View Full Version : Chapter 1 Winds of Change in a Sea of luck

2020-04-03, 09:25 PM
It seems almost a week ago since you last saw your mother aboard the Dynames. You had just been getting ready to leave the port city Shakibaii to return to Novus Portus with the goods your mother had procured from the Suli people when you decided to tell her you were ready to set out on your own. Your entire life you had known no other captain, for while other sailors would come and go as they pleased, your mother refused to allow you to leave the Dynames until she was sure you would make her proud.

“Arden we don’t have time for this now, hurry up and help the others finish loading the spices.”

Your mother had told you and while you listened in front of the crew you did bring it up again later when you were out at sea. For a long while your mother refused to even listen to your requests, believing you simply not ready yet to travel the great sea alone, however when you asked her if she had not trained you all your life for this she could not refuse and said she would find you a captain that she knew.

The next three days aboard the Dynames were trying indeed as your mother pushed you harder than anyone else on the crew, including switching your shift to the night watch when it was raining giving one of the newer ship hands a break. However whatever the sea threw at you, you endured each day until the sound of seagulls could be heard and the faint outline of Novus Portus came into view. On the third day of leaving Shakibaii the Dynames laid anchor in the one of the three great port cities of the Swordwatch Empire and unloaded its goods. Your mother had told her first mate, a hobgoblin from the kingdom of Forkarth who had served with her for many tours named Praq, to watch the ship and keep you on deck as she conducted business. As the crisp night air grew later and later, and the candles began to dim in the lanterns in the port city you could see from the ship the thought that perhaps she wouldn’t let you leave crossed your mind. However when you went topside Praq was there watching you and not saying a word. You had seen the hobgoblin take on three pirates at once before and knew trying to get past him would be close to impossible.

Almost an hour later your mother returned, looking older then you had ever seen her appear in all your years of life and began to address Praq. Her voice was like steel as she no doubt tried to hide her emotions. “At dawn Arden is to report to Wallace Magnus, Captain of the Arcturus.” Turning then to salute you, you watched as your mother retreated to her cabin for the night. “She will be fine Lad, all mothers are afraid to lose their children to the sea. Well, all human mothers.” He corrected before bidding you goodnight.

It was now five days later as you pulled into port aboard the Arcturus, into the small to your standards, port of Crystal wood. Looking around you doubt the port could handle a ship larger than the keelboat you are sailing upon, and out of the three spots to dock a ship two are taken including the Arcturus. One of your fellow sailors you got to meet over the past few days, a half-orc the crew called Zeniki, calls you over to help her finish preparing the ship to dock. A few other sailors help with the ordeal as Captain Wallace makes it a point to bring the ship into port himself.

It is not long before the crew begins to depart and the captain calls you over as Zeniki waves goodbye to you as do a few of the other crew members. “So what did you think of your first time on your own out at sea?” his almost grey eyes seem to bore into you as he waits for you to answer. You have only spent a short time with the captain, and have not gotten to know him like the rest of his crew which seems loyal to him, however what you have gathered is that he would never ask them to do something he wouldn’t do himself, and that he always takes responsibility for the most important tasks when it comes to steering the ship. What few times you have had words with him were short lived as the man seemed to be constantly busy, unlike your mother who would always find time to talk to you before this all began.

Okay Brandon to roll on the forms you must do this xdy+z filling in X, Y, and Z with the correct numbers, for instance above I have bolded and italicied some things above that you may want to roll knowledge checks for. Keep in mind however that to roll a knowledge check you must have the proper skills in it, Profession Salior could help for some of these rolls as well.

2020-04-04, 06:46 PM
Knowledge local [roll0]

2020-04-04, 06:47 PM
profession sailor [roll0]
"It was great captain, I'm not entirely sure on what to do next but I'm excited."

2020-04-04, 09:11 PM
Note for each separate thing you want to learn you have to make a roll, in this case I am going to go with the most immediate, Crystal wood as it is where you are at this moment, and I will use your single profession check on Wallace Magnus

Things you could roll a knowledge check for to learn
Novus Portus
Wallace Magnus
The Arcturus
Crystal wood

Crystal wood is a small port you have heard of in your travels aboard the Dynames about a days travel inland from the main port city of Novus Portus. It's main export is ore from the Wynset Mountain range found less then a days travel from the city. Sadly you are unaware of much else about the city for the Dynames never traveled that far upriver due to its size.

While you had never meet the man before three days ago you had often heard tales of his exploits. Many a sailor who joined your Mother's crew would talk about the captain who would never let his crew do something he felt to dangerous. Since he was old enough to walk the great captain had enlisted in the navy of the Swordwatch Empire, and served for a good twenty five years before buying himself a boat and settling down to a much simpler lifestyle. At first he simply did it for fun, bringing goods from Crystal Wood all the way to Norvus Portus, however soon many a young sailor came to join and learn under the old captain and so he began teaching the next generation as he put it. Even in civilian life the Captain has not lived a dull life, having fought off pirates more times then people can count, and having lost the amount of people he can count on a single hand in all these years.


Captain Wallace (https://youtu.be/CY97XoaEjFg) listen’s to the excitement in your voice as you exclaim how great it was to be on your first voyage on your own, a slight smile being seen under his bushy white beard. “I know what you mean lad. I have lived so long at sea I honestly don’t believe I could sleep on dry land even if I was forced to. There’s just nothing like the smell of the sea and the rocking of a ship below your feet.” He agrees as he lifts hand up to his parted beard in thought to the second part of your reply.

“Well I doubt we will be leaving port for at least the next two, possibly three days. Have to restock supplies, visit a few old friends, and see who needs their goods transported so how about you go enjoy yourself for a little while. After all I doubt you have ever been to a smaller port before, it’s not like those big cities that your Mother likes to stick to. Everyone is a lot closer knit, kind of like how you get when you sail with the same crew for a good amount of time.” He explains to you kindly as he lifts one of his large, callused hands, up to his beard as he strokes it in thought for a few moments.

“If you are looking for a place to stay the night, get a few drinks, eat some food I would suggest the Dismal Whale, Agatha may not have the best manners, however you won’t find a better cook for the price she charges. There’s also the blacksmith’s shop in town, a small little place next to the river gate on the north east side. Run by a good strong dwarf, and if I’m not mistaken Zeniki’s brother is an apprentice there.” The captain says trying to think of things to do. “If you see any noble looking people don’t get involved just stay out of there way, they all think their **** don’t stink and that the working man has no place besides to make them richer. And until I introduce you, I would stay away from the merchant’s guild starting up here as well. They are almost as cutthroat as the noble’s if you don’t know the right person. If you’re looking for prayer and solace, or just some healing potions you could stop by the temple of Valkur, they are a good lot who worship the sea in all its glory. However most of their priests serve aboard ships as their surgeons or chaplains and so I can’t really say who’s manning the old temple at the moment. But there is always at least one there.” He says waiting to see if any of those interested you.

2020-04-05, 03:55 PM
"well I could always use a drink and Ill probably want a room for the night so I think I'll head over to the Dismal Whale then maybe I'll check out that Temple."

2020-04-05, 09:43 PM
Explaining to Captain Wallace that you could use a good drink after the voyage and a room for the night the captain points to the bridge you passed on your way to dock. “All you have to do to get there lad is walk across that bridge and then the Dismal whale will be on the right hand side of the street, not to be confused with the guild hall right when you walk across the bridge.” He points out, no doubt meaning someone had not followed his directions once before and walked into it think it was a tavern or inn. “Let old Agatha know I’ll be by later tonight with her special request and word of advice while you are there, keep your fingers and toes away from the turtle, and if it bites you don’t try to hurt it back.” Captain Wallace says, not going into any further detail as he heads to his quarters.

Once off the dock two large buildings great you, one seems like a sturdy stone building, three stories high with windows so small you doubt a child could climb through them. The other is unclear as it doesn’t seem to be a door on this side of the building, however down the alley between the two buildings you can hear two people talking, though you would have to strain to hear what they are saying.

As you continue along your path you make your way to the bridge the captain pointed out, a simple wooden bridge it seems made to serve a purpose more than appearance. Along both sides of the bridge people are hawking out their catch of the day it seems, all different kinds of local seafood, and one even selling crabs. Near the middle of the bridge is a halfling sitting at a table with three tin cups on a simple wooden box. “Step on up and try your luck. 1 in 3 what better chances can you ask for? Pick the correct cup and you win the coins, lose and you pay the fine.” The halfling says as you now note a cloudy looking glass jar filled with silver and copper pieces.

2020-04-09, 12:07 PM
I step up and say "hello what is the wager to play"

2020-04-09, 10:03 PM

As you walk up to the halfling calling out to all to try his game and ask him about the wage he turns to look directly at you, a broad welcoming smile as he does a small mock bow. "Welcome sir, welcome sir, a simple wager for a simple game. 1 silver gets you a chance to win the pot." he says gesturing to the glass container filled to the brim with copper and silver coins. "What do you say, do you care to play? Roll the dice and take a chance, let the winds of luck sweep you away." the young brown haired man says talking fast as his hands move to scoop up all the tin cups and begins to juggle them as if to show that there was no trick to the game, no hole in the table and no holes in the cup. A simple game of guessing is all it was.

As you place the silver piece on the table the three cups seem to slam down on the table as the man's hands become a blurr of motion, the cups moving at an unnatural speed as he talks to you almost just as fast. "So what's your name brave sir? I haven't seen you in Crystal Wood before and I must say I am excellent with faces. Yours however I haven't ever seen. So you must be new, so what brings you here to this small little town of ours?" he says as his hands finally start to slow down until at last he lifts his left hand up and extends it out to you while his right goes to his side. "The names Sanwrick by the way, the luck stone is what some call me here." he says kindly before sitting back after shaking your hand. "So which shall it be sir? Which cup contains your silver?"

If both players have the Profession Gambler they both roll and whoever rolls higher wins, however as I highly doubt you have that skill it would be your spot vs his sleight of hand as he is moving the cups around.

2020-04-16, 07:41 PM
"Yes I am Arden and it is my first time in port" I place a silver down [roll0]

2020-04-16, 09:08 PM
"Well Arden let me be the first to welcome you to our fair village. It may not be big, but it sure has character." Sanwrick says as he lifts the cup up you point to. "Well thats tough luck that is Arden, care to go again? Best two out of three?" he says as you begin to hear the clang of metal boots approaching from the direction you came. "Or perhaps I could show you around town? After all you are new here and I am sure you don't know where anything is. A single silver piece and I can get you where you need to go." the halfling says.

Keep in mind if you want to roll to make a check you have to say what kind, so for instance a spot check to see who or where the metal boot sound is coming from. You did however lose the game of chance so he will be taking that silver piece.

2020-04-21, 06:04 PM
I'm gonna roll a sense motive to see if I can tell why he wants to suddenly want to show me around [roll0]
I'll give him a silver and say "I was heading to the dismal whale for a drink".

2020-04-21, 09:30 PM
Arden as you try to sense if Sanwrick has any ulterior motives you sense none in his kind, warm face as he takes the jar of coins and places your silver pieces inside of it before closing it up and sticking it in a backpack he seems to have had hidden on his side of the cardboard box Sliding his hand across the cardboard box to push all of the items on top of the box into it before handing the box to one of the vendors by his side.

“The Dismal Whale you say, right this way Arden I’ll have you there drinking from Dismal Agatha’s finest brews before you know it. After all I was once like you as well, new in town, down on my luck but look at me now.” Sanwrick says as he tosses his backpack over his shoulder and begins walking in front of you talking a mile a minute, as he seems to move in and out of the sea of people moving about the bridge as if they were not even there. As the two of you walk the sound of the metal footsteps seem to be getting more distant, though if this is because your navigator is walking fast, or the fact they are not coming this way is unclear due to the massive amount of people crossing the bridge making it difficult to see more than twenty feet away.

It takes another ten minutes of pushing past people, with Sanwrick seeming to vanish every now and then only to reappear once more saying this way, before you reach the opposite side of the bridge. A grand stone building, three stories high stands before you with glass windows looking in on what appears to be some kind of business. “Yeah don’t worry about that place, nothing interesting ever goes on around there.” Sanwrick says as he points to the building next to it. A modest two story building, the second floor made with a wooden overhang, and a dark looking weathered sign, of an unhappy whale, blows back and forth in the wind breeze. “Well this is the place, the Dismal…”

“And stay out!” comes a robust voice as you see a well-built sailor be sent flying out of the dismal whale, in the doorway a rather large and ugly human with brown shaggy hair rubs his hands together before picking up some small animal and walking back inside, the door slamming behind him.

"Right so a few ground rules, number one don't state at Agatha. She doesn't mind curiosity, but she hates feeling self conscious, she knows what she is and most of the saliors in town respect her and seek out her charms because of it. And two, don't mess with the turtle or Orot will take care of you. See only two, thats easy to remember." Sanwrick says smiling waiting for you to be ready to enter.

2020-04-23, 11:47 AM
I will enter bar and I will roll a spot check 1d20+ and head up to the bar

2020-04-23, 11:56 AM
spot check [roll0]

2020-04-27, 08:03 PM
Arden you have been in taverns almost all your life when not on your mother's ship and know very well what to expect from such places. So as you walk in the door and see the bouncer nothing seems out of place about him, after all he is supposed to be a big strong person if he is able to fight drunken sailors. You note Zeniki sitting at the bar with a rather strange looking woman. The bartender, or at least you assume to be so, as Zeniki is sitting by her getting served a drink has blue skin that is taunt showing the bones underneath her skin, and green kelp like hair that she wears down. She is hideous by most standers, so much so that it tries to make you lose your lunch.

Fort DC 16 or take [roll0] Str damage

Besides that you notice very little out of the ordinary about the Dismal Whale Tavern as Sanwrick stands by your side. "Shall we go and get ourselves a drink or would you rather have a booth?" he asks nonchalantly before you head towards the bar and he follows by your side.

"Agatha, he calls out from your side pulling out the jar full of coins you saw him with earlier. "You look as beautiful as always. I have your payment." he says pushing the jar of coins over towards her as he climbs up the stool three down from Zeniki. "We got a stranger to town and I'm showing him the digs, says hes looking for a place to sleep for the night think you can take care of him?" Sanwrick asks her as he reaches behind the bar for a bottle only to get his hand whacked away.

"You know the rules boy, no drinking before you place the coin down. I'm old, but I still learn from my mistakes." she says in a chiding, however friendly manner as if the two are on good terms. Turning to look at you, you have her full undivided attention on her as she places one of her sickly looking hands down. "Well boy is it true what Sanwrick says, you are looking for a room at old Agatha's? I promise you won't find a better deal in the entire village. Then again all those other places promise you will leave with the same amount of limbs you entered with, I do not." she says not elaborating on the matter.

2020-05-13, 07:59 PM
Fort save [roll0] "yes I'm looking for a room for a couple nights" I say as I sit down on a stoll by the bar "and how much for a for me and my new friend here"

2020-05-15, 06:43 AM
"and how much for a for me and my new friend here" Not sure what your asking for, a how much a room, a mug of mead or ale.

"A room will cost 2gp and comes with a meal." Dismal Agatha says impressed as you keep your composure around her. "Drinks will be four cp per mug of ale." she adds kindly.

2020-06-21, 04:08 PM
I will put down 2 gp for the room and a silver piece for a drink for me a Sandwick and we will head to a booth

2020-07-18, 09:52 PM
As you place the coin on the table Dismal Agatha snatches it up with a blurring motion of her hand seemingly sweeping over the table before it is gone. "Take a seat anywhere you wish that isn't already occupied and your drinks will be over shortly, by the way boy what shall Dismal Agatha place your room name under? Unless you simply like being called boy?" she points out before you leave to a booth with Sandwick.

Once at the booth Sandwick kicks up his feet and smiles. "I must say its not often someone buys me a drink, never mind pays me to show them around. What exactly are you looking for?" he asks, it is at that moment a rather large hulking figure with his two bottom teeth jutting out over his upper lips comes over with a tray that looks far to small in his hands and two wooden mugs and places them on the table before leaving. You note Sandwick doesn't seem worried about talking infront of the giant figure and seems perfectly at ease even though you saw him minutes ago throw a full grown man out of the bar.