View Full Version : [IC] Rift in Reality

2020-04-03, 11:53 AM
It has been two days. Two days, since waking up here on this unknown island with your strange new powers and strange new body and strange new surroundings. Two days of scavenging, of exploring both your surroundings and yourselves, and the group is beginning to realize that there is little more that this beach can offer you. You've all been real survivors so far. Harvesting coconuts, spearing some fish, making fires, falling asleep on the dunes to the sound of rolling waves. So long as you're still in a world where the sun rises in the east and sets to the west, there is nothing but the vast ocean to the west. So therefore... east seems to be the way to go. For as far as you can see, the beach continues in all directions, turning into a desert with no clear landmarks or end, but at night, you have seen movement out there. It's time to figure out whether you all are alone on a deserted island, or if there are others out here... and east is the way to go.

This is a fairly simple intro, meant to give you all time to RP for a little while and get to know both your characters and the other players as you pack up camp and get moving. It will be useful for you all to go ahead and give me survival, perception, geography, and other sorts of related checks at this time, as well as detailing anything that you want to bring off the beach (most things that you can assume are there, such as food rations with an appropriate survival check) that isn't already listed on your character sheets. I'll make another post in 24 hours to move us along properly, but didn't want to throw you guys right in before giving you a chance to introduce your characters!

2020-04-03, 01:33 PM
Alex is writing in his or perhaps her journal. She had found it increasingly difficult not to think of herself as female, something she atributed to this place. She had been careful not to talk about the gender change that came with the shift in the world. She had been careful not to talk much about her past life in general. She had shared that she was a science teacher, that she had a family and a brief description of her children. When pressed about her spouse all she had said was that she hopped she was here some where and okay.

Day 2 journal entry as follows.
Her co-survivors seemed to be a set of three men. Zach who had an unnaturally pale complexion and an intense stare, was the youngest in his 20s. Daniel who wore wooden armor and had a brown beard and briefly shared his Dungeons and Dragons theory. I had responded with magic isn't real but when I pulled a 30 lbs tent out of my 5lbs backpack, I had to admit I lost that debate. Finally we had Reginald an older man with a grey beard, I have found his upbeat nature both charming and annoying the last two days. Perhaps now that we are about to move inward onto the island, I will find more comfort in it simply because we are finally taking action.

I befriended all three of them by the simple virture of having a sizable mirror, every one has been glad to see what they look like. Even if like me they are not fully pleased with the results. I also have been able to share a tent and a few other supplies I found on my person with the others. I have unfortunately not regained my apitite, but have been forcing myself to eat. I also have had trouble sleeping for more than a few hours at night. That said I am some how not tired and I don't feel the grogginess that normally comes with insomnia.

I for myself feel that I have been shafted in this new world. Not only have I lost my family but I have also lost my identity and find myself reduced to the size of a small child. I am worried that every one was armed when they washed up here, two with pole arms of sorts, one with a hand crossbow and a saxaphone. For my part I have a hatchet and a bow. I have found my accuracy greatly improved from my time at summer camp years ago.

Before the crisis: Alex looked out at the blue ocean, as he did so he understood why it was called the pacific. The sea went on for what seemed to be forever. I was a deep dark blue; he liked the color. Reflected in the sea he watches the the last of the sunset, the purples, pinks and reds. A soft metallic thump came in from his side. He turned to face Lydia, her hand now resting softly on the metal railing. He placed his arm around her and looked at face, smiling at every curve. Her blue eyes were violet in this light, he liked it and he leaned in close as pushed a lock of her dark brown hair behind her ear. He kissed her softly on cheek.

He turned his gaze back to the ocean, his life was like the sea. Sometimes turbulent and chaotic, but mostly calm and serene. Like the ocean his life offered many points for reflection. In the sea he could see the first two stars reflected, no not stars but planets. Mercury and Venus visible only for a short time close to dusk and dawn, two points of light that circled the sun eclipsed in the radiance of the its light. Lydia was the sun in his universe and his children the two innermost planets, the light of love normally covered them all equally. However right now, he missed his children and the light of there love shined brightly in his life. They were safe with their grandmother, and while he should never forget them, he should focus on the here and now. He gently took his wives hand and led her off to dinner. All of this was a pleasant dream, a pleasant memory to wake up to.

Awakening: Warmth drifted from his feet up to his waist and then drifted back down to his feat leaving a cool dampness before repeating the process all over again. He smelled brine and felt the coarse grit of a sandy beach under his face. What had happened? A vague memory of thick white fog rolling over the ship, as it seemed to vanish behind a white wall. He had been afraid, afraid for himself and for Lydia.

Lydia, he had to find her. He shoved the ground under himself, standing to his full height and opening his eyes. Blinding light blurred his vision for only a moment. Down the beach one way, no one. Shooting a glance to the other direction, long hair whipped him across his back. He had never had long hair before but some how the sensation seemed familiar to him, not that it mattered. He picked a direction and began to walk but his body felt foreign to him, all of the mass seemed to move strangely as if his body was trying to remember how to walk.

Off in the distance he spots silhouettes. Hopeful he lets loose a shout. "Lydia!" and moves quickly in that direction. A thought enters his mind again, he feels as if he is having out of body experience. Then it occurs to him, his voice was not his own, it was her voice. Lydia had just called her own name. He looks down at his own hands and they are not his hands but hers. A child hood scar rests behind the right thumb and on the left hand sits her wedding band. He had spent a week looking at every jeweler in town to find the perfect ring. He falls to his knees, no her knees suddenly aware he may not find her because he was her. No he was slightly different; her hands were to red, as if some one had scrubbed them too much with a brush.

Long white sleeves cover his arms, bound tightly with metal bracers at the wrist. His, no definitely her body was covered with a black tabard, across her waist was a belt with many pockets and she noticed a pack on her back for the first time. At her side sits a small axe. Across her neck is a ivory colored cloak. She is different, different from himself and different from Lydia. There is still hope I can find her. She approaches the silhouettes and they seem to grow, more and more. She has found himself in a world of giants, or she has shrunk to the size of a child.

Actions for the day

Alex packs up her "journal" and places it into her super back pack, the thing always weighed the same no matter what was put inside of it or taken out of it. She then goes and helps take down the tent. She offers her help where it is needed to the others.

2020-04-03, 03:23 PM
The initial shock had him practically babbling, spouting off a dozen different theories, trying to make sense of it all- but at this point, Daniel has clammed up a bit. The 'D&D adventurers' idea had stirred the pot enough: 'this entire situation is its own literary genre' would have the rest of them wondering if he'd cracked up altogether. And, honestly, it would be less than rational to be devoting more than token energy into pondering such big-picture existential issues when it was an open question where their next meal was coming from, or whether civilization was a thousand miles away or just another thousand meters.

That decision had been easy, really. The hard part was keeping his mind from constantly wandering to the possibilities of his strange and wondrous new abilities. The spearfighting was interesting enough, that was true (he was almost sure that there were bits in the footwork that were designed for fighting quadrupeds, and didn't that paint an interesting picture), but the really fascinating bit was the magic system. Late on the first day, he'd realized that he could pick up new shapechanging tricks just by watching animals: this morning he couldn't have made a stealth potion if you put a gun to his head, but after ten minutes of idly watching a chameleon on a rock the thing practically brewed itself.

The obvious way to apply this to their current predicament had struck him almost immediately after that, but he promptly dismissed it as wishful thinking. To his embarrassment, it had taken him until noon on the second day to realize that little details like the square-cube law, wing loading and lift coefficients probably shouldn't be taken too seriously when dealing with a magic potion that gives you wings.

Daniel Landvik soars into the sky, and for the first moment since his arrival in this strange place, his confusion and worry are fully overwhelmed by wonder.

Daniel is going to attempt to ascend as high as he dares and get a sufficiently detailed understanding of the topography of our immediate surroundings, paying particular attention to signs of civilization and sources of fresh water.

Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Knowledge (nature): [roll2]
Knowledge (geography): [roll3]

Current Zoological Study Alternation talent: Avian Transformation

Spell points: 2

Charges prepared (10/11 charges prepped):

1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment, 1 spent for Dual Enhancement (Weapon and natural armor, through Natural Enhancement): carries a rider effect granting the Wings trait of Avian Transformation through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat) [For me]

For Reg: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment, 1 spent for Dual Enhancement (Armor and natural armor, through Natural Enhancement): carries a rider effect granting the Undead Resistances trait of Undead Body through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Alex: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment, 1 spent for Dual Enhancement (Weapon and natural armor, through Natural Enhancement): carries a rider effect granting the Undead Skin (DR 5/bludgeoning) trait of Undead Body through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Buffeting Winds benefit of the Air version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Alex: 1x Energy Enhancement, CL 7 (Cold: One spell point spent for duration 70m w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement)

For Zach: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment, 1 spent for Dual Enhancement (Armor and natural armor, through Natural Enhancement): carries a rider effect granting the Undead Resistances trait of Undead Body through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Zach: 1x Enhance Equipment (Weapon), CL 7 (Duration 3 rounds via Deep Enhancement)

1x Superior Poison, CL 7 (One spell point for duration 70m w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement)

1x Energy Enhancement, CL 7 (Cold: One spell point spent for duration 70m w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement)

1x Superior Poison, CL 7 (Duration 3 rounds via Deep Enhancement)

1x Energy Enhancement (Electricity), CL 7 (Duration 3 rounds via Deep Enhancement)

Note: one spell point spent on Mental Enhancement (Intelligence) at the beginning of the day, letting it last long enough to make my Int 24 through the process of preparing and imbibing my Toxicant tincture. Toxicant deals 7 damage per round +1d6 bleed for 4 rounds, DC 23 negates, may be collected and applied to a weapon 13/day.

He looks it, too: even half an hour later, by the time he lands, he's got a broad smile on his face and looks as relaxed as you've ever seen him.

"Okay, good news and bad news. The good news is that I'm pretty sure there's a building bearing...something like east-southeast? The bad news is that I don't think we can get to it in a full day of hiking, probably not even two, and I'm not seeing a whole lot in the way of water between here and there. What we get, we're going to have to bring with us."

2020-04-03, 08:25 PM

These last couple of days had been awkward for Zach since the Incident*. But the realities of island survival didn't allow for brooding over that. Food, water, and shelter were the order of the day for the last couple of days. Between fulfilling those few essential tasks, time was taken to try and understand their abilities and Zach learned his limits so another mistake doesn't happen.

"So we are finally leaving this godforsaken beach?" Zach says staring east into the desert, "Hopefully we will have enough water until we can find another source."

From their time exploring their abilities, the group would know a very few important facts about Zach. The most important of which is that most normal healing effects seem to harm rather than help him, causing his skin and flesh to burn rather than knit back together. Healing he applies to himself (which he would do away from others after disarming) doesn't seem to have that drawback but can't be used on others.

The other thing to note about Zach is that his strikes are particularly deadly, and leave behind bleeding wounds which are exceptionally hard to close. Despite his sickly appearance, his strikes are powerful and deadly accurate at picking out weak points, and Zach is quick and able to turn away blows with a combination of spear and shield or dodge them entirely with quick footwork.

So Zach's powers come with a price... draw too deeply on them and he goes into a murderous state where he will try to bring death to those nearby at all costs and using all the skill and knowledge at his disposal to do so. Luckily he was able to snap out of it in mere moments this time [1 round], but the fact that his magic can take over his mind and actions shocked him greatly and planted a deep distrust of magic in him.

Requested rolls.
Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Geography: [roll2] (Untrained)

Was tempted to roll history to see if I know ancient methods or techniques of crossing deserts safely but that seems a little munchkin like. :smalltongue:

2020-04-03, 10:10 PM
Reg has adapted far better than even he expected to the transition. Purely from the joy of being able to lift a few dozen pounds without a series of loud popping noises, he had volunteered to help with assembling basic shelter. He listened kindly as the group offered up theories, but kept his to himself. Even without an explanation, he already seems quite content. In lulls, he produces his ridiculous-yet-alluring-looking saxophone to, depending on the mood, add a pace and rhythm to the labor of the day, intoxicate approaching beasts to the point of unconsciousness, or lull the group off to sleep. Its tune doesn't seem to stop in the aural realm, but drifts curiously through all your other senses to give them a tug in whatever direction it fancies.

He's still working on learning the party's names, but he's enjoying himself very much just seeing the bizarre sights of whatever this new place is.

He takes up a walk next to Zach, looking up with an unworried smile. "Odd to mean this literally, son, but there's not many ailments that can't be healed by jazz. Dehydration doesn't seem like it's one of them. And if basking in a pool of sound isn't enough for you..." Reg fans out three small vials of a deep burgundy liquid with a flourish. "I don't know where these are coming from, but they go down smooth and stay down smooth. Might do the trick."

Reg, both literally and metaphorically, isn't built for wilderness survival, but this'll be good for a laugh, at least.
Survival: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] (his eyes didn't improve as much as the rest of him)
Heal to assess any injuries on the party on arrival (and see if I can figure out why I suddenly look twenty years younger): [roll2]

2020-04-03, 10:59 PM

Flinching at the mention of 'healing' Zach examines the vials that were flourished before him. He then looks askance at the Reverend and asks, "You have no idea where these things keep appearing from... yet you have been drinking them?"

Appraise on the vials I was shown: [roll0]
Also... what? Reg can spontaneously generate wine?

2020-04-04, 12:00 AM
"Makes as much sense as all the rest of it, really."

Daniel glances meaningfully at the pair of eagles' wings protruding from his shoulder blades.

"These came from nowhere. That is Not Allowed. There's enough mass-energy in these to level Hiroshima a hundred times over- where the Hell did it come from? And what's this business about magic having read and write access to our brains, adding skills and changing bodies and putting sensations in our heads that have nothing to do with any of the conventional five senses? Will my mind dribble out of my skull if that keeps up?"

He shrugs.

"None of it can be trusted, exactly- your own difficulties are proof positive of that. But if we try to figure out every little impossibility before we can pick the locals' brains to tell us what they know, or get to a safe, comfortable place where we can set up some proper expiriments, we're going to be chasing our tails out here 'till the crack of doom."

2020-04-04, 02:36 AM

"I understand that questioning the how of it will likely cause hair loss." Zach says while trying to hide the jealousy in his gaze at Daniel's wings, "What I truly am concerned about is drinking unknown substances you know nothing about. Anyway it is good news that you spotted a structure in the distance even if it a long ways off, that can keep us on course and stop us wasting time and our limited water walking in circles."

Noticing one of their number not joining the discussion, Zach looks over to Mrs. Alex who was scribbling over where camp was. "Mrs. Alex!" Zach calls out, "Do you have anything to add on our water situation? Maybe a bunch of waterskins in that bag of yours we can fill up with distilled sea water before we go?"

2020-04-04, 07:11 AM
Technically it's an oracle mystery that works by touch and has daily uses, but given who Reg is and who his patron is, I've been flavoring it as the bandolier of restorative wine flasks in his jacket slowly refilling themselves.

Reg chuckles. "I'm going to have to go through a lot more than this before I stop trusting a full-bodied red." He takes an experimental swig. "I'll keep you in the loop about whether it melts my brain, but I feel like I just had a tall glass of ice water."

2020-04-04, 12:14 PM
Well I do have a few canteens.
I also noticed the ground is fairly flat so the water table should be close to the surface. As for this... supernatural stuff I can not even explain how our cell phones have full charges. However they are still working.

She reached into her pack and pulled out the canteens and her cell phone. She hands off the canteens and looks for differences in the cell phone.
Alex even calls his or her mother in law to check on the kids.

Ooc: 3 canteens and 1 wine skin, all are full size.

2020-04-04, 01:16 PM

”That is great news about the water table. ” Zach says with relief, ”If the water table is really that shallow we should be able to dig for water. Granted it will be muddy and gritty, but drinkable.

2020-04-04, 04:33 PM
Or the water could be salty and unfit for consumption

2020-04-04, 06:04 PM
"Salt I can deal with. That's what distillation was invented for. Mud would be a bit of an aggravation in a distillation rig without better tools for filtration than I've got, though. Could try our clothes, but we'd end up pretty filthy. Fortunately, we've got plenty of...reasonably pure salt water right here, providing us with a scenic vista."

The man gestures at the ocean, then turns his attention to his distillation apparatus. He's already tried this out on a small scale, when the group struck out on finding a sizable source of freshwater the first day: the only remaining problem is scaling things up.

"This should only take a few hours, I think.

...also, an idea occurs to me about a way to shorten the journey. Might only take two days after all. How do the lot of you feel about being quadrupedal for a bit?"

Craft (Alchemy): [roll0]

2020-04-04, 09:53 PM
With course decided and plans (at least loosely) made, the group rounds up their supplies over the course of the next few hours. It does take some added time, though, deciding to distill the water here and pack it with you, even if that is the safer option it eats up valuable time. The group now has a decision to make - head out in the hottest part of the day to just get moving? Wait until nightfall to travel, when it will be cooler, but the wildlife more active? Or stay here in this spot for one more day?

2020-04-04, 10:53 PM
Alex takes out her own still from an alchemy set and begins to aid the process of distilling the fresh water. Thinking about it she realizes she hadn't had any water yet. It had been 2 days, she should be on deaths door from thirst but was not. Must be an elf thing she concludes to herself, Alex decided that he was in the body of his wife had she been an elf. The strange skin color, pointed ears, height all seemed not too dissimilar from the elves in Rudolf the red nosed reindeer.

"So when do we want to leave? The hottest part of the day is 4 or 5 pm, and we can depart around noon. It seems like a foolish idea to me. That said I have found evidence of very large preditors: scorpions, cats, snakes, that sort of thing. They all will be up and hunting at night, so that also seems like a bad idea. We also have limited supplies so we should go sooner rather than later.

She stands and stretches her back. "I am starting to sound like a pessimist. I swear I am not, I am normally a positive person. Although my old body had permanent bitch face. You know what I mean, where every one just assumes your pissed all the time. Here I kind of have the opposite going, I am the shortest adult I've ever met and am missing my family and some how every time I check this face seems to be smiling with out my permission.

She lets out a sigh. Sure if your confident that it will wear off, I will grow an extra set of legs. How exactly do you shape shift like that in the first place?

2020-04-05, 12:11 AM

Nodding along with Alex, Zach replies, "All the points you made were valid about times to leave. I would be willing to brave the heat if everyone else is, or we can try night travel. I have found that my night vision is... supernaturally better. Even a faint light can help me see greatly, but I have found that if I cover my eyes completely with my hands I can still make my hands out with perfect clarity sans color. As for further body modifications... I am reluctant. I can sense that my fighting style that I have inherited, for lack of a better term, is highly dependant on my balance and kinesthesia. Disrupting my bodies form may just cause me to fall unto my rear if a fight happens. Is there a way to speed us up without extra limbs?"

2020-04-05, 08:02 AM
Reg listens quietly as Alex vents. "Stress from this adjustment makes a lot of sense," he replies soothingly. He takes a seat and places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about making yourself look on the bright side; you don't have to. No matter what you need to do to cope, I'm confident this'll all make sense soon."

"As for timing...if you two gentlemen have woken up in bodies with plenty of combat skill, I think we have less to fear from big snakes than from the sun."

Reg doesn't address the offer of being pulled down to all fours, merely observing how the idea plays out.

2020-04-05, 12:20 PM
I can sense that my fighting style that I have inherited, for lack of a better term, is highly dependant on my balance and kinesthesia. Disrupting my bodies form may just cause me to fall unto my rear if a fight happens. Is there a way to speed us up without extra limbs?"[/COLOR]

"I don't...think it works like that, actually. I was half expecting to end up ass-over-teakettle when I tried that stunt with the wings, and I was definitely expecting to need time to practice before I could make it work. But you watched me take off and soar up, up and away, first try- no fumbling, no practice, no problem. More generally, I don't think Alex was born in a body that was two-foot-eleven and curvy, and she seems to be doing fine. I think 'magic' is pretty good at adapting motor skills to different body plans.

If you like, I can give it a try first, see how much it hampers me, then you can go? We seem to have broadly similar spear-and-shield styles."

2020-04-06, 12:12 AM
"No practice, no fumbling, no problem. Just pick what you want and you were flying up like a leaf in a breeze in the wind." Alex takes a few moments of introspection. She finds a pull of energy inside. 'Fly like the wind, fly like the wind' Alex thinks to herself. She takes a fraction of the energy and shapes it into what she wants. Suddenly she feels her form shift and merge. Her very substance disappears and she becomes a visible breeze of air. She begins to fly upward in a fantasy Alex had literally dreamed about ever since he was 5. She begins to fly upward and loses herself in the moment of the experience the golden spark of energy leaves her and she suddenly turns back into herself except now she was 30ft in the air.

"Oh ****!"
[roll0] first 10 feet [roll1] second 10 feet [roll2] final 10 feet

She gets up to her feet, very sore but not to damaged. "I am fine, and apparently I can add magic to my list of skills." She searches back into her mind, spirit, self and fines the ball of energy still there and not diminished. She wonders what would of happened had she used more of that energy. "I didn't get wings, so I assume I have different... magic." Alex seems to of caused as much pain as the fall. 'I am a man of science damn it, this stuff shouldn't happen.'

"If we plan to march all night, we should do one final rest until sunset. At that point sweep camp one last time for gear and take a final heading and go. The campus app on my phone seems to be picking up something." Alex plans to do some more soul searching between now and tonight. She also plans to get some sleep, if it will finally come for more than pair of hours.

2020-04-06, 01:11 PM
Reg winces at the harsh landing, reacting too slowly to catch her. "All things are learned through failing. Soothe your wounded mind and body by drifting on the current of a jazzy dream," he drones, saxophone appearing in his hands. He begins a smooth number that seems to push away all evidence of the impact, despite no external evidence of magic.

Spending a spell point on a quick Cure. Down to 30/31 SP.
[roll0] Perform check
[roll1] HP healed

2020-04-07, 12:32 AM

Trying to find a comfortable spot to rest on the dunes, Zach makes small talk while they wait for the heat of the day to pass. "So what did you all do before washing up as strangers in a strange land? I can guess that Reginald was likely a jazz musician, I am thinking Daniel was some form of scientist perhaps, and Mrs. Alex was... I am going to guess writer, maybe a journalist? I myself was a bit of a historian working at the Smithsonian as a curator. I only had the job for a few years, but it was great seeing all the artifacts before they get to go on exhibit."

2020-04-07, 02:23 AM
"I, ah..."

Daniel glances at Alex, worried about her recent tumble- but as she makes it clear she's quite all right, his focus returns to Zach's question.

"I was an industrial process chemist. In pharmaceuticals, specifically.

See, when a research team discovers a new wonder drug, and puts it into animal tests and small-scale human trials, they're doing it in small handmade batches, often in kind of a complicated, temperamental process that has a lot of steps and needs a lot of careful attention from skilled and talented chemists- which is all right when you only need a dose for five hundred mice or a dozen humans at a time, but once they've figured out that it works, it's just- that's a totally unsustainable way to make a drug that lots of people are going to be taking. If Prozac or Advil had to be handmade a hundred pills at a time by people making $80k a year- forget about it! You might as well sell it in a solid gold bottle, because only a zillionare is going to be able to afford it.

That's where I came in. I smoothed out the wrinkles, reduced the number of steps in the synthesis, changed a reaction step that takes $4,000 in powdered palladium into something that uses a catalyst that isn't quite as eye-wateringly expensive, carefully turned a baroquely complicated process that needs constant expert supervision into something simpler and more scalable that needs only occasional expert supervision."

He grins crookedly.

"I started in the small-batches side of things myself, actually. Liked it better, and I was good at it- but I developed a tremor. Some damn chemical or another, something I hadn't adequately protected myself from. Not enough to make daily life too difficult, but enough to make subtle work with stuff one milligram at a time kind of out of the question."

He holds out a hand in front of his face and gives it a contemplative look as it steadfastly refuses to shake.

"None of that anymore. Not sure if I'm more pleased about that or the flying, honestly- it's been good to do things myself again."

He leans back.

"I know academic historians specialize, by era and topic. Do curators? Are there documents guys, earthenware guys, statuary guys, that kind of thing?"

2020-04-07, 10:48 AM

"Depends on the museum." Zach says in response to Daniel's question, "Smaller ones just have one Curator who is in charge of adding to the museum collections and researching the artifacts they pick up and presenting that research to the public as an exhibit. In bigger museum's you have a Head Curator who assigns the other Curators to specific fields. That's how you get Curator of Ancient Art, Curator of Prints and Drawings, or, in my case, Curator of Cold Weaponry. Which basically means I see a lot of rusted hunks of metal and keep my tetanus shots current as much as possible."

2020-04-07, 04:11 PM
Reg sulks a bit, his saxophone vanishing. "My life's had a few chapters, and that's simply the latest."

He rallies. "Your careers sound quite fascinating, though. Tell me about what's involved with caring for metal that's already rusted. Surely you'd want to remove the rust?"

2020-04-07, 04:38 PM

"If the metal artifact has already started rusting it's up to a conservator whether the rust can be halted and the artifact restored." Zach says in response to Reg's question, "Several things are tried in that case to slow deterioration, chloride removal, rust converters, and even special coatings to prevent further degradation. Sometimes artifacts have to be moved into oxygen-free storage as a last resort so that they no longer oxidize. However, most of that is handled by specialists in restoration and preservation. Curators mostly work with those experts and try to keep the artifacts stored in environments which inhibit damage. Mostly that involves proper storage surfaces like powdered metal shelving and polyethylene or food-grade polystyrene boxes in addition to relative humidity control."

2020-04-07, 09:23 PM
Alex starts humming the tune shortly after Reg stops. She has discovered that she can use bits of her internal energy to make shapes in the air. She has made a rather unconvincing butterfly which flaps its wings in the air with a faint sound. The sound however doesn't sound like a butterflies wings. She then waves her hands and the butterfly falls into the ground and turns into a cartoonish campfire, complete with a ring of light around it. You can here the occasional snap and pop of the fire but it lacks the depth and pitch of the real thing. However there is no heat, and none of the smokey smell that comes with the real thing.

"I have to admit that I am enjoying these experiments. As for our what did before this... adventure. I'd call it a lot of parenting." Alex is reminded of saving private ryan, however not enough time has gone by for people to be disapointed she is... he was a school teacher. Oh well, my personal life is scarcely their business. Perhaps later I will change my mind.

"Should we start taking naps or are all of you giants having as much trouble sleeping as I am?

2020-04-09, 05:57 PM
After deciding on their plan and resting until a little past midnight, the group has sufficiently prepared themselves for the journey across the dunes of the desert. This far into the middle of the night, however, there is definite activity out on the sands, barely visible to those of you with darkvision. To make your way out without being detected by these creatures would be quite a feat, and impossible with the light sources you carry. There may, however, be other ways to ward them off... otherwise, something may take an interest pretty quickly.

2020-04-10, 09:31 PM

Seeing things going bump in the night off in the distance, Zach is still filled with a sense of unease and a cold sweat forms on his brow despite his body’s new combat instincts. Trying to shake away the sensation, he says with confidence he doesn’t feel, ”Definitely some critters out there, but your potion should make us fast right Daniel? We can just run on by, and, failing that, we can fight them off.”

2020-04-11, 03:57 PM
"Yes, that should-"

Daniel stops.

"That...should work. But.

Now that I think of it...it occurs to me that predators that evolved in an environment with magic probably use magic."

Still maintaining a jogging pace, he unlimbers his spear and...scrapes his skin with it? Shaves? Tests the edge? Not clear just what he's doing.

"I would not want to bet on us being definitely able to outrun a whatever-it-is."

Applying a dose of Toxic Secretion to my spearhead as a swift action: 12 daily doses remain.

Perception: [roll0]

Currently-active extracts:

For self:
1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment on natural armor: carries a rider effect granting the 60' speed trait of Animalistic Transformation through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Reg: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment on natural armor: carries a rider effect granting the 60' speed trait of Animalistic Transformation through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Alex: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment on natural armor: carries a rider effect granting the 60' speed trait of Animalistic Transformation through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Buffeting Winds benefit of the Air version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

For Zach: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (1 spell point spent for duration 7 hours w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement and Greater Enhance Equipment on natural armor: carries a rider effect granting the 60' speed trait of Animalistic Transformation through Mutagenic Enhancement and another granting the Stoneskin benefit of the Earth version of Nature's Carapace through Nature's Enhancement feat)

Extracts currently distributed but not used:
One copy each of the ones they're currently under the effects of

For self: 1x Superior Poison, CL 7 (One spell point for duration 70m w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement)

For Alex: 1x Energy Enhancement, CL 7 (Cold: One spell point spent for duration 70m w/o concentration through Deep Enhancement)

For Zach: 1x Enhance Equipment, CL 7 (Weapon: duration 3 rounds)

3 remaining spell points, 4 empty extract slots ready to be prepared

2020-04-11, 09:29 PM
Alex has discovered her deep and abiding love of magic. She holds a rod with a glowing magnesium tip that should burn for hours, however that is science or rather pseodo science. It is strange to HIS mind that something he knows should not work, works. However SHE understands exactly the alchemy that makes it work and how it works, to HER it is a simple process to HIM it is an impossible process. However her preoccupying sensation that that of pure speed. He had felt sluggish before, however now her was running faster than he ever had before.

Alex was running with her hands thrown backwards, Naruto style. She had a large smile on her face. "Lets get ready to run area 51 boys!" She does a leaping somersault and lands on her feet effortlessly. "I am having way to much fun!"

2020-04-12, 03:05 PM
Reg chuckles at the exuberance of the plan, but adds "I may have another idea. If we have to be seen, let's see if we can make them see what they don't want to see." His eyes twinkle and his saxophone appears in hand, beginning a tune that seems to thump with the rhythm of their footsteps. The party's forms gain a new, briefly translucent layer that expands outward slightly, taking on the appearance of something animal, primal, and vicious. It doesn't resemble any specific creature, but it is intimidating to behold, even with a glimpse.

Using Complex Illusion to glamer us all to appear as a Scary Beast by which the local fauna might be frightened. Reg has no ranks in K: Nature, so he's hoping that he can make something generally scary enough to do the job. Burning a spell point to make this last for 6 minutes, which should get us past whatever's audible. Can repeat as needed as more threats approach.

Rolling a bunch of rolls to make the Scary Thing, penalties can be applied as appropriate:

[roll0] Perform: Wind (autosucceed for casting purposes)
[roll1] Disguise (Reg's only Sense talent is Manipulate Aura, so he takes a -2 penalty to this check vs creatures with unusual senses besides Detect Magic)
[roll2] Intimidate

29/31 SP

2020-04-14, 01:59 PM
Looking at one another, the group is able to quickly discern that you have taken the form of a pack of intimidating beasts - or at least, what Reg assumes to be intimidating beasts. Quadrupedal already, it isn't much of a stretch to make an illusion that makes you all seem larger, and a good bit hairier. The group now moves across the desert as a pack of wargs, which is certainly not an average prey animal at the very least... and a whole group even less appealing to attack. You all travel onwards unmolested.

2020-04-16, 12:17 PM
"Good...haaah... Good Lord, this pace is draining."

Daniel stops briefly to stretch his calves out and massage a muscle knot a bit.

"Not physically, so much, you're doing a good job of that, Reg, it's just...I've never been able to push myself beyond my physical limits hour upon hour and still be able to keep going. It's- odd, mentally. I keep thinking that it's all going to catch up to me, and any minute now I'll collapse."

He sighs, bounces on his feet for a moment to limber up, then resumes the jog.

"It still beats the Hell out of being in the middle of a desert when the sun comes up, though."

2020-04-16, 01:06 PM
"I agree, it has been years since I've traveled this many miles by foot. And all of that was done at a walking pace. Don't get me wrong, I was caring about 70lbs of gear or so. Still it is surpsingly calming to be left alone in physical labor and let ones mind drift." As they start walking again. "What do you think we are going to find at this location?"

2020-04-18, 11:58 PM
"Worst-case? A well-equipped military outpost of xenophobic slavers who worship the God of Sadomasochism. Best- haah- Best case? Benevolent, English-speaking liberal democrats with a well-funded and competent Department of Helping Involuntary Dimensional Travelers Get Up To Speed."

Daniel makes a sweeping, exasperated gesture expressing his frustration with the depth of what he doesn't and can't know.

"What am I actually expecting? Feudal types, tech level Classical Antiquity to early Renaissance, understandably kind of suspicious of a group of armed strangers who showed up out of nowhere but at least not willing to execute us out of hand if we show our willingness to play nice. The degree to which the language barrier is an issue will...answer some of the questions I've got about this whole thing, I think."

2020-04-19, 05:26 AM

"I actually think that it is probably one of three things" Zach joins in on the discussion during their expeditious march, "It is either a ruin, which makes sense if you saw some of the things wandering outside the reach of our light, an outpost guarding this desolate stretch, or someone's fancy private estate. I doubt it's a normal settlement since being on the edge of a desert has very few benefits, especially if the desert is this near to the ocean. It would make more sense to build a coastal town to gain sea resources and trade in that case."

Thinking of their fist sign of civilisation being either in ruins, denoting the raw danger of their area, or being an active military installation, Zach has trouble deciding which would be worse for them. "Hopefully if we meet anyone native to this place they are friendly and understanding. Which reminds me that we may run into the language barrier with this place being so strange and foreign."

2020-04-19, 06:25 PM
"I suspect we'll have at least some amount of civilization waiting for us. Certainly a softer bed than we're accustomed to. I bet they'll even have some idea what brought us here." Reg doesn't elaborate further on why he thinks this, only smiling vacantly in the distance as his legs carry him forward in lockstep with the group.

2020-04-21, 02:49 PM
The hours pass by into days as you all travel, well-prepared enough for the journey and without any major obstacles in your path as you take the most cautious routes you can. You have just run out of water when you think you're about an hour out from the strange oasis in the desert with the white-walled structure, and the closer you all get, the more swiftly you realize it is definitely not deserted. The foliage in the area, a burst of green, red, and yellow amid the dunes of the desert, is clearly well-kept and maintained as a garden. Furthermore, several people can be seen wandering said garden, all wearing a similar uniform and equipped with bows. You manage to spot this at some distance, and it seems that these guards have not yet noticed you all. How do you approach?

2020-04-21, 04:10 PM

After seeing the compound they were approaching in the distance was inhabited, equal parts relief and fear fill Zach as he turns to speak with the others. "Well those are people if my eyes don't deceive me." Zach says with a gesture towards the structure in the distance, "Now how do we approach? Try to look as harmless as possible and ask for water and directions? Do we tell them we shipwrecked or pretend we are lost travellers? Hopefully we don't encounter a language barrier right off the bat, history has plenty of examples of people being considered lesser for not speaking a common tongue. Even the word Barbarian comes from a root that means 'one who does not know language or customs,' and to judge by their uniforms these people are a part of some sort of organization."

2020-04-21, 10:47 PM
Alex looks onward. She scouts the place, if it come to a fight they are at a disadvantage. However she... he was not much for fighting any how. "Well the way I see it, with out any water we are all dead if we turn around. So even with a language barrier I figure we are more likely to survive by going. And while it isn't much comfort I seem to recall desert peoples are usually very generous if treated honestly, and very punitive if we try and steal water." Thinking back on the water, Alex noticed that he had not drank some in a great deal of time and almost had to force herself to do some. This elf girl body just didn't know when it was thirsty, hungry, or tired. That or elves were built a great deal different from humans, in other ways than being super short and having slightly pointed ears.

"So I guess unless some one has a reasonable idea we all agree on we go up and knock. Maybe offer to work for food and water."

2020-04-22, 01:08 PM
"What do you mean, 'pretend' to be lost travelers? Certainly we were traveling, certainly we have no idea where we are or how we got here. And we're unlikely to be able to credibly impersonate someone from anywhere nearby, given our total lack of knowledge about the region. Seems to me the only thing that deliberately muddying the waters gets us is a story we've got to keep straight and an opportunity to piss off our hosts if they figure it out."

Daniel shrugs.

"I say we show up and just be as honest as possible, make it as clear as we can that we'll keep our noses clean, be good citizens. No spy or infiltrator is going to show up and give a story as ridiculous as ours."

2020-04-23, 01:01 PM
Reg squints. "Honesty does seem like our best strategy, but charm comes from remaining shrouded in mystery, unless they seek to pierce the shroud. I shall tell them only what they ask. For now...let us gauge the language barrier by transcending it." Reg suddenly slides away from the group and into view. "Ho there!" he shouts, his jacket glittering in the sunlight. He eyes the guards carefully, waiting for their response before saying anything further.

[roll0] Diplomacy to appear nonthreatening and likable.
In case it comes up, Reg speaks Common and Celestial (and presumably English).