View Full Version : Fist of Dal Quor question..

2020-04-13, 01:31 AM
I was looking at Fist of Dal Quor prestige class.

Is it just me or is stunning strike worded wierdly? At basic level up to class level times a day, effect per stunning fist feat. Pretty straight forward. Increasing the DC by 1 per 4 power points spent on it with cap on PP spent being class level? This makes it only increaseable at class level 4 and 5 ( unless you do something like bloodlines or uncanny trickster shenanigans ). Was this intentional? Or how was it supposed to be.

Now for already having Stunning fist entry ( with heavily implying monk levels ). If you already have stunning fist feat, you get additional attempts per day per class level? The way this is worded, is this in addition to the up to 5 attempts provided at the basic level? Meaning a fighter 4 ( Ignoring stunning fist pre-reqs for this questioning ) / FoDQ 5 with stunning fist feat would have 5 stunning strikes per class level + 5 Stunning fist attempts per FoDQ class levels + 1 more stunning fist from 4 levels of fighter + 1 stunning fist more from atleast 4 levels of FoDQ class levels ( non-monk )? So 5 stunning strikes plus 7 stunning fists ?

Even more wierd wording...

Monk 4 / FoDQ 5. 5 stunning strikes + 9 stunning fist attempts ( FoDQ stacking with monk levels who chose it as a bonus feat ) + 5 more stunning fist for already having it as a feat before getting it as class feature ( class level added to attempt uses per day ) + 1 more for atleast 4 levels of FoDQ ( non-monk ) ? So 5 stunning strikes + 15 stunning fist attempts?

Please tell me the right way to do this or is this all RAW? ( assuming the fighter example ignores the Pre-reqs for stunnign fist ).