View Full Version : Beholder Graft cost

Falcon X
2020-04-21, 10:16 AM
Fiend Folio puts a Replacement Eye Grady from a beholder at 195,000 GP market value (half that to create it).

Does that creation cost include the price of the Eye itself, or is it just the components to convert it into a graft?
If my players kill a beholder and take an eye, will it still cost 97,500 to create (assuming our metamorph alchemist can pull it off).

Also, it takes almost 100 days to create the graft. Any idea what the creator is doing during that time beyond reducing it to half the size (cause a beholder eye is about 2 inch radius)?

2020-04-21, 06:33 PM
Half of the market price is the cost of the materials used up in creating the graft. The completion time is based on market price, not material cost. They can be thrown a bone by reducing the material cost since they have a pretty important piece of the pie already. With or without the eye, it'll take 195 days to create, unless there's a system to speed that up.

2020-04-21, 11:11 PM
Also, it takes almost 100 days to create the graft. Any idea what the creator is doing during that time beyond reducing it to half the size (cause a beholder eye is about 2 inch radius)?

Meticulously going through the process that is a graft of such a magnitude. You are preparing the subject, preparing the graft, making sure both are viable, making sure both are compatible, removing the unwanted flesh, introducing the new flesh, sedating the subject, and that's just the beginning. There is surgical precision required, and considering it is an eye graft which is intended to work and see (as well as other things), it is a time consuming one. The delicate procedure that is severing and then attaching all the nerves, ligaments, vessels, muscles and whatever otherwise goes into an eye stalk (usually seen on bugs, not an entomologist). Then there is all the time it takes for recovery. For most invasive eye surgeries, you can't actually use the eye for a fair bit of time after, then there is the rehabilitation and therapy it takes to go from a (assumedly) normal socketed eye to a stalked eye. Plus, now you get to learn how your magical laser eye now works, which likely takes practice and training.

Now, is the grafter doing every bit of this? Probably not. It very well can be a long list of people. Then again, it's a magical world, so who even knows. But this would be my best bet. Roughly 200 days. In my career, I've definitely seen longer recovery times.

Sinner's Garden
2020-04-22, 11:43 AM
None of that actually applies by RAW, as you can just kind of jam it in there and be on your way. Even if you added it, it would be in addition to the time it takes to craft the eye in the first place, as crafting time is a function of price.

2020-04-22, 12:47 PM
Well of course it isn't RAW. But what else are you going to use to explain a nearly 200 day long period of crafting/character incapacitated? To me, grafting is transplant surgery by a different name, which can handily explain the sudden and extended lag.