View Full Version : I could use a suggestion for the blueprint for a magic academy in Faerun: Nr 2s.

2020-04-26, 09:34 AM
Being forced to stay home means I get to be creative and plan the school of magic that my current character would like to open well before I am in a position to do so in game.
Or maybe I am just bored and playing around with Dungeon Painter Studio.
Either way, I am putting together a number of buildings that will constitute the grounds of the campus. I have also made provisions for more base necessities by providing each building with appropriate indoor toilets.
And this is where I come to ask for help.
I don't want to invent indoor plumbing or the flusher in game, and my character is shaping up to become a fairly decent wizard who approaches every problem by looking into his spellbook for a solution..., so I am thinking that there must be a more dignified way for a wizard to get rid of their number 2s, than to have them lug around chamber pots and smelly buckets. Invisible servants are fine, but they still have to carry the stuff around before they can dispose of it outside, and they are tied either to the caster or the building they are part and parcel of.

I am not my character and, so far, I am failing to see a sustainable way to solve the matter.
I am thinking the easiest way would be for the loos to be connected to a portal that dumps the whole business someplace else (the pile of manure outside the stables, a different plane, the bottom of the sea...).. but on one hand it means that your average mage apprentice is sat there with his family's pride dangling over a magic portal, on the other hand, it seems, especially so in 5e, that opening permanent portals is a rather costly and time consuming affair... doing so for every building just to dispose of outhouses and bushes seems overkill.

Am I missing other spells or magic items that can perma-solve the issue for less effort/money?
I could of course handwave the whole thing, but where's the fun in that?
Also, I went to the effort of drawing up dedicated rooms and everything...and the second my DM sees that, he IS going to ask.

Finally, the mechanical way of building the whole thing atop a cliff and having gravity do the work is of course viable but... "we built the academy atop the ravine because we couldn't come up with a way to magic away our waste; also, watch your steps when you walk back down the mountainside" sounds like bad publicity

2020-04-26, 09:44 AM
Given how wizards do...

I would let them use gravity, and just have a small colony of otyughs living under the grounds.

Alternatively, you could have a(some) Goodberry Tree(s) and they don't waste because the academy eats magic instead.

Not all magic is in spells, magical creatures and plants also can help.

2020-04-26, 10:19 AM
The goodberry tree is something I had not thought off... then again, it does mean that in a couple of weeks, the joy of eating will have completely gone for lack of variation, so I don't think I will go with that...

2020-04-26, 12:28 PM
I'd like to point out flush toilets (of a sorts) and indoor plumbing aren't exactly modern invention, they were around in some form for about 4000 years now.

2020-04-26, 04:21 PM
I'd like to point out flush toilets (of a sorts) and indoor plumbing aren't exactly modern invention, they were around in some form for about 4000 years now.

I am well aware, but if this problem can't be solved with magic, what is the point of even being a mage? :smallbiggrin:

2020-04-26, 05:55 PM
I am well aware, but if this problem can't be solved with magic, what is the point of even being a mage? :smallbiggrin:

Well, magic allows for an easy access to running water without a need for specific placement or aquaduct. And can help with any leftover smell.

2020-04-27, 03:24 PM
So this comes from my old 3.5 campaign where you could have magic items that were immovable for a 1/4 of the cost, if they were created as a magic circle (5' diameter, being the smallest)

our party came across an abandoned oasis in the desert that had a small hamlet set up around it, but the oasis had run dry, so the party artificer had some downtime and set up a Decanter of Endless water as a water source, in the upstairs rooms of one of the houses and then ducted the water out of this house down to power waterwheels, and to freshwater cisterns, and as a means of flushing the waste water down the streets, and into the sewers.

The sewers were set up with another magic circle that had a Bag of Devouring, which consumed any animal or plant matter.
anything that went in was lost forever. The water that was left was use to irrigate the land around and fill up the oasis.

was a good sandbox campaign.

you might like to do something similar, for a town.

2020-04-27, 07:23 PM