View Full Version : [Empire] An Axiomatic Party

2020-04-09, 07:31 PM
This is an event in the Empire 5 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?590450-Empire-5-IC-Thread) game.

The Djinye National Front Council will be sharing its new advancements, both military and economical, and laying out a new plan for its foreign policy in the near future, and rulers, diplomats, even businessmen from all nations are invited!

The Axiomatic Party

The delegates gather at one of the richest and busiest worlds under DNF rule, or perhaps in the whole of Axiom, Ryuvia II, or rather, on its grayish-white moon - the planet's bubbling surface, almost permanently overcast by green clouds, is not very inviting. Spaceships zoom to and fro around the moon, taking advantage of the local Relay. The meeting takes place in a newly-built palace with spacious rooms, transparent walls and twisting spires made of saline alloy. Given that most of the moon's surface is empty - aside from the Courier station - the palace naturally dominates the landscape. Also hard to miss is the massive spaceship slowly orbiting the moon, somewhat patched-up but clearly constructed by visionary architects and engineers using materials that nobody living today can recreate. It is the Mysterium, moved here for the duration of the event to further impress upon visitors a sense of the Djinye National Front's wealth and might. In front of the palace, two gigantic statues of humans stand to the sides of the road. They sparkle so brightly that one might confuse them for reflectors - they are entirely made of immaculate diamond. The man and woman behold all visitors with a kind expression.

Inside and around the palace there are beings of all kinds. Multiple varieties of humanoids, robots, sentient plants, elves, Couriers, Symbraum... and the Ryuvian natives, which may be hard to recognize, if one doesn't have any experience with them. They can manifest as a shuffling pile of rocks, as a tidal wave, a sandstorm, even possess a robotic body, though they're not used to having limbs and will look decidedly unnatural if they try acting like a real robot. However, for the purposes of greeting members of other races, they politely shape their body into something that can shake hands and pretend to open its mouth to speak.

The delegates are warmly received by King Zirkon of Minera, an aging man that hasn't lost the spark in his eyes, member of the DNF Council, and an 18-feet-tall that's-what-the-spacious-rooms-are-for hunk of steel that introduces himself as Redirnus, chief of PRIEOU, the Ryuvian defense and police force that's the only form of government here.

King Zirkon: "Greetings, fellow Axiomites! I'm royally pleased to be hosting you all today! There will be an announcement later today, and if you can't spare the time to listen to it, I'll give you the short version: 'All your morals are belong to us.' Kidding, kidding, obviously it's going to be far more obfuscated than that!" From across the hall, a priestess that you suppose is taking part in said presentation is staring daggers at him. He notices, and switches to making slightly less controversial jokes, while explaining the points of interest to visitors... "And that's the bar. We didn't want to discriminate against foreign species, so eventually we found that guy, the barman from hell. I'm just surprised he hasn't started melting the glass panes and adding them to cocktails. But for those of the feminine, or joyful persuasion, if you know what I mean, I hear he's really good at handling things other than drinks on his counter.

If you want to discuss a trade of technologies or a similar treaty with the DNF, you can discuss it with the guys up there in the Mysterium, or you can go kowtow to our Great Leader over there in the Auditorium, she'll get all flustered and you'll walk, er, kowtow away with a great deal."


The Vestibule: You're here with King Zirkon and Redirnus, and many diplomats and merchants dutifully discussing the kinds of nonsense they normally discuss.

Mysterium: You can take a small shuttle to the ship, where the best and brightest scientists are gathered, examining the ship's ancient technologies. The lead scientist's name is Jacqueline Williams. She is a very good-looking woman - though with no sense of grace, nervously trying to chew on a mechanical pencil while looking at a panel with arcane inscriptions - dressed in a white lab coat so stereotypical and clean that it looks suspicious.

Statues of the Twin Gods: There is a small crowd of excited students at the feet of the statues being taught about their significance by a priest, and an entrepreneurial Courier is trying to determine their market value while being constantly shooed away by a PRIEOU patrol.

The Bar: The tiny-sized, green barman is pouring what looks like molasses with a sulky expression. A group of broke merchants is abusing the free drinks at this meeting to forget their woes... failed diplomats may join them.

Auditorium: The Queen Lin Sid, head of the DNF Council, who will be giving a presentation, is preparing her notes with the help of a Realtaist priestess, whose face you saw in an ad somewhere, you'd swear.

Individual rooms: One-on-one* conversations or more involved interactions may take place here.
*or multiple-on-one, or multiple-on-multiple, for those who don't identify as a single individual - discrimination is a fairly serious topic in the DNF today with the incorporation of vast regions of space with completely different species and cultures!

2020-04-09, 07:58 PM
Cosmic Couriers

With little fanfare, a bipedal being enters the Vestibule, his purple helmet like head marking him as one of the Cosmic Couriers. The attitude he adopts is a mix between a military stance, and aloofness; like he is above this whole gathering, but suffering stoically for some misunderstood reason of honor.

It is clear, based on the few words he gives to some lesser officiates, that he is here to speak with The Wardens of World's End, The Guild-Empire of Nyx, and any remaining members of what once was the Sunbream Confederacy or the Kombuch. Though it is likely that the Couriers will need to take measures to see their debts paid for the latter two.

Whispers and rumors from the same officiates indicate that the Courier - who has yet to give an appellation - would be open to other matters of trade.

2020-04-10, 01:01 AM
[Veritably Afraid]
I regret nothing!

The Veritus had only ventured so far from their home systems in such a capacity once, and it had been an absolute disaster. The Duenem had conquered them fully and now held them in an iron grip. The Lyraen, the Ndoda and other galactic powers present had witnessed Adiuva save one of their children but had reacted with the utmost hostility (although to be fair she had accidentally carved it open; politics pissed her off). Iuvo was still back at Timens; an enviable position were it not for the Grymlans and Shrumpkin he had to play host to. She had never in her life imagined that any xenos could be more hyperactive and excitable than new hatchlings, yet she'd found at least two of them and they were both in the same room. Adiuva was glad not to be in his position; the Agni Immolati did get something out of being selected as a sacrifice.

Extasis was her second on this one, and the male was as apprehensive as she was. He had heard tale of the aliens all his life, but in a strange twist of fate, it was the same fear as any other threat to Veritan lives. To Adiuva and Iuvo, the alien was a new and frightening threat beyond anything that had come before. Extasis, by contrast, had still been young, barely past hatchling status, when the aliens had first been discovered. There was a time within his life where aliens were still a myth, but he did not recall it with any clarity.

Both they and their small escort of four Veritus (not so much as to imply she was expecting trouble, but not so little as to imply the aliens too weak) wore specially constructed suits of armor, built to contain their poison and their (she had learned) repulsive smell. Their helmets gave a soft red glow, clearly signalling danger to all present; the sight was more relaxing than it had any right to be in this setting. There was also a representative from the Shrumpkin, as they were definitively part of the Protectorate now. The Clerics of Greg were still being integrated, and the Space Wizards had opted to join the Ninurtine instead.

That last bit rubbed beneath her chitin, its insistence both irritating and frightening. The Veritus had practically offered themselves to the wizards as personal slaves, and yet they chose to side with this empire? How great were they? What horrors might these enemies unleash upon the Veritus? And there was, apparently, another empire that was their peer! The more Adiuva learned of the galaxy the more she despaired.

<"What sort of gathering is this?"> Extasis whispered, head darting around at a mile a minute. <"I can't see the predators. They must be everywhere.">

<"Keep yourself together, male."> Adiuva snarled, and the sudden harsh tear of the sound whipped his head around to focus on her. <"We'll get out of here alive. Well, you will; I might die horribly. Just stay calm.">

<"You are horrible at helping me calm down!">

<"Good thing THAT ISN'T MY JOB!! Now come on. You're only here because Iuvo recommended you. Be ready, and if something starts, bolt for the vessel and take off without me.">

That was not helping his mood.

King Zirkon: "Greetings, fellow Axiomites! I'm royally pleased to be hosting you all today! There will be an announcement later today, and if you can't spare the time to listen to it, I'll give you the short version: 'All your morals are belong to us.' Kidding, kidding, obviously it's going to be far more obfuscated than that!" From across the hall, a priestess that you suppose is taking part in said presentation is staring daggers at him. He notices, and switches to making slightly less controversial jokes, while explaining the points of interest to visitors... "And that's the bar. We didn't want to discriminate against foreign species, so eventually we found that guy, the barman from hell. I'm just surprised he hasn't started melting the glass panes and adding them to cocktails. But for those of the feminine, or joyful persuasion, if you know what I mean, I hear he's really good at handling things other than drinks on his counter.

If you want to discuss a trade of technologies or a similar treaty with the DNF, you can discuss it with the guys up there in the Mysterium, or you can go kowtow to our Great Leader over there in the Auditorium, she'll get all flustered and you'll walk, er, kowtow away with a great deal."

The Veritus are true monstrosities. There's a smell of rotten flesh that seems to follow them wherever they go (though thankfully only the leader and her second had removed their helmets). They are four-legged arthropods with scything legs, and a torso that protrudes up like an insectoid centaur. Large spikes jut from their backs, and the fingers on their arms end in sickly massive claws. Most of the Veritus are, fortunately, wearing full armor that hides their ugly faces, with mouths that look more like wounds and eight sickly green eyes. Their chitin (what you can see of it, anyway) is an off-brown color.

"We surrender to your authority and will acquisece to any demand that does not contradict demands made by other powers." The leader of the group said.

The one next to her paused for a moment, then tilted his head. "What is 'kowtowing'?"

One of the guards whispered to him. "You place your torso entirely upon the ground, legs folded beneath you. It is not something we can do in this armor."

2020-04-11, 06:28 PM
[Veritably Afraid]

"We surrender to your authority and will acquisece to any demand that does not contradict demands made by other powers." The leader of the group said.

The one next to her paused for a moment, then tilted his head. "What is 'kowtowing'?"

One of the guards whispered to him. "You place your torso entirely upon the ground, legs folded beneath you. It is not something we can do in this armor."

The king raises his eyebrows at the ...extreme submissiveness of these visitors. He glances at the steel colossus at his side, who shrugs and leans forward, addressing Adiuva. "No. You are mistaken. Nothing is being demanded from you. Ryuvia is a free world. There are no obligations here. Except to do no harm. I, Redirnus, guarantee that."

He enunciates every letter clearly and loudly in a monotone voice - this mode of communication is unnatural for him, though he can make himself understood. As he introduces himself by name, he swoops downward with his massive arm, fumbling around a little (like other Ryuvians, he is nearly blind) before he finds Adiuva's arm and shakes her hand. Redirnus' hand might look a lot like a vise, but surprisingly, it somehow... liquidises before contact, enveloping Adiuva's hand and claws completely. If words to describe the experience even exist, it could be said to feel like having one's hand stuck in a churning bucket full of metallic Nutella. After a second or two of thoroughly feeling the Veritus' hand, Redirnus lets go and continues speaking. "You look like you are afraid even in your home. Maybe you Veritus should join the Star League Charter. It is like Ryuvian police. But on the scale of the galaxy. It ensures everyone's safety. And freedom. For free."

Cosmic Couriers

With little fanfare, a bipedal being enters the Vestibule, his purple helmet like head marking him as one of the Cosmic Couriers. The attitude he adopts is a mix between a military stance, and aloofness; like he is above this whole gathering, but suffering stoically for some misunderstood reason of honor.

It is clear, based on the few words he gives to some lesser officiates, that he is here to speak with The Wardens of World's End, The Guild-Empire of Nyx, and any remaining members of what once was the Sunbream Confederacy or the Kombuch. Though it is likely that the Couriers will need to take measures to see their debts paid for the latter two.

Whispers and rumors from the same officiates indicate that the Courier - who has yet to give an appellation - would be open to other matters of trade.

King Zirkon does not let the Courier escape his attention. "Aah, Mr. Lots-a-Cash, here to eviscerate the debtors' pockets as usual? Not that I mind, just please do not dirty the gold carpets, you ought to know how much these cost, hehe."

Zirkon gives a friendly smile, which soon turns into an inquisitive gaze that reveals there is more to this man than silly banter. "See, you have your awesome, unique technology that allows ships to cross the galaxy in the blink of an eye... But you never wanted to share with us newcomers, so we have been left to our own devices. Devices which we have developed well, if I do say so. I have even heard some unwise people say that we do not need you anymore. Of course, I think that's a load of Subaerial Camel excrement, if you pardon my language. Though I have to admit, it is true that some of your systems and protocols are somewhat out of date. But I am convinced we can easily take the wind out of the critics' solar sails together, modernizing your equipment here and there...?" He nonchalantly waits for the Courier's response.

2020-04-11, 11:11 PM
*Grymlans Entrance*

Flash Starshine greeted people warmly as he arrived, light shining off his prosthetics and causing his visor to glitter. Behind him a large mech trundled along, the OwO mech had undergone some substantial changes, lightening the frame and making it more compact, while giving it a pair of arms for maximum hug potential. Following behind the leader, and spiritual head of, the combine was a giant of a man in black finery and framed by the large metallic oricalcum wings tucked closed behind him.

"What have you gotten us into Grymlan?" Lucirefron asked as he looked at the assembled members of the Axiom Community.

"Only the max-best thing ever!" Flash beamed at the dour Ori. "Good-people, bad-people. Better to be caught with paw in the sweet-jar than other-person false-tell about you. This best-place to meet-greet. You no-want to be like Veritus no-no? They're max-scared of their own shadow. Jumpy-Jumpy."


Speaking of which, after initial introductions Flash saw the Veritus, well smelled, and sauntered over waiving and loudly announcing himself, "Hi-hi! Iuvo, good to meet-greet you! Are you much-better? You're color very-changed! I see-hear that you seek-find much-Grymlan like people. I'd very much want-need to meet-greet them!"

2020-04-11, 11:58 PM
The king raises his eyebrows at the ...extreme submissiveness of these visitors. He glances at the steel colossus at his side, who shrugs and leans forward, addressing Adiuva. "No. You are mistaken. Nothing is being demanded from you. Ryuvia is a free world. There are no obligations here. Except to do no harm. I, Redirnus, guarantee that."

He enunciates every letter clearly and loudly in a monotone voice - this mode of communication is unnatural for him, though he can make himself understood. As he introduces himself by name, he swoops downward with his massive arm, fumbling around a little (like other Ryuvians, he is nearly blind) before he finds Adiuva's arm and shakes her hand. Redirnus' hand might look a lot like a vise,Adiuva whimpered and her guards backed away slowly, as if trying to hide their intent to bolt...

but surprisingly, it somehow... liquidises before contact, enveloping Adiuva's hand and claws completely. If words to describe the experience even exist, it could be said to feel like having one's hand stuck in a churning bucket full of metallic Nutella. After a second or two of thoroughly feeling the Veritus' hand, Redirnus lets go and continues speaking. "You look like you are afraid even in your home. Maybe you Veritus should join the Star League Charter. It is like Ryuvian police. But on the scale of the galaxy. It ensures everyone's safety. And freedom. For free."The galactic scale threat could not have been clearer. 'Join us or you might get hurt'.

"T-that... is not up to me." Adiuva said slowly, only stammering for a moment as the king drew his hand away and she inspected her arm. Satisfied that it was not disconnected from the rest of her and that it was unlikely to explode and/or rot, the Veritus turned to face him more directly. "The Duenem have already conquered us and made us a protectorate of their power."


Speaking of which, after initial introductions Flash saw the Veritus, well smelled, and sauntered over waiving and loudly announcing himself, "Hi-hi! Iuvo, good to meet-greet you! Are you much-better? You're color very-changed! I see-hear that you seek-find much-Grymlan like people. I'd very much want-need to meet-greet them!"

Extasis was trembling. He'd seen Grymlans before, but their apparent eagerness to get close to the Veritus remained terrifying. Flash likely had no idea what he was getting into with the Shrumpkin-

"Nufriend!!" Mahort shouted, jumping down from the back of one of the guards (to his clear and immediate relief) and skittered over to within a breath from the Grymlan, immediately grabbing and shaking one of his limbs with four of her six arms, careful to keep her claws retracted. "Mahort am I, Shrumpkin! Always good to meet more Grymlan-nufriends!"

Mahort's fur was a vibrant purple, tangled and messy from her work in starship engines. Bits of wire and screws were tied in places she could easily reach. She was grinning from ear to ear, revealing little but sharp canines in her mouth. Her eyes seemed to be black voids at first, but after a moment it becomes clear that they're simply very dark; there is a deep blue shine to them, most ovbious at the outer edges where the sclera would normally be. She's covered herself in some sort of flowery perfume, definitely laid on too thickly... though that might be because she was traveling with creatures that smelled like rotten corpses.

"Mahort brought her tools. Your ship? Mahort work, you relax, we talk? Mahort prefers smell of sweat to flower."

Yeah that was definitely why.

2020-04-12, 12:36 AM

"Hi-hi! I'm Flash Starshine, High Coordinator of the Combine, soon to be Combine Interstellar League" Flash grinned as he returned Mahort's handshake. He chuckled an said, "You, Nu-friend of of Veritus? Much-tricksy, Veritus max-funny saying they surrender to Combine. We borrow one, try to be new-friends like you. Have you meet-greeted Iuvo?" Flash paused to wave at the Veritus he had mistaken for Iuvo. "He is much-good Veritus."

Part of him wanted to immediately show Mahort to the Combine's ship at her suggestion, but Flash did pause. "Mahort, that idea sounds max-good, but that leaves-lonely your Veritus new-friends. Do you think-think they much-mind?"

2020-04-12, 12:55 AM

"Hi-hi! I'm Flash Starshine, High Coordinator of the Combine, soon to be Combine Interstellar League" Flash grinned as he returned Mahort's handshake. He chuckled an said, "You, Nu-friend of of Veritus? Much-tricksy, Veritus max-funny saying they surrender to Combine. We borrow one, try to be new-friends like you. Have you meet-greeted Iuvo?" Flash paused to wave at the Veritus he had mistaken for Iuvo. "He is much-good Veritus."

Part of him wanted to immediately show Mahort to the Combine's ship at her suggestion, but Flash did pause. "Mahort, that idea sounds max-good, but that leaves-lonely your Veritus new-friends. Do you think-think they much-mind?"

"Iuvo is good boy." Mahort nodded, grin widening. "Jumpy even for Veritus. But is friendlike. Works allsix."

Mahort's smile faded a bit. "... Veritus not enjoy Mahort much. She tries, but they too afraid. Was not part of their plan; she working on their ship when they took off. But Flash Starshine right, Mahort should ask. She is polite Shrumpkin." She turned to Extasis. "Veritus-Friends, Mahort wishes to accompany-"

"YES FINE SURE GO AHEAD!!" One of them yelped. "You're good, you're fine, go and maybe we'll see you on the ship please don't shut the whole thing down again!"

"Mahort didn't do that! She just optimized energy flow! It run quiet now!" She yelled, her exasperation evident. This was clearly not the first time she'd had to tell the Veritus that she had not tried to destroy their ship.

She then leaned closer and whispered. "Veritus strange, but can be predicted. Xenos make them more nervous, Mahort thinks. Shrumpkin friendly, makes them think she wants to betray. Would be better if she kept away. She heard of the Ndoda child; made sure armor can't break this time."

2020-04-12, 03:57 PM
Droccen Galactic Imperium

Mika Ren had gone from the shock of seeing her parents deterioration in the Simulacrum to her Uncle Sukero's funeral straight to Djinye Space, needless to say she wasn't in the mood for a party. Her black robes matched her somber mood as she entered the scene. The calm facade of her face broke a bit, it wasn't often she encountered metal constructs bigger than Droccen's Guardians. Her and her Guardian Shiro nodded respectfully at the impressive Redirnus before greeting King Zirkon.

"King Zirkon, it is a pleasure to meet a fellow adherent of the Star League Charter. Though the Droccen are a recent addition, it is my hope that we prove a worthy addition in the League's cause to promote a peaceful and unified galaxy."

2020-04-12, 05:26 PM
"Inconveniently placed," muttered Ares Otto, as they passed the ship in orbit.
"Inadequately supervised."

"Are you going to be like this for the whole event?" muttered Kilij as they landed.

"That's impossible to predict without being aware of all circumstances which might arise following our arrival, which is of course impossible, not to mention that you haven't specified..." he went on like this for some time.

"Oh, forget it," Kilij said, as they entered the hall. "Look, a bar, go and get a drink and try to loosen up a bit."

"Thank you," said Bohemond as Ares hurried off. "I wasn't sure how much more of that I could take."

"I confess it was starting to disquiet me too," said Fingor, sotto voce.

Adiuva whimpered and her guards backed away slowly, as if trying to hide their intent to bolt...

The galactic scale threat could not have been clearer. 'Join us or you might get hurt'.

"T-that... is not up to me." Adiuva said slowly, only stammering for a moment as the king drew his hand away and she inspected her arm. Satisfied that it was not disconnected from the rest of her and that it was unlikely to explode and/or rot, the Veritus turned to face him more directly. "The Duenem have already conquered us and made us a protectorate of their power."

""Oh, I wouldn't let a little thing like that stop you," cried Kilij as he approached. "The Star League doesn't have any objection to swooping in and claiming protectorates already under the purview of other powers." He was grinning as he spoke, and no offence seemed meant, but to the rest of his delegation a slight edge was nevertheless detectable.

The perceived defection of the FCO remained a sore spot in Imperial diplomatic circles, as, particularly in Ceylan, did the historic failure to prevent the Syndrome's occupation of the Duenem casinos. "Don't even joke about messing with the Duenem" was an unofficial rule on the Albigensian.

"Well this isn't very good."

"Your majesty," Kilij continued, "as Imperial Ambassador, please allow me to present Fingor, King of Elvin Celene, Bohemond, Duke of Taizy" - a man with deep pink skin and black eyes - "Lady Clio of the Terpsichore" - a beautiful young woman in a gauzy dress - "two representatives from Tediret in the Dashiadin Sector, -"

Ares rushed over, brandishing a cocktail menu.

"Your majesty, you should be aware that so far on our visit I have identified no fewer than-" he consulted a note- "sixty-four areas of suboptimal efficiency, at least one third of which fall below 35% of optimum. It is exemplified on this bar menu, which is hopelessly laid out. See here, the cocktails are listed by primary ingredient, but it would be preferable to present them in alphabetical order-"

Kilij clapped a hand on Ares's shoulder, which nearly knocked the man to the floor. "And this is Ares Otto, Grade 6 administrator, of Parnassus."

Kilij, Imperial Ambassador (M, Kuvetli (appears human))
Bohemond, Duke of Taizy, M, Rethel (pink-skinned humanoid)
Fingor, King of Elvin Celene, M, elf
Clio, F, Terpsichore (human-ish)
Ares Otto, M, Parnassan (four-fingered quasi-human)
Assorted flunkies, naval personnel, etc.

2020-04-12, 06:50 PM
*Grymlans Entrance*

Flash Starshine greeted people warmly as he arrived, light shining off his prosthetics and causing his visor to glitter. Behind him a large mech trundled along, the OwO mech had undergone some substantial changes, lightening the frame and making it more compact, while giving it a pair of arms for maximum hug potential. Following behind the leader, and spiritual head of, the combine was a giant of a man in black finery and framed by the large metallic oricalcum wings tucked closed behind him.

"What have you gotten us into Grymlan?" Lucirefron asked as he looked at the assembled members of the Axiom Community.

"Only the max-best thing ever!" Flash beamed at the dour Ori. "Good-people, bad-people. Better to be caught with paw in the sweet-jar than other-person false-tell about you. This best-place to meet-greet. You no-want to be like Veritus no-no? They're max-scared of their own shadow. Jumpy-Jumpy."

"Greetings, fluffy friends. You are welcome to stay... as long as you get-off my lawn with the UwU memes, haha! I have tried to educate myself on the latest trends there, but young people are so confusing these days - just like every previous century! But really, do tell me what is UwU all about. Recently, it has been used a little in our space, and the people on the DNF Council are all old bores like me, who have no idea about technology, and they are tearing their hair out deciding if we should be scared or honored or insulted..."

Zirkon makes a wide, dismissive 'you know how it is' gesture. Then he looks around, as if making sure nobody hears him. "By the way, there would not happen to be a way to make money of UwU, would there? My kingdom happens to have quite unreasonable miscellaneous expenses, and I am in need of a new idea to fund that deficit."

Adiuva whimpered and her guards backed away slowly, as if trying to hide their intent to bolt...

The galactic scale threat could not have been clearer. 'Join us or you might get hurt'.

"T-that... is not up to me." Adiuva said slowly, only stammering for a moment as the king drew his hand away and she inspected her arm. Satisfied that it was not disconnected from the rest of her and that it was unlikely to explode and/or rot, the Veritus turned to face him more directly. "The Duenem have already conquered us and made us a protectorate of their power."

(Clarification: there are two characters. King Zirkon, who is human and Redirnus, the chief of Ryuvian police, who was the one giving the handshake and who has the weird shape-shifting biology)

Redirnus furrows his brows. The Veritus are hard to understand- they are trying to protect themselves by mentioning the Duenem, but they also say they were conquered by the Duenem? "I see. If the Duenem ever oppress you. Call the Star League. We will help."

The awkwardness of this conversation weighs heavily on Redirnus as he searches for a new topic, until he remembers that he has something in store for the Veritus. "Anyways. I have the perfect gift for you. So that you will become less afraid." A temporary hole suddenly appears in his side, and he reaches into it and fishes out a tablet with some digital blueprints and presents it to Adiuva. "This is a very modern spaceship design. If you build ships like it. Hardly anyone will dare to threaten you." He zooms in on the individual details - the herds of CGI rhinos, dinos and giants restlessly shuffling around the hangar bay, the fine-tuned laser cannons, the attack drones orbiting the ship*. It is a patchwork of different kinds of military technologies invented all over the galaxy. But it is also clearly effective and deadly beyond doubt, like a porcupine with rockets instead of spines. "I hope you like it." He may have a deadpan verbal delivery, but his eyes are almost shining with expectation, as he introduces the Veritus to his hobby of awesome big guns and spaceships.

*Contains technologies: Energy Conversion Weaponry, War Beasts, Mecha-Guardians, Energy Distribution

Droccen Galactic Imperium

Mika Ren had gone from the shock of seeing her parents deterioration in the Simulacrum to her Uncle Sukero's funeral straight to Djinye Space, needless to say she wasn't in the mood for a party. Her black robes matched her somber mood as she entered the scene. The calm facade of her face broke a bit, it wasn't often she encountered metal constructs bigger than Droccen's Guardians. Her and her Guardian Shiro nodded respectfully at the impressive Redirnus before greeting King Zirkon.

"King Zirkon, it is a pleasure to meet a fellow adherent of the Star League Charter. Though the Droccen are a recent addition, it is my hope that we prove a worthy addition in the League's cause to promote a peaceful and unified galaxy."

Zirkon was fond of subverting the usual stiffness and over-the-top formality of nobles, but he felt that this wasn't the best time for it, and changed tack as soon as he spotted Mika. "Likewise, Empress Mika, it is an honor to have you here. I am sorry for your loss.

For the loss of your parents, as well as the loss of a valuable ally and friend in the Ndoda. Truly, we are enduring difficult times. More and more of the Maturated are failing for some reason. Is this by any chance the curse that was the undoing of the Callers?"

He lets the rhetorical question linger for the appropriate time. "But we must not let all Axiom descend into lawlessness. The National Front is planning to take over some of the Ndoda's responsibilities, particularly regarding regions with significant Realtaist populations. I hope this does not clash with your plans?"

""Oh, I wouldn't let a little thing like that stop you," cried Kilij as he approached. "The Star League doesn't have any objection to swooping in and claiming protectorates already under the purview of other powers." He was grinning as he spoke, and no offence seemed meant, but to the rest of his delegation a slight edge was nevertheless detectable.

The perceived defection of the FCO remained a sore spot in Imperial diplomatic circles, as, particularly in Ceylan, did the historic failure to prevent the Syndrome's occupation of the Duenem casinos. "Don't even joke about messing with the Duenem" was an unofficial rule on the Albigensian.

"[COLOR="#808080"]Well this isn't very good."

"Your majesty," Kilij continued, "as Imperial Ambassador, please allow me to present Fingor, King of Elvin Celene, Bohemond, Duke of Taizy" - a man with deep pink skin and black eyes - "Lady Clio of the Terpsichore" - a beautiful young woman in a gauzy dress - "two representatives from Tediret in the Dashiadin Sector, -"

Ares rushed over, brandishing a cocktail menu.

"Your majesty, you should be aware that so far on our visit I have identified no fewer than-" he consulted a note- "sixty-four areas of suboptimal efficiency, at least one third of which fall below 35% of optimum. It is exemplified on this bar menu, which is hopelessly laid out. See here, the cocktails are listed by primary ingredient, but it would be preferable to present them in alphabetical order-"

Kilij clapped a hand on Ares's shoulder, which nearly knocked the man to the floor. "And this is Ares Otto, Grade 6 administrator, of Parnassus."

King Zirkon acknowledges the ambassador, and raises his graying eyebrows as far as they can possibly go when he hears Ares' complaints. "I see you have many different kinds of people in the Empire. And you have represented them in your delegation. This is noble of you, and the National Front tries to do the same - however, it can be argued, some people should not be represented, for the good of others."

He glances in the direction of the bar, where an annoyed two-foot tall green fairy barman is flying towards them with a dripping towel in his hand. "Case in point. The Fae are invariably out of their mind."

The barman makes a beeline for Ares, hurls the wet towel at his face with without warning and wrests the cocktail menu from him. He starts making back for the bar, but turns around very slowly. "I heard that, by the way, administrator. You might be right about everything else in this human-built dump, but I swear, you won't slander my drinks before you taste one. What would you say to a glass of 'Desire Fulfilled'? On the house, to make up for the towel I deservedly hit you with."

2020-04-12, 07:25 PM
Droccen Galactic Imperium

Mika Ren had gone from the shock of seeing her parents deterioration in the Simulacrum to her Uncle Sukero's funeral straight to Djinye Space, needless to say she wasn't in the mood for a party. Her black robes matched her somber mood as she entered the scene. The calm facade of her face broke a bit, it wasn't often she encountered metal constructs bigger than Droccen's Guardians. Her and her Guardian Shiro nodded respectfully at the impressive Redirnus before greeting King Zirkon.

"King Zirkon, it is a pleasure to meet a fellow adherent of the Star League Charter. Though the Droccen are a recent addition, it is my hope that we prove a worthy addition in the League's cause to promote a peaceful and unified galaxy."

Extasis tilted his head as the pink woman arrived. Droccen, probably. This one was... different. He couldn't put his claw on why, but... that look on her face...

He would eventually approach Mika, when she was away from the scarier aliens. He kept a bit of distance between the two, fully aware he smelled like a rotting corpse and not wanting to startle her. "You... What are you?"

""Oh, I wouldn't let a little thing like that stop you," cried Kilij as he approached. "The Star League doesn't have any objection to swooping in and claiming protectorates already under the purview of other powers." He was grinning as he spoke, and no offence seemed meant, but to the rest of his delegation a slight edge was nevertheless detectable."Nor are the Ninurtine." Adiuva responded.

Her guards gasped and looked at her askance. She had not turned around, and seemed now to be talking to herself.

"Although to be fair that one was mostly on the damned space wizards." She grumbled, "Oh sure, they'll be happy to have Veritus drones serving their every whim right up until a better empire comes along and waves its fat bulbous wad of cash in their faces." Her voice then adopted a lower pitch as she tried (and failed) to poorly imitate the Space Wizard's voice. "We're keeping the drones we have anyway, see you later reproductive organs! I don't know what that last part was supposed to translate to but it couldn't be good."

The perceived defection of the FCO remained a sore spot in Imperial diplomatic circles, as, particularly in Ceylan, did the historic failure to prevent the Syndrome's occupation of the Duenem casinos. "Don't even joke about messing with the Duenem" was an unofficial rule on the Albigensian.

"Well this isn't very good."

"Your majesty," Kilij continued, "as Imperial Ambassador, please allow me to present Fingor, King of Elvin Celene, Bohemond, Duke of Taizy" - a man with deep pink skin and black eyes - "Lady Clio of the Terpsichore" - a beautiful young woman in a gauzy dress - "two representatives from Tediret in the Dashiadin Sector, -"

Ares rushed over, brandishing a cocktail menu.

"Your majesty, you should be aware that so far on our visit I have identified no fewer than-" he consulted a note- "sixty-four areas of suboptimal efficiency, at least one third of which fall below 35% of optimum. It is exemplified on this bar menu, which is hopelessly laid out. See here, the cocktails are listed by primary ingredient, but it would be preferable to present them in alphabetical order-"

Kilij clapped a hand on Ares's shoulder, which nearly knocked the man to the floor. "And this is Ares Otto, Grade 6 administrator, of Parnassus."

Kilij, Imperial Ambassador (M, Kuvetli (appears human))
Bohemond, Duke of Taizy, M, Rethel (pink-skinned humanoid)
Fingor, King of Elvin Celene, M, elf
Clio, F, Terpsichore (human-ish)
Ares Otto, M, Parnassan (four-fingered quasi-human)
Assorted flunkies, naval personnel, etc.

"Oh you and Mahort would get along famously." Adiuva nodded towards Ares.

(Clarification: there are two characters. King Zirkon, who is human and Redirnus, the chief of Ryuvian police, who was the one giving the handshake and who has the weird shape-shifting biology)

Redirnus furrows his brows. The Veritus are hard to understand- they are trying to protect themselves by mentioning the Duenem, but they also say they were conquered by the Duenem? "I see. If the Duenem ever oppress you. Call the Star League. We will help."

The awkwardness of this conversation weighs heavily on Redirnus as he searches for a new topic, until he remembers that he has something in store for the Veritus. "Anyways. I have the perfect gift for you. So that you will become less afraid." A temporary hole suddenly appears in his side, and he reaches into it and fishes out a tablet with some digital blueprints and presents it to Adiuva. "This is a very modern spaceship design. If you build ships like it. Hardly anyone will dare to threaten you." He zooms in on the individual details - the herds of CGI rhinos, dinos and giants restlessly shuffling around the hangar bay, the fine-tuned laser cannons, the attack drones orbiting the ship*. It is a patchwork of different kinds of military technologies invented all over the galaxy. But it is also clearly effective and deadly beyond doubt, like a porcupine with rockets instead of spines. "I hope you like it." He may have a deadpan verbal delivery, but his eyes are almost shining with expectation, as he introduces the Veritus to his hobby of awesome big guns and spaceships.

*Contains technologies: Energy Conversion Weaponry, War Beasts, Mecha-Guardians, Energy Distribution

... This was what the xenos had to potentially kill them with? At least it would be quick, Adiuva supposed. She thumbed (for lack of a better term) through the holo-blueprints for a moment, eyes roving over the designs. Mahort would have to look them over to make sure they weren't some kind of secret bomb, but the gears in Adiuva's head were already turning. Having the blueprints for an enemy's weapons (assuming that was what this truly was) would enable them to find weaknesses and design flaws. A slow lateral turn speed to outmaneuver? Engines that were unstable when returning to sublight? Maneuvering thrusters to target? A small thermal exhaust port leading directly to the core, if she were being optimistic? This was certainly something they could make us of.

"This is a gracious gift we do not deserve." She said finally, maintaining as calm a tone of voice as she could. Gods, she hoped that accepting something so readily wasn't an insult in this culture. "What would you ask of us in turn?"

2020-04-12, 08:39 PM
"Nor are the Ninurtine." Adiuva responded.

Her guards gasped and looked at her askance. She had not turned around, and seemed now to be talking to herself.

"Although to be fair that one was mostly on the damned space wizards." She grumbled, "Oh sure, they'll be happy to have Veritus drones serving their every whim right up until a better empire comes along and waves its fat bulbous wad of cash in their faces." Her voice then adopted a lower pitch as she tried (and failed) to poorly imitate the Space Wizard's voice. "We're keeping the drones we have anyway, see you later reproductive organs! I don't know what that last part was supposed to translate to but it couldn't be good."
"Yes, point taken," said Kilij. "That was an intelligence failure and a half, although as you say, I would not be surprised if the wizards considered that they were the ones gaining a new protectorate until they, uh, reconsidered."

The barman makes a beeline for Ares, hurls the wet towel at his face with without warning and wrests the cocktail menu from him. He starts making back for the bar, but turns around very slowly. "I heard that, by the way, administrator. You might be right about everything else in this human-built dump, but I swear, you won't slander my drinks before you taste one. What would you say to a glass of 'Desire Fulfilled'? On the house, to make up for the towel I deservedly hit you with."
"I will accept your offer, though given the range of drinks available the probability of its being the optimum selection seems low, let alone its satisfactorily fulfilling any desires I may have."

King Zirkon acknowledges the ambassador, and raises his graying eyebrows as far as they can possibly go when he hears Ares' complaints. "I see you have many different kinds of people in the Empire. And you have represented them in your delegation. This is noble of you, and the National Front tries to do the same - however, it can be argued, some people should not be represented, for the good of others."

"I quite agree, your majesty," said Ares. "Indeed we considered that of the approximately fifty recognised sapient species within the Empire, excluding Syndrome and Lyraen settlers, more than half were likely to cause some sort of embarrassment or diplomatic incident, and consequently representatives from those planets were excluded from this delegation, though a number of them have still sent gifts as thanks for hosting this event.

"Speaking of which," he continued, taking out a dataslate, "the gifts should be being unloaded from our transport at present, so if you would be so good as to sign here by way of confirmed receipt, I can submit that to the treasury accounts for the appropriate tax rebates."

"All right, that's enough. Stop it," Kilij said.

"Too much? Fine." Ares stepped back, and shimmered for a moment, after which the officious bureaucrat had vanished, in his place a young woman in an elegant dress.

"Your majesty, I also have the honour to present the Princess Imperial Wurmaderuk, sister of the Emperor. The real Ares Otto came down with food poisoning before we left Imperial space, most unfortunately..."

"A blessed relief."

"...but the Princess has, for her own amusement, compensated for his absence by recreating his most irritating habits."

"I apologise for the deception, your majesty," said Wurmaderuk, "but opportunities like this come along so rarely."

2020-04-12, 09:27 PM
*You cant tell me what to do old man. (Zirkon)*

Flash smirked, "UwU is your Hab-green, if you want-needed. Max-Plans are idea-seeded on it, all-field of potential. I would much-suggest you re-try it."

"Thewe awe many tutowiaws and hewp gwoups to assist peopwe with UwU's opewation." OwO chimed in.

The Grymlan nodded along with OwO's suggestion, light glittering off his visor as he added, "But if you want-need talky-talk about profit-work then Combine is open to see-hear."

*Making of a Diplomatic Incident (Veritus/Shrumpkin)*

Flash nodded sagely, "Yes-yes. Combine make friendly-like with Veritus but they still-fear us, much-sad."

His tail swished behind him as he led Mahort away, "You'll much-like Grymlan ships. Many-smells some sweet, some not-so-sweet. None Veritus, but I gues-think that some would want-need it that way. You said you want-need to tinker, but Grymlans also fix-rig ourselves. Did you see-hear that Combine Space-Punched a Travel Gate between Lyrae and Combine hab-space? It was max-epic!"

2020-04-12, 10:20 PM
*Making of a Diplomatic Incident (Veritus/Shrumpkin)*

Flash nodded sagely, "Yes-yes. Combine make friendly-like with Veritus but they still-fear us, much-sad."

His tail swished behind him as he led Mahort away, "You'll much-like Grymlan ships. Many-smells some sweet, some not-so-sweet. None Veritus, but I gues-think that some would want-need it that way. You said you want-need to tinker, but Grymlans also fix-rig ourselves. Did you see-hear that Combine Space-Punched a Travel Gate between Lyrae and Combine hab-space? It was max-epic!"

"Mahort knows of it!"Mahort nodded eagerly, momentarily eyeing the tail and running her lower left arm through the fur. She never got tired of the tails; Shrumpkin didn't have them. She jogged up to walk next to Flash, 'flashing' him a smile and holding out an arm. "Wishes she'd seen it form. Must have been big sight."

"Yes, point taken," said Kilij. "That was an intelligence failure and a half, although as you say, I would not be surprised if the wizards considered that they were the ones gaining a new protectorate until they, uh, reconsidered."

Adiuva turned to face the Ninurtine. These were her immediate neighbors.

"I do not intend any offense. Many of the wizards remain willing to work for us. No real harm done."

That was a lie. It terrified Adiuva to think of the fact that her home system was immediately bordered by such a massive, powerful empire. If they chose to crush the Protectorate, there would be nothing they could do. They'd be wiped out.

And that was without even considering these "Droccen" the imperial ambassadors had mentioned. Soft, fleshy creatures of a vibrant pink hue with robots enslaved to their service? No one in their right mind would approach anything so brightly colored in any jungle, least of all when it has a robot next to it to provide protection. Extasis had wandered off as soon as their empress arrived and Adiuva had no idea where he was. That was going to be a diplomatic problem and a half.

2020-04-13, 03:47 AM
[Fate of the Ordained]

Those who had known Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge Allchurch Sea-Breaker from years past would be unlikely to recognize the Rass now. Their new title of Fatebearer was in some ways more literal than it sounded - dozens of wires and cables run from what appear to be mounting ports on their skull and neck back to an irregularly shaped case strapped tightly to their back, and Sea-Breaker did not walk on their hind legs, as most Rass were wont to do in the relatively low gravity preferred by many other species.

The automaton at his side looked at him with some concern as he paused to catch his breath, known as Grace, was careful not to actually hover over the Speaker...but she came close, nonetheless. "Do you require assistance, Revered Speaker?"

"Please refrain from action that might lead to injury, Fatebearer."

"No! No, no, no, I'm not a rockhead yet, Gods take me, I don't need to be carried, I just need - hrmpht - a moment to find my balance." Intimate-Knowledge's scales flare repeatedly as he stands, dark eyes just a hint out of focus. He rests for a moment, then waves his claws at the others. "Go, go. Shoo. all of you. I'm not your denpappy, stop crowding me like I'm going to read you a story. You all have reasons for coming with me other than making my life harder, don't you?" He pauses, eyeing one of the other Rass present. "Except you, of course, Blackthroat. You can stay. You are here just to bother me, after all."

"I am here at the behest of the Gods, as are we all, Revered Speaker."

A dismissive grackle and wave later, and Intimate-Knowledge turned their attention back towards the party itself, while his attendants - all save Grace, who turned her own attention to Redinus, and Blackthroat, who seemed more concerned with the machine their Speaker was attached to than the Speaker themselves, or the festivities - dispersed amongst the proceedings.

Revered Speaker and Fatebearer Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge Allchurch Sea-Breaker - leader of the FCO, cyborg(?) Rass
Living-Reliquary Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance - automaton, bodyguard
Saint Masculine-Divine-Love Blackthroat, of Two-Hundred-and-Twelve Exultations
Sir Ice-Void-Diver of the Golden Feather - SunSpeaker Knight and Representative
First Princess Arythas Coalbrun of the Shriekwater Clans - Profaned Noble and Representative
Ordained Speaker AgeGloryHill, of the DreamDivers Church - Rass
Ordained Speaker Shatterborn - Rass
High Director Citrinas - Sanctified Favored of AMSAE, the Most Direct

2020-04-13, 03:43 PM
After going on an unprecedented SPACE APOLOGY tour SPACE QUEEN and company arrive at the Axiomatic party in order to pay tribute to the new Empress of the Droccen. The apology tour had gone, better than expected, a parade here, a kissed baby there, and even publicly whipping some unpopular officials. She could see why SPACE KING never bothered, though the whole let them lift cake attitude can only go so far. She needed allies and strong ones at that.

When she reaches Mika Ren the tall SPACE QUEEN takes a knee, with such vigor the sound of her cybernetic leg echoed against the floor with on audible crack.

Hail Empress, The SPACE QUEEN of Knights kneels in your shadow.

After a moment she got up to her full height smiling at the new empress.

What do ya think, I've been practicing that intro for a bit.

2020-04-13, 06:56 PM
Zirkon was fond of subverting the usual stiffness and over-the-top formality of nobles, but he felt that this wasn't the best time for it, and changed tack as soon as he spotted Mika. "Likewise, Empress Mika, it is an honor to have you here. I am sorry for your loss.

For the loss of your parents, as well as the loss of a valuable ally and friend in the Ndoda. Truly, we are enduring difficult times. More and more of the Maturated are failing for some reason. Is this by any chance the curse that was the undoing of the Callers?"

He lets the rhetorical question linger for the appropriate time. "But we must not let all Axiom descend into lawlessness. The National Front is planning to take over some of the Ndoda's responsibilities, particularly regarding regions with significant Realtaist populations. I hope this does not clash with your plans?"

The Empress felt her recent losses as a black chasm within her soul that threatened to drag her down into its yawning pit.

"Regardless if the failure of so many maturated is due to some lingering misfortune of the Callers, my people are certain that the best way to stand steadfast against such storms is by seeking harmony with those that remain." She paused, considering.

"Though I do have intelligence that suggests the Ndoda has passed leadership of sector G23 back into the hands of the Droccen, from which they obtained it. Is it this sector of which you speak? I seem to recall that Celestia had opened a center of learning upon its shores." Mika Ren smiled placidly as she adroitly brought to light the offending sector.

Extasis tilted his head as the pink woman arrived. Droccen, probably. This one was... different. He couldn't put his claw on why, but... that look on her face...

He would eventually approach Mika, when she was away from the scarier aliens. He kept a bit of distance between the two, fully aware he smelled like a rotting corpse and not wanting to startle her. "You... What are you?"

Mika Ren frowned dubiously at the off-putting creature.

"What am I...?" She sounded mildly amused.

"I am a Droccen woman. I am a mother and a daughter. I am an Empress. The Empress, the Divine Shadow." Her shadow began to draw up from the floor to grow around her imposingly.

"She of the Shrouded Throne, A student of the Source." Laughter escaped her lips and she melded into her shadow briefly and seemed to grow with it for a moment before her Guardian Shiro touched her gently on the shoulder. Immediately, her shadow returned to its rightful place on the floor.

"What... are you?" She set her level gaze upon the creature curiously, though she suspected this was an example of the creature that had harmed her friend the Ndoda's child a few years back in Lyrae space.

After going on an unprecedented SPACE APOLOGY tour SPACE QUEEN and company arrive at the Axiomatic party in order to pay tribute to the new Empress of the Droccen. The apology tour had gone, better than expected, a parade here, a kissed baby there, and even publicly whipping some unpopular officials. She could see why SPACE KING never bothered, though the whole let them lift cake attitude can only go so far. She needed allies and strong ones at that.

When she reaches Mika Ren the tall SPACE QUEEN takes a knee, with such vigor the sound of her cybernetic leg echoed against the floor with on audible crack.

Hail Empress, The SPACE QUEEN of Knights kneels in your shadow.

After a moment she got up to her full height smiling at the new empress.

What do ya think, I've been practicing that intro for a bit.

"Very impressive, Knight Christie. I can tell you've been practicing." Mika Ren was surprised to have Knight Christie declare her allegiance so publicly but she stood and witnessed the act with a smile.

"I accept of course, Droccen is honored to have you as allies. We should speak of coordinating the defense of Hearth when you've a moment." She looked behind her and motioned Shiro to join them.

"Would you like a Guardian of your own? I can see about getting you assigned one if you'd like."

2020-04-13, 07:48 PM
Mika Ren frowned dubiously at the off-putting creature.

"What am I...?" She sounded mildly amused.

"I am a Droccen woman. I am a mother and a daughter. I am an Empress. The Empress, the Divine Shadow." Her shadow began to draw up from the floor to grow around her imposingly.

"She of the Shrouded Throne, A student of the Source." Laughter escaped her lips and she melded into her shadow briefly and seemed to grow with it for a moment before her Guardian Shiro touched her gently on the shoulder. Immediately, her shadow returned to its rightful place on the floor.

"What... are you?" She set her level gaze upon the creature curiously, though she suspected this was an example of the creature that had harmed her friend the Ndoda's child a few years back in Lyrae space.Immediate displeasure and a veiled threat.

Good. She could be read. That was something... though it still made the Veritus tremble in his armor.

"... Extasis-Veritus-Timens." He tilted his head. "Sired by Ignave-Veritus-Timens and Summus-Veritus-Timens in the province of Strung. I have not fertilized any clutches as of yet. My position in our government is consul minor of Strung-Timens."

"We have heard tale of your empire but we know very little and I... I wished to know more of you. What are these robots? Why are you such a wonderful shade of pink? W-why do the Ninurtine view you as peer? W-what is... t-the Shrouded..." Unable to hide his trembling anymore, he shrank back from the robot and the woman who had raised her shadow, eyes darting between the two. "P-please don't hurt us..."

2020-04-13, 08:14 PM
... This was what the xenos had to potentially kill them with? At least it would be quick, Adiuva supposed. She thumbed (for lack of a better term) through the holo-blueprints for a moment, eyes roving over the designs. Mahort would have to look them over to make sure they weren't some kind of secret bomb, but the gears in Adiuva's head were already turning. Having the blueprints for an enemy's weapons (assuming that was what this truly was) would enable them to find weaknesses and design flaws. A slow lateral turn speed to outmaneuver? Engines that were unstable when returning to sublight? Maneuvering thrusters to target? A small thermal exhaust port leading directly to the core, if she were being optimistic? This was certainly something they could make us of.

"This is a gracious gift we do not deserve." She said finally, maintaining as calm a tone of voice as she could. Gods, she hoped that accepting something so readily wasn't an insult in this culture. "What would you ask of us in turn?"

Redirnus laughs heartily when he hears that the timid space urchins think that they have something to contribute to the world where diamond statues, cyborg parts and micro black holes are manufactured in bulk, but he is polite enough not to say that out loud. "Ahem. Let me see how you could help. The National Front is making new translators. Each time it encounters new nations. Like now. Sometimes the translators are not ideal. It is an annoyance."

Like other natively non-verbal communicators, Redirnus has been particularly frustrated by the relatively antiquated translators in DNF. If he had a diamond statue for every time he sounded stupid in front of foreigners because a translator program didn't know how to correctly interpret the vibrations of his body... "Sigh. They are just awful. Frankly. I have no idea how a power like us does not have them. But we do not. And I have heard. They have been gifted to you. You could let us in on the terrible secret of Universal Translators in exchange. I hope our nations will be friendly in the future." He gives a courteous nod.

"Yes, point taken," said Kilij. "That was an intelligence failure and a half, although as you say, I would not be surprised if the wizards considered that they were the ones gaining a new protectorate until they, uh, reconsidered."

"I will accept your offer, though given the range of drinks available the probability of its being the optimum selection seems low, let alone its satisfactorily fulfilling any desires I may have."

"I quite agree, your majesty," said Ares. "Indeed we considered that of the approximately fifty recognised sapient species within the Empire, excluding Syndrome and Lyraen settlers, more than half were likely to cause some sort of embarrassment or diplomatic incident, and consequently representatives from those planets were excluded from this delegation, though a number of them have still sent gifts as thanks for hosting this event.

"Speaking of which," he continued, taking out a dataslate, "the gifts should be being unloaded from our transport at present, so if you would be so good as to sign here by way of confirmed receipt, I can submit that to the treasury accounts for the appropriate tax rebates."

"All right, that's enough. Stop it," Kilij said.

"Too much? Fine." Ares stepped back, and shimmered for a moment, after which the officious bureaucrat had vanished, in his place a young woman in an elegant dress.

"Your majesty, I also have the honour to present the Princess Imperial Wurmaderuk, sister of the Emperor. The real Ares Otto came down with food poisoning before we left Imperial space, most unfortunately..."

"A blessed relief."

"...but the Princess has, for her own amusement, compensated for his absence by recreating his most irritating habits."

"I apologise for the deception, your majesty," said Wurmaderuk, "but opportunities like this come along so rarely."

Zirkon is surprised at first, of course, but quickly recovers. "Ah, that is no issue. I have done a fair share of practical jokes myself. But, your highness, I hope that you are not turning on the spot and going home now that you have made an ...impressive impression. What are your interests? I could try and describe, or better, show you how life is on the other side of the galaxy. We have modern technologies - some would say increasingly sophisticated ways of inflicting harm, art, politics, religion..." He smiles and secretly hopes Wurmaderuk won't ask him to explain the last one, because he didn't know anything about it and what little he knew wasn't exactly a pleasant topic for discussion. Or the penultimate one. Or the one before that. Or... well, he could always find her an expert in the field if it came to that.

Meanwhile, the bartender has returned, carrying a single glass of lime-green-colored drink with a yellow Yeather petal floating on the surface on a silver tray. He seems unfazed by the transformation, and presents the drink with a wide smile before Zirkon can react and have it tested for harmful substances. "Enjoy, your highness! It is a traditional recipe of my people." The bartender can hardly contain a cackle as he waits, full of anticipation. If Wurmaderuk drinks it, and unless she is resistant to hallucinogens, she will feel for a few seconds the developing, increasingly rich taste of the alcoholic cocktail on her palate, setting up great expectations, until the illusion abruptly disappears and she discovers that the drink, in reality, tastes merely like tap water with sour lemon.

*You cant tell me what to do old man. (Zirkon)*

Flash smirked, "UwU is your Hab-green, if you want-needed. Max-Plans are idea-seeded on it, all-field of potential. I would much-suggest you re-try it."

"Thewe awe many tutowiaws and hewp gwoups to assist peopwe with UwU's opewation." OwO chimed in.

The Grymlan nodded along with OwO's suggestion, light glittering off his visor as he added, "But if you want-need talky-talk about profit-work then Combine is open to see-hear."

Zirkon paused. He was not sure what did the Grymlan Combine have that the National Front did not in one of its vast territories. "Well, nice to know that about UwU, I will try it out again. As for profit - we could use some Orichalcum, I suppose..." He did not get to finish his line of thought, as a young woman with jet-black hair in a ceremonial robe rushed towards them and slipped into the space between Flash and the king, ignoring the latter's curses. She affectedly swoons at the sight of the Grymlans and gives Flash a quick hug. "Aww, the fluffy people who invented UwU! You have my thanks, I don't know what would I be doing if it didn't exist! Oh, sorry - I'm Sakhi, and I talk to people on UwU about how we really need to dismantle capitalism and expose the crimes of the One world conspiracy - they are behind government bureaucracies everywhere, I tell you! I've got, like, fifty million subscribers by now. I guess I'm also an ordained priestess here in DNF, but really, I just like to preach it straight and simple without all of these boilerplate rituals. Y'know, kinda like the old masters! Ooooom~" She scrunches up her face like she is meditating on some terribly important idea, hands clasped in a pose that does not remind of any 'ancient masters' in particular.

[Fate of the Ordained]

Those who had known Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge Allchurch Sea-Breaker from years past would be unlikely to recognize the Rass now. Their new title of Fatebearer was in some ways more literal than it sounded - dozens of wires and cables run from what appear to be mounting ports on their skull and neck back to an irregularly shaped case strapped tightly to their back, and Sea-Breaker did not walk on their hind legs, as most Rass were wont to do in the relatively low gravity preferred by many other species.

The automaton at his side looked at him with some concern as he paused to catch his breath, known as Grace, was careful not to actually hover over the Speaker...but she came close, nonetheless. "Do you require assistance, Revered Speaker?"

"Please refrain from action that might lead to injury, Fatebearer."

"No! No, no, no, I'm not a rockhead yet, Gods take me, I don't need to be carried, I just need - hrmpht - a moment to find my balance." Intimate-Knowledge's scales flare repeatedly as he stands, dark eyes just a hint out of focus. He rests for a moment, then waves his claws at the others. "Go, go. Shoo. all of you. I'm not your denpappy, stop crowding me like I'm going to read you a story. You all have reasons for coming with me other than making my life harder, don't you?" He pauses, eyeing one of the other Rass present. "Except you, of course, Blackthroat. You can stay. You are here just to bother me, after all."

"I am here at the behest of the Gods, as are we all, Revered Speaker."

A dismissive grackle and wave later, and Intimate-Knowledge turned their attention back towards the party itself, while his attendants - all save Grace, who turned her own attention to Redinus, and Blackthroat, who seemed more concerned with the machine their Speaker was attached to than the Speaker themselves, or the festivities - dispersed amongst the proceedings.

King Zirkon's amber eyes flit between another eccentric group of visitors. He shortly considers offering the leader, who was clearly overburdened, some sort of seat, but his political sense tells him that this is yet another of these traditions. That is, he is free to tune it out. He smiles and approaches the group with arms wide open. "The Rass! I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting your kin! And... rarely do I have the guilty pleasure of seeing someone who is not significantly less worn out than I am. Speaker, have you chosen to travel across half of the galaxy just to see a bland SpacePoint presentation about our greatness? I would hope not." Half of Zirkon's tried and true political maneuvering came down to overwhelming his rivals by making light of all serious topics they tried to present. The other half was 'money begets more money', a somewhat cheap tactic to make use of if you inherit land with billions of people on it.

Redirnus regarded Grace with some interest. Many had a tendency to stare at Ryuvians' unusual bodies when they first met them, making this somewhat annoying. But, he thought, she might have an actual reason for her curiosity. "Girl. If you are thinking I am a robot as well. I have to disappoint. I am... living mineral. To put it simply." He looked her over. For a non-shapeshifter, she did not look half bad. The patchwork of scarred plates, ceramics and machine parts from various eras was interesting, far more so than the dull uniformity of regular humans' skin. "But forgive me. I have not caught your name? And if you do not mind me asking. You look more like the adventurous sort. Than someone who would attend meetings like this. What is your occupation?"

The Empress felt her recent losses as a black chasm within her soul that threatened to drag her down into its yawning pit.

"Regardless if the failure of so many maturated is due to some lingering misfortune of the Callers, my people are certain that the best way to stand steadfast against such storms is by seeking harmony with those that remain." She paused, considering.

"Though I do have intelligence that suggests the Ndoda has passed leadership of sector G23 back into the hands of the Droccen, from which they obtained it. Is it this sector of which you speak? I seem to recall that Celestia had opened a center of learning upon its shores." Mika Ren smiled placidly as she adroitly brought to light the offending sector.

That was an unexpected complication. Zirkon mentally cussed out his ministers for failing to supply him with the latest information. "Yes... that is right. Of course, the Ndoda government's transaction is legitimate, and we will not dispute your ownership of the region, if you decide to keep governance of it. You do not discriminate among your citizens by ideology, correct? Or do you have something else in mind?"

2020-04-13, 08:50 PM
"Very impressive, Knight Christie. I can tell you've been practicing." Mika Ren was surprised to have Knight Christie declare her allegiance so publicly but she stood and witnessed the act with a smile.

"I accept of course, Droccen is honored to have you as allies. We should speak of coordinating the defense of Hearth when you've a moment." She looked behind her and motioned Shiro to join them.

"Would you like a Guardian of your own? I can see about getting you assigned one if you'd like."[/QUOTE]

Knight Christie was taken aback by the offer to receive a guardian, she blushed at the thought. "Thank you, my Empress, with so many knights gone these days, I could use a friend."

Thinking about the defense of Hearth, the Knight took up a more inquisitive stance "My lord, Hearth is too far away to provide direct defense, I fear that a dash to defend the planet, while brave, will undoubtedly end in another needless tragedy."

As she spoke of tragedy she revealed the extent of scars and cybernetics that consisted of her right arm. "Despite that, I'm committing some of our best last 4 units of Knights to the fight. We can't let our friends and allies get swallowed by machines, enlightenment via mechanization is but a prison."

2020-04-13, 11:53 PM
Redirnus laughs heartily when he hears that the timid space urchins think that they have something to contribute to the world where diamond statues, cyborg parts and micro black holes are manufactured in bulk, but he is polite enough not to say that out loud. "Ahem. Let me see how you could help. The National Front is making new translators. Each time it encounters new nations. Like now. Sometimes the translators are not ideal. It is an annoyance."

Like other natively non-verbal communicators, Redirnus has been particularly frustrated by the relatively antiquated translators in DNF. If he had a diamond statue for every time he sounded stupid in front of foreigners because a translator program didn't know how to correctly interpret the vibrations of his body... "Sigh. They are just awful. Frankly. I have no idea how a power like us does not have them. But we do not. And I have heard. They have been gifted to you. You could let us in on the terrible secret of Universal Translators in exchange. I hope our nations will be friendly in the future." He gives a courteous nod.

At least she knew what the catch was. "As you say, you'll have the secrets in hand before we leave." She promised. Adiuva wasn't entirely sure that giving away the secrets of the Universal Translator was something she was explicitly allowed to do, but she didn't really have much of a choice here. If she refused now, after offering to repay them, the situation would be so much worse.

2020-04-14, 05:29 PM
Zirkon is surprised at first, of course, but quickly recovers. "Ah, that is no issue. I have done a fair share of practical jokes myself. But, your highness, I hope that you are not turning on the spot and going home now that you have made an ...impressive impression. What are your interests? I could try and describe, or better, show you how life is on the other side of the galaxy. We have modern technologies - some would say increasingly sophisticated ways of inflicting harm, art, politics, religion..." He smiles and secretly hopes Wurmaderuk won't ask him to explain the last one, because he didn't know anything about it and what little he knew wasn't exactly a pleasant topic for discussion. Or the penultimate one. Or the one before that. Or... well, he could always find her an expert in the field if it came to that.
"Oh, fear not, I have no intention of leaving before I have enjoyed the party." She took a swig of the drink and paused for a moment as the effect developed, then frowned at it. "Though I now feel fully empowered to complain about the cocktails without slandering them: this is just a drug in a glass. Not that there's anything wrong with that in its own way, but where's the artistry?

"My interests, ah, now there's a question - with two answers. There is little that does not interest me to some extent - literature, music, philosophy, the performing arts, what they somewhat pretentiously call mixology-" she frowned at the glass again - "history, xenology. It might be quicker to list that which does not interest me..." She leaned in confidentially and spoke gravely."Golf."

She stood back as if nothing had happened. "But my interest - now, that's a different matter. My interest is the same as my brother's: the preservation and prosperity of the Empire, which means preservation of peace, civilisation, the rule of law, and so forth across the galaxy. In that sense, there is one subject that currently preoccupies me, and this leads to a convenient intersection betweeen my interest and my interests: contained in broad terms in two questions. First, who or what sent that message demanding the removal of the Emperor, of Conditioner Mint, Lyrae, Brigid, and the others? Second, how do we stop it?"

2020-04-14, 06:03 PM
*Meeting of the Minds (now Sakhi)*

Flash beamed at the arrival of the Realtism priestess, returning her hug as he listened to her introduction. "Thats maxgood!" he replied. "I no-think capitalism should be un-maked like you say. Combine uses craft-print of Capitalism to try and fix-rig the much-bad aspects of it. But this is why we craft-make UwU. Reach out to people so they might show-tell their thoughts so that they might thought-grow and lead to craft-print of new thoughts."

"Twue," OwO chimed in. "OwO has found that heawthy discussion can wead to stwengthening ideaws, ow synthesizing new ones."


Flash shook the Shrumpkin's hand, before wrapping a friendly arm around her shoulder as he lead her in the direction of his ship in the distance. "You'll much-like Combine ships. We fix-rig them daily testing new-stuff when possible. But if you want-need to see-hear Wormhole opening, I have view-data in my cabin. You can see-hear it from many-angles and many-spectrums."

2020-04-14, 06:20 PM

Flash shook the Shrumpkin's hand, before wrapping a friendly arm around her shoulder as he lead her in the direction of his ship in the distance. "You'll much-like Combine ships. We fix-rig them daily testing new-stuff when possible. But if you want-need to see-hear Wormhole opening, I have view-data in my cabin. You can see-hear it from many-angles and many-spectrums."

[Like Fedex]

"Mahort would much-like that." She purred, wrapping one arm around Flash's shoulder and another around his waist. "Had ideas for optimizing energy storage of Z-37 drive capacitors. Veritus not let Mahort test while ship moving. Only 0.7% chance it explode in flight. Veritus silly."

2020-04-14, 07:43 PM
Immediate displeasure and a veiled threat.

Good. She could be read. That was something... though it still made the Veritus tremble in his armor.

"... Extasis-Veritus-Timens." He tilted his head. "Sired by Ignave-Veritus-Timens and Summus-Veritus-Timens in the province of Strung. I have not fertilized any clutches as of yet. My position in our government is consul minor of Strung-Timens."

"We have heard tale of your empire but we know very little and I... I wished to know more of you. What are these robots? Why are you such a wonderful shade of pink? W-why do the Ninurtine view you as peer? W-what is... t-the Shrouded..." Unable to hide his trembling anymore, he shrank back from the robot and the woman who had raised her shadow, eyes darting between the two. "P-please don't hurt us..."

Mika Ren felt a bit chagrined at the sight of the fearsome insectoid quaking in its armor. She made a mental note to remember that looks could be deceiving.

"Please forgive my tone. I have heard of the Veritus..." She trailed off not wishing to reveal her information had come from not so flattering tales from the Ndoda. She held her hands up to show she meant them no harm.

"I mean you no harm and neither does my Guardian." She motioned to Shiro who half bowed at the waist in response.

"Guardians are constructs imbued the souls of Droccen ancestors who are willing to come back to serve as guides and guardians." She looked down at a rosy hued arm.

"We are this wonderful shade of pink because our skin contains a high concentration of pheomelanin, which causes us to skew red instead of brown. Possibly in response to something unique to our sun." She smiled and shrugged vaguely.

"The Droccen and Ninurtine have long recognized each other as peers in scope of size and advancement." She tilted her head as if she was thinking.

"The Veritus system is near the Ninurtine, is it not?"

That was an unexpected complication. Zirkon mentally cussed out his ministers for failing to supply him with the latest information. "Yes... that is right. Of course, the Ndoda government's transaction is legitimate, and we will not dispute your ownership of the region, if you decide to keep governance of it. You do not discriminate among your citizens by ideology, correct? Or do you have something else in mind?"

Mika's bland smile remained on her face even as the King came to terms with the complication.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to surprise you with this news. Perhaps an agreement could be reached regarding this sector? After all, many more of Ndoda's sectors follow The One."

Knight Christie was taken aback by the offer to receive a guardian, she blushed at the thought. "Thank you, my Empress, with so many knights gone these days, I could use a friend."

Thinking about the defense of Hearth, the Knight took up a more inquisitive stance "My lord, Hearth is too far away to provide direct defense, I fear that a dash to defend the planet, while brave, will undoubtedly end in another needless tragedy."

As she spoke of tragedy she revealed the extent of scars and cybernetics that consisted of her right arm. "Despite that, I'm committing some of our best last 4 units of Knights to the fight. We can't let our friends and allies get swallowed by machines, enlightenment via mechanization is but a prison."

"Can't we all use a good friend?" Mika Ren smiled at Christie and patted her arm.

"I will see you are sent your Guardian immediately upon my return home."

Mika nodded thoughtfully along with Knight Christie's concerns.

"I have been informed that Wrath will be helping mitigate some of the perils of the distance. Droccen will be deploying five squads as well. Let's hope Hearth will be well defended." The Empress looked down at Space Queen's arm and frowned.

"Have you heard of bodies being replaced by... holograms?"

2020-04-14, 08:19 PM
Mika Ren felt a bit chagrined at the sight of the fearsome insectoid quaking in its armor. She made a mental note to remember that looks could be deceiving.

"Please forgive my tone. I have heard of the Veritus..." She trailed off not wishing to reveal her information had come from not so flattering tales from the Ndoda. She held her hands up to show she meant them no harm.

"I mean you no harm and neither does my Guardian." She motioned to Shiro who half bowed at the waist in response.

"Guardians are constructs imbued the souls of Droccen ancestors who are willing to come back to serve as guides and guardians." She looked down at a rosy hued arm.

"We are this wonderful shade of pink because our skin contains a high concentration of pheomelanin, which causes us to skew red instead of brown. Possibly in response to something unique to our sun." She smiled and shrugged vaguely.

"The Droccen and Ninurtine have long recognized each other as peers in scope of size and advancement." She tilted her head as if she was thinking.

"The Veritus system is near the Ninurtine, is it not?"

He nodded, still backed away from her and the Guardian. "The Ninurtine and the Veritus now directly border one another. We were looking to acquire the same system, and the Droccen's name came up in negotiations."

He raised himself up a bit, but his eyes were still darting between the two. "As I understand the Duenem Protectorate - our overlords - were offered a deal for peership similar to the one between your two empires, but the offer was rejected for reasons I am not privy to. Are you near to the Ninurtine as well? I am unfamiliar with your empire, I have little experience in the galaxy and the Grymlans couldn't tell me much."

The knowledge that the guardian was there to protect her was... strangely soothing. Maybe it was a bluff and her bright skin was indicative of poison, but... for whatever reason he doubted it. That threat she'd made had been very real; he knew what to expect if he angered her. Not poison delivered with false smiles and a promise of comfort, but a brutal smash to his face, followed by a slow agonizing death over the course of hours as he bled out. Hopefully she (and/or her Guardian) were strong enough to knock him unconscious.

"..... Forgive me if I am rude, but... you seem troubled, Empress."

2020-04-14, 08:35 PM
"Can't we all use a good friend?" Mika Ren smiled at Christie and patted her arm.

"I will see you are sent your Guardian immediately upon my return home."

Mika nodded thoughtfully along with Knight Christie's concerns.

"I have been informed that Wrath will be helping mitigate some of the perils of the distance. Droccen will be deploying five squads as well. Let's hope Hearth will be well defended." The Empress looked down at Space Queen's arm and frowned.

"Have you heard of bodies being replaced by... holograms?"[/QUOTE]

Knight Christie clasped her hands together, relaxing her frame. "Thank the Source, their intervention will be critical if we wish to prevent a second tragedy upon Hearth. Five units of our finest knights shall make the pilgrimage, and flesh will triumph!"

Upon hearing Mika's question Christie took a moment to think, a little confused. She began to fidget as old memories of her own limb replacement began to reemerge "Replaced by metal I understand but light? Every day I miss being able to caress with my right arm."

A tear slide down her cheek at the idea. "Replaced by holograms, to not feel, to not see, simply being, that sounds horrible. What did you see in the simulacrum?"

2020-04-15, 10:10 AM
King Zirkon does not let the Courier escape his attention. "Aah, Mr. Lots-a-Cash, here to eviscerate the debtors' pockets as usual? Not that I mind, just please do not dirty the gold carpets, you ought to know how much these cost, hehe."

Zirkon gives a friendly smile, which soon turns into an inquisitive gaze that reveals there is more to this man than silly banter. "See, you have your awesome, unique technology that allows ships to cross the galaxy in the blink of an eye... But you never wanted to share with us newcomers, so we have been left to our own devices. Devices which we have developed well, if I do say so. I have even heard some unwise people say that we do not need you anymore. Of course, I think that's a load of Subaerial Camel excrement, if you pardon my language. Though I have to admit, it is true that some of your systems and protocols are somewhat out of date. But I am convinced we can easily take the wind out of the critics' solar sails together, modernizing your equipment here and there...?" He nonchalantly waits for the Courier's response.

Holding back any kind of obvious emotion, the Courier nods politely towards their host. "You have my attention, your majesty. What are you offering, and... what do you hope to gain?"

2020-04-15, 12:18 PM
Mika's bland smile remained on her face even as the King came to terms with the complication.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to surprise you with this news. Perhaps an agreement could be reached regarding this sector? After all, many more of Ndoda's sectors follow The One."

"Well, if you would be willing to let the National Front administrate this region, we would try and help ensure the peaceful and quick transfer of other regions from the Ndoda to you, of course. And to ensure lasting peace and prosperity between our peoples and the citizens formerly administered by the Ndoda, we can extend the free trade deal we have had with them to the Droccen Empire, if you like."

He smiles reassuringly and adds: "This is unrelated, but regarding your long fight with the Same - I have it on good authority that the DNF will soon have the logistical capabilities to march its armies to the Core and help you finish the Same menace once and for all."

"Oh, fear not, I have no intention of leaving before I have enjoyed the party." She took a swig of the drink and paused for a moment as the effect developed, then frowned at it. "Though I now feel fully empowered to complain about the cocktails without slandering them: this is just a drug in a glass. Not that there's anything wrong with that in its own way, but where's the artistry?

The Fae bartender cannot help himself anymore and holds his stomach as he plummets to the ground, laughing and gloating."Hahaha - heeee - aaaah - oh foolish human! But I guess you could not help it - my trap was cunning and clever! Sister of an emperor - feh! I am Aodhán, the one who consumes the disappointment of an entire world - including yours!" He stands up and raises a palm and a huge fiery snake emerges from nowhere in particular and circles above the heads of guests. "You are already ruing the day you crossed paths with me, are you not? Or are you... disappointed by this event? Hehe." He dismisses the snake with a wave and flies off, glowing with excitement.

King Zirkon sighs. "Excuse him - he is one of the more employable ones, and there is a diversity quota in place that I can not do anything about, except by retreating to my familiar little kingdom."

"My interests, ah, now there's a question - with two answers. There is little that does not interest me to some extent - literature, music, philosophy, the performing arts, what they somewhat pretentiously call mixology-" she frowned at the glass again - "history, xenology. It might be quicker to list that which does not interest me..." She leaned in confidentially and spoke gravely."Golf."

She stood back as if nothing had happened. "But my interest - now, that's a different matter. My interest is the same as my brother's: the preservation and prosperity of the Empire, which means preservation of peace, civilisation, the rule of law, and so forth across the galaxy. In that sense, there is one subject that currently preoccupies me, and this leads to a convenient intersection betweeen my interest and my interests: contained in broad terms in two questions. First, who or what sent that message demanding the removal of the Emperor, of Conditioner Mint, Lyrae, Brigid, and the others? Second, how do we stop it?"

"We know as much as you, unless you have some leads, in which case you know more. It is good that you are interested in your neighbors' wellbeing - that is the mark of a good ruler. And it brings profit, later on." He laughs a little at his own joke.

"Well, we would try to assist with the investigation, but our intelligence agencies are lacking. I do not think any of the Maturated is responsible for this, at least not as the primary force - the message seems to be connected to the spontaneous dissolution of numerous governments, and none of us has the power to achieve that. Perhaps, and this is but speculation, the rumored Caller AI Arbiter may have glitched and is arbitrarily assigning punishments. If we can contribute anything else, do tell me."

*Meeting of the Minds (now Sakhi)*

Flash beamed at the arrival of the Realtism priestess, returning her hug as he listened to her introduction. "Thats maxgood!" he replied. "I no-think capitalism should be un-maked like you say. Combine uses craft-print of Capitalism to try and fix-rig the much-bad aspects of it. But this is why we craft-make UwU. Reach out to people so they might show-tell their thoughts so that they might thought-grow and lead to craft-print of new thoughts."

"Twue," OwO chimed in. "OwO has found that heawthy discussion can wead to stwengthening ideaws, ow synthesizing new ones."

"Yes! I'm so glad you see it - the mainstream media are poisoning us with conservatism, but we, the ordinary people, need to fight back against it. Speaking of strengthening ideas, I need something to travel the galaxy in quickly to visit all my followers and organize strikes, and you have these superduper fast Scout Chassis ships! Could you give me one, pleease~?" She shoves the King Zirkon away, clearly having little regard for royalty, takes out a portable drive and whispers: "I've got some juicy state secrets like the truth about how they dupe people with Government Supported Markets - wanna trade?"

Holding back any kind of obvious emotion, the Courier nods politely towards their host. "You have my attention, your majesty. What are you offering, and... what do you hope to gain?"

Zirkon smiles. Finally, he found someone willing to do good old money business. "Ahh, let me remember. These days, you can hardly go to sleep without missing out on some new ship design, business strategy or startup. Well, we have top-notch cryptography (FLEX Security), a technique for backing up your trade deals with power, rock solid economic power (Galactic Currency Mint), self-replicating billboards that will take over the galaxy before you say 'advertisement' (Long-Range Advertising Campaigns), some tips and tricks on translating money into diplomatic influence (Trade League), quick cargo ships for transporting smaller valuables - fragments or soldiers - (Limited Transporters) and a scheduling program that allows goods to be transferred to stores all over Axiom without a single delay (Galactic Trade League)."

Zirkon grins at the Courier. "Is your curiosity satisfied yet, or should I start listing the Maturated's other humble achievements, which are of course so beneath you, mighty servants of the Callers, that you are in absolutely no need of adopting them?"
He chuckles, and pauses a little, melodramatically stroking his chin. "So, what do we hope to gain? I am offended you would ask, we are doing this out of the goodness of our big hearts..." He leans in and continues in a conspiratorial whisper: "Well, some new jobs for the National Front would not hurt. Perhaps you could employ more of our citizens in the position that naturally suits them best, that is, upper management - they will help ensure those new technologies are properly implemented. And given that a lot of transactions today involve ideas... maybe it would be to your own advantage if you started letting priests and religious messages through the Relays."

2020-04-15, 06:18 PM
The Fae bartender cannot help himself anymore and holds his stomach as he plummets to the ground, laughing and gloating."Hahaha - heeee - aaaah - oh foolish human! But I guess you could not help it - my trap was cunning and clever! Sister of an emperor - feh! I am Aodhán, the one who consumes the disappointment of an entire world - including yours!" He stands up and raises a palm and a huge fiery snake emerges from nowhere in particular and circles above the heads of guests. "You are already ruing the day you crossed paths with me, are you not? Or are you... disappointed by this event? Hehe." He dismisses the snake with a wave and flies off, glowing with excitement.

King Zirkon sighs. "Excuse him - he is one of the more employable ones, and there is a diversity quota in place that I can not do anything about, except by retreating to my familiar little kingdom."
"Human"? She snapped her fingers and herself became serpentine, her body elongating and wings erupting, a dragon wreathed in a golden flame. "Oh, I am disappointed, but not just by the drink."

"Enough of that." She reverted to her previous form.

"We know as much as you, unless you have some leads, in which case you know more. It is good that you are interested in your neighbors' wellbeing - that is the mark of a good ruler. And it brings profit, later on." He laughs a little at his own joke.

"Well, we would try to assist with the investigation, but our intelligence agencies are lacking. I do not think any of the Maturated is responsible for this, at least not as the primary force - the message seems to be connected to the spontaneous dissolution of numerous governments, and none of us has the power to achieve that. Perhaps, and this is but speculation, the rumored Caller AI Arbiter may have glitched and is arbitrarily assigning punishments. If we can contribute anything else, do tell me."
"We have none, and our intelligence has been similarly hampered following the transition of power. The premature death of the Emperor was one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Empire, and whoever was responsible, we seek not mere revenge for that, but some assurance that such a destabilising and arbitrary force will not be applied again. I agree that it is unlikely to be one of the Maturated powers ultimately responsible, for none such would have the power to enforce it, and both Guardian and Conveyance seemed persuaded that the warning should be heeded. Perhaps another rogue Caller AI, in which case finding it becomes all the more imperative. And if not another Caller AI, what else is out there capable of simultaneous confrontation with some of the galaxy's most potent empires, of which we are unaware? An entity of that power cannot be left unchecked, for the good of all: whether to restore or destroy it, it must be found.

"Then again at times even the active, functional AIs appear to be almost wilfully unhelpful. Before his death, the late Emperor Durgadoresh asked Guardian for information about the last known laws of the Callers, given the suggestion that Arbiter might still be active and seeking to enforce them. Guardian's response amounted to saying that we had not broken any such laws yet, but that even if we had no idea what they were, we were still bound to follow them, and that Arbiter could make up and enforce new ones without informing anyone else, including even the other AIs. I mean, really, what's the point in that? Why not just admit it's not any kind of law at all, just completely arbitrary?' I suppose the clue's in the name.

"Sorry, I'm ranting, but this sort of thing, it's important, and yet it's like some fairytale genie where if you don't ask precisely the right question you get a useless answer. The Sisterhood were the same. Nobody seems to be able to find the right questions, and only a few seem to try. Is anyone even looking for this new threat?" She paused for a moment. "Tell me, what do you make of the ongoing crusades, for want of a better word, against the Same?"

2020-04-16, 11:13 AM
Zirkon smiles. Finally, he found someone willing to do good old money business. "Ahh, let me remember. These days, you can hardly go to sleep without missing out on some new ship design, business strategy or startup. Well, we have top-notch cryptography (FLEX Security), a technique for backing up your trade deals with power, rock solid economic power (Galactic Currency Mint), self-replicating billboards that will take over the galaxy before you say 'advertisement' (Long-Range Advertising Campaigns), some tips and tricks on translating money into diplomatic influence (Trade League), quick cargo ships for transporting smaller valuables - fragments or soldiers - (Limited Transporters) and a scheduling program that allows goods to be transferred to stores all over Axiom without a single delay (Galactic Trade League)."

Zirkon grins at the Courier. "Is your curiosity satisfied yet, or should I start listing the Maturated's other humble achievements, which are of course so beneath you, mighty servants of the Callers, that you are in absolutely no need of adopting them?"
He chuckles, and pauses a little, melodramatically stroking his chin. "So, what do we hope to gain? I am offended you would ask, we are doing this out of the goodness of our big hearts..." He leans in and continues in a conspiratorial whisper: "Well, some new jobs for the National Front would not hurt. Perhaps you could employ more of our citizens in the position that naturally suits them best, that is, upper management - they will help ensure those new technologies are properly implemented. And given that a lot of transactions today involve ideas... maybe it would be to your own advantage if you started letting priests and religious messages through the Relays."

"If I understand you, you wish to gift to the Couriers a vast array of new Maturated technologies. In exchange for," here the Courier paused, "a favorable disposition on our part. And perhaps some jobs in upper management in our Relays."

"The latter, I am afraid, would be the more difficult agreement. I personally like you and your kind, your majesty. That is why I volunteer for assignments such as these. However. Very few of my brethren would listen to anyone's decisions that are not from the Relay herself. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but your request - while innocent - is like the Mier Formica asking you to allow them to place one of their worker ants in charge of a Djinye city. Not one of their queens, but just a drone. And not an amalgam of drones, that at least looks vaguely humanoid. A single drone." The Courier did not quite sigh, "And not a very clever drone at that. Would your people listen to the ant?"

Scoffing from under the helmet, the Courier said, "I think not. No. We will gladly except your gifts, and yes, I expect that we will remember you fondly, and perhaps - at a later time - we can come to a more equitable agreement. And we will accept Djinye workers in our midst; perhaps, if they prove useful, they might become middle management someday."

FLEX Secuirty, Galactic Currency Mint, Long-Range Advertising Campaigns, Trade League, and Limited Transporters will net you (1) Rep Boost, (2) Favors, and the Djinye can now use Investigation actions to find out more about how the Couriers do what they do (at a much reduced TN compared to people whom aren't actively working in the Relays).

2020-04-16, 01:33 PM
He nodded, still backed away from her and the Guardian. "The Ninurtine and the Veritus now directly border one another. We were looking to acquire the same system, and the Droccen's name came up in negotiations."

He raised himself up a bit, but his eyes were still darting between the two. "As I understand the Duenem Protectorate - our overlords - were offered a deal for peership similar to the one between your two empires, but the offer was rejected for reasons I am not privy to. Are you near to the Ninurtine as well? I am unfamiliar with your empire, I have little experience in the galaxy and the Grymlans couldn't tell me much."

The knowledge that the guardian was there to protect her was... strangely soothing. Maybe it was a bluff and her bright skin was indicative of poison, but... for whatever reason he doubted it. That threat she'd made had been very real; he knew what to expect if he angered her. Not poison delivered with false smiles and a promise of comfort, but a brutal smash to his face, followed by a slow agonizing death over the course of hours as he bled out. Hopefully she (and/or her Guardian) were strong enough to knock him unconscious.

"..... Forgive me if I am rude, but... you seem troubled, Empress."

"Troubled?" Mika Ren cocked an eyebrow. She was surprised that such a dissimilar creature from herself would be able to pick up on humanoid emotions so readily.

"My Uncle was recently killed during a military excursion against the SAME. His expertise will be sorely missed, not to mention his presence." She looked a bit lost on how to continue the conversation from there.

"Do your people form strong familial ties as well?"

Knight Christie clasped her hands together, relaxing her frame. "Thank the Source, their intervention will be critical if we wish to prevent a second tragedy upon Hearth. Five units of our finest knights shall make the pilgrimage, and flesh will triumph!"

Upon hearing Mika's question Christie took a moment to think, a little confused. She began to fidget as old memories of her own limb replacement began to reemerge "Replaced by metal I understand but light? Every day I miss being able to caress with my right arm."

A tear slide down her cheek at the idea. "Replaced by holograms, to not feel, to not see, simply being, that sounds horrible. What did you see in the simulacrum?"

Mika Ren's face was frozen in dismay at Knight Christie's reaction.

"I... I saw my parents. They... are in the process of trading their physical forms in for increased longevity. At least for my father." Her bitterness was apparent in her tone as her stomach went cold.

"It's too late to change now even if my mother could be reasoned with when she sets her mind to something..."

"Well, if you would be willing to let the National Front administrate this region, we would try and help ensure the peaceful and quick transfer of other regions from the Ndoda to you, of course. And to ensure lasting peace and prosperity between our peoples and the citizens formerly administered by the Ndoda, we can extend the free trade deal we have had with them to the Droccen Empire, if you like."

He smiles reassuringly and adds: "This is unrelated, but regarding your long fight with the Same - I have it on good authority that the DNF will soon have the logistical capabilities to march its armies to the Core and help you finish the Same menace once and for all."

"I would like that, thank you." Mika Ren's neutral smile relaxed into something more genuine.

"We'll get the paperwork started for the sector transfer when I return. I can hear my merchants celebrating already. We've had a bit of an economic slump since my mother advocated." The people had loved her and she them, but not as much as she had loved Vaou Ren. Mika's face brightened at the mention of fighting the SAME.

"You would be welcome on the front lines. Any aid against that menace would be appreciated. This is welcome news!" She tilted her head as though she was considering.

"Will you be reaching the Core through Mier Formica space?"

2020-04-16, 02:11 PM
"Troubled?" Mika Ren cocked an eyebrow. She was surprised that such a dissimilar creature from herself would be able to pick up on humanoid emotions so readily.

"My Uncle was recently killed during a military excursion against the SAME. His expertise will be sorely missed, not to mention his presence." She looked a bit lost on how to continue the conversation from there.

"Do your people form strong familial ties as well?"

His expertise? If his expertise were so sorely needed why would he have been sacrificed in the first place and not someone less valuable?

"...I'm familiar with the concept," Extasis said slowly. "But our people focus on the group more than the individual, and getting too close is not generally... a good thing. Timens is a dangerous place. Sacrificing one of our own is all too common on the surface. If a belua chases us and is not poisoned by our trail, often some of our number will turn to make it chase them and buy the rest of us time to escape. Having someone so close you would never let them die is... problematic."

"... but we still form friendships. Our colleagues, our fellow survivors, our mates if we're lucky..." He looked down. "It never gets easier to lose them. I am sorry for your loss even if I do not understand the full scope of it."

2020-04-16, 07:16 PM
"I would like that, thank you." Mika Ren's neutral smile relaxed into something more genuine.

"We'll get the paperwork started for the sector transfer when I return. I can hear my merchants celebrating already. We've had a bit of an economic slump since my mother advocated." The people had loved her and she them, but not as much as she had loved Vaou Ren. Mika's face brightened at the mention of fighting the SAME.

"You would be welcome on the front lines. Any aid against that menace would be appreciated. This is welcome news!" She tilted her head as though she was considering.

"Will you be reaching the Core through Mier Formica space?"

"No, I do not think so. That would be a detour, perhaps a pleasant detour - I have yet to visit over half the worlds in the Formican domain - but one that would put undue burden on the army. We will rally our units around the Core Patrol Corps headquarters in Hearth. I suppose we could also use the base built by the ants, but the bases are self-administering, and I would hardly consider that as travelling through Mier Formica space." Zirkon shrugs. He didn't need to concern himself with the details of military campaigns, as long as there were half-competent generals in charge of that.

He glances at his wristwatch, a fairly old-fashioned accessory to have these days. "Perhaps we should start heading towards the auditorium; the big announcement of this evening will be made fairly soon. Incidentally, do you think that the Star League should play a greater role in maintaining the peace in Axiom outside its borders? If you are vehemently opposed, perhaps you should steer clear of the auditorium instead." He laughs and theatrically offers an arm to Mika.

"If I understand you, you wish to gift to the Couriers a vast array of new Maturated technologies. In exchange for," here the Courier paused, "a favorable disposition on our part. And perhaps some jobs in upper management in our Relays."

"The latter, I am afraid, would be the more difficult agreement. I personally like you and your kind, your majesty. That is why I volunteer for assignments such as these. However. Very few of my brethren would listen to anyone's decisions that are not from the Relay herself. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but your request - while innocent - is like the Mier Formica asking you to allow them to place one of their worker ants in charge of a Djinye city. Not one of their queens, but just a drone. And not an amalgam of drones, that at least looks vaguely humanoid. A single drone." The Courier did not quite sigh, "And not a very clever drone at that. Would your people listen to the ant?"

Scoffing from under the helmet, the Courier said, "I think not. No. We will gladly except your gifts, and yes, I expect that we will remember you fondly, and perhaps - at a later time - we can come to a more equitable agreement. And we will accept Djinye workers in our midst; perhaps, if they prove useful, they might become middle management someday."

FLEX Secuirty, Galactic Currency Mint, Long-Range Advertising Campaigns, Trade League, and Limited Transporters will net you (1) Rep Boost, (2) Favors, and the Djinye can now use Investigation actions to find out more about how the Couriers do what they do (at a much reduced TN compared to people whom aren't actively working in the Relays).

Zirkon displays an offended expression at the inconsiderate comparison of the Djinye to ant drones in the hopes of making the Courier apologize and agree to his price, but seeing the Courier won't budge, he settles for the current offer and shakes hands to seal the deal.

"Human"? She snapped her fingers and herself became serpentine, her body elongating and wings erupting, a dragon wreathed in a golden flame. "Oh, I am disappointed, but not just by the drink."

"Enough of that." She reverted to her previous form.

"We have none, and our intelligence has been similarly hampered following the transition of power. The premature death of the Emperor was one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Empire, and whoever was responsible, we seek not mere revenge for that, but some assurance that such a destabilising and arbitrary force will not be applied again. I agree that it is unlikely to be one of the Maturated powers ultimately responsible, for none such would have the power to enforce it, and both Guardian and Conveyance seemed persuaded that the warning should be heeded. Perhaps another rogue Caller AI, in which case finding it becomes all the more imperative. And if not another Caller AI, what else is out there capable of simultaneous confrontation with some of the galaxy's most potent empires, of which we are unaware? An entity of that power cannot be left unchecked, for the good of all: whether to restore or destroy it, it must be found.

"Then again at times even the active, functional AIs appear to be almost wilfully unhelpful. Before his death, the late Emperor Durgadoresh asked Guardian for information about the last known laws of the Callers, given the suggestion that Arbiter might still be active and seeking to enforce them. Guardian's response amounted to saying that we had not broken any such laws yet, but that even if we had no idea what they were, we were still bound to follow them, and that Arbiter could make up and enforce new ones without informing anyone else, including even the other AIs. I mean, really, what's the point in that? Why not just admit it's not any kind of law at all, just completely arbitrary?' I suppose the clue's in the name.

"Sorry, I'm ranting, but this sort of thing, it's important, and yet it's like some fairytale genie where if you don't ask precisely the right question you get a useless answer. The Sisterhood were the same. Nobody seems to be able to find the right questions, and only a few seem to try. Is anyone even looking for this new threat?" She paused for a moment. "Tell me, what do you make of the ongoing crusades, for want of a better word, against the Same?"

Zirkon clasped his hands and unclasped them again. This one sure sounded like one of the few to have a genuine interest in the galaxy other than profit, power or propaganda. "The National Front has finished modernizing its army - one would hardly believe the absurd sums of money that a few spaceships can devour - and is planning to aid the Droccen and others in ending the threat of the Same. Personally, I am mystified as to why did the Sisterhood regard the Same as a galactic-scale threat when they have not shown themselves capable of developing or adapting any new technologies since the opening of the Core. The more important question is whether the peace will last in these distant and underdeveloped reclaimed territories. The Wardens, who were one of the key allies, are now being consumed by the Source fanatics, and it is my opinion that we owe a favour to the brave citizens of the Hearth that we can repay by defending them if the Knights Vacio fail to do so."

"Yes, the Caller AIs are often irritating, but they do seem to be capable in their narrow field of expertise. As Arbiter - or whoever else the culprit is - can dwell anywhere in the galaxy, I would say that our best chance of catching it is to convince Finder to reveal its location to us. This does assume that we will be able to overpower it as handily as we overpowered Conveyance, but we do not have anything to lose. It already knows of us."

He stared into the distance, thinking it over. "I am not one to readily accept conspiracy theories, Princess... but there are more and less obvious hints that all of the organizations and beings from the Caller era - the Sisterhood, the Couriers, Guardian and Conveyance - are withholding some information from us, the Maturated races, that is necessary to piece together this puzzle."

2020-04-16, 09:41 PM
King Zirkon's amber eyes flit between another eccentric group of visitors. He shortly considers offering the leader, who was clearly overburdened, some sort of seat, but his political sense tells him that this is yet another of these traditions. That is, he is free to tune it out. He smiles and approaches the group with arms wide open. "The Rass! I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting your kin! And... rarely do I have the guilty pleasure of seeing someone who is not significantly less worn out than I am. Speaker, have you chosen to travel across half of the galaxy just to see a bland SpacePoint presentation about our greatness? I would hope not." Half of Zirkon's tried and true political maneuvering came down to overwhelming his rivals by making light of all serious topics they tried to present. The other half was 'money begets more money', a somewhat cheap tactic to make use of if you inherit land with billions of people on it.
Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge smiled dourly - though to someone not familiar with the semi-aquatic species, it might be difficult to distinguish the expression - and chuckled, the sound rolling in his throat and rustling his cheek-scales. He tapped his chest with a single claw in a cursory 'formal' greeting and stretches his neck, before...waddling towards their host, tail scraping along the ground as it kept him upright. Intimate-Knowledge was tired, his head hurt, and the visions had kept him from getting a full night's sleep since...well, since the damn thing had been attached. "Mrah! You are King Zirkon? May your gods be well and all that rot, mrr. No, no, don't worry, I've come halfway across the galaxy at the request of the Gods to witness your bland SpacePoint presentation." The mischievous gleam in his eye was unmistakable, different species or not, as he reached and then began walking past King Zirkon, gesturing broadly as if to indicate the whole of the National Front. "That, and the damn theocrats demanded I be present to represent the interests of the Convocation. Apparently, it's the perfect opportunity to 'pronounce our newly ordained status before friends and ahead of rivals' and 'reestablish a presence in interstellar politics' and mrah mrah mrah. Truth be told I wasn't paying that much attention at the time."

The other Rass accompanying him, a soberly dressed fellow for a Rhoshan, given the lack of jangly metal and glowing electronics, spoke up at this point. Intimate-Knowledge's mood visibly soured as he was reminded of Saint Blackthroat's company.

"It was alongside friends and before rivals, Revered Speaker. And must you really be so...blunt in front of..." The dark-scaled Rass pauses to size up Zirkon before continuing somewhat more tactfully. "...outsiders?"
"Mreheh, what, you don't like our gracious host, Saint? Well then, your majesty, you're my new favorite person here. Saint Blackthroat here is the one who invented the kiloscale-sized headache generator you see on my back to serve as a partial replacement for his own abilities when he has to leave my side. Unfortunately for me, he's such a consistent pain that Arkeesaya gave their blessing, so I can't throw him into the sea. Mrah. Don't you have any refreshments in this place?" Intimate-Knowledge scratches at his skull around the base of several cables, sighing. The advantage of being chosen by the Gods was that you could theoretically forego the politicking and pandering of theocrats chosen by their Churchmembers.

The disadvantage, of course, was that you were exposed to it whether you wanted to be or not. "But no, I'm not here just to see your priests moralize at me - we have plenty of that back home. If you listen to some folks, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be half my job. We're here to make an announcement of our own, regarding certain recent reforms...and potentially, if I understand correctly, to discuss the nature of our relationship with the Star League going forward. I'm not particularly keen on that last point, but I said I'd mention it, so there, it's mentioned."

Redirnus regarded Grace with some interest. Many had a tendency to stare at Ryuvians' unusual bodies when they first met them, making this somewhat annoying. But, he thought, she might have an actual reason for her curiosity. "Girl. If you are thinking I am a robot as well. I have to disappoint. I am... living mineral. To put it simply." He looked her over. For a non-shapeshifter, she did not look half bad. The patchwork of scarred plates, ceramics and machine parts from various eras was interesting, far more so than the dull uniformity of regular humans' skin. "But forgive me. I have not caught your name? And if you do not mind me asking. You look more like the adventurous sort. Than someone who would attend meetings like this. What is your occupation?"

'Girl'? Well. That was new, at least. The rest, on the other hand... "I am Living-Reliquary Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance, First Protector for Revered Speaker and Fatebearer Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge Sea-Breaker, representative of the Gods and all that which is Divine. I was uncertain what you were, and if my examination disturbed you, then you have my apologies. To be quite plain, you represent the single most dangerous entity in this room besides Sir Ice-Void-Diver." She cocked her head at him - a stance she had found to quickly communicate curiosity among humanoids, though she was uncertain how someone made of living mineral would take it. "I am curious why you believe me to look adventurous, however. I have been First Protector for 66.93 Galactic Years, and I do not believe I have ever been accused of being...adventurous before." She paused for a moment, before adding "Oh, and please. Call me Grace."

And then hoped Blackthroat would be too busy keeping an eye on the Revered Speaker's Fate Engine to make a fuss about how she wasn't using the full list of her titles. For being only partially bipedal, Rass could be incredibly uptight.

The Nobility Of Stars

Elsewhere, a large armored suit similar in construction to a fusion reactor (but similar in appearance to an oversized suit of knight's armor) four meters tall and visibly radiating heat took careful steps to try and approach the Droccen delegation. Despite their efforts, the floor still seems to sink slightly under their weight in a few instances - which appears to alarm it for a moment, the giant golden feather sticking out of the 'helmet' wobbling as it looked around for a hint as to how to proceed. When the floor creaked as they paused, they appeared to decide that speed would be better so as to put as little at risk as possible, and shuffled hastily on.

Upon reaching the Empress, the behemoth knelt, tilting it's helmet as Sir Ice-Void-Diver, Sunspeaker Knight-Errant and member of the (rather recently formed) Order of the Golden Feather, delivered their greeting to the Empress of the Droccen Imperium.

"Good Morrow To Thee, Empress Mika Of Ren And Droccen! This Humble Servant Will Bear Regret If Mine Greetings Cometh As Intrusion Upon Thy Winds - No, Not Winds. Business? Apology To Be Said - I Sought Thee So To Offer Mine Solace To - No. Condolence! I Sought Thee So To Offer Mine Condolence To Thee In Recognition Of Thy Loss. Thy Light-Source - No - Blood-Relation - No - Mother - Yes! Thy Mother Was Inspiration To This One, And Her Loss Is True Source Of Grief For Many Allies. No. Companions? Yes. Her Loss Is True Source Of Grief For Many Companions - But Thy Grief Must Be Above These Lesser Sorrow In Measurement More Than This One Could Understand. Such Is Mine Regret, That Offer Of Condolence Is So Unsatisfactory - No. Insufficient. Offer Of Condolence Is So Insufficient To Match To Grief Thou Must Bear, Yet Naught Else Could This One Believe To Give That Might Aid Thee In Thy Sorrows."

The orange glow from what had clearly been made to look like a visor despite also very clearly not being able to move or detach flickered just a touch out of time with the cadence of their speech, and as they remained stationary, several rods began to extend from their back, chest, and shoulders, all glowing with a dull red heat.

2020-04-17, 12:52 AM
Mika Ren's face was frozen in dismay at Knight Christie's reaction.

"I... I saw my parents. They... are in the process of trading their physical forms in for increased longevity. At least for my father." Her bitterness was apparent in her tone as her stomach went cold.

"It's too late to change now even if my mother could be reasoned with when she sets her mind to something..."

Knight Christie interrupted the Empress with a tight hug regretting her indulgence "Say no more Mika."

"I knew the beyond promised longevity but is that it, I...I don't know what I thought, except perhaps that caller AI aren't to be trusted."

As she let go of the Empress she asked "We're creatures of feeling, smell, touch, no, I don't get it, either."

Christie began sheepishly stroking her own hair, not expecting the conversation to go down this avenue. " I'm sorry you had to see that Empress. My heart goes out to you and your young children."

2020-04-17, 12:21 PM
*Meeting of the Minds*

"Yes-yes, new-knowledge always welcome. Combine much-enhanced the scout craft-print with the Ori's Oricalcum, much-light, much-strong," Flash nodded. "But, this Galactic Markets idea sounds like same-thing gift-given by Ndoda. Perhaps there is other-knowledge you might offer?"

Grymlans and Shrumpkins

Flash laughed, "0.7% is max-safe. High-chance of death from morning-sweet consumption than that." He flashed Mahort a charming smile, "Speak-hear of morning-sweets, you want-need to visit Combine Regions? There is muchy-much there to fix-rig and see-hear. You'd love it, yes-yes. I could gift-give personal tour and show-tell you to OwO. They'd much-like you." He pulled Mahort close and spoke conspiratorially, "And if Veritus want-ask, you can say-tell that I sneaky-steal you as diplomatic-prisoner."

2020-04-17, 04:24 PM
Grymlans and Shrumpkins

Flash laughed, "0.7% is max-safe. High-chance of death from morning-sweet consumption than that." He flashed Mahort a charming smile, "Speak-hear of morning-sweets, you want-need to visit Combine Regions? There is muchy-much there to fix-rig and see-hear. You'd love it, yes-yes. I could gift-give personal tour and show-tell you to OwO. They'd much-like you." He pulled Mahort close and spoke conspiratorially, "And if Veritus want-ask, you can say-tell that I sneaky-steal you as diplomatic-prisoner."

"Mmmm. Mahort go to home of nufriend? Flash move fast." Mahort hummed to herself, feigning consideration. "Mahort could be... persuaded. But want see wormhole form before decide." She ran her fingers through the Grymlan's fur, giving him a coy grin. "Acceptable to Flash?"

2020-04-17, 05:35 PM
His expertise? If his expertise were so sorely needed why would he have been sacrificed in the first place and not someone less valuable?

"...I'm familiar with the concept," Extasis said slowly. "But our people focus on the group more than the individual, and getting too close is not generally... a good thing. Timens is a dangerous place. Sacrificing one of our own is all too common on the surface. If a belua chases us and is not poisoned by our trail, often some of our number will turn to make it chase them and buy the rest of us time to escape. Having someone so close you would never let them die is... problematic."

"... but we still form friendships. Our colleagues, our fellow survivors, our mates if we're lucky..." He looked down. "It never gets easier to lose them. I am sorry for your loss even if I do not understand the full scope of it."

Mika didn't fully understand all the references, but she understood the Veritas's efforts in conveyance its regrets.

"Thank you for your condolences. Loss seems to be a common denominator amongst the maturated races." She hesitated, as if considering.

"If you're very curious about my people, you are welcome to send a delegation."

"No, I do not think so. That would be a detour, perhaps a pleasant detour - I have yet to visit over half the worlds in the Formican domain - but one that would put undue burden on the army. We will rally our units around the Core Patrol Corps headquarters in Hearth. I suppose we could also use the base built by the ants, but the bases are self-administering, and I would hardly consider that as travelling through Mier Formica space." Zirkon shrugs. He didn't need to concern himself with the details of military campaigns, as long as there were half-competent generals in charge of that.

He glances at his wristwatch, a fairly old-fashioned accessory to have these days. "Perhaps we should start heading towards the auditorium; the big announcement of this evening will be made fairly soon. Incidentally, do you think that the Star League should play a greater role in maintaining the peace in Axiom outside its borders? If you are vehemently opposed, perhaps you should steer clear of the auditorium instead." He laughs and theatrically offers an arm to Mika.

The Empress couldn't help but return Zirkon's infectious smile and took the proferred arm in her own.

"I'm not at all opposed, King Zirkon. The Viliari commitment to unifying a just and harmonious galaxy is what drew me to seek entry into the Star League in the first place." She walked with the older gentleman, curious about the upcoming announcement and its ramifications it might hold for her people.

The Nobility Of Stars

Elsewhere, a large armored suit similar in construction to a fusion reactor (but similar in appearance to an oversized suit of knight's armor) four meters tall and visibly radiating heat took careful steps to try and approach the Droccen delegation. Despite their efforts, the floor still seems to sink slightly under their weight in a few instances - which appears to alarm it for a moment, the giant golden feather sticking out of the 'helmet' wobbling as it looked around for a hint as to how to proceed. When the floor creaked as they paused, they appeared to decide that speed would be better so as to put as little at risk as possible, and shuffled hastily on.

Upon reaching the Empress, the behemoth knelt, tilting it's helmet as Sir Ice-Void-Diver, Sunspeaker Knight-Errant and member of the (rather recently formed) Order of the Golden Feather, delivered their greeting to the Empress of the Droccen Imperium.

"Good Morrow To Thee, Empress Mika Of Ren And Droccen! This Humble Servant Will Bear Regret If Mine Greetings Cometh As Intrusion Upon Thy Winds - No, Not Winds. Business? Apology To Be Said - I Sought Thee So To Offer Mine Solace To - No. Condolence! I Sought Thee So To Offer Mine Condolence To Thee In Recognition Of Thy Loss. Thy Light-Source - No - Blood-Relation - No - Mother - Yes! Thy Mother Was Inspiration To This One, And Her Loss Is True Source Of Grief For Many Allies. No. Companions? Yes. Her Loss Is True Source Of Grief For Many Companions - But Thy Grief Must Be Above These Lesser Sorrow In Measurement More Than This One Could Understand. Such Is Mine Regret, That Offer Of Condolence Is So Unsatisfactory - No. Insufficient. Offer Of Condolence Is So Insufficient To Match To Grief Thou Must Bear, Yet Naught Else Could This One Believe To Give That Might Aid Thee In Thy Sorrows."

The orange glow from what had clearly been made to look like a visor despite also very clearly not being able to move or detach flickered just a touch out of time with the cadence of their speech, and as they remained stationary, several rods began to extend from their back, chest, and shoulders, all glowing with a dull red heat.

Mika Ren had been somewhat surprised to be approached by the oversized suit of armor. Perhaps it was the similarities to her own Guardian but she found herself oddly touched by its display.

"My mother was indeed a light-source for many. Not only for my own people, but for admirers throughout the galaxy. Her time upon the Radiant Throne was relatively short, but I believe her influence will remain for generations." She paused for a moment so she could stifle a sniffle.

"I'm sorry, did you know my mother?"

Knight Christie interrupted the Empress with a tight hug regretting her indulgence "Say no more Mika."

"I knew the beyond promised longevity but is that it, I...I don't know what I thought, except perhaps that caller AI aren't to be trusted."

As she let go of the Empress she asked "We're creatures of feeling, smell, touch, no, I don't get it, either."

Christie began sheepishly stroking her own hair, not expecting the conversation to go down this avenue. " I'm sorry you had to see that Empress. My heart goes out to you and your young children."

Mika couldn't remember the last time somebody had spontaneously hugged her. She gave the Space Queen a squeeze and forced a wan smile upon her face.

"I am thankful that they're not entirely gone, and who knows what kind of technology they'll be privy to. They may be able to.. touch each other." She reddened slightly as she recalled her father's off-color comment.

"But yes, it was quite a shock to see them like that... their physical forms inert and wasting away. I think there's a lot the Caller AI aren't telling us. About everything. The Maturation, the Caller disappearance, what happened to the previously Maturated. All of it."

2020-04-17, 06:11 PM
Mika didn't fully understand all the references, but she understood the Veritas's efforts in conveyance its regrets.

"Thank you for your condolences. Loss seems to be a common denominator amongst the maturated races." She hesitated, as if considering.

"If you're very curious about my people, you are welcome to send a delegation.""... that would be well and good." Extasis said quietly, surprised at his own words. "I will speak to the Agni Immolati."

...This was a strange feeling. The fear of the Droccen woman was still there, but... much more subdued. He found himself wanting to know more; about her people and about her. This was not what he'd expected from the xenos. He knew of the old legends, of course, and he was sure that they were real (who would make up a karmic punishment story involving a complete genocide that was not their own species' fault?) but he'd also heard more modern legends of the terrifying nature of the alien. The Ndoda had nearly murdered the Agni Immolati after she saved one of their children, an act that had also gotten them reprimanded by the Lyraen hosting the event and the Duenem that now held the Veritus in their grasp. The Grymlans in his experience weren't terrible people but they were dangerous beyond belief. And the Empress had started the conversation by making her ability to slaughter him perfectly clear.

And yet... she made him feel only slightly afraid, enough to know that he was not being tricked. It was a strange feeling.

He bowed his head. "Thank you for your time, Empress."

2020-04-17, 06:19 PM
*Sealing the Deal*

"Yes-yes, fast-move." Flash nodded. "Its not like Grymlans forever-live. You'll much like cabin, soft-plush pillows, max-sound speakers, and tasty-nibbles."

2020-04-20, 05:44 PM
The Empress couldn't help but return Zirkon's infectious smile and took the proferred arm in her own.

"I'm not at all opposed, King Zirkon. The Viliari commitment to unifying a just and harmonious galaxy is what drew me to seek entry into the Star League in the first place." She walked with the older gentleman, curious about the upcoming announcement and its ramifications it might hold for her people.

Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge smiled dourly - though to someone not familiar with the semi-aquatic species, it might be difficult to distinguish the expression - and chuckled, the sound rolling in his throat and rustling his cheek-scales. He tapped his chest with a single claw in a cursory 'formal' greeting and stretches his neck, before...waddling towards their host, tail scraping along the ground as it kept him upright. Intimate-Knowledge was tired, his head hurt, and the visions had kept him from getting a full night's sleep since...well, since the damn thing had been attached. "Mrah! You are King Zirkon? May your gods be well and all that rot, mrr. No, no, don't worry, I've come halfway across the galaxy at the request of the Gods to witness your bland SpacePoint presentation." The mischievous gleam in his eye was unmistakable, different species or not, as he reached and then began walking past King Zirkon, gesturing broadly as if to indicate the whole of the National Front. "That, and the damn theocrats demanded I be present to represent the interests of the Convocation. Apparently, it's the perfect opportunity to 'pronounce our newly ordained status before friends and ahead of rivals' and 'reestablish a presence in interstellar politics' and mrah mrah mrah. Truth be told I wasn't paying that much attention at the time."

The other Rass accompanying him, a soberly dressed fellow for a Rhoshan, given the lack of jangly metal and glowing electronics, spoke up at this point. Intimate-Knowledge's mood visibly soured as he was reminded of Saint Blackthroat's company.

"It was alongside friends and before rivals, Revered Speaker. And must you really be so...blunt in front of..." The dark-scaled Rass pauses to size up Zirkon before continuing somewhat more tactfully. "...outsiders?"
"Mreheh, what, you don't like our gracious host, Saint? Well then, your majesty, you're my new favorite person here. Saint Blackthroat here is the one who invented the kiloscale-sized headache generator you see on my back to serve as a partial replacement for his own abilities when he has to leave my side. Unfortunately for me, he's such a consistent pain that Arkeesaya gave their blessing, so I can't throw him into the sea. Mrah. Don't you have any refreshments in this place?" Intimate-Knowledge scratches at his skull around the base of several cables, sighing. The advantage of being chosen by the Gods was that you could theoretically forego the politicking and pandering of theocrats chosen by their Churchmembers.

The disadvantage, of course, was that you were exposed to it whether you wanted to be or not. "But no, I'm not here just to see your priests moralize at me - we have plenty of that back home. If you listen to some folks, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be half my job. We're here to make an announcement of our own, regarding certain recent reforms...and potentially, if I understand correctly, to discuss the nature of our relationship with the Star League going forward. I'm not particularly keen on that last point, but I said I'd mention it, so there, it's mentioned."

Later that evening...

As guests settle down in the Auditorium, Queen Lin behind the pulpit waves a controller and a stylish holographic map flickers into being at her side. "Once again, welcome, honored guests."

The wrinkled, yet healthy woman pauses, and waits for everyone's attention. Her gestures, manner of speech, everything is dignified and stately. "As you can see, this is the usual political map of the galaxy. The Maturated powers have managed to grow considerably, regardless of initial pessimism about the state of Axiom from the Sisterhood of Silence and others. The Core-adjacent powers have reclaimed much territory from the Same. However, there have been some upsets - government-sponsored thefts of Caller Fragments, the Rothuun war, and now the mysterious actor deposing rulers. These issues have the potential to affect all of us; however, some of us cannot, or do not wish to maintain an extensive military to defend themselves. Some have a fledgling intelligence agency that is not capable of tracking an elusive culprit around the galaxy."

The hologram displays the logos of CmC and SoS, and around them the images of the Couriers' impressive Relays and the Sisterhood's libraries and Core defense fleets. "Recall the Cosmic Couriers, the Sisterhood of Silence and the numerous isolated pockets of worlds, encountered by many explorers, that have maintained high technology levels even after the Callers' departure. They could have continued administrating Axiom to guarantee its prosperity and security before any of our civilizations emerged - but they did not. They were resigned to the current situation, and each of them chose to maintain their small fragment of the Callers' legacy by themselves. We have so far succeeded at this more than they have, not because we had better technologies or more spaceships or rarer resources. We unified many regions of space under few governments, allowing us to focus effort effectively on the issues to be tackled."

"Returning to my earlier point - not all of us have everything required to tackle every issue, now that Axiom has gotten smaller and a malevolent AI in one arm of the galaxy can disrupt people's lives in another arm. I do not think it is such a great leap of logic to extend our unification strategy to a larger scale. The governments of Axiom should stop keeping secrets from each other. Like the Core Patrol Corps have been organized as a common military force against the Same, we can organize a more general-purpose military force for all of Axiom. And it is needed. Trade routes are every day being attacked by well-equipped raiders. Rebellions for the sake of rebellion have overwhelmed numerous regions. Similarly, we can establish a merchant union to decide a more fair and efficient allocation of resources to nations. Many live in the prosperity created by modern technologies, but poverty still dominates areas of the galaxy."

Flick of the controller; back to the map. "Now, there is a large galactic organization already in place that could be the basis for the increased inter-governmental cooperation I have proposed - and I am under no illusion. Some of you will not like the answer, but do not rise from your chairs just yet. I am talking about the Star League Charter - despite some incidents that have politicized it somewhat, it is the most genuine attempt at an international organization that is inclusive of everyone. It is also the largest and most diverse by far. Out of the territory claimed by the Maturated, it controls 36 percent, and three of the most influential ideologies in Axiom have originated among its members."

"You are free to dislike the Charter if you wish. Alternatively, you could join the Djinye National Front in improving it to serve and protect all citizens of the galaxy equally. You might also point out the hypocrisy of the DNF - firstly, it is a protectorate of the Formican empire, whose form of government is absolutism, though perhaps that is their nature, and secondly, since the civil war and dismantling of Technocratic Meritocracy of Caruflaith Restored the DNF itself has been headed by senior royals who have been alleged to merely maintain the pretense of democracy - " She makes a small gesture toward herself with an open palm, the first time a small wry smile appears on her face. " - well, that will soon no longer be true, on both counts."

"The DNF is negotiating a looser, though still cordial, relationship with the Mier Formica, as we no longer have a need for protection. Instead, the DNF will commit itself to protect others in the galaxy. Additionally, I and the rest of the DNF Council will be resigning next year, and fair and free elections will decide the composition of the next Council."

"That is all. You can request additional information from any of our diplomats or electronically. I sincerely hope you will choose to cooperate with the National Front in this matter." She bows slightly, and walks away.

'Girl'? Well. That was new, at least. The rest, on the other hand... "I am Living-Reliquary Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance, First Protector for Revered Speaker and Fatebearer Masculine-Intimate-Knowledge Sea-Breaker, representative of the Gods and all that which is Divine. I was uncertain what you were, and if my examination disturbed you, then you have my apologies. To be quite plain, you represent the single most dangerous entity in this room besides Sir Ice-Void-Diver." She cocked her head at him - a stance she had found to quickly communicate curiosity among humanoids, though she was uncertain how someone made of living mineral would take it. "I am curious why you believe me to look adventurous, however. I have been First Protector for 66.93 Galactic Years, and I do not believe I have ever been accused of being...adventurous before." She paused for a moment, before adding "Oh, and please. Call me Grace."

And then hoped Blackthroat would be too busy keeping an eye on the Revered Speaker's Fate Engine to make a fuss about how she wasn't using the full list of her titles. For being only partially bipedal, Rass could be incredibly uptight.

Upon hearing Grace's appraisal of his dangerousness, Redirnus laughs thunderously - although he tries to imitate holding his stomach with laughter, this looks somewhat uncanny as his humanoid shape is randomly disrupted by swellings and cavities caused by his momentarily wavering willpower."HAHAHA! I better be dangerous. Or I lose my job. I will stop laughing now. Do not want the acid in my torso to leak out. Very nasty acidic gas. It is also a neurotoxin. Against humans and similar beings. Do not mind it though. It is just personal armament."

"Nice to meet you. Grace. I thought you were adventurous. Because it is unusual to make journeys around the galaxy. If you are not a diplomat. I assume you are not a diplomat? You do not sound like one. Or... look like one. Considering typical beauty standards. Ahem. Excuse me. I most definitely do not share those." He looks away, embarrassed, though it is a little hard to tell.