View Full Version : Murder on the Orien Express (IC)

2020-04-19, 09:21 PM
When word came that Spade wanted each of you to meet him at an inn in Lower Dura, saying he had a big score planned that would ensure you'd all be set for life, it seemed unlikely that he'd stand you up. He might've been a con artist and a hustler, but he'd always been more or less straightforward with each of the five of you. At first, he was probably just running late. But the minutes became hours. Something was clearly wrong.

He'd told you that he was coming via Lightning Rail, which meant he could only enter Sharn from one place: Terminus Station. As you approach, it becomes obvious that something happened. Members of the Sharn Watch are keeping people away from the station, and House Orien guardsmen are bustling about. You can hear, from a distance, shouts of "nothing to see here!" and "move along!" When you get close enough, a burly Half-Orc wearing a Watch uniform holds up a hand, stopping you in your tracks.

"Sorry, folks. There's been an incident. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

2020-04-19, 09:56 PM
Evalyn stops and putting on a disarming smile asks the watchman. That’s unfortunate, we were supposed to meet someone here, an old warforged friend of ours. If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of incident occurred?

2020-04-20, 03:54 PM

The young man arrived at Terminus Station, worried that something had happened to his old friend. Hearing the attractive elf talking to the guard, he stopped, and listened from a few steps behind her. Had she just said "warforged"? Of course, there were several, but it felt like more than incidental...

2020-04-20, 06:18 PM
Fortunately, Eustace had a plan to get past the stubborn watch. He displays his shield and his House Orien signet ring. "I'm actually here on House business. If you would kindly let me pass so I can coordinate with my colleagues..."

2020-04-25, 09:55 PM
At the mention of a "warforged friend", the guard's face falls.

"You may very well be out of luck. A Warforged was murdered right as the train pulled into the station. We've cordoned off the area, but the killer got loose into the city. I really hope it wasn't your friend. I truly do."

He winces sympathetically, but changes his tune when Eustace displays his credentials.

"Oh! My apologies, Mr. d'Orien! Please, go right ahead."

He glances at the others.

"Are they with you?"

2020-04-26, 09:24 AM
Eustace hesitates only for a moment. They did seem to be connected to Spade, probably knew him better than he himself. He flashes his debonaire smile and concocts what seems like a likely story, "Of course. While House D'Orien has been keeping tabs on a specific warforged, who may or may not be the one these elves are acquainted with, we don't presume to have knowledge of everyone who chooses the reliable travel offered by the Lightning Rail. I was told I would find the two of them here and that they could answer a few questions we had." He turns to face the two elves, hoping he wasn't going to regret this, before extending his hand for a solid handshake. "Eustace D'Orien, House Orien Public Relations Worker. I apologize for not recognizing you earlier. Now if you would please come with me..." He gestures for them to lead the way past the member of the Watch. Once out of earshot, he speaks quietly to them both. "Please tell me I didn't risk my neck for two complete strangers. You two do actually know the warforged named Spade?"

2020-04-26, 01:00 PM
Evalyn accepts Euctace's handshake, and says to the guard Indeed we are with him, In fact I'm a dragonmarked assistant of his. Evalyn of house Thuranni, I act as a meadiator when dealing with others. She then follows Eustace and replies in as low a whisper as possible, Yes indeed, I knew Spade. Though I think we should watch how much we reveal and with whom we trust. If Spade is the warforged that was killed, whoever did that foul deed may be after us next. We definitely need more information though. If you stay close to me you should be safe, The shortsword I carry warns me of danger and imminent ambushes Evalyn taps with two fingers the sheathed blade at her side for emphasis.

2020-04-26, 04:03 PM

The young man just nods and walks along as they are let through by the guard. He then answers the handshakes of the others.

"Hey. Just call me Badger, most do." He says with a winning smile, and swiftly pointing to his pale white hair with the few black streaks. "I am wondering if we are all here for the same reason..." He looks from one to another, and pauses as if making a difficult decision. "I for once have received a letter announcing his arrival today." He sounds a bit nervous, as if wondering whether he just walked into a trap by giving this detail.

Badger is a tall man in his early twenties, charismatic, showing both Human and Elven characteristics. His "trademark" are his near-white hair with a few black streaks. He wears common, dark clothes with some simple leather adornments. He carries a dagger on his belt and a backpack.

2020-04-26, 09:36 PM
When Eustace confirms the others are indeed with him, the guard waves the three of you through. Once you're past the perimeter, no one else challenges you, they all seem to think that the Watch wouldn't have let anyone who wasn't supposed to be there into the station during this time. Up ahead, there are a few places you could go. A pair of House Orien Inquisitives are questioning a diverse group of people, likely passengers from the train who witnessed the murder. The crime scene itself has been cordoned off, but those who are part of the investigation are coming and going from that specific car with impunity. It wouldn't be difficult for the three of you to get access. Also, a group of station attendants are sitting huddled together near a newsstand, talking in hushed tones about what they saw, or heard about. For the moment, none of the investigators seem to be paying them much attention.

2020-04-27, 06:20 PM
Evalyn notes Badger's anxiety, puts on a gentle smile and whispers It's all right, we were meeting Spade too. Then she asks the party. So shall we investigate the crime scene, check in with the inquisitives, or speak with the station workers?

2020-05-03, 01:00 PM
"I'd like to see what the eyewitnesses have to say. I'm sure the inquisitives already scoured most of the scene and secured whatever evidence could be found."

2020-05-03, 01:14 PM
"Yes, sounds good." Badger agrees. "The inspectors will notice us sooner or later, and they might want to keep us away from witnesses."

2020-05-04, 03:30 PM
Evalyn saunters over to the staff. Putting on a friendly face she asks the most amicable looking station staff sitting there Excuse me, I'm here aiding house Orien with the investigation. Would you mind telling me what happened? I heard a warforged was killed, but do you know anything about how this terrible tragedy occurred? [roll0]

2020-05-04, 06:23 PM
Eustace taps against his shield when Evalyn mentions House Orien, to lend her question more authority. He adds, "Any detail, no matter how small or unimportant, could help us find out whoever is responsible."