't see so he can only give orders for now.

He is worrying about Ick , but is not the only thing he can do "Dagon , Attack! The start of the bridge!" he says while dismounting and unleashing his whip. Probably the bridge is made of rope and wood, not of high quality, so they want to pass the bridge? Well if the bridge is destroyed they can't pass so he hopes that the newt follow his order and attack the start of the bridge, so that it will be unstable and not usable by the invaders.

Defiant rolls for the order

2020-04-04, 07:29 AM
Well if the bridge is destroyed they can't pass so he hopes that the newt follow his order and attack the start of the bridge, so that it will be unstable and not usable by the invaders.

Two successes take one off the Threat clock and you get to narrate what happens.

3 / 8
0 / 10

2020-04-04, 07:55 AM
The newt , as the whip touch the ground , run toward the bridge and do an headbutt against one of the piece of wood that is used to block the bridge. This headbutt results in the piece of wood removed from the ground with many wooden board of the bridge that are diagonal not fallen in the chasm because there is still one pair of wood pieces, but many would have a problem walking on that bridge

2020-04-04, 12:07 PM
The invaders halt suddenly as the bridge shudders before them. The one with the arrow lets loose at Dagon, but the missile clatters and shatters off-target.

There is some discussion among the strangers; they are huddled in a group on the ledge, no longer trying to hide or move stealthily, apparently debating what to do next.

2020-04-05, 12:34 PM
Lupi now painted up approached the bridge. Shouting into the darkness as she began to shake it. "You interrupted fun time. Lupi not like it when people interrupt fun time."

if I need to make a roll, please let me know which one. Thanks.

2020-04-05, 02:56 PM
Lupi's diatribe seems Defiant, so please roll that.

Oblivious, the rest of the tribe continue to celebrate the approach of sleepy time. Whooping laughter from the chasm indicates that the hallucinogenic fungi have begun to take effect ...

2020-04-06, 07:58 AM
Defiant Rolls

2020-04-06, 09:12 AM
Two successes count down the Threat clock
4 / 8
0 / 10
Something about Lupi's shrill and angry tone gets across to the strangers, even if they might not understand her words. They turn around and head back in the direction they came from.

As they go, the deep voiced one yells out in your language: "We'll be back!"

What do you do now?

2020-04-06, 12:16 PM
Ick scrabbles to clamber further up the stalactite and take cover behind it. He purses his lips, his small fangs pressing them to his face, realising this surface is slicker than he accounted for. After considering the problem, he lifts his legs into the air, hanging upside down and trying to shimmy his way up. He seems to think this will be easier.

If he makes it and manages to secure himself well enough, he pitches a rock at the retreating elves, aiming for a trick shot where the stone ricochets along the wall and hits his target from the side.

Slippery rolls:

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2020-04-06, 12:17 PM
First Slippery explosion: [roll0]
Second Slippery explosion: [roll1]

2020-04-06, 02:09 PM
Ick's scrambling tactic mysteriously works. His last rock leaves his hand, clatters against the wall below, and thunks satisfyingly into the side of a stranger's head. The stranger falls to its knees, uttering a not-at-all-mellifluous screech of pain. With a bustle of activity, two of the other strangers haul it upright and half-carry it away at a more rapid pace.

A critical success and two more successes bump three notches off the Threat clock.
7 / 8
0 / 10

2020-04-07, 04:11 AM
Dagon stays near Lupi with his tail that hit the terrain, happy and indifferent , not paying attention at the invaders so for now he stays here. Netw on the other hand listens the word that the enemy says and move toward them , not in a fast way, using the whip to touch the terrain near him and when he arrived at the limit of the chasm says at loud voice "Even if you will be back , the results will be the same , if few goblins as us blocked your offensive, and one of these goblin is blind ,is a sign that you will not invade this village , and why were you trying to invade ? We are goblins, we don't have anything that other creatures could want!" As someone can speak his language he tries to speak then he add "And what are you?" he doesn't know that , he can't see them at the end but they weren't loud so maybe they didn't hear these. He smiles, a victory against someone who can speak is not easy for the goblins


2020-04-07, 04:13 AM
defiant explosion

2020-04-07, 06:19 AM
"You know not the treasure that you hold!" bellows the same deep voiced stranger who threatened to return. "It is ours by right!" Something whizzes through the air across the chasm and cracks into the wall near Netw's head. A splinter of rock stings his ear.

What do you do now that the threat has passed (for now)?

2020-04-07, 10:21 AM
Ick snickers triumphantly to himself as the invaders retreat, no doubt due solely to his superlatively excellent rock-throwing. He congratulates himself on a job well done, and wonders what he will do, now that both his rocks are gone and he can't simply return to the same engaging activity he was occupied with before. He rocks himself back and forth on his perch, releasing his legs, so that he dangles only by the hold of his gloves, and then alternating this to gripping the surface solely with the clenching of his thighs (wrapped around the stalagtite) and the suckerpads on his feet, while he dangles his hands and arms down into the cool, damp air of the uppermost reaches of the cave. It's enormous fun. He's always liked coming up here.

He's thinking he might find a place between two of the larger mineral deposits and wedge himself securely between them, just hang out up here and chill with the roosting bats for a while, when suddenly a thought takes him with such intensity that it causes him to release a shriek. The elves were carrying bows! He saw them! The elf fitting a slender, beautiful little pointed object to the bow and then did something to the string- just released it, he thinks, working himself into a lather of excitement- and then it sang a wonderful sound, something like SNAP! or TWANG!- and he wants one. Maybe the elf who fell dropped one! He doesn't worry about not having any arrows. They only fired three or so, and he has no idea where they went, isn't sure he could find them, even if they weren't probably broken. But a nice little bow! What a thing that would be to have!

He makes his way to the opposite wall by way of a narrow enclosed channel in the ceiling, slick with bat guano, and then rolls down the sloped wall and lands on a heap on the edge of the walkway. He has some trouble getting himself upright, kicking and flailing randomly in hyperactive excitement. Then he's racing off into the dark, searching for the treasure that, much like the elves, he has entirely convinced himself is definitely there to be found.

2020-04-08, 06:49 AM
Ick recklessly and frantically searches the ledge where the strangers were, but finds nothing other than his two rocks. He scampers over to the bridge and pauses - should he use the damaged structure to cross the chasm, or go back up across the roof?

Netw, Lupi, and Krigul talk among themselves about what to do next.

2020-04-08, 09:47 AM
He gulped when something go near his ear and strike the wall behind him ,and then he says "A treasure...maybe the Queen know something, that egg should not be a treasure , is like big food right?" he asks the others about the egg of Dragon they found and then touch the wall behind him, what was launched toward him? He doesn't know and he can't see right so the only option is to touch to see what happen "Anyone have seen what were they? We need to know to make the report for the Queen!" he says , while the whip move near the wall , with Dagon that return to him "And when the party will finish we will repair the bridge, is not so much damaged" . He doesn't know what Ick is doing so for now talk , while searching what passed near him

2020-04-08, 11:30 AM
"Lupi not see anyone. Just hear people saying silly stuff. What they mean about treasure. They not taking Lupi's Jester Hat. That Lupi's greatest treasure." She thought for a moment. "The egg, it is kinda funny warm when you touch it. Maybe something actually in there.....something to eat of course."

2020-04-09, 01:19 PM
Netw finds two sticks, each about as long as his forearm. One has a splintered end and soft stuff at the other end. The other has a splintered end and a sharp thing at the other end.

Should you report this incident to the Queen, or keep it a secret, or go gossip about it at the party? Or continue your watch until the party's over and someone else comes up?

2020-04-09, 04:51 PM
Ick walks over to the edge of the bridge. Kicks it, testingly. He isn't sure what Netw's scary pet reptile did to it, though he's fairly confident in his ability to reach the other side of the cavern by a couple of obscure geologic peculiarities, of the type he loves finding and collecting.

He peers over the bridge at Netw and Lupi, and decides to involve himself in their conversation. "Must be the egg. It's the best thing we have. One day, it's going to hatch into the worm that will devour the world." He scratches at the rock in front of him with his climbing claw, smiling at the thought of how incredible that's going to look. "Who guards egg? We should tell them."

((Does the rockrunner's ability to move between unconnected areas mean you can do it safely? Or is it likely to be hazardous/require a roll for me to get back to the other side of the chasm, even outside of combat?))

2020-04-09, 06:35 PM
((Does the rockrunner's ability to move between unconnected areas mean you can do it safely? Or is it likely to be hazardous/require a roll for me to get back to the other side of the chasm, even outside of combat?))

I reckon the dice rolling is for actions confronting a Danger. Outside of that kind of stuff, I think it should be given that you can do the stuff associated with your knack. Just narrate what you do next.
Looking around, you notice that Krigul wandered off somewhere. She does that. Maybe she'll come back soon, maybe later. No point worrying about it.

2020-04-11, 01:43 AM
As he found two sticks he thinks , why two? Maybe one was the stick that was shooted at Dagon, but they are different " There is a soft thing here! I will use it as a pillow" he signals what he found and then try to take the stick and to remove the soft thing , sniffing it to try to know what is it. When Ick talks he thinks about it for a minute and says "First who was the invader? Second there are other entrance ? If yes we should go here, the warm egg is not in danger ,until no one enter, so if there are other entrance they could take we should go here and tell the other sentinels. If this was the only one remains here, one go at the egg, and one maybe should report to the queen. I would like to do these thing fast , the party they are doing seems fun" They could be seems order, but only because the tone of Netw is without any flession not scared, not so much saddened, and clear as the order he gives to Dagon when necessary

2020-04-12, 10:14 AM
"You talk too much. Who care who they are. If egg need protecting, we can do that. We not let any of those longshanks to cause trouble for us anyways." Lupi was starting to calm down though so suddenly..."hey let go back and make sure egg safe. That would be good idea."

2020-04-12, 02:08 PM
Ick shrugs. Unable to find any treasure, he's at a loose end. This proposed adventure to admire their egg seems as worthy as anything else. "Yes! Let's go. Race you there!"

He takes off at a dead run, into the dark.

2020-04-14, 04:24 PM
The Egg Room is on the same side of the chasm as Queen's rooms (and on the other side from where the invaders were). The room is warm and a little damp. Very faintly lit by the glowing egg, which is big enough that Lupi can just barely touch both ends when she spreads her arms out wide and hugs it. Hugging the egg is something that the goblins like to do because it's comfortably warm.

Usually a couple of Queen's thugs guard the Room, but this time they probably are at the party in the Great Hall (down in the chasm). The Room is deserted, only the egg is present. You gather around it, wondering what to do next.

2020-04-14, 04:37 PM
Ick clambers up the wall beside the egg, and then lowers himself onto it with surprising delicacy for his gangly frame. He spreads himself out, lying across it. His tongue lolls out from between his needlelike teeth. He sighs happily.

"Egg.... egg.... egg... egggggg." He remarks.

2020-04-15, 06:36 AM
Your little gobbos are adorable.
Not much happens for a while. The egg continues to glow. The distant noise of partying gradually fades until only one quiet and irregular drumbeat continues. That's old Nuggie, who's a little bit addled but everyone puts up with him because once he actually stole an invader's spear and used it to actually kill another invader.

After a while the drumbeat stops, too, and the caverns are quiet.

Two of Queen's thugs swagger into the room. They're drunk on milkwine, which isn't unusual. One of them belches. "Okay," he says, "stop snogging the egg. It won't break, but that's gross. Everybody get back to where you should be, it's definitely bed time. Hey - Lupi - weren't you supposed to be watching the chasm?"

2020-04-15, 07:54 AM
Lupi who has the attention of a typical goblin replies "Lupi did look out after the chasm and yelled at some stuff and all that and then No toes was going to take my place. Don't know if that happened but Lupi pretty sure she finished her time watching chasm duty."

Lupi then started to wander around after a bat who was fluttering by already starting to forget the conversation.

2020-04-15, 10:08 AM
Ick sullenly rolls himself off of the egg and onto the stone floor with an audible thump. "I watch too!" Ick says indignantly, as he rises to his feet. "Dusk elves come here! They said we have a treasure! They were here to STEAL it! We chased them away. They had bows. I hit one with a rock. They said they'd be back."

((Defiant roll to make these guys take me seriously.)) [roll0] [roll1]

2020-04-15, 10:09 AM
Defiant explosion: [roll0]

2020-04-16, 08:26 PM
All of a sudden the thugs get serious. In the dim pink light from the egg, you can see they are thinking because they are rubbing their pointy ears and twitching their whiskery noses.

"We should put extra guards," says the same one who told Ick to get off the egg.

"Yes," says the other. "We should give them spears!"

"And pointy rocks for throwing," says the first one. "We should get one and a hand worth of guards." He counts fingers. "One-two-three-four-and-one."

. . .

By the time you all get to sleep, the thugs have gathered four and one disgruntled half-drunk other goblins to watch over the chasm for any return of the dusk elves. They even find spears made from wood stolen from Outside.

. . .

Not much happens for the next few sleepy-wakey cycles. What do you do?

2020-04-17, 10:43 AM
Netw after the skirmish with the elf remained silent, at the chasm not going at the party ,sadly, and not going at the egg , and when the half drunks thug arrived he goes to sleep. But he thinks about the situation during the night and the morning while on Dagon , he moves toward the others and say "Hey when i had my eyes i think i spied the dusk elves, we can go at that passage to see what they do no? Dusk elves' village should contain dusk elves of yesterday no? Maybe they have even some treasure..." an idea as an another "What work we should do today?" ask. Between Dagon and Netw as a saddle there is the fluffy thing from the stick of yesterday, removed while he was waiting at the chasm.

2020-04-18, 07:53 PM
Ick has been strutting around the last few days, as he considers the posting of the guards to be a validation of him as a goblin. He tells the other goblins his story, boasting of his accomplishments alongside Lupi and Netw in driving the invaders away, even though the memory has already started to become hazier and less immediate.

The rest of his time he spends exploring the ceiling and bottom of the chasm in the largest cavern the goblins live, creeping amoung the forests of stalags and learning of new routes and incrementally faster shortcuts. The dusk elves- or rather what the dusk elves represent, malicious outsiders who trespass for inscrutable reasons- rattle around in his mind, making the usually reckless goblin feel pensive and on edge.

2020-04-19, 06:05 AM
Lupi mostly did what she normally would do. She sampled various fungi, went into rages for the most random of reasons to suddenly return to normal as if nothing had happened and found more stuff for her paint jar. She barely remembered anything about Dusk Elves. She did however follow her friends when they wanted on their journey because she loved to explore.

2020-04-20, 10:48 AM
You are helping to repair the bridge over the chasm, amongst dozens of goblins busy both working and fooling around, when it happens again.

Heavy footsteps. Sweet musical voices and at a lower pitch than goblin voices. The clink and jingle of metal. They are coming.

The other goblins notice. Heads turn, work and play are halted. Dozens of big eyes staring, rodent noses and whiskers atwitch as your tribemates strain their senses to detect and identify the intruders. Up above, the bats begin to drop from the ceiling and swirl, disturbed by newcomers interrupting the familiar noises of the tribe.

2020-04-20, 04:58 PM
Ick's ears prick up at the distant noise. He stares into the darkness with wide eyes, holding motionless for a second, and then seems to abruptly come to a decision. He goes haring off into the dark, clambering along the wall above the narrow chasm walkway, and darts towards the noise, running sideways along the wall by way of his climbing claw and suckered feet and hands. He aims to find the source of the intruders, and rapidly pass over and past them, before they can react to his presence.

Slippery climb: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2020-04-20, 04:59 PM
Slippery climb explosions:

[roll0] , [roll1]

2020-04-20, 05:03 PM
Aww, sweet, 5 cuts, which means Ick gets +2 rep for how awesome he looks doing this.

Slippery climb explosions redux:

[roll0] , [roll1]

2020-04-20, 05:07 PM
6 cuts! 3 rep!

Ick finds himself racing along a favourable stretch of wall he's often used to practice this exact fast-climbing technique. He decides to increase his pace over the familiar rockface, aiming to rocket over past the heads of the invaders and convince them that perhaps they are facing an entire warren of wall-running goblins. He hopes the invaders actually are somewhere close to where he was heading, or all his practice will have been wasted.

Slippery climb explosion the third:


2020-04-20, 06:04 PM
One of the intruders drops something that clatters and clangs when it hits the stone. It bounces over the edge of the ledge, into the chasm. Hopefully it doesn't hit anyone down there! The intruder says something in their sweet deep voice that sound stressed and angry. Then they all are shoving each other back the way they came from. It seems like Ick's rock tricks freaked them out.

Six successes with only one left on the Threat Clock - the threat is vanquished (for now). And Ick has something like 5 or 6 rep for next session. Lucky rolling!

What does everyone think about this game so far?

2020-04-20, 06:35 PM
well so many cuts ick is basically the hero of the goblins XD As for the game is not bad but maybe is more difficult to create a story behind only a single threat like in this case, it would be worst if was a stupid monster or at least more difficult , for us players is funny
Netw lose the epic scene of Ick because he is blind and the other goblin is too fast for only his ears , but the sound of something dropped is heared and then ask "What they have dropped?" he did not any idea for now. Probably his words will be lost because Dagon is so much happy that move in a very fast and loud way his tail as a way to be happy for Ick

2020-04-21, 07:05 AM
After this second incident of intruders, Queen decides that something needs to be done. She calls Ick, Lupi, and Netw to her chamber. It is a large almost-circular cave with a high ceiling, painted walls, and a smoldering fire of guano to keep the paintings visible. It stinks, but not much more than any other part of the warren. A few pet bats hang around the stalactites at the edges of the domed ceiling; in the middle the rock formations are black with guano smoke.

"We need more weapons," says Queen. "You three, go Outside and find some good dead wood. Like my thugs' spears." She points toward the crooked spears held by her two attendants, six to eight foot lengths of roughly round wood about an inch thick with bark still on them and stone tips jammed into the ends and held in place by gobs of bat glue. The tips are made in the warren by a rare few goblins who are good at paying attention to detailed tasks.

Queen gnaws at the tiny leg of a roast bat, savoring the meat. She flicks her elongated fingers at you - "get on with it," that wordless gesture says.

2020-04-21, 07:53 AM
Lupi looked over the artwork but knew she could paint better than anyone so it did not impress her much. Wood meant going outside. Outside meant big ugly things. Big ugly things meant fun. Lots of fun for her. Lots of things to hit and kick and bite and gouge. She shrugged and nodded. "All right, wood stuff fine. Big things are fun to hurt. Hope we find some."

2020-04-21, 08:02 AM
Ick stares admiringly at the paintings, trying to take in every detail. He hasn't been into this room much, and wants to memorise the positions of the handholds around the walls and ceiling- as well as any tell-tale holes in the roof in case he ever needs to come back here in a hurry- but the art is distracting. Either way, he feels culturally enriched.

He tears his eyes away from the art to bow his head respectfully to his sovereign. "Yes, queen! We do this thing." A thought occurs to him. "How is it... where is wood come from? Is outside surrounded by wood instead of rock?" He purses his lips as he tries to figure out a way to chip wood out of the wooden cavern walls that he now imagines the Outside to be made up of.

Ick is happy to set off fairly immediately, but he wants to venture down to whether he saw/heard the elve's object fall. He's not sure what it is that they dropped, but he is sure that he wants it.

((Claiming a Treasure as my post-threat reward))

2020-04-22, 07:12 AM
He doesn't observe the painting , he can't see them so the only thing is the smell not so much different from other caves so he faces the Queen , or what he thinks is the Queen, he hasn't heard her so many times, or at least he doesn't remember. "So wood , can i touch something made of wood so I can remember how is ? And this stick is of wood?" He asks with the stick where he found the fluffy thing before , and then asks " We need to steal wood from elves? If i remember well once i spyed them so if they use wood maybe they has more wood"

2020-04-22, 10:44 AM
((Claiming a Treasure as my post-threat reward))

Halfway down the side of the chasm, wedged between two pillars that protrude from the canyon wall, Ick finds a shiny hard thing that is like a thick heavy triangle with the short side curved. A long round wooden piece goes through a hole near the point of the triangle opposite the curved side. The curved side is very sharp, although it has a couple of notches from bouncing off the wall.


Queen's thugs show Ick, Lupi, and Netw how to get to the Way Out. The ceiling of outside is a different color, colder and much higher than the ceilings of the warren. The ground is warmer than the warren. There are little bright things up on the ceiling, looking far away. Lumpy things warmer than the ceiling move across it, covering and uncovering the bright things. There are no walls. But there are rocks and dirt, and a few rats and things like rats that jump.

Near the Way Out there are tall wooden things that are warmer than the ceiling or the air, and the wooden things have spindly arms and soft flappy fingers. There are wooden arms on the ground between the tall wooden things. Some of those are thick and heavy - they would be good for clubs to hit things. Some are slender and bendy. A few are long and stiff and look just like the slightly twisty shafts of the spears that Queen's thugs carry. But many of those are too long.

Creatures sit around a fire some distance from the Way Out, in among the tall wooden things. The creatures seem not to notice the goblins searching for spearwood.

2020-04-23, 11:28 AM
Ick initially refuses to go outside. When he first looks up at the roof, at how far away it must be, he shrieks in terror.

"No! It's going to suck me away! I'm going to fall off the ground!" He screams, clinging to the turf beneath him, and necessitating one of the thugs to hurl him bodily out onto the ground of the outside. He curls up into a ball, whimpering to himself as he awaits what is to come, before realising that some force beneath his feet is still holding him down. He resents that for a second, and suddenly wants to leap into the air and fly out towards the distant points of light, but the new sights and smells distract him.

Ick unfurls himself from his foetal position and gets to his feet. He ignores the distant campfire, not wanting to get any closer to it than he already is. He goes tearing around the place in a hyperactive frenzy, chasing one of the furry-tailed rats that jumps and climbs, scurrying up a tall wooden thing in pursuit of it, then abruptly remembering his task and throwing himself back onto the ground below. He moves about and collects some of the smaller wooden arms and places them next to one of the large, heavy pieces he would have difficulty lifting. He flexes them, experimentally, exploring the texture and resistance of these new objects. He isn't sure he prefers them to rocks, yet, but he's starting to warm to them.

He picks up one of the larger sticks of wood and pitches it at the back of Lupi's head, experimentally.

2020-04-23, 12:57 PM
This is the most fun I've had DMing in a while ...

2020-04-24, 09:53 AM
Lupi started to giggle. It was play time. Of course Lupi's idea of play time involved breaking stuff including over her friends' heads. She turned around after the piece of wood was thrown at her and they could see she had decorated herself. "Come on....it's time to play. Let's have fun." The giggling turned to maniacal laughter. "Break and tear and smash some more. It's more fun when there's gore. Goblins like to hurt stuff. It shows that we're super tough." She picked up the wood and started to chase Ick with it.

2020-04-24, 10:02 AM
You are making some noise now in the woods - not much because you are small and light-footed, but your giggles and shrieks are echoing.

The creatures around the distant fire move to arm themselves, but don't come looking for you.

After a while you all calm down and get back to the task that Queen gave you, gathering armfuls of long straight wood for spears. Overhead the ceiling changes colors, it is getting pink. The little spots of fire go away.

2020-04-24, 01:07 PM
Ick is initially concerned when Lupi turns around, sporting her full warpaint. The small part of his brain that likes to recognise patterns whispers urgently to him, says that Lupi is always at her most intensely vicious when she's painted up that that. He ignores this voice, as it never wants to let him do anything fun. He shrieks delightedly, hurls another stick at the berserker, and tries to escape up the wooden column behind him- but isn't quite fast enough to make it before Lupi reaches him.

Later, sporting several new bruises, he's tired out enough to remember his task, and set to it with determination. He hums the new song he learned from Lupi, which he likes. "Break and tear and smash s'more, it's more fun when there's gore!" he murmurs, as he meticulously selects what he feels are good sections of spear-wood. He collects more than he can easily carry, and staggers around under the weight of his bundle. He comes to a stop and stares upwards as he is briefly distracted by searching for the tiny points of light in the sky, fascinated by how everything is brighter now, even though they seem to have grown dimmer; it doesn't make sense. He tries to remember what else he has heard about outside... mostly from goblins who have raided caravans. Don't humans and others use four-legged beasts to carry their burdens through this area? He wishes he had a beast of burden. That would make carrying much easier. He eyes Netw's pet giant newt, speculatively.

Reaching a decision, he runs up behind the newt and attempts to unceremoniously dump his heavy load of wood onto it's head and back. The newt is less enthusiastic about this plan of action than Ick is, and Ick squeaks in alarm when it turns around, hissing and snapping.

"Dagon bit me!" He accuses Netw. "I am going to eat it's tail! When it grows another tail, I will eat that one, too!"

2020-04-26, 04:11 AM
As he is blind he is walking slow with his whip that touch the ground analyzing in the way he can , and when he found something that could seems like a stick he takes and go to one of the other goblin "Is this wood?" if yes good if not he will search something else. The people near the fire are interesting and he tries to focus his senses on their movements, because they are strangers so they could be a problem . Dagon on the other hand moves in a frenetic way, so much to explore , like if his animal istincts were awakened by going outside so it could be seem trying to climb a tree for example , or running near the other goblins , and probably when Ick try to load him with woods he will squeak. This squeak will make the blind goblin near and so he will listen what Ick says. Shakings his head he says "Don't do that he would angers even more. " and try to patting the head of Dagon noticing the load "MMh so you were loading him not a bad idea , Dagon Sit!" unleashing his whip near his pet not striking him, and the newt should follow the order "Sit until i say okay?" and would turn to Ick "Where is Lupi? Now you should be able to load Dagon , or at least i hope so" giggling in a low voice

2020-04-26, 10:02 AM
Lupi chuckles a bit. "Look, lizard thing leading blind boy around and they can't seem to figure out what they doing." Putting some of the wood on Dagon. "Ick, stop trying to bite off tail. We need to go back. Queen will expect us with wood. Maybe we get big reward." Lupi still eyed the people around the fire. They would be fun to fight but her companions would probably manage to set themselves on fire or something. That would be funny. Still, the wood should go back first before they were set on fire.

2020-04-27, 03:56 PM
Ick eyes the newt suspiciously, before slowly loading the wood onto it's back. "How is it you make this lee-zard do what you say? How does it know goblin words?" He asks, as if worried the newt itself is some kind of infiltrator.

Ick puts as much of his gathered wood on the newt as it seems inclined to take, hefting the rest in his arms over his shoulders, snug behind his long neck.

"Yes, let's go home. This outside is fun, but I know the caves better. And I like that I can reach the ceiling so easily, in there." He says, giving the sky above a wistful, contemplative kind of look.

2020-04-27, 04:16 PM
With Dagon's help it is not difficult to get the wood back into the cave. But when you get in there it is difficult to move the long wood through some of the twistier tunnels. Dagon slithers ahead, whipping his tail excitedly as he gets back home.

Eventually you get through the tunnels to the entrance of Queen's chamber so that you can show her your wood. But something is different. The usual thugs are not there. Instead are a group of six smaller goblins holding stone axes and looking anxious.

"You not come in!" says one of them fiercely. "Dulak is with Queen. They busy. Con-tul-ta ... sultations. Talking about what to do. About the strangers. What you have?" None of you remember the fierce one's name, but he has streaks of paint on his face. Like Lupi.

2020-04-27, 04:55 PM
Ick barely notices the large painted goblin at first, and is so eager to see Ruba again that he nearly shoulders past him on his skittering dash to the throne room. Something in his tone makes Ick suddenly alert, just a little more engaged with reality than normal. He slows to a loping gait, then a canter, then an awkward, ungainly halt, as the long sticks he's been carrying hit the back of his head and throw him off balance. He squints through the darkness at the goblin's painted face.

He shrugs. "Okay. You guard. We no bother." He says, moving away to the right, down the tunnel leading towards the Lesser Hall and the Shaman's Hut. His eyes flicker to Netw and Lupi, as he wonders how they will choose to respond.

2020-04-28, 03:50 AM
"Easy, i trained Dagon to follows my order, i don't know if he speaks goblin, but with some training he hears word and do thing" Then when they say to return "Yes let's return, i'm not familiar outside so is better to be in the caves" Then they goes, Dagon somewhat bothered to have the wood on him, but at least they return home, strange world outside with no rocks for him , and that strange light. But when they arrives, there aren't the same thug , they had a different smell and then he says "We have wood for weapon, queen ordered us to take to repel strangers, for..spa..sper...something " His tone even if blind is determinated and then he says " Where we put this wood?" He asks while thinking who is Dulak because he doesn't remember that

2020-04-29, 09:49 AM
The six small goblins look at each other. "Drop the wood here," says a sly-looking one. She steps in front of the painted-face goblin. She is young and pretty, not yet a matron. She glances at Lupi and then at Ick, giving each of them a quick smile. "Everything will be fine," she says cheerfully. "Go on and have fun in the Halls."

2020-04-29, 01:49 PM
Ick winces as he watches Netw talk his way out of the small window of opportunity the group had to simply abscond with their spear-wood, rather than be forced to surrender it to these goblins that Ick doesn't recognise and has taken a fast disliking to. He considers the possibilities; this group can't guard the passageway and pursue Ick and his friends down the hall. They would have to choose to do one or the other, or split their group and try to do both. Ick is entirely confident in his ability to outrun any other goblin in the town, but most of the spear-wood is on Dagon...

He makes eye contact with the painted-face goblin, giving him a reproachful glare, and then moves off down the hall, accelerating away with his stack of spear wood, and waits to see how the other goblins react to his departure.

2020-04-30, 08:04 AM
Ick was wandering off again, nothing new there Lupi thought. The painted goblin was kind of fun. Not as artistic as her but he had some interesting designs. Unlike the others, Lupi didn't care about the wood. She was perfectly happy roughhousing barehanded or using fire. She turned to Newt...no Netw....heck she might as well talk to Dagon. "So now they have wood, where should we go?" Without waiting for an answer, Lupi ran off into the darkness to think alone.

2020-04-30, 07:20 PM
He cares for the security of the village, and he could not even work that spear wood because he could not see this, other than not able to move in a good way outside the caverns, and would be a problem to move without knowing this. He can't see his two companions go away from the guards but he can hear that they move "And then they go " he sigh as that would be move the wood from Dagon , or asks the guards. He moves near Dagon trying to move the wood, towards the guards, not in the point they said , because he can't see them, but being lower of size than the rest of the goblins doesn't help then when he had done he had an idea , some pieces of wood falled before and they seemed more stable than a whip. "Dagon come when I have done we will go in the hall, I hope there is a party!" and then his pet moved with the blind goblin toward the passage searching a piece of wood short enough to be used as something with which Netw could move easily, the whip was not so good for that. After the goblin recovered a piece of wood they would go at the Hall, if there was a party Dagon would participate, if not they would go at home so that Netw could train moving with that piece of wood

2020-05-04, 07:05 AM
With everyone running in different directions I am not sure how to continue this.

2020-05-04, 09:01 AM
With everyone running in different directions I am not sure how to continue this.

We're all heading off down the same tunnel, aren't we? Netw and Lupi are leaving their wood behind, I'm trying to leave with mine; mostly because I was trying to lead some of this guard group away, but if noone's staying that's probably not going to work now.

I don't know, I just didn't want to take this fight, and was thinking we could return to the lesser hall and see what the sitch is there, and maybe try to access the throne room from the other side.

2020-05-04, 10:08 AM
That sounds fun.

Lupi after thinking for a bit decided to find Ick. Ick probably had something fun planned. Hopefully it was destructive fun. She remembered something about him and the throne room so she tried to follow his footsteps and headed there as well.

2020-05-04, 03:15 PM
The guard-goblins let Ick dart away without issue as Lupi and Netw dump off their wood before following him. Lupi goes at Ick's pace and quickly catches up to him, squinting as they approach the Way Out before taking the sharp turn to the left that leads down to the Lesser Hall. Netw follows more slowly guided by Dagon.

At the top of the Lesser Hall the floor falls away to the left in big shallow steps leading down to the bottom of the hall. The ceiling opens out above. Further along to the right is the shaman's hut. Do you go down into the chasm, or continue along to the hut?

2020-05-04, 07:19 PM
Ick slows to let his companions catch up, and then hisses to them, conspiratorially. "I'm mad that we went and got so much wood, and then those other goblins took it. They'll probably tell the queen it was THEM who found it!"

He gnashes his pointy teeth at the thought of this betrayal, then continues on, more thoughtfully. "I want to see Queen Ruba again. You two come with me. Who is Dulak? I don't know him."

Ick seems inclined to continue on into the lesser hall, shirking well away from the shaman's cave with evident fear.

2020-05-05, 02:24 AM
Netw listens the maddened Ick and then says " I don't know who Dulak is, but if they say they found it, that would mean that they disobeyed the order to remain as guards, so they could have problem. Maybe we should talk with the shaman to know something about this Dulak? " he suggests, not so worried as Ick for the wood "Or maybe searching the other guards, these who guided us in the outside could be useful" he thinks ,and sigh "What you have in mind?" .Ick's idea combined with Lupi could be a problem, or rather funny and Dagon know that so he is moving the tail in an excited way

2020-05-05, 04:59 AM
Ick is obviously terrified of the shaman, but at Netw's suggestion to consult him, he suddenly becomes terribly gung-ho about the idea, unwilling to be shown up by the blind goblin. His beady eyes flit to Lupi, wondering which direction she wants to go.

Will follow the group whichever path we take

2020-05-05, 08:21 PM
"Lupi don't care where goblins go as long as Lupi gets chance to crack heads and make things bleed. Lupi has not done that for hours and Lupi getting bored because of it." She wasn't quite in a rage yet but she was not far from it. She'd let her companions choose which way to go if it promised a chance to fight. If it did not, she would drag them somewhere where they would do just that.

2020-05-06, 07:56 AM
"Let's see who still up in the hall and then maybe come back." Ick decides, darting off in that direction, relieved to have an excuse to delay an encounter with the shaman.

2020-05-06, 09:38 AM
Lupi knows that in the Lesser Hall she'd have plenty of opportunities to wrangle disputes with sleepy and ornery hungover tribemates. Ick knows that the stalactites dangling from the roof provide twenty to thirty feet of fun vertical climbing, particularly where they reached all the way from floor to ceiling.

You descend the gently sloping, shallow steps about forty feet down; when you get to the bottom, among the glowing fungus, the roof is about thirty feet above you. Small and larger groups of goblins are sprawling about with a few goblins wandering aimlessly through the fungus fields. All the goblins in groups are talking excitedly. You hear "Dulak" and "Queen" a bunch.

What do you do?

2020-05-06, 02:08 PM
"Who else bored" Lupi shouts as loud as possible. "Let's rumble. Let's have fun. Let's deal with Queen and Dull Ack later." She started to paint herself and her friends would know that she was serious about fighting even if it was other goblins. The berserker was ready to live up to her title.

2020-05-06, 09:17 PM
"Is Doo-lak," growls a particularly larger than most goblin with a very notable overbite and twitchy nose. "Is a friend to all goblins, not just cronies. Doo-lak will show Queen how to care for least of goblins. Like us!" He looms over Lupi. "You not like Doo-lak, I not like you!"

2020-05-07, 08:34 AM
Ick leaves Lupi to her fight, and clambers up one one of the stalactites/mites that join the middle to reach the ceiling. He nestles in amoungst the bats, to ponder things. Dulak is trying to make the queen do things differently? But the queen is supposed to be the one who gives the orders. Isn't she? How long has that been the case for? Ick scrunches up his face in intense concentration as he dredges his long-term memory, trying to figure out how long Ruba has been queen, if there was a queen before her.

He tries to figure out if he would prefer Dulak, who he doesn't know, over Ruba, who he sort of does. He only met her once, but she was oddly fascinating, not as sluggish as the older matrons. Ick also appreciates a good roast bat, so they have that in common. And sending them out to get the spearwood seemed like the right thing to do. Would Dulak make better decisions if he was in charge? He doesn't know.

Perhaps if he heard these "consultations" he would know better. He decides to try to find a quick way into the queen's chambers, wondering if any of the holes in the roof and their network of narrow tunnels leads near there. He also keeps an eye on Lupi, excited to watch her beat up the larger goblin.

Not sure what to roll for wracking my memory. Feel free to roll for me if you feel it needs one.

Can my Rockrunner skill move me into between the "unconnected areas" of the lower hall and throne room?

Finally, if (and only if) Lupi fighting this Dulak supporter is going to count against the threat clock, Ick will cheer her on and exhort her martial prowess in front of the other goblins, spending 1 rep to add 1d4 to her roll.

2020-05-07, 09:41 AM
The rules aren't exactly well-structured to handle internecine threats - but I can imagine goblins beating each other up and trying to impress each other to settle this kind of political dispute. So I'd say that Lupi's fight indeed will count against the threat clock.

I also think that a Rockrunner should be able to find twisty little passages connecting "unconnected" areas.

Lupi - let's ... get ... ready ... to RUUUMBLE!

2020-05-08, 03:53 PM
"Lupi say name how she want to say it. You have problem with it, you have problem with Lupi. Lupi take on anybody."

2020-05-08, 07:16 PM
"Lupi say name how she want to say it. You have problem with it, you have problem with Lupi. Lupi take on anybody."

Lupi doesn't have to roll Defiant to overcome her fears and take on someone bigger. But if she got some cuts on a roll right now, that would move the threat clock.

2020-05-11, 07:39 AM
Let's see what happens when Lupi gets a bit vicious

Lupi's eyes glare at her opponent as she becomes the crazed ball of rage she often does when her anger has not been released in a different manner. She lunges at her opponent. (rolling vicious)


and one set of possible cuts


2020-05-11, 07:55 AM
Ick shrieks aloud in sudden excitement as he watches Lupi lunge forward. Watching somebody else get beaten up is always such wonderful fun. He bangs a rock against the stalagmite he's clinging to, making a great commotion, as he calls "Nightrage! The Nightrage, champion of Goblintown!"

((Spending a rep to try to boost Lupi's roll:

[roll0] ))

2020-05-11, 04:27 PM
Lupi leaps at the bigger dumber goblin and gets in a couple of quick bites before he throws her backward a few feet across the hall. She bounces off a stalagmite and rolls to her feet, a little bit bruised.

2020-05-12, 07:52 AM
Ick boos and hisses, disappointed. His mercurial interest in the proceedings now dissipated, he doesn't wait to see if Lupi counterattacks, and instead decides to go and investigate the throne room. He crawls up into the ceiling, and displaces a couple of fat, sleepy bats as he worms his way into one of the narrow tunnels that dot the ceiling, heading in the direction he estimates will join up with another fissure that he saw near the throne room. Once he understands the situation there, he can decide how best Dulak should be combatted.

2020-05-12, 01:27 PM
It isn't hard for Ick to scramble through the ceiling of the caverns listening for Queen's voice. It's dark and dank and dirty and cramped up in there, but that's familiar to him - he's a claustrophile. After a few minutes he finds a chimney leading downward, and echoing up the chimney is Queen's faint murmuring - "No, no, please no. How could you? The Egg is our treasure."

2020-05-12, 01:32 PM
At the indication of interesting things going on ahead, Ick scrambles down the chimney, popping his head out so he can see what's going on.

"Egg? The egg is here now? I want to lay on it." He announces. He peers around to see who else is in the chamber. "Hello, Queen Ruba. I get wood. The Outside has bouncing rats that live in trees!!"

2020-05-12, 03:52 PM
Lupi dusted herself off. She barely noted the bruising but she was a little irritated that both her companions were gone again. She decided for the moment to stop the battle and track where Ick had gone.

2020-05-12, 08:16 PM
Ick dangles from a stalactite at the top of Queen's chamber. It is smoky up there and the smoke stings his throat and his eyes. His voice is both hoarse and squeaky. Below him in the flickering orange light of the fire he sees several faces looking up. One is Queen's face that he just saw hours before. Another is one of her thugs. Another two are strange goblins he doesn't remember from the Lesser Hall where he usually hangs out. Another is a ... handsome goblin? Neatly groomed whiskers and clean face, shiny teeth, bright eyes.

The good looking goblin turns his attention back to Queen. "It is our best action," he says smoothly in goblinspeech, which is not usually smooth. "We must get the Dusk Elves to leave us alone, and the Egg is what they want. If you will not act then I must."

Lupi looks around for Ick but can't figure out where he went. Maybe somewhere up in the roof? But she is not a rockrunner and probably can't find which passage he went down. He did say something about going to see Queen again ...

Netw? Where is Netw? Lupi can't see him.

2020-05-13, 10:01 AM
Ick narrows his eyes and hisses, hatefully. Dulak wants to give away the egg? Ick has heard enough.

He takes advantage of his elevated position and hurls his very heaviest rock down into the chamber, aiming for the crown of the smooth-talking goblin's head.

Slippery thrown attack: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2020-05-13, 10:02 AM
slippery explosion: [roll0]

2020-05-13, 11:57 AM
(Are we down to two? Do we try and recruit up again? Half the fun of playing a goblin is to have other goblins to bounce silly ideas off. Looks like Netw may have wandered into the wrong tunnel never to return)

Lupi decided that Queen was something to visit. Why not. She needed to figure out what was happening and what else she could do to have some fun.

2020-05-13, 12:39 PM
@TerrickTerran I posted a new recruiting thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?612243-Silly-goblins-game-(Goblintown)). One or two more players would be good; I think you might be right about Netw, which is kind of a shame.

@SlyJohnny three cuts = critical success - you must narrate what happens. Counting down the Threat Clock: 2/8.

2020-05-13, 06:57 PM
Ick emits a strange low keening sound, something like laugh, as his heavy rock crashes onto Dulak's head, cutting off the lying egg-thief's hateful, egg-thieving lies. Dulak crumples to the ground as if his legs can no longer bear his weight, his head bleeding an explosion of brightness that reminds Ick of some of the shades of the outside. Dead, or merely stunned? Ick doesn't know. But a nasty idea occurs to him about how to deal with Dulak's followers.

Ick lowers his body into the room, reaching around to embed his climbing-claw into the ceiling, and begins to clamber and swing his way towards the upper tunnels in the south, cackling madly. He hopes to provoke Dulak's followers into chasing him, or at least impress the queen with the way he moves so nimbly over the ceiling. He tries to get a good look at her and her thug as he goes past, wondering if they're bound in some way, and if the thug was with Dulak, or merely outnumbered.

2020-05-14, 06:56 PM
Lupi continued on her search for Ick as she saw other goblins wandering around. Maybe one of them knew where Ick was. She decided to try and ask if someone did.

(Figure a way to work one of the new people into the game)

2020-05-16, 07:16 PM
Cheesy feet wiped the goo from his chest tasting it . He had been hiding all night in a cest pool. He thought the queen might want to know that larva were growing. He waved as the other goblin approached. He reached under his cloak grabbing a leech and biting the head off of it. He hands it to other goblin.

2020-05-16, 08:05 PM
Fscribbedy's feet slap the cave ground loudly while he bellows, also loudly "Queeeeen! Wise Queeen! Help!" He is chased by several brats and one is clinging to his ankle, making his running imbalanced and awkward. "Queen, know a way lift my cur-" he cuts off his yelling as Cheesyfeet hands him a headless leech which he receives gratefully.

Out of breath, he tries to thank Cheesyfeet, but one of the brats begins pulling on the leech's tail. "No! Mine!" He struggles to stuff it in his mouth and swallows hard without much chewing. The brats are laughing and yelling as Fscribbedy gasps for air.

"You go to *huff huff* see Queen, *huff* too?"

2020-05-17, 07:34 AM
Fscribbedy and Cheesyfoot
There were six goblins standing awkwardly outside Queen's cave, holding long pieces of stuff from Outside. Wood. One of them stepped forward and waved its piece at Fscribbedy and Cheesyfoot. "Doo-lak say you not come in! You leave Queen alone!"

"Hey!" bellowed the Dulak-fan whom she had bitten. "You get back here scrawny!" He ran at her.

You'll need to make at least one more roll to get out of this.

As he swiftly moved through the stalactites, the rockrunner glanced below to see Dulak's followers grabbing stuff to throw at him. The first small rocks clattered harmlessly against the dirt and stone nearby. They weren't trying to follow him, just drive him away. Queen's thug tackled one of them. The other one jumped onto the pile. Queen grabbed a stick from the fire and began whacking the pile of goblins with the burning stick. Dulak lay on the ground.

2020-05-18, 06:46 PM
Ick drops a rock down on the Dulak supporter as he goes to intercept the queen's thug, trying to avoid hitting the thug or the queen in their frenetic scrum..

Slippery attack: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2020-05-18, 06:48 PM
Explosion: [roll0]

2020-05-18, 06:58 PM
Ick shrieks in exultation as he watches his rock break apart on the head of his foe, leaving him stunned. It looks terribly impressive. He shakes himself up and down in excitement, nearly jolting his climbing claw loose from where it holds him up.

2020-05-18, 11:22 PM
Cheesy Feet "Let me by Queen, needs me. I know when grubs hatch." He looks on tip toes trying to see over the group. He grabs some snot off of his nose and flings it at the group as he turned away.

2020-05-18, 11:41 PM
Doo-lak? Who that? Usually Queen tell me leave her alone, not Doo-lak. Puzzling this, Fscribbedy hears some sort of a scuffle coming from further ahead. Unsure of what's happening, he really wants to get by and see. A brat yanks his long ear hair.

"Augh!" Turning his attention toward the brats: "Bipno, Ringjob, Treppy, Motmo, Shurf! Stop, stop, agh! Look what those goblins have! Never see before, looks fun to play with! Let's try it!"

Defiant to get the brats to swarm the six goblins and hopefully let me run past: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2020-05-18, 11:42 PM
Explosion [roll0]

2020-05-18, 11:47 PM
A handful of brats swarm up trying to grab and climb on the wood and the goblins holding it. Being small and unexpected, they do a pretty good job of distracting, but 6 is a lot of goblins. Fscribbedy shifts from foot to foot, hooting and shrieking to egg the little blighters on, watching for an opening to scamper past.

2020-05-19, 06:08 AM
"Lupi have other stuff to do but fine. You still want to play, Lupi play." Trying to focus a little better she pounced.


2020-05-19, 06:14 AM


2020-05-19, 07:30 PM
Lupi saw it.....it was blood. Blood was so fun to spill from others. She grabbed a loose rock and smashed into her foe at full force. "You want fight, Lupi give you fight. Lupi won't stop until something broken or you surrender." Her bloodlust was rising as was her rage. She was grinning a smile that would scare any weak-hearted goblin that saw it.

2020-05-20, 07:43 AM
A lot going on here in multiple places ... lots of cuts to the Threat. I count 3 for Ick, 2 for Fscribbedy, 2 for Lupi. That's 1,2,3,4 marked off the Threat clock: 6/8.

Lupi The Dulak supporter staggers around before coming back at Lupi, spattering blood as he shakes himself angrily.

Ick Three scrawnyish goblins scramble into Queen's Chambers below him. He recognizes them as some of the six guards who were outside in the hallway before. One of them stops to check over Dulak, who remains sprawled on the ground. The other two go straight at Queen, trying to get the burning stick away from her.

Cheesyfeet and Fscribbedy The brats overwhelm the inept guardian goblins, who stagger backwards. Three of them retreat into Queen's Chambers. The other three practically throw their sticks at the brats, who immediately begin poking and prodding each other and the guard-goblins. There definitely is an opening to enter the cave.

2020-05-20, 08:12 AM
"Eee hee hee!" Fscribbedy claps and laughs. Yells and gestures to Cheesyfeet, "Come! We can see Queen now. Something strange happening!" He lurches hastily towards the Queen's chamber, hoping that the brats will be occupied for a least a little bit playing with their new toys.

Reaching the chamber he sees a strange-looking goblin bloodied on the ground, but also two of the ones who ran just now are harassing the Queen! What! No time to figure out what's going on, he lunges at one to bite or pull him to the floor. "Ngyaaaa!"

Viscious attack: [roll0] [roll1]

2020-05-20, 08:15 AM
Explosion [roll0]

2020-05-20, 08:04 PM
"What you want to dance some more? I know you're quite flirty." Lupi continued to taunt the foe as she readied another attack. "If you think you can keep up with me, then you have another thing coming cause if you fall flat I can do my victory dance." She prepared for an attack and if he did not, she would charge and attack in a near frenzy from the dripping blood.

2020-05-22, 09:07 AM
We need actions from Ick and Cheesyfeet, and a roll from Lupi for reasons I'll describe right now:

The big bleeding lump of Dulak-love rushes at Lupi, trying to tackle and overbear her in a very unplayful way. He's mad. He wants to hurt her.

2020-05-22, 12:13 PM
Cheesy Feet quickly follows past the guards but once inside je is confused at the fighting. "Who be all, quit fighting me no want to hurt." He yells trying to distract the goblins.

2020-05-23, 10:16 AM
I was holding back to give the others a chance to fill the threat clock, but noone else is rolling dice, so I guess Ick will save the town once again :smallsigh: :smallsigh: :smallbiggrin:

Ick yells down at the Dulak-supporting goblins as they enter.

"Dulak FALLS! Queen Ruba wields the FLAME! All of you traitors die! Queen, I want their eyes after you burn 'em out! Please! Their eyes! For me!"

Defiant intimidation attempt: [roll0] [roll1]

2020-05-23, 01:22 PM
Weak success.

The three new entrants to Queen's Chambers scatter apart, gawking upward at Ick's voice echoing from the roof. But in his excitement Ick loosens his grasp on the stalactite and his climbing claw slips ...

Roll Slippery (at least 2 successes) to avoid plummeting from the ceiling. On a total failure you'll plunge into the smoky hot fire below. On 1 success you'll hit the floor but rebound basically ok, just a little banged up and right in the middle of the Dulakites.

2020-05-23, 02:04 PM
Ick starts shaking his body up and down in excitement as he talks about eating eyeballs, only to squeak in alarm as the weak limestone his climbing claw is resting on is suddenly gives way. He struggles to regain purchase, kicking his legs in the air as if he were trying to swim upwards.

Slippery climb: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2020-05-23, 02:05 PM
Slippery explosion:


2020-05-23, 04:52 PM
You don't fall down, but I consider that roll more like a Save to Avoid Trouble rather than a Positive Action Against the Threat. Accordingly, no change to the Threat Clock.

Ick somehow regains his grip, a little lower on the stalactite and feeling halfway between exhilarated and terrified. His happy place as a climber ...

What does everyone else do?

2020-05-23, 05:09 PM
Fscribbedy is, I suppose, still locked in embarrassing ineffectual struggle with the one goblin he's trying to get off the Queen. Reflecting on the fact that, being mostly toothless, biting an opponent is a bit of a gamble, though known to cause a puncture wound now and then!

Upon hearing Cheesyfeet's plea for peace, Fscribbedy is starting to think that sounds really good right about now, but then Ick calls out menacing threats and does raise the subject that these goblins are traitors, which Fscribbedy hadn't considered until now.

Not so great at fighting. Pretty good at being loud. Let's try that.

Struggling to lift head above the tussle: "Traitors! Any goblin who not obey Queen is a traitor! Shame, shame! Maybe not even goblins eh? Fscribbedy think you fish in goblin disguises come here make fools of yourselfs. Go back to lake maybe not get caught and eaten, eh? Dumb-dumbs??"

Defiant: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2020-05-23, 07:14 PM
Lupi was still not done having fun. If one attack was fun, two attacks were more fun and three was lucky or something she seemed to recall so she decided a final attack before heading elsewhere.


With a vicious roar, Lupi did what she did best.

2020-05-23, 07:16 PM


2020-05-23, 07:18 PM
more explosions


and to save posting more, just on the odd shot of more



2020-05-23, 07:30 PM
Any 4+ is a cut, but dice only explode if you roll exactly 4. And Lupi gets a rep for rolling 4 cuts :)

2020-05-23, 07:37 PM
Double checked the rules ... only exactly 4s explode. That being said, Lupi has at least 3 cuts. That's enough to vanquish the doughty Dulak devotee, and scratch the last two off the Threat Clock as Lupi's prowess cows his remaining admirers. @TerrickTerran lease narrate that, and everyone else please narrate how you resolved the situation in Queen's Chambers. Then we'll do a Change to the Town.

How's everyone feeling about the game so far?

2020-05-23, 07:45 PM
(Funny rule that....actually makes a d4 better than a d8 or d12)

Lupi leapt on to her opponent and just went full jungle cat rage bashing and clawing and scratching until he stopped resisting. She looked over at his admirers with an evil glare then suddenly as she stood up her eyes returned to normal, she rubbed off the paint and had a chipper smile. "Oh that was a nice bit of exercise. I should go and see to my friends. Take care everyone and have a good time." She then skipped merrily away as if she had no memory of what was bothering her moments before.

2020-05-23, 07:59 PM
I'm enjoying it so far. Glad the exploding dice thing was addressed because I was getting confused. Also we're only supposed to narrate our own outcomes if we get 2 or more cuts on a test, right? I mean I get that in this case, the threat is gone so we should go ahead. Just clarifying for future ref.

A handful of brats finally catch up to me and start raising cane, waving sticks around and barking "dumb-dumb! dumb-dumb!" Between that and Ick's and my yelling, the goblin I've been struggling with is starting to see the tide turn. He and maybe some others in the room make for a hasty retreat. Fscribbedy tries to compose himself and get to his feet, but gets piled on by three brats. Too exhausted to stop them, they clamber all over his head and ears. He sits, overwhelmed and breathless.

"What...(gnah, stop!) What happen?"

2020-05-23, 08:11 PM
(A simple use of the word exactly before it would have cleared up a lot of confusion. As for the game, still enjoying it fairly well and unless work gets too crazy once we go open full time, I should be good a while longer.)

2020-05-23, 08:30 PM
The sounds of fighting echo from the passage leading into the throne room and the lower hall, coming from both entryways into the throne room, making it seem as if perhaps the entire town is involved in battling the usurpers. The Dulak supporters decide they've had enough, without Dulak conscious to rally them; Ick considers hurling rocks at them as they flee the room, but for all his talk of eating the eyes of traitors, he's already lost interest, likely won't even remember their faces. Let them fade back into goblintown's population, as far as he's concerned. He clambers down from the wall and helps the thug to his feet, batting at any stray fires that might lick at the larger goblin's frame. He notes that Dulak is still breathing shallowly, without much concern one way or the other.

Finding Ruba even more fascinating now that he's watched her beat some goblins with a flaming stick, he loiters around in the throne room and regards the thug and the queen quietly until one of them speaks to him or asks him a question, wanting to seize the excuse to spend more time with Ruba and observe her. He's happy to defer to her judgement as to what to do with the unconscious but still-breathing Dulak, and will happy carry out whatever nasty sentence she may pronounce upon him; but if it's left up to him, or if he's simply ordered to "get rid of the body" or similar, he will drag Dulak over to The Pits, search him thoroughly until he finds something shiny or unusual or that looks like it might be fine to play with, and then drop the unconscious goblin down the chute of one of the smellier and darker pits, watching him slide and then roll out of sight.

Beyond this, he will return to the lower hall to retrieve his spear-wood, so that he can bring it to the queen as instructed.

Claiming a Treasure as my post-threat reward

2020-05-24, 12:35 PM
I'm enjoying it so far. Glad the exploding dice thing was addressed because I was getting confused. Also we're only supposed to narrate our own outcomes if we get 2 or more cuts on a test, right? I mean I get that in this case, the threat is gone so we should go ahead. Just clarifying for future ref.

Yes, I'm only asking you all to start the segue because I'm particularly entertained by everybody's writing and there's nothing on the line. After you do your bits, I'll make a roll for whatever changes happen to the Town, and then another roll for the next Threat, and then narrate an intro for the next conflict.

I'm enjoying the fast play of this game. A lot seems to happen in a short amount of time (for play by post, anyway).

2020-05-25, 11:51 AM
"Queen! Queen! Please you know a way break my curse maybe? Brats never leave me alone! Want to hit them, like other goblins, shoo them away. But! Make fist and turn to them but...no hit! Cursed!"

The Queen, having heard this plea many times before and being pretty well fed up with her day in general, makes an imperious gesture and one of her guards hustles Fscribbedy and the irritating brats out of her Throne Room.

"You brats embarrass me in front of Queen! Fscribbedy hate you!" Fists clenched in fury, he wheels on them clumsily, but one look at their stupid, ugly eyes and he just. can't. do it. He groans horribly as he trudges away.

2020-05-26, 07:22 PM
Cheesy feet scurries away from the throne room as soon as he sees the Queen has had enough. He wanders along with the brats and Fscribbedy.

2020-05-27, 02:59 PM
A Change to the Town: [roll0]. Queen Ruba orders the tribe to close off the little bag-end cave at the middle of the map. Why?

A new Threat: [roll1]. Ick and Lupi goofing off Outside attracted some unwelcome attention.

2020-05-28, 04:49 AM
Ick drops the last stack of spearwood at the feet of one of the tribe's spear-makers, and stalks off. He's glad to see that job done, but is in a foul mood. Ick lived in the cave that has been closed off; it was the best of the caves, the largest and most well-appointed, and it had a small risen crevice that he slept it, which made him feel secure. But now a cavern crawler has dug it's way in and deposited it's clutch of eggs inside, the cave has been sealed as a precaution, and so Ick and his fellow appreciators of prime real estate have been displaced. He fingers the marvellous sloth-teeth necklace he took from Dulak before he dumped him away, considering where he will live now. He sighs, hoping the cavern crawler's brood will hatch soon, and his home will be restored.

He notices Cheesyfeet, Fscribbedy and Lupi nearby, immediately recognising Lupi as his occasional playmate and ally-of-convenience, and vaguely remembering the other two as two goblins who scuffled with the Dulak supporters.

"Where is good to live? All the best holes are full already." Ick sighs. He hastily grabs hold of a brat who had begun to scale his leg and remove one of his bone armor pieces, narrowly managing to snatch her away before she sinks her teeth into his newly-exposed kneecap. He eyes her distastefully as he dangles her in the air by one leg, and then deposits her safely onto Fscribbedy's shoulder, where she immediately sets about trying to chew the other goblin's ear off.

"Maybe I live outside. They have tall wooden things. I could make house. With the furry jump rats. What else lives in Outside?" He asks Cheesyfeet.

2020-05-29, 02:09 AM
Weezpittle Frogface comes down to the main goblin lair his big feet flapping on the cave floor. He puffs out his goblin chest "IN THE NAME OF THE..." He looks around and sees not many goblins are paying attention sidles up to the nearest goblin, Fscribbedy, "greatshamanandZigglepopthegreatmother... Um.. What's going on? My master wants to know." Weezpittle had a flashback to the great shaman lyi g back, giggling, after too much mushroom potion, eyes wildly dilated, muttering.. "I need to know it all"

2020-05-29, 06:33 AM
If you all don't mind, I'd like to just watch your goblins interact for a bit before I throw the next Threat at the Town. If you interact with NPC goblins I'll step in with a response ... if you get bored, signal that i/c and I'll get things going again.

2020-05-29, 08:12 AM
Back down in the communal areas of town, there are even more brats harrying Fscribbedy. By the time he removes one from his person at least one more begins climbing up. Realizing he can't get ahead of them: "Flappie, Moona, Tamto, Reet, Bim- all you brats! Who can find biggest tastiest mushroom? How many can you carry?" Of the 50% that were listening at all, he knows maybe 10% will remember why they ran off, and with a little luck, maybe 1% will actually bring some edible mushrooms back. Most of the brats scamper off in various directions, nattering and laughing.

"Eh? What going on? Went to see Queen, but some rude goblins were attacking her. Tried to help protect her, but then got pushed out throne room. Now some cavern crawler eggs in a home cave. Uh!" Fscribbedy holds one of the remaining brats at arms length by its leg, mimicking Ick's technique with wonder. It shakes and swipes at the air but doesn't seem too bothered. Pointing to Ick: "Ick say something about living outside! Fscribbedy has never seen. Wonder if there brats outside..."

"What's..." Fscribbedy scrunches his face trying to remember "What's Zigglepotheh?"

2020-05-29, 05:02 PM
Cheesy feet brims with pride sticking scrawny chest out. " Two legs, four legs and things like flappy or grubby nubs live out side, good to eat but some try eat gob nobs."

2020-05-29, 08:40 PM
Lupi just nodded as the others nattered along. At least most of the brats were gone. She sat near a large rock and had found some materials to paint some of the rocks in the cave. "Inside, outside, as long as there's stuff to hurt, Lupi fine with it." She then falls into silence as she concentrates on her artwork.

2020-05-30, 12:53 AM
Weezpittle stares at Fscribbedy aghast, bulgy eyes bulging even more.. "who is ZigglePop! She is the great mother whose crap created the world, and from her eggs goblins were formed. Her great pale eye watches us from the roof of the big cave. Her power flows through me..." Weezpittle looks at Fscribbeddies blank gaze and sighs. "big invisible frog lady, that makes some goblins magical."

2020-05-30, 09:00 AM
A few sleep cycles passed. You all settled into new sleeping arrangements now that the comfortable cave was surrendered to the cavern crawler. Maybe if the egg-layer died, as they sometimes did, then in a few dozen sleep cycles the fat larvae could make a good feast before they got really mobile and vicious.
Another party rages. You all sit on the ledge above the Great Hall, sipping rotten bat milk from stone bowls. Your new spears are beside you. The dusk elves have not returned, but Queen Ruba says that since the spears have been made you might as well play with them. Play time now has a more serious risk of injury.


2020-05-30, 03:04 PM
My/Ick's love for Queen Ruba (long may she reign) grows daily.

When we beat a threat clock, we get a Survival Bonus: either regain a single wound, regain a knack treasure, pick up a new personal treasure,
restore a town resource, or add a point of Rep. I mention it because I'm the only one who's been doing it so far, and that makes me feel weird! As we're unhurt and the town is fine, it's mostly a choice between a treasure and a rep.

Ick hates guard duty. He'd much rather drink a bowl of something hallucinogenic, chat to the other party-goers until the brew really starts to kick in, and then go and dangle from the stalactites and commune with the bats. But recent experiences have bestowed upon him an anxiety, and with it, a vaguely detached and mercurial sense of responsibility.

Training is conceptually adjacent to guard duty, though, enough so that playing with spears instead of paying attention to guard duty doesn't feel like goofing off. Ick loves his new pointy stick very much, and he's trying to convince the others to help him practice his spear-throwing.

"No, I don't throw spear into you! Idiot! I throw spear and knock the rock off your head! I don't miss, I'm the best spear-thrower in the town! Hold the rock on your head so I can knock it off!" he urges, insistently. He can't understand why he's encountered any resistance at all to his obviously amazing proposal, and the inability of the others to get on his wavelength is frustrating him. How else is he going to get better?

2020-05-30, 05:35 PM
I'm going to forgo a survival bonus since I was only here for the tail end of the last threat.

Fscribbedy has been wondering about the invisible frog lady. He questions Weezpittle: "If Zigglepop make some goblins magic, then is she why brats never leave me alone?"

In addition to philosophical pursuits, he has been spending much time foraging and sending the brats to try to find neat things. Mostly trash and dead bugs (which he eats). Finally one brings him a squat, leathery egg about the size of a goblin's palm. Taking it he immediately begins running and yelling.

"Cheesyfeeet! Cheesyfeet! Take egg!" Tossing it to him, "You nice to me when we first meet and gave me headless leech to eat. Most goblins hate me because of horrid brats. Not know what egg is from, but should be good to eat. Awk!" A brat yanks on Fscribbedy's ear-hair so hard that he partially falls over. "Ugh, I'm going listen Flat-Tooth play drum. Bye."

2020-05-30, 09:10 PM
Cheesyfeet snatches the leathery egg and scurries away from the brats, blurting out "Yummmies! Thanks!" as he goes up the tunnel toward Outside and the fishing lake cave.

You enjoy a few more swallows of bat milk wine, and then ... you hear a goblin shriek from the passage where Cheesyfeet went.

Then Cheesyfeet comes running back down the passage, stumbling and gasping a gurgling shriek with something sticking through his chest. He's so scared he runs right off the ledge into the Lesser Hall. He falls limply into the canyon, not even trying to swim up in the air like you might expect.

You hear guttural voices shout from the passage, and panting, and heavy feet running toward you, and metal jingling and clattering.

2020-05-31, 02:48 AM
"Oh Ziggle" swears Weezpittle from the cavern where he had come down to get some more food for his master, who had 'the appetite of the gods' and was craving munchies. As the only representative of Great Zigglepop here it was up to him to use his awesome power.
Sneaking a peek into the tunnel mouth
Weezpittle incants her name very quietly (nust in case the invaders heard him. "ZigglePop, kick their butts"
SNEAKY [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

2020-05-31, 08:11 AM
Ick shrieks in alarm. "Strangers! Strangers!" he shouts down at the goblins in the lower hall. He tries to get a look at what's jutting out of cheesyfeet, and ascertain if the goblin dropped his spear when he was hit, or is still holding it; if it's there, he'll climb down and get it. Otherwise, he will scramble up the wall for the safety of the stalactites, and wait for the threat to enter the chamber.

2020-05-31, 04:14 PM
Fscribbedy takes up Ick's cry of alarm. "Strangers! Trouble!" He gazes over the ledge mournfully at the goblin that might have been a friend for a moment until a brat drops knees-first into his back. "Argh!...Rinrin! This is not play time. Danger! Warbol, Bruch, Sham, Sosso! Go get rocks! Fun, sharp rocks for throwing! One for each hand!" He then follows Weezpittle at a distance, wanting to see into the tunnel while keeping near some cover to hide behind.

2020-05-31, 07:48 PM
Until we make some rolls, there's neither real risk nor real reward - it's all just narration. Let's put some skin in the game, folks.

2020-06-01, 02:09 AM
Ick moves fast and recklessly, scrabbling to retrieve a second spear and then get into an elevated position for an ambush.

Slippery climb: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2020-06-01, 08:00 AM
The gang of brats rallies noisily to Fscribbedy again, barking and laughing. So much for avoiding attention. "C'mon!" Fscribbedy runs down the tunnel screeching with a combination of fear and fury. Some of the brats only got smooth pebbles, but most of the viscious little pests are have an affinity for sharp, hurtful things. He runs on past Weezpittle and on until he can see the threat. "There! Strangers! Throw rocks now! Ryaaah!"

Defiant [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2020-06-01, 08:06 AM
Fscribbedy gasps with relief when the vast majority of rocks are hurled at the threat instead of himself. He's unsure if its hurt them- he can't even tell what it is! blood and panic and surging through him, making his eyes bug out- but he's pretty sure anything would have second thoughts after a reception like that. He screams at the top of his lungs, trying to maximize the intimidation and exorcise his own blind terror. The brats join the chorus joyfully.

2020-06-01, 08:53 AM
Here's the status:

Ick - failure - take wound
Weezpittle - failure - take wound
Fscribbedy - marginal success (no wound)

2020-06-01, 01:07 PM
In his excitement, Ick slips and tumbles. Experienced at managing this kind of fall, he moves his body against the rockface to slow his tumble to a bouncing roll, and downgrade a broken leg into mere bumps and bruises. It works well, until he falls on Cheesyfeet's body and winds up skewering himself on the point of whatever killed the other goblin.

Whimpering in pain and trying to staunch the flow of blood from his wound, he examines whatever object he just punctured himself on: is it a spear? An arrow? Some other unknown projectile? Whatever it is, he attempts to extract it from the body and clamber to the roof with it, along with Cheesyfeet's spear, in order to secure an elevated position to ambush the invaders.

Slippery climb [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

What did cheesyfeet get shot by? Can we see the enemy yet?

2020-06-01, 02:59 PM
What did cheesyfeet get shot by? Can we see the enemy yet?
Ick finds in Cheesyfeet's chest a stick about as long as his little goblin arm, with one end sharp and the other end fluffy. It's like a minispear with soft stuff.

Cheesyfeet is broken and dead.

It's not an easy climb out of the Lesser Hall, what with the bleeding and the pain and holding a spear and a fluffy-bottomed stick in one hand ...

We can say that Ick shows up on the ledge a little later in the action, I'll let you know when.

Also, if you would like to retcon - I forgot to reinforce that per the rules, you can lose a treasure instead of taking a wound. It would have been helpful if I had done that.

2020-06-02, 04:49 PM
Sorry, work has been more of a bear than I expected it to be as we are working towards reopening. I can start posting regularly on Friday but if that isn't fast enough, just NPC me until then.

2020-06-02, 07:28 PM
No worries, waiting for Weezpittle's description of wound or treasure loss.

2020-06-03, 03:17 PM
Weezpittle tries to duck oit of the way but return fire was too quick. The pointy stick in his shoulder really hurts... He gets to his feet and foolows the horde of shrieking brats. He plants his feet squarely in the tunnel, waves his magical stick around and squeaks at the top of his lungs...

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS and tries to magic them again..


2020-06-03, 08:01 PM
marginal success - things don't get worse

Weezpittle confronts a group of six Large People wearing chainmail or leather armor and carrying shields or torches and swords, except who has a braided beard and carries a big notched axe with both hands. They're swinging wildly at the brats, who are excitedly ducking and dodging and trying to bite them. One of them throws aside a bow and pulls out a short sharp stabby sword and practically leaps toward Weezpittle...

If you want to stand your ground you'll need to test Defiant, as well as any other trait you might use.

What's everyone else doing?

2020-06-04, 06:53 PM
Grabbing a brat that happens to be gnawing on my rag-like shoulder pad, I point to the bow tossed aside by one of these tall-folk. "Befl! See that? Treasure! Grab it and run quick! If no one catch you, then it your treasure! Get treasure, all you brats! Run!"

Defiant: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2020-06-05, 04:59 PM
ZigglePOP looks after her own.
Defiant [roll3][roll4]
Weezpittle throws his arms up. "i surrender. You want treasure?"

2020-06-05, 05:01 PM
Explosion Sneaky [roll0]
Defiant [roll1]

2020-06-06, 10:03 AM
In ... ter ... esting.

The non-violent approach seems to have worked here - somehow - I gotta figure out how a murderous band of adventurers will respond.

2020-06-11, 09:57 AM
There's a commotion and confusion among the invaders.

One of them has a strange symbol enameled on the chest of her breastplate. She's in the front, and she throws her arms wide to either side, nearly smacking one of her companions in the helmet with her great big sword.

She yells something at the other invaders and they all pause, looking at her. Then they start arguing with her. Weezpittle is ignored as the invaders turn toward each other, gesticulating angrily at the one with the symbol on her chest. She starts shouting back at them, waving her sword around for emphasis.

That's one off the threat clock: 1/8

2020-06-13, 12:44 AM
Weezpittle talks quietly to Fscribbedy. "Me pretend treasure in cave with big worm creature and take them there. You pretend you don't want me to tell them. Ok?."

Weezpittle gives Fscribbedy a push.In a louder vouce "If me tell them they leave tribe alone. Don't stop me."

2020-06-13, 05:45 AM
Lupi yawned and stretched. What was going on now? She had had a long rest and the goblins had managed to get in trouble again. Well that was nothing new. Longshanks it seemed. Well they broke just as easily as goblins. She approached the other goblins as they seemed to be dealing with these new invaders planning on joining the fun.

2020-06-13, 09:56 AM
The brats have not followed Fscribbedy's instructions as well as he had hoped. Instead of swarming the invaders and taking thing from them and scattering, one of them just grabbed a worthless stone and the rest chased after her. Bratless, in the face of danger. The relative silence is terrifying.

Fscribbedy listens to Weezpittle's plan with mounting horror. The finer points of deception and reverse psychology are completely lost on him. We have treasure in cavern crawler cave? And Weezpittle's just going to hand it over to Cheesyfeet killers? Fscribbedy begins continues to panic.

The tall ones seem distracted. Turned against each other? That gives a little time. Gotta act fast.

Running back toward toward the ledge and Lesser hall, Fscribbedy's shrill cry rings out: "Tall ones! Attacking! All goblins protect cavern crawler treasure! Come come!"

Defiant rally: [roll0][roll1][roll2]

2020-06-14, 03:56 AM
Weezpittle stares after the retreating goblin for a moment, mouth open. "but, but..." then sprints after him.

2020-06-14, 08:10 AM
What do Ick and Lupi do?

2020-06-17, 04:59 AM
Looks like Ick has dropped the game and I am going to drop as well. Life's been way too busy since work has restarted and I don't think I'll be able to give the game the proper attention it needs. It's been fun and thanks for running it Tibbius.

2020-06-17, 08:26 AM
Thank you all for playing! This was a LOT of fun.