View Full Version : Pathfinder Psionics and War

2020-04-08, 04:40 PM
I'm looking at buying the dreamscarred press books but noticed there seems to be a lot of over lap between material that was put out individually and material that was later collected into one book. So my question is if I want to pick up all the material for psionics and path of war what books do I really need?

2020-04-08, 09:13 PM
Ultimate Psionics takes the place of both Psionics Unleashed / Psionics Unleashed Revised, Psionics Expanded, and Psionics Augmented Volume I in terms of core psionics content base.

From there, the content base you want for completeness out of the psionics books is Psionic Bestiary, Psionics Augmented: Seventh Path Psionics Augmented: Occult, Psionics Augmented Compilation II, Psionics Augmented: Highlord, Psionics Augmented: Highlord II, Psionics Augmented: Voyager, Lords of the Night, and the April Augmented series. Akashic Mysteries if you care about crossovers, Psionics Augmented: Mythic Psionics if you ever plan on using mythic, Lords of the Wild if you already like content credited to Anthony S. Altovilla and Patrick C. Miller. Non-essential items (in my collection) include Psionics Embodied (NPC collection) and the Opened Mind adventure, as well as anything for the magic-free Third Dawn campaign setting (such as the adventures).

Path of War is much less involved, and its canon includes Path of War (plus errata), Path of War Expanded, Lords of the Night, and the Divergent Paths line (the occult Roil Dancer, the Medic, and the [I hate to say this] badass Fool's Errand discipline, which is perhaps my favourite design Erin Heck put together for DSP), plus Akashic Mysteries and Divergent Paths: Rajah if you care to use veilweaving.

Other books that interact with these systems include Bloodforge and the Bloodforge Infusions line (so far, Esoteric Energies and Feathers & Fur), but mostly this is favored class bonuses.

2020-04-08, 10:35 PM
Ultimate Psionics includes everything released before 2014 in the psionic series besides the Psionic Bestiary.
Psionics Augmented releases from 2014 and forward each contain unique material not found in a later compilation. To make sure you get everything once, the easiest is probably to just go to DriveThruRPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/index.php) and sort all DSP material according to release date.
Psionic Bestiary compiles all the separate prior releases in the "Psionic Bestiary: [Monster Name]" series.

Path of War includes the stalker, warder and warlord classes (no need to buy the individual class PDFs).
Path of War: Expanded includes the harbinger, mystic and zealot classes (no need to buy the individual class PDFs).
Divergent Paths series includes classes, disciplines and other options such as Rajah, Radiant Dawn, Fool's Errand and Medic, and these smaller releases haven't been compiled into a larger release.

Options for both psionics and PoW not found elsewhere are also included in all other DSP releases from 2014 and later, besides AFAIK the "Monster Classes" series and the adventure paths. (There are many such options especially in Akashic Mysteries (very highly recommended, no need to buy the individual class PDFs), Lords of the Night (Unquiet Grave discipline), Lords of the Wild and Steelforge Book 1 & 2, but also in Bloodforge and the Bloodforge Infusion series, and of course in the "pay what you want" April Augmented releases (comical April Fool's Day stuff but actually fully playable).

You can also find all DSP material (plus Akashic stuff published by Lost Spheres Publishing) on the Library of Metzofitz (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Library_of_Metzofitz).


2020-04-09, 03:18 AM
Did Chimera Soul ever get officially published?

2020-04-09, 03:27 AM
Couldn't tell you, but since I meant to link it earlier and forgot:

The Path of War systems and features errata. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XOaJTBE8Knb_PYjZV1T4m-7pqVA__yWe) Maneuver errata is yet unfinished. Send in your emails to the publisher if you want to see it. I know I do.

2020-04-09, 12:17 PM
Did Chimera Soul ever get officially published?

Nope. To my understanding Chimera Soul never get published only a beta playtest.


Psionics Augmented Compilation 2 is another thing besides Ultimate Psionics that gathered much of the material in 1 book. This 2018 book has much of the Psionics Augmented series up to 2016 and 2017 but not all the newer Psionics Augmented material it includes.

Psionics Augmented: Focused Disciplines
Psionics Augmented: Powers
Psionics Augmented: Powers II
Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior
Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior II
Psionics Augmented: Soulknives
Psionics Augmented: Soulknives II
Psionics Augmented: Soulknives III
Psionics Augmented: Wilders

Kris Moonhand
2020-04-09, 06:17 PM
Chimera Soul was never finalized, though I do have the playtest PDF around somewhere if anyone wants to look at it.

That said, all of psionics (save Mythic Psionics and the Psionic Bestiary) and PoW is up on the Library of Metzofitz, which you can find in my signature. I absolutely recommend supporting the devs, but there are a LOT of books, and it can be a strain on the wallet. Certainly would have been a strain on mine if I hadn't been gifted most of them by a friend who supported me putting them online.

2020-04-10, 01:02 AM
Chimera Soul was never finalized, though I do have the playtest PDF around somewhere if anyone wants to look at it.

That said, all of psionics (save Mythic Psionics and the Psionic Bestiary) and PoW is up on the Library of Metzofitz, which you can find in my signature. I absolutely recommend supporting the devs, but there are a LOT of books, and it can be a strain on the wallet. Certainly would have been a strain on mine if I hadn't been gifted most of them by a friend who supported me putting them online.

I would love to have that playtest actually

Kris Moonhand
2020-04-10, 08:15 AM
Here you go, pasted everything into a google doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sGsIF2U4vG9E-oFLOyVm8BKOb5_sJ6Hsp_mNWSappA/edit?usp=sharing) and reformatted it so it's easier to share and read (since the playtest PDF was the whole of Lords of the Wild). That's all of the maneuvers, the Tradition, and the style and combo feats (combos with Silver Crane, Golden Lion, and Steel Serpent). As with all unpublished playtest material, use it at your own risk.

2020-04-12, 12:39 AM
Here you go, pasted everything into a google doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sGsIF2U4vG9E-oFLOyVm8BKOb5_sJ6Hsp_mNWSappA/edit?usp=sharing) and reformatted it so it's easier to share and read (since the playtest PDF was the whole of Lords of the Wild). That's all of the maneuvers, the Tradition, and the style and combo feats (combos with Silver Crane, Golden Lion, and Steel Serpent). As with all unpublished playtest material, use it at your own risk.

Oh man, thank you. My table really like the idea of the discipline, but just as we were entering a new campaign to try it out, it disappeared, and we haven't been able to find it since.
You're a hero.

2020-04-15, 12:05 PM
Has there been any knew material from Dreamscarred Press lately as I can't seem to find anything that's not a few years old. Also, what are some other good 3rd party companies to look into? I know Kobold press, drop dead studios, and Rogue genius games all have fun things that can be added to your games.

2020-04-15, 12:41 PM
Has there been any knew material from Dreamscarred Press lately as I can't seem to find anything that's not a few years old. Also, what are some other good 3rd party companies to look into? I know Kobold press, drop dead studios, and Rogue genius games all have fun things that can be added to your games.

Lot less material since 2018 when some of their designers got sick, but also because Pathfinder was moving to 2E.

2020-04-15, 01:54 PM
Some of the writing crew have moved on to work with other publishers, such as Silver Games (the Ponyfinder one) putting out Jade Ripley and N. Jolly's Hatchet Men (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/304154).

Kris Moonhand
2020-04-16, 12:17 AM
I'm a fan of Legendary Games' Legendary Class line and Lost Spheres Publishing's Akashic stuff. This is a bit older, but Little Red Goblin Games has a line called Gonzo that has some really interesting... semi-humorous character options. There's Alluria Publishing with their Cerulean Sea stuff, if you're into aquatic adventures (and I am). Oh, and can't forget Purple Duck Games' Porphyra books (I'm particularly partial to the Kineticists of Porphyra stuff).