View Full Version : April Fools Thread: Most Ridiculous D&D 6e Changes

2020-04-01, 11:21 AM
d20 system revised -- now you roll under the DC
New class: Ballet Dancer
New subrace: Garden Gnome
Introduction of new Ability: Chutzpah
Spell slots are now a physical thing on spellcasters. Casting a spell involves inserting the material component into the slot. Dingy-ding-ding sounds are optional.

2020-04-01, 11:22 AM
6E is a clone of 4E

2020-04-01, 11:27 AM
There are four classes:
and Edge

Attack gets hitpoints and damage
Spell gets utility and big damage
Heal heals. Nothing else. Also you have to be female.
Edge is an anti-hero that no-one understands and has abilities linked to their dark backstory, also they've been an orphan since before they were born

2020-04-01, 11:30 AM
You start at level 20 and get more powerful as you go down in level. Most campaigns never see level 5, let alone level 1.

2020-04-01, 11:37 AM
Healing Spirit only heals 1+your spellcasting MOD d6 then disappears :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-01, 11:43 AM
All conflicts resolved with rock/paper/scissors in the game world.

2020-04-01, 11:52 AM
6E is confused with E6 and everything is based on only 6 levels; no high level magic and dragons never appear.

2020-04-01, 11:56 AM
New elf subrace: The Legolas

Racial feature: You can add your Proficiency Bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks when attempting to visually spot halflings. You have advantage on such rolls if said halflings are en route to Isengard.

2020-04-01, 11:57 AM
I wouldn't say no to a dancer subclass for a bard that's not about instruments at all, really...

A return of your race being your class, you only have the tools and abilities your race can give you.

2020-04-01, 12:07 PM
6e will have no spells in print. There will be some rough guidelines though in the DMG, telling you how to create spells for your players.

2020-04-01, 12:31 PM
As in 4e, the Feywild's underdark is called the Feydark and, I kid you not, the Shadowfell's underdark is called the Shadowdark.

Also, the Echo Planes now have counterparts for each elven subrace found on the Material, including:

high eladrin, or highest elves
wood eladrin, or woodstock elves
dark eladrin, or feydark elves
high shadarkai, or night elves
wood shadarkai, or how-do-trees-even-grow-here elves
dark shadarkai, or shadowdark elves, edgelordliest of all

2020-04-01, 12:34 PM
As in 4e, the Feywild's underdark is called the Feydark and, I kid you not, the Shadowfell's underdark is called the Shadowdark.

Every plane has a 'dark' shadow, including the shadow planes of other planes. In a staggering display of originality these are also simply called darks, so the Shadowdark's dark shadow plane is the Shadowdarkdark, the one under that is the Shadowdarkdarkdark, and so forth. Experienced planar travelers shorthand these as, for example, 'SD4' - the fourth layer shadow plane underneath the Shadowfell.

(It's turtles all the way down.)

2020-04-01, 12:42 PM
Character creation is abridged from FATAL rules.

2020-04-01, 01:15 PM
The most common roll is no longer on the d20, but instead the d20.5

Joe the Rat
2020-04-01, 01:21 PM
In addition to battle map and theatre of the mind, rules are provided for hand puppets.

2020-04-01, 01:25 PM
The PHB contains lies about how mechanics actually resolve. The true rules are all in the DMG and have consequences akin to Paranoia.

Including that spellcasting is actually a self-deception and spells do nothing. Also, spellcasting is treason. (PCs are not to know this before the game begins.)

2020-04-01, 01:31 PM
The THAC0 model is back, but only for classes with full spellcasting progression (half casters will alternate between THAC0 and the 5e model every other attack).

2020-04-01, 01:35 PM
It was a bold move by Hasbro, but it paid off. “Plane Shift: Cybertron“ has become the most popular D&D supplement yet.

They also expanded on the paladin's code since it was so popular, and wrote up new, mandatory codes for all classes and subclasses to follow.

2020-04-01, 01:39 PM
6e will have no spells in print. There will be some rough guidelines though in the DMG, telling you how to create spells for your players.

I see what you did there.

Very sly.

2020-04-01, 01:39 PM
Elminster turned out to be the founding father of the Zhentarim, the Harpers are just a front for their supersecret "foreign affairs directorate" spy network within a spy network that is hiding in plain sight. Low ranked Harpers don't know this and are unknowing pawns for Zhentarim.

The top brass awards medals weekly for 'tool of the month', which go to those Harpers that have unwittingly taken the most destabilising action that month. They think they're employee of the month.

2020-04-01, 01:44 PM
Learning two lessons from 4e, 6e will be balanced by making every class a vancian caster. The "longsword" cantrip is a strength-based spell. "Weapons" are just spell focus items.

2020-04-01, 01:55 PM
Learning two lessons from 4e, 6e will be balanced by making every class a vancian caster. The "longsword" cantrip is a strength-based spell. "Weapons" are just spell focus items.

"I cast fist."

2020-04-01, 02:04 PM
Players must now physically acquire the spell components that their casters need and bring them to the game. If you want your wizard to cast Fireball, you have to bring some bat guano to your game, and Revivify and other resurrection spells have now become extremely expensive.

2020-04-01, 02:17 PM
Players must now physically acquire the spell components that their casters need and bring them to the game. If you want your wizard to cast Fireball, you have to bring some bat guano to your game, and Revivify and other resurrection spells have now become extremely expensive.

I guess that’s one way to make the players fear PC death

2020-04-01, 02:51 PM
To pass stength checks, you must defeat your DM in a real life contest of strength, sleight of hand checks require you to either beat them in a thumb war or steal their wallet and attacks require you to punch your DM in the face. If your DM loses consciousness during any of these challenges, it counts as a nat 20.

2020-04-01, 03:39 PM
To pass stength checks, you must defeat your DM in a real life contest of strength, sleight of hand checks require you to either beat them in a thumb war or steal their wallet and attacks require you to punch your DM in the face. If your DM loses consciousness during any of these challenges, it counts as a nat 20.
Yeah, but word is that the Dungeon Master's Gear (DMG) includes power armor, while the Players Hand Bag only has a cannister of pepper spray labeled (of course) "Mace," and a set of brass knuckles.

2020-04-01, 03:50 PM
Players must now physically acquire the spell components that their casters need and bring them to the game. If you want your wizard to cast Fireball, you have to bring some bat guano to your game, and Revivify and other resurrection spells have now become extremely expensive.

This is brilliant.

In 6e, they bring back the rules that only martial types can benefit from high Strength & Constitution.

2020-04-01, 04:44 PM
6e actually existing.

2020-04-01, 05:11 PM
After complaints of too much randomness in 5e, randomness has been completely eliminated and replaced entirely with passive scores. When combat starts, the players all break for lunch while the DM calculates whether the party wins or loses.

However, after this becomes unpopular, they return to randomness in 7e by adding "Dice Dice": dice you roll to determine how many and what size of dice to roll for every situation.

2020-04-01, 05:14 PM
In 6E Kender will be their own playable race

There will no longer be spell schools in 6E, instead the game will move to the five Magic:the Gathering colours of mana instead

In 6E the game will designed with electronic support in mind; there will be a downloadble app to perform the simulations

6E will no longer use a class structure but will instead use a point buy attribute system and feats

6E will support microtransactions; you can purchase cards from WotC that entitle you to one reroll each.

2020-04-01, 06:05 PM
Hasbro has bought the White Wolf IP. D&D 6e will now be split into different games, depending on the class you want to play.

Barbarian: The Calamity
Bard: The Inspiration
Cleric: The Divinity
Druid: The Wilderness
Fighter: The Tactics
Monk: The Flow
Paladin: The Righteousness
Ranger: The Hunt
Rogue: The Shadow
Sorcerer: The Chaos
Warlock: The Servitude
Wizard: The Weave

Each game has its own set of rules, 90% compatible with the other ones. That 10% will give you fits.

Lord Raziere
2020-04-01, 07:48 PM
Fighter and rogue no longer exist, half casters have been nerfed to not have casting, full casters have been buffed to literally be omnipotent with a freeform casting system.

alignment has been expanded upon and made more exact so now there are 81 alignments to nail down exactly what degree of evil/good and lawful/chaotic you are.

all bags of holding now destroy whatever is put into them.

All player races have been replaced with many varieties of elves. Every single of them believes that they are the superior elf compared to other elves.

2020-04-01, 08:01 PM
6e: The worst possible edition.
Extreme Classification of everything, and using them all. like Elf, Dragon, Magical, Metallivore, Mutant, Edible, Created by Item.
Weird Rules for stuff like decorating buildings and romance, and opening portals.
Weird Magic Item requirements like Vegetarian, Illiterate, Can only be Undead to use.
Unnecesarry Retcons of existing lore.
Just overcomplicated, and unfun, but also overlimiting, only letting players choose from a few options.
Bad combat and roleplay rules.
Ruining poular things from previous editions. Weird rules for spellcasters that make it hard to play them. Weird weapon rules that involve areas of effect.
reused THAC0
Involves phones to play.
Uses memberships to acess the full version.
Bad prewritten adventures.
Bad rules for making your own adventures.

Ogre Mage
2020-04-01, 08:33 PM
They split the Players Handbook into three volumes. The first has the game rules. The second has races, classes and backgrounds. The third book has the equipment and spells. Each volume costs $139.99. You can get the special collectors edition which costs $199.99 per volume. The Dungeon Masters Guide and Monster Manual are subscription only online services which cost $49.99 per month each. If you get both you will get a special discount of $89.99 per month for the pair.

2020-04-01, 08:36 PM
6E is a clone of 4E

5e already has a lot of 4e in it and could be considered a clone.

Yeah, 5e looks like 3e but has a loooooot of 4e. No joke.


Crazy 6e changes would be to go back to THAC0.

2020-04-01, 08:41 PM
Hasbro has bought the White Wolf IP. D&D 6e will now be split into different games, depending on the class you want to play.

Barbarian: The Calamity
Bard: The Inspiration
Cleric: The Divinity
Druid: The Wilderness
Fighter: The Tactics
Monk: The Flow
Paladin: The Righteousness
Ranger: The Hunt
Rogue: The Shadow
Sorcerer: The Chaos
Warlock: The Servitude
Wizard: The Weave

Each game has its own set of rules, 90% compatible with the other ones. That 10% will give you fits. *golf clap*
Grinned, I did.

to answer the OP:
D&D 6e will no longer have a DM. The DM will be some kind of AI.
There will only be players.
The game will only be playable on line, or, at cons with a machine set up to be the DM.

Anyone who pulls the plug on the machine will be banned from AL.

2020-04-01, 09:29 PM
All AoE spells center on the caster, who does not have resistance.

T.G. Oskar
2020-04-01, 09:47 PM
Alignment: Not only do you have your traditional alignment, but also Nature and Demeanor. Nature is how you really behave, Demeanor is how you present to everybody. So you can be a Lawful Good, Kind nature, Sarcastic demeanor guy who's a jerk with a heart of gold, or a Chaotic Evil, Insecure nature, Sophisticated demeanor that acts all suave and posh to everyone, but when they get into its nerves, it goes mad.. Personality traits are defined by alignment, nature and demeanor.

Races: No longer exist, at least until the Eberron Campaign Setting Player's Handbook arrived. Everyone's a Human, which gets +1 to all stats, a free skill proficiency, a free weapon proficiency, a free feat and "Edge points" to allow you rerolls per day. You can instead choose an Ancestry, which changes everything and gives you a unique ancestry power plus unique ancestry feats. Then came Warforged and became a new "race". Way to go, WotC!

Classes: Only four classes - Fighter, Priest, Rogue, Mage. (Yes, mage!) No multiclassing - instead, you can choose to dual-class, which gives you the best traits of both classes but imposes a 25% penalty to XP gained to "balance". Previous classes are now archetypes: Barbarian is now an archetype of the Fighter, Cleric and Druid are archetypes of the Priest, and Sorcerer and Warlock are archetypes of the Mage. Fighter also gets Cavalier, Samurai and Duelist; Rogue gets Assassin, Battle Dancer, Investigator, Ninja, Scout, Swashbuckler, Thief, Thief-Acrobat and Phantom Thief (the difference between the three is that the Thief-Acrobat gets acrobatic skills and the Phantom Thief gets the most broken ability in the game, Steal Everything And Look Cool While At It); Priest also gets Shaman, Shugenja, Oracle and Blessed, and Mage gets Alchemist and Wu Jen. Bards, Paladins and Rangers are now dual-class archetypes (Rogue/Mage, Fighter/Priest and Fighter/Rogue/Mage/Priest for the Ranger, but only if the DM authorizes the Ranger). New dual-class archetypes include the Artificer (Rogue/Mage), Inquisitor (Rogue/Priest), Swordmagus (Fighter/Mage), Warmagus (Fighter/Mage) and Thaumaturge (Priest/Mage). Tome of Psionics Expanded: Book of Six Disciplines finally added a new class: the Psychicer, and new archetypes for it.

Feats: You get one feat every level. You have General Feats, Combat Feats, Weapon Style Feats, Ancestry Feats, Class Feats, Metamagic Feats, Dual-Class Feats, Alignment Feats, Nature Feats, Demeanor Feats, Edge Feats, DM Feats and even Hasbro Feats, which are only accessible if you purchase Hasbro material. I heard this led to a resurgence in My Little Pony purchases, because you can get ponies as companions with Hasbro Feats. Oh, and Hasbro Feats are always bonus feats, as long as you have the physical card on it.

Spells: They're not on the Player's Handbook. The DMG has a section for reference. Instead, all the spells are on cards. The class only tells you how many cards you can have equipped on the character, but to use the spell more than once, you need more than one copy of the card. Oh, and 6th level and higher cards? They're one-use only. Though people get to keep them and use the houserule of "1/complete bed rest". Oh, and a ton of spells became rituals. Which you have to purchase separately, but as long as you have the Ritual Caster feat, you can use them regardless of class. I like that one, actually.

Techniques: This is new to the game. Fighters now get techniques, which work almost exactly as spells, except you only need one card to use them, and as long as you have the card, you can use it every time. It's a fun system, actually, since the DM has cards that can use to counteract the techniques you use. 9th level techniques are insane, however - one of them acts like Unlimited Blade Works, and another like Dragon Ball Super Heroes Z Goku's Avatar of Absolute Kai form, where you get to use one Wish per encounter (Wish, which is a ritual now) without restrictions.

Equipment: You get a modular system which allows you to construct every weapon imaginable. There's a small list of "popular" weapons, but some people have invented some truly glorious things. Armor no longer increases AC, but rather grants damage resistance based on the attack you deliver. Shields do deliver AC, but you need to spend an Action to Raise your Shield to use it.

Combat: Not many changes. You get one Move action, one Swift action, one Bonus action, one Reaction action, one Disco Disco action (I think that's only in the Hebrew version?), one Set action and one Action action. You roll a d20, then compare it to this table that determines whether you hit or not. Saving throws are now also separate for everything, and you need another table for it. Oh, and you can have only one henchman, one "companion" (which includes animal companions, familiars, special mounts, homunculus, servitor constructs and husbands/wives), one mentor and one ancestral spirit in play - no less, no more. You can have an army, though. By 10th level, the system becomes a unit-based one, where you gain the new Command Army action. And on a victory, you're given the Victory Pose action, which you choose from a variety of poses in order to gain bonuses to XP and gold and even increased chance of magic items in combat.

I could keep speaking, but I heard today April 1st will see the release of Advanced D&D Essentials version - Electric Boogaloo. So...basically this is subject to change?

2020-04-01, 11:20 PM
To pass stength checks, you must defeat your DM

I read that as "To pass stench checks"

2020-04-01, 11:31 PM
To pass stength checks, you must defeat your DM
When you succeed on an attack roll against a monster, you get to punch your DM in the face. When a monster succeeds on an attack roll against a PC, the DM gets to punch that player in the face.

There are no hit points.

2020-04-01, 11:48 PM
I read that as "To pass stench checks"

I play Super Smash Brothers, I must have advantage!

(Side note: I'm actually a really clean guy and somewhat of a germ-phobic person... Smash tournaments are terrible).

Witty Username
2020-04-02, 12:04 AM
OotS is the default campaign setting.

Action Surge has been renamed "Once More, With Feeling!"

2020-04-02, 12:43 AM
OotS is the default campaign setting.

Action Surge has been renamed "Once More, With Feeling!"

I would be entirely okay with that.

2020-04-02, 12:43 AM
Casting has been deemed unfair. Now all you get if you choose a spellcasting class is a swift kick in the groin from everyone else at the table. Martials still aren't the classes people want them to be, but it's ok because casting is worse now.

2020-04-02, 04:18 AM
Can we continue this? I'm gonna continue

Jeremy Crawford wrote all the rules, then forgot what he wrote and then made a whole new set of rules then put them all in the PHB. He then wrote the DMG, which has an entirely new set of rules. All the rules disagree and abandon all common sense.

To resolve a dispute over the rules, you roll a d1. On a result of a 1, the DM is right.

Players have begun to bring d1's that have the number 2 on them to games.

As well, rather than set DCs, every DC is 20 and the DM chooses what die you roll. Many a player has argued that the number on the d6 was, in fact, a 7.
When you roll a 1 you die instantly, and on a roll of 20, you become a level 20 character.

When a player rolls a 1, they are allowed to say 11 its 11! in a rushed voice, that sounds like they're clearly cheating to everyone but the half-awake DM. Other players may pressure them into stopping the joke, as it isnt really funny.

2020-04-02, 05:46 AM
Can we continue this? I'm gonna continue

Jeremy Crawford wrote all the rules, then forgot what he wrote and then made a whole new set of rules then put them all in the PHB. He then wrote the DMG, which has an entirely new set of rules. All the rules disagree and abandon all common sense.

To resolve a dispute over the rules, you roll a d1. On a result of a 1, the DM is right.

So far this sounds like 5e.

2020-04-02, 11:13 AM
So far this sounds like 5e.

In 5e the books are one set of rules and what JC thinks the rules are are another.

As well, in 5e the DM will say 'I'm the DM and I've made this ruling' and the players will flip the table and accuse them of being a bias ugly frog-mouthed wart and the worst DM ever for not completely ignoring the rules so they can use the 'sled' (sleigh, they're different things you ignorants) as a tobaggan to jump over acid when they could just walk round it

2020-04-02, 11:31 AM
There will be 13 quantities of Rest, ranging from 3 seconds to 3 months, which won't be balanced against each other, nor against encounter balance, nor the two Special Classes That Do It Differently.

The encounter balance problem will be solved by saying "encounter balance depends on a lot of factors, such as terrain available, enemy tactics, player tactics, other objectives, whether Chris actually showed up this session and whether Dave was paying attention to the fight or wandering off to try to read the snake cult's glyphs again, and we can't possibly account for all that, so....throw some monsters at them and see what works. Encounter balance isn't all that important anyway. Defeat can be just as interesting as victory. You just have to figure out why none of the death cultists, monsters, carnivores, etc, actually want to kill your heroes at all ever, but that's hardly our problem."

Joe the Rat
2020-04-03, 11:49 AM
Having discovered the Forgotten Realms IP is the phylactery that makes Ed Greenwood immortal, the base setting is moved to Masque of the Red Death

2020-04-03, 01:22 PM
Having discovered the Forgotten Realms IP is the phylactery that makes Ed Greenwood immortal, the base setting is moved to Masque of the Red Death

And the majority of Unearthed Arcana is stuff for the new campaign settings, DisneyWorld and Discworld (known as the D&D settings). Fans create crazy theories that point towards Wizards releasing an adventure set in SeaWorld, called Dungeons & Dolphins

2020-04-04, 01:45 PM
In an effort to bring back the focus on dragons (it's in the name!), all PC races are now dragon.

2020-04-04, 02:22 PM
In an effort to bring back the focus on dragons (it's in the name!), all PC races are now dragon.I see. So the playable races are:

koopaling (dragon tortle)
yuan-shi (chinese-dragon folk)

2020-04-04, 02:36 PM
I see. So the playable races are:

koopaling (dragon tortle)
yuan-shi (chinese-dragon folk)

Don't forget the dragon elves! They're just elves but dragons.

2020-04-04, 03:00 PM
Important adjustments to 6e:

Dice are no longer required. Instead, a deck of tarot cards are used for most checks, anything that formerly required a d20 is now decided using a Magic 8 ball, with the Ball deciding the DC first and then the outcome.

Crits are copied from pathfinder, where a maximum roll is considered a "Critical Threat", and you remove your tarot card from the deck. At this point you may draw again, if it is also maximum, the crit is successful and the monster dies.

Fighters get double proficiency progression, ending at a 12 proficiency bonus at max level (level 12)

Critical hits are the only way to deal a finishing blow to creatures above CR3.

2020-04-04, 04:16 PM
As a result of marketplace competition, 6e now uses the d12 standard.

2020-04-04, 04:21 PM
The importance of stats has increased further: you don't even have a proficiency bonus or skill ranks to represent your training anymore, if your character's natural talent doesn't cover it, you suck at it. Bonuses range from a -100 for a score of 3 to +15,000 for a score of 20

You do still have proficiencies, however, and they're both static and binary. If you don't have proficiency with something, you can't use it at all. You never gain more than you start with. Also, everything has a proficiency. Including "drinking water from a cup" (which is not the same as "drinking water from a waterskin").

2020-04-04, 04:25 PM
Critical hits no longer deal extra damage. Instead, they assess the target creature and pass judgement on it. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw or be humiliated until the end of its next turn.

Also added to the game are passive-aggressive hits, apologetic hits, and gaslighting hits.

2020-04-04, 04:35 PM
- Only two core books, both of which are about half the size of the 5e DMG
- 12 levels instead of the traditional 20, and 5 spell levels instead of 9 (not counting cantrips)
- The four of the six sacred cows have been changed, now we have Physique, Dexterity, Acumen, Intuiution, Charisma and Discipline.
- saving throws are back to fort/ref/will but are each a combination of two stats
- Initiative is also a combination of two stats
- The corebook classes are the same but the wizard is now the mage and the fighter now the warlord, and all classes pick subclass at level 2
- All classes are spellcasters. There are two each of one quarter, one third, one half, two thirds, three quarters and full casters
- ASIs have been split from feats and are gained every third level starting at 2nd and 3rd respectively. There are also talents which are like noncombat feats and come every third level starting at 1st.
- All spells come in chains that make more extensive use of upcasting to better follow thematics
- There are only three spell lists based on power source: 'Learned', 'Granted' and 'Innate'
- Skill list is now Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Brawn, Concentration, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Leadership, Lore, Medicine, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival and Thievery

Edit: Wait i forgot my favourite part, vehicle (including naval) and mass combat are both really good and included in the DM corebook!

2020-04-04, 06:44 PM
- Only two core books, both of which are about half the size of the 5e DMG
- 12 levels instead of the traditional 20, and 5 spell levels instead of 9 (not counting cantrips)
- The four of the six sacred cows have been changed, now we have Physique, Dexterity, Acumen, Intuiution, Charisma and Discipline.
- saving throws are back to fort/ref/will but are each a combination of two stats
- Initiative is also a combination of two stats
- The corebook classes are the same but the wizard is now the mage and the fighter now the warlord, and all classes pick subclass at level 2
- All classes are spellcasters. There are two each of one quarter, one third, one half, two thirds, three quarters and full casters
- ASIs have been split from feats and are gained every third level starting at 2nd and 3rd respectively. There are also talents which are like noncombat feats and come every third level starting at 1st.
- All spells come in chains that make more extensive use of upcasting to better follow thematics
- There are only three spell lists based on power source: 'Learned', 'Granted' and 'Innate'
- Skill list is now Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Brawn, Concentration, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Leadership, Lore, Medicine, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival and Thievery

Edit: Wait i forgot my favourite part, vehicle (including naval) and mass combat are both really good and included in the DM corebook!

Pretty interesting indie rpg you got here, Kane0

Speaking of which, 6e will be crowd-funded. Because why should a big company pay to make their own product, when fans can do it? Excess money goes towards plating Hasbro's corporate office in gold

2020-04-04, 07:49 PM
Pretty interesting indie rpg you got here, Kane0

Speaking of which, 6e will be crowd-funded. Because why should a big company pay to make their own product, when fans can do it? Excess money goes towards plating Hasbro's corporate office in gold

Cabin fever does strange things to a man

Your information is slightly off, the gold plating is for the second yacht, as the first one is getting a special electrum blend.

2020-04-05, 09:35 AM
This thread is 10/10

My top picks that had me laughing so hard I work up my roommates:

There are four classes:
and Edge

6e will have no spells in print. There will be some rough guidelines though in the DMG, telling you how to create spells for your players.

To pass stength checks, you must defeat your DM in a real life contest of strength, sleight of hand checks require you to either beat them in a thumb war or steal their wallet and attacks require you to punch your DM in the face. If your DM loses consciousness during any of these challenges, it counts as a nat 20.

2020-04-05, 12:11 PM
Every skill will have a DC table in the PHB, and each table will have 5 examples of uses for every number 0 to 30. As an example, for the climbing skill "tree" will be a benchmark and each DC number will have its own species of tree. The DMG will have 5 more examples for each DC of every skill. Further splatbooks the same. They can't account for everything, but they will try.

2020-04-06, 01:14 PM
As the edition is 6e, the cover art of the PHB will now feature an incubus and a nymph.

Pronounce "6e" out loud. Maybe say, "She's so 6e."

2020-04-06, 02:35 PM
I wouldn't say no to a dancer subclass for a bard that's not about instruments at all, really...Yeah, the only real problem with this would be the insufferable number of River Tam clones - so everyone would have to get their own River Tam PC into play early before they become too common to stomach anymore.

2020-04-06, 02:36 PM
It changes from d20 to a 2d20 system - because that means it's 1d20 better!

2020-04-06, 03:33 PM
6e will have no spells in print. There will be some rough guidelines though in the DMG, telling you how to create spells for your players.
This sounds like a reference, and i'm not captain America here. Could you fill me in? (Because that doesn't sound half bad, depending....)

2020-04-06, 03:51 PM
This sounds like a reference, and i'm not captain America here. Could you fill me in? (Because that doesn't sound half bad, depending....)

It's a reference to an occasionally-repeated issue several of us on this board have with how the DMG doesn't actually close the loop on skill DCs by giving any actual examples. It just says that "hard things are DC 20," with no means of telling what constitutes something "hard" to do.

So, by extension, applying this to spells would mean "powerful spells are 7th level or higher" is all the guidance given for how to create your own spells for PC spellcasters to cast.

2020-04-06, 03:58 PM
It's a reference to an occasionally-repeated issue several of us on this board have with how the DMG doesn't actually close the loop on skill DCs by giving any actual examples. It just says that "hard things are DC 20," with no means of telling what constitutes something "hard" to do.

So, by extension, applying this to spells would mean "powerful spells are 7th level or higher" is all the guidance given for how to create your own spells for PC spellcasters to cast.

If it were like the skill system it would give you the spells and just not assign levels to them. Then it would rely on you to make a common sense decision that works for your table.

2020-04-06, 04:02 PM
If it were like the skill system it would give you the spells and just not assign levels to them. Then it would rely on you to make a common sense decision that works for your table.

Not going to argue this point in this thread; it was asked what the joke about 6e was referencing, and I answered.

2020-04-06, 04:05 PM
Not going to argue this point in this thread; it was asked what the joke about 6e was referencing, and I answered.

Apologies. It's not really the purpose of this thread

2020-04-06, 04:08 PM
Deleted. 10char

2020-04-06, 04:10 PM
As the edition is 6e, the cover art of the PHB will now feature an incubus and a nymph.

If the world we live in wasn’t so insufferably politically correct 6e would sell like wildfire, especially right now if there was a downloadable option and integrated online-play.

Lord Raziere
2020-04-06, 04:22 PM
If the world we live in wasn’t so insufferably politically correct 6e would sell like wildfire, especially right now if there was a downloadable option and integrated online-play.

Yeah, we'd want both Succubus and a satyr to balance it out and absolutely no clothes on any of the four so as to not offend succubus, satyr or nymph culture by imposing our nudity taboo on any of them. :smalltongue:

Witty Username
2020-04-06, 09:02 PM
New magic item economy, complete with a global exchange rate covering every continent for the default setting.

2020-04-06, 09:52 PM
New Character sheet is a Blank piece of paper with "Your Character" at the top.

"In order to make the game easier for new players and DM's alike, we have eliminated the use of dice." (I have played in 2 different TTRPGS that used no dice or randomness... it was odd.)

To build a character do the following:

1: Pick a race - no racial traits because that is racist
2: Pick a background - Pick whatever you want, you won't actually use it.
3: Class: Only 3 classes:
Rich, Middle, Poor.
Rich get it all but are hated and have to roll on the "they be crazy" chart.
Middle get just enough because the other two classes take most of it. Rolls on the "ticking timebomb" chart
Low gets almost nothing but gets ignored until election year. Rolls on the "well, crap" chart
4: For all spells and abilities reference M:tG cards, because that is where the money is.