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2020-04-11, 05:54 AM
The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. One such town, Drellin's Ferry, lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest. Your current destination - Vraath Keep, as directed to you by a map and a promise of treasure. When you inquired about Vraath back at Brindol it seemed to be long-abandoned, a relic of some noble's attempt to tame the forest that fell short of its goal, but the Witchwood denizens keep most from straying near or trying to repeat the noble's goal. Still, nobles mean treasure, and abandoned means it shouldn't have gone anywhere. If the map is correct, it could be enough to retire on for life, but getting your hopes up has backfired before.

Drellin's Ferry may be small but it does have the notability of being the first town on the Elsir Vale that travelers from Waterdeep pass through (even if that's not as common as the merchants in Brindol would like), and so may be a bit more bustling than the ones you passed through to get here. Hopefully you won't have died of heatstroke by the time you get there. Even the trees that flank your path offer little comfort or protection from the endless sun.

2020-04-11, 08:33 AM
Freya sighs. Despite her travels up in these hot lands, she never could get used to the heat of the sun. She takes a sip from her waterskin, then looks out at the vast landscape.

"The sun creates, the sun destroys. It has dispassion for those that cross the land; who dares to challenge the almighty flare of its power? For those who... who... ah, word. word for fight? Oppose? No..." Freya is working up some poetry at the moment, putting her frustrations of the heat to words.

2020-04-11, 09:53 AM

Aetus takes a swing of his waterskin, as he dutifully goes back and forth sideways, noting the path. It doesn't seem to be the case that they would get lost, but is is always good to make sure. He also routinely gazes around to make sure no threat is around.

The heat is oppressive for an elf raised in the cold dales of the North, but Aetus tries to remain stoic and composed. As his route passes by Freya, he catches the last rime

"Do battle?" he proposes.

Perception [roll0]
The group cannot get lost since Aetus is leading due to Natural Explorer.

2020-04-11, 10:13 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri knows the goodberries she cast last night will keep everyone alive if they run out of food or water. But she has been dragging along the past few hours, feeling like she can barely stand, let alone keep walking. Aetus seems to know where we are going. He always knows where we are going. She is always grateful for that.

Freya's poetry cheers her up, as dark and depressing as it is. But maybe that's the kind of poetry we all need right now. Freya always knows the right thing to say, even if it doesn't make sense to Zuri at the time. Zuri makes a clumsy attempt to help with the poem. She repeats the first part quietly almost to herself.

"The sun creates, the sun destroys.
It has dispassion for those that cross the land;
who dares to challenge the almighty flare of its power?
For those who..."

She thinks a moment and then offers up the final two verses, somewhat sarcastically, thinking this poem is hitting too close to home right now.

"The sun creates, the sun destroys.
It has dispassion for those that cross the land;
who dares to challenge the almighty flare of its power?
For those who...dare to defy and stand.
Will surely be dead upon the hour."

That's darker than she would normally come up with. But she's been in a foul mood and better to take it out on a poem than her companions. She laughs quietly at her out-of-character surprisingly dark humor, hoping no one else is offended.

2020-04-11, 10:21 AM
Gaakach marches in near-military formation, occasionally breaking its formality to scratch her bat, Wibbles of the One Eye, with her good hand. The poem mulled about in her mind for a time, but she wasn't trying to complete the rhyme. It wasn't until after it was repeated by Zuri that she found her voice.
"What does the sun create?"

2020-04-11, 10:29 AM
"Plants, I suppose. Indirectly. One can't be too literal with poetry. Could be worse anyhow. I was once on campaign in this desert...which one was that. Well, more than once I suppose. Still, not hot enough to bake a man in his armor, so could be worse." Beorn catches himself before going into a full ramble.

2020-04-11, 10:34 AM
"Sheesh, anyone else want to stick a dagger in the mood? Or are we finished killing it yet?" pipes up a contrastingly cheery voice from the middle of the group. Guiding the mule with its load of supplies didn't give the halfling Roswyn the luxury of bounding ahead of the group the way she would have preferred, but everyone's collective dour moods sure wasn't making it any easier. She clears her throat and offers her own rendition:

"The sun creates, the sun destroys.
It has dispassion for those that cross the land;
who dares to challenge the almighty flare of its power?
But those who forget the sun's great joys
Should simply enjoy the summer's flowers!"

She bows to her imaginary audience before adding, "You lubbers need a good dunking in the river when we reach this Drellin's Ferry place. I'll take the hot sun over a march through the rain any day."

2020-04-11, 11:07 AM
"Wouldn't the summer flowers be one of the sun's great joys?" Gaks asks, apparently having learned nothing from the "poems shouldn't be taken too literally" comment.

2020-04-11, 12:00 PM

Aetus lets out a great hearty laugh at Roswyn's suggestion.

"You know, Aer-lyn, this is a great idea. I haven't had a good river swim for ages. I will take you up on that"

As is his custom, Aetus used the elf name for Sea-friend for Roswyn. As he delights at telling her than her name in Elvish means Lady of Copper.

2020-04-11, 12:02 PM
Freya giggles. This discussion is inspiring for her poetry, and she gives a soft clap at the performances. "Yes, the flowers bloom in the sun. Back home, we did not have many flowers. It snowed almost year round."

"The nights were long and cold. Huddled were you in pelts, perhaps with your love, in front of a warm fire and a mug of refreshing mead," she continued, almost in story mode, "But for now, Freya will take up the offer of a good dunk in a river."

2020-04-11, 12:23 PM
"If flowers grew, we uprooted them and planted grain," Gaks says shortly.
"It meant there was good land being put to waste."

2020-04-11, 12:44 PM
The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through trees, stands to your south. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one sets your teeth on edge. Then, a flurry of arrows erupt from the brush on both sides of the path, and you finally spot what look to be hobgoblins lurking in the trees. They're accompanied by an enormous red hound whose breath seems to come alight with sparks and flames. Thankfully, the arrows fall short, either speeding past you or glancing against armour without doing any real damage. Still, they're already knocking for another set.

Any square with a tree is lightly wooded (difficult terrain).

Climbing the banks (where the path turns to grass) also counts as difficult terrain, but it requires a DC5 athletics check. If the check's failed, you can repeat again, but still lose the 10' of movement. You may want to do some ahead-of-time rolls if you're trying to climb, just in case your athletics betrays you.

They did get a surprise 'cos their stealth check beat your perceptions...but then managed to not hit any of you.

Since we're basically doing group initiative, everyone gets a turn and then the enemy will go.

2020-04-11, 12:55 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri was grateful for Roswyn's optimistic take on the poem, and had started to enjoy the hike more when the flurry of arrows brought her back to realty.

She sees the hobgoblins on both sides. "I'll take the ones on our left." She casts a quick spell, conjuring 4 giant wasps to attack the hobgoblins on the left, 2 each. She then takes a few steps in that direction to get out of the way of the others so they can focus on the threat to our right.

Here goes nothing. Rolls for random animals [roll0] and [roll1]

So that is 4 giant Wasps:

Giant Wasp
Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
10 (+0) DEX
14 (+2) CON
10 (+0) INT
1 (-5) WIS
10 (+0) CHA
3 (-4)
Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus (3d6)poison damage. The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

2020-04-11, 01:04 PM
Giant Wasps

The Wasps appear right around the two hobgoblins and immediately attack.

Also, I forgot to roll initiative: [roll0]

Wasp #1 13/13 HP
To hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Poison: [roll3] DC11 save for half

Wasp #2 13/13 HP
To hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Poison: [roll6] DC11 save for half

Wasp #3 13/13 HP
To hit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]
Poison: [roll9] DC11 save for half

Wasp #4 13/13 HP
To hit: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Poison: [roll12] DC11 save for half

2020-04-11, 01:29 PM
"That's foolhard... oh." Gaakach stopped her critique when she saw that her friend was summoning help, and she turned her attention to the three creatures on the party's right - the hobgoblins and the hound. She pulled a crystal vial with some glowing blue liquid from her component pouch and shouted: "Mukhuukhen hakhaar!" A pillar of spiraling light appeared before the hound and two hobgoblins, threatening to daze them.

30' cube, so the three clustered that include the hound. They need to add their WIS save bonus to the following rolls or be charmed, incapacitated, and have their speeds reduced to 0. DC 15.

Hobgoblins: [roll0] for the one on the map's south and [roll1] for the one on the map's north, [roll2] for the hound.

2020-04-11, 01:58 PM
AC:16 HP:42

Seeing the enemies appear suddenly around, Aetus wastes no time. He turns his arrows to the hobgoblins on on the right. His training and experience has been about taking advantage of situations like this. Drawing his bow as far as it can go, he sends three arrows in quick succession while singing an ancient
Elvish song of power
"Lariss ean daril, Shul dor Veril..."

Here we go, lots of rolls.
Attacks with Advantage, since the hobgoblins have not acted. Due to elven accuracy, three dice are rolled. Using Sharpshooter. One additional attack due to Underdark scout
As a Bonus Action, Hunter' Mark to the northern-right hobgoblin. Switching to other if hits
*Atk1: [roll0] and [roll1] and [roll2]
Dmg, if hit [roll3] plus [roll4]

*Atk2: [roll5] and [roll6] and [roll7]
Dmg, if hit [roll8] plus [roll9]

*Atk3: [roll10] and [roll11] and [roll12]
Dmg, if hit [roll13] plus [roll14]

EDIT: Statistically, astonishingly bad rolls. In 9 d20s, I rolled four 2s, one 1 and a 11 as the highest. I am having very bad rolls in the last few weeks.

2020-04-11, 02:32 PM
Roswyn was grinning after it had seemed that she had successfully lightened the mood. The arrow which almost pierced one of her bare feet however, soured her mood again. "Anyone get hit?" she asks hastily, scrambling to strap her shield to her arm as four oversized insect float past her and towards their foes. She moves nimbly between the larger companions in her group and plants herself in front of Zuri and Freya, glaring at the hobgoblins and the mean beasties watching them from the ridge. "Couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn with shooting like that," she shouts tauntingly.

Don the Shield

2020-04-11, 03:14 PM
Freya (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1992907), Bard

"Not hit," Freya answers Roswyn. She Looks left and focuses her hand gestures, reciting a spell. She points to her target and releases beams of energy. "Forntida sprängning!"

If either of the two hobgoblins on the map's right side are still up, Freya will attack those. If not, then whoever is closest on the other side (hard to say what is still standing due to how pbp combat runs).

Eldritch Blast, 2 beams:

First beam-- [roll0] (damage [roll1])

Second beam-- [roll2] (damage [roll3])

Freya will agree to using Roswyn for cover.

2020-04-11, 03:20 PM
Beorn quickly assesses the situation. "Aetus, keep it up. I will get up on the embankment. " He moves South, toward the insect-plagued enemies. Action: Aetus can take two more attacks on his next attack action.
Bonus action: spend a leadership die to take the help action to give him advantage on the first of those attacks
Movement down and 5 feet to the right, autopasses the DC5

2020-04-12, 02:03 PM
Aetus' arrows find their mark in the hound, who looks to retaliate but is stopped short by Gaks' spell, along with its two hobgoblin masters. Despite their distraction their armour resists Freya's beams and they appear unfazed. Zuri's wasps manage to find gaps though, and make quick work of the two to your south. All seems to be going well, until four figures spill out of the farmhouse to the south - another hound and three more hobgoblins. One is equipped as the others - sword, shield and bow - which he uses to take a potshort at Beorn, though the arrow merely lodges in his shield. The other wields two shortswords and behind is one clutching a mace that glows with divine energy. The mace-wielder snarls and yells "Mech daal von!" Even those who don't speak Goblin can tell there's a hint of panic in his voice.


Three on the top left are hypnotised (incapacitated until they take damage). Two on the right near the wasps are dead.

"Kill them quick!"

2020-04-12, 02:42 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri moves towards the newcomers, staying in the road and getting as close to Beorn as she can while trying stay below the bank, using it as cover from any incoming projectiles.

"Kill the newcomers," she instructs the wasps. They leave the bodies and fly quickly, a loud, low buzzing continuing from their wings, descending upon their new prey.

They will move to the 3 squares between the hobgoblins and the wall and the square in front of the dog.
Wasp #1 attacks the short sword hobgoblin, #2 attacks the one with the bow, and #3-4 attack the dog

Wasp #1 13/13 HP (short sword hobgoblin)
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Poison: [roll2] DC11 save for half

Wasp #2 13/13 HP (bow hobgoblin)
To hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Poison: [roll5] DC11 save for half

Wasp #3 13/13 HP (dog)
To hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Poison: [roll8] DC11 save for half

Wasp #4 13/13 HP (dog)
To hit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Poison: [roll11] DC11 save for half

2020-04-12, 03:02 PM
"Leave the hypnotized ones be, they will stay still for a time!"
With no clear line of sight to the ones she heard yelling "kill them quickly," she simply lifted her shield in that direction, prioritizing keeping her spell disabling nearly half the enemies active.


2020-04-12, 04:23 PM
Freya (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1992907), Bard

"Our upper hand slipped, as their numbers doubled. Vicious attack dogs, wreathed in flames..." Freya was taking herself through what she witnessed. Had to get as many details on her mind to write of this battle later. She gestures again, this time at the crimson hound that came out with the hobgoblins. "Forntida sprängning!" she shouts again, releasing another volley of beams.

Firing both beams at the Hell hound. This is either gonna look good in Freya's tale later, or she's gonna skip this part. XD

Eldritch Blast, 2 beams:

First beam-- [roll0] (damage [roll1] force)

Second beam-- [roll2] (damage [roll3] force)

2020-04-12, 11:31 PM

Aetus gains new clarity as Beorn directs him and moves a bot so that the foul cleric is view. He shouts back in goblin "Gerhaz gruh Drath!" as he sends four arrows in quick succession against it.

"Your doom is upon you!"

BA changing Hunter's mark to the cleric. If it gets shot down, switching to the dual wielder
First attack with advantage and Elven Accuracy and Sharpshooter
Atk1 [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2]
Dmg [roll3] +[roll4]

Atk2 [roll5]
Dmg [roll6] +[roll7]

Atk3 [roll8]
Dmg [roll9] +[roll10]

Atk3 [roll11]
Dmg [roll12] +[roll13]

Atk3 [roll14]
Dmg [roll15] +[roll16]

2020-04-13, 07:16 AM
Beorn steps back toward his allies; let the enemy slog through the trees, he will meet them. With wasps and spells flying, the matter seems to be going in their favor. Seeing the stream of arrows, which ought to have an effect on enemy morale, he calls back, "Keep it up, Aetus!"between difficult terrain and limited move speed, only has so many options.

movement 5' Up and right
BA: Help action for Aetus
Action, give Aetus two more attack on next attack action

2020-04-13, 09:47 AM
Roswyn clambers up the bank of the road and into the dense vegetation to take a defensive position close to Beorn. She reaches for a javelin from her pack and hurls it at the fiery hound, secretly hoping the ambushers would run in so she could get smack some heads around too.

Moving to the square 1 unit south of where the left-most wasp started this turn (if possible, otherwise just stay within 10' of Beorn).
Javelin Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] + crit [roll2]

2020-04-13, 11:09 AM
Roswyn's javelin goes wide, but it's enough of a distraction to the hound that it doesn't see the beams or the bees coming and quickly falls victim to the stings and magic. The follow up volley from Aetus feathers the cleric who falls dead before he can even begin chanting a spell. Undeterred however the remaining two fall upon the bugs, one dropping his bow in favour of a sword and the other one cleaving straight through the buzzing attacker, before stepping over its fading body to form a line with his now heavily-injured companion.


Yes I know they're wasps not bees but it sounds better that way.

Bow (now longsword) looks like he's on his last legs. Shortsword still appears pretty healthy, even though he took a hit.

2020-04-13, 11:19 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri stays along the bank, still using it as cover from any incoming projectiles, watching as her remaining wasps continue their attack on the hobgoblins.

the two side-by-side wasps each move one square left and one down. Wasp #1 attacks the hobgoblin with the bow (now longsword). Wasps #2-3 attack the short sword hobgoblin

Wasp #1 13/13 HP (bow/longsword hobgoblin)
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Poison: [roll2] DC11 save for half

Wasp #2 13/13 HP (short sword hobgoblin)
To hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Poison: [roll5] DC11 save for half

Wasp #3 13/13 HP (short sword hobgoblin)
To hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Poison: [roll8] DC11 save for half

2020-04-13, 12:13 PM
Gaks nodded at her party's success at dealing with the split group. The best use of her time continued to be keeping the other group from flanking them, so she kept her shield raised and stayed where she was.

2020-04-13, 01:52 PM
Beorn pushes ahead, using the path Roswyn has made. He points to the apparent leader of the hobgoblins, "Strike the head and the rest will fall."move down 2 squares, 1 to the right, adjacent to Roswyn's current spot

bonus action for helpful word on Roswyn

Action, giving Roswyn two extra attacks next round. Roswyn has advantage on her first attack from helpful word

2020-04-13, 02:57 PM

With a laugh of triumph, Aetus sees the evil cleric fall to his shafts. He turns his attention to the dual wileding hobgoblin still standing.

"Let's see if you fare better than your brethen!"

he taunts in goblin. Once again, guided by Beorn, he let's loose four arrows in quick succession.

Atk1 [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2]
Dmg [roll3] plus [roll4] Hunter's mark

Atk2 [roll5]
Dmg [roll6] plus [roll7] Hunter's mark

Atk3 [roll8]
Dmg [roll9] plus [roll10] Hunter's mark

Atk4 [roll11]
Dmg [roll12] plus [roll13] Hunter's mark

[roll14] if any roll crits

2020-04-13, 04:26 PM
Freya (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1992907), Bard

With the second wave seemingly dispatched, Freya turns her attention to the trio caught in the hypnotic pattern. She moves five feet south from her position to line up with her party and readies her crossbow. In her mind she considers some stronger magic for when they snap out of their trance. Perhaps a sleep spell? Or maybe a blast of sound to shatter their confidence?

2020-04-13, 06:57 PM
Roswyn holds her ground; if the goblins didn't want to engage, she could wait for them to be taken out by the others. She hurls more javelins at the pair, assuming they're still standing. If they were both to fall before or after her javelins skewered them, she would turn back and run to help tackle the three sleepyheads.

Throw up to two javelins at any of the two southern enemies still standing.

Javelin Throw 1: [roll0] for [roll1]
Javelin Throw 2: [roll2] for [roll3]

If they're both down before Roswyn gets to act, Dash back towards the road. If they're both dead after Roswyn has attacked, spend normal move back towards the road.

2020-04-14, 04:39 AM
Between the arrows, the wasps and the javelins the two hobgoblins to your south fall quickly, barely having a chance to retaliate, leaving only the injured hound and the two others remaining to the north - still locked in a trance. The battle, as sudden as it started ends as swiftly, leaving you to decide the fate of those who remain. It's ominous, almost, how quickly the quiet was broken and how quickly it returns. Adrenaline's still pumping through your veins, the high of combat almost throwing you off balance with its sudden stop.

Ending the combat here because you've essentially got free reign over the remaining three depending on what you want to do with them - you absolutely *slaughtered* the rest. If you want to kill them it'll go off without a hitch, likewise if you want to take them prisoner.

The ambusher's gear holds little of interest beyond their weapons and armour - the cleric does have a holy symbol (DC10 Religion to identify). A search of the farmhouse the reinforcements came from reveals what looks to be three guards or soldiers in chain shirts and, going off his clothes, a merchant. Piled on the floor is a mound of gold - 355 pieces in all, presumably looted from the now dead merchant.

2020-04-14, 06:54 AM
Beorn sees the sharpest threat end quickly. He turns back to the North. "Finish off the dog. We should try to take one bandit alive for questioning."

Not speaking goblin himself, he leaves the actual questions to others while he helps investigate the house. "Looks like we aren't their first prey, though we will be their last. Anyone recognize this?" He holds up the holy symbol recovered from the cleric.religion [roll0] - huh, guess it was a rhetorical question

2020-04-14, 08:40 AM

Lowering his bow, Aetus touches his palm to his head and to his heart, thanking one of his gods.

"Geliatish naryanna Solonor Thelandira"

After that, he surveys the field.

"That was a good battle, hest Beorn. We did good. Keep one alive, I will question it in Goblin. The dog, we kill"

2020-04-14, 08:54 AM
Roswyn gathers her thrown javelins. Once they've been retrieved and cleaned of blood, she moves to finish off the last guard-beast with an expert thrust of her last javelin. "Sorry pup, but you picked some lousy crew-mates." The halfling then moves to the remaining goblinoids, and asks, "So, which one we questioning? I can try and hold 'em still for ya, or we can tie 'em up while they're three sheets to the wind."

2020-04-14, 08:58 AM
Neither is an it... and since we can leave both alive we should have no trouble doing so.
Thinking the words came easily, but opening her mouth... wasn't her place. Instead she reached out for the holy symbol to examine it, first reaching out with her right hand, then switching to her left at the pain of opening her fingers. She turned it over in her hands to get a good look.


2020-04-14, 09:04 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri passes out the gold so everyone gets their share. She's not sure we should leave any of the hobgoblins alive but doesn't want to offend Gaks.

"Aethus and Gaks, I'll let you two decide what to do with any prisoners. We still have the wasps for the next hour so they can surround any you keep alive while you question them."

She'll search the merchant and guards in case there is still anything of value.

2020-04-14, 09:12 AM
"Best to tie them regardless. If they try to get away and the wasps kill them, they can't talk." Beorn produces a rope and binds the captives.

2020-04-14, 09:13 AM
"It seems like Aetus has made his decision," she responded simply. She was pretty sure this thing was a

2020-04-14, 12:13 PM

Aetus, at the process of salvaging arrows and helping tie up the prisoners, he turns surprised to Gaks.

"I have? On which subject? Enlighten me."

2020-04-14, 01:24 PM
"On our attackers. You said to leave one alive."

2020-04-14, 01:56 PM

"One, or both. It is the same to me. I would like some information, because these were no mere bandits. Clerics, hounds, archers... this is more than a passing warband. But dead or alive, it is the same to me. Though I think that setting them free would be foolish"

2020-04-14, 02:47 PM
Gacs nodded, but kept her attention locked on the holy symbol in her hand.

2020-04-14, 04:10 PM
Freya puts her weapon away and considers an ending to this tale better than a sudden de-escalation as swiftly as it were. Well, she'll consider it later wen she pens the tale. Right now the road is a mess with bodies. She says a pray to whatever deity would listen for peace and if any of the dead attackers have cloaks, Freya uses those to cover their faces. It's at least a bit of dignity.

Hot and sweaty, Freya sips her water and checks to see if any prisoners were taken.

2020-04-14, 04:23 PM
With one of the hobgoblins and the hound executed, only one remains. Once he's tied to a nearby tree and relieved of his weapons he's woken up. It doesn't take him long to realise what's happened from the body's of his comrades. He doesn't seem receptive to speaking however, and instead glares silently at you. If looks could kill, it would probably have been more effective than his bow was.

It's the holy symbol of Tiamat, the Chromatic Queen of dragons. Each of the five claws that made the symbol is made up of a different colour, with the red one pointing straight up as its most prominent.

2020-04-14, 04:31 PM
Gaakach snarled and showed the holy symbol to the prisoner.
"Tiamat? What link does she have to you? She cares not for us, only for her scaled offspring."

2020-04-14, 07:03 PM
Roswyn reaches for her flail and gives it a few hefty swings. "I suggest you start talkin', the crew here aren't the particularly patient types. Especially when it comes to scum ambushing travelers on the road."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2020-04-15, 06:40 AM
Beorn considers the question raised by the holy symbol. "A dragon cult among hogoblins. Gaks, you ever hear of such a thing? Maybe it is just local. Might know more in town."

2020-04-15, 07:34 AM
The hob purses his mouth at the sight of the holy symbol. Perhaps he had hoped the cleric might make an escape and not be killed. He seems to understand Common, though whether it's lack of fluency or simple choice he replies back solely in goblin. "Or haar Voc dakhaan ogaar an! T-" He stops himself suddenly, and swallows that thought before continuing. "Lhon mech ghaan ar o'kaan huuc duun. A'gh khruur aklal duun draal. O'k ach dhuul'duul ghaan tuuc, o ac daan kaan or daan daakhaal molkac ac den muul'daan."

"Our great Queen watches over us! Sh-"
"Just kill me if you're going to. I'm not afraid to die. You'll all follow me soon, you and the rest of the wretched humans in this hole."

2020-04-15, 10:35 AM
"Truly? We seemed to have an easy time with your leader and spiritual leader. I think we'll be just fine."
In Gaakach's experience with army-type hobgoblins, they hated to answer questions. But they loved to correct you.

2020-04-15, 12:16 PM
The hob lets out a barking laugh, short and harsh. "Ha! Daan daagaan ghaagaal'dec daan dher or daan dher. Daan agec or Koth an kaarlec." He realises too late what he's said, and starts struggling against his bonds to try to escape before any further questions can be asked.

"Ha! We were merely the first of the first. The army of Koth is legion."

2020-04-15, 12:43 PM

Gaks is doing pretty good job of interrogating the goblin. Aetus sees a way to get more information, by being an elf.

"Hah hah! Greerht shrata duun clanssh chtipis kellnu aste polgori, te perigh da drujhe legeri. Derghen gradf di eder Koth, likjer di doomo?."

"Hah! You pigskins think every little welp that can swing a club to be a warlord, and every rag tag band of a dozen whelps to be a legion. What did this Koth do, bring up a wolf and tell you it was a demon?"

2020-04-15, 05:32 PM
Freya just watches the back and forth, having no idea what is being said and looking pretty curious.

2020-04-16, 04:12 AM
The hob ignores Aetus' boast, still twisting against his bonds. You hear a sickening crack and realise that he's managed to snap one of his arms in the struggle, but it doesn't deter him and he keeps struggling, albeit slower than before and with a few more grunts of pain. The snapping of his arm seems to have given him some leverage though, he's moving further than before, though he's still tied to the tree.

2020-04-16, 05:29 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Since she doesn't speak goblin, Zuri didn't understand any of the interrogation, but she sees the prisoner trying to free itself and offers to help, motioning at the 3 remaining wasps.

"Aethus and Gaks, have you gotten all of the information you think you can from this hobgoblin? I can have the wasps finish him if you want."

If the prisoner frees himself and tries to move at all, She will have the wasps attack.

2020-04-16, 07:50 AM
Roswyn plants a boot against one of his shoulders and gives him a serious, but harmless, smack upside the head with a free hand. "Quit squirmin' and keep talkin'. I'm sure you've got plenty more secrets to spill."

Strength to prevent him from more self harm: [roll0] (+3 if Athletics applies, wasn't sure)
Intimidation so he hopefully knocks it off and keeps spilling his figurative guts: [roll1]

2020-04-16, 08:18 AM
The interrogation appearing to be well in hand, Beorn looks into the prospects for burying the dead merchants.

2020-04-16, 08:35 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

When she realizes what Beorn is trying to do, she says "I can help with that." Still keeping one eye on the prisoner in case she needs to command her wasps, she waves her Yew wand for a few moments, digging 4 parallel 10' long, 5' wide, and 5' deep trenches. Once the bodies are deposited in the trenches she fills them over with the dirt she had removed.

So 8 castings of mold earth to make the trenches and then another 8 to cover them back up. Mold earth is my favorite cantrip.

2020-04-16, 09:32 AM
Gaks raised her scarred hand toward Roswyn.
"Hold. This man is a warrior, and he is trying to get himself a warrior's death. We know about the legion, and if we wanted troop details we should have left the leader alive. He can have his death."

She turned her full attention toward the hobgoblin. "Dhagaalkhaach, rhuukhaar. Ghuul Maglubiyetot dec dhach tuuklec akhuuc or rhan."

Farewell, brother. May Maglubiyet's whip fall softly upon your back.

2020-04-16, 10:39 AM
Gaks raised her scarred hand toward Roswyn.
"Hold. This man is a warrior, and he is trying to get himself a warrior's death. We know about the legion, and if we wanted troop details we should have left the leader alive. He can have his death."

"If he wanted an honorable death, he shouldn't attack merchant-folk trying to make an honest living. He wants to act like a wild dog that needs to be put down, he gets to die like one."

2020-04-16, 10:54 AM
The hobgoblin snarls at the boot on his shoulder, and attempts to take a bite out of Roswyn's foot. His teeth mark the leather, but fail to do any real damage or injury. You hear another snap and grunt of pain - his other arm is broken and the ropes are starting to look looser than they were before, though he is kept against the tree by Roswyn's foot.

2020-04-16, 12:12 PM

With a quick gesture, Aetus takes out his dagger and cuts the hobgoblin's throat. Wiping his dagger, he says to Gaks

"What he wants is no matter to me. After ambushing merchants, he is no warrior. He is a murderer. Let him here to be eaten.

Now. I say we take the medallion and go the nearest town. It seems a horde is coming."

2020-04-16, 04:04 PM
Freya takes a step back. She is a little bothered by the sudden escalation of this interrogation. "That did not go very well. So what did he say?"

2020-04-16, 06:34 PM
With the burial and the interrogation concluded, Beorn nods down the road. "Back to the road then. I believe we acquitted ourselves well, though I would expect no less."

2020-04-17, 02:18 PM
With the hobgoblin ambush now well and truly dealt with, you're back on the path. It's a few hours still until you crest a hill into the setting sun. The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood but has long since gone. Instead, a couple of long, thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed and armoured townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail, stands guard on the road as you approach, watching warily. The one in mail - a burly man with a curling, waxed moustache calls out. "Ho there strangers. State your business." It takes a moment for him to catch sight of Gaks and the man's demeanour changes quickly from bored apathy to active concern. "If you please." Though none of the guards draw their weapons yet, their hands don't leave them.

To give an idea of scale of the town, its got a population of around 1150, so you're looking at about 300-400 buildings in total, spread out across the central town (that itself is split across the river) and the surrounding farmlands.

2020-04-17, 05:45 PM
Beorn waves as the draw near. "Greetings. We are traveling adventurers. We have dealt with a bandit problem back up the road a ways. Hobgoblins, seemed to part of some cult. I am sorry to day that they seem to have taken a traveling merchant before we came by. To whom shall we report this and where can we find a meal and bed?"

2020-04-17, 08:47 PM
Freya senses some tension, so she steps forward, but not as front as Beorn. "And a bath. My friend Gaks and I are weary from the battle and only wish to rest in your good town. We mean no trouble at all," she says, gesturing to Gaks by putting a hand behind her.

2020-04-17, 09:30 PM
"I am fine," Gaks said when told she was weary.
"It takes more than a mere march and scuffle to exhaust me."

2020-04-17, 11:34 PM

Aetus lets the others talk this out. When the time comes to report, he will make his note that there could be more than a few hobgoblins around.

2020-04-18, 04:50 AM
"Hobs you say?" The man looks pensive as he gently robs twirls his moustache between two fingers. "We've been having troubles with some warbands lately, haven't been able to track them down and the farmers are getting antsy. Adventurers? I suppose you do look the part." He pauses before sniffing loudly. "Alright, you can pass-" "Sarge, you can't be serious! They're one of 'em!" One of the guards pipes up, pointing directly at Gaks. The sergeant abruptly turns and backhands the youthful guard across the face with the full force of his gauntlet, knocking him into the dirt with a clatter. The other guards don't move, just watching the scene play out. "You think they're travelling with humans and halflings you thick idiot!? These adventuring sorts pick up all kinds. If you've got time to run your mouth then run along and tell the Captain. Go on, GET!" The Sergeant turns back to you as the guard scrapes himself off the ground and dashes off towards town, leaving his weapon behind on the ground.

"Drellin's Ferry is open to you - don't cause trouble and there won't be trouble. Old Bridge Inn's just off the Green -" He points down the road towards the centre of town. "Chances are you'll get a visit from town council before long, but it's always better to talk over ale than air."

2020-04-18, 05:33 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

"Thank you, sergeant. We also would be interested in meeting with the Captain at some time, to see if our encounter fits any pattern of what you have seen."

She shakes his hand with respect and then heads down to the inn, waving thanks to all of the soldiers.

"Good day, gentlemen."

She turns to Gaks, stating what is somewhat obvious for a small town in this area, but just showing concern for her friend, "Maybe you shouldn't walk around town alone."

I had to switch to green. The pink was too much for me.

2020-04-18, 07:38 AM
"I can help win the town over to Gaks with a good tale at the tavern. If town has more war band problems, we could make some friends by taking more of them out. Could make for a great epic."

Freya ponders the story possibilities here.

2020-04-18, 08:05 AM
Gaks nodded at Zuri's suggestion, then tightened her lips at Freya's. She didn't really care what the town thought of her, but Freya had fun in odd ways, so she left that well enough alone. She took up stride behind Zuri, as expected of her.

2020-04-18, 09:23 AM

Aetus' face darkens quite visibly, and he would have said something harsh, but the Guard sergeant was swift and precise.

To think that a soft townsman who would not survive a week alone would talk like that about Gaks.

He then notices Gaks walking a step behind and his face darkens again. Aetus walks in the front and very specifically, speaking in common, says

"Gaks, please come keep me company, please. In the front. You are a proven warrior and a master of the arcane arts. You should walk with pride, like a lion among alley cats."

2020-04-18, 10:21 AM
Stiff-backed, Gaks obeyed and strode alongside Aetus. "Thank you, sir."

2020-04-18, 10:51 AM
Before following anyone headed towards the inn, Roswyn asks the guardsman, "Does the inn have stables for my furry friend here, or is there any place I can put him up for a day or two?", gesturing to the mule she has been guiding along the road this whole time.

2020-04-18, 02:31 PM
"There's Ol' Delora's stables. It's just round the corner from the inn, you can't miss it. In fact," One of the guard points, and through gaps in some trees and buildings you can see a fenced off area. "You can see it just there. Might even buy it off you if you're looking to sell. Or trade in for a sturdier model."

Heading down the road towards the Green, you see an expansive central area around a great old oak tree flush with bright leaves. It's a grassy field where kids are playing and traders are hawking the last of their wares before the sun disappears. Most of the buildings are houses that telegraph no real significance but down one road you do spot a sundries store - the kind that has a bit of anything and everything. The Old Bridge Inn itself is already lively. There's a number of tables outside with what looks to be mostly merchants sat drinking and smoking. The workers here, from what you can tell, are all halflings. If any of them are offended or distrustful they choose not to show it - perhaps your entry being approved by the Watch gives them all the assurances you need? Still, you do get some curious looks, a few rubberneckers, especially children who stop and stare.

The inn's interior is well decorated (the owner would say lavish, but it's not that nice) and has a full bar stocked, but inside is relatively quiet - most of the guests look to be enjoying the weather while it lasts. The barkeep, also a halfling, is welcoming, always happy to have meet new people, and new coin.

Should you go to meet Delora, round the corner, you'll find an ageing human woman, perhaps in her 50s or 60s but still physically in excellent shape. Tall, broad-shouldered and graying blonde hair tied back into a long thick braid. She's got scars criss-crossing what is otherwise quite a pretty face. Everything about the way she moves tells you she does everything with a purpose, no wasted movement, and her gait indicates some martial training in the past though she's not got any weapons - that you can see.

2020-04-18, 10:12 PM
[COLOR="#A9A9A9"]especially children who stop and stare.

Unable to help herself, Freya will use Prestidigitation so that her steps sound like drum beats. She 'dances' a quick five-second tune and then ends it with a hop and making her landing sound like a crash of cymbals. She giggles and bows for her audience, using her magic to make a puff of glitter just for effect.

Freya then heads to the inn. She hops up to the bar and smiles at the barkeep. "Greetings. A mug of something refreshing, please," she orders. Freya stacks some coins on the bar. "My companions and I have slain a nasty warband on the road here, and I am parched from our battle."

2020-04-18, 11:50 PM

Aetus takes a little time to freshen up, by washing his face and hands thoroughly. The dive to the river would also be nice, if Roswyn was serious.

Aetus then also sits near Freya and says

"Some food would also be nice. And we will probably need lodging".

2020-04-19, 11:18 AM
Roswyn hollers to the others, "I'll catch up in a bit!" before turning the corner to find this 'Delora' character. Finding the strapping woman, she makes her presence known with a boisterous, "Ahoy there Ma'am! I heard you're the one to talk about when it comes to letting a furry friend find a safe port in this humble town."

2020-04-19, 11:21 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri follows Roswyn to the stables, curious to see what animals they have there, but mostly to make sure no one in the group has to travel alone.

2020-04-19, 11:54 AM
Gaks followed behind Aetus, standing behind him as he sat. She then cast a few glances over her shoulder.

2020-04-19, 12:07 PM

Aetus makes room for Gaks to sit and eat, getsuring an additional serving of food for her.

2020-04-19, 01:07 PM
Gaks nodded and complied, sitting beside Aetus.
"...Tiamat," she muttered again. "Why Tiamat?"

2020-04-19, 02:16 PM

"Of course, of course. Travelers are you? Performing troupe? No, no, not from the weapons. Mercenaries? Adventurers? Happy to have you regardless! Welcome to the Old Bridge Inn. I'm Kellin Shadowbanks, owner and proprietor." The halfing babbles on as he fossicks about behind the bar which is all too tall for him. He hops up and down off raised boxes, throwing mugs up in front of you with practiced skill. "I'll have food brought to your tables and have your rooms put together shortly."

It doesn't take long for food to arrive (a meat stew with hearty bread and thick hard cheese). You're just settling in when two figures enter the inn. One, a tall balding man of about fifty, the other a capable-looking swordswoman, maybe mid 40s. They both approach your table. "Please accept my sincerest apologies for disturbing your meal, but we would like a few minutes of your time." The man says. His accent and smooth hands indicates a learned man not used to physical labour, but he carries himself with a humble confidence, not that of an upstart noble. His neat salt-and-pepper beard accents his face. "I am Norrow Wiston, Town Speaker for Drellin's Ferry. This," he gesture politely to the woman at his side, "is our guard captain, Soranna. I understand that you dealt with some hobgoblins on the road in. To get right to the point - we're in a lot of trouble, and we need help."

With your approval, they take a seat at the table.
"Our town is under attack." He begins with a deep breath. Worry is clear in his face. "Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for several days now. They've attacked and killed people in the outlying homesteads and waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way - what you faced was probably one of their raiding groups."
"We've had some trouble with them before," Soranna interjects, "a quick raid on the west side of town, not that bad usually - but this is different. It's larger, more coordinated. It looks like a tribe may have come down from the mountains." She pauses and purses her lips. "I fear they mean to sack the town, and have the numbers to do it."
"Beyond the immediate threat, the road is our lifeblood - if they're stopping traders from traveling Dawn's Way, our town is doomed, and the rest of Elsir Vale will die soon after. We need this road. Can you help?"

4g 8s for the entire group's stay plus meals. Gonna assume you're buying for the stable team too, for when they're back.


She doesn't jump at your voice - chances are she heard you coming. "Aye lass, I reckon yer in the right spot." She's got a long drawl to her voice. She finishes unsaddling a horse and turns to you, seemingly not burdened by the some 15-20lbs of leather in her hands. She takes a few steps forward, not really acknowledging you directly and instead inspecting your beast of burden. "Oh she's a beaut. Lotta people overlook mule's 'cos they ain't 'noble' and 'majestic' like horses, but this 'un's lovely. Nice coat, healthy eyes. I got space. Three silver a night, comes with full room and board, with grooming. Drop off and pick up whenever, I'm always around town. Just holler and I'll come runnin'." She one-hands the saddle for a moment to scratch your mule behind the ears affectionately.
"They got a name?"

2020-04-19, 02:31 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri casually looks around admiring the stable before she turns to Roswyn, "It's on me. Thanks for hauling all of the camp supplies for us."

She hands the woman 3 gold pieces. "These are nice looking stables you run. We'll prepay for a ten-day. Don't know if we'll stay that long, but we'd like to make sure he's well cared for in case we do. It looks to me like he's in capable hands. Thank you for your help."

She pauses a second before asking a question. "Anything we need to watch out for around here?"

2020-04-19, 03:46 PM
"Krell's Legion," Gaks filled in. "They said they were a part of Krell's Legion. Krell mean anything to you?"

2020-04-19, 04:30 PM
Roswyn shrugs, but doesn't argue with Zuri. "Fine, but I'm buyin' your first drink inside for your troubles. And you'll have to arm-wrestle me for it if you say no." The halfling hands the reigns of her mule over to Delora and appears pensive for a moment when she asks for the mule's name. "His name's Eustace. Lives up to his name once in a while when he gets ornery, but he's a good boy."

2020-04-19, 07:03 PM

Freya takes a few bites of her meal and drink, listening to the story the two give.

She nods when Gaks speaks up, but doesn't add anything. Yet.

2020-04-19, 11:47 PM

Aetus digs into his food with gusto and appetite. When the elders of the town come, he nods respectfully as he hears their story.

It makes sense. They will certainly have a problem. He waits for Beorn to talk about accepting, but it does seem like a kind of assignment they would undertake. Plus, it would gibe them a excuse to g looking for their keep.

"The hobgoblins we encountered were very well organized. They had magical support and a hellhound. They also displayed a fanaticism that is rare. There is something strange going on here."

2020-04-20, 07:52 AM

"Krell...Krell..." Norro mutters, rubbing his beard in thought. He looks to Soranna who answers for him after a pause of her own. "We haven't heard anything about a Krell, but they're not exactly talkative. If they've got a central leader though that makes sense for how organised they've seemed."


"Thank you kindly. Eustace'll be in good hands. We'll get on like cats and sunbeams." She takes the coin with a smile. "Guessing you can handle yourself from your gear, so bandits and raiders ain't gonna trouble you - watch out for the halflings at the Old Bridge. They've got...sticky fingers, so keep your coin purse where you can see it."

2020-04-20, 08:06 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Seeing that Eustice appears to be in good hands, Zuri thanks the woman, "Thank you, Delora. We will check in on Eustice soon."

She then approaches the mule's face and gives a quiet bray (speaks in Mule), "Be good for this lady. She'll take good care of you." before turning to Roswyn, "Shall we go and meet the others. I'd love to take you up on that beer now."

2020-04-20, 09:23 AM
Beorn smiles at the children as they pass. At the inn, he wastes no time in attacking the food; one never knows when you will have your next hot meal.

He chimes in to the discussion, "Seemed to be part of a dragon cult, Tiamat's holy symbol was on one of them. I believe the name Koth was also mentioned. Sounds like the problem may be a bit more widespread then we thought, from what you have said. Any clues as to where they may be operating out of?"

2020-04-20, 04:21 PM

""Have there only been hobgoblins and hell hounds in their ranks?" Freya asks.

2020-04-20, 06:03 PM
"Aye lass, let's go. I'm sure the others are waiting for us." She gives a short nod of her head to Delora before turning to head towards the inn. "And to you Ma'am, thanks again and good day to ya!"

Once inside the tavern, Roswyn adds some bounce to her step when she hears the hustle and bustle of halfling voices serving food and drink. She strolls up the bartender and places her order, "Two ales please," before continuing in Halfling, "one standard and one nicer ale."

2020-04-21, 04:11 AM
Drelora wishes the Stable Team a fairwell, and turns to lead Eustace to his new accomodations.

Back in the inn, Kellin nods and sets about delivering the ales in record time. Behind the bar could be enchanted with the speed he dashes about at.

Norro opens his mouth to answer, but Soranna cuts him off. He doesn't look put out by it though. "We've seen a few spellcasters from afar, didn't manage to bag any though. They've not fielded anything other than hobs and hounds that we've come across, but if they're organised they could be holding them in reserve."

"Most of the attacks are on the west side of the river, so if they're coming down from the Wyrmsmokes then they may be situated somewhere in the Witchwood forest." Norro pulls out a scroll and unfurls it to reveal a map of what looks like the nearby forest. "Outside of the Dawn Way you won't find many travelers, the forests are filled with all manner of beast and giant at the best of times. These hobgoblins are only adding to it."

"There's a woodsman - Jorr - living around here." Soranna taps a point on the map on one of the trails, maybe 3 or 4 miles in. "If anyone knows about the goings on, it'll be him. Tread carefully though, he really doesn't like people." She nods at Gaks. "Apologies, but you may want to wear a hood or cloak when you first approach. he's been known to let his arrows do the talking with..." She coughs, but is saved by Norro speaking up - loudly and quickly.
"We don't expect you to work for free, of course. We can pay you - 250 gold now, 250 once you've found out what's going on and dealt with it." He fumbles at his belt and drops a jingling coin bag (some may say 'bulging') onto the table. You may notice Kellin at the bar perk up and look in the table's direction. Norro also pushes the map across to you, indicating that it's yours to keep.


Ignore that big red hand (of doom) marker, that's not on the map in game :P

2020-04-21, 06:54 AM
Beorn studies the map a moment, wanting to see what he could about what they seemed to be getting themselves into. He gets his bearings quickly. "Sounds like it might be in our line. What can you tell us of these places, Vraath Keep and...Skull Gorge bridge?"

2020-04-21, 11:00 AM
The place names had also caught Gaks's ear. "The Wyrmsmokes? Why is the area they're coming from called the wyrmsmokes?"

2020-04-21, 05:05 PM
Freya looks the map over, ignoring the big red hand of doom marker that doesn't exist. Her eyes glance over to the sack of coins. It's a start, but if the Hobs have been sacking travelers, they'd have more. The party could call dibs on salvage...

"The keep sounds like a good starting point. Need a place to stage a town raid, yes?" Freya adds, wanting to know more about it too as Beorn had asked just a moment ago.

2020-04-21, 06:52 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri takes whichever beer Roswyn hands her "Thanks for the beer. Let's join the others.It looks like there's room at the end of the table"

She sits at the table with the others but since she's at the end she can't really see the map. She waves a quick polite greeting to the visitors and her friends at the table "Hey guys" but doesn't interrupt further since the others are already in a conversation.

2020-04-22, 01:26 PM
Norro takes up answering here - while Soranna may be the local expert on things martial, it seems the Speaker is the history buff of the two. "I could spend all evening recounting the full story of Vraath Keep - the twists and turns it took...but maybe another time. The short version is that a noble decided he wanted to 'tame' the Witchwood and had a keep constructed to use as a powerbase for his army of mercenaries. A local tribe of giants proved stronger though, and the keep was left standing but mostly ruined and abandoned. I could certainly see hobgoblins using it as a base to strike out from."

"Skull Gorge Bridge is...well, it's the bridge over Skull Gorge. Traders use it when coming down from the north. The gorge itself was named because giants used to throw their dead into it - the skeletons, particularly the skulls, were left littering the bottom of the gorge. There's not enough giants for that to really be widespread these days, but you can still see many of the skeletons today."

"It's a local legend, the Wyrmsmokes. There's a number of volcanic peaks in the area which periodically shoot ash or smoke out from them. The first settlers here wondered if it might not be an ancient dragon that...was...causing..." Norro trails off as he connects the dots to Tiamat. "You don't suppose...a dragon...? All colour falls from his face and he's left pale as a sheet. Soranna looks grim.

"Even if there's not, if the hobs believe it, that could be what's brought this warband south - any warleader who speaks with the voice of a dragon could easily command tribes and tribes."

2020-04-22, 02:04 PM
Gaakach nodded grimly at Norro's realization. "I would advise that we take the Speaker up on his request."

2020-04-22, 07:13 PM
"If a dragon did exist, it surely would have been confirmed by now?" Freya postulates. "However, one with a convincing voice would not need a real dragon to convince a following. I am curious to find out which it is."

2020-04-23, 07:13 AM
Beorn holds up a finger, addressing the speaker and captain, "Such a matter is not to be engaged in lightly. Would you kindly give us a moment to discuss the matter before we commit? Then we if we wish to proceed, we can negotiate, draft a contract, and so forth. Formalities and all that."

If his request is granted, he speaks to his companions, "I say we give it a go. What do you all say?"

2020-04-23, 07:24 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri agrees with Beorn. Even if she did disagree, she's learned it's best to follow his lead. He has great judgement and she trusts him completely. She nods in agreement.

"Let's sleep here tonight and then leave in the morning. How's the food here?"

She tries to get the halfling's attention and orders some food if she can.

2020-04-23, 09:14 AM
Roswyn makes sure Zuri gets the more expensive of the two beers ordered before joining their companions. She listens to the discussions and gazes over the map. They sure didn't pick the cheeriest names around here, she inwardly muses as several names seem too intimidating for such a town to be existing nearby with what seemed like relative stability. She hearitly drinks her beer while she listens, and as the question of their involvement is finally brought up, she chimes into the conversation for the first time. "We're here, they need help, we need cash ... sounds like smooth sailing provided we can continue to beat up some washed-up hobgoblin swabbies."

2020-04-23, 10:01 AM
"I suspect we may not have seen the best they have to offer, and if there is indeed a dragon involved, things may get hot, in more than one sense. We should keep reasonable expectations of the forces we will face. We can hope it will be easy, but if it proves too much, it is better to know what is out their than let these people wait in ignorance."

2020-04-23, 11:36 AM
If no one has touched the sack of coins, Freya will gently tug it over to herself.

"You can count Freya in! ...after a bath and one night's rest. Maybe food... well, could eat on the walk there. But yes, let us scout what this keep keeps inside."

2020-04-23, 11:48 AM
Gaakach was ready to move out right then, but nodded with the others. "Then it seems that we are agreed."

2020-04-23, 12:06 PM
Beorn raises an eyebrow at Aetus, silently seeking his input.

2020-04-23, 01:28 PM

Aetus is looking silently around, eating with gusto. When all others have spoken, he also speaks.

"Count my bow among you weapons. This is a worthwhile goal."

2020-04-23, 02:06 PM
Beorn nods. "It is a job then."

He fetches the speaker and captain back to the table. "We are agreed. You have presented the up-front cost proposed already. Given the urgency of the situation, it would be somewhat unseemly to haggle for more. We cannot promise that the situation will be fully dealt with, as we do not know what it fully is, but will report back findings should it prove beyond our ability. Let us draft up a contract, standard conditions, force majeure and such. We can be ready to depart in the morning, see this woodsman you spoke of."I don't see any need to actually write out an entire contract for real, we can handwave it as RP.

2020-04-23, 02:20 PM
With the decision made, Norro and Soranna thank you. They leave the gold with the sincere hopes that you proceed as soon as possible, but to make sure you're well rested, and leave to attend to other duties. Food arrives before long - a modest but filling affair, and Kellin is sure to stay on top of any requests for more food or drink. There's a stream of other patrons who come and go to the bar - some retiring to rooms while others just drink and then go back to their homes, but the rest of the night is quiet and uneventful.

The rooms are what you've come to expect from inns like this - sparse but comfortable, and night passes quickly.

The morning's light is early, barely past the sixth hour, and it brings another day of sweltering heat and drybone winds. Drellin's Ferry wakes up with dawn though, and the sound of traders carting their wares into the Green begins to fill the air outside your windows. There's banging of chairs and smell of food wafting up through the floorboards, beckoning you downstairs for another day.

2020-04-23, 03:16 PM
Gaakach, in the morning, awoke with a proposition for the group. "May I take twenty of the gold coins we've received in order to purchase a spell component I feel will be helpful to us?"

2020-04-23, 03:18 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

"Of Course, Gaks. Would you like some company walking about town to find it? What are you looking for?"

Zuri passes out goodberries that she cast the night before so everyone gets 10. "You all know the drill, 1 will feed you for the day, and each one will heal you little if you need them. No complaining about the taste."

2020-04-23, 03:21 PM
"I require a pearl. I assume fishers will be the best people to speak with, but I am uncertain of this."

2020-04-23, 03:23 PM
"Or maybe a jeweler. Let's ask the innkeeper."

She flags down the innkeeper (or bartender) "Excuse me, do you know where we can buy a pearl? My brilliant friend here needs it for a spell."

2020-04-23, 03:25 PM
Gaakach held in a smile at the compliment, but her cheeks colored somewhat.

2020-04-23, 05:10 PM
"May I take twenty of the gold coins we've received in order to purchase a spell component I feel will be helpful to us?"

"Shall I divide the coins, then? Or do you wish me to keep a journal of our spending?" Freya asks, primarily to Gaakach, but also generally to the party. She can keep a ledger for the party fund.

"You all know the drill, 1 will feed you for the day, and each one will heal you little if you need them. No complaining about the taste."

"Still a better taste than boiled sheep guts from back home," Freya comments.

2020-04-23, 05:14 PM
"Perhaps dividing them and being done with it would be best," Gaks suggested.
"I hope to add to my spellbook when opportunities present themselves, as well."

2020-04-24, 05:53 AM
Freya will divide the coins-- 40gp each and the extra 10 goes to Gaks for her pearl purchase.

2020-04-24, 06:56 AM
Beorn pockets his share of the coins and the magic berry while attacking his breakfast. "One way or another, I don't expect to be in an inn for a few days, so best eat up. I appreciate reliable sustenance on the road as much as anyone," he nods to Freya, "Indeed have been without it to often not to, but there is something to be said for a hot meal."

(ready to go when everyone else is)

2020-04-24, 08:33 AM
Gaks nodded thanks and went in search of a jeweler witg any willing to travel with her.

2020-04-24, 02:14 PM
Kellin points Gaks in the direction of the sundries store - owned and staffed by one Jarett Nurth. A human woman from the south, with dark hair matching a darker complexion. She does have a pearl in stock, and explains that she keeps a small stash of odd components for Sertieren, the halfling town wizard who lives in a (supposedly) haunted manor on the north end of town.

With the pearl in hand and any other business concluded, the party sets off. It's easy traveling, albeit not particularly fun given the oppressive heat. The canopy of the woods does at least provide some shade against the worst of it. It takes maybe an hour and a half until you come across a deep forest glade. Breaking off the trail is a path leading to a small cabin. A ramshackle front porch is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. The cabin overlooks a small, dark lake, with old grey cedar-trees draped in moss rising out of the water. An old skiff is tied up on the shore nearby, and a little smoke curls from the fieldstone chimney.

While you're still some distance off, three large hunting dogs spring out from beneath the porch and race towards you, growling and barking loudly. They stop roughly ten feet away and don't approach further, but they're clearly not happy to see guests. There's a hint of movement inside the cabin, but it could just be the wind or a shadow playing tricks on your eyes.

If anyone did have anything else they'd like to do in town that got missed before setting off let me know in the OOC thread tyty

2020-04-24, 02:21 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri speaks first to the others, "Dogs! This seems like it should be my job." She smiles, then pulls out a goodberry for each of the dogs and starts to bark at them.

She uses Speech of the Woods "Hi there. We don't mean you any harm. We are just passing through unless there is anything we can do to help you. Here have some treats" she tosses each of them a goodberry. "Can you tell me who lives here? Who is your person?"

Hobgoblins, Tiamat

Drellin’s Ferry
Norrow Winston, Town Speaker
Soranna, Guard Captain
Delora, Stablemaster
Kellin Shadowbanks, Innkeeper, Old brige Inn
Jerett Nurth, Sundries Store
Sertieren, Halfling town wizard in haunted manor on north of town
Jorr, Woodsman 3-4 miles north


2020-04-24, 02:24 PM
Gaks, under the understanding that she'd need to make herself somewhat scarce, moved to the back of the party and pulled up her hood.

2020-04-24, 02:42 PM
Roswyn spends the evening carousing with anyone interested, though she keeps a close eye on her coinpurse, keeping in mind the stablewoman's advice. The next morning she's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for whatever the day has to offer. She scarfs down her breakfast in true halfling manner, hoping that the flavor would last long enough before they had to resort to the goodberries Zuri was handing out. Not that she wasn't grateful, but the request for no complaints prevented her from sharing her true opinion on the magical fruits.

Once on the road, Roswyn is her usual cheerful self, humming the tune to a sailor's shanty up to the point where they're confronted with angry dogs. She stands her ground and keeps a close eye on the dogs as Zuri approaches them. She calls out in case the owner is within earshot, "We don't mean any harm. Just want to ask you about some goblins mucking about, then we'll be gone with the winds."

2020-04-24, 03:01 PM
Freya watches the party's surroundings while Zuri does her dog-whisperer trick. A little paranoia isn't a bad idea.

2020-04-25, 05:00 AM

Aetus starts his day early, taking his long-sought swim in the river. For half an hour or more, he swims around, enjoying the freezing sense of water around him. His spirits high, he eats a hearty breakfast and starts the journey, the memory of the cold water sustaining him

When they get to the woodsman cabin, Aetus also focuses on the dogs. While Zuri speaks with the beasts, Aetus kneels and starts sniffing and yelping, conveying to the dogs that they mean no harm.

Using Primeval Awareness to communicate with the beasts.

2020-04-25, 04:39 PM
The hounds continue barking, turning their nose up at the offered berry. "Back off! No tresspassers! None!" They're agitated, and in no mood for bargaining it seems. They're clearly not hungry. Their hostile demanour changes when the shutter on one of the windows of the cabin slams open. Out from it leans a grizzled human of maybe fifty years, who yells out "Oi you mangy mutts, back 'ere, now." They're well trained, and they quickly shift from irritated and on guard to obedient and happy, rushing back to the cabin. The man slips away and a moment later the cabin's door opens and the lean woodsman steps out onto the porch. He has a seamed, leathery look to his face and arms and a big curved knife sits in a sheath strapped to one thigh. Across his chest lies a longbow to match the quiver full of arrows strapped to his back. The dogs surround him happily, and he gives them light pats on the head. His hands aren't on the weapons, but judging by his stance he's ready to use them if it should come to it.

"Don't get many folks round here, and you ain't look like city-slickers." He rasps. "Who're and what do you want with ol' Jorr?"

2020-04-25, 10:32 PM
"Who're and what do you want with ol' Jorr?"

"We are a team of adventurers, here to help Drellin Ferry end the problem of raiders," Freya says, stepping forward. "I am Freya. These are my companions; Gaakach, Aetus, Zuri, Roswyn, and Beorn. We were told by Lady Soranna that you know of the going ons around these woods, yes?"

2020-04-25, 11:56 PM
Gaks flinched at her distinctly Goblin name as it was used to introduce her.

2020-04-26, 02:58 PM
Jorr's teeth grit at Gaks' full name. "Show me your faces, all of you. No sudden moves." His hand moves towards the knife on his though, though he keeps it in its sheathe for now.

2020-04-26, 03:32 PM
Gaakach slowly removed her hood and stared right at Jorr.

2020-04-26, 05:37 PM
Freya slowly pulls back her hood, still keeping a pleasant attitude. She shows that her hands are empty. "We are all friends here. Just want to ask a few questions. What you know of the area could help save the town."

2020-04-27, 05:44 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri picks up the refused Goodberries and stands with the others, letting Freya do the talking. People always seem to like her better so Zuri has learned not to speak up when something important is on the line. She trusts Freya to handle this.

2020-04-27, 06:44 AM
Beorn speaks in a friendly tone, "If it helps, we cut our way through a bandit ambush on our way into town. Wiped them out, actually. Seems hobgoblins have been a bit of an issue around these parts, so we understand some reticence regarding our companion here. Not all people are the same, reckon the same goes for everybody else."

2020-04-27, 05:17 PM
Roswyn lowers her hood when instructed, but keeps quiet and lets the others do the talking. They were better with words than she was, and she pouted a bit that the dogs weren't within petting distance any more.

2020-04-28, 09:19 AM
"Oh o'course, of course!" Jorr says with the voice of one infuriated by absurdity. He laughs, bitterly. "We're done. Leave. If -" He spits on the ground. " - goblins want to kill each other, I'm not gonna eat a dagger in the back over it. They're all over the woods, I'm sure you'll find some soon enough." With that, he turns back into his cabin, the dogs following him, and slams his door shut. The bang sets a number of birds in the surrounding trees to the skies, cawing loudly at the sharp noise.

I'm not fully better yet but should be back to normal posting. Worst looks to be behind me - so far, at least.

2020-04-28, 09:58 AM
Gaks scowled and unfurled the map.
"It is of no consequence. We were directed to Vraath's Keep, that's right here on the map, on the road away from Drellin's Ferry. All we need do is follow the road and keeps straight when it forks right. Jorr is right about what he implied - we don't need his help, and we're wasting daylight trying to get it."

2020-04-28, 10:11 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri agrees with Gaks. "Well isn't he a grumpy man. Yes, let's leave him be and keep moving."

Hobgoblins, Tiamat

Drellin’s Ferry
Norrow Winston, Town Speaker
Soranna, Guard Captain
Delora, Stablemaster
Kellin Shadowbanks, Innkeeper, Old brige Inn
Jerett Nurth, Sundries Store
Sertieren, Halfling town wizard in haunted manor on north of town
Jorr, Woodsman 3-4 miles north (grumpy and no help)


2020-04-28, 11:40 AM
Beorn shrugs and turns away, ready to move on.

2020-04-28, 12:36 PM
Roswyn nods. Sometimes grumpy old men are just grumpy old men. "Well, he did tell us one thing. Hobgoblins are everywhere, everyone keep a sharp eye."

2020-04-28, 05:41 PM

Freya huffs, but rejoins her companions. "Yes, let us caution and move onward."

She keeps her hands near her weapons and spells on her mind. She was sure they would fight another group of hobgoblin brigands this day.

2020-04-28, 11:24 PM

Seeing that their negotiation failed, Aetus takes the lead and says.

"Let us move away from the farm a little while. Let me see what the ground and wind say. Then I say I go ahead thirty steps and scout"

Aetus sits on the ground and puts his ear to the ground. For a moment or so, he sniffs the air, hears the ground and takes long looks through the trees. He tries to hear and feel the sound of heavy boots moving and sense their passing.

Using Primeval Awareness to see if and where there are hobgoblins in a 5 mile radius, their direction and numbers.
Also, if the others agree, Aetus can move stealthily at full pace. He can stay ahead for 40 feet and scout.

2020-04-29, 06:41 AM
Jorr wasn't lying when he said they were all over - you sense multiple groups of goblins (4-6 per group) from almost all directions - the closest is maybe half a mile south, the furthest is on the far edge of your senses to the north. It looks like the trail west towards the main road is currently clear and there aren't any there currently that are on your path. You do sense a larger group clustering to the southwest, 3-4 miles away, with at least 20 all close together.

With Jorr being a lost cause, you head back on the trail to Vraath Keep. Thanks to Aetus' scouting it's not hard to follow the trail and avoid stumbling on any sudden encounters, and before long you leave the back ways and reach the Dawn Way - a lofty name for a road that's less than impressive at this point. Its main difference from the trail you were just on is the wagon tracks embedded into the dirt and its slightly less covered by vegetation.

The path to Vraath slopes down into a low valley. A wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland here. Trees still protude from the calm, dark waters here and there, but many large reaches seem to be little more than open pools of algae-choked water. Teh trill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of the flooded section, up to a rickety causeway made of thick planks of wood lashes together with mossy rope, just barely wide enough for a wagon to travel down, barely enough room for two people to comfortably walk side-by-side. The wooden auseway runs for several undred feet through teh boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water.

It's maybe just short of noon at this point, with the sun looming high and little shade to be found. The air is teeming with humidity and it stinks of boiling swamp.

Little bit of RP intermission, new set piece event tomorrow - ProudGrognard/Aetus let me know if you're staying scouted up ahead or rejoining the group for the causeway crossing.

2020-04-29, 06:58 AM
Beorn nods toward the causeway. "Mighty fine place for an ambush." He wipes away the sweat from his forehead and takes a pull from his waterskin.

2020-04-29, 07:23 AM
Gaakach nodded agreement, and sent Wibbles of the One Eye ahead to get a good look at the area from a higher vantage point.


2020-04-30, 07:27 AM
As you proceed along the causeway you don't notice anything of particular interest - nothing stands out. A small wagon lays off to one side, a dozen feet or so from the wooden path itself, but it looks old and has been there a while. It's only when Aetus crosses near some especially deep water that five enormous moss-covered reptilian heads spring forth roaring and gnashing with their teeth. Using their long necks they lash out in strong whipping attacks, trying to take chunks from the intrepid ranger. A few find their mark, crunching down on armour and piercing through to skin, though not managing to pull away any delicious flesh.


The walkway is slick and slippery - if you try to Dash while on it, you'll need a DC10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling prone. The green areas to the left and right of the walkway are shallow marsh, so difficult terrain. The blue water running through the middle (where the hydra is) is deep water, roughly 15', so you'd need to swim if you happen to jump or fall in.

The hydra absolutely killed its stealth roll (17+6) so everyone's Surprised. Gonna need Initiative to see if you get to act before the hydra's second round - Hydra's got a 14.

The hydra itself has its body still concealed beneath the swampwater, so only its heads are targettable. I know the token is a purple hydra but please just pretend it's green and covered in moss, thanks. :P

Aetus takes 32 (11, 9, 12) damage from three bite attacks, the other two missed.

2020-04-30, 07:53 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

With the hydra being able to hide in the water, Zuri knows that she needs an animal that can both fight in the water and keep the hydra from escaping or it will keep submerging and attacking us by surprise. Instead of conjuring a random animal like she normally does, Zuri concentrates, prays, and calls forth constrictor snakes to appear right on top of the hydra, commanding them to restrain and kill the hydra.

8 constrictor snakes
Constrictor Snake
Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (2d10+2) (+10 THP from Bear Spirit Totem)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
15 (+2) DEX
14 (+2) CON
12 (+1) INT
1 (-5) WIS
10 (+0) CHA
3 (-4)
Senses Blindsight 10 Ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape dc 14) Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can't constrict another target

Each snake will try to constrict the hydra to restrain it to keep it from escaping. On a hit, target is grappled and restrained, action and DC 14 to escape each grapple.

Attack1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack3: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Attack4: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
Attack5: [roll8] Damage: [roll9]
Attack6: [roll10] Damage: [roll11]
Attack7: [roll12] Damage: [roll13]
Attack8: [roll14] Damage: [roll15]

Not sure how long this spell will last with the hydra likely having at least 5 attacks, but hopefully it's long enough for Aetus to get away and start shooting it.


When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the Attack action to make a Special melee Attack, a grapple. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this Attack replaces one of them.

The target of your grapple must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within your reach. Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target by making a grapple check instead of an Attack roll: a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, you subject the target to the Grappled condition (see Conditions ). The condition specifies the things that end it, and you can release the target whenever you like (no action required).

Escaping a Grapple: A Grappled creature can use its action to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Strength (Athletics) check.

Moving a Grappled Creature: When you move, you can drag or carry the Grappled creature with you, but your speed is halved, unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.


A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack rolls have disadvantage.
The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws.

As soon as the snakes appear, Zuri closes her eyes and a shimmering glow blankets the area, not enough to obscure anything, but looking like the heat off a fire.

As soon as she conjures the snakes, she uses her bonus action to summon her bear sprit totem covering the snakes and all of the players, granting all of us 10 temporary hit points. I think a 30' radius circle can cover all of us.

Spirit Totem: As a bonus action, you can magically summon an incorporeal spirit to a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The spirit creates an aura in a 30-foot radius around that point. It counts as neither a creature nor an object, though it has the spectral appearance of the creature it represents. As a bonus action, you can move the spirit up to 60 feet to a point you can see.

Bear Spirit. The bear spirit grants you and your allies its might and endurance. Each creature of your choice in the aura when the spirit appears gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your druid level. In addition, you and your allies gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws while in the aura.

2020-04-30, 06:37 PM

"Aetus!" Freya squeaks. She quickly gathers her wits and acts fast, casting a healing spell to aid her companion.

Freya will step one square to the right and cast Healing Word on a 3rd level slot. Aetus should be within the 60-foot range.

Healing word: [roll0] HP healed for Aetus.

2020-05-02, 12:18 AM
AC:16 HP 22 +10 temporary

The heads explode all around him out of nowhere. Aetus, for one of the few time sin his life is completely bewildered as heads with long teeth flash around hi, taking chunks off his flesh. The pain is considerable, even after he feels the familiar soothing magic of Freya.

Carefully but with haste, Aintas moves away from the bridge to rejoin his teammates.

Disengage and Move 35 back!

2020-05-02, 03:52 AM
In a burst of swampy water, the eight giant snakes erupt from beneath the surface in a flurry of teeth and scales, trying to find purchase against the many-headed beast. Not all manage it, but enough do that it loses immediate interest in Aetus in favour of trying to remove the scaled attackers. The constricting squeeze of one of the snakes is enough that one of the heads seems to fall unconscious, slamming loudly into the causeway before dropping beneath the surface. The hydra bites back though, and manages to kill and dislodge one of its attached attackers, flinging the body at the massed group, causing it to land nearby with a large splash.

Then, quite without warning, two more heads - bringing the total to six flailing monstrosities - erupt from beneath the churning marsh.


I left Aetus where he is for now since he's just behind the Hydra's initiative so the movement will come after this map.

Just look at what the snakes did to my beautiful map.

One of the restraining snakes dies (so seven left, 3 of which are grappling), another takes 6 damage.

Everyone now gets to act.

2020-05-02, 08:30 AM
Gaks, seeing that the beast was distracted, considered her options. The thing was healing, but there's no way it could keep healing faster than they could kill it. And with all those constrictor snakes around it, it couldn't move. A grim smile lit her face as she fished through her component pouch for a small vial of goat tallow, some of her brimstone, and powdered iron. Then something crossed her mind. She didn't know the water's depth. If it was ten feet or less her sphere could simply hover over it, but otherwise it would fall in and be wasted. She needed to get closer, so instead she grabbed stale tarts and a feather, then waved them in the air.
"Merthaan karlaar!" she shouted, projecting a hideous laughing fit toward the creature.
She then moved as close as she dared to get a better view of the water. "How deep is it?" she asked the others, in case they could tell.

Moving 30 feet closer and casting Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
It needs to add its WIS save bonus to: [roll0]

2020-05-02, 08:53 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri commands her snakes to keep attacking and restraining the monster. She moves to just inside 30’ away and mutters a few words. A long spectral vine lashes out from her hand striking towards one of the heads.

Snake 1: 13HP, 10THP Attack (constrict): [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Snake 2: DEAD
Snake 3: 13HP, 10THP Attack (constrict): [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Snake 4: 13HP, 4THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Snake 5: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
Snake 6: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll8] Damage: [roll9]
Snake 7: 13HP, 10THP Attack (constrict): [roll10] Damage: [roll11]
Snake 8: 13HP, 10THP Attack (constrict): [roll12] Damage: [roll13]

I assume if they are already constricting, they can only bite. If they automatically continue to constrict, then you can add the damage for number 6.

Zuri's Thorn Whip Attack: [roll14] Damage: [roll15]

2020-05-02, 09:28 AM
She then moved as close as she dared to get a better view of the water. "How deep is it?" she asked the others, in case they could tell.

"Is 'deep enough to hide a huge swamp-beastie' not a good depth sounding?" The halfling turns her neck until she hears a satisfying pop before taking a deep breath, grabbing her flail and giving it a start-up spin as she charges forward. "CLAN GEMBROOOOOOKE!" she shouts as she charges forward. As she does, the spectral forms of several halfling warriors from days forgotten charge forward with her, wielding swords, clubs, and even a spectral pan. She makes sure to give the nearest head she can reach a good thrashing with several swings from the flail as the spirits descend upon the other heads.

Bonus Action: Activate Rage!
Move to square SW of Aetus's (former?) map position
Attack: [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Extra Attack: [roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

On a hit, the hydra has disadvantage on all enemies except Roswyn. If they hit anyone other than Roswyn with an attack, the target has resistance to that damage. Roswyn also has resistance to bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage due to rage.

2020-05-02, 03:24 PM

Freya thinks back through her experiences on these monsters. She sees one head crippled, but two more come up from the water? Did they have a weakness she recalled in her travels?

[INT (Nature) check of 16 in OOC thanks to Lucky]

2020-05-02, 11:44 PM

Aetus, safely away from the beast, turns and starts raining arrows on it, as fast and as hard as he can. As he does, he starts singing under his breath the hunting song of his people, focusing his shots. The appearance of more heads, makes him frown even as he shoots

"Solonor megas, how many heads does this thing have?"

Attacking!Since the attacks have Advantage, he uses Sharpshooter, Casts Hunter's mark as a BA

1st Attack: [roll0] Adv [roll1] EA [roll2] and Damage [roll3] and [roll4]

2nd Attack: [roll5] Adv [roll6] EA [roll7] and Damage [roll8] and [roll9]

2020-05-03, 10:57 AM

Freya's experience has not failed her. She shouts to the group. "Use fire! It grows more heads if we do not!"

2020-05-04, 06:51 AM
Beorn gives Freya a half-frown, "Have to leave the fire to the casters. Aetus, keep on hitting it; let the summoned critters take the hits. Keep out distance."giving 2 attacks to Aetus

2020-05-04, 03:02 PM
The hydra struggles and splashes around but is ultimately held in place. Two more heads seem to fall under the onslaught of attacks, before four erupt from beneath the waves to try to fight off its attackers. Even with its now eight heads however, it still looks to be extremely wounded and panicked. You get the sense that if it could, it would currently be fleeing beneath the water, but the snakes are preventing any such attempts.

One of the snakes takes 8 damage (after resistance)

2020-05-04, 03:15 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Zuri commands her snakes to keep attacking and restraining the monster. “Keep up the good work you lovely snakes. Protect my friends and help us kill this monster.” She attacks again with the spectral vine striking at the Hydra’s body, hoping to not pull off one of the heads.

Snake 1: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Snake 2: DEAD
Snake 3: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Snake 4: 9HP, 0THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Snake 5: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
Snake 6: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll8] Damage: [roll9]
Snake 7: 13HP, 10THP GRAPPLING Attack (bite): [roll10] Damage: [roll11]
Snake 8: 13HP, 10THP Attack (constrict): [roll12] Damage: [roll13]

I think 6 of the snakes are grappling now. I added the 8 damage to the already injured snake. If this is not right I can change it. Based on your OOC rolls, I think some of them should have lost some THP but I'm not sure.

Thorn Whip Attack: [roll14] Damage: [roll15]

2020-05-04, 03:48 PM
Gaakach, hearing this, nodded and aimed her free hand at the Hydra.
“Dhegaan rhuuch” she uttered. Fire sprung from her fingers and veered toward the Hydra.

I will put in the color in a second.

FIREBOLT [roll0]; [roll1]

2020-05-04, 05:28 PM

Freya wonders how many heads (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0326.html) this thing can grow. She lacks magical fire spells to contribute, so she opts to just add to the mounting attacks to brute force the creature down.

"Forntida sprängning!" Freya recites, firing two beams of force. She looks over to Gaks and gives her a bit of her bardic inspiration. "I know you can do it! Slow breath, and try again!"

Eldritch Blast at the Hydra--

First beam
(damage [roll] 1d10 force)

Second beam
(damage [roll] 1d10 force)

Giving a point of Bardic Inspiration to Gaks.
(+1d8 to ability check, attack roll, or saving throw)

2020-05-04, 05:32 PM
Roswyn continues swinging her flail, uncaring for how many heads rise up around her. She would prevail.

Attack! [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Extra Attack! [roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

2020-05-04, 11:52 PM

Aetus is too focused to care about how many heads this has and if it can create new ones indefinitely. He sends arrow after arrow in the flailing heads, sure that eventually he will prevail.

OK, lots and lots of rolls

Atk1 [roll0] Adv [roll1] and [roll2] Damage [roll3] plus [roll4]

Atk2 [roll5] Adv [roll6] and [roll7] Damage [roll8] plus [roll9]

Atk3 [roll10] Adv [roll11] and [roll12] Damage [roll13] plus [roll14]

Atk4 [roll15] Adv [roll16] and [roll17] Damage [roll18] plus [roll19]

2020-05-05, 07:10 AM
Beorn analyzes the situation, calling out instruction as he moves up. "All right, keep it up Aetus. It will go down hard when the fire hits. Gak, watch the heads, there is a pattern: there, see that? It creates an opening."two attacks to Aetus, move closer to Gak so aid doesn't use a leadership die, and bonus action aid to Gaks, not that it matters with advantage from the grapple, also expend a leadership die to add 1d8 to the fire damage

2020-05-05, 06:24 PM
Despite the firebolt streaming wide, the combined attacks of the rest of the group are sufficiently damaging that the hydra. One head lurches forward to try to hit Roswyn, but before it can get there all 8 heads in unison collapse limp and sink beneath the waves. Almost as quickly as it had emerged it's gone, leaving nothing but rippling swamp in its wake. A quick glance around shows no further hostilities, and the pregnant pause in the air in case it's a trick passes with silence. Victory is yours.

Moving along to next setpiece tomorrow evening. More rickety causeway until then.

2020-05-05, 08:46 PM
Roswyn braces her shield arm as the head lunges for her, but the body slipping back into the depths allowed her to take a deep breath to relax. "Thank you, ancestors. Please continue to watch over me as I journey through this harsh place."

2020-05-05, 09:22 PM
"Look like there is anything salvageable in the wagon, or is it too far gone?" Beorn points back to the wagon near the causeway.

2020-05-05, 10:01 PM
Gaks moved up the bridge and attempted to peer into the water to find the Hydra. "Better still, could we get one of its brains? Or even some of its blood."

2020-05-06, 12:15 AM

With nary a word, as soon as the hydra goes down, Aerus quickly ties a rope to his waist and to the bridge and dives down in the river after it, with his hatchet and his dagger in hand.

He quickly swims, trying to find a head still floating and cuts it free. He then hauls it all the way up and carves a tooth out of it and perhaps the brain, if he can.

'This goes in my necklace! Anyone else wants one?'

Wet and very pleased with himself, Aetus throws his hands out wide and offers an elvish prayer to Solonor Thelandira.

Swimming if needed [roll0]

2020-05-06, 05:08 AM
The snakes confirm that the hydra is well and truly dead, but their slithering exploration locates a small cache of bodies by the wagon nearby. Presumably this was where the hydra stored food for later. Most of the gear and items are decayed beyond usability, but there's a handful of gold pieces and an ornate axe that, immediately upon touching it, indicates magic.

Can I get a Survival check for carving up the hydra?
23gp in loose coinage

When this magical axe deals a killing blow against an enemy, the wielder gains 1d6 hitpoints.

2020-05-06, 05:58 AM
Freya is not fond of skinning trophies from battle. She prefers the company of a tavern full of drunks who could easily part with some coin for a good performance. It is a much less... mucky affair. Still, don't look gift horses in the mouth.

"I would like a tooth if you are offering, Aetus."

2020-05-06, 06:24 AM
Beorn washes off the coins. "A little something to go in the petty cash box. Lets be careful about that axe until we have a bit of time to make sure it isn't cursed. Didn't do its previous owner enough good in the end, but that may not be the fault of the axe."

2020-05-06, 03:52 PM
"All I can ascertain from it is a benefit," Gaakach noted, passing Aetus the axe back after examining it with her pearl. "And I see no purpose behind cursing an axe and leaving it at the bottom of a lake."

2020-05-07, 06:25 AM
With various teeth and brains recovered successfully, you extricate Aetus from the swamp and keep on your path. It doesn't take long to dry out, but the tiny buzzing bugs are a consistent irritant. The causeway winds and wends forward under the blazing sun before you finally hit the treeline and the merciful overhang of shade to save you from the worst of the heat.

With Aetus in the lead once more, your path continues towards Vraath. Maybe 30 minutes after leaving the causeway, you're alerted to the sounds of snarling and gibbering. On a stealthy approach you spot six goblins all astride large worgs, sniffing and snapping at each other. They're slowly proceeding down the path southwards, in the direction you came from before you shifted off to the treeline. They haven't noticed you and it's likely that if you stayed hidden you could let them pass unnoticed. All the goblins seem armed with blades and bow, and they're proceeding in a distinct triangle formation, which says they've had at least some 'formal' training.

2020-05-07, 11:42 AM
Beorn raises a hand to pause the others, then gives a series of signals. An experienced team like this knows how to run an ambush.Do we get surprise, or will we have to roll for stealth? If we can act, everyone gets a free 10 feet of movement, then Beorn will give two attacks to Aetus.

2020-05-07, 12:36 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

On Beorn's signal, Zuri prepares to cast her spell. She whispers a few words but the chant takes a little longer than she expected. When she finally finishes, vines grow out of the ground and start to wrap around the goblins and worgs.

She casts entangle. Each creature needs to make a DC15 Strength save or be restrained. Once restrained, they need to use their action to make a Strength check to get out.



Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.

A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.

When the spell ends, the conjured plants wilt away.

2020-05-07, 12:46 PM
HP:33 AC:16

Aetus nods slowly and positions himself for maximum coverage and distance, making sure the wolves can easily reach him. At the count of three, he comes out and starts raining arrows at the goblin riders, following Beorn's guidance. He then steps back to cover.

Soooo, in case he has advantage and Five (!?!) attacks, he will pick a thicket of trees for cover. Then, he will move, shoot and get back to cover. Sharpshooter, Elven accuracy and Favored Enemies

Atk1 [roll0] and [roll1] and [roll2] dmg [roll3]

Atk2 [roll4] and [roll5] and [roll6] dmg [roll7]

Atk3 [roll8] and [roll9] and [roll10] dmg [roll11]

Atk4 [roll12] and [roll13] and [roll14] dmg [roll15]

Atk5 [roll16] and [roll17] and [roll18] dmg [roll19]

EDIT: It could have gone better, but with some luck one or two riders will be out

2020-05-07, 12:50 PM
Gaks doubled down on Zuri's plan and withdrew a spiderweb from her component pouch, which she expanded into a massive spider-web that was interspersed between the plants, reinforcing the difficulty of getting through.

So the wargs and possibly the goblins will need to make dexterity saves at the start of their turns or become restrained, requiring strength checks to get out on subsequent turns. Better yet, if they succeed but are restrained by entangle, starting their turn in the web forces them to make the save vs restrained again.



2020-05-07, 01:20 PM
Roswyn hurls a pair of javelins at any surviving riders before running adjacent to the edge of the webs and vines. Maybe she could flank any riders trying to flee and cut off their escape.

Attack:[roll1] or [roll2] for [roll3]
Extra Attack: [roll4] or [roll5] for [roll6]

2020-05-07, 04:20 PM

She watches the goblins and worggos pass by. Then the party attacks! Freya will follow up at the end of the strike with a lullaby to put several of the group to sleep.

[roll0] HP worth of enemies.

2020-05-08, 06:27 AM
The patrol is taken utterly by surprise. They didn't see you coming at all, and it's reflected by their inability to respond to the onslaught of magics and projectiles that fly their way. One of Roswyn's javelins flies wide, but the other bites into the nearest goblin. Any response he might have had to this is cut off when Freya's sleep spell knocks him out, though his harness keeps him in the saddle. Aetus' arrows are similarly successful, striking two dead while the remaining arrows plink off of armour and shields or skirt past their targets.

The combination of webs and swirling vines that spring forth from Gaks and Zuri grasp at a number of them, though some of the targets break free and try to rouse their companions to do the same.


You've got half-cover while in the treeline, that's the only 'special' terrain here.

White box=Webbed area
Green box=Entangled area

Top Left Goblin - Took a javelin to the face, now asleep, but Worg awake
Top Middle Goblin - He's webbed, his Worg is entangled.
Top Right Goblin - He's fine, his Worg is entangled.
Middle-Left 'Goblin' - Died to an arrow, Worg is fine.
Middle-Right Goblin - He's entangled, his Worg is webbed.
Bottom 'Goblin' - Died to an arrow, Worg is fine.

Hope that clears it up? Lots of spell effects hitting around at once. Let me know if there's any confusion. I tried to accommodate spell effects not directly overlapping but still hitting multiple targets as best they could.

Final initiative count was:

Roswyn - 20
Aetus - 19
Gaks - 13
Beorn - 10
Freya - 10
Goblins+Worgs - 9
Zuri - 4

So Roswyn through to Freya get another turn before the goblins+worgs will finally get to (potentially) act.

2020-05-08, 06:54 AM
Beorn points to the nearest worg, "Focus on the free worgs, don't let them escape."Bonus action is to aid someone's attack (does Aetus already have advantage? Will aid the first attack made without advantage)
Will move straight to the right to try to physically block escape.
Action is to give Aetus two attacks (this is getting familiar)

2020-05-08, 04:05 PM

She hears Beorn's command and it seems logical enough to her. Freya points to the [Bottom Worg] and lets lose her twin beams of force to slay the creature.

Attacking the bottom worg in hopes to teach it to play dead. Forever. :3
Beam 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] force

Beam 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] force

2020-05-08, 04:21 PM
"Duuch daan Draal!" Gaks cried out, flicking her wrist upward. Decay and rot carried over the worg that Freya had injured, threatening to suck away its vitality.

It needs to add its WIS bonus to [roll0] and make a 15
Or take [roll1] necrotic damage.

2020-05-08, 05:44 PM
Roswyn keeps moving to cut off the retreat of the worgs and their riders, reaching for her flail before lashing out with enough force to almost throw off her balance. If she weren't so small she would try and tackle one of the worg to keep it from escaping, but she had to settle with cutting off their retreat.

Move to be diagonally adjacent to top left and top right Worg for the purpose of triggering AoOs.


Attacking Top Left Worg
Reckless Attack: [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Extra Attack: [roll3] for [roll4]

2020-05-09, 12:49 AM
HP:34 AC:16

Aetus once again fires from cover, targeting goblins first and then worgs. He is smiling grimly, seeing that his enemies are entangled and he can aim better.

"Solonor,aist- mime cú!"

Here we go, Sharpshooter and elven accuracy and Hunter's mark as BA
1st attack [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2] dmg [roll3] add +2 if goblin and [roll4] from HM
2nd attack [roll5] or [roll6] or [roll7] dmg [roll8] add +2 if goblin and [roll9]
3rd [roll10] or [roll11] or [roll12] dmg [roll13] add +2 if goblin and [roll14]
4th [roll15] or [roll16] or [roll17] dmg [roll18] add +2 if goblin and [roll19]

2020-05-09, 06:50 AM
Gaks and Freya's spells combine to bring down the lead worg, shattering the formation that was already crumbling. This isn't helped by Aetus deftly taking out all four remaining goblin riders in a flurry of arrows, leaving only the pack of worgs to contend with.

The one that Roswyn cut off from escaping to the north and struck, lacking any direction or guidance, bursts away from his attacker through into the treeline right into Aetus. Surprised, it lunges onto him, knocking him onto his back and biting into the arm that he flung up to protect his exposed neck. The dead goblin rider flops precariously back and forth on the worg's back as it shuffles left and right trying to get, a farcical mockery of life and death. Another worg manages to free itself, and rushes to attack Roswyn from behind.


Three central worgs are webbed. One broke free of the entangle but then got webbed (good job).
Aetus is knocked prone.
Roswyn can use her reaction to attack the fleeing worg if she wants, but I didn't calculate it changing how the turns go so I'll leave the rolls up to you.

2020-05-09, 07:50 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

In an attempt to force the Worg away from Aetus, Zuri steps up to it, hold out her hand and a thunderous boom erupts, knocking into the great, ugly beast.

She moves one square up and one to the right and casts Thunderwave, DC15 CON save or [roll0] damage and pushed 10' away, hopefully saving Aetus from needing to disengage. Save for half and no push. Could you resolve this before Aetus goes so he knows what he needs to do.



Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: Self (15-foot cube)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed.

In addition, unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically pushed 10 feet away from you by the spell’s effect, and the spell emits a thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet.

2020-05-09, 10:29 AM
The worg in her face gave Gaks a pretty simple idea of what to do.
"Duuch daan Draal!" Gaks said again, once more leeching away at life, this time of the dog that had just gone for Aetus.

It needs to add its WIS bonus to [roll0] and make a 15
Or take [roll1] necrotic damage.

2020-05-09, 11:24 AM

"Bad dog! Sit your runty butt down like the pup you are!" Freya commands with a vicious tone of mockery.

Casting Vicious Mockery at the close worg, the one on Aetus.

Worg must make a WIS save (DC 15) or take [roll0] psychic damage and have Disadvantage on its next attack.

2020-05-11, 07:15 AM
Unable to aid Aetus, he leaves him in the hands of the others. Beorn lays into the worg in front of him with his blade. "Roswyn, don't let that one escape."attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

IF worg drops, move 'NORTH' 10 feet and bonus action expend leadership die to aid another on Roswyn, next attack has advantage

2020-05-11, 10:10 AM
Roswyn lashes out at the single Worg which broke rank before folinw up with a pair of swings at the would-be flanker. "C'mon you mangy dogs, think just because you're bigger I can't keep up?"

Attack of Opportunity: [roll0] for [roll1]
Attacking the upper Worg: [roll2] or [roll3] for [roll4]
Extra Attack: [roll5] for [roll6]

2020-05-11, 11:23 PM

Intent on his shooting, Aetus does not act fast enough to avoid the worg coming on him. He is knocked down. As he does, he rolls and comes up running, taking strength from the ground and wind itself.

He comes up and starts moving away from the worg, shooting all the while.

Casting Zephyr Strike as a BA. Standing up and moving away 45/2= 20 ft without provoking AoO.

Two attacks this round, the first with advantage, against the warg

1st attack [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2] dmg [roll3]
2nd attack [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2020-05-12, 05:40 AM
Despite not understanding Freya's words, the worg atop Aetus is clearly thrown off balance by the magic that strikes it, though it resists that of Gaks. It's enough to force it back, and then be sent flying by the wave of energy that Zuri unleashes. It's launched away, slamming into tree after tree with sickening crunches before it falls down dead.

One of Aetus' arrows goes wide, but the other strikes the worg beside Beorn, giving him ample opportunity to drive his sword deep into the enormous creature's neck. Blood seeps down the blade and onto his hands as the beast falls and gurgles it's last sad howl.

Roswyn and her worg strike at each other but neither seem to find purchase on a proper hit. It lashes out, trying to bite down on her head, but she dodges barely. A flash of realisation seems to come over the worg as it chances to glance beyond his target at the dead, and it spins in place, bolting north down the trail away from you. One of its allies follows suit, leaving just one worg behind still struggling and barking furiously against the webs.


For distance on the northernmost worg, he's 60' from Gaks, 55 from Roswyn, 70 from Beorn/Zuri, 80 from Freya and 90 from Aetus. Knock off 15' for the one just below him. Just to save you from counting squares for range.

Roswyn gets another reaction chance on the fleeing worgs - please specify which you'd like to hit. Have I kept consistent with it being worg and not warg? I don't know, and I'm not going to check. It should be worg. One of the two finally escaped the webbing, but there's still one stuck.

2020-05-12, 05:56 AM

"We have some runners," Freya mutters softly. She quickly gestures her hands together and unleashes an eldritch blast of magic at the lead escaping worg, hoping to injure it badly so it can be taken down before it gets away.

Eldritch Blast at the top most worg, 90 feet away.

Bolt 1: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Bolt 2: [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2020-05-12, 07:02 AM
Beorn skirts the edge of the spell effects to interpose himself between the final trapped worg and those fleeing, giving a shout. "Drop the runners if you can!"2 attacks to Aetus and moving North, then west to stay out of the spell areas

2020-05-12, 07:21 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Along with the others, Zuri runs after the fleeing Worgs, a spectral vine appears in her hand and she whips it, lashing out at the trailing Worg in an attempt to trip it and pull it back. "Stop!" She yells at the Worg.

Thorn whip attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] and pull it back 10'

Edit: looks like I'll only be able to reach the trailing Worg so I changed the post above. 30' of movement followed by 30' reach of the thorn whip.

2020-05-12, 08:42 AM

Still chanting his druidic chant, Aetus moves faster than most humanoids, unleashing two arrows as he does.

With Zephyr Strike, Aetus has MV 45 so he pursues. He rolls two attacks, the first with advantage and Sharpshooter.

1st attack [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2] dmg [roll3]
2nd attack [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2020-05-12, 10:08 AM
Gaks moved her target to the trailing worg, as the other was getting focus fire from Aetus and it was her opinion that it was already dead. She flicked her crippled hand up once more, feeling the familiar pain of working magic with her weakened hand. She transferred that pain to the worg, leeching life once more. "Duuch daan Draal!"

Toll the Dead on the closer of the fleeing worgs.
It must add its WIS save bonus to [roll0]; beat a 15 or suffer
[roll1] necrotic damage.

2020-05-12, 12:08 PM
Roswyn swings her flail at the fleeing worgs. She stashes her flail for a time as the two remaining worgs seem intent on getting away, hurling the last of her javelins while running to catch up with the escapees.

AoO on the upper worg: [roll0] for [roll1]
Move straight north 15'
Attack the upper worg: [roll2] for [roll3]
Extra Attack: [roll4] for [roll5]
Move north 20'

2020-05-12, 02:00 PM
The combined might of the party brought to bear is enough to halt any chances of escape. Zuri's thorn whip drags one back towards the group while an assortment of magic, arrows and javelins tear into the two fleeing animals. The yelps are short and quickly cut off. Dead, like the rest.

Only one worg is left that Beorn moved to intercept. It keeps struggling at the webs but ultimately fails to break free. It barks, loudly, but it's sound and fury signifying nothing but failure.

If you want to roll attack/damage, it's up to you, but honestly there's essentially a zero% chance that the worg survives the next turn even without expending resources - since he's still restrained, all attacks against him have advantage. I dunno, do people wanna roll dice? The option's there but if someone wants to just RP executing the worg (it won't surrender) then...first come first serve.

S'up to you, but combat's 'won'. I'll shift to next setpiece either tomorrow night or thursday morning unless it looks like people are in the middle of something STEAMY so kinda free RP time as you keep making your way north.

2020-05-12, 02:08 PM
I think I'll take the execution if that's alright.

Gaks spurted fire from her hands, catching the web aflame to cook the worg in burning thistles and webbing until it thudded down, dead.
"We should search the goblins," Gaks said. "Look for clues on how long they were expected to be away - and how long we have before they're missed."

2020-05-12, 04:37 PM

"Do we want to track the path they took back to where they started?" Freya asks the group.

2020-05-12, 04:50 PM
Gaks nodded. "It's the best lead we have."

2020-05-12, 04:57 PM
Roswyn sifts through the looted weapons and grabs a shortbow and 20 arrows for herself after grabbing all her javelins. Couldn't hurt to have something that could send an arrow farther than she could throw anything. At the suggestion of tracking the worgs back, she agrees. "If we can follow them back to their safe harbor, we can get a better idea of what we're really dealing with."

2020-05-12, 06:14 PM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

"Yes. They came from the way we are going anyway so let's keep going. Does anyone have some way to scout ahead so we don't risk Aetus getting attacked again?"

2020-05-12, 06:35 PM
Gaks nodded to her bat, Wibbles of the One Eye. "Fly ahead of us, but always within range of our link," she told him, and the bat (secretly a fiend!) flew off.

2020-05-12, 10:06 PM

"So we follow, but stay off the road, yes?"

2020-05-12, 10:08 PM
"What's wrong with the road?" Gaks asked. "If the tracks are on the road, don't we need to stay on the road to follow them?"

2020-05-13, 05:48 AM

"Well, I do not wish for us to be ambushed in return. We only need one of us to read the tracks, no?" Freya explains.

2020-05-13, 06:44 AM
Beorn weighs in, "We have no knowledge of the frequency of their patrols. I advise a cautious advance; when our forward eyes, thank you Gaks, are in a position to see before we are seen, the road will be safe enough to be worth the convenience; we can move off the road and set up our own ambush if anything is spotted. It will be some time before news of this skirmish reaches the ears of anyone who can ambush us in return."

2020-05-13, 09:15 AM
Gaks nodded at the thanks. "Is there any need for mounts? If anybody requires a respite, as I do not, I can take the time to provide steeds for us."

2020-05-13, 05:06 PM

"I am okay walking. I would prefer to horse around at a tavern with tales of our victories," Freya humors, "I should pen a ballad about the hydra vanquished today."

2020-05-13, 05:24 PM
Gaks nodded and sent Wibbles of the One Eye ahead while she fell in line walking, deciding not to create a horse until they were at a tavern.

2020-05-13, 06:07 PM
Roswyn agrees, "I'm all set to keep marching. Horses make noise, and we don't want to be heard."

2020-05-14, 05:03 AM

Aetus looks mildly offended by the suggestion that he should let someone else scout.

"I will look for tracks either way"

he says, as he starts to move stealthily but quickly, his eyes darting around.

Survival [roll0] Advantage if there are Humanoids there [roll1] . Moving at normal pace, staying 35 feet ahead of the group.
Stealth [roll2]

2020-05-14, 06:15 AM
The tracks are easy enough to follow - and they do take you on your intended destination to begin with. It's still a few hours of careful path following but you're not disturbed by any further patrols, either on the ambushed or the ambusher side. The road eventually forks, with the main path continuing north and the tracks leading west. A quick consultation of the map you received from the Speaker confirms the suspicion that you're headed directly to Vraath Keep.

While it's not quite dusk when you approach, it's not far off. Looming out of the shadowy woods ahead is the haunting sight of a ruined keep. The old castle sits on a small rocky hillock, and you can catch glimpses of a broken tower between the trees. A moss-covered stone at the side of the road you're following marks a footpath that looks like it leads up to the keep. Aetus easily identifies that numerous humanoids - some with much larger feet than him - and several large wolves/worgs have been using this track recently.

The old keep is in very poor repair. The gatehouse is partially collapsed, as is a section of wall to the south. A small wooden building sits next to the remains of a long-abandoned garden in front of the structure. The walls surrounding the keep are about fifteen feet high, with a two story tower rising up in the southwest corner within. Large boulders lie strewn amid the ruins of the two watch towers, and a massive humanoid skeleton, maybe 18 feet tall, slumps amid the ruins of the northern one. The skeleton wears the tattered fragments of hid armour, and a large club lies next to one of its bony arms. If there are any inhabitants, you can neither see nor hear them from your position a few minutes walk way from the keep walls.

How you gonna approach this?

2020-05-14, 06:37 AM
Beorn studies the walls. "If we rest and move in fresh, there is a chance that they might discover us via patrols or get word of the missing patrol. We still have light. While some of us can operate in darkness, I expect most of them can, so would we would be at a disadvantage if we linger too long. I expect that the gate and gap are watched if anyone resides here, so don't know that either is more favorable. So, do we go now, or wait for dawn?"

2020-05-14, 06:42 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

"Since it is almost dusk, I suggest we find a place to hide inside one of Gak's magic huts for the night and investigate the keep at first light in the morning. I think that gives us a better chance of catching anything inside asleep. If everyone else wants to go in now, though, that's fine with me too."

2020-05-14, 08:58 AM
Gaks called her bat back to her, but didn't offer commentary on whether dusk or dawn would be preferable - the choice didn't affect her much, she had the same advantages in the dark as their foe. In her mind the choice was Aetus's if it was not Beorn's, for he had been chewed on by a massive multi-headed serpent earlier that day.

2020-05-14, 04:27 PM

"Delaying till dawn would allow us rest for the coming confrontation contained within the keep," Freya proses, "However, they will know by then that one of their patrols is slain. We would be at our best, but so would they. It will be an epic encounter, and I am okay with that."

2020-05-15, 05:20 AM

"I say we rest and observe. It would be best if we do that while rested. But unless we have magic, let us use no fire nor make any sound. If you want, I can scout for you now, see if anyone is there. I make a convincing hobgoblin.

Otherwise, I will look for a good, hidden spot to scout."

Survival to find a place where we can remain hidden while resting. [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

From Gloom Stalker, also hidden by Darkvision

2020-05-15, 05:28 AM
As you settle in for the night nearby and make a small covered camp, you notice a thin plume of smoke rising from the southern section of the keep. Shortly afterwards, a sickly greenish-yellow light flickers inside the second floor of the ruined tower, and the faint sound of eerie moaning can be heard from within.

The night passes quietly and without issue, those on watch are unbothered by any wandering creatures or monsters - perhaps they steer clear of the Keep since the new occupants moved in and you face no ambushes. There's a slight chill in the air due to lack of cloud cover, but it's more relative to the scorching heat of the day than actual cold. In the distance you hear the occasional wolf howl or other animal call, but they're all far off.

The dawn comes and you're faced with another day of clear skies and scorching heat. Time to go.

Long rest occurs - refresh your HP, HD, spells, etc.

Are you going to approach the keep from the east or south? Will you check the exterior shack?


Here's a nice fog-of-war'd map to give you an idea of what you can see from outside the keep - it's not much! But just to give you an idea of size/layout.

2020-05-15, 07:00 AM
Beorn begins strapping on his armor. "Alright, we have a fresh day. Let's get ready, with any luck they will sleep in. Thoughts on approach? Seems they ought to guard both, if they of a mind to set a guard. Scrambling over the broken wall might slow things down if a withdraw is required. Have to be prepared."

2020-05-15, 07:53 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

"The tower can see anything West and South, and they are likely watching the road to the East, so I think we should approach from the North, then work our way around the corner, staying along the wall on the front of the building on the East, and try to enter from the rubble on the northern section of the East entrance. This should cut down on any cover they could use to defend against us.

Perhaps Aetus can hide in the woods with a clear view of the entrance to give us cover. If we get stopped, I could summon some animals to attack from the south end of the east entrance."

Are there any visible guards, arrow slits, windows or battlements that could ruin this plan?

2020-05-15, 08:50 AM
Gaakach hastily armored up, strapping her shield to her less dominant but stronger hand. "Shall I send Wibbles ahead? To get a clear view? Or do we fear that that would alert them to our approach?"
Though as an afterthought, Gaks added: "Though I could turn him invisible."

2020-05-15, 09:34 AM
"A quick overflight would be helpful. I doubt Wibbles would attract much attention, so I doubt the spell will be required. After that, we can decide is the circuitous route is needed.

2020-05-15, 09:53 AM
Gaks nodded and woke up Wibbles, who was hanging upside down in her cloak. "Wibbles of the One Eye, we have need of your services. Perform a flyover above the walls, come back, and tell me what you see."
The one-eyed bat chirped happily and flew over the keep walls and, hopefully, back.

2020-05-15, 11:25 AM

"I agree with using the east main gate. Large gap to get inside before archers attack," Freya says. "Distraction could be useful too."

2020-05-15, 11:25 AM
The courtyard is empty save for boulders and the massive skeletons of long-dead giants. The room on the north side is covered, but judging by its hatched top it's most likely a stable or similar animal pen.

The room adjacent to the tower, to the southwest, is also covered but this time with stone. There's a small hollowed hole in the ceiling which is, presumably where the smoke was coming from last night. You can't see much from your position above, unless you wish to risk getting closer.

The room to the southeast is the most interesting - any roof it had has crumbled leaving it open air despite its four walls. Sleeping in this room is a large winged beast. Its body resembles that of a lion, its wings a dragon, and its head somewhat humanoid head. It has long tail had a cluster of spikes that look exceedingly dangerous, and potentially fatal to Wibbles

2020-05-15, 11:42 AM
Gaks called Wibbles back while she still could and nodded. "There's something incredibly dangerous in there. Wings of a dragon, body of a lion, almost human head. Ever heard of something like that?" she asked the party in general.

2020-05-15, 01:18 PM
"Strange; I expected a goblin outpost. Perhaps it is in charge? I would be concerned about anyone that could keep such a beast as a pet."

2020-05-15, 01:32 PM
"How dangerous could it be? Sounds like someone took the least dangerous parts of each animal."

2020-05-15, 05:00 PM
"There's something incredibly dangerous in there. Wings of a dragon, body of a lion, almost human head. Ever heard of something like that?"

Freya scratches her head. "Nothing like that while sober, no."

2020-05-16, 04:45 AM

Aetus thinks carefully, and an old camp tale comes to mind, from an elderly hunter who had fought something similar.

"I think that you call this a manticore. We call it Dhelarhiss. It can fly, and it can shoot spiked from its tail, sometimes poisonous. It is not too bright, but smarter than a dog. It would be a dangerous foe, but I think I can take it down in an archery contest."

2020-05-16, 05:37 AM
With a plan of attack decided, you make your approach. You pass the gatehouse first - it's seen better days. The watchtowers to either side have partially collapsed and several large boulders lie strewn about without any sign of cleaning attempt. The decayed remains of two sets of large wooden gates lie in a heap on the ground. Passing through the splintered wood you enter the courtyard of hard-packed earth that has an eerie air of desolation. Jagged boulders embedded in the ground seem to have been dropped here, or thrown from a great distance. Many of the walls bear large dents and cracks where the boulders probably struck. Two massive skeletons lie at opposite ends of the courtyard, one propped up by the watchtower to your left, and the other sprawled at the far end by what you judge to be the stables or other animal pen.

As you step into the courtyard proper, you note a hole in the walls of the buildings to the southwest and the 'stables'. From your current angle, neither give you line of sight into the rooms proper. You can hear muffled foot shuffles to the southwest and the snoring of the manticore, but that's all for now.


I hope the doors are clear on each part of the wall? One door to the stables immediately to your north, two doors to the manticore room - one south and one through the ruined watchtower, and one door into the "firepit" room immediately to the west.

Also I've got no idea how Aetus' token got rotated slightly but I'm not gonna fix it for now, I'll do it for the next map.

2020-05-16, 06:20 AM
Zuri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2111362)

Surprised that we weren't stopped on our way in, Zuri is happy that we have this opportunity. She uses some of the well-practiced combat signs that Beorn and Aetus had taught her to suggest that we take out the Manticore silently and quickly. She wouldn't want to have to fight it at the same time as whatever else lives here. She waits for a reply from the others before getting in position to attack, knowing that most of the attack will be carried out by Aetus.

As the team prepares, she scans the room, including looking up to make sure nothing will surprise us from above.

I assume that the rotation to Aetus' picture is just a hint that someone should look up. :smallsmile:

Perception: [roll0]

2020-05-16, 10:59 AM

Freya studies one of the skeletons, ust to be sure it is just bones and not animated by foul magics.

Arcana or Investigation? Both have the same modifier: [roll0]

2020-05-16, 11:16 AM
Gaks sent Wibbles into the open door on the north wall, to make sure they really were in a deserted camp.

2020-05-16, 12:13 PM
The 15' sheer walls on the Manticore's 'room' show no real footholds or handholds that might offer an easy way to climb over. The hard ground means that most tracks are light and blended into each other, but you do note what looks like hooves in some. Nothing else stands out.

From what you can tell, they're just skeletons. Ordinary, dead skeletons.

The scent of animal gets stronger as Wibbles approaches the gap, and poking its tiny bat head round the corner it immediately spots two Worgs sleeping there in what look to have originally been stable pens for horses but repurposed for the enormous canines. One, seemingly confused by the new scent, sniffs the air somewhat, but stays asleep for now. Though Wibbles can't spot anything further from their current position, they do hear the sound of two more sleeping creatures further in - much smaller than the worgs though.

2020-05-16, 12:23 PM
Gaks dismissed and resummoned Wibbles rather than having him flap his wings back. Worgs, she mouthed to the others, and attempted to open her crippled hand enough to show two fingers, but gritted her teeth and instead blinked pointedly twice.

2020-05-16, 12:28 PM
Beorn whispers to the others, "we are exposed in the courtyard. If the manticore can fly, best not let it make use of that advantage. Aetus, check the door to the north, if it is clear we will have cover."

2020-05-16, 05:48 PM
Freya nods to Beorn and is ready to move to a better defensible spot.

2020-05-17, 02:34 AM

Aetus nods and very slowly and carefully scouts the door, going from shadow to shadow.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2020-05-17, 04:46 AM
As Aetus pushes against the wooden door it creaks slightly, and for a moment it sounds like the occupants of the stables might wake up, but it passes just as quickly - presumably their sleep-addled minds puts it down to the wind. The floor of the stables has a thin layer of dry, moldering straw thrown across the floor. Immediately ahead of Aetus is a decrepit, dust-ckaed forge and a large mound of moldy straw. A battered table and four chairs sit in the middle of the room. To the west, four horse stalls divide up the remaining space, though two of these are now occupied by beds and sleeping goblins, alongside the two with worgs.

They're all still asleep.