View Full Version : Aleria- chapter 1

2020-04-10, 10:59 PM
The party Arrives at the mermaids inn upon arriving and mentioning the letter the bartender tells you a room was rented for your party at the back of the bar as well as a deposit for food for the party. He says the host has not yet arrived but should be here shortly.
Upon entering the room you are greeted by a round table with 8 chairs an assortment of beverages and snacks on the table it is currently placed for seven people.
After everyone arrives right around nightfall the door opens and a older human with gray hair walks in wearing a well tailored suit as well as a clothing bag draped over his shoulder.

2020-04-11, 04:48 AM
Aurellia arrives to Whitehedge with map in hand and snake coiled on arm, hips swaying in a swagger as she pads her way down the road, suspiciously eying everyone and everything, as they in turn stare back at her. Following the apparent directions drawn on her map, she makes her way to the Mermaid's Inn, garnering even more looks. As much as she wanted to sit down and play a game, there was this annoying scrap of paper she wanted to be done with. After asking the bartender what it was about, she was directed to a room which contained, among other things, a large table, and free food and drink.

Shrugging, she helps herself and begins lounging around, waiting to discover whatever this is about.

2020-04-11, 12:12 PM
Leifur reached early. He's fast and nothing mentionable blocked his way to Whitehedge.

He carries the letter and the map with him, albeit only the map is useful for him. What's written there, he only heared from his Shaman. He searched and found the Mermaids Inn (the mermaid on the sign above showed him the way) and he entered.

He opened the door walked over to the innkeeper and winked with his letter “I'm here to meet someone“

He was brought into the other room, nodded to the other one, sat down and started to eat. With his mouth full he said “You know what this is all about?“

2020-04-11, 12:45 PM
Sprawled out and lazing on a couch like she owns the place, Aurellia raises an eyebrow at the massive and imposing figure that enters the room. The man was probably going to eat and drink the rest of everything himself...

"Not a clue," she says listlessly.

2020-04-11, 01:40 PM
John walked the streets back into Whitehaven, taking his mule behind him by the reins. It was hard bargaining to get the mule onto a barge, but Few recognize him - those that do quietly question his appearance, as it was not a time of feasting nor festivities. He quietly stopped, and entered the Mermaid's Inn, being guided to the room in which he were to wait. Noticing the others - Aurellia and Leifur (presumably a noble of standing and her gladiator bodyguard), he stood before the table and spoke in a great voice, careful not to alert anybody out of the room, yet still undoubtedly heard by those within "I am a light in the darkness, just as Pelor's light shines thoughout over all. I am John, but I have met neither of you. Perhaps an introduction is in order?" He says, looking to Aurellia.

2020-04-11, 02:22 PM
"Aurellia Moonhart," the scantily-clad woman says matter-of-factly, stretching where she lays and hardly caring to so much as crane her neck upward.

"If you are the light in the darkness, then I am the candle in the moonlight," she says in just about the same seriousness of tone.


Bluff: [roll0]

But she's really just making nonsense up.

2020-04-11, 03:34 PM
Nicolas arriving in the city later then most. Delayed while noticing a Blood-Rubied Lily blooming as he was venturing down a wrong road. Sketching it down and noting some of its key features. He carefully harvests and trims some of the flowers to let them dry out before germinating some of the seeds to replant or use later. This flower is too captivating to leave alone just here he thought.

Finally arriving in the city; his tall 8ft and a half foot figure draws quite a bit of attention. Due to the harvesting his hands have a dark shade of red. Looking as if he recently killed something or someone as the blood (sap) has yet to dry...the city guards giving nervous glances towards each other. Nicolas quickly shows his letter saying he has a invitation to the mermaids inn. (While giving the pale guards who have clearly been working to hard a couple silver each so they can get a proper meal. -6sp)

Following there instructions he enters the inn ducking down as to not bump into the door frame. Heeding the also pale bartenders instructions he heads towards the room. Hearing voices inside he opens the door. Hunching down to enter room he then stands tall. Looking towards the occupants. Seeing the half naked woman his heart skips a beat due to not having seen so much of a woman. (A good part due to his inexperience as well.) But with his strong face and hands that look soaked in blood comes across a mountain man soaked in lust and violence...

After calming down a bit he glances around the room, Looking for an out of the way place to sit. Awaiting for the one who called him to arrive. (Not knowing it looked like he glared at the other two men in their then turned away as if he doesn’t put them in his eyes.)

Sitting on the floor in the corner. He size still almost reaches 4 and a half feet tall. He pulls out his blood covered dagger. To clean off the dark blood (The sap from inside the flower due to harvesting.)

2020-04-11, 05:44 PM
The old man introduces himself upon interring laying his burden onto one of the empty chairs. “Hello my name is kylen goldshield I am a known figure from around here, I have sent out hundreds of letters to adventures offering a adventure it is quite sad to see such few were able to make it or we’re interested in the mystery. I shall not keep you long, my master asked I send out these letters before he disappeared chasing this path. In the axe bite mountains to the north, there has been a great stirring even a silver dragon friendly to the city has disappeared. My master left in my possession rewards and a offer. I have on me a magical cloak of resistance +1 for each of you as well as 150gp each upon returning even with news of what is occurring to the north and possibly word of my master he was prepared to offer 5,000 gold pieces to the adventuring party that can determine these strange causes in the north; so what say you would you be interested in embarking in and adventure of mystery?”

2020-04-11, 07:09 PM
Aurellia sits up, seemingly disinterested in what the man says, gazing at her snake as it also gazes into her eyes, flicking its tongue occasionally. When he finishes his pitch, she simply replies.

"Sounds simple enough. Who is your master?"

2020-04-12, 01:55 PM
The older man looks at Aurellia and says, “ Mistress Aurellia my master’s name is Dracolyx Goldenshield he was nice enough to grant me his sir name.”

2020-04-12, 02:26 PM
Nicolas listening into the conversation pauses hearing the reward. up to 5000gold? He might have some connections or maybe some knowledge of herbs or rarer types of flowers. If possible the information might be worth more then the reward itself!

Nicolas chuckles as looks at Kylen and says Perhaps I change exchange my reward for something more promising to me a smile on his face as his eyes drift back onto Aurellias figure his face flushing red again. Combining with his smile suggests lewd thoughts or demands. (Unbeknownst to Nicolas as he tries to hide his embarrassment while letting his mind wander aimlessly imagining his own fantasy of knowledge he might be able to receive.)

2020-04-12, 02:59 PM
Aurellia listens to the burly man talk of other rewards, with a growing smile upon his face and cheeks flushing as he looked directly at her. Her eyes narrow as she watches the man closely, but she doesn't move an inch.

Slowly, she begins, "Yes.. perhaps we can speak of.. alternative rewards..."

"I must admit, a large sum of money isn't appealing. It's no fun if you get it all at once. And I've nowhere to put that much coin anyway," she says, casually picking under her fingernails.

2020-04-12, 04:06 PM
Melissa sits, quiet and attentive. She has nothing to add for the moment, content to let the others talk.

2020-04-12, 08:05 PM
John thinks to himself as the older man enters the room and presents his tale: "Goldenshield? A common name, yet one that strikes some amount of familiarity..." He ponders upon it, hoping to know the history behind the name, as surely no man of small stature would plead such a sum of money towards such a sum of adventurers, right?

(OOC: Rolling a Bardic Knowledge (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/bard.htm#bardicKnowledge) check on a Kylen or Dracolyx Goldenshield. [roll0])

Once a discussion on "Alternative payment" begun, he spoke up, disdainfully looking towards the other two. "Er, no, I'll take the gold. Simple, easy, and I'm sure our temple will appreciate the tithe."

2020-04-12, 09:39 PM
your bardic knowledge comes up with that the Goldenshield family is a renowned noble family in the empire has ties to the empress and is rumored to be some relation to a golden dragon
Kylen seems to think for a minute about the alternative payment and says, “ upon completion of the task I will do what I can on the Goldenshield name to make sure everyone is adequately taken care of.”

2020-04-12, 10:35 PM
Nodding, Aurellia says, "Very well then. I think I'll be up for this little adventure." She sits up further in the couch, for once appearing interested.

Looking around to the others in the room, she muses, "What do you think we should call our little group?"

2020-04-13, 09:30 AM
Aerilaya entered the town on the back of her mount. Between her macabre armor and the skeleton that she rode in on, there were more than a handful of stares, panicked motions of warding against evil, and even fleeing.

She was used to such things, but she had learned that it was best to be up front with the people wherever she traveled to. It allowed them to adjust to her presence instead of being startled by her abilities after forming a relationship.

She dismissed the undead steed, casting it back to the Stern Lady's realm before entering the inn. After stepping in, she paused to assess the room. The gathering was easy enough to pick out, they each stood out as individuals. Striding forward, she dipped her head in greeting and held the neatly folded letter in her gauntlet.

"Aerilaya Ralothyra. Faithful to the Stern Lady. I received a summons. The payment is sufficient."

2020-04-13, 09:48 AM
It hasn't seemed that Leifur was listening. He was eating the whole time. The others, which entered the room later than him, were only inspected shortly. There's free food and nobody knows when they find something huntable. Eat now, ask questions later.

And since nobody adressed him directly, he didn't bother to answer.

2020-04-13, 10:57 AM
Nicolas hearing Kylens words smile widens. Very well then. Let’s start right away. Turning to Aurellia trying to keep his blush from coming back succeeding slightly. His wide grin and slightly red cheeks gives off a maniac vibe. Thinking of her question of an adventuring name he ponders...

Hydrangeas? No this is a random party won’t fit. Daisies wouldn’t work as well. Anemones perhaps? No not quite the one with the armor that looks of bones wouldn’t make it fit...

Nicolas’s eyes gleam as he eyes stare harder lost it thought a name comes out of his mouth Hell..ebo..res we can call ourselves that. giving himself an internal thumbs up.

Hellebores have been a staple for many florists for quite some time. Although the symbolism of the flower isn’t crystal clear, the one thing that is known for sure is its beauty and ability to add interest into any floral arrangement!

Hellebores have a beautiful, natural bend to their stems and have five round petals that come in an array of beautiful colors and patterns; ranging anywhere from white-green, mauve-y pink, and all the way to deep purple shades. On each stem, you’ll find 3-5 blooms with a special pattern like specks, swirls, or gradient. Available in the spring, these versatile blooms pair well with flowers like ranunculus, roses, anemones or any bloom that has a romantic feel.

2020-04-13, 12:00 PM
Not entirely sure a name is the first priority, Melissa says.

2020-04-14, 12:32 AM
I can offer you 1000gp to spend on supplies at the royal armory and store as well.

2020-04-14, 02:27 AM
Knowledge Nature: [roll0] for Hellebores

Aurellia looked at the large man, who seemed consumed by lust, greed, and carnal desires of blood. With an eyebrow raised, she questioned, "Hell Ebores?? What in the actual Nine Hells is that supposed to mean?"

Huffing as she stands, lurching up from the couch abruptly, she tells the old man recruiting adventurers, "My, how generous. That should be plenty for this lot, shouldn't it?" Sauntering past and toward the exit of the room, she asks, "Are you all planning to leave tomorrow? Or today? Perhaps we should stick together." Shrugging, she adds, as her hand touches the door frame, "Or perhaps not."

2020-04-14, 01:47 PM
Not looking up but pausing eating, Leifur replied: put that thousand gold onto our payment. And y'all should have some food. Nobody knows when we get another one. Afterwards I'd prefer to start.

2020-04-14, 05:16 PM
Nicolas face reddens further at Aurellia’s question and further reddens as she walks to the door frame as he stands up preparing to follow her out to the armory. His large build towering over everyone he moves after Aurellia following her out the door.

Looking at the man at the table reminding him of food shakes his head looking at his hands noticing the red blood like sap still on it smiles from his earlier gains I’ve...already eaten recalling the few rabbits he found when venturing. Not knowing his words combined with the action of looking at his bloody hands and manic smile gives him a crazed cannibal vibe he continues leaving after Aurellia. Thinking of a good time to explain what Hellebores is and what type of flower it represents.

3 spell books for writing due to him running low on paper 15x3=45gp
Extra 5 vials of ink 8gx5 =40gp
Extra ink pens 8x2sp 1.6gp
A map of the region were heading to 1gp

Total 87g 6sp
912g 4sp left to rest of party (all he needed is fluff stuff lol) if all this loot is okay lemme know dm

2020-04-14, 10:12 PM
Nicolas face reddens further at Aurellia’s question and further reddens as she walks to the door frame as he stands up preparing to follow her out to the armory. His large build towering over everyone he moves after Aurellia following her out the door.

Looking at the man at the table reminding him of food shakes his head looking at his hands noticing the red blood like sap still on it smiles from his earlier gains I’ve...already eaten recalling the few rabbits he found when venturing. Not knowing his words combined with the action of looking at his bloody hands and manic smile gives him a crazed cannibal vibe he continues leaving after Aurellia. Thinking of a good time to explain what Hellebores is and what type of flower it represents.

3 spell books for writing due to him running low on paper 15x3=45gp
Extra 5 vials of ink 8gx5 =40gp
Extra ink pens 8x2sp 1.6gp
A map of the region were heading to 1gp

Total 87g 6sp
912g 4sp left to rest of party (all he needed is fluff stuff lol) if all this loot is okay lemme know dm

loot is ok

2020-04-15, 06:08 PM
Noticing the arrival of Aerilaya, John scoffs before casting a questioning look towards Kylen. The Stern Lady was no evildoer (and those outside casting Protection from Evil made him cringe inside), but also not quite the most compassionate of deities. Whatever the need for help was, this Dracolyx must've been rather desperate. Regardless, there were worse priests he could work with, and it appeared that leaving was imminent. Taking a pastry from the table, John took his 150 GP gift from Kylen and said. "Given the nature of our destination, it appears I have some preparations to make. If you will excuse me, I will return."

Not out to get much, just:
-Cold Weather Outfit x5 (Price: 40 GP, 8 GP each)
-8 Units of Animal Feed (4 SP, 5 CP each)
-40 Units of Trail Rations (20 GP, 5 SP each)
-5 Waterskins (10 GP, 2 GP each)
-3 Gallons Ale (6 SP, 2 SP each)
-5 Medium Tents (50 GP, 10 GP each)
Total Cost: 121 GP

2020-04-15, 10:15 PM
Ooc: total each character receives a cloak of resistance +1, and 150 go. Also the party has 1000gp to spend total on supplies.

Arriving at the armory you are all able to locate anything you wish to purchase.

Also you can try to find a caravan heading up the road to frost gate or purchase passage on a barge heading upriver, or travel the road alone.... as a party

2020-04-16, 12:38 PM
"The additional protection is appreciated."

Aerilaya clasped the cloak around her shoulders and turned to the others gathered.

"I'd prefer to ride to the city on our own accord. I avoid travel by water, if I can."

She waved off the offer of food as well. Her own provisions being more the capable of keeping her mortal needs sated.

2020-04-16, 03:53 PM
Aurellia takes her share of gold and cloak, wrapping the cloak up like a knapsack to hold all the gold and looking down at it briefly, like a child disappointed during Halloween.

She tags along with the others as they visit this armory, still rather disinterested in everything, offering up her gold to "help" the others, not out of a sense of generosity or teamwork, but sheer apathy.

2020-04-17, 10:59 AM
Nicolas follows Aurellia to the armory giving shady looks towards her with his face red whenever he glances at her...after making a few quick purchases (and finding a nice tool kit to help with his medical skills) he continues to follow with a nervous shuffle planning on following her out of the city. Making him give very suspicious and predatory vibe that you wouldn’t want in an alleyway.

(Nicolas follows after Aurellia nervously trying to find a way to explain what a Hellebores is. But to shy due to her revealing nature. After arriving in the armory he quickly buys some extra supplies to record new plants and flowers on their journey north. Finding a better quality tools he quickly purchases them. Seeing Aurellia he starts to move cautiously towards her unaware of how his behavior might be seen as. Even though innocent it might be.)

2020-04-17, 12:49 PM
Finally, Leifur finished his meal. He took a large big sip of the offered ale, burped and stood up almost to fast for chair, which almost tilted.

I don't think we need a boat. But we should ask around, if a caravan needs protection. You know, earning money while we travel this way anyway, seems reasonable. For those who care about, I'm Leifur. Ready to go. he took the cloak and put it on.

2020-04-20, 01:20 AM
Aurellia glances at Nicolas some times, clearly aware he was following her. "Don't get any ideas," she told the huge, imposing man warily. "I will not be one of those 'alternative rewards' you spoke of."

2020-04-20, 08:19 AM
"I have no qualms about providing protection to a caravan, so long as it doesn't delay our progress too much."

Aerilaya adjusted the massive bladed mace that was strapped to her back as the group left the inn.

"I don't require any items from the armory, myself."

2020-04-20, 08:29 AM
(Nicolas hearing the half naked girls words face flush’s looking left and right for an alleyway to pull her into to explain himself too uncomfortable from the stares from the citizens by the road)

The burly man flushes a deeper shade of red as he looks around at the people giving him nervous glances as he walks rapidly towards the petite girl reaching a hand out to grab her and drag her into an alleyway his eyes are looking towards.

2020-04-20, 10:57 AM
Aurellia shrieks and her snake hisses, as she can tell the gargantuan brute intends to violate her personal space and comes in for a grab.

She steps back, casting a spell just before she is grabbed, sheathing her body in negative energy. Then after the large man wraps his meaty hands around her arm, her snake bites at him, just before she's dragged off into an alley.

Aurellia casts touch of Fatigue. It will be a DC 14 fortitude save or be fatigued for 3 rounds, once she gets into a grapple, I think.

Then, snake bite. [roll0]

If bitten, a DC 10 fortitude save or be poisoned: [roll1] con damage and a minute later [roll2] more con damage.

But... Nicolas is so big and tough, I doubt anything bad will happen to him. This is the most silly but serious pvp I've ever seen. :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-20, 11:47 AM
Nicolas hearing the scream covers her mouth freaking out a little as he feels a slight pinch on his arm looking down seeing a tiny snake he ignores it. Dragging her further into the alleyway he looks her into the eyes still flushed in the face. As he reaches into his bag grabbing a flower . Hellebores although the symbolism of the flower isn’t crystal clear, the one thing that is known for sure is its beauty and ability to add interest into any floral arrangement!

Hellebores have a beautiful, natural bend to their stems and have five round petals that come in an array of beautiful colors and patterns; ranging anywhere from white-green, mauve-y pink, and all the way to deep purple shades. On each stem, you’ll find 3-5 blooms with a special pattern like specks, swirls, or gradient. Available in the spring, these versatile blooms pair well with flowers like ranunculus, roses, anemones.

The way that Hellebores are able to have so many different possibilities while also being able to fit in so many different arrangements reminds me of this group of people that gathered... Nicolas stops his stammering as he realizes he still has one of his hands clamped onto her mouth blushes harder... letting go of her completely forgetting about the snake on his arm looking down at the Hellebores he pulled out of his bag.


2020-04-22, 02:20 PM
When Aurellia is finally let go, she slowly takes a few steps back, somewhat as if in a daze, snake curling back up her arm, and just stares at Nicolas.

"What?? You.. you accosted me and drug me in here to tell me about flowers??"

2020-04-22, 05:30 PM
Nicolas shuffles he feet nervously Back in the inn you asked me what a Hellebores was...then you made a lot of people look at me and I panicked Nicolas explains the best he can clearly very uncomfortable with the situation. Making a weird scene.

2020-04-23, 12:43 AM
"Ah. Hellebores. Right..." Aurellia says, gazing at the flower in the hulking man's hand. "That wasn't quite what you said before, though. It sounded more like..."

Huffing, and attempting to storm past the man, back onto the street and heading toward where the others were going, "Ugh! Nevermind! Never touch me again! Or you will regret it!"

Don't know if anyone came to help or watch, but … it's probably fine now. I guess we can move on. If this is still happening.

2020-04-24, 02:04 PM
Nicolas watches as she leaves confused as he tried answering her question. Maybe I waited to long? Or perhaps she doesn’t like Hellebores’s? I didn’t even get a chance to tell her my name... Nicolas thought as he puts away his flower as he walks absentmindedly towards north thinking about useless things

Heading north same direction as the group. Useless thoughts being about how he could have explained himself better to Aurellia and what might have made her storm off. He is a tad dense.