View Full Version : Player Help Need help for Dwarf Barbarian build

2020-04-20, 03:46 AM
Hi!I need help building a dwarf barb lvl 6 for 3.5 core only. Im kinda new to dnd. Need help with ability scores, feats and weapons.I was thinking dwarven waraxe 2h or maybe use a shield too. I rolled 15/15/15/12/13/8.Flaws are kinda allowed but not murky eyes and no multiclassing

2020-04-20, 05:38 AM
Ability Scores: You want to put your 15s into Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. You don't really care about Charisma, so put the 8 there. Between Wisdom and Intelligence, the difference between 12 and 13 doesn't really matter as far as bonuses provided, but Int 13 is a requirement for the Combat Expertise feat which you may want, so put the 13 there and the 12 in Wisdom.

At every 4th level, you can add 1 to an ability score, so you get to do this once. This wants to be Strength - going from 15 to 16 increases your modifier from +2 to +3, and Strength is the stat that matters the most to you, since it is used for determining your hit chance and damage output.

If you want to be a bit beefier, you could go with an Earth Dwarf (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#earthDwarves
), which is in the SRD and so may be available. You get a +2 bonus to Strength which is useful, but lose 2 points of Dexterity (awkward, but not disastrous) and you lose the Dwarf's +2 bonus on saves against spell effects. This is a relevant downside, and means you're trading defense for offense, but it's worth considering.

For feats, Power Attack is definitely the most relevant feat for you in the PHB. Against low AC high HP targets you can amp your damage up considerably - with a two handed weapon you can take a -6 penalty to hit and get +12 damage, which is a big swing compared to the rest of your options.

After this, you have a limited number of useful options. You could take Combat Expertise and Improved Trip, which is useful for disabling some enemies, lets you control targets rather than just beat them down, and floored enemies are easy to hit, making for good Power Attacks. If you are going this route, you could also use the Wolf Totem (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#barbarianVariantTotemB arbarian) to get Improved Trip without needing to spend two feats. You are likely to want to spend a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain) if you do go with this plan, as it's a two-handed reach weapon which can be used to trip, making is exactly what you want for this plan.

Two Weapon Fighting is less impressive for a barbarian who wants to be maximising strength rather than dex - If you want to make more attacks per round, consider the Whirling Frenzy (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) variant to Rage, which lets you get the benefits of 2WF (extra attack each round) without losing out on the increased strength modifier to damage - it also means you only need to find one magic weapon.

Alternatively, you could just go with Cleave and Great Cleave to carve through more enemies per round. If you didn't take Earth Dwarf and still have a reasonable Dexterity score, you could take Combat Reflexes which is all round quite useful, especially if using a reach weapon. Improved Bull Rush is also a respectable choice.

For weaponry, two-handed choices are generally the most impactful - you get to multiply your strength modifier when adding it to your damage, and you hit more often than two-weapon fighting. Two-handed weapons also have Reach more often, which helps for battlefield control, tripping enemies, and also makes it easier to engage enemies who have reach of their own. If you aren't spending a feat on it, the Greatsword is the gold standard, with good damage output. The Guisarme is a reach weapon that can be used to make Trip attacks. If you are willing to spend a feat, the Spiked Chain is an exceptionally useful weapon as mentioned above.

2020-04-20, 06:13 AM
thank you for your reply it was very informative a lot of options to consider. Unfortunately our dm thinks spiked chain and trip attacks are overpowered mechanics and tries to avoid them in his campaign.The group has a human fighter with dual wield so we agreed that i use a greataxe or a dwarven waraxe that he would let me enchant +1.Flaws not allowed as well.Should i get weapon focus or diehard?

2020-04-20, 08:10 AM
thank you for your reply it was very informative a lot of options to consider. Unfortunately our dm thinks spiked chain and trip attacks are overpowered mechanics and tries to avoid them in his campaign.The group has a human fighter with dual wield so we agreed that i use a greataxe or a dwarven waraxe that he would let me enchant +1.Flaws not allowed as well.Should i get weapon focus or diehard?

If tripping is out the window and there's no flaws, you have three feats.

I'd probably go with Power Attack, Cleave and Improved Initiative. I forgot Improved Initiative in the previous post, but it's probably one of the best options available in Core since going first is a pretty big deal, especially if you hit hard.

If you're going for a two-handed weapon, a greataxe does more damage than a dwarven waraxe with no real downsides, so I'd go with that - the difference is pretty minimal, though, so if you want to use the dwarven waraxe for flavor reasons then go ahead.

2020-04-20, 11:00 AM
I'll agree that going Earth Dwarf (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfEarth) is ideal.

You can get the feat Knock-Down (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown) and hit opponents so hard that they get knocked to the floor. This works with any weapon you use.

If you get Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe you can take your 7th level in the Exotic Weapon Master class in Complete Warrior. Only take as many levels as the number of abilities you want to learn, in this case just one, Uncanny Blow. Normally using a weapon in two hands adds 1.5x your Str bonus to the damage, with that you'll instead add 2x your Str bonus to your damage if using the Dwarven Waraxe two-handed.

A 6th level character is expected to have 13,000 gp worth of wealth and equipment (https://www.dndarchive.com/forums/depth-roleplay-qa/character-wealth-level), and a +1 Dwarven Waraxe is only 2,330 gp of that. A Mithral (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm#mithral) Full Plate counts as medium armor and costs 10,500 gp, leaving you with 170 gp for mundane supplies, ranged and backup weapons, etc. Be sure to have armor spikes in case you're grabbed or swallowed whole.

2020-04-20, 04:36 PM
Hi!I need help building a dwarf barb lvl 6 for 3.5 core only. Im kinda new to dnd. Need help with ability scores, feats and weapons.I was thinking dwarven waraxe 2h or maybe use a shield too. I rolled 15/15/15/12/13/8.Flaws are kinda allowed but not murky eyes and no multiclassing

Str 16 (18), Dex 15, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 6
Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Climb 9 ranks, Jump 9 ranks, Swim 9 ranks, Listen 9 ranks, Survival 9 ranks

+1 Adamantine Greataxe, +1 Adamantine Breastplate (or mithril full-plate if you can), Boots of Striding & Springing, Belt of Giant Str +2, potions of enlarge person (CL 1, 50gp each) or get your wizard buddy a wand for it, any AC boosters like amulet of natural armor, ring of protection, etc, and a cloak of resistance

With the greataxe, while raging and enlarged (str 24), you'll have +13 (3d6+11), but you can use power attack up to 6 points for +7 (3d6+23). If you instead used a waraxe and a heavy shield, that would be +13 (2d8+8) and +7 (2d8+14); big difference. You'll have to decide if you want that extra damage or the extra 2-5 AC from the shield (depending on enhancement bonus); I'd go for the damage.

You could also use a reach weapon instead, they have lower maximum damage and you can't attack adjacent opponents (you'd have to either be wearing armor spikes or a spiked gauntlet and use them, or 5ft adjust back if you have the room), but you can reach more squares with your attacks (good for cleaving) and you'll get an attack of opportunity if somebody moves up to you without tumbling or whatever. If you can take 2 flaws, you might choose: power attack, exotic weapon proficiency (spiked chain), combat reflexes, combat expertise, improved trip. This would be the objective best option, but those two flaws can hurt and it's less thematic to have a spiked chain tripping dwarf over a greataxe cleaving one, imo. The idea there is to get an AoO when somebody moves up, use it trip them, then power attack them while they're tripped (for free with Improved Trip), then when they try to get up they provoke another AoO (and take a penalty to their AC since they're still prone). However, spiked chains are also the single best weapon for cleave and great cleave too.

2020-04-20, 06:05 PM
OP: for your group, does core-only mean anything in the SRD, or just PHB/MM/DMG material?

2020-04-20, 10:33 PM
OP: for your group, does core-only mean anything in the SRD, or just PHB/MM/DMG material?

Great question.

I would shy away from heavy armor. Mithral breastplate would be a great choice that gives a good ac bonus, still has dex bonus, minimal ACP, and let's you keep your fast movement. Shield will be a good bit to pickup more AC, you'll need it when you're raging.

For offense I'd go with a dwarven waraxe and a few throwing axes.

Feats: Improved Initiative-going first counts for a lot; Power Attack and Cleave.

2020-04-21, 02:04 AM
So we a played a session last night. I used the recommended ability scores.I took improved initiative, power attack and cleave. Since the group had died from an encounter with a vrock the dm allowed new characters to be made so we can finish the story. It imposed a penalty of starting money so we all started with 6000gp.i bought a breastplate +1, greataxe +1, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1 the rest in supplies and potion of enlarge. I was thinking of enchanting the weapon with vicious since i rolled 73hp.Btw with core-only i meant phb,dmg,mm.

2020-04-21, 05:45 AM
So we a played a session last night. I used the recommended ability scores.I took improved initiative, power attack and cleave. Since the group had died from an encounter with a vrock the dm allowed new characters to be made so we can finish the story. It imposed a penalty of starting money so we all started with 6000gp.i bought a breastplate +1, greataxe +1, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1 the rest in supplies and potion of enlarge. I was thinking of enchanting the weapon with vicious since i rolled 73hp.Btw with core-only i meant phb,dmg,mm.

The bracers of armor +1 would not work with a Breastplate. But i assume at your table it does, since your DM did not correct you.

Personally i would not recommend Vicious, receiving damage is not ideal and in some situations very bad.
Let's say your opponent is down to low HP, you wouldn't need the extra 2d6 damage to kill it, but it's no choice, you also take the 1d6 damage to yourself.

I would take Merciful instead, you deal an extra 1d6 damage, that has the advantage of knocking someone inconscious instead of killing it. If you want it dead, you can always kill it once combat is over.
Constructs and Undead are immune to non-lethal damage, but you have the option of turning it off (this time it says so). If you think you meet a lot of those, a different enchantment is adviceable.

2020-04-21, 08:08 AM
So we a played a session last night. I used the recommended ability scores.I took improved initiative, power attack and cleave. Since the group had died from an encounter with a vrock the dm allowed new characters to be made so we can finish the story. It imposed a penalty of starting money so we all started with 6000gp.i bought a breastplate +1, greataxe +1, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1 the rest in supplies and potion of enlarge. I was thinking of enchanting the weapon with vicious since i rolled 73hp.Btw with core-only i meant phb,dmg,mm.

A Vrock against a level 6 PHB only and no multiclass party is...pretty hard.

2020-04-21, 09:48 AM
The main antagonist was a succubus that was lucky to summon a vrock.It tore the whole party cause our paladin refused to use his holy longsword cause the fighter wanted it for himself and both players argued a lot.In the end they hired my barb for help i asked the dm if i could buy a cold iron greataxe he told the village vendor didnt have any.In the end the succubus escaped for the third time when our ranger started attacking with cold iron arrows (the succubus was atop a high statue and no one could reach her). I argued with the dm that the succubus escaping all the time is bull**** and told me not to challenge him.

2020-04-21, 06:04 PM
The main antagonist was a succubus that was lucky to summon a vrock.It tore the whole party cause our paladin refused to use his holy longsword cause the fighter wanted it for himself and both players argued a lot.In the end they hired my barb for help i asked the dm if i could buy a cold iron greataxe he told the village vendor didnt have any.In the end the succubus escaped for the third time when our ranger started attacking with cold iron arrows (the succubus was atop a high statue and no one could reach her). I argued with the dm that the succubus escaping all the time is bull**** and told me not to challenge him.

The succubus could be plot fodder, so you may want to give a little grace in that sense. I would also review the armor and bracers issue also pointed out; a shield would've been a better choice.

2020-04-21, 06:40 PM
The DM didn't handle it well, but there isn't really a whole lot that a level 6 party can do to stop an opponent who can teleport at will and has no interest in fighting from running away.

2020-04-22, 02:09 AM
We talked and I will trade the bracers and cloak for a ring of protection.The succubus is the main antagonist the quest was about finding her as she controls the whole village behind the scenes.I just dont know if we can use a spell to trap her.

2020-04-22, 11:06 AM
We talked and I will trade the bracers and cloak for a ring of protection.The succubus is the main antagonist the quest was about finding her as she controls the whole village behind the scenes.I just dont know if we can use a spell to trap her.

You guys shouldn't be too far from being able to cast Dimensional Anchor

2020-04-22, 04:02 PM
core rules phb/dmg/mm1 is kinda hard on martials... improved initiative and power attack are pretty much the only things i see as worthwhile in the book for martials whom are not fighters (combat reflexes really only becomes useful if you are in a position to force attack of opportunities). spring attack sounds nice, up to the point you actually try to put it into use. I tried to do a martial in a core only campaign (this was when core was all there was), who did trips and disarms and such, i eventually decided to stop wasting my time and just focus on optimizing my power attack output (i hit on a 5 using no power attack, so let's use 3 points of power attack etc.). and two weapon fighting is only of use for rangers with high strength scores in core only games (one guy did make a half orc ranger with a 20 str and an orc double ax, multi-classed into barbarian, worked well).