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View Full Version : DM Help Might I ask for some help? Looking for mythical army pictures. Mermaids, Giants, etc.

2020-04-04, 09:56 AM
Hi all!

I'm running some games on roll20, and I usually have handouts for people, places, etc to give a visual. I'm fairly good at finding specific people/places at this point, but I admit I'm struggling to find wide shots of armies. I was hoping to find a good underwater army of Mermaids, some shots of Cyclops,' Giants/Titans' marching, etc. The parties are doing a greek themed game with different groups taking on different tasks, with a shared world/consequences. "Army of the undead' was very simple to find, but I'm striking out on the others. I'm sorry to ask, but I've been at it for an hour on different sites with different terms, and I'm running low on fumes. I know it's a longshot, but I have nothing to lose at this point.

Thank you for your time! Happy gaming out there.

2020-04-05, 08:15 AM
What system are you using? Maybe it would be more appropriate to post directly to its subforum.

2020-04-05, 08:46 AM
You could try to look over the art of magic: the gathering? The various sets set on Theros will have that greek feel, and in addition to more close-up shots, there probably should be some cards depicting larger fights.