View Full Version : Pathfinder Unquiet Grave Self Healing?

2020-04-06, 09:53 PM
If you have access to the Unquiet Grave discipline from Path of War, you are able to heal targets using negative energy as follows:

Additionally, a creature that knows 1 or more Unquiet Grave strikes may expend one of those strikes as a standard action to touch a creature that is healed by negative energy and infuse it with negative energy; the touch heals the creature for 1d8 hit points per level of the expended strike. As usual, a strike must be readied before it may be expended.

Would a dhampir character be able to use this to heal themselves? And how would this actually function in practice as normally you can only use strikes during combat?

2020-04-07, 01:06 AM
You only have access to strikes while in "an encounter," as ill-defined as those are, so think of this more as in-battle Lay on Hands for undead than out of combat healing

2020-04-07, 06:26 AM
You only have access to strikes while in "an encounter," as ill-defined as those are, so think of this more as in-battle Lay on Hands for undead than out of combat healing

Almost but not quite. If you don't put the work in to recover it, you only have access to a given maneuver once per encounter (that is, once you use it, you can't use it again until you've had one minute without making attacks or being attacked; please read the Systems and Use chapter, it's important).

Path of War already has an opinion built into its design philosophy about the use of strikes to heal people without a daily limit (see the entire Silver Crane discipline in Path of War 1), and since Unquiet Grave is more obscure (on a book and lore level) and less focused on actually striking with this method (people are justified in feeling that you have to be hitting someone with intent to harm them to use a strike like Silver Crane's healing strikes), it should be acceptable for any table that already allows the use of Silver Crane healing strikes out of combat (and if that's houseruled out, the table already knows what they want when they houserule this, so a forum thread is not the right place to be asking).

Importantly: A strike is readied as soon as you've finished your 10-minute exercise routine and it stays that way until you choose to ready a different maneuver in its place. The note about how "As usual, a strike must be readied before it may be expended" is reminder text preventing anyone from getting it in their head that using a known-but-not-readied maneuver to pay this cost is kosher.

There's Path of War errata out, too. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XOaJTBE8Knb_PYjZV1T4m-7pqVA__yWe)

2020-04-07, 10:59 AM
I recall one of the DSP devs stating that out of combat, maneuvers recovered on the next round. Not regarding that, almost every initiator can recover a maneuver as a standard action, so yes, a Dhampir could heal themselves at a normal pace with Unquiet Grave. I should note that the discipline was designed for the vampires in the book, who are vulnerable as hell, so free healing isn't a dealbreaker for them.

2020-04-07, 09:45 PM
Of course, forum thread posts can't be taken as canon because they're not widely known about, but it's a fair rule to implement.