View Full Version : What would you do

2020-04-13, 01:56 PM
As a player, as one of your characters... whatever.

In all cases, assume they are clean, clearly maintained, but otherwise no ones home.

What would you do... if you stumbled across a wizards clone hold.

What would you do... if you stumbled across an alchemists lab.

The Fury
2020-04-13, 02:48 PM
As a player, as one of your characters... whatever.

In all cases, assume they are clean, clearly maintained, but otherwise no ones home.

What would you do... if you stumbled across a wizards clone hold.

What would you do... if you stumbled across an alchemists lab.

If I can ask a dumb question, what's a clone hold?

I'm not sure if any character I've made would have any understanding of what to do with an alchemist lab.

Also, I think maybe this might be a better topic for the RPG category. Hopefully it can be moved?

2020-04-15, 12:45 AM
in pathfinder (likely also 3.5 but im not 100 percent sure on that) there is a spell called clone.

it's like a back up body, if you die then you immediately transfer to the back up, the clone, body and keep going on with your life.... possibly while seeking revenge on whoever 'killed' you.

it would be phonomenally stupid to leave such clones out somewhere or else someone could wait at one to trap you without gear when you get killed or they could just kill it so your 'respawn' is gone.

so, you hide/secure it. A clone hold.

2020-04-15, 02:17 AM
Loot what you will but do not tarry, even in death a wizard is not to be trusted.

2020-04-15, 02:36 AM
If the Wizard is my enemy and I am planning on murdering him before he has the opportunity to return to his hold... I destroy it, to prevent him from returning that way.

If the Wizard is not my enemy, or I don't know when I will get the chance to murder him, I will leave it alone in order to not make him my enemy or alert him to the fact that I know where he keeps his clones-- that way, if I need to murder him later, I can come back and destroy his lab and it'lll still be there and the security probably will not have improved.

2020-04-15, 04:29 AM
for the clone, animate objects and permanency, dress it up like the wizard and have it follow me around, also implant a magic trap in it just incase, something like a blast disc with a mental activation, inside its chest.

False God
2020-04-15, 08:23 AM
Is the wizard our enemy? Loot and then burn it to the ground.

Is the wizard our friend? Make sure the place is in tact.

Is it just some rando wizard we've never met? Close the door and walk away.

2020-04-16, 04:06 AM
Draw a mustache on it while it sleeps?

Develop a custom spell to imprison the soul once it gets there?

Abduct it to my more secure facilities; leave a note (in case the original owner comes to check on it)?

Be baffled that sleeping beauty didn't wake up, even after I kissed her, then loot the place?

Loot the place, then seek revenge on whoever "killed" the strangely-preserved corpse we found?

Let the owner know that I prepared explosive runes today?

Leave a note, to the extent of, "you owe me one"?

Leave a note, to the extent of, "for a good time, Sending to…”?

Leave an immortal spy / triggered spell, to let me know when / if they awaken?

Loot the place, and loot the body?

Loot the place, and eat the body?

Woohoo, free body! Possess the body?

Ask, "why won't grandpa wake up?"?

Curse the body, coat it in contact poison? Give it diseases, for good measure?

Dust the body; leave a note, "for cleaning services, contact…"?

Bury the body?

Depends on the character, the setup, and my mood.

2020-04-20, 02:04 PM
awesome stuff guys

2020-04-21, 01:08 AM
Flesh to stone.
Stone shape. Craft(sculpture).
Stone to flesh.

Someday, there will be rather a lot a screaming, and I will have a nemisis worthy of my sense of humor.

2020-04-21, 06:58 AM
Loot the place, then seek revenge on whoever "killed" the strangely-preserved corpse we found?

Bury the body?

Come to think of it, I think I may have done exactly this once…