View Full Version : Roleplaying I need some help making my Aasimar more interesting.

2020-04-25, 04:13 AM
So i have a Aasimar Monk of the Way of the Astral Self, mostly because it would give me some glowy wings to go along with my glowy arms. But the problem is im having a hard time working out a interesting personality for him. A fair part of that is just some of the fluff Aasimar have "The gods put you on earth to do sick wrestling moves on bad guys" kinda making it seem like a Mary Sue for me. That and and im trying to work out if the astral parts are a innate ability like the wings or a purely monk ability for him.

Apart from that im trying to get a good personally mix of monk, Aasimar and just a wrestler without him being super egotistical. He has the entertainer background as a gladiator.

The traits i rolled are

I’ll settle for nothing less than perfection. I love a good insult, even one directed at me. Ideals

Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are. (Any) Bonds

I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated rival. Flaws

I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

So im thinking his art is unarmed combat so i think he seeks to perfect it and him self to raise above his celestial guardian and claim his destiny for his own? Im still picking a god, as i dont know if there is a god of sick wrestling moves. As a protector Aasimar im leaning Tyr or Torm

2020-04-25, 05:16 AM
You could make him as a sort of Valkyrie, who's goal is to find prospective heroes (and intel on villains) to serve as Einjerenjar in the next life.

You have a specialized weapon of choice, as a warrior should, and one that shows off the might of you and your God. You're a walking billboard for war.

Personality-wise, you encourage honorable competition as the primary means of a solution, whether that be through debate, strength, intellect, or any challenge both sides agree upon. Even subterfuge may be acceptable, if that's the agreed-upon ruleset (such as lying to a liar). You compliment people regularly, and you're overly blunt (partially at an attempt to provoke a challenge from them, of any kind).

T.G. Oskar
2020-04-25, 05:08 PM
So i have a Aasimar Monk of the Way of the Astral Self, mostly because it would give me some glowy wings to go along with my glowy arms. But the problem is im having a hard time working out a interesting personality for him. A fair part of that is just some of the fluff Aasimar have "The gods put you on earth to do sick wrestling moves on bad guys" kinda making it seem like a Mary Sue for me. That and and im trying to work out if the astral parts are a innate ability like the wings or a purely monk ability for him.

Apart from that im trying to get a good personally mix of monk, Aasimar and just a wrestler without him being super egotistical. He has the entertainer background as a gladiator.

The traits i rolled are

I’ll settle for nothing less than perfection. I love a good insult, even one directed at me. Ideals

Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are. (Any) Bonds

I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated rival. Flaws

I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

So im thinking his art is unarmed combat so i think he seeks to perfect it and him self to raise above his celestial guardian and claim his destiny for his own? Im still picking a god, as i dont know if there is a god of sick wrestling moves. As a protector Aasimar im leaning Tyr or Torm

From what I'm seeing, you're basically building a Wuxia protagonist. I'd imagine your character being a lot like Jet Li - while nominally a good character, and deep down he is, he's a braggart that knows he's good. See many of his early movies for a feel of how to roleplay that character.

However, rather than prove that Kung Fu is the best martial art, go for wrestling. So, you'd also have to see good wrestlers, particularly those who have good microphone skills. As much as I hate the character, Mike "the Miz" Mizanin has spectacular microphone skills, enough to make anyone hate him when he's playing heel. (And has he ever played face?)

In short: your Protector Aasimar Way of the Astral Self Monk is good, knows he's good, and will loudly proclaim he's good. His brash attitude will cause him to pick fights with everyone, and he'll fight to win. However, deep down, much as his brand of Aasimar is named, he's doing it to protect others. He'll have a wry smile on his lips whenever he walks, but when he sees someone bullied, he'll crank up the snark to eleven - he'll treat the bullied one like a nobody, and proclaim "fight someone your size!", taunting the bully at every moment. When that happens, he'll beat the bully in the most humiliating way, enough to provoke laughs for everybody. Then, as a final insult, he'll bully the bully by going for every litany of insults in his repertoire, and simply walk away. The key here is that, when he's alone, he's actually pretty serious - constant training, meditation, etc. And he finds someone thanking him for saving them extremely awkward, to the point he basically loses his persona and shirk out. This shows that his braggart persona is just a facade, and his real self is much deeper.

This could tie to his rivalry. Perhaps his braggart persona is what he was, basking in the glory of what he was, but his most hated rival showed him off in such a bad way that forced him to rethink his strategy. He still believes he's the best, but he wants to prove to his rival in the most decisive way, and he'll do it the best way he knows - by beating up every bully that dares to humiliate others.

Anyways, these are just ideas, but I'd definitely recommend doing some research by looking at old Jet Li movies and some of the promos cut by the Miz for an idea on how to do a braggart with depth.

2020-04-26, 09:52 AM
Agree with the above.. you are the champion of your local school/monastery, and you know it.
You are somewhere between a Wuxia bad guy who goes around running his mouth and challenging other martial artists, and Son Goku... your love for the martial arts is genuine and you are never happier than when you find a worthy opponent. You will forget any mission you are on if challenged by someone worthy, and you will not accept help in such a fight.
You spend every free second training to hone your body and skills to perfection, to the point of becoming obnoxious and a bit of a buzzkill to your fellow party members, but when the time comes to do your part, you are more than happy to show the results of all your efforts. the occasional call out to your patron when you are victorious seems appropriate (in a Mad Max "witness me" sort of way).
You should have an irresistible compulsion to play every strongman game in any amusement park, country fair or open challenge event you encounter, take part to any martial tournament you come across. You will not bet on the result, but the potential prize money and whatever your mates make betting on you are fair game.