View Full Version : JbeJ275 Labrat kid

2020-04-19, 08:33 AM
GM reserve
How do you what to set up the character?

2020-04-19, 08:37 AM

The green light has come on. That is odd. Usually it is the white light above you when you are awake.

But it is nice to have some light.

It seems like a long time since the lights came on. Since the big shake happened. It knocked you out of your bed.

You were waiting for the headache to pass so you could do your next test. That is usually just a short nap with the light on.

But when the big shake happened you fell to the floor in your room and the light went out.

No one came to take you to the test. No one has brought food.
The water still comes from the sink, but you are hungry. It feels like you have missed many meals.

You see your bunk with the blanket.

You see the sink and toilet. They still work. She cleaning shell works too (Demolition Man). Your hygiene kit is on the little shelf above the sink. The little drinking cup is there too.

You see the stool and small table where you eat. Your mess kit and water bottle are on the table.

You see the door. The little window in it is closed from the outside.

You feel like you need to leave.

In the dim green light you can see your designation on your arm. What is it? (the code they use for your name. J275?)

2020-04-19, 12:00 PM
OOC: So like does the being have special traits or abilities from the experiments that it would know about? Or is I pretty much a weaker commoner now and any experiment results will show themselves through play? As this is pretty important for how set up will work.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________

IC: The little one looks at it's arm. To remember through hunger, the little one is 2794, though some called the omega specimen, and then some got rid of most of what it was and called it the O then Theo. The little one needs to eat, it remembers that much certainly, even through the haze. The little one walks over to the door. Already the little one saw a patch of red in the centre, from a hazy memory where it knocked for help but none came. Thus the little one reid to push the door open, and searched through the mess kit and hygiene kit for something stiff and sturdy.

2020-04-19, 12:19 PM

You remember the confusion of your birth. Being wet and cold. The warming towels. Not understanding anything, or knowing that you needed to understand.

Then they put something in your mouth, and your head hurt and you fell asleep. When you woke up you understood that you could eat and crawl. Still, you nearly died the first few times you tried to eat.

After some more glowing pills were fed to you, you learned to walk, use a mess kits, use the toilet, how to clean up when you throw up using the rag and bucket.

The larger pills made you stronger and more steady. You sleep for a long time after those.

Other pills make you know things for a little while. Long enough to do some test.
Some make you faster for a while.

You have seen your reflection sometimes.
You have seen others like you. Some floating in tubes. Some walking around. Sometimes they have one doing the the same test you are doing.

The tests are sometimes trying to arrange blocks in a pattern. Sometimes moving across a room with things in the way.

The bigger people either wear black, white, or green. The black ones just watch. The green ones do the tests where you have to move. The white ones watch the moving tests, and do the tests with the small blocks.

You were going to do a test soon. You took a pill. But the shake happened.

You feel like you should leave, but the door is closed. You have never opened it from the inside. They always open it.

How do you get out?

OC: Answering that question determines certain aspects of the character.


The hygiene kit is a small soft zippered case.
It has the vibrating thing used to clean teeth.
A small green bottle used to wash the mouth. It burns if you keep it in the mouth too long.
A small tube of gritty stuff to put on the teeth cleaner.
A finger nail file.
A small nail clipper.
The thing of string used to clean between teeth.
A bar of soap
a washrag.

The water cup is a small white tumbler.

The mess kit is about 7 inches in diameter. Two silver halves that lock together with a folding handle. A spork and a hard plastic butter knife are inside. 2 plastic chopsticks.
You don't actually use it very often.
They usually give you food on a try or in a small box.

The water bottle is clear, has a screw on top. there is an extendable straw.

2020-04-19, 01:44 PM
OOC: So like does the being have special traits or abilities from the experiments that it would know about? Or is I pretty much a weaker commoner now and any experiment results will show themselves through play? As this is pretty important for how set up will work.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________

Just set up a weaker commoner for now. No skills, feats, save bonuses, or proficiencies.

Since I suspect you will inspect the door:

There is a handle with a thumb button. There is a small gap on the side of the door with the handle. You can see the bolt.

The door opens outward from your room.

There is a square on the wall by the door with 3 buttons on it. You have never touched it. You have a memory that you shouldn't. Like the memory that you shouldn't put your head in the toilet.

You are wearing a pink t shirt and sweat pants. You are barefoot.

2020-04-19, 06:46 PM
I stop for some time, passing my hand over the gap with the bolt and running it into the surface, wanting the bolt to move. Then I turn around. I take the soap and wet it. I put the wet soap slivers in the straw and blow them into the hole the bolt sits in. I pass the rolled string over the bolt again and again, wrapping it tight and firm. I use the clipper to pull the string back in and push it over the bolt to fall. I peer for any groove that may provide the thread with additional purchase. Then, head pounding I pull the section of the bolt wrapped in string towards the door. If it loosens at all, my muscles relax. Then I loosen the strong, pull it back, tighten it again and try to slowly tease the bolt from the hole.

2020-04-19, 06:55 PM
I don't get the "head pounding " part.

Have you picked base stats?

After a good bit of fanagaling, you open the door.

It is now ajar.

2020-04-19, 07:26 PM
OOC: YOu said at the beginning I was waiting for a headache to pass. I assume it hasn't yet.

What array are we using for base stats? I'll get a sheet up soonish.

IC: Once outside the room, I our water on the ground, then walk in the direction opposite to it's flow. I want to go up. (If it's reasonably flat assume I go a random direction. If you don't want to bother with a random direction assume I go right.) I'm not sure what will happen if people see me. Maybe an end to this. Maybe something else. Maybe I won't get out. So I keep my head up for other people and for any path leading up.

2020-04-19, 07:54 PM
"missed many meals"

It has been around 3 days, and the headache passed long ago.
Now the stomach ache from hunger is your issue.

The floor is relatively flat.

Cli-click Ka KLACK!

As soon as you open the door, which is on the East side of the hallway, the white overhead lights click on, illuminating a 20 ft section of the hall.

The hall is lined with evenly spaced doors on each side. This is where the others sleep.

You know that to the south a short way is the shower area.

To the north is the rest of the complex. (All directions arbitrary relative for convenience. Any relationship to real directions are entirety coincidental.)

Choose stats somewhere between a human child and a hafling commoner. Whatever you imagine fits the character.

Set INT to 16 and roll an extra +1d12 on INT based checks.

+2 ranks in open locks and disable device.

2020-04-20, 03:09 AM
OC: The character has spent his entire life in this compound, but he has only been in a few areas.

This hallway is 20 ft wide, 10 foot tall, with smooth walls.

2020-04-20, 04:37 AM
I know that for reasons that you can’t eat shower stuff. And I hunk eating solves this. So I go north. I look food or other people. I remember to smell for them to. Not many things smell here, but I remember that food can. That might be important.

Str: 7
Dex: 12
Con: 9
Int: 16
Wis: 10
Cha: 10

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)


2020-04-20, 04:46 AM
The first odor you encounter resembles burnt vomit.

It is coming from a dark splotch on the floor. It is ringed by fragments of white fabric.

2020-04-20, 04:50 AM
I crouch next to the splotch curious and hungry. I sniff it closer and poke the splotch running my hands over the splotch to explore it some more. I pick up a piece of the fabric, and runs that through my hands to. Eventually I decide no. This is a smell of medical wings and unpleasant times. I stand up again and move on further, looking for other smells or sights of food and dragging the tattered fabric behind.

2020-04-20, 05:12 AM
Search check with a +3 circumstances bonus, and a spot check.

2020-04-20, 05:16 AM
Search Check: [roll0]+[roll1]=25
Spot: [roll2]

2020-04-20, 05:27 AM
Search Check: [roll0]+[roll1]=25
Spot: [roll2]

Pawing around, your hands are now covered in black.

You see something glittering from an intact pocket.

There is one of those things they are always scribbling on near against the wall near the splotch.

2020-04-20, 05:45 AM
I consider going back to wash the black off my hands. But no, there is no time. Instead I like some black off on one of the white fabric strips. Then, curious despite hunger I fish the glittering trinket out of the pocket and grab the scribbler from the wall I run my fingers over them and sniff them close.

2020-04-20, 05:58 AM
I consider going back to wash the black off my hands. But no, there is no time. Instead I like some black off on one of the white fabric strips. Then, curious despite hunger I fish the glittering trinket out of the pocket and grab the scribbler from the wall I run my fingers over them and sniff them close.

You find 6 small silver disks,
You find a paper tube with some sort of white pills with small green flecks. There are 5 of these pills in the tube. (roll Wis check and Int check)

You find 8 glowing pills like they give you before a test. (roll int check)

The scribble on thing is a rectangle about a foot long but not quite as wide. You know the word pen. You have used then in some tests where they wanted you to draw lines and copy things. The pen is in its holder clip at the top of the scribble thing. A few sheets are attached. (INT Check)

You don't see anyone around, but... (spot check)

2020-04-20, 06:18 AM
Pills in tube: Wis: [roll0] Int: [roll1] +[roll2]+3=29

Glowing Pills: Int: [roll3] +[roll4]+3=15

Scribble on sheet: Int: [roll5] +[roll6]+3=11

Spot: [roll7]

2020-04-20, 06:34 AM
Pills in tube: Wis: [roll0] Int: [roll1] +[roll2]+3=29

Glowing Pills: Int: [roll3] +[roll4]+3=15

Scribble on sheet: Int: [roll5] +[roll6]+3=11

Spot: [roll7]

The pills in the tube smell like the string in your hygiene kit. You think they are some kind of food.

The glowing pills are like the ones you take before tests. These are a little larger and brighter, like the ones that made you stronger. There are tiny symbols on them.

Looking over the incomprehensible markings on the sheets, you spot your designation on one of them.

You notice a crack in the west wall. It runs to the North.

2020-04-20, 07:50 AM
I scoop one of the smelling food pills to the wrapper. I look close at it, then crack it in half and look inside. I smell that and look closer. If it seems safe, I swallow up half of one of these food pills, then wait to check it is safe before eating the rest.

After that I walk to the wall crack and look at it closer checking it’s size and general shape. I try and fit my exploring fingers through, and look to see if there is something beyond.

2020-04-20, 08:36 AM
I scoop one of the smelling food pills to the wrapper. I look close at it, then crack it in half and look inside. I smell that and look closer. If it seems safe, I swallow up half of one of these food pills, then wait to check it is safe before eating the rest.

After that I walk to the wall crack and look at it closer checking it’s size and general shape. I try and fit my exploring fingers through, and look to see if there is something beyond.

Cracking the pill open is difficult and requires smacking it against the wall. The cracks spread along the outside. tearing it in half is difficult as the insides want to stick together. The interior is a creamy green. The smell, not unpleasant, intensifies.

Are you swallowing, chewing, or sucking?

The crack is very thin. Too small to get a finger in where you are now.

2020-04-20, 09:06 AM
Examining the half a pill for a secong, gauging the size before swallowing it. After some brief spluttering I commit to chewing the rest.

I keep going north, chewing on these food pills and trying to find more food. One hand is up against the wall, tracing the crack and waiting for it to be big enough to get a look or a finger through.

2020-04-20, 09:28 AM
Examining the half a pill for a secong, gauging the size before swallowing it. After some brief spluttering I commit to chewing the rest.

I keep going north, chewing on these food pills and trying to find more food. One hand is up against the wall, tracing the crack and waiting for it to be big enough to get a look or a finger through.

The rounded disk shaped pill is a bit more than a centimeter wide and a bit less than half a centimeter deep. Half of one is a bit much to swallow, but you manage.

Chewing the other half...WOW. It is the most intense sugary flavor you have ever encountered. The flavor is like your teeth cleaning string, only almost overwhelmingly powerful. The vapors waft though your nostrils. And it melts in your mouth leaving a tingly sensation.

OC: Wintermint mentos type candy.

There aren't enough of the food pills to quench your hunger, but it is nice to have some food.

Moving down the hall you keep an eye on the crack.

When the next section of lights click on, something is wrong. Half of the lights are askew.

The crack widens as it runs up the wall, around a door frame, and up to the ceiling, a section of which is sagging.

Looking into the crack reveals only darkness.

The door the crack runs though is ajar.


Are you carrying anything else? the glow pills? How are you carrying them?

2020-04-20, 10:18 AM
Everything was left lying, or put in a small neat pile. I may need it later but for now I need food, and there is no puzzle to solve that requires any of the things. Once I have eaten the pills I pause by the ajar door, and stop to listen for anything beyond.

(Check if needed: Listen: [roll0])

I hope there will be the sound that comes before food arrives. So like the sound when they walk me to go somewhere for tests and the sound of mechanisms (people walking with a trolley). If I do not hear anything I go into this room.

2020-04-20, 10:55 AM
Everything was left lying, or put in a small neat pile. I may need it later but for now I need food, and there is no puzzle to solve that requires any of the things. Once I have eaten the pills I pause by the ajar door, and stop to listen for anything beyond.

(Check if needed: Listen: [roll0])

You hear nothing coming from the room.


The door protests, scraping the floor as you pull. The bent frame pushes down.

There are no lights in the room, and little bleeds in from the hallway.

It is dark in there.

2020-04-20, 11:19 AM
I stop for just a moment. There is something about the darkness. It is unpleasant. Still I know of no danger inside the darkness and so slowly I advance, crouching down low and reaching out in front of me to stop myself bumping into things and trying to navigate by touch and sound. I also still pay attention to the scents as the toothstring smell fades slowly, hoping I will find more smells of other foods or better yet another smell like that. I know what taste is of course but that was something new. Something I want to know more about. There are a lot of things I want to know more about but eating must come first for now.

2020-04-20, 11:30 AM
I stop for just a moment. There is something about the darkness. It is unpleasant. Still I know of no danger inside the darkness and so slowly I advance, crouching down low and reaching out in front of me to stop myself bumping into things and trying to navigate by touch and sound. I also still pay attention to the scents as the toothstring smell fades slowly, hoping I will find more smells of other foods or better yet another smell like that. I know what taste is of course but that was something new. Something I want to know more about. There are a lot of things I want to know more about but eating must come first for now.

The smell in the room is not pleasant. Reminiscent of, but not the same as, the scent of the splotches.

Creeping along, your hand finds something. You know immediately that it is the leg of a desk, identical to the one in your room, in exactly the same place at the one in your room.

Feeling about, you find the stool.
Feeling around the top you find a mess kit and water bottle.

Moving towards where the bed should be you find ... chunks...loose, Hard, handsize and smaller. scattered on the floor.

Do you want to continue or back out? Take anything?

2020-04-20, 11:46 AM
I don't want to walk over the hard chucks, nor back away and hide further in. I want to get food, and I want to understand more things. And maybe figure out what is where up is. I go back into the hallway and grab the glowing pills. Then I walk back through the dark, trying to memorise the path properly so I'm not reliant on the faint light. Once I get back I hold up the light to the desk. Seeing how the legs are attached to the rest and testing to see if there is a way to pry them out. As I do so, I finish off all but one of the food pills, keeping a single one for later. just in case.

2020-04-20, 12:58 PM
I don't want to walk over the hard chucks, nor back away and hide further in. I want to get food, and I want to understand more things. And maybe figure out what is where up is. I go back into the hallway and grab the glowing pills. Then I walk back through the dark, trying to memorise the path properly so I'm not reliant on the faint light. Once I get back I hold up the light to the desk. Seeing how the legs are attached to the rest and testing to see if there is a way to pry them out. As I do so, I finish off all but one of the food pills, keeping a single one for later. just in case.

Working with your handful of pills you discover that the desk is attached to the wall.

You look around the room, your eyes adjusting to the dim conditions.

It takes a while to process what you see.

The ceiling has partially collapsed.

A roughly round section, about as tall and wide as you are tall has smashed the bed...and its occupant. You see his hand and a foot sticking out. A pool of congealed gore has seeped a few inches from the mattress.

The damage is pretty localized. A scattering of rocks and pebbles are covering the floor.

The hygiene kit and tumbler are in their places by the sink.

If you are wanting a club or something, it is easier to take the stool than to tear off the desk leg.

2020-04-20, 01:58 PM
I look for a second at the mangled form. Then I turn and walk out quickly. This is horrible. This is very bad. I don’t even know why but I hate this so much. I must get more distance so I can calm down and return in proper order. I will not panic. I will not cry, I will not lose control. I must remeber. Food, then knowing more things. Then maybe up. I drag the stool with me as I leave, I had hoped to have a table leg to poke through the collapsed roof but I can’t be here that long.

I get out into the corridor. I take the stool and I whack at the ceiling with it, trying to make a hole I can get to where up is through.

2020-04-20, 08:48 PM
The walls, floor, and ceiling of most of the facility seem to be "one piece".
I'm having internet issues.

2020-04-20, 09:29 PM
Are you familiar with Plato's cave?


You calm yourself in the hall.

You know where to go to wash your face or shower if you feel the need.

You know that food comes from the north, and that this hall leads to an intersection.

2020-04-21, 01:02 AM
Are you familiar with Plato's cave?


You calm yourself in the hall.

You know where to go to wash your face or shower if you feel the need.

You know that food comes from the north, and that this hall leads to an intersection.

(while my internet is working...Here is the next area description.)

You know that at the intersection, North is where the greens take you for physical tests. East is where the whites take you for thinking tests. The tubes are over there somewhere. You've never been west, but you gave seen blacks coming from that direction.

As you near the intersection, you see it is filled with splotches. Some rigged in white, some in green. Many over lapping.

There is no longer any doubt that these used to be people. Recognizable bits of limbs and foot coverings remain. There are some darkened items mixed in with the bodies

(Search checks, if you can stomach it)

Rewards/upgrades: +1 cha, +1 wis

2020-04-21, 04:56 AM
Yeah, I know Plato's cave. A demonstration of how difficult it can be to understand the truth when you don't have the references to even approach it.

I drop the stool and let it lie where it may, then hurry back to the room I started in. Quickly and clinically I remove the gore and sticky mass that had stuck to me, I know I am in danger if it stays on my hands or near my face.

Then I leave again, I might need to know more things and the last of them had food. I should search these people, I should, I should. Can I?

([roll0]Self Set Con check to hold myself together as I search through the gore, on <10 I can't make myself do it. On>=10 I search: [roll1]+[roll2])

Once I am done, I head north. Food is more important now. Then I will process this fear, and learn what it is that's causing this threat to me. Then I will find a way out.

Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)


2020-04-21, 05:19 AM
Yeah, I know Plato's cave. A demonstration of how difficult it can be to understand the truth when you don't have the references to even approach it.

I drop the stool and let it lie where it may, then hurry back to the room I started in. Quickly and clinically I remove the gore and sticky mass that had stuck to me, I know I am in danger if it stays on my hands or near my face.

Then I leave again, I might need to know more things and the last of them had food. I should search these people, I should, I should. Can I?

([roll0]Self Set Con check to hold myself together as I search through the gore, on <10 I can't make myself do it. On>=10 I search: [roll1]+[roll2])

Once I am done, I head north. Food is more important now. Then I will process this fear, and learn what it is that's causing this threat to me. Then I will find a way out.

Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)


Picking though the remains you find

a belt buckle
2 balls of blue yarn
a spring
plastic fork
roll of gauze
A spin thing from one of the tests
A bunch of pages between some stiffer paged
An orange food stick
bottle of something
A cup
A finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.
3 scribble things
A red rectangle
54 silver disk
12 silver disks with a face on them
5 yellow disks with a head in them.
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem.
5 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
a bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it.
a spiral thing with a pointed end made of light but hard material. (2 in)
a ring made of blades. it is sharp. (4 in )
a long (14 in) soft thing. it has a central shaft. it is light.
a 6 inch square of a thing brown flexible substance.

2020-04-21, 05:38 AM
Once I found those things I laid them out in a neat pile separate from the thing that were once people. I have not yet found an intact bag or backpack so they would have to wait here for now but I hope I could find one soon. I take the orange food stick and sniff at it for a while, if it smells safe I start looking for a place to wash it so I can gnaw it at more safely. Hopefully more of these things will make sense soon.

2020-04-21, 05:51 AM
2 INT checks.
1 WIS check

2020-04-21, 05:56 AM
INT 1: [roll0]+[roll1]+3=27
INT 2: [roll2]+[roll3]+3=11
WIS: [roll4]

2020-04-21, 06:10 AM

You could carry a few things in a mess kit or hygiene kit.

The glow pills are small.

2020-04-21, 06:20 AM
I hurry back to grab the casing of the mess kit and the hygiene kit as it is, taking the chance to wash off and start eating the food stick. I try and squeeze the qauze and glowing pills in the hygiene kit. Then I slowly look over the rest, facing away from the gore behind me. I try and fit the tube, the spring, the fork, the yarn, the spirally pointy thing, the sharp spirally thing and the red rectangle in the mess kit. Then, with the case resealed I head north again to look for enough food to feed me long enough to do more understanding.

2020-04-21, 07:35 AM
I hurry back to grab the casing of the mess kit and the hygiene kit as it is, taking the chance to wash off and start eating the food stick. I try and squeeze the qauze and glowing pills in the hygiene kit. Then I slowly look over the rest, facing away from the gore behind me. I try and fit the tube, the spring, the fork, the yarn, the spirally pointy thing, the sharp spirally thing and the red rectangle in the messy kit. Then, with the case resealed I head north again to look for enough food to feed me long enough to do more understanding.

CRUNCH, Munch, munch, nibble..
You enjoy the snack.

spot +1
Search +1

Going north you come to 2 doors on either side of the hall.

The door to the right you know is where a couple whites look at you before and after tests and make you feel better if you were hurt. There is a bed in there.

Being here triggers a memory: Food. The yellow sticky sweet things on a short stick they give you.

On the left is a door you have never passed through. The greens go in and out of there.

Further up the hall is the testing room and a water room.

2020-04-21, 08:00 AM
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)


2020-04-21, 08:05 AM
At first the left, a lot of people here were hurt but they were more than hurt. I couldn’t help them, maybe I should learn in case I need to know if I am hurt again and all these people are still broken and dead.

I go through the right door to find the yellow sticky food, and will probably look around the rest of the room for things that help when you are hurt or other tools. Maybe see if there are any things that would help me use the rest, pictures and things like that. Oh and a bigger case or a bag to take more things.

(Search if needed: [roll0]+[roll1]=25

2020-04-21, 08:20 AM
At first the left, a lot of people here were hurt but they were more than hurt. I couldn’t help them, maybe I should learn in case I need to know if I am hurt again and all these people are still broken and dead.

I go through the right door to find the yellow sticky food, and will probably look around the rest of the room for things that help when you are hurt or other tools. Maybe see if there are any things that would help me use the rest, pictures and things like that. Oh and a bigger case or a bag to take more things.

(Search if needed: [roll0]+[roll1]=25

(Here be medical supplies to be taken and repurposed to your metagaming heart's content.)

In the exam room there is a high bed with a pillow and white sheets.

There is a hamper .
There is a cabinet with clean sheets, pillow covers, t shirts, and sweat pants.

There is a small silver rolling table with a tray of pokey pricky things that make you feel worse, and a tray of rubby prody things that make you feel better.

Those sweet yellow things on a stick must be around here somewhere.

There is another cabinet of misc equip.

There is a desk with lots of papers. On if those clear thing the whites wear on their faces sometimes is sitting on the desk.

In a drawer you find a clear plastic sack with 20 purple lolipops.

2020-04-21, 08:39 AM
First I change clothes, the ones I wear now are wet and dirty with some of the muck. Then I go through the other contents. I examine the white face. I always wondered how these work and what they do. I poke and peer at it for a minute then put it on, I search for the scissors they use to cut bandages and the blunt scissor grippy things to. I look for a larger bag, if possible one with loops to make holding things easier. I also think I remeber a big case on the wall with two paddles and a diagram above them, it shows rubbing them together and pushing them against someone... weird? I try doing that to the wall or a piece of furniture but stay well clear.

Then I break open the lollipops, smell them and if they smell like food I start quickly sucking on them.

2020-04-21, 08:54 AM
There are pillow cases.

The instruments are in the tray.

As for the face thing...

The 'legs' pivot a bit to adjust for size and hook behind the ears.

They don't cause any distortion.

Looking around while wearing them, as you look at the papers, symbols appear floating in the air in front of you. You can't touch them, and they disappear if you try to look over the glasses. You don't understand the symbols, but they are similar in style to what is on the sheets on the scribble things.

As you look at the paddle things you see DEFIBRILLATOR and you feel a soft vibration on your ear.
The symbols and vibration are meaningless.

Playing with the knobs makes the light blink and a whining sound. Pushing them against the desk and pushing the thumb button produces a POP sound, but nothing else.

Enjoying your treat you look more closely at the clear bag holding the other 19. On the bag There is a white rectangle with symbols

You focus on the first group of symbols.
The leg of the glasses, behind your ear makes a sound as the same Symbols appear in the air.

The floating symbols separate into groups. Tran-quil -i -Zer. You hear the sound repeated slowly, and the symbols turn green , left to right, as the sounds are made. This keeps repeating...

You wonder what this means... The repeating stops and a new group of symbols appear : PUT TO SLEEP

As the sounds for the new symbols start to repeat, you wonder what this all means? You get a flicker of an image in your mind of you in your bunk.

And as the lolly suddenly dissolves as your mouth numbs and the world shrinks into dark, you understand what the word SLEEP means.

You don't feel it when you hit the floor.

You learn the word DREAM, DREAMING, and in the free association of the dream you imagine being in your BUNK, which is also BED, on your MATTRESS, with MY BLANKET....
The SCRIBBLE thing is a CLIP-BOARD. These are GLASSES. TRANSLATION you don't really understand. You get that a VISOR is like GLASSES, but you don't completely understand Visual Interactive Sensory Object Registration.

Groaning, you awaken, stiff from an awkward position, even hungrier than before. Rubbing your head is enough to make the lights click on. You are on the FLOOR in the exam room. The LOLLYPOP STICK is right next to your HEAD.

(Don't abuse this. Understanding is based on association with what you already know. Assume kindergarten vocabulary is available.
By don't abuse, I mean it isn't going to to identify technical/magic items, or unusual items. But you can say that you see a CART with a TRAY on it after I've established that such is in the room. Leave it to me for what is on the tray. )


2020-04-21, 09:44 AM
These were new, these are very good, I hope these glasses can let me know more. Maybe soon I will know all about these things. First though I must find food, then I can use the MASK to read the PAPER like the white people once would do and learn about all of the things. First one other thing though. I remember a PAPER with my number on it. I go and pick it up, then come back here and take the left door that the greens go through.

2020-04-21, 09:59 AM
These were new, these are very good, I hope these glasses can let me know more. Maybe soon I will know all about these things. First though I must find food, then I can use the MASK to read the PAPER like the white people once would do and learn about all of the things. First one other thing though. I remember a PAPER with my number on it. I go and pick it up, then come back here and take the left door that the greens go through.

On your course to retrieve that clipboard, you will go nearly back to your room, passing your cache of items at the intersection twice on your round trip.

Is there anything else you want to get from around your sleeping area?

Do you want to look over the items at the intersection?

2020-04-21, 10:12 AM
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Hygine Kit

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork
Roll of gauze
Spin thing from one of the tests
Bottle of something
Finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk
12 silver disks with a face on them
5 yellow disks with a head in them.
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem.
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it.
a ring made of blades. it is sharp. (4 in )
a long (14 in) soft thing. it has a central shaft. it is light.
a 6 inch square of a thing brown flexible substance.
Medical Case


I go back into my room to look around a little, and end up dragging the stool out to help go up later. I also move the small folded items into Medical cases I'd emptied out. As I moved them I looked at them one at a time, trying to see what they were. I had guesses, and I had things I wanted to use them for but how close was that to the intended purpose? This can let me see how much I do know and it will let me know more things.

2020-04-21, 10:42 AM
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Hygine Kit

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork
Roll of gauze
Spin thing from one of the tests
Bottle of something
Finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk
12 silver disks with a face on them
5 yellow disks with a head in them.
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem.
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it.
Corkscrew CONESHELL, SEA SHELL (doesn't seem like the others)
a ring made of blades. it is sharp. (4 in )
a long (14 in) soft thing. it has a central shaft. it is light.
a 6 inch square of a thing brown flexible substance.
Medical Case


I go back into my room to look around a little, and end up dragging the stool out to help go up later. I also move the small folded items into Medical cases I'd emptied out. As I moved them I looked at them one at a time, trying to see what they were. I had guesses, and I had things I wanted to use them for but how close was that to the intended purpose? This can let me see how much I do know and it will let me know more things.

Let's just say you took a pillowcase with you.

In your room there is your waterbottle, drinking cup, the 3 sea shells, and your blanket.

You can add any of those to your inventory.

The mattress is removable, but bulky and awkward to carry.

Hygine Kit

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Roll of gauze (WOUND DRESSING)
Spin thing from one of the tests (TOP)
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of something (Sun block. spf 50. Sun doesn't make sense)
Cup (plastic)
Finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.(GLOW STICK, CHEM LIGHT)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 silver disks with a face on them (Silver COINS. You don't understand money)
5 yellow disks with a head in them. (GP)
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem. (CP. PENNY)
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a ring made of blades. it is sharp. (4 in ) (SHURIKIN, THROWING STAR)
a long (14 in) soft thing. it has a central shaft. it is light. (FEATHER)
a 6 inch square of a thing brown flexible substance. (LEATHER)
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

If you go back to the exam room you can take 20 on finding those yellow suckers and I'll give you a list of other stuff.


At the door to the green area, you puzzle for a while.

The thumb button on the handle won't depress.

Looking at the door... there is a grey-brown thing on the wall above the door handle.

INT check.

2020-04-21, 10:44 AM
The defibrillator is most easily carried in it's own case. there is a carry strap.

2020-04-21, 02:33 PM
Oh I was way off with the corkscrew.

Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense (Would you get a silver chair reference if I made one?))
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


INT check: [roll1d20+3[/roll]+[roll0]

2020-04-21, 02:35 PM
Sorry My bad [roll0]+8=15

2020-04-21, 02:55 PM
You remember seeing the whites do something with a blue rectangle to open a door.

2020-04-21, 03:08 PM
First I try the red rectangle. Then if the colour is important... well I haven't seen any blue paint around here. I will look at the hinges and see which wide they're on and how they attach to the door.

2020-04-21, 03:18 PM
You don't actually see any hinges.

After a bit of trail and error, you slide the rectangle CARD though the brown-grey thing and your hear a soft beeb and a click.

KEY CARD READER says the glasses.

The thumb button on the door can now be depressed and the door opens (towards you, apparently on hidden hinges.

Pulling the door open further, light from the hallway reveals a slice of empty floor.

Peering in, as soon as your head enters the room ca-cra-cLICK-ick
Over head lights activate.

You find a large room.

arranged in the middle are 12 beds in a 3 x 4 grid, evenly spaced. They are neatly made. blanket folded with pillow stacked on top. Each bed exactly the SAME.
At one end of each bed is a black box CHEST FOOT LOCKER.

No, there is a difference. Each has 3 sets of foot coverings PAIRS OF SHOES.
They look DIFFERENT.
One kind is larger and shaped differently. BOOTS.
The other is smaller. ATHLETIC SHOES TRAINERS.
Each bed has either 2 pairs of boots and 1 pair of trainers, or 2 pairs of trainers and 1 pair of boots.

Scattered about are 6 splotches with rings of green MATERIAL CLOTH

To the RIGHT there is a DOORWAY with no door leading to what looks like a BATHROOM area. There is a sink next to the doorway. There are also lockers lining that wall.

Further past that is a Curtained off area.

The back of the room is open space.

There is a door at the back of the room.

On the LEFT side of the room there are tables and a counter and some strange looking cabinets.

2020-04-21, 03:28 PM
Skirting around the splotches I follow the left wall to the tables and cabinets, searching them. Then I check to see if the foot lockers will open.

2020-04-21, 03:36 PM
Approaching the cabinets you walk though the table area.

One table is long and has BENCHES built into it. A single CHAIR is at one end of the table.

The other table is smaller and ROUND. 4 chairs are around it.

You step up to the two east end of the counter. There is a sink in the middle of the long counter, and other cabinets are at the far end.

The two in front of you light up as you get close.

One is RED, the other is BLUE.

The red one has a glass front. In it are rows of....PACKAGES? Each looks roughly hand sized or smaller.

Oh... some of them are like that paper tube with the chewy pills that taste like dental floss. Many of the packages are colorful. Others are clear what is in them looks like it might be food.

On one side of the front of the FRAME of the cabinet is a group of squares. Above this is a short crack with some ...MECHANISM next to it.

The blue machine as a similar group of squares, but not as many, and they all have bright symbols. It likewise has the short crack. You can't see into the blue cabinet.

2020-04-21, 03:59 PM
I look more at the red one, food is still good and it looks like there might be enough in here to start learning instead of being hungry for a bit. I start by pocking the squares and fiddling with the mechanism, trying to see what that will do. I poke and prod at it, taking the long slender rods from the medical kit to poke into the into the inside and see what that does.

If this goes to long without providing either meaningful insight or food, I throw the SHURIKIN into the clear front.

2020-04-21, 04:07 PM
Poking the buttons gets a light under an item to flash, as well as a small red light under the short crack.

Strength check.

2020-04-21, 04:14 PM
Str check: [roll0]

2020-04-21, 04:15 PM
It bounces off, but leaves a scratch in the glass.

2020-04-21, 05:09 PM
I look at the scratch, then pick up the star. I take a stiff SCALPEL out of the bag. The widest stiffest looking one there is. I point it's end at the crack in the glass and push hard on it.

(Str Check Again?: [roll0]

If that fails I step back and look at the machine as a whole, hoping the visor might give some insight.

2020-04-21, 08:26 PM
Looking at the cabinet gets nothing new other than BAG OF CHIPS. Are inside.

Looking around the room you see CHAIRS at the ROUND TABLE.

2020-04-22, 04:00 AM
Getting frustrated, I pick up one of the chairs and swing it hard into the front.

2020-04-22, 04:58 AM
Getting frustrated, I pick up one of the chairs and swing it hard into the front.

(let's just take 20)


You now have glass shards and access to about 2 weeks worth of food.

Better Chedders, Moonpies, Mars bars, M&M, Skittles....

2020-04-22, 06:27 AM
After battering it open and grabbing a few handfuls of food I go back to the medical area. I sit on the bed there and begin to eat. Once the hunger is one I take the report that I saw my number on and very slowly go through it, trying to see what the VISOR will tell me about the other things to know that are there.

2020-04-22, 06:45 AM
After battering it open and grabbing a few handfuls of food I go back to the medical area. I sit on the bed there and begin to eat. Once the hunger is one I take the report that I saw my number on and very slowly go through it, trying to see what the VISOR will tell me about the other things to know that are there.

This food is different and of greater variety than you have encountered before.


Give me 3 INT checks,
2 wis checks
and a spot check.

2020-04-22, 07:12 AM
Int 1: [roll0]+[roll1]=28
Int 2: [roll2]+[roll3]=17
Int 3: [roll4]+[roll5]=13
Wis 1: [roll6]
Wis 2: [roll7]
Spot 1: [roll8]

And that is two nat ones and a nat 2

2020-04-22, 07:35 AM
+1 decipher script
+1 cha

You feel more confident now that you have solved some problems.

The documents mostly contain nonsense jargon, abbreviations, and codes.

You recognize that some numbers increase in sequence, and next to those are codes. The codes look like the codes in the glow pills.

On your sheet the last entry is a separate box below the others and a code that matches one of the glow pills.

The other sheets also end with a code matching one of the first groups of pills you found.

On your sheet, and the one matching the code (ends in 6) above the door of the guy you found crushed, there is an extra note at the bottom. SELECTED FOR ADVNCED PROJECTS.

You conclude that one pill was meant for him, another for you, and since glow pills make you better you should take all of them you have found before you go to sleep.

You aren't quite tired yet.

Maybe you should look around some more.

2020-04-22, 07:52 AM
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense (Would you get a silver chair reference if I made one?))
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


For now I leave the pills be, clearly laid out next to the bed in the medical bit. Knowing more would be good, not knowing is bad.

I go back into the room of the one I found crushed. I stand there for quite some time. I do not know who this person is but apparently they were like me. I know they are not them any longer, they have died. I know that is very different but I hope that it is not unpleasant. It looks unpleasant. I can't imagine him doing things anymore, that seems very unpleasant.

Then I take the stool from the floor and put it on top of the collapsed part of the celling. Then listen for activity in the room above before poking my head through into the room above.

2020-04-22, 08:05 AM
You can have a medical pen light. Not designed for illumination at a distance, but works on for close range.

You can see enough if his arm to confirm his code number.

Balance check.

However hard you fall, or not, you discover that there is no room above this.


And apparently the walls, floor, and ceiling are made of stone.
Above the missing part of the stone ceiling is just more stone with some fracture lines, none of which would be large enough to get your head in.

2020-04-22, 08:17 AM
Balance Check: [roll0]

With this done I take a final second in the room. Then upon my sadness about this one I link the one like to and room like mine to all the other rooms like mine. I head back to the original corridor, select the room immediately after mine and start going down the corridor unbolting the doors and looking inside.

2020-04-22, 08:38 AM
The rest of the rooms are exactly like yours, have the same items, and are lit by the green lights.
The only difference is how much water is in the water bottles.

There are 19 other rooms, and you may collect items from each if you wish.

2020-04-22, 09:08 AM
OOC: But no sign of other people? Got it.

I leave the rooms without taking any of the kits.

I now have a lot of food. More than I think I have ever seen in one single place. I still want to get out though, and I want to know more so that I can get out. I will make sure I keep going the right way.

After eating some more I poke at the PAPER with the PEN like some people did sometimes. After learning it can leave flat scratches or INK on paper I decide to spend a few minutes going back through where I've been so far and making sure I know which ways there are more things after and where I know how things are.

OOC: Is this map about right. Obviously I wouldn't know the right words to write them on the map but still.?


2020-04-22, 09:18 AM
OOC: But no sign of other people? Got it.

I leave the rooms without taking any of the kits.

I now have a lot of food. More than I think I have ever seen in one single place. I still want to get out though, and I want to know more so that I can get out. I will make sure I keep going the right way.

After eating some more I poke at the PAPER with the PEN like some people did sometimes. After learning it can leave flat scratches or INK on paper I decide to spend a few minutes going back through where I've been so far and making sure I know which ways there are more things after and where I know how things are.

OOC: Is this map about right. Obviously I wouldn't know the right words to write them on the map but still.?


Missing the intersection with all the remains.

Also the bathroom and the other door in the Greens' room.

2020-04-22, 09:38 AM

Hoping to gain a clearer Idea of the area and maybe find where the other ones like me I saw are I go back to the splotchy intersection and head east. Towards where the thinking tests happened and the tubes were.

2020-04-22, 09:49 AM

Yeah, that map is about right.

A ways down the east hall you come to a circular intersection.

There is a desk. Above it on the wall is lettering: RECEPTION and TASKING.

There is a door to the South.

The hallway continues east.

Another Hall heading north goes to the testing area and the tube area.

2020-04-22, 09:56 AM
I turn north trying to find the tube area, and see if there are any whites in the testing areas or if they have more CLIPBOARDS I can try and make sense of?

2020-04-22, 09:59 AM
Spot check.

INT check.

2020-04-22, 11:03 AM
Spot: [roll0]
Int: [roll1]+[roll2]

2020-04-22, 11:13 AM
You just walked past the RECEPTION and TASKING desk.
(Think hospital ER ADMIT counter)

You may have seen a clipboard or two there...

2020-04-22, 11:15 AM
Oh, right, you're in the UK.


2020-04-22, 11:31 AM
I backtrack to the reception desk and start looking through the paper there. Things like changing slicy number lists (dates) I don't understand but maybe my number is on some of these? Otherwise I try and figure out what the keyboards are saying anyway.

2020-04-22, 11:42 AM
On the wall Behind the desk are racks of clipboards, about 120.

Behind the desk is a chair on wheels.

The desk itself is a bit cluttered, with many cubbies , shelves, and drawers, along with loose items on the desk.

There are three splotchs on the floor.

However many search checks are desired, specify locations, or you can spend till suppertime taking 20 on the desk area.

2020-04-22, 12:01 PM
To search the clipboard rack for the number of myself or the number I found on the corpse: [roll0]+[roll1]=27
The pockets of the various splotches present: [roll2]+[roll3]=26
The drawers of the desk, again looking for my or the other child's numbers: [roll4]+[roll5]=18
The surface of the desk itself for things that look like they've been disturbed more recently [roll6]+[roll7]=33

2020-04-22, 12:13 PM
You find 10 relevant clipboards, a blue card, 37 disks, 5 gp, 6 cp, a box of paperclips, misc stationery, 16 PEARLS, 10 blank white cards, 10 cardholder lanyards, and a box about a foot long wrapped in dark grey foil.

And a 5 inch glass cube containing a live purple FISH. A small container of fish food.

6 sachets of coffee tri mix. A coffee cup with one red spot and one blue spot.

And after looking through 120 clipboards you are hungry again.

2020-04-22, 12:18 PM
I take everything but the coffee cup back to the central pile in the Medical centre. I am especially interested in the fish? Does it look OK? Once I’m back I open the foil wrapped box and check what’s inside. Then I look over the relevant clipboards, eating COOKIES as I do so.

2020-04-22, 12:33 PM
Where are you going to sit while looking over the clipboards?

The fish is the only animal you have ever encountered. You have not even concieved the ...umm... concept of a non-humanish creature before. It is looking at you...

The foil contains a CARDBOARD BOX. The PACKING TAPE is no match for the scalple.

Roll 3 d 10s. Separately

Well resolve that after you get over your encounter with bubble wrap.

Peacan Sandies. Good, but your mouth is getting dry.

2020-04-22, 01:14 PM
Let’s see:



2020-04-22, 02:25 PM
Let’s see:



1) Where are you going to sit while looking over the clipboards?

2)The fish is the only animal you have ever encountered. You have not even concieved the ...umm... concept of a non-humanish creature before. It is looking at you...

3)The foil contains a CARDBOARD BOX. The PACKING TAPE is no match for the scalple.

Roll 3 d 10s. Separately

Well resolve that after you get over your encounter with bubble wrap.

>>> inside are large amounts of bubble wrap and 6 small envelopes. Each envelope contains a glow pill. These pills are labeled 1 though 6 in hand written markings on top of a tiny patch of white.

4) Peacan Sandies. Good, but your mouth is getting dry.

>>>please respond to each.

2020-04-22, 02:33 PM
I sit on the side of the bed in the medical area while reading the clipboard.

I put the fish down on the desk for a second. I see the fish food, put a small amount on my finger and dip the very tip of my finger in the fish tank so the fish can eat. This is not like what I have seen before but it is nice.

I put the envelopes to the side for now, adding to a small pile of glowing pills in various containers.

I run back to my room and fill up the cup, as I always have done when I get thirsty. I drink it fully then fill the cup again. I am wondering what the difference is between the COOKIES. What is pecan?

2020-04-22, 02:49 PM
I sit on the side of the bed in the medical area while reading the clipboard. (We'll come back to this one.)

I put the fish down on the desk for a second. I see the fish food, put a small amount on my finger and dip the very tip of my finger in the fish tank so the fish can eat. This is not like what I have seen before but it is nice. (Which desk? The RECEPTION desk or the one in the Medical Exam Room? The cube is portable.)

I put the envelopes to the side for now, adding to a small pile of glowing pills in various containers.

I run back to my room and fill up the cup, as I always have done when I get thirsty. I drink it fully then fill the cup again. (Give me 5 Int checks)

I am wondering what the difference is between the COOKIES.
(There are lots of different cookies in the VENDING MACHINE. The Visor identifies it after you dug around in it for a while. There are OREO in 4 different flavors and Mini size. Chocolate Chip, Chocolate chocolate chip, Rainbow M&M, Peanut Butter,.....

What is pecan? The visor answers with TYPE OF TREE NUT. Tree doesn't make sense. NUT just gets you the flavor of the pecan cookie. There are other things labeled nut. Nut Trail Mix. Roasted Nuts. Honey Nuts. ect...)

2020-04-22, 03:07 PM
(Which desk? The RECEPTION desk or the one in the Medical Exam Room? The cube is portable.)

(Give me 5 Int checks)

The Medical exam room desk. I have set my base up there for now as I remember things hurting less after I go here.

1: [roll0]+[roll1]
2: [roll2]+[roll3]
3: [roll4]+[roll5]
4: [roll6]+[roll7]
5: [roll8]+[roll9]

2020-04-22, 03:21 PM
The Medical exam room desk. I have set my base up there for now as I remember things hurting less after I go here.

1: [roll0]+[roll1]
2: [roll2]+[roll3]
3: [roll4]+[roll5]
4: [roll6]+[roll7]
5: [roll8]+[roll9]

I put the fish down on the desk for a second. I see the fish food, put a small amount on my finger and dip the very tip of my finger in the fish tank so the fish can eat. This is not like what I have seen before but it is nice. (Which desk? The RECEPTION desk or the one in the Medical Exam Room? The cube is portable.)

>> Spot check

(Give me 5 Int checks)
1. You have a 16 oz/1 L waterbottle. You usually take it with you when doing physical tests. The Test giver, usually a green, who fetches you for such tests would point at it to signal that you needed it.

2. You have been given water in this very room while sitting on this very bed. In a little cup. It must be around here somewhere. (search check if desired)

3. There is a sink in the counter across the hall near the vending machine. and another sink next to what you think is a bathroom.

4. In the physical testing area, one door north, there is a water bottle filler. That water is cold.

5. The water room at the end of this hall...

2020-04-22, 03:29 PM
Spot check: [roll0]

While in my original room I take the much larger water bottle and fill that up to with the sink in my room. Maybe next time I will get water from another place but there is something reassuring in even the smallest kind of the familiar after everything changes.

2020-04-22, 03:41 PM
Taking time to study the clipboards, It seems that you and 6 are candidates for Advanced Projects.
Project COMPANION and Project SELF RISING.
There is supposed to be some kind of PHYSICAL TRIAL after MENTAL AUGMENTATION in the Physical testing area.
There is also a reference to a final PHYSICAL AUGMENTATION involving the numbers on those first Glowpills you found.

2020-04-22, 04:09 PM
I know the PHYSICAL and MENTAL and TRIAIL. But I don't think I like AuGMENTATION. How does the visor describe it?

Is there any indication which of us was intended for which, where our names tended to be mentioned more?

Regardless I need to now more and so I head in the direction of the physical testing area.

2020-04-22, 04:17 PM
I know the PHYSICAL and MENTAL and TRIAIL. But I don't think I like AuGMENTATION. How does the visor describe it?

Is there any indication which of us was intended for which, where our names tended to be mentioned more?

Regardless I need to now more and so I head in the direction of the physical testing area.

Decipher Script check.


2020-04-22, 05:09 PM
Decipher Script: [roll0]+[roll1]

2020-04-22, 05:19 PM
Decipher Script: [roll0]+[roll1]

It looks like you were going to receive an Mental Augmentation of INT and 6 was going to get WIS. Whatever that means....

You walk in to the testing area, which the Glasses labels GYM.

You walk past the waking thing TREADMILL and the heavy things WEIGHT MACHINE, RESISTANCE TRAINER, WEIGHT BENCH, BARBELL, DUMBBELL , and the floor softs MATS.

You see the storage area where they keep the ropes, climbing gear, hand power, stick fling things, and other stuff for tests.

You see that a hide the way MAZE test is set up and
On a table, there is an absolute mess of color! It takes a lot of staring and investigation to begin understanding what you are looking at.

There is a colorful woven thing BASKET. made of threads of different colors PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN. PASTELS.

Then there is a layer of green and yellow fibers PACKING GRASS with many small pills in every color. They are shiny but not glowing.

Then there are a dozen larger round ROUND, OVID things. They have many colors, lines, and symbols on them FLOWER, RABBIT, CHICK. They are glittery FOIL WRAPPER.

In the middle is a large, almost head sized ...ovid... thing. The exterior SHELL looks GLOSSY. EGG: UNKNOWN SPECIES.

Looking over this whole mess, the glasses conclude: EASTER BASKET, EASTER EGGS: CANDY, CANDY: JELLY BEANS

You've eaten eggs before, but those didn't look like these. CANDY makes you think of the Yellow Lolly Pops.

Off to the side of the table are several odd shaped boxes EGG CARTONS. Most of them are empty. One holds 3 colorful eggs. EASTER EGGS.

On the floor under the table are two smaller baskets with some grass in them. Each has a small rectangle of paper INDEX CARD. One has your designation code. The other says SAGE6.

2 INT checks.

2020-04-22, 05:54 PM
Int checks:
1: [roll0]+[roll1]=9
2: [roll2]+[roll3]=24

2020-04-22, 05:59 PM
Int checks:
1: [roll0]+[roll1]=9
2: [roll2]+[roll3]=24

Looks like you and 6 were going to do the same test.

2020-04-23, 04:52 AM
First, I approach the basket next to the card with my code. Is it empty or is there anything in the grass?

2020-04-23, 05:02 AM
It is empty.

2020-04-23, 05:08 AM
I take the candy on the table and shovel it into the basket with my designation. I leave the largest egg where it is though. Then unsure what this test could do I go over to look at the MAZE test and see how that is set up.

2020-04-23, 05:15 AM
Are you taking the three boiled eggs too?

The maze looks like the typical taller than head high panals set into the floor, mostly at right angles, forming a wall-and-gap maze.

Spot check.

2020-04-23, 05:33 AM
I’ll leave the boiled eggs as I can’t imagine they smell great right now.

Spot check: [roll0]

2020-04-23, 05:39 AM
Looking about you see the large glass windows they watch you from when you are doing a test. They are meters up the wall where they can see down into the maze or whatever other test is set up. OBSERVATION ROOM. But no one is up there now.

You've never seen how they get up there.

Spot check.

2020-04-23, 07:26 AM
Spot Check: [roll0]

2020-04-23, 07:35 AM
Jakarta just extended lockdown to the 22 of May. That is the end of Ramadan, and effectively the end of this school year. A couple days ago the President banned travel during the two week post Ramadan holiday.

We knew it was coming. Now it's official.

We may not make the start of the school year in July.


Some of the glass in the observation room is discolored.

2020-04-23, 11:49 AM
Jakarta just extended lockdown to the 22 of May. That is the end of Ramadan, and effectively the end of this school year. A couple days ago the President banned travel during the two week post Ramadan holiday.

We knew it was coming. Now it's official.

We may not make the start of the school year in July.


Some of the glass in the observation room is discolored.

Which is odd because it it usually clear and spotless.

2020-04-23, 12:08 PM
I try and drag the table with the candies to the side of the maze then climb onto the table and try and look at it from above.

2020-04-23, 12:23 PM
I try and drag the table with the candies to the side of the maze then climb onto the table and try and look at it from above.

It takes you a while, but a table drag and a stool retrieval later, you look over the maze.

You can't see that far.

They set up a really big maze this time.

2 INT checks.

2020-04-23, 01:15 PM
Check 1: [roll0]+[roll1]=33
Check 2: [roll2]+[roll3]=8

2020-04-23, 01:22 PM
Check 1: [roll0]+[roll1]=33
Check 2: [roll2]+[roll3]=8

You are able to get a good overall idea of the routes though the maze.

Spot check.

2020-04-23, 01:30 PM
Spot Check: [roll0]

2020-04-23, 01:33 PM
Inside the maze, not far from the start, you see a small orange item in a corner.

2020-04-23, 01:35 PM
I take one of the two balls of blue yarn from my case and lay it beside me as I go through the maze towards the orange item.

2020-04-23, 01:39 PM
lay as in put the ball down?

or lay as in play out the yarn so you have a path to follow back?

2020-04-23, 01:44 PM
 UYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJikrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGi0lHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUCAwYBB//EAD8QAAEDAgQDBgQEAggHAAAAAAEAAgMEEQUSITFBUWEGEyJxg ZEyocHRQrHh8CRSBxQVI2KCkrIzNHKTosLx/8QAGwEBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgf/xAAxEQEAAgIBAwMDAgUDBQAAAAAAAQIDEQQSITEFE0EyUWEikY GhsdHxI0JxM1JywfD/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APuKAgICAgICAgICAgICAgwllDRckAdUTWs2nUIbsWjHM+n3Ub dEcXJL1mKxHiR5j7Jsni5I+ExjwRcEEcwpc8xMTqWSIEBAQEBA QEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBBFr6wRtvuTsP3wRthwzktqHOVNU 55u43/AHwCq9bHirSNRCOXqG0Va3SWULRXaTR4g6M3afMcCpidMcvHrk jUunoaxsrbj1HEK0S8bNhtitqUlSyEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE BAQEBAQYvcACTsNSiYiZnUOVrakyPLvYcgqPaw4ox10iuCN4el iG0d6NYYAqFljhM5Y8OvpseoUw5OVji9NOvCu8EQEBAQEBAQEB AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBBV47PZoYPxb+X7/JRLs4dN26vsolV6bJrURMsJUWqhyKG9WF0WboNwoZ38O4hPhb5 D8lq+bt5lmiBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQeEoNTqlo6+SrNohO pYisb1CdcJ6ZUGJTZ5CRsNB6KJ8vW49OjHDS1iNZlm4IrCNKUa 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Z2r5WELn6WEzLBTC0S8dIE20i+mdNVhptw4jh6cir0yRE6deDk 2rP4WrsPJAc3UHUFbzTfeHtUzRMbI8PdyUdEtfdhY0mFE7q9cb K2eF3TUYat6005L5ZslK7IQEBAQEBAQEHhQcLiVQXyOdzOnlw+ S4ck7l4+a/VaZa49RdZxCtY22t1HG3QaBaRHZ3YcG43b9myzRbQ+yt2h11xR HiGeTfQdFOl9Q0z0bXX4eSiaxLHJx62a8IrXUswz/8N+hPLk4jp91Wl5x27+HJHVx7/q+mXa1lUGRl9xtp1PBdlp1G3ba2o25tkj5X3c4n8vJcszNp7uS sTkt3ThTix49FOnVGKrB1NZRpS2KPhW11DcXbvyVLU34ceTDPw o5rg2K557OTvCJNIoRNkYyLnyb8tcVnf9iZe8pyHa5XEDyOq9X iT1Y429bDael0AhbyXV0w16pZgKdKvUBAQEBAQEBAQEGEvwnyK SifD59KLusvPt3l4to3KTG2+3wjQcPMlWiNu3jY4tPVPiPDeWf oAdCr6ejEaZODg29xmOulvYKe+k9tsWR5dzc7n9+3so1pbyy+f ID3uistVXBnbltqdf1UWjcaY5sfXXUvRVvNO2Ei/dute+pAvl9LX9gp3PRr7OOZt7cVn4W1DBZrQN7XPn5q1Y+HXjr 01T8uw332t+atLSGuQbqBDkAPHy+91TaLU253F4dS738+fqscl fl5Genfbn6jRc8uK3ZpVbV3C+Oe76J2Chy0xJ/E8keQAH0K9LiV6cb28EfodKulsICAgICAgICAgICDwoOHrYcr3 9Cbep0+S47xqZeVkr02lnTsGUDTbZTXw9Dj16aQ2gixta3X99N lZ0vAwA5iNeFxsPJNR5N/D0uvf5aoPY9OPta5P2UEsw3j6fdTpWWsRBthfc39eamK9nPaI2 tYpL6gaDje1+l+SltCaBpmuNBz0tqp1PlbbBwsL33uAoEVzNvX 99VnpO1VitPex53vv5qt67cHIx7ncOZrIN1jNXmXoi08Fztoq1 ruWmHHNp0+k9nmWjaBsAvSpGo09qI1GlwrpEBAQEBAQEBAQEBB hKdCiJcjjMZzZuv/AMK5s0fLi5FPmHkLBb5n9eiisQ7sc/ph6421Jvba9hZW0vM6Q5a9jTa9zyGp+f71UdoY2zVjshuxi5Ia NupJta+gATcfDGeTvw1Q107ib2AO3htblufLyVe8qxnvMrjD6O qkA8Bb/jeco/07n2C0rW0w0r1z5XEHZ828cpJ6bLWKtOkkwuSMeA5hyUTX7ImJ jwrjVPDsrm3HnyWM73qWUZbVnulU+KxueYRJGXt0MbZYzIDxGQ G9xystpxXiu5rOnREz5ct2v7diB7oKcNfI3R73eJkbhuxo/G4cSdARbXh3cfhRaOrJ+zSIcJUdpq2Q3dVzX5NlcwejWWA9l6E YcceKwnULOjxquaCZo5KiJrDI7vmODhG22Z7ZiMwAuNbka6hc+ bi8fL27RP4Z3w0v5hMw/FagYgIKl/cts5nch4ELS+MmNpAOUnMWeIkm+5Vb4McceYxwtFK1rqsPrGDN IbYi3ovMhVZKwICAgICAgICAgICDF4uERKhxOBVtG2Vo256pnm ju0R5x+EgXPssOma9mPVanbSGIqiUua5p420JB20DR7+iameyN 5LdpTaPsZI4EuuwuNyXO8R8zckDopjEivF2vqHslEw5nEucd7a aWAtztoFrGOI7uiuCsTtc01BFH8DGt6219zqrREQ0isR4SVKwg INFRSMf8QUTG1ZrE+XwbtWY34nPlORnfhrncQWlrJH+eYOcvaw 7jDH/DaPC5p8MoxibaYQSO7o1Ilje/vBKGRvdE9lgHZnAXLbWvayym+T2urfnWvx90fDosCwSNsT6RwD ZmSVlK19gHSMli75lzuXZSx45CNywyZJmer47T+3ZEyh45XSMZ NVODjG6SjnjD7lj2TwGKpgbfQjLclo23V8dYmYrHnvH7TuJIcT 2rAkrqgMc2UPlswtcHNcHWDAHXsdLD0XXh7Y432Wh9H7XSzUAo 6vM52WJ9NNYmznmImN5G3xtcb9VwYIrl6qfncfurHdymGY1PGy KCVz/4Pvap93m7rxsNOxxvr/eSgWP8wXTbHWZm0f7tR/f+UJ03UGMyf2VXwGcvkjNPK2RsjibSviztDr38Lrg9SVFsce9W ddp3H7bJ8s5K+V1DOGSTuibWwRxCSXLUC7T3kbn3u0EkWvtqoi sRkjcRvU7+x8psEk1NPQGOCZz3GrLqZ1a2UmzImg958NreK3nz VdVvW25jXbvrQ04XWSTGGmmnkpopqmsdIRLZxewty0/e8AL7cfZTesV3aI3MRH+R7iNY+F8lNHUyTU8NVROEjpC4x53OE kTpRu3TbhtzUVrFoi011MxP+dCXj0z5anEo46kNBfQtYDP3bJD kOeBj72a51uG9tVGOIitJmP8Au+P5ohTy1LpDSwxipfkNVG+E1 rWPD2FhyiosGua3MLX14LSIiOqZ18d9f+kvrOBwhlPCwZtGN0d J3jgbXIMn4iDcX6Lzbzu0yonKoICAgxcwHcXQ01mmZ/KERqGxrQNALIlkgICAgICAg+Pf0tdn44ZW1LLgVBf3jeAeADmH/Vc3HMdV6nDyzaOmfhesomJ4zWNjZVmjbF3vjdUZXu7wmB1OHHX +68DiQOJsdVNMeOZmnVvXx/Hf8RzsnaCpLWNM7gGZMpBDSO7aWsdmGpcGuIve66IxV3PZOlv2 b7IVVc5rnZ44RvLJf4eUQd8R+X5LLLyKYo7eft/cmdPoGIf0Y0by0xulpyABdjgbkbO8QNnaXuLa8FxV5mSPOpViz q8SwyKoiMMzBIw2u119SDcHSy5q3tSd1VRars1SSOe98DXOfkD zr4hHbIDY7DK32CtGW8RqJTt5VdmaOQuLqdniYI3WBaCwPDwCG kA+IA+iRmvHiTZV9maSQyF8DXd6Wuk1cA4sBDSQDa4BOvUpGa8 a1Pg28w7svRwOY+KBsbmFzmkF2he0NedTxDWj0U2zZLRqZNyzk 7OUjonQugY6Nz3SFrgSO8d8TwTqCeij3bxO99zbOHAaVkLqZsE Yid8UeUZXdTzOg16BROS826t9zbS3sxRiB1MKeMROOZzLbu4Ov vfrdT72Tq6t9zctMvY2gcxkZpmFsYIYPELZjd2x1JIGpVoz5Im Z6vJuVvQ0bIY2xRtDGMFmtF7AchdZWtNp3KG9QCAgICAgICAgI CAgICCNW4fFNl72NkmR2ZudodZ1rXF+OpVq2tXxIkWVRHbh8Id mEUYdzEbQfeynqt42JKgEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBB//2Q==


2020-04-23, 02:11 PM
lay as in put the ball down?

or lay as in play out the yarn so you have a path to follow back?

Play out the yarn so there is a path back.

I pick up the clearly wrapped shapes, the continue through the maze trying to follow it to other side (if there is an exit on the other side, otherwise I follow the yarn back

2020-04-23, 02:12 PM

Was meant for the other player.

2020-04-23, 02:15 PM
Oh, just know I'm putting the yarn down to have a path back than.

2020-04-23, 02:16 PM
Disregard the previous post. I've deleted it.

It was intended for the other player.

Do you want to roll precents+ d12 + int bonus, twice?


Just say you took 20 finding the goodies?

2020-04-23, 03:01 PM
Let's say I take 20

2020-04-23, 03:16 PM
Ignoring the multitude of colorful hard boiled eggs, you find 90 candy eggs and 20 orange things the glasses identify as MARSHMALLOW PEANUTS.

Deeper in the maze there were a scattering of boxes and office furniture that the treats were hidden on, behind, under, or in.

It has taken you about 3 hours to completely search the maze.

You are tired and hungry.

WIS and INT checks.

2020-04-23, 03:56 PM
WIS: [roll0]

INT: [roll1]+[roll2]

2020-04-23, 04:00 PM
This wasn't a difficult maze. There didn't seem to be an area you needed to get to. There were multiple paths.

What was the point of it?

2020-04-24, 11:37 AM
Normally they did these things while white ones watched with ticking circles but the lack of an exit was weird? Maybe fetching these things was the point?

Anyhow, I had done enough for today. I return to my base in the medical centre to eat, and to slowly read through the clipboard information as lie down.

2020-04-24, 11:43 AM
What are you eating?

You need to go to the bathroom. All this new food is making your stomach weird.

Where do you go?

You think the closest one is the Green room with the beds.

2020-04-24, 12:09 PM
This time I eat mostly CHIPS.

I go to the bathroom in the green room.

2020-04-24, 12:22 PM
This time I eat mostly CHIPS.

I go to the bathroom in the green room.

The room is as you left it.

As you approach the supposed bathroom the Visor identifies the curtained off area beyond it as a MEDICAL CURTAIN. JUTTING from the wall AT A RIGHT ANGLE. PERPENDICULAR.

Spot Check.

The sink outside the door has a bar of soap on it, and DISPENSERS labeled HANDSOAP and HAND SANITIZER.

INT Check.

Going into the bathroom you find lockers and benches (Search if desired) and a table with a stack of towels and wash cloths and bars of soap. There is a rack of SHOWER SHOES, TONGS.

There is a HAMPER.

Beyond this is a large room with a central pillar projecting SHOWER HEADS NOZZLES all around it GANG SHOWER. There is one section of wall with URINALS and another divided into STALLS with curtains for doors. You find toilets in these.

After taking car of business, you have the opportunity to shower if you wish.

Spot check upon leaving bathroom.

2020-04-24, 12:58 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Int: [roll1]+[roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

2020-04-24, 01:09 PM
The door at the back of the other corner of the room is ajar.

These dispensers are detachable, you can take them with you if you wanted.

Are you taking a shower? You can do it later, of course.

2020-04-24, 01:57 PM
For the moment I leave the dispensers there but I do take some shower shoes. Just to make walking a little less hazardous. I decide to take a shower upon waking but not right now. Then I rest and start reading through the clipboards. I have been curious about the glowing pills for a long time so I focus on them if possible.

2020-04-24, 02:18 PM
For the moment I leave the dispensers there but I do take some shower shoes. Just to make walking a little less hazardous. I decide to take a shower upon waking but not right now. Then I rest and start reading through the clipboards. I have been curious about the glowing pills for a long time so I focus on them if possible.

Shower Shoes taken.
Shower Shoes equipped: Feet Slot.

The clip boards are mostly in code, but you figure out that some pills are Permanent and others are Temporary. It looks like everyone gets the same pills starting out. The ones that let you crawl, eat, strong enough to walk, know how to clean....

Then there are a mix of temporary and permanent pills associated with tests. Some of these have project codes.

The last pill you took was INTBST12. 6 took WISBST12.

It looks like you and 6 were intended to take one of the first set of pills you discovered. The codes on these are more complex. The other pills you found also have complex codes. You were supposed to get the one ending in 1. 6 was to get the pill ending in 7. You have all 8 now, and the others you found.

Maybe you should take them before going to sleep?

2020-04-24, 03:05 PM
I stay up quite late looking through the pills I have, seeing if any match up to others I remember taking before particular tests. Eventually I decide to take the one ending in 1 as intended as I was told again and again that taking these when you were supposed to was very important.

2020-04-24, 03:09 PM
Any other preparations before bed?

2020-04-24, 03:40 PM
Take the mark and shoes off. Close any open doors or drawers from the earlier searching. Take hygiene kit and perform normal pre-sleep hygiene routine. Clean up my piles of various things a little bit more.

2020-04-24, 03:42 PM
Take the mark and shoes off. Close any open doors or drawers from the earlier searching. Take hygiene kit and perform normal pre-sleep hygiene routine. Clean up my piles of various things a little bit more.

take the Mark off?

2020-04-24, 04:03 PM
Mask, my bad

2020-04-24, 04:08 PM
I guess you mean the visor/glasses.

2020-04-24, 04:20 PM
Your dreams replay the experience of the past few days, though events play out differently.

You climb over more things.
You climb over the maze.
You climb up the walls.
You climb up to look though the window of the observation room.

You need to get away from something.
Your skin feels tight.
You run to get away.
You can't get away.
It is around you.
You struggle to climb free.


You are soaked with sweat.
Your muscles ache.

There is no headache.

The lights click on triggered by your movement.


You wipe your face with the back of your hand and WHAT? IT"S more STICKY huh?

bolting upright, something dangles from your arm. ARMS.
You skin has split and peeled.
Shirt and pants torn.
Mattress shredded, you sit in a nest of stuffing and shreds.

There is new skin under the gore of the old.
Normal feeling skin.

But underneath the skin....harder.

Wiping off your fingers reveals that your finger nails are still there, but your fingers feel crowded somehow.

Flexing your hands you try to get used to the new feeling WHA DAH!

Thin curved nails slide out of the pads of your fingers....And toes.....

When you can relax...they slide back in, disappearing under the skin with just slight lines betraying their presence.

The remain of the pillow are scattered about the room.

(post your stats again please. They are about to get adjusted.)

2020-04-24, 04:22 PM
Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na

Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense (Would you get a silver chair reference if I made one?))
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


2020-04-24, 04:27 PM
Set STG to 10.

Claws. +1 racial bonus to attack.
1d4 crit x3
weapon finesse
Improved 2 weapon fighting (natural weapons only)
Roll all claw damage checks twice and take the better.
+2 grapple
Rake with feet if grapple achieved.

+4 racial bonus to climb
+2 climb skill
roll all climb checks twice and take better.

Climb speed on things soft enough to grip, 10 ft.

Your are going to need a new bed and new clothes.
And you really want a shower.

2020-04-24, 04:49 PM
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na
Speed: 25ft, Climb: 10ft (Soft only)
Claw (MH): +2 1d4 (ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Claws (Full Round Action): +0,-2,-7 1d4(ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Grapple: (+2)
Rake: ?

Climb: (+6) ADV
Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense)
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


Slowly, without dressing and trying to gain some control over my nails as I do I leave the medical rooms and head south. Back to the showers south of my original accommodation.

2020-04-24, 04:56 PM
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 3 DR: Na. Resistances: Na
Speed: 25ft, Climb: 10ft (Soft only)
Claw (MH): +2 1d4 (ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Claws (Full Round Action): +0,-2,-7 1d4(ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Grapple: (+2)
Rake: ?

Climb: (+6) ADV
Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense)
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


Slowly, without dressing and trying to gain some control over my nails as I do I leave the medical rooms and head south. Back to the showers south of my original accommodation.

This room is mostly as you last saw it. Most of the lights click on when you enter.

Round with 12 open stalls with no curtains.

A bench near the entrance holds towels, wash cloths, clean shirts and sweat pants, and bars of soap. There is a hamper for used items.

One of the ceiling lights is broken, and a crack runs down the wall into one of the stalls.

The water works in the undamaged stall you choose.

Under the spray you work the old layer of skin off. It is just a thin layer on your face and body. Much thicker on your limbs. The skin under it is clean and unblemished.

You seem much stronger.

Listen check.

2020-04-24, 05:03 PM
Listen: [roll0]

2020-04-24, 05:11 PM

Form the stall with the crack.

You stand naked in your stall.

Something is out there!

2020-04-24, 05:56 PM
In a moment of panic the claws extend once more, then I begin moving towards the stall with the cracked part. I swing the door open and look at what skittering thing is inside.

2020-04-24, 06:06 PM
More slide the curtain...

The dark brown 5 foot long thing turns and wiggles its...wiggly bits at you.

roll initiative and first attack...


to hit [roll1], dam [roll2]

2020-04-24, 06:29 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

I withdraw to avoid opportunity attacks and move double my movement speed away from this creature, absolutely terrified by it's attack and its sudden appearance.

2020-04-24, 06:33 PM
It is a relatively small locker room.

The withdrawal puts you wet and naked in the hall way.

2020-04-24, 06:35 PM
I run down the hallway, looking behind me to see what this angry brown shape is.

2020-04-24, 06:41 PM
What it is is....not following you. At least not at any great speed as you don't see it so it isn't catching up.

2020-04-24, 06:49 PM
I run back into the medical base where I try and dry myself, dress, then calm myself down. Once I'm calm and dressed I take a stool with me for warding this thing off and then very slowly edge my way back towards the shower area.

2020-04-24, 10:01 PM
I run back into the medical base where I try and dry myself, dress, then calm myself down. Once I'm calm and dressed I take a stool with me for warding this thing off and then very slowly edge my way back towards the shower area.

ward off?
what are your intentions in going back?

2020-04-25, 04:10 AM
Try and see what the shale actually is, and if possible get it to calm down. If not try and fend it off with the stool.

To help with trying to get it to calm down I will take two nut bars from the food pile and two tranquilliser lollipops.

2020-04-25, 04:25 AM
Try and see what the shale actually is, and if possible get it to calm down. If not try and fend it off with the stool.

To help with trying to get it to calm down I will take two nut bars from the food pile and two tranquilliser lollipops.


You approach the bathroom, stool in one hand, treats in the other.

There is no chance to hide your approach as the automatic lights click on as you approach.

The lights in the bathroom are still on.

The shower you left running is still on.

Where are you going?

Move silent,

2020-04-25, 04:40 AM
Is the door of the cubicle it used to be in still open? If so I head that way, my footsteps hopefully covered by the noise f the running showerhead. Otherwise I turn off that shower and listen out for the creature.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2020-04-25, 04:48 AM
Is the door of the cubicle it used to be in still open? If so I head that way, my footsteps hopefully covered by the noise f the running showerhead. Otherwise I turn off that shower and listen out for the creature.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]





You don't hear or see it. You cautiously approach the still open stall.

It isn't in there.

Now what?


2020-04-25, 11:32 AM
I turn off the shower head to ensure it doesn’t drown out the noise of this creature.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2020-04-25, 11:43 AM
You move towards your stall, scanning around looking for it.

Your feet swish through the ankle deep water; you must have left it on too long.

Where is it? You strain to hear anything over your own splashes and the static of the shower.

Ricochet spray dampens your clothes as you near the stall.

You reach in for the faucet knob.


As it chews on your dead shed skin blocking the drain.

What do you do?

2020-04-25, 12:24 PM

2020-04-25, 04:05 PM

Your new 'friend' is big enough to eat a cat or small dog.

2020-04-25, 05:39 PM
From behind it, I pull the two tranquiliser lollies off of the sticks and throw them into the mass of dead skin where it's eating then I back away while keeping an eye on it and wait to see what happens.

2020-04-25, 06:48 PM
(hmm, must be some problem in serverland. I'm not getting notices form Giantitp)

I like your thinking here, so no rolls.

After about 5 minutes of munching, it stops moving and sinks into the water.

2020-04-26, 02:55 AM
Fist I move over and turn the showerhead off. Then not wanting to hurt it or let it run free I pick it up and carefully lay it down in the hamper for used items. I lay a big towel over the top and resolve to come back and let it out later.

Right now though, I look to see if there are any slurs of footprints or little examples of destruction that might show the may it got in.

2020-04-26, 04:13 AM
Fist I move over and turn the showerhead off. Then not wanting to hurt it or let it run free I pick it up and carefully lay it down in the hamper for used items. I lay a big towel over the top and resolve to come back and let it out later.

Right now though, I look to see if there are any slurs of footprints or little examples of destruction that might show the may it got in.

The forum isn't sending me emails, or gmail isn't receiving them. My replies won't be as prompt.


It seems that things don't leave tracks on dry floors, and tracks in wet showers get washed away.

The stall you found it in has a crack running down the wall. It isn't big enough to get your fist in, but that thing's body is thin enough that it could have come out of it. .

2020-04-26, 05:23 AM

Your hit dice are 2d8 now, maxed.
+1 Cha
+1 Bab
+1 to save of your choice.
Int mod skill points to skills you have used (spot, search, listen...)

2020-04-26, 01:56 PM

Your hit dice are 2d8 now, maxed.
+1 Cha
+1 Bab
+1 to save of your choice.
Int mod skill points to skills you have used (spot, search, listen...)

What now?
Your clothes are wet, again.

2020-04-26, 05:34 PM
I first try and look through the crack. I consider trying to seal it but don't know how. This I begin to explore more. I head back to the maze and try and climb up the wall into the observation room.

2020-04-27, 04:23 AM
The crack is dark. Even if you had a light, there is nothing but stone to see.

On your way to the maze do you stop for anything?

Climb check.

2020-04-27, 05:10 AM
I take several bags of food and the medical kit.

Climb: [roll0] or [roll1]

2020-04-27, 10:24 AM
Did you put on the visor?

2020-04-27, 11:06 AM
(I'll update with Visor info if needed)

The wall is actually carpeted. (int check)

When you arrive at the window you see at least one body on the floor and some sort of metal case.

The glass is dirty from the inside. It is hard to see anything else. (Spot)

These windows don't seem to open. There is some sort of grouting around the edges.

2020-04-27, 11:36 AM
I left the visor behind for now.

Int: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2020-04-27, 11:37 AM
+[roll0] for the int.

2020-04-27, 11:47 AM
+[roll0] for the int.

No body walks on walls...maybe it makes it quieter?

You can't make out what, but there seems to be more room behind what you can see.

2020-04-27, 03:33 PM
Moving on inwards I search the body and try to open the metal case.

2020-04-27, 04:20 PM
Moving on inwards I search the body and try to open the metal case.

You can't.
The window glass.
These windows don't open.

2020-04-27, 04:32 PM
I attempt to use my claws to cut at the window glass. If that fails I descend, find bulky object (probably a stool and throw it at the window glass.

2020-04-27, 04:36 PM
Strength check.

2020-04-27, 05:18 PM

Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 13 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 14 DR: Na. Resistances: Na
Saves: Fort: -1 Ref: +1 Will: +1
Speed: 25ft, Climb: 10ft (Soft only)
Claw (MH): +2 1d4 (ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Claws (Full Round Action): +0,-2,-7 1d4(ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Grapple: (+2)
Rake: ?

Climb: (+6) ADV
Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Listen (+1)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+5+1d12)
Spot (+2)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense)
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


2020-04-27, 05:38 PM

Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 9 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 13 (+1)

AC: 11 HP: 14 DR: Na. Resistances: Na
Saves: Fort: -1 Ref: +1 Will: +1
Speed: 25ft, Climb: 10ft (Soft only)
Claw (MH): +2 1d4 (ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Claws (Full Round Action): +0,-2,-7 1d4(ADV) Crit: 20, x3
Grapple: (+2)
Rake: ?

Climb: (+6) ADV
Decipher Script: (+4+1d12)
Disable Device (+5+1d12)
Open Lock: (+3)
Search (+4+1d12)
Spot (+1)

Belt buckle
2 Balls of blue yarn
Plastic fork (you are used to sporks, but whatever)
Spinning TOP
Book (the symbols don't make sense RUNES. UPDATE LANGUAGE MODULE TO ACCESS )
Bottle of sun block. spf 50. (Sun doesn't make sense)
2 Cups (plastic)
4 Clipboards
Red rectangle
60 silver disk (TOKENS? SLUGS? VISOR seems unsure)
12 Silver COINS. ???
5 Gold Coins ???
14 Copper Coins???
13 glow pills.
A orange hair scrunchy.
Bit of dry material with some sharp things sticking out of it. (THORNS)
a 6 inch square of a LEATHER
Defiblirator. (you don't have enough context to understand the translation)
Medical Case (Let's just say one of every probe, tong, prick, syringe, and scalpel, suture kit, ect...)

3 Seashells


Claws prove ineffective.

Repeatedly chunking a chair does not. You shatter a pane.

Dex check.

2020-04-27, 05:44 PM
Dex: [roll0]

2020-04-27, 05:49 PM
You manage to enter the room without cutting yourself on the glass.

The body... has no head.

The uniform of this green is covered with tiny squares of greens, browns, and black. The uniform is intact.

There are 2 white and 3 green splotches.

At the back of the room is a landing for a stairwell going down.

2020-04-27, 05:52 PM
Moving on inwards I search the body and try to open the metal case.

I do this, and then strip a top off one of the bodies and use it to cover the shattered glass.

2020-04-27, 05:56 PM
2 search checks.

2020-04-27, 06:06 PM
1: [roll0]+[roll1]=22
2: [roll2]+[roll3]=32

2020-04-27, 06:16 PM
You find a roll of square green candies, a folding knife, a red keycard, and a small brown envelope with markings (that you can't read without the visor) on a label. Hand written below the labels is your designation and 6's

Opening the other silver case you find...Wha?

There are 5 items.

The most recognizable is ...another envelope. It is has been marked with the same designations.

The second most normal looking item is a folded square of paper.

The other 3... look sort of like skin colored to white and translucent.

two look like The same but one for each side. There is a small clear plastic label on each.
Int check

The other item is more mysterious. There is a label .

2020-04-28, 05:18 AM
I try and read the letters then in frustration take the case back down with me as I go to fetch the visor.

2020-04-28, 05:22 AM
Are you going out the window, or do you want to see where the stairs go?

2020-04-29, 03:05 AM
Let's go with out the window and back.

The first envelope is labeled PROJECT COMPANION. Hand written below it are your designation and 6's

I'm copying the description from the player who looked at it with the visor.
Opening the other silver case you find...Wha?

There are 5 items.

The most recognizable is ...another envelope. PROJECT SELF RISING. It is has been marked "6 or (the last 2 of your designation)".
The glasses informs you that OR means 'make a choice'.

The second NORMAL REGULAR looking item is a folded square of paper.

The other 3... look sort of like FLESH. Almost like SKIN. Then, skin colored to white and translucent.

two look like MIRROR COPIES. The same but one for each side. There is a small clear plastic label on each. One reads LEFT PALM. The other reads RIGHT PALM. The glasses guess FINGERLESS GLOVES? You used gloves on some of the ROPE climbing tests, but those were nothing like these.

The other item is more mysterious. The label says TO ROOF OF MOUTH.

2020-04-29, 09:04 AM
I poke around curiously at the skin inside the cages but ultimately decide I don’t quite know how these work yet. I will have to look for more notes.

Following my other hope of trying to get where up is I climb up through the window again then go into the corridor beyond and look for a staircase.

2020-04-29, 09:06 AM
Um.. the black square paper thing in the case is a note.

2020-04-29, 09:08 AM
Oh, I read the black square thing then

2020-04-29, 09:15 AM
The paper unfolds into a long strip. Only the cover is black.

There is a picture of a woman.

There are line drawings showing how the gloves go onto the hands.

The second step seems to be putting the other thing into the mouth and pressing the flat part against the roof of the mouth.

The third step is putting the pill into the mouth.

The last picture shows the woman looking happy.

The glasses contribute INSTRUCTION PAMPHLET. SMILE.


2020-04-29, 01:43 PM
I still do not like this whole idea. So for now I put these things to the side and go into the corridor looking for stairs.

2020-04-29, 01:55 PM
I still do not like this whole idea. So for now I put these things to the side and go into the corridor looking for stairs.

It is a landing for a short stair well.

At the bottom of the stairs is...a black wall.


2020-04-29, 08:23 PM
Search: [roll0]+[roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2020-04-29, 08:32 PM
Search: [roll0]+[roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

You find a SATCHEL on the floor.

With a bit feeling around you find the small hidden catch allowing the hidden door to slide open. It opens to reveal the training area just below the observation windows.

2020-04-29, 08:40 PM
I attempt to wedge open the door, then empty out the satchel and rifle through the contents.

2020-04-29, 08:48 PM
Jamming the door isn't a problem.

The bags contents:

2 green HERBS
1 glowpill
2 green GEMS
1 pink POPTART... FILLED PASTRY WARMED IN TOASTER. Toaster gets an image of one of the items on the counter in the green beds room that you just glanced at.
1 large PEANUT

2020-05-01, 06:11 AM
Seeing the edible items reminds you of your hunger... and need to finish your shower.

2020-05-01, 08:23 AM
I go back to my snack pile to eat now. Do I have any idea what giant centipedes like to eat?

I also do finish showering and dress properly in new clothes.

2020-05-01, 08:36 AM
I go back to my snack pile to eat now. Do I have any idea what giant centipedes like to eat?

I also do finish showering and dress properly in new clothes.

Human skin and fyntenol laced lolly pops?

Maybe you can find something meaty near the toaster? Check it out before going back to the other end of the compound? {note the edit adding the ?. was not intending this as a command, just a suggestion.}

Your most recent edible finds look more substantial than funions and cookies.

2020-05-01, 10:46 AM
After eating a little of that but still hungry I go back wo the set of cabinets near the smashed vending macjphine and look for more food things.

(Do I know what cooking is?/Have any idea at all how to do it?)

2020-05-01, 11:12 AM
He knows that the food he was served was not like the food he has been eating.

Walking into the green room (spot) and over to the counter the visor identifies COFFEE MAKER, COFFEE POT, AUTOMATIC STEW COOKING POT, TOASTER.

In the first cabinet there are cardboard boxes with writing on them and clear sacks of BEANS of different colors. The sacks have writing on them. There are also 3 large labeled cans, and several smaller cans, and a sack of mostly white pellets.

The second cabinet releases a blast of chilled air when opened. Inside are several unlabeled tubs, a bundle of GREEN BEANS, a bundle of orange food sticks CARROTS, some green food sticks CELERY, and a sack of salad stuff SPINACH.

2020-05-01, 12:33 PM
The pictographs on the toaster seem easy enough to understand and it seems you can warm the poptart and bread at the same time.

The automatic stew pot has instructions. It seems like it is made to feed multiple people.

1) put ingredients into pot. No need to cut or slice. Greasing pot is optional but may improve flavor and cleaning ease.

2) add water to lower line for stew, to upper line for soup. ALWAYS COVER NON FLOATING INGREDIENTS

3) close lid

4) push START

5) wait 1 hour or until bell brings and FINISHED light is Green.

You don't see any lines inside.

2020-05-01, 12:45 PM
After eating a little of that but still hungry I go back wo the set of cabinets near the smashed vending macjphine and look for more food things.

(Do I know what cooking is?/Have any idea at all how to do it?)

Exactly what did you eat? If you end up just dumping it all in the stew pot/toaster don't bother listing.

The beans are labeled red, white, black, pinto, garbanzo, and 17 BEAN-LINTEL MIX. The bag of mostly white Pellets says MULTI-RICE, BARLEY, PASTA MIX.

Each bares the instruction: FOR SOUP OR STEWS USE 1/2 CUP PER SERVING.
The multi bean and rice mixes also add : ADD 1 FLAVOR PACKET PER SERVING and contain a clear bag with small scatchlets.

2020-05-01, 12:57 PM
The large cans are

Freeze Dried Meat Chunks. For soups or stews use 1/2 cup per serving. To reconstitute, soak in water.

Cheese powder. For popcorn topping leave dry. For spread add small amount of water and stir until desired consistency is reached. For cheese sauce add additional water.

Egg powder. The label has reconstitution instructions.

oh, there is another can behind the others. VEG SOUP MIX. For broth use 1 TBS per serving. For soup use 1/4 cup per serving. For thicker soup use additional mix.

The smaller cans contain precooked beans and vegetables, including the green food balls and orange food cubes. PEAS AND CARROTS.

The cardboard boxes are labeled MEAL READY TO EAT. Menus include Chicken Ala King and TACO MAC.

You are REALLY hungry.

2020-05-04, 07:00 AM
Somewhat overwhelmed eventually I put the meat chunks and a lot of the beans into the STEW COOKING POT. This took a little looking into what stew was but eventually I am satisfied.

2020-05-04, 07:24 AM
1) The visor explains stew by showing you some of the meals you had before that were stew. It often contained orange food circles CARROTS.

2) Did you toss in the potato, mushrooms, et al into the stew? If not, did you eat anything in that bag of edibles?

3) Spot check.

4) after resolving the spot check it will take an hour for the food to cook. Shower or other activity?

2020-05-04, 03:58 PM
2) I put the mushroom, peanut, potato and one each of the herbs and garlic bulbs in.

3) [roll0]

4) I briefly check that the centipede is OK and feed the fish. Then I take a quick shower.

2020-05-04, 04:13 PM
2) do you take your vitamins?

3) that door at the back corner of the room is still ajar

4) the fish eats the pellet.

When you get to the far end of your known world, you find the hamper empty. No centipede. No towels. No clothing fragments. Nothing.

When you look on the counter you find the towels clean, folded, and back in their place.
Next to them you find an odd garment. It looks like the fragments of your shirt and pants, along with the shell of the centipede, have been combined, somehow, into a composite shirt. (Counts as leather)

Where are you showering? In the green area or back here with the crack in the wall?

2020-05-04, 04:33 PM
I don't think to take the vitamins at this point. I ignore the door being open at least until I am done eating.

With the hamper empty I look around and call out a lot, searching for the centipede. Eventually I realise it has been made into the shirt. I look for signs that it had just shed its outer shell and escaped before this thing happened. If I do not find evidence of this, I sit despondent for a long time. Looking at the shirt but leaving it where it is and eventually go back to eat without caring to shower.

2020-05-04, 04:41 PM
Are you using the toaster on your bread and Pop tart?

Need a beverage? Or just water?

Trying the other vending machine?

2020-05-05, 04:36 PM
No, just water and no.

I will however make a point to stake out the hamper. Watching to see what did this.

2020-05-05, 04:47 PM
We'll schedule the stake out later...

DING! Stew done.

There is more than perhaps you were expecting. Beans swell quite a bit.
Did you use just one type?

The stew seems a bit bland at first, but then you see how the meat and potato and everything has somehow been cut up into comfortably sized cubes and slices. The herb is odd but the more you eat of the stew the better it gets and the more you want. You giggle a bit in enjoyment.

You eat all of the stew, and though you fill full, you want chips or crackers or something.


2020-05-10, 04:06 PM
Fort Save: [roll0]

2020-05-10, 05:09 PM
Wow....man...chips are good....

Stew is...awesome...that's a word? right VISOR? It is? Awesome!

Pretzels?...*crunch* ...hmm.... pretzels are good ... too...

What was i gona do?.......

The dooooor...right...the door back there ...

Walking to tha dooor.... My..Feet..are soooo...big?!

Oh Kay. o...opening the dooor.

a desk. a little envelope. says Project Companion. Don't I already have one of those?

Another silver case... another of those weird fleshy things?
No? boots? with blades? ...ICE SKATES ya say? and another glow pill?

Wonder what this one does?

Claws are ok. Maybe I should take some more... Feel like a nap anyway.

*Crunch*...pretzels is a funny word...heh heh...

So, a mushroom and medicinal "herb".


Are you going to take any of the several glow pills you have accumulated? one? a couple? all of them?
Gonna try on the gloves and the mouth thingy?

2020-05-11, 04:06 PM
I won't take the gloves or the mouth thing, but will take both of the project companion pills I have.

2020-05-11, 04:09 PM
I won't take the gloves or the mouth thing, but will take both of the project companion pills I have.

Anything else before bed?

2020-05-11, 05:18 PM
I eventually do have a full shower, and I use the hygiene kit. After that bed.

2020-05-11, 05:28 PM
Where do you sleep? on one of the bunks in the green room?

Where ever you sleep... Level up.

D8. 2+ int mod skills in things you have done.

+4 bonus hp.
2% chance to resist harmful/unwanted magical effects.


You dream of being in a tight dark space. But your master will be coming for you soon and then you will be together.

When you awaken you want something....in the physical testing room....something there needs you.

2020-05-11, 07:54 PM
Where do you sleep? on one of the bunks in the green room?

Where ever you sleep... Level up.

D8. 2+ int mod skills in things you have done.
EDIT: +1 to a save of your choice.

+4 bonus hp.
2% chance to resist harmful/unwanted magical effects.


You dream of being in a tight dark space. But your master will be coming for you soon and then you will be together.

When you awaken you want something....in the physical testing room....something there needs you.


2020-05-14, 10:24 AM
Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy just died of Corona. I'm going to work in a tribute reference into the game. I'm mentioning it so you will know it when you see it.
