View Full Version : 30 Days of Night

2007-10-24, 08:58 PM
Just came back from the movie theater.

The movie isn't bad, a little gory for my tastes (I dislike gore, I love scary movies.. sadly most scary movies think gore is required)

Ps. Anyone recommend a scary movie that doesn't have gore?

2007-10-25, 12:35 AM
Apt Pupil is pretty scary...

I'm going to have a good night's sleep and think about it some more.

2007-10-25, 05:59 AM
Apart from "The Others" (class!), try to watch "Darkness (http://imdb.com/title/tt0273517/)". Not a single drop of blood. I was personally scared sh*****ss for days. Make sure you do not watch it
a) alone
b) after sunset

Spend the night after the movie with someone; does not have to sleep with you. Just be in the same room. Make nightwatch shifts. Don't sleep too sound. Keep a light (even a dim one) always on.

Do not EVER split the group when you watch it.

Have the sofa/armchair face the main door of the room (i.e. never give you back to the door, unless it's fully lit)


2007-10-25, 01:26 PM
I just watched the trailer. It is getting very cold round where I live at the moment.

EEP! :smalleek:

*hides behind sofa*

*cries and cowers*

2007-10-25, 01:30 PM
Anyone recommend a scary movie that doesn't have gore?

The original Exorcist, minimal blood in most places. Still gross in some and psychologically disturbing.

2007-10-25, 05:44 PM
Yeah, it seems like nowadays, horror means gore. Just like comedy means fart and sex jokes.

2007-10-25, 05:47 PM
The original Exorcist, minimal blood in most places. Still gross in some and psychologically disturbing.

The exorcist wasn't scary. It has a few surprising moments, but there's nothing very frightening about it.

2007-10-26, 08:55 AM
I'm usually not a big fan of scary movies (because of the unnecessary gore) however I will say that my favorites of all time are the Hannibal Lecter movies (Silence of the Lambs being the best of those) but those tend to just be psychological thrillers more than horror. But they don't have much gore in them (except for Hannibal) and really mess with your head, at least imho anyway :smalleek:

2007-10-26, 10:13 AM
I LOVE scary movies, as long as they are actually scary. Which this one isn't. I think the only move that actually made me "jump from fright" is Mr. Brooks. But, I digress.

This is one of the reason's I like living in Alaska: Looking at errors in a movie dealing with Alaska (I.e. Snowdogs- That movie... for shame. So many errors). I can actually say that this movie wasn't so bad with their mistakes, but maybe that was because they were focused more on vampires eating people, and less on some Moron trying to race sled dogs.

A few things...
1. Oil does Not burn that fast. It is not that flammable. I think there might a small chance that it will occasionally burst into flames because of a match, but I highly doubt it. And was anyone able to see the 1 sec shot of the pipeline? Because, depending how badly that opened it... If they lit the oil on fire, and the oil was still connected to the pipeline, then I'm pretty sure A nice line of Alaska would be on fire.

2. Oh and "On the November 18th the sun goes down, and remains below the horizon for 67 days until it re-appears on January 24th. During that time there is a decreasing amount of twilight each day, and on December 21st, the shortest day of the year, civil twilight in Barrow lasts for a mere 3 hours." Just a bit of trivia.

3. That guy with the shotgun and the chainsaw vehicle? Rocked. That was an awesome scene.

4. Hey, they actually had the houses lifted above ground to deal with the permafrost! Awesome!

2007-10-26, 10:25 AM
The Shining was also a good one. And although there was *some* gore in these, The Thing and Event Horizon are both really good ones.

2007-10-26, 10:27 AM
AH! How could I forget Event Horizon...that's another scary movie that I really like.

2007-10-26, 04:04 PM
AH! I actually went and watch the movie with Siric, so a lot of the things he said also hold true for me, yes I live in Alaska as well. Also, it angered me that most of the time you couldn't see their breath even though it was supposedly ten below. Overall, I found the movie humorous if anything. Although we did see it on the biggest full moon of the decade, which was cool.

2007-10-26, 11:24 PM
Just came back from the movie theater.

The movie isn't bad, a little gory for my tastes (I dislike gore, I love scary movies.. sadly most scary movies think gore is required)

Ps. Anyone recommend a scary movie that doesn't have gore?
Hard Candy, It's amazing:smallamused: