View Full Version : DOD - Traitor's Gambit

2020-04-02, 09:25 AM
Episode I


It is a dark time for the galaxy.
The evil Galactic Empire has spread
from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and
everywhere the Empire’s tyrant grip can be felt…

Fleeing from the oppression
of the Emperor’s minions, agents
of Senator Bail Organa have fled to a
remote space station above Brentaal. Known
to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa maybe
the last best hope of freedom in an increasing dark galaxy…

In the hopes of stopping these disinters
before they can reach the Senator, the Empire has
alerted its’ forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for
liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn…

2020-04-02, 10:03 AM
Seemingly motionless among a sea of starships and satellites above the twinkling world of Brentaal, Sel Zonn Station grows larger in your view every second. A central pylon forms the bulk of the station’s mass, and three landing platforms leading to docking bays extend from the central section, equidistant from one another and jutting out into space. The dorsal side of the station features a disc-shaped secondary structure, on top of which blinking lights indicate the presence of a landing platform reserved for wealthy patrons.

https://i.ibb.co/L9JSx0Y/Sins-of-a-Solar-Empire-Rebellio-2015-02-26-00-11-05-86.png (https://imgbb.com/)

Each of you has arrived in similar ways over the last few days and now find yourselves wandering the Promenade (on the upper the central pylon of the station). The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce. Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the passersby, and a few Imperial Navy Troopers make their way down the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a leisurely pace.

Security is normally tight on the Promenade with Brentaal Planetary Security Force members (and the occasional Imperial Navy Troopers) are on hand at all times to maintain the peace. But unlike most other similar stations in the system, the security forces don’t harass the non-Humans citizens and thus there is fairly wide mix of them seen throughout. This does not mean that if an alien starts trouble they will be ignored and in fact getting ‘noticed’ by security is a good way to end up arrested.

Drawn to Gundark's Cantina, either by fate or the rumors of a member of a local resistant group against the Empire, a human woman by the name of Maya. Rumors have it that she has been making subtle inquiries about those ‘dissatisfied’ with the present state of Imperial rule and that those interested might want to contact her here… at Gundark's. The cantina itself is a large circular room with a good sized bar in the central and numerous tables and seating spiraling out from there (maybe 7 tables that could hold up to 4 people and 6 booths that can hold six-seven people each. The bar could seat at least a dozen). The lighting is a bit dim and air is thick with smoke and exotic smells and sounds.

The cantina is staffed with two humans behind the bar and three waiters (one human and two rodians) working the floor and taking orders. No one is preforming right now and the stage is empty with the lights there dimmed. There are maybe a score of patrons laughing, drinking, cursing or just sitting and drinking within. Those looking for Maya find her at a booth on the back wall facing the main entrance.

Go ahead and describe your character now. You have all made you way to the cantina and were either look for Maya or you have just arrive or you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and are sitting at a table or booth fairly close by.

NOTE that weapons are not allowed on the Promenade BUT you can fairly easily at least conceal a pistol on your person (so long as you don't draw any undo attention to yourself. The guards are not checking). If you have a carbine or rifle, etc. its’ in a paid secured storage locker down in one of Starport docks (would take you about 5-10 minutes to go and retrieve it).

Those who paid attention while arriving here noticed that there were two pairs of Brentaal Planetary Security Force personal stationed at the two main entrances into the Promenade. There were at last a dozen emergency exits also without anyone watching over them but they were ‘locked’ and an alarm would sound if they were accessed. All other doors lead into various shops and cantinas. Maybe two dozen or so beings wandering the Promenade (which could hold several hundred if need be); either shopping or selling tourist-like items within the open-area like bazaar, heading to one of the many shops or cantinas, or just site seeing (looking out one of the many large view ports).

Any character who did any homework before arriving on the station has gotten the basic Holonews info about the following…

Sel Zonn Station is one of over a dozen XQ2 Space Platforms in orbit around Brentaal. Manufactured by Bengel Shipbuilders, Sel Zonn Station is little more than a travel and cargo port, just like dozens others in orbit around the world. It is fairly busy with dozens of ships arriving and leaving every hour. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of other inhabited orbiting platforms spread throughout the Brentaal System, ranging from huge Shipyard manufacturing and repair facilities to individual dwelling satellites and old junk starships converted to living quarters.

The Empire has a presence here, as it does on all of the stations, but nothing noteworthy.

Brentaal IV, known more commonly as Brentaal, is the fourth planet in the Brentaal system of the Core Worlds' Bormea sector and one that occupied what was arguably the most valuable location in the entire galaxy: the intersection of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route, two of the galaxy's major hyperlanes. Brentaal had two moons and is located in the Ringali Shell, a string of star systems along the Perlemian that were near the Ringali Nebula. An arid world with warm and temperate weather, Brentaal featured two large polar caps and an equator marked by deserts and steaming oceans; most of the planet's available land is dominated by warehouses, cargo holding facilities, commerce exchanges, and other trade-related structures. Brentaal's capital of Cormond and its Trade Hall are the seat of power on the planet, with the hundreds of Brentaal Houses—the influential families that ran the planet's trade guilds—represented the citizens in Brentaal's democratic government.

Brentaal’s human population immigrate here thousands of years ago and they are still the dominate species on the planet (88% with a total population of 65 billion sentient beings). Its major exports are trade goods and financial services, its major imports are trade goods and foodstuff.

Advertise goods and services available on Sel Zonn Station are located on the public Promenade…
*Gundark's Cantina, named for owner "Gundark" Saff, a popular meeting place for both indigenous and transient members of the station's population.
*Dayten’s Cantina another fairly large cantina on the Promenade but not as popular as Gundark’s.
*Brentaal Exotic Dinning Experience: the largest restaurant on the Promenade specializing in traditional foods and tastes from Brentaal itself (and has an unwritten ‘Humans Only” policy).
*The Credit Chip, Cecil Vane's casino, offered sabacc and pazaak games.
*Delgas Medical Supplies: A corporate medical practice and pharmaceutical supplier. The chief doctor in the practice is Byra Fenn.
*Mechanical Allies: a droid repair and manufacturing shop, run by San.

There are more but these are the important one.

2020-04-02, 11:39 AM
A man with a familiar face sits in the booth of the Gundark's Cantina, head against the table and several empty cups and bottles around him. Dark bags hang under his eyes and a tired groan escapes his mouth. Pressing his palms to the table, the man pushes himself up, revealing several tattoo's common to soldiers of the Republic...at least when it Was the Republic. He wipes a hand over his eyes, shaking himself awake.

"Hey...HEy!" the man shouts to a nearby serving droid, raising an emptied glass "Veteran's Special? Need another drink here Clanka." The man says with a slur, utterly unaware that he was sitting only a single booth away from Maya.

This is Warren. Spending his hard-earned credits on one of the few things that can bring him some spark of joy into his life

2020-04-02, 12:38 PM
Hela has arrived at the cantina clad in a yellow dress, with a large collar and cut at both hips, along with pants and high boots - none of it fancy, but made from practical, thick materials that prevent has from standing out in a crowd of spacers. She's freshly showered, caffeinated, ready for her first meeting with real revolutionaries. But she's not stupid; she knows how to avoid suspicion, so she hangs around the bar for a little while before making her way over to Maya, leans against the booth with a sly smile and and a tilt of her head.

"I was about to call engineering and ask if there was a malfunction in the life support systems, but I'm starting to think that it was you who took my breath away. Can I buy you a drink?" she asks, hoping that her species will make it obvious that she's not happy with the Imperials around, or this could turn awkward very quickly.

2020-04-02, 01:32 PM
As K7-B9 track-wheeled its way a few steps behind its owner, it dawned on it that this was not going to be its moment to shine. As it heard Hela starting to flirt with the contact, its annoyance at being dragged and forced to witness this suboptimal exchange of information grew even more.

For now it would restrain itself from making a comment. While K7-B9 did not doubt that its owner was just as stupid as its predecessors, its delusions of grandeur (the probability that a former holocaster would be able to make a dent in the mighty Galactic Empire was on friendly terms with zero) were likely to create situations in which K7-B9's abilities would be put to better use than they had been in the past...

So while K7-B9 might have said "Let's cut all that crap and go straight to what you're both here for, i.e. get killed/captured/tortured by Stormtroopers in record time", it would stay around and see if a worthy challenge would appear. It did not see itself succeeding at being silent for very long.

2020-04-02, 04:42 PM
Zen walked through the Promenade with a sense of wonder. He had never been off-world for nearly two decades. As he gazed out the window, Brentaal seemed some small now. His stomach soon protested before he headed to the cantina. Luckily, what was left of his savings was plenty to get something to eat.

A young, auburn-haired human male walked through the entrance. He had old, blue lensed pilot goggles resting on his head, a field kit strapped to his back and a utility belt around his waist. His attire was a simple brown jacket and pants, with black gloves and boots.

He walked over to a table next to Maya and Warren's booths. He looked through the menu and when the waitress inevitably came to greet him, he smiled at them, "Hey, first time here, what do you recommend that's filling?"

2020-04-03, 10:16 AM
The ageing man, Gundark probably, brings Warren a Corellian Twister and says with a heavy accent "On the house. But after you should go home. Drunkness in the Promenade is an easy way to get under Imperial eye. Fast."

His tone is polite but has a fatherly assertiveness under it.


As Hela and K7 approached the young girl they quickly noticed that she was sweating pretty badly. And not just because she was nervous you notice because her left hand was clucking her right abdomen, mostly concealed by her flight jacket and beneath it you could see blood.

She smiles the best she can at you and answers "Sure. The view is pretty good from back here also. Join me and let's have a drink."

As the droid mentions Stormtroopers, the woman looks sternly at it.


"Baked Dru'um or fried Veg-meat" the Rodian girl says loud. In a lower voice, almost a whisper she adds "But I wouldn't recomend any of those. Go for the Toast, it's cheaper and made now."

She quickly regains her bored expression as if anything had passed.

All of you please make a Perception roll

2020-04-03, 10:40 AM
Hela quickly orders drinks for the pair of them, non-alcoholic, before returning to the table. As she's getting comfortable, she opens one of the pouches on her utility belt to discreetly offer the woman the contents of her medpac. She'd ask K7 to take a look, but she's never known the droid to be good with medicine.

"How's your day been?"

2020-04-03, 12:06 PM
Zen chuckled, "What's life without a little risk? I'll take the baked Dru'um please." He shrugged as the waitress took his menu, "Or a trip to the bathroom..." He had a fairly strong stomach and trained to push his limits. He has also trained to keep his wits about him at all times. Something had caught his interest.


2020-04-03, 12:34 PM
Warren groans, waving a hand before he grabs the new drink "Oh? What are they gonna do? Shoot me in the back?" He scoffs, putting the glass to his lips and downing it in one shot, before slamming the cup back down. He shakes his head, wincing from the burn. "I could care less what a couple of these Stormtroopers think." he almosts hisses in disgust as he speaks of the new imperial soldier. "I fought. I did my service. Best they can do is let an old soldier drink." he points to one of his tattoos, a series of numbers 327rh Star Corps! That what I served on. Medic! If I get drunk, I'll just..do a little thing to make myself less drunk...yea, that's how it works. Did it..hugh..plenty." he says through slurred words.

2020-04-03, 02:44 PM
"How's your day been?"

"I'm gonna go with 'not great' considering she's bleeding out in front of us, but you know, maybe that's just a normal day when you're going after the most formidable army in the history of the Galaxy."

If ever there was a time for bluntness, K7-B9 thought it was now. Then again, it always thought it was now.

"Hey lady!", it said to Maya, "Would you like me to go around quietly and ask if someone knows how to repair your leakage problem? You're gonna stain the carpet with motor oil."

2020-04-03, 03:10 PM
"I'm gonna go with 'not great' considering she's bleeding out in front of us, but you know, maybe that's just a normal day when you're going after the most formidable army in the history of the Galaxy."

If ever there was a time for bluntness, K7-B9 thought it was now. Then again, it always thought it was now.

"Hey lady!", it said to Maya, "Would you like me to go around quietly and ask if someone knows how to repair your leakage problem? You're gonna stain the carpet with motor oil.""Droid, shut up," Hela orders it quietly. "People do things for reasons that may not be immediately obvious to your binary brain. Start to trust that other people know their business or you're going to find your way back to a scrap heap before you become a liability. Have I made myself clear?"

2020-04-03, 03:52 PM
"Droid, shut up," Hela orders it quietly. "People do things for reasons that may not be immediately obvious to your binary brain. Start to trust that other people know their business or you're going to find your way back to a scrap heap before you become a liability. Have I made myself clear?"

Being scolded for speaking its mind felt like old times to K7-B9, but the owner had a point. It had been headed to the scrap heap and would be there if not for Hela's father... This did seem like a last chance before the junkyard, so best to try and be more protocoly.

"Sure boss. Just trying to be useful boss. Not the best at reading situations. Would you like some information about anything? I would repair her but she's a bit fleshy for me. Otherwise I'll be quiet."

2020-04-04, 01:35 PM
Cora wearing a flight suit and pants with her side arm holstered at her hip, having been on the station for a couple of days was enjoying a good meal and drink. Noticing the conversation with young girl, and a droid being scolded walks over to the group. Noticing the blood on the girls hand Might I be of assistance?

2020-04-04, 02:34 PM
As Cora and Hela gets settled and before any questions are asked, one of the rodian waitresses appears and asks anyone without a drink what they are having. After taking your orders she disappears as Maya says “Thanks for coming. I am in a bit of bind here and need your help.”

She clams up when the waitress returns with your drinks before continuing after she had left “Normally I would not be so forth coming with this, but well…” she then lifts her jacket and moves her hand a bit so that everyone can see the blast-burn shot wound on her right abdomen. The shot must have been fairly recent, as she has not done anything to treat it and it is bleeding (mostly a trickle right now but still open). One can’t walk around with a wound like that for too long before one falls down.

“I am going to have to trust you… I work for Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, I’m on his security detail. Not only was I coming here to meet up with you today, I also here to pick up some important cargo that has been shipped here from the Deep Core. It is vital that I recover this cargo and I'm suppose too be meeting a contact by the name of 'Switch' in Deep Cargo Bay V14 in less than an hour from now to pick it up. But I was jumped by a group of COMPNOR agents on the way here. While I got away but one of them gave me this little wound as a going away present.”

After taking a quick drink of some sparkling water, she continues, “I am not sure if I completely gave them the slip and I don’t know how they were on to me in the first place, but I can’t make it to the meeting now. I have a room one floor up at the Gentle Rests Hotel where I have some first aid supplies. Help me up there and go meet up with this Switch, get the cargo and we will get it off the station. The Senator is a good and generous man and he will see that if you do this you will make a difference and be rewards."

Just as Zen received is boiling plate he notices two humans, dressed his causal clothing and wearing dark trench coats, step out of the door on the stage. One of them was talking quietly into a short ranged comlink. The other staring at the group of people at the booth just past you with his hand inside his trench coat... about where a concealed hostler might sit. The man glanced down at Zen and gave him a hard look.

At the same time, Warren notices a group of three Imperial Navy Troopers armed with blaster carbines (pointed at the floor but still at the ready)… Maya muttered a curse "I think they found me..."

"Hopefully I will still be alive" Maya says with a smile to Cora as she tries to bandage her. Cora notices that Maya will need better work to recover.

Before she can stand, one of the civilians dressed in causally and the trench coat gets off the stage and starts moving towards the table where the Maya is sitting. He has a draw holdout blaster pistol in his hand, but it is pointed at the ground. The other one draws a holdout blaster and casually crosses his arms while watching Dakk...

The three Imperial Navy Troopers start moving into the cantina (and the heroes all notice an audible drop off in chatter from the other patrons and staff) "Nobody move!" the civilian man shouts as she does so. "You are all under arrest on suspension of crimes against the Empire" He is looking at everyone at the table but for some reason as he is raising his pistol it appears he points it around the room!

2020-04-04, 04:05 PM
https://i.ibb.co/n8TGG7x/m1.jpg (https://ibb.co/vvbFF30)

Red is Maya
Blue are PCs - Your initial is you
Green - Navy troopers
Black - Imperial agents

You can react. Before any kind of attack please roll initiative

2020-04-04, 04:08 PM
Hela rises from her seat when the situation, such as it is, becomes clear. She's not the bravest, not the boldest, and far from the kind of person most trusted by any lackey of the Empire. But someone needs her help, to escape if nothing else, and she's going to try her best to make sure that happens. If she seems like less of a threat for it...all the better.

"Pfft...I knew you'd get me someday," Hela says, grabbing her drink with one hand and slurring like someone who's very much drunk but is trying to hide it. In grabbing her drink, she loses her balance and stumbles against "Yeah, that's right...I's the one who did it, and I'd do it again, too!" She stumbles a little further, dragging K7 with her to draw the Imperial eyes away from Maya. "Stupid Emperor...if he didn't want ***** drawn on his posters he'd look less like a set of Wookiee nuts!" She cackles at her own joke and takes another sip of her drink that is definitely not alcoholic, but the Imperials don't know that. "Come on then, take me's in if you want...least you're not gonna get those folks headed tothe spaceport with the bom- Uhh. Ignore that. Nobody heard nothin', right?"

Basically, trying to convince them that Hela is an ego-inflated, but drunk, minor vandal and that there's a legit threat at the spaceport that should really have their attention.


2020-04-04, 04:20 PM
The agent looks at the Devaronian and smiles "Maya isn't alien scum! A traitor she might be but she is Human. I shot her myself."

"Now you will come with me! Breathing or not. Gundark would prefer if we didn't destroy his cantina."

The other Imperial Agent touches his ear and speaks into a hidden comlink "Gundark's Cantina. Some more guests"

2020-04-04, 04:27 PM
Warren growls, leaning back against his chair as he looks up at the two agents, knocking one of his shot glasses over. He seems..a bit more sober then he did a few minutes ago, now that there seems to be danger afoot. Must be that clone genetics "Hey!" he shouts to get there attention..but finds that there's already another drunk looking patron trying to take care of the situation. He sighs "Put that gun down before you accidentally shoot someone. Waving it around like that ain't making you look intimidating, it's showing your scared someone might tackle you from behind."

He looks over to the booth that Maya was sitting in..and notices her wound. "Huh, you need five men to drag in one injured girl? What, she drop one of you already? The new generation of troopers must really be...lacking."

2020-04-04, 04:32 PM
Zen couldn't help but take Warren's words as a hint. He spun off his seat in a reverse roundhouse, aimed for the informant's head. He was calling for back up and things already didn't look good, "Not exactly a tackle..."

Attack & Damage at Agent 2

And unless I don't say so, always assume I'm using Teras Kasi Training to lower their DT by 5.

2020-04-05, 01:56 AM
Well this was going south in a hurry. As the astromech standind in the way, it seemed self-evident that, while no one was going to shoot intentionally at the machine programmed not to harm anyone, K7-B9 was in a prime position to catch friendly, unfriendly or indifferent fire. So it thought about hiding in the corner, and wait to see how things turn out.

Except, taking a sober look at the situation, it realized that the Imperial Agents prevailing would be bad for it. First it would be thoroughly probed by Interrogation Droids to see if it had any valuable information, then it would be reduced to scrap metal just to be on the safe side as the authorities would want to make sure nothing was hidden inside its machinery.

So yeah, better to do its best to prevent that. Which still did not change the fact that it could not do much. But it could do some, and so said to Hela, as if it had no clue of what was happening: "You look a bit sick boss. I'll go and ask the bartender for a glass of water." And then, going on its merry way towards the bar, and seeing that a man in the corner was getting ready to attack one or the other agent, it ran into the agent that was blocking the way and, speaking at its highest volume, went into its best impression of "I'm a droid and I don't understand what is happening at all".

"Excuse me, my owner is feeling sick and I need to go get a glass of water."

I'm just trying to distract the agent into not noticing the fact that it is about to get kicked in the face by gently bumping into him as if I was trying to get to the main area.

2020-04-05, 03:47 AM
as a Swift Action Cora, drawing the weapon, aiming it at the man that claimed he shot the girl.

2020-04-05, 11:49 AM
The agent doesn't even look at the droid. continues to trail Maya in his sight.

Warren's turn
https://i.ibb.co/n8TGG7x/m1.jpg (https://ibb.co/vvbFF30)

2020-04-05, 12:25 PM
Warren shakes his head, starting to stand up from his booth. He sighs "Right, Right, See I'm a little drunk, and when I'm drunk, I tend to make bad decisions. SO I'm gonna say it again. Put your guns down and talk this through like normal people. One girl isn't worth fie men, especially when there already injured! Besides, your using lehtal force in a public place instead of stun? Is this your first arrest?"

Warren's just talking for now! TUrn

2020-04-06, 01:31 PM
As Warren teases the imperials, everything happens fast. Too fast!

Zen tackles the informant near him and Cora opens fire.

The shot leaves the gun and the super heated plasma shot passes near Zen' head and embeds itself in the smug imperial human skull, blasting it to bits.

There is blood, and the other costumers start backing and hidding.

Maya says loud enough to be heard above the ruckus “Please, help me there are credits in it for you, just help me!”

She kneels behind the table, trying to get some cover.

The remaining agent screams to his comlink "Send Backup", as he hides behind a column and fires at Cora.

Swift: Drop to the ground
Fight defensively

Move: 1down, 1 right
Standard: fire at Cora att: [roll0] dam: [roll1]
free: Speak

2020-04-06, 01:33 PM
The shot goes astray leaving a scorch mark in the wall near Cora.

Hela's turn

https://i.ibb.co/6w0tKGH/m2.png (https://ibb.co/jfkwCqy)

2020-04-06, 04:53 PM
Hela hastily places her glass down on the nearest table as her ruse is seen through. Perhaps all her time not spent around drunks has come to work against her.

"How many people do you think are going to die because of your bootlicking today, Imperial scum?" she asks, as she draws her pistol and ducks behind a nearby table, her glare focusing on one of the Navy members in particular.

Move action draw pistol, 5ft South (Behind table), Standard Action to use Revolutionary Rhetoric on whichever of the Navy folks is most uninjured. Persuasion vs their Will Defense. If I succeed, they can only take a Move and Swift actions.


2020-04-06, 05:46 PM
One of the troopers looks abashed by Hela's words. he moves his weapon but he doesn't shoot.

The other two, enter the room as if they have a point to prove. The blaster carbines spraying shots trying to make holes in the assembled crowd.

Trooper 3
Moves back

Trooper 1
Swift: change to autofire
Standard: att Hela and Warren: [roll0] dam [roll1]

Trooper 2
Swift: change to autofire
Standard: att Maya, RT and Cora: [roll2] dam [roll3]

2020-04-06, 05:55 PM
The first trooper shots graze Warren and Hela, but they don't connect. Maybe someday he could be a good stormtrooper - but not today.

The second naval trooper has more luck. Most of the shots miss but both Cora and the droid get singed by a the blasts.

Maya under the table has more luck, at least more than she was.

The informant screams "She has to be taken alive. Boss' orders!"

Cora and RT lose 6 hp.

Droid time.

https://i.ibb.co/hRhnWJR/m3.png (https://ibb.co/nsZVcNs)

2020-04-06, 06:11 PM
On Cora's Action
Dragging the girl with her 1 south to the table as part of the move action flipping the table on its side to serve as a shield.
aiming around the side of the table, flipping the switch on her pistol to autofire (swift action) targeting the area where the green 1 and black 1 are located.

Attack [roll0] takes no pen at short range
Damage [roll1]

2020-04-07, 01:13 AM
It did not feel pain, it did not feel fear, but it sure could be annoyed. So K7-B9 set his vocabulator to max and shouted to the troopers: "What are you morons doing? I'm an astromech droid. Do I look like I pose a threat? I am programmed not to hurt you or anyone else! Exercise your judgement, shoot at someone who has a gun in his hand and leave me alone."

And to emphasize this point, it moved away from all this nonsense and ran a system diagnostic. Not good, but it could still function.

K7-B9 gets as far as it can from the action (2 moves down, 2 moves left). Let me know if we're gonna stay here for one hour (I don't think so, but you never know), in which case it would try to repair itself.

2020-04-07, 05:20 AM
The droid moves away from its owner and settles near trying to hide.

I couldn't do 2 down, 2 left because you'd end up in Warren's space.
I did 3 down, 2 left
See if that's alright with you.

Warren's Turn

https://i.ibb.co/7Szp2x6/m4.png (https://ibb.co/wdLQMZx)

2020-04-07, 08:41 AM
https://i.ibb.co/WKc25Sn/m4.png (https://ibb.co/129mQHZ)

2020-04-07, 10:19 AM
Warren ducks down beneath the blaster bolt leveled at him. "Gh..Just remember. You shot first!" shouts warren as he runs to pick up the pistol that the now deceased Imperial agent, before diving into cover!

Moving to the corpse to grab his gun, and then taking cover behind that black square across from the other agent

2020-04-07, 10:41 AM
Warren picks the informant's Hold out pistol and hides behind the column.

https://i.ibb.co/yghKFgC/m5.png (https://ibb.co/zP8CVPg)

2020-04-07, 11:37 AM
Zen takes a deep, centering breath before zipping around the corner, between the two troopers. He stopped with a grounding stomp and his fist a mere inch from his target. With a Kiai, he blasted his first forward.

Two to the SE, between G1 & 2

Atk & Dmg G1

2020-04-07, 01:46 PM
Zen's fist crashes into the navy trooper armor. But the strenght was enough that the Imperial doubled and fell grasping his stomach, before blacking out completely.

Zen's Fist almost misses.

https://i.ibb.co/XCWv0qk/m6.png (https://ibb.co/2kFfVTY)

Cora's turn.

2020-04-08, 11:50 AM
The autofire spray vaporized the agent and the body of the already fallen trooper. The sounds leaving out of the cantina are high and several of the patrons hide behind the bar.

Maya follows Cora but then moves away from the remaining guards line of sight.

Hela's turn before the troopers are able to riposte.

https://i.ibb.co/QMGLWXR/m7.png (https://ibb.co/zZwp3NY)

2020-04-08, 12:13 PM
"I'm counting three so far! What do you think, was it worth it?" Hela asks the remaining troop, the one who's least hurt by the attack so far. She's not sure where all these people willing to fight for came from, but she's happy to take advantage of it.

Remember what happened last round? That's what's happening now. Hela is targeting the least injured trooper/enemy for Revolutionary Rhetoric.


2020-04-08, 12:36 PM
The Naval trooper cowers from Hela's words. He starts moving backwards "Reinforcements please. We're being massacrated here."

The other pressed by Zen's presence fires upon the martial artist.

attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2020-04-08, 12:39 PM
Zen screams as the blaster bolt burns his side, leaving a nasty looking gash.

https://i.ibb.co/Qc8rgjv/m7.png (https://ibb.co/H2NnSpT)

2020-04-08, 02:50 PM
On the one hand, things were looking up. The Imperials dropping like flies meant his chances to end on up in a landfill were dropping as well.

On the other hand, just like flies, you just had to swat one to have two materialize out of nowhere. If reinforcements arrived, even the amazing luck of Hela and her new friends might run out. Time for him to contribute.

K7-B9 moves to the body of the Imperial Informant, grabs its communicator and tries to hack into it to send a recurring counter-order on the request for reinforcements.

I'll make a Use Computer check and you'll let me know if I get anything for it.


2020-04-08, 03:32 PM
The droid uses the comunicator to scan the frequences and get access to the imperial comms .

He gets some static "... reinforcements getting geared an.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... more than 10 minutes... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... promenade on lockdown.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .... watching you on..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... "

Warren's turn

2020-04-08, 03:40 PM
on Cora's round 3 action
targeting green 3

swift action flip the pistol switch to Stun - not Autofire

Attack (1d20+4)[10] takes no pen at short range (rolled ooc probably a miss)
Damage [roll0] Stunning

When you make a successful Attack with a weapon that deals Stun Damage, subtract half of the Stun Damage from the target's Hit Points. Additional effects may occur as well, depending on the amount of Damage dealt:
If the Stun Damage reduces the target's current Hit Points to 0, the target moves -5 steps on the Condition Track and is knocked Unconscious.
If the Stun Damage (Before being halved) equals or exceeds the target's Damage Threshold, the target moves -2 steps on the Condition Track.
A creature knocked Unconscious by a Stunning effect does not die if it rolls a natural 1 on it's Constitution check to regain Consciousnesses or if it fails the check by 5 or more points. It simply remains Unconscious.

2020-04-08, 04:01 PM
Warren pokes out from behind cover, aiming the hold-out pistol at one of the Navy Trooper. It's..been a while since he's shot a blaster. He squeezes the trigger hard, and a streak of red light flies out of the barrel!

[roll0] Attack at Number 2 Trooper!


2020-04-08, 04:49 PM
The trooper falls hard with a thump, joining the other troopers on the floor.

Maya gets up wobbling and says "We can go to my room".

Out of combat. For now at least. Roleplay freely.

2020-04-08, 05:10 PM
Zen clutched his wound, "That... could've been worse." He took a moment to steady himself before following Maya.

Spending 3 swift actions to move up the CT.

2020-04-08, 05:22 PM
Warren frowns, seeing the trail of smoke coming from the hole he left in the troopers chest. "Never liked killing people." Warren says, dropping his blaster. He moves up to the navy troopers body, picking up the carbine and any spare power packs "SO this is an E-11? Hm." Warren looks to the others...he might get lumped in with them at this point, though his eyes look right to Maya and her wound. he shaeks his head, slinging the E-11 over his arm he walks over to Maya with a bottle of alchohal. "Put you arms up. usually blasters caus cauterization, but Hold out blasters have a low payload in them. So, they have a little extra force, can cause bleeding and if your not careful...infection. Especially if you keep rubbing your hand into it." He reaches into one of his belt puches, and pulls out a worn medpack. "When we get to your room, I can do better..if I have ten minutes or so." Without warning, he starts applying some bacta.


2020-04-09, 03:17 AM
K7-B9 felt the fleshbags needed some directions as to next steps, and took it upon itself to provide them with clear instructions: "We have a little bit more than 10 minutes before reinforcements arrive! Let's hide those corpses somewhere else so that they're confused when they get here. I'll take the communicator so that we stay one step ahead."

It was sure they were going to love being instructed by a droid.

K7-B9 takes the communicator and will try to improve its access to it with a new Use Computer check (I'll take ten so that I get an automatic 25 if that's sufficient).

Let's loot what we can?

2020-04-09, 08:24 AM
Hela leans against one of the booths to catch her breath once the initial fighting is over. She hasn't fired a shot, but five people are dead, and an ally is shot, and they have to get out of here before more Imperials show up. There's an entire station of them out there.

"Good idea, K7," she tells the droid as she moves over to Maya, to help her with walking should she need it.

2020-04-09, 09:46 AM
Cora wandering over to a nearby corpse, stripping it of its weapon's, powerpack's and code cylinder's, joining the others on the way to maya's room
once there.. Now then miss just why are they after you?

2020-04-09, 03:09 PM
Maya breathes better as Warren heals her. She says a thank you and seems to move better now. She answers Cora "I am a part of Senator Organa of Alderaan security detail. I'll tell you more on my apartment. Thank you all for the help. I would be dead now, and the Galaxy would be a worse place. I have information that is necessary for the good of all.”

Cora finds on the downed trooper a medpac besides an extra powerpack.

K7 stabilizes the connection further and "...reinforcements arriving quickly to the scene, almost at the promenade." says one voice through the channel. Another answers "Gun sled being ultimated. 8 minutes to deployment. Promenade on Lockdown. The suspects are still at Gundarks Cantina..."

2020-04-09, 03:50 PM
"We'd better get going then," Zen looked on at the dead troopers and sighed, shaking his head. He wasn't going to take anything off their corpses.

2020-04-09, 04:12 PM
Warren's brow crooks at the mention of Organa and what role Maya had "Organa? The Senator? If you're working for the senator then why are the Imperials after you?" The clone shakes his head "Thought I wouldn't have to protect another senator before I died. Yet, here I am. Fine then, let's get moving. The Imperials sound like they're gonna start another assault. I say we get to moving quickly or find a route through some service tunnels." He checks the his E-11, testing the sights "Either way, these Stormtroopers are about as effective as a bunch of clankers. They shot at me, so Im going to help you. let's get moving."

2020-04-10, 02:22 AM
Maya breathes better as Warren heals her. She says a thank you and seems to move better now. She answers Cora "I am a part of Senator Organa of Alderaan security detail. I'll tell you more on my apartment. Thank you all for the help. I would be dead now, and the Galaxy would be a worse place. I have information that is necessary for the good of all.”

"Information that is necessary for the good of all? Let's not exagerate... Anyway, let's hear it and get moving as fast as we can."

If the promenade was on lockdown, they were going to have to find another escape route. K7-B9 ransacked its memory for any information that could help in that respect.

Knowledge (Galactic Lore) roll: [roll0]
Knowledge (Physical Sciences) roll: [roll1]
Knowledge (Tactics) roll: [roll2]
Knowledge (Technology) roll: [roll3]

Not sure all those are useful but you never know.

2020-04-10, 03:20 PM
Checking the map from the station you know the way out of the promenade is through the Turbolift. There might be other kind of exits, maintenance or escape routes.

There is one Turbolift right in front of the Cantina (right most door on the map after the two crates).

There are also two computers near it.

2020-04-10, 05:00 PM
"Taking the turbolift would be misguided as wanted 'criminals'," Zen suggested. He looked at the computers knowing he had no training to rely on, "Maybe someone with some know-how could find what we're looking for."

2020-04-10, 05:09 PM
"K7, you're skilled with computers, aren't you?" Hela asks her droid. "Could you take a look, please?"

2020-04-10, 06:49 PM
Cora rushing over to the computers, (use computer to jam the lift [roll0], then find an alternative way out [roll1]) <knowledge (Technology) [roll2], gather information [roll3]>

2020-04-11, 02:11 AM
Warren starts to grab a few tables and chairs and flip them upward, creating some improvised cover "Yea, well, while you do that I'll just go ahead and make this place a bit more defendable ey? Rather not be killing Troopers while on retirement. Still, If there coming down the turbolift, expect company..and soon."

2020-04-11, 12:22 PM
Computers! Now that was music to the sensors of K7-B9. "Sure boss! I'll try to get us some sneaky way out of here. An empty turbolift wagon maybe? Or maybe I'll just stop the traffic and we'll walk on the tracks."


I'm looking for what K7-B9 was talking about, or any other quick way out to Deep Cargo Bay V14.

2020-04-12, 11:55 AM
Locking the Turbo lift requires a helpfull atitude of the computer.

I'll turn this into a cumulative skill challenge with a rating of CC=115. Each time you take the roll - first was 29, so now CC is 86.

Each time you roll a turn passes (so this is to know how may turns it takes the team to stop the lift).

Other team members might help (assist for a +2) or try to open the escape route (opening the maintenance hatch is a DC 15 Check).

In X turns the imperials will arrive.

The computer countermeasure starts in and countering programs strike your prying. It starts to get worse, but K7 has experience with Imperial countermeasures.

In the map you see a maintnance hatch in the floor near the computers.

2020-04-12, 12:58 PM
This was going to be a bit harder than planned. As K7-B9 started fighting the countermeasures on one end and kept on prying on the other, a strange exhilaration started to course through its circuits. This was hard, but this was something it could do with some effort. This was a worthy test of his abilities.

1st check: [roll0]
2nd check: [roll1]
3rd check: [roll2]
4th check: [roll3]
5th check: [roll4]

2020-04-14, 04:38 PM
The action unfolds quickly. As the dynamic duo of Cora and K7 trailblazed the computers, Warren was able to dislodge the heavy grates and the six of you escapaed through the maintenance shaft into tunels that eventualy led to Maya's apartment.

One hour after, the small apartment door opens and the inside sports a bed, a small kitchen and table with two seats. You feel a bit confined in the space but is better than having to dodge and escape Imperial troopers.

Maya, sits on the bed, but her pain is still visible.

"Now is the time for questions. And after we have to search for Deep Storage bay V14 and Switch."

2020-04-14, 05:05 PM
Warren does his part kicking the grating out and crawling behind, tucking the carbine into his chest as he crawls "Here I was hoping for a drink" he grumbles to himself.

As they pop out and head into Maya's apartment, Warren looks around, making sure there's no danger. "Okay..so..What the hell is happening? What is in the bay, and why are Imperials chasing after you, a member of Senator Organa's security detail. Shouldnt he have some political immunity?"

2020-04-15, 12:21 AM
Some people might have thought the clone could have been more polite. K7-B9 was not one of those people, and not just because it was not part of the "people". This girl had just escaped a memory wipe-scrapheap trip combo by the barrest of margins, because she that just happened to meet a group that was both friendly and able to fight and able to hack computers. She was the luckiest moron K7-B9 had ever met.

Mechanics Check! Self-repairing the damage taken during the shootout.


2020-04-15, 05:58 AM
Once inside Maya's room, looking around for a computer to access, Miss maya does your terminal have full access?

2020-04-15, 04:38 PM
Answering Cora, Maya says "It's Maya. Don't do that miss stuff. Yeah the computer has access to the station grid."

Turning to Warren "you have caff on the counter if you want. I'm afraid I dont have anything... Stronger. I could use some too."

Grasping her side as she takes a deep breath she continues "Senator Organa has immunity. Well, as much immunity as one can have these days. I don't know if you have seen the Holonews, but there are a lot of political criminals sent to the Kessel mines, and a lot of accidents."

"The Empire isn't playing it smart. They are playing it strong, squeezing life from the Galaxy."

Her voice gains strength and momentum "Ask your partners there. How being not human has been this year."

"The important thing is I don't have immunity, and the Senator could be sent to the mines if things went wrong. Of course he would deny any connection with me."

"But I gathered evidence there is extremely important information on this station. An information broker named Switch in V14. He has the data the senator needs. He can pay handsomly and maybe even get you a more permanent position."

2020-04-15, 09:33 PM
"Do you need any more medicine...? I've got a spare medpac." Hela offers Maya, as she pats the pouch she offered earlier. She listens to the rest of the woman's explanation, making herself as small as possible so as not to squish anyone. "I'd love to help," she says with sparkles in her eyes. "Tell me all that you know and me and K7, and I hope the others who fought so well, will do our best."

2020-04-15, 09:55 PM
Warren's eye twitches as he puts he crosses his arms "What could the Empire possibly have on this station thats important? And if it's so important how can some infochant at the end of nowhere get it?"

2020-04-15, 10:12 PM
Zen held up a finger, "I have an answer to that..." He shook his head as he chuckled to himself, "But I can tell you are the type of person that wouldn't like the answer. Anyway, I'll do what I can."

This is exactly the type of thing a Warden would sign up for. The Empire's grasp was far too tight on the universe and anything he could do to loosen it was his obligation.

2020-04-16, 07:48 AM
Well maya, with K7's help and the use of your computer we can find a route to the bay for this meet with the broker.
but will the broker be there and is there any possible reason that you know of that the broker themself might have called the imperials on you?

2020-04-16, 08:06 AM
While it was working on repairing itself, K7-B9 listened to the conversation. Who were these people who had decided on the whim of a moment to put their life into the hand of an incompetent that had been about to be arrested by the Empire? This day was completely nuts, these people were completely nuts, and he was stuck with them...

Hearing its name, K7-B9 thought he might as well appear eager to help: "Sure, let me know if I can do anything of use. I'll be in the corner."

2020-04-16, 12:31 PM
"I think I'll be fine. Just need to rest a bit." she says to Cora.

Then turning to the all she adds "Switch is a droid." as if it said a lot about the crazyness of the situation "He was responsible for receiving and storing this cargo, which was shipped all the way from the Deep Core. I don't know what the cargo is. I was supposed to contact Switch, recover the cargo, and deliver it to the Senator. This station is far and would be an easy place to do it, if I wasn't discovered. I don't think Switch did this, but you know everything is possible."

She looks at them one by one and says "I ask that you go to Deep storage bay V14 and get this cargo. I'll stay and arrange our ride out of here. With the Imperials knowing our faces, we have to keep a low profile, and getting off will be a tad more difficult."

2020-04-16, 12:33 PM
Hela peers up at her horns. "Do you have something with a hood I can borrow?"

2020-04-16, 12:53 PM
"Check the storage wardrobe. Might be something there".

As you open it you see a poncho with hood and a large cloak, all utilitarian and old.

2020-04-16, 08:48 PM
Warren rolls his eyes as the woman speaks "Yea, I've got a face that tends to blend in with the crowd. So so,e Clanker has hidden sensitive secrets to the empire..." he looks to the door, shaking his head as he thinks about just...leaving. His shoulders drop, thinking about..something. His teeth grit as he turns back "Fine. I'll go to. But let's try not to go blasters flaring alright? Not much for killin living people."

2020-04-17, 12:40 AM
Then turning to the all she adds "Switch is a droid." as if it said a lot about the crazyness of the situation "He was responsible for receiving and storing this cargo, which was shipped all the way from the Deep Core. I don't know what the cargo is. I was supposed to contact Switch, recover the cargo, and deliver it to the Senator. This station is far and would be an easy place to do it, if I wasn't discovered. I don't think Switch did this, but you know everything is possible."

Now that was interesting! Not the part about the cargo and the Senator, of course. The part about the droid doing things on his own and people wondering what it was doing! K7-B9 had heard about so-called Independent Droids, and felt that this was its true purpose. No more taking orders! It was looking forward to meeting that Switch. Maybe it would have advice for a fellow droid with ambition and ability.

2020-04-17, 11:17 AM
Walking over to the computer terminal, Hey droid K7, Come over here and together maybe we can find us a way to this Deep storage bay V14

Aid K7 use Computer [roll0]

2020-04-17, 02:52 PM
This was getting to be a slicing party! This might be a group of suicidal misfits, but they seemed to depend on him, and that felt different from being yelled at.


2020-04-17, 03:30 PM
--- System uplink on
--- Secured uplink V2.35
--- Accessing information
--- Search subject: V14, Deepstorage
Deepstorage V14 is on a level that is off limits to non-Imperial personnel.
---The area on quarantined. Quarentine date: 1 and a half years ago.
---No requests for maintenance or repairs found.
---Location: Deepstorage bay V14 is located along one of the station’s primary exhaust systems. Exhaust conduits should be running right through the storage bay.

2020-04-17, 08:26 PM
"Thank you, Maya," Hela says as she retrieves the parka and pulls it on, along with the hood. It wouldn't stand up to scrutiny, but better to be a little prepared than not at all.

2020-04-18, 09:06 PM
--- System uplink on
--- Secured uplink V2.35
--- Accessing information
--- Search subject: V14, Deepstorage
Deepstorage V14 is on a level that is off limits to non-Imperial personnel.
---The area on quarantined. Quarentine date: 1 and a half years ago.
---No requests for maintenance or repairs found.
---Location: Deepstorage bay V14 is located along one of the station’s primary exhaust systems. Exhaust conduits should be running right through the storage bay.

Querry any recent maintenance or repairs near Deepstorage V14 : Aid K7 use Computer [roll0]

Querry most recent maintenance or repairs near on primary exhaust system prior to Deepstorage V14 : Aid K7 use Computer [roll1]

Querry where does the station’s primary exhaust system route from prior to Deepstorage V14: Aid K7 use Computer [roll2]

Querry where does the station’s primary exhaust system route from after Deepstorage V14: Aid K7 use Computer [roll3]

Querry are there any access points to the station’s primary exhaust system prior to Deepstorage V14 : Aid K7 use Computer [roll4]

Querry security details for the area near Deepstorage V14 : Aid K7 use Computer [roll5]

Querry location of all access points near Deepstorage V14 : Aid K7 use Computer [roll6]

2020-04-19, 12:28 AM
Apparently the one named Cora believed that they might get more from that report on Deepstorage V14. Come to think of it, she might be right. K7-B9 has probably been distracted by his musings about strong independent droids, plus he was getting a bit concern into running into another firefight, considering the amount of damage it had already taken.

I'm going to take 10 on the above rolls by Cora (I don't feel we're in a rush, threatened or distracted), so that means I'm rolling at 25 (10+15).

2020-04-19, 10:42 AM
Querry any recent maintenance or repairs near Deepstorage V14
--- All access to te area is sealed. No repairs ordered in the floor or near floors.

Querry most recent maintenance or repairs near on primary exhaust system prior to Deepstorage V14
--- Two years ago. Routine maintenance.

Querry where does the station’s primary exhaust system route from prior to Deepstorage V14
---Deepstorage V13, V12, V11... till V1. The exhaust system is very big and complex and unites all the rooms in a floor.

Querry where does the station’s primary exhaust system route from after Deepstorage V14
--- V15 till V25.

Querry are there any access points to the station’s primary exhaust system prior to Deepstorage V14
--- In any other room or from above or beneath. The station exhaust system is connected to teh outside and protected by a selective forcefield on the entarnces and exit.

Querry security details for the area near Deepstorage V14
--- No access to Imperial database. (probably in a different independent server). Regular station guard patrols can't go there. Scanning the comms you can't see any reference to those lower levels. Imperial Patrols seem focused on the upper floors.

Querry location of all access points near Deepstorage V14
--- You have three access points that fuse into one entrance in and inverted T shape.

2020-04-21, 09:48 PM
Cora, shares the information with the others to see what they might want to do

2020-04-21, 10:39 PM
"Well, looks like were taking the exhaust pipes then? Who's ready to start crawling?"

2020-04-22, 09:53 AM
well while the pipes do present an option do you really want to be crawling in them, unknown radiation, heat ect.

but if we can get to an access point that is near where we want to go if possible be on the pipe vs inside of it
then get off the pipe or out of the pipe if needed at the deepstorage only being in for a short while might work out.

Otherwise it might be wise to look at one of these other access points that we might be able to get through undetected

2020-04-22, 06:03 PM
"I think we'll be fine. They probably haven't been used for anything besides smuggling for a while if they haven't bothered to repair anything around there," Zen guessed.

2020-04-23, 12:39 AM
K7-B9 could not help chuckling at the fleshbags wondering if the exhaust pipes were dangerous. Being a droid, it took massive levels of heat or radiation to make a dent in it. It would let them take a decision and follow, it did not have much of a choice anyway.

Maybe I know something about exhaust pipes? Who knows?
Knowledge (Physical Sciences) [roll0]
Knowledge (Technology) [roll1]

2020-04-23, 04:20 PM
K7 knows the basics about exhaust pipes. But nothing about these ones in particular.

Most exhaust pipes used the semi-permiability of force fields, allowing air, gases and especially heat and radiation to be redistributed along levels, or removed entirely and vented to space.

If there is a leak of radiation or extreme sources of heat, exhaust pipes can be dangerous. If "normal" they are mostly safe.

2020-04-24, 07:14 AM
Cora looking at the computer readout, knowledge technology [roll0] attempting to assess the risks, and use computer [roll1] attempting to get a station diagram of the pipes maintenance access locations related to Deepstorage V14.

2020-04-25, 12:52 PM
Well being closed, they were perfectly safe. Nowadays with the lockdown, you don't have enough information. (probably is, unless a lot of constant radiation)

2020-04-26, 07:05 AM
Well folks we can crawl through work spaces and such to get near the bay area and if it looks heavily guarded we can take the chance and crawl in the exhaust tube a short distance and hope the maintenance access inside is easily opened as I do not fancy becoming irradiated. - What do you want folks want to do?

2020-04-26, 02:17 PM
"We should take the exhaust pipes. Crawling through the workspaces would definitely get us noticed and shot at...," He motions to his wound, "Again." He stood up and moved towards the door.

2020-04-26, 09:51 PM
Warren shakes his head, but starts to limber up to go crawling "Always hated ships. To closed in for me. Also too dangerous. Ever see what happens when an escape pod depressurizes? It's..not pretty. Either way, lets get to the exhaust pipes"

2020-04-27, 08:53 AM
As it started its way into the exhaust pipes, K7-B9 was happy to be a small droid and immune to most of the risks they had checked the holonet for. It was eager to meet Switch, the Independent Droid!

2020-04-27, 04:43 PM
a bit apprehensive about crawling through the exhaust pipes but Cora follows along.

2020-04-27, 08:13 PM
A similarly apprehensive Hela also soldiers on.

2020-04-28, 07:55 AM
The ventilation shafts are large, where you're able to almost stand after the first few meters where they're small. The trip is everything but boring as you secondguess if at any time something will go wrong. But if there was any Imperial patrols searching for you, you escaped them.

When you finally arrive in the vicinity of deep storage bay V14, you start to notice that t is a very neglected part of the station.
Some of the shafts are broken and unable to be used making you enter a corridor near V14.

The signs of decrepity are even more evident. Many of the lights have burned out, and blaster marks and carbon scoring mar the walls, ceiling, and floor. The area reeks of ozone and electrical fires, and pools of coolant litter the hallways at regular intervals.

After winding their way through a near-labyrinth of decrepit corridors, you come upon the large steel door wich leads to bay V14, and is guarded by a pair of Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes.

2020-04-28, 09:50 AM
K7-B9 had liked that walk though the vents. Sure, there had been some fear that making their way through there they would run into an Imperial patrol and get shot at. But they had not, so, all in all, things were looking up for now. Its own estimations of their chances of survival were improving.

However, it did need to repair itself, and it would help if it could reprogram itself to improve its mechanical ability... Just needed to convince someone to buy the software!

In the meantime, one of the fleshbags should probably go talk to the Gamorreans.

2020-04-28, 12:56 PM
"Well, this definitely looks like a place people of less than reputable means would do business...," Zen mentioned off handily. He saw the Gamorreans down the hall, pointing down it, "That has to be where Switch is." He walked down the hall, showing he was unarmed as he approached, "I would like to speak with your boss." He also knew that money talked as pulled out a cred stick.

2020-04-28, 10:24 PM
Warren kicks out the grate of the ventilation shaft as he crawls out. He stands rolling his shoudlers and jumping a few times "Reminds me of a boarding action I once did with Major Adalis. Caught those clankas by surprise." he says, a small hint of pride in his voice as he slings the carbine. He moves toward the bay doors, but hangs back. He's never had to actually..talk to gamoreans. Could they even speak he wondered?

2020-04-29, 07:01 AM
Cora standing near anything that could be used for cover watching the interaction with the guards. Hoping not to shoot it out but flipping the switch on her blaster to autofire while in its holster

2020-04-29, 08:53 AM
One of the guards grunts something unintelligible. It's a gutural sound, low, and comming from the stomach. There are words but you can't fanthom them.

Their huge vibro-axes are rested about their shoulders and they seem relaxed, in a Gamorrean brutish way.

When they stop talking, they look at Zen. Or more specifically his hand with the chip.

2020-04-29, 11:16 AM
Zen rolled his eyes as all of their attention was on the money. He tossed them fifty creds, giving them a quirked brow, "We good?"

2020-04-29, 01:53 PM
The burly beast grunts something while pointing at him and the other guard.

He then grabs his ax, in a nonchalant way.

2020-04-29, 03:09 PM
"Fine, each of you," exasperated by the ordeal. He held out a cred stick to each of them, "Deal?"

2020-04-29, 03:28 PM
The Gamorreans look at one another, maybe pondering if they should press it, but they end up grasping the money and keeping quiet hand on the ax.

One of them, the ugliest grunts and nods towards the door.

2020-04-29, 03:42 PM
Zen sighed, pointing at each of them, "You're both lucky I'm a nice guy." He motioned to the others, before going in the door.

2020-04-29, 05:38 PM
Cora cautiously proceeds to the door while keeping a look at the guards

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2020-04-30, 02:18 AM
K7-B9 had been a bit concerned that this would end up being another firefight, but it turned out credits would open that door for them. Putting its engines in motion, it passed the threshold into the next room.

2020-04-30, 11:20 AM
The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large crates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat and fumes that makes the entire area unpleasant. Flickering lights provide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall.

Near the center of the room is an item that seems very out of place—a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny, ebony coverings that seem to soak up light and offer only the slightest reflection. The droid’s eyes flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.

As you enter the droid starts in a Coruscanti-Imperial accent, "Ah, so these are the wanted sentients". He adds in a cheerfully and lightly voice , as though his power and prestige leaves him without a care in the world "I am Switch and this is R5." pointing at a small astromech droid, working on the computer. "Welcome to my domain." he gestures lightly as a Noble human would.

2020-04-30, 12:51 PM
Zen took a good look around as he approached the droid. There were plenty of places to hide amide the crates and underworld info-broker was sure to have contingency plans. Like it said, we were in his domain now, "We are and we're here to retrieve some cargo for one Maya please."


2020-04-30, 07:01 PM
Cora lurking near the back looking around thinking this to be a setup. Cautiously adjusting her blaster for the droids.
Perception [roll0]

2020-04-30, 11:12 PM
Warren puts the carbine over his shoulder, moving between the two pig-like guards, giving them a once over. Smell as bad as they look really. He moves into the room and take a glance around the fancy looking interior "Got some High taste for a droid. Either way, what they said. Were here for the cargo."

2020-05-01, 12:33 AM
A protocol droid? Really? K7-B9 was disappointed. Protocol droids were dumb. They were professional boot lickers, toadies that got what they wanted by telling niceties. Maybe this one was independent, but it was still a lackey.

Nevertheless, he had an idea that might work...

K7-B9 positions himself so that he can scomp-link himself into Switch at a moment's notice.

When it does that, I respectfully ask the rest of the party to restrain the astromech droid and block the door for the time of the reprogramming.

2020-05-01, 11:02 AM
Hela stays quiet as she takes in Switch's domain. It's at once luxurious and rife with blatant disrepair. Luxurious desk, but little apparent security. Or none that's visible, at least.

"Nice to meet both of you," she replies, noting her companions' lack of manners. "My name is Hela."

2020-05-07, 10:06 AM
The droid blinks his eyes fast as he looks everyine of you, seeming to absorve all the details. That must be a leftover of some programming, as droids save the data they see and can access them.

"No need to get nervous" he says. Motioning slow as if on a play he says in his deep accent "Please serve yourselves something from the beverages over there." he points to small cabinet on the side of the room.
"You're my guests and we are discussing business." he adds looking at you searching for the leader. Without finding one he continues "I am an information broker, and this level is my domain. I have the information you search for, and I'm willing to share it with you, for a price of course."

The ones that did a perception check have noticed some other people in the room. Probably Switch's Goons.
The fact that sentients have given their alligience to a droid shows some of the power he has in this place.

2020-05-07, 10:49 AM
"Thank you kindly, Switch," Hela says as she strolls over to the beverages on display. "Could you tell us the price you have for this information? And do you have any water?"

2020-05-07, 05:24 PM
Greetings this is quite the location for someone selling Information. Important Information that you seem to have and we need to retrieve.

gather information [roll0]
knowledge (technology) [roll1]

2020-05-08, 03:10 PM
As Hela approaches the drinks she can see the quality of them. Nothing cheap in their midst. Probably much better than any cantina in the station.

Switch looks at them and seems like smilingm if it was possible for a droid to do that. "Water? of course. R5."

The small mechanic droid chirps in binary something (for those that speak Binary "I belong to you, but I ain't your slave. Ask one of the dumb fleshinlings.") but goes fetch a bottle of water and gives it to Hela.

Turning to the other female in the room he says "Thank you my dear. You're too kind."

"Price. Price is always the important topic here." he seems to be evaluating you yet.

Gm tip: Switch in a friendly status is better to deal with (with persuasion checks).

Your know (tech) let's you know Switch is TC series protocol droid, probably made before the clone wars. Some of it's parts are diferent from the usual, probably due to repairs and repurpose of parts from other droids.

The Gather information would take hours (of the screen info). For in screen info - know or persuade them and get them to talk.

2020-05-08, 04:01 PM
"Thank you both" Hela says as she unscrews the cap of the water bottle. "I'm happy to talk prices whenever you are, Switch."

To improve his attitude. I figure, fluff-wise, this includes Hela's friendliness before now. I'll take 10 for a result of 23.

2020-05-08, 05:48 PM
They say money is the best persuasion to get what one wants, Cora sets a cred chip down in front of switch, yours as a sign of good faith (OOC:this chip contains 150 Cr), now then about the price for the information?

2020-05-09, 01:05 PM
The droid looks at both of you and smiles "Very well." as he says so, R5 approaches and picks the stick.

"The package is worth 1000 credits. A very eminently reasonable sum." he looks at R5 wich confirms the value of the chip and adds

"And for this stick I will tell you something - the cargo is an agent of Alderaanian Security who has been frozen in carbonite for transport
from the Deep Core world of Empress Teta. The agent got himself frozen so that he could be transported as cargo rather than as a passenger,
reducing the chance that the Empire would find and arrest him. A rather smart move from him."

2020-05-09, 02:00 PM
Zen whistled sharply, "Well, things just got interesting and it looks like Maya will owe us some reparations." He checked his cred sticks, "I got about three fifty." He turned to the others.

2020-05-09, 03:02 PM
Warren is..somewhat shocked at the idea of freezing yourself in carbonite "Wait wait wait. You're telling us that your package is a man frozen in carbonite? Do you think we're idiots? Carbonite has a chance of killing the person in it. It's not just some kind of scam? For all, we know the man could be dead and were a thousand credits in the hole."

2020-05-09, 03:50 PM
Hela is about to offer her opinion on the price, since she has barely any credits to her name, when Warren speaks. She hadn't thought of tha. She looks to Switch for his response.

2020-05-09, 10:13 PM
Switch, you say the package is frozen in carbonite, and like my associates here I too have my concerns however if I were permitted to examine the package check its settings to see if it was still alive and in perfect hibernation, Providing that it still lives, Then I think we could come to an agreement on your price.

gather information [roll0] from switch
gather information [roll1] on the carbonite man
knowledge (Technology) [roll2] on the carbonite settings
use computer [roll3] on the carbonite settings

2020-05-10, 11:51 AM
Switch looks at the male sentients almost adding them to the conversation in his settings.

"You are miss understanding me. I don't have to assure nothing, as I had no hand on the delivery or transportation." he shruggs "I'm just the man that knows where it is, when it came, and why."

He looks each of them in quick sucession and continues "But I might have a different proposition for you. You pay me half and I tell you some of the story behind it and the place where it is. But you become somewhat of my employees. Each of you will supply me with information on a regular basis from wherever your travels take each of you. Be it interesting or boring. I want news, info and details."

Gather info doesn't work here because it needs hours and people.
Know tech: Carbonite has a low chance of killing sentients, but is mostly safe. Widely used by bunty hunters in the galaxy, if the equipment isn't flawed the chance of dying is less than 1%

2020-05-11, 10:33 AM
Cora looking at switch, I do not do long term information exchanges. If we were to pay you what is to say that you have not double crossed us as you claim the package is elsewhere we would have to trust that what ever you said to be accurate. So I ask you directly what assurances do we have that the package is where ever and retrievable? I will make you a counter offer switch I will give you this cred chip (1150 Cr on it) IF just one of my associates is shown to the package to report back via comm link that the package is where you claim it. you can send a couple of your hired goons along to make sure the package stays put until paid for of course. What do you say?

2020-05-12, 12:34 PM
"Madame, you insult me." Switch says in a very droid like voice.

"I am an information broker. What would my reputation be if the information I give isn't a good one."

He pauses and takes a few steps simmering "The cargo is where it arrived and is there till someone picks it. Of that I am sure."

"If I wanted to gain easy money I could have sold the information to the Imperials. They would like to get their hands on this spy. Of that I am sure."

"But, for better or for worse, I have an agreement with the Senator and... What the..."

Please roll perception

2020-05-12, 01:19 PM
Cora not losing eye contact with switch
Perception [roll0]

2020-05-12, 01:21 PM
Zen quickly swiveled on his heels to see what caught Switch's attention.


2020-05-12, 03:37 PM
Warren probably didnt see this coming [roll0]

2020-05-13, 10:41 AM
Zen and Warren ear the Gamorrean guards grunt first, then squealing and a hail of blaster bolts.

A strange creature, some of you might now as a member of the Chevin species and a handful of his thugs enters the room.

He shouts in Basic, “So you thought you could hide your deal with the offworlders from me, droid? I’m tired of not getting my cut! Turn him into a scrap heap, boys!”

https://i.ibb.co/FK6wgYK/n1.png (https://ibb.co/g3yTzW3)
Switch’s hideout in deep storage bay V14 follows along an exhaust conduit running through the bowels of the station. As such, a large chasm cuts through the back of the bay, leading down into the station’s central reactor core. Anyone falling into the chasm is likely killed, taking maximum falling damage and lethal doses of
radiation from the reactor core.

You're the green ones
White is K7
Black are Switchs man
Blue are the chevin (Ganga Lor) man

Warren and Zen for hearing it first have a preemptive turn.

2020-05-13, 11:44 AM
Zen grimaced just knowing he was probably going to get shot again, but his sensei's words kept ringing his head, Seize the initiative... His gloves crackled with electricity as he balled his fist then tore down the bay, landing a flying punch to the thug's face.

4S, attacking 3, using Teras Kasi Training to lower DT by 5

2020-05-13, 01:10 PM
on Coras turn
movement (if top is north) 2 squares south 1 square east, takeing some cover behind that pile
Aim at G switch blaster as swift to regular and autofire

2020-05-14, 05:15 PM
"Just what do you think you're doing, charging in like that, you junkheaded nerfherder?!" Hela barks at the leader of the intruders as she darts behind cover.

Using that ability I have to make someone lose their action with a skill check. [roll0]

Moving to one square East of Cora's position.

2020-05-14, 06:38 PM
Warren sighs. Course there had to be something to stop them. And of course, he has to end more lives? This day should hopefully end better. he whirls around, blaster trained on the Chevin as he lets out a shot before going for cover

Marking G for Ambush specialist

[roll0] Attack

2020-05-17, 08:05 AM
Zen hit connects staggering the thug.

Warren shot misses the large Chevin making a large black mark on the plasteel wall.

Hela and Cora move towards protection.

Zen and Warren have the normal turn action now.
Hela is successful but has to choose who!

https://i.ibb.co/R2rGwfH/n2.png (https://ibb.co/Jn6WJVk)

2020-05-17, 12:03 PM
round 2
Autofire - Shooting G [roll0] confirm crit [roll1] damage [roll2]

2020-05-17, 02:46 PM
Continuing his advance, Zen clasped his fist with the other and knocked the thug out with a two-fisted swing. He stepped towards the other with his momentum, Stick to 'em like glue... His sensei's teachings kept ringing in his ears.

First , attack 3 again, then move 1 square south to threaten 4 & 5.

2020-05-19, 04:28 PM
The thug falls to the ground form the impact of Zen's fists.

Warren 1st turn missing

2020-05-19, 05:02 PM
Pops out of cover to try and shoot the Chevin again!

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2020-05-20, 01:20 PM
round 3
Autofire - Shooting G [roll0] confirm crit [roll1] damage (3d8)[8] (in ooc)