View Full Version : Adventurers Yesterday, Nobles Today [IC]

2020-04-21, 05:16 PM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610792-Adventurers-Yesterday-Nobles-Today-OOC&p=24464077#post24464077)

You come down the main street of Indos, reveling in the glory of it all. Poeple throng the streets, eager to look at the heroes of the realm, as you make your way to the palace. You arrive in the throne room, and seated there, you see the royalty above all.

There's the king-King Jonathan Indos. He's still pretty fit, given his age, and he smiles as you enter.
Next to him is an empty, smaller throne-a reminder of his lost wife.
Then, flanking the two main thrones, you see Princess Bella The Second and her younger sister, who's name you're PRETTY SURE starts with an E. They're both scowling.

2020-04-21, 05:36 PM

Marching through the street, Nira had her head held high, beaming, pride flowing through her. She smiled at the people, nodding, waving, joking with people on the way, sending a bit of copper and silver to the kids that were circling them.

As they drew near to the palace however, she became more serious. To an outsider, she might have seemed calm or humble, but her friends knew that she was trying to hide her nervousness. They had slain the beast, they had become heroes. But still, she did not feel prepared for whatever was about to happen. An audience with the king... Sure, she had seen the royal family from afar in some situations, but still... Also, she would be there...

She wore her best leather jerking, the one with the white fur inlay. She had even asked a mage to clean the blood from it.


When they enter the palace, the ever so courageous woman starts to fall back a little, and tries to see what her friends do. In the throne room, she feels a blush coming up, and starts by bowing down deeply. After all, that's what you are supposed to do, right? Right?

John Cribati
2020-04-21, 10:57 PM

It was novel, being welcomed with cheers and applause. She still isn't sure how to feel about that. So she sets her face in a humble smile and walks along silently.

She'd at least managed to keep one Monk's habit clean enough to be presentable before the king- though many people seemed shocked that she'd chosen to change into it as she walked along. Maybe it was her scars?

In any case, she does her best to look reverent and "dignified," as she was taught.

If it looked more like she'd fallen asleep standing, it wasn't her problem.

2020-04-22, 05:49 AM

With slow steady strides, the giant plate covered figure of Alvar walked down the main street. He waved with one hand to the crowds as his other hefted the great adamantine maul over his shoulder. The cheering was so great to his ears that he could barely hear the comforting crunch and clank of his armor as he walked forwards.

Before he entered, he took a brief moment to adjust the twin pieces of cloth around his shoulders. His old vestments still fit after all these years...

Best to play along for now, get a pat on the back from the King and move on. This ceremony... He shook his head. Best to keep moving forwards.

He stood infront of royalty, secretly glad his helmet covered his face. With a brief motion he bowed, somehow forgetting the maul he was carrying.
The floor wasn't hurt at least. But what little silence there had been was utterly shattered.
Alvar just stands there, pausing and hoping that someone will say something soon.

2020-04-22, 08:29 AM
"Well... Quite an entrance," the king says, chuckling a little. "Thank you, brave adventurers, for bringing peace to Indos. Velguardr-my sword," he says, standing slowly and creakily.

A man you didn't quite spot before comes from a recess of the room, bearing an old but well-maintained sword. The king takes it, murmuring "Thank you," before walking over to you. "Kneel, please," he says.

He lays the blade on your shoulders, each in turn, anointing you to the nobility. "Lady Nira... Sir Alvar... Sir Ramon... Lady Si'Mia... Arise!" he says, loud and strong. You stand, trying your best to look the part. The king smiles, and returns to his throne. "A simple ceremony, but I thought it best. Velguardr will assist you with the legal details-and help determine who will wed Princess Bella, of course."

Bella does not look happy when the king says that. Velguardr steps over to you all, saying "We will discuss your new responsibilities and privileges over food. You must have traveled quite a ways without a proper meal-I hope our palace staff are up to par for you."

He leads you through the palace, to a large dining hall. There are a few other regally dressed individuals there, who, when they notice your entrance, come over. "Congratulations!" "Well done!" "A fine job!" is the general chorus from them.

2020-04-22, 09:08 AM

There was a brief moment of pause. His eyes blinked, once, twice.


A thousand thoughts rushed through the holy knight's mind. Responsibilities? Marriage? Par?! What does that even mean?!

They'd just slayed a wyrm, that's all! Let them keep the treasure and move on, like the last three lords they'd worked for! Why was he making this complicated?!

Externally, through the heavy plate, Alvar appeared calm and collected. The pause lasted a little longer before he spoke.

"My thanks, my king..." His low voice rumbled. What else could he say? This was the king! Even an ill educated warrior like him knew better than to turn down... whatever this meant.

He turned his head, still covered in the metal helmet he'd worn for ages, towards his team mates. His body language was clear -

What now?!

2020-04-22, 10:05 AM

While being knighted, Nira is bouncing back and forth between proud beaming and biting her lip not to shed a tears of affection, the complexion of her face darker than usual. Her ears are still ringing from the kings words, but the king mentioning his daughter's name pulls her back into reality, and puts her glance on the princess. The princess' unhappy face darkens her bright mood. Of course she's not happy, who would be happy to be called an award? Her thoughts still follow her, when she just goes with the flow and ends up with her friends in the dining hall.

Friendly cheers and the prospect of nice foods, pull her out of these thoughts again. She tries to find the glance of one of her friends, and find Alvar's. Seeing how he is as helpless as she is, she goes a step towards him, and offers him the usual warrior handshake-hug-combo, and congratulations. When her mouth is near his ear, she whispers: "I've no idea what to do either. Let's just ... go with the flow, and see what happens?"

John Cribati
2020-04-22, 10:41 AM

Honestly, being told to kneel while a person in authority stood over her with a sword set off a few alarms in her head, but she stilled when the first two in line only received a small touch. A warrior's welcome then?

She understood the marriage part well enough: a gift of gratitude from the pack leader. But then, what of the responsibilities and privileges?

She approaches Alvar and Nira with her concerns. She is a bit hesitant to speak, and chooses her words carefully so her voice- a bit rough and callous from lack of use early on- would carry properly.

Pardon. Are we in the army now?

2020-04-22, 04:58 PM

"No." Alvar replies. "This is worse."

Oh by Suriana's heart! This is ludicrous! All that bowing and scraping... What did I do to deserve this?! Was it that time with the bandits? Because they deserved it!

Alvar takes in a small breath, gently rattling the metal that formed his helm. "Si'Mia, Nira. We'd best stick together. No telling what madness will start if we separate...

Wait." He said, head creaking around. "Where's Ramon?"

2020-04-22, 06:26 PM
Ramon seems to have somehow gotten lost. He'll surely catch up at some point, but is temporarily without the party.

Velguardr clears the other nobles away, letting them know that you need privacy and time to yourselves. With that done, he pulls out some seats for you, and asks "What would you all care to dine on today?"

John Cribati
2020-04-22, 07:18 PM

Entering someone's home and being served food was normal. She wasn't one to be picky about what was in front of her, either.

But now she was expected to place an... order? Like at a tavern?.

Do you have any fruit? She ventures. She's in the mood for something sweet, at the moment.

2020-04-22, 07:23 PM
"Yes. We have..." he starts, but thinks better of it. "I will have the servants fetch a platter."

2020-04-22, 07:28 PM
Miguel / Ramon

Miguel couldn't believe that this is happening. Applause and praise, being knighted by a king, and now a feast as well. For him, it was like his wildest dreams are coming true. Miguel couldn't believe that it all escalated from saying yes when he was asked if he was Ramon Siannodel.

While he might be living a lie, Miguel couldn't help but to enjoy the benefits of being Ramon Siannodel. The attention, the wealth and riches, and the beautiful adoring fans he has. And now he is a noble.

As Miguel and his companions enter the dining hall, he steps away from the group to converse with a couple of beautiful women who were among the people who came to congratulate them.

2020-04-23, 02:02 AM

More of this...

A little calmer after catching sight of Ramon, Of course he's flirting. Wouldn't be a party without it..., Alvar clunked down in his armor into the surprisingly sturdy seat. His hammer stayed close by as he turned to Velguardr.

"Do you have any soup? Something filling please." It would do for now. Perhaps he'd regain his appetite later.

He turns to Si'Mia, pointing over at Ramon. "How long before he's charmed half the court? I swear he's blessed by some goddess or other." A nervous joke spoken in low slow tones. Something to ease his own panic.

John Cribati
2020-04-23, 06:14 AM

She can only shrug.

Who is to say? But would the king allow his daughter to be one of many?

2020-04-23, 08:50 AM

"Could we... maybe get a platter with a little bit of everything?" She suggests. Usually, in a tavern, they would just order the stew of the day, or they would be presented with a short menu. The idea that you could choose and have to imagine the menu at the same time was a bit difficult.

After this suggestion, she takes a deep breath, closes her eyes for a moment, and lets her suppressed telepathic powers return. She had been shutting them off this morning, as she was afraid to accidentally think loudly the wrong thoughts around the royal family, but for the moment, it felt safe enough.

2020-04-23, 12:08 PM
Velguardr nods, and nabs a servant who's cleaning off a table. He gives a few directions, and returns as the servant hurries off to, presumably, the kitchen.

"Now," he says, "normally when a new noble is inducted into the court, they get some far-off fiefdom. A small place where they can learn the ropes easily and prove themselves worthy... Or not." You feel a sense of relief, for just a moment-something small and far away sounds perfect! But... Why do you get the feeling that this WON'T be the case? "But, due to exemplary services to the nation of Indos, that will not be the case this time. You will be immediately elevated to some of the highest positions available, including, for one of you, becoming next in line to hold the crown itself. The king... He loves his family dearly. But his daughters are not well-suited to the throne. Bella is not well-liked, and Elely is... Elely. But he has faith that one of you will prove yourselves to be an apt match for the responsibilities of the kingdom."

John Cribati
2020-04-23, 12:28 PM

For the first time since the ceremony, Si'Mia has some understanding of what's happening. She can't help the wide grin on her face.

The king is giving us territory.

2020-04-23, 12:35 PM
"Yes," Velguardr replies. "Well, soon. The king, obviously, has some of the largest tracts of land out of any of them nobility, and while he will retain ownership of it for as long as he lives, you will each be given stewardship over it, and ownership upon his passing."

2020-04-23, 12:37 PM


No. No! Nonononononono...

This productive line of thought lasted for a good five seconds before someone interrupted.

Listen, kiddo, you've gotta just roll it! Speak to the ladies, get to know 'em, enjoy the perks... The Quori spoke in long drawn out tones; stretching every syllable as far as possible.

Will you shut up?! Okay, okay, okay. Alvar took a deep breath and felt his mind expand just far enough. He'd known that Nira had some mental powers, far more powerful than his own natural abilities, and now was the time to use them. Sadly, only one person at a time could be contacted.

My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts.. He took a breath again. What in the name of every good deity is going on? Since when do kings give up power?! Is this because I ordered the soup?

Better yet, have you got any ideas as to how we fix this?!

He then messaged the same thing to the other members. He was somewhat grateful for his physical training as he took long deep breaths, waiting for a reply. Externally, he just stared stoically ahead before saying to Velguardr:
"What does this mean... practically?" The same slow tone he'd used before.

2020-04-23, 01:01 PM
"You'll be in charge of the nobles' court. The king is old," he says plainly, "and grows tired easily. The nobles are good folk, for the most part, but with no clear successor, as the king has let out that Bella will not be in charge, they are jockeying for power. It would be good for an infusion of younger blood. And, of course, you have nothing to fear from assassins."

2020-04-23, 03:51 PM

Feeling her comrade panic, she puts her hand on Alvar's, and sends him her thoughts. Brother, it's going to be alright. And do you think *she* is happy with the situation? Of course she is not. The two of you, *if* you are chosen will probably come up with some kind of deal. As far as I know, noble marriages are not about love. I mean of course their is the issue of producing an heir, but, I mean you *do* know how this works, right? And I mean, maybe you don't even have to be the father. As long as the heir fits in plate armor, I am sure no one will know the difference. she herself is as nervous as she ever has been. But feeling the panic around her, she switches into big sister mode. Also, this was all probably a big misunderstanding?

"So, let me get this straight. The king does not believe his daughter fit to reign, so he seeks a husband for her, to rule instead? And instead of picking one of his nobles, he rather give the royal lineage, and some other important positions, to... us?"
Well, spelling it out did not make it easier to digest.

John Cribati
2020-04-23, 05:36 PM

Yes. We have proven ourselves strong enough to defend against outsiders, so we are given positions if leadership, to continue to defend the weaker ones and foster growth of the colony.

If she's speaking in a condescending tone- well, for one, she isn't aware, and for another, it's very rare that she understands what's going on and gets to explain to the others. She can be a little giddy about it.

2020-04-24, 03:04 AM

Feeling the calm thoughts of Nira, Alvar's breathing slows down.

My thanks, Nira. You know I'm no good with courts. Remember the Earl?

His breathing now regular, he thinks through what she said.

"Si'Mia." He says to draw attention. "It is one thing to fight monsters and protect a kingdom. It's very different to rule one. There are a great many laws and traditions... "

He turns to Velguardr. "Why are his daughters unsuited to rule?" He asks, blunt like his hammer.

That last comment about assassins has me curious. I'd like to make an Insight check on him to see if he's lying. I have advantage on the roll from my Psychic Glamour features.

2020-04-24, 10:12 AM
His assassin comment seems more a comment on your combat prowess than anything else.

The current king is an old man-if an assassin gets into his room, he dead.

You guys... Well, SOME assassins could kill you by surprise. A lot would fail. And then you'd stab their face off.

"Bella, as I have said, is not well-liked. She is used to being pampered and treated like... Well, a princess. She has, for much of her life, avoided responsibilities. The king is worried her work ethic would be insufficient, and she would fall prey to easy routes that would give power away," Velguardr says. "Elely, meanwhile, is perhaps the opposite. She is a hard worker, refuses to be treated as better, and is much more a warrior than a ruler. She has, unsuccessfully, tried to convince her father to let her join the guard."

2020-04-24, 10:39 AM

Well, that's... interesting.

Awwww, little Allie's got a crush on a warrior princess! Maybe you should go over and get the wedding night over a-

Shut up, spirit! Just because I'm curious about something doesn't mean... that! By Suriana, must your mind go so deep into the gutter?

It's your mind too~

Shutting off the mental bridge, Alvar looked at Velguadr with his body turned fully towards him.

"The Lady Elely trains? Might I ask what weapons she prefers?" A brief pause. A small realisation. "Ah... so that I might be aware of what she'll try to hit me with in any arguments... heh."

John Cribati
2020-04-24, 11:05 AM

She shakes her head.

Foolish. What is the point of a first spar if you prepare for your opponent? Let her show you in the ring!

2020-04-24, 11:12 AM
Velguardr gives Alvar a level gaze, but doesn't snark or anything. "She has been trained in all manner of weaponry. I believe she is currently attempting to convince the engineers to tutor her in siege weaponry."

As you talk, you see the two princesses enter the dining hall. Bella is still dressed regally, complete with upright posture and all the trimmings, while Elely appears to have kicked off her shoes, undone some of the lace, and added a scabbard to her repertoire.

2020-04-24, 11:15 AM

"I may not know what happens at noble parties but I'm confident sparring isn't on the list. At least, sparring between adventurers and the king's daughters." The same slow tone, this time cut with a undecurrent of tension.

Had the helmet not been there, Si'Mia would have seen a significant glance cross Alvar's face.

As he turned towards the princesses, there was a brief moment before all that went through Alvar's head was:


2020-04-24, 11:17 AM
The princesses approach. Velguardr steps away, saying "I believe I shall let you get to know one another without me interrupting."

Bella and Elely are soon in front of you. Elely has an easy, relaxed stance, with a smile on her face, while Bella seems pretty stiff.

2020-04-24, 11:28 AM

Alvar was not the most confident of individuals. Oh sure, give him an enemy or a troop of warriors and he could work with that. But give him a social situation and no clear way out? He just shut down.

Go on... Say something!

"Nice scabbard!" He said, his tone elevating from "bass" to "tenor." His body language abruptly shifted as his mind stretched out to Nira.

Code Earl! Code Earl!

2020-04-24, 11:34 AM

Seeing the princesses approach, she gets up immediately, and bows again to them, as she assumes is the right thing to do. "Princesses," she welcomes them, head still to the ground, trying to hide the rush of blood that went through her head.

To Alvar: Just... shut up. Let... let them speak.

2020-04-24, 11:40 AM
Bella starts to preen a little as you bow, until Elely says "Oh, knock it off! You don't need to be bowing and scraping."

"They are just showing us our due respect, Elely," Bella retorts, which elicits a sigh from the younger sister. "We wished to come thank you for saving our city. And to meet you in full. I am Princess Bella Marguerite Indos the Second, and my sister is-"

"Elely's fine," she says, cutting Bella off. "So what was it like fighting the dragon? Do you have any scars?"

John Cribati
2020-04-24, 11:44 AM

She stands as the princesses enter, then offers a formal bow.
It is an honor to have you join us.

She sits back down and pops an entire orange slice- skin and all- into her mouth, remembering to chew with her mouth closed, this time.

[In reference to scars]

She rolls up her sleeve to show off an already-healed circular mark on her right bicep.

It had spines on its tail.

2020-04-24, 11:46 AM

"It is a pleasure to meet you. And... an honor." she says trying to imitate what she had heard from tales, more to Bella than to her younger sister.

She then addresses Elely:
"Actually, yes." she answers to the scar question. "One of its claws got me real good," she makes a gesture going diagonally from upper left to lower right. "Scratch! right over the chest."

2020-04-24, 11:51 AM
Elely oohs over the scar. "Nice!" she says.

This time, Bella sighs. "Elely, must you be so crude?"

"Hey, this is exciting! When's the last time anything fun happened around here?" Elely retorts. "Ignore her, she's-"

"IGNORE ME?" Bella screeches. "Why, you little!" she says, stepping towards Elely. Velguardr practically appears between them, holding his hands out.

He says "Please-your highnesses, keep it civil. Please."

Bella brushes herself down, letting out a "Hmph!" She then says "I suppose I'll make my leave now-I see there's no point to me being here," and struts off.

2020-04-24, 11:54 AM

"But aren't you like the most important to be here right now?" Nira immediately covers her mouth with her hand the moment those words had come out.

2020-04-24, 11:56 AM
Bella turns to face you. "Nothing productive will come so long as she is here. I will be happy to meet you all in time."

2020-04-24, 12:00 PM

"T'was fierce..." Alvar says, his voice echoing somewhat in his helmet. "Such a beast was not felled easily. My chest is bespeckled with burns..."

I hope this language is appropriate...

He turns to the younger sister, the one more interested in the battle. "Prithee, milady, but when did you start training with yon blade?" His best faux-royalty language combined with what little manners he'd remembered from the last court all summoned into a few sentences. He could hear the spirit in his head chuckling at how fast a turn around there had been. From "hating pomp and ceremony" to this...

He hoped the spirit would settle soon.

John Cribati
2020-04-24, 12:12 PM

She unashamedly shies away from the squabbling sisters, happy that her fruit had been cut into dainty pieces perfect for stuffing into her mouth.

She does give Alvar a look when he puts on... whatever accent that's supposed to be.

2020-04-24, 12:14 PM
Elely looks at everyone but Alvar. "Does he... Does he always talk like this?" but then turns to face him, saying "I started as soon as I can remember. Probably sooner, I just can't recall. I've always dreamed of being a proper warrior, and not some princess in a tower."

John Cribati
2020-04-24, 12:19 PM

I started learning about 15 years ago. About 10 years with hand-to-hand before I was allowed to practice with weapons.

2020-04-24, 12:25 PM

"Ah, I see." He rumbles, embarassment rising as he drops the faux royal accent completely. "Always preferred a hammer myself."

There's a brief flicker before Alvar speaks again. "You've never seen true combat, have you my lady?"

2020-04-24, 12:27 PM
"I've been trained, but most of the guards here take it easy on me. Or at least, they did still I started whupping them!" she says with a chuckle. "But no. Never."

2020-04-24, 12:32 PM

"Then perhaps we can spar later. I might be able to show you something..."

Alvar is being completely sincere. To him, who has trained and fought with many warriors of both genders, he thinks only that he offers a chance to test skill against skill.

Still, this might be a good chance to let her speak outside of the court. My thanks to Nira for her advice...

2020-04-24, 12:49 PM

For a moment, Nira just stood there and watched Bella leave, while her companions continued to chat with Elely.

"Sooo... " She clears her throat. "What do you want to know about ... us? Or the fight?" Usually, she was so good with getting to know people, but she felt watched.

2020-04-24, 01:08 PM
Elely says "Yes," still chuckling a little. "Whatever you want to tell me. It's just nice to talk to people who aren't bowing and scraping, or hoity-toity."

John Cribati
2020-04-24, 01:12 PM

I started us off by shooting its eye out with a slingstone. And then later I kicked it in the mouth. Broke off a few fangs.

She shows off a bracelet, with, among other things, three sharp, draconic-looking teeth threaded into it.

2020-04-24, 01:16 PM

She pauses for a moment, as if evaluating if this was some kind of a trap. "Well, actually, we're all not very hoity-toity. We're kind of a mixed bunch, though. Adventurers, you might say." she shrugs. "I fought that beast because it was a right thing to do.." Before anyone of her friends could say something, she adds: "... and to meet the challenge of course." It's clear from her way of speaking that she is all about accepting a challenge.

2020-04-24, 01:19 PM
"Yeah. And I wasn't talking about you guys-I was talking about all them," she says, gesturing to some of the other nobles in the room. "They've got a stick six feet up their collective butts."

2020-04-24, 01:24 PM

Alvar just laughs. A deep, rich laugh of the completely caught off guard.

"Hahahaha!" He pauses to breathe before speaking plainly. "I needed that. I don't suppose there's beer here, is there?"

2020-04-24, 01:24 PM

Without any warning, she falls in hearty, loud laughter, as if the joke had opened a relieving valve.

2020-04-24, 02:34 PM
The other nobles stop their talking to stare at you, but Elely just laughs along with you. Velguardr says "We do indeed have beer. I'll have some fetched."

Elely pulls a chair to sit next to you all, and starts grabbing some fruit and cheese from the platter that was brought out. "Thank you, Vel. You're the best."

2020-04-26, 03:50 AM

Alvar waits patiently as the beer is fetched. Good, might make this feel a little less... formal.

"My lady, if I may be so bold, why do you want to be a warrior? I'd be happy to trade a tale of battle for your answer." His nervousness was still there but calmed somewhat by the more relaxed atmosphere. He seems more comfortable telling stories and speaking one on one as his shoulders relax in his heavy armour.

2020-04-26, 10:39 AM
Soon enough, you all have a tankard in front of you. The beer is different-a little less bitter than you're used to-but not bad. A comfortable warmth spreads through you as you take part in the booze.

Elely nods when you ask. "Well, there's a couple of reasons. My dad, for one, was a soldier in his youth. He was a captain, eventually, but he worked for it-he wasn't given any special favors for being prince. Some of his stories... They had an effect on me. Plus, I just like being active-Bella's content to sit and be boring, but I've gotta be moving. Also, some of the coolest people I knew growing up were guards and warriors, so... You know, I wanted to be like them. As I got older, I came up with other reasons too-frankly, I don't think I'm cut out for this whole 'royalty' business, so I might as well do some good fighting!"

2020-04-26, 01:13 PM
Miguel / Ramon

Miguel's conversation with the ladies in the dining hall has led to him telling an exaggerated tale of the party's battle against the ferocious wyrm, with him acting out with an imaginary rapier how he, Ramon Siannodel, fought and held off the minions of the wyrm while his party dealt with the wyrm.

I'm going to roll for Performance to draw a crowd and maybe even impress the princesses.

Performance: [roll0]

2020-04-26, 01:28 PM
Unfortunately for you, the bulk of the story took place in the walk towards the dining hall, meaning the princesses did not see much of it.

Luckily, though, your display has attracted the women you're talking to, as well as a few servants who are dusting suspiciously slowly to hear more of the story. When you enter the dining hall and finish your recounting, one of the women says "That's incredible! Would that my fiance was half the man you are!"

One of the others snorts, "Half? He'd be lucky to be a quarter!"

2020-04-26, 03:42 PM

Upon getting the tankards, Nira believes that it must be a good idea to bring out a toast. She stands up from her place, picks up her tankard and loudly speaks into the room.

"Ladies and Lords! Let us all drink to the death of the wyrm! May its defeat bring us honor, and its hoard fill our pockets! Salut, everyone!" She raises her tankard to the present, brings it to her lips, and drinks hastily -- as you would do it in any decent tavern.

John Cribati
2020-04-26, 11:39 PM

Hear, hear!

Uncivilized as she may be, Si'Mia had gained an appreciation for finer wines. The only reason she was even entertaining drinking any of the beer was as part of the toast.

She quaffs the whole mug at once.

2020-04-27, 09:41 AM

"Aye! To the strength of the kingdom!"

For the first time across this whole soiree, Alvar takes his helmet off revealing a shock of black hair and a well trimmed beard to hide the somewhat youthfull features underneath.

With a single gulp, the somewhat bitter beer vanishes and the tankard makes a mighty slam on the table.

2020-04-27, 10:09 AM
The others in the hall raise their own drinks, with a chorus of "To Indos!" and various other celebratory phrases.

I'm kinda running out of steam in this scene-is there anything else you'd like to accomplish in the dining hall, or you all good with moving on?

2020-04-27, 10:12 AM

Beaming, she sends the following telepathic message to her fellow adventurers:
Guys! We're doing it!

I would be good to move over to the next scene. I like that for a moment, Nira believes she has stuff under control, when clearly she doesn't.

2020-04-27, 10:56 AM

Alvar sends a brief message back, while gesturing for another beer:

We totally are! This noble stuff isn't half bad!

I'm happy to move on if we could. ^_^

2020-04-27, 11:06 AM
You all get well and snookered on beer, wine, and other liquors, as well as eating heartily. Your performer recounts the tale of the dragon's defeat again, gathering quite an audience this time, with Elely rapt with attention. Eventually, once everything is winding down, servants lead you to your rooms-the beds are comfortable, the blankets warm and snuggly, and the dying embers of the fireplace let you drift off to sleep happy and content.

When morning comes, you feel regret. You should not have drank that much-hangovers suck. But, you're a trooper, and you stagger out of bed. A servant is waiting outside your room, who leads you to a washroom where you can get cleaned up and at least sorta function right. Once everyone is awake enough, you're brought to a small room near the front of the palace. Velguardr is in there, playing with a dog. He seems quite happy with the animal, though once you're all in, he murmurs to the dog and it trots out. "Good morning, lords and ladies. There are some groups outside who wish to meet the new nobility."

2020-04-27, 11:56 AM

My faith sustains me... Water helps...

Grabbing the nearest tankard of water, Alvar looks at Velguadr.

"Who are they? What do they want?" Said in as calm and polite a tone as such a demanding question could be.

2020-04-27, 12:10 PM
"There are several groups of ordinary folk-they may simply wish to thank you, but frequently they have troubles that they wish the crown to help with. There is a representative of the merchants' council, as well as a few couriers from distant nobles who were unable to make it in person," Velguardr reports, unfazed by your directness.

2020-04-28, 11:31 AM

Nira yawns and scratches her back while listening to Velguardr, then she slowly seems to understand what he is saying.

"That sounds... terrifying, actually. Why are they coming to us? What should I talk about with the Merchant's Council?"

John Cribati
2020-04-28, 11:40 AM

She puts a hand on her panicking friend.

As leaders, our charges look to us to ensure that their continued health and contentment.

2020-04-28, 01:37 PM
Miguel / Ramon

"If I may ask," Miguel speaks up, raising his hand.
"What can you tell us about the merchant council and these particular distant nobles who sent the couriers to see us?"

History check to see if Miguel can remember anything about the merchant council or the distant nobles: [roll0]

2020-04-28, 07:09 PM
Historically, the Merchants' Council holds power on par with that of a conglomeration of lesser nobles. While not nobility themselves, their wealth allows them to ac tin many ways as if they are.

Unfortunately, you cannot recall any details about specific members.

"The council is likely here to test you-see how much coin they can make from your decisions and mistakes," Velguardr replies. "The couriers, for the most part, are from nobles who are old, sick, or busy. Nothing to be unexpected-but if something comes up, I will be sure to let you know. When should I let them know to ready themselves for your presence?"

2020-04-30, 03:50 AM

"I'd like some time to get my armour on before we meet them, if possible." He says, rumbling.

Using his mental powers he sends a message to each member of the group. Anyone got objections to getting there as soon as possible? Might as well rip the bandage off as quick as possible...

2020-05-01, 06:38 PM

No, let's get it over with. She answers to the group. Just get your armor.

She turns to Velguardr. "First of all, Velguardr, I think I did not say it before: Thank you so much for helping us out. I've got to admit, I'm still a bit fuzzy about our new... political power. Or governance, or whatever the right word is. I mean, if they come to us, they want something. What could we give them? Could we lower taxes? Or tolls? Is it that what they might want? Can we judge over people?" She seems a bit frightened about the idea that her word could weigh so much.

2020-05-01, 08:59 PM
"I will let them know you will be there shortly. As for taxes, tolls, and judging..." he says. "You can affect all that specifically in the lands you have stewardship over-lands held by other nobles, you can influence, but have no direct power over. Of course, a noble who refuses direct orders from the crown is not long for this nation, but still. One should be careful with their power."

You get ready, arming up for a political battle. A servant leads you to the grand hall of the palace, where the first person to greet you is a well-dressed courier. "Greetings, my lords and ladies!" she says. "I bring a congratulations from the duke of Castinley. He extends an open invitation for any or all of you to visit as you please, and regrets he was unable to make it himself-his age and sickness have prevented him."

2020-05-02, 03:59 AM

"Yesterday you mentioned we are in charge of this ... Nobles' Court. What does that mean exactly? is there some kind of council that we are supposed to head? Or is it more administrative duties?"


"Thank you, good man. Please tell him that I - we - were glad to hear about his congratulations but of course not so glad about his sickness." she pauses, and continues in a somewhat more familar tone. "What illness has befallen the Duke?"

2020-05-02, 11:08 AM
The courier says "The physicians and clerics are not entirely sure. It's probably related to his age, at least a bit, but he has aches and pains, severe enough that some days he can't even leave his bed. His vision can be blurry, and he falls sometimes too."

2020-05-02, 11:10 AM

I might have heard of such an illness?

Alvar looks on grimly, more comfortable now in his heavy iron armour. "Interesting." He says, covering up his boredom with a word. "Be sure to give the good noble our best. Who is next?"

The sooner this is done, He though, The sooner I can get back to... doing anything else, I suppose.

2020-05-02, 11:22 AM
From a brief description of symptoms, you got no clue.

If you were there in person, you might have a better idea.

The courier bows, and heads off. The next people to come in are what looks to be a small family-in fact, looking closely, you recognize them. They were in the last village you set foot in before you defeated the dragon. You remember the husband, wife, and one kid-though the wife was heavily pregnant. It seems she's had her child now, leaving the three you knew before and a quietly sleeping baby in the wife's arms. Their daughter's (who's name escapes you for the moment) face lights up when she sees you. "Mom! Dad! They did it, they did it!"

John Cribati
2020-05-03, 04:32 PM

She approaches the family, bowing humbly before putting on a huge grin.

Hello again! And your baby is here, now! So precious!

2020-05-03, 05:27 PM

"Awww, you're right." She says, opening her arms to encourage the kid to approach her. If she does so, she will "conjure" a silver from behind the kid's ear, accompanied by a "Young lady, don't you listen to your mum and dad? You need to wash behind your ears too!"

Turning to the parents, she looks a bit concerned. "What brings you here?"

2020-05-03, 08:36 PM
"We were concerned that you might fail," the mother replies. "And we're the nearest village-with little Jamison on the way, we didn't want to risk losing them if the dragon decided to enact vengeance."

"Besides," the father starts, but is interrupted.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" a portly dwarf with many fine rings adorning him says. "Yes, my lords and ladies, greetings! I am a representative of the Merchants' Council."

John Cribati
2020-05-03, 08:42 PM

Well that wouldn't do at all...
She turns to the dwarf with a glare, a small growl in her tone.

I am in the middle of a discussion. Kindly wait your turn like a civilized being.

2020-05-04, 02:00 AM
Miguel / Ramon

Seeing as Si'Mia had already told the interrupting representative to wait their turn, Miguel turns back to the father.

"You were saying?"

2020-05-04, 08:09 AM

Alvar simply glares through his helmet and reaches in vain for his great hammer at the interrupting dwarf before looking back at the family.

"It is good to see you well. Suriana's blessings upon you all. And I must thank you, young miss..." He looks at the little girl. "I think your wish of good luck came true." He lifts up his helmet very briefly to reveal a bright smile, only so the little girl could see.

Closing his helm, he looks at the family. "Have you other business? I'm sure we could spare a moment if you'd like."

2020-05-04, 10:40 AM
The dwarf sputters a bit, saying "But these... Commoners, they're not important!"

Your glares and words shut him down, though, and the father continues. "Well, I was just saying that we were planning on leaving sometime soon anyway. Just ready for a change, really."

Their daughter beams at Alvar, while her mom picks up the conversation. "We were actually hoping you could put in a good word for us-we are in need of employment and a place to stay."

2020-05-04, 12:01 PM

Taking a moment away from simpler matters, Alvar looms over the dwarf. "They *are* important. Unless you suggest that giving aid to those who defeated a dragon is not important?" Alvar stands there for a moment. "I am certain that a man of your standing has had to wait before. Show grace in waiting now."

Alvar turns his head towards the family. "What is your trade?"

Alvar won't stand for queue cutting! Let them wait like the others!

2020-05-04, 01:10 PM
Roll with advantage-you killed a dragon. You scary.

"Well, I've some talent as a seamster," the father says, "and Adora's good with animals." His wife nods.

Their daughter adds in "And dad does awesome puppet shows! I wish we didn't have to leave them all behind."

The merchants' council rep seems pretty properly cowed, not even saying a word as he slinks away.

2020-05-08, 03:41 PM

"Well, I'm certain there is work here for you. If not..." Alvar looks over at Velguadr. "Are we allowed to employ people? Or give a reccomendation to others? I'd rather not see good people out of work."

Alvar looks through his helmet towards the interrupting dwarf from earlier. "Just a moment longer, sir."

2020-05-08, 06:53 PM
Velguardr nods. "Good with animals, you say?" he asks Adora. "I am certain we can find work for you. If you would follow me, I can see if you would be able to fulfill our requirements."

As Velguardr and the family head deeper into the palace, the dwarf steps forward, nervously tugging at his collar.

John Cribati
2020-05-09, 04:36 PM

As much as she wanted to help, she hadn't wanted to promise the family anything before she knew more about what she could do in her new position, so she was glad that someone else could handle it.

And now all that was left was the rude dwarf who couldn't wait his turn. She turns to him, unable to keep the contempt out of her tone.

Please tell me you didn't so rudely interrupt us just to say that your party was leaving.

2020-05-09, 05:39 PM
"What? No, I just, ah, didn't want to speak out of turn. But the family left, and, well..." he says, stammering over his words.

2020-05-12, 05:25 AM

"Then speak. You have waited fairly." Alvar stands apart from the dwarf. "What do you wish to say?"

2020-05-12, 10:39 AM
"I have here," the dwarf says, pulling out a tightly wrapped scroll, "a letter of introduction from the Merchants' Council. I have also been authorized to grant you a small gift, as a way of welcoming you-though not knowing you well, the council thought it best to ask you what you'd enjoy receiving, rather than buy something blindly and hope it worked out."

He hands over the letter, which is bound with a red silk ribbon.

2020-05-13, 12:13 PM

Taking the letter, Alvar unrolls the scroll to see what's inside. "What manner of gift? What do your masters call "small?"

He looks over at his companions, his voice going through his helmet. "Friends? What would you want as a gift?"

John Cribati
2020-05-13, 12:35 PM

I'm not sure... what I may need? What would be a customary gift?

2020-05-13, 12:36 PM
"Erm, you know... Not more than a handful of platinum, to peg a monetary value to it," he says.

John Cribati
2020-05-13, 12:42 PM

She very conspicuously leans over to Alvar

How long have Platinum pieces existed?

2020-05-13, 12:47 PM
A long time.

At least as long as Indos.

Platinum coins are generally thought to have been made sometime in the distant past, during the giants' reign. Of course, giants' coins were a lot larger-finding an intact giant coin would be worth far more than its raw value in metals.

2020-05-13, 01:45 PM

Alvar leans back over to Si'Mia. "I don't know. Never dealt with anything bigger than gold as an acolyte."

Alvar looks back to the dwarf. "You may donate my gift to the local church of Suriana the Dawn. Failing that, hold a small soup kitchen for the people of the city." He walks forward to the dwarf. "I will check."

2020-05-13, 05:40 PM

While the others discuss, she tries to non-nonchalantly take the letter from her comrade's hand to read it.

Speaking of valuables, we should also figure out what to do with the wyrm's hoard at some point, my friends. She broadcasts to the others.

2020-05-13, 06:10 PM
Tugging open the letter, you see a lot of flowery prose that can be boiled down to a simple "Greetings! We look forward to working with you!"

There is some more specific information, such as a list of names you do not recognize, but not much to the letter.

2020-05-14, 02:28 PM

She clears her throat. "We are of course also looking forward to work with you. I for one also appreciate your honesty and directness regarding the gift."

John Cribati
2020-05-14, 02:42 PM

Now that she thought it over, maybe there was something about platinum currency in a tome she'd been forced to copy one time...

Yes, I would likewise have the monetary value of my gift invested into the community. Donate it to an orphanage.

2020-05-14, 03:03 PM
"Yes, of course. I'll talk to my superiors and have them donating the appropriate amounts to charitable organizations," he says. "Erm, with that, I think I shall be taking my leave. It was a pleasure to meet you all, your noblenesses, and we at the Merchants's Council look forward to a long and profitable relationship." He bows, and leaves.

The next group you encounter is simply some well-to-do civilians, who gush with gratitude, followed by another distant noble's representative. About half an hour passes with the next few groups, more congratulations and thank yous, and Velguardr returns. With him is the father and two children, but Adora is nowhere in sight. "I believe Mrs. Adora will be just fine with the animals here," Velguardr reports.

The father jimmies the baby a little bit, getting a better hold, and his daughter says "There's a lot of animals here! I've never seen some of them before."

2020-05-16, 02:21 PM
"Yes, of course. I'll talk to my superiors and have them donating the appropriate amounts to charitable organizations," he says. "Erm, with that, I think I shall be taking my leave. It was a pleasure to meet you all, your noblenesses, and we at the Merchants's Council look forward to a long and profitable relationship." He bows, and leaves.

Nira tries to just stand there gracefully. This whole people bowing to her (in a serious way) is still kind of new.

The next group you encounter is simply some well-to-do civilians, who gush with gratitude, followed by another distant noble's representative. About half an hour passes with the next few groups, more congratulations and thank yous, and Velguardr returns. With him is the father and two children, but Adora is nowhere in sight. "I believe Mrs. Adora will be just fine with the animals here," Velguardr reports.

The father jimmies the baby a little bit, getting a better hold, and his daughter says "There's a lot of animals here! I've never seen some of them before."

"You found a job? Aww, that's great! We should also send someone to go and get those puppets you needed to leave behind."

2020-05-19, 02:01 PM

Alvar simply watches the dwarf walk away into the distance, and remains his silent self as the other representatives cycle through.

Once the family walk in however, he becomes noticably more animated. "Ah, such good news! And I'm certain there's lots here that you haven't seen before!"

He turns to Velguadr. "What animals do we have here?"

I... really get some weird vibes from Velguadr. The dog, the general charmingness, the fact that the mother has *left her newborn* alone after just meeting this person- I'm a paranoid guy by nature.
I dunno - I just wanna get an idea of what he seems like. Hence - Inisght check as I ask him a question.

2020-05-19, 06:12 PM
The mother never left her newborn alone-she left the baby in the father's care.

"We have a stable, of course, with several stallions and close to a dozen mares. One stallion and three mares are knightly mounts, but the rest are not suited for battle. There is also a small menagerie of mammals and birds-exotic animals and plants. Then, among the staff, there are fourteen dogs and seventeen cats. I... Talked to the king about letting them roam around the palace, provided they can behave," Velguardr responds. He seems very animated when talking about the animals-it's clearly a subject he likes.

As far as you can tell, he's being completely honest. Of course, you didn't think he'd lie to you about the numbers of animals, but beyond that...

It's hard to get a proper read on him. Reading him is like trying to read a book written code-there's enough similarities that you know there's SOMETHING there, but lord knows you can't properly figure it out. And you can't tell if he's intentionally being withdrawn, it's years of habit, or what.

John Cribati
2020-05-20, 02:51 AM

Her face lights up as Velguardr starts listing off the animals, and twists into a feral grin as he continues.

Can I see the dogs? Please? I love digs so much! she begs, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

2020-05-20, 11:57 AM
Velguardr smiles. "They are not officially under the control of the palace... But I do not think that the servants would mind letting you meet them. They usually stay in the garden, so if you would like to follow me..."

He leads Si'Mia, and anyone else who wants to follow, to an interior courtyard. The garden is a peaceful place, with plants you've never seen before, all growing well and brightly. There are four dogs in this part of the garden, two sleeping near each other, and the other two bounding about happily.

2020-05-20, 12:06 PM

Nira follows along, appreciating the chance to get out to the fresh air after meeting all those people indoors. As casually as possible, she asks Velguardr: "Say, Velgauadr, how will it be determined who will marry the princess? Is there some selection process? Does she have a say in it?"

2020-05-20, 12:33 PM
"It was assumed that you, as a group, would decide who would be betrothed," he replies. "Given who you are, one would think that you would take the princess' feelings into consideration as well. There is no strict requirement to do so, but it would only be right."

2020-05-23, 12:55 PM

There's a brief moment of panic that crosses Alvar's face. Then, in his head, he casts out the following mental message:

Team Mind Huddle! Quickly!

He then turns and smiles at Velgaudr, somehow forgetting his helmet blocking his face.

2020-05-23, 01:05 PM

Relax, we won't decide that here and now. She should have a say anyway. It nearly "sounds" as if she is strucking out her tongue at him.

"Understood. We should then... Probably set up some kind of ... date, where she could get to know us? I mean, them, mostly.

John Cribati
2020-05-23, 05:50 PM

An observer would be hard-pressed to determine whether Si'Mia or the dogs were more excited. Her previous formal attitude forgotten, she was on her knees and babbling incoherently to the dogs that ran up to her, knowing well enough to let the sleeping dogs lie.

She rarely made use of the mental link to the rest of the team, but after some consideration, she decided to add in her two coppers.

Would being the princess's mate carry with it the responsibility of producing offspring? Because if so that would narrow things down a bit.

2020-05-23, 05:53 PM

Yeah, as I understood, the two of us are out... she answers Si'Mia.

2020-05-23, 06:23 PM
The dogs sniff Si'Mia and lick her face, clearly happy to have a new friend. They bark and rush around, eager to play.

2020-05-24, 05:37 AM

Then we should call one of them first. Elely, I think. She seemed... nice.


Any objections? Otherwise I'm telling Velguadr we want to speak to her.

2020-05-24, 06:20 AM
Wouldn't it make more sense to meet Bella? I mean, the princess who is actually going to marry one of you?

2020-05-24, 07:15 AM

Uh, yes! Of course! That makes much more sense. Hahahaha. Let's get her now.

"Velguadr? Is it possible to speak to the lady Bella now?

The laughing being blatantly fake, Alvar quickly moves on to other topics.

Now that you mention it, where is Ramon? I could have sworn he was here a moment ago...

2020-05-24, 10:19 AM
"It is possible," he replies. "I would advise you bring some kind of peace offering, though-a bouquet, perhaps. She has strong moods, so it would be best to try to get on her good side. I can help you gather flowers, if you would like," he says, with his tone of voice indicating that he'd rather you NOT just pluck random plants from his happy place.

The dogs have now accepted Si'Mia, and have moved on to the rest of you. They're sniffing around, potentially seeing if you have any treats for them.

2020-05-25, 01:59 AM
Miguel / Ramon

When Velguadr led the group to the garden, Miguel slipped away to find somewhere to relieve himself for a moment. The time away from the group was what he needed to compose himself.

After he was finished, he made his way back to the garden to rejoin the party.

"So, what did I miss?" He whispered to his companions.

2020-05-25, 06:18 AM

Winking at Ramon, she responds to Velguardr -- a bit more verbose than necessary, but thus updating Ramon to the current situation: "Yes, preparing something such as flower bouquet for a meeting with Princess Bella to further get to know her, sounds very good. As we do not know her so well yet, it would be great if you could support us in choosing the right."

With a mischievous grin, she adds, obviously joking:

"Of course we could just let Ramon and Alvar pick one bouquet each. After all, she'll have to choose on some criterion."

John Cribati
2020-05-25, 08:17 AM

Dogs! You missed the dogs!

If she appears moved to tears from excitement, it's probably something in her eye.

2020-05-25, 11:05 AM
Velguardr says "The princess Bella likes roses and lilies. I can pick a few, if you would like-perhaps one of you could bring roses and the other lilies?"

2020-05-25, 05:10 PM

"I'll take the roses." After a brief pause, he continues "For no reason..."

2020-05-25, 06:42 PM
Heading for one of the flower patches, Velguardr nods. Soon enough, he has a bouquet of roses that he hands to Alvar. "Good luck," he says simply.

2020-05-26, 09:52 AM

Alvar looked down at the bouquet and then back at Velgaudr, nodding gently. "Would you mind showing me where she is?"

Right, I think I'm going to speak to Bella myself. Might seem less... threatening if it's just one person instead of all of us.

I would ask for privacy. Just like I have when we stayed at that church.

Should he be shown where Bella is, Alvar will simply walk towards her with the flowers and say, in as relaxed a way a man in heavy metal armour with a full helm on can:


2020-05-26, 10:12 AM
Velguardr gives you directions.

Soon enough, you're in front of a door, with the princess just beyond. The door is closed, but not locked. Still, it'd be more polite to knock.

2020-05-26, 10:32 AM

Ah. Doors. The adventurer's eternal foe. The dragon had been his greatest foe, true, but the ever-too-small door has plagued Alvar since he'd grown into his size.

Knocking however, he could do very well.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Hello?" His voice drifts from the helmet.

2020-05-26, 10:57 AM
"Not now!" comes Bella's voice from within, followed by a muffled and indecipherable grumbling.

2020-05-26, 12:05 PM

Ah. Well, as a gentleman, he should probably just go.

Then again, he might not have the nerve later.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Are you alright in there?"

Because a grumbling that's indecipherable is just asking for trouble. Perception to see if I recognise the grumble.

2020-05-26, 12:08 PM
The grumbling continues, completely unable to be understood. You then hear some footsteps, and the door is flung open. "What?" princess Bella asks, annoyed. She stops a moment when she sees you. "Oh. It's... You."

2020-05-26, 12:36 PM

"Yes, it's... me. Were you expecting someone else?"

Cue pause. Wait. Wait.

"Uh, I was told you like roses." He holds them out right towards her. "I think it best if we talk about the future."

2020-05-26, 01:20 PM
"Oh. Well, erm... Thank you," she says, and takes the roses, careful to avoid pricking herself on the thorns. She stands still a moment, and then says "I guess... Come in?"

She walks back into her room, and sets the flowers in a vase.

2020-05-26, 01:57 PM

"Thank you."

There is a heavy clanking noise as Alvar walks into the room in full armour. His helm giving him some measure of protection against his nerves, he states the simple question:

"What do you want? If you had free choice, what would you want to do?" There's a heavy sigh from the man. "I must be blunt. This politicking and maneuvering has never been my strength. I would much rather simply ask than dance around a question."

2020-05-26, 09:06 PM
"Well, I... I..." Bella responds, uncertain. She sits down at the edge of her bed, and rests her head on her hand. "I don't actually know. I mean, I guess I want to rule... And I care about Indos... But I've never really thought about it."

2020-05-27, 04:16 AM

"Now might be the time to start. You know your father wishes you married to one of our party. I wanted to find out what your thoughts were on this." The tone is resigned, almost exhausted in it's calmness.

There's a small sigh of acceptance. "I suppose you'd want Ramon for a husband. Or even no husband at all, perhaps. Maybe you have someone else you care for that you haven't told your father about and want to spend your time with them.

"Whatever your thoughts are, I would hear them. Talk to me. Please." The slight opening in the helmet reveals Alvar's eyes staring right at her, pleading.

2020-05-27, 11:39 AM
She sits in silence for a little bit. You can see thoughts crossing her mind, though what they are, you've no clue. After some minutes, she speaks. "I need time. Time to think. I... Thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful. But I'd like some time alone."

She gestures for you to leave, but as you do, she adds "Alvar... Thank you. You're a good man. You care."

2020-05-27, 12:18 PM

"Very well." Another sigh. "I can respect that. But please know that I suspect that your father will not wait long. He may take the decision out of all of our hands.

"You know where to find me." With a brief nod, Alvar leaves the room, armour clanking all the way. Closing the door behind him, he thinks back to the grumbling before and takes a moment to listen outside.

It may not have worked the first time but I figured that Alvar's adventurer senses might be going off a little here. Perception to hear anything in the room through the door.

2020-05-27, 12:22 PM
You cannot hear anything through the door.

2020-05-27, 05:56 PM

While Alvar is gone, Nira addresses Si'Mia.

"Say, Si'Mia, you love dogs so much... Have you ever considered getting one? Or a dozen? I mean, you are rich now... You could build a home for the stray, or... you know, just adopt one."

John Cribati
2020-05-27, 05:56 PM

I will definitely take that into consideration, she grins, still crying a little.

After shaking off the dog-induced euphoria (but still sitting on the ground with one hound in her lap), Si'Mia addresses the... king's aide? What was his title again? It probably wasn't that important, then.

So, Vel, she starts, not even really trying to continue butchering his name, what else can you tell us about our new territory? What kind of goods are produced? How many people live there?

2020-05-27, 06:40 PM
"You have a hefty stretch of farmland outside the capital of Indos," he replies, unconcerned by the shortening of his name, "as well as some public spaces within the city itself. You have some of the most arable and fertile land-the breadbasket of Indos. While there are minor other industries, such as a few small mines, by and large your resources are food, people, and prestige. The heartland of Indos is a coveted place to be. One should think carefully about who they allow to take power in it."

2020-05-30, 04:35 PM

"... and they gave it to us?" she thinks aloud, reflecting on Vel's sentence.

2020-05-30, 07:50 PM
"Are you saying the king made a mistake?" Velguardr says, a hint of humour in his voice. "I would not be so worried. You have much to learn, but you have good hearts."

John Cribati
2020-05-30, 09:39 PM

It actually makes some sense. Any enemies who wish to take win the territory would obviously start with the supply lines. Take control of the food, and the country starves until they get their way. We've proven ourselves powerful threats, and as such we get both the honor and the duty of controlling and defending one of the most important areas.

2020-05-30, 10:30 PM
"I would love to tell you that that exact thought process was what the king was thinking. I am not a liar, though," Velguardr says. "Quite simply, he does not feel comfortable giving the heartland to any of his daughters or any of the nobility."

2020-05-31, 02:54 PM

"Well, regardless of the King's royal reasoning, as his Knights, we shall not disappoint him. I'm wondering how Alvar is doing... Ramon, will you try your luck getting to know her now? You never struck me the married type, anyway?"

2020-05-31, 03:51 PM

I'm not sure how I got lost for so long... Wait, was it right or left at this junction?

Alvar tried tracking once.

Left. I'm sure of it.

He ended up in the woods. In a river. In full armour. With forest spirits surrounding him.

Well, that was the servants quarters I think.

Needless to say, he was never very good at navigation.

Ah, there we are!

"Finally! It's taken me ages to get back!" He boomed in relief to the courtyard. "It was... less than productive. Perhaps the Legendary charm of Ramon will have more luck."

2020-05-31, 05:52 PM

"Maybe, it would help if you actually wanted to win, brother." She says with a wink, but her face also shows signs of compassion. The whole marrying-a-princess thing was difficult for everyone involved. And while she felt for the princess being given away as a price, she also knew that Alvar would much rather marry someone else, if asked. But turning down the hand of the princess would be lese majesty on its own.

2020-06-20, 07:52 PM
Alvar returns, around the same time a servant finds you in the courtyard. The servant is a small, mousy-looking woman, who clears her throat, and is then almost immediately bowled over by one of the larger dogs. "Down! Down boy, not now! Official business!" she says, laughing a bit.

Once she's gotten the big boy to settle down, she clears her throat again. "His Majesty, King Jonathan Indos, would like to speak with you all once more. He wishes to let you know it is neither formal nor urgent, but to make reasonable haste to meet with him."

2020-06-22, 11:27 AM

"Sounds good to me. I am desperately interested to speak to our monarch about his grander plans."

Alvar looks lost in thought, as if his mind has been elsewhere for the time in which he was travelling.

2020-06-22, 11:49 AM
Velguardr says "Mia, go ahead and lead them to the king. I believe they are ready."

Mia nods, and begins to lead you. The big dog that tackled her looks a little sad that she's going, so she takes a moment to pat his head and reassure him before properly leading you off.

You find the king, after a brief walk through the palace, in his study, quietly snoring on top of some mostly blank parchment. "Your majesty... Um, sir?" Mia asks. The king sleeps away. She turns to the guards just outside his study, and asks them "How long has he been asleep?" They just shrug in response. "Erm, well, your highnesses," she says to you all, "I... Um... Perhaps one of you can wake the king?"

2020-06-22, 02:57 PM

"You know, I might have just the thing." She starts rummaging in the many pockets of her cloak, and finally produces a small cloth sack, and from it's inside, a small, simply made bell. With a triumphant look on her face, she starts to shake the trinket to produce a ring.

Yes, I had this in my inventory. Good thing I got this one, not the signal whistle.

2020-06-22, 09:01 PM
The king startles to attention. "Hm? What?" he lets out. Mia, meanwhile, looks paralyzed in shock. The king turns to face the source of the noise, and sees Niala there with her bell, looking triumphant. He chuckles a bit. "I suppose I should've chosen the bed chambers over the study, eh?"

Mia bows, saying "I'm sorry, your majesty, you-"

"I was sleeping. It happens. I'm old, and tire easily," he replies. "Be at ease. Thank you for bringing them to see me-you are dismissed."

"Thank you, your majesty," Mia says, and scurries off.

John Cribati
2020-06-22, 09:06 PM

With the smallest dog bundled up in the crook of her arm- partly as a test for how far she could take the "not formal" thing, but mostly because she was still feeling cuddly- she offers a small bow.

You wished to see us?

2020-06-22, 09:12 PM
"Yes-yes I did," he says, looking at you. "I don't think my eyes are that bad-is that a dog in your arms?"

John Cribati
2020-06-22, 09:53 PM

I was told this wouldn't be a formal meeting.

2020-06-23, 10:17 AM
"Right..." he replies. "Mia!" he then calls, summoning her back.

"Yes, your majesty?" she asks.

The king gestures to the dog in Si'Mia's arms, and orders "Please take the dog back to the courtyard."

"Right away!" she says, and gently takes the dog from you, assuming you don't resist.

With that, he gestures you into the room, saying "Close the door, please. I doubt we'll be talking state secrets or anything, but it's best to be in good habits."

2020-06-23, 11:43 AM

Alvar walks over, after everyone else has entered, closes the door.

"So what would you ask of us?"

2020-06-23, 11:45 AM
"Let's start with my daughters, shall we?" he says. "You've met them both. Tell me about what you thought-and be honest, please."

John Cribati
2020-06-23, 12:10 PM

Bella has a strong desire to be in charge, but does not have the makings of a leader.

Elely has a strong will to defend others, but I question her ability to provide.

2020-06-23, 06:10 PM

"I suppose it is neither a secret that Bella appears to try to fulfil the expectations of a lady of her status, nor that Elely is living her freedom as he second-in-row, and trying to embody the general opposite. The conflict of their attitudes seems to have very much grown between the two of them." She shrugs. "I have no idea how it is to grow up in either position: Neither knowing that your destined to rule, nor to know that you only will be if a tragedy occurs. I believe they both find their own way of accepting the situation." She shortly pauses. Well knowing she has already said a lot, she adds: "Regarding their leadership skills... One thing I'm sure of is that if a beast would threaten their kingdom, Bella would send out a capable strike force, see the problem solved, and live through it to focus on other issues at hand, like her father did. Elely, would prefer to ride into battle herself, and presumably collect as many scars as she could on the way."

2020-06-23, 06:12 PM
"Well, I can't confess any surprise," the king says with a bit of a chuckle, "but glad to know I retain enough wits to know my own daughters. But then-tell me of your own leadership styles. I know, you've much to learn-but how would you respond to some monster appearing in teh countryside, or a protest outside the palace doors, or any number of other problems?"

2020-06-23, 06:23 PM

Her words overtake her thoughts, as she answers.

"I think understanding the problem, I mean, what's behind it, I mean, what's causing it -- that's the first thing that has to be done. Experienced says it's never the same problem twice. One day it's a fox stealing chicken, another time it's the neighbor, and well... sometimes it just happens to be a wyrm." She shrugs. "That's one thing. Another is to have the right people on the team. There's a reason we came back from that fight. It's because we banded together and used our strengths against it. None of us could have solved the problem on our own. If you're not an expert, find one, that's my motto at least."

John Cribati
2020-06-23, 06:39 PM

Si'Mia thinks it over.

For a beast, I would gather the strongest fighters I have, and send half along with those who aren't as elite, but good enough to support them. The other half would remain as a second line of defense should the attackers fail.

For a protest... well, as a leader it's my duty to make sure those under me are properly being cared for. I would meet with them, to understand what I've been lacking, and then work to correct my mistakes.

2020-06-24, 02:20 PM

"Hmmmm." Alvar ponders the question for a moment, letting his friends take the lead. After they have spoken, Alvar speaks up.

"I can't help but think I would try and confront any beast myself. Naturally, I would have allies with me but I do not feel I could let men risk their lives when I would not be willing myself. Then again, perhaps it would be good for men at arms to test their steel against such beasts. I am unsure. I have never had the option of sending someone else in to do my work. Perhaps if the beast were dangerous enough..."

"As for a protest? I would approach them. Speak to them and attempt to understand their grievances. Most times, when a people are angry, there is some basic necessity that they are lacking. Food, water, safety or even simple health. As a ruler, it does one good to show faces to the crowds - to let them know that there is a person behind the throne, not simply a crown.

"For both, I would count myself very lucky to continue to have my friends beside me throughout it all. That dragon may be the greatest of our accomplishments but I like to think that any of our achievements be as dust without out combined efforts"

This is, quite possibly, the most Alvar has said to a single person since the Dragon was defeated. This is not a usual occurence.

2020-06-24, 02:25 PM
"Good, good..." the king says. "I..." he continues, but stops, breathing heavily. "Sorry... Chest paints, and..."

2020-06-24, 06:34 PM

Observing the old king, to find traces of reactions in his face regarding their respective answers, she sees the king being ... uneasy.

"Heeelp!" she shouts, instinctively both in word and telepathic thought, running towards the king and - without further measures of politeness, trying to help him loosen his shirt.

2020-06-24, 06:38 PM
The guards throw the door open and rush in. The king is trying to form words, but finds himself unable to say anything. Nira is able to get his shirt off, and while there are some old scars, there's no sign of anything wrong visible from the outside, at least upon immediate investigation.

John Cribati
2020-06-24, 07:20 PM

Frozen for a second, she's snapped out of it by Nira's yell and quickly rushes to the king's side. She didn't have her tools, but she could at least do something until proper help arrived...

Medicine: [roll0]

2020-06-24, 07:25 PM
It looks like a heart attack. You start doing what you can, but you don't think he'll make it long without some form of magic-and even then, it'd be iffy.

2020-06-25, 01:53 PM

Alvar sees the king begin to collapse and immediately reaches for his holy symbol. A brief moment of pause comnes over his mind.

Surianna the Dawn, grant me insight. Will your blessing help this man?

Would Bless, which gives any creature a d4 on a saving throw, be useful here? Because if so, then Alvar casts that without hesitation.

2020-06-25, 08:46 PM
Alvar takes a moment to beseech his deity, and, while he can't be sure in the brief moment if it's truly holy insight, or just his own gut feeling, he thinks it'd be best to Bless the king.

The guards look at Alvar-unsure whether or not to stop his casting.


Edit: Ouch.

The guards are not used to you yet-they don't know whether or not, in a situation like this, to trust you. But they know that the king trusts you, and it's making them hesitate, and not just stab your butt.

2020-06-26, 10:16 AM

"By my oath and by my power, let Surianna's light shine down!" A hurried incantation, but one that should work...

Alvar turns to the guards. "Your king needs aid. Fetch the healer!"Full on battle voice engaged, the sound booms from behind the steel of the helmet.

2020-06-28, 02:20 PM

While she is not an expert on medical conditions, she realizes that the king is in grave danger -- danger she cannot help against. Fortunately, Alvar is already supporting him with his deity's power. And yet... There is a feeling growing in her, and she focuses her eyes on him. My king. Do not try to speak. Think the words, so I can hear them. Is there something we need to know? A traitor? She asks him telepathically, giving him a chance to share his thoughts -- and be it his last.

2020-06-28, 03:20 PM
Trust my daughters and Velguardr, he replies, surprisingly coherent while dying. He's continuing to hold on for the moment, but you can tell by his body and his mental words that he's in pain, and having difficulty.

[roll0] plus [roll1]

2020-07-02, 04:08 PM

(@King) We will, my king. she answers, her eyes seeking his, trying to wash away the pain she feels over the telepathic connection, while addressing her friends:

(@party) Is there nothing we can do?

I'm out of ideas, it's just from character perspective that she believes that there must be some solution.

John Cribati
2020-07-02, 04:36 PM

Someone hurry and get his daughters!

She takes the king's hand in hers and holds it firmly. She didn't very much like using the telepathic connection, but in this case... it was prudent.

If we can truly do nothing to save him in this life, we can at least do him the honor of keeping vigil as he passes.

2020-07-02, 04:45 PM

Currently, he's on 1-2.

2020-07-02, 04:49 PM
The king stops moving much. His breath is faint, but there. You can still feel him in your mind, just slightly.

The medic arrives with the guard who left, shortly followed by Bella, Elely, Velguardr, and more guards. You're forced out of the room-though the Bless remains active for the duration-as the king is examined.

Perhaps half an hour passes before anyone has information. The medic leaves the room, and tells you "The king is in a coma."

2020-07-02, 05:15 PM

As the medic rushes in and people start shoving them out of the room, her first instinct is to protest, but then she sees the princesses and decides that this simply not her fight to fight. She was not frontliner this time, but she would be there on second line of defense instead.


"How do you think did this happen? Poison?"

2020-07-02, 05:49 PM
The medic looks at you all. Specifically, it seems he's looking at Alvar. "We don't know yet."

2020-07-24, 04:53 AM

"Hmmm... Perhaps it was his age. Even the strongest wills fall to time..." As he talks, he looks over at the medic.

"Is everything okay? Might I ask why you are looking at me?"