View Full Version : Looking for White Dragon "rant"

2020-04-18, 05:53 PM
Hi all,

A while ago, I remember people posting links to a post where someone had defended the White Dragon. I suppose it could be considered a rant of sorts. They really wrote a wonderful piece about how they might not be the smartest dragon, but they are the meanest. That they start of low on the food chain, and hone their skills as an ambush predator. As they grow, they just become more fearsome, until they are the most powerful creatures in their local.

Anyone have a link to that post? Anyone remember it?

2020-04-18, 06:19 PM
I think this is the one here:


I vaguely remember it because I posted in it, pointing out that White dragons are among the fastest dragon species, and come packaged with more maneuverability options that any others.

2020-04-18, 06:38 PM
Fantastic, thanks! It was Blackhawks post.

2020-04-18, 07:22 PM
I was just going to yell "IT'S A TRAINING DRAGON!" really loud and see who scampered out to throw stones at me.

2020-04-18, 08:17 PM
Related topic: there was a post about a powerful red dragon utilizing a kobold tribe's shaman to divine trouble coming and prepare for it. Anyone know where that one is?

2020-04-18, 10:35 PM
Related topic: there was a post about a powerful red dragon utilizing a kobold tribe's shaman to divine trouble coming and prepare for it. Anyone know where that one is?

Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal

2020-04-19, 03:58 PM
Another point in its favor: native immunity to Shivering Touch (a.k.a. "Dragonslayer: The Spell") due to having the Cold subtype.

2020-04-19, 04:51 PM
Hi all,

A while ago, I remember people posting links to a post where someone had defended the White Dragon. I suppose it could be considered a rant of sorts. They really wrote a wonderful piece about how they might not be the smartest dragon, but they are the meanest. That they start of low on the food chain, and hone their skills as an ambush predator. As they grow, they just become more fearsome, until they are the most powerful creatures in their local.

Anyone have a link to that post? Anyone remember it?

Yup, that was me, glad someone found it because I sure as hell couldn't remember where I said, just that I had.

I was just going to yell "IT'S A TRAINING DRAGON!" really loud and see who scampered out to throw stones at me.

I had them loaded.

2020-04-19, 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Blackhawk748
Yup, that was me….

Interesting thoughts in that post, nicely done.

Originally Posted by Blackhawk748
I had them loaded.

What’s this about stones and a training dragon?

2020-04-19, 05:10 PM
Interesting thoughts in that post, nicely done.

Thank you. I like thinking about fantasy ecology.

What’s this about stones and a training dragon?

Psychoalpha had mentioned in the previously mentioned thread that White Dragons were Training Dragons and that they would rather fight them or a Black than any other dragon.

I disagreed as I would prefer to fight a Red or Blue as they are far more consistent in their behaviors than Whites or Blacks considering that Blues and Reds are pretty much the top of their food chains with minimal effort, whereas the White needs to work is frozen hide off to get there and the Black is in swamps which makes hunting a bit more tricky which is why it focuses on deception and stealth over brute force.