View Full Version : Bansheexero's Maybe Solo

2020-04-25, 07:02 PM
GM reserve.

2020-04-25, 08:00 PM
I usually run this scenario with either a labrat type creature or a child.

However, it isn't hard to adapt.

You can use 3.0, 3.5, d20 mod, pf1, or 5e. They are similar enough for my purposes. Moderate system mixing is ok, so long as you aren't mixing 3.5 and pf feats that break the systems when used together.

Just make a character that you want to play, with a few restrictions.

No knowledge, craft, or profession type skills. Use the points for physical stuff. You were created in a lab and given memories of skills that your creators thought useful for testing how well ability transfer works. Your character doesn't know their purpose, but as a player you can assume it probably has something to do with making a slave army.

You have never been out side of the complex, and in only a handful of rooms. You have never seen the sky or grass or a tree.

In your case, we can say that they have been using you in test fights against undead or what not, so you can have ranks in Know: Undead or what not, and Craft: wooden stake.

We can also say that they downloaded Basic Soldier training, so you can have ranks in Survival even if you have never actually seen a tree or started a fire. Use rope would fall under this.

While the memories they have given you are usually sanitized of emotion and distilled down to very specific skills, we can say that enough fragments of personality have slipped though that you feel like you are of a long line of vampire slayers, even if you know it really isn't true. They made you morally neutral with a lawful bent, but that may have shifted. Maybe you don't like that you have killed other test subjects in training.

You are, purposely, illiterate and otherwise uneducated.

As for point buy, whatever you like, just not "too much", as that starts taking the fun out of things. You might steal ranger favored enemy or some rogue abilities and have a feat or three extra. If you were a Nerd working with a military advisor to make a prototype swashbuckling undead hunter to clean out haunted castles, what would you include?

If we get other players, then we can turn this into a team escape situation, and I'll work out character restrictions for them when I need to, so far as magic and such.

You can set up non magical equipment of up to masterwork quality. What you think the would give you. No magical or alchemical items. You will be able to acquire those later. You will be starting off separated from your gear, as it stays in the training area and you sleep in a locked cell.

How does this sound so far?

Have you ever seen Dark Angel or Dollhouse? the tv shows, not the movies.

2020-04-26, 06:10 AM

The green light has come on. That is odd. Usually it is the white light above you when you are awake.

But it is nice to have some light.

It seems like a long time since the lights came on. Since the big shake happened. It knocked you out of your bed.

You were waiting for the headache to pass so you could do your next test. That is usually just a short nap with the light on.

But when the big shake happened you fell to the floor in your room and the light went out.

No one came to take you to the test. No one has brought food.
The water still comes from the sink, but you are hungry. It feels like you have missed many meals.

You see your bunk with the blanket.

You see the sink and toilet. They still work. She cleaning shell works too (Demolition Man). Your hygiene kit is on the little shelf above the sink. The little drinking cup is there too.

You see the stool and small table where you eat. Your mess kit and water bottle are on the table.

You see the door. The little window in it is closed from the outside.

You feel like you need to leave.

In the dim green light you can see your designation on your arm. What is it? (The alphanumeric code they call you)

2020-04-26, 06:14 AM

You remember the confusion of your birth. Being wet and cold. The warming towels. Not understanding anything, or knowing that you needed to understand.

Then they put something in your mouth, and your head hurt and you fell asleep. When you woke up you understood that you could eat and crawl. Still, you nearly died the first few times you tried to eat.

After some more glowing pills were fed to you, you learned to walk, use a mess kits, use the toilet, how to clean up when you throw up using the rag and bucket.

The larger pills made you stronger and more steady. You sleep for a long time after those.

Other pills make you know things for a little while. Long enough to do some test.
Some make you faster for a while.

You have seen your reflection sometimes.
You have seen others like you. Some floating in tubes. Some walking around. Sometimes they have one doing the the same test you are doing.

The tests are sometimes trying to arrange blocks in a pattern. Sometimes moving across a room with things in the way.

The bigger people either wear black, white, or green. The black ones just watch. The green ones do the tests where you have to move. The white ones watch the moving tests, and do the tests with the small blocks.

Then you started learning to fight/use magic. You took the pill and then exercised and practiced the moves.

They have sometimes made you duel others like you. Sometimes you have hurt them.

Other times they have made you fight strange creatures.

You were going to do a test soon. You took a pill. But the shake happened.

You feel like you should leave, but the door is closed. You have never opened it from the inside. They always open it.

How do you get out?

2020-04-26, 06:15 AM
the door:

There is a handle with a thumb button. There is a small gap on the side of the door with the handle. You can see the bolt.

The door opens outward from your room.

There is a square on the wall by the door with 3 buttons on it. You have never touched it. You have a memory that you shouldn't. Like the memory that you shouldn't put your head in the toilet.

You are wearing a pink t shirt and sweat pants. You are barefoot.

2020-04-27, 08:02 PM
Cedric Argentus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2192731)

Cedric's Speech will be dark red

I recall that somewhere you mentioned Knowledge (History) could not be taken, or at the very least locked. I switched it for Knowledge (Engineering). Also, I was not sure if you'd allow character traits, as that seems to indicate some form of background, so I removed them for the time being.

Also, minor note, you mentioned putting 4 ranks into Survival. I've played 3.5 before, and Pathfinder's skill system is a lot simpler than D&D 3.5. I am capped by level for the number of ranks in any given skill. It only takes 1 skill point to increase the rank of any skill, be it a class skill or not, and once something is a class skill in any class I have, it always remains so, even if I were to multiclass. Rather than reduce the skill point cost of a skill, if it is a class skill, so long as I have at least 1 rank in it, it gains a +3 bonus. Rather than caps being character level +3 in class skills, the cap is character level (which is 3 in this case).

If and when memory is restored (or awakened, since memories are not all too sharp), I'd probably request to regain traits. This is more important on Aurora, as it makes Perception a class skill for her, and gives her a means of glowing without having to concentrate or use the Light Sphere to do so. I chose Intermag for their languages, as a means to reference their lost language(s).

Cedric Looks around the cell. He tries the door, but the bold prevents it from opening. Wary of the buttons along the wall, he tries pounding on the door, yelling, hoping somebody can hear him to let him out. The language he is speaking seems foreign, even to himself, but he understands it. Sadly, trying to recall anything else does not work. He observes the door, looking for points of weakness.

Looking around the cell for other ways to possibly escape, like a vent or possibly a false wall/hidden doorway
Perception Take 20, so 25, as I assume I have enough time to do so. If not [roll0]

Checking to see structural weakness. Being a knowledge skill, taking 10 or 20 is not an option.
Knowledge (Engineering) [roll1]

Aurora the Starseer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2192714)

Aurora's Speech will be golden rod

As Aurora comes to, she looks around the room, but does not find much to work with. So, almost instinctively, she focuses to open her Mind's Eye to check for any magic or other auras of the room around her.

So, while not having Aurora's focus makes her casting very difficult, it does not make it impossible. She has to make a concentration check with a DC of 20 + 1/2 caster level of said ability (in this case the DC is 21), and she is always capable of reducing the caster level of any sphere effect, which would make casting easier given whatever the circumstance would be. So, given that my usage of Divination does not require the expenditure of a spell point to use (I am concentrating on the effect and using the slower activation), barring any interruption and limited time/attack or other threat, I can simply take 20 on the check to automatically pass. But, barring that circumstance, I'll provide a roll just in case [roll2]

Additionally, Divination allows me to perceive other things outside of magic auras, dependent upon what other spheres Aurora possesses. In this case, she can divine Hostility (Destruction), which means she can tell how much damage a creature in range has as well as what square the damage came from if it is within the range of her detection; Alignment and Fate (Fate) - essentially the two are mostly the same thing with one telling me more objectively what alignment and loyalties a target possesses, and the other telling me where they stand with reference to Aurora's own alignment and loyalties; and finally, there is Ultravision (Light) which grants my caster level as a bonus (which, because I am reducing the caster level to 2, only adds +2) on Perception checks, and allows me to make such checks as a free action, which again I will take 20 if allowed the allotted time, but if not, here is a check [roll3].

2020-04-27, 08:30 PM
1) Each has a forearm tattoo of an alphanumeric designation. This is what they are called by staff.
Choose one for each. Something simple or something cute like B15AR0.

2) Let's deal with BR1RR053 first:

The usual magical static of this place is still present, but different somehow, like the tone has shifted.

Scanning for auras, the sink, toilet, hygiene kit, the ceiling lights, and the square by the door are magical.

Of the 3 smaller squares, 2 are hostile.

2020-04-27, 10:55 PM
STLRCR28 (Aurora)

Sensing the hostility of the buttons, STLRCR28 presses the non-hostile button.

I mentioned in the e-mail I was going with STELLRCR28, reduced to STLRCR28, a reference to being a Stellar Seer. If you want something different, and more of a generic cuteness, I can go with DA1Z3Y77 (Daisy 77). Or, if you wish her to go by the code you came up with, that is fine too.

As for Cedric,.I figured his code would be W1P1TGD (whip it good)

2020-04-27, 11:18 PM
STLRCR28 (Aurora)

Sensing the hostility of the buttons, STLRCR28 presses the non-hostile button.

I mentioned in the e-mail I was going with STELLRCR28, reduced to STLRCR28, a reference to being a Stellar Seer. If you want something different, and more of a generic cuteness, I can go with DA1Z3Y77 (Daisy 77). Or, if you wish her to go by the code you came up with, that is fine too.

As for Cedric,.I figured his code would be W1P1TGD (whip it good)

Which ever code you like is fine. Do you get the Briar Rose reference?


She presses the button, and senses that it has now become hostile. Looking again, she realizes that a different button is the non hostile one now.

After 5 button pushes, there is a CLICK as the door unlocks.

Which do you consider more important in her escape: Wisdom or Intelligence?


He wants OUT! bang, Bang, Bang, BANG!!!

About the time she opens her door, his door flies open, the latch bolt sheared off.


The lights over this 20 ft section of 15 ft wide hallway with 10 ft ceiling snap on.

This is unusual. Usually the whole hallway is lit.

Their doors are on opposite sides of the hall, his on East, hers on west (all directions are relative for convenience. Any relationship to real directions are entirely coincidental. ).

You know there are 20 doors in this hall. Hers is 8, his is 7.

The hall smells like burn vomit instead of the usual antiseptic.

South is a shower area.

North leads to the rest of the facility.

Question: Did he hurt himself bashing the door out?

2020-04-28, 01:21 AM
As the door bashes open W1P1TGD notices STLRCR28, who seems to be emitting small flickering motes of light and her eyes flowing as a clear sign of magic, speaking to her in the strange language he had no idea that he could speak. "This does not seem good, any idea what is happening? If we hope to find freedom, perhaps we should partner up." He hopes she understands. Also, as he finishes speaking, he notices the dull thrum of pain in his knee, from slamming it against his rooms door when he forced his way out.

Given that Cedric (W1P1TGD) is not a Strength build, but rather a Dexterity build, I decided to have him get injured, as he'd have to put a lot more effort into breaking the door down. So, his speed is currently reduced to 30 ft (from his normal 40 ft). He also can take double moves, but cannot charge or take the run action yet until he is healed. He has suffered [roll0] nonlethal damage. Of course, these are suggestions, you have ultimate say over it.


STLRCR28 notice the man that had burst through the door. She is surprised that she could understand his garbled speech, and was even more surprised that her response came from the same language. "I agree, we need to hurry. Any idea which way would lead us out?" She notices the man's slight limp. "Can you keep up? Or do you need help? Moving?"

Without her focus item, STLRCR28 does not feel comfortable dropping her concentration on the Divination effect. She can see just how much damage the man is in and knows that it was self-inflicted. The Aura emanating from the man allows her to allay some of her fears, as it indicates they share common morality and ethics. She allows her senses to do a sweep of the hallway to determine the closest threat and any signs of magic, before motioning to head North. As she does so, she drops her "Sight" so that she is more free to act. The sparkling motes around her fade as she does.

She will seek out magical signatures, trying to understand the specific school or sphere (whichever it may be] using Spellcraft [roll1]. In terms of general searching, she can also make a Perception roll [roll2] for anything else that may stick out (I realized that my prior roll used the wrong value, but it was lower than what her actual bonus was (normally +11, but Divination bumps this up to +13 (as indicated on the current roll. Due to Easy Focus, I can maintain concentration as move action, which allows me to take a standard/single move and swift action while concentrating, so I can cast other effects, it just means I can't move that round if I do. See next post.

Despite his injury, W1P1TGD is still able to move rather well. He nods in confirmation that he is still able to move. They move together towards the North.


As for which ability I will focus on is Wisdom, to sense dangers and such as a means to finding the safest path and have forewarning of an approaching threat (given that Aurora and Cedric both have an Int score of 10, even if they wanted to rely on Intelligence, it would be mostly ineffective. Cedric is playing follow-the-leader at this point, rationalizing that if she were hostile, she'd have attacked him rather than asking about his injury and checking to see if he could keep up.

2020-04-28, 01:30 AM
** Error - I did get STLRCR28's base Perception bonus right the first time, just forgot to show that on my sheet (due to not having background traits, it loses the class skill bonus (which is +3)), so it should be only a +10 value with Divination (so [roll0]).

**Additional Error - Concentrating on Divination is always a full-round action, but I could take swift/free actions to push buttons, speak, and take 5 ft steps.

2020-04-28, 02:39 AM
** Error - I did get STLRCR28's base Perception bonus right the first time, just forgot to show that on my sheet (due to not having background traits, it loses the class skill bonus (which is +3)), so it should be only a +10 value with Divination (so [roll0]).

**Additional Error - Concentrating on Divination is always a full-round action, but I could take swift/free actions to push buttons, speak, and take 5 ft steps.

1) Go ahead and give her perception as a class skill, and Skill Focus in it.

Other effects of that last pill:

Variable Boost

+1 WIS and +1d8 on all wisdom based checks and caster level on wisdom based spells. Can be voluntarily suppressed or capped (say she doesn't want the area over a certain amount). If multiple things are determined by level or wisdom, only roll once and apply the same result to all.

+2 INT and +1d6 on all Int based checks and caster level on INT based spells. Can be voluntarily suppressed or capped . If multiple things are determined by level or INT, only roll once and apply the same result to all.

Effects for him:
+2 STG and +1d12 on all STG based checks. For combat roll once and apply to both to-hit and damage. May be suppressed or capped (only want to bend it, not break it). For sustained actions must reroll each round.

Roleplay them figuring out what is going on as we go.

2) What is the range on her detect magic ability? and passive perception with it?

3) Injuries approved, but add one point lethal. Speed returns when the lethal is healed.

4) Are they taking anything with them? The only difference in Cell equipment is the contents of the hygiene kits, but they don't know that.

5) They know towels are south in the shower room.

6) Int check for each to see if they remember something.

2020-04-28, 04:44 AM
Do they have their weapons on them currently, as you said to only remove non-weapon equipment, and I believe you also included the Chain Shirt as well. Cedric can fight unarmed (rather weakly though) if we are disarmed.

If there are towels and hygiene kits, I'll take whatever is there, assuming it is out in the open in said cells.

Cedric (W1P1TGD) is Dex based, both for attack and damage a la Slashing Grace, though I can't wield anything in the other hand save for a buckler when doing so. Did you mean to boost Str or Dex with your buff? I can still see the utility of using it to lift heavy stuff.

Divination (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/divination) has medium range (100 ft + 10 ft per caster level). I reduced the caster level down to 2, as it is easier to pass the concentration check that way. Ultravision grants a bonus equal to caster level on Perception checks, and allows me to make Perception checks as a free action once per round. Not quite sure what you mean by "passive Perception." Her regular Perception modified by Skill Focus and a class skill grants a bonus of +14, which Ultravision buffs to +16 (or +17 if I use full caster level). I mean, if you want to use a static number for passive checks, normally that is 10 + Skill Modifier, so without Ultravision it would be 24.

Int checks (they have the same Intelligence score)

I have to get ready for work. So may be a while before I post again.

2020-04-28, 04:58 AM
Comments inserted

QUOTE=Bansheexero;24476569]Do they have their weapons on them currently, as you said to only remove non-weapon equipment, and I believe you also included the Chain Shirt as well. Cedric can fight unarmed (rather weakly though) if we are disarmed.

>>The only equipment is what is in the cells. At the end of tests/training equipment goes in a locker. He knows his locker is in the green area. She knows her locker is in the white area. Both of these areas are north.

If there are towels and hygiene kits, I'll take whatever is there, assuming it is out in the open in said cells.

>>The hygiene kits are small zipper cases like a travel shaving kit. It would take one hand to carry.

>>The water bottle would require a hand. about 1 Liter

>>The mess kit is the boyscout clamshell type with hard plastic butter knife, a spork, and a pair of chopsticks. This would also require a hand.

>>You don't have pockets.

>>Towels are in the shower area to the south. The beds have a blanket but no pillow.

Cedric (W1P1TGD) is Dex based, both for attack and damage a la Slashing Grace, though I can't wield anything in the other hand save for a buckler when doing so. Did you mean to boost Str or Dex with your buff? I can still see the utility of using it to lift heavy stuff.


Divination (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/divination) has medium range (100 ft + 10 ft per caster level). I reduced the caster level down to 2, as it is easier to pass the concentration check that way. Ultravision grants a bonus equal to caster level on Perception checks, and allows me to make Perception checks as a free action once per round. Not quite sure what you mean by "passive Perception." Her regular Perception modified by Skill Focus and a class skill grants a bonus of +14, which Ultravision buffs to +16 (or +17 if I use full caster level). I mean, if you want to use a static number for passive checks, normally that is 10 + Skill Modifier, so without Ultravision it would be 24.

>>24 it is then to notice magic things more or less in the open.

Int checks (they have the same Intelligence score)

>>Hers is 12 now. Please specify which character makes which role for narration purposes. (I'll come back and edit this in a min)
[roll0] 8. Since you said follow the leader the first check is for her. She remembers that there is medical stuff in the white area but isn't recalling exactly were.

[roll1] He remembers the check up room he goes to before every physical test. and there is food there, those sweet yellow things on a paper stick. He knows exactly how to get there.

>>She detects something magical to the south 60 ft away, and something to the south 25 ft away. Also, every door has a slightly magic aura.

I have to get ready for work. So may be a while before I post again.[/QUOTE]

Have fun being essential!

2020-04-28, 05:10 AM
reroll for her INT check.
[roll0] +[roll1]

2020-04-28, 05:12 AM
She remembers the medical kit in the Magic test room, and the medical desk right outside it. She knows how to get there.

2020-04-28, 10:08 AM
Currently on break, you said the hygiene kits and waterbottle would each require one hand. What if I took a towel, wrapped the up and tied it off as a satchel? Would that allow it to all be carried in one hand?

2020-04-28, 10:15 AM
You could bundle the hygiene and mess kits and water bottle, but you have to go get the towels first.

That area has its own describtion.

2020-04-28, 10:18 AM
If the beds have blankets, I'll grab those in lieu of towels. They can serve the same purpose.

2020-04-28, 11:21 AM
Want to take the sea shell and drinking cup too?

Are both characters bundling?


Heading north...

The next set of lights click on. Something is wrong. Only the East side of the hall is lit.

Looking up, one of the light is dangling.

(Spot checks)

On the floor there is a black splotch ringed by fragments of white fabric. These are blackened on their "inner" edges.

(Spot for Him.)

She detects magic from one of the larger fragments.

The smell here is really bad. Burnt vomit.

2020-04-28, 06:24 PM
Both are bundling, though as a "gentlemen," W1P1TGD is holding both with one hand, flung over his non-dominant shoulder (fun fact, the non-dominant arm is often stronger than the dominant one because it is used so often to hold stuff in order to retain the use of the dominant side for more complex usage). He limp/follows STLRCR28 by her side.

Not sure if I'd have access to my Aura Religion trait (part of background, associated with her patron Pulura (whether real or fake in your world). Main benefit is I get to glow, shedding normal light within a 10 ft radius as well as raising the light within 20 ft by 2 levels (maximum normal light), and I can activate or deactivate it at will as a standard action. I can use the Light sphere to cause glows as well (on people or items, but I'd rather not try the miss chance or burn the spell point to sustain it. The Aura trait also grants +1 to Knowledge (Religion) and makes it a class skill, but it is already a class skill for Incanters. I took it for the self-lighting effect more than the buff to Religion. If it is alright with you, I adjusted the aesthetic presentation to form constellations that shed light within my square rather than simply having my whole body glow.

What is STG? I am unfamiliar with that acronym, initially I thought you were say Str for Strength, but you repeated a second time, so not sure I understand your meaning.

The two wade through the room, trying not to gag and hoping the medical kit has some scented balm to put under their noses as a means of deadening the smell. As they near the blackened spot, Aurora makes sure to give it a wide berth.

Aurora is using her Perception, Knowledge skills, and Spellcraft to see if she can figure anything out.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll2]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll3]
Spellcraft [roll4]

FYI, I am going to sleep soon, as I did not sleep very well last night and am rather drained. Need to be ready for work again.

2020-04-29, 02:14 AM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24478007]Both are bundling, though as a "gentlemen," W1P1TGD is holding both with one hand, flung over his non-dominant shoulder (fun fact, the non-dominant arm is often stronger than the dominant one because it is used so often to hold stuff in order to retain the use of the dominant side for more complex usage). He limp/follows STLRCR28 by her side.

>>>Of course. The limping one does the carrying.

Not sure if I'd have access to my Aura Religion trait (part of background, associated with her patron Pulura (whether real or fake in your world). Main benefit is I get to glow, shedding normal light within a 10 ft radius as well as raising the light within 20 ft by 2 levels (maximum normal light), and I can activate or deactivate it at will as a standard action. I can use the Light sphere to cause glows as well (on people or items, but I'd rather not try the miss chance or burn the spell point to sustain it. The Aura trait also grants +1 to Knowledge (Religion) and makes it a class skill, but it is already a class skill for Incanters. I took it for the self-lighting effect more than the buff to Religion. If it is alright with you, I adjusted the aesthetic presentation to form constellations that shed light within my square rather than simply having my whole body glow.

>>Let's split the difference. For now, she glows or has a constellation of motes floating about her, shedding dim light to 10 ft like candles. No spell point cost. This surprises her as she wasn't expecting it. She can suppress it.

What is STG? I am unfamiliar with that acronym, initially I thought you were say Str for Strength, but you repeated a second time, so not sure I understand your meaning.

>> Just an alternate abbreviation for Strength

The two wade through the room hallway, trying not to gag and hoping the medical kit has some scented balm to put under their noses as a means of deadening the smell. As they near the blackened spot, Aurora makes sure to give it a wide berth.

>>Just to be clear, you have a fair distance to travel before reaching the med kit. Under normal circumstances it would be a 15 minute walk, but the complex has become a dungeon to explore.

Aurora is using her Perception, Knowledge skills, and Spellcraft to see if she can figure anything out.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll2]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll3]
Spellcraft [roll4]

>>I'll make adjustments and roll for him below.

FYI, I am going to sleep soon, as I did not sleep very well last night and am rather drained. Need to be ready for work again.[/QUOTE]

>>I know the feeling. All the factory, cashier, and stocking jobs I've ever had messed with my sleep. It was like my body was tired but my mind needed something to do. Even at work my mind would assign exactly enough attention to detail to do the job well, while the rest of it was entertaining itself writing fan fic or game scenarios. Night shifts and rotating shifts didn't help matters.

Her bonuses for the actions:
Wis: [roll0]
Int: [roll1]

His checks
Spot 1: [roll2]
Spot 2: [roll3]
Spot 3: [roll4]

2020-04-29, 02:35 AM
They both notice a crack int the ceiling running from the displaced light fixture down the wall where it intersects with a door frame. The frame is bent and the door is ajar.

While she looks at the crack intently, He notices something glittering in a fragment of cloth, and a metal clipboard on the floor near the splotch. (she knows there is a magic item in that area)

She examines the flickering auras.
(I'm going to be loose with school/subschool/sphere descriptors.)

She understands.
The static she usually perceives is because the whole facility has multiple layers of magics about it, including non-detection spells to hide the magics.

But here, where the enchanted ceiling is broken, she can see cracks in the magic where they 'rub' together and interfere.

There are abjurations, anti-divination, and anti-transportation auras. she could never divine or move or summon beyond the barrier.

But a powerful being, or a highly skilled one who knew where to look, might find this place and possible scry inside now that the protections are cracked.

2020-04-29, 10:23 AM
STLRCR28 decides to channel positive energy as to restore W1P1TGD's stride and offers to hold the wrapped items. She indicates the location of a magic items and asks him to see what it is and possibly retrieve it

Healing (Positive) - [roll0]
When healing, each point of lethal damage healed, heals an equal amount of Nonlethal, so a roll of 4 or higher is a complete heal for W1P1TGD

This is my lunch break, so will post again a bit later. Also, had an interesting thought, given that this presented as a solo campaign, there is the notion that you could find a second interested party (no more than 1, to keep it flowing), starting on a distant thread, and playing their own solo campaign, and once they reach a certain point, merge the two. Of course, not sure what the mental load that would be for you. This way, we would have no information about each other or their powers and actions prior to that point.

2020-04-29, 10:46 AM
STLRCR28 decides to channel positive energy as to restore W1P1TGD's stride and offers to hold the wrapped items. She indicates the location of a magic items and asks him to see what it is and possibly retrieve it

Healing (Positive) - [roll0]
When healing, each point of lethal damage healed, heals an equal amount of Nonlethal, so a roll of 4 or higher is a complete heal for W1P1TGD

This is my lunch break, so will post again a bit later. Also, had an interesting thought, given that this presented as a solo campaign, there is the notion that you could find a second interested party (no more than 1, to keep it flowing), starting on a distant thread, and playing their own solo campaign, and once they reach a certain point, merge the two. Of course, not sure what the mental load that would be for you. This way, we would have no information about each other or their powers and actions prior to that point.

Is her channel energy level based? Wis based?

I have a couple of invitations out.

I'm running this dungeon for 2 others, but they are pretty far into it now.
If you notice a pronoun or other shift, it is because I'm coping some things from their threads.


In what looks like a pocket from a white coat...

You find 6 small silver disks,
You find a paper tube with some sort of white pills with small green flecks. There are 5 of these pills in the tube. (roll Wis check and Int check {per examining character})

You find 8 glowing pills like they give you before a test. (roll int check. {per character)

The other item on the floor is one of those things they are always scribbling on.
The scribble on thing is a rectangle about a foot long but not quite as wide. You know the word pen. You have used then in some tests where they wanted you to draw lines and copy things. The pen is in its holder clip at the top of the scribble thing. A few sheets are attached. (INT Check)

(Outstanding issues: The ajar door. Hunger. )

2020-04-29, 05:08 PM
Right, I forget you are used to 3.5. Alright, one of the things they simplified and streamlined a bit is the cleric ability to turn/rebuke undead. So, now it is called Channel Energy, Good clerics channel positive energy, Evil clerics channel negative energy, Neutral clerics either base it off their deity or if their deity is neutral (or they worship ideals) they pick one or the other and cannot change it.

Now, Channel Energy in either positive or negative forms can be used to heal (negative energy heals undead) or harm (positive energy harms undead). Each time it is used, you dictate whether it is to heal or harm, as it cannot perform both functions simultaneously. The energy affects a 30 ft burst centered on its user. It starts at 1d6 at first level and increases by 1d6 every odd level. In order to avoid healing enemies that heal from positive energy (like most living things), I took the Selective Channeling feat, which allows me to pick up to a number of squares equal to my Wisdom modifier to be excluded from said healing (it also works on harm, but that comes up less often for positive energy)

The Incanter is a kind of build-a-class (think of it like a fighter, but for magic instead), and gave up a few of my bonus feats to acquire channel energy. I went with this because while powerful, the Life Sphere requires considerable investment in terms of talents. Normally, clerics base any save against it (uses target's Will save for half damage) based on Charisma, but the Incanter uses their casting ability modifier (CAM), whatever it is, instead. I took Wisdom, so for me it is that. The save to resist a harmful use is 10 + 1/2 caster level (or cleric level, as spheres actually combines any and all classes for a single caster level) + CAM. In my case, the DC is 17. Things like Turn and Rebuke or Command undead are still available as feats that modify the channel energy ability. While they don't have nearly the plethora of feats that 3.5 does for that ability, it still has some nice ones like Channel Smite (which leads into Guided Strike, which lets you use your Wisdom modifier for attack rolls instead of Strength for the deity's favored weapon).

It is one of two methods I have for Aurora, the other being the Undo Harm Consecration from the Fate Sphere. I can auto exclude any and all unwanted targets if I spend an additional spell point when using it. It is a slow heal, and only affects damage they have taken in the last turn. If I take it a second time, it can remove a bunch of status ailments as well.

The concept I was moving towards was a version of Clotho (of the three dates, she is the one that represents creation/birth/life and spins the threads of fate, the other two being Lachesis, who measures the thread, and Atropos (where we get the word "atrophy"), who cuts it at time of death). I actually had a brother and sister in mind to fit the other roles, with their mother being a Triple Goddess (an archetype for the Hedgewitch class, that grants full power Life, Death, and Fate spheres). While I had names for the other two (the sister is Nyx, focuses on the Dark sphere, and Terrance (was originally going to go with Terra, because Earth/Planet/Solidity were to represent the physicality one's life has as it progresses) who focuses on Creation, Nature, and Telekinesis (maybe). Being fraternal triplets, they are all the same age and grew up together, forming nicknames - Aurora is Rory, Nyx is Nick-Nack, and Terrance is simply T), I don't yet have a name for the mother (who would be villainous. This setting seems like such connections would be out of touch with the theme though.


So, checks for the different items, I noticed three checks, so each character will roll for each in the order you presented.

Wis Check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Int Check [roll2] boost [roll3]
Int Check [roll4] boost [roll5]

Int Check [roll6]
Int Check [roll7]
Int Check [roll8]

Regardless, STLRCR28 dons the white jacket for the pockets to carry the pills as well as the pen. Will add writing rectangle (I am assuming a clipboard, though I realize they may not remember what it is).

She turns to W1P1TGD and says, "You don't remember where we were fed, do you? I'm starting to get really hungry."

He responds, "Not sure, let me think for a moment, everything is hazy."

STLRCR28 trying to remember locations with food
Wis Check [roll9] boost [roll10]
Or if necessary
Int Check [roll11] boost [roll12]

W1P1TGD trying to remember places with food
Int Check [roll13]


**Also, minor side note. No spell I cast will ever be an INT spell. Spheres has you pick a Casting Ability Modifier when you take your Casting Tradition. The stat I chose was Wisdom, but if there are other spells, like scrolls and such, that would require Use Magic Device, which is a Charisma based skill. If her other siblings ever come out, Nyx is a Charisma caster, and Terrance is an Intelligence caster. The only way I could have INT spells is if for some reason I took a second Casting Tradition, bit that would split my caster level between the two as well as my number of talents. The only real benefit of a second Casting Tradition is to set aside some spells that you can use without worrying about the drawbacks of your first Casting Tradition).

2020-04-29, 05:30 PM
ok. Wife is about to serve breakfast, so I'll finish this later.


Add the above to the amount he was healed. It may bring him to full health and remove statuses.

Whenever she channels add the d8 mod to amount and save.

As an intellectual exercise, if you don't have them already, Stat up the siblings. I may work them in somehow.

There isn't a white coat. Just a fragment of one including a pocket. Ever see a photo of a supposed spontaneous human combustion? Fragments of clothing left around the edges of the corpse.

2020-04-29, 06:19 PM
He can add the whole pocket to his inventory if he wants.

He shows her the contents.

She thinks the pills in the paper tube must be some kind of food. They smell like dental floss.

She thinks the glow pills look like the slightly larger permanent ones. She notices little symbols on them.

The scribble thing has 8 sheets of paper attached.

They both recall that they are usually fed in their rooms and rarely use the mess kits as food and utensils on a tray or in a little divided box or a salad in a clear clamshell. These are always collected afterwards.

Sometimes during a test a food item like a orange food stick or a red food ball is used as a goal. See if you can get that. See if you can find one of these. First one to this can have it.
Neither of you know where they store the food.

Both of you know that they keep those yellow treats in the check up areas.

Outstanding issue: the ajar door. (you can ignore it, just announce that you are doing so.)

2020-04-29, 09:02 PM
Not sure if the open door is the way we came in, or if it is in a different direction (tired, so I am not the best thinker at the moment). After I have collected everything, I will check the door, assuming it is not the one we went through to get into that room. W1P1TGD heads towards it while STLRCR28 checks the other directions so that if anybody or anything is out there, she will hopefully be able to see and react to it.

STLRCR28 Perception roll
[roll0] + [roll1]

W1P1TGD Perception roll to check the area for traps and/or threats as he approaches and checks the door.

Perception roll [roll2]

Anyway, I have hypersomnia, which is similar to narcolepsy. While I am better than I used to be, I get drained quickly. On the plus side, occasionally I suffef hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations, but they are few and far between.

2020-04-29, 09:16 PM
Not sure if the open door is the way we came in, or if it is in a different direction (tired, so I am not the best thinker at the moment). After I have collected everything, I will check the door, assuming it is not the one we went through to get into that room. W1P1TGD heads towards it while STLRCR28 checks the other directions so that if anybody or anything is out there, she will hopefully be able to see and react to it.

STLRCR28 Perception roll
[roll0] + [roll1]

W1P1TGD Perception roll to check the area for traps and/or threats as he approaches and checks the door.

Perception roll [roll2]

Anyway, I have hypersomnia, which is similar to narcolepsy. While I am better than I used to be, I get drained quickly. On the plus side, occasionally I suffef hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations, but they are few and far between.

Think long hospital hallway lined with doors on each side.
You two came out of doors across from each other.
This is the next door to the north from hers.

Have you seen I AM MOTHER? The lights in the hall way come on only while you are under them and time out after a couple minutes.


SSRRRAAAPE!! The bend door frame forces the door to scrape along the floor has He pulls it open.

There is no light inside. After a few moments of nothing bad happening. You enter the room.

Her glow is enough to see that this room is identical to your own rooms, with one glaring exception.

The crack extends across the ceiling, has damaged the overhead lights, and a 4 ft diameter chunk of the ceiling has fallen on the bed, smashing it and its occupant.
Congealed ichor rings the mattress for a couple inches.
Pebbles and hand sized debris litter the floor.

Yet, the damage is localized.

The water bottle and mess kit sit on the desk.
The drinking cup is on the floor, but the hygiene kit is in its place.

(The blanket is under the boulder and ruined. You can take anything else if you want.)

2020-04-30, 08:13 AM
STLRCR28 is not too interested in the hygiene kit mess kit, but rather curious about the body and what might have done this to the building itself. She first analyzes the body itself to see about how long it has been dead and then use her "sight" to determine if there are any auras that might emanate from the ceiling that may be disrupted. If it falls into her purview, what said auras mean.


Due to the stench, she is covering her nose to avoid being sickened - Fortitude save [roll0]. If sickened, she takes -2 to the other rolls. If it is a critical miss, sickened (which may or may not break concentration on her Divination, but either way, she cannot take full actions and takes an additional -2 for other rolls)

Heal check to notice anything off about the body as well as how long it has been dead [roll1] boost [roll2]

Perception check to notice anything strange, whether it be on the body or the hole in the ceiling [roll3] boost [roll4]

Spellcraft check to determine anything specific about the auras she picks up with her "sight" [roll5] boost [roll6]



He covers his nose to prevent becoming sickened as well, Fortitude save [roll7], with the same deal as STLRCR28

Makes a Perception check to see if anything else seems off [roll8]

Uses Knowledge [Engineering] to see if their are any peculiarities about the damage to the building, like was it a natural failure of the structure or did something push/pull it down onto the body [roll9]


As for the rolling up Aurora's Siblings, the original concept was for them to be level 11, do you want me to make them that level or delevel them to a specific level to be closer to the clone's level?

Also, each has a major artifact related to their roll in Fate (Nyx has a blade that is supposed to represent Atropos' Scissors (cursed item, which is a -2 keen adamantine blade that has no counterpart in terms of function, but all are proficient in it, it has a 15-20 crit range, a x3 multiplier, no associated damage dice to roll, and does flat damage using your casting ability modifier for attack and damage rolls, with damage being "curse damage" that the target can only heal said damage if subject to Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, or Wish/Miracle). Terrance has a set of goggles that grant true sight and give the name of whoever he looks at with them on, as a means of "measuring their thread". Hadn't figure out an item for Aurora yet, but most likely something that heals, restores, and/or resurrects.

2020-04-30, 08:57 AM
STLRCR28 is not too interested in the hygiene kit mess kit, but rather curious about the body and what might have done this to the building itself. She first analyzes the body itself to see about how long it has been dead and then use her "sight" to determine if there are any auras that might emanate from the ceiling that may be disrupted. If it falls into her purview, what said auras mean.


Due to the stench, she is covering her nose to avoid being sickened - Fortitude save [roll0]. If sickened, she takes -2 to the other rolls. If it is a critical miss, sickened (which may or may not break concentration on her Divination, but either way, she cannot take full actions and takes an additional -2 for other rolls)

Heal check to notice anything off about the body as well as how long it has been dead [roll1] boost [roll2]

Perception check to notice anything strange, whether it be on the body or the hole in the ceiling [roll3] boost [roll4]

Spellcraft check to determine anything specific about the auras she picks up with her "sight" [roll5] boost [roll6]



He covers his nose to prevent becoming sickened as well, Fortitude save [roll7], with the same deal as STLRCR28

Makes a Perception check to see if anything else seems off [roll8]

Uses Knowledge [Engineering] to see if their are any peculiarities about the damage to the building, like was it a natural failure of the structure or did something push/pull it down onto the body [roll9]


As for the rolling up Aurora's Siblings, the original concept was for them to be level 11, do you want me to make them that level or delevel them to a specific level to be closer to the clone's level?

Also, each has a major artifact related to their roll in Fate (Nyx has a blade that is supposed to represent Atropos' Scissors (cursed item, which is a -2 keen adamantine blade that has no counterpart in terms of function, but all are proficient in it, it has a 15-20 crit range, a x3 multiplier, no associated damage dice to roll, and does flat damage using your casting ability modifier for attack and damage rolls, with damage being "curse damage" that the target can only heal said damage if subject to Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, or Wish/Miracle). Terrance has a set of goggles that grant true sight and give the name of whoever he looks at with them on, as a means of "measuring their thread". Hadn't figure out an item for Aurora yet, but most likely something that heals, restores, and/or resurrects.

As in the email I just sent: Forum glitching so in brief:

He has been dead since the shake. Body otherwise normal, what you can see of it.
His arm tattoo is visible, ends in 06. He knows him. Was a trident and net fighter.

The magic auras in the damages ceiling are the same as with the crack.

As for the ceiling.....

The walls, floor, and ceiling are all one piece. Above the missing piece of the ceiling is just more ceiling of the same material.
There are no tool marks anywhere.

and make the siblings level 5.

2020-04-30, 09:51 AM
Seeing nothing of use, they proceed forward, heading down the hallway, with W1P1TGD checking to see if any doors are open (I will point out that Divination does not reveal secret doors or traps for my character currently, as it has its own talent specifically for that (the talent discovers that which was explicitly designed to be hidden). If a door is unlocked, they will stop to examine. If STLRCR28 notices anything off, she'll have W1P1TGD try to force the door, using aid another to add +2 to his check (can't remember if they have the aid another mechanic in 3.5, but it basically allows one character to grant another character a bonus on various checks. Some classes/archetypes and feats/traits increase the bonus value as well as what it can help with).


Strength checks, if any, along the way (aid another added to initial Strength roll automatically). Not sure how many you'd need, so rolled several.

[roll0] boost [roll1]
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]
[roll6] boost [roll7]
[roll8] boost [roll9]

2020-04-30, 09:54 AM
Forgot Perception checks


[roll0] boost [roll1]
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]
[roll6] boost [roll7]
[roll8] boost [roll9]



2020-04-30, 11:47 AM
Forgot Perception checks


[roll0] boost [roll1]
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]
[roll6] boost [roll7]
[roll8] boost [roll9]



Ok. That's weird. The issue seems to be linked to my wifi provider or isp.
The forum loads right up on puffin, which is a browser with a built-in VPN.

I would point out that the doors have a window bin them, and you can just slide the cover aside to look in.

Each is identical, with the bed made and blanket neatly folded.

She notices nothing odd.


You approach the intersection.

What you already know is that the area the people dressed in green control and where physical tests occur is to the north. His gear is that way.

The area controlled by the whites is to the east.

You have never been west. You have seen the ones in black coming from that way.

Reaching the trigger point for the lights causes the intersection to be illuminated.

A dozen or so splotches fringed in white or green, some overlapping, fill the intersection.

2020-04-30, 12:40 PM
Yep, it must be my house wifi ISP blocking the site, or being blocked by it.
Switching my phone to mobile date makes the problem disappear.

2020-04-30, 12:44 PM
I am assuming the blotches are former workers? I figure it would be more beneficial to get STLRCR28'S gear, so she can cast without issue. So, headed to the white area (W1P1TGD,an use unarmed attacks and use judo to "trip" and reposition any enemies, while inflicting 1d10 damage. As for CMB and CMD (It is different than 3.5, as combat maneuvers have their own bonus and defense ratings. CMB is used offensively and is a d20 roll that adds BAB and Str mod(or Dex mod), like a normal attack and Maneuver Defense CMD is 10 + Str mod + Dex mod and acts as AC. Size bonuses and Penalties are reversed, being larger grants bonuses and being smaller gives penalties), Weapon Finesse allows using my Dex rather than Strength for such maneuvers.

2020-04-30, 01:02 PM
He can add the whole pocket to his inventory if he wants.

He shows her the contents.

She thinks the (5) pills in the paper tube must be some kind of food. They smell like dental floss.

She thinks the glow pills look like the slightly larger permanent ones. She notices little symbols on them.

The scribble thing has 8 sheets of paper attached.

I think you may have missed the underlined bit.

(using the last unused spot check)

At the intersection she notices a magic aura in the middle of the splotches.

The start of the white area, with the white floor tiling is 80 ft east.

2020-04-30, 03:21 PM
Deciding not to potentially kill the man helping her escape, STLRCR28 decides to eat one of the pills from the paper tube smelling like dental floss. She pops one in her mouth and bites down (if it is a medication I suspect she will stop chewing as the taste would most likely be terrible after breaking any coating, and if that is the case, she will spit it out immediately. However, I believe you were describing a tube of mints, like Lifesavers. My own personal bias may have been present in it seeming like I was overlooking them, as I strongly dislike mints).

Considering the flavor, so long as there are no negative effects, she offers one to W1P1TGD. As they head further east towards the white tiling, they continue to search if they suspect anything off or some sign of immanent danger.

[roll0] boost [roll1]


Once they reach the white area (assuming they do not detect any threat or something of significant interest), they look around for STLRCR28's equipment.

2020-04-30, 03:23 PM
Forgot second set of Perception rolls for the white tiled area

[roll0] boost [roll1]


2020-04-30, 03:34 PM
Wintergreen Mentos. The most intensely sweet and powerfully minty thing she has ever encountered.
Assuming he has one too, there are 3 left.

Moving east they enter the white area, which always smells of antiseptic, not that they know what that is...

They come to a wide rounded intersection.

In the nw corner is a large counter desk. There are racks of clipboards on the wall behind it, and items scattered on it.

She detects something magical there.

To the south is a door. (Int check for her to remember something).

To the west the corridor continues. Neither have been down that corridor.

To the north is the corridor that goes to the mental testing area. Her gear is somewhere past that.

2020-04-30, 04:22 PM
Discounting the magical aura for the time being, but remembering it to check after she reacquires some of her belongings, STLRCR28 and W1P1TGD decide to head North first, prioritizing reequipping her, so she can use her abilities more freely. She has W1P1TGD lead, in order to confront any threat that may be ahead, while being sure to watch their backs every now and then to ensure nothing is sneaking up behind them.

Perception rolls

[roll0] boost [roll1]


2020-04-30, 10:53 PM
Going down the hall north, you find the mental testing area.

In the testing area there are desks, floor mats, cabinets, and that chair in the booth that glows sometimes. There are consoles next to it that you know you aren't supposed to touch and that bowl that goes on your head.

The hall continues north and leads to the tube room and the magic training area.

2020-05-01, 01:20 AM
The booth and console detect of strong divination.

2020-05-01, 04:31 PM
ATL speaks to W1P1TGD, "We should probably split up, but stay close enough that we can hear each other, in the event something goes awry."

W1P1TGD looks at her incredulously, "Are. . . are you telling me to split up to cover more ground? The smell, the remains, all of it screams something killed everything and it may still be here, and your advice is to slit up?"

"Yes, now shut up and look. I need to find my focus item, without it I have a lot of trouble using my abilities. Of the two of us, I can heal and deal with larger threats once I have my focus. It is a small pendant, depicting a face in the northern lights.We're as good as dead if we don't find it anyway. No offense to you and all of your . . . whatever it is you do, but if you are that afraid of something coming to get you, complain after you manage to arm yourself against it"

*Sigh* "Alright, but if I die, I will haunt you for the rest of eternity.

Aurora starts by examining the booth and console, perhaps providing more concrete directions to find their gear and get the heck out of this place and preferably with food somewhere down the line.

Aurora's initial approach
Perception check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2] boost [roll3]

Knowledge checks to see if she has anyway to figure any of this stuff out.
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll4] boost [roll5]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll6] boost [roll7]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll8] boost [roll9]

Finally, if some form of memory trigger occurs
Wisdom check [roll10] boost [roll11]
Intelligence check [roll12] boost [roll13]

As for Cedric, he heads further down to the tube and magic testing areas to look around for something that may be what the Aurora is looking for (or at least something useful) as well as being wary against traps and such.

Perception to notice any traps or the like [roll14]
Perception check to locate any gear or the pendant that Aurora is looking for [roll15]
Intelligence check in the event there is some for of memory trigger (though I doubt there would be as he has no magic) [roll16]

2020-05-01, 04:33 PM
Ok, wow, both Aurora's Wisdom and Intelligence checks for memory were both natural 1's, fun times.

On the plus side her Perception was a natural 20 (not that that means much for skill checks, since they don't crit or crit miss), and apparently Cedric's check for memory was a nat 20 (which is a crit, as it is not a skill check, but an ability check). If there is a trigger, I'm not sure what could possible be there that is relevant to his memory.

2020-05-01, 08:20 PM
Ok, wow, both Aurora's Wisdom and Intelligence checks for memory were both natural 1's, fun times.

On the plus side her Perception was a natural 20 (not that that means much for skill checks, since they don't crit or crit miss), and apparently Cedric's check for memory was a nat 20 (which is a crit, as it is not a skill check, but an ability check). If there is a trigger, I'm not sure what could possible be there that is relevant to his memory.


He heads off, under protest.

She searches the mental testing room. Now where do they lock up that pendent?

She finds Blocks, puzzles, beads and string, shifting cubes, connecting blocks, hidden object search books.... (various Intelligence tests)

a bag of 50 orange gummy candy.

Pencils, pens...

decks of memory and can you see this cards.

Oh, she remembers these cards. You sit in the booth and put the bowl on your head and then see if you can remember where the paired cards are or tell them which card they are holding up backwards or what card they are looking at. Sometimes the helmet lights up and then you can't remember any more, or you can remember really well.

Since they aren't hear there is no reason you can't just move the bowl to the control panel. Usually they have to pass the leads though a little slot in the wall but you can just plug in the bowl on the panel end and leave the bowl in this room. The controls don't look that complicated. Maybe using the bowl will help her remember...


He discovers 3 locked doors.

And recalls the greens doing something with a red rectangle to go in and out of their doors.


If you want her to play with the memory bowl, roll % and a d8 and a d6.


2020-05-02, 06:14 PM
STLRCR28 decides to play with the memory bowl a bit to try to pick up some inkling of where her things are, but not before first taking the gummies and some pens and pencils.

Roll to use memory bowl [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2]

After she finishes that, she begins to examine the other testing stuff.

Multiple Intelligence checks, not sure how many you need, but here are some -

[roll3] boost [roll4]
[roll5] boost [roll6]
[roll7] boost [roll8]
[roll9] boost [roll10]
[roll11] boost [roll12]

As for W1P1TGD, he searches for the strange cards the greens used for the doors, first inspecting the area with the three locked doors, and then backtracking to the room STLRCR28 is in, checking behind the consoles and everywhere said rectangle might possibly be found.

Not sure if I can take 20 here (not like we don't have the time to do so). If yes, then my result is a 25, if not, then here are a few Perception rolls.


2020-05-02, 06:16 PM
Woops, messed the rolls for W1P1TGD, forgot his skill bonus


Or you could just add 5 to my prior rolls if you prefer

2020-05-02, 09:36 PM
Woops, messed the rolls for W1P1TGD, forgot his skill bonus


Or you could just add 5 to my prior rolls if you prefer


Playing with the dials, buttons, and sliders in a systematic manner, she sees her memories of being in this room.
Doing all of the tests. Seeing them take notes on their... "Hand me that clip board." "Can you drop it at tasking?" "Sure, I want a coffee and a snack anyway." "Good, pick me up something. I'll be with her for a while. Have to redo some tests. She already had these so it isn't valid. Have to give her a different variant or it makes her seem smarter than she actually is." "Are we sure that doing the tests aren't making her smarter?" "We don't really know with the Triads."

She remembers the men in white using a blue rectangle somehow to open doors.


A green square pops out of a slot on the console. (She may take)

Searching the tests, she finds the booklets with the instructions of how to give the tests. The pictures of the patterns to make with the blocks, and the target pictures to draw, and the order of the story cards.

She also finds that set of 9 inch wide silver balls that will stick to each other and make a square, but only if you turn them just right. And the metal slinky and the orange/pink not metal one.

HE searches quite thoroughly and is sure there isn't a red rectangle around the doors. Returning to the testing area he finds her looking at the mental testing materials. He searches himself but dosen't find what he is looking for.

(does she suggest trying the bowl?)

Roll percents and thrice and her bonuses once.

2020-05-02, 10:34 PM
Not entirely sure what you are getting at with the rolls, are the percentiles for STLRCR28 (Aurora) or W1P1TGD (Cedric)? Anyway -

Bonuses [roll3] and [roll4]

If these rolls are not for W1P1TGD, then STLRCR28 suggests the memory bowl, which he accepts. And for that, here is his roll -


2020-05-02, 11:55 PM
Not entirely sure what you are getting at with the rolls.

>>There's going to be a lot of that. Mysterious arcane laboratory and all...

He sits with the bowl on his head as she manipulates the controls to make it glow...

It doesn't work as well for him. The memories he sees are disordered flashes. He does remember that most of the rooms in the green area either don't have doors or have doors that usually aren't locked.

After a while, much less time than for her, the console powers down. There is no ding and no square is produced (about 3.5 inches wide).

He feels a bit dizzy, and they sit and ponder/discuss.

Then she gets a look on her face somewhere between tying to remember something and needing to sneeze.

Her eyes begin to glow....And he is covered with a glowing green goo! It just appeared! It's Sticky!!

(If he doesn't break free if dissipates harmlessly after 30 seconds)

wild talent. Usable once per day. As described below, except add her INT bonus to range and escape dc.


She probably thinks she learned a different kind of spell somehow.

2020-05-03, 05:43 AM
He sits with the bowl on his head as she manipulates the controls to make it glow...

It doesn't work as well for him. The memories he sees are disordered flashes. He does remember that most of the rooms in the green area either don't have doors or have doors that usually aren't locked.

After a while, much less time than for her, the console powers down. There is no ding and no square is produced (about 3.5 inches wide).

He feels a bit dizzy, and they sit and ponder/discuss.

Then she gets a look on her face somewhere between tying to remember something and needing to sneeze.

Her eyes begin to glow....And he is covered with a glowing green goo! It just appeared! It's Sticky!!

(If he doesn't break free if dissipates harmlessly after 30 seconds)

wild talent. Usable once per day. As described below, except add her INT bonus to range and escape dc.


She probably thinks she learned a different kind of spell somehow.

Not a fan of the Green goo, W1P1TGD tries to break free.

Not sure if this a Str check or Escape Artist, so I'll roll both

Escape Artist [roll0]
Strength check [roll1] boost [roll2]

2020-05-03, 05:58 AM
Not a fan of the Green goo, W1P1TGD tries to break free.

Not sure if this a Str check or Escape Artist, so I'll roll both

Escape Artist [roll0]
Strength check [roll1] boost [roll2]

It is either, actually. So, let's say he tries both in the ordered rolled. The highest dc she can generate is 17, so he pulls out of the goo after 12 seconds.

(reminders: gummy candy and green square)

2020-05-03, 10:17 AM
Actually, I miss calculated. The highest she can generate is 18. 11+1+d6

2020-05-03, 04:34 PM
As he frees himself from the goop, W1P1TGD looks at STLRCR28 with a mix of annoyance and disgust. "Did you just sneeze on me? What in the Hells was that?"

With a slight degree of shame and more than enough giggling, STLRCR28 responds, "Oh, please, not a sneeze, but I have no idea how I did that. Sorry for the discomfort, but we should probably continue searching. Here, I found some gummies, might help our hunger a bit." she hands him a few, waits until he finishes swallowing and then proceeds to have a few herself, seeing nothing is awry, at least for the time being.

"There were three locked doors, I remember the greens used a red rectangle to open them, mind helping me find them princess?"

>>>>>> I feel like I am heading into the realm of Link from the old Super Mario Brothers Super Show (used to watch it before school in the late 80's, early 90's) for some reason. Man, if I can find the clip for his "Well excuuuuse me, Princess!" It would totally fit.

Several checks for general purpose, since I am unsure of where I can go.

Taking 20 on both W1P1TGD's and STLRCR28'S Perception checks. If there is not enough time (which I am not sure why there would not be currently), then here are some rolls for Perception for STLRCR28 and W1P1TGD respectively.

[roll0] boost [roll1]
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]



Insight check (Wisdom check to try to figure out a course of action to think of a new and/or better way to approach the goal (the goal is to find and collect the equipment, not necessarily unlock the doors if said equipment is not there) - [roll8] boost [roll9]

Knowledge checks (Arcana), (Planes), and (Religion) respectively.
[roll10] boost [roll11]
[roll12] boost [roll13]
[roll14] boost [roll15]

Spellcraft for any errant magic auras
[roll16] boost [roll17]

Int check for memories [roll18] boost [roll19]

Percentile rolls if relevant [roll20] boost [roll21] boost [roll22]


Insight Check - [roll23]

Int check for memories [roll24]

Percentile roll if relevant [roll25]


It's mostly moot with Spheres, since their spell points could function as power points, I suppose, but if you are not familiar, Pathfinder does have psychics, they just went down a different, and simpler route. Rather than power points, Psychic Spells are a third category of spell, aside Arcane and Divine Spells. The difference is that Psychic spells don't have Verbal or Somatic components, but instead have Emotion (replacing Verbal) and Thought (replaces Somatic) components. Emotion components mean that caster cannot cast such a spell if under the effects of a non-harmless emotion effect (like fear). Thought components come into play when they have to make a concentration check. It increases the DC by 10, unless the caster takes a move action to center themselves and regain focus.

2020-05-03, 04:39 PM
Messed up 3rd Perception roll for W1P1TGD [roll0]

2020-05-03, 06:42 PM

Go to the link. Whole episodes are in the suggestions.

2020-05-03, 07:22 PM

It's mostly moot with Spheres, since their spell points could function as power points, I suppose, but if you are not familiar, Pathfinder does have psychics, they just went down a different, and simpler route. Rather than power points, Psychic Spells are a third category of spell, aside Arcane and Divine Spells. The difference is that Psychic spells don't have Verbal or Somatic components, but instead have Emotion (replacing Verbal) and Thought (replaces Somatic) components. Emotion components mean that caster cannot cast such a spell if under the effects of a non-harmless emotion effect (like fear). Thought components come into play when they have to make a concentration check. It increases the DC by 10, unless the caster takes a move action to center themselves and regain focus.

I looked at the psychic class, but didn't like it.
It might not be what you are talking about. It was in the occult section. I'll look at spheres again later.


The testing items have several things that would be considered toys. Things like duplo blocks, blocks that connect on the tops and the sides, one inch beads of various colors and shapes that go on 2 ft long shoe laces, that sort of thing. (I had a speech impediment and they did a lot of testing to determine if I was retarded or autistic. I've also substituted a few special ed classes back in Savannah.) He probably likes the blocks. They might take anything they could re-purpose, and come back for the rest of the "toys" later for their entertainment value.

As for perceptions and insights... maybe she should take that green 3.5 inch square? and then back track...

(activating TEXT RPG mode.)

Eventually, they return to the first intersection in the WHITE area.

They just came from the NORTH.
They are near the DESK. There is at least one magic aura.

to the WEST is the FIRST INTERSECTION where many splotches are, and at least one magic aura. (South of this is their ROOMS. NORTH is the GREEN AREA.)

To the SOUTH is a door.

To the EAST is an unexplored CORRIDOR.

2020-05-04, 06:37 AM
Alright, I was wondering what green square you were talking about, so I had backtrack to find where it was mentioned. Must have glossed over it the first time, but found it.


STLRCR28 decides to see if they can find to which rooms that the green square might go, starting with the doors W1P1TGD found and backtracking, trying each door along the way. She makes sure that W1P1TGD opens each door as she stands back, in case something bad happens.

When they return to the white section, STLRCR28 points to the magic aura, and tells W1P1TGD to inspect it.

Meanwhile, she inspects the DESK

Rolls - Taking 20 on Perception to search the room for anything else they may have missed.


Insight check - [roll0] boost [roll1]

Knowledge checks (Arcana), (Planes), and (Religion) respectively.
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]
[roll6] boost [roll7]

Spellcraft for any errant magic auras
[roll8] boost [roll9]

Int check for memories [roll10] boost [roll11]

Percentile rolls if relevant [roll12] boost [roll13] boost [roll14]


Insight Check - [roll15]

Int check for memories [roll16]

Percentile roll if relevant [roll17]


The full show is on Netflix currently, it is really, really weird to watch it. The intro song is a rap while two old white guys try to look "hip" in their Mario and Luigi outfits.

2020-05-04, 08:08 AM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24488331]Alright, I was wondering what green square you were talking about, so I had backtrack to find where it was mentioned. Must have glossed over it the first time, but found it.


STLRCR28 decides to see if they can find to which rooms that the green square might go, starting with the doors W1P1TGD found and backtracking, trying each door along the way. She makes sure that W1P1TGD opens each door as she stands back, in case something bad happens.

>>>The green square doesn't seem to fit anything. It is too thick. (2.5 mm)

When they return to the white section, STLRCR28 points to the magic aura, and tells W1P1TGD to inspect it.

Meanwhile, she inspects the DESK

>>>The magic items are on the desk.

Rolls - Taking 20 on Perception to search the room for anything else they may have missed.

>>> Verbose Mode on:

The desk is quite large (Think hospital admit).

They remember those scribble things are called Clipboards.

On the wall Behind the desk are racks of clipboards, about 120.

Behind the desk is a chair on wheels.

The desk itself is a bit cluttered, with many cubbies , shelves, and drawers, along with loose items on the desk.

There are three splotches on the floor. She notices tiny white beads or pills scattered on the floor near them.

She happens to notice her designation on one of the clipboards.

Searching the desk they find:

a blue rectangle ,
37 disks (1 inch) with no pictures ,
5 shiny yellow disks with a man's face,
6 red disks with a boy's face
, a box of paperclips,
misc stationery,
10 blank white cards,
10 cardholder lanyards,
boxes about a foot long wrapped in dark grey foil.
6 sachets showing a picture like the cup below and 3 things being poured into the cup.
A sealed red package with a picture of light brown disks.

The magic items are

a white cup with a handle. There is one red spot and one blue spot. Evocation and conjuration.

and the most wondrous thing ever!

A 5 inch transparent cube. In it a tiny purple, shiny, frilly, living thing. It hovers in the cube and seems to look at you.
Near it is a capped tube containing tiny black pellets labeled with a picture of a similar but red creature. The cube has an aura of abjuration and conjuration.

The full show is on Netflix currently, it is really, really weird to watch it. The intro song is a rap while two old white guys try to look "hip" in their Mario and Luigi outfits.[/QUOTE]

>>>Does Mario ever use the Excuse me Princess line?

2020-05-04, 07:43 PM
Looking at the various items, STLRCR28 hands the blue rectangle to W1P1TGD, and asks him to try it on the different doors. Meanwhile, she uses her Divination to see what the creature in the cube's alignment.

<<< The alignment and loyalty detection are based on the caster as a sort of baseline. If it shares a moral alignment (good/neutral/evil), their aura is red; if they share an ethical alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic), then the aura is blue aura; and if they share a loyalty, their aura is yellow. Aura colors mix, so a creature that shares full alignment has a purple aura, all three would be white. Personally, I tend to think in terms of mixing light rather than paint, so it is odd using red, yellow, blue as primaries, and am used to red, green, blue as primaries. It is weird that this suggests the aura is not light and that mixing them together is white, which is what happens when you mix all three primaries in light. Anyway, I assume its current loyalty is its own wellbeing, just as ours is our own wellbeing, and they are different, since we are three separate creatures. Best we can hope for is Purple. Both Cedric and Aurora are Chaotic Good for the sake of a reference point.

She tries to collect what she can from the table, first she examines the various boxes, wrapped in tinfoil, cautiously waiting for W1P1TGD is finished seeing if the door has any effect on the doors. When he returns, she begins to open the different boxes. Those she detects that are full (via weight or shaking lightly to hear if there is anything rattling around. She starts with boxes that are most likely to be empty, moving into those that are not. She is trying to find a box that can help her store stuff that can fit so she can carry it more easily. If there is a suitable box, she will load the discs, magic cup, sachets, and a few lanyards.


Spellcraft check to determine more about the magic cup and a second check to determine that for the cube.

Spellcraft [roll0] boost [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2] boost [roll3]

Int check to see if any memories trigger [roll4] boost [roll5]

Knowledge checks to determine what the creature in the cube is -
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll6] boost [roll7]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll8] boost [roll9]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll10] boost [roll11]

Percentile roll if necessary [roll12] boost [roll13] boost [roll14]


Int check to see if any memories trigger [roll15]

Percentile roll if necessary [roll16]


As for the Mario show, I don't believe they ever say that line. The Link cartoons were a special segment of the show, though I don't know if it was every episode or not.

2020-05-04, 08:14 PM
1) Which door? the one they can see from the desk, or one to the north beyond the testing area?

2) She notices that it isn't hovering so much as floating in a clear liquid. Maybe it is from the elemental plane of water? They didn't teach her very much about creatures. Her guess is the magics on the cube protect and maintain the creature.

3)The red spot indicates fire or heat. The blue indicates cold.

4) It shares no alignments or loyalties.

5) both boxes have something realities heavy in them.

6) Not tin. Lead. Pb. Blocks detection. Now that she has been shaking them, the somewhat lighter one is ticking.

2020-05-04, 09:45 PM
So, hearing the ticking, STLRCR28 points to the North, communicating that they should go there FAST, just in case.

Both take the Run Action to the area where they had the medical testing gear and strange helmet.
W1P1TGD then tries all three doors there that are locked to see if the blue rectangle opens any of them. After waiting about 30 minutes, they start to head back to where they ran from, using the blue rectangle on any doors that may be blocked along the way.

2020-05-04, 09:56 PM
The first door he tries is to the tube room. Waving the card around...Int check.


2020-05-04, 10:53 PM
W1P1TGD's Int Check [roll0]

If needed STLRCR28's Int Check [roll1] boost [roll2]

Well at least W1P1TGD'S check was ok, even if STLRCR28 rolled a natural 1

2020-05-04, 11:09 PM
Oh, ...you slide it through there.

The door slides into the wall. Do/es they/he enter?

2020-05-05, 06:43 AM
Both W1P1TGD and STLRCR28 enter the room.

Perception checks

STLRCR28 [roll0] boost [roll1]
* Done as a free action instantly (as Ultravision) when she walks into the room to ready herself against any threat.

W1P1TGD [roll2]

2020-05-05, 07:27 AM
Both step through the door way and stop 2 meters into the room.

In the center of the room are 14 tubes in 2 rows.

They do NOT contain people.

It is hard to gauge the true size due to the distortion from the liquid and the curvature of the glass, but they seem be be between 2 and 4 ft long, though they are curled up a bit, their tails around the lower bodies. They seem...scarcely.

The door slides back into place with a cli=klungck.

(more after I finish dinner. )

2020-05-05, 09:03 AM
Both step through the door way and stop 2 meters into the room.

In the center of the room are 14 tubes in 2 rows.

They do NOT contain people.

It is hard to gauge the true size due to the distortion from the liquid and the curvature of the glass, but they seem be be between 2 and 4 ft long, though they are curled up a bit, their tails around the lower bodies. They seem...scarcely.

The door slides back into place with a cli=klungck.

(more after I finish dinner. )

The tubes are about 4 ft in diameter and have controls and displays built in on the 'front' side. The creatures floating inside have wires and tubes attached to them, and mask over their...beaks? mouths?

Along the EAST wall of the room is the door you entered though, and a long set of control station console desks. There are 4 rolling chairs parked at the various controls.

Next to the door mounted a clipboard rack. Some clipboards are on the rack, others are on the consoles.

The north wall is empty.

The west wall is empty except for a door.

South wall are cabinets, a 5 ft wide dome mounted on a pedestal, a large sink, a barrel, and miscellaneous equipment.

2020-05-05, 09:19 AM
As for auras...


She is momentarily blinded to auras. Like waling into noon day sun from a cave. She is mentally, and perhaps physicaly blinking to get the afterimages out of her ultra-vision.

Mostly transmutation and conjuration/healing.

2020-05-05, 10:11 AM
Quickly shutting her eyes (but maintaining Divination), STLRCR28 steps back out of the room, casting her gaze down at the floor, and asks W1P1TGD to search, as the magical energy is messing with her senses.

W1P1TGD takes 20 on Perception in this room 25

2020-05-05, 11:14 AM
Quickly shutting her eyes (but maintaining Divination), STLRCR28 steps back out of the room, casting her gaze down at the floor, and asks W1P1TGD to search, as the magical energy is messing with her senses.

W1P1TGD takes 20 on Perception in this room 25


She runs into the door.

This isn't much of a problem as he is holding the rectangle and knows how to open the door.There is this little slot/protuberance that you have to slide the rectangle through.

The doors in the white are are Star Trek type doors that stay open for about 10 seconds.

So, she is out in the hall composing herself (she knows to be more careful next time) while he looks around the room.

There are 12 clip boards on the rack, which seems designed to hold 14, and 3 on the consoles.

There is a tray holding 3 boxes of glow pills. there are 4 of each pill.

There are two prism shaped objects about 2 x 5 x 7 made of parts of metal and softer black stuff. One has a wide strip of white tape with markings on it. The other has no tape. There are 5 dimples about little finger sized in each.

I'm guessing you don't want him pushing buttons or flipping switches, so he doesn't.

He finds a small L shaped piece of hexagonal metal.

On the south wall he opens the cabinet.
There are 8 towels,
8 soft blankets,
a small bin of medical looking stuff,
a clear bottle of equally clear gel,
a container of little sticks with soft white fibrous tips,
10 bundles of long blue 3 inch wide ropes about 6 ft long that stick to themselves,
A large bottle of green stuff.
A mop, A broom, A dust pan and small hand brush,
A bag of irregular grey pellets,
a bag of short stiff reddish orangish strands about 1 cm long.
3 4 ft thin metal shafts with a metal rope attached.
A plastic basket bout 2 ft x 3 ft with a fitting pillow.

Next to the cabinet is a small bin with a flap lid. There are several small grey burnt looking crystals with cracks laced though-out them, and a few dark grey shells of pills.

There is a deep sink with a small table next to it.
There is a box of blue pull rags on the table, and a ewer type pitcher with water in it.
Mounted on the wall is a .....?
There is a small trash can containing blue pull towels and paper cups...oh.
Mounted on the wall is a paper cup dispenser, and 3 translucent rectangular cube things...one filled with pink, one with clear, and one with white. The bottoms look complicated.

The dome thing on the pedestal has buttons he dare not touch.

Not for being unbrave, but rather he thinks she would be irritatingly irritated if he touched them without her. She has been bossy so far.

2020-05-05, 03:15 PM
(i forgot)

The barrel has a lit with a handle. Removing it he finds Kibble. The greens gave him this some times. It is crunchy but doesn't taste that good, and you have be be careful not to bite down too hard on the little bits of crystal. Better to swallow after just a few chews.

2020-05-05, 06:08 PM
Not feeling an urge to become a hoarder, W1P1TGD decides not to claim anything in the room that he has noticed so far. He just wants to get that b****'s stuff, so she stops being so bossy and complaining.

Int check for memory if relevant. [roll0]

Knowledge (Engineering) to possibly ascertain what any of these objects used for [roll1]

Having adjusted her senses so that she may use the Ultravision and not the magical detection aspect of her Divination, STLRCR28 decides to step back into the room. She sees the buttons on the pedestal that W1P1TGD avoided. She offers to try them and tells him to stand back in case anything goes awry. It is a simple gesture, to at least show she is willing to do things too.

Int check for memory if relevant [roll2] boost [roll3]

Int check for understanding the device she is about to interact with [roll4] boost [roll5]

I suppose, just in case, I will make saving throws for both characters in the event that this goes sideways

STLRCR28 (Aurora)
Fort [roll6]
Ref [roll7]
Will [roll8] boost [roll9]

W1P1TGD (Cedric)
Fort [roll10]
Ref [roll11]
Will [roll12] - Pondering if I should take Steadfast Personality for Cedric, as it would be a nice 2 point swing for my Will save, though the fact that my one specialization as a Conscript makes it follow the strong save progression.


Working on Nyx a bit. I had not made a build for her or their brother Terrance yet, as they were still in concept stage. Their mother is evil, and a Hedgewitch with the Triple Goddess archetype, which grants full caster level to the Life, Death, and Fate Spheres (Hedgewitches are normally mid-casters, meaning they gain caster level at the rate a cleric or rogue gains attack bonus, 3/4 progression). Was not sure if I should give her the Martial archetype as well (effectively makes her a Champion of the Spheres, with access to both Magic and Martial talents), though not sure if they are still comparable (they recently released an updated/errata'd compendium book for Spheres of Power that changed quite a bit).

Nyx's base is Dark and Mind spheres, may throw in Death, though focus on Ghost Strike rather than the reanimation talents.

Terrance presents an odd situation. His magic concept is very physical, so while the sisters are both Incanters, I might go with the Word Witch archetype for the Fey Adept class. The Fey Adept is normally all illusion magic and can do some crazy things with it (though the Illusion Sphere is very talent intensive). Word Witch instead alters actual physical reality. While Aurora is the beginning of Life and Nyx is its end, Terrance is the life itself, physical and changing. The creation sphere is very, very useful, but trying to grant him some form of attack which isn't create a temporary piano in mid air and have it fall on a target (which is essentially the Creation Sphere's version of attacking,, they even give you all the rules to do so at the beginning of the page). Creation has two primary subsets, which are create (literally creates matter, but you have to take talents to broaden the choices to something more useful, as you start with being able to produce only vegetable matter (but, hemp rope, ladders, and clothes all fall under that heading)) and alter, which I feel may be more useful. Alter can change the shape of matte, improve it, weaken it, or even destroy it. Sadly, can't use Destroy on people as an offensive talent, there is only one archetype I've seen called the Dustbringer that gets an ability to use it against creatures, but the Dustbringer is a Mageknight, which are low casters (they have 1/2 level to determine caster level). Dustbringers are cool in that they are a version of monks (the Destroy ability surrounds their bare hands) and with regards to Creation (Alter) talents, they are treated as full casters, they are not what I am going for.

An interesting character concept I was toying with was a version of Lucifer using the Sun Warrior Mageknight archetype (uses the Glory talent, which allows you to cause yourself to glow without concentration or a spell point), but it receives full caster level only when using Light talents specifically in conjunction with Glory.

Another fun build I had for that archetype was Escanor, the Lion's Sin of Pride from the anime The 7 Deadly Sins. It would be interesting to try to translate Escanor's transformation, as he draws power from the sun and his strength changes, rising to its peak at Noon (at which point, for a full minute, he is completely indestructible) and losing power altogether when the sun goes down (at night, he is a small and physically weak coward). His Sacred Treasure Rhitta is a golden one-handed axe sized for a Huge creature that he wields one-handed (he grows to large size during the day). Escanor constantly gives off tremendous heat during the day, but his axe has a limited ability to store that energy, which when especially full, can transform him into a limited form of his daytime self, even at night.

2020-05-05, 08:40 PM
After some thinking, He knows that the green stuff in the big bottle (2.5 gal) is for cleaning floors.

Tinkering with the bottom of the container of pink stuff by the sink, he finds the pressing up results in a dollop of pink stuff on his hand. It is sticky and slippery. Using the sink he tries to wash it off and it produces bubbles and lathers and oh, it's hand soap. And the blue pull towels must be for drying...

She starts banging on the door, having no other way to communicate a desire to come in.

He lets her in.

Then shows her the dome thing.

Some experimentation later it lights up, a soft red light. She finds a handle that slides part of the dome open. There is a cushion inside, and the interior is becoming warm.

2020-05-05, 08:59 PM
RE: Terrance

1) conjuration: acid/fire/... orb. See Complete Arcane BattleMage. or was it War Mage?

If you are going with a 'life' focus, maybe a summoner or a 2e caller (available local animal arrives after several minutes).

Earth/Wood shugenja, or OA shaman/cleric with appropriate domains.

Just make him a druid.

Or go with Life, Earth (place for living), Death and say the Terrance means 'one of the Earth'

I wouldn't recommend anything tied to a time of day, lunar cycle, or season.

2020-05-06, 10:23 AM
Using the handle, STLRCR28 closes the dome and leaves the room, asking W1P1TGD to follow.
They continue on to see if any other nearby doors open with the blue rectangle.


Might couple Creation with Enhancement, which can also be used to animate objects. While it would most certainly be weaker, at higher levels (like 15+), that combo could create a humanoid shaped form out of adamantine and animate it (though it would lack actual construct traits and not have any of the abilities an actual adamantine golem has. In PF, adamantine and mithral golems are not epic like they are in 3.0/3.5, but they do get potent abilities. Looking at the Symbiat (basically like the Inspired from Eberron, they host an alien entity, only instead of psionics, they get access to magic talents), as the Chronomancer and Hekatonkheires (the former swaps out the Mind Sphere for Warp and Time, while the other gains Telekinetic "limbs"), have some interesting potential. Nature and Weather spheres could work, but they require a ton of investment (to the point that a character concept I had used the Transformation feat to be able to turn into a blue dragon so it could have some functionality outside of those spheres)

One of the primary design aspects of Pathfinder is that there are no "dead levels," you get at least some ability each level (though for mages, it may simply be new spells). I started in 3.0 (though the first game I played in was 2nd edition), and that version of the ranger was actually weaker at being a ranger than simply making a fighter with the feats the ranger had. 3.5 improved enough so that the ranger was a viable class with some unique stuff, but it still did suffer a bit with dead levels.

2020-05-06, 11:30 AM
The blue rectangle opens both doors, each of which close after 10 seconds.

One goes to the magic training room. Through the door you can see the medical desk.

The other reveals a hallway.

2020-05-06, 03:37 PM
Both STLRCR28 and W1P1TGD head towards the magic training room, to see if there is any sign of equipment or possibly a red rectangle card for use in the white section to open those locked doors and finally find STLRCR28'S magical focus.


First, very carefully, she will extend her Perception to find magical auras, but seeking to avoid nearly being blinded by them. If it is too much, she will shut that sense off and simply use Ultravision without the aura sensing. Either way, she takes 20 on the check (34 boost [roll0])

W1P1TGD is also searching, but his Perception is much, much lower. However, he can take the aid another action, which would increase STLRCR28's check by 2.

2020-05-06, 03:56 PM
The room is how she remembers it.

Medical desk

Caldron stations

Scroll writing desks near the white board

Target dummies

Dueling pit

That circular structure that generates practice opponents

The wand rack

The fire fighting equipment

The sacks of acid neutralizer

The sacks of deicing salts

The lockers where she and the others keep their gear.

You are in the white area.
Specifically the magic training area where auras abound, though they aren't blinding her. It's needle in a stack of needles time as for potentially useful items.

Her gear is in her locker (which doesn't lock), and the yellow suckers are in the medical desk.

2020-05-06, 06:04 PM
STLRCR28 retrieves her focus, masterwork morningstar, and 4 back-up daggers. She then turns to the desk and claims the suckers.

"Thank you for your patience with me. I need to be able to focus magics to be of any use, my 'sight' takes far less out of me with this
Worry not, I will help get you retrieve your own belongings now. Sucker?" she offers him a sucker.

Immediately claiming the sucker, W1P1TGD begins to unwrap it, as he replies, "Whatever you say, princess. My gear is near the physical testing area, so we should head that way."

They both head towards that direction

2020-05-06, 06:10 PM
STLRCR28 retrieves her focus, masterwork morningstar, and 4 back-up daggers. She then turns to the desk and claims the suckers.

"Thank you for your patience with me. I need to be able to focus magics to be of any use, my 'sight' takes far less out of me with this
Worry not, I will help get you retrieve your own belongings now. Sucker?" she offers him a sucker.

Immediately claiming the sucker, W1P1TGD begins to unwrap it, as he replies, "Whatever you say, princess. My gear is near the physical testing area, so we should head that way."

They both head towards that direction

Ok. Pause a bit.

He sees her take gear including weapons out of a locker.

When she approaches the desk at the medical area she sees one of those transparent things some of the whites wear on their faces. It has an aura of communication.

In the top drawer of the desk she finds purple suckers instead of yellow ones. A plastic sack of 20.

2020-05-07, 08:33 AM
STLRCR28 takes the bag of suckers and 4 of the transparent things, make sure to have spares just in case. She offers one of the suckers to W1P1TGD as well.

She also takes time to inspect the other lockers for anything useful.


Question - Do the lockers contain other clothes? Trying to get Traveler's outfit and cloak, in the hope that it has pockets. Also something more appropriate for W1P1TGD, so he does not have to continue wearing the the sweat pants and t-shirt, also something with pockets, and/or a satchel or knapsack, something better to carry stuff in.

2020-05-07, 10:37 AM
Clarifying and tuning down the obfuscation for a moment, there is only 1 pair of magical transparent, lab-safety over glasses. (1) Does she put them on?

There is a table with trays of common medical devices and swabs, bandages and the like.

Her locker contains her magic training outfit: a generic anime witch/magic girl outfit.
The other lockers contain similar stereotypical mage clothes.
She has a backpack for her gear.

Above each locker is the designation of the user. She has been seeing the others less and less.

In the lockers you find 6 spellbooks, quarter staffs, component pouches and magic user costumes.

5 daggers
A scimitar
I light crossbow with 20 bolts
mwk rapier (1d6/18–20)
mwk longbow (1d8+1/×3)
20 arrows
mwk alchemical silver dagger

The swords and daggers have sheaths/scabbards.

There are also several potions, scrolls, and wands, along with writing equipment.

(2) Do either of them eat a purple sucker?

2020-05-07, 12:01 PM
I started a reply, stepped away from my phone, and came back, the page reloaded and was blank, so rather than write all this again, I will cut it short. Also, divination (the core abilities that allows me to see magic auras), allows me to identify magic items, as it acts as Detect Magic. The Identify spell is not needed to identify magic items, it just gives a +20 to the check. I can't retry a roll to identify a specific magic items until a day after my last attempt, so tons of rolls. The DC to identify a magic items is 15 + CL, this DC is increased by 5 to determine if and what an item has in terms of curses (and bypass the curse's attempt to appear innocuous).

First, the glasses will be examined. If safe (or failed identify check), she will put them on. Next is the suckers, if they seem safe, both eat one. After that, robes and backpacks. If safe, W1P1TGD dons a robe and both have backpacks. After that, the rest of the items top-down. I just spammed rolls, use what you feel is needed. Aurora has no need for magic component pouches, but you did mention different magic systems, so she will collect three in the event she meets another caster and they need one. I cannot use spell books and scrolls require me to use Use Magic Device checks, of which I am not trained and would be terrible if I did. Still, wands may be useful to somebody else if necessary (if Read Magic is necessary, I will switch that on after my Divination scans all the items and can turn divination off (both are part of the Divination Sphere, but function separately)).

Spellcraft [roll0] boost [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2] boost [roll3]
Spellcraft [roll4] boost [roll5]
Spellcraft [roll6] boost [roll7]
Spellcraft [roll8] boost [roll9]
Spellcraft [roll10] boost [roll11]
Spellcraft [roll12] boost [roll13]
Spellcraft [roll14] boost [roll15]
Spellcraft [roll16] boost [roll17]
Spellcraft [roll18] boost [roll19]
Spellcraft [roll20] boost [roll21]
Spellcraft [roll22] boost [roll23]
Spellcraft [roll24] boost [roll25]
Spellcraft [roll26] boost [roll27]
Spellcraft [roll28] boost [roll29]
Spellcraft [roll30] boost [roll31]
Spellcraft [roll32] boost [roll33]
Spellcraft [roll34] boost [roll35]
Spellcraft [roll36] boost [roll37]
Spellcraft [roll38] boost [roll]1d6[/roll

2020-05-07, 01:07 PM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24494988]I started a reply, stepped away from my phone, and came back, the page reloaded and was blank,

>>I hate it when that happens. Sometimes you'll get lucky and get a "restore auto saved text".

so rather than write all this again, I will cut it short. Also, divination (the core abilities that allows me to see magic auras), allows me to identify magic items, as it acts as Detect Magic. The Identify spell is not needed to identify magic items, it just gives a +20 to the check. I can't retry a roll to identify a specific magic items until a day after my last attempt, so tons of rolls. The DC to identify a magic items is 15 + CL, this DC is increased by 5 to determine if and what an item has in terms of curses (and bypass the curse's attempt to appear innocuous).

First, the glasses will be examined. If safe (or failed identify check), she will put them on.


Next is the suckers, if they seem safe, both eat one.

(I'm cut and pasting this from another game. I'm going though and editing the pronouns and such, but if I miss one that is what is going on.)

>>>The 'legs' pivot a bit to adjust for size and hook behind the ears.

They don't cause any distortion.

Looking around while wearing them her eyes cross some paperwork on the desk, and symbols appear floating in the air in front of her. She can't touch them, He doesn't see them, and they disappear if she try to look over the glasses. She doesn't understand the symbols, but they are similar in style to what is on the sheets on the scribble thing. Without removing her new toy, she passes a purple sucker to Him and tries one herself. She has to remove the clear covering. It is sweet. Not the same flavor as the yellow ones, but not objectionable.

Enjoying you treat she looks more closely at the clear bag holding the other 19. On the bag There is a white rectangle with symbols

She focuses on the first group of symbols.
The leg of the glasses buzzes in her ear making a sound as the same Symbols appear in the air.

The floating symbols separate into groups. Tran-quil -i -Zer. You hear the sound repeated slowly, and the symbols turn green , left to right, as the sounds are made. This keeps repeating...

She wonders what this means... The repeating stops and a new group of symbols appear : PUT TO SLEEP

As the sounds for the new symbols start to repeat, she again wonders what this all means? She get a flicker of an image in her mind of her in her bunk.

And as the lolly suddenly dissolves as her mouth numbs and the world shrinks into dark, she understand what the word SLEEP means in this new language.

They don't feel it when they hit the floor.

She learns the word DREAM, DREAMING, and in the free association of the dream she imagines being in her BUNK, which is also BED, on her MATTRESS, with MY BLANKET....
The SCRIBBLE thing is a CLIP-BOARD. These are GLASSES. TRANSLATION she starts to understand. She gets that a VISOR is like GLASSES, but she doesn't completely understand Visual Interactive Sensory Object Registration. She remembers overheard conversations in this language about going to get something to eat in the LOUNGE or CAFETERIA near RECEPTION.

Groaning, they awaken, stiff from an awkward position, even hungrier than before. Rubbing her head is enough to make the lights click on. They are on the FLOOR in the room. The LOLLYPOP STICK is right next to her HEAD. His is similarly located.

Angrily, she looks back in that desk draw, and then the one under it. There are the yellow ones, and a sack of pink ones. The pink ones are labeled ANALGESIC...the VISOR offers PAIN REDUCING. The yellow ones are labeled LEMON...that just makes her taste the flavor of a yellow sucker.


After that, robes and backpacks. If safe, W1P1TGD dons a robe and both have backpacks.


After that, the rest of the items top-down. I just spammed rolls, use what you feel is needed. Aurora has no need for magic component pouches, but you did mention different magic systems, so she will collect three in the event she meets another caster and they need one. I cannot use spell books and scrolls require me to use Use Magic Device checks, of which I am not trained and would be terrible if I did. Still, wands may be useful to somebody else if necessary (if Read Magic is necessary, I will switch that on after my Divination scans all the items and can turn divination off (both are part of the Divination Sphere, but function separately)).

>>> most of the gear in the lockers is actually labeled, with hash marks tracking uses.

wand of magic missile (CL 3rd, 25 charges);
wand of mage armor (20 charges);
wand of invisibility (44 charges),
wand of mount (28 charges)

potion of cure moderate wounds, x 2

scroll of glitterdust,
scroll of invisibility,
scroll of magic weapon,
scrolls of mirror image (2),
scroll of obscuring mist,
scroll of protection from evil,
scroll of scorching ray,

sunrods (2)
2 vials of ink
10 ink pens (quills)
Writing kit with 20 sheets of paper
Ball point pen, blue.

brooch of shielding,
ring of counterspells (hold monster),
ring of protection +1

The VISOR allows her to read the labels of the items on the wand rack and potion station. With a little mental gymnastics she figures out what they mean in INTERMAG.

Wand of Mirror Image (47 of 50 charges)

Wand of Owl's Wisdom (26 of 50 charges)
Wand of Bear's Endurance (35 of 50 charges)
Wand of Enlarge Person (37 of 50 charges)
Wand of Eagle's Splendor (28 of 50 charges)
Wand of Web (41 of 50 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1 of 50 charges)
Wand of Charm Person (36 of 50 charges)
Wand of Charm Animal (16 of 50 charges)
Dorje of Swarm of Crystals (28 of 50 charges)
Dorje of Crystal Shard (3 of 50 charges)

Rod of Silent Metamagic (lesser)
Rod of Extend Metamagic (lesser)
Immovable Rod
Rod of Empower Metamagic

Potion of Fox's Cunning
Potion of Magic Fang
Potion of Reduce Person
Potion of Lesser Restoration
Potion of Enlarge Person
Potion of Endure Elements
Potion of Mage Armor
Potion of Blur
Oil of Invisibility
Potion of Bear's Endurance
(The VISOR explains what words mean in Common and identifies common objects, but often won't identify complex objects without interaction, and the user's memories and experiences must provide context for understanding. And the GM needs his fun too while you try to figure out a stabler or a blender...)

2020-05-07, 01:53 PM
STLRCR28 takes the ring of Protection +1 and the Brooch of Shielding (Spheres has no equivalent to Magic Missile, so it would be a spell she could never cast or really understand, but if she encounters an enemy with it, she'll be covered). And she hands W1P1TGD the ring of counterspells.

Having no need for the sunrods, because she effectively IS a sunrods, she proffers them to W1P1TGD, which he accepts and places in his knapsack. He also takes the bags of both Purple and Yellow Suckers in case they come in handy (which reminds me that there may be some fun options should I ever take Instill talents. The one for Destruction says you can even place an effect on food by touching it. It'll surprise the hell out of anybody trying to detect poison, as it will fail to pick up a legit spell effect).

Cedric (sorry, typing W1P1TGD all the time is a little grating) claims the wands, dorje's, and scrolls (he may or may not delve into Use Magic Device, but if not, if they find any allies, they may find some use for them). He also claims both potions, as Aurora has shown she is capable of healing without them. With regards to the other potions, he takes Mage Armor (Aurora has a version of this with the Protection Sphere), Blur, Oil of Invisibility, Reduce Person (which is more useful to him than Enlarge Person), Bear's Endurance, and Eagle's Splendor. Cedric claims the Immovable Rod, and Aurora takes the rest of the potions as well as the metamagic rods. Finally, I recall you mentioning a silver dagger? He takes that too.

Not exactly sure what the weights are. Prior to removing my former gear, I had a Handy Haversack, which is a form of a bag of holding (Heward's Handy Haversack in 3.5), and weighs 5 lbs total regardless of what it stored). Neither of them are particularly strong, as one focuses on Wisdom and the other in Dex/Cha. If it would still fall under a light load, I'd also take the writing papers and pens/pencils.

2020-05-07, 02:00 PM
For purposes of recharging, they were out for a "Night".

Where to? More exploration here or looking for food?

2020-05-07, 02:51 PM
Looking for food, Cedric can hold off on getting his gear for the moment (Worse comes to worst, he can always cast fist, and while he does not know the extent of her powers, Aurora can put up one hell of a fight with her Radiant blast). They can search for food. Aurora sees if she can figure out if the glasses are able to point her to the mess hall/cafeteria.

Int check, with Cedric using aid another to help her figure out that function of the glasses if it exists - [roll0] boost [roll1]


While Spheres of Power are able to utilize metamagic itself (it increases the spell point cost by the number of spell levels such metamagic would increase a normal spell), the nature of the metamagic rods' abilities specify their limitation based on the spell level of which they would apply to. Spheres of Power has no spell levels (only caster levels, which improve the potency of talents). Only sphere, dual sphere feats and advanced talents have any prerequisite before being able to be taken, and again, that is caster level, not spell level.

Ideally, at some point I'll find a +X Staff of Light (X is the enhancement bonus to my Caster Level, same as a weapon, it maxes at +5)

2020-05-07, 05:15 PM
Hmm, considering taking Basic Magic Training (Illusion) for Cedric, and then Advanced Magical Training. BMT gives you a caster level of zero, and no casting Tradition, but most spheres have a minimum effect. BMTis typically used to pick up Warp (which gives a dimension door effect with a range of 30 ft), but Illusion adds some interesting flavor, as I can make Cedric appear to be eating one of the purple lollipops when he offers one to an enemy.

I'd be limited to affecting sight, but there is use for it in many situations. Not sure if I can take a drawback for another sphere talent, but if I could, suppression is the sphere form of Invisibility. It is not true invisibility - more along the lines of Adaptable Camouflage, like in the Predator movies (gains a bonus to Stealth checks equal to caster level). Advanced magic training grants a caster level equal to half character level (so, essentially a low-caster).

Even without any components (a Sphere caster can choose not to take any drawbacks, so casting is more akin to psionics (one of the players in the game I am currently GMing has no drawbacks). The benefit of taking general (non-Sphere Specific)drawbacks is that you gain more spell points as you level or a boon. Aurora has the Easy Focus boon, allowing her to concentrate as a move action each round, which allows her to do more, like using a different Sphere effect), spell casting does provoke AoO's though (you kind of zone out for a moment to cast. Only quickened spells do not trigger AoO's, and not sure if that would apply to Spheres, as that metamagic simply reduces the casting time by two steps rather than making it a free action automatically).

Another possibility would be Decoy, but if I went with Illusion, the drawback I would take would only be Glamers (effects that alter appearance on an existing object or person) and not take figments (illusions that appear whole cloth as a non-existent object or the like). Suppression is fortunately a Glamer, but Decoy is a Figment.

2020-05-07, 06:29 PM
Int check for him, will mentally add bonus in a bit. [roll0]

The V.I.S.O.R. won't give directions. If she looks at the floor it will tell her FLOOR, sound it out, giver her rapid flashes of every floor she has ever walked on (not that many actually), and if pressed SURFACE THAT CAN BE WALKED UPON OR STOOD ON, but won't tell her where those floors are. She could go down a rabbit hole a with with SURFACE, WALKED, STOOD, ect, but it isn't that deep of a hole.

But as neither have ever seen a lounge, cafeteria, or reception it does not provide an image. She getting the Common name for objects like the RAPIER they took form the locker but it isn't telling her that it is masterwork or they left it, or that it is next to the scimitar on the floor by the lockers.

2020-05-07, 06:35 PM
He remembers that he already found a lot of food. The barrel of kibble in the Tube room across the hall.

@The barrel has a lit with a handle. Removing it he finds Kibble. The greens gave him this some times. It is crunchy but doesn't taste that good, and you have be be careful not to bite down too hard on the little bits of crystal. Better to swallow after just a few chews. @

2020-05-07, 08:32 PM
They both go to find this kibble that he was fed, taking about two handfuls each and downing them.

If there are side pouches on the backpacks, they each fill one with a bit more kibble in case it is needed down the road.

After consuming said food, they head off to find Cedric's gear.

2020-05-07, 08:39 PM
Spot check for her.

Are they heading back towards the desk with the ticking package?

2020-05-08, 04:16 AM
Aurora's Perception [roll0]
**Wow, I've really been downplaying her Perception Skill. I kept forgetting I also had it as a class skill as well as Skil Focus in it.

If they have to go back through that room to get to the area where Cedric's gear is, then yes, they are headed to the place with the ticking package.

2020-05-08, 04:40 AM
Aurora's Perception [roll0]
**Wow, I've really been downplaying her Perception Skill. I kept forgetting I also had it as a class skill as well as Skil Focus in it.

If they have to go back through that room to get to the area where Cedric's gear is, then yes, they are headed to the place with the ticking package.

She notices:

There is a tray holding 3 boxes of glow pills. There are 4 of each pill.

There are two prism shaped objects about 2 x 5 x 7 made of parts of metal and softer black stuff. One has a wide strip of white tape with markings on it. The other has no tape. There are 5 dimples about little finger sized in each.
The markings on the tape say BASIC CONDITIONING +SKILLS.
The VISOR identifies the thing with the nonsense term DATA DRIVE.

2020-05-08, 07:25 AM

I noticed this while checking to see if I could find spheres type magic items.

2020-05-08, 08:11 AM
We can back track for whatever she does with/about the DATA DRIVEs.


Returning to the first intersection of the white area everything is more or less how it was left. Nothing as exploded.

However, she has more information now that she is wearing the Visor.

She had previously walked past that desk on every trip to her training room, always passing the symbols above it that she couldn't understand, so often that she stopped even noticing them; the 4 inch sting of symbols that the Visor now report as meaning RECEPTION AND TASKING.

Of course, the Door to the south has the heading LOUNGE. There are symbols on the little blue and white panel next to the door, but they are too small to be read from near the desk.

2020-05-08, 10:19 AM
They head over to the Lounge door, but not go through it. Aurora takes a better look at the panel to see what the visor brings up.


Sphere magic items can be found here
And here

And actually, I seem to have an idea for an RPG game, using my characters (both here and other sources), but don't have the equipment for it, which is a shame. Two power trios, with this one being Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. The other one is a group of pirates that represent Id, Ego, and Super Ego.

2020-05-08, 10:38 AM

05:30- Continental

07:30-10:30 Breakfast

11:00-13:30 Lunch

16:00-17:00 Tea

19:00-21:00 Dinner

23:30- Third Shift

Always Open Self Serve

2020-05-08, 11:53 AM

05:30- Continental

07:30-10:30 Breakfast

11:00-13:30 Lunch

16:00-17:00 Tea

19:00-21:00 Dinner

23:30- Third Shift

Always Open Self Serve

While many of the details are foreign, the pertinent seems to be BREAKFAST...FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY USUALLY SERVED MORNINGS.

Note on play style and Identify.

Identify like abilities will produce the details of "common" magic items (DMG). Custom items , things I made up like the coffee cup on the reception desk, must be figured out though experimentation, though identify like abilities may provide clues.

2020-05-08, 03:48 PM
While many of the details are foreign, the pertinent seems to be BREAKFAST...FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY USUALLY SERVED MORNINGS.

Note on play style and Identify.

Identify like abilities will produce the details of "common" magic items (DMG). Custom items , things I made up like the coffee cup on the reception desk, must be figured out though experimentation, though identify like abilities may provide clues.

Spheres does not have any talents that serve as the Identify spell (as it was not inherently necessary with how they revamped Spellcraft and Detect Magic. It is essentially the same as True Strike, but for learning what magic items do). Closest they have is the Object Reading Talent, which is more akin to Psychometry.

Interestingly, the Divination Sphere has an attack talent that is actually really useful. It's called Sensory Overload and it is like a better form of Hold Person. It is not a paralysis effect, but it specifically states the target cannot act and is Flat-Footed. Moreover, every round they fail to break free they take non-lethal damage. Reminds me Tsukuyomi from Naruto.


Both enter the lounge, seeing if there is any food that might be more . . . food-like than their Kibble 'n Bits.

Aurora does a cursory scan, bringing up her levels of divination slowly to avoid potential overload, able to more precisely attune her senses.

2020-05-08, 04:04 PM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24497264]Spheres does not have any talents that serve as the Identify spell (as it was not inherently necessary with how they revamped Spellcraft and Detect Magic. It is essentially the same as True Strike, but for learning what magic items do). Closest they have is the Object Reading Talent, which is more akin to Psychometry.

>>Hmmm, I'm trying to figure out what to do here. Figuring out how items work with out making it automatic. It is part of the mystery/exportation theme/plot of the adventure. I'm intending that items that are a mix of magic and tech just don't Identify fully.

I've put resources around to aid in doing Identification (the broken sting of pearls) when necessary, but they assume a 'standard' caster.

I'm looking at mixing spheres mechanic items into the treasure packages, but it is taking me a bit to grok the system. Just bare with me.


Both enter the lounge, seeing if there is any food that might be more . . . food-like than their Kibble 'n Bits.

Aurora does a cursory scan, bringing up her levels of divination slowly to avoid potential overload, able to more precisely attune her senses.[/QUOTE]

hang on, let me find the post with the room description.

2020-05-08, 04:12 PM
You find a large room filled with long tables lined with chairs.
There are trays an misc. items on the tables.

Off to the right side is a door with 2 sinks on either side of the door.

In the corners of the room are clusters of couches and low tables. There are papers and mugs scattered around these.

On the back wall you see 3 large cabinets with glass faces, one of which has a transparent front and little packages are visible.

Next to the cabinets are some long counters, one of which is glowing. Then a table of bowls and glasses, then a section of things you can't identify from where you are standing, and a sheet of metal on the wall.

There are 5 splotches with trays or broken cups around them near where you enter.

Spot check.

2020-05-08, 07:51 PM
STLRCR28's Perception roll with W1P1TGD's aid another [roll0] or, you know, just take 20 for a result of 40

Also will see if the VISOR is capable of identifying the splotches. My money is on them being former employees smashed into paste, but the colors seem off. I lack any ranks in Heal (which is interesting, since for Pathfinder in addition for patching up wounds, actually acts as its own Knowledge skill, used for diagnosing diseases, checking if somebody is dead, and other related stuff), so not too good at identifying bits of corpses, so I could be wrong. Hence the VISOR.

2020-05-08, 08:04 PM
STLRCR28's Perception roll with W1P1TGD's aid another [roll0] or, you know, just take 20 for a result of 40

Also will see if the VISOR is capable of identifying the splotches. My money is on them being former employees smashed into paste, but the colors seem off. I lack any ranks in Heal (which is interesting, since for Pathfinder in addition for patching up wounds, actually acts as its own Knowledge skill, used for diagnosing diseases, checking if somebody is dead, and other related stuff), so not too good at identifying bits of corpses, so I could be wrong. Hence the VISOR.

The visor has no opinion on the splotches, other than to spell and sound out SPLOTCH and define AREA OF DISCOLORATION.

On the back of one of he chairs hangs a white coat LAB COAT. This one looks like it fits either of you.

Checking the pockets you find

a small spiral top notebook with completely indecipherable notes on the first 6 pages. The remaining 20 are unmarked.

a blue click pen.

a small penlight

a hand sized rectangular object that is black glass on one side and pinkish metal on the other.

and a blue key card.

Looking over the tables you see various disturbed meals with their mugs, glassware, bowls, plates, silverware, and trays. The food looks mostly like it has turned.

On the tables you find 5 clipboards, 2 serrated knives, a stethoscope, another blue keycard, 6 silver disks. and you notice that some of the cups are made of paper and contain brown liquids, and that there are 4 metal cylinders CANS with colorful markings.

(this is the immediate area and nearby tables. )

As she turns up her aura detection she sees magical auras on many of the objects along the back wall.

2020-05-08, 08:10 PM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24497264]Spheres does not have any talents that serve as the Identify spell (as it was not inherently necessary with how they revamped Spellcraft and Detect Magic. It is essentially the same as True Strike, but for learning what magic items do). Closest they have is the Object Reading Talent, which is more akin to Psychometry.

>>Hmmm, I'm trying to figure out what to do here. Figuring out how items work with out making it automatic. It is part of the mystery/exportation theme/plot of the adventure. I'm intending that items that are a mix of magic and tech just don't Identify fully.

I've put resources around to aid in doing Identification (the broken sting of pearls) when necessary, but they assume a 'standard' caster.

I'm looking at mixing spheres mechanic items into the treasure packages, but it is taking me a bit to grok the system. Just bare with me.


Both enter the lounge, seeing if there is any food that might be more . . . food-like than their Kibble 'n Bits.

Aurora does a cursory scan, bringing up her levels of divination slowly to avoid potential overload, able to more precisely attune her senses.

hang on, let me find the post with the room description.[/QUOTE]

Well, when you grok it, make sure to do so in its fullness. Though not at the point of becoming water brethren.

Magic Staves act as magic weapons if that helps. Same cost and such, and they have access to other abilities aside from the straight numerical value. Abjuring is a useful one as it buffs AC, though some other options are to add a sphere or to add access to a specific talent, either of which are +1 enhancements. Not sure if you are familiar of pricing items based on enhancements. I believe it was in 3.5, but I could be wrong. The price is the total enhancement bonus squared x 2000gp. For example, with weapons, a +2 Longsword is 8000gp, as it is 2 squared (4) x 2000. Something like flaming is another +1 value, and a +2 Flaming Longsword is 18000gp. The total of any such item can not have more than a +10 value (except for certain artifacts. In 3.5, the Sword of Kas comes to mind), but only up to +5 can be used as a flat enhancement bonus to attack and damage, with the rest being special abilities. If using the Enhancement Sphere, you can break the cap and improve it to +6, but that requires a specific talent and for you to have a high enough Caster Level. There are some abilities like Impervious that does not have a +X value, but instead have a flat gold value, and it does not count against the overall enhancement pricing.

Spell Engines are wands, Spheres style. There tends to be alternate categories for each item type in Spheres as are found in 3.5, just with different names and granting different abilities. There is also the Technomancy magic Sphere, but is not part of official Spheres content. I'd say its 3rd party, but Spheres is already 3rd party, so would that be 4th party? The Tech sphere for martial talents is official, though, but is very complicated and never really went down that path. I was actually considering the Alchemy Sphere for Cedric, as its formula path is rather useful.

2020-05-08, 08:19 PM
Nodding off, have work in the morning.

2020-05-09, 04:27 AM
Aurora takes the blue keycards and pen.

Cedric dons the doctor's jacket, and pockets the strange rectangle with black glass and pink metal (I'm assuming a smart phone from your description, but they would not know that).

Aurora heads to the back wall to discern the items that had magical auras.

First she uses the VISOR to see what it brings up, then she uses her divination to read the auras.
Spellcraft roll [roll0]

2020-05-09, 05:25 AM
The auras are a mix of




and Evocation.

(Spell craft or whatever for each)

Walking over to the left side and starting there...

As you step up to them the three odd cabinets light up.

First is RED, the second is GREEN, and the third BROWN.

The red one has a glass front. In it are rows of....PACKAGES? Each looks roughly hand sized or smaller.

Oh... some of them are like that paper tube with the chewy pills that taste like dental floss. Many of the packages are colorful. Others are clear what is in them looks like it might be food. Some of the labels say Granola, Kashi, Trail Mix, Edible, Cinno-mint...

On one side of the front of the FRAME of the cabinet is a group of squares. Above this is a short crack with some ...MECHANISM next to it.

2020-05-09, 06:51 PM
Both claim Granola, Trail Mix, and Kashi (flavors? If so, go with chocolate), replacing as much of the Kibble as possible. Also, looking for water or some form of moisture (in all reality, they seem like they would be super dehydrated at this point, even if they found water near their Kibble dispenser to use back then).

Also, Aurora fiddles with the FRAME and MECHANISM, using the VISOR if possible to guide her through it.

2020-05-09, 09:01 PM
It is a sealed metal case with a glass panel in front with no apparent (non destructive) way to open it to get the granola. Fiddling with the mechanism doesn't seem to do any thing. ( It has a glass face, so destruction is an option).

The visor is silent. It tried to explain Granola, but OATS really isn't any more informative.

There is a pair of sinks on the other wall.

AND there is are stacks of mugs next to the brown cabinet, and trays of glasses near some of the other odd things in line with the cabinets.

2020-05-09, 09:39 PM
Aurora heads to the Cabinets and mugs. She opens the cabinet to see if there is any drinks in there. Meanwhile, Cedric checks the faucets.


So, Nyx is nearly done, she focuses her attacks on using Death Strike, and is able to cause exhaustion, target and either damage or heal undead, inflict various curses, and drain health for Temporary HP.

Utility is found in the other Spheres. For Dark, she can create Darkness that drains Constitution and Dappled Darkness allows her to shape the area. Additionally, she can create clones of targets using their shadows. As I have taken the Shadow Lurk talent twice, the clones.have a bit more substance, being able to attack with the targets full strength and make a single attack per round. They have non-magical versions of their equipment and have ,2 HP per my Caster Level (so 10).

Finally, there is her access to the Fate Sphere. Unlike Aurora, she has neither Consecrate or Words, but instead focuses on Motifs, possessing The Devil (allows the person affected by the motif to analyze relative strength of an opponent as a free action usable once per turn and discharge it early to gain combat buffs vs any target that they had analyzed with said motif) and The Empress (provides a pool of bonus points usable on a bunch of different rolls).

Ability Score-wise, she is made with 20 pts (same as Aurora and Cedric), though I assumed she would get the same +2 buff to Charisma that you gave Wisdom for Aurora and Strength for Cedric.

Not sure what equipment you'd grant her. She does not need a focus to use her magic.

Her artifact weapon, should you wish to grant it is the Shears of Atropos. Shaped as a sharp pair of -2 Adamantine Scissors, it does not have any damage die, but the user can use their highest mental ability score in place of Strength for both attack and damage rolls (In Mux's case, it is +4 (taking into account the penalty from then being cursed). Any damage dealt by them is considered Curse Damage, which cannot be healed until the target receives Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, or Wish/Miracle. This damage also ignores Damage Reduction. On a critical hit, the target must save or die (figuring out a DC will be dependent upon whether or not the weapon is allowed).

Also, not sure what other equipment you would give her

Mostly, I just have to run through skill points.

Terrance will be the next one I will work on.

2020-05-09, 09:57 PM
He finds that the sinks produce water. They have dispensors above them like in the tube room, and a napkin holder. There are trash cans by them.

She finds that the brown cabinet also doesn't open.

The brown cabinete has the most complicated set of controls. An array of toggles, buttons and dials with arcane labels such as "half Soy foam".

To the side of these are larger buttons with hand written labels.

plain tea
Regular w cream and sugar

next to the machine is a small tray holding white, pink, blue, brown, and green paper packets, a white pitcher, and a clear screw top jar of off white powder. There is also a stack of spoons.

2020-05-09, 10:22 PM
Ability Score-wise, she is made with 20 pts (same as Aurora and Cedric), though I assumed she would get the same +2 buff to Charisma that you gave Wisdom for Aurora and Strength for Cedric.
>> Don't assume, but there may be a way to get a boost after start of play.
Between the Red and Brown cabinets is the Green one and you can't see inside it. The decorations are very garish.

The buttons are large and labeled.

Professor Pep
Cap lock
Caramel frap
Peach Smash
Blue Buffalo
Crystal 7 with limon

2020-05-10, 09:53 AM
Aurora presses the buttons that read Professor Pep, Caramel Frap, and Surge! each twice.


Nyx is mostly done then. Did not include any equipment outside of her basic weaponry, which for the most part is completely useless to her, due to her stats. She mainly relies on Ghost Strike, which is far more accurate, as it is a ranged touch attack and as such ignores armor, natural armor, and (usually) shield bonuses. Plus it can be used without a spell point, so it can be spammed. Here is her sheet for now:


2020-05-10, 10:00 AM
When she pushes the buttons the only thing that happens is that a tiny light next to the little crack next to the mechanism lights up for 5 seconds.

2020-05-10, 12:20 PM
Both Aurora and Cedric each take a glass from where they are sitting, head over to the faucets, rince out the glasses a bit, test the water which way is cold and which is hot. Fill the glasses first with warm water (which the body is able to metabolize faster), drink twice, then fill with cold water and drink for relief.


Started on Terrance, making him an Incanter like his sisters (Main draw is the high number of magic talents it grants, three more than any other casting class (even the Sphere Wizard (a retooling of the normal Wizard to make it a Sphere caster), as well as bonus feats that can grant talents, which I tend to burn all for it, granting another 3 talents plus 2 regular feats for talents). I took some of your advice, but rather than making him a Druid or even Sphere Druid, and instead am taking a load of Nature Sphere Talents (very feat heavy, and am not giving him every element package yet). Main methods of attack are either fiery touch attacks or acid fog until I can find something better. Like Light and Dark, Nature has a ton of utility, especially Spirit Talents, and should mesh well with Creation if I take that as well (with reference to Creation, I'd start by restricting it to Alter. This is not to be confused with the Alteration Sphere. The Alteration Sphere is basically a modular form of polymorph, but the Creation (Alter) talents are manipulating substances and structures to destroy, reinforce, or shape into different things).

The other trees I had considered were Enhancement, Life, and Conjuration, but have held off. If I start at higher levels, I actually prefer to take the Bound Companion boon as part as the Casting Tradition, as it is always available (is neither summoned nor dismissed), can be improved with Conjuration feats, and allows it to focus on spell effects for me, freeing up concentration, which normal Conjuration companions don't do. Not super into the shapechanging abilities a Druid has for this sort of build. There is both a regular and spheres class called Shifter that are more suited for that (the Spheres version came out before Paizo created it official class, and the spheres version is better (the Paizo variant seems to be commonly held as subpar)). If I tap into Warp at all I may be able to get Create Demiplane, in which other spheres known allow for granting several options to add to it, but that is high level stuff.

2020-05-10, 12:26 PM
[QUOTE=Bansheexero;24500533]Both Aurora and Cedric each take a glass from where they are sitting, head over to the faucets, rince out the glasses a bit, test the water which way is cold and which is hot. Fill the glasses first with warm water (which the body is able to metabolize faster), drink twice, then fill with cold water and drink for relief.


The Water is wet. And by this point they need to investigate that bathroom.

2020-05-10, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE=Bansheexero;24500533]Both Aurora and Cedric each take a glass from where they are sitting, head over to the faucets, rince out the glasses a bit, test the water which way is cold and which is hot. Fill the glasses first with warm water (which the body is able to metabolize faster), drink twice, then fill with cold water and drink for relief.


The Water is wet. And by this point they need to investigate that bathroom.

Having found rooms that had appeared similar to bathrooms when they first got out of their rooms (I think), they head back that way. Aurora uses the VISOR to see if it helps find something closer, however.

2020-05-10, 12:35 PM
Intelligence check x 2

Engineering check for him.

2020-05-10, 01:11 PM
STLRCR28 (Aurora) Perception check (assuming that she has to go so badly I don't have time to take 20)
[roll0] boost [roll1]

W1P1TGD (Cedric) Perception check

Cedric Knowledge (Engineering) check

2020-05-10, 01:16 PM
STLRCR28 (Aurora) Perception check (assuming that she has to go so badly I don't have time to take 20)
[roll0] boost [roll1]

W1P1TGD (Cedric) Perception check

Cedric Knowledge (Engineering) check

I said INT, but ok.

These sinks on either side of this open doorway here look just like the ones in your rooms next to your toilets.

He realizes that the way buildings are engineered, sinks like these are usually close to toilets as they share the same water source pipes. They often even share the same wall.

2020-05-10, 04:07 PM
Whoops, sorry, my fault as I got distracted. Same thing happened in the campaign I am currently running, as they occasionally seem to blend together (just as you claimed it did for you as well).

So, they both lock around, near the same wall to see if they can locate nearby toilets.

Perception [roll0] boost [roll1]
Intelligence check if there is something I could trace to said toilet aside from the sinks [roll2] boost [roll3]

Perception [roll4]
Intelligence check if there is something I could trace to said toilet aside from the sinks [roll5]
Or, Knowledge (Engineering) [roll6]


Also, what was the name of the Wild Talent that made that goop earlier? And if so, would spell points be able to power it? Also, would it be cast as a Sphere ability or as a different type of power. Spheres don't have spell levels, the DC instead uses half caster level, so all powers scale with the caster. (For Aurora, her magic's DC is 10 + 1/2 casting (which would be 3 halved down to 1) + ability modifier (Wisdom in her case, so +6). Total DC is 17 (there are a few effects that can buff it past that, with the simest being the Sphere Focus feat or magic Staves. There are also boons that can do this, but I did not take them, and the Thaumaturge class has an ability that it can use). DC's for spells with spell levels use said spell level instead of 1/2 caster level, so they don't scale with the caster and eventually become obsolete.

2020-05-10, 04:53 PM
[QUOTE=Bansheexero;24500986]Whoops, sorry, my fault as I got distracted. Same thing happened in the campaign I am currently running, as they occasionally seem to blend together (just as you claimed it did for you as well).

So, they both lock look around, near the same wall to see if they can locate nearby toilets.

Perception [roll0] boost [roll1]
Intelligence check if there is something I could trace to said toilet aside from the sinks [roll2] boost [roll3]

Perception [roll4]
Intelligence check if there is something I could trace to said toilet aside from the sinks [roll5]
Or, Knowledge (Engineering) [roll6]


They just walk through the doorway between the two sinks and at the end of the 15 ft hall they find 3 doors.

The center one is unlabeled, turns out to be a janitor's closet with cases of ft wide institutional tp, gallon jugs of pink hand soap, clear hand sanitizer, and white hand lotion, cases of hand towels, floor cleaner, Windex, 409, mops, brooms.... ect.

The door on the left has an icon of a circle over a triangle over 2 thin vertical rectangles. The only difference on the other door is having a square instead of a Triangle. Behind the doors, Triangle has an extra floor length mirror. Square has 2 urinals instead. Two stall bathrooms with sinks.

We'll skip over adventures with bidets...

and go back to the glass fronted cabinet with the snacks. Brains or brawn to get the granola?



it is INT based, and she has 5 power points. It takes 5 points to use and she currently has nothing else to spend them on, so she can use the power once a day.


2020-05-10, 05:36 PM
We'll go with both Brains and Brawn.

First up, brains
STLRCR28 - W1P1TGD is using Aid Another, as his roll is lower
[roll0] boost [roll1]

If that fails, then W1P1TGD tries both a Knowledge (Engineering) check [roll2]
Failing that, a last ditch effort Int roll [roll3]

Finally, if brains do not win out, then brawn it is. I believe in this case, Cedric can take 20 as well as Aurora using Aid Another, so 24 boost with [roll4]. Given probability of maxing both out (a little more than 0.4%), I'll leave the second part as a roll.


Huh, Ectoplasmic Cocoon may allow me to video some time before taking Bound Light. Weird that I can have that psionic talent with just a 12 Int, I'd need a 13 as a minimum were this following 3.5 or Pathfinder rules.

Bound Light is better (its DC is 17, whereas the Cocoon has only a 14 DC, which will drift behind my Light talents more and more as I level. Also, it prevents any form of teleportation or other magic travel), but I have more important magic talents to take for now.

2020-05-10, 05:49 PM
We'll go with both Brains and Brawn.

First up, brains
STLRCR28 - W1P1TGD is using Aid Another, as his roll is lower
[roll0] boost [roll1]

If that fails, then W1P1TGD tries both a Knowledge (Engineering) check [roll2]
Failing that, a last ditch effort Int roll [roll3]

Finally, if brains do not win out, then brawn it is. I believe in this case, Cedric can take 20 as well as Aurora using Aid Another, so 24 boost with [roll4]. Given probability of maxing both out (a little more than 0.4%), I'll leave the second part as a roll.

Tapping on the squares in the little grid of squares makes a light under a snack in a roughly corresponding position to light up, and makes a little light under the little crack next to the mechanism light up for 5 seconds.

She thinks the crack must want something, but doesn't know what.

He, with her aid, develops an alternate engineering based solution: Hit the glass with a chair repeatedly until it breaks, then they can take all the food.

Do you want them to go with the 'chair' plan?

2020-05-10, 05:57 PM
The "chair" plan is the most realistic in character response to the situation, as neither would recommend the silver discs as coins and what they are used for.

2020-05-10, 06:15 PM

Think Snack machine stocked by hippies in the Pacific North West.

Granola and cereal bars, nuts, trail mixes, dehydrated fruit, nuts, Ramen cups, mints, gums, and COOKIES - BISCUITS labeled Edible.

INT checks.

After she has examined the inside of the machine a bit, the Visor reports VENDING MACHINE. SELECTOR BUTTONS. The mechanism is COIN RETURN. the crack is COIN SLOT.

2020-05-10, 07:19 PM
They take several and either start eating or putting several in their pack, if it would hold them. Of the items, theyake sure to take Cookies/Biscuits, Dehydrated Fruit, and Gum, so that they have sugars and him can come in handy as a tool every now and then.

Int checks,

Aurora [roll0] boost [roll1]

Cedric [roll2]

After liberating the food, they decide to return to the area where Cedric's gear is and search for it, so they can move on and try to leave this place, or at least this floor if it is a complex.

2020-05-10, 07:47 PM
They remember that one of the items on the reception desk is a red package of cookies.

2020-05-10, 11:26 PM
Trying to conserve some space, they ignore the package of cookies, and continue to search for Cedric's equipment

2020-05-11, 05:07 AM
On the way to the Green area, they reach the main intersection with the many splotchs. There are magical auras in the debris.

Are they stopping to investigate, or turning north to head to the Green area?

2020-05-11, 09:01 AM
STLRCR28 stops to look at the splotches, first with the VISOR and then with her Divinations

Spellcraft check [roll0] boost [roll1]

2020-05-11, 09:26 AM
STLRCR28 stops to look at the splotches, first with the VISOR and then with her Divinations

Spellcraft check [roll0] boost [roll1]

There were recently a lot of evocations here, along with clashes with abjurations, enough to warp the local weave. Items are definitely here, but difficult to pinpoint.

She could go into the area and look more closely, or just have him search while she guides. Taking 20 is an option.

2020-05-11, 12:09 PM
Both begin to search the area, Cedric providing aid another bonus.

Aurora takes 20 on the check, with Cedric's help, Ultravision results in 40 boost [roll0]

Also paying attention to any magic item auras and/or haunts (not sure if you are familiar with haunts from Pathfinder, but they seem like they would fit here. The are sort of like a form of trap, though I am not sure if rogues can disable them. Essentially you suffer some form of ghost/supernatural effect. They tend to have a reset period after being triggered. The can be damage by positive energy (most commonly Channel Energy, which I have), but I am not fully sure if that merely temporarily disabled them or ends them permanently. Several have sorts of "unfinished business" methods to remove them permanently. Effects can be as simple as causing fear, to damaging ability scores and I remember one triggered a suicide compulsion in one of the official adventure paths.

Haunt rules are here - https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/haunts/

There was a fun one in a Carrion Crown game I was running that was a type of possession. Essentially, the group makes a Will save, but even if they fail, nothing seems to happen. It triggers in the next battle they are in where the one who failed (not sure if multiple failed, but I assume in that case it is either lowest or arbitrary) passes out.

Each round, while the party deals with the threat on the outside, it put the player into a pseudo dreamspace, where they advanced an arbitrary plot, making additional Will saves along the way, with each success helping rid the host of the possessing ghost. Each time she succeeded, on the outside world, her body would convulse and seem to be held in spectral chains.

2020-05-11, 12:21 PM
Woops, forgot about Spellcraft checks. You said there are multiple items, so a handful of rolls then.

Aurora Spellcraft
[roll0] boost [roll1]
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]
[roll6] boost [roll7]
[roll8] boost [roll9]
[roll10] boost [roll11]
[roll12] boost [roll13]

2020-05-11, 12:22 PM
Both begin to search the area, Cedric providing aid another bonus.

Aurora takes 20 on the check, with Cedric's help, Ultravision results in 40 boost [roll0]

Also paying attention to any magic item auras and/or haunts (not sure if you are familiar with haunts from Pathfinder, but they seem like they would fit here. The are sort of like a form of trap, though I am not sure if rogues can disable them. Essentially you suffer some form of ghost/supernatural effect. They tend to have a reset period after being triggered. The can be damage by positive energy (most commonly Channel Energy, which I have), but I am not fully sure if that merely temporarily disabled them or ends them permanently. Several have sorts of "unfinished business" methods to remove them permanently. Effects can be as simple as causing fear, to damaging ability scores and I remember one triggered a suicide compulsion in one of the official adventure paths.

Haunt rules are here - https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/haunts/

Picking though You find
plastic fork
roll of gauze
A spin top from one of the tests
A book (magic)
An orange food stick
bottle of something labeled "SPF 50"
A cup (orange, 8 fl oz)
A finger length tube of a yellow fluid with a smaller clear tube in it.
3 note books
A red rectangle
54 silver disk (Coins/slugs/tokens? Visor seems confused)
12 silver disks with a face on them
5 yellow disks with a head in them.
14 smaller orangish disks. You don't recognize the emblem.
10 glow pills. (Transmutation/healing)
A orange hair scrunchy.
A hair clip with 2 gold 5 point stars (magical)
A red hair ribbon with a cloth rose (magical)

2020-05-11, 12:52 PM
Both use the hat slot.

A hair clip with 2 gold 5 point stars (magical)
Empowers metero swarm
5% chance to evade physical attacks
+1 bab.

A red hair ribbon with a cloth rose (magical)
Take half damage from fire, cold, Electricity
Empowers Fire Storm.

2020-05-11, 12:54 PM
Cesdric claims the glowing pills, while Aurora takes a gander at the book emitting magic. While she is unable to learn and cast spells through such a medium, she switches from her Divination to activate Read Magic as she peruses it.

In case any Int checks are needed
STLRCR28 [roll0] and [roll1]
W1P1TGD [roll2]

2020-05-11, 12:59 PM

The book is written in unfamiliar runes. While there may yet be instructions for casting some spells within it, they aren't in spellbook format. There are illustrations, some of which move, of multi eyed and multi mouthed creatures.

The hands and feet of both are now covered in black.

2020-05-11, 07:20 PM
Not super sure what to do with the book, STLRCR28 leaves it behind, as she gets an inkling that such texts are more trouble than they are worth, so she leaves it behind.

They both head onward to find Cedric's gear.

2020-05-11, 07:32 PM
Not super sure what to do with the book, STLRCR28 leaves it behind, as she gets an inkling that such texts are more trouble than they are worth, so she leaves it behind.

They both head onward to find Cedric's gear.

Did you see post 140? We were posting at about the same time, so I wonder if you missed it.


He knows that the first doors you pass in the Green area are the checkup room on the East Wall, and a door he has never been through on the West Wall. He has seen the greens come and go from that door a lot.

The next doorway on the East wall is the testing/training area.

Past that at the end of the hall is the Water room.

2020-05-12, 04:27 AM
Did you see post 140? We were posting at about the same time, so I wonder if you missed it.


He knows that the first doors you pass in the Green area are the checkup room on the East Wall, and a door he has never been through on the West Wall. He has seen the greens come and go from that door a lot.

The next doorway on the East wall is the testing/training area.

Past that at the end of the hall is the Water room.

Huh, no I did not see that. STLRCR28 will don the hair ribbon and W1P1TGD will say to Hell with gender-based adornments and wear the hair clips, I am not sure if you meant that both the hair clips are needed for the effect or if just one and the other is a back up. You listed +1 BAB as a bonus from it. Typically no item adds Base Attack Bonus, since it is, you know, base. Though there are items that improve attack, BAB is usually set and inviolate. The only exception to this I have ever seen is an epic level feat. Having a higher BAB means I could take certain feats sooner, so long as I wear the clip (yes, in PF that is a thing, just as stat belts/headbands count as permanent improvements after wearing them for 24 hours, despite the fact if you remove said gear, the bonus goes away anyway, the "permanence" is in regards to feat and ability qualification). My suspicion is that you simply made it to improve attack rolls by one, and possibly treat my BAB as 1 higher for the sake of martial talents possibly (not sure though, so that may need clarification).


They decide to both go through the room on the west wall, which W1P1TGD has never been in.

2020-05-12, 05:28 AM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24503806]Huh, no I did not see that. STLRCR28 will don the hair ribbon and W1P1TGD will say to Hell with gender-based adornments and wear the hair clips,

I am not sure if you meant that both the hair clips are needed for the effect or if just one and the other is a back up.

>>>They cannot be used together.

My suspicion is that you simply made it to improve attack rolls by one, and possibly treat my BAB as 1 higher for the sake of martial talents possibly (not sure though, so that may need clarification).

>>>This is that the bonus does.


They decide to both go through the room on the west wall, which W1P1TGD has never been in.[/QUOTE]

How do they open the door?

2020-05-12, 02:33 PM
W1P1TGD goes first through the door, while STLRCR28 stands back, ready to blast anything hostile with her Radiant blast.

2020-05-12, 02:36 PM
W1P1TGD goes first through the door, while STLRCR28 stands back, ready to blast anything hostile with her Radiant blast.

I mean the door is locked. How do they unlock it?

2020-05-12, 02:54 PM
(hint: reread the items list.)

2020-05-12, 07:56 PM
Skipped right over it, my hypersomnia is wreaking havoc on me.

Both go back, to get the red rectangle from the pile of items, and bring it to said door to try to unlock it.

2020-05-12, 08:06 PM
Trying the red card ...

You turn the handle and feel a rewarding click.
A testing TUG proves the door will open.
You see darkness though the crack.

Pulling the door open further, light from the hallway reveals a slice of empty floor.

Peering in, as soon as his head enters the room ca-cra-cLICK-ick
Over head lights activate.

You find a large room.

Arranged in the middle are 12 beds in a 3 x 4 grid, evenly spaced. They are neatly made. blanket folded with pillow stacked on top. Each bed exactly the SAME.
At one end of each bed is a black box CHEST FOOT LOCKER.

No, there is a difference. Each has 3 sets of foot coverings PAIRS OF SHOES.
They look DIFFERENT.
One kind is larger and shaped differently. BOOTS.
The other is smaller. ATHLETIC SHOES TRAINERS.
Each bed has either 2 pairs of boots and 1 pair of trainers, or 2 pairs of trainers and 1 pair of boots.

Scattered about are 6 splotches with rings of green MATERIAL CLOTH

To the RIGHT there is a DOORWAY with no door leading to what looks like a BATHROOM area. There is a sink next to the doorway. There are also lockers lining that wall.

Further past that is a Curtained off area.

The back of the room is open space.

There is a door at the back of the room.

On the LEFT side of the room there are tables and a counter and some strange looking cabinets. 2 look similar to the vending machines in the White Lounge.

2020-05-12, 09:07 PM
You mentioned there were 3 sets of shoes, but only described two, are the remaining set similar to one of the other two?

Anyway, STLRCR28 and W1P1TGD each try to open one of the footlockers

2020-05-12, 09:18 PM
There are either 1 pair of boots and 2 pairs of shoes, or 2 pairs of boots and 1 pair of shoes.

The lockers open right up and have standard gear and misc. items.

Shaving kits, socks, belts... FATIGUES. ANGLE HEAD FLASH LIGHT.

2020-05-12, 09:51 PM
If you check around you should find shoes that fit both.

2020-05-12, 11:30 PM
While Aurora finds and dons a pair of shoes, Cedric does the same with a pair of boots. After that, they peak into the area that is curtained off, carefully.

2020-05-12, 11:35 PM
While Aurora finds and dons a pair of shoes, Cedric does the same with a pair of boots. After that, they peak into the area that is curtained off, carefully.

They find another bed. The foot locker looks like a slightly different design.

Spot check x 2.

2020-05-13, 12:48 PM
With the aid of W1P1TGD and Ultravision, STLRCR28 takes 20 to fully analyze the chest 40 boost [roll0], and does the same for the second spot check, if it is two different things she is analyzing, 40 again boost [roll1]

W1P1TGD has a much lower check, so it seems trivial to actually have him roll.

However, if it is both two things to analyze and I am not able to take 20, then here are two roll for each

STLRCR28 (with W1P1TGD using aid another)
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]

W1P1TGD (with STLRCR28 using aid another)

2020-05-13, 02:59 PM
With the aid of W1P1TGD and Ultravision, STLRCR28 takes 20 to fully analyze the chest 40 boost [roll0], and does the same for the second spot check, if it is two different things she is analyzing, 40 again boost [roll1]

W1P1TGD has a much lower check, so it seems trivial to actually have him roll.

However, if it is both two things to analyze and I am not able to take 20, then here are two roll for each

STLRCR28 (with W1P1TGD using aid another)
[roll2] boost [roll3]
[roll4] boost [roll5]

W1P1TGD (with STLRCR28 using aid another)

He notices the switch on the wall and the small backpack under the bed.

While she digs though the foot locker he looks at the backpack. It feels light.
The stitching is intricate with rune-like patterns in the leather work. (additional description in next post. )

Inside the locker she finds:

+1 bronze gladius (Roman)
a gladiolus bulb
a wooden sword
a black +2 rod (treat as mace) (shocking burst)
a case of green hard candy
a tin of shoe polish
a package with a dozen green and a dozen brown shoe laces.
A packaged tent

a wide brimmed hat that makes the wearing immune from being wet.

The ring is made of obsidian and very thin.
The ring grants a +8 bonus to craft leatherworking rolls.


The ring is made of steel and bears the symbol of a hound..
This ring adds +3 deflection bonus to the wearer's armor class.

A shaving kit.
a roll of fine green netting.
a jar of orange powder labeled ORANGE

A set of brown FATIGUES.

A dozen pairs of socks, two each in Green, White, Brown, Dark Blue, Black, Tan

a pith helmet.
a 6 inch serrated knife with a hollow handle and a compass.
a box containing a dozen medals with colorful ribbons.

2020-05-13, 03:06 PM
He notices the switch on the wall and the small backpack under the bed.

While she digs though the foot locker he looks at the backpack. It feels light.
The stitching is intricate with rune-like patterns in the leather work. (additional description in next post. )

Inside the locker she finds:

+1 bronze gladius (Roman)
a gladiolus bulb
a wooden sword
a black +2 rod (treat as mace) (shocking burst)
a case of green hard candy
a tin of shoe polish
a package with a dozen green and a dozen brown shoe laces.
A packaged tent

a wide brimmed hat that makes the wearing immune from being wet.

The ring is made of obsidian and very thin.
The ring grants a +8 bonus to craft leatherworking rolls.


The ring is made of steel and bears the symbol of a hound..
This ring adds +3 deflection bonus to the wearer's armor class.

A shaving kit.
a roll of fine green netting.
a jar of orange powder labeled ORANGE

A set of brown FATIGUES.

A dozen pairs of socks, two each in Green, White, Brown, Dark Blue, Black, Tan

a pith helmet.
a 6 inch serrated knife with a hollow handle and a compass.
a box containing a dozen medals with colorful ribbons.

The backpack looks a bit small.
(When she looks at it the visor gives additional verbiage:)
It also looks COMPLICATED.
SHOULDER STRAPS, ADJUSTER, CHEST STRAP, BELLY STRAP, MESH POCKET, CAPSULE LOOPS, ZIPPERS, SNAPS, HOOPS, VELCRO, BEDROLL STRAPS (empty), and lots of dangling cords where something must have been attached.

Some of the attachments don't look ORIGINAL to the backpack.

There is DECORATIVE STITCHING. Looks like the runes in that book you saw before.

There is an EMBLEM SIGIL ...PATCH on it.


2020-05-14, 06:52 AM
Cedric and Aurora begin to sift through items they wish to plunder. Neither of them are proficient with the gladius (in Spheres of Might, Martial Traditions determine weapon proficiency, but with the ability to select specific exotic weapons, you are only proficient with a small group you select. Everybody is still proficient with all Simple Weapons though), but Cedric claims it along with the rod, which he feels much more comfortable with (he does have proficiency light mace (being a simple weapon) and can use it with Weapon Finesse). He also claims the serrated knife.

Aurora claims the ring with the hound on it (+3 Ring of Protection, or at least what it appears to be), while Cedric dons the other. Cedric also dons the hat that renders the wearer immune to wetness. It seems like it might have use, such as preventing continuous damage from acid (or even being coated in acid at all) as well as any additional damage that might be caused by electrical damage if standing on water of some sort. I would be curious if it prevents drowning as well, but not general asphxiation as even if water doesn't touch him, it does not create air.

Assuming the backpack is capable of holding more than the ones they have with little to no increased effort, Cedric grabs it and moves all items from one, into the other. Given it's complexity, Aurora helps him don it. Also, if there is space he will also take the shaving kit and the laces (which can be used as fasteners). Both remove their footwear, don a pair of socks (both black sock pairs) and put their footwear back on as a means of preventing foot fungus or any other foot for.

After claiming what they can, they check the door at the back of the room.

2020-05-14, 07:08 AM
Cedric and Aurora begin to sift through items they wish to plunder. Neither of them are proficient with the gladius (in Spheres of Might, Martial Traditions determine weapon proficiency, but with the ability to select specific exotic weapons, you are only proficient with a small group you select. Everybody is still proficient with all Simple Weapons though), but Cedric claims it along with the rod, which he feels much more comfortable with (he does have proficiency light mace (being a simple weapon) and can use it with Weapon Finesse). He also claims the serrated knife.

Aurora claims the ring with the hound on it (+3 Ring of Protection, or at least what it appears to be), while Cedric dons the other. Cedric also dons the hat that renders the wearer immune to wetness. It seems like it might have use, such as preventing continuous damage from acid (or even being coated in acid at all) as well as any additional damage that might be caused by electrical damage if standing on water of some sort. I would be curious if it prevents drowning as well, but not general asphxiation as even if water doesn't touch him, it does not create air.

Assuming the backpack is capable of holding more than the ones they have with little to no increased effort, Cedric grabs it and moves all items from one, into the other. Given it's complexity, Aurora helps him don it. Also, if there is space he will also take the shaving kit and the laces (which can be used as fasteners). Both remove their footwear, don a pair of socks (both black sock pairs) and put their footwear back on as a means of preventing foot fungus or any other foot for.

After claiming what they can, they check the door at the back of the room.

Let me interrupt you there....

He opens the top flap of the backpack and looks in to see if anything is already in it.

He finds a dark yet oddly well lit void with tiny objects floating...drifting gently in nothing. Some of them look like swords and bottles....

2020-05-14, 10:18 AM
Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy just died of Corona. I'm going to work in a tribute reference into the game. I'm mentioning it so you will know it when you see it.

2020-05-14, 06:31 PM
Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy just died of Corona. I'm going to work in a tribute reference into the game. I'm mentioning it so you will know it when you see it.

Really? Huh, did not hear that news. Was it Seigfried that was the one attacked my the tiger? Shame either way, though outside of their show with the tigers, I'm not too familiar with them.

As for actions, using her "sight," Aurora examines the orb.
Spellcraft check [roll0] boost [roll1]

2020-05-14, 06:43 PM
It was Roy who was bit by the cat. He started claiming that he had a stroke on stage during the performance and the confused cat tried to carry him off to saftey by the neck like a cub. Honest'y, I thought he had died years ago.

What orb?

Do you mean the inside of the backpack?

Around the lip of the backpack she can see the edges of the non-detection affect hiding the magics, as well as the transmutation spell controlling the interface between the extra dimensional space inside and the world outside. There are dozens of tiny items floating in it.

2020-05-15, 05:17 AM
It was Roy who was bit by the cat. He started claiming that he had a stroke on stage during the performance and the confused cat tried to carry him off to saftey by the neck like a cub. Honest'y, I thought he had died years ago.

What orb?

Do you mean the inside of the backpack?

Around the lip of the backpack she can see the edges of the non-detection affect hiding the magics, as well as the transmutation spell controlling the interface between the extra dimensional space inside and the world outside. There are dozens of tiny items floating in it.

For some reason I saw void as orb, so ok, I take it the backpack has some sort of extradimensional storage. Also, it is very strange to see swords in it (given the back can rupture from the swords, ruining the back and getting its contents lost forever.

So, seeing the void, Cedric carefully starts to put his hand into the bag, seeing if he can grab a sharp weapon of some sort, like a sword, dagger, spear, etc. If he pulls one out, he turns the bag upside down to spill all of its contents out. Then, after he is done the main compartment, if the bag has any side pouches, he does the same with them.

2020-05-15, 06:18 AM
For some reason I saw void as orb, so ok, I take it the backpack has some sort of extradimensional storage. Also, it is very strange to see swords in it (given the back can rupture from the swords, ruining the back and getting its contents lost forever.

So, seeing the void, Cedric carefully starts to put his hand into the bag, seeing if he can grab a sharp weapon of some sort, like a sword, dagger, spear, etc. If he pulls one out, he turns the bag upside down to spill all of its contents out. Then, after he is done the main compartment, if the bag has any side pouches, he does the same with them.

(thinking sphere of annihilation maybe? or are your eyes playing tricks on you?)

As his hand reached though the thresh hold his arm painlessly seems to shoot forward, accelerating into the distance. He feels the weapon he was aiming for and finds the handle. With drawing his hand, he finds that he is unharmed, and he is now holding a sword.

It is a long sword and looks well made, but sized for a child. She tells him it is magic (+2).

Reaching back in he retrieves a similarity child sized dagger, this one masterwork. The maker's mark is a rune.

Turning the bag upside down doesn't do anything. It seems items have to be individually retrieved.

In side are found:

A small tin labeled in runs and common Go Mints.

Three stoppered FLASKS like this:

The yellow one has bits of brown hair floating in it.
The green one feels a comfortable temperature in your hand.
The red one has a sticker showing an arrow with a red x over it. (magical)

2 tightly rolled sheets of PARCHMENT. (magical)

15 bottles of various shapes and colors, some labeled as belonging to JACK and others belonging to JIM.

15 x Box of 20 ARROWHEADS
5 x Pair of OARS
8 x Small Cask labeled Dried Figs (FRUIT. FOOD)
9 x Vial of black liquid.

A TRICYCLE. It takes some maneuvering to get it out of and perhaps back into the backpack. It has bells, slide whistles, streamers, hand breaks, a gear shift (25 speed + 3 reverse gears, but runs well in "D"), adjustable mirrors, heated seat, 2 types of trailer hitches, and a myriad of attachment points one of which is labeled in 3 languages. The one you can read with the Visor says "TYPE IV (4,FOUR) R.A.T.O ONLY. On the rear bumper is a sticker reading "Parking for GNOMES only. All others will be fed to badgers." (the seat has a aura of a weak heating spell, it looks like the seat and pedals are adjustable enough that you could ride it.)

A SIDECAR that attaches to the tricycle. 8 point Safety harness, and a lap belt. 2 cup holders and a juice box holder. Roll up wind shield. "TYPE III (3, THREE) R.A.T.O ONLY. 6 different BADGER stickers. (she might squeeze into it.)

push mower (mechanical, child sized)

leather armor (child size)

32 piece beard care kit

Camp stove kit (butane with 2 bottles)

umbrella (beach, multi-color)

tightly folded campaign tent (desert camo pattern)

25 ft configurable step ladder (aluminum)

a monkey wrench

a...red handled ...tool of some sort. rather unwieldy. It has 64 blades, tools, extensions...stuff of various shapes that fold into it. It barely fits in your hand.

Ball of twine.

can of tuna (jack, in olive oil)
can opener. Thankfully it's the butterfly type.
6 matches
candle (citronella)
compound bow with lots of pulleys. (short bow for a human, no str benefit)

And a deluxe bed roll with inflatable velour covered mini pillow.

A book with a magic aura with a picture of a white CAT on the cover.

None of this equipment style wise matches anything else you have seen in this compound, and most of the equipment doesn't seem to match with each other.

2020-05-15, 07:56 AM
Seeing the vials, Cedric claims them, especially the one with the hair as he has an inkling that it might enable some form of sympathetic magic. Additionally, he claims the red multitool, twine, collapsible ladder, tuna, can opener, the black liquid vials, matches, candle, monkey wrench, stove kit, and bedroll; and places them all back in the mysterious backpack. The rest he leaves out, transferring items from his backpack to this new one. He also claims the +2 Shortsword for the sake of posterity, but keeps it out of the bag.

Aurora analyzes the magic book, using her Read Magic to decipher any magical writing it may contain.

2020-05-15, 08:02 AM
Seeing the vials, Cedric claims them, especially the one with the hair as he has an inkling that it might enable some form of sympathetic magic. Additionally, he claims the red multitool, twine, collapsible ladder, tuna, can opener, the black liquid vials, matches, candle, monkey wrench, stove kit, and bedroll; and places them all back in the mysterious backpack. The rest he leaves out, transferring items from his backpack to this new one. He also claims the +2 Shortsword for the sake of posterity, but keeps it out of the bag.

Aurora analyzes the magic book, using her Read Magic to decipher any magical writing it may contain.

+2 longsword (small), technically.

She begins to read the book. The introduction is by one Roy Hornfoot, Illusionist and states that it is intended to pass on his craft as he is late in years and has preferred the company of animals to that of people.

Does she read pass the introduction?

2020-05-15, 09:02 AM
+2 longsword (small), technically.

She begins to read the book. The introduction is by one Roy Hornfoot, Illusionist and states that it is intended to pass on his craft as he is late in years and has preferred the company of animals to that of people.

Does she read pass the introduction?

STLRCR28 continues reading the book to uncover more secrets it may have.

2020-05-15, 10:20 AM
She reads on, and the She can almost hear Roy quiet conversationally explain the principals of wizardry, illusionism, stage performance, and a few useful and favorite spells from outside of the school of illusion. She turns page after page .....

(I'm imagining him playing with the sword and tricycle while she spends as hour speed reading the book. Maybe breaking into this room's snack machine which bears more colorful and less healthy treats. )

At the end of the book is a dedication thanking telepath and enchanter friends for coming to the hospice and helping him complete this book.

As she finishes the book expands into a large spell book. She skims through to to discover many (every 3.5 and pf) illusionism spell, as well as flare, pyrotechnics, silence, sound burst, message, create cat food (and drink), light, darkness, the summon animal (SNA limited to doves, felines, elephants, and rabbits) chain , call animal (2e) chain, find familiar (2ed with the random chart, must be completed out doors), hide from undead, fairy fire, talk with animals, rope trick, sticks to snakes, mage hand, and obscuring mist.

When the trance breaks she finds that she has learned a understanding of an entirely different Arcane magic tradition (Now has the abilities of a level 5 wizard {prepared Int based spell slots} ) , and has learned some new skills.

4 ranks in each:
Slight of hand
Handle animal
Preform: stage magician (nonmagical)
Knowledge : arcane
Knowledge: felines
Care of doves and rabbits.
Use rope
Use magic device
Language: Baset (Used by intelligent Felines)
Perform : rings, cards, juggling.
Craft: flash powder.
Escape artist.

Feat : scribe scroll
Feat: craft wondrous item
Feat: still spell
Feat: silent spell

And she has enough information to gain access to the illusion sphere.

(You were going to check out that door next.
If you want to you can prepare wizard spells in the 'morning'.
Her other magical abilities are unaffected by this upgrade.)

2020-05-15, 10:21 AM
(the interface froze, I'm going back in to edit the above)

2020-05-15, 11:01 AM
Edit completed.

2020-05-15, 07:30 PM
She reads on, and the She can almost hear Roy quiet conversationally explain the principals of wizardry, illusionism, stage performance, and a few useful and favorite spells from outside of the school of illusion. She turns page after page .....

(I'm imagining him playing with the sword and tricycle while she spends as hour speed reading the book. Maybe breaking into this room's snack machine which bears more colorful and less healthy treats. )

At the end of the book is a dedication thanking telepath and enchanter friends for coming to the hospice and helping him complete this book.

As she finishes the book expands into a large spell book. She skims through to to discover many (every 3.5 and pf) illusionism spell, as well as flare, pyrotechnics, silence, sound burst, message, create cat food (and drink), light, darkness, the summon animal (SNA limited to doves, felines, elephants, and rabbits) chain , call animal (2e) chain, find familiar (2ed with the random chart, must be completed out doors), hide from undead, fairy fire, talk with animals, rope trick, sticks to snakes, mage hand, and obscuring mist.

When the trance breaks she finds that she has learned a understanding of an entirely different Arcane magic tradition (Now has the abilities of a level 5 wizard {prepared Int based spell slots} ) , and has learned some new skills.

4 ranks in each:
Slight of hand
Handle animal
Preform: stage magician (nonmagical)
Knowledge : arcane
Knowledge: felines
Care of doves and rabbits.
Use rope
Use magic device
Language: Baset (Used by intelligent Felines)
Perform : rings, cards, juggling.
Craft: flash powder.
Escape artist.

Feat : scribe scroll
Feat: craft wondrous item
Feat: still spell
Feat: silent spell

And she has enough information to gain access to the illusion sphere.

(You were going to check out that door next.
If you want to you can prepare wizard spells in the 'morning'.
Her other magical abilities are unaffected by this upgrade.)

Aurora is a Wisdom based caster, with a 12 Int on an Intelligence based caster, she can only prepare lvl 2 spells, and only gets a single bonus spell at first level. I mean an Int Headband could help, but a Wisdom Headband would benefit her more. I took Wisdom because it buffs Perception, the most important skill in the game, as well as Will saves. Under 3.5, I tended towards Int builds for the skill ranks, but it is not as important in PF. Feat-wise, she can benefit from most of those, but not sure if it should be Craft Marvelous Item instead of Wondrous, unless you want to make them interchangeable.

Given the extensive list of abilities, for now I am going to forgo marking them on my sheet, as it is starting to get crowded, and just have it all as a reference. Same deal with the stuff that Cedric claimed. I'll just mark post numbers on my sheets.

In any event, I'll wait to prep spells. I'm assuming if Aurora gains the Illusion Sphere, she is able to take Sphere specific flaws for it? Each one taken grants a bonus talent in that sphere, and drawbacks can be bought off later by spending new talents on them.

Anyway, they are going to return their attention to getting through the door.

2020-05-15, 08:08 PM
Feat-wise, she can benefit from most of those, but not sure if it should be Craft Marvelous Item instead of Wondrous, unless you want to make them interchangeable.

>>>treat as interchangeable

In any event, I'll wait to prep spells. I'm assuming if Aurora gains the Illusion Sphere, she is able to take Sphere specific flaws for it? Each one taken grants a bonus talent in that sphere, and drawbacks can be bought off later by spending new talents on them.


Anyway, they are going to return their attention to getting through the door.

The door is ajar.

Inside the room is a desk and a bunk. There are no shoes under the bunk, but there is a foot locker.

There is a chair behind the desk.

On the desk is a wand with an orange tip, a clipboard, a small brown envelope, and 2 silver cases.


2020-05-15, 08:09 PM
I took the Disappearance and the Obscura Mage drawback, so that she could take Suppression and Illusory Sound as well.

The invisibility granted by Suppression is a lot weaker, but from I seem to take away from it, it does not end if taking an offensive action. Rather than straight up invisibility (which gives +20 to Stealth if moving or +40 if standing still), Suppression allows me to make Stealth checks in plain sight with a bonus to the Stealth roll equal to my Caster Level, so only +3 right now. The Illusion Sphere only affects sensory talents for (except for sight, which is the default for the Sphere). It also points out that if a creature has a superior sense, like Blindsight, Tremorsense, or Scent, if you have the sensory talents associated with the sun senses that comprise said super senses (of which there is a table that lists said senses), they don't automatically detect you and must make a Perception check to locate you.

The good news is that Suppressing Sound will aid in getting past certain senses, using it instills a failure chance when using Sphere abilities, as I have the Verbal Casting drawback. While Suppression is able to target any sense I have the sensory talent for, blocking each sense is a separate effect.

2020-05-15, 08:18 PM
First, STLRCR28 takes a look at the clipboard with her VISOR, in the hopes that if there is any writing on it, her device can translate it for her.

W1P1TGD claims the wand and starts picking through the footlocker first, awaiting STLRCR28's analysis of the cases before he starts on them.

2020-05-15, 08:29 PM
In the foot locker he finds a pair of binoculars, a riding crop, a raincoat, a tin of boot black, a shaving kit, and a colorful folded paper with indecipherable pictographs and a sigil of interlocking rings.

The clip board contains sets of sheets. Most of it is in bureaucratic and medical codes.
However, she recognizes something.

Her designation is on one set, His on another, and 6's on the third.

(wife just called me to breakfast)

2020-05-15, 09:21 PM
On the set of sheets with His designation there is a column headed AUGMENTS and then a list of alphanumeric codes.

Then there is a box headed PENDING with another code under it.

At the bottom of the page there is a note. ADVANCED PROGRAM CANDIDATE.
6's sheet is similar.

His last AUGMENTS code is similar to what Cedric's is. The first few are exactly the same. The middle ones are different.

6's PENDING code differs in only the last number.

He is a candidate for

Her own sheet is similar, but there are more AUGMENTS and her codes mostly look different.
The Last one looks similar to the boys', and the PENDING is different by only the last number.

PROJECT: TRIAD, but it has a line drawn though it and marked TERMINATED.

2020-05-16, 07:53 AM
Cedric hands the paper over to Aurora so that she might be potentially able to decipher it using the VISOR.

Next they examine the silver cases, with Aurora using Ultravision and Magic Aura detection, while Cedric aids her. Taking 20, so [b]40]/b] boost [roll0]. Looking for traps, possibly dangerous magic, and any other peculiarities along with how to open it.

2020-05-16, 08:07 AM

and the metal covering of the cases block any detection of auras inside the cases. The cases themselves either aren't magical or are masked by nondetection.

The combination dials on both are set to all 0's. The latches look easy enough to operate.

2020-05-16, 04:14 PM
Makes me wish I had taken Object Reading. Both that and Dowsing (Weakened form of Locate Object/Person, only works if target is within Divine range and must have a clear image in your head of said target) would be useful, buy

As both analyze the cases, prior to doing anything else, they check to see if they are open. If not, they consider the number of digits on the combination dials to determine potential number of permutations.

They then look through all the clipboards and papers and even search the surface of the cases themselves to see if they could find the permutations to open them.

If nothing is found, they consider damaging the cases themselves. Not sure how you want to deal with damage to objects. Most forms of energy damage, while bypassing hardness, they deal half damage, with the exception being acid (in most cases). That said, Aurora's radiant damage (essentially a laser beam without heat). It is neither energy or physical damage, though its damage dice are only d4's. So, like I said, not sure how you want to handle that.


Also, does the VISOR translate to Aurora in INTERMAG or is it showing info to her in whatever basic runes the info is printed in? Need to know if Aurora would know what the term "Lupine" would mean in order to draw some form of conclusion about Cedric (such as being a theriomorph (Lycanthrope, but that term is specific (Lykos is wolf and anthro is man), whereas theriomorph covers all, like Wererats and Werebears).

2020-05-16, 04:37 PM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24512484]Makes me wish I had taken Object Reading. Both that and Dowsing (Weakened form of Locate Object/Person, only works if target is within Divine range and must have a clear image in your head of said target) would be useful, buy

(in many 2e modules there were instructions of what types of characters, spells, and items not to allow in play for that module, as allowing them would make the challenges trivial. They also listed character types that should be included to ensure progress though the adventure.)

As both analyze the cases, prior to doing anything else, they check to see if they are open.

>>>They are unlocked. (this is a Launch Codes joke)

If not, they consider the number of digits on the combination dials to determine potential number of permutations.

>>>either 1 million or 999 + 999, depending on if the 2 3-diget locks must be defeated together or separately.


Also, does the VISOR translate to Aurora in INTERMAG or is it showing info to her in whatever basic runes the info is printed in?

>>>It is actually translating into Common, a language she doesn't know, and it is teaching her the words as it goes, sometimes associating with an INTERMAG word and sometimes associating with her experiences. She is hearing, and seeing the word, as well as having the 'sound' transmitted into her brain.

Need to know if Aurora would know what the term "Lupine" would mean in order to draw some form of conclusion about Cedric (such as being a theriomorph (Lycanthrope, but that term is specific (Lykos is wolf and anthro is man), whereas theriomorph covers all, like Wererats and Werebears).[/QUOTE]

>>>Some references are for the player and would me meaningless to the character.

>>>If she presses for a translation of Lupine she gets "genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae", which is meaning less to her as she has never seen a flower.


Description of the insides of the case in next post.

The small brown envelope is labeled PROJECT: COMPANION, and under the label in hand written script are both of your designations.

2020-05-16, 04:53 PM
Opening the first silver case you find...Wha?

There are 5 items.

The most recognizable is ...another envelope. PROJECT SELF RISING. It is has been marked with all three sets of designations. His, Hers, and 6's. The word OR appears between.

The glasses informs Her that OR means 'make a choice'.

The second NORMAL REGULAR looking item is a folded square of paper.

The other 3... look sort of like FLESH. Almost like SKIN. Thin, skin colored pinkish to white and translucent.

Two look like MIRROR COPIES. The same but one for each side. There is a small clear plastic label on each. One reads LEFT PALM. The other reads RIGHT PALM. The glasses guess FINGERLESS GLOVES? You used gloves on some of the ROPE climbing tests, but those were nothing like these.

The other item is more mysterious. The label says TO ROOF OF MOUTH.


The second case opens revealing a brightly glittery glow....and boots?

White boots. With long strings LACE.
And some metal attachment covered something bright orange.

Skates don't make sense. He doesn't understand 'ice', but she has seen spells that make it.

In the form fitted black foam that holds the boots is a glowing pill. Brighter than normal. It has no numbers on it. Instead it has an interlocking rings symbol.

In the bottom of the case is a section containing a rag, two small bottles, a pair of laces, two pairs of SOCKS, some tools, and a black LEOTARD with iridescent rainbow SEQUINS.

2020-05-17, 04:43 AM
Aurora and Cedric pore over the various documents, starting with the brown envelope. Aurora uses the VISOR to help translate it, and Read Magic sensing for extra measure.

With the envelope found in the case labelled PROJECT SELF RISING, and she starts on her segment of the papers inside, moving to Cedric's and 6's if able (not sure what "Make a choice" means in this specific context).

Following that, she examines the normal square of paper, unfolding it and looking to see if and what did somebody wrote on it.

As for the skin-like squares and other mystery item, she'll divine for magic auras if their are any. Spellcraft [roll0], also checking to see if the VISOR can tell her anymore about them.

Moving past that, Aurora examines the glowing pills found in the ice skates/boots first using the VISOR and then using her divination to examine any magical auras. Spellcraft [roll1]

2020-05-17, 05:14 AM
QUOTE=Bansheexero;24513242]Aurora and Cedric pore over the various documents, starting with the brown envelope. Aurora uses the VISOR to help translate it, and Read Magic sensing for extra measure.

>>>Opening the envelope reveals a Glowing Augmentation Pill. Like most of such pills it has an aura of Transmutation and Healing. This one also has Conjuration and Enchantment.

With the envelope found in the case labelled PROJECT SELF RISING, and she starts on her segment of the papers inside, moving to Cedric's and 6's if able (not sure what "Make a choice" means in this specific context).

>>>Also contains a Pill.

Following that, she examines the normal square of paper, unfolding it and looking to see if and what did somebody wrote on it.

>>>The paper unfolds into a long strip.

There is a picture of a woman.

There are line drawings showing how the gloves go onto the hands.

The second step seems to be putting the other thing into the mouth and pressing the flat part against the roof of the mouth.

The third step is putting the pill into the mouth.

The last picture shows the woman looking happy.

The glasses contribute INSTRUCTION PAMPHLET. SMILE.


As for the skin-like squares and other mystery item, she'll divine for magic auras if their are any. Spellcraft [roll0], also checking to see if the VISOR can tell her anymore about them.

>>>No auras and not additional information.

Moving past that, Aurora examines the glowing pills found in the ice skates/boots first using the VISOR and then using her divination to examine any magical auras. Spellcraft [roll1][/QUOTE]

>>>Like the other pills, but with Enchantment in the mix along with divination.

>>>Looking at these items doesn't help to reveal any additional information relating to what is on the clipboards.

2020-05-17, 10:34 AM
Out of curiosity, Cedric looks at the two new pills, both from the envelope and the other from the ice skates. He first decides to consume the latter, but first he asks Aurora if she can assist him in the event anything goes wrong.

Aurora considers this for a second and speaks the words of a spell, with her eyes starting to glow and her immediate surroundings losing color as they are basked in a ghostly pale radiance. She activates undo harm. Additionally, she spends a spell point to allow it to persist without concentration, so that she can bring up her divination to observe any changes in Cedric when he consumes the pill.

Undo Harm allows Aurora to spend a spell point as an immediate action, in the event that an ally is affected by any of the following: bleed damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shakened, sickened, or stunned. Only one such condition may be cured per spell point and only once per round. The number of afflictions it can cure per spell point improves every 10 caster levels. It can only affect status ailments that have come into effect since the target's last turn and they have to be within the consecration's radius to cure it (it emanates in a 20 ft radius from Aurora at her current caster level).

Cautiously, he puts it in his mouth and swallows it. Should nothing extremely averse happen, he will repeat the process with the second pill as well.

2020-05-17, 10:55 AM
(GM FALLS OFF CHAIR. Picking himself up he coughs into his hand to stifle a giggle. Under his breathe he mutters, "...ok, how to fix this...no, asking clarification of former vs latter won't help; he took both of them. umm.."

He gulps down both pills.
Other than a growing hunger, nothing immediately happens.

Do you want to examine the kitchen area in the Green room? Look in the other foot lockers? Examine and perhaps consume some of those other Glow Pills you found? Go get and examine those other clipboards at the intersection and Reception desk, or the one on the floor near your rooms?

2020-05-17, 06:26 PM
First, they decide to look in the different footlockers, meanwhile, Cedric looks for food in his pack, specifically he gets some Trail Mix.

2020-05-17, 06:54 PM
First, they decide to look in the different footlockers, meanwhile, Cedric looks for food in his pack, specifically he gets some Trail Mix.

He has various packages of varying combinations of nuts, seeds, pretzels, dried peas, dried fruit, coconut shavings, soy beans, candy covered chocolate or peanut butter. He is munching them all.

The foot lockers contain mostly standard assortments with a few odds and ends.

Each contains green t shirts (various adult sizes), fatigues (olive BDUs), underwear (olive Briefs, boxers, 5 have panties (at least some fit Her). socks. Shaving/hygiene kits. Tins of shoe polish. Dagger, some sort of weapon cleaning kit, rain ponchos.

5 contain bras and feminine hygiene products. (one set of 6 fits her if she wants to start wearing such).

A few contain odd items.
A small wooden box labeled dominoes.
Deck of cards.
5 packets labeled MRE.
One softly glowing charm that looks like a happy cloud on a silver chain. There is slight divination and a minor enchantment to make it glow.

2020-05-17, 06:56 PM
If you want to just start dumping things into the backpack, you can't fit a whole foot locker, but all of the contents will fit.

2020-05-18, 07:35 AM
Both grab their respective undergarments, and Aurora takes the feminine hygiene products. Aside from that, they leave the rest. Each dons their underwear, while the other looks away. After this, they leave the room/area and continue searching for Cedric's gear.

2020-05-18, 08:16 AM
Both grab their respective undergarments, and Aurora takes the feminine hygiene products. Aside from that, they leave the rest. Each dons their underwear, while the other looks away. After this, they leave the room/area and continue searching for Cedric's gear.

Out the door...across the hall the first door (sliding partition, usually unlocked) is the check up room.

The next door beyond that (archway) is the Physical Training/testing area with his gear.

Are you checking out the check up room, or bypassing it for now?

2020-05-18, 08:23 AM
Out the door...across the hall the first door (sliding partition, usually unlocked) is the check up room.

The next door beyond that (archway) is the Physical Training/testing area with his gear.

Are you checking out the check up room, or bypassing it for now?

They ignore the check up room for now, in favor of claiming Cedric's gear.

2020-05-18, 09:02 AM
You walk in to the testing area, which the Glasses labels GYM.

You walk past the waking thing TREADMILL and the heavy things WEIGHT MACHINE, RESISTANCE TRAINER, WEIGHT BENCH, BARBELL, DUMBBELL , and the floor softs MATS.

You see the storage area where they keep the ropes, climbing gear, hand power, stick fling things, and other stuff for tests. And the bank of lockers where Cedric and the others keep Their gear.

You see that a hide the way MAZE test is set up and
On a table, there is an absolute mess of color! It takes a lot of staring and investigation to begin understanding what you are looking at.

There is a colorful woven thing BASKET. made of threads of different colors PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN. PASTELS.

Then there is a layer of green and yellow fibers PACKING GRASS with many small pills in every color. They are shiny but not glowing.

Then there are a dozen larger round ROUND, OVID things. They have many colors, lines, and symbols on them FLOWER, RABBIT, CHICK. They are glittery FOIL WRAPPER.

In the middle is a large, almost head sized ...ovid... thing. The exterior SHELL looks GLOSSY. EGG: UNKNOWN SPECIES.

Looking over this whole mess, the glasses conclude: EASTER BASKET, EASTER EGGS: CANDY, CANDY: JELLY BEANS

You've eaten eggs before, but those didn't look like these. CANDY makes you think of the Yellow Lolly Pops.

Off to the side of the table are several odd shaped boxes EGG CARTONS. Most of them are empty. One holds 3 colorful eggs. EASTER EGGS.

On the floor under the table are three smaller baskets with some grass in them. Each has a small rectangle of paper INDEX CARD. The cards bear His, Hers, and 6'd designations. .

2020-05-18, 02:28 PM
STLRCR28 and W1P1TGD pick up and attempt to read all three of the cards. Not sure they know the language, in which case, STLRCR28 uses the VISOR to translate.

2020-05-18, 02:39 PM
They are just name cards. Only their designations on small cards.

The large egg is magical. Enchantment and weak divination surrounded by abjuration.

2020-05-18, 09:34 PM
Aurora attempts to analyze the aura the egg is giving off in greater detail, trying to determine whether it is harmful or not.

Spellcraft [roll0] boost [roll1]

If determined to be nonharmful, Cedric will place it in his backpack. Given it is extradimensional, typically bags of holding and handy haversacks use the Astral Plane as their storage point. Curses, and most magic effects in general) cannot cross planar boundaries.

Beyond that, they search further for Cedric's gear.

2020-05-18, 10:11 PM
Aurora attempts to analyze the aura the egg is giving off in greater detail, trying to determine whether it is harmful or not.

Spellcraft [roll0] boost [roll1]

If determined to be nonharmful, Cedric will place it in his backpack. Given it is extradimensional, typically bags of holding and handy haversacks use the Astral Plane as their storage point. Curses, and most magic effects in general) cannot cross planar boundaries.

Beyond that, they search further for Cedric's gear.

The egg seems harmless and perhaps dormant. No hostility detected. It goes into the bag.

His locker is against the wall. It is unlocked. Between the other lockers, and the weapons rack, he can stock up on what ever weapons he wants.

2020-05-18, 10:13 PM
There is a large maze set up in the testing area.

2020-05-19, 10:49 AM
Cedric reclaims his masterwork whip, back up daggers, and chain shirt, which he dons. Feeling more like himself, he speaks to Aurora, "Now that we are at least somewhat equipped, I suggest we try to leave this place. Have you any idea how to do so?"

She responds, "As far as I can tell, my guess is as good as yours. I suspect we should ignore all these distractions and focus solely on leaving at this point."

2020-05-19, 10:53 AM
If relevant

STLRCR28 (Aurora)

Insight check (Wisdom), [roll0] boost [roll1]

Memory check (Intelligence), [roll2] boost [roll3]

W1P1TGD (Cedric)

Insight check (Wisdom), [roll4]

Memory check (Intelligence), [roll5]

2020-05-19, 01:29 PM
Book keeping: One softly glowing charm that looks like a happy cloud on a silver chain. There is slight divination and a minor enchantment to make it glow.

That was in a footlocker. Is either taking it?.

He realizes that there is one place in the training area he has never been in. There is a large set of windows on the wall 20 ft up overlooking the maze. He has never seen how the people who watch from there get up there.

She has never seem some parts of the white area.

The Reception desk must receive things, so there might be clues there as to where the received things came in from.

She has never been down the east hallway at the main intersection.

2020-05-19, 03:53 PM
Same as before with the egg, Aurora tries to determine anything more specific regarding the amulet's magic.

Spellcraft [roll0] boost [roll1]

If not determined to be harmful in any way, Cedric tosses it in his Haversack.

Beyond that, they take to looking for some form of door or other method of getting into the upper area where people sat to observe. They comb the area to see if any opening is available at all.

Aurora is taking 20 for this check with Cedric's aid, so 40 boost [roll2]. Using this also to determine if Cedric can climb up to the glass as well, unless it is a purely smooth wall.

2020-05-19, 03:59 PM
Nothing harmful detected on the charm or its chain. Into the backpack it goes.

2 spot checks for each. For Her it is a did-she-roll-1 check.

Walking along the wall under the windows while feeling with their hands, they find a secret door and the tiny catch to open it.

The wall is black, vertical, and covered in carpet.

2020-05-19, 10:05 PM
Not sure if you mean 2 Perception rolls each or just one for each. Also, not sure what you mean "did-she-roll-1 check" as she rolled an 8 on the d20 roll, the d8 roll had the 1.

STLRCR28 using W1P1TGD aid another to boost it.

If taking 20 is available, will go that route instead for the checks, rolling the d8 for each if so [roll0] and [roll1]

Perception [roll2] boost [roll3]
Perception [roll4] boost [roll5]


Perception [roll6]
Perception [roll7]

Edit - It looks like Cedric rolled a 1, though not sure if you want to follow PF rules or not. In Pathfinder, for skill checks (and I believe only for skill checks), natural 1's and 20's do not trigger critical hits or critical misses, it just presents the raw number.

Also, assuming the lighting has diminished, Aurora is using her glowing aura if needed to illuminate the area.


Sorry if my posting rate has dropped off. I suffer from a sleep disorders called Hypersomnia (meaning I sleep more than normal), which is similar to Narcolepsy. I believe the differences are that mine still possesses REM, and Narcolepsy still sleeps a normal number of hours, just at unusual times (via daytime fatigue), whereas I require more sleep (10 hours or so per day, which is a lot, but it is down from what it used to be (for two years, it averaged 16-18 hours a day). I occasionally suffer from hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations (only occur when shifting from wakeful to sleep or sleep to wakefulness, suggesting it is a result of theta brainwaves). Meds help and I can resist for a while, so that I can work a full set of hours, but eventually it catches up to me.

2020-05-19, 10:31 PM
Not sure if you mean 2 Perception rolls each or just one for each. Also, not sure what you mean "did-she-roll-1 check" as she rolled an 8 on the d20 roll, the d8 roll had the 1.

>>>I mean there are 2 things to notice, and each has a chance for each thing.
Also, Her perception is so high that she would need to roll a one not to notice. Auto success takes some of the fun out of things.

STLRCR28 using W1P1TGD aid another to boost it.

If taking 20 is available, will go that route instead for the checks, rolling the d8 for each if so [roll0] and [roll1]

Perception [roll2] boost [roll3]
Perception [roll4] boost [roll5]


Perception [roll6]
Perception [roll7]

Edit - It looks like Cedric rolled a 1, though not sure if you want to follow PF rules or not. In Pathfinder, for skill checks (and I believe only for skill checks), natural 1's and 20's do not trigger critical hits or critical misses, it just presents the raw number.
}}}I'm using nat 1 as a failure and nat 20 as a inexplicable success.

Also, assuming the lighting has diminished, Aurora is using her glowing aura if needed to illuminate the area.
>>>The lights stay on in an area so long as you move around a little.
>>> No problem. My problems aren't anywhere as bad as yours, but this whole quarantine thing combined with Ramadan is throwing me off any sense of schedule. I'm really marking the passage of time by responding to game treads more than anything else.
Sorry if my posting rate has dropped off. I suffer from a sleep disorders called Hypersomnia (meaning I sleep more than normal), which is similar to Narcolepsy. I believe the differences are that mine still possesses REM, and Narcolepsy still sleeps a normal number of hours, just at unusual times (via daytime fatigue), whereas I require more sleep (10 hours or so per day, which is a lot, but it is down from what it used to be (for two years, it averaged 16-18 hours a day). I occasionally suffer from hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations (only occur when shifting from wakeful to sleep or sleep to wakefulness, suggesting it is a result of theta brainwaves). Meds help and I can resist for a while, so that I can work a full set of hours, but eventually it catches up to me.

She notices that there is a bright orange dot or something in the corner of the first passage in the maze.

She also notes that the glass in the windows up there are discolored...smokey.

Does she want to investigate the orange thing before opening the door?

2020-05-19, 11:04 PM
Yes, Aurora would like to take a gander at said bright orange dot.

Perception taking 20 40 as before, boost [roll0]

2020-05-19, 11:20 PM
Yes, Aurora would like to take a gander at said bright orange dot.

Perception taking 20 40 as before, boost [roll0]

She walks over to it.

It is a oblong/oval object about 3 inches by 1 inch in a plastic wrapper.

2020-05-20, 02:30 AM
She walks over to it.

It is a oblong/oval object about 3 inches by 1 inch in a plastic wrapper.

Does the VISOR indicate anything?

2020-05-20, 02:35 AM
Does the VISOR indicate anything?

No. No auras either.

2020-05-20, 02:22 PM
Noting it in her memory, Aurora moves past the orange dot, opening the door with Cedric following her lead.

2020-05-20, 04:43 PM
Noting it in her memory, Aurora moves past the orange dot, opening the door with Cedric following her lead.

Opening the door, they find a stairwell going up.

There is a small sack on the third step.

2020-05-20, 06:35 PM
They examine the bag as well as its contents.

2020-05-20, 09:39 PM
They examine the bag as well as its contents.

It is a small sack made of brown cloth.

In it are
2 herbs (leafy material)
3 bulbs of garlic
1 glowpill
2 green gems
1 pink POPTART.
1 slice of bread
2 red pills marked 'v'. VITAMINS
1 potato
1 mushroom
1 large peanut

2020-05-20, 11:18 PM
After looking at the bag's contents, Cedric pockets the pills and starts munching on the poptart, while Aurora eats the bread.

After this, they head up the stairs.

2020-05-20, 11:37 PM
After looking at the bag's contents, Cedric pockets the pills and starts munching on the poptart, while Aurora eats the bread.

After this, they head up the stairs.

They spiral up the stairs and enter the observation room from the back.
The lighting is dim and indirect, preventing reflections on the observation windows overlooking the maze. But on one window the glass is smokey and smeared. Below it is a body.

The body... has no head.

The uniform of this green is covered with tiny squares of greens, browns, and black. The uniform is intact.

There are also 2 white and 3 green splotches.

and a familiar looking metal case.

2020-05-21, 08:55 AM
They examine the area thoroughly with STLRCR28 taking 20 with W1P1TGD using aid another so, 40 + [roll0].

Also looking at magic auras if any to see if Aurora can determine anything specific
Spellcraft [roll1] boost [roll2]

Unfortunately, Detect Hostility only functions if the damage took place while within the range of my divining and only if it occurred while it was active (hence, I could read that Cedric hurt his knee breaking through the door earlier, since it happened during my divining and within its range).

2020-05-21, 09:58 AM
You find a clipboard. On the front is a sheet of paper with a simple table drawn upon it.

There are 3 columns. At the top of each is a designation. His, Hers, 6's. Below is blank space, then at the bottom a row of empty boxes labeled "total".

Behind the first sheet are copies of records for him, her, and 6.

The splotches and the smoked mirror have lingering auras of evocation.

The headless body...Well, by observation. And induction, the uniform is undamaged, so it survived a magical effect that destroyed other uniforms, so it is probably magic, and as she doesn't see any magical aura coming from it, ergo, it must have a nondetection spell hiding the magic.

In the front pocket they find another envelope marked PROJECT Companion.

The case is unlocked, and has another set of those fleshy things, and another envelope marked PROJECT Self Rising, continuing a glow pill.

Looking out the window, she sees many if those orange things scattered throughout the maze. Further into the maze there is office furniture mixed into the maze.

2020-05-21, 07:03 PM
Aurora reads the clipboards, envelope contents, and other papers for all three designations and PROJECT Companion and Self-Rising, using the VISOR as needed. Regarding the headless corpse, they remove the clothing, but do not don it. Instead placing it in Aurora's backpack, making sure that if there is blood, it is in a separate compartment from any food or other items that it might contaminate.


Not sure what you mean by fleshy things you referenced. It may just be further back in the posts, but not sure what they are.

2020-05-22, 12:18 AM
Aurora reads the clipboards, envelope contents, and other papers for all three designations and PROJECT Companion and Self-Rising, using the VISOR as needed. Regarding the headless corpse, they remove the clothing, but do not don it. Instead placing it in Aurora's backpack, making sure that if there is blood, it is in a separate compartment from any food or other items that it might contaminate.


Not sure what you mean by fleshy things you referenced. It may just be further back in the posts, but not sure what they are.

The paperwork is the same as the other clipboard you found, except for the odd first sheet.

The fleshy things are just like the 'fingerless gloves' and thing labeled 'roof of mouth'. The case and contents are identical to the other one.

The envelopes contain glow pills like the other ones.

2020-05-22, 04:20 PM
Cedric graps the pills and places them in his Haversack. They decide to move on towards finding an exit.

2020-05-22, 04:23 PM
Cedric graps the pills and places them in his Haversack. They decide to move on towards finding an exit.

The case will fit in the backpack, as will the clip board. Do they take either?

This room has only the stairs for entry and exit.

Where do they want to go?

2020-05-22, 06:48 PM
They pack both items and proceed to the stairs for exit.


Progressed my build for Terrance. His whole schtick is creating and manipulating different materials. Being an Int caster, he has a bunch of Craft skills, which helps him shape objects he creates into better items. Of course, for his Casting Tradition, he has Skilled Casting (Linguistics), so he has to make a Skill check whenever he casts (the DC is 15 + the caster level of the effect (he can cast sphere effects at lower caster levels to make the check easier). Failing the roll does not necessarily negate the effect. For every 2 short of the sphere effects DC lowers the caster level by 1. The theme I am going for is True Speech.

I recognize you mentioned that these . . . clones? have security protocols limiting their abilities to offset potential, though Linguistics grants him 5 additional Languages at this level. I suspect they could be suppressed, or locked out, or simply removed, which is fine, his power does not come from speaking any specific recognizable language, but language of reality itself.

His abilities offer ridiculous utility. Of course, his power-set is complex and will only grow moreso as he levels. Nature offers the Lion's share of his abilities. While he possesses the full Packet for Fire, Metal, and Plants, the Master of Elements allows him to use [Spirit] talents as if he possessed the other three (Air, Earth, and Water), however, he cannot use [Geomancing] talents with said abilities (Each [Spirit] talent offer a full suite of abilities, but usually the caster can only use parts they have the packages for).

Offense wise, Fire offers the simplest form of attack with thrown flame, but there are others. He can create acidic fog, which offers no save or spell DC. Another one is that he can remove all the air out of an enemies lungs and potentially suffocate them. Creation offers some interesting options, with one being literally dropping an anvil on them or creating a casing around them like a cage or full body cast. With a few spell points, he could potentially put them in a cast with acid on the inside to melt them (sort of like a fast-acting form of scaphism). He has other abilities as well, though I held off on Nature's Movement for now, as he could gain flight, which sees little practical usage inside a building.

2020-05-22, 06:53 PM
Heading down the stairs, they return to the training area near the maze.

2020-05-22, 09:11 PM
They try for another bit of memory plunging and attempting to have further insight.


Insight check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Memory delving [roll2] boost [roll3]


Insight check [roll4]
Memory delving [roll5]

Edit: I would note that W1P1TGD (Cedric) rolled a 2 on the memory roll, just to point it out that it was not a natural 1.

2020-05-22, 09:19 PM
They try for another bit of memory plunging and attempting to have further insight.


Insight check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Memory delving [roll2] boost [roll3]


Insight check [roll4]
Memory delving [roll5]

Edit: I would note that W1P1TGD (Cedric) rolled a 2 on the memory roll, just to point it out that it was not a natural 1.

He remembers that he didn't like some of the tests in the water room. How long can you hold your breath and such...

And that he is hungry.

She remembers:

You now have, or have access to, 2 project Self Rising cases.

You have another Project Companion pill.

He took the pill that goes with the skate case. Maybe you need that case now?

There were items and clipboards back at the reception desk.

You haven't seen all of the white area.

You have that blue square.

2020-05-22, 10:45 PM
Cedric grabs for a handful of trail mix that he had collected earlier, and he begins to munch on that.

Regarding the cases, I presume those were the two collected earlier, they would only value their contents, not the cases themselves.

They head towards the other parts of the white area that they had not ventured in. They use the blue square and the red and green rectangles on any doors that may be locked along the way.


I actually have a full power version of Aurora, though she is level 14. Did not give her her artifact associated with Clotho, partly because it is difficult to think of abilities associated with Clotho that she can't gain from the Life Sphere. Clotho represents the part of life that is the beginning; where Terrance (Lachesis) represents the middle, the life lived and experience, and their line of fate; and Nyx (Atropos) represents death and the end of life. Nyx's artifact was the simplest to come up with, as Atropos is known for her pair of shears. Clotho is the one at the spinning wheel and the skein of yarn. Lachesis is another odd ball, but I have a few ideas (like a measuring tape that allows him to peer along the timeline of a given target to view different segments of their life).

2020-05-22, 11:23 PM
Cedric grabs for a handful of trail mix that he had collected earlier, and he begins to munch on that.

Regarding the cases, I presume those were the two collected earlier, they would only value their contents, not the cases themselves.

They head towards the other parts of the white area that they had not ventured in. They use the blue square and the red and green rectangles on any doors that may be locked along the way.


I actually have a full power version of Aurora, though she is level 14. Did not give her her artifact associated with Clotho, partly because it is difficult to think of abilities associated with Clotho that she can't gain from the Life Sphere. Clotho represents the part of life that is the beginning; where Terrance (Lachesis) represents the middle, the life lived and experience, and their line of fate; and Nyx (Atropos) represents death and the end of life. Nyx's artifact was the simplest to come up with, as Atropos is known for her pair of shears. Clotho is the one at the spinning wheel and the skein of yarn. Lachesis is another odd ball, but I have a few ideas (like a measuring tape that allows him to peer along the timeline of a given target to view different segments of their life).

Heading to back to the white area, you reach the Reception desk. This is next to the Cafeteria. Do you want to do anything in these areas?

Down the hallway going east is unexplored.

2020-05-23, 01:23 AM
Heading to back to the white area, you reach the Reception desk. This is next to the Cafeteria. Do you want to do anything in these areas?

Down the hallway going east is unexplored.

I'll have Cedric fill up with some more food, eating a bit and then replacing the food he has eaten so far. I suspect the pill you had him swallow is something akin to ghoul corruption or the Feast of Ashes curse (lasts a few days during which time you cannot gain any nourishment from food. Cup of Dust is worse (and one spell level higher), as it does the same but with thirst and water/drinkable liquids. Both are nasty on PC's but serve little purpose in combat. The most OP debilitation spell is Aboleth's Lung, which removes a target's ability to breathe air but grants then the ability to breathe underwater. It is fun to cast on enemies when far away from any bodies of water, plus it is only a 2nd level spell). Or it could be some other cannibal creature, like a Wendigo.

2020-05-23, 01:35 AM
I'll have Cedric fill up with some more food, eating a bit and then replacing the food he has eaten so far. I suspect the pill you had him swallow is something akin to ghoul corruption or the Feast of Ashes curse (lasts a few days during which time you cannot gain any nourishment from food. Cup of Dust is worse (and one spell level higher), as it does the same but with thirst and water/drinkable liquids. Both are nasty on PC's but serve little purpose in combat. The most OP debilitation spell is Aboleth's Lung, which removes a target's ability to breathe air but grants then the ability to breathe underwater. It is fun to cast on enemies when far away from any bodies of water, plus it is only a 2nd level spell). Or it could be some other cannibal creature, like a Wendigo.

Do you want to empty the snack machine and explore the other food dispensers?

2020-05-23, 04:13 PM
Both Cedric and Aurora empty the snack machine and eat a bit. After having a bit of food, they find a restroom to, well, do the thing people use the bathroom for.

After this, they progress to search the white area for places they missed and using their access cards to try to open any locked doors.

2020-05-23, 04:35 PM
...They use the blue square and the red and green rectangles on any doors that may be locked along the way.

After this, they progress to search the white area for places they missed and using their access cards to try to open any locked doors.

Hey, sorry, I misstated the colors a bit. They are Red and Blue cards and a green square.


Going east down the hallway, the first thing of interest you find is a door to the south that is partially open. It is a sliding door that disappears into the wall when open.

There is a body holding it open.

The legs are across the threshold, and the lab cost is intact. The head is splotched.
Next to the door there is a plate with writing. It says

The hallway continues east.
As with the other halls, the lights are coming on in 20ft sections as you move

2020-05-24, 01:24 AM
As they proceed forward, Aurora places a glow on each light and every door handle. Not much in terms of light on their own, each shed light as a candle unless Aurora decides to focus on it, causing them to either shed light as a torch or spending a spell point to cause it to glow as bright light. Regardless of intensity, they glows last for 1 minute per caster level (so, 3 minutes or 30 rounds).

2020-05-24, 01:28 AM
As they proceed forward, Aurora places a glow on each light and every door handle. Not much in terms of light on their own, each shed light as a candle unless Aurora decides to focus on it, causing them to either shed light as a torch or spending a spell point to cause it to glow as bright light. Regardless of intensity, they glows last for 1 minute per caster level (so, 3 minutes or 30 rounds).

1) the doors in this section don't have handles. They just open when you use the key card. Star Trek style.

2) this is the first door you come to after the cafeteria.

3) the door is open. There is a dead body blocking it from closing. Read details above.

2020-05-24, 10:19 AM
Prior to inspecting closer, Aurora sets a glow upon the corpse.

Not sure what would work in this situation to determine info about said corpse (non-magically, it would be a Heal check). So, being improvisational, I'll try a Wisdom check and an Intelligence check for good measure. I do not believe aid another can be used in this case (for skill checks, they both have to have ranks in said skill).


Wisdom check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Intelligence check [roll2] boost [roll3]


Wisdom check [roll4]
Intelligence check [roll5]

After information can be determined (part of the Int check would probably be memory. If the corpse is not headless, perhaps it might be recognizable to one of us), they will enter the room, leaving the corpse wedged in the doorway (I assume you have the doors sliding vertically rather than horizontally, despite being less efficient (don't have to worry about ceiling height if it moves side-to-side) and safe.

Edit: Lol, Cedric rolled a 0, which is a natural 1


Terrance, the Worldweaver (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2205398) is mostly complete. A not on his capabilities. I decided against using Master of Elements and simply have him the full packages for Earth, Fire, Metal, and Water. He lacks Air and Plant. For now, the Creation Sphere is his method of producing breathable air, as that talent allows me to produce other gases not covered by Geomancy (Air), and can be used to weaponize other stuff in the Creation Sphere.

Standard combat, he is capable of wielding Fire via
Nature's Weapon and can also use it to make daggers out of ice. The benefits of wielding fire are that its attacks resolve as touch attacks, deal damage based on the Fire Geomancy chart (at lvl 5 it is 3d6), though its range is limited by his current Geomancy range (35 ft currently) but does not take any range penalties within said range (more impressive if he has the Ranged Nature talent, as at this level it would be 150 ft). Icicle daggers work like regular daggers, but gain an enhancement bonus equal to 1/4 caster level (so +1 currently) and deal additional cold damage equal to 1/2 caster level. The downside of not taking Air is that he does not have the suffocation ability. Still, while it takes an action to activate these abilities, none cost any spell points, so it is free artillery. I did not mention the Earth or Metal abilities, but that is due to them being somewhat impractical to the build. Sure, fists of stone are cool, but his attack bonus is abysmal.

He can subdue a target non-lethally by using the Creation Sphere with Restrictive Casing to essentially put a full-body hard cast on a target made out of steel. This can be avoided by the target making a reflex save (which, for now
Is 17).

Utility-wise, he can produce any element he has the Geomancy Talent for, which for Earth allows him to make dirt, which he can reshape into stairs or walls. I stuck with Water and Metal as Fog Mastery allows him to make Acid Fog, which is useful as a barrier and just terrifying in general. For Creation Sphere utility, the Exquisite Detail allows him to create weapons and other fine tools freely within the range of his Craft skills and allotted materials (Vegetable Matter, Stone, and Iron/Steel (can't really Craft Gas, but can Craft containers for it and with later talents can Craft either Poison or other Alchemical compounds into it)).

I scrapped Nature's Carapace due to it being so weak early on and having a short duration. Like the other two siblings, he has the Protection, though he additionally has Plexing Aegis that allows him to swap to a different aegis if/when it comes up. This helps with his Energy Resistance Aegis, since when it is cast, he would normally have to declare what energy he would cause it to resist (limited to acid, cold, fire, electricity, and sonic. Does not include positive/negative energy, nor does it affect untyped damage (like Aurora's Radiant Blast)). With Plexing Aegis, he declares what energy it resists when it is swapped in instead, even before any initiating damage is resolved as an immediate action.

Equipment-wise, I gave him a +1 Nature Staff, Masterwork Dagger (in the event his magic is not working), a +2 Ring of Protection (his Focus for Focus Casting (Ring)), a +1 Cloak of Resistance, and a Handy Haversack. I left the mundane stuff blank, so you could determine that.

2020-05-24, 01:34 PM
Prior to inspecting closer, Aurora sets a glow upon the corpse.

Not sure what would work in this situation to determine info about said corpse (non-magically, it would be a Heal check). So, being improvisational, I'll try a Wisdom check and an Intelligence check for good measure. I do not believe aid another can be used in this case (for skill checks, they both have to have ranks in said skill).


Wisdom check [roll0] boost [roll1]
Intelligence check [roll2] boost [roll3]


Wisdom check [roll4]
Intelligence check [roll5]

After information can be determined (part of the Int check would probably be memory. If the corpse is not headless, perhaps it might be recognizable to one of us), they will enter the room, leaving the corpse wedged in the doorway (I assume you have the doors sliding vertically rather than horizontally, despite being less efficient (don't have to worry about ceiling height if it moves side-to-side) and safe.

Edit: Lol, Cedric rolled a 0, which is a natural 1


This particular door slides open to the left.

The head is present, but is a charred skull.

There looks like there is something under the body.

2020-05-24, 09:51 PM
The both search the room first prior to inspecting what is underneath the corpse. Same spiel as before, taking twenty and using aid another, so 40 + [roll0].

If nothing of particular import is in the room, they will both first exit the room, then examine what is underneath the corpse.


So, you have the three characters reduced to levels 3(the one I am playing)/5/5. I do have a full powered version of Aurora if you want some form of benchmark or possible encounter (though she is level 15), the other two are levels 15 (Nyx), and 16 (Terrance), but I'd have to do a write up for them. Plus, would generate their artifacts (pondering making the Mythic (Pathfinder's version of "Epic" which is independent of character levels. You can have mythic ranks at level 1 if you really wanted, though that would cause really weird problems early on (most of the mythic abilities upgrade non-mythic stuff, so if you have a low character level, you won't have much to augment. You get harder and harder to kill as you gain tiers (at Tier 3, you regain all health when resting (rather than 1 HP per hit die), your saves increase, and at the last few tiers (8, 9, 10) you become super unkillable. It ranges from only being able to be killed by another mythic character to requiring receiving a coup de gras from a major artifact to die). One of the mythic power sets produces signature items that progress as your character does. There is a ridiculous power you can grant your signature item that renders you completely undetectable by any means when you are under the effects of invisibility. Coupling that with the power that allows you to turn invisible for 1 round (you have to keep reactivating it) or applying the full effects and duration of Improved Invisibility, as well as the power "Nobody of Consequence" that causes people to make a saving throw to even remember you were there or even existed in the first place, it makes things painful for GM's, but make for powerful enemies for them to use against the party (both that and the Vigilante class, which tends not to make much sense to use as player unless you are in a small group in an urban campaign).

I have a write up for Aurora at full power, sans her artifact, as I had considered her as a backup character for a different game (instead playing a character based off of Escanor from the Seven Deadly Sins. While medium size, his carrying capacity for just his light load is a little under 2 and a half tons. Pushing/Pulling, he is at 35 tons (more weight than three standard yellow school buses combined). At full size (Huge), his light load is 16 tons and his push/pull is 320 tons.

2020-05-25, 01:52 PM
Another quirk you might find interesting to use is that in my one setting, there is an ancient civilization brought to ruin by their own hubris. Their numeric system is base 12, rather than base 10. It would be a more useful to use, as it divides much more evenly than 10, it is just that we are programmed to use base 10. Said civilization are considered "true humans," but most of which were mutated by a sort of magic radiation that was brought about when their civilization fell from a catastrophic event. The unmutated are called "Udaran" (funny since I named it that prior to learning that word is a type of butterfly (I suffer from lepidopterophobia)), while the others, even those who would simply be modern day humans are called "Driftborn." Udarans have 6 fingers on each hand and their eyes have either a metallic or gemstone purple appearance.

2020-05-25, 09:16 PM
Another quirk you might find interesting to use is that in my one setting, there is an ancient civilization brought to ruin by their own hubris. Their numeric system is base 12, rather than base 10. It would be a more useful to use, as it divides much more evenly than 10, it is just that we are programmed to use base 10. Said civilization are considered "true humans," but most of which were mutated by a sort of magic radiation that was brought about when their civilization fell from a catastrophic event. The unmutated are called "Udaran" (funny since I named it that prior to learning that word is a type of butterfly (I suffer from lepidopterophobia)), while the others, even those who would simply be modern day humans are called "Driftborn." Udarans have 6 fingers on each hand and their eyes have either a metallic or gemstone purple appearance.

Base 60 was used in ancient Babylon. There numbers looked like branching bushes. I think it was very useful for counting sheep quickly. 1,2,3,4,5 on one hand, then 6 as '10' on the first finger of the next hand. Repeat until you have used up '6' on both hands and you are at 60.


This room is ... complicated...consoles and strange looking equipment. The placard next to the door says TEMPLATES AND GRAFTS.

Under the body is a tan brief case.

I'll describe the equipment piece by piece as you look at them.

2020-05-25, 10:00 PM
Base 60 was used in ancient Babylon. There numbers looked like branching bushes. I think it was very useful for counting sheep quickly. 1,2,3,4,5 on one hand, then 6 as '10' on the first finger of the next hand. Repeat until you have used up '6' on both hands and you are at 60.


This room is ... complicated...consoles and strange looking equipment. The placard next to the door says TEMPLATES AND GRAFTS.

Under the body is a tan brief case.

I'll describe the equipment piece by piece as you look at them.

You described base 6, not 60. If each finger on the one hand is "10", then all fingers up on both hands would be equivalent to 35, though in base 6, it would render as 55 (5 on one hand, and full sets of 6 on the other, so it is (5x6)+5). Perhaps closing the hand as a secondary full set would produce 100 (though it would be 36 in base 10 (6 full sets of 6). The numeral 6 does not appear at all in base 6, as it goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, . . . and so on, just like the fact that base 10 does not have a numeral for the value of 10, it requires 2 digits as a result.

I actually had a runic set for base 12 for my game, as well as a rune set for base 10, usable when I want to write something down like a bank account number I don't want anybody to read. Might alter the presentation on that, so it is not linear, but would have to think about how.


Anywho, W1P1TGD looks at the buttons and such, aided by the VISOR if that helps, offered temporarily by STLRCR28 to assist him.

I figure Knowledge (Engineering) might help, if not, oh well.

W1P1TGD [roll0]

STLRCR28 waits for him to finish, when they approach the corpse with the briefcase under it. They both step outside of the room before analyzing said briefcase, so that if they jostle the corpse too much and it gives the door enough leeway to close, they would not be trapped inside.they open the case while outside of the room.

2020-05-26, 03:34 AM
You described base 6, not 60. If each finger on the one hand is "10", then all fingers up on both hands would be equivalent to 35, though in base 6, it would render as 55 (5 on one hand, and full sets of 6 on the other, so it is (5x6)+5). Perhaps closing the hand as a secondary full set would produce 100 (though it would be 36 in base 10 (6 full sets of 6). The numeral 6 does not appear at all in base 6, as it goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, . . . and so on, just like the fact that base 10 does not have a numeral for the value of 10, it requires 2 digits as a result.

I actually had a runic set for base 12 for my game, as well as a rune set for base 10, usable when I want to write something down like a bank account number I don't want anybody to read. Might alter the presentation on that, so it is not linear, but would have to think about how.


Anywho, W1P1TGD looks at the buttons and such, aided by the VISOR if that helps, offered temporarily by STLRCR28 to assist him.

I figure Knowledge (Engineering) might help, if not, oh well.

W1P1TGD [roll0]

STLRCR28 waits for him to finish, when they approach the corpse with the briefcase under it. They both step outside of the room before analyzing said briefcase, so that if they jostle the corpse too much and it gives the door enough leeway to close, they would not be trapped inside.they open the case while outside of the room.

No. It's base 60 because they used a different character for every value between 1 and 60. They did that 6 times and used 360 as their '100'. This was applied to their Geometry and Astronomy systems, which were copied by the Greeks. That is why there are 360 degrees in a circle.

The 7 day week is thought to have similar origins. 6 work days + 1 rest day.

I'll describe the case first as it is easier.

It isn't locked.

Only one CLASP of the two is closed on the briefcase.

Inside are a disorganized mess of papers and 12 brightly glowing pills, and one of those metal boxes like was in the tube room.

The pills are colored. One is black, but still somehow glowing.
There is a purple one, and a silver one, and an reddish orange one, and a red one, and a blue one, and a green one, and a white one. The rest are shades of yellow.

The box has a thin strip of white label : STLRCR28-B

2020-05-26, 09:04 PM
Huh, I did not know that about the whole 360 degrees, though I had been curious about it befofe, especially since it seems like it is universally used. I know we have as exact a method as possible determining the circumference of the earth, because the length of the meter is defined and dependent upon the circumference at the equator. I also know that nearly every century, on the century years, Leap Year Day does not occur (it only does if the century year is divisible by 400, which is why we had one in 2000. I believe the math indicates that each year has 365.2425 days). Also, North/South/East/West is determined by the direction the sun rises so on many other planets, it would be in the East, though not sure if planets that have multiple sunos alter this at all.


Anyway, Aurora grabs the pills and attempts to open the box that has a designation akin to her own, though the letter B is something she does not recognize. This is starting to feel like Fallout, with all the junk laying around.


Sorry if my posting is getting too slow, I am juggling several projects as well as working when I am able (temp job, sets own hours, pays 50% more that my normal job). Also playing in two other campaign and GMing another.

2020-05-26, 11:54 PM
Huh, I did not know that about the whole 360 degrees, though I had been curious about it befofe, especially since it seems like it is universally used. I know we have as exact a method as possible determining the circumference of the earth, because the length of the meter is defined and dependent upon the circumference at the equator. I also know that nearly every century, on the century years, Leap Year Day does not occur (it only does if the century year is divisible by 400, which is why we had one in 2000. I believe the math indicates that each year has 365.2425 days). Also, North/South/East/West is determined by the direction the sun rises so on many other planets, it would be in the East, though not sure if planets that have multiple sunos alter this at all.

>>>The Roman calendar at the time a Ceaser was 10 months of 30 days. The early months were named after gods. The later months were numbered . Sept(7)tember, Oct (8) rober, Nov(9) ember, and Dec(10)ember.

This system didn't work, so Julius stuck 2 months into the best part of the year, named them after himself (June, July), and instated the current year length and leap year system. Augustus changed the name of Hexember later.

The Julian calendar was the predominate calendar for centuries. But the leap day over compensated a bit and the start of winter started drifting. So Pope Gregory (the something or nother) instituted the current system, and when it went into effect they skipped like 12 days one year. But, this was only done in Roman Catholic countries, and not in Eastern Orthodox ones. For the next couple centuries 2 systems were used in Europe, and dates were recorded in both "old" and "new" style. Gradually, countries converted to the Gregorian Calendar, with Russia being one of the final hold outs. When they did convert, the Russian Orthodox Church set their calendar so it wouldn't drift any further from the Gregorian, but kept the dates for their church calendar. Thus, to this day, Russian Christmas is in mid January.


Anyway, Aurora grabs the pills and attempts to open the box that has a designation akin to her own, though the letter B is something she does not recognize. This is starting to feel like Fallout, with all the junk laying around.

>>> The box does not open. The shell looks like folded and fused metal and there are nubs and projections on one end. The opposite end it slightly larger, so it looks like it is supposed to be inserted into something.


Sorry if my posting is getting too slow, I am juggling several projects as well as working when I am able (temp job, sets own hours, pays 50% more that my normal job). Also playing in two other campaign and GMing another.

>>>I'm in financial hardship. A lot of schools canceled their bilingual and esl contracts, so my agency is basically bankrupt. My assigned school didn't cancel and I'm still doing remote classes, but I'm not being paid. I'm applying to various places and have interviews in Taiwan and Vietnam. So my posting rate might also become inconsistent.

2020-05-27, 04:26 AM
>>>I'm in financial hardship. A lot of schools canceled their bilingual and esl contracts, so my agency is basically bankrupt. My assigned school didn't cancel and I'm still doing remote classes, but I'm not being paid. I'm applying to various places and have interviews in Taiwan and Vietnam. So my posting rate might also become inconsistent.

Well, wish you luck. I hit some windfall when I applied for a landscaping gig. I found I am way too out of shape for it, but the guy mentioned a job his wife was overseeing, I jumped at the chance. Hopefully, you find something soon.

2020-05-27, 04:46 AM
The glow pills in the brief case seem more powerful than the others.

2020-05-28, 01:02 PM
I forget if I had Aurora read the papers with her VISOR, if not, she does.

Outside of that she puts the other pills in her pack, using the papers as a makeshift pouch, wrapping them around the pills, so they don't fall loose in her knapsack.

Beyond this, they continue forward, checking to see if any others doors they can enter that they have not already visited.

2020-06-02, 12:48 PM
Hopefully things work out for you. I am fortunate enough that my employer is opening up again, but I recognize a lot of people have taken a serious hit.