View Full Version : WindStruck Solo D.A.R.Y.L scenario

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2020-04-08, 02:11 AM
GM reserve.

WindStruck said:

3.5 is my preference.

Hm, so with 1/2 a hit die, I guess that that will make a grand total of 1 HP.

Try hard mode engaged!

Edit:. Just a distinction from DARYL: they won't be a robot. I just had extensive genetic engineering in mind. And we're probably looking at a child that's 6 years old, not even 10!

Double edit: or maybe from one perspective you could say they were made like a robot or with them. Still all 100% organic and probably almost impossible to tell from an ordinary human unless you analyze their DNA.

Now that I'm thinking about it more, the scientists were probably showcasing all the things the can modify. But let's not go crazy here. No one wants to buy a child with four arms and seven toes! We could say the child has green hair and some other outrageous eye color, like.... bright orange?

2020-04-08, 03:53 AM
Let's set the physical age/size to about 8-10. The chronological age is more of a question.

Cosmetics can be up to you. Like the skin can be light, dark, striped, camo pattern...

How do you want to handle gender? Boy, Girl, or genderless (apparently female in pre-pubescent state)? The sex of the character won't be important in the early stages of the scenario. It is really player preference.

At some points I will present a question in the form of a challenge. How the character attempts to handle the situation will determine an aspect of the character stats. Like how some computer games handle character creation.

2020-04-08, 04:52 AM

The green light has come on. That is odd. Usually it is the white light above you when you are awake.

But it is nice to have some light.

It seems like a long time since the lights came on. Since the big shake happened. It knocked you out of your bed.

You were waiting for the headache to pass so you could do your next test. That is usually just a short nap with the light on.

But when the big shake happened you fell to the floor in your room and the light went out.

No one came to take you to the test. No one has brought food.
The water still comes from the sink, but you are hungry. It feels like you have missed many meals.

You see your bunk with the blanket.

You see the sink and toilet. They still work. She cleaning shell works too (Demolition Man). Your hygiene kit is on the little shelf above the sink. The little drinking cup is there too.

You see the stool and small table where you eat. Your mess kit and water bottle are on the table.

You see the door. The little window in it is closed from the outside.

You feel like you need to leave.

In the dim green light you can see your designation on your arm. What is it? (the code they use for your name)

2020-04-08, 04:54 AM
Oops. IC went up as I was posting. Response to that incoming.

Probably in the tubes to the side you may see some bald ones that look male with camo patterned skin, or another one that appears female with an odd mix of facial features and strange skin tone like a Smurf. But this child is definitely female, and looks relatively normal, save for her green hair and orange irises. Otherwise she appears Caucasian.

Challenges to increase skills and stats sounds cool. Just try not to make it super obvious when that is the case! :smallsmile:

By the way, I'm going to be trying to take this blank slate idea seriously, so don't be too harsh if I neglect objects like books, don't know what buttons/switches are, or ignore that exit sign and get into more danger.

But of course, the child is supposed to be super smart and observant. So she may eventually learn.


I see. So not waking up from some kind of vat matix style. We're living more like in a prison/confined environment, and it appears we have a bit of familiarity with some objects and practices. Ok.

2020-04-08, 05:38 AM
The big shake was loud and scary. After it, I had to grope around in the darkness just to find my bed again. It was especially hard getting a drink of water or using the toilet, but slowly and very carefully, I managed without breaking anything or hurting myself. After all, I knew this room well.

When the green light came on I grew hopeful. Looking down, I noticed the strange marks on my wrist. It was like an anomalous discoloration in my skin with a distinctive pattern. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but it said SAGE.

(Super Accelerated Genetic Enhancement)

2020-04-08, 06:52 AM
OC: Add a number or alphanumeric to the SAGE, please. Your specimen number.


You remember the confusion of your birth. Being wet and cold. The warming towels. Not understanding anything, or knowing that you needed to understand.

Then they put something in your mouth, and your head hurt and you fell asleep. When you woke up you understood that you could eat and crawl. Still, you nearly died the first few times you tried to eat.

After some more glowing pills were fed to you, you learned to walk, use a mess kits, use the toilet, how to clean up when you throw up using the rag and bucket.

The larger pills made you stronger and more steady. You sleep for a long time after those.

Other pills make you know things for a little while. Long enough to do some test.
Some make you faster for a while.

You have seen your reflection sometimes.
You have seen others like you. Some floating in tubes. Some walking around. Sometimes they have one doing the the same test you are doing.

The tests are sometimes trying to arrange blocks in a pattern. Sometimes moving across a room with things in the way.

The bigger people either wear black, white, or green. The black ones just watch. The green ones do the tests where you have to move. The white ones watch the moving tests, and do the tests with the small blocks.

You were going to do a test soon. You took a pill. But the shake happened.

You feel like you should leave, but the door is closed. You have never opened it from the inside. They always open it.

How do you get out?

2020-04-08, 07:19 AM
Ok, let's make it....

SAGE [roll0]

At first I just wait for a while, expecting someone to come in and get me. (She wouldn't know how long, but it was a good 20-30 minutes).

But after nothing happened, and there was still nothing but silence, the feeling that I should leave lingered, and grew. Maybe this was one of those tests?

I stand up, and slowly, I approach the door. I stare blankly at it for a while, my mind.. not registering much at all. Perhaps, it was trying to think, to come up with something to do on its own for the first time. Having never paid much attention to it before, I scrutinized the door, and did not seem to see anything out of the ordinary upon it, save for the small window and... (perhaps a handle?).

2020-04-08, 07:32 AM
There is a handle with a thumb button. There is a small gap on the side of the door with the handle. You can see the bolt.

The door opens outward from your room.

There is a square on the wall by the door with 3 buttons on it. You have never touched it. You have a memory that you shouldn't. Like the memory that you shouldn't put your head in the toilet.

2020-04-08, 08:36 AM
oc: The timing from the shake to the green lights coming on is more like 3 days.

2020-04-08, 12:36 PM
Initially, I try experimentally pushing on the door a bit. After all, it was supposed to move that way, wasn't it?

Then I remember that lots of times, the men in green or white usually touched and manipulated the handle on doors like these. I try to twist the handle like they did.

I don't ever touch that square. I feel like something terrible will happen if I do.

2020-04-08, 12:51 PM

Like this, but more industrial looking.
It isn't a Jurassic Park type. Some of the other doors in the lab are like that though.

A gentle push does nothing.

The thumb button will go down slightly and spring back when released.

Are you going to try to force the door?

2020-04-08, 12:59 PM
Are you going to try to force the door?
(Nope. In that case, if the handle looks like THAT...)

Still, I try imitating what the other men did. They placed their biggest finger, called the thumb, on the button and pressed down. At the same time, they pushed the door.

I try that, awkwardly, perhaps not realizing the timing needed. (But eventually Sage should get it right, assuming the door isn't actually locked).

2020-04-08, 01:05 PM
That doesn't seem to work. (She doesn't understand that it is locked, as she hasn't encountered the concept before)

2020-04-08, 01:20 PM
The door wasn't opening... Why not? Something was different (obviously). I just didn't know what.

Remembering the window, which was another odd feature of the door, I try to take a closer look at it. Standing on my toes didn't really help much.

I look about my room and remember the stool. I had a memory, that I should not climb on it.. I could fall and hurt myself. But... I drag it over to the door, anyway. Taking hold of the door handle, I use it to help me get on top of the stool as carefully as I can. Shakily, I stand, a sense of dread slowly washing over me. I try to examine or look out the window while I still can.

(But it's closed and no way to open it from here, right?)

2020-04-08, 01:27 PM
Looking at the window you find one if those clear barriers. This one has a black diamond pattern of thin black lines. The lines seem to be in the barrier instead of on it. The surface is smooth.

The covering on the outside of the window is behind the clear stuff.

2020-04-08, 01:29 PM

2020-04-08, 01:45 PM
(Can Sage see anything outside the door? Edit: or maybe that's the covering you speak of, blocking sight through the window?)

2020-04-08, 01:49 PM
No. Just the cover panel over the window.

2020-04-08, 02:37 PM
Having not learned anything new, I now had the task of getting off the stool before something bad happened to me. Carefully I bend my knees, lowering myself. Hanging onto the door handle for dear life, I manage to extend a leg out, a foot only a mere few inches away from the floor. I make the leap with much anxiety, but find myself unharmed.

(So the climb really shouldn't have been dangerous, I think the memory in her head just said it would be.)

After I get down, I am back where I started. It seemed the door will not open. What do I do now..?

Remembering that I have some dim light, I head over to the sink and use my grooming kit, at least. I wasn't able to properly use it for the longest time because I couldn't see. After that, I sit down on my bed for a bit.

I was so hungry, I didn't feel well. I was not sure if anyone would be coming, anymore. I still felt like I needed to leave, but... how??

Well, with no knowledges, no skill ranks, and just about zero practical life skills, I think I'm stuck.

Of course, if I was trapped in such a room, I might consider taking small parts from the grooming kit and trying to fiddle with the bolt in the door... But I don't think this child is doing that yet. Maybe I could also consider attempting to break down the door, but she wouldn't. I think she's so small and weak, it's impossible anyway...

So I guess I'm stuck. Are there any other unnatural thoughts, planted in her mind, which may surface and be helpful? Or will something or someone eventually let her out?

2020-04-08, 02:59 PM
: DM face palm:

"At some points I will present a question in the form of a challenge. How the character attempts to handle the situation will determine an aspect of the character stats. Like how some computer games handle character creation."


Are you jimying the bolt with your nail file for the INT boost, or bashing the door for the STG boost, or....?

Ic,: After a while you start getting hungry and desperate enough to try again.

2020-04-08, 03:24 PM
The issue I'm trying to express is that I wouldn't think either of those actions is in character. If she doesn't understand the concept of doors being locked, how would she get it into her mind that not only is this the reason that the door won't open, but the way to make it open is to fiddle around with some piece of metal she has never really seen or interacted with before - which I might add she can only see a sliver of through a crack - and use a nail file in a manner she has never used it for before?

Well, I'll try to make it work. I'll go with the nail file route. Sorry if I'm being so obtuse. I'm trying not to metagame. But.. for a genetically super-genius child, she should probably be able to figure things out, right?

Something was definitely wrong. No one was coming. What would happen if I could not have anything to eat? I... somehow knew that would be very bad.

I go back over to the door, desperate to make it open, seeing if there was some detail I missed. When experimenting with trying to pull or push it open, I noticed that the door seems to budge perhaps a millimeter either way before stopping. I go back and forth, over and over, looking it all over. Eventually I notice the bolt, which seems to move with the door. Only it stops too. The sound and vibrations seem to emanate from that bolt, as if that is the thing that is hitting against something. I'm not entirely sure, but I think this is why the door won't open.

I know just by looking at the crack that my fingers will not come close to fitting in there. But having just used my grooming kit, I was reminded that there was something very thin inside that might fit. Retrieving the nail file, I try sliding it in the crack and push it against the bolt in the door, this way and that. I hope this does something...

2020-04-08, 03:33 PM
After experimenting with the bolt for a few minutes...Click.

The door opens slightly ...

Ooc: I'm from Georgia and I stayed up late to see the news updates. Bed time now.

I'll give a description of the hallway tomorrow. Too sleepy to type now.
Maybe you should describe preparations for leaving the room?

Btw, you are wearing a pink t shirt and sweat pants.

2020-04-08, 04:43 PM
When the door opens, I get a strange feeling. Later, upon thinking on it again, one might have describe those feelings as relief? And maybe accomplishment?

In terms of preparation, there was not much. I put the nail file back where it belongs out of habit, so it won't be lost, and I put my stool back near my table. Because where else would it belong? Then, I decide to open the door and see what lies beyond...

For now kind of being stupid and not taking anything, but if/when it becomes apparent that no one's around, and that this isn't some "test", and if I have to go back to try getting something else I need, then it would probably be natural to think "hey, I should bring some of these objects with me".

At this rate the nail file looks like the most useful item. Not sure how much use a tooth brush or comb is going to be. Toothpaste as lubricant? Or to make a monster slip? Hmm... :smallwink:

2020-04-08, 06:29 PM
The odor that greets you is like burnt vomit.

The hallway is lit by the green lights.

When you step into the hall, with a klank-Click the white lights for 20 foot around your door come on.

The hall is 20 ft wide and 10 ft tall. Above your door is your number stenciled in black. Your room is on the East side of the hall.

You know there are 12 doors in the hall, 6 on each side. To the south is the bathing area. To the north is the rest of the complex.

On the floor are two large black splotches. Looking closer at them, around the edges are remnants of white cloth with black edges on the ...Inward side going into the black splotch.

2020-04-08, 06:39 PM
Book keeping: +1 lock picking, +1 CHA. Set HP to 6.
That last pill you took must have been a intelligence booster. Add + 1d12 to INT based checks.

2020-04-08, 10:54 PM
I finally created a sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2174904).

If you don't mind, since the child's apparent age is more than I initially thought, I bumped the strength up by 2 points. We're still sitting at 5 str, so still pretty weak.

Added the bookkeeping work onto it. I should be able to take care of this from now on.

The smell is revolting, and makes me feel a bit worse, but I should really press on. At least it's not like I had anything in my stomach to throw up...

Looking around at the immediate environment outside, I notice the black splotches. If I had to guess, maybe that white cloth is the same kind of cloth the men in the white coats were wearing? Something tells me it's not an important question to answer right now, and investigating further, such as touching the splotches, was probably a bad idea. The worsening smell was a strong enough indicator of this.

Logic would say... whatever I'm seeking, such as food or another person will most likely be to the north, to the rest of the complex. So I head that direction.

2020-04-08, 11:23 PM
You start to head north.
After a step the next section of overhead lighting comes on white.

Roll 3 spot checks.

2020-04-08, 11:24 PM
spot 1: [roll0]
spot 2: [roll1]
spot 3: [roll2]

2020-04-09, 12:19 AM
The light comes on, and you notice another splotch. This one is also ringed in remnants of white cloth. You see something glittering from an intact pocket.

There is one of those things they are always scribbling on near the pocket.

2020-04-09, 12:35 AM
If I don't have to actually touch the icky substance of whatever the black splotch is, I try picking up the glittery thing, and the scribbly thing they write on.

I peer around the area again, just in case someone came out of nowhere, observing me, scribbling as they always do or.. worse.

(Assuming no one's really there and nothing much happens) I take a closer look at these objects I just picked up, for the first time in my hands.

2020-04-09, 01:16 AM
You avoid touching the black stuff and reach into the pocket.

You find 6 small silver disks,
You find a paper tube with some sort of white pills with small green flecks. There are 5 of these pills in the tube. (roll Wis check and Int check)

You find 8 glowing pills like they give you before a test. (roll int check. you may have to roll the d12 separately)

The scribble on thing is a rectangle about a foot long but not quite as wide. You know the word pen. You have used then in some tests where they wanted you to draw lines and copy things. The pen is in its holder clip at the top of the scribble thing. A few sheets are attached. (INT Check)

You don't see anyone around, but... (spot check)

2020-04-09, 01:28 AM
lots of rolls to make!

…. a paper tube with some sort of white pills with small green flecks. There are 5 of these pills in the tube. (roll Wis check and Int check)[/QUOTE]
wis: [roll0]
int: [roll1] + [roll2]

... 8 glowing pills like they give you before a test.
int: [roll3] + [roll4]

… The scribble on thing is a rectangle about a foot long but not quite as wide. You know the word pen. You have used then in some tests where they wanted you to draw lines and copy things. The pen is in its holder clip at the top of the scribble thing. A few sheets are attached.
int: [roll5] + [roll6]

spot: [roll7]

2020-04-09, 02:35 AM
The pills in the paper tube you think are some sort of food. They smell like the dental floss in your hygiene kit.

Examining the glow pills, they look like permanent ones. Those were always slightly bigger.

You notice that the pills have tiny symbols on them. A string of symbols and dashes. The pills all have the same number, except for the last symbol.

Looking at the pages on the scribbler, most of it you don't understand, but then you see the same symbols as on the glow pills in the same place on different pages. Then you notice SAGE designators near the tops of the same pages with the pill numbers. On the page with SAGE11 is the pill symbol ending in 001.

2020-04-09, 03:01 AM
These pills.. the small ones with green flecks seem to be like food, but I don't know why they smell like my hygiene kit... Greatly needing some food, however, I try one. Just one, and see how it tastes.

But then I remember, too late, is it supposed to be swallowed?

As for the other pills, I'm very reluctant to try any now. I still don't know what's going on, and I'm hungry. While it might be reasonable to assume that the pill ending in 001 was for me, I know the pills tend to put me to sleep and give me headaches. It is not a good time for this, at least not until I feel safe and nourished.

For a time, I take the objects I found with me, balancing them on the scribble thing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them. Maybe I can put them somewhere. Maybe a man will want them... If there is anyone still here... I keep heading north.

2020-04-09, 03:08 AM
Do you swallow, suck, or chew?

2020-04-09, 05:26 AM
On the white pill, I mean.

2020-04-09, 01:43 PM
(I think, since she is thinking it was food, she chews it. They gave her normal food to chew before, right? But, this is just a tic-tac or something, isn't it?)

2020-04-09, 02:00 PM
You've been given various types of food, but you don't know what any of them are called.

The pill has a thin shell and a softer interior WOW!!!

The flavor is overpowering. Sweet and...Like the dental floss but x 1000.

And it melts in your mouth !

(I was thinking you were going to choke down that mentos whole.)

+1 cha

2020-04-09, 02:08 PM
Wow! This was too much flavor! But something was still pleasing about it. In any case, not going to spit it out. There's a memory that I shouldn't do that when eating something unless.. well, that's not the case. The pill wasn't so bad. It just was kind of weird and not that satisfying my hunger.

Still chewing on it for a bit, and with a strong minty taste lingering in my mouth, I don't eat another one of those white pills either. I continue heading north.

2020-04-09, 02:14 PM
( the CHA increase was for figuring out some stuff about the numbers. Gaining confidence)

You continue to pass doors as you progress north through the hallway.

The next set of lights seem damaged, ...hanging off to one side.

You see the intersection ahead.

2020-04-09, 02:26 PM
I'll slowly and carefully continue on my way, noting the damaged lights...

spot: [roll0] In case there's anything else special to notice about them.

Then at the intersection...

(Is it a 4-way intersection? Do I know/remember what is in which direction?)

2020-04-09, 02:37 PM
DM DJ https://youtu.be/t2q_xH7Y87E

No relevance, just what I'm listening to.


At the intersection, North is where the greens take you for physical tests. East is where the whites take you for thinking tests. You've never been west, but you gave seen blacks coming from that direction.

Looking up at the damaged light, you see a crack in the wall. It runs down to one of the doors on the west wall of the hallway. The doorframe is bent. The door is ajar.

2020-04-09, 02:44 PM
Seems I had a lot of options. For now I go north, hoping I will be able to find someone or find some food.

The more I press on, the more I am beginning to think this isn't a test at all... In fact, after lingering around the intersection for a bit, and having not seen anyone, I am all but certain it isn't a test.

2020-04-09, 03:09 PM

As you near the intersection, you see it is filled with splotches. Some rigged in white, some in green. Many over lapping.

There is no longer any doubt that these used to be people. Recognizable bits of limbs and foot coverings remain. There are some darkened items mixed in with the bodies

(Search checks, if you can stomach it)

2020-04-09, 03:20 PM
Will save: [roll0]

There's a horrible thought, a .. 'primal' thought, deep down that makes me not want to look at these bodies. And yet, was there something helpful in the pieces?

(got to make a new post for search now)

2020-04-09, 03:23 PM
As long as I can avoid touching the black substance of the splotches:

search: [roll0]

2020-04-09, 03:28 PM
There are a few pockets to go through...

Which will have to wait as I'm falling asleep...

2020-04-09, 11:10 PM
You find
plastic fork
roll of gauze
A spin thing from one of the tests
A bunch of pages between some stiffer paged
An orange good stick
bottle of something
A cup
A finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.
3 scribble things
A red rectangle
54 silver disk
12 silver disks with a face on them
5 yellow disks with a head in them.
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem.
5 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.

2020-04-09, 11:32 PM
This was a lot of stuff... Like a whole assortment of random objects in a test you were meant to do something with. Only... I didn't know what I was doing. At all.

For some reason, maybe curiosity, I dug through all the pockets looking for something... at first it seemed pointless, but I found a food stick! I think... There were also many other objects here now. They were here for some reason, right? The men in white, green, and black did something with them. I just didn't know what.

It's kind of a silly amount of stuff to have, especially without a bag or pockets of my own, so may as well leave it all behind in a neat little cache.

Let's not turn this into a fallout game where we hoard every piece of junk imaginable and inexplicably without the use of a pocket dimension. :smalltongue:

I decide I'll leave everything here neatly organized, maybe like a game. I set the first scribbly thing I had (clip board?) on the ground, and lay all he discs (coins?) and all the pills on them. I find that the discs stack nicely, so a lot of them are in some small stacks.

The three scribble things stay in their own stack, on top of the pages, where the other miscellaneous stuff is put on top of. The bottle and cup are set on the floor, standing up on their own and out of the way.

After that I continue heading north.

TLDR: I just dumped all my "inventory" into a nice organized cache on the floor in the intersection. And now I'll keep heading north for now.

By the way, I had a question about one of our mystery items:

An orange good stick - No idea what the blazes this even means literally, much less what it's meant to be. Is it a stick that's orange in color, that is given to other test subjects when they perform well? Do they eat it or something?

2020-04-09, 11:37 PM
It is supposed to be food stick.

2020-04-09, 11:40 PM
(Oh nice. So I guess searching around did pay off!)

Assuming the food stick isn't all icky, and I'm pretty familiar with it, I'll try eating it.

(After that, continue heading north.)

2020-04-10, 01:09 AM
CRUNCH. Munch munch munch nibble.

You have had these before.

+1 search, +1 cha.

As you munch on your snack you manuvuer around the bodies and head north.

The lights in the hall behind you turn off a couple minutes after you left an area.

Past the intersection you enter the area of the greens.

They usually show you how to do something, then see how well or how long you can do it.

Sometimes they want you to cross a room after they put things in the way, or to get something out of reach, or to throw things

First comes the room on the east where they look at you and give you pills. The temporary ones that just make your head hurt for a little while. The door to this room is open.

On the west across from that is a door you have never been through. It is closed.

Beyond that is the large testing room. It has double doors.

Across from that is the toilet, shower, and water room.

Where do you want to go in the green area?

2020-04-10, 01:22 AM
Earlier, I thought there might have been someone or something in here that might help me. But now remembering the various doors here... maybe the best place to try first is the unknown.

(Let's try going in those mysterious doors I've never been in before!)

2020-04-10, 04:07 AM
The handle on that door (J Park type) won't turn.

Looking at the door you notice an odd grey/brown rectangle on the wall next to the handle.

INT Check.

2020-04-10, 06:38 AM
int: [roll0] + [roll1]

So is this 1d12 bonus permanent or... is it just a surprise?

2020-04-10, 06:43 AM
Maybe that last boost was INT...

You remember seeing a white open a similar door with a blue rectangle.

2020-04-10, 06:57 AM
(I don't follow what you mean.)

I think I need a blue rectangle thing...

I will take a quick look around the other rooms here. Let's start by looking inside the checkup room.

I don't intend to turn the place upside down searching every nook and cranny for every conceivable object. That will probably be too tedious for both of us, especially you. I think what I just want is a general description of the room, plus any notable objects. You can even throw some red herrings in there if you want for fun. :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-10, 09:38 AM

(Here be medical supplies to be taken and repurposed to your metagaming heart's content.)

In the exam room there is a high bed with a pillow and white sheets.

There is a hamper .
There is a cabinet with clean sheets, pillow covers, t shirts, and sweat pants.

There is a small silver rolling table with a test of pokey pricky things that make you feel worse, and a try of rubby prody things that make you feel better.

Those sweet yellow things on a stick must be around here somewhere.

There is another cabinet of misc equip.

There is a desk with lots of papers. On if those clear thing the whites wear on their faces sometimes is sitting on the desk.

2020-04-10, 09:47 AM
Nothing immediately stands out to me, until... Aha, those clear thingamajigs!

Lets try searching the desk for a blue rectangle to open that door, or the tasty yellow things.

With a bit of study, and a little bit of effort, should be able to open all the drawers unless they are locked...

2020-04-10, 12:14 PM
Oh.. maybe I should, you know, make a search roll if I want to search for something... :smallsigh:


2020-04-10, 03:22 PM
Order of events is important here...

Do you do anything with the clear thingamabob?

The drawers are not locked.

In the first one you open is a bundle of 20 purple, not yellow, sweet(?) things.

And further searching is INT based, so roll your d12 after we resolve what you do with the first two items found.

2020-04-10, 04:57 PM
I don't know, what do the men in white do with these clear things? I'm guessing they're glasses or goggles, so I'm probably not doing anything with them, aside from maybe taking a closer look at them for a better description at this point.

I'll also try carefully looking at, sniffing, and licking a purple thing to be sure if it's food or not. I'm guessing if the yellow ones were lollipops, these are also lollipops. But I think something will tell me that eating nothing but candy isn't going to help me in the long run. lol

Also, I thought the 1d12 was for INT checks. Not every INT-related skill as well. That's kind of a huge bonus for everything. :smallconfused:


2020-04-10, 09:37 PM
They are glasses.

Do you try them on before licking the sucker?

2020-04-10, 09:44 PM
Sure. I'll examine them, maybe look at them really close and notice that it makes things appear weird through them. Maybe I'll try putting them over both eyes just like the men in white do, only to become disoriented and start getting a headache. Because odds are I've got better than 20/20 vision. Then I'll discard them because I don't really like them.

Then I'll try licking the purple sucker.

2020-04-10, 10:23 PM
The 'legs' pivot a bit to adjust for size and hook behind the ears.

They don't cause any distortion.

Looking around while wearing them, as you look at the papers, symbols appear floating in the air in front of you. You can't touch them, and they disappear if you try to look over the glasses. You don't understand the symbols, but they are similar in style to what is on the sheets on the scribble things.

Without removing your new toy, you try the purple. You have to remove the clear covering. It is sweet. Not the same flavor as the yellow ones, but not objectionable.

Enjoying you treat you look more closely at the clear bag holding the other 19. On the bag There is a white rectangle with symbols

You focus on the first group of symbols.
The leg of the glasses, being you ear makes a sound as the same Symbols appear in the air. ... (Be back in a min)

2020-04-10, 11:08 PM
(had to answer WA, sometimes switching apps will lose text already typed)

The floating symbols separate into groups. Tran-quil -i -Zer. You hear the sound repeated slowly, and the symbols turn green , left to right, as the sounds are made. This keeps repeating...

You wonder what this means... The repeating stops and a new group of symbols appear : PUT TO SLEEP

As the sounds for the new symbols start to repeat, you wonder what this all means? You get a flicker of an image in your mind of you in your bunk.

And as the lolly suddenly dissolves as your mouth numbs and the world shrinks into dark, you understand what the word SLEEP means.

You don't feel it when you hit the floor.

You learn the word DREAM, DREAMING, and in the free association of the dream you imagine being in your BUNK, which is also BED, on your MATTRESS, with MY BLANKET....
The SCRIBBLE thing is a CLIP-BOARD. These are GLASSES. TRANSLATION you don't really understand. You get that a VISOR is like GLASSES, but you don't completely understand Visual Interactive Sensory Object Registration.

Groaning, you awaken, stiff from an awkward position, even hungrier than before. Rubbing your head is enough to make the lights click on. You are on the FLOOR in the exam room. The LOLLYPOP STICK is right next to your HEAD.

(Don't abuse this. Understanding is based on association with what you already know. Assume kindergarten vocabulary is available.)

2020-04-11, 12:06 AM
Well played, sir, well played.



So I'm not sure what you're telling me not to abuse. My character now has some cool eyeglass gadget. Are the words in ALL CAPITALS things my character knows now? Or.. are these merely concepts they know of, without being attached to a language?

I think, at the very least, I can take the glasses with me, and they may help my character understand things a little better, right?

Groggily, I shift on the ground and lay there a bit, still hurting and wanting my headache to go away. After a bit, seems I'm better off getting up. I slowly stretch and get to my feet, all wobbly. I blearily look around and remember where I'm at. And I definitely know those purple lollipops are NOT good for eating...

Still feeling terrible in general, I take my cool transparent toy with me, and I shuffle towards the toilet area / water area (swimming pool??). I couldn't remember, was there someplace I could get a drink from in there?

2020-04-11, 12:32 AM
Yes, I'm signifying new vocabulary with CAPS.
By don't abuse, I mean it isn't going to to identify technical/magic items, or unusual items. But you can say that you see a CART with a TRY on it. Leave it to me for what is on the tray.

Before you leave the room, the results of that search check. You find the container with the yellow lollypops.
You also see some drinking cups.

The Shower/toilet/water room has plenty of ways to get water in it.
There is even a water bottle filler that gives cold water. If you had your water bottle. A cup might work.

I'll describe that room after you decide if you want to do any backtracking, like getting your water bottle or whatnot.

2020-04-11, 12:48 AM
(Ok, the yellow lollipops were safe, right? Then again, I think I'm sick of lollipops.)

I grab a cup on my way out of the checkup room, since I was really thinking of having some water anyway. I use the thing that fills up water bottles and try putting the cup in there. I probably end up drinking at least 10 ounces of water...

After that I actually pay more attention to the room.

(Guess we'll need some rolls now?)

spot: [roll0]

2020-04-11, 01:27 AM
The yellow ones are labeled LEMON. Focusing on Lemon just gets you the nonsense terms TYPE OF FRUIT, and the memory of the taste of the yellow lollypops.

The water from the DISPENSER is good and cool. You can drink about 10 oz, or drink as much as you want and, in game terms, 'top off your thirst meter'.

You feel dirty and can shower here. There is a counter filled with TOWELS and BATH ROBES. Clean clothes are back in the exam room.

One part of the wall is divided into SHOWER STALLS with CURTAINS. These have a single SPRAY NOZZLE overhead and two FAUCET HANDLES labeled HOT and COLD. There is a DRAIN on the floor.

Another area has the place where many can shower at once standing around a device that sprays water from nozzles at different heights.

Other items in the room are TUBS, JACUZZI, SINKS, LOCKERS, SHOWER SHOES, WASH CLOTHS, BAR OF SOAP, SHAMPOO BOTTLE.... you don't understand the difference between LIQUID SOAP, LIQUID HAND DETERGENT, and HAND SANITIZER. There are dispensers for BODY WASH, SHAMPOO, and CONDITIONER. You don't get the difference.

Further back there is a HOT TUB, and a COLD TUB, and a large SWIMMING POOL. There is a locker labeled SWIMMING COSTUMES. There is another area with some kind of beds and bottles of OIL and RUBBING ALCOHOL. You don't understand what these are.

Behind one of these beds is another shower stall. The water is running. In it is a dead Green. This body is more intact. The blackening less sever. The clothing isn't as damaged. Much of the exposed flesh is red or pink instead of black. It is gross to look at.

2020-04-11, 01:29 AM
Oh, the spot check.
On the floor next to the dead green you see a black stick. A WAND.

2020-04-11, 05:01 AM
Attracted by the sound of running water, I find the dead man in green. I don't know why, but my face seems to involuntarily twist, like the sides of my mouth, or my cheeks pull down.

I'm curious about the thing called a WAND, but the water is bothering me. I think .. just have to manipulate the handles...

After turning the water off, I pick up the wand and look at it. Preferably, while not standing right on top of the dead guy.

2020-04-11, 05:14 AM
Balance check :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-11, 12:14 PM
Oh, there are toilets and urinals of various designs around, I just forgot to describe them.

2020-04-11, 12:36 PM
Balance: [roll0]

2020-04-11, 12:44 PM
I'll be nice.

You manage to pick up the wand without incident, though you do get wet turning off the shower.

One tip is white. The rest is black. There is an impressed code near the none white end.

More of this body's clothes are intact, including most of the pockets.
Care to search?

2020-04-11, 01:08 PM
(Um.. nah, I don't think the instincts of a rabid murder hobo have infected me yet.)

An impressed code? Do the glasses say anything about that?

If I feel dirty (and now I'm a bit wet) maybe I do try to take a shower. I can go back to that other room to get some more clothes. As for the dispensers.. I don't know what it means, but I try repeating what we did when we washed before?

2020-04-11, 01:36 PM
The glasses are silent on the issue.

You have a memory of how to shower with a wash cloth and a bar of soap.

After tests where you got dirty they would just hand you a wash cloth, a bar of soap, and a towel and push you into a stall. Then you would go through the motions.

Do you want to get clothes first, or shower first?

2020-04-11, 01:50 PM
Get the clothes first!

2020-04-11, 02:34 PM
You return to the exam room, your stomach grumbling.

You pass the CART with the TRAYs on it. There are SWABS and SCALPELS among the other items.

You open the cabinet and see the T SHIRTs and SWEAT PANTS next to the LENINS , the BED SHEETS and PILLOW CASES.

What are you going to do with the wand?

(My phone has stopped alerting to new email. Probably too full of fragments of student assignments. There may be some delays when I just don't notice your message for a while.)

2020-04-11, 02:46 PM
No idea what the "wand" is. Let's put it on the desk in there.

I'll grab an extra tshirt and sweatpants, then go clean up...

2020-04-11, 02:55 PM
Returning to the shower area, you pass LOCKERS on your way to where the towels and wash clothes are stored.

There are also ROBES and bars of soap there.

2020-04-11, 03:11 PM
Let's just do the normal routine. Wash up with soap and water. Dry off thoroughly with a towel. Put on the new clothes.

Don't need to bother with the robes and swimsuits.

(Although if the character was extremely curious and eccentric, probably needing a ton of cha, maybe they'd experiment with some different clothes)

2020-04-11, 03:32 PM
As you undress the Glasses start giving you words for random body body parts. When you are less HUNGRY, you might want to take a tour of yourself. You never knew you needed named for your fingers...

There are what look like hygiene kits near the sinks if you want to further freshen up. They don't look like yours though.

There are also SLIPPERS available if you want to stop being bare foot.


Following the normal routine, you open a HAMPER to put the dirty Items in. You see a green shirt in the hamper.

2020-04-11, 03:57 PM
Yeah, I'm really too hungry for much dilly-dallying.

I already did groom myself with my own hygiene kit not long ago.

And it's probably most comfortable and natural feeling to remain without the slippers. I think the thought hardly even crosses my mind, but I decide to go without them even if it does.

Don't know about the lotion, body powder, or foot powder. Do I know what it's for? Do I even think I need it? Probably not.

Curiously, seeing the green shirt, I dig into the hamper a bit to examine it, wondering if anything useful was left behind there.

search: [roll0] + [roll1]

It's a lot more appealing, in any case, than groping a burnt, deformed body.

2020-04-11, 06:44 PM
It is the outer shirt they wear. FATIGUE BLOUSE

It is of a thicker material than your t shirt.

The 4 POCKETS are EMPTY , but you realize that the pockets themselves are valuable.

You can wear this over your t shirt. You don't have to use the BUTTONS.

2020-04-11, 07:04 PM
Hm. It occurred to me that small things could be kept in the "pockets" of this shirt-like thing. Fatigue blouse? But it's not like there was anything else I was taking with me...

On the subject of carrying things, I start, for whatever reason, thinking that a shirt, towel, or set of pants could even be wrapped up in a certain way to carry things. But again, why?

The fatigue blouse looked pretty big for me, and it smelled a little funny. Like how I think I start smelling if I haven't cleaned myself in a long while. After carefully considering it, I spread it out on top of the hamper for now.

I leave this area and, I guess to be thorough, try entering the large testing room. Though at this rate, I think I might only find dead people...

2020-04-12, 01:19 AM
You walk in to the testing area, which the Glasses labels GYM.

You walk past the waking thing TREADMILL and the heavy things WEIGHT MACHINE, RESISTANCE TRAINER, WEIGHT BENCH, BARBELL, DUMBBELL , and the floor softs MATS.

You see the storage area where they keep the ropes, climbing gear, hand power, stick fling things, and other stuff for tests.

You see that a hide the way MAZE test is set up and
On a table, there is an absolute mess of color! It takes a lot of staring and investigation to begin understanding what you are looking at.

There is a colorful woven thing BASKET. made of threads of different colors PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN. PASTELS.

Then there is a layer of green and yellow fibers PACKING GRASS with many small pills in every color. They are shiny but not glowing.

Then there are a dozen larger round ROUND, OVID things. They have many colors, lines, and symbols on them FLOWER, RABBIT, CHICK. They are glittery FOIL WRAPPER.

In the middle is a large, almost head sized ...ovid... thing. The exterior SHELL looks GLOSSY. EGG: UNKNOWN SPECIES.

Looking over this whole mess, the glasses conclude: EASTER BASKET, EASTER EGGS: CANDY, CANDY: JELLY BEANS

You've eaten eggs before, but those didn't look like these. CANDY makes you think of the Yellow Lolly Pops.

Off to the side of the table are several odd shaped boxes EGG CARTONS. Most of them are empty. One holds 3 colorful eggs. EASTER EGGS.

On the floor under the table are two smaller baskets with some grass in them. Each has a small rectangle of paper INDEX CARD. One says SAGE11. The other says SAGE6.

2 INT checks.

2020-04-12, 01:41 AM
int 1: [roll0] + [roll1]
int 2: [roll2] + [roll3]

Easter gifts for the lab rat kids? This is kind of making me sad...

2020-04-12, 01:59 AM
You've never been given an egg with a shell on it before. And you don't understand how the yellow ball inside white ball food is the same as the yellow food, but the VISOR makes you think they are.

One thing is sure though, some of this stuff is food EDIBLE !

That the cartons are mostly empty, and a maze is set up ... You have had tests before where things, food sometimes, was hidden in the maze and you had to find it.

Looks like SAGE6 was going to do the same test.

(Dig in. The foil ones are a mix of hollow milk chocolate and Cadburry types. The big one won't crack)

2020-04-12, 03:00 AM
I didn't know what it was, but I felt something. The glasses might say it was EXCITEMENT or JOY. It seemed like I was meant to have something.. out of the ordinary. Special...

I start eating some candy, not eating the foil, because I think I know better than that by now. But at some point, I think my body tells me that that's enough sugar.

I'm interested in going though this maze, solving it, and seeing what prize might await me. But better yet, with no one in green coats to direct me, nor watching, I'm even more interested in if I can just skip to the end of the maze without going through it.

2020-04-12, 04:42 AM
3 spots and an INT., Then a WIS.

No longer hungry, you start towards the maze.

There is a water bottle filler in this room, if you brought a cup with you.

+1 cha.

2020-04-12, 04:48 AM
(Think we're well off on water, for now... though to be strictly-realistic, I'd bet eating a bunch of candy would make one a bit thirsty)

spot 1: [roll0]
spot 2: [roll1]
spot 3: [roll2]

Int: [roll3] + [roll4] (-1 from that)

Wis: [roll5]

2020-04-12, 04:56 AM
Did you take a basket?

2020-04-12, 05:29 AM
(basket or no...)

You enter the maze. The walls are just over head height. As you prepare to go over the wall, you spot something. A small orange thing . (Got to answer WhatsApp)

2020-04-12, 06:30 AM
The orange thing is a few meters down the maze.

You walk over and examine it.

It isn't so much hidden as stuck in a corner.

It looks like an egg, but is smaller and flat on one of the long sides.

It is inside a clear CREAR PLASTIC WRAPPER.

You can try it, leave it or take it.
There is a gap in the maze wall here. It is in the direction you wanted to go, so you pass through it.

You see another gap going the right way, so through you go.

If you want to keep on a nearly direct path, you will need to climb the next wall.

Before you attempt , (and make a climb check) you spot a purple hard boiled egg attached to a wall not far away.

It occurs to you that maybe this test is about finding the most instead of getting to the end.

And why do the test at all if there are no greens or whites to watch?

You look up to the place OBSERVATION ROOM with the clear walls WINDOW where they usually look WATCH OBSERVE you.

You have never seen how they get up there.

Spot Check

2020-04-12, 02:05 PM
spot: [roll0]

(So basically, it appears like they've just hidden MORE candy in the maze?)

2020-04-12, 06:51 PM
The normally spotless glass is discolored.

(Candy and eggs. This might be an opportunity for the "take 20" rule.)

2020-04-12, 09:14 PM
Realizing that the point of the maze was likely to discover more of the candies, I cease my foolish efforts to "beat" the maze and just.. go back.

It occurs to me that maybe I could take the colorful basket with me and put candies in them as I traversed the maze.. but at the same time, I didn't feel like any more candy anyway. On one hand my stomach felt like it was full, but.. it was more uneasy and unnatural than anything, with so much sweets.

I head back toward the intersection, and see what lies in to the east, where the men in white conducted their other tests.

2020-04-12, 11:37 PM
Walking down the HALL HALLWAY you reach the INTERSECTION.

Did you take a basket?

Do you want to look at the cache of items you left there?

2020-04-13, 12:02 AM
I leave the colorful basket where it belongs for now. Seems it was meant to be there, and maybe it would be ideal for traversing into the maze later.

(Yes, let's look at all the things with the spiffy glasses!)

2020-04-13, 12:35 AM
What about the other two baskets? the ones for you and SAGE6?

The items:

You find
plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
roll of gauze (WOUND DRESSING)
A spin thing from one of the tests (TOP)
A bunch of pages between some stiffer paged (BOOK. the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS)
An orange good stick
bottle of something (Sun LOTION. SPF 50. Sun doesn't make sense )
A finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it. (LIGHT STICK, CHEM LIGHT)
3 scribble things
A red rectangle (ROLL AN INT CHECK)
54 silver disk (DISK, SLUG, TOKEN you get the notion that the glasses are unsure)
12 silver disks with a face on them (COIN SILVER. MONEY doesn't make sense)
5 yellow disks with a head in them. (COIN GOLD)
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem. (PENNY, COIN COPPER)
5 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy. (TO RESTRAIN HAIR

2020-04-13, 01:08 AM
The hair scrunchy is large enough to fit on your arm. (I need sanity breaks between scoring homework assignments)

2020-04-13, 01:29 AM
(Hm.. actually, this gives me an idea. Have I ever seen or met SAGE 6 before?? I'm starting to think.. why don't I bring their basket to them? This will start getting me to think about the other test subjects too.)

Int check for red rectangle: [roll0] + [roll1]

Even if I fail that.. does it look similar to the blue rectangle I saw the men in white use to open that one door?

2020-04-13, 01:57 AM
You have seen others, but haven't paid attention to their designations.

Yes, it looks like the blue card.

Looking at your designation, for the first time you learn, from the glasses, that 11 is a number, and how much that number is.

2020-04-13, 02:28 AM
(Ok, let's assume I got SAGE 6's basket with me. I'll keep the red card too, for now.)

I don't know why, but the warm feelings I got make me think maybe this SAGE 6 might like their basket. And I began to wonder about the other ones as well.

With basket in hand, I go back to the hallway where all our rooms were. I look for the "6" symbol on or above the door. Maybe their door will open from the outside?

2020-04-13, 02:36 AM
Returning down the hallway, you find that 6 is the room where the CRACK FISSURE in the wall has damaged the DOOR FRAME and the door is slightly AJAR.

2020-04-13, 02:38 AM
Carefully and quietly, I try to make my way in! Let's also keep an eye on the broken thing above. Don't want it falling on me...

move silently: [roll0]

spot?: [roll1]

2020-04-13, 02:43 AM

The damaged frame popped the door open, but the damage makes the door scrape into the floor. Loudly.

It is dark inside.

2020-04-13, 02:55 AM
I'll carefully listen to see if I can hear anything in there...


If not.. I have an idea! Go back and get the LIGHT STICK?

2020-04-13, 02:58 AM

Back down the hall you go. RETURN

Anything else you want to RETRIEVE?

2020-04-13, 03:04 AM
Not right now. Let's just take our miniscule light source in there and.. see if there's anything? Hopefully not more dead people? (Or lab children-turned-monsters? :smalleek: )

2020-04-13, 04:12 AM
Yeah...umm...about that...


It takes a fit of FIDDLING: Slang, Fidgeting: Slang, EXPERIMENTAL MANIPULATION before you get the SNAP to BREAK the INNER CAPSULE to TURN ON ACTIVATE the glowstick. LIGHT ILLUMINATION.

PEERING into the room, you learn some words you might not have wanted.











PARTIAL STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE you don't quite get that one.


2020-04-13, 04:40 AM
Another emotion comes. Disappointment and sadness. Though perhaps I didn't know what they were, and it wasn't nearly intense enough to start crying. After all, there was no bond to speak of.

I turn away from the gruesome scene and linger in the hall...

What was I going to do now?

Perhaps there were others in their rooms? Were they... smashed too?

(I guess.. let's try to open another random door. I don't know if this is a terrible idea or not, but I think curiosity is getting to me.)

2020-04-13, 04:51 AM
(pick a number, 1-12, excluding 6 and 11)

Pushing the thumb button on the door produces a CLICK, and the door can be pulled free.

You find an empty room illuminated by the green light.

The blanket is folded on the bunk. All of the Kits are where they should be.

(no one is there)

2020-04-13, 08:52 AM
(Hm, let's say.. 9?)

Come to think of it... If there were others, would they not have already come out by now? Or at least tried to? Just to be sure, I open the one the says 12, too.

(Same thing? If so...)

I shuffle back to that main intersection. Remembering something, I look at that first clipboard I found. The one where I first found the assortment of pills, and one appeared to be for me.

(Are there any words that can be associated on the clipboard?)

2020-04-13, 09:54 AM
Looking at the clipboard for a while STUDYING

Most of it uses ALPHANUMERIC CODES for and ABBREVIATION UNKNOWN for things, instead of words.

Subject on top of the box HEADER CELL where designations go.

Item no. is above the ..cell where the PILL code goes.

You don't understand DATE.

For you and 6, there is a marking for ADVANCED PROGRAM CANDIDATE.

The scribbles in the other cells are indecipherable.

2020-04-13, 02:23 PM
I don't know what happened.. to the men in colored coats, or to the others. If there were others. There probably were...

But I think that one pill was definitely meant for me and supposed to help me. I think those men had good intentions for me. Maybe it would teach me something?

Taking my basket back - in it, the light stick and red rectangle, and glasses - I go back to my room. I suppose that any of the others, besides the collapsed one would have worked too, but it didn't feel right. This was my room.

I fill my cup with water in there, and sit on my bed. Carefully, I swallow the pill meant for me. And whatever comes next, I try to ease into it. A headache, I can have experienced before. If I fall asleep again.. at least I can be ready, on my bed.

2020-04-13, 02:37 PM
It isn't long before you pass out. You just start feeling heavy...

Did you take the glasses off?

2020-04-13, 03:06 PM
(hah, I don't know. It's hard to say what I've even been doing with them while active...)

(I guess, let's say, all our eggs are neatly in the same basket, so yes.)

2020-04-13, 03:31 PM
Your dreams replay the experience of the past few days, though events play out differently.

You climb over more things.
You climb over the maze.
You climb up the walls.
You climb up to look though the window of the observation room.

You need to get away from something.
Your skin feels tight.
You run to get away.
You can't get away.
It is around you.
You struggle to climb free.


You are soaked with sweat.
Your muscles ache.

There is no headache.

The green light is still on, and the glowstick dimly contributes some yellow.


You wipe your face with the back of your hand and WHAT? IT"S more STICKY huh?

bolting upright, something dangles from your arm. ARMS.
You skin has split and peeled.
Shirt and pants torn.
Mattress shredded, you sit in a nest of stuffing and shreds.

There is new skin under the gore of the old.
Normal feeling skin.

But underneath the skin....harder.

Wiping off your fingers reveals that your finger nails are still there, but your fingers feel crowded somehow.

Flexing your hands you try to get used to the new feeling WHA DAH!

Thin curved nails slide out of the pads of your fingers....And toes.....

When you can relax...they slide back in, disappearing under the skin with just slight lines betraying their presence.

Set STG to 10.

Claws. +1 racial bonus to attack.
1d4 crit x3
weapon finesse
Improved 2 weapon fighting (natural weapons only)
Roll all claw damage checks twice and take the better.
+2 grapple
Rake with feet if grapple achieved.

+4 racial bonus to climb
+2 climb skill
roll all climb checks twice and take better.

Climb speed on things soft enough to grip, 10 ft.

--Your blanket is on the floor. You must have kicked it off. It is undamaged.
Your are going to need a new bed and new clothes.
And you really want a shower.

2020-04-13, 05:22 PM
(What the heck! I thought it was just going to teach her something! Like maybe a language...)

Shocked by my dreams, and not only that, shocked by what I woke up to, it was hard to calm down with these strange things happened to my body, my bed, and everything..

The filthiness was intense. Something was telling me I didn't like these changes, the destruction of my bed, the split skin and stickiness... eww.

I feel rather overwhelmed, and quickly make my way out of the room and head south, where I remember that other bathing area was at. I just want to clean off and make that feeling go away.

(And no, not bringing any of those other items!)

2020-04-13, 05:38 PM
This room is mostly as you last saw it. Most of the lights click on when you enter.

Round with 12 open stalls with no curtains.

A bench near the entrance holds towels, wash cloths, clean shirts and sweat pants, and bars of soap. There is a hamper for used items.

One of the ceiling lights is broken, and a crack runs down the wall into one of the stalls.

The water works in the undamaged stall you choose.

Under the spray you work the old layer of skin off. It is just a thin layer on your face and body. Much thicker on your limbs. The skin under it is clean and unblemished.

You seem much stronger.

2020-04-13, 06:01 PM
I work carefully, trying not to activate my claws and scratch myself.. or damage anything else for that matter.

I still don't know if I like what happened to me. The small piles of skin near on the floor that would never wash down the drain made a very unappealing mess, reminding me of it more.

After I finally feel cleaned off, I dry off. I dry off very well, too. Then I try putting on some of the new clothes.

I should probably mention, I didn't want my "perfect specimen" becoming some kind of mutant. But I guess I can live with this.

TBH, I was hoping if you gave special upgrades, it would be psionic powers. Now that's the future in human evolution!!

2020-04-13, 07:12 PM
(ever see Serenity? Doll House? Firestarter? Total Recall? Watchman TV series?

I'll remix the charts to include more psi...)

The clothes are just like your old ones.

Listen check.

Where too next?

2020-04-13, 11:59 PM
(Total recall. With Arnold Schwarzeneger, where he goes to Mars? I've seen that.. not the other ones. Not sure what the relation is)

Listen: [roll0]

(Assuming the check doesn't make me change my mind) I'll go back north to my room and retrieve my easter basket. I'll throw my nail file from the hygiene kit and my bottle of water in the basket too. Hopefully that's all I need... Then I'll go back to the intersection and take a turn to the right, heading to the mental test area.

2020-04-14, 12:25 AM
(various movies about Memory inserts, lab grown psi powers, and lab rat kids...)

You didn't hear anything unusual.

(there was a screw up with the school sending assignments to a grade they shouldn't have, now there is a rush to grade those assignments, expect replies to be short)

The hygiene and mess kits are pretty compact, you can take both easily if you want.

You are hungry if you want to go back and have Easter Eggs for breakfast. The hard boiled ones aren't sugary.

In any event, you arrive back at the intersection. Do you want to add anything else to the basket?

Do you put the glasses back on?

2020-04-14, 01:04 AM
(Alright, I guess we can just take both the kits since they are so small. And wait, there's hard-boiled eggs? Real eggs? Where?)

2020-04-14, 01:33 AM
Back in the physical test area.
Their mention must have gotten lost in the description of everything else.
There are egg cartons on the table next to the big colorful Easter basket. These are empty except for 3 (colored) eggs.
In the maze the second egg you saw was a "normal" Easter egg. The first was one of those cheap candy ones in a clear wrapper.
judging from the cartons, there must be more than 100 hard boiled eggs in that maze. and however many candy ones.

2020-04-14, 02:04 AM
(Alright then, sorry, I think I missed it and assumed they were simply all candy)

Actually, since I'm hungry again, I'll go back to the maze. But I'll actually hunt for the real eggs and maybe find and eat two or three? And then, I guess after that, I'll find two more to keep with me in the basket.

2020-04-14, 02:22 AM
Taking your time, you easily find that number of eggs.

You come across many candy eggs as you go. You can bypass or collect 1d12+3

What are you doing with the egg shells.

Fort save.

2020-04-14, 02:37 AM
I think I can intuitively tell that eating the egg shells is bad, right? Even if not for certain, eating the soft part inside would be far more appealing to the shells. The shells are likely to be.. discarded somewhere. Maybe I can actually sit down all civilized like at the table there and use my mess kit. My claws would also work too, but.. nope!

(and ffs if the eggs are bad, they should obviously smell and also taste horrible)

fortitude: [roll0] ??

2020-04-14, 02:46 AM
Well, since your limbs were just restructured last night, you might be craving the calcium, but we'll make that a role play decision.

There are other ill effects from too many eggs. None seem to manifest.

Rather 'lady like' you eat your eggs.

Did you put the glasses back on?

You are in the area with the raised observation room you don't know how to get into, and across the hall from the door you haven't figured out how to open.

2020-04-14, 05:29 AM
Yeah, we can say I've had the glasses on occasionally. If they aren't too annoying, even most of the time now.

(Still remember the dream mentioning about climbing up there. But I think maybe you can get up there by going down the other hallways in the intersection.)

After eating the eggs, I figure I might as well see if the red card works to open the door, somehow. Should have likely seen the men running their rectangle through the other rectangle. :smallsmile:

2020-04-14, 06:09 AM
The glasses are light. You barley notice them.

The pop-up language lesson seems calibrated to not distract. you never have to change your focus to see the projected symbols.

You learn the YOKE is inside the WHITE of the egg. The TRANSLUCENT LINING the shell FRAGMENTS sticks to is a MEMBRANE.

WIS and INT checks.

Moving to the door, basket in hand, you study it again. What did you see the whites do with the blue card.....

After a bit of trail and error, you slide the rectangle CARD though the brown-grey thing and your hear a soft beeb and a click. KEY CARD READER.

2020-04-14, 03:58 PM
wis: [roll0]
int: [roll1] + [roll2]

(Still have the bonus to int checks?)

Hearing a beep and a 'click' I immediately try opening the doors to see if they will, in fact, open for me now.

2020-04-15, 12:40 AM
You have stated to realize that now that you have WORDS...KNOW...TERMS...VOCABULARY that you have started to THINK in words.





It is like your memories had some words with them, but you couldn't...HEAR? the words before. The memories were just things you knew how to do with out words to describe what you were doing.

You could know things, and realize things, and learn, but you couldn't think about thinking. Now you are starting too.

+1 int (yes, you still have the bonus)
+1 wis

You turn the handle and feel a rewarding click.
A testing TUG proves the door will open.
You see darkness though the crack.

Pulling the door open further, light from the hallway reveals a slice of empty floor.

Peering in, as soon as your head enters the room ca-cra-cLICK-ick
Over head lights activate.

You find a large room.

arranged in the middle are 12 beds in a 3 x 4 grid, evenly spaced. They are neatly made. blanket folded with pillow stacked on top. Each bed exactly the SAME.
At one end of each bed is a black box CHEST FOOT LOCKER.

No, there is a difference. Each has 3 sets of foot coverings PAIRS OF SHOES.
They look DIFFERENT.
One kind is larger and shaped differently. BOOTS.
The other is smaller. ATHLETIC SHOES TRAINERS.
Each bed has either 2 pairs of boots and 1 pair of trainers, or 2 pairs of trainers and 1 pair of boots.

Scattered about are 6 splotches with rings of green MATERIAL CLOTH

To the RIGHT there is a DOORWAY with no door leading to what looks like a BATHROOM area. There is a sink next to the doorway. There are also lockers lining that wall.

Further past that is a Curtained off area.

The back of the room is open space.

There is a door at the back of the room.

On the LEFT side of the room there are tables and a counter and some strange looking cabinets.

2020-04-15, 01:19 AM
I study the room, noting 6 more remains of what were probably people...

The bathroom area didn't really interest me at the moment. Maybe I would see where the door at the back of the room went...

Ooh, what are these strange cabinets?

I take a look at them with the glasses and see if maybe they will open?

2020-04-15, 01:43 AM
Approaching the cabinets you walk though the table area.

One table is long and has BENCHES built into it. A single CHAIR is at one end of the table.

The other table is smaller and ROUND. 4 chairs are around it.

You step up to the two east end of the counter. There is a sink in the middle of the long counter, and other cabinets are at the far end.

The two in front of you light up as you get close.

One is RED, the other is BLUE.

The red one has a glass front. In it are rows of....PACKAGES? Each looks roughly hand sized or smaller.

Oh... some of them are like that paper tube with the chewy pills that taste like dental floss. Many of the packages are colorful. Others are clear what is in them looks like it might be food.

On one side of the front of the FRAME of the cabinet is a group of squares. Above this is a short crack with some ...MECHANISM next to it.

The blue machine as a similar group of squares, but not as many, and they all have bright symbols. It likewise has the short crack. You can't see into the blue machine (ahem) cabinet.

2020-04-15, 02:23 AM
(Ah! Thought they may have been refrigerators. But I see now... :smallwink: )

I look at the two strange cabinets, mystified, also feeling like I wanted what was inside (but not desperately so since I ate eggs and candy).

I push against the glass a bit, but of course it doesn't give way. I try pushing each of the buttons...

I don't know. If we're a bit in the future, some vending machines should say or display messages!

2020-04-15, 02:55 AM
When you push the buttons a small red light under the short crack flashes. So does a light just below an item in the cabinet. The position of the button pushed roughly matches the position of the item in the cabinet.

2020-04-15, 04:16 AM
I look at the crack, illuminated by red light.. What, was it.. broken or missing something? Obviously my red card doesn't work. Hmmm...

I try inserting my nail file and wiggling it around, this way and that, only to get no response, or maybe angry beeping.

I honestly do not think my character will ever make the logical leap that you put coins in, unless she's seen it. Which, I can guarantee, she hasn't.

Finally I give up, perplexed by this latest puzzle but moving on. I go to see what's behind the door at the back wall.

2020-04-15, 04:40 AM
Make an open locks check.

2020-04-15, 04:49 AM
open lock: [roll0]

2020-04-15, 05:08 AM
the dc to pick a vending machine is proving difficult to find.... [roll0]

2020-04-15, 05:09 AM

The buttons light up.

2020-04-15, 05:54 AM
ahem... the little squares light up. The glasses recognizes them as BUTTONS.

2020-04-15, 03:27 PM
I wouldn't have thought it's even possible, seeing as they are supposed to have mechanisms that can filter through the coins and organize by value...

I don't mind auto-failing, and it was probably more fair, but if you don't want to change your mind...

It seems I made something happen. Maybe.. hmm... each button seems to correspond to each thing that was lit up previously.

I push the button that I think corresponds to the tastiest-looking thing.

2020-04-15, 04:00 PM
push wirrr drop clank.

The confection falls.

You realize that you have to push in the little window at the bottom to get the treat.

Some of those opening things tests must have stuck.

+1d4 to open locks

(you can describe the tastiest looking thing.)


2020-04-15, 04:51 PM
open lock gain: [roll0]

The confection that falls looks like a cookie, but it's subtly colorful in oranges and browns. Taking a bite into it, I am not disappointed in the slightest. It's very crumbly and sweet, in more ways than one. One kind of sweet was dark brown, which I've had before and enjoyed. Some of the candy eggs were like that. Another kind of sweet was orangish, completely different, yet pleasing, with a vaguely minty or sour taste. That was the most crumbly part of the treat.


After enjoying the treat, I then investigate the door in the back area of the room?

2020-04-15, 05:14 PM
Ignoring the other cabinets for now, you head towards the room.

The door is open.

Inside the room is a desk and a bunk. There are no shoes under the bunk, but there is a foot locker.

There is a chair behind the desk.

On the desk is a wand with an orange tip, and 2 silver cases. https://images.app.goo.gl/B6URH3cEYS6R6aBcA

2020-04-15, 05:15 PM

2020-04-15, 06:02 PM
Perplexed, I play around with the cases*, but of course, there's no way of opening them without the proper sequences of actions.

I pick up the wand, very curious. I still had no idea what it was, but... for now, I'll put it in my basket.

Let's search the desk for something cool!

[roll0] + [roll1]

2020-04-15, 06:24 PM
The first case you touch opens. Seems it isn't locked.

In the desk you find a small brown envelope.

2020-04-15, 07:13 PM
Let's try opening that case first then, and see what mysterious objects lay inside.

2020-04-15, 07:25 PM
The case opens revealing a brightly glittery glow....and boots?

White boots. With long strings LACE.
And some metal attachment covered in orange.

Neither ice nor skate make sense.

In the form fitted black foam is a glow pill. Brighter than normal.

In the bottom of the case is a section containing a rag, two small bottles, a pair of laces, two pairs of SOCKS, some tools, and a black LEOTARD.

2020-04-15, 08:47 PM
I peer at all these items... If I had to guess, they were all likely related. Maybe even the pill. But I felt kind of suspicious of pills now, anyway...

In any case, I don't think they'll help me, so I leave them in their case.

Let's look in the brown envelopes now.

2020-04-15, 11:12 PM
One envelope. Two cases. The second case is still unopened.

The small envelope is labeled PROJECT COMPANION.
While trying to translate companion, you feel the way you did when you thought 6 might like his basket.

In a different kind of writing is added "6 or 11".

Inside the envelope is a strongly glowing pill.

2020-04-16, 12:58 AM
Another pill.. I really don't know if I should take it. After the last time... ick.

It makes me wonder, were these people going to make me take that before? If they knew what it did? I had a warmish feeling inside when I read the word COMPANION. That's about the only thing I had to go off of.

I'll take the pill, keeping it inside the envelope, and that wand that was here.

I want to go back to that checkup room and compare it to that other wand that was there. (Hm. Found that wand in the shower area. It's either there still, but I think I left it on the desk in the checkup room).

2020-04-16, 02:25 AM
You did leave the other wand on the desk in the check up room.

Are you going to look in the other silver case?

You notice that the door to this area has closed.

2020-04-16, 03:08 AM
Guess I could try opening the other case, just to see what's inside.

(Which door closed? :smallconfused: )

2020-04-16, 04:54 AM
THe door from the hallway into the GREEN dorm area where you are now.

I'm in an online meeting now.

2020-04-16, 06:39 AM
You put the wand and the pill envelope into the basket for later.

Opening the other silver case you find...Wha?

There are 5 items.

The most recognizable is ...another envelope. PROJECT SELF RISING. It is has been marked "6 or 11".
The glasses informs you that OR means 'make a choice'.

The second NORMAL REGULAR looking item is a folded square of paper.

The other 3... look sort of like FLESH. Almost like SKIN. Then, skin colored to white and translucent.

two look like MIRROR COPIES. The same but one for each side. There is a small clear plastic label on each. One reads LEFT PALM. The other reads RIGHT PALM. The glasses guess FINGERLESS GLOVES? You used gloves on some of the ROPE climbing tests, but those were nothing like these.

The other item is more mysterious. The label says TO ROOF OF MOUTH.

(that meeting was torturous. Took us 40 min just to figure out how to get into the meeting.Google Classroom training.)

2020-04-16, 04:12 PM
So the "normal" item, it's just a piece of paper? It can be unfolded, right? Any patterns or drawings on it?

If I had to guess, maybe taking the pill would make.. my skin turn all clear? I didn't think I wanted that either.

2020-04-16, 04:23 PM
The paper unfolds into a long strip.

There is a picture of a woman.

There are line drawings showing how the gloves go onto the hands.

The second step seems to be putting the other thing into the mouth and pressing the flat part against the roof of the mouth.

The third step is putting the pill into the mouth.

The last picture shows the woman looking happy.

The glasses contribute INSTRUCTION PAMPHLET. SMILE.

2020-04-16, 04:43 PM

2020-04-16, 04:48 PM

2020-04-16, 05:00 PM
Actually, the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt about these cases and pills. I'll actually put the other pill in its envelope back in the other case it came from.

I'll still take the wand with me.

Now let's just get out of here. Noticing that the door closed, I look at it briefly, with some curiosity, and see if I can open it again. Maybe I'll need to use the red card again?

2020-04-16, 05:03 PM
INT and WIS check.

2020-04-16, 05:06 PM
There are 2 envelopes and 3 pills.

One envelope in the desk.
One envelope in the case with the hands item
One pill in the case with the foot item.

2020-04-16, 06:41 PM
int: [roll0] + [roll1]

wis: [roll2]

2020-04-16, 06:50 PM
(I managed to clear my inbox of student assignments.
Dm:dj https://youtu.be/XPYCbKM27WU

Hmm. There is a hand item and a foot item...

The door has an auto closing mechanism at the top.

There is a card reader on this side of the door too.

Spot check.

2020-04-16, 08:22 PM
spot: [roll0]

I think the trouble is that after the last pill she took, she just doesn't trust them. Arguably, having a nightmare and waking up with your clothes and bed all shredded up, with gooey split skin all over you and retractable claws would be kind of traumatic. So I think unless she has a very clear idea of what a pill is supposed to do, she doesn't want to take it. A very far cry from when she first began the program, hardly even able to think for herself.

2020-04-17, 12:34 AM
While moving back to the door you saw that the cutained-ed off area contains another bed...and there is something under it.

2020-04-17, 02:00 AM
Curious, I wonder what's under there, so I take a look.

2020-04-17, 02:29 AM
Two MEDICAL CURTAINS set PERPENDICULAR to the wall separate this bunk from the others.
The mattress looks a bit thicker and the footlocker is of a different style.

Under the bunk is a BACKPACK.

2020-04-17, 03:43 AM
(what psionic systems do you know? What classes do you usually play?)

2020-04-17, 04:07 AM
Oh! Never seen a 'backpack' before! I study it, figuring out how to open the various pouches and such..?

(Disclaimer: I've never, ever played a psionic character yet.)

2020-04-17, 05:15 AM
It looks like it is your size (counting you as small).

If also looks COMPLICATED.
SHOULDER STRAPS, ADJUSTER, CHEST STRAP, BELLY STRAP, MESH POCKET, CAPSULE LOOPS, ZIPPERS, SNAPS, HOOPS, VELCRO, BEDROLL STRAPS (empty), and lots of dangling cords where something must have been attached.

Some of the attachments don't look ORIGINAL to the backpack.

There is DECORATIVE STICKING. Looks like the runes in that book you saw before.

There is an EMBLEM SIGIL ...PATCH on it.


What to see what is inside your new backpack?

2020-04-17, 05:35 AM
I wonder, did the backpack.. was it somebody's before? Thinking about that question just a tad more, I deduce: absolutely. It must have belonged to someone. Why else would it be here?

I fiddle with the backpack more...

(Sure, let's look inside it.)

2020-04-17, 05:51 AM
You get the FLAP open.

Inside is Darkness...And stuff...FLOATING ?

2020-04-17, 11:18 AM
Um.. care to elaborate there? :smallconfused:

2020-04-17, 01:20 PM
There are small items floating in a "field" of darkness.

You don't see a source of light, but you can see them.

There seems to be no medium that they are floating in.

Some of the items look like bottles.

2020-04-17, 04:17 PM
Guess I'll reach out and try to touch or grab a bottle.

2020-04-17, 05:39 PM
Your arm painlessly STRETCHES and you hand grips the bottle.

Yanking your arm free you find an uninjured arm holding a corked bottle.

2020-04-17, 05:45 PM
Ok.. corked bottle. I guess I could eventually figure out how to manipulate the cork off with no problem.

What do the contents look like inside if the bottle is clear enough to see inside?

Is there a label?

2020-04-17, 05:50 PM
The liquid is a yellow gold color.

The label has more of those runes and a smiling short person with a smiling animal like the one in the patch.

2020-04-17, 09:55 PM
Welp.. the backpack might have been useful, if not for the strange 'field' inside that... I don't comprehend in the slightest.

The bottle reminds me of something like a pill, especially the two other pills I just found. But I'm still very reluctant to even try either.

I try dropping the bottle back in the backpack, just to see how it behaves - if it even goes back to how it was floating, or not, and I just leave the backpack at the foot of the bed. Too many strange things here I don't want to touch, much less put in my body.

Now let's try going back to that other checkup room, to look at the wand I left behind?

2020-04-18, 12:23 AM
When you drop the bottle, it falls in and shrinks into the distance. It resumes floating.

There are more than 20 items floating in there. Some look like KNIFE, SWORD, ROPE, JAR...

Other things are hard to discern in their shrunken state.

The bag seems very light. Like only the weight of the bag itself.

2020-04-18, 03:09 AM
(first time a scared somebody with a description of a bag of holding type item.)

2020-04-18, 03:55 PM
I guess if you're deadset* on me taking this bag, I wouldn't mind.

That's an interesting take on how a bag of holding works. Though I suppose.. how one looks has never been described to me before.

2020-04-18, 06:11 PM
(I'm thinking of it somewhere between a bag of holding and a helpful haversack . I guess most people just use a TARDIS type description.
Take it or not, up to you. I just wanted to alert you to items in it.

Do you want to play around with it more, or head to the check up room.?)

2020-04-18, 06:23 PM
Ok, what the heck, then. Let's just take the backpack. Wear it too. And then head to the checkup room.

I really want to compare those two wands side-by-side.

2020-04-18, 06:28 PM
Backpack on, basket in hand, you open the door with no problem and head back to the exam room.

Except for the tip color and the raised code the wands seem identical.

Spot check.

2020-04-18, 07:50 PM
spot: [roll0]

2020-04-18, 08:06 PM
Some of the papers on the papers on the desk are written in symbols different than what you have seen before.

The glasses react differently to them. Instead of words floating horizontally in your field of vision, the words overlay the papers in the same orientation as the markings on the paper.

2020-04-19, 12:09 AM
(I take it what this means is, perhaps there's handwritten notes on the desk? And the glasses just converted them into a uniform font, like what we see now on a computer?)

2020-04-19, 12:27 AM
You have the second part right.

It is written in a different language made of trilingual symbols, lines, and dots.

2020-04-19, 12:56 AM
Ok, studying and comparing the wands is inconclusive, but I think they're interesting objects for some reason, so I just keep them for now.

I'm not sure what else to do now, so I try heading back to the main intersection, then heading to the east, where the men in white conducted mental sorts of tests.

2020-04-19, 02:59 AM
Well, At this point, your character is probably smarter than you are. While inexperienced and ignorant, she has an effective base IQ of 140 with random insights upto the 360 range. The mean IQ for American Caucasians is 100 with a standard deviation of 15.

If you ever want a hint roll an INT and a WIS check.


If you continue to the white area, you will pass the intersection with the cache.

Want to pick up anything?

2020-04-19, 10:34 AM
I'm thinking I don't want to take anything. As far as I know, there's coins, a toy, a bunch of pills, and clipboards, and a scrunchy.. Oh, and maybe some mentos, and a plastic fork.

Unless her big brain decides she might actually need the coins so she doesn't have to pick another vending machine.

int: + 1d12[/roll]

wis: [roll1]

2020-04-19, 10:37 AM
the 1d12 [roll0]

2020-04-19, 11:00 AM
Since the glasses have told you that that it was a coin slot, those rolls are enough to make the connection.

2020-04-19, 11:15 AM
Ok.. maybe we can dump all the coins into the bag of holding and look how pretty it is!

2020-04-19, 11:22 AM
Yes, it does make a pretty effect.

Do you want to Toss the glow pills in there too?

2020-04-19, 12:02 PM
I still don't know what they do, and I don't want to eat them! :smalleek:

No, let's just go east.

2020-04-19, 12:27 PM
Heading east you reach the area of the whites.

You enter a larger intersection, rounded with passages leading North, South, and East.

There are letters on the wall : RECEPTION.
There is a desk area here.

You know that to the north is the area where they test you.

To the South is a door. You've seen them using a blue card on that door.

You don't know what is further east.

2020-04-19, 06:05 PM
Let's be a rapscallion and see what lies to the east.

2020-04-19, 06:35 PM
Going east down the hallway, the first thing of interest you find is a door to the south that is partially open. It is a sliding door that disappears into the wall when open.

There is a body holding it open.

The legs are across the threshold, and the lab cost is intact.tge head is splotched.
Next to the door there is a plate with writing. It says

The hallway continues east.
As with the other halls, the lights are coming on in 20ft sections as you move

2020-04-19, 07:11 PM
Let's take a look inside the (hidden?) room that the body is propping the door open too?

2020-04-19, 07:59 PM
Stepping on or hopping over the body?

Balance or jump check?

2020-04-19, 08:02 PM
Let's try to "work smart and not hard" and see if we can just pull the door open more first?

If necessary: strength check [roll0]

2020-04-19, 08:48 PM
More push the door open. Further into the wall. Star Trek Type door.

The door protests a bit, but gives up.

This body is much more intact than the others.

spot check

2020-04-19, 09:25 PM
spot: [roll0]

2020-04-19, 09:44 PM
spot: [roll0]

Looks like the body is on top of something.

2020-04-19, 10:19 PM
I'll try to get a better look without touching the body first.. and if it's really intriguing, maybe try to pull the object out from under just to see what it is?

2020-04-19, 11:33 PM
Bending down to peer...

It looks like some sort of case.

2020-04-20, 12:13 AM
Reaching out for the case, I try to pull it out from under the body...

2020-04-20, 12:40 AM
Reaching out for the case, I try to pull it out from under the body...

A bit of tugging and the case comes free.

It is TAN in color. BRIEFCASE.

2020-04-20, 01:03 AM
I take the briefcase into this secret room and look around a bit first.

2020-04-20, 03:05 AM
I take the briefcase into this secret room and look around a bit first.

In the room are two WORKSTATIONS.

Each has a chair and a long desk like thing.
Part of each desk is open space. The other ends have a variety of CONTROLS DIALS.

Past these CONSOLES are two circular platforms set into the wall.

The Left console is labeled TEMPLATES.
The Right is labeled GRAFTS.

Here are draws in the desks of each console.

There are 6 ROBES hanging on pegs set into the walls and a CUBBY holding a stack of something.

2020-04-20, 02:06 PM
Hm. I put the case I nabbed on a desk, and try to open it up there.

Also, I take a look at the things in the cubby hole.

2020-04-20, 10:13 PM
Only one CLASP of the two is closed on the briefcase.

Inside are a disorganized mess of papers and 12 brightly glowing pills.

These are colored. One is black, but still some how glowing.
There is a purple one, and a silver one, and an reddish orange one, and a red one, and a blue one, and a green one, and a white one. The rest are shades of yellow.

In the cubby are some sort of thin garmet. SINGLET. The material is stretchy. They are dark purple and have patterns of tiny lines all-over them.

2020-04-21, 01:43 AM
Hmm.. more strange pills I have no clue what they do. More papers. And a garment that I'm not sure I want to wear...

I leave the case, all its pills and papers, and the singlets where they are.

Wandering over towards the mechanisms with control dials, consoles, and such, I look at them a bit closer.

(for example, are any buttons or switches clearly labeled?)

2020-04-21, 02:17 AM
Hmm.. more strange pills I have no clue what they do. More papers. And a garment that I'm not sure I want to wear...

I leave the case, all its pills and papers, and the singlets where they are.

Wandering over towards the mechanisms with control dials, consoles, and such, I look at them a bit closer.

(for example, are any buttons or switches clearly labeled?)

Well, there is one dial marked ears.
And another marked feet.
And one marked nose.
Wings (doesn't make sense)


2020-04-21, 02:34 AM
What in the heck?? (Not that she thought these words specifically.)

I supposed 2 options. Either this machine did something to my ears, head, feet, etc, which I didn't want it doing. Or it did that to someone else maybe? Third option...... ???

I decide to leave the machines alone and go back out to the hall. I'll keep going the way I was before noticing the body jammed in the door.

2020-04-21, 02:52 AM
"Alright, if you don't want elf ears..." huffs the GM, tossing the notebook over his shoulder...

Squinting at his hand-drawn map, he intones, ...

Moving down the hall a few meters you come to a door on your right and a hallway on your left. The hallway in front of you also continues.

The door is marked EXTRACTION.

2020-04-21, 02:32 PM
(Sorry, am I bothering you without touching and eating everything?)

Curiously, I try opening that door to see what lies within.

2020-04-21, 02:50 PM
(Sorry, am I bothering you without touching and eating everything?)

Curiously, I try opening that door to see what lies within.

A little GM frustration is part of the game. I'm only mentioning it to give you a more authentic experience. :smallamused: It's typical for a GM to make more material than the players actually end up using. I make an underground tunnel system, they go in though the chimney...


This door is locked and the red card doesn't work.

2020-04-21, 03:04 PM
In other news, the other player fell for the purple lolly pop, but while playing with a defibrillator.

2020-04-21, 03:21 PM
(Defibrillator? Where was.. nevermind. You're probably going to get every single person with that, especially if you keep telling them they're hungry!

The door does have a thing where you are supposed to slide cards though.. right?)

2020-04-21, 03:23 PM
There is a card reader. It doesn't respond to the red card.

2020-04-21, 03:25 PM
Alright, hm. I figure it might need the blue card or a different color of card. I keep heading east.

2020-04-21, 03:34 PM
The next door you come to is on the same side of the hall.
It is labeled DISSECTION.

2020-04-21, 04:58 PM
I try this door....

(Also needs a card to open, which I don't have?)

2020-04-21, 08:32 PM

Continue east or backtrack?

2020-04-21, 09:19 PM

(Guess for the next room. Parts Storage? Incinerator?)

2020-04-21, 10:15 PM
Locked door labeled MAGIC AND PSIONICS.

2020-04-22, 12:53 AM
(No, I have to get in! And yet it's probably all the same to my character.)

I peer at the door and try opening it too, in vain.

(Is that the end of the hallway?)

2020-04-22, 01:07 AM
Actually, I'm out on an errand and don't have my map with me. I've got De con, followed by a 2 hour zoom meeting when I get back, so I can update then.

I'm actually waiting in the car while my wife counts garments, so if you want to back track we can do other areas.

2020-04-22, 02:22 AM
It's fine. I'm going to bed. I can wait to see if there's anything else to the east.

2020-04-22, 02:48 AM
Good. Night. Sweet dreams. About 3 pm here.

2020-04-23, 03:07 AM
The hallway turns left after the Magic room.

2020-04-23, 03:53 AM
I turn down the hallway and keep going....

not really any meaningful choice except to keep going...

2020-04-23, 04:00 AM
The next locked door says ABILITIES and POWERS.
The door across from it says VENOMS and POISONS.

2020-04-23, 02:04 PM
Alright, let's just assume I keep going down this hallway indefinitely, trying all the doors, until one of them lets me in. Ooor, I get to the end, trapped in a dead end, and a monster eats me.

2020-04-23, 02:13 PM
Alright, let's just assume I keep going down this hallway indefinitely, trying all the doors, until one of them lets me in. Ooor, I get to the end, trapped in a dead end, and a monster eats me.

Following the loop of hallway you pass SKILLS AND TRAINING, COMBAT, JANITOR AND CUSTODIAN, and then end up in the testing area. The loop goes back to the reception desk.

You know the tubes are though a door to the west from the testing area.

In the testing area there are desks, floor mats, cabinets, and that chair in the booth that glows sometimes. There are consoles nest to it that you know you aren't supposed to touch and that bowl that goes on you head.

2020-04-23, 03:45 PM
(What tubes? The ones we came out of?)

I look around a bit...

spot: [roll0]

And then, I guess with nothing better to do, I rummage around the cabinets and desks.

search: [roll1] + [roll2]

2020-04-23, 03:58 PM
(What tubes? The ones we came out of?)

I look around a bit...

spot: [roll0]

And then, I guess with nothing better to do, I rummage around the cabinets and desks.

search: [roll1] + [roll2]

Yes, those tubes.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Forice.connectionsproject.org%2Fbl ock-design-iq%2F&psig=AOvVaw1jPDSl6vTbuKhW0qgEILEF&ust=1587761674068000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNDnk8O3_-gCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

Blocks, puzzles, beads and string, shifting cubes, connecting blocks, hidden object search books.... (various Intelligence tests)

a bag of 50 orange gummy candy.

Pencils, pens...

2020-04-23, 05:43 PM
Doesn't seem to be too much of interest here. I'll see if I can get into the room with tubes.. perhaps there might be someone or something of interest in there?