View Full Version : nasty stuff to fit in a hoard gullet

2020-04-25, 01:45 PM
Making a sneaky, disgusting kobold ninja (lvl 16). As for his dracinic rite of passage I am thinking of taking hoard gullet, what would be some nasty surprises to stuff down there?
We are overlaping with pathfinder (but gunpowder is a no-no).
I am thinking either 17000 doses of powdered water or a lot of living bees.
But some kind of poisonous gas, explosive, combustible or even more crazy could be fun. Preferably something cheap or free...

2020-04-25, 02:43 PM
How about a literal ton of green slime (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/dungeons.htm#slimesMoldsAndFungi)?

Green Slime (CR 4)
This dungeon peril is a dangerous variety of normal slime. Green slime devours flesh and organic materials on contact and is even capable of dissolving metal. Bright green, wet, and sticky, it clings to walls, floors, and ceilings in patches, reproducing as it consumes organic matter. It drops from walls and ceilings when it detects movement (and possible food) below.

A single 5-foot square of green slime deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage per round while it devours flesh. On the first round of contact, the slime can be scraped off a creature (most likely destroying the scraping device), but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut away (dealing damage to the victim as well). Anything that deals cold or fire damage, sunlight, or a remove disease spell destroys a patch of green slime. Against wood or metal, green slime deals 2d6 points of damage per round, ignoring metal’s hardness but not that of wood. It does not harm stone.

Store it in some thin glass containers to protect yourself, then hork them all up when you need an alpha strike?

2020-04-26, 02:42 AM
I toyed with the idea of green slime, problem is that hoard gullet can only swallow objects three size categories smaller that one self.
Another plan was to hork down one green slime and then feed it organic matter until it grew to fill out the gullet, but I am not sure to what extent hoard gullet allows for sharp, caustic or flammable objects to be kept inside without cauaing sever gastric irritation.

2020-04-26, 03:46 AM
You can disgorge your entire gullet as part of the same action. Per the Falling Object Damage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#fallingObjects) rules, the most we're gonna get out of any falling object is 20d6, and how far it has to fall to deal that much damage depends on its weight. Additionally, that damage is for each individual object falling, provided that each object weighs at least 1 lb. This gets extra fun if combined with Shrink Item to expand what the Hoard Gullet can carry in terms of weight, volume, and quantity.

Our ideal object is one that fills up the weight limit as cheaply as possible, without going over the volume limit. As part of a previous thread about Wishing a planet into existence, the best weight-to-cost ratio I found for these purposes is firewood, which costs 1cp and weighs 20 lbs. Even taking Shrink Item into account, and cutting the firewood into 20 chunks after shrinkage, filling up your Hoard Gullet to its theoretical maximum capacity would cost 2048 gp.

Presuming we're using oak for our firewood (its the right kinda wood and has a density around 50 lbs/cubic foot, which makes the math easy), and presuming we can either get big oak trees purchased for firewood prices by weight, or we're allowed to Shrink Item a pile of firewood as if it were one object (not the most unreasonable thing to allow), we're looking at 81920 cubic feet of oak before we hit that weight limit (even though we're only at 1/5th our volume limit). If you're casting NI times at CL 20, that takes 2048 castings with each one lasting 20 days. So we get about 100 castings a day, each time shrinking and subsequently swallowing 40 cubic meters of oak wood.

That theoretical maximum (at least without using Reserves Of Strength on the Hoard Gullet maximum) is 4096000 objects that, once unshrunken, are 1 lb each and deal 20d6 after falling 1400 ft. 20d6 deals 70 on average. Stone has a hardness of 8, and has 60 HP for a 4 inch thick section. If we pretend the earth is a series of 4-inch thick stone walls stacked on top of each other (and thus hardness applies per 4 inches, rather than just once per falling object, then we can expect to get through 5 layers with 7 objects (on average). The crust is about 314960 inches thick, which would be 78740 layers, which would take 110236 impacts to destroy. That's a 10ft by 10ft hole all the way down the mantle, and that can happen 37 times.

You float 1400 ft above the planet. You use action economy shenanigans to unleash your hoard gullet and then give the command word to un-shrink the objects. Two rounds later, the first impacts shake the world. Bit by bit, a pit 70 ft in diameter is dug into the earth. 24 rounds later, the planet ceases quaking beneath your assault. There is now a 70 ft diameter hole going all the way down to the mantle, just by virtue of 4 million chunks of firewood tumbling through the air around each other all the way down.

2048 gp worth of oak firewood. Enough castings of "Hoard Gullet" at CL 10 to extend the duration long enough to swallow all that wood (shouldn't require much cheating - a wand, regular casting, maybe even Factotum can manage it just fine). 108000 gp for an at-will Command Word item of "Shrink Item" at CL 20. And a few weeks worth of build-up.

All to create a new volcano in under less than three minutes with one round of actions to trigger it. :P

EDIT: This has unfortunate implications for the hail creation portion of the Fimbulwinter spell. :smallbiggrin: