View Full Version : Heart Cliff's Solo Adventure - Valis Draconis

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2020-04-13, 11:48 AM
You were watching the day laborers loading your adoptive father's ship with the last of the old furniture that Orin didn't have the heart to part with. The weather was unseasonably warm for May and sweat was pouring from the men's broad backs, leaving dark spots on their shirts and unfortunately also on the comfortable old recliner one of them was carrying.

Suddenly, there was a noise that you are all to familiar with and that traditionally had very little use in this part of the harbor: Someone was crying for help - faintly.
Knowing the city like your own pocket, you have quite a good idea where that cry for help is coming from: A dark alley between two warehouses that an unwary citizen might think off as a short cut, when all it was, was an almost certain, but short interaction with some of the local cut throats.

Are you prepared to leave your post to investigate, or do you wait until the worker have finished their job so they don't steal anything?

2020-04-13, 11:57 AM
Heart looks at the workers. She knows some of them are good people, who wouldn't dream of stealing. She knows others are... Not as forthright. But, she knows Orin can live with losing some of his belongings. It won't kill him. The person crying for help? No guarantee there.

She sprints off towards where she knows the sound to be coming from, readying her daggers.

Using Feline Agility and City Secrets to SPRINT LIKE A MADWOMAN.

2020-04-13, 12:32 PM

The alley is dark, thanks to your darkvision you have advantage

As you suspected, someone was foolish enough to cross through the alley and now two burley men are in the process of punching another one into submission. Both men are wearing harbor worker's gear but something doesn't look right with their outfits. Their victim is hidden from view, but from their movements you can assume whoever it is now getting kicked the everloving drek out of them.
The cries for help have gone and are replaced now by lowkey crying - a boy's voice, probably not older than 14 or 15.

Perception check DC 15
Passive perception of the two is 11

2020-04-13, 12:41 PM
Heart takes a moment to lay the groundwork for quickly taking the two goons out, hoping that the boy can take the beating for just a little longer.

Activating Bane on them

But, to try to get them to stop, she shouts in an imposing voice from the edge of the alley. Alright, I found some of them! Get your ass over here, privates-you can handle it. Hell, we outnumber them six to two!

Deception Check. [roll0]

I don't anticipate it lasting LONG, but if I can get them to lay off the boy for just a bit, I can then dash in next round and stab them good, with Bane.

2020-04-13, 12:51 PM
Bandit 1 Insight [roll0]
Bandit 2 Insight [roll1]

Your bluff works like a charm - both immediately stop kicking the boy.
"It's the fuzz, get the door, I have the stone."
And indeed one of them vanishes deeper into the small alcove while the other stoops down to pick something up, giving you ample opportunity to charge in

AC 12
HP 11

2020-04-13, 12:57 PM
Heart rushes in, quiet and deadly, and stabs into the thug. She's aiming to incapacitate, not kill, but won't pull punches if she has no choice.



Two attacks, one as a bonus action from TWF. No stat mod on the second attack.

2020-04-13, 01:03 PM
The surprise assault is successful and the man goes down - unfortunately with a rather nasty bleeding stab wound.
His companion though isn't unprepared - a nasty sabre in his hand, he turns around to help his friend

[roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

But in the darkness of the alley, his swing goes predictably wide, leaving him open for your retaliation.

2020-04-13, 01:09 PM
Heart follows up, two quick swipes, and...



Leaves him with a nasty cut on his side. He's not out yet, though.

2020-04-13, 01:20 PM
The pain is enough for the man - rather than stick this out, he turns and runs for the open door that leads into the interior of a large warehouse, turning a corner and getting lost from sight.

Bandit uses disengage option and runs into the building.

It's tempting to run after the man - he certainly can't match a Tabaxi's speed - but there is no telling what else is waiting inside, or if the boy at your feet can be left alone in his current condition.

Perception test if you want to follow the fleeing man,
otherwise a DC 10 Medicine test for the boy

2020-04-13, 01:24 PM
Heart knows that, much as it might feel satisfying to hunt him down, it won't do any good. She turns her attention to the boy, administering aid as best she can.


50/50 shot.

She quickly realizes that, no, she's not in any way, shape, or form prepared to help him enough, so hefts him in her arms. She moves out of the alley, as carefully and quickly as she can, while calling for help. We've got someone injured over here! Does anyone know how to help?

2020-04-13, 01:39 PM
The boy is out of it, but luckily there is help not far away: The local herbalist, Isa, is just across the street and knows enough about healing to provide aid.
And indeed, as she carefully examines the boy, the old gnome woman gives you a reassuring smile: "Don't worry, your little friend here will recover - although he'll wish for some time he had died. Here that should wake him up again."
With her free hand she breaks a small bean and waves it under the boy's nose. The acrid smell nearly causes you to gag, but it has the desired result - the boy opens his eyes, moans and looks around confused. His fine clothes look like those of an apprentice for a well to do artisan, despite being soiled by blood and dirt now.
"What... where am I..." suddenly, he frantically pats himself down. "Where is it, where is the stone?"

2020-04-13, 08:38 PM
You were attacked by two men. I heard you calling for help, and came to give aid. One of them is in the alley, unconscious. The other got away, she informs him. Isa, thank you. I'm no good with medicine or healing.

2020-04-14, 02:49 AM
"Thank you" the boy gingerly touched his split lip and the steadily swelling eye. "I'm Sven Anquis, first year at the university. And I'm pretty much fragged now. I was supposed to bring an important artifact to master Ransgarson. You have helped me much, maybe you could help me some more?" The boy looked abashed to the ground.
"I wouldn't ask this of you if it was just for me, but the stone is of highest importance to the master. Can you help me look for it?"

The gloom of the alley still prevents you from seeing anything in color, but the downed bandit has vanished, leaving a trail of blood behind.

The trail ends at a sewer cover. More important though, the prints of boots don't look like the typical footwear of the local criminals (sandals with felt and cloth wrapped around) but like well made soldier boots of the Frenish army.

barely visible under the dirt, a silver pen knife has fallen to the ground during the short fight. The engraving reads "Sgt. Vis Dome"

2020-04-14, 06:26 PM
Heart sighs. Gods-be-damned bleeding heart... I'll be right back, with any luck.

[roll0] Perception check


She heads down the alley, and, hesitant to follow the blood without precautions, scales the wall up about 15'. Then follows the trail of blood.

2020-04-15, 02:40 AM
The blood trail ends apruptly at a sewer cover. Brugstadt being confined to its island, was mostly build upon Brugstadt, with old streets now paved over to act as sewers, keeping the surface clean, but allowing the daring and desparate to get around the city without being seen - provided they could endure the stench and whatever else lived down there. Entering with bleeding wounds was likely a death sentence - either through disease or by attracting predators and scavengers.
For now at least the assailants had escaped.

A the ficle dice roller. Can't do much about it.

You gain your first 100 XP

When you report back to the boy, he is near tears: "The master will be furious. Would you, would you come with me to give witness to what happened? I'm sure the master will give you a reward - and I want to give you something too for your efforts."

2020-04-15, 04:31 PM
Yes, I can-you can't be faulted for someone else attacking you, Heart says. It'll have to wait just a bit, though-I was watching something for an old friend of mine, and I should really get back to that.

2020-04-15, 05:24 PM
"I'll wait here - at least until it stops hurting so much."
When you come back to your post, most of the work is done. An inspection shows that nothing has gone amiss. The workers are getting paid and take their leave, leaving you free to get back to Sven. By now the marks have receded a bit, probably thanks to Isa's work.
He is still limping as he leads you up the streets towards the university. As old as the city, the university consists of a walled court and four massive and very tall towers: The tower of science, art, law and war. The two Sturmbanner soldiers at the gate let you pass through as Sven shows his scholar's ring. One of them nudges the other with a leer in your direction, but otherwise refrains from commenting why a boy like him drags a girl like you into the university grounds.

The tower of science is your destination - and as it seems unfortunately the second to last floor from the top.
Sven carefully opened a door, revealing a small but pretty packed lecture hall with an aged looking dwarf talking to his audience:
"... and that's why the Royal Dragon is indeed the most likely candidate for being the first sentient and self aware being created by the gods. It's command over arcane forces is so precise he can transform his own body into nearly any form without having to compensate the resulting mass defect through trans dimensional transposition.
We seem to have reached the end of our allotted time for the day. Be so kind to read chapter 11 to 13 until tomorrow or - if you prefer - catch ten street cats without hurting them and present them to me.
That will be all."
The dwarf might be old, but his eyes were sharp nonetheless: Almost immediately his eyes had fixed on Sven and while the other studends began filing out, he beckoned Sven to come down.
"My boy, it seems you are not only late but also in a very disheveled state, while also in the company of a sellsword if I'm not mistaken.
Should I deduce from that, that you had trouble with your delivery?"
Sven stammered: "I... I, yes, that is correct Master Ransgarson. Two bandits waylayed me on my way back from the harbor and stole the stone from me. The good lady here saved my life and chased them off."
"Well, well. Could it be, that you tried to cut a few corners and strayed from the main streets?"
"I didn't mean to, but a man with a monkey suggested to me, I could save some time by cutting through the warehouse district. I don't really know why I followed that advice - or why the man told me so."
"It seems obvious. You were set up. And if it wasn't for this young lady here, no-one would ever have known."
The dwarf had started to fill his pipe and with the flick of his finger set it alight.
Now he stretches out his hand towards you: "If I may introduce myself: I am Professor Ransgarson. I thank you on the behalf of the Chair of Dragon Studies for rescuing one of its students - however much he may be worth.
Would you like some tea? Sven, you can go. I'll send for you later."
Without waiting for your or Sven's reaction, he turned around to a small door next to the large window of the hall, revealing a cosy study in an oriel of the tower. A steaming pot of tea sits on a small stove and with the practice of a thousand times doing the same thing, Ransgarson filled two cups.
"Take a seat, if you please." Doing so himself, the dwarf sits and takes a sip: "I want to compensate you for your help, but first I'd like to ask you: Can you tell me anything about the assailants? Did they say anything?"

2020-04-15, 06:15 PM
When Heart sees the looks of the soldiers keeping guard, she sighs, but doesn't bother to say anything. Let people have their thoughts.

When Sven takes his leave, she says Be well. Stay safe, before turning to the professor. Once the fighting started? No, nothing. But before, one of them said "I have the stone," and that's what Sven was most concerned about. I can provide a description of them too, if you need one-but I figure that's more the guards' duty than yours.

2020-04-16, 03:01 AM
"As I suspected. This was not a chance mugging, but a meticulously planned operation. You did well to intercede - otherwise the boy certainly would have been killed to conceal the fact, that magic was used to take the short cut through the ambush."
The dwarf bent down and reappeared with a small purse which he puts into your hand.
"50 pieces of gold are less than what your service was worth, but just about what I have on hand." The dwarf leaned back and gesticulated towards the walls of the study. All around artifacts and illustrations connected to dragons are on display. Dagger like teeth, single scales and also an assortment of weapons that look like they were involved in obtaining the former surround you.
"As you can see, I have dedicated my life to the study of the great dragons. That stone our young friend lost was a very intricate piece of magic, yet for the lay person entirely worthless. In fact it is a calculating device that allows the prediction of the next fluctuation in the scrying shield around Valis Draconis.
As you are certainly aware, Thihammars defenses are eroding. With the fluctuations in the shield it is possible now to send in a few people at a time into the valley without alerting the dragon and his minions. I expect that someone from the two empires is preparing an expedition to slay the dragon and take the valley by surprise. This of course would shift the balance of power and endanger the peace we enjoyed for so long." He took another sip of his tea.
"You are wondering now, why this old man is telling you all this. Simple: I have been looking for a brave young lad to lead an expedition into the valley and find out what ails the old wyrm.
Since you foiled the attempt on Sven, I can at least say that you are not working for the rival expedition that likely already is on their way into the valley.
I can not deny that this is a dangerous undertaking, but you don't look like someone detered by danger. Not to mention, that your race is well known for their ability to enter and leave discreetly.
The question is now, what can I offer you to help me out? There are certainly a lot of riches to be found in the valley and I myself have access to discretionary funds as well as many valuable artifacts that I would be at liberty to share with you and your own.
What do you say, can I enlist your help in this matter?"

2020-04-16, 11:07 AM
I... Um... Heart stammers out. That's a lot to lay on me. I know that the valley's at risk, but... Going in myself would be...

She takes a deep breath, calming herself a bit. I was raised here in this city. I've got friends, and even beyond that, I know that the people here don't deserve a life of the conquered. I'll do everything I can to help. But... If possible, can I not do it alone? Do you know anyone who could help?

2020-04-16, 12:23 PM
"Of course. I already have a few promising students that are highly motivated to go there. You can choose who you want to take with you."
Ransgarson takes out a small crystalball from his pocket and shows it to you: "There are three promising recruits of the Sturmbanner that I have vetted so far. Rene chasseur, a scout, Angus Messer, a Doppelsoldner and Tilly Var, she is technically a chronicler, but she has a vast knowledge and some useful magics. And should you want to, I can also give you Sven. He is young, but he has mastered the first hermetic circle. Although I'm not sure if you really would want to take him with you.
Keep the ball though. I'll use it to get in contact with you during the fluctuations and send you, if possible, reinforcements.
You'll be their leader."

2020-04-16, 08:46 PM
Where are they? I'd like to meet them and talk to them personally, Heart says. And, um... Get an explanation for what a Doppelsodner is too.

Once she gets her directions, she goes to whoever's room is closest, and knocks on it. Good afternoon! My name is Heart Cliff-Professor Ransgarson sent me, about helping save the city.

2020-04-17, 03:14 AM
"A excuse me, of course: A doppelsöldner is a warrior with a twohanded sword meant to break a pikewall - a very dangerous job so they are paid double, hence the Old Alem word for double salaried.
Tilly has her rooms in the Art Tower. I'll lead you there. She can guide you to the other two in the Martial Tower."
Two flights down and over a long arching bridge with a fantastic view over the city and far beyond into the north you can see the valley, partially hidden beneath mist, it is unmistakably a very serene and beautiful place - at least from afar.

The Art Tower is similar to the Science Tower, but with a lot more decorations - pictures, portraits and statues abound along the walls. And two flights of stairs later, Ransgarson knocks on a door.
There is a flurry of activity on the other side, that sounds like someone is trying to squeeze a whole marching into a cupboard before a young woman with pale white skin and enormous curly red hair opens the door with a sunny smile: "Yes?"
"Tilly, I found a potential leader for the expedition. Please meet Mrs. Heart Cliff. Come to me this evening with the rest for the briefing."
The old dwarf turned around and left the way you came.
Tilly smiles at you: "Please come in. Ignore the chaos, but my invisible servant spell isn't always doing exactly what I want him to do."
The quarters are small but cosy - and have their own bathroom. Beside the bed a desk and a chair as well as a large wardrobe there are lots and lots of books everywhere. A rapier and buckler hang on the wall and a large glass window floods the room with light.
"So, what do you want to know first? I have some old maps of the Valis if you want to take a look."

2020-04-17, 09:52 AM
The maps can wait. I'd like to know what you can do, Heart says. You probably know better than I do how dangerous it'd be, so I want to be sure you can stand your own if things get dangerous. I'm sure that the professor didn't select anyone who couldn't handle themselves, but at the same time, if I'm to be the leader, I need to know how to use my people properly.

So, how do you fight? What skills do you bring to the table? What can I trust you to do on your own, and what do you need assistance with? she continues. Now's not the time for modesty or grandeur-just be honest with me.

2020-04-17, 11:11 AM
Tilly shrugged: "I have my Bard degree, specialty in oral traditions. I hope to earn my entry into the College of Lore within the next few months. I can fence and shoot reasonably well, know my prestidigitation and how to create minor illusions. I am certified within the first circle of bardic magic with the powerful Healing Word, Comprehend Languages and Unseen Servant. I can also identify magic objects.
That's it - not counting of course my degree in history, magic theory and comparative religion. People also tell me that I'm pretty persuasive and that I'm killing it on the tight rope.
In general I avoid fighting and hide somewhere with my hand crossbow. I also have a healer's kit that I know how to use. "

2020-04-17, 11:26 AM
Okay. I can work with that, Heart replies. Definitely could use a medic, so I'm glad we got someone with that capability.

Given that time is of the essence, I'd like you to pack your stuff and be ready to head out within... Call it an hour. I'll be at the front gates then, she continues, before turning to the professor. If you don't mind giving me directions to the next one, sir, it'd be appreciated.

2020-04-17, 03:27 PM
"Oh don't worry", says Tilly "my bag is packed and I'm ready to go. I'll bring you to the other two."
With that, she grabs the weapons from the wall, her leather armor and the backpack from below her bed. Smiling she leads you up another flight of stairs and over another bridge to the Martial Tower. Here the decorations are a lot more practical: Weapons of all kinds hang on the walls as well as maps and a few portraits of important leaders, kings and of course the battles they have fought.
Where the other towers were silent and even a bit serene, here muffled screams can be heard of people giving orders - or failing to perform adequately within a training bout.

Tilly knows her way while she leads you down two more flight of stairs to a small mess hall. There you find two men sitting at a table, enjoying each an early beer.

The broad shouldered one in chain mail looks up and grins: "Tilly, there you are, we have been waiting. Ransgarson just sent us the message to get ourselves ready for inspection."
He turns his head and looks at you with a slightly wider smile. "So, you are supposed to be the leader, are you? I'm Angus the Messer." He nodds at the enormous sword standing at the wall next to him. "And that is Susi my keen iron bride. I make things dead, am a good swimmer and runner and know how to ride and drive."
He nods at the silent man next to him, that has his hood drawn and keeps his face in shadows: "That is Rene. He doesn't talk much, but he is good with horses, his bow, reading traces and in general surviving in the wild. Also, he is a sneaky bastard that loves to disappear."

2020-04-17, 04:39 PM
We'll have to compare hiding notes, Heart jokes when Angus remarks about Rene's sneaking skills. But yes, I've been chosen to lead this expedition. That being said, I'm sure that each of you have expertise in some areas far beyond my own-I'm not any better than you. Maybe I've got more street smarts, maybe not; but if you know for a fact I'm doing something stupid, don't hesitate to speak up. I'm your leader, not your god.

But, I should probably introduce a little about myself. My name is Heart Cliff-I'd love to regale you with why that's the case, but I was found on the doorstep of an orphanage. Lots of growing up, and eventually I fell in with Orin Interis, the merchant. He's basically my dad, at this point, and I learned how to fight to keep him and me safe when his old bodyguard got injured. I'm sneaky, like Rene, and I know how to use weapons, like Angus-though I've not the brawn to wield anything that massive. I've studied a lot on biology and anatomy-I know how to hit people where it hurts, though it's easier with someone else keeping them distracted. Outside that... This city is my home. It's yours too. We can't let anything happen to it, she finishes.

2020-04-17, 05:41 PM
Angus nodds and toasts your words: "Hear, hear. Pleased to meet you. You must have made quite an impression on Master Ransgarson - but then, the old dwarf is a Seer. He has an uncanny knack for finding the right people. He kept us on standby the last few days and then - bamm - just like that he tells me this morning: Angus my boy, tell Rene to pack his **** by this afternoon, your new leader is coming.
Anyway, I'm quite looking forward to this. The Master's word has a lot of weight around here - and with his help we'll get our officer's patents in no time."
Rene nudged him with his fist on the brawny biceps.
"... and we are going to defend the independence of the city."
Tilly clapped her hands: "Great, than that is settled. Heart, do you need provisions? We can go down to the quartermaster and get you an explorer pack. They usually have a few ready to go."

2020-04-17, 05:43 PM
General wilderness gear, and rations, she replies. I've got weapons and armor, though. And rope. Never can have enough rope.

2020-04-18, 06:03 AM
"Indeed. Rope for everyone I'd say." Tilly smiled again: "Ok, you have heard Mrs. Cliff. Get your gear together and meet us down at the quartermaster."

The quartermaster was situated at the base of the tower with access to the vast cellars of the Martial Tower. After equipping yourself, you find Ransgarson waiting outside with is pipe and another parcel: "Here is a small notebook with calculations when you can try to contact me through the Palantier and when I'll try to contact you. The next safe window to pass through the shield is in about two hours. So you better get ready to leave now, or you'll have to wait another 11 hours.
I'll busy myself to search for more people I can send to reinforce you. While you look around the Valis, try to update your maps and record findings of interest. But be careful, I'm sure at least one rival expedition is also on its way there. Avoid them if possible, but don't compromise your own safety - if the worst comes to worst it's them or you and I'd rather want it to be them getting it instead of you. Any questions?"

2020-04-18, 10:10 AM
No sir-but I do want to say thank you, Heart says. We'll do our best. Team-let's move!

With that, she takes her newfound companions and leaves for the valley. Inwardly, she's got a combination of fear and excitement-it'll be a great adventure, but at the same time, it's going to be dangerous.

2020-04-18, 12:04 PM
You gain 200 XP as you start your quest

As you head out, you feel the fresh air and warm sun shine on your skin. The third bridge of Brugstadt is unlike the other two who connect to Fren and Alem - it's rife with moss and has seen better days all in all. This is mainly due to being build not across the Ren but along its middle, arching from one small isle to the other, creating an artificial forking of the river. Old warning signs try to dissuade you from continuing: "Warning, do not cross the marked lines - imminent death" and "There be dragons ahead" are just two of the more memorable.

The line is a row of bronze statues that point their shields towards the valley and are holding their other hands up towards you in a silent plea for you to stop. Beyond it, a wall of swirling, reddish mist roils along an invisible wall. The scrying shield that kept both prying eyes away from what's going on inside the valley as well as an alarming the denizens of the valley that someone tries to enter at this point.
A quick glance at the crystal ball shows you Master Ransgarson's hand, telling you to wait. Then he shows you both his hands and starts to count down, pulling the fingers in, one by one.
Just as he folds in his last finger, the red in the invisible wall goes away and the mist thins and spreads out noticeably.
In a run, your companions cross over to the other side. Just as you pass through yourself, the reddish color returns behind you and the mist is once again trapped behind its borders.

Before you lies the Valis Draconis - and as far as you know, you are only the second group in the last two hundred years to enter here, without waking up its guardians.
The bridge forks to the left and right shore of the valley. In the distance you can see ruins of houses, castles and other infrastructure, long ago abandoned.

Tilly speaks up: "So, we'll have to decide in which direction we want to go. Left, we are headed for the remains of the village Streberg and beyond that the castle Vialde. To the right we should find the old docks and the castle Eisenach. Both castle's would be large enough to house a red dragon."

2020-04-18, 04:08 PM
Is that enough for a level up?

Right, let's not split up. Definitely not yet, Heary says. We go right-the old docks means water, and water means we can put out fire in case of badness. Unless there's something any of you know that would make going left a better idea, let's move.

2020-04-18, 04:51 PM
Yes, 300 brings you to level 2

Tilly shrugged: "Not as far as I am concerned. It will be interesting to see what the lizard people and the kobolds have made of this place."

The march isn't particularly hard - despite being overgrown, the paving stones have endured well through the centuries. Only about half an hour in, you see in the distance a few buildings alongside the river bank. There is an old dock jutting out and a thin whisp of smoke indicates a fire - possibly a cooking fire?
Angus speaks up: "So, what do we do? Charge in? I'm good at that. Sneaking closer, not so much. Though Rene could scout it for us." He grinned while Rene gave him a sour look.

2020-04-18, 06:42 PM
We make peace. That being said, Rene, if you could stay a little ways away, hidden, just in case things go awry... Heart says. We'll give you two minutes to get in position, then go ahead ourselves.

2020-04-19, 02:40 AM
Rene nodded and vanished in the nearby brush.
As the rest of you move closer, you become aware of what is going on: A small group of Kobolds has gathered around a camp fire next to a shed. They are talking exitedly in their high pitched version of Draconic and hungrily eyeing the slowly turning carcass of a wild pick upon the spit. A winged Kobold appears to be the boss - and the cook. All in all there are eight of them. So far they haven't noticed you, but with the noise that Angus' armor causes, it certainly won't stay that way for long.

2020-04-19, 10:28 AM
Heart, as they draw nearer, calls out in Fren, saying Greetings! We come in peace.

2020-04-19, 12:17 PM
The high pitched squeeling as the small humanoids tumble over each other in surprise is almost painful to your sensitive ears.
Tilly whispers to you: "I don't think they speak Fren. They are screaming "intruder" and "help"."

At that moment, the winged kobold bellows something harsh and guttural and the chaos dies down. Instead the Kobolds all grab whatever weapons they had and form a loose half circle.

The winged kobold now turns to you and seems to aks a question.

"I think he wants to know how we got here and that we should drop our weapons."

Make a charisma perform check to sign your intentions to the kobolds

2020-04-19, 12:29 PM
Wouldn't it be Persuasion? Also, I'm gonna get Tilly to translate my words, so...

[roll0] +7 Persuasion, +3 Performance

Edit: Can I get advantage, for dropping weapons?

Well, not speaking Fren makes it a little harder. Tilly, tell them what I just said-we mean no harm. Angus, she says as she sets her bow and rapier in front of her, drop your big one.

2020-04-19, 01:12 PM
"Sorry, I just have comprehend languages - the spell doesn't allow me to speak"

Normally yes, but you don't have a common language - so it's more a charade, hence performance
But yes, dropping your weapons does give you advantage - roll once again

2020-04-19, 01:12 PM
Ah. Crap.


2020-04-19, 02:02 PM
For a moment, violence seems to be inevitable, but the winged Kobold finally seems to understand your hand gestures and seems to order his pack to lower their own weapons.
Angus looks very tense as his own large weapon lies on the ground and two of the kobolds already seem to be fascinated by the two hander.

"So far so good. The chief just ordered one of his men to go fetch the old one to translate." Tilly whispers again.

And indeed only a minute or so later, the kobold comes back with a much older looking one. The scaled skin of this one is yellow and sags noticeably. His frame is frail and you are sure that his wings aren't able to carry him anymore. With rheumatic eyes, he looks at you and asks first in Draconic, then in accented Fren: "Who are you, why are you invading our sacred valley."

2020-04-19, 05:25 PM
My name is Heart Cliff. My companions are Angus and Tilly, she begins. We've come here because the defenses of this valley are fading. We'd've not been able to enter it, were that not the case, but it is. I don't know if your history recalls, but there are two nations, both of whom would love nothing more than to conquer this valley and use it as a foothold to attack the other.

I don't know if you care about war far from home, Heart continues, but if nothing is done, this valley's defenses will fade entirely, and you'll all be conquered. My companions and I want to stop that, as our home would be conquered too.

2020-04-20, 05:03 AM
"Impossible. Our Lord, the Great Thihammar would never allow such things to happen."
The other winged kobold whispers something to the old one and he continues.
"But I cannot argue against the fact that you are here, despite our border's protection and I feel no falsehood in your words. So what do you want from us?"

2020-04-20, 10:17 AM
Heart sighs, quietly, in relief. If possible, a map of the area as it is now. Any advice you can give us about the local conditions, so we can keep ourselves safe. We don't expect you to fight for us-that'd be ridiculous-but any information you can give would be most helpful indeed.

2020-04-20, 01:29 PM
"We can do that, yes."
It takes a lot of time for the old kobold to draw you a picture - and for Tilly to transcribe the thing into an understandable map

The final result is not pretty, but serviceable


"If I understand this correctly, the large castle Falkenklaue is the most likely place where Thihammar is resting at the moment. The villages are the base of the other kobold tribes while the castles are manned mostly with lizard folk"
Tilly says when she has finished

2020-04-20, 08:30 PM
We're going to have to talk to Thihammar. But... I feel like just walking up like we did here is the worst idea anyone could have, Heart says, pondering her options. For now, in exchange for what you've done for us, elder, is there any matter we can assist you with right now?

2020-04-21, 06:50 AM
"There is one thing you can do for us: We have been using the old human build watermill for years now, but about two weeks ago it suddenly stopped working. We looked at the mechanic but couldn't find out why. Maybe you can make it work again"
The old kobold answers, indicating towards a sooth black building 50m upstream.

2020-04-21, 12:13 PM
I won't make any promises about fixing it-that's not exactly my area of expertise-but we'll do what we can. Oh, and Rene? Heart calls out. Come out, peacefully.

She turns back to the elder, saying Apologies for not showing him earlier, but we did want some precautions in case things went wrong. I'm glad that we're able to meet in peace. May we take our weapons back? We can peacebond them, if you wish, but I'd rather not leave them behind while we check the watermill.

2020-04-21, 03:03 PM
"That won't be necessary." The old kobold says "You can take your weapons with you."

Rene follows your order and steps out of the bushes. The kobolds eye him warily, but don't otherwise react.
When you are out of earshot, Angus chimes in: "That was intense - for a moment I thought we were done for. Good work."
Rene says nothing.

You receive 50 XP for overcoming the Kobolds and another 50 XP for learning useful information

As you approach the old mill, you notice that the water wheel is in good condition - despite being made from wood. Alemish craftsmanship is famed for its quality, but 200 years are a bit much even for that. The building itself is made from stone and seems to have withstood a serious fire at some time, but is otherwise undamaged - including the tile covered roof.
The front door is open and shows you the large mill stone as well as the funnel where the grain is dumped into. From there a complicated array of wooden poles and gears covers nearly half the room.

There doesn't seem to be anything broken, but two large gears have a slight discoloration where they touch

There is a translucent kind of slime that acts like an adhesive

There is a shadowy creature clinging to the ceiling just above the gears, ready to pounce

It's a Darkmantel

2020-04-21, 03:05 PM
Did I hit level 2, by the way?

[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Advantage, assuming one of my associates Helps

Edit: Whomp-whomp!

Risks were taken, and thankfully, we pulled through. Heart replies. But now, let's help them out.


I have no idea why this is even broken, Heart says at her initial inspection. This is gonna be a bit.

Since there's no time pressure, may I take 20 on my Perception, for a total of 21? Assume it'll take ten minutes or so of inspection.

2020-04-21, 04:32 PM
yes you are second levelAs you and your compatriots go to the gears to get a closer look, you notice a discoloration between two gears - some kind of adhesive?
At that moment all light around you are extinguished and absolute darkness fills the room that not even your cat eyes can penetrate. You hear muffled screams from Angus as if he is screaming into a pillow.
You feel him flailing around next to you.
Tilly screams: "What's going on here, Heart, what should I do?"

You seem to have stumbled upon a Darkmantle and it's currently suffocating Angus.
DC 13 Strength check to rip it off - at disadvantage due to the magic darkness

2020-04-21, 06:01 PM
You've got something on you, Angus! Get it off-just force it off, quick! she orders. Tilly, can you get light? Rene, get out of here, alert the kobolds!

She gives Angus a moment to try getting it off himself. If he succeeds, she'll stab without saying anything. If not, she'll say this, then stab. Angus, I'm going to stab it. Stand very still-I don't want to hit you.

Two daggers, at disadvantage because I can't see jack.



Aw, that would've been a crit!

2020-04-22, 12:03 AM
There is a muffled response from Angus who stops flailing, showing that he is indeed a disciplined man.
With a ripping sound it comes off, giving you a chance to stab it without hurting Angus.
But although you can't see it you sense that the fight is far from over.
your turn again, Angus keeps it grappled, advantage and disadvantage cancel each other out

2020-04-22, 08:33 AM
Good man! Heart says, as she continues to attack.



[roll4] Sneak Attack, if either attack hits, since I do have allies nearby and no longer have disadvantage.

Has Rene left the mill to alert the kobolds?

2020-04-22, 11:33 AM
Angus continues to use the help action to give you advantage while the darkmantle continues to attack him:
another 6 damage

Angus is close to dropping
You can't see if Rene and Tilly have found the exit yet.

Angus screamed in pain as the creature once again attacked him - though this time not his head. Still, he probably wouln't be able to keep this up for much longer.

2020-04-22, 04:28 PM
Heart grimaces, even though no one can see. A little longer, Angus-hold on!

Gonna risk attacking instead of using Lay On Hands on Angus.






2020-04-22, 04:58 PM
Darkmantle attacking: [roll0]+5
Damage 6

Never mind, I rolled a one two - both here and over at the other thread...

There was a grinding noise as the dark mantle tried to crush Angus' hand, but the metal glove withstood

2020-04-24, 10:04 AM
Heart grimaces. She's not doing as well as she'd hope. Rene, you better be out of earshot by now! she says as she continues her assault.

Kinda missed the updates here-my bad!

Moar attacks!




2020-04-24, 10:30 AM
Finally, finally, your strikes connect as you want them to. The cloth like texture around Angus' hand releases and drops to the ground just as the supernatural darkness lifts - revealing Tilly and Rene as well as the goblins who just entered the mill.

Angus looks quite a bit worse for wear with angry red marks around his head, where the creature tried to suffocate him.

"Was this the reason why the mill doesn't work?" The old Kobold asks laconically.

Tilly meanwhile hastily moves to Angus, pulling some ointment from her bag to care for his wounds.

50 XP for you (100 shared with Angus)

2020-04-24, 11:10 AM
Gods above, we need to be more careful! Angus, I'm sorry, Heart says. But you stood fast. You're a trooper-thank you.

She takes a moment to calm herself so she doesn't yell at the elder, then turns to face him. Quite possibly. Tilly and I will do more investigating, to see about fixing it. Angus will rest nearby, with Rene to watch over him. And I'd like some of your people to stand with us-in case there's more of those things.


I want to see if he KNEW the Darkmantle was there, and was setting a trap for us. As well as just a general feel for him.

Edit: But I doubt I'll get much.

2020-04-24, 11:57 AM
The old kobold nods: "Yes, we don't want an infestation near our sleeping quarters. We have heard from the others that things like this have been showing up as of late. But this is the first one we have had here."

Without haste you find the obstruction - the creature seems to have secreted a kind of natural glue on the two gears, preventing them from rotating. It takes quite a bit of water, as well as lamp oil to loosen it. But only ten minutes later, the wheels began to turn once more, filling the mill with a deep rasping, rumbling.

As it turns out, Angus isn't down for long - a fighter in more than one sense of the word, he gets up shortly to help.

Angus uses his second wind [roll0]+1

The old kobold is content with your work - and sensing your unease, he beckons you to come closer: "Here is a small token of our gratitude - were this carved stone openly and others of our kind should at least wait to hear you out before they attack - Especially if you say "Eskor Ar Thihammar". Loosely translated it means "Peace or we will all be eaten by the Lord"."

2020-04-24, 12:16 PM
Heart chuckles a little. Good phrase, that is. Thank you. She thinks for a moment, and asks Should we expect anyone else to speak Frenish, or Ren?

2020-04-24, 12:41 PM
The kobold shrugs: "Only a few of us bothered to learn - and mostly the old ones, so we could read from the old books. If you have the chance, I'd suggest learning our language - it will certainly help you."

It takes another hour until Angus is completely fit, and the Kobolds let you take part at their meal - which despite lacking seasoning ist surprisingly good.

2020-04-24, 01:11 PM
During the meal, Heart asks Tilly. You know the research better than I-how urgent is our mission? Are we talking days, weeks, months, years? Because if we have the time, I think it'd serve us well to wait here, among allies, and learn how to speak with the locals. Quite simply put, if we can't talk to who we're dealing with, we'll have to fight more than anything else, and that's likely to make us fail even if we win.

2020-04-24, 02:26 PM
Tilly shruggs: "The others have at max a few hours on us - and I can't imagine that they are as inclined as you to establish friendly relations. So they will have to move slower - or kill indescriminately. Of course they could be disguised also...
In short, I don't know, but I imagine we aren't that pressed for time."

2020-04-24, 02:32 PM
Heart nods. What I'm mostly worried about is the defenses fading wholesale due to age, sickness, or anything else. Not just offensive forces. But, with that in mind, she turns to the elder, Would you be willing to teach us how to speak your tongue?

I know Xanathar's has rules on learning new languages... I don't remember them off-hand, though. :P

2020-04-24, 02:54 PM
Yeah, 10 work weeks might be a bit too much time to wait

The elder shruggs: "I would, but that might take quite a bit of time. But..."
He hesitates. "There is a circlet that I know. It allows you to speak and understand all languages. It's inside an old crypt - and I know it's still there, because it's owner still has his undead life."
He points at your map: "The old boneyard is just a mile south of the old castle Ehrenberg. You can't miss it."

2020-04-24, 02:57 PM
Right. Months of practice, or a magical doodad... Heart says. The choice is clear. Rene, you're with me once the meal is over-we'll scout the area ahead, come back to get Tilly and Angus, and move forward.

Time skip to scouting?

2020-04-24, 03:13 PM
Alright, I assume you are taking your time to sneak

Perception test, please.

Moving along the old road, keeping to the shadows and being very carefully, you find the old cemetery. The crypt is easy to make out and it seems as if no-one is around.

2020-04-24, 04:16 PM
[roll0] Perception
[roll1] with Advantage from Help, if Rene is helping instead of just making his own check. If no advantage, disregard.

[roll2] Stealth.

Heart moves along with Rene quietly and stealthily. They're not too far ahead of Tilly and Angus-near enough to be heard if they yell, but far enough to not have their stealth ruined.

2020-04-24, 04:25 PM
From your well chosen place among a few bushes and trees you spot the bony remains next to the crypt door. They don't look particularly fresh, but it doesn't look like any scavengers went to get them either. Either there is something around here, that keeps them away, or there is something even more sinister going on - as is quite often the case when undead are involved.
Rene indicates towards the back of the crypt whose wall is flush with the field stone wall of the cemetery.
Me mimes breaking through a wall before shrugging questioning.

2020-04-24, 04:28 PM
Heart shrugs, and gestures for him to return with her to Tilly and Angus.

Once back with the group, Heart and Rene report what they saw, and Heart says I'm not a fan of disrespecting corpses. I'm even less a fan of getting mauled by undead. Assuming it doesn't animate and attack us before then, we're going to separate the pile of bones. After that... We go in. Tilly, middle. Angus and I up front. Rene, you'll be pulling up the rear.

2020-04-24, 05:00 PM
Rene nodds, Angus agreed "Aye" with a grin, Tilly was a bit more hessitant: "Are you sure the bones will animate? Brr. It's so... creepy".

As you move across the old cemetery you feel the oppressive silence around you - no birds, no insects or rodents disturb the absolute silence. Taking care of the bones turns out to be no problem - none of them try to animate and some even turn to dust just as you touch them. Though you do notice that some look as if they had been broken rather gruesome with lot's of twisting and pulling instead of bending.

The crypt door is closed but not locked. Inside is one dark room with a raised sarcophagus in the middle. The floor is covered with dust and doesn't seem to have been disturbed in quite a while.
It is hard to make out in the gloom, but there seems to be writings on the walls

There seems to be some kind of arcane scripts along the walls
[SPOILER=Arcana DC 15]
It's a warning that the guardian of the crypt is around and will slay anyone that disturbs these grounds.

2020-04-24, 06:33 PM

Rolling them dice.

2020-04-24, 06:35 PM
And Arcana. [roll0]

Regardless of what that says, though...

Creepy, yes. But we're brave, Heart says. Remember-we have a clear goal. We're here for the circlet, and nothing else-if we get swarmed but we have it, we bolt the hell out of there.

She walks in, leading the way with Angus.

2020-04-25, 01:48 AM
Just as you reach the sarcophagus, the sense of cold and oppression reaches a peak - you definitely feel watched. As you and Angus push away the cover, the skelleton of a dragonborn is revealed. Besides a circlet on his head, it has quite a bit of other stuff too in there: Four scroll containers, a small golden chain as well as a long sword, resting on its ribcage and grabbed with both bony hands.

2020-04-25, 11:03 AM
Everyone, back up a bit. I'm faster than any of you-I'm going to grab the circlet and sprint for the exit, she says.

2020-04-25, 11:27 AM
"Alright." Tilly replied and stepped outside the crypt. Rene took position outside and readied his bow just as Angus took out his sword and also got ready to swing.

You close your hand over the circlet and start to run - just as the semi transparent form of a dragonborn with red glowing eyes appears between you and the exit, wielding the same sword that lies behind you in the grave.

2020-04-25, 11:28 AM
Ghost: [roll0]+2

Rene's readied action triggers: [roll1]+5, damage [roll2] (half damage), if crit: [roll3]
Angus' readied action triggers: [roll4]+5, damage [roll5] (half damage), if crit: [roll6]

Rene ini: [roll7]+3
Angus ini: [roll8]
Tilly ini: [roll9]+2

Before the spirit can do anything more, an arrow hits it in the back and Angus' sword slices through it - without doing much apparent damage.

"Defiler! Your bones will be scattered to the winds!" the apparition booms.

2020-04-25, 05:24 PM

Heart doesn't bother responding, instead merely doing her best to slip past the apparition.

Feline Agility and Dash gets me 120' of movement, with a Bonus Action left to Disengage.

[roll1] Acrobatics, if it's relevant. I feel like it might be.

2020-04-26, 03:39 AM

Just so there are no missunderstandings: The ghost appeared exactly in front of the door, blocking the exit. Unfortunately 5e doesn't have an option to tumble through an occupied field of a hostile figure.

Ini sequence:
20 Rene: [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3 - if crit [roll2]
18 Angus: [roll3]+5, damage [roll4]+3 - if crit [roll5]
17 Ghost: move towards Heart (triggering opportunity attack Angus ([roll6]+5, damage [roll7]+3 - if crit [roll8])
Ghost attacks Heart: [roll9]+4, damage [roll10] - if crit [roll11]
15 Heart: Disengage and run outside.
10 Tilly: Hand cross bow: [roll12]+4, damage [roll13]+2 - if crit [roll14], bonus action Inspiration for Heart - just in case she needs to make death saves.

Utterly unimpressed by arrows and sword swings, the spirit homes in on you swiping it's spectral sword. You dodge nimbly out of the way, use the wall to redirect your trajectory and make a mad dash for the open door, while Tilly fires her hand crossbow at the apparition.
A furious scream echoes behind you: "Thieves! I will find you and take what's mine. I'll grind your bones into dust!"

Not stopping to see if the ghost follows you beyond the confines of the cemetery, your party makes it back into the relative safety of the brush outside. A few moments go by, but the apparition does not seem to be willing to step outside while there is still daylight.

Tilly breaths heavily from the sudden exertion: "That was intense! Let me take a look at the circlet before you put it on - it might be cursed."

2020-04-26, 10:35 AM
Please do-I'd hate for something bad to happen after that, Heart says. Can you start the ritual on the move? I'd like to be far from the tomb before night hits.

Traveling back to the village of kobolds while Tilly does her ritual.

2020-04-26, 01:33 PM
Tilly replied: "No, I'll need 10 minutes or so of concentration."
Back at the old village, Tilly found a quiet spot and began to chant. True to her word she returned with the circlet 10 minutes later.
"Alright, it is indeed a powerful artifact, allowing you to speak and understand any language known to man. There are two caveats though: If you want to use it more than one time a day, you have to spend a bit of your own power - it will exhaust you. Worse, there is a lingering connection. I think you can be tracked through it once you are attuned to it. That ghost might actually be able to fullfill his threat."

Magic item with Tongues spell - duration 1 hour. If you want to activate it again on any given day you have to spend a hit die that won't be available for healing
Beyond that all you need to do is attune to it for an hour. After that you have disadvantage to divination spells.

2020-04-26, 01:37 PM
It's worth the risk, I think. We'll have to be extra careful when we set up camp or try to rest, but if it's between some extra caution or not being able to talk at all... I think the choice is clear, she says.

2020-04-26, 02:39 PM
Tilly smiles: "Great, so this is what you have to do..."
An hour later you smile in wonder as you understand the Kobolds talking to each other. You learn that this family is actually a small part of a larger tribe who have started to farm and keep animals. Baking and and eating vegetables doesn't come naturally to them, but they have adapted well to this life. They even have begun to harvest grapes and experiment with wine production.
Now and again, Tilly - who regularly recasts her comprehend language ritual - aks you to tell them a few useful facts and information about agriculture. Soon you find yourself with asked to translate passages from books, that the kobolds suspect contain secrets about tending to fields and how to operate the various tools that are still around in some parts of the old village.
At the end you have earned quite a bit of good will among the small reptilians.
The sun is sinking when Angus finally asks: "So, what do we do now - sleep here, or do you want to use the cover of night to get past that castle full with lizard men?"

2020-04-26, 03:23 PM
We're here to make allies, Angus-if they decide to be our enemies, and nothing will dissuade them, then we fight. But until then, Heart replies, we try to make nice.

We'll rest here for the night, and move out in the morning.

2020-04-26, 04:06 PM
The kobolds find you a dry and warm spot over one of their stables of sheep, allowing you all to rest easy and awake fully recovered from the previous day's hardships.
As you head out at first light, a few of the younger Kobolds are waving after you. As you take the route you have scouted out the day before, you face no trouble as you venture north. Until you reach the old castle Ehrensberg. Once a mighty fort and part of the constant battles between Fren and Alem, the last two hundred years of peace have not helped keep up its defenses: Whole sections of wall have fallen down, revealing the buildings inside to be in a similar dilapidated state of repair.
The occupants have nonetheless kept the area around the castle clear of brush, making it hard to get near unnoticed. From the distance you can see two lizard men sentries at the open gate of the castle wall.
Rene indicates an alternative route that would allow you to move through high grass and sneak in via the breach in the wall.

2020-04-27, 10:12 AM
Rene, I have a feeling this is gonna be the standard mode of operation. I want you to take the hidden path-but the rest of us will approach and attempt to talk to them, Heart says. We'll give you a minute to get set along the path, then start forward ourselves.

Heart, Tilly, and Angus, true to her words, wait for about sixty seconds, allowing Rene to start along his stealthy travel, then walk forwards themselves. Do not draw your weapons unless they attack us-eve if they act menacing, so long as it stays at posturing, we can deal with it. Just before they draw close enough to be noticed, Heart taps the circlet, allowing its magic to suffuse her. Then, she steps forwards and calls out Greetings, sentries of the castle! We come in peace!

2020-04-27, 11:56 AM
The reptilian faces are unreadable and cold, but you still think that you surprised them - both by speakin in their tongue to them and in general by existing.
A bit belated one of them calls out: "Halt. Intruder. How did you get here?" The other guard pokes him with his elbow: "I think they came on foot."
"I know that, I meant where they come from." "Well apparently from down the road..." "Shut up." "I mean, it's pretty clear if you think about it..." "Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll rip out your liver and make you eat it."

Despite this routine, their spears haven't waved a milimeter from your faces and you are pretty sure you'll have to give them an answer quickly before the rage they are building up against each other is unleashed at you.

Your choice of Persuation, Deception or Intimidation - one of those choices is significantly easier than the others - Tilly can aid you for advantage with one of them but gives you disadvantage with another one - and won't help or hinder with the third

2020-04-27, 12:09 PM
[roll0] Persuasion.
[roll1] (Dis)Advantage, if needed.

Gonna try to be on the level with them. It worked with the kobolds, hopefully it will work with them.

We are from the city of Brugstad, beyond the defenses as laid by the great dragon. As you may or may not know, the defenses have been waning in recent times-we are here to ensure that this valley is not invaded and conquered by nations beyond here. As I said before, we come in peace-we only wish to ensure that your home and our own remain safe and independent.

2020-04-27, 12:53 PM
The first guard looked skeptical to the second: "Do you believe that?" "It's a thing that could happen, couldn't it?" "You are dumber than a sack of rocks. Run along and get the Headman. He can sort this out."

Indeed, it doesn't take long before the "Headman" appears - he is a large lizard man who wears the severed head of a large snake as a hat.
"Get back to your posts, I'm taking them to the leader."
True to his word, he leads you on through the inner part of the keep. Not once does he mention your weapons - in fact it seems as if he doesn't pay them the slightest worry. Instead he turns to you just as you are about to enter through a large door.
"Beyond this door waits our leader - when he asks you, you answer truthfully and to the point. If he doesn't like what you have to say, we will kill and eat you. Think twice before you speak."

Inside you find a large room nearly devoid of furniture. Instead there are piles of musty blankets and straw filled sacks lying around. In the middle is a throne on a raised dais. Upon it you see the largest lizard man you have seen yet. Even his muscles seem to have muscles and the giant club next to him might not be a scepter but it certainly is a sign of his authority.
Next to him lay about two other lizard man - or rather lizard woman, quite likely his concubines or wifes, though they look very much as capable at fighting as the males you have seen.

A long moment passes before the leader speaks to you after looking you up and down: "So, you have come here in peace I hear. And you want to ensure our safety and independence. I find this hard to believe. What is in it for you and why do you think that I will let you leave from here again? Your flesh looks pretty delicious to me..."

2020-04-27, 01:19 PM
It's simple-if your land falls, ours does as well. This valley is a place of vast strategic importance to nations beyond the veil-and if it is taken, my companions and my own home city is sure to follow, Heart says. She knows that appeals to morality are unlikely to work here, so neglects to include any particular benevolence in her words. I have no doubt you and your kin are mighty-each of you are sure to take down at least a half-dozen soldiers before you are defeated. But how many of you are there? A hundred, a thousand? How will you handle an army of ten thousand, backed by mages and siege engines? I do not ask you and your kin for much-we truly only need safe passage, and perhaps a modicum of information, if you are willing to.

2020-04-27, 02:25 PM
"Hm, and what information would that be? If you want to see the Great Thihammar, you'll have to find your way there alone - I cannot authorize your passage. And frankly I don't see how you could change anything anyway.

A calculating look appears in his eyes.
"Well. There is something to your words. Maybe we can help each other. Say, How good are you with magic and traps?
There is a place below this keep that we don't dare to disturb and that our shaman isn't willing to take on. If you bring me the great hammer that is hidden down there, you may keep whatever else you find down there. Maybe even something that will buy you the favor of our Lord..."

2020-04-27, 03:35 PM
Internally, Heart groans. Oh great. More undead, probably. Outwardly, though, she stays calm. If that's what you require, it shall be done. What happens to those who've attempted to venture in? she asks. Or, if you'd rather just delegate giving us the information so we can actually get it to someone else, we shall leave your mightiness's presence at once.

2020-04-27, 03:55 PM
The Leader grins: "No idea, no-one has returned yet. But the first passage has cost quite a few kobolds their worthless lives. My shaman tells me that there are traps and likely some dark creatures down there. But if the scrolls speak true, there is also the keep's old treasure room.
If you come back with the hammer, I'll also tell you something that might interest you.

Or, you can leave now - I'll grant you an hour, after that I might sent out a few of our warriors that can use a bit more experience in hunting and killing interlopers.
Either option is fine with me.

So what shall it be?" He indicates the door you came in and then back to a small door directly behind the throne.

2020-04-27, 05:29 PM
We're no cowards. We will retrieve this hammer for you, Heart says. Wish us luck-it's for your good as well as our own.

She leads the way to the caverns.

2020-04-28, 05:59 AM
The small door leads to steep stairs that vanish in the darkness below. Tilly lights a torch but begs you too wait a moment: "I'm not particularly adept at finding traps, but I have something that can trigger them instead of us."
Chanting for a minute, she finally holds out a stick into the darkness and the stick begins to move on its own, hitting the ground before you.

You pass a room full of charred skeletons and Tilly has to recast her unseen servant after it identifies the trigger for a flame trap the hard way.
"Should we try to deactivate it or just mark the trigger and move on?"

2020-04-28, 09:38 AM
Mark the trigger, Heart says. How big is the area of effect? We might be able to use this, assuming whatever's guarding this place isn't immune to its own traps.

Also, just gonna say it, thank the gods for you guys-I'd've been dead a dozen times over if I had gone in alone, she adds. Thank you.

2020-04-28, 10:52 AM
You saw a burning hands effect coming from the ceiling, so a pretty wide cone

Tilly smiled: "Thanks. Some of my class mates gave me a hard time since I chose rituals to master as my first spells - but it's really paying off now."
Angus replied with a shrug: "So far it's been great fun - although I could have gone without that creepy strangly suffocating thingy. Eh, Rene? Rene? Ah, shoot. We left him upstairs, didn't we?"
At that moment, Rene stepped out behind you. "What, how did you get here?"
Rene just shrugged and began drawing a chalk circle around the trigger.

After the unseen servant is once again functional, you pass through another two rooms with traps and successively fewer skeletons - each time the unseen servant identifies the trigger and allows you to mark the trap - until you reach a large, heavy iron door.
"Anyone know how to lockpick, or should I just batter that down?"

There is no visible lock, but a series of pin holes along the door

These are litterally pin holes - containing poisoned needles
DC 15 Thieves' Tools check to disarm - advantage from help through your allies

Trap activates, attack with [roll0]+8 for [roll1] piercing damage and a DC 15 Con save against gaining poisoned

2020-04-28, 07:17 PM
[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Advantage, if one of the others helps me look more carefully.

Heart examines the pinholes, trying to see if they're integral to picking the lock. If not, she asks her group What do we have that can block these? There's poisoned needles in them, and I'd rather none of us get hit. I've got a shield we can use for some, but it's
a little awkward to use for this.

2020-04-29, 12:00 AM
Tilly and Angus look at each other, but it is Rene that hands you a small jar of tar and an old piece of cloth that allows you to block the holes.
Advantage to disarm the trap

Meanwhile, Angus gets ready to just batter down the door.

2020-04-29, 07:49 AM
Dexterity, right?


Heart draws out a set of fine tools, and sets to unlocking the door. It's mere moments before she finds the tumblers, and with a snick, the door unlocks. Easy, she says. Rene, thank you-wasn't needed in the end, but one shouldn't be too careful. That being said, Tilly, can your servant open the door, or is it too heavy? I'm worried there's something nasty behind it.

2020-04-29, 11:23 AM
The hidden mechanism moved easily and silently - without triggering the trap.
Tilly nodded and the invisible force slowly moved the heavy door - again without showing any sign of rust or decay.

Beyond, you see natural stone, roughly worked, looking more like a mine than a cellar. The air is cold and wet. The shine of your torch doesn't reach beyond the first couple of steps but you can already guess that there is a fork in the tunnel ahead. An eerie croaking noise sounds from somewhere ahead.

"Left or right? And in what order should we walk?"

2020-04-29, 11:28 AM
Right-hand rule. Should keep us moving well, Heart orders. Same order we had for the tomb-me and Angus up front, you in the middle, Tilly, and Rene pulling up the rear. Well-an unseen servant in the frontmost.

Waiting for Tilly to announce the servant has moved ahead, Heart then walks down the path. She grips her shield, now, ready for any foes who might surprise them.

2020-04-29, 12:08 PM
The invisible servant once again uses the stick to tap away, searching for traps. The way has a slight downwards incline until you reach a cavern filled with deep black water. A narrow stone arch leads across, allowing only single file. The unseen servant keeps tapping away, reaching about the halfway point. Suddenly, a long, purplish black something shoots from the water and pulls the stick and its invisible holder away.
"It's gone." Tilly says with faint horror in her voice.

It was a long frog tongue

2020-04-29, 12:15 PM

Rolling Perception.

Edit: Welp.

Heart frowns, not seeing anything in the murky depths. She looks around, observing the rest of her surroundings-is there any wood, or debris, or anything that might be useful?

2020-04-29, 12:28 PM
The still water stretches beyond the shine of the torch and even beyond your ability to see in the dark. The far side is about 30ft away followed by another tunnel.
The only thing around are stalagtites and stalagmites here and over there. By now the water has returned to the form of a black mirror, not revealing anything about what lurks below.

Tilly meanwhile is busy recreating her invisible servant - without the stick.
"So... what now?"

2020-04-29, 01:07 PM
Now? We investigate. Angus, you're strong-help me tie this rope around my waist, she says as she draws a hefty length of silk rope from her pack. With her comrades' help, she gets it securely around her waist. I'm going to walk towards the water. If we can figure out what this thing is, we can figure out how to handle it. If I give the word, or am unable to give the word, such as by getting gagged or pulled underwater, you guys pull for my life.

She waits just a moment for Angus, primarily, to get a good grip, and then walks towards the stream, slowly, carefully, and with her shield and weapon at the ready.

2020-04-29, 02:19 PM
Angus finds a good spot to brace himself and slowly gives you rope, while Rene takes position with his bow while Tilly commands her unseen servant to carry the torch close high enough so everyone can see, while also readying her handcrossbow.

As you step closer to the water's edge, your senses are screaming of danger. Three steps away... two steps away... suddenly a splash and something long, moist and rubbery wraps around your outstretched arm and immediately beginns to pull you towards the black water. The silk rope pulls taunt and your forward momentum is brutally stopped. Instead two bulbous eyes appear from the water and you realize that you are held by the tongue of the largest toad you have ever seen.

Rene doesn't hesitate and fires his bow, as does Tilly.

Ini Toad: [roll0]+1
Dire Toad attacks with advantage
Grapples on a hit

Rene shoots with held action: Ini [roll3]+3
[roll4]+5, damage [roll5]+3, if crit [roll6]
Tilly shoots with held action: Ini [roll7]+2
[roll8]+4, damage [roll9]+2, if crit [roll10]

With a twist of your shield arm you manage to get free of the tongue just as your surprise leaves you.

2020-04-29, 02:48 PM
[roll0] Init roll

After that, gonna lay a Bane on it with my action, and Disengage as a bonus, backing away. Bane lasts for a good minute, and now that it's been spotted, we should be able to keep track of it.

Heart mutters a few curses, then focuses on the toad, analyzing its weak points. She backs off, carefully, but leaves herself near enough that the toad can get to her-if it leaves the water. Her shield and rapier remains ready.

2020-04-29, 03:09 PM
Rene and Tilly fire again:

[roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3, if crit: [roll2]
[roll3]+4, damage [roll4]+2, if crit: [roll5]

Toad jumps from the water and tries to bite Heart directly
[roll6]+5, damage [roll7]+3, if crit: [roll8]
Grapple and restrained on a hit
Next round tries to swallow whole

Edit: Ouch

Faster than you expect, the enormous toad jumps from the water and bites down hard on your torso, needle sharp teeth piercing your armor. The pain is indescribable and you feel blackness crowding in on your vision. All strength leaves your arms and for a moment you see in the darkness a pinpoint of light that seems to pull you towards it.

Then the moment passes and you are lying on the hard ground in agony. Next to you the toad lies on the ground, decapitated and resembling a porcupine from the half dozen of arrows sticking from it.
Tilly has taken your head into her lap and her soft hand lightly touches your cheek: "Thank the gods, she is awake again"

Healing word gives you back 5 hitpoints

2020-04-29, 04:45 PM
Heart moans a bit in pain. I'm not dead, not dead... But holy hells that hurts. She gets to her feet, staggering a bit. Just glad it was me and not you guys who took the hit. Let's move across the stream, quickly-Angus, you take the lead this time. I'll be in the middle with Tilly. I don't want to wait for whatever the toad used to eat to refill this stream, but we... Okay, I need to rest a bit.

Getting across the stream with her group, Heart looks around for somewhere good to rest. It doesn't have to be the most comfortable-just safe.

Trying to take a short rest.

2020-04-30, 08:42 AM
You find an easily defendable spot, where you can sit down and lick your wounds. Rene scouts ahead, returning a short while later to draw a crude map: apparently, the path is moving up again and reaches a pair of massive metal doors next to a waterfall. Old contraptions and a movable bridge indicate, that there likely used to be a small garison stationed down here to guard the place.

2020-04-30, 10:57 AM
Rolling one hit die: [roll0]

Thank you, Rene, Heart says. Any signs of life? Especially intelligent life.

2020-04-30, 11:06 AM
Rene shook his head. Tilly frowned: "It's amazing that anything at all can live down here. This toad was much too large for this kind of environment - I mean, what does a toad like that eat? Giant insects and spiders?... I probably should stop talking now."

Angus chuckled: "Apparently also Tabaxi. Even if Rene hasn't seen anything, we should be careful. Do you feel well enough to continue?I'll take point this time."

2020-04-30, 11:07 AM
Yes-let's move, Heart says. She walks in the front-middle of the group, letting Angus take the fore this time.

2020-04-30, 11:47 AM
It doesn't take long until you reach the place Rene has seen: A small underground river with a very tall waterfall at one side separates you from the other side of the cavern. This water is fresh and clear an no signs of giant amphibians in it. There is one obvious place to cross, where on the other side a drawbridge contraption can be seen. From there you can see a short path to the aforementioned iron doors - each one easily 15 ft high and 10ft wide. There are no obvious handles, but on the left side, close to the waterfall, the remains of a waterwheel stand - although mostly rusted away - quite unlike the one you repaired of the kobolds.

The underground river is about 15ft wide and probably too fast to easily swim across and climb out the other side.
to the right of the doors, the remains of a shag show where once guards must have taken quarter.

2020-05-01, 10:07 AM
Tilly, can you make your servant appear on the other side of the river? Heart asks. We could try hooking some rope on something over there and crossing that way, but if you can just finagle the bridge down with your spells, that'd be easiest, methinks.

2020-05-01, 10:12 AM
"Easy enough." Tilly replied with a smile.
Another minute later, chains started to rattle until the draw bridge came down, giving you a comfortable way to the other side.

2020-05-01, 10:19 AM
Right. This bridge is old, Heart says, so we cross one at a time, with a rope for assistance. Angus, normally I'd ask you to go first, with me still not being at 100% and you being the beefiest. But I'm worried the armor might be too much. So, Rene, let's get you roped up, and you can cross.

Heart, with the others' help, quickly secures the rope around Rene. She, Tilly, and Angus (mostly Angus) get a good grip on the rope, and Rene crosses at a quick but careful pace.

If there's no immediate danger, Heart will have Rene untie the rope from himself, then secure it to herself and cross on her own. Following her, Tilly, and lastly Angus.

2020-05-01, 10:25 AM
Rene, as the nimblest of your group, has no trouble going over, beyond a mit of creaking wood.
Once there, he afixes his end of the rope to one of the posts there. In the end you all make it across without ending in the water, although Angus did hit a bad spot and nearly lost his boot.

Now you stand in front of the huge metal gates - with no obvious way to open them.

2020-05-01, 10:27 AM
Heart takes a moment to gather her rope back up. Always good to have rope, she comments, before turning to face the next obstacle.

[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Advantage?

[roll2] Investigation
[roll3] Advantage?

2020-05-01, 12:08 PM
You all search around for a mechanism - carefully not to trigger any traps.
The good news is, there are no traps, the bad news: The original mechanism seems to have gone. As far as you can make out, the water wheel was used to close and open the doors once they were unlocked, but the actual unlocking mechanism is gone - the only thing you find is a bucket sized, rust covered hole that leads inside the armored structure. The hole is about 10ft away from the waterwheel, and the rock floor shows signs, that a long time ago, there must have been some kind of structure there.
With enough effort you likely can turn the old water wheel yourself - provided you find a way to unlock it.

There was likely a way to funnel water into the hole to unlock the door

2020-05-01, 12:18 PM

Rolling the dice.

Whomp whomp.

This is a tricky situation, Heart mutters to herself. She looks deeper into the hole leading to the mechanisms, seeing what she make out of the mechanism itself. Tilly, that servant of yours isn't particularly strong, right? So even if it could fit in here, wouldn't be able to do jack.

Taking her shield in one hand while leaving the other free, she starts to climb up the wall besides the door, seeing if there's anything above, or just to see if a new vantage helps anything.

2020-05-01, 12:37 PM
There seems to be a system of chains and pulleys inside the hole as well as a kind of large cauldron. The whole thing looks a bit like a scale.
Climbing up the wall, doesn't reveal any weakpoints for the strong room, but you can see that the waterfall is concealing another cave behind it. It would take a mighty jump to get over there, but from up here it might be possible.

Tilly replies: "I can try it - but without seeing what is in there it's hard to command it to do anything useful."

2020-05-01, 12:39 PM
No, not yet. Well, she calls down, feel free to tinker with it. I've found something up here-there's a cave behind the waterfall.

What sort of check would it be to leap across? And could I gain bonuses for Dashing twice and Feline Agility, or nah?

Also, is there anything near the new cave soft enough that an arrow could penetrate? A wooden beam, a crate, anything like that?

2020-05-01, 12:50 PM
You can jump your strength score in feet with a 10ft run up.
The cave is about 15 ft away from your current position and you can use the ledge above the doors to get your running start.
You can make a Str(Athletics) check with a DC of 14+1/missing foot to clear the remaining distance.
Your Tabaxi dash gives you advantage on that

You strain your eyes, but you can't make out anything specific through the rushing water. When you ask Rene to test it with an arrow, he obliges. The arrow is slightly diverted by the falling water, but you think you hear it hitting stone.

Meanwhile Tilly has sent her unseen servant into the hole, clicking and clanking in there - to little effect.

2020-05-02, 11:17 AM
I literally cannot make that, then.

8' jump, so DC 14+7=21. And I have a -1 Athletics mod.

Alright, new plan. Angus, Rene how good are you at climbing and jumping? Heart asks as she quickly climbs down. I can't make that jump up there-I can climb well, but a jumper I am not. We can't find a good spot to anchor a rope with an arrow, and I don't want to waste ammo firing blindly. If one of you can make it into there, we can toss the rope up and make it worlds easier on the rest of us.

Alternatively, if we can chuck something sufficiently heavy up there with a rope attached, that could work too.

2020-05-02, 12:25 PM
Angus replies: "From there to there? Shouldn't be to hard. Just hold the end of my rope, should I not make it and land in the water. Just have to get out of my armor for that one."

True to his word, the Doppelsöldner gets rid of most of his equipment, ties the silk rope around his waste and climbs up to you. "If I fall it will at least be into water."

Angus takes his running start and vanishes through the waterfall.
For a moment there is only the rushing of water to be heard, then: "I'm ok, tie the rope up on your end, I've fixed it here. Should be easy enough to climb over."

Once you follow through with that, you find yourself wet an shivering with the likewise wet and cold Angus in a small cave. Rusty iron rings protrude from the wall and there is a kind of watchpost set up in here. A badly decayed heavy cross bow is set to the side of it. More interesting are the two chests there up on the wall, as well as the small furnace and fireplace - complete with cooking spot and a small box containing quite dry firewood.
If nothing else, this place is secure and secret.
"Sentinel post. Probably had some kind of magic communication device if someone got down here and tried to break into the vault."

2020-05-02, 01:57 PM
Heart examines the chests, careful to not touch them.


If she ascertains they're safe to open, she'll crack them open. If not, she'll get Tilly to summon a servant to open them.

2020-05-02, 02:15 PM
You decide to better be safe and have an unseen servant open them. No traps are triggered. Instead you find old clothes, surprisingly well preserved, bedding, cutlery and a kit for weapon maintenance. In the other chest you find a silvered short sword, three flasks filled with a clear liquid and the symbol of Helm and three with the symbol of Ilmater. Finally, there is a small bag, that seems to be empty, but feels somehow special.

2020-05-03, 11:11 AM
Heart sheathes the silver sword onto her belt. Can you identify the bottles or the bag, Tilly? Or at least make an educated guess as to what they are?

2020-05-03, 11:29 AM
After Tilly has made her way to the hidden cave, she studies the bottles for a bit:
"I'm not sure, but the sign of Ilmater is often used to seal healing potions. Helm often has potent holy water.

By the way, I think I know now how the door can be opened: There must have been a way to redirect water into the hole on the side. Once there was a precise measurement inside, the doors must be moveable again."

2020-05-03, 11:38 AM
Well-that's a good find, Heart says. About how much do you think is needed? Because we have cookware, including pots-if it's not too much, we could just fill it, slowly and surely.

2020-05-03, 12:57 PM
"It's a heavy lock, probably a few 100 pints. I can have a few unseen servants working on it though - time enough for us to take a bit of rest here. Likely, they had a timing for when it was enough water - singing a song or reciting a prayer or something like that. We'll have to do this by trial and error.

Take a look around, maybe one of the guard left a clue around, which verse or prayer they used - that would make this go a lot faster."

Pick a location to search or make an Insight test DC 15
Each seaching of a location takes an hour

2020-05-03, 01:40 PM
Heart nods, and stars searching with Angus. She directs Rene to find a good hiding spot and make sure no creature surprises them.

I'm assuming you meant Investigation and not Insight. Since Insight is about reading people, and Investigation is about investigating.

[roll1] Advantage from Angus?

And we're checking the cave we're in first.

After that, the frontal area.


2020-05-03, 01:59 PM
With Angus' help, you can find a small, hidden compartment next to the furnace. It contains a little song book for soldiers. One page is marked with a very old song that nearly everyone in Alem still knows: "The Watch on the Ren."

Tilly smiles: "Oh, I know that song. Ok, that gives us the time needed. Now we need to know how much water the waterfall delivers. We need a pot that is exactly as wide as the hole and then measure the time needed to fill up the pot. That should tell us how many pots we need."

The bard flies into action and soon you see her with one of the cooking pots toying at the waterfall.
Another hour goes by until she announces: "15 pots should do it"
And indeed, after Angus fills the cooking pot 15 times and carries it over, there is an audible creak from somewhere inside.
"Alright, in theory, we only need to turn that wheel here and the doors should open. Do you want us to do it or do you want to prepare something first."

2020-05-04, 10:43 AM
I want everyone not turning the wheel on guard, weapons ready. But... We're limited in what kind of traps or hazards we could set up, so we might as well get it open, Heart says. Be ready.

2020-05-04, 11:45 AM
It falls to Angus to turn the wheel, giving it his whole, considerable strength, while Tilly and Rene ready their ranged weapons at the entrance.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly the two doors open, revealing a surprisingly small chamber, containing a few chests, a pedestal with a large, silver gleeming hammer on it - as well as a spiked monstrosity with wings, bound by silver chains and eyes that spoke of madness and hate.

Tilly [roll0]+2
Rene [roll1]+3
Angus [roll2]+1
Monster [roll3]+2

Tilly and Rene fire their readied weapons:
Tilly [roll4]+2, damage [roll5]+2, if crit [roll6]
Rene [roll7]+3 damage [roll8]+3 if crit [roll9]
Half Damage

It's a spined devil without flight speed.

The beast roared as the arrow and bolt hit it and moved to attack, hampered in its mobiity as his wings could not unfold.

2020-05-04, 11:57 AM
Not to preempt your action, but Tilly and Rene will just fire again on their round and then move away to keep their range

Tilly [roll0]+2, damage [roll1]+2, if crit [roll2]
Rene [roll3]+3 damage [roll5]+3 if crit [roll4]

Angus spends the round getting into range and drawing his weapon.

Tilly and Rene fired immediately again, but this time the missiles just glanced of the beast's spined hide.

2020-05-04, 01:12 PM

Heart takes a moment to let Angus get its attention, slinking off into the shadows to try to come from an unexpected angle.

Bane as a main action, Hide as a bonus action, if there's anywhere I can hide.

[roll1] Stealth

2020-05-04, 01:22 PM
You hide quickly behind the old guard shed, letting the beast turn its attention on Angus who storms at it with his raised sword

Angus attack:
[roll0]+5, damage: [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]

Spined Devil:
Throwing tail spines at Tilly and Rene
[roll3]+4, damage: [roll4]+2 +[roll5] fire , if crit [roll6] + [roll7] fire
[roll8]+4, damage: [roll9]+2 +[roll10] fire , if crit [roll11] + [roll12] fire

Round 2:

Angus attack:
[roll13]+5, damage: [roll14]+3, if crit [roll15]

[roll16]+4, damage: [roll17]+2, if crit [roll18]
[roll19]+5, damage: [roll20]+2, if crit [roll21]

Damage sustained 18

The beast screamed has Angus blade hacked into it's leg, but didn't manage to do much damage beyond a cut
Whipping around it's tail, a pair of spines flew out and hit Tilly and Rene, causing the air to fill with the stench of burning flesh.

2020-05-04, 01:25 PM
Forgot to roll the bane

Charisma save [roll0]
Tilly attack: [roll1]
Rene attack: [roll2]


2020-05-05, 10:22 AM
What do you mean, roll the Bane? That only applies to my attacks.

Unless you mean the spell Bane, then okay.

Heart lunges out from her hiding spot, swinging twice with her daggers.

[roll1] Advantage from hidden
[roll3] Bane Damage

[roll5] Advantage, if it applies to the second attack
[roll7] Bane Damage

[roll8] Sneak Attack

2020-05-05, 10:47 AM
One of your daggers finds its way to a vital spot - despite the tough hide, the creature begins to spurt copious amounts of black, burning blood and falls to the ground. The twiching stopps after a minute or so and finally the creature lays still - only to begin burning up and turning into a mount of fine ash.

Tilly is visibly shivering, as she removes the spine from her shoulder - only inches away from hitting her lungs or heart.
"A devil guardian - that explains why they kept a silver sword and holy water on hand."
She speaks a quick healing word on herself and then helps Rene to remove the spine from his side. With gritted teeth but without making any noise, Rene endures the procedure.

2020-05-05, 11:03 AM
One of us should've used that. But, Heart says, When you're caught off-guard...

She begins to search the room, exploring the nooks and crannies to see what else is within.

Investigation: [roll0]

If nothing comes up as dangerous, gonna take twenty for 22.

As she searches, she calls back to the group. I can offer a little healing, if anyone needs it. Not much-but it's there.

Lay On Hands, 5 points. I was saving it for when it was needed, but I feel like we've made it through this.

2020-05-05, 11:18 AM
Yeah, this place is also meant for a long rest. In other news, you have gained another 550 XP for the toad and the devil as well as 50 XP for the quest item

The insides of the vault have no traps, but instead contain a few notable things: 1500 gp in various old coins and gems, the warhammer, that you were sent to find as well as a small ring under a glass hood.
Rene takes the healing with visible relieve - although he and Tilly are still pretty hurt.

2020-05-05, 11:29 AM
Alright-let's head back up to the cavern behind the waterfall, and rest for a few hours. Get some sleep-I'll take first watch, Heart says. Tilly, on your watch, I'd like you to try to figure out what this ring does.

True to her word, Heart sets up for first watch. Once her time is up, she gently awakens whoever volunteered for second, and goes to sleep herself.

2020-05-05, 12:18 PM
Tilly nods and once you awake from your sleep, you find yourself well rested and the smell of a stew emanating from the small cooking space. Rene nods to you and hands you a bowl.
Tilly is also up and smiling: "Ok, I had time to take a closer look on all the things we found here - not just the ring. It's definitely holy water and healing potions. The bag is a bag of holding - unfortunately quite empty at the moment.
The ring allows you to jump great distances - and the warhammer... well it must be one of those legendary weapons. As far as I know, it's a Hammer of Tunderbolts - part of a set of magic items that bestow incredible strength to its wielder. At the moment it's potential isn't much more than that of any other magic weapon though."

2020-05-05, 02:21 PM
Mind if I have the ring? Heart says. If not me, then Rene. We could both use jumping abilities.

I want each of you to have a healing potion on you-I'll go without, since I can heal myself. Holy water... Not sure how to distribute that. We'll figure it out. Angus, you're the strong man, Heart says with a little chuckle, so you can carry the hammer.

Heart and Angus lead the way back out, with plenty of care taken at the river, to make sure there's no more giant toads.

2020-05-05, 02:48 PM
Your companions agree to give you the ring and otherwise follow your lead.

The way back is a bit easier, as you know about the traps.
You reach unmolested the door that leads back into the big hall.
"Ok, how do you want to do this? Do you think the Leader will keep his promise?"

2020-05-05, 04:50 PM
Hopefully, Heart says. With this, I think the key is to show no fear-which, honestly, we don't have any reason to be afraid in the first place. We've honored our part, and accomplished something they could not-so unless they're suicidal, they won't attack us.

That being said, Angus and I out front-big meaty man with big honking sword has more presence than you two, she says to Rene and Tilly. No offense.

She walks over to the door, and knocks loudly, then activates her circlet, before opening it. We've acquired your hammer-our end of the bargain is done.

2020-05-06, 03:34 AM
The large room is as you have left it. The large Lizardmen leader sits on his throne with his concubines draped around him.
"You made it back. I am impressed. Is it true that below this keep demons wait?

Alright, give me the hammer and our bargain will be fulfilled."

2020-05-06, 11:07 AM
Not anymore, Heart says. Angus, go ahead and give him the hammer. We hope that you and your kin find yourselves well, great leader. We will be on our way.

2020-05-06, 11:49 AM
Angus stepped forward and held out the weapon. The large lizardman took it with one hand and marveled at the shiny hammer.
"Yes, indeed - this will do nicely.
Farewell to you, but before you go: You want to find out what has caused our Lord to laps in his proteciton of the valley. I can't tell you for sure, but I know that about three weeks ago there was an incursion into the valley that we were unable to stop. The northern tribe reported that whatever it was, it was able to fly faster than the drakes and that it was wreathed in unholy shadows. We searched for it for days but were not able to find anything. Rumors are that the Lord Thihammar has fallen ill shortly afterwards. Here, take this."

The leader tossed a wristband to Angus that seemed large enough to be worn by you as a necklace.
"These are worn by the warriors of our tribe. Depending on who you meet, it might make them back off - or attack you. Decide wisely if you wear it."

With a gesture, the doors are opened to you and the guard from yesterday takes you outside the keep to the north.
"Well, that went better than expected." Tilly smiled. "Where do you want to go from here? Follow the road to the next keep or take a look at the village with the other kobold tribe?"

2020-05-06, 03:08 PM
We move on the road, Heart declares. Angus, keep the warrior's band at the ready, but don't leave it exposed. Don't want to risk ruffling feathers.

2020-05-06, 03:28 PM
As you move on the weather is getting worse. Heavy clouds gather above the valley and soon a nasty, cold drizzle starts there are quite a few miles to go, according to the crude map the old Kobold made for you. On the plus side, you probably won't have to worry about any aerial drakes spotting you.
You are thoroughly wet when you reach a sturdy stone bridge across a pretty substancial river. You know that this an offshoot of the Ren, feeding into Lake Bitterwasser.
The current is strong and the water deep.
Tilly suddenly pulls up her nose and retches: "Oh my gods, what is this stench?" And indeed there is a very powerful, putrid smell coming from the direction of the bridge, although there is nothing to be seen that could cause this smell.

You recognize the smell as that of Troglodytes

2020-05-07, 11:23 AM
Trogdolytes, Heart says. Get your noses covered, she continues, improvising something to stopper her nostrils. I hope we can avoid a fight here, but if it comes to that, we don't want the stench knocking us out.

2020-05-07, 11:51 AM
Tilly frowns: "Well, they are reptilian, I guess - but I'm surprised that the lizardmen tolerate them around here - from what I saw, they are much too civilized to hold with creatures like that."
"Whatever they are, you better get your weapons ready. I think I just saw something move."

Angus stepped forward, readying his sword as four, slimy, black scaled Troglodytes stormed out from underneath the bridge. Their ugly toadlike maws wide open, they dashed forward.

You stopped far enough away that they can't reach you directly, so the four use the dash action.
Troglodyte Ini:[roll0]
Tilly Ini:[roll1]+2,
Rene Ini:[roll2]+3
Angus Ini:[roll3]+1

Just in case they get within 5 feet of the Troglodytes:
Tilly Con save:[roll4]+1
Rene Con save:[roll5]+2
Angus Con save:[roll6]+4

Attacks in first round:
Tilly [roll7]+4, damage [roll8]+2, if crit [roll9]
Rene [roll10]+5, damage [roll11]+3, if crit [roll12]
Angus [roll13]+5, damage [roll14]+3, if crit [roll15]

While Tilly and Rene both shot at the furthest one left and right, Angus didn't move until he deemed the middle left one close enough to charge himself.

While Tilly still looked like she wanted to barf, the two men didn't seem to mind it all to much - having lived in male student dormitories, seemed to have immunized them.

2020-05-07, 01:27 PM
Just roll my init with everyone else's. I don't mind, and it'll speed things up.

[roll0] init

[roll1] Con Save
[roll2] if Advantage

Heart gags a little, but strikes out at one of the Troglodytes that Angus is in range of.

The stench hits her harder than the others, though, with her sensitive nose, and she's unable to land a solid hit.


[roll4] Disadvantage, if needed

[roll7] Disadvantage, if needed

[roll9] SA

If I drop one with the first hit, move on to a second.

2020-05-07, 02:31 PM
Rene drops bow, draws rapier and attacks
Rene attacks Trog 4 [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3 if crit: [roll2]

Tilly drops crossbow, draws rapier and attacks
Tilly attacks Trog 1 [roll3]+4, damage [roll4]+2 if crit: [roll5]

Should everone survive that:

Trog 1 (Damage 8) Bite [roll6]+4, damage [roll7]+2 if crit: [roll8] Attacks Tilly (Damage 9)
Multiattack: Claw [roll9]+4, damage [roll10]+2 if crit: [roll11]
Multiattack: Claw [roll12]+4, damage [roll13]+2 if crit: [roll14]
Trog 2 (Damage 9) Bite [roll15]+4, damage [roll16]+2 if crit: [roll17] Attacks Angus (15 - goes down, unless Heart kills it before it can act)
Multiattack: Claw [roll18]+4, damage [roll19]+2 if crit: [roll20]
Multiattack: Claw [roll21]+4, damage [roll22]+2 if crit: [roll23]
Trog 3 (Damage 0) Bite [roll24]+4, damage [roll25]+2 if crit: [roll26] Attacks Heart (3 damage)
Multiattack: Claw [roll27]+4, damage [roll28]+2 if crit: [roll29]
Multiattack: Claw [roll30]+4, damage [roll31]+2 if crit: [roll32]
Trog 4 (Damage 13) Bite [roll33]+4, damage [roll34]+2 if crit: [roll35] Dies before it can attack
Multiattack: Claw [roll36]+4, damage [roll37]+2 if crit: [roll38]
Multiattack: Claw [roll39]+4, damage [roll40]+2 if crit: [roll41]

Should everyone survive that,

Angus attacks Trog 2 [roll42]+5, damage [roll43]+3 if crit: [roll44]
If Angus doesn't go down, Angus can take on Trog 3

And then a fierce battle commences - Rene manages to drop his opponent with a hastily drawn rapier, Tilly tries to do the same, but sits at the receiving end of a bite and two claws.
Angus is attacked before he can swing and the attack looks bad...

2020-05-07, 02:42 PM
Heart ducks down, pumping some magical restoratives into Angus.

Lay On Hands, 1 point.

She then says Dammit, why won't it work? and hopes Angus gets the hint.

[roll0] Deception-trying to convince the Trogs that he's still out of it till it's his turn, so he can get them by surprise.

2020-05-07, 03:14 PM
Deception works, Angus gets up and slays Trog 2

Rene attacks Trog 3 [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3 if crit: [roll2]
Tilly attacks Trog 1 [roll3]+4, damage [roll4]+2 if crit: [roll5] Slays Trog 1

Trog 1 (Damage 8) Bite [roll6]+4, damage [roll7]+2 if crit: [roll8] Attacks Tilly (Damage 9)
Multiattack: Claw [roll9]+4, damage [roll10]+2 if crit: [roll11]
Multiattack: Claw [roll12]+4, damage [roll13]+2 if crit: [roll14]

Trog 3 (Damage 5) Bite [roll15]+4, damage [roll16]+2 if crit: [roll17] Attacks Rene (Damage 11)
Multiattack: Claw [roll18]+4, damage [roll19]+2 if crit: [roll20]
Multiattack: Claw [roll21]+4, damage [roll22]+2 if crit: [roll23]

Angus attacks Trog 3 [roll24]+5, damage [roll25]+3 if crit: [roll26] slays Trog 3

200 XP for you (should bring you to Level 3)

The battle ends as fast as it has begun - but not without taking it's toll on the team. Bloody but resolute you stand amid your slain foes.

2020-05-08, 10:09 AM
Heart is breathing heavily when the fight is over. Right... Who needs more healing? Angus, you look like you could use some, she says.

2020-05-08, 10:17 AM
Angus shakes his head: "Don't worry about me. I'll get my breath back in a second - or an hour. Tilly got hit hard. Take care of her."
True to his word, Angus takes a deep breath and starts walking slowly up and down

Second Wind: [roll0]+2

Indeed, Tilly has taken a beating - a split lipp and an eye that is swelling shut as you look.
"Sorry, I should have spoken a Healing Word at Angus - but this stench..." She shudders suddenly, turns around and vomits

Rene pats her back for a moment but then turns to take a look at the corpses while he picks up his bow again. Already the rain is soaking the ground with the black blood of the creatures.
A moment later he walks down to the river, taking a look under the bridge. There is surprise on his face when he waves for you to come too and take a look.

2020-05-08, 10:31 AM
Heart takes a moment to heal Tilly for as much as she can.

Lay On Hands, last 4 points.

Breathe easy-take your time, Tilly. Rene, she says as she heads down to where he is, What'd you find?

2020-05-08, 01:37 PM
Tilly nods thankfully but is still a bit green around the nose.

As you follow Rene, you find a kind of burrow - it stinks of the troglodytes and you see three unhatched eggs. There is a disturbing aura over the whole thing - especially when you spot the bloody bones and pieces of skin lying around. Even more disturbing are the bloody handprints and what looks like runes, written in blood too

Those are infernal runes of summoning

There is a long draconic tooth among the debris which is perfectly formed to be used as a dagger

2020-05-09, 11:10 AM
Arcana: [roll0]
Passive Perception: 11

Heart gingerly grabs the dagger. We probably want to wash this before we use it. Tilly! she shouts up, when you're feeling ready, come down here-there's some eggs I want us to identify.

2020-05-09, 11:53 AM
It takes a few minutes, but Tilly comes down eventually - only to vomit once more.
"I'm ok, I'm ok, it's just... sensitive nose. Right, I'll take a look, should only take a minute."

Another few minutes go by as the bard looks around the nest. Finally she says: "Ok, those are Troglodyte eggs - but something's wrong with them. There is some serious bad influence on them. And I mean the brimstone and ash kind of wrong. Demonic influence would be my guess.
That tooth is magical by the way - should pack quite a bit of punch"

Dragon tooth is a +1 Dagger

2020-05-09, 12:20 PM
Right, new stabbing tool for me, Heart says, and will the eggs... Spawn something, if we smash them? Because I don't like the sound of fiendish troglodytes.

2020-05-09, 12:25 PM
"Hm, no, and if it does, I don't think it will be much of a challenge." True to her word, Tilly grabs a big stone and throws it at the nearest egg. The shell breaks and black, stinking liquid floods out as well as something that looks a bit like a tentacle.

2020-05-09, 12:28 PM
Gross, Heart comments. Right, smashing time.

With the eggs dealt with, and a brief moment to wash her new dagger off, Heart leads the movement over the bridge.

2020-05-09, 12:35 PM
With that unpleasantness dealt with, you move on after a short rest. The farther you get away from the site, the better Tilly's stomach gets until she is back to her usual self.

The weather gets a bit better - as in, the rain is no longer as cold as before.

Suddenly, you feel your pocket growing warm - the little crystal ball the professor gave you is the source.
As you take it out, you see the old dwarf in his study:

"Ah, Heart, good to see you - I hope you all are well. It took longer than expected to calculate this opening. What's your status? Anything to report so far? Do you need resupply or reinforcements?"

2020-05-09, 01:04 PM
Hello professor. We've managed okay-peaceful contact has been made with kobolds, semi-peaceful with lizardfolk, and completely hostile contact with some troglodytes, Heart reports. We are not currently in need of reinforcements, though if you wanted to, you could send someone who knows Draconic to the kobold village-keep an eye on them, offer assistance, and make allies.

The most notable feature we've come across is that the troglodytes seem to have some kind of demonic infestation-Tilly has identified a distinctly malign presence on some of their eggs.

2020-05-09, 01:29 PM
"I see, let me just track where that Palantir was - ah yes, I see the village. I'll try to get someone there - and also have something delivered to deal with demons. Can't promise a delivery date though. Until then keep save and remember not to..."
The crystal goes clear and cold again.
Rene has been scouting ahead on his own, but reappears now indicating, that you are close to your next destination - the large river fortress Castle Falkenklaue. He takes you away from the road up a small hill and indicates to you to take cautious look
Angus frowns: "If I understand this right, there seems to be a kind of siege going on there."
Tilly looks confused: "Those are skelletons and zombies - why are over a hundred undead trying to force the gate of that large castle? And were are all the lizardmen? Shouldn't they be shooting them or something?"

As you look on, you see that the undead are wearing old scraps of armor and look humanoid - it is as if an old mass grave has spilled its contents - on the old battlements there is no sign of any defenders to be seen.

2020-05-09, 03:05 PM
I have no idea-maybe the people inside have escaped already? Heart wonders out loud.

Can you clarify what exactly the current situation is?

2020-05-09, 03:43 PM

The outer walls of this Fortress is pretty gigantic, easily 300 yards long and 20ft high. The river touches the south western corner and there at a portculis a small army of undead has gathered, hammering against the gate. At the eastern most part, the fortress touches the lake, forcing anyone who wants to move north to either go through the fortress, detour around the lake or have a boat ready to cross the lake.
The main gate is closed as well as the secondary exits. There is no sign of defenders on the walls.

2020-05-10, 11:02 AM
Let's give the castle a wide berth, see if we can find a less... Besieged entrance, Heart says. I don't think we have to worry too much about being spotted, but let's be careful all the same.

2020-05-10, 12:56 PM
To avoid being seen you move back to the road, cross it and move east until you are far enough to no longer see the wall to the north of you but the lake.
The vast body of water looks grey and cold in the bad weather and is easily large enough that walking around it would take the better part of one day.

A quicker, but possibly more dangerous way would be using a boat - just like one from the small pier you can see from here. Three small canoes - barely large enough for one person each but probably plenty big for kobolds are tied to it.
With them it can't be more than an hour to get to the other side of the castle - or possibly to the pier that is jutting out from the wall to the east.

2020-05-10, 01:33 PM
We'll go the long way, Heart says. I don't want to risk any zombies underneath the lake capsizing us.

2020-05-10, 01:50 PM
The group agrees and you set out to march around the lake. It's getting dark before too long. There is only a dim light visible somewhere along the castle wall.
"Do you want to press on through the night or should we find a secure place to rest?"

2020-05-11, 12:28 PM
Secure sounds like a castle, Heart jokes, but with you all not being able to see in the dark, we shouldn't camp too close to the castle itself. Don't want to draw them towards us with light. Let's find a good spot out here.

Survival, if needed, to find a good spot:

[roll1] Advantage from Help?

2020-05-11, 12:43 PM
With Rene's help you find a well protected spot - that is even dry. A small fire allows you to at least attempt to dry out. Most of you still carry the marks left by the Troglodytes and you are all quite happy to get some rest.
As you fall asleep, you dream - and it is one of those where you know exactly that you are dreaming but it doesn't lessen the horror one bit.
You see the valley before, engulfed in flames. People run around screaming, all of them burning - and overhead the form of a gigantic red dragon. Again and again, the beast keeps straving across the land. Setting ablaze every last building. Black shadows start to pool up from the ground and take the form of cloaked humanoids. They all look at you and point their fingers.
"Your fault!"
With a little gasp you awake to faint sunlight and the smell of sizzling meat - coming from the small fire where Rene turns patiently a prepared duck on a spit.

2020-05-11, 12:46 PM
Heart shakes her head. Morning, all, she says. Can I... Can I get a history lesson while we eat? Just... Everything you can tell me about the dragon himself.

2020-05-11, 01:32 PM
Tilly smiles: "Of course.
It all started about 210 years ago. Alem had finished the large castle and Fren was gathering a large mercenary force, before it could be reinforced. Contemporaries say it was to be one of the largest battles of all the succession fights. Suddenly a shadow fell on the would be battlefield. The giant form of Thihammar blotted out the sun. Some fools started to shoot with bows at him, but most of them ran or tried to hide in the newly build fortress.
Thihammar breathed flame into the Ren and caused it to bubble and steam so much, that the whole area was filled with fog. Then, everyone heard his voice in his head, telling them to leave immediately from the valley, claiming it as his domain. Lesser drakes, ridden by lizardmen and kobolds started to arrive.
A few fools - you notice there are always some - tried to engage the dragon. And were promptly eaten for their efforts. The smarter ones who fled got out with little trouble. Over a week, Thihammar and his subjects systematically drove everyone living here out of the valley - with surprisingly little bloodshed.
After that, the protective field appeared around the valley. Whenever someone tried to enter, they didn't get far before drakes beset them. If a trespasser showed itself to be too tough or numerous, Thihammar himself came by and incinerated them. Both sides lost two armies that way, before they gave up.
For a while dragon hunters and killers tried to sneak in and take care of Thihammar, but none of them ever came back - except for one bard.
Arthur the Silvertongue. He wrote a famous ballad about his adventures there. Basically, he was able to serenade Thihammar so the Dragon would grant him mercy, instead of killing him like his companions who were dropped one by one outside the castle from high in the air down to the ground. "Tale of the hunters' hail" he called it."

Tilly took a bite and continued: "Of course, scholars say that one is likely a complete invention and Arthur just was smart and/or cowardly enough to run away early enough to make it back out of the valley. And for the next 200 years no-one tried to enter the valley again.
Until last week. A group of adventurers from the western continent arrived in Brugstadt. With them they had a gnome wizard, who supposedly had learned of a secure way into the valley. They made it back with a few magic artifacts. Everyone wanted to know how they did it, but the same evening one of their group was murdered in an alley, and the other three vanished. No-one knows what came of them.
The professor investigated - he had predicted this event for some years, but was reluctant to explain even to his students how he found this out."

2020-05-11, 01:48 PM
Alright. Because... I had a dream. Felt more like a vision, she says, and relays what she saw in the night. I... I'm not sure what to make of it.

Is the dragon really dying, or aged? Or is this a trap?

2020-05-11, 02:00 PM
Tilly frowned: "Hm, no. Thihammar is considered to be in his prime as a dragon. True, his behavior has shown to be rather restrained compared to others of his kind, but I don't think that stems from a weakness. From Arthur we know, that Thihammar liked the valley and wanted it as his home. That at least is plausible, explaining why he just used super hot steam instead of burning everyone on the first battlefield. And as you can see, the valley is in good condition.
If he is sick... well, that could be - but it would have to be something that came from outside and had a lot of power to overcome the innate protection of a dragon. But then, we have seen and heard a few strange things already around here. The tainted eggs and that strange shadow the lizard man leader spoke about. That would be my guess."

2020-05-11, 02:01 PM
Yeah... We should be careful, Heart says, her voice unusually reserved.

Enough of doom and gloom, though-let's head to the castle now that light is upon us!

2020-05-11, 02:14 PM
Angus agrees: "Yeah, we still have some way to go - with any luck we can get there after midday."
Your group moves on and soon the sun is back at full strength, making the last day of rain forgotten.
As you round the northern side of the Lake, you see another fishing dock - with a trail leading north towards the other kobold village. A few of them are currently busy fishing - some with rods, others with nets. All in all you count six. They all wear wide brimmed hats - likely to shade their eyes from the sun.
"So, do we sneak past or introduce ourselves? And if we do do we want to show that amulet you got or not?"

2020-05-12, 11:45 PM
just bringing both threats back in sync
As you keep watching on, you notice that the kobolds are nearly done with their work and begin to pack up.

2020-05-13, 08:40 AM
Keep the bracelet hidden for now-reveal it if they show themselves to be hostile, Heart says. She taps the circlet, and calls over to the kobolds. Greetings, friends! We come in peace.

2020-05-13, 10:22 AM
As you approach, the Kobolds jump up surprised, but calm down quickly once they comprehend what you said.
"Humans. Are that the ones that repaired the mill?"
"Quiet, they can understand you."
One of the bigger kobolds turns to you and says: "Peace or we will all be eaten by the Lord Thihammar.
What do you want?"

2020-05-13, 12:35 PM
We are indeed the ones who aided in the repair, Heart says. We wish to talk to you, about a specter that hangs over this valley.

Assuming that she and her companions are able to come nearer, once she's close enough to talk without shouting, she says We have seen a considerable amount of evidence that some foul, demonic presence is tainting this valley. We have to find a way to cleanse it.

2020-05-13, 01:07 PM
The tall kobold becomes visibly nervous as he replies: "Yes, we have. The dead have been rising and vile creatures have appeared. Yesterday, two of my egg brothers were slain by a monster. I'll bring you to our village elder. He can tell you all about these things."

Provided you follow the small group, you soon see the larger of the two villages. Kobolds are swarming about, tending to livestock and the fields.
After another round of surprise, suspicion and finally supplication, they take you to a townhall.
This elder kobold has also wings and seems still fit enough to employ them.

"I am Teifel. My uncle at the mill has sent message about you. You wish to see the great Thihammar - but the undead are surrounding the castle and our Lord has not yet seen fit to take care of them. We know of a way inside that is not besieged. I will tell you if you help us hunt down a dangerous beast that is killing our people here.
It walks on two legs, looks like a dead man and has a tongue like a frog, only different and horrible. With long arms and long claws. And whoever gets hit by it can't move anymore."

2020-05-14, 11:18 AM
[roll0] Knowledge check.

If it's Nature, add an extra +4.

Quests abound, Heart jokes. What else can you tell us about this creature? Do you know where it resides, or where its hunting grounds are?

2020-05-14, 12:04 PM
From the description you can gather, that the kobolds are either suffering from a ghoul or a ghast. The later worse than the former as ghasts can control ghouls and have an even worse stench than troglodytes.
Quite dangerous and - as you realize - untypically for this area where humans should at best be found in the form of skelletons or maybe zombies.
That many undead indicate something purposeful is at work here...

Teifel continues: "The attacks occured at the western edge of the village. Somewhere around the old graveyard."

2020-05-14, 03:15 PM
We're dealing with a ghoul, if we're lucky, or a ghast, if we're not, Heart says. Let's assume the worst. We're going to need something to cover our noses, if it is a ghast. Do you have anything strong-smelling and portable? Something we could fill a face-covering with, to counteract the scent?

Basically, the idea is to get a mask and fill it with strong-smelling stuff. I'm trying to figure out how to explain it better, but I hope you get the picture.

Would this work to confer immunity or advantage against stench?

2020-05-14, 03:21 PM
The kobold leader thinks for a moment then nodds: "Yes. I think so." He turns around and moves to the far side of the room and opens a cupboard. Inside is an assortment of small jars. He returns with one and opens it. You immediately notice the minty icy smell that numbs your nose.

"We give this to those who have to take out the manure to the fields. Careful, it can be rather irritating."

Basically menthol - you gain advantage on your saves to ignore the stench.

2020-05-14, 03:22 PM
Ooh, that is sharp, Heart says. But that should help. Rene, Tilly, Angus-get used to this smell.

What time is it? I'd want to go hunting maybe an hour after daybreak.

2020-05-14, 03:26 PM
It's now about close to midday - you have a good eight hours of daylight

Angus, Rene and Tilly all take a dab and apply it to pieces of cloth, that they sling around their faces.
"That is really sharp - but definitely better to not smell at all than to go through another experience like yesterday."

2020-05-15, 01:04 PM
Alright-let's move, Heart says.

[roll1] Advantage from Help?

Just trying to find tracks or signs of the monster.

2020-05-15, 02:17 PM
It doesn't take long for you to find the track. Carefully you follow the bloody prints to the old building, but notice in time that there are two tracks. One fits an undead, the other wears good riding boots.
With Rene's help you turn in time and get the chance to hide before they can see you.
"You want to get closer, or lay a trap and lure them to us?"

Take a stealth test with advantage

2020-05-16, 11:14 AM

I'm worried that if we lay a trap, they'll figure it out, Heart says softly. If we can get a proper sighting, we can prepare a quick ambush, but I think we need to engage directly.

2020-05-16, 12:43 PM
Moving carefully forward, you spot the entrance to a small cave where the footprints are lost among the stony ground. The sun is still high in the sky and you are sure that anyone entering will show up quite sharply against the background. Still, you carefully look inside, trying to keep your silhouette as small as possible.

Inside you spot the monster - a large, grey humanoid with seemingly glowing eyes in your dark vision. It sits on the ground, chewing on something that looks suspiciously like a kobold leg.
Next to it, you see a man in a robe, inside an arcane circle. The cowl of his robe keeps his face in shadows, but you here his deep, resonant droning - likely weaving some kind of magic.
The Ghast - because despite the salve you can smell the creature - looks in your direction for a moment, but doesn't seem to have spotted you.

2020-05-16, 12:48 PM

What can I tell about the robed caster at first glance? Is their spell nearing completion, or do we have time?

2020-05-16, 01:22 PM
You can't be sure, but you don't think you have much time before the mage is done.

2020-05-16, 01:29 PM
Heart doesn't waste time. She moves close enough to throw a dagger without any difficulty, then tosses two at the mage.

[roll1] Advantage from Hidden

[roll4] Advantage from Hidden
[roll5] Edit: -3 damage, since I don't apply stat mod. So 2, plus an extra 1d4. You can roll the crit damage for me, please. :)

[roll6] Sneak Attack

Not using the magic dagger-don't want to lose it.

2020-05-16, 02:23 PM
16 damage to the mage +

Tilly: Ini: [roll2]+2
Attack: [roll3]+2, damage [roll4]+2 if crit [roll5]

Rene: Ini: [roll6]+3
Attack: [roll7]+3, damage [roll8]+3 if crit [roll9]

Angus: Ini: [roll10]+1
Attack: [roll11]+3, damage [roll12]+3 if crit [roll13]

Should Ghoul or Mage survive:

Ghast: Ini: [roll14]+3
Mage: Ini: [roll15]+1

Edit: Mage is down

The surprise attack works, with your party members prioritizing the Ghast, but missing in the darkness.
You on the other hand, manage to hit a vital spot, taking down the mage.

2020-05-16, 03:12 PM
To speed this up, I'll add your Ini roll


Angus' save vs. Stench

Con [roll1]+5
Advantage [roll2]+5

Ghast and Angus act at the same time:

Claws: [roll3]+5 damage [roll4]+3, if crit: [roll5]
If hit, Angus save:
Con [roll6]+5
or be paralysed.

Angus gets his attack
[roll7]+5 damage [roll8]+3, if crit: [roll9]

Meanwhile the Ghast managed to shake of its surprise and attacked Angus. The warrior managed to land a solid blow, but payed for it with a claw swipe across his face. The paralysis set in immediately.

2020-05-16, 03:42 PM
Dammit! Heart says as Angus' paralysis sets in. She focuses on the Ghast, studying it as she darts towards Angus' still form., closing the distance and providing the Ghast with a target he'll hopefully take.

Bane on the Ghast.

2020-05-16, 03:50 PM
Angus: ini: 16
Ghast: Ini: 16

Heart: Ini: 13
Rene: Ini: 9
Tilly: Ini: 4

You are up, Tilly and Rene continue to shoot.
Tilly spends her bonus action on Healing Word to stabilize Angus - even though he is paralyzed

Rene: [roll0]+3 damage [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]
Tilly: [roll3]+2 damage [roll4]+2, if crit [roll5]
Healing Word [roll6]+3

Tilly missed and Rene shot somewhat ineffectual at the ghast's legs.

2020-05-16, 04:23 PM
Heart swings twice, first with the fang dagger and second with an ordinary one.

Her first blow lands true, but the second fails, knocked aside by the ghast.



2020-05-16, 04:33 PM
The beast roars as your dragon tooth dagger cuts across its chest. For now, Angus is forgotten just as Tilly's healing power brings him back to consciousness. Unfortunately, the big man still lies paralysed on the ground, leaving you to deal with the undead in melee.

The ghast takes a huge swipe at you and receive a painful hit while the bolt and rapier miss.

Round 3
Have you made your con save with advantage yet? otherwise you'd gain the poisoned condition

[roll0]+5 damage [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]
And also a roll for paralysis - you may use Tilly's inspiration for that if you delay your turn

Rene drops bow and moves into melee with rapier to assist you with your sneak attack
[roll3]+5 damage [roll4]+3, if crit [roll5]

Tilly continues to shoot and expends her inspiration die on you
[roll6]+4 damage [roll7]+2, if crit [roll8]

2020-05-16, 04:34 PM
Con, right?


[roll2] In case I had disadvantage on my earlier attacks.

2020-05-16, 04:41 PM
Con saves were only necessary once you moved into melee, so I'll take your second set for your paralysation save

You feel a numbing sensation spreading from the hit, but manage to power through. You are hit, but not down.

2020-05-17, 02:26 PM
You're going down, monster! Heart says through the mask.



2020-05-17, 03:40 PM
You are getting your sneak attack added since Rene is in melee with you and the ghast


In any case, it's enough to knock out the ghast as only two more points were necessary to get it to 0

Rene's distraction allows you to bypass the Ghast's defense and strike a critical blow at the creature's spine. At once the animating spark winks out and the undead turns into a normal, slightly rotting corpse.
It takes a full minute until Angus manages to move again during which you find time to take a closer look at the dead mage.
You find a closed backpack, a staff and a component pouch on him. The face is unremarkable - a human male of medium age with greying hair and a well groomed full beard. His boots are of good quality and his hands are adorned by a ring on each ringfinger. A closer look on the left one reveals a small seal.

History test for the signet ring
Perception for the body

Advantage on both with Tilly's help

2020-05-18, 12:27 PM


Heart looks over the body and the belongings. When Angus comes to, she stops for a few moments to check on the big guy. You alright, Angus? Anything feel broken, anything feel like it's lingering?

2020-05-18, 01:43 PM
Angus groans as he he gets back up on his knees and finally on his feet again: "Damn, that was not at all pleasant. I feel completely stiff. Hey Tilly, you wouldn't be up to giving me a little massage?"
"I've already expended more healing energy on you in the last two days than I had to at the university in the last two years. Be happy to be alive."

As you study the signet you realize that this belongs to the Frenish East Varana Trading Company, a powerful consortium, most notably for their many mines on the eaastern continent providing the rawmaterials for the booming manufacturing sector in Fren.

As you take a closer look at the boots, you also find that the left heal can be removed, revealing a ruby as large as you thumb as well as a small piece of paper with a list of seemingly nonsense words:

Scma - Ben
Yuqt - Sim
Riki - Xat
Pagz - Lji
Nixo - Puw
Defg - Hup

Tilly frowns: "Who was that? And why was he attacking the kobolds? By the way, his staff is magic."

2020-05-18, 02:44 PM
What kind of magic? Heart asks. And can anyone make sense of these words here?

While the others look at the words, Heart and Tilly explain what they know about the consortium.

2020-05-18, 03:24 PM
"I'm not sure, give me an hour and I can tell you. But considering the necromantic energies, I'd guess it has something to do with that Ghast over there."

Angus looks at the words, turns the piece of paper on its head and back again before giving it back: "No idea. Doesn't look like any language I know. Could be names - maybe."
Tilly took a moment to cast her comprehend language ritual and touched the paper: "It's definitely not a foreign language. It must be names or a code."

2020-05-19, 12:00 PM
Well, let's copy it, just to have a backup, Heart says. And let's let the kobolds know that the ghast is dealt with. Hopefully there aren't more...

2020-05-19, 12:22 PM
The kobolds are obviously happy as you show them the corpses, but express astonishment that there was another human there:
"This man must come from outside the valley, but we didn't hear about him, like we did with you. Why are people coming here to hurt us?"

Teifel shakes his head in disgust: "But you fullfilled your promise, so I will honor mine: There is a secret way into the fortress. You will need a boat to reach it from the Ren. There is a large oak with its trunk reaching far over the water. The tunnel emerges among its roots and is only visible from the water. It stinks in there, but it should be large enough for you big folk to get through."

Forgot to add: This encounter was 1000 XP worth

2020-05-20, 11:59 AM
Just let me know when I level.

Be careful, friends, Heart says. We've seen signs of taint. Something evil is trying to consume this valley. Keep your eyes peeled, your guard up, and stay safe.

After that, she double-checks to see if they need any more assistance, but if not, prepares to enter the castle.

2020-05-20, 12:50 PM
Tilly agrees: "With necromancy around, this could get much worse."
Angus interrupted: "Don't say it."
"What? I just meant that..."
"Don't say it!"
"What? Zombie drakes?"
"You just had to say it, didn't you?"

Before long, the Kobolds have organized for you two boats. Rene takes Tilly and Angus sits with you, so the weight is evenly distributed - at least somewhat. Angus' heavy armor makes the boat sit much deeper in the water than you'd prefer and the Ren is a strong stream.
It takes no time at all for the aforementioned tree to come in sight.
Stearing with the small paddles is pretty fiddly though and not at all easy Angus does his best to help, but can't exert to much for fear of toppling the small boat.

A Vehicle (Water) (Dex) test please, Angus gives you advantage

2020-05-20, 01:03 PM
Water Vehicles


2020-05-20, 01:40 PM
Despite taking on water, you manage to catch the roots and find the hidden entrance. It's obviously a sewer access made of brick, although the rain yesterday has mercifully cleared the worst out of the system.

Rene and Tilly arrive soon after, allowing you to regroup.

Angus says: "That looks pretty tight. I could go ahead, but I can't see in the dark. What should be the marching order?"

2020-05-20, 02:15 PM
I'll go first, with my shield ready. Then Rene, then Tilly, then you, Heart orders. Just in case something nasty comes from behind. We'll go a short ways in, then start a light so you all can see.

2020-05-20, 03:04 PM
As you move through the pitch black tunnel, you do your best to not take any deep breaths. But since you already got twice a chance to practice this skill, you make it without losing your breakfast.

In front of you, after about 500ft the pipe forks: One goes southwest, the other southeast. The southwestern one has slightly fresher air, while the southeastern one shows a very faint light in the distance.

2020-05-21, 12:16 PM
Frakking forks... Heart mutters. Stay here-get a light. I'm going to investigate the light at the end of the tunnel.

Stealth check:


Moving quickly, using Dash and Hide (one as a bonus action) to just get in there, scout it out, and return.

2020-05-21, 12:37 PM
As you move closer, the point of light gets brighter until you reach a larger part of the sewer - and above you a grate. It has hinges and a lock - although that one is of course on the other side.
Though you can - with difficulty - reach through and work with your lockpicks on it.

As far as you can see, the grate is inside a walled part of the fortress and it is pretty silent.

Lockpicking with disadvantage as you have to work above your head and with the lock looking in the opposite direction

Alternatively a DC 20 Str check to just crack the lock with a blow

2020-05-21, 12:38 PM
Heart lurks for a little bit, waiting to see if anyone comes by. If no one does, she'll start picking.


Unfortunately, the angle isn't good and she's not able to pick it. She carefully retrieves her tools, and scoots back to the others. She relays what she found, and brings them forward. Angus, give it a try to knock it off its hinges.

2020-05-21, 12:55 PM
Angus agrees and the whole group move along that fork. Angus gives the grate a few hard shoves.


There is a sharp crack and a whimper. "Frag, I think I dislocated a shoulder. Give me a minute. Or maybe we try the other way."

2020-05-23, 11:33 AM
No, give me some time. The angle's bad, but I can probably pick it eventually. Just be on the look-out for anyone coming across us, Heart says, and redraws her lockpicks.

Taking 20 on it. Up to you how long it takes.

Also, sorry for not posting yesterday. Was a friend's birthday, so spent most of the day with him.

2020-05-23, 01:26 PM
5e doesn't have a take 20 mechanic, but instead, if you take 10x as long you succeed

It's an agonizingly long time that you spend in a very uncomfortable position. You are nearly there when Rene tips you on your shoulder and indicates into the direction where you came from.
It takes you a moment to see what he has noticed: A dead rat is floating there suspended in mid air and as you look on, it seems to dissolve slowly.

It's a small gelatinous cube making its way towards you and it's about 30 ft away from you.

2020-05-23, 01:30 PM
Cube. Gelatinous, she gets out, still working on the lock. Not too big, but be careful. I'm almost done here, so if you can keep it off me for just a few moments...

2020-05-23, 03:09 PM
You work, as the ooze moves closer and closer. Tilly and Rene start to shoot at it and you can hear the acid wounds as the cube's fluids begin to dissolve the projectiles.
Finally, finally, you hear the lock click, just as the cube reaches the larger chamber and begins to expand.
Angus pushes the grate open and shoves you bodily upwards before doing the same thing for Tilly and Rene. As he reaches up to pull himself to safety, the cube is almost upon him. A pained expression overcomes his face as a pseudopod extends and slashes across his back. Rene and Tilly grap for his wrist and beginn to pull, but the warrior has heavy armor.
"Help, we need to pull him out."

Strength check with Advantage DC 10

2020-05-23, 03:20 PM

Fingers crossed!

Heart grimaces, and with her friends' help, just barely gets Angus up. You okay? Anything broken? Anything melted?

2020-05-23, 03:35 PM
Angus face is white and he quite obviously is in pain but he replies: "Everything's fine. I just need a moment - another moment. Looks like this isn't my day."
Meanwhile Tilly took a look at his leg and did the best she could with her kit: "It got you pretty badly. I'll wash it with water from my canteen. That should stop the burning. But you won't be running any marathons until this has healed properly."

As you look around for the first time, you see that this is somekind of a slaughter yard: Hooks and chains are everywhere, albeit quite rusty and obviously not in use for some time. Above is a single large window with iron bars from which some meager rays of sunshine fall down on you. Otherwise it is earily silent in the whole building. Two doors leave the large hall: A smaller one for people and a large one that was used to bring in the cattle. There are also some old cabinets around that look like they haven't been opened in a hundred years.

2020-05-23, 04:33 PM
How much HP does Angus have?

If it's less than 8, Lay On Hands to bring him up to there. That feels like a safe... Ish, number.

2020-05-24, 01:11 AM
Angus took 10 points of damage with a total of 12 (Your crew will level up once you reach 4th level)
He used his Second Wind for 8 healing and is now missing 2 points

2020-05-24, 10:16 AM
Heart looks to Angus. If you need any more healing, let me know-I've got a little bit of juice to keep you up. I'd like to save it, though, if you don't need it.

With that said, she starts heading for the smaller door, and tests it (without opening it) to see if it's unlocked.

2020-05-24, 12:47 PM
The small door is unlocked and it doesn't look like anyone has used it in a long time: The hinges are rusted and the dust is undisturbed. Through a narrow, dirty window next to it, you can see a small courtyard. A cloud of black flies swarms over an object that you can't make out from your position inside.

2020-05-25, 11:11 AM
I forgot I had Guidance. That might've helped me pick the dang lock!

Okay-I'll move on ahead. Rene, I want you close behind me. Angus, Tilly-you two secure this area, and be careful. Try to make a hiding spot in case someone or something comes, Heart says. She then slowly opens the door, trying to avoid too much squeaking, and starts sneaking through the fort.

Stealth check. If I can apply Guidance to this, add [roll1], but I don't think Stealth can really be helped by an obvious-sounding spell. :P

2020-05-25, 11:48 AM
Guidance works on practically anything - as long as the check is made within the next minute :smallamused:

As you hug the wall to stay in the shadows, you have the opportunity to see more of the courtyard. Empty cattle stables to your left, a smithy or foundry to your right. Both are unoccupied, but in contrast to the slaughterhouse they both show signs of recent use - most of all the stables which smell of fresh dung. And of course the heap of gory offal in the middle of the yard and the large cadaver as its source next to it. From your current position, you are to far away to make out details through the swarm of flies.

The couryard has a gate that is slightly ajar. Over the inner wall you can make out the citadell in the distance, the largest single building in the fortress.

2020-05-25, 12:13 PM
Heart continues searching, moving further out.

2020-05-25, 12:22 PM
You reach the large gate, getting a glimpse through the crack to the other side. Without opening it wider you only can see a building that you'd classify as living quarters. Despite your limited view, you can make out the corpse of a lizard man not too far from your gate, lying in the street. He too seems to have been gutted and is surrounded by flies.

2020-05-25, 02:07 PM
Heart pokes her head out to search around briefly...

[roll0] Perception

But heads back for her comrades after that. She tells them I haven't seen anything living in here besides flies and us. I'm at a loss as to what might've happened.