View Full Version : DM Help Can I make a wiki for free?

2020-04-25, 02:13 AM
I am looking for a batter way to manage my campaigns. They all reside in the same world so I get a chance to refine it over the years. I have been using OneNote (a great tool, but has its limitations) and am thinking about switching over to Campfire Pro (highly open to suggestions for other software). That does mean that I will have to give my players a different way to access information.

I was thinking about starting a Wiki for my campaign so they can go online to access it, but don't want to pay a monthly charge.

I could use help finding a free way to give them access to my world information and house rules without paying a monthly fee.

2020-04-25, 03:16 AM
Yes, there are plenty of free wikis. This (http://www.pbworks.com/) is one I've used in the past but I'm sure you'll be able to find countless others with some quick googling.

2020-04-26, 01:12 PM
Obsidian Portal (https://www.obsidianportal.com/), perhaps?

2020-04-27, 03:33 AM
There are almost certainly still a bunch of free web hosting services that you could use if you're more into building a website from scratch (or using an html editor), although I haven't looked into it in a few years.