View Full Version : looking for a "shax's mundane backpack"

2020-04-03, 04:32 AM
i was reading through the comments of "shax's indispensable haversack" and few people people were talking about doing a "Shax's Mundane Backpack", starting at level 1 and working into the haversack.

I as far as i know, no resource like that exists, just a bunch of posts for noobs asking what to give there level 1 caracters. but it would really help noobs like me make low level characters and npcs.

does anyone know of something like this or would it be possible to request it?

even better if it could be separated into the indispensable backpack, absolutely non-negotiable items up to a light load for a STR:10 character that can be hung off a belt or fit in no more than 2 bandoleers, 6 belt pouches (ballpark looking at my old utility belt) and one backpack (with a blanket tied to the back so you can use the backpack as a pillow, so you have no excuse leaving it behind).

the essential sack. a sack up to a heavy load less backpack weight, with useful items too bulky or not useful enough to make the backpack as well as extra's of consumables in the backpack. (when you wake up and the inn is on fire, you grab this before you jump out the window. (you were sleeping on the backpack remember))

the useful (but expendable) mule. up to a mules heavy load, with stuff to bulky and/or situational for the other two as well as bulk supply for consumables from the other two.

if there is something like this,it would be very helpful. i'm hopefully about to start DMing a campaign for a group of noobs (bigger noobs than me) and something like this would make character creation much easier.

2020-04-03, 08:24 PM
Here you go (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)), but I wouldn't treat this as a good guide for noobs to get equipment, other than pointing out some magic items that eliminate the need for a variety of gear. I love it, but it's too much stuff for new players to start with, and assumes you're starting at a decent level. There's a few "starting equipment packs" floating around that are probably better options.

(I've also got my own "default gear list" which has a variety of mundane and alchemical gear which I can send you, totals under 600 GP and easily carried by a fighter, but again, probably a bit overwhelming for new players to be looking at "torch bug paste" and trying to figure out what it's good for)

2020-04-03, 08:28 PM
There's also this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=sharing), which is sorted by price, with tagging.

2020-04-04, 02:36 PM
In the same vein, there's Ashiel's Adventuring Guide (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1xywEW58IoLVXFSenJPQWVkU2M/edit). It's a really good primer for "what are good everyday/not-so-everyday items to bring along while adventuring". Written with Pathfinder in mind, bu 90% of it also applies to 3.5. It has premade kits on page 4.

2020-04-05, 03:34 PM
There's also this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=sharing), which is sorted by price, with tagging.

I am not sure if this is one of the many, many documents you maintain and share with the community Troacctid. (Thank you for all of those wonderful resources, btw!) If it is, there are a couple things that might be worth adding:

The Magic of Faerun version of Proof Against Transmutation is included, but the same ability is also in Complete Arcane. It's +5 instead of +6 and no longer negates the damage of a disintegrate spell, but does allow the wearer to choose to receive any given incoming effect.
Several magic weapon abilities that are way too cheap on ammunition are included in the list; Doomwarding from Magic of Faerun is a worthy mention. Even if you don't take extra standard ("partial") actions, 7 rerolls on failed saves is a pretty valuable effect.

2020-04-05, 04:34 PM
I am not sure if this is one of the many, many documents you maintain and share with the community Troacctid. (Thank you for all of those wonderful resources, btw!) If it is, there are a couple things that might be worth adding:

The Magic of Faerun version of Proof Against Transmutation is included, but the same ability is also in Complete Arcane. It's +5 instead of +6 and no longer negates the damage of a disintegrate spell, but does allow the wearer to choose to receive any given incoming effect.
Several magic weapon abilities that are way too cheap on ammunition are included in the list; Doomwarding from Magic of Faerun is a worthy mention. Even if you don't take extra standard ("partial") actions, 7 rerolls on failed saves is a pretty valuable effect.

It is, and thank you for the updates! (As the title says, it is something of a work in progress.)

2020-04-05, 10:26 PM
i'd also like to suggest club, quaterstaff, adamantine dagger and rope.

FREE, bludgeoning and a melee and thrown weapon. improvised hammer if necessary. also firewood or anything you can whittle it into.

FREE, bludgeoning, 2h weapon and double weapon, could also sharpen and fire harden one end for an improvised spear, emergency fire wood, emergency wood stakes, 6ft pole if something happens to your 10ft pole.

adamantine dagger:
also melee and thrown, slashing, though its is a cruel DM who wont let you do piercing of you offer to take -2 to hit. also functions as a normal knife (very useful), extra step if your ladders too short (hammer it into a wall, get a few and make your own ladder.) also functions as lockpicks (unless the lock is adamantine too) improvised charisma check ("you don't want to lose another finger do you" see BOVD for more rules) and so on)

its rope, does ropey things

portable ram
heroes of battle has rules for siege engines including the battering ram so maybe see if you can convince your DM to let you put object damaging enhancements and maybe an adamantine spike. you should be able to make a ram capable of knocking holes in mountains.

2020-04-06, 04:14 AM
There's also this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=sharing), which is sorted by price, with tagging.

I was about to mention that Enlarge person is also on the cleric list, but then I doublechecked... how did that end up on my cleric list writeup? Strength is very much not a domain of consideration in my usual builds.

Any reason you have Dastana, but not Chahar-Aina or whatever it is called? Weapon crystals and templates I guess you just haven't gotten around to yet. [Edit: It appears you already added these, but at least one is missing] Least return is a reasonable price for quickdraw, especially when you don't want to deal with the realism implications, rules weirdness or general silliness of bayonets or elvencraft bows.

The magebred guard dog is not just an excellent buy, but also an excellent boy.

Scroll of Reveille is missing a description: "Break the whodunnit subplot over your knee. Cheaper than speak with dead and less bells & whistles attached (no save!), but less choice of questions asked and limited to within three days of deah. Spell completion activation (Bard 2)."

2020-04-06, 04:36 AM
got side tracked by RL problems

there is also a sack of sacks (a sack full of more sacks): a cheap way to move a large amount of stuff, especially at low levels.

double sided coin: use forgery to make your own, cheaper than the lucky coin or what ever its called.

a scroll of nonsense: bluff enemy spellcaster into wasting a counterspell, drop when being pursued by guards as a false lead, someone with ranks in decipher script could make it look like it has a cipher in it, someone with scribe scroll or ranks in spellcraft could make it look like a real spell scroll.

i also read that you should get a continual flame heightened to a higher level than deeper darkness so it is unaffected by it.