View Full Version : Madness at Gardmore Abbey (IC)

2020-04-21, 12:22 PM
A cold spring morning inside the old granite walls of little Winterhaven. The sky is overcast now, but the chilly breeze that reels through the empty Market Day square suggests warming sunshine may be on its way.

The mood is more bright and cheery than the weather. Last night Lord Padraig (bless his baffled little heart) returned from a visit to the northern outpost and remount stations. It's good to have him safely home. More importantly, with several unfamiliar warriors and adventurers having come into the fort in the last three days, surely Padraig would be directing a contingent down the King's Road to handle the orcish wayfarers who have been causing trouble near old Gardmore Abbey. He's been talking about that for weeks!

Most of the adventurers are in Wrafton's Inn, the natural gathering point when crafters and vendors aren't in town for market. The warm, spacious three-story building also happens to be where Padraig spends most of his time other than in his inherited manor house. Scholar Valthrun the Prescient is here today, his usual stack of books and scrollcases still tidy on the table while he's talking about some erudite topic with one of the adventurers. Two of the Winterhaven Regulars and their dour captain, Rond Kelfem, watch the friendly competition of adventurers sizing each other up and making alliances. Dwarven smith Thair Coalstriker watches them as well, eager to offer his wares to anyone seeming underequipped, while listening patiently to geriatric farmer Ellian the Old. Two of Padraig's four sons sit in a darker corner -- a lout nursing a hangover and a bright-eyed youth whose clothing hints he'd like to become a soldier. The inn's owner-proprietor Salvana Wrafton keeps drinks and conversations flowing, and each time she opens the door to the kitchen, the pleasant smells of woodsmoke and a recent hearty breakfast waft into the common room.

Lord Ernest Padraig opens the front door, adding to Wrafton's mix the clean, crisp, perky scent of the new greenery outside. A very satisfied smile fills his thin face. The Lord is a tall, hale human wearing aging finery and a silver circlet, with a fancy-hilted longsword at his waist. Several villagers call out greetings or wave. Padraig tries to execute a gracious bow but seems to have forgotten to tell his legs not to walk; he stumbles over his own feet and has to grab a chair for balance. He forgoes the bow and instead makes a broad wave. "Hail, welcome! Welcome, adventurers!" The man heads to the large circular hardwood table -- it can seat about a dozen -- and settles into a chair, smiling and making a lot of eye contact. Two villagers get up to make space, while a handful of mercenaries stay, leaning in to begin talking with Padraig about his quest.


Seth, Laurence and Sir Oakley arrived in Winterhaven three days ago, just after the Lord left to check the north outpost and interact with a few far-flung homesteaders. Oakley will be spending the next few hours in the temple, as this is a Bahamutian holy day and he is more-than-technically a priest. Seth has already been approached by Alira Vond and Lash has spent a bit of time with Valthrun -- he may or may not be the adventurer chatting with the sage right now. Gissel, Alyssa, Zeal and Geth might be freshly arrived or might have been around for as much as a week. Are you all in the Inn when Padraig enters? What are you doing? What have you already done in town?

"Winterhaven" could be considered this fort or the whole surrounding region, depending on what exactly you're talking about. The region includes about a thousand people, but only a tenth actually live inside the fort's walls.

2020-04-21, 05:18 PM
[Geth - Elven Monk]

Bowing his thanks to the guards at the gate, Geth catches the scent of sausage and woodsmoke. "Here?" he asks to the guard, who nods in acknowledgment. Following their gestures to the inn, Geth pauses for a moment as a tall man with a circlet in his hair pushes the door open. The faint din of breakfast escapes through the doorway before it shuts. Geth gives a slight shiver as a chilly breeze cuts through the thin cloth of his shirt - so effective in the desert but ill-suited for these Northern lands.

Geth enters the inn a moment later, immediately taken aback at the sights, sounds and smells that overwhelm his senses. Life in the monastery was quiet and ascetic, even spartan at times. This inn was everything but.

Making his way to an empty table, Geth catches the eye of a waitress, asking for "something to take the chill off". He unwraps his headscarf and settles it around his shoulders, akin to a shawl, and surveys the room.

Chief Eriyel mentioned a Padraig, though gave no description of his appearance. I suppose I should just .... Geth's thoughts are interrupted as the waitress returns, setting a steaming mug in front of him. "Thank you, for your kindness and generosity." Geth pulls out a small purse from inside his shirt and counts out a few coins. Guessing at the proper amount, he drops the silver into the woman's hand. Geth pauses for a moment, then pulls a gold piece from the purse, and asks the waitress how to find Lord Padraig.

Geth is an elf of medium height and a slim frame. His head was shaved, but now a light reddish fuzz has grown back, matching the reddish hair at his eyebrows. His skin is tanned and his eyes are a light blue, and his clothing gives the impression of one who has spent a majority of his time in a drier, hotter climate than the one here in Winterhaven. At his hip is a curved scimitar.

2020-04-21, 08:32 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

A teenage human girl wanders slowly down the stairs from the second floor and into the common room. Judging by her looks, she is probably in her mid-teens. She has blonde long blonde hair and attractive, if a little unsettling, tawny eyes. She wears several layers of colorful clothing draped around herself, many of the articles with sewn in tassels, beads, lace, or other frills. She pauses near the top of the staircase, looking around the room. This would be her first day in the village, having arrived late the previous night, and she wanted to get a feel for what a typical morning was like here.

After a few seconds, she continues her decent into the room, her odd swaying gait making it appear more like she is floating down the steps rather than walking. She makes her way to the bar, "A bit of fruit for breakfast, if you don't mind. Whatever is handy."

After accepting an apple from the proprietor, Alyanna weaves between the tables until she reaches the table with the scholar. She bends over, examining the titles in the stack of books, not really paying him much attention at first. She hums a little tune to herself as she peruses the titles, and then pulls the second book from the pile. She sits down, not at the scholar's table itself, but at the table right next to his. She holds up the book, giving him a smile, "A little reading material with breakfast. I'll return it shortly," she says pleasantly. She opens the book, without awaiting his response and begins reading as she takes a large crunchy bite from her apple.

2020-04-21, 10:12 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

Zeal has only been in town for two days, but has already managed to learn the names of everyone inside the walls (including the other travelers who've also already arrived), and they all seem to have picked up hers. Since setting up in her room at Wrafton's, she's forgone her arms and is dressed in a finely tailored but practical travelling outfit. There's a fresh set of flowers brought her by Winterhaven's children carefully tucked around her horns, and a perpetual grin on her face and sparkle in her eyes.

Eagerly awaiting what news Lord Padraig might have (she is here for a Daring Adventure after all), Zeal sits across from Thair and Ellian as the latter is telling an absolutely ridiculous tale of derring-do, ostensibly from his younger days. It's clearly just a bizarre mishmash of the Goblin Princess mixed with the Fox and the Drake, but Zeal's been asking leading questions and making subtle suggestions, and it seems even Thair is enjoying a story he's evidently heard a hundred times before.

As Padraig makes his entrance, Zeal taps Ellian on the hand and squeals. "Eeeee! Is it time? Time for... adventure?" As the Lord stumbles, she stands and gasps. But as befits his station, he recovers... well, not gracefully, but not shamefully either.

"Hail, welcome! Welcome, adventurers!" Zeal steps forward, catching the eyes of some of the other strangers in town, and raises her hand, using the other to restrain her tail from thrashing. "Oh! That's me — I am... an Adventurer, yes."

2020-04-22, 02:31 AM
On this holy day, Gissel is also tied up at the temple for the next few hours.

She has been in town for two days by now. I would think that she has met every adventurer at the tavern; she has made it very clear that she is here for the upcoming expedition against the orcs at the Abbey.

Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-04-22, 12:29 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Scholar Valthrun the Prescient is here today, his usual stack of books and scrollcases still tidy on the table while he's talking about some erudite topic with one of the adventurers.

Leaning causally back, his fine shirt with colorful inlay shimmering in the firelight, in direct contrast to the muted colors of the grey cloak he has thrown over his shoulder. A goblet of wine in one hand, and rambling friendly gesture in the other, he chats enthusiastically with Valthrun. "....so, what you are prosing, is that if you fed good, loving, kind people to an Oblex just before their natural death, that eventually, their kindness might change the creature, and it could has as a repository for their knowledge, as well as manifest avatars to comfort the loved ones of the deceased? My that's a...."

After accepting an apple from the proprietor, Alyanna weaves between the tables until she reaches the table with the scholar. She bends over, examining the titles in the stack of books, not really paying him much attention at first. She hums a little tune to herself as she peruses the titles, and then pulls the second book from the pile. She sits down, not at the scholar's table itself, but at the table right next to his. She holds up the book, giving him a smile, "A little reading material with breakfast. I'll return it shortly," she says pleasantly. She opens the book, without awaiting his response and begins reading as she takes a large crunchy bite from her apple.

".... a interesting proposal. Certainly an interesting philosophical question. I admit that considering the relative morallity of orcs and goblins is not a common thing among my profession, but I do enjoy challenges preconceived ideas, just because someone declared it so long ago, and others believed it. While I do look forward to aiding Padraig in his endeavor, I do hope that there is a way stop this from happening again. This back and forth of territory does no one any good, and damages the resources. There must be a stable solution, somewhere in all of this."

Padraig "Hail, welcome! Welcome, adventurers!"

"And that, I do believe, is my call. I look forward to more conversation, good sir, next time I see you. G'day!" A small head bow to the Scholar, Lash carefully makes his way around the strange book-thief, and saunters towards the round table. As he moves through the taven, his clothing ripples, his fancy pants and silk shirt changing into leather armor, with his grey cloak now falling over his swordarm. While he might prefer the apparel of a dandy, this was not the place for that. And if he wanted to have any cred with the other adventurers, a more rugged appearance was called for. Finishing his goblet of wine in a long drink, he lets it go in mid air, floating it over to a nearby waitress with a wink.

Pulling a seat out and taking a seat, he crosses one ankle over the other knee, assuming a pose of power and comfort, projecting confidence as best he can.

Sensing Eye maintained the entire time, watching the room.
Imposter's Armor, going from clothing to hide armor.
Telekinetic Grasp to leviate the wine goblet.

2020-04-22, 04:04 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth looks to where the waitress has indicated and recognizes the man he saw outside the inn. Just as he is about to stand up, the man shouts:

"Hail, welcome! Welcome, adventurers!"

and Geth pauses, relaxing back into his chair and focusing his attention on the man at centerstage, who he now understands to be Lord Padraig. A rippling motion catches his attention for a moment, but he ignores it for the time being.

2020-04-22, 11:28 PM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59

Already, Seth wishes he could have followed Brother Oakley and Sister Gissel, for Lord Padraig's foppish reputation precedes him and Seth is not sure he likes what he has heard. Though he has come to terms with the very different Nerath than the one he remembers (or so he claims), the torpor and sybaritism of the present-day nobility galls him. However, duty calls. He consoles himself with the knowledge that even worship of his god may, at times, be temptation, in a humorous twist. Bahamut's call is rarely a simple thing.

Fortunately, he overhears something from Laurence, and latches onto it, taking this as an opportunity to join the conversation. The man might be a fop too, but at least he is clever and driven.

"This back and forth of territory does no one any good, and damages the resources. There must be a stable solution, somewhere in all of this."

"Aye, violence is oft not cause, but symptom, and to treat only the chill and not the sickness invites more terrible ills thereafter." He, too, wears armor that magically permits a more comfortable appearance when its protective capacity is not needed, and thus settles into a chair without the clanking one might expect from a paladin. Of course, before he can add anything further...

"Hail, welcome! Welcome, adventurers!"

"Hail to ye, Lord Mayor," he says, saluting with his right fist over his breast. He may not care for Padraig, but Seth doesn't let any disrespect enter his voice. You don't change a man's behavior by insulting him, unless the change you want is to make him mulish and surly. But instead of dwelling on his feelings or lack thereof, Seth surveys the table. An interesting mix of faces, to be sure. A young woman of almost excessive good cheer, Laurence now adopting a (no doubt practiced) persona of refined mild interest, a slightly fuzz-headed elf who looks to come from the southlands, and the tawny-eyed woman with more textile embellishments than some tailors' shops. Eclectic, but so were many hero-bands of eld. He knew better than to pass any judgment from look alone. Appearances could be deceiving.

"In addition to myself and those assembled, your lordship, I am also here to represent Sir Oakley and Sister Gissel, who could not attend this meeting. They regret being unable to see your lordship, but 'tis a holy day of our faith and needs must come first."
I'm assuming Gissel and Seth would have met already, and that he was volunteered honored with a special dispensation to meet with the Lord Mayor instead of participating here, seeing as how someone from the church should participate.

Also: different icon! I discovered I could edit the colors on this one very easily, and this is really close to my mental image of Seth. So that's what it'll be! Probably the only remaining thing is that he should have a little ropy-scale beard. At this point though it's so close to spot-on I'll take what I can get.

2020-04-23, 12:59 PM
"Thank you, for your kindness and generosity." Geth pulls out a small purse from inside his shirt and counts out a few coins. Guessing at the proper amount, he drops the silver into the woman's hand. Geth pauses for a moment, then pulls a gold piece from the purse, and asks the waitress how to find Lord Padraig.

Smiling, the older woman (who looks like the personification of "aunt"ness) closes Geth's hand back around the coin. "Yeh don't need to pay me for tha', sweetheart. That's the man right there." She jerks her head at the thin man recovering from his stumble. "Enjoy your drink, and good luck with 'His Lordship'!"

After accepting an apple from the proprietor, Alyanna weaves between the tables until she reaches the table with the scholar. She bends over, examining the titles in the stack of books, not really paying him much attention at first. She hums a little tune to herself as she peruses the titles, and then pulls the second book from the pile. She sits down, not at the scholar's table itself, but at the table right next to his.

"A fine title!" the scholar exclaims. "You've read her other--"

She holds up the book, giving him a smile, "A little reading material with breakfast. I'll return it shortly," she says pleasantly. She opens the book, without awaiting his response and begins reading as she takes a large crunchy bite from her apple.

".... a interesting proposal. Certainly an interesting philosophical question. I admit that considering the relative morallity of orcs and goblins is not a common thing among my profession ..."

Valthrun opens his mouth and holds up a finger as if to say "hey, waitaminnit" but quickly refocuses his attention on Lash as the young noble finishes his thought.

Finishing his goblet of wine in a long drink, he lets it go in mid air, floating it over to a nearby waitress ...

... who responds with an exasperated smile, getting accustomed to Lash's quirks quickly over the last couple days. She was already looking his direction, impressed with his clothing-change magic trick.

Zeal steps forward, catching the eyes of some of the other strangers in town, and raises her hand, using the other to restrain her tail from thrashing. "Oh! That's me — I am... an Adventurer, yes."

Zeal in particular catches the Lord's attention. He smiles to her very broadly, though she catches little details of expression that mean less positive things -- a hint of worry at her tiefling appearance, possibly an initial categorization as 'pretty young thing' instead of 'competent adventurer'. Regardless, the man seems pleased she's among those who might take on his rather important task, and he's quick to cover up the judgements. Apparently he has a goodly supply of ungraceful recoveries.

"In addition to myself and those assembled, your lordship, I am also here to represent Sir Oakley and Sister Gissel, who could not attend this meeting. They regret being unable to see your lordship, but 'tis a holy day of our faith and needs must come first."

Padraig rises again from his seat to clasp the paladin's hand. "Thank you, my good man. Yes, I'd heard that Sir Oakley had at last arrived -- his letter came much quicker, very quick indeed, and I'm very pleased that our aims overlap so well." Padraig sits back down. "He did also mention you briefly, but not this ... Sister Gissel? Tell me a bit about her, and yourself, as we discuss the expedition's needs. Please, all of you, have a seat."

A few other warriors take places at the large table -- the guard chief Rond Kelfem and one of his swordsmen, a tired-looking male goliath in ranger's garb, a human woman with scale armor and a well-used bastard sword, a quiet elf boy with the trappings of an apprentice wizard, a stereotypically brutish half-orc who pretty clearly looks to the human for leadership.

After thanking everyone for gathering, Lord Padraig tells the group what he'd like done. "Travelers on the King's Road of late have been attacked by orc raiders as they travel through the Gardbury Downs." That's most of the area south and east of the fort of Winterhaven, roughly ending a couple easy days' walk along the King's Road. "The attacks mostly occur in the vicinity of the old ruins of Gardmore Abbey, so I suspect the orcs are using the ruins as a lair. If I could, I'd raise a militia to go root the orcs out of their holes and put them to the sword, but these folk can't see past the village walls." Kelfem snorts and looks annoyed at Padraig's opinion; the noble ignores it. "If it's not a threat to Winterhaven, they don't think it's our problem. Never mind that it affects caravans coming here. So in lieu of the militia, I intend hiring you to deal with these orcs. To start, I want you to go to the abbey and confirm whether the orcs are lairing there. Come back and tell me what you find, as complete a picture of their lair and defenses as you can."

The human mercenary, her half-orc companion's eyes on her, asks in a clear tenor voice, "Payment for this service, my lord?" Padraig clears his throat, a little surprised at being interrupted just then, and replies, "Ah, yes, I was coming to that. For the scouting itself, should you return with useful information about the orcs' arrangement there, I can pay up to six hundred pieces of gold, or the equivalent in goods we have here. More must be reserved for your aid in chasing the wretches away--" The blonde woman interrupts again to demand, "Just give us the sum, man! Not drips and drabs!" The goliath smirks his satisfaction, but Padraig's face frosts over and a couple of the other adventurers narrow their eyes at her. "If all you care about is the height of the coin stack, mercenary, I've set aside near two thousand gold for the work altogether. And I won't claim anything you might take from the orcs along the way." Silence reigns a moment as the woman glances over her shoulder, then she shakes her head and stands up. The half-orc follows her from the table.

"Well enough rid of that sort," Padraig grumbles. That comment prompts the goliath to leave in disgust as well, and the elf boy looks troubled seeing the rapid decline of interest. The lord calms his face, looks to the others assembled and asks, "My less cold-hearted friends, what more can I tell you about this task?"

2020-04-23, 03:08 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Watching a group of brutes leave, Lash waits until he's certain that those that remain will remain. 2000 gp splits better across a smaller group. Squaring himself to the table, he places his palms causally on the table, as if he was at the head of this circular table. "My good Lord, a few things could be very useful for us to know in this endeavor. How long have these Orcish raids been going on, and in what numbers? Do we have a measure of their martial or magical strengths? Obviously they did not just appear overnight, and as you know this area better, how far away would you expect Orcish reenforcements to come from, if we do succeed? And if we do manage to clear the Abbey, do you have the guards to hold it, in case this were to all happen again?" Lash speaks dispassionately, as if he were discussing matters of trade. "Also, while I understand your justifiable anger with these incursions, would you mind clarifing your priorities in this matter. Is your desire to have the Abbey cleared, stop the attacks on King's Road, or do you simply want more dead Orcs?"

2020-04-25, 12:52 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna is only about a page into the book, and a few bites into her apple, when the Lord's discussion with the mercenary band catches her attention. She holds the book in front of her face, peering discreetly over the tops of the pages, listening as they demand money. A fair demand, she supposed, but there was no reason to get so surly about it. He was offering a reasonable sum.

Aly waited for those who were departing to leave, before standing up herself. She set the book she had borrowed back on top of the scholar's stack and made her way over to the large table, sliding smoothly into one of the abandoned seats. She took another crunchy bite of her apple, licking the juice from her fingers, as Lash spoke before bringing up her own concerns.

"I have heard of your orc problems, but the abbey may hold greater woes. I have heard word of a vision suggesting a cult of the Elder Elemental Eye operates in the abbey. They experiment with dangerous magics that could cause trouble even this far removed. Have you heard of such a group? Might they be cooperating with your orcish threat?"

2020-04-25, 02:00 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Lash's calm breaks for a moment, his body still but his head swivels to Alyanna, before turning back to Lord Padraig, his eyes slightly wider, eyebrows raised, lips no longer closed in a self pleased manner.


2020-04-25, 06:59 AM
"How long have these Orcish raids been going on, and in what numbers? Do we have a measure of their martial or magical strengths? Obviously they did not just appear overnight, and as you know this area better, how far away would you expect Orcish reenforcements to come from, if we do succeed? And if we do manage to clear the Abbey, do you have the guards to hold it, in case this were to all happen again?" Lash speaks dispassionately, as if he were discussing matters of trade. "Also, while I understand your justifiable anger with these incursions, would you mind clarifing your priorities in this matter. Is your desire to have the Abbey cleared, stop the attacks on King's Road, or do you simply want more dead Orcs?"

"Insightful questions ..." Padraig pauses for a moment, searching for the right form of address. He settles on "... hero. It's hard to say just when the raids began because some people might not have made it this far to inform us, but it's been going on for at least the winter. I've just checked the northern holdings, and they report no sign of trouble from the Stonemarch -- it would seem these orcs work alone. Travelers' reports have been questionable in quality, but signs suggest at least forty in the gang. Can we hold the Abbey ... I have a plan for that, yes, though that's putting the cart well ahead of the horse." The soldier-chief Kelfem raises his eyebrows, not having heard about this alleged 'plan' before. "As to the ultimate goal, it would be unwise to figure that without more information. The essential matter is stopping the raids, although if--"

"I have heard of your orc problems, but the abbey may hold greater woes. I have heard word of a vision suggesting a cult of the Elder Elemental Eye operates in the abbey. They experiment with dangerous magics that could cause trouble even this far removed. Have you heard of such a group? Might they be cooperating with your orcish threat?"

"Elemental Eye? I'm not familiar with the name, to be honest, but any cultist in the Abbey ruins is potentially a threat. That's something else to watch for, if you know the cult's signs. Can I presume the rest of you --" He gestures to include everyone around the table. "-- will ally with each other for these various goals? With Sir Oakley's intention to cleanse the site, you'll have much to keep in mind."

At this point the young elf demurs, holding up his hands with palms out. "I, I'm very sorry, m'lord Padraig, but I, I, I, I don't think this is something I can handle. Forty or more orcs, a cult, and a major task on top of all that? I ... I'm ..." The apprentice pushes his chair back from the table. "No, I don't have the courage in me, I think." The human lord lets out a little sigh. "I'm glad you came, anyway, young one. Perhaps another day. Avandra's grace go with you."

2020-04-25, 04:03 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

"Can I presume the rest of you will ally with each other for these various goals? With Sir Oakley's intention to cleanse the site, you'll have much to keep in mind."

Zeal slips into the seat left open by the exiting elf, still clutching her overly energetic tail, beaming ear to ear. She clears her throat a little and speaks in a falsely deep voice. "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

She looks around at the wide eyes in reaction to the statement and dips her head a little. "That's, er, a thing one of my parents' dwarven retainers would say every time he was tasked with a duty. Like weeding the garden, or a trip to the market." She looks up, eyes sparkling again. "I am serious though. And capable. And ready."

2020-04-25, 11:57 PM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59
Seth watches the displeased adventurers stalk away, not at all surprised. Sellswords were a constant even in "his day," and no less likely to turn down a good cause solely because the money was merely reasonable. He tries to ignore the Lord Mayor's comments about them, though. Just because they focus on their own interests does not make them inferior people; it means they are normal, and those assembled at the table are not. It is for the normal folk that heroes--and nobles--rise to tackle great challenges. If not for that, neither would be more than ambitious dictators, seeking to destroy those they can't control, and buy off those they can't destroy.

Thankfully, Lash has already asked many of the pertinent questions. Seth nods along and otherwise silently supports his words. Of course, he doesn't much care for the details of Lord Padraig's answers, but...what can one expect? Desirable answers to questions like those are few and far between. Still...it seems a mite odd, Padraig's reticence to clarify the end goal. Not enough to warrant deep inspection, but something to keep in mind for the future. Seth isn't sure he thinks Padraig has the talent to pull off something true devious. Best not to become paranoid.

"Can I presume the rest of you --" He gestures to include everyone around the table. "-- will ally with each other for these various goals? With Sir Oakley's intention to cleanse the site, you'll have much to keep in mind."
"Aye," Seth says, glancing briefly around the table and offering a small smile. "All willing to brave these dangers, in Bahamut's name or elsewise, are allies true. I should be glad of their company, if they be glad of mine."

At this point the young elf demurs, holding up his hands with palms out. "I, I'm very sorry, m'lord Padraig, but I, I, I, I don't think this is something I can handle. Forty or more orcs, a cult, and a major task on top of all that? I ... I'm ..." The apprentice pushes his chair back from the table. "No, I don't have the courage in me, I think." The human lord lets out a little sigh. "I'm glad you came, anyway, young one. Perhaps another day. Avandra's grace go with you."
Seth nods to the boy, giving a respectful salute. "There is no shame in choosing your battles wisely, young one. Take this, not as a failure, but as inspiration to rise higher, that when a future call comes, you will stand ready. May Bahamut's wings shelter you."

2020-04-26, 02:15 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

"Aye," Seth says, glancing briefly around the table and offering a small smile. "All willing to brave these dangers, in Bahamut's name or elsewise, are allies true. I should be glad of their company, if they be glad of mine."

His countenance returning to a more composed state listening to Seth's flowery lanuage, he turns to take in the larger Dragonborn. "Aye Friend, I shall march with you again, and gladly. Where you go, adventure follows." He shifts slightly towards the Paladin, and away from the Tiefling, who has certainly not creeped him out throughly. "I know several of you not, but I am well fed and well rested. Does anyone here have reason to not set out adventuring this day?"

2020-04-27, 01:52 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

As he watches some of the crowd disperse, a core group of individuals emerges at the center. They all appear animated, talking over each other and the man known as Padraig. Geth seizes on the opportunity to address the group.

"I shall join you on a quest to the Abbey, if you'll have me. My name is Gethandoral, but you may call me Geth. "

Turning to the Mayor, the monk continues. Lord Padraig, I'd have a private word with you first on behalf of Chief Eriyel, if possible."

If Padraig agrees, Geth will mention that he is looking for a pair of Eladrin siblings, the Velfarren, who had come through months earlier, in search of their father. Geth will inquire if Padraig has seen the Eladrin, or heard any word from them.

2020-04-27, 03:47 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Lash nearly falls out of his chair as he spins to look at the newcomer. "Geth? Gethandoral!? Cousin, you are alive!" Lash all but trips over himself in an attempt to hug Geth. "Geth, we all thought you died years ago. We must talk, cousin." At this moment Lash realizes that his facade of cool may have just been shattered, but for this moment, the return of his deceased cousin is far more important to him.

2020-04-27, 04:53 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth's expression breaks into a grin as his cousin barrels towards him, recognition dawning on his face. "Little Laury?!? It's been what, 20 years? Oh I am so glad to have found you! When I returned to the Harkenwood, it was full of unfamiliar faces, and . . . " he puts his arm around his cousin and the two of them catch up, seemingly ignoring the rest of the world for a time.

2020-04-27, 09:57 PM
"Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

Padraig is momentarily stunned. "Ah ..."

Zeal looks around at the wide eyes in reaction to the statement and dips her head a little. "That's, er, a thing one of my parents' dwarven retainers would say every time he was tasked with a duty. Like weeding the garden, or a trip to the market."

Relief washes over the lord's face and he chuckles while watching the other adventurers' reactions. He's about to respond to Geth's request when a spontaneous family reunion breaks out, and he goes right back to looking stunned.

2020-04-28, 08:20 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly's attention seems to have wandered off. Her striking, wide eyes stare off to a dark corner of the inn. She shifts in her seat, turning her head, as if trying to get a better angle to see the point, but tracing her line of sight, there appears to be nothing. "Mmmm..." she sighs. "Ah, yes, yes, that will be very good," her voice just above a whisper. It's unclear who she might be responding to.

Then suddenly, like a switch has been flipped, Alyanna is back in the here and now. She crunches down on one last bit from her apple, before tossing the core into the fire place. She stands bolt upright. "I have no more business in town. I'm ready when you are."

2020-04-28, 10:07 AM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

"I know several of you not, but I am well fed and well rested. Does anyone here have reason to not set out adventuring this day?"

• • •
"Lord Padraig, I'd have a private word with you first on behalf of Chief Eriyel, if possible."

• • •
"I have no more business in town. I'm ready when you are."

• • •
Zeal's eyes dart back and forth as so much happens at once! She leans towards Padraig and in a bit of a stage whisper says, "Oho, I guess that Eriyel conversation's going to have to wait a moment." She steals a look at the cousins, a look that's not entirely unlike the one Padraig gave her earlier. "We'd, uh, better make sure not to leave them behind though. They both look extremely... capable."

2020-04-28, 10:58 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth gives his cousin a tight bear-hug, slightly awkward for one of his smaller stature, then snags Padraig's attention. The two of them sit down in a far corner and discuss quietly among themselves for a minute. Anyone looking in their direction will see broad smiles, genuine laughter, and a meeting that concludes with a solid, brotherly arm-grip.

Geth looks to the rest of the group. "I need to get a few items, but I should be ready soon." He then heads to the bar and starts discussing options with the waitress, who hands him three flasks of a dark brown liquor. He pays her and pockets the items.

2020-04-29, 11:38 PM
Though those assembled are mostly ready to leave in short order, Seth and Lash's recent traveling companion Sir Oakley (a human knight) intends to join the group once the holy day's special rites are finished. And a fellow Bahamutian from the eastern side of Nentir Vale, now also taking part in the local temple's ceremony, might join them as well. Since Sir Oakley is willing to pay a healthy sum for an escort to the Abbey and aid in resanctifying its temple, waiting until he's ready makes sense.

The ceremony should wrap up in about two more hours, maybe a little less given the rarity of dedicated worshippers in the village. In the meantime, last-minute supplies can be obtained, packs packed, mounts barded and saddled, otherworldly patrons bespoken, family ties renewed and so forth.

Post any tasks you take care of in town, and feed your character into the scene below.


As Oakley and Gissel exit the shrine, he's complimenting her on her evocation of Bahamut's presence. "Never have I felt more transported ... electrified. I could veritably feel the chill wind's rush -- I had to look at the candles on the altar to know the door had not blown open! You have quite a talent, miss. I would be pleased to have your benefice in my quest to the east, cleansing a site long ago known as a bastion of Bahamut's faithful, now many decades fallen. There will likely be danger, but there will certainly be reward of both the purse and the soul." Followers of the Platinum Dragon don't hoard their wealth when it can be used in the service of justice and righteousness.

2020-04-30, 01:32 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

After securing his purchases, Geth reunites with his cousin.

"So, who is this Lash I heard the others speak of? Is that what you have them calling you?" Geth chuckles, his face beaming. "I suppose it's no different than me going by Geth now though. It is good to see you, cousin."

Geth hugs the half-elf once again and keeps his head close, continuing the conversation in a nearly inaudible fashion. Those nearby may hear snippets ...

"slavers ... yeah, in the southern continent"

"... it's mostly fire, but we strive for a balance of elements ..."

" ... so it's not just me? It IS growing in red, right? So weird ..."

And so on.

After a bit of catching up, Geth will awkwardly try to bus his table, bringing the mug directly back to the kitchen. Upon being shooed out, he will retrieve his belongings, secure his pack and sword, and head outside to meet up with any others.

2020-04-30, 06:21 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"Why thank you, Sir Oakley. I do my best. And you can count on me for your quest." She puts out her arm for Sir Oakley to lean on, should he wish to do so.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-01, 02:31 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

"..... they don't know, so call me Lash now, ok cousin?...."

".... we never thought to look that far, if only we'd known ....."

".... so, you have fire magic now? That's so cool......"

".... I wonder if it's because of your Southern diet, being flame-touched, or just your being sun bleached....""

Lash quickly retrieves his belongings with his cousin, comparing his elegant blade against Geth's far wavier one. Though years may have passed since they saw each other last, and a great deal of living and pain has shaped each one differently, the cousins are quickly and firmly reunited.

2020-05-01, 03:13 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59

Geth's expression breaks into a grin as his cousin barrels towards him, recognition dawning on his face. "Little Laury?!? It's been what, 20 years? Oh I am so glad to have found you! When I returned to the Harkenwood, it was full of unfamiliar faces, and . . . " he puts his arm around his cousin and the two of them catch up, seemingly ignoring the rest of the world for a time.

"We'd, uh, better make sure not to leave them behind though. They both look extremely... capable."
Seth breaks into a wide smile (which, being a dragonborn, is very wide indeed). Were it not for the sparkle of his eyes, and the jaunty lift of his voice, one might mistake it for something more serious. "A propitious omen indeed, that the quest should begin with family reunited. May our next steps be so blessed." Briefly, he touches his holy symbol as he says this, perhaps in a ritual gesture. Seth then bows to Padraig, a swift but not curt motion. "Thank you, Lord Mayor. We shall convene with our allies, and ere long hie ourselves upon the road. It is time we bade you farewell, 'til the unending road comes back upon the eyrie."


Sirius waits outside, and Seth leads him on from the inn to the temple. He has no need of holding the reins at this time: the horse is celestial, after all, and more than smart enough to follow his Paladin without overt direction. Of course, Sirius also sticks out like a sore thumb, looking pristine and demonstrating flawless dressage, like rummaging through a box of dull agates and finding a polished star sapphire. As they approach the temple, Sir Oakley's distinctive words float toward them.

"...pleased to have your benefice in my quest to the east, cleansing a site long ago known as a bastion of Bahamut's faithful, now many decades fallen. There will likely be danger, but there will certainly be reward of both the purse and the soul."

"Why thank you, Sir Oakley. I do my best. And you can count on me for your quest."

"Aye, 'twill be most meet to have your aid, Sister Gissel. I hope your practice goes as well as it sounds, Brother Oakley, for soon we shall ride." Sirius twitches his ears at that--he seems quite ready to begin the journey. In fairness, this is some of the most interesting activity he's had in quite some time, having been resting in the celestial realms during Seth's long and unexpected sleep. "By Bahamut's grace, already we have bonds of faith and family, and unless I misdoubt, we shall forge more and stronger bonds yet."

Unless he has a reason otherwise, Seth will likely refer to Oakley and Gissel as Brother and Sister respectively, seeing them as equals within the faith. When referencing Oakley to others, "Sir" would be preferred to recognize his social rank; Seth doesn't actually know Gissel's social rank, and thus defaults to Sister for referencing her unless some more fitting title is appropriate.

2020-05-02, 01:34 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

After the meeting, Alyanna goes back upstairs to her room. Knowing there would be some time to wait as the others finished their business and gathered, Aly decides it is high time to renew her connection to her power. She rummages around in her back for a moment before pulling out a thick tome. She sits cross-legged on the inn bed, laying the book across her lap. She flips through the pages, until she finds a particular arcane diagram. Alyanna begins tracing the ink lines with her fingers, breathing in and out slowly and deeply. She begins to feel herself entering a trance-like state. Her head and shoulders sway in a rhythmic motion. The ink-lines flow off the paper, her fingers still following them in an intricate dance whose pattern even she can't comprehend. Her eyes flutter, then suddenly shoot open. She mutters in a voice only barely recognizable as her own; it was a hoarse, wet growl. She speaks in the tongue that had come to her in a dream; the language shared between the deepest recesses of the earth and the farthest depths of the starry night sky.

Alyanna's mind is in a place beyond the confines of her room. While she can still see the walls, they are of little consequence. The power flowing into her and through her care little for physical confines. Tiny motes of energy float around her. Are they real, or simply hallucinations? She can never quite tell. The tiny specks drift through a rainbow of colors and beyond, sometimes so bright she is afraid they will blind her, then within seconds so dark that they seem to forcefully draw the ambient light from the room. They sing to her humming in a thousand frequencies all at once, a beautiful music without melody. Despite having heard it many times now, it still fills Aly with an uncertain dread. The air is heavy with a greasy electricity. The dancing motes dance along the flesh on her arms and torso, feeling like pin-pokes of burning heat or icy cold. Alyanna can only marvel at the experience and let the process that she started continue. She knows vaguely what to expect, but every time it is a little different. Is her patron testing her? Trying to find how much she can handle as he engulfs her in its sweet energy? This time it is synesthesia that finally overtakes her. The sensations are suddenly all jumbled in her mind, mixing and crossing over her senses like the chaotic waves of a storm-tossed sea. She smells the soured-milk of the humming music, tastes the acidic bite of the flashes of heat and the bitter chill of the cold, hears the nameless multitude of colors. Too much for her mind to process all at once.

Then suddenly, it all stops. Did she pass out? No, probably not. She is still sitting upright. Probably just got overwhelmed for a moment. It usually ends that way. She takes a few deliberate, steadying breaths and closes the book in her lap. "Thank you," she says in a whisper as she stands. She goes to the wash basin to wash the sweat from her goose-pimpled skin before packing up the last of her belongings, grabbing up her staff, and leaving for the temple where the group was set to meet.


By the time Alyanna reaches the temple, her heart rate has slowed, and she appears... well not exactly normal, but as normal as she ever seems to get. She wasn't exactly happy to be going to the Temple of Bahamut. Their priests always seemed so judgy. Aly certainly didn't need any more of that sort of attitude in her life. But the dragonborn from breakfast this morning hadn't been so bad. Oh, and there he is now, leaving the temple with a few of the other clergy. And the elf cousins are approaching from the other direction. Aly changes her heading slightly to meet up with Lash and Geth on their way to the temple. "Good day, have you had a proper chance to catch up?" she asks cheerily.

2020-05-02, 05:49 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Seeing the human that "borrowed" one of Valthrun's books earlier in the day, Lash pauses his conversation with Geth. With a chuckle, he responds to her, "Oh no, far from it young lady. Geth was lost to my family for decades, and he has had such adventures! But perhaps, for now, it is time for us to let it rest. We will have more time on the road." Lash smiles at his cousin, knowing they will likely annoy the party some with their talk, and not caring a bit about it. But for now, it is time for someone else to take focus. "But enough about us. What brings you towards adventure? You are no brute, and no obvious weapons, so I suspect you are a caster. Staff, colorful fabrics, you are of the arcane persausion, like myself I suspect. Are you here for fortune, fame, a bit of both, or something else entirely?"

2020-05-02, 07:10 PM
"Why thank you, Sir Oakley. I do my best. And you can count on me for your quest." She puts out her arm for Sir Oakley to lean on, should he wish to do so.

Oakley smiles at the gesture and murmurs a several-syllable Draconic word unique to worshippers of Bahamut, meaning approximately "My pride demands otherwise but I'm grateful for the offer". He's been slow and cautious of movement these last few days, after his mount stumbled badly and sent him tumbling down an embankment.

"But perhaps, for now, it is time for us to let it rest. We will have more time on the road."

The elder paladin -- well, the elder in lived years, anyway, not the one born first -- nods and puts on a carefully neutral expression. He doesn't seem fond of the road, and it's a couple days' walk to the vicinity of Gardmore Abbey.

Zeal's approach to the group is heralded by a bevy of new friends. A stablehand, a soldier and two children are walking near her and chatting with almost as much excitement as Lash and Geth have shown for each other, like they're all dear friends. There are also two horses clopping along behind, occasionally nudging the tiefling with their noses as if to say "Hi! You're an excellent person, and therefore you must have treats!" A reversal of a horse's usual logic path. The two children keep erupting in gales of laughter as they copy the horses' actions.

Sir Oakley counts the people who seem prepared for travel, taking in stride Zeal's unintentional entourage. "Six, plus Sirius and myself, two old warhorses?" He chuckles at his half-joke. "Eight is good company and a lucky number. I am pleased to have each of you with me. Let us not dally, then. As this young man said, we shall have time for introductions while we move." He hefts one of the traveling packs left propped up against the temple wall, the one that includes quite a bit of paraphernalia that's necessary-but-not-sufficient for the ritual to cleanse the Abbey's holy space.

"Which calls to mind ..." Oakley continues. "The group is large enough for a scout ahead and possible a watcher behind, should any among you move more gracefully than this steel-plated old man. 'Twould be wise to discuss afore coming to the Abbey. Let's be off now and make the most of what little daylight staggers through the clouds."

2020-05-02, 07:53 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Lash looks around the assembled group. A solid enough looking party of adventurers, like in the stories he read in his youth. "While I may not be the most subtle or as dextrous as my cousin, I do have one advantage for aiding in scouting." Holding arms up, palms facing each out, he creates an illusionary picture frame in his hand. This time, it does not hold an image from his past, but an image of the group from 25 feet overhead. "I am able to see things using more than just my eyes." Slowly, the image in his picture slides, looking towards the edge of town. "I can see a long way out with this, so if anyone attempts to sneak up on us, I should be able to see them coming." Bringing his palms back together and dismissing the picture frame, he looks again around the group. "Not that an additional forward and rear guard would be a bad idea."

2020-05-02, 11:23 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Seeing the human that "borrowed" one of Valthrun's books earlier in the day, Lash pauses his conversation with Geth. With a chuckle, he responds to her, "Oh no, far from it young lady. Geth was lost to my family for decades, and he has had such adventures! But perhaps, for now, it is time for us to let it rest. We will have more time on the road." Lash smiles at his cousin, knowing they will likely annoy the party some with their talk, and not caring a bit about it. But for now, it is time for someone else to take focus. "But enough about us. What brings you towards adventure? You are no brute, and no obvious weapons, so I suspect you are a caster. Staff, colorful fabrics, you are of the arcane persausion, like myself I suspect. Are you here for fortune, fame, a bit of both, or something else entirely?"

Alyanna nods. "Your suspicions are correct. My father taught me as a wizard when I was young, but I have been exploring ways to access the arcane arts without his guidance for the last few years. As for why I'm here, fortune, fame, both would be fine, but to be true with you, it could best be described as a curious mixture of absolution and revenge. It has to do with the cultist I mentioned earlier. There was a little misunderstanding involving his son and a sum of gold. To make a long story short, the jerk put a price on my head. I would have just left town and let bygones be bygones. I didn't think his goons would chase me too far, but then I found out that he was also wrapped up in this cult business. Let's just say I have it out for him for a multitude of reasons. If going with you all to take care of this orc problem gets me a chance to deal with Vadin Cartwright, then I'm going to take it."

"Which calls to mind ..." Oakley continues. "The group is large enough for a scout ahead and possible a watcher behind, should any among you move more gracefully than this steel-plated old man. 'Twould be wise to discuss afore coming to the Abbey. Let's be off now and make the most of what little daylight staggers through the clouds."

Lash looks around the assembled group. A solid enough looking party of adventurers, like in the stories he read in his youth. "While I may not be the most subtle or as dextrous as my cousin, I do have one advantage for aiding in scouting." Holding arms up, palms facing each out, he creates an illusionary picture frame in his hand. This time, it does not hold an image from his past, but an image of the group from 25 feet overhead. "I am able to see things using more than just my eyes." Slowly, the image in his picture slides, looking towards the edge of town. "I can see a long way out with this, so if anyone attempts to sneak up on us, I should be able to see them coming." Bringing his palms back together and dismissing the picture frame, he looks again around the group. "Not that an additional forward and rear guard would be a bad idea."

"I am probably not best suited to scout," Aly says her wide eyes staring at the dusty earth before her. "I can move about without being noticed," as she speaks she adjusts the many colored layers of cloth, to demonstrate that they could be made to be less conspicuous by layering the cloths differently. "But most of my practice has been within crowded city streets, not the open countryside. And my attention tends to wander, so I could easily wander into an orcish trap without noticing. I think its best if I just walk towards the rear of the group in case of trouble."

2020-05-02, 11:52 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"It is good to see you all again". Gissel's smile is beaming and genuine. "It seems like you have had fun at the inn while I was attending to more serious matters".

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-03, 11:40 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

The monk chuckles to himself as he sees Zeal and her entourage arrive. He springs forward and introduces himself to Sir Oakley as well, when the venerable one joins the party.

"Scouting?" the elf's head perks up at the mention of a task to which he is all too familiar. "I would love the opportunity to contribute to the group. Though I will admit that part of it is my own curiosity at the landscape and how this region has changed these many years."

Geth is lithe and quick on his feet, and his keen eyes and ears seem particularly suited to the task. "Plus, the movement will undoubtedly warm me up - these lands are a bit chilly compared to the desert I am used to."

2020-05-03, 08:28 PM
Zeal's approach to the group is heralded by a bevy of new friends. A stablehand, a soldier and two children are walking near her and chatting with almost as much excitement as Lash and Geth have shown for each other, like they're all dear friends. There are also two horses clopping along behind, occasionally nudging the tiefling with their noses as if to say "Hi! You're an excellent person, and therefore you must have treats!" A reversal of a horse's usual logic path. The two children keep erupting in gales of laughter as they copy the horses' actions.

Geth - Elf Monk

"Scouting?" the elf's head perks up at the mention of a task to which he is all too familiar. "I would love the opportunity to contribute to the group. Though I will admit that part of it is my own curiosity at the landscape and how this region has changed these many years."

Geth is lithe and quick on his feet, and his keen eyes and ears seem particularly suited to the task. "Plus, the movement will undoubtedly warm me up - these lands are a bit chilly compared to the desert I am used to."

Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

Zeal kneels down, now fully attired in her gleaming drakescale and looking every bit the adventurer she claimed in Wrafton's, places her hands on a cheek of each child and smiles sweetly. "Bril, Toza. My heart gives you thanks for this wonderful floral crown, and for teaching me a new braid. You have made my visit to Winterhaven a memory to cherish." She stands and offers her arm to the soldier, who presents a long-bladed glaive to the tiefling. As Zeal accepts the glaive with one hand, she uses the other to pull the soldier closer by her lapel. "And. So. Have. You." The kiss leaves the soldier with a dazed expression on her face as Zeal spins to join the party proper.

She takes a moment to absorb the extant conversations, then speaks up, addressing Geth. "Forward scout is all yours, friend. I do my best work surrounded by allies." She turns towards the temple and bows respectfully. "Sir Oakley. Honored to be traveling with you." Her decorum falls away in an instant though when Sirius catches her eye. Zeal rushes towards Seth and practically skids to a stop. "Omigosh! May... may I say hello?" Her eyes flash back and forth between the dragonborn and the mount, excited and pleading.

2020-05-04, 11:08 PM
After a few more hellos and goodbyes, the adventuring group sets out. Lord Padraig is at Winterhaven's gate, and while he is wishing them fortune, the chill wind dies down and a cloud drifts away from the sun. "Hah! A fair auspice if I've ever seen one!" the lordling exclaims.

Travel is uneventful -- outside the party, at least -- for most of two days. No new snow or rain falls, though there are patches of clean-smelling snow in shaded areas visible from the road. When stopping to eat and sleep, and at the patches of road that have fallen into disrepair in recent decades, the adventurers encounter cold mud, the fading remnant of a heavy winter. The highway is lined with greenery, some of it just now fighting back to life, some stolid evergreen. A few bushes are beginning to flower. Squirrels, badgers, raccoons, turkeys and Nentir gray warblers can be seen busying themselves with their lives.

Late in the afternoon on the third day of travel, Sir Oakley suggests an early stop, looking somewhat worn. There's perhaps an hour more daylight that'd be sufficient for walking safely. He points ahead and north of the road. "Gardmore Abbey's hill can be seen from the King's Way less than half an hour ahead. Anyone who cares to look from its walls should be able to see the road. Any orcs within would be better rested than we are and can see better in the twilight than some of us. I think we should camp here, where we can still make a small fire without announcing our presence."

There may be enough moonlight for Geth to scout ahead during the night if he wants. Night, morning, neither or both? We can handle the details in Discord.

2020-05-05, 03:22 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Falling into the middle of the group, Lash had played on his flute, notes to help the long march, and pass the time. Several hours in, he offered a new song, a composition he was playing with. A variation of an old childhood favorite, about a boy and his mighty canine animal companion, hunting in fey forest.

When Sir Oakley instructs him to set up camp, his pack appears to open itself, and one by one the items that he will need leviate out of his pack and onto the ground around him. Last is a very nice bedroll, that unrolls itself to complete a picturesque campsite. Sitting cross legged beside his bedroll, Lash pulls his palms apart again, again revealing am image from high up, scanning the horizon. "Yes, I see it over there. I do believe you are correct, Lord Padraig."

Lash's Song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6SHsF1n9Qw)Using Telekinetic Grasp to unload everything like a cool dude. Sensing Eye and Psionic Image to spy. Will use Restful Bedroll when we sleep to get 1d8 THPs when we sleep.

2020-05-05, 07:19 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59

"It is good to see you all again". Gissel's smile is beaming and genuine. "It seems like you have had fun at the inn while I was attending to more serious matters".
Gissel's warmth and charm is like a cheery fire on this brisk, overcast morning. "Fun may be a bold word, Sister," he says, delicately avoiding too many specifics while still in town (and thus within gossip distance of the Lord Mayor), "but business was had, and shall in time lead to other business yet. Time shall tell whether it be business with a smile, or business with the sword." He rests a hand on the hilt of his own for emphasis.

"Six, plus Sirius and myself, two old warhorses?" He chuckles at his half-joke. "Eight is good company and a lucky number. I am pleased to have each of you with me. Let us not dally, then. As this young man said, we shall have time for introductions while we move."
Seth echoes the senior (if perhaps not "elder") paladin's chuckle. "Come now, Brother, stay the sharp tongue. Sirius likes not comments about his age!" It is a genuine relief to him that, despite the dilapidated state of the present world, he can still find not only fellow faithful, but others with a hearty sense of humor. Too often, both in the past and presently, honor and humor know too little common ground. It becomes too easy to forget the joy one fights to protect, if one cannot share it now and then. Oakley's strategies thereafter are quite sound, but as Seth is neither more graceful nor less clank-y than Oakley, he leaves those tasks to those who can actually accomplish them.

He salutes the Lord Mayor as they exit the town, and can't help the smile that comes as they embark on the road. To be out and doing something, particularly something that both serves the common weal and his own interests in the bargain, feels good. He notices, as they ride, that Lash has a flute with him and begins playing a merry tune that Seth doesn't recognize (and which may be newer than he is). "Ah! I too have some small skill with the flute, or bansuri. Perhaps when we take a rest, you can show me the tune, and we can play in counterpoint. I should like a chance to play again." He softly chuckles. "It's been years, after all."

2020-05-05, 11:55 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

As the first snow appears on the roadside Geth's eyes widen in excitement. He sticks his hands in to try and scoop what he can, sniffing it, tasting it, scrubbing his face with it. He remembered rain from his youth, but snow and ice were an altogether separate experience. Walking the road up ahead of the others, Geth has plenty of time for contemplation. He uses the opportunity to recall his training and the mantras that went with it.

Air and Earth
Fire and Water
Each element plays a role

But nothing opposes
the Prince of Ice
But the radiance in my soul

A shiver runs through Geth's body that is entirely unrelated to the dropping temperature. Checking the progression of the sun across the sky, he makes his way back to the group. "The road is quiet, save for your instrumentation." He chuckles to himself, gesturing to the flute in Lash's hands.

At Sir Oakley's recommendation that they break for camp, Geth nods his head enthusiastically. "I would enjoy some respite, and I should have an opportunity to take a look around by the light of the moon, to see what surprises await."

Geth then makes himself useful setting up camp for the evening. All the while, he hums his mantra to himself.

"Air and Earth, Fire and Water ...."

2020-05-06, 10:53 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna shrugs her pack off her shoulder and lays out a bedroll. "It's not much, but I suppose it's home for the night." She plops herself on it, still sitting up, but obviously enjoying being off her feet after the long hike. She lays her staff across her lap, then pulls her knees up in front of her chest.

"Maybe we should think about setting up some watches for the night, camping this close to orc territory. We don't know how long Geth will be gone for, so I suggest we let him sleep when he gets back so he's fresh for the morning. Then the rest of us can split up the night. My eyes aren't great for the dark, so maybe I'll take the first shift before the dead of night hits." Aly spends a few minutes helping the group organize themselves into shifts based on their personal preferences.

Aly pulls a bit of dried meat and a hunk of cheese from her pack. She lets out a heavy sigh, looking at the night's meal. "Ooohhh... Gourmet dining to go with our immaculate accommodations," her voice dripping with sarcasm.

If we need to actually specify who takes which watches during the night, I suggest taking care of that organization OOC, so that it moves a little quicker. I just wanted to bring up the fact that we doing so. If it's not needed, then I would just skip it because that sort of detail can bog down a PbP game.

2020-05-06, 11:15 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Gissel hums quietly to the campfire, and teases it with her hands. "There. Now it can't be seen from more than a stone's throw away."

She brings out dried meat, beans and dried mushrooms, and puts a small pot on the fire to make a thick soup.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-07, 02:45 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

After the group settles in for the night, Geth takes a long pull from his waterskin and scrubs his face with some of the snow on the side of the road. This bright cold feeling was invigorating, and he felt some of his energy restored, his senses awakened.

“Master Oakley” he begins, “Is there anything I should know about the Abbey, before I head out?”

Oakley smiles wearily, the journey taking a little more out of him than the youthful elf. He reiterates some of the information he already shared with the others over the past couple of days regarding the general structure and layout of the Abbey and surrounding areas.

"Imagine, if you will, a walled village of sorts. It is on a large hill, very steep on the western side. There is a high wall surrounding the remainder of the fortification. Inside the walls there is a small village, though larger than Winterhaven. From what I remember . . .” he pauses, thoughtfully, “there is a wild grove, a keep . . ."

Oakley searches his memory, and Geth can almost see him checking items off of a mental list. “ . . .some artisan workshop, a garrison, where the Brazier of Silver Fire was last seen, and a Tower of the Arcane. Defensively, there is a watchtower on the south side, high walls on the south, east, and north sides, and a gate on the eastern side, where the road enters the Abbey."

Oakley takes a long pull from his mug, and settles his shoulders. “I should tell you that the watchtower . . . it was said to be magically enhanced, giving fine vision even this far away. Try to stay in cover as much as you can."

Geth thanks the knight and rises, preparing to head out. Oakley smiles kindly at the youthful vigor, and his tone becomes cautious, almost paternal “Now remember, Lord Padraig is only interested in information on the orcs at this point. No need to go storming the castle, as it were. Eyes and ears only, mind you.”

“Yes, thank you, truly.” Geth stretches out his legs and arms and adjusts the sheath of his sword from hip to back, tightening the straps. He pulls the loose, burnt orange fabric from his shoulders and swathes his head, leaving only a bit of tanned skin and bright eyes. “Mfmfmmffm mfmffffmfmfmfm?” he says, looking imploringly at the group. He pulls the fabric down from over his mouth, and speaks again, chuckling to himself, “Sorry about that. I’m going now. I will return as quickly as I am able, but I expect it will be some time.”

With that, he takes off at a quiet, loping pace. After just a few seconds away from the firelight, his form appears to melt into the night. Moving gracefully along the side of the road, the monk passes through the trees, doing his best to stay out of sight. After a few minutes he reaches the fortress walls and has to stop himself from gaping at the impressive structure – nearly forty feet in height. With the gate just a few hundred feet ahead, Geth slinks in the shadows closer to the wall, hoping that its sheer height limits the viewing angle from any in the watchtower or along the walls.

The walls of the structure are not well-maintained, with the fortress having lay in ruins for decades, though there are no obvious breaches or crumbling portions in Geth’s immediate vicinity. Flattening himself against the wall and slipping from shadow to shadow, Geth moves closer to the gatehouse. He slows his breathing and does his best to get as much information as he can, taking advantage of his heightened senses.

As he gets closer, the first thing he notices are the smells of unwashed bodies and woodsmoke, followed by a loud, harsh voice coming from the gatehouse area. The language sounds like Giant, indicating the possibility of Giants, but also of Orcs, as Lord Padraig feared. Wanting visual confirmation, Geth sneaks back to try and get a better look at the gate itself. He sees a large portcullis and several large humanoid shapes – lending more weight to the possibility of Orcs, rather than Giants, in the keep. One of the shapes is barking orders or expressing some anger at the other three.

Ok, orcs confirmed, and definitely organized in some fashion. Now let’s see what else I can learn. Geth makes his way back around westward, trying to follow the hillside up and around the Abbey grounds, to get a better vantage point. The terrain is steep and the ground is loose and rocky, and after a few slips and scrapes . . .

A great Perception check, followed by a couple of horrid Acrobatics rolls, even with my +12! But my Stealth was good enough that I kept quiet and hidden.


Coming back into view, a few hours later, Geth waves a greeting to the shape taking watch by the fire. His face sports some fresh bruises, and his normal graceful gait has been replaced with an awkward, jarring, wincing step. “Yes, there are orcs. No, they didn’t see me. Yes, I’m going to sleep now.” he says quietly, not wanting to wake the others.

With that, Geth sprawls across his bedroll and is asleep in a few breaths.

2020-05-07, 10:32 PM
Through the night, those who volunteered to keep an eye out for trouble face no difficulties other than the cold. A pair of unusually large skunks did approach the camp, but turned away when they experienced the abrupt shift from darkness to full firelight, courtesy of Gissel's ritual.

Dawn breaks bitterly cold but beautiful -- the sunrise in the southeast is a glorious riot of soft colors. Gissel, who has lived in the Vale a long time, gauges that the day will warm up quickly. In fact, the last remnants of snow might be gone by late afternoon.

Geth's description of the Abbey fortifications makes it seem like a direct approach to the gate is unavoidable (unless someone is keeping a spare siege engine in their back pocket). Winterhaven's lord wants more specific information than Geth was able to recover alone, and the structure doesn't have any obvious weaknesses that could be exploited without a sizable army. Sir Oakley urges speed: "Orcs are creatures of the night. If orcs these be, they will be at their least alert in the young hours of the day." Not that he himself will be very hasty. The cold, hard ground of the camp has aggravated the damage he took from his horse's fall, and he's clearly not up to snuff.

2020-05-08, 12:59 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Waking with surprising easy, as if he had slept in a fine bed, Lash gathers his supplies back into his bag, enjoying his salted meats, and a few small bites of a fluffy bread. Spreads his arms, head tilted back, he rolls his neck, before slowly moving each muscle group, stretching himself out until he is limber.

Moving to enjoy the dwindling fire, Lash watches the flames as Oakley speaks. "Do you mean we should leave back already? It seems a waste, for us to have travelled all this way to just turn around now. I feel like a single night's scouting, as skilled as Geth may be, could be expanded upon."

Restful Bedroll THPS: [roll0]

2020-05-08, 10:53 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

In contrast to Lash's pleasant morning stretches, Alyanna sits up from her bedroll while rubbing her neck and looking overall annoyed with life. "Orcs aren't the only ones who aren't at their best in the morning," she grumbles. "Trying to use that rock as a pillow last night was not my brightest idea."

After scrounging around in her pack for a moment, she pulls out a small metal pan and pours some water into it. She drops a few dried leaves into the pan, and crawls over to set it in the embers of the fire. "Okay, time to take care of things," she says more to herself than anyone else. She reaches behind herself and picks up her staff, then uses it to hoist herself to her feet. For someone in her late teens, she is moving more like someone in her late fifties. A night on the ground hasn't agreed with her. She wanders off into the trees for a few minutes.

When she returns, Alyanna is moving at least a little more easily. And after retrieving her tea from her fire, she soon seems much more like herself. She finally responds to Lash, "I agree. I didn't come out this far just to spend another uncomfortable night just out of sight of the abbey. I at least want to see the place with my own eyes and see what's going on with these orcs."

2020-05-08, 01:09 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Despite his nearly non-existent hair, Geth appears to have bedhead. The fuzz is flattened on one side, and lines from his bedroll are creasing the side of his face. "Saya bertarung dan menang. Adakah ada yang minum kopi?" After the blank stares, Geth shakes his head a little and pokes gingerly at the bruises on his cheek. "Kopi? Kaf? Coffee? I have a need."

The monk gets up slowly, testing his limbs. "Not sure who was up last night, but thank you for relaying. It seems that there are orcs there, though I only saw a few. The smells would indicate dozens, and at least somewhat organized. I think we can get a better look, for sure, but I doubt we alone could take the hill."

After a few stretches and deep breaths, Geth continues, "Oh, they didn't see me. I just had some trouble with my footing. The hillside is very steep on the western end."

"I fought the ground and the ground won. Does anyone have coffee?"

2020-05-08, 02:31 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Gissel wakes up bright-eyed and alert. She stuffs a small, thick slice of black bread in her mouth, and starts brushing her hair before redoing her braids. She washes down her breakfast with a large swig of barely melted snow, and claps her hands together. "Well. Let's go look at that gate, then."

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-08, 07:40 PM
Following Geth's guidance, the adventurers go a short way along the road before cutting into the woods to lower their visibility. It's slow going but not onerous. Gradually they climb the hill, coming to the Abbey complex's walls shortly before the peak. With the help of Lash's overhead eye, Geth judges the best place to cross out of the cover of vegetation and over to the imposing stone wall. From there, staying out of sight from anyone above is pretty easy.

And so the party approaches the gatehouse in stealth. The last fifty feet or so are very careful -- Lash's mental eye lets him see an orc with a longbow within the embrasure closest to the gate. The slight sounds made by armor are obscured by distance and a spritely breeze, and the orc shows no sign of attention to anything besides his own scabs. This side of the gatehouse has been heavily damaged in some earlier siege; a moss garden covers portions of the broken stone.

Once to the corner by the gate, Lash can see two raised porcullises, one at each end of the gatehouse. The outer one is some sort of sturdy wood but showing signs of age and battle damage, and it seems to be propped up by a long staff. The inner portcullis is dark metal. Beyond the gate can be seen two orc warriors near a campfire site, the larger a female with a four-foot braid and some truly amazing decorative scarring, the smaller looking like the textbook definition of "lout". They're chatting, too quietly for the party to catch any words. A heavy grunting sigh does drift out from within the Abbey, though -- there may be a beast of burden nearby.

2020-05-09, 06:23 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59
Seth surveys the scene, ready for a sudden shift in fortunes. They have an ample numbers advantage, but a bolting opponent is like to draw the levinbolt of others' attention. He, at least, would rather not attract such greater attention if it can be avoided...but excess words are unwise, this close to enemy ears.

Whispering, more to the light-footed who can more easily sidle forth unseen, he says, "Where first? Split?" Such quiet, furtive tactics are not his own way, but capitalizing on the strengths of others is part and parcel of battle-forged wisdom. Scenarios play out in his mind, though he catches himself more than once thinking the abbey is the same as he remembered it, only to see some detail or feature out of place. A collapsed stair, a faltered buttress. Such things still have their own advantages, but the gap between memory and reality creates an unexpected enemy for Seth alone.

Should we roll initiative? I was a little unsure what to post, things seem ripe for combat but perhaps not quite at the drop.

2020-05-10, 05:54 PM
"Where first? Split?"

Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

Zeal stares up, up, up the wall, towards the top and its embrasures. She tries on a much quieter voice than her usual. "Okay, yeah, that's not an easy trick for someone in this particular fancy dress." She taps the scales of her armor meaningfully. "I'm definitely more of a front door girl myself. D'you think maybe they'd be up for a chat? With words instead of blades?" She slips the glaive noiselessly from its loop on her back and lets a smile creep into her expression. "Blades can be fun too though."

2020-05-10, 07:25 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"What abilities do we have to deal with them at range? I have never had much use for that, I prefer to meet my opponents toe-to-toe." Geth asks, looking the others over to see if there are any archers among them. "Perhaps some can focus on targeting one above first, while others attack the main force below?"

2020-05-10, 08:04 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly raises a hand, "My spells are best used at range. I can try to take down the archer if you'd like, but he's got a pretty good position up there. And remember, let's try to take at least one of them alive to try to question them later. We want to be able to get more to report back with."

2020-05-10, 09:54 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Lash draws his own blade, admiring its sleaker desgin, better for thrusting than the heavy hacking a glaive can do. "I am keeping watch on the guard above us, do we want to wait until the archer is no longer in that protected spot before we act? Does have something that could cause a distraction? My abilities unfortunately do not reach up quiet that far, not reliably anyway. Like my cousin, I work best in close quarters. If we want to take a hostage, I suspect we will need to take it to go. I am not strong enough to carry an orc, but one of the ones on the ground is what I can only describe as lethargic. I suspect that one would make a more aimable informant." Lash looks at the beefier members of the group, trying to decide if he thinks they could carry an unconscious Orc with them at speed. Centering himself, he starts to hum a battle melody softly, just enough for those closeby to hear.

Sensing Eye, watching all the Orcs he can see.
Activate Skald's Aura.
Activate Song of Serendipity.

2020-05-11, 12:30 AM
"Like my cousin, I work best in close quarters. If we want to take a hostage, I suspect we will need ..."

Though the heroes are keeping their voices low, it seems it's not quite low enough. Lash's sensing eye sees the archer above suddenly look around -- and then lean over to look down. He shouts something toward the courtyard in an unfamiliar language and grabs for his bow.


Surprise round: the archer above you is astonished but able to act, using his one action to draw a weapon. No other enemies can act. You can each take one standard, move or minor action, plus as many free actions as make sense. Skald's aura is already running but not song of serendipity.

After that, the high-initiative PCs -- that's Gissel, Seth and Geth -- can take their full turns in the first round before any opponents act. Wherever Gissel stops moving, the square northwest of that gains a special quality CasualViking knows about. Then one group of enemies acts, then the lower-init PCs, then the remaining enemies.

I'm going to go ahead and put the other critters on the map now for clarity's sake; the PCs will see them soon enough. The archer has cover against you from anywhere outside the walls. Archers, I should say. If you're between the portcullises or a little farther inside, you and the archers can't target each other's squares at all.

Remember to give yourself +2 to attack rolls if you post within two hours after the last person did. Alter the map based on your actions if you're able to.

2020-05-11, 01:24 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Gissel fearlessly rushes up to the gate. She then strides boldly in, singing loudly and holding her holy symbol out in front of her.

"OONward soldiers of the LIIIIIIIGHT" -Minor Action Maledictor's Doom. Close Blast 5; tagging Reaver 1, Reaver 2, and the Ogre. -1 to attacks, saves, -5 to damage until the end of my next turn.

"BURN the foe with dragon's MIIIIIGHT" - Standard action Whispers of Defeat. Attack rolls in OOC. Pushing back the reavers and the ogre.

Gissel's song strikes the reavers and the ogre like an impossible burden, blistering their skin and hammering home the fiutility of fighting against her.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-11, 01:49 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Drawing his own sword, Geth closes his eyes briefly and the black curved metal ignites. "Alright then, let's see if you can all keep up! Hit them hard and fast!" He says the last with a smile, and his eyes appear to burn an intense blue against his tanned skin.

Moving with near otherworldly speed, Geth darts around the corner and then dashes toward the orcs sitting by the campfire. He strikes with speed, his sword and fists weaving a brilliant display of blue and orange flame on the battlefield.

Free Action: Quicksilver Motion to Move 7 to space G7

Effect: You move your speed.

Standard Action: Charge (Ki Flow) vs Reaver 1 with Unarmed Strike/Devastating Ki Focus

Attack: [roll]1d20+17 vs Reflex (+12 base, +2 for combat advantage, +1 for charging, +2 for quick posting)
Damage: [roll0] damage (Ki Focus: any roll of 1 or 2 counts as a 3)
Effect: +4 Defenses vs any OA provoked by the charge

No Action: Flurry of Blows vs Reaver 2 (if above attack hits) with Firewind Blade +1

Effect: 5 Fire Damage, and Reaver 2 takes -2 penalty to attacks against me until EoNT
Effect: Shift back to E5

Mis-formatted attack roll. it's in OOC

2020-05-11, 02:27 AM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Watching his cousin bolt away, Lash does his best to follow, though it is clear that this is one family rivalry that he has clearly lost. "I am right behind you Couz."

Surprise Round Run over.

2020-05-11, 03:17 AM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

Gaping for a moment at her party members darting forth, Zeal gulps and tightens her grip on the pole arm. "Oh, change of plans then. Guess we're doing this." She shares a quick glance with Alyanna and Seth behind her, bobs her head a bit, and rushes forward.

Loping through the gateway underneath the first portcullis, she works to take in exactly what's going on before choosing a target.
moving to J-7, within weapon range of the staff (should that prove useful at all) and just within mantle range of everyone already inside

2020-05-11, 02:36 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

"I guess we are," Aly responds to Zeal as the tiefling runs off. Aly briefly considers a myraid of possibilities, including dashing off toward a nearby boulder for cover or laying her curse on the nearest archer, but hearing the sounds of the scuffle already beginning inside the walls, she throws off those ideas at least temporarily. "Ah, to hell with it," she mutters. She holds one arm horizontally in front of her, and lets her staff lean across it as she takes aim almost directly up toward the nearest archer, barely sticking out of the embrasure above her. With a moment's concentration, a blast of eldritch energy flies up toward her target. The blast flies true, tearing a furrow along his exposed arm.

Surprise round, just going to take an eldritch blast shot at the nearest archer. I'll wait until I've got him cursed to bring out some of the bigger stuff. [roll0] (Includes +1 for prime shot, and -2 for cover.) Hit does [roll1].

2020-05-11, 05:20 PM
Before anyone inside can figure out what's happening, the party flies into action, with Gethandoral blazing the way. He looks like an orange streak as he rushes through the gate to strike one of the rising orcs in the back of the neck.

The scene immediately within the Abbey is a mixed blessing. More melee warriors were out of sight before, including a hulking ogre and one tall half-orc heavy on the human ancestry. But there's no one else in sight of the gate. Rising woodsmoke far to the north-northwest indicates that the village portion of the complex isn't even within shouting distance, and the only buildings visible in that direction appear abandoned. The keep to the southeast is closer but doesn't feature any watchers. It looks like the gate is isolated.

The warriors are slack-jawed and slow to react even before Gissel's potent magic slams into them. After, they're almost a parody. The Bahamutian watches their fear spike as they see a rush of opposition come between them and the gatehouse. (A good Insight check -- you can assume the portcullis was supposed to play a part in their battle plan, which didn't survive contact with the enemy, par for the course.)

The archer above Alyanna looses a grunting gasp. "Gyyaagh! You'll hurt for that, wizard!" She seems to have his full attention.

Sir Oakley is lagging behind the group. Between general pain, a freshly twisted ankle and his cumbersome plate armor, he has to move very slowly to avoid giving away his presence. It doesn't look like he'll catch up in time to join the festivities. Seth glances back to check on his progress, but the knight gestures in a sort of "Go take care of business!" way.

==> Seth to take a surprise round action, then Seth and Geth do their first full round, then the ogre.

2020-05-13, 12:28 AM
Seth marches steadily into the gatehouse, blade and shield at the ready. He is momentarily overwhelmed at the clash between his memories and what his senses are saying right now -- he's been at this gate before, as a defender rather than an invader. He pauses to determine what to handle first in the rapidly changing skirmish ahead.

2020-05-13, 01:14 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

As his allies join the attack, Geth tosses his sword from hand to hand, sizing up the Orcs in front of him. He then walks through the campfire and attacks both Orcs, moving in a whirlwind of fire and steel

Full Discipline - Five Storms vs Reaver 1 and Reaver 2 (Close Burst 1)

Move: Shift 2 squares to L9 (gain +1 AC and Ref until EoNT-Geth3 from Boots of the Fencing Master)

Attack Reaver 1: [roll]1d20+11 vs Reflex (+9, with +2 timeliness bonus)
Attack Reaver 2: [roll]1d20+11 vs Reflex (+9, with +2 timeliness bonus)
Hit: [roll0] fire damage and Reaver 2 takes additional 2 fire damage (Firewind Blade)

Flurry of Blows: If Five Storms hits, Reaver 2 takes 5 fire damage

Minor: Activate Eye in the Sky stance

Effect: You assume the eye in the sky stance. Until the stance ends, you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks, and you can use the secondary power at will.

Secondary Power (Psionic)
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.
Effect: You can shift 1 square to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy. You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against that enemy’s attacks until the end of this turn.

2020-05-13, 03:47 PM
Though the battered orcs are still scrambling to respond, the ogre is quick to join in his favorite sport. He rushes the nearby and obvious threat with club held high, reeling a bit from Gissel's psychic assault, and chortles when the blow strikes true. "Hor hor hor, dumb meklat! You die!"

==> Seth, Zeal, Alyanna, Lash, let 'er rip.

2020-05-13, 04:12 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly moves a little closer to the gate, but still trying to stay out of the line of site from the inside. "I'll hurt or that? Are you sure it won't be you that hurts? In fact, I can feel it now. The chill from the outer realms is coming for you. You can feel it too? Yes..." The orc nods dumbly as Aly prepares another spell. The archer had leaned its face past the battlements to yell at her, and now it would take the full brunt of her cold hatred. As she concluded her spell, she reached up with one hand grasping at the air between them and clawing at it roughly. The orc's face with pale, then he started to wave his hand in front of his face, as if trying to knock away invisible talons grasping at him. Splotches of his flesh went dark with frostbite, and he fell back with a scream atop the wall.

Aly felt a tiny shred of his life force drift back to her along the arcane channel she had opened, telling her he had been knocked out or possibly even killed by the blast, and imbuing her with a bit of extra luck. "Well that's one then."

Move: 3 spaces north along the wall to S14. This activates shadow walk, so Aly has concealment. I didn't add the bonus to her defenses directly since it wouldn't affect things like area attacks, but it is noted in the tracker.

Minor: Curse Archer 1. In addition to the damage boost, this triggers Aly's staff of aversion against him, giving her another +2 to all defenses against him.

Standard: Hands of Ihbar on Archer 1. [roll0] (includes prime shot, CA for hidden sniper, +2 bonus for fast action, and -2 for cover). If hit, he takes [roll1] + [roll2] and he is slowed until the end of my next turn. On the off chance he has cold resistance, that is also reduced by 6 (save ends).

Edit: Woohoo, First kill! I only added the effects that matter to the tracker. FotV is Fate of the Void, her boon that triggered, I listed it mostly so that I have a better chance to remember it next round.

2020-05-14, 02:31 PM
"Hor hor hor, dumb meklat! You die!"

Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

"Not on my watch, you monster!" Zeal cries with a ringing voice, attracting a bit of attention — perfect. Keep your eyes on me, not my new friends. She leaps forward, her last word still echoing off the stone walls, glaive flashing through the air to strike the ogre — alas, he pushes the blade aside with a crude iron gauntlet and snarls.

No matter. That was the distraction we needed, she muses as Lash slips behind her unnoticed.
Move action: Noble Presence: Lash and Gissel both have +2 to all defenses until the start of Zeal's next turn. Both may shift 2 as a free action. I'll leave the final spots up to you two.

Standard action: charging to O-11, augmented 2 Screaming Blade: (1d20+14)[15] — I could spend Gloves of Recovery here, but I think I'll save that for now.

2020-05-14, 02:36 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Taking advantage of the inspiration from Zeal, Lash slips carefully under a ineffectively swung club, and stops behind the Ogre. A melodic Curse on his lips, Lash projects deep from his chest, "No, you will be the one who dies. I will be your Doo!." Lash channels arcane power into his rapier, as he sitrkes towards the tendons of the meaty brute, forcing the Ogre to stumple forwards has the deep cut draws blood. "Cousin, stay strong! This while sortly be a new story for us to share!" He had trained for this kind of combat for years, and now, it was all coming together.

Holding his empty right palm forwards, Lash takes several deep breathes, lips tightening, air growing colder and colder as he exhales further and further, until the cold air mingles with the arcane power building in his hand. "There is a new, cold, wind blowing today. Flee this place, or face my WRAITH!" Lash bellows the last word, a torrent of artic air driving from him, blowing several orcs end over end away from his wounded cousin, and launches the injured Ogre over towards the main gate.

Minor: Song of Serendipity
Minor: Warlock's Curse
Standard: Eldritch Strike[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage plus [roll2] psychic damage. Slide Ogre M10-N11 cube, Geth gains a +2 power bonus to his next attack roll before the end of my next turn.
No: Assassin's Strike, [roll3]

Going Big (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24508649&postcount=120).

2020-05-14, 11:15 PM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59

Seth surges forward, ready to deliver some well-deserved divine justice. "The Name of Might reclaims this place from those who know neither honor nor mercy." It is a battlecry, though perhaps "cry" is a strong word; his voice has weight and clarity, but is not loud.

He maneuvers around the Ogre, positioning himself to give protection to both Lash and Zeal, should it be needed. Turning his full focus to the Ogre, he reaches inward, and yet outward, calling on the spark of Bahamut's will Vested in him. For a moment, motes of divine light rise from his armor, and then strikes and speaks; and there is power in the words. "Sᴛʀɪᴋᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ, ʟᴇꜱᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜʏ ꜱɪɴꜱ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ."

You guys may all already be counting this, but remember that due to Devout Protector expertise, all of my allies get a +1 shield bonus to AC. Which, to my surprise, doesn't require me to be adjacent to you. Seth's just that good I guess!
Move: to N11
Minor: Channel Divinity, Divine Strength (add Strength modifier to next attack this turn)
Standard: Valorous Smite. 1d20+12 = 30 vs AC
Hit: 2d8+8 = 22 damage to the ogre, and all enemies within 3 squares (meaning the ogre and Reaver #4) are subject to my Divine Sanction until the end of my next turn.
Miss: no effect (though if 30 misses, we may be in trouble...)

His sword lands a telling blow, and his words stick, like magical glue. Seth prepares himself for the inevitable lashing about to follow.

Just posting this here so you know I'm working on something. Truly sorry for the absence. In addition to just personal bluh this past week, a friend of mine has had to go in for emergency gallbladder removal surgery, so I've kinda been all over the place.

2020-05-15, 03:06 AM
The orcs aren't about to go down without a fight. They hurl a flurry of javelins, arrows and themselves at the party, mostly at Gethandoral. The elf is talented, but he can't avoid all the attacks at once. One orc also cuts in from the party's south flank, dealing a hefty blow to Zeal but suffering badly in the process. He's burned by Seth's divine motes and Zeal's fiery indignation, as well as stabbed by Lash's ready blade.

==> Gissel, Geth

2020-05-15, 04:37 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"AAALL the wicked we shall SMIIITE, we soldiers of the LIGHT!"

Gissel strides confidently forward. Her song strikes the three orc reavers as thunder, ringing their skulls like great bronze bells.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-15, 10:23 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth wipes the blood from his mouth as he surveys the battlefield. Orcs split and scattered, and all of them wobbling on their feet. The ogre is down, crushed under his own hubris and a bit of cousin's immense power! he thinks to himself.

"You do not need to die this day. Lay down your arms and walk away. We have bested your champion."

Archer 1: Dead
Archer 2: [roll0]
Reaver 1: [roll1]
Reaver 2: [roll2]
Reaver 3: [roll3]
Reaver 4: [roll4]
Ogre: Dead

2020-05-15, 12:26 PM
The extra-loutish axeman is too far gone in battlerage to take that in just yet, and the archer seems to believe he has a chance of shooting Geth again before running away. But the other three orcs yet standing, jaws slack from emotional shock and holy power, drop their weapons without delay and put their hands behind their backs, a clear signal of surrender.

2020-05-15, 12:55 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

With the three Reavers running away, Geth moves a few steps back to try and get into the shade and cover of the gatehouse.

I realize I only did my Standard action. I'll use my Move action to move back to P12 and lean against the wall to catch my breath.

2020-05-15, 03:13 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 53/53

As the orc immediately in front of her retreats, Zeal slips her glaive back into its loop and turns to the wounded Geth. "Gethando— Geth... friend? How are you doin'? That looked like some good thumps." As she reaches towards one of the wounds, the butterflies that seem to be eternally attracted to her hair and flower wreath flutter around Geth, appearing almost translucent with some kind of internal light. His bleeding cuts seal and the fearsome bruise from the ogre's club recedes rapidly.

"Oh. I guess some of that stuff wasn't as bad as it looked, huh?"
Standard Action: Second Wind: Zeal & Geth both spend a surge and gain +2 all defenses (not that it really matters), and regain 13 and 12 HP respectively.

Minor action: Ardent Surge: Geth spends a surge and regains [roll0] HP (and gets +1 to attacks, but that's unlikely to be a big deal)

2020-05-15, 06:17 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth's eyes light up as Zeal's unwavering kindness and radiance wash over him. "Ohh, I see. You're a bit like me in there." He points toward's Zeal's heart, then taps the side of his head too "Though a bit quicker up here I think." Taking a big breath and a deep sigh, he claps his hands together and shakes off some of the soreness.

"So, should we look around a little bit? Get some more information for Lord Padraig before we return to town?"

Spend 2 surges (thanks Zeal!) and regain 28 HP

2020-05-16, 02:35 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)

"They won't have an organized counterattack any time soon. Also, can we make sure they can't shut the gates on us?"

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-16, 06:24 AM
Seth bops the battlerager's head with his longsword's hilt, and the orc finally slumps to the ground, unconscious. As Geth leaves his line of sight, the northern archer decides the battle is out of his hands and retreats along the wall. The tangible aura of power which had appeared at Gissel's side fades a few seconds later.

Sir Oakley comes past the portcullis with all the hurry he can muster and blinks in astonishment at the havoc his escorts have wrought in less than half a minute. When Gissel suggests "They won't have an organized counterattack any time soon. Also, can we make sure they can't shut the gates on us?" he nods, and Seth believes he knows how: "On the far side of this towerlet should be a door to a spiral stair. Ere reaching the bowmen's nests, it opens to a landing where lie the winches for controlling the gates." (The door is at the top of O7/P7.)

Glancing around at his companions, Seth realizes any of them might have trouble with the mechanism, which wants a strong arm even when in good repair. Oakley laughs at the look. "Go on up, Brother. Apply your keen eye from the heights as well, and check the archer young Alyanna felled," he says, pointing up and southwest. "We can handle these foes while you go."

First things first: turning the corner at N6, you see a pile of goods tucked in the corner around P6. At a glance, you'd say it's the spoils of raids -- nothing jumps out as orc-made and there are quite a few broken-open barrels and boxes. The party should examine all that before moving on.

You work the slightly-hidden door mechanism and head up to the intermediate landing. The inside of the gatehouse is now completely bare of decoration rather than mostly bare, and it's dustier, but the layout is just as you remember. Fortunately or un-, the winch for the steel inner portcullis is outright broken. It just spins freely in place when you go to turn it. The outer one works fine, though in your time the portcullis itself was made of metal instead of wood. The staff propping it up is probably just a matter of convenience for the current "tenants". You can leave it open or closed.

Looking around from the top of the wall, you can see:

The village area to the northwest, a bit hazy with light smoke. It's quiet and there's nobody in your line of sight ... the village is uphill from the gatehouse, so you don't have a superior perspective here.
The wall stretching away north and south. You don't see any holes in the wall and there's no sign of the archer who retreated.
Brown, green and gray forest outside the walls, with a thin strip of roadway meandering down toward the King's Road.
Other familiar structures of the Abbey -- the watchtower, the arcane tower, the religious buildings near the peak, the keep southwest. Hmm. There's some sort of massive humanoid figure in front of the keep. If your eyes aren't deceiving you, that's a two-headed giant!
And the archer Alyanna took out, still in his embrasure.

A closer look at the archer reveals that he died, painfully but certainly without lingering. You can take any equipment you choose to (call it "denying assets to the enemy" instead of "looting the dead"). And you can choose whether to move the body downstairs for some kind of funeral rites.

A heavy enough task, that. The ogre expired immediately but there are four hefty orcs to deal with. Oakley directs the adventurers to bind the orcs' limbs and to take away their weapons and armor. Once they're prepared, he addresses the scarred and braided female. The knight speaks several glowering sentences in the orcs' own tongue, with the woman responding sullenly, once tossing her head to indicate something to the north. She adds, "I some Common have, you want talk Common."

About that time, Seth returns from the tower. "Sir Seth! Did you see caravan goods by the wall?" calls Oakley. When the younger knight confirms it, Oakley stares at the orcs and says, "Well. I believe a deal can be made. You take a few things to survive and go outside the walls, and if you come back, we shall cut out your eyes before giving you to the wizards to suck away your souls for their experiments. Good? Good. My companions, do you have any questions before the orcs leave our lives?" The cruel act described would be against Oakley's code as you understand it, but leveling a threat to gain compliance isn't.

Including the slain archer's equipment, you can get the following from this encounter:
Unenchanted weapons: 4 battleaxes, lots of javelins, 1 longbow, 30 arrows, 1 hatchet, one Large-sized greatclub
Unenchanted armor: 4 hide and 1 leather (all of it smelly)
A tusk, carved and stained as an idol to Melora, worth 250gp
Several rolls of quality dyed wool, worth 70gp -- you'd need a cart or the like to carry this away
400 feet of jute rope in a single spool
Three friction-activated smoke bombs -- equivalent to "smokestick" in Adventurer's Vault, except the smoke lasts three rounds and they sure as hell ain't worth 150gp a pop. Seriously, 150 gp for something that takes a standard action to use and makes a minor change for one round? Who comes up with this junk? Sigh. If you'd rather sell than use, you might get 10gp for all three put together.
The other goods stolen from caravans are low-value and not especially relevant to adventurers' lives, with one exception to be explained OOC. The orcs don't have personal wealth in coins or jewelry.

2020-05-16, 02:58 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Nodding his head in appreciation for the leader's candor, Geth steps forward. "You are formidable opponents, and you should be proud with how well you have fought." Geth is earnest, and truly respects the value of a skilled combatant.

"Have you seen any eladrin around? Perhaps in the Feygrove?"

Geth says "eladrin" while gesturing to his ears, indicating pointy-eared humanoids like himself.

2020-05-17, 02:34 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna moves over to the orc woman, giving her a menacing grin as she looks her over. "Mmm... Yes, I almost hope she doesn't answer our questions. There are many things I could do with a robust soul like this one before it all burned away." Aly's eyes meet the orc woman's and she licks her lips. "But there are more interesting things we could get from her," she says with a slightly disappointed sigh. "I suppose we could settle for banishment, if her information is good enough."

"The information I am most interested in is about a cult that I understand is operating somewhere within these walls. Run by a man named Vadin Cartwright, a real weasel of a man," she goes on to describe him and his cult in the best detail she has. "Have you heard anything about this? Is he working with your crew?"

Aly is in fact bluffing on the whole soul stealing part, just to try to aid in the intimidation. Here is a roll in case it matters. [roll0] It could be bluff or intimidate as Aly's numbers are the same for either.

2020-05-18, 02:02 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12
Seth commits as much of what he has seen as he can to memory, then lifts the archer and carries the body down to the floor below, to lay beside the other fallen. Unlike what might be expected of another, he carries it with dignity--regardless of one's behavior in life, death on the battlefield merits at least this honor. Once he's laid the archer in a reasonably-dignified pose, he stands and shares what he's seen with the others.

With the main details covered, he adds, "A giant true--no mere ogre such as this--shall pose a formidable opponent. Lest we wish a quick end, we may need call upon the Lord Mayor's coffers, or at least his connections, to prepare for such an event." He listens without comment as Sir Oakley and Alyanna speak to the ork in turn. Would that such tactics need never be used! But at least there is a chance to need no further death. That grisly business he is entire glad to avoid.

Turning from the interrogation, he looks to Gissel. "Sister, if you would aid me, I should like to honor these dead. 'Twould be a lie, to say that it is mere respect for a fallen foe. With the dark things that lurk among these...broken halls..." A brief pause, from the clash of sight with still-fresh memory, "I fear the risk of bodies, left untended, arisen as new foes on the morrow." He makes ready what minimal possessions the dead retain (those not collected as spoils by another) and begins providing them last rites.
I don't know if this is properly a "Ritual" or not, but it's something I've liked to do with many Divine characters I've played, in 4e and other games. Just a notion of a rite for the dead that gives them some sense of...peace, and (ideally) resistance to being raised by necromancy thereafter. Unfortunately, I got a nat-1 (result 10) on my Religion roll so....guess we'll see what that achieves?

2020-05-18, 02:25 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

Gissel strokes the dead orcs' foreheads tenderly, and sings softly. "Journey now, to fields of glory, rest your heads, in warrior's hall. You have fought, and you have fallen, journey now, to your rewards. We were foes, but for a moment, such is life, the warrior's life. Journey now, to fields of glory, rest your head, in warrioir's ... haaaallll."


Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-19, 06:17 AM
"Have you seen any eladrin around? Perhaps in the Feygrove?"

Geth says "eladrin" while gesturing to his ears, indicating pointy-eared humanoids like himself.

The orcs don't know the word, but the gesture makes two of them exchange a sharp look, the scarred one shutting down the other with a glare and a guttural word. "Old garden," she tells Geth, pointing southwest with her chin. He can see the Watchtower beyond other buildings, strands of vibrant green ivy creeping up its outer wall. "Super spider there, sure sure sure ... elf, maybe. One orc think so, but he drunk-sick when he see." She has sort of a 'that's that' tone.

Alyanna moves over to the orc woman, giving her a menacing grin as she looks her over. "Mmm... Yes, I almost hope she doesn't answer our questions. There are many things I could do with a robust soul like this one before it all burned away." Aly's eyes meet the orc woman's and she licks her lips. "But there are more interesting things we could get from her," she says with a slightly disappointed sigh. "I suppose we could settle for banishment, if her information is good enough."

"The information I am most interested in is about a cult that I understand is operating somewhere within these walls. Run by a man named Vadin Cartwright, a real weasel of a man," she goes on to describe him and his cult in the best detail she has. "Have you heard anything about this? Is he working with your crew?"

Sir Oakley is caught off guard by Alyanna's assistance and doesn't completely keep the surprise off his face. He turns to whisper to Seth, "I thought I was merely bluffing. I hope that she is!"

The orcs don't know anything about a cult or a man answering to Cartwright's description. "Maybe you find man under hill?" The extra-loutish axeman laughs and says something in the orc tongue that gets a scathing response; he looks like he'd happily murder the scarred one if he weren't tied up. Pointing to the two speakers in turn, Sir Oakley translates, " 'Or something will find and kill you, weakling!' 'You call a weakling someone who trashed you, dummy?' " The female orc looks up at Alyanna and says, "You want orc soul, start with his, is good practice."

The Bahamutian ritual is well performed, and the least talkative of the orc captives looks pleased that the heroes are honoring the dead.

2020-05-21, 02:42 AM
Sir Oakley lets the captives take some basic supplies from the pile of raided loot, then hurries them out the gate. The last the party sees, the orcs are headed down the road arguing grumpily among themselves, not looking back.

The knight sighs, looking up the steep and rough slope to the hill's peak. "I have come to the end of my practical knowledge," he sighs. "Two paths go from here toward the temple, and it seems both are tenanted. A spidery wood or an encamped horde ... which shall we try to slip past? Or quash with stunning grace, if you folk always fight as masterfully as you did earlier."

2020-05-21, 08:44 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

After a short rest, while many of the others are dealing with the corpses, Alyanna instead looks to the loot. She picks through the items they'd found, deciding many of them are too bulky for their group to carry easily. She picks up the idol, "Small, portable, not my taste, but probably worth something to the right buyer. And these could be useful too," she adds grabbing the 3 smoke bombs. "If anybody wants to carry the rest, they're welcome to it, but I don't think we'll be able to carry it easily."

She leans over to Zeal, one of the few others who aren't participating in the funeral rituals, from what Aly can tell. "Hey, maybe you could grab some of this rope and take it a good distance down the wall and tie it off, so we have another way past the wall if we need it later?"

Alyanna then slips into a small sheltered corner where she spends a few minutes struggling with various articles of clothing and using a bit of makeup to slightly alter her features. After a few minutes a young man steps out from the alcove. Aly is wearing a simple set of common clothes. Her long flowing locks have been tamed and tied up, hidden beneath a handkerchief covering her head. A large blonde mustache has been glued under her nose.

"So how do I look?" Aly asks anyone paying attention. "I'll go down and see if I can gather the info the lord wanted. I'm fairly skilled at moving through the streets without being noticed, but hopefully this will pass casual inspection in case I am. Lash, if you want to go too, an extra set of eyes wouldn't hurt. You can borrow anything in my kit here, if you want."

Here's a [roll0] to see how good Alyanna's disguise is. EDIT: I forgot to add in the bonus for the disguise kit, so this should really be a 20. As I said, she'd prefer to rely on stealth, but this is a good backup.

Also, regarding loot, could we perhaps add a party loot sheet to the tracker so we have a centralized place to refer back to. Alyanna does have the fluid funds ritual, but I think the only thing this would work on would be the horn as an art object, but its already small and portable. Also, there was a mention of...

The other goods stolen from caravans are low-value and not especially relevant to adventurers' lives, with one exception to be explained OOC. The orcs don't have personal wealth in coins or jewelry.

but I didn't see anything else when I skimmed the ooc. Am I blind?

2020-05-21, 09:08 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Lash finishes what part of the ritual he can. He had never been the most devout, but low ohms were rarely the wrong thing. Following Alyanna's lead, Lash attempts to appear less dapper. Tying a banada over one eye, and lifting the grey cloak over his hair, Lash rolls his arms and flexes his chest, his arcane armor transforming into a much dirtier, and haggard, apparel. Motes of dirt leviate into the air, impacting against the long grey cloak he wears, giving it an equally dirty appearance. Twisting his ankle a bit, and slumping his shoulder's unequally, Lash let's he jaw drop on an opposite slant. With a thicker drawl, "Weall, aye gas we shou ba ga ta gao."

Bluff [roll0] to disguise, not sure Lash if can also benefit from that disguise kit, if so, +2. And I forgot my armor bonus, so that's 19.
Minor: Telekinetic Grasp to cover himself with diry, because he's not getting his literal hands dirty.
Minor: Imposter's Armor, to look dirty without actually becoming dirty.

2020-05-22, 04:32 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12

Seth considers Sir Oakley's words. To go near the village, let alone through it, seems a risk they need not take unless pressed. Yet to break formation, and enter unknown territory is another risk to mitigate when possible. Truly, no option seems particularly wise at present. There is a lack of knowledge to be overcome. "If needs must," he says, frowning deeply, "we might yet pass as mercenaries, should we pass through yonder village." He doesn't sound entirely convinced himself, but the others are right to note the natural charm of the group. Greater risks have been taken before with success.

But sallying forth in ignorance troubles him. Of course, it might just be that, even with some weeks (has it already been so long? Months, even?) since he sloughed his stony skin, the wound to his pride and the costs of such bravery still weigh heavily upon him. Or maybe it is simple prudence. Virtue lies always in the correct choice for each circumstance along the line between the twin vipers of Excess and Deficiency, after all. "I would know more, if it can be timely learned, 'fore we set a course we cannot change. I would fain yield, however, if the group thinks that what sunlit hours remain to us are too precious. By those lights, I favor the village: better the devil you know."

2020-05-24, 05:00 PM
I forgot Aly's a beguiler! That's good for another +2 to the hypno-Intimidate.

Alyanna and Lash make their way north toward the old village. Several buildings nearest the gate have been torn down, only foundations remaining to show something had once stood there. Moss and lichen are plentiful, grass is patchy, and there are only a few trees anywhere. Birds are also very sparse. The slightly smoky air is quiet.

Lash, lacking Alyanna's knack for stealth and trusting in his presentation, takes a relatively direct route. The village seems to be roughly organized into camps, each boasting a communal fire used by around ten adults -- adult males, for the most part. After noticing the pattern and using his magic eye to glance into various buildings, Lash gets higher up to count the houses standing in the remainder of the village, to arrive at an estimate of maybe 150 combatants total. The number includes at least a couple ogres and a smattering of dire wolves. Though he gets some side-eye, no one challenges him as he moves from section to section, and he gets the impression that each clump minds its own business and would probably not get involved in other camps' tussles.

From the higher vantage point, Lash also notes one water tower and one well. Based on his knowledge of human settlements, it seems likely that the well is being used at capacity, possibly a strategic weak point for the encampment.

By contrast, Alyanna eases over the terrain like a shadow stretching at sunset, using buildings and haze to her advantage while trying to keep an eye or ear on Lash's location. In fact, the few times she has to slide from one concealing spot to another, she seems a bit shadowy or hazy herself, as if she doesn't have a firm form. With an eye for cover, she notes the complete absence of structures for keeping watch and quickly identifies a good spot for the party to come over the wall in any later forays.

Alyanna's magic is very helpful for concealment but less so for seeing around corners, and at one point, she nearly trips over a human man sitting and idly tearing small plants into smaller bits. The startled man scrambles to his feet and starts saying, "Who the Abyss are y--" Alyanna hastily sends him reeling away with his head spinning, unable to think or control his own limbs as if he'd spent a few unprepared seconds communing with her starry patrons. A moment later, safely back in shadows, she can hear an exchange from the man's new location around a corner: "Hey, what was that, Erbo?" "I think it was the orc witch! Eugh, I want to throw up! I hate having a mage around ..." Hm. Singular articles. Probably little or no spellcaster support for the warriors, then -- that's good information, if uncomfortably obtained.

There's no simple path through the village and uphill without crossing at least a few camps. If the party wants to travel that direction, this successful reconnaissance will simplify the process but not make it automatic. More vitally, Alyanna and Lash can now give Lord Padraig a quite solid report on the raiders' means.

2020-05-25, 06:54 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Feeling much recovered from the earlier battle, Geth watches in awe as his cousin and the one called "Aly" don disguises. "I would prefer to explore the wood, based on what our enemy says. I am not one much for disguises, other than this." he pulls the shawl on his shoulder up, and arranges it around his head so that only his eyes are visible. "I doubt it would do much."

2020-05-26, 01:16 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

After Lash reports what he has seen, Alyanna adds in a few details that she had encountered. She ends her description by saying, "With that in mind, what do we want to do next? We should probably get this information back to town pretty soon, but if Geth wants to explore the woods a bit first, I have no problem with that," she adds with a shrug. "It's possible that weasel Vadim is hiding out there too," she thinks.

As the others begin to discuss their options, Aly interjects once more. "Whatever we decide to do, I'm going to take a minute to get this get-up off. The mustache is driving me nuts." She waggles her upper lip in annoyance. It almost looks like a fuzzy yellow caterpillar is attacking her nose. She steps several feet away and sets to removing the disguise while the others make up their mind.

2020-05-26, 11:07 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

"We just got here. It would almost be impolite to leave already, wouldn't you say?"

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-27, 11:57 PM
Without much discussion, the party agrees to forge ahead and see whether the temple can be reached today (while keeping their eyes open for eladrin and cultists).

Geth is moving a little ahead of the party, leading them along the keep's northeast wall to stay out of sight of the high southern Watchtower. Just as he is about to peer around the corner, some sort of to-do breaks out, not far southwest along the adjoining wall. Non-orcish voices start shouting in Common as an angered roar from some large creature rips through the air. Once the elf can peer around the corner, he's greeted with a rather unexpected sight: an ettin starting into battle against adventurers, two of whom he recognizes from Wrafton's Inn!

The blonde mercenary who interrupted Lord Padraig a couple times is up in the ettin's face and possibly regretting it, and the half-orc who was clearly with her in the inn is right by her side. There's also an especially stout male dwarf and, hanging farther back, an unarmored young human woman in the act of weaving a spell.

The mage is facing more toward Geth and happens to notice him. She immediately shouts with a touch of panic in her voice, "Help us! Please!" The mercenary woman spares a glance and comes to a quick decision despite her obvious surprise. "Yes! All the creature's gold if you help us defeat it!" Then a thin drow male materializes out of nowhere behind the ettin and gives it a vicious slash with a longsword. The maneuver earns him a crushing blow in return, and he teleports behind his companions while the blonde punishes the ettin's distraction. It's a wild melee.

I'm reusing the ogre tokens 'cuz I'm lazy. That's actually an ettin. Duh. If somebody feels like making a new set of four quarter-ettin tokens, I ain't gonna stop ya!

Y'all got two good Perception-plus-Religion results, one of them Geth, so I'll go ahead and say it now -- the dwarf bears a holy symbol of Tiamat. Hmm.

Alyanna was briefly in the same organization as an ettin, Lash knows some about them from books, and Seth has actually done battle with two (a couple centuries ago). Knowledge checks: This fellah will take separate actions on the "fast enemy" and "slow enemy" initiatives. Some debuffs will only affect one 'side' and some will affect both. Ettins have much lower Reflex and Will than AC.

The wall is three squares high. It's not nearly as wide as the fortifying wall around the whole compound and might invoke some Acrobatics checks if you want to move quickly along the top. It's pretty clearly within the ettin's reach.

Having spoken with nearly everyone inside the city walls a few days ago, and possessing very strong people sense, Zeal remembers the names of three of the five adventurers and is 100% sure she didn't meet the others. The blonde warrior is Tam, her half-orc bestie is Grosh and the dwarf is a priest named Kurik. He wasn't sporting that holy symbol when you chatted before, and he was in the inn when Tam left the table.

That thrumming spot beside the merc seems like the one that frequently jumps out of your silver case in potentially violent situations -- though oddly, not in this encounter.

==> Geth, Gissel and Zeal, please take actions. If you're not on the map, consider yourself to be somewhere in the black border.

2020-05-28, 12:33 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

"Foul fiend!", Gissel yells. The Ettin doesn't even seem to notice.

"A priest of Tiamat? Does Bahamut not want me to help these people? And what is that shimmer?", she asks herself as her power fails to make a difference.

move closer, Thunder of Judgment the Ettin. [roll0], [roll1]

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-05-28, 01:14 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Moving with fiery speed yet again, Geth tries to attack the giant. Unfortunately, despite his flurry of kicks and punches, the creature manages to dodge the attacks.

Free: Quicksilver Motion

Effect: Move your speed (U18 -> N17)

Move: Burning Brand Movement Technique

Effect: Move your speed + 2 ( N17 -> I16) with partial concealment

Standard: Burning Brand Attack Technique

Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex (+9 base, +2 time bonus)
Damage: [roll1] damage. (Ki Focus - any roll of 1 or 2 counts as 3)
Effect on HIT : The first time the target takes damage from an attack before the start of your next turn, the target and each of your enemies adjacent to it take 6 fire damage (3 + CHA)

If Hit: Desert Wind Flurry of Blows

Effect: 5 fire damage, shift to J15

2020-05-29, 04:01 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 48/53

"Oh wow, he's a big 'un." Zeal trots forward and notices who all's fighting. "Ooh! Grosh, Tam! Ta! You're willing to part with gold? Must be a challenge." She braces against the wall about one glaive's-length away from the giant and whistles loudly. "Hey! Big guy! Can't you just, ya know, let us go through? Thanks!" And then proceeds to belie her conversational tone by slashing at him.
Move action: starting from "somewhere inside the black border?" and ending in J-18

Standard action: Implanted Suggestion: (1d20+13)[19] vs Will — good grief! anyone got a good justification for pulling a +anything on this, lol?
Miss: half damage: (4d4+7)[18] — 9 damage.
Effect: Target is affected by your suggestion (save ends). Until your suggestion ends, whenever the target makes an attack, one ally adjacent to the target can make an MBA against it as a free action after the target’s attack is resolved.

2020-05-29, 05:08 PM
Tam looks grateful (and a little surprised) at the party's enthusiastic response as warriors pour around the corner and engage the giant. She raises her blade and shouts, "To me!" and her companions begin moving closer, ready for some battle inspiration. The unfamiliar drow flashes the newcomers a sour look in the moment before he turns invisible again.

The dwarf steps up with monomaniacal focus and brings a morningstar down at full extension; a barely-visible white wave of energy pulses out from him, breaking across the ettin. At the same time, the half-orc steps past his leader to get a better angle for a hearty swing of his greataxe.

drow Stealth: [rol]d20+12[/roll]
Kurik attack: [roll0] vs AC, hit deals [roll]2d6+5[roll] and daze s.e.
Grosh attack: [roll1] vs AC, hit deals [roll2], choosing not to push.

2020-05-29, 06:06 PM
The giant's left head goes crosseyed at the burst of white energy but keeps trying to smash the foes scattered at its feet with the arm on that side. The right head glances over and bops the left, clearing the stars from its eyes without seeming to do any harm. Neither pauses even briefly in its roaring.

Left head deciding who to swat: [roll0]. Tam 1-2, Kurik 3-4, Grosh 5-6, Geth 7, Zeal 8. Attack roll [roll1] vs AC, hit deals [roll2] and push1, Effect: ettin marks target until end of right head's turn. No other actions because dazed, but "At the end of each of its turns, the ettin automatically ends any dazing, stunning, or charm effect on itself." So no freebie combat advantage for y'all.

Implanted Suggestion response to the ettin's attack: angille chose Geth as the most likely to be in tune, so here's a ki flow. [roll3] vs AC, damage [roll4] but count a 1 or 2 roll as a 3.

Geth finds an inspiring opening as the left side's club wanders -- and he would have gotten in a good strike if it hadn't wandered right into his fist! Ouch! :smallmad:

==> Alyanna, Seth, Lash

2020-05-29, 06:26 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Finding himself coming around the corner, a fight is already fully in effect. "Another oversized brute, time to knock them down." Popping open a vial and coating his thin blade in a viscous purple liquid, Lash starts to hum again, his own internal battle song using his outside voice, he steps sideways, looking for an opening to charge into battle.

Start V16
Move: P16
Minor: Song of Serendipity
Minor: Apply Carrion Crawler Brain Juice to Vengful Rapier

2020-05-30, 11:10 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna comes out, her small form blurring a little at the edges making her a little difficult to visually track. She pulls up hard against a large boulder using it to stop her momentum. "Ugh, an ettin, twice the heads, half the brains, and about 10 times the ugly! Yeah, we'll take the gold," she shouts back, seeing no reason to leave an offer of gold hanging.

She turns to the ettin, saying to it (them?) "You heard the lady. Prepare to feel pain like you've never known." Aly waves her hands before her, summoning up the same energies she had to kill the orc on the wall earlier. After only a few seconds, A blast of fine white crystals surround the ettin, blistering his skin with frostbite.

It looks like we're into the later PC's turns, so I'll go ahead and post. If I'm wrong about that, just let me know.

Move: onto map (gaining concealment from Shadow Walk)
Minor: Warlock's Curse on the ettin. (triggering +2 to defenses from staff of aversion)
Standard: Hands of Ihbar on the ettin. [roll0] (includes CA from hidden sniper), a hit does [roll1] + [roll2] and slows him until the end of my next turn. Additionally, if he has cold resistance, he loses 6 points of it (save ends).

2020-06-01, 02:50 AM
The next few seconds are especially chaotic, even for a battle. Seth dashes to catch up with his companions -- solemnly, somehow -- and invokes a holy glow that lets the monster know it's in trouble. The young wizard rushes to Tam's side, Tam slaps some sort of sigil on her own tunic, and the entire party vanishes, leaving behind five curls of smoke, one where the invisible drow had been. The ettin focuses all its attention on the adventurers remaining, whipping its clubs about with extreme violence (if little accuracy). Sir Oakley rounds the corner behind the party. And the emanation of power near where Tam had stood fades along with the smoke.

Forgot to roll the ettin's first save against Implanted Suggestion. [roll0]

I figure if the ettin is unmarked, Seth would probably be willing to take the penalties associated with Running to get a divine challenge to stick. So, two move actions to run and a minor to mark. I can retcon stuff if ezekielraiden disagrees, but I needed to keep things moving.

Ettin (right head) respects Seth's mark with its attack: [roll1] vs AC, dealing [roll2] damaging and pushing him 1. Technically, the ettin marks its target, but that doesn't matter unless someone plans to ignore the monster and stab their ally. Anyway. If the earlier saving throw failed and Seth is still adjacent, implanted suggestion grants an attack: [roll3] (due to the running penalty) vs ettin's AC, [roll4] damage.

Ettin spends action point and right head swings again. [roll5] vs Seth's AC, [roll6] damage and push 1 square. It doesn't move or use any minor actions. End of round, save against implanted suggestion [roll7] if the first save failed, save against hands of ihbar [roll8].

I think that's everything ... ?

==> Zeal, Gissel, Geth

2020-06-01, 11:07 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

"RIIIIIGHTEOUS we STA-A-A-AND, un-RIGHTeous you FA-A-A-ALL....". Gissel marches steadfastly against the ettin. Her holy symbol blazes with light, daring the monster to look at it and be burned right into it's blackened soul.

move closer, minor: Forced advantage vs the Ettin, Standard: Visions of Blood [roll0], [roll1] action point: Whispers of Defeat [roll2]

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-06-01, 11:40 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth closes his eyes briefly and starts waving his arms up and down. Somehow, they appear to shimmer and lengthen, until they are almost twice their length. With this newfound reach, Geth lashes out, his limbs like whips, attacking at the Ettin.

Standard: Masterful Spiral vs Ettin (Close burst 2, all enemies in burst)

Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll1] force damage. Any roll of 1 or 2 becomes a 3 (Ki Focus)
Miss: 1/2 damage = 11 damage
Effect: You assume the spiral stance. Until the stance ends, your reach with melee touch attacks increases by 1.

2020-06-01, 07:36 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 48/53

Zeal blinks a bit as the other adventuring group vanishes. "Did... did they just skip out? Oof, what ridiculous manners!" She ducks under a massive club swing as she skips behind Seth. Catching the trick Geth is pulling with his arms, she exclaims "Oh, that's awesome!!" with a beaming smile, before fixing herself into place and making another swing at the giant. "You've really got no blind spots, do ya big guy?"

Just to prove Zeal's point (as her own glaive cuts into his arm), the giant swats Seth away even while looking straight at her.
Minor Action: Ardent Surge on Geth: (2d6+12)[17] HP restored
Move Action: to F-9 (OA played out in OOC thread)
Standard Action: augment 2 Cloud Mind the ettin: (1d20+16)[31] vs AC (+2 within two hours, +1 bloodhunt)
Hit: (4d4+7)[18] damage, and anyone more than 1 square away from the ettin has concealment against them until the end of Zeal's next turn.

2020-06-04, 04:38 AM
The giant's head closer to Zeal roars in pain and rage, furious and more than a little fearful at the quickly turning tide of battle. The giant clubs Zeal hard and forces her back toward the shards piled haphazardly on the rocky ground.

Attacking Zeal: [roll0] vs AC; a hit deals [roll1] damage and pushes to E8. If the push works, Bruse and Spike will take a move action to shift to follow, moving left into F-G/8-9. EDIT: Neglected to include the -2 from Gissel (again, sigh) but that result would hit anyone except Seth.

The first character to enter a flanking space faces the following spoilered attack, AFTER their own action ends -- if it's an action that allows movement plus attack, the PC's attack happens before the reaction does.

[roll2] vs Fortitude. On a hit, push 3 squares diagonally northeast.

==> Alyanna, Seth, Lash

2020-06-04, 11:13 AM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 29/53

"There we go, that's how it's done." Zeal catches the full force of the club slam with her pole arm, with a sort of crunch you can tell she's still gonna feel tomorrow. Her eyes blaze with the flames of Bael Turath, which then ripples across the weapons to the ettin, scorching one face.

She glances behind her at the sharp detritus, and around the ettin at her party, farther and farther away. "On second thought, no, wait, maybe that's not how it's done."
Free Action: Infernal Wrath: (1d6+5)[7] fire damage

2020-06-04, 01:04 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna watches as the other party disappeared. "Neat trick, might have to figure out how they did that," Aly says while considering what magics might have been involved. "Could make so many things in life much easier."

"But for now, it leaves us with a bit of a problem." She strides forward confidently, cloth robes fluttering in a confusing blur around her, concealing where her true form stands. She paused for a moment, closing her eyes for the briefest second to concentrate on drawing the eldritch energies into herself, then focused them along the staff she carries, using it as a tool for focus and aim. Suddenly a blast of energy flies from her, catching the ettin square in the ribs.

Minor: Try to figure out whether the other group teleported away or went invisible. Not sure if [roll0] or [roll1] would be more appropriate.

Move: to position shown (shadow walk continues)

Standard: Eldritch Blast on Ettin [roll2] (w/CA from concealment). Hit does [roll3] + [roll4].

2020-06-04, 01:07 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Seeing his openning, Lash rushes forwards, driving his his poisoned blade through the back of the Eittin's kneecap, tripping it forwards, before withdrawing his weapon with a dramatic flourish. "No one hurts my cousin!"

Move: walk to J9
Standard: Charge to H9
Eldritch Strike: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1]22, slide Ettin to G7-H8, 4 poison damage and Ettin is slowed until the end of my next turn, Alyanna +2 to next hit.
No: Assassin's Strike, 10 damage.

2020-06-04, 05:03 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

As the ettin is knocked down by Lash's quick bladework, Aly stays on guard. "Don't relax too easily. That other group didn't get far, they're probably still within a couple hundred feet. Hard to guess what their plans might be."

I kept myself to free actions. I assume we're off combat time, but wanted to verify before doing anything else.

2020-06-04, 09:56 PM
The brute's roars trail off into a single whine as it/they start to lose consciousness. The ettin staggers a few giant-scale steps and falls against the boulder west of the courtyard doors. One of the heads impacts with a horrid crunch; it now faces a direction heads aren't supposed to. None of the party are closely familiar with ettin physiology, but recovery seems unlikely.

As the ettin is knocked down by Lash's quick bladework, Aly stays on guard. "Don't relax too easily. That other group didn't get far, they're probably still within a couple hundred feet. Hard to guess what their plans might be."

The blonde warrior and her cohorts aren't anywhere in sight, nor does any sound reach the heroes' ears besides the wind itself. In fact, after the din of battle, the magnitude of the quiet is stunning. It's as if the whole world were holding its breath for a moment. Then Sir Oakley resumes walking toward the party, dispelling the sensation with the creaks and taps of plate armor in motion.

2020-06-05, 02:37 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12

Seth frowns. "I like not this...chicanery. Methinks our faded 'friends' shall not be content merely to flee, and ere long they, or leastwise their works, shall cross our paths again." He turns to the others, though his eyes flick to Lash first, and Alyanna second. "What say you? I doubt they would do such if there were not reason to keep us away, but to chase in ignorance may prove one twice the fool." His scaled face wrinkles; one might mistake his focus for worry or confusion, but his voice carries too much certainty for that.

While the others take time to consider such grander strategy, Seth shifts that focus to the other, sizable problem, looking over the (presumably) dead ettin. Simply leaving it lying around may be unwise for any number of reasons, but unlike the everyday-sized foes of the previous battle, burying or burning one of this size may be too great a task, and certainly too lengthy one. Particularly with their future plans left ill-defined and the need to complete their goals sooner rather than later. Would that he could call down the holy fire as Sister Catreline could, but she has surely long since gone on to her deserved rest in Bahamut's demesne. Though it pains him, it definitely seems that simply leaving the field is the best choice.

2020-06-06, 02:07 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth shakes his arms slightly and the effect is visually unnerving, as his limbs shimmer and contract back to their regular size as he sheathes his scimitar. "Well then, that was exhilarating. Cousin, I feel like I should learn a technique or two from you!"

As Seth speaks, Geth frowns. "I do not like the deceit, and I have no desire to chase after them and clean up their messes. I will, however, face them squarely if we cross paths again, as you say. As for our next steps . . . well I already stated that my inclination is toward the forest, but I will follow where the group goes. I have learned some humility - what passes for expertise when I am alone in the desert does not hold up so well in these northern lands."

2020-06-06, 10:00 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

"Well, that was just RUDE. Come on, let us press forward.".

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-06-06, 11:17 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

After scanning the surrounding terrain for a moment with her eyes, Alyanna frowns. "Well, they seem to have made their getaway clean. Impressive, if annoying. I'm sure they'll be a problem again, but one it seems we can't do much about at the moment. Let's rest here a moment and then continue on to the woods, I don't see a reason to change that plan. But if those idiots try to jump us, I wouldn't put it past them, I want to be ready for it."

2020-06-06, 03:55 PM
The party pauses a short time to regather themselves before continuing. The walls around the yard are high, but the keep is higher, and the heroes can see two sides of the decrepit building. It has not stood the test of time as well as the massive walls embracing the whole Abbey; mosses and weeds grow vigorously here and there in its many cracks, and a human-sized web shimmers on one wall. A raven mutters as it flies to its nest atop the building. The heavy iron gate also affords a limited view across bumpy ground to the keep's entrance, which is in worse shape still. One door is missing. Gissel and Geth think they can see fallen cut stone in the dim light within. Once, a shout or laugh carries from inside the keep to the resting heroes' ears.

Also visible is the top of the southern Watchtower. Tradespeople alone couldn't make such a thin and tall structure stand for hundreds of years; magic must be involved. Sir Oakley furrows his brow while looking at the top and points out to his escorts that the interior of the apex room is far more visible than it should be at this distance. Sure enough, anyone who looks gets a very clear impression of a clean, dark space lit by torches that occasionally dance in the wind -- a wind not felt or heard here.

The path west is ill-traveled, unlike those the party have already seen. Geysers of grass burst through the cobble, not enough to impede progress but enough to state that the orcs and other raiders don't come this way often. Three minutes' cautious hike brings the party to the garden wall, which at this point is not so much a barrier as a suggestion. Vines cover its top completely and shrubs, many of them thorny, hide most of the wall. Primrose abounds. In Seth's time this was meticulously cared for, a distinct border for the grove. In one way, it still is -- animal life can be clearly heard and seen within, despite being nearly absent elsewhere in Gardmore Abbey. Birds, rodents and insects are clearly present. Some of the birds seem startlingly bright and brassy. And there's no snow visible within.

What's happening here is some kind of bleed-over from another realm, almost certainly the Feywild -- though that doesn't explain the image everyone could see in the Watchtower.

In addition to what everyone else saw in that room, there was definitely a glowing sigil that gave your entire nervous system a tingling ache.

Uphill, not far from the summit, a bell tower rises like a lighthouse from the sea of greenery. The tiled roof of a smaller building is also visible near the wall, about halfway between here and the bell tower.

The tiled building would be the groundskeeper's cottage. You might also find a shrine to Ioun near the south wall, not far from the base of the watchtower. The memory is hazy but you recall some symbol of Bahamut also present at the shrine.

The party passes the cold iron gate and stops immediately as Sir Oakley says, "Sst! A spider in yon elm!" Yes, an enormous spider, dark green with gray bristles, is perched in a tree, slowly waving its front legs as if invoking a ritual. If it noticed your arrival, it hasn't reacted.

2020-06-08, 01:02 AM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 29/53

The party pauses a short time to regather themselves before continuing.
After a quick check-in with everyone to make sure nobody's too badly hurt, it would seem the party's high spirits have literally lifted Zeal's shoulders from the uncomfortable compression the ettin left her with.
(as the last round of combat fades off)Minor Action: Ardent Surge on self: [roll0] HP recovered (will it work? this is a very complex post not to be able to preview, lol)

Three minutes' cautious hike brings the party to the garden wall, which at this point is not so much a barrier as a suggestion. Vines cover its top completely and shrubs, many of them thorny, hide most of the wall. Primrose abounds. In Seth's time this was meticulously cared for, a distinct border for the grove. In one way, it still is -- animal life can be clearly heard and seen within, despite being nearly absent elsewhere in Gardmore Abbey. Birds, rodents and insects are clearly present. Some of the birds seem startlingly bright and brassy. And there's no snow visible within.
A look of sheer joy spills over Zeal's face as she listens to the animals and peeks over the garden wall, her tail aflutter."Now that's nice. Hope we get a chance to spend more time here!"

"Sst! A spider in yon elm!"
"So uh. D'we 'scout' the spider too? Like we 'observed' the orcs and two... headed... giant guy?" The quotation marks somehow manage to be clearly audible as she says the words.

2020-06-08, 01:25 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna chatters away to herself as much as to anyone else as the party continues forward. When they get to a good angle to peer up into the watchtower she stops abruptly looking straight up into it. "Eugh! Makes my teeth buzz." She runs her hands up and down her body, as if trying to brush away the odd sensation. "Definitely some magic going on up in there. I can feel it from here. I'm curious, should find the way up there eventually, check out the little doo-de-doo." She draws a strange shape in the air in front of her with her finger. "But that can wait. Got other stuff on the mind."

She continues her mostly one-sided discussion as the party enters the treeline. "Ooohhh... Interesting. A leak! Still in the natural world, certainly, but a strong whiff of the feywild on the air. Weak walls, weakwalls, weakwalls, say that 5 times fast!", she giggles.

"So uh. D'we 'scout' the spider too? Like we 'observed' the orcs and two... headed... giant guy?" The quotation marks somehow manage to be clearly audible as she says the words.

"We could try that, or maybe just sneak around." She glances back to Seth and Sir Oakley, "Maybe the direct approach will be needed." As she speaks, Alyanna considers the spider carefully, trying to determine if it is a species native to the feywild.

I guess I'll roll an [roll0] to try to determine what Aly might know about the big spider. If it's from the feywild, she might have read something in her father's books, but if it's a more natural species, she'd have little idea.

2020-06-08, 10:18 AM
"I'm curious, should find the way up there eventually, check out the little doo-de-doo." She draws a strange shape in the air in front of her with her finger.

Aly can feel some sort of force increasingly resisting the action as she nears the end of that finger-design. She can also feel (with all due thanks to synesthesia) a jester's array of colors opposing that resistant force.

"So uh. D'we 'scout' the spider too? Like we 'observed' the orcs and two... headed... giant guy?" The quotation marks somehow manage to be clearly audible as she says the words.

Oakley gives Zeal some dour side-eye but can't help breaking into a smile in harmony with her ebullience.

2020-06-08, 06:56 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Well, this area feels a lot more like the Harkenwold than the surrounding region. If there is some of the Feywild leaking into here, that could explain it. That also lends some truth to the orc's story that my Eladrin quarry may be in this direction as well."

Upon seeing the spider, Geth shivers. "Those spiders ... they usually appear in greater numbers than we see now. I recommend we enter, exercising caution, and trying to avoid them if possible."

Geth then steps forward toward the gate, leading the way through.

2020-06-10, 05:11 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

"If we plan on engaging them, be extra cautious around the fangs. I would wager that they have a quite potent venom." Lash looks at the trees, and considers the many angles of attack for a tree climbing assailant. "I think it would be wise for us to move quickly through the forest, and try to disturb as little as possible. My Sight is not very long range, does anyone have a better means of scrying?"

Sensing Eye to look for anything.

2020-06-11, 05:26 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12
Seth can certainly hear the quotes--and the implied criticism--in Zeal's words. "I hear you, lady," he says with respect rather than sarcasm, "but know that I raise a blade not amain, in haste, but when I have seen that no true acceptable means remain to me. As the War-Sage wrote, ''Tis only she who knows true the evils of war, who seeth how to wage it to wise ends.' I wish no ill or harm upon this or any creature, but will stand in another's defense."

Surveying the way ahead, he struggles to wring the drops of useful information from the corners of his mind. So much forgotten. "Friends, I believe a shrine to Ioun--and possibly an honor to Bahamut as well--lies in yon tower, or its environs. I fear memory fails me beyond that--and fails far more than I should like."

2020-06-11, 11:40 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

"Right, then. No reason to kill that spider and her friends if we don't have to. I guess we are going this way, then.".
Gissel rolls up her sleeves, takes out her short-hafted hatchet, and starts making her way through the woods. She chops, shoves, and pulls a path for the entire party to follow.

She ends up scratched, sweaty and slightly poisoned, but not particularly winded.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-06-12, 01:18 AM
There are signs that the first hundred yards or so of the grove used to be an ornamental garden. Weathered, beheaded statues ... remnants of a paved path ... a flower-encrusted fallen trellis. Gissel's tireless work carries the party past a fountain made of some green-silver metal in excellent condition, a stark contrast to everything organic and returning to Nature surrounding it. She recognizes the material as "living steel", able to repair itself and favored for making less encumbering heavy armor. The fountain's basin, retaining a trickle of water, is flanked by nude statues of a slightly orcish young man and a slightly elvish young woman, touching fingertips. Seth recalls that lovers considered its waters good luck, but it smells brackish now.

If you can get a substantial amount of this stuff back to Winterhaven, given some time, the smith Thair Coalstriker should be able to shape it into scale or plate armor. Similar to the extra types of masterwork armor in Adventurer's Vault and Dark Sun, it'd have special characteristics in addition to any enchantment you put on it. Scale would be base AC +8 with no loss of speed, while plate would be AC +9 and skill penalty reduced to -1. Alternatively, it can become money if you can find a buyer.

The party exits the former garden at a broken spot in its southwest wall. The verdure in the deeper woods beyond doesn't have the drained carcasses and nest-webbing of the area already passed, but Geth can see why without even stepping in. A peculiar paw print and some unusual scraping high up on tree trunks declare this the territory of one or more displacer beasts.

One shadow-dappled trail runs near this wall, heading west and a little north toward the hill's peak where Oakley wants to be. Looking at the steep rise in that direction, though, he seems deflated; it'll be rough going with his lingering injury. The path does seem tended, at least; it lacks overgrowth in a way that nature alone would not maintain. To the left, another path can be seen heading south. Seth isn't sure either one existed in the far past, though two cobblestone roads did, pointing approximately the same directions.

2020-06-13, 06:11 PM
Sir Oakley turns his gaze away from the heights and slowly looks over the party. He seems to draw strength from their youthful vitality and their willingness to march into danger for a good goal.

"Let us continue. Hilt to hand and eyes open, friends, for displacer beasts do not pause when they spy prey."

The party makes its way west, following the partially maintained road as it snakes up the steep hill. Aromatic budding trees crowd the path's sides, each festooned with lichen and hanging moss. Birds chatter to each other in the branches; a large garnet-scaled snake watches without expression as the adventurers pass.

At the southern end of the second switchback, a dirt path splits off from the road to go south and downhill. As the party pauses there to let Sir Oakley catch his breath, Gethandoral notices two oddities. First, a fairly large patch of trees due south looks like it's stuck in autumn, not the springtime the rest of the hillside is enjoying. Second, a whisper of a song played on a woodwind reaches his ears, coming from that direction.

Musical instruments combined with a "differently natural" patch of forest pretty clearly says 'fey' to you -- nymphs, more likely than anything else. The pattern is one of the few areas where arcane theory matches up well with tales for children, and you were exposed to both at the same time ...

2020-06-13, 10:39 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Lash, these sound like the songs from home, do they not?" Geth presses forward, his interest definitely piqued by the instrumentation toward the autumnal region of the gardens. "I say it is worth investigating, while we are here."

2020-06-14, 01:05 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna pauses for a moment, straining to hear the music Geth mentioned. "Maybe music from home if your home is in the Feywild. Everything about that direction sings of the Feywild, if you ask me. Which come to think of it, no one did." She shrugs, "Oh well. Probably nymphs or the like down that way is all I'm saying, apparently to no one." She glances around, "No children here to be stolen away in the night? Well, it's not night, so we'll probably be okay anyway. I have no problem with meeting them." She begins marching toward the southern path, her staff in hand extended before her.

Alyanna could be convinced to go the other way instead, if others speak up, I just had her start moving that way to keep things moving.

2020-06-14, 02:19 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

Gissel stares incredulously from one to the other. These are fey. And they choose to go there? Do they not have faerie tales where these people come from?

Humming under her breath, Gissel sets out after them. Someone has to look after them. Like herding cats...

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-06-14, 03:44 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

"Lash, these sound like the songs from home, do they not? I say it is worth investigating, while we are here."

"No children here to be stolen away in the night?"

Lash was starting to looks a bit anxious, but after the other Warlock's comments, his face goes pale, and his hand finds a firm grasp on his rapier's sheath. "Yes, so like home. Let us investigate. I would hate for us to be taken unawares."

2020-06-15, 11:25 AM
Zeal's butterflies lead her cheerily down the southern path behind Alyanna. It doesn't take long to reach the autumnal area. The trees here retain most of their leaves, but all in brown, yellow and red. And despite the state of the trees there's also a significant layer of leaves on the ground. A predator's tracks skirt the outer edge of the seasonal anomaly without entering.

The sound of song, beautiful but simple, grows clearer as the adventurers continue. It's joined by two voices, soprano and contralto, singing in an unfamiliar language. Hearing that, Lash pauses to feel the mana currents in the place, finding no enchantments on any particular object but a faint aura all around.

Then, half a minute farther along, the adventurers see a clearing ahead. Dust and lazy insects in the air show that the sun's rays are all steeply slanted even though it's still high in the sky. Six humanoid women are within. One looks like wrinkled and faded paper; she sits on a stone beside a large pool and leans on a walking stick that has a leather loop on the end supporting a sleeping bat. The other five, each pretty and plump and dressed in fallen leaves, are entertaining themselves with song and dance. As one of the younger women sees the party, she whispers inaudibly to her companions. They all stop to look at you, bearing secretive smiles and whispering amongst themselves. One beckons gently and says, "Welcome, mortalfolk. Will you play our game?" The crone's eyes open and she turns to face you as well, expressionless and silent.

2020-06-15, 12:09 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Stepping forward and bowing low, Geth addresses the group. "Good day to you. I may be interested in your game, but I would ask a question first, if I may." Holding himself at the utmost of propriety, he continues (unless they object or interrupt).

"I am looking for members of the Velfarren family. Lord Berrian Velfarren, and Lady Analastra Velfarren. They came this way from Mithrendain, looking for their father, Lord Zandrian Velfarren, who has gone missing."

2020-06-15, 12:43 PM
One of the other youths cups a hand over her more outgoing friend's ear to deliver a murmur. The speaker nods, then replies to Geth, "That secret I can tell you! But follow the game's rule: first, a secret of yours I shall hear." She steps away from the bunch, beckoning him to join her as she walks to a place half in shadow and half in autumn light. The crone's eyes follow her until she stops, then snap back to the adventurers. Another of the young fey sings in their direction, "Whispered secrets, share and share alike." They all look eager and amused.

For clarity: Fey A initiated contact with the group. Fey B whispered to Fey A, then Fey A made her counteroffer to Geth. Fey C suggested that everyone play the game ...

Sir Oakley looks uncomfortable at the goings-on, like he feels out of his depth here.

2020-06-15, 01:30 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

The young monk steps forward, rubbing his hand over the soft fuzz atop his head. It is coming in orange now, like fire. “A secret, you say? Hmm… I could tell you that I am easily seasick, or that I once stole an apple as a child and blamed my sister . . . thought I suspect that is not the kind you are looking for.”

He turns to look at his companions, making sure to catch each of them by the eye, before looking back toward the fey. “You may have heard by now, the reason Lash and I were so excited to see each other, is that I was kidnapped as a small child when my village was raided and that I have been missing some many years. This is true, and it is also true that through fortune and accident, I was able to escape.

I was raised in the midst of a desert wasteland, by the monks at a temple devoted to the elements, and taught the ways of the Desert Wind. The Desert Wind teaches us to gently shape the world around us for the better, and that seemed a noble cause. In recent years, however, the monks had begun to see a particular shape when they conjured the sacred Flame, and soon the shape began to call itself Imix. Soon, the monks tore down the old symbols and replaced them with something new, casting off the Desert Wind, and proclaiming themselves devotees of Imix, an Archomental, whom they now called the Lord of Fire. Imix taught of the castigating power of flame, using it to shape the world by callously burning away that which was inferior, to punish ones enemies, and to demand obedience from the unworthy.

In my teenage years, while I was in town to get provisions for the temple, I happened to recognize a man who was with me on that voyage so many years ago. I followed him, using my training to stay hidden, until he met up with his companions. Within a tavern, deep in their cups, I saw two dozen slavers and overcome with rage and hearing the teachings of Imix in my head … I barred the doors, locked them in and burned them all to ash and cinders.”

Geth shudders as he reveals this last bit.

“Sometimes, in the quiet of the night, I can still hear the screams of the others in the tavern. The barmaid, the innkeeper, even the lutist who kept everyone entertained that evening.”

Geth takes a deep breath, his eyes closing as he inhales, and then opening as he exhales.

“When I returned to the temple, with the full weight of what I had done, I found that I could no longer call the Flame. Something within me had … broken. The teachings of the temple had been perverted, and what the current masters espoused was at odds with what I knew in my heart to be true. In the night, unable to reconcile my thoughts with my deeds, I fled. I stole this sword from my master and left, hoping to find death, or redemption, in the wastelands.

I wandered in the desert for weeks, beseeching the elements to grant me relief. At last, I came to what I thought was an oasis. Nearly dead from thirst and falling over from exhaustion, I knelt down to drink from the cool waters.

The taste of sand in my mouth was bitter, dry, and gritty. In my despair, I collapsed. I had a vision of a cleansing flame, the flame of creation, burning pure and bright. The vision was of Zaaman Rul, the rebellious son of Imix, who denounces his father and his teachings, and seeks out those who are pure of heart. . . those who are good. I was reborn that night, in the flame. It is to he who I now pledge my life, and who I try to emulate in my every word and deed. Gently shaping the world through noble actions and deeds . . . and that is now my aim in life.”

As he finishes, Geth lowers his head and sighs. It is as if a great weight has left him. He is quiet for a moment, then lifts his head and smiles, tears streaming down his face.

“I have carried that burden for nearly two years now. It feels good to set it down.”

2020-06-15, 09:38 PM
The fey woman listens with an open heart as Geth pours out his story. At the shuddersome conclusion, she sighs. "A secret no longer. But I like you, Son of the Flame, and I will honor your spirit by upholding our bargain ..." She slides to the elf's side and whispers something in his ear.

"The siblings Velfarren are close. Seek one at the shrine to Knowing deeper in the woods, where many sit unknowing. The other ... will find you soon enough, or perhaps won't in time. And we know a secret about their father! But your reward is complete, dear man."

She kisses him lightly on the ear before backing away, giggling. The crone scowls at that, though her face was stone throughout Geth's heart-opening. One of the other fey approaches Sir Oakley and says, "Have you hidden anything in your armored heart, platinic one? Whisper me a secret!" The knight backs away with distress on his face. "Confession, to a heathen? I think not. My own church quite suffices."

2020-06-16, 09:20 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12

Seth ponders for a long time. Brother Oakley is quite right, that their faith is ample confession. But this could be of use, here and now. While he holds his head high, knowing that Bahamut is with him, he is not proud of everything he has done. A sin forgiven is not, necessarily, a sin forgotten. And in this case...a sin forgiven may yet be a sin with consequences. When he speaks, there is a certain richness, or something like it, to his voice, perhaps a resonance between his effective age and theirs--maybe a common ground between ageless things. "I shall tell of one, if it be welcome. A secret of eld, and perhaps thereby the more powerful, for it may be that none save I live who know it. Or mayhaps some do, wherefore they vengeance seek."

He can feel Sir Oakley's surprise before he sees it etched on the man's face. After a glance back at the fey, he shakes his head. He whspers,"Fear not, Sir. I have no illusions about Whose opinion matters here, and hereafter. But if a secret shame shared may save a life, who in His flock would stand silent?" That he uses the more deferential "Sir," and not "Brother," is more than noteworthy.

"Come forward, lady fae, and secrets I shall speak." That this rhymes with the last thing he said to her is, most likely, an accident, but a welcome one with creatures of such capricious taste.

2020-06-19, 07:06 AM
One of the autumn nymphs goes to Seth and hears his secret. Her face performs a conversational dance :smalleek: :smallfrown: :smallredface: :smallsmile: as she listens. Pulling away, Seth sighs, and raises his right hand to rub a brow ridge. Returning to his normal volume, but lacking some of his usual strength, he concludes, "That is my secret."

"For the telling, I ask you: Who in this fallen Abbey may we trust? It takes no divination to know we will find strange things in this place. If none can be taken at their word, I should like to know it; but if some can, well, that too should be worth knowing." The fey considers a moment, one hand on a cheek, then stands on tiptoes to whisper in return to the towering dragonborn.

"Of those who lair here atop the hill, none would speak open truth simply from the goodness of their hearts, but many will trade in apt fairness should ye come to an understanding. The orcs' low master and the eladrin seekers are such, but the cold one in the Tower Arcane lacks the sanity. 'Neath the earth, better to put faith in none at all."

Lash and Alyanna seem to be mentally composing things to say. The sour grandmother figure, looking directly at Lash's face, stands slowly from her rock and approaches him. She doesn't disguise her creaking pain in doing so.

2020-06-19, 02:35 PM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)

Gissel traces a circle in the dirt with her feet, reaching down to rip up a few clumps of grass where needed. Humming softly, she brushes the area inside the circle clean, before stepping inside.

"Bahmut, grant me guidance. Should we go to the watchtower? The shrine? Or the bell tower?"

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-06-19, 04:41 PM
The nymph who whispered to Geth waits, hands on hips, until Gissel's ritual is complete. As a spectral hand points unerringly ---> north and upslope toward the bell tower --->, the fey waves her hands in a broad motion and a layer of crinkled brown autumn leaves sweeps in to cover the dwarf's tidy circle.

2020-06-21, 09:43 AM
Glad to see the direction of the divine, Sir Oakley says loudly, "Good. Yes. Let us go, for fortune awaits us up the hill."

Zeal breaks off a dialogue she was sharing with a laughing nymph all in rolling poetic feet, gives her hand a squeeze and says, "You're a delight! I'll see you anon." The fey chuckles and replies, "Mayhap you shall and mayhap you shan't."

The gnarled crone, done waiting for Lash to speak his truth, puts an accusing finger up near his eyes and grumbles, "You hold your secrets too well, pretty lad. Or maybe you've had your fill of bargains with uncanny creatures? Go." The half-elf and Aly follow their companions north out of the autumnal glade, both looking lost in thought but navigating the root-strewn ground without trouble.

Back among the heavier growth, Oakley puts his hand on Geth's shoulder and tells him, "You have borne your shame well. May your soul find comfort. When I pray, I will entreat the gods to bolster your strength, that you need never lay down the burden of living a cleansed life."


At the north end of this switchback on the trail, with the curve to the south a few paces away, the adventurers hear something disturbing. The yowl of a hunting panther (or, more likely in this place, a displacer) cuts through the chatter of animals and shishing of breeze in the leaves -- and it's accompanied by a very human-sounding shriek! Not thinking, Sir Oakley dashes forward, then collapses to the ground holding his ankle and gritting his teeth in pain. "Damnation! Hurry and find what that sound was!"

A disturbing sight greets the party as they near the base of the bell tower. A humanoid figure in brightly colored clothes lies unmoving on the ground near a pair of displacer beasts that are whipping their tentacles at something buzzing through the air.

Geth is unfortunately well acquainted with dire stirges and recognizes their shape and sound at a distance. They're very souped-up mosquitoes and they can kill a person pretty quickly. Size is Small, they're not minions, fly speed 6, their grab attack causes lots of ongoing damage. Gissel knows that they usually prefer to hunt stealthily in the dark, so something must have stirred them up.

Lash is aware of how dangerous even a single displacer beast is -- they're level 9, so be careful! Alyanna understands their illusion defense better than most:

When a melee or a ranged attack hits the displacer beast, if the player rolled an odd number on the attack roll, the attack misses. If the player rolled an even number on the attack roll, the attack hits as normal, and the beast loses this trait until the start of its next turn.

It's going to take a while to set up the tracker for a combat; I'll start after lunch.

This is fortune?!

The more sharp-eyed half of the party (Seth, Geth and Gissel) are pretty sure that the fallen humanoid is an eladrin!

Seeing and hearing the party approach, one of the displacers breaks off attacking the flying annoyances. It slinks over the terrain as quickly and silently as a hawk's shadow, lashing at Lash and Geth with the tentacles sprouting from its back. The two heroes, ready for trouble, deflect the attacks, though they can already tell that the illusion is throwing off their sense of where the beast's body actually is.

===> Seth, Geth, Zeal, you're up. Lash activated song of serendipity and skald's aura on the way here. Ezekiel, you can choose whether you similarly already powered up: you can be on (or beside) Sirius if you like.

2020-06-21, 10:50 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Something light on its feet, hmm. Truly a challenge! Let's take care of these and try to rescue the injured eladrin! I think that may be my quarry."

Geth dances forward, moving around to the back of the beast to try and give his allies some increased chance of success. He strikes out hard, hitting the beast on its flank with his scimitar, then dancing to the side and tagging it with a touch of fire. As his sword makes contact, the shimmering illusion around the creature ripples, and the attack swings through the air. The followup jab makes a *whiff* sound as it too misses the beast.

Attack rolls. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24574495&postcount=244) Rolled odd on the dice so it's a big fat miss from me.

Let's flank and strike this thing down!

2020-06-23, 05:32 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12
Perhaps eager to move on from dredging up the clouds of the distant (and yet not-so-distant) past, Seth lunges forward toward the beasts. "Quick they may be, but justice comes for both the quick and the dead." Passing betwen Lash and Alyanna, he plants himself between the beasts and the party, and unleashes the rime-streaked gale within his breast. He follows it up with a curving swipe of his blade that leaves a glowing trace briefly in the air.

Move: to R5.

Minor: Dragon breath. Attack vs Reflex.
Q6: 15
R6: 17
Q7: 27
R7: 17
Hit: 3 cold damage
Effect: All creatures targeted by dragon breath are subject to divine sanction until the start of my next turn.

Standard: Holy Strike on R6. 15 vs AC.
Since I have marked it, I get my Wisdom modifier (+2) as additional damage.
Hit: 11 radiant damage.

Not particularly good rolls, but thankfully this mass-sanction power does not require a hit to succeed. Figured I'd wait to see if I can get more of them around before using a non-at-will, since I have a couple multi-target powers.

2020-06-23, 10:23 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 48/53

Zeal squeezes her eyes trying to focus on the beasts. "Are these fey things too? I think I liked the nymphs better." She scrunches up her face in distaste and rushes past Seth to try to take advantage of a flanking gambit. Skidding to a halt, Zeal swings her glaive in an arc then a lunge towards the side of the strange beast, sure to strike... but the blade meets air! She pulls the glaive back and stares as the beast whips its tentacles wildly.
Move action: to S7

Standard action: Energizing Strike: (1d20+15)[32] vs AC — sweet roll... if only the raw die weren't odd.

I'm half tempted to action point and get Lash into place so we have a flank-ring, lol. any objections?

2020-06-24, 05:43 PM
The beast is ringed in less time than it takes to tell the tale! Heroic adventurers brave the maiming tentacles, and though they land no attacks, their quarry is very distressed. It shifts and yowls, the sound seeming to come from beside its form. Hearing that sound, the beast's mate takes one last unaimed swipe at the bug and leaves to help its mate. Lash feels a vicious blow on his back, barbs penetrating his thick glamoured armor as if the force of the slap weren't enough.

The stirge, happy to be left alone, settles down for a meal, sinking its piercing proboscis into the fallen eladrin's flesh.

===> Lash, Aly, Gissel

2020-06-24, 07:35 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly feels a brief pulse of fear. Being quite used to having her mind altered, Aly is almost certain the fear was not her own. She gives Zeal a sideways glance. "These beasts are tough, but not as immune as they seem. They have a natural illusion defense, making your strikes as likely to hit air as the beast itself. Once the veil has been pierced, it takes it a moment to reform. So if you see one take a hit, focus your fire on it before it is able to react and reform the illusion."

As she speaks, she moves around the cluster of melee combatants, getting closer to the pile than she would like, but it was necessary if she wanted to blanket the area in her magic. The cloak of her magic dirge, she hopes, will be more difficult for the beast's illusions to fool. She calls out to the nearest beast. "Your death is near my psychotic little kitten," she says with malice. Then she pounds the butt of her staff against the ground before her in a slow but commanding rhythm that channeled her magic across both of the feline creatures. The nearer one simply gave her an annoyed growl, but the farther one is more strongly effected, throwing its tentacles over its ears and backing away a few steps.

Knowing the danger these beasts present, Aly presses her magic even further. She begins to weave together a second spell, using her staff to ward off any attacks from the beast's long tentacles. Points of light begin to dance around Aly's brow and suddenly one of them explodes in a beam of light flying straight at the nearer beast. Unfortunately, it too passed right through the image of the beast harmlessly.

Move: to position shown (activates shadow walk for concealment)
Minor: Curse Displacer Beast 1
Standard: Echoing Dirge (close blast 5) against 1 or 2 enemies in the burst. [roll0] and [roll1]. If hit, they take [roll2] + [roll3] and Aly can push them 2 squares.

I may spend an action point depending on how the first rolls go...

Edit: Went ahead and spent the action point, see OOC for rolls for crown of stars. I won't replicate them here more than to say it was an odd number and therefore a miss, but Alyanna now has a sustain minor attack power.

2020-06-25, 02:17 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Gissel lifts her holy symbol to the sky, and burnings bolts come booming down like thunder. Both felines are hit right in the illusions, but the bloodsucker is burned and rattled. She then starts singing, a familiar refrain:

"OONward soldiers of the LIIIIIIIGHT"

"BURN the foe with dragon's MIIIIIGHT"

Displacer 1 gets Maledictor's Doom + Whispers of Defeat. The stirge is hit with Thunder of Judgment.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge[/QUOTE]

2020-06-26, 11:38 AM
When the second displacer beast slaps Lash's back, his eyes and weapon gain a dark gleam and, for just a flash of a moment, everyone gets the sensation of a malign alien presence focusing on the attacker. The beast flinches and jerks but doesn't let the attention stop its attack.

The young courtier brings his blade to bear on his party's favored target, scowling as he cuts deeply into an illusion.

The uninjured but beleagured and panicking displacer beast tries to slink out of its circle of pain ...

DB1 will squeeze into its northwest square, which provokes attacks from everyone surrounding, and everyone has combat advantage for flanking during the OA. Let's see if the party's luck keeps up. Zeal's mantle gives everyone +2 OA damage, which might dissuade the beastie if it knew, which it doesn't.
Zeal [roll0] for [roll]2d4+4[roll] plus [roll1] damage. angille, given how PbP has to work, if that's a hit then you're welcome to augment the screaming blade power retroactively.
Lash [roll2] for [roll]4d8+7[roll] damage and grant +2 attack to Seth
Seth [roll3] for [roll4] damage
Geth [roll5] for [roll6] damage

The squeeze completes. Still squeezing, it'll use its power to shift half of its now halved speed (so, 3 squares) and attack once or twice (required by the power, which I'm only using to GTFO, I'd rather not attack at all while sanctioned and Gissel'ed and -5 for squeezing). Against Seth: [roll]d20+6[roll] vs AC, takes 10 damage on a miss, deals its full 19 damage on a critical hit because 20 is the only number that would hit! Then shifting from Q6 --> P5 --> O5 --> N6 and stopping squeezing, back to full size.

That's a move action and a standard action. Done. Phew, what a mess!

It doesn't escape unscathed, and Gethandoral's strike reveals its form as it slides between him and Zeal. The beast is also burned with holy light as it flails at Seth!

==> Zeal, Seth, Geth

2020-06-26, 02:39 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Geth is emboldened by his successful strike at the beast, and chases after it, slipping into the cover of trees. He swings out with his sword and misses, but follows with a deft strike of his palm, tagging the beast solidly and singeing the fur on its back.

Moved to N8 (full concealment)
Missed with Burning Brand
Action Point
Crit with Ki Flow (15 damage) + Desert Wind Flurry of Blows (5 fire damage)

2020-06-26, 09:39 PM
Holy light and crushing distress burn and twist the limbs of the injured displacer beast as it tries to keep Geth at bay. Shoulders low and fear on its face, the injured displacer looks ready to cut and run!

The injured eladrin looks ready to bleed and die ...

2020-06-30, 11:28 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 48/53

"Ooh, don't you think you can get away from us that easily, you... you creepy snaky kitty thing, you!" Zeal steps into place across the beast from Geth and braces her foot against the tree. She locks eyes with Geth, who gets a flash of thought and a distinct picture in mind before realizing what's about to happen. "Let's see how you like—" Zeal's voice fades and bounces between the trees as she and Geth *pop* into each others' places. "—your own tricks!" Her last word rings through the clearing like a bell, whether there's one in the tower or not, as the two adventurers stab in synchrony.

As the ringing of Zeal's cry echoes through the clearing, the eladrin on the ground groans and shifts below the stirge, and Lash feels the reverberations energizing him through to his core.
Move action: to N5

Standard action: Fate Exchange: Zeal teleports to N8 and Geth teleports to N5.
• Zeal uses Screaming Blade, Augment 1: (1d20+18)[27] vs AC — (2d4+7)[12] damage. the displacer beast is deafened and grants combat advantage until the end of Zeal's next turn. the prone eladrin may use a healing surge and make a save.
• Geth uses Ki Flow: (1d20+16)[30] vs AC — (1d8+5)[9] damage. the prone eladrin may use a healing surge and make a save.

Minor action: Ardent Surge: Lash spends a surge and gains (2d6+13)[20] HP. he also gains a +1 bonus to attack until the end of Zeal's next turn.

2020-07-01, 04:42 PM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 10/12

Seth scowls. He can see the poor eladrin, bleeding and broken, but the shape of the battle...

No. Too many have been taken. Too many lives lost, whether "recently" to him, or "recently" to the world. This one life, though--just barely, just within reach. But they can be saved. The others have things well in hand for now. The dragonborn moves in a flash, running, a streak of mirror-shine through the overgrowth, but not heedless of danger. A saving angel in silver clad. Or, perhaps, in platinum.

"Fᴇᴀʀ ɴᴏᴛ, ᴄʜɪʟᴅ. Wɪɴɢꜱ ᴏꜰ Hᴏᴩᴇ ᴀɴᴅ Hᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ꜱᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴇ." Knowing that the act will, in all likelihood, draw attention from the stirge, Seth reaches down to the victim's battered body. A glow of mottled gold, white, and blue surrounds his hand, then seems to pass into the recipient. "I give of myself, to replenish thee. Rise, if thou canst, and quit this place; we shall find thee anon."

Spending my Standard to take a Move action instead. I would spend an AP, but I have no ranged attacks besides the breath, which I've already used. Will have to address that at some point...

First move: running down 7 squares to R12.
Second move: diagonal down-left to N16 four squares + 1 for a square of difficult terrain, then two squares left to L16.
Minor action: Lay on Hands. Seth spends one Healing Surge, eladrin gains HP as if having spent one. I have ten surges remaining.

2020-07-01, 08:44 PM
Braving the vicious barbed tentacles, Seth dashes to the fallen eladrin's aid. The young-looking man comes to with eyes glazed, feels the forty-pound thorn in his side, squeals and tries to push the stirge away. His efforts are in vain! The stirge merely buzzes its wings in annoyance, adjusts its grip and keeps sucking away precious lifeblood. Then the bell tower issues forth another of the little wretches, one that immediately seems intent on bypassing Seth's heavy armor plating.

The "Run" action doesn't need to be in a straight line. If you want to end up next to the eladrin (square J16, not the same square as the dire stirge), you'll have to take an OA from Displacer Beast 2, there's just no way around it. Between its Large size and threatening reach it controls a 6x6 area, and going all the way around the edge takes more than 14 squares of movement. Even with the OA you need at least one Run to get there. Let's hope your AC holds up. [roll0] including CA for running, damage [roll1]. I'm assuming you end up in K15.

Divine challenge is off because you didn't engage a foe, and sanction ends at the end of your turn, correct? So all beasties are currently unmarked.

The displacer beast that he passed spends no further attention on Seth, lashing out at the creatures trying to destroy its mate. Zeal and Lash find themselves dripping blood from abrasive cuts.

DB2 whips at Zeal (with flanking CA: [roll2], damage [roll3]) and Lash ([roll4], damage [roll5]). Ends its turn in O10-P11.

Berrian wakes up, uses a move action to freak out, and tries to get the stirge off himself: Athletics [roll6] vs Fortitude. Success ends the grab and thus the ongoing damage.

Stirge1 thinks leftover Berrian will make a better meal than canned dragonborn, if it could even manage to open the can. Bite attack including CA for prone: [roll7] vs NPC's AC, hit deals [roll8] damage and inflicts grab+ongoing10. If Berrian didn't manage to free himself, the bite deals damage without a roll (so, no crit possible). Either way, if the stirge is grabbing at turn end, it gets +2 AC and Reflex which I forgot to write in last time.

Stirge2 double-moves out of the bell tower and starts buzzing around Seth's head.

==> Gissel, Aly, Lash

2020-07-01, 10:44 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

The dazzling array of stars dancing around Alyanna's head lash out again, burning a glowing line down the side of the currently-placed beast. "Haha! Take that!" She squeals with a giggle. Moving carefully because of the beast's dangerous reach, Aly steps a little closer to the other cat-creature. She continues pounding the butt of her staff against the ground in the same strange rhythm. To most, the rhythm seems benign, but to the two displacer beasts Aly's magic uses the sound to carry the threat of death straight into their minds. The farther one shakes the spells effects off easily. But the nearer beast, who was already on the verge of death, is pushed over the edge. It turns its tentacles on itself, crushing its own skull in its fatal attempts to make the pounding beat stop. The beast collapses, a small trail of sparkling energy feeding back to Alyanna. A tingle of pleasure runs down her spine as she is rewarded by the fates for fulfilling her curse.

Minor: Sustain Crown of Stars. Attack hit DB1 for 13 radiant damage (see rolls in OOC).
Move: Shift 1 square SE.
Standard: Blast the area that contains the two displacer beasts with Echoing Dirge again. This is a close blast attack targeting 2 enemies in the burst. [roll0] [roll1], hit does [roll2].

Because Aly didn't move far enough, her Shadow Walk concealment drops at the end of her turn.
Edit: The death of DB1 gives Aly her boon, Fate of the Void, until used or the end of next turn.

2020-07-02, 12:30 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"EVIL recoils at the SI-IIGHT, of soldiers of the LIGHT". Steadily and loudly, Gissel joins her comrades fighting the snake-panther. The glow of her holy symbol illuminates the beast, who screams and yowls and tries to shield its eyes, but to no avail. It whips it head around, trying to shake it off, but it remains blinded.

Move, Forced Advantage, Malediction of Blindness on the Displacer [roll0], [roll1]

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-07-03, 10:07 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Making a small defensive gesture with his right hand, Lash slips in with a fencer's grace, thrusting with his rapier forwards, intent on sinking his blade into the beast's flesh. Instead, if blade only found bare air.

Minor: Aegis of Assault Displacer 2
Move: Shift to P9
Standard: Eldritch Strike 1d20+23 vs AC, [roll0] damage, any Zeal get's a +2 to their next hit.
Free: Assassin Strike if it hits [roll1]

2020-07-03, 10:39 PM
Another of the bloodsucking pests zips out of the bell tower and into the building's deep shadow on the hillside, right past Seth. The paladin reflexively takes a swing as it buzzes by.

OA vs dire stirge: [roll0] vs concealed AC, [roll1] damage on a hit.

The slash he inflicts is no mere flesh wound. Blood -- probably not all the creature's own -- splatters across the ground at the paladin's feet.

==> Seth, Geth, Zeal!

2020-07-04, 11:02 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

Moving on feet made of quicksilver, Geth blinks across the battlefield to focus on saving the Eladrin.

This is why I am here. Once he is safe, we can return to town Geth thinks to himself.

Taking care to avoid the Displacer Beast's tentacles, Geth artfully maneuvers to an advantageous position and strikes out, his ki focus glowing. Twice his hits ring true, with gouts of flame bursting forth.

"Seth and I can focus here, see if that creature can be chased off! You've killed its mate, perhaps it has lost the will to fight!"

Attack hit and did 10 damage + 5 Flurry damage for 15 total on Dire Storage 3.

Geth is suggesting someone with high Intimidate try to get the Displacer Beast to skedaddle.

2020-07-06, 02:58 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 11/12

Seth smiles, teeth bared, at the new foes before him. He cries, "I call out to the sky and tremble as Your brilliance binds mine enemies and tears their flesh asunder." Indeed, a tremble does pass through him, but not one of weakness; if anything, he stands stronger, taller, thrown in sharp relief against the shadowed land around him. His blue eyes fierce glow for a moment, before he lays into the middle of the three vile bloodsuckers with a telling blow, almost as though he can see where the flitting thing is going before it moves.

But he is not done dispensing justice. His initial downward swipe turns back upward, playing against the stirge's own downward momentum from cushioning the first blow. "Judgment swift and final bites as cold as steel."

Sadly, I'm not referencing this because I played Final Fantasy Tactics, but because I play FFXIV, and TG Cid shows up as a boss in one of the raids, the Orbonne Monastery. It's a heck of a fight, both hard and fun, and terrifically thematic. Both Cid and Agrias make these references and they're just so Paladin-ly, I can't help myself. :P

Copying over the results from the other thread:
I have 17 THP.
Valorous Smite: 29 vs AC of Stirge 2, 16 damage, and all three stirges are marked by my Divine Sanction until my end of next turn.
Winter's Edge: 18 vs AC of Stirge 1, 17 vs AC of Stirge 2, 26 vs AC of Stirge 3. Each target hit takes 8 Cold damage and is Immobilized until my end of next turn.

Valiant Strike: 31 vs AC of Stirge 2, 10 damage.

So, assuming both attacks hit, that's a total of 26 damage to Stirge 2, and all three are marked until my EONT. I somehow suspect they don't have 30 AC :smalltongue:

2020-07-08, 06:06 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 35/53

"You've killed its mate, perhaps it has lost the will to fight!"

Zeal slams the butt of her polearm into the stone at her feet, making a loud *clack* — the beast's tentacles whip wildly in her direction, but without sight to guide them are ineffectual. "Ya know, if you can understand us, friend Geth has a point. We even have you surrounded, by the by." Her distraction gives her allies the opening to move into better spots.

The glaive spins back into a fighting angle, and Zeal strikes at the beast as best she can, and this time is unsurprised when the blade meets air. "This blinkiness becomes tiring," she sighs.
Free Action: (earlier) Infernal Wrath: (1d6+5)[8] fire damage to DB2

Move action: Noble Presence: up to two allies in a burst 3 gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of Zeal's next turn, and may shift 2 as a free action. suggestion is Lash to Q11 and Gissel to O9 or P9.

Standard action: Cloud Mind: (1d20+16)[31] vs AC — miss due to displacement.

2020-07-08, 10:30 PM
The pantherine beast tries to flee but, even blinded and staggering, its natural defenses let it escape. Not unscathed -- very scathed, in fact -- but escape it does.

I'm going to assume that Gissel and Lash would both have taken up the opportunity to exploit flanking. CV's told me before that he's not concerned about OAs for Gissel. I'll move them appropriately after this post.

DB2 has enough hit points left that if Lash and Gissel both critted it would still have at least 1 remaining, so it escapes without needing to roll. And by "escapes", I mean "moves 24 minus a little for difficult terrain in a single round". It'll remain out of the battle.

The young eladrin tries to continues his panicked effort to remove the bloodsucker plaguing him. As drained as he already is, he lacks the strength, and so he collapses unconscious again. The stirge on him doesn't react overtly but keeps doing what seems to work. The other two, perhaps out of some sort of professional courtesy, choose a different target. They lack the mental wherewithal for decent tactics, opting for simple and straightforward attacks. One does penetrate the paladin's hard shell, though he's so suffused with Bahamut's power it hardly even feels like a tickle.

Berrian's ongoing damage KOs him again at the start of his turn. No escape attempt for you! Muahahahahaaa.

Stirge1 deals a meaningless amount more damage to the unconcsious Berrian. 2 and 3 try to gang up on Seth simply due to placement, not because of divine sanction ... eh, works out the same either way.
#2: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and grabbed and ongoing 10. The ongoing damage ends if, and only if, the grab does.
#3: [roll2] for [roll3] damage and grabbed and ongoing 10.

The damage dealt was subtracted from temp hit points.

==>Lash, Alyanna, Gissel

2020-07-08, 11:10 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna watches as the displacer beast rushes off into the underbrush at unbelievable speed. It almost seemed to be running through some of the trees instead of around them, but that was likely to the illusion effects. She shrugged and turned her attention to the remaining enemy. She approached the overgrown mosquitos in a quick stepped dance, her layers of cloaks flying around her in all directions. "You like to suck blood, eh? Well your friend there, he has tasty blood. Much better than the dried up husk you are drinking from now. You should try it. Mmm... Warm and fresh and plentiful," she cooed in a soft tone. As she spoke, she waved her hypnotic dance continued, pulling at the attention of the stirge on the fallen eladrin.

Within moments, the stirge had left the eladrin. The twinkling stars over Alyanna's head took the opportunity to send another burning ray of energy. The beam of light burned a small hole in one of its thin wings.

Move: Close in on the stirges, reactivates concealment from shadow walk.
Standard: Cast hypnotism on the stirge on the downed NPC, I believe that is #1. [roll0] (includes CA for concealment, +2 for quick posting, and +2 for Improved Fate of the Void). Hit: the stirge will attack his fellow stirge #2 with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll. If you rule that he can't attack his buddy because he's already attached to someone else, I'll instead use the second option of the hypnotism power to slide him to square N13.
Minor: Sustain Crown of Stars and use it to zap stirge 1. [roll1] (attack roll would be 1 higher from prime shot if he did get slid instead of attacking his buddy). Hit does 4 radiant damage.

2020-07-09, 12:45 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"AAH - aha-ah HA aha-HA!". Gissel continues her stead fast advance and the rhytm of her song. On each peak of her wordless hymn, a burst of light strikes out at one of the bloodsuckers.

Move, Hand of Radiance [roll0], [roll1], [roll2][roll3]

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-07-09, 07:12 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Striking out as best he could, Lash failed to fell the fleeing feline. Refocusing, Lash pivoted, drawing on his anger at failing to land a single blow, and his fear that he might be in over his head, drawing his self-loathing and darker thoughts, his fear and his rage, letting the emotions welling up inside him mix with his magic, and blasting it out through his right hand, a wave of psychic energy flowing like a heavy tide towards the blood sucking creatures.

Move: O12
Minor: Curse Dire Stirge 1
Standard: Echoing Dirge: Dire Stirge 1 [roll0] vs Will, [roll1], Curse [roll2], Push to L18.
Dire Stirge 3 [roll3] vs Will, [roll4], Push to M16.

2020-07-12, 05:43 PM
The warlocks' combined assault crushes the feeble minds of the bloodsuckers, one of which briefly bites its sibling before dropping out of the air dead. After that it takes the heroes only seconds to clear the air of the pests, putting one to the sword and sending the third into the underbrush with a bolt of power, probably there to bleed out.

The scene is a little gruesome with widely spattered blood, including some with the distinctive iridescent orange sheen of eladrin origin. Enough remains inside the victim, however, that the party is able to quickly revive him again -- listless, wasted, tired, but pleased to be alive.

Sir Oakley crests the rise about the same time and waves to let the party know he won't need immediate help. The group all sit down to recuperate, with some caring attention from Zeal helping the eladrin get his wind back quickly. "Thank you again," he says. "I thought I was certain to die when I saw those two beasts. My name's Berrian, Berrian Velfarren; I'm here in this fort-town with my sister Analastra ..."

"Yes, it is wonderful to find you. I was sent this way by some elves in the Harkenwold, who were worried you had not returned." Geth nods with deference. "My name is Gethandoral, but you may call me Geth."

"The Harkenwold? I'm not fami-- oh, wait, southeast of here in the Vale? Ahh, good folk, they are. Good hosts. Geth, thank you ... and my ethereal thanks go out to those who sent you; that act saved me, no question."

"Of course! I myself had just returned to the region and was happy to help. Now please, where is your sister, your father?"

"Analastra will be delighted to have your company, Gethandoral. Once I've rested a bit I'll take you to see her. Ahh ..." Berrian seems reluctant to say something. "Neraka berdarah, I'll let her explain about our Papa. It's not great news."

Geth blushes slightly at the phrase. "I would be happy to meet with her as well. We are quite exhausted from the day's ordeals, however."

A short discussion ensues, with Berrian certain that the group can reach the eladrin camp without further trouble. It's south from the garden entrance, toward the Watchtower but not all the way to it. It should take less than forty minutes even with everyone being watchful and careful. That assumes some help for Oakley, however. He should stay off that ankle as much as possible, and neither uphill nor downhill sounds particularly viable right now. (Nor does staying here -- an occasional sound in the bell tower suggests that other dire stirges nest within.)

2020-07-14, 06:33 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 10/12

Seth moves to Sir Oakley and gives what assistance he can, but it quickly becomes obvious that unless someone carries the knight up and down the hill, he's not going to make the climb. Having no interest in wounding the man's pride with such things, he instead steps back, and performs a ritual gesture. With his right hand, he touches his forehead, his lips, and his heart; he then holds his right fist clenched in front of his chest, before uncurling his four fingers and showing an open palm. He barely whispers some words, which Oakley most likely recognizes as Draconic.

One moment, there is no change. The next, it is as though the air itself has opened, to somewhere else--a place where all that is not music is silence. And Sirius strides out, head high, and the reins come naturally into Seth's hands, as though having fallen serendipitous there. A blink would have missed it. "Come, Sirius. Brother Oakley has need of your services more than I in this hour." Turning back to man, he adds, "Come round this side, Sir. It has indeed been long--even by my reckoning--since I was squire to a knight, but I am in nowise sad to be so again."

Once Oakley is secure in Sirius' saddle, the dragonborn turns to the Eladrin. "Full glad am I, that you are--hmm, perhaps not hearty, but not ready to shuffle this coil yet. I need nothing further before we depart, but I would fain ensure my allies head that way as well."

2020-07-14, 10:10 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Thank you for lending the aid of your steed. I suggest we move on, before any other creatures decide to make a meal of us." Geth offers, gesturing to the party that they should follow.

2020-07-15, 10:33 PM
Zeal (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pMUyEBXiCUKUlJHlZug6IB1XfwdOBAx75ByqKDg-2mg/edit?usp=sharing)
AC 24, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 21 | HP: 35/53

As Sirius steps into this realm, there comes a noise from the back of Zeal's throat almost too high-pitched to hear. One glance reveals a sharp-toothed grin, just a touch too wide to be human, and eyes flashing every color of autumn and fire. The next glance and Zeal somehow has within her hands a carrot, an apple, and a couple of sugar cubes. She slides to a respectful distance from Sirius, Seth, and Oakley, and silently glances askance at each in a sort of rotation. She can't seem to find the words to request permission to treat the steed, nor can she keep from rocking back and forth on her hooves, nor can she keep her tail from whipping wildly.

The ethereal butterflies around her head remain serenely calm.

2020-07-16, 01:19 AM
[TD]Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

Gissel eyes the horse suspiciously. It's bigger than it needs to be, and while those teeth are not canines, they are still big and plentiful.
Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-07-16, 07:08 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

After the battle is over, Alyanna wanders around the battlefield ignoring the conversations going on around her. She gives a solid thump from her staff to any stirge bodies left after the combat. "Nobody likes an overgrown mosquito," she mutters.

As the others gather around the horse that appeared out of nowhere, Alyanna moves back to the cluster. "So, are we ready to move on? I like my blood inside my body, and would rather keep moving before something comes out to try to suck it out."

2020-07-17, 01:14 AM
With Oakley astride the mighty Sirius, the party descends the way they came, following Berrian's guidance. The young man is remarkably upbeat for someone who was recently snatched from Death's clutches, walking briskly and chatting with the party about innocuous things.

At the path's split near the garden wall, Berrian leads you south. The Watchtower looms high ahead and a little to the right when you can glimpse it between thickly leaved branches, and the impression or image you sense through its windows remains too clear to explain.

Berrian whistles an odd sequence as he moves through a slim opening in some tall, vine-draped shrubbery, and you hear the sound of blades being conspicuously put back in their sheaths. "Berrian! Where-- Oh, you're hurt!" you hear a voice say, heavy with recrimination. As you pass the entry, you see a small clearing with a bubbling fountain, several tense-faced eladrin warriors and an autumn-clothed nymph. The font's water gleams even in the indirect light of the clouding-up sky. Its foot is tiled with an intricate mosaic showing a platinum dragon and a silver stag chasing each other eternally, and that in turn is surrounded by the foundation of a crumbled wall.

The sight of the fountain triggers a cascade of memories as soon as you pass the viney barrier. It was the center of a beautiful shrine to Ioun, a building apparently fallen well beyond disrepair, probably long since broken up and looted for its precious-metals coat. The site was known in your time as the Soul's Mirror or Heart's Mirror, being renowned for granting visions with a sip of its holy water. It occurs to you to wonder whether the water still has magical properties or if that was something granted by the building.

In your time, the clearing was much broader. It looks like some effort has been put in recently to tidy up, but not with proper tools -- daggers and swords are hardly pruning shears.

You faintly associate the shrine with eladrin, but can't recall why.

A tall but light eladrin woman has one hand on Berrian's shoulder, while the other holds the only naked blade in sight. The kinship between the two is plain to see although their attitude seems to differ sharply. She spends a moment staring hard at you, then looks back to her brother and tells him in an authoritative tone, "Get yourself in the nymphs' care." He bows his head and moves past her toward a now silently giggling nymph under a birch. The woman puts her sword away and says, "My name is Analastra, my house is Velfarren, and I welcome you to our very humble camp. Tell me, where did you find that damned fool? Let's share a meal and some wine while we chat." Well-trained, the warriors are already scrambling to provide what hospitality may be had.

Berrian, Analastra and the adventurers discuss the eladrins' situation while Sirius contributes to the vine-trimming project.

2020-07-17, 06:47 AM
Seth (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19oYf7cRHtGvHGGuqkxct3tSaQfLa5P2L/view)
AC 26, Fort 19, Ref 19, Will 19 | HP: 59/59 | Surges: 10/12

Seth stops in his tracks, caught in the rush of memory yet again. A part of him knows he cannot afford to let such moments affect him so--his duty requires that he stay vigilant. Another part cannot help feeling so. Fierce emotion crashing against steel discipline--normally the wellspring of drive, but here acting at cross purpose. For a moment, the shock of sense correcting memory is too much.

Meanwhile, Sirius comes from behind. He has, of course, been having rather a pleasant time. Not only is Oakley a somewhat lighter load than Seth, but the excitable mortal with the butterflies has a pocketful of those delightful little cubes of deliciousness. The road might be a little rough, but it is a nice change of pace from the Plane Above. But when Sirius catches up to his mortal, he pauses, nosing the paladin gently, a tacit beacon back to the present.

"Pardons, Sirius. Let us sally forth." His voice is slightly thick, but otherwise he shows no further emotion as he continues on. With luck, the party may benefit from his familiarity--when his equilibrium is restored. The Eladrin camp is a welcome sight, for howsoever humble, it is living proof that amidst the loss, life goes on. He whispers under his breath, quiet enough he may not know he speaks aloud, "Hope springs eternal within the mortal breast, and 'neath Bahamut's wings is ever to be bless'd."

2020-07-19, 08:19 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

Clearing his throat and bowing deeply, Geth steps forward, "Your grace, we happened upon your brother as a pair of displacer beasts and some stirges in the area had attacked him. Through our combined efforts, we collectively avoided any death. He was grateful for the assistance and graciously allowed us to come here where we could rest before we move further into the grounds."

Geth says this carefully, not revealing that they almost encountered her brother's corpse instead.

2020-07-19, 10:02 PM
Analastra offers a brief curtsey in response to Geth's bow. "Allow me, too, to thank you deeply for your timely assistance. Comparing his pallor and wounds against your good health, I suspect you probably carried my brother's weight entirely, though you're gracious not to state it. Displacers and stirges? Not the orcs he was hunting, then -- a fool's errand, as I told him." She sighs. "Ah, and you have the advantage over me as well. What are your names? Where do you hail from?"

2020-07-20, 10:11 AM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Ahh my apologies, your grace. I am Gethandoral, a monk of the Desert Wind, originally of the Woodsinger Clan in the Harken Forest, some few days south of here. We collectively are here under the request of Lord Padraig of Winterhaven, and have been asked to scout the Abbey grounds for orcs and other things."

Geth gestures to the others, and says, "I shall let my colleagues introduce themselves, as we have only been acquainted a few days."

2020-07-20, 12:30 PM
Analastra gives a wry smile at the second use of the phrase "your grace", but as soon as Geth says the word "Winterhaven", her face darkens like a torch thrust into a river.

2020-07-21, 02:26 AM
[TD]Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
AC 22, Fort 19, Ref 16, Will 22|HP: 48/48

"You look like you just bit a lemon. It's been a long day already and my companions are tired, so let's just skip the dancing around and get your grievance out in the light of day, shall we?"
Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-07-21, 03:00 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna steps forward slightly. "Come now, no need to be so rough. She asked our names, and I see no reason not to be pleasant with each other. I am Alyanna Rhoe," Aly says, bobbing down into a slight curtsy. "The citrus-hating dwarf is Sister Gissel. If Winterhaven is a source of displeasure for you, I can assure you that most of us came from farther afield and just happened to meet up there before setting off for the Abbey. I've moved around a fair bit in the last few years, but the closest I've had to a home in that time has been in Fallcrest. What about you? Do you make your permanent home hereabouts, or is this a more temporary stay?"

2020-07-21, 10:13 PM
"Temporary -- though it's been far too long already." Analastra still looks sour, but now it's in a different way. "I'm not a creature for this world, Alyanna. I would prefer to be home in Mithrendain, where I have lovers and duels a-waiting and where the food is the finest in all the Planes. Please, accept my apology for curt behavior -- I am no courtier, just a woman of the blade. My frustration at remaining here so long is only one of the problems plaguing me, and perhaps it's best if I do take some time to explain why Winterhaven is among them. But first: your other companions ... ?"

You're heard of Mithrendain, a sizable city in the Feywild, sometimes known as The Tiger's Eye. Your sources didn't mention anything special about its culinary arts, though. :smallwink:

Sir Oakley executes an awkward bow, protecting his uncertain balance. "Oakley, a knight of Bahamut. A pleasure, m'lady."

2020-07-23, 02:33 PM
Lash - Half-Elf Dabbler

Finding himself nervous when the Fey host reacts negatively towards his cousin, he introduces himself. "You may call me Lash. Like yourself, I am just a man with a blade. But I would rather not draw it here."

2020-07-27, 03:18 AM
Analastra inclines her head at Lash's words. Sir Oakley then continues, "The dragonman with the long gaze is Sir Seth, of the Dawn Scales, an honorable companion of the faith with myself and Sister Gissel. And the young one with the butterflies," he says, smiling with pleasure, "is called Zeal. You asked where we are from; Seth is, in a sense, from here in Gardmore Abbey, but the explanation is somewhat complicated and better saved until you've had the chance to speak your piece, my good bladeswoman."

With comfortable seats and small glasses of fey wine now available to all, Analastra sits and ponders a moment. "Yes, my piece ..." She sips from her glass and sets it down. As she speaks she uses her hands more than her face to show emotions and to emphasize. "My brother and I and our gracious cohort came to this world quite some time ago. We were searching for my father. He had left the family on an obscure quest, one that started elsewhere in the Feywild, and he gave little explanation before he went. I'll spare you the details of our tracking effort; in the end, we know that he came to this place, and he doesn't seem to have left. The nymphs claim to know more but won't tell us. We've organized forays into the tunnels below the hill --" She gestures to the peak. "And into the local Feywild. Little luck with either, and on one instance below we were lucky to escape with our lives!"

She pauses to think again, hands loosely cupped before her as if holding a weight. "We have uncovered the fact that our father's quest included proving a point about this garden grove, that it was founded by an eladrin several generations ago, a multiple-greats-grandmother of our family. And he was certain (I know not why) that evidence would exist. Winterhaven is frustrating because Lordling Ernest Padraig and his father have made no secret about claiming the entire territory. I have little faith that the Padraigs would recognize our father's assertion without that evidence. If our father has indeed perished here, the least we can do is meet the goals that drove him; it would likely bring his spirit peace. Without proof in hand, that sets us firmly against Winterhaven."

The groundskeeper in your day was an eladrin, and not someone associated with the knights. His cottage might be one place to look for the evidence the Velfarrens seek, if it still stands. It was relatively close to the garden's north entrance.

"We have all that we can handle keeping ourselves healthy, scaring away orcs, and trying to wheedle information from flighty nymphs. We haven't the time to search further. And it's growing apparent that our messages home have failed to get through, so we expect no more aid. I'm sad to say that we may soon have to quit -- and what kind of daughter would that make me?" Analastra looks the very picture of unhappiness. She's too lost in that state to ask about Seth's unusual background.

There's little positive emotion here. Pride in fair abundance, but otherwise, everything you feel from Analastra is ashen with disappointment, frustration and sourness.

2020-07-28, 01:28 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Your grace, difficult times call for difficult situations. You do not stand in judgement from me, and likely not from the rest of my party."

Geth glances at the others and sighs heavily. "I know that personally, I am weary from the day's activities. And I know that we are due to report back to Lord Padraig, as we were originally sent here to assess the orcish forces.

Geth pauses for a moment, considering his words. "Would you allow us to share what we have learned with Lord Padraig, tend to our injured, regain some strength, and then return to assist you We may even be able to bring provisions or support, to relieve your burden somewhat."

Geth looks around at the forest they are in, and thinks about how far they have travelled today. "Also, I must ask, are you aware of an easier way to get to here, to you, without having to enter through the front gates?"

2020-07-29, 02:22 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly stares at the bladeswoman's feet, speaking to her, but not meeting her eyes. "You tell a sad tale. I wish you all the best in finding the evidence you seek. If we find evidence of what happened to your father, or evidence you can use to prove your claims, I see no reason to keep it from you. It wouldn't surprise me if we were sent back to explore further, so if we encounter such things in the future, I would be willing to share it."

She pauses for a moment, taking a sip from her drink as her eyes dart up to look the eladrin woman in the eye for just a moment, before she continues speaking to her feet. "In return, perhaps you have some information on something I seek. A man by the name of Vadim Cartwright is supposed to be living somewhere hereabouts. He may be trying to build up another cult here as he was in his previous residence. The man is a tumor that needs to be removed. Have you encountered him here in your searching?"

2020-07-29, 08:31 AM
Geth pauses for a moment, considering his words. "Would you allow us to share what we have learned with Lord Padraig, tend to our injured, regain some strength, and then return to assist you? We may even be able to bring provisions or support, to relieve your burden somewhat."

Geth looks around at the forest they are in, and thinks about how far they have travelled today. "Also, I must ask, are you aware of an easier way to get to here, to you, without having to enter through the front gates?"

"Thank you, Gethandoral! Arkhim, sediakan senarai perkara yang paling kita perlukan." One of the eladrin warriors leaves the group as Analastra continues. "I'm afraid I know no better way in and out. Bypassing the ettin is easy enough--" Another member of the entourage interrupts her to say, "Much easier now, An. He's been slain. Ilkestra just reported in." Analastra looks at the soldier and replies with an intimidating lack of inflection, "Thank you, I'll speak with her later." The warrior quails. "But no, Gethandoral, we don't leave through this world at all these days, and I wouldn't recommend the Feywild unless you know exactly what you're doing."

Just "Arkhim, make a list of what we most need."

You might be looking for other options, but I want to point out that Alyanna reported her findings (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24529571&postcount=89) from scouting, including one location it should be easy to come over the wall unseen and unheard (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24527233&postcount=87).

"A man by the name of Vadim Cartwright is supposed to be living somewhere hereabouts. He may be trying to build up another cult here as he was in his previous residence. The man is a tumor that needs to be removed. Have you encountered him here in your searching?"

Without considering whether to trade for the information, Analastra lifts her gaze in thought. Mapping out the shape of a person with her hands, she says, "A cultist? Perhaps. Is your quarry a middle-aged human, thin, balding, light of skin, a bit hunched?" When Alyanna confirms it, the eladrin tells her, "A man like that established himself in the catacombs without us observing his entry. Some nights, he leaves the underhill to trade with the orcs ... not their leader--" Analastra points back the way you came, then waves in the direction of the village as she continues, "but with some of the camps, usually while flanked by two or three men of frightening aspect."

2020-07-29, 02:24 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/44/de/5044de2e4a7be21ad96ddd162a2c7adc.jpg (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhBJHSvHB3rM8LMoAzbjO3ClMxvDaJ4/view?usp=sharing)
Gissel perks up, and her hard scowl softens. "It is an easy thing to do, seeing someone as less than a person, as a cancer. Like most things that are easy, it's hardly ever the right thing to do."

She sighs. "Some people are beyond redemption, and just need a good, solid killing. Who is this Vadim Cartwright?".

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-07-29, 08:43 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Aly raised her glass to Gissel's suggestion of giving Vadin a good solid killing. "Exactly." She took a quick swig then responded to the question. "I've mentioned Vadin before. When I knew him he lead a pretty powerful thieve's guild. Let's just say he and I crossed paths in a not-so-friendly way, and I decided it was best to leave town." She sipped from her drink again as she added in her mind, "One little scam on his stupid son and the asshat sends his goon squad after you..." Continuing aloud she said, "Awhile later, I was staying in a temple of Pelor in Fallcrest, and word got to me what Vadin was up to. He had apparently also been leading a cult devoted to the Elder Elemental Eye; his little cell got broken up by some adventurers back in my hometown, but he got away. The leader of the temple in Fallcrest had a vision about him, saying he was trying to continue his cultish madness here, experimenting with some dangerous magic. I was sent here to try to find the weasel."

She turned back to Analastra, "So anyway, can you point the direction to these catacombs? I'll go back to town with the others, but even if they decide to stay there, I'll be back to go after Vadin."

2020-07-31, 06:02 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Having had an opportunity to get my own revenge, I understand the sentiment." Geth says, nodding in Aly's direction. "For now, let us return to Padraig and see what else he would ask of us. I would also pass a message along to Chief Eriyel and the Woodsinger clan, letting them know that you have been found."

2020-08-05, 09:14 PM
The party begin to make their goodbyes with the fey camp. A grateful Berrian embraces his healers Zeal and Seth, a gesture whose emotion they can feel despite their heavy armor. Analastra entrusts Geth with a list of desired supplies and a small pouch of coins. And the autumn nymph gives Lash and Alyanna a silent, knowing smile as they exit the cleared area.

Out the group travels. Past the giant spiders' territory, noting that at least two of the monsters have departed for quieter corners. Past the 'living steel' fountain, burbling quietly. Past the ettin's heap of broken crockery, where the party see signs that the massive corpse was dragged into the keep. Toward the gatehouse, and an orc lookout Geth didn't notice while scouting ahead shouts for her companions to scatter; they're gone before the adventurers can consider engaging. Back along the outside of the wall, back to their campsite of the night before. Geth believes the group's trail to and from the Abbey is faint enough that a nighttime raid is unlikely, and Sir Oakley concludes the same from his understanding of orcish psychology. They should all be able to rest well, with a watch ...

But maybe not at this site. Someone else seems to have rested here in the intervening time! The remnants of a small campfire still smoke in the fire circle the party used last night. There are indentations in the grass and dirt, an uprooted patch of moss, that show where other people lay down a while. One of those spots includes a couple fallen hairs -- blonde, and matching the length of Tam's tresses. With a bit of light left to the day, the adventurers decide to look for another, more secluded site. The night watch is more tense as a result of the invasion.

The return journey to Winterhaven is uneventful, though slowed substantially by harsher weather. Snow on two consecutive days blows into drifts knee-deep, making the road hard to follow. And the warm turn the next day brings rain instead, which turns snow and earth into sticking mud.

But at last you're back at the gates to Winterhaven, in possession of valuable knowledge for Lord Padraig. What will you do?

2020-08-06, 11:57 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna looks down at herself, mud crusting the cloth from her knees down, and splatters above that. "I can think of nothing better than a warm bath after that mudslide of a hike. But I suppose we were asked to bring information back to Lord Padraig. Perhaps we should do that first." Her lower lip sticks out in a pout.

If she hears no complaints from anyone else, Alyanna will approach one of the locals and ask where Lord Padraig can usually be found this time of day.

2020-08-07, 06:00 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)
"Ay, bathtime can wait".

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp): 7/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-08-09, 10:03 AM
Alyanna isn't far inside the gate when she poses her question, and one of the two gate guards -- the one making moon eyes at Zeal -- tells her, "Ay, you'll find him in th' manor, sure. Past the inn an' smithy, then through th' gate."

Padraig rates more personal security than the city in general. Two more guards are at the inner gate, and their halberds look well-sharpened. One stops the party with a hand as you approach. "I rec'nize you from Wrafton's. Do you have what Lord Padraig wanted?" His eyes dart a bit before he adds, more quietly, "And can I get a taste for the gossip mill?" The other guard laughs sourly, hauls open a heavy oak door and waves you through. A bell tolls within.

The Padraig residence is a steep-roofed granite building, notably different from most of Winterhaven -- the only other major stonework is the smithy and the city walls. It's surrounded by a pretty greensward with scattered bare-branched apple trees. As you near the front door, it swings open, revealing the bright-eyed family son who was in Wrafton's early the morning you took this mission. "C'mon in, Da's expecting you!" The kid leads you left into a room with comfortable-looking furniture. Ernest Padraig stands there with a somewhat official-looking smile. "Welcome back! Is the news good? Have a seat and tell me!"

While Lash and Alyanna relate their findings, Padraig begins to pace, hearing with one ear while his mind is already spinning off in a new direction.

"Hm, well," he says as the report finishes, "it's clear that the militia won't be able to handle an assault alone. What if ... nnnnnyes, yes, I think if we were to form an alliance with the eladrin you mentioned, attack from two sides at once, that should work." He turns his full attention back to you. "Well done, friends, and I'll pay you straightaway for that effort. If you'd like to continue, I think what I need next is an assured alliance with the eladrin. Your next task would be to negotiate terms. I can't go myself, I'm needed for any number of tasks about town, but I think I can largely solve that problem. Wait here a moment."

Padraig returns shortly with a sizable bag of coins and a wax-capped scroll case. "The full six hundred gold coin value for a task very well done! And here--" He uncaps the case with a slight *pop*. "Two scrolls of the sending ritual, all I have available. Once you hear what the eladrin commander thinks of my proposal, joining forces to drive the orcs out of the region, contact me with details."

"Now, I know a bit about the Abbey myself ..." Padraig grins and winks at Seth. "And I know the southern watchtower would be MOST useful, military-wise. Does it still stand? Is it in the feys' control?"

2020-08-10, 04:18 PM
Geth - Elf Monk

"Lord Padraig, if I may. The eladrin who we encountered are grateful for our help, though they seem to be at odds with a claim on the land set forth by your family line - one that includes a region of Gardmore Abbey that the eladrin assert was settled generations back by their own family."

Geth pauses, not sure how to proceed.

"I agree that it would be in everyone's interest if we worked with the eladrin. They can help us to secure the watchtower for future attempts to reclaim the entirety of the abbey. In exchange, it seems fair to allow them to validate their claims upon the land. I am not quite sure, but it did appear as if part of the feywild was accessible in the forests of the Abbey - the claim very well could have some validity. That said, I fear that they would not be willing to help us if we were to simply turn around and evict them. An alliance simply to drive the orcs out would not be sufficient. They seemed pretty clear that they would like to make good on their birthright, if able to substantiate the original claim."

[roll0] Diplomacy

"Lord Padraig, will you honor their claim, if they are able to provide evidence?"

2020-08-11, 01:22 AM
Gissel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLO0UIRhpePqa1szwHbN0lyF7YXGtp9b/view?usp=sharing)
Throughout this talk of alliances and claims, Gissel folds her hands behind her back, carefully maintains a blank demeanor, and says nothing.

Active effects:

Healing surges (12 hp):10/10

Encounter powers:
Action Point
Channel Divinity (Maledictor's Doom, Rebuke Undead)
Whispers of Defeat
Thunder of Judgment
Bloodied Determination
Dwarven Resilience
Forced Advantage
Demand Justice
Amulet of Life

Daily Powers:
Silent Malediction
Malediction of Blindness
Onatar's Forge

2020-08-11, 06:21 PM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Alyanna is quick to speak up backing up Geth's points. "Analastra seemed a formidable woman. She may well make the difference between success and failure for your ambitions. But she has ambitions of her own. If you step on her ambitions, so will she step on yours. If you agree to what she wants, you may win her help. Ally or enemy? I know which I would prefer were I in your shoes."

I may as well try to aid Geth's diplomacy. [roll0]

2020-08-11, 11:08 PM
Padraig looks lost for a moment before recovering his composure. "Well, I'd never heard that assertion before, and I don't recall seeing anything about it in my father's ... rather sparse records. But if the eladrin can provide some believable evidence, I quite agree, quite agree, it would be in my interest to share the space. As long as it isn't orcs, is how I feel!" He slaps the top of a small table for emphasis. There's a sharp cracking sound from one of the legs, but Padraig manages to catch the thing before it can tip over completely. "Heh. Don't know my own strength!" he says, flushing.

2020-08-12, 12:26 AM
Alyanna Rhoe - Human Warlock

Seeing Padraig's willingness to give up a corner of his lands, Aly decides to try to push him a little further to test his reaction. "And what if no evidence can be found? The area has been in orc hands for quite a time, and we know how careful most of that lot is about keeping written records," she says with an eye-roll, trying to tap in on the Lord's dislike for the race. "Would you perhaps be willing to give them the small corner that they crave in return for their assistance in reclaiming the rest of the abbey even if they are not able to produce the evidence you want?"